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      BY G O A T E D

By mapping individual neurons in the brain with red, green and blue
   derivatives of fluorescent protein, Jeff Lichtman and Joshua Sanes
invented the art of ‘brainbows’ in 2007 at Harvard Medical School. This
 image shows a transgenic mouse hippocampus magnified by 40 times.

  Image courtesy of Livet, Weissman, Sanes and Lichtman, Harvard University.
Welcome to

                     tHe DAtA ISSUe

                        At Google, we often think that speed is the
                        forgotten ‘killer application’ – the ingredient
                        that can differentiate winners from the rest.
                        We know that the faster we deliver results,
                        the more useful people find our service.

 But in a world of accelerating change, we all need time to reflect.
Think Quarterly is a breathing space in a busy world. It’s a place to
 take time out and consider what’s happening and why it matters.

     Our first issue is dedicated to Data – amongst a morass of
  information, how can you find the magic metrics that will help
   transform your business? We hope that you find inspiration,
               insights, and more, in Think Quarterly.

                           Matt Brittin

           managing Director, UK & Ireland operations

ConTriBUTorS                     Simon rogerS                             Ulrike reinhard                 Sarah BraCking

Think Quarterly represents       Simon Rogers is the editor               Ulrike Reinhard is the editor   Sarah Bracking is the author
the imagination, insights        of, which            of WE magazine, a digital       of Money and Power and
and knowledge of a global        encourages users to visualise            publication focussed on         Corruption and Development,
community of contributors        raw datasets. He has edited two          emergent net culture. With      and is a Senior Lecturer in
from journalists and academics   Guardian books: How Slow Can             Peter Kruse, she co-founded     Politics and Development at
to industry experts and Google   you Waterski? and The Hutton             the What’s Next? Institute      the University of Manchester.
insiders. They’re united by a    Inquiry and Its Impact. In               to research cultural value      She is a member of the
passion for cutting-edge ideas   2010, Simon received a special           preferences and social          International Institute for
and seeking out the points of    commendation from the Royal              megatrends. She interviews      Democracy and Electoral
fundamental change in the        Statistical Society in its awards        Hans Rosling on page 16;        Assistance and has worked
new era of digital business.     for journalistic excellence.             writes about the online         with the Norwegian Agency
                                 He interviews Vodafone CEO               video ad boom on page 34;       for Development Cooperation.
                                 Guy Laurence on page 10,                 and speaks to Peter Kruse       She writes about ethical
                                 and chooses his top 10 data              about harnessing collective     investment in the developing
                                 websites on page 28.                     intelligence on page 50.        world on page 22.

holly Finn                       Tony Fagan                               nigel ShadBolT                      riCh PleeTh

Holly Finn is the former         Tony Fagan is the director               Nigel Shadbolt is a Professor       Rich Pleeth spent three years
editor of the Financial Times’   of the Quantitative Research             of Artificial Intelligence at       working for a large FMCG
‘How to Spend It’ pages,         team at Google, which focusses           the University of Southampton.      before joining Google in
and a former leader writer       on understanding consumer                He was one of the originators       2010 as a Product Marketing
at The Times. She moved to       behaviour on the web and                 of Web Science – a systems          Manager, with a particular
Silicon Valley five years ago    improving Google’s advertising           level approach to the web           focus on strategy and
and is a contributor to the US   system. Prior to working for             that recognises the social          innovation. He lives in Fulham
edition of Think Quarterly.      Google, Tony managed a                   and technical factors that          in south west London, but
Off-hours, Holly is building     team that built analytics and            shape its development. Since        you’ll most likely find him
a site dedicated to the latest   infrastructure at eBay. He               2009, he has been at the heart      cycling around Richmond
research and insights about      holds Master’s degrees in both           of the UK’s Open Government         Park at the weekend. Rich
IVF, for both women and men.     statistics and engineering.              Data project, launching data.       is editor-at-large of the UK
She interviews her Google        Tony answers the six quant      with Sir Tim Berners-        edition of Think Quarterly.
hero, Chief Economist Hal        questions that every CMO                 Lee. He discusses the benefits      He writes about Near Field
Varian, on page 30.              should be asking on page 40.             of open data on page 44.            Communication on page 56.

                           The articles appearing within this publication reflect the opinions and attitudes of
                          their respective authors and not necessarily those of the publishers or editorial team.
                         They’re also really good. If you agree and you’d like to share them, just email us and ask.
                                                               © Google 2011

                                             Edited and designed by The Church of London


Contents pages can be bossy
– telling you where to go and
what to do. But they can be
useful, too. After all, what is a
contents page but data about
the book you’re holding? Still,
we thought we’d have a little
fun with it. You can peruse this
book in the usual linear fashion,
but look a little closer and new
data relationships emerge.
Don’t just read: explore.

  PAGE                    10                 16                    22                 28             30                34
                      EXECUTIVE A DATA STATE DATA FOR THE LUNCH                                                        FULLY
                       INSIGHT OF MIND CHANGE KNOWLEDGE WITH HAL                                                       VIRAL
                          OPEN DATA          OPEN DATA               OPEN DATA         GRAPHICS       GOOGLE           CREATIVITY
                        DATA OBESITY         CREATIVITY          DECISION-MAKING        TOP 10       STATISTICS       ADVERTISING
                        GUY LAURENCE        INTERACTION         PRIVATE INVESTMENT                  GOVERNMENT          BUZZMAN
                          VODAFONE     GAPMINDER FOUNDATION        SOCIAL CHANGE                    DATA OBESITY   FRENCH CONNECTION
                                           SOCIAL CHANGE      GAPMINDER FOUNDATION                  EXPERIMENTS         YOUTUBE
                                            GOVERNMENT         GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT                    HAL VARIAN     VIRAL MARKETING
                                           HANS ROSLING             CORPORATE

38             40               44                    50                   56             60         62
    OPEN DATA        GOOGLE          OPEN DATA         DECISION-MAKING           GOOGLE        PUZZLE    OPEN DATA
                  EXPERIMENTS      GOVERNMENT           NEXTPRACTICE          INTERACTION
                                                     COLLECTIVE INTUITION      NEAR FIELD
                                                                            MOBILE INTERNET

              Guy Laurence, ceO Of VOdafOne uK,
          KnOws a thinG Or twO abOut infOrmatiOn
         OVerLOad. feeLinG stressed Out by statistics?
             he has the cure fOr data impOtence.

                         wOrds by Simon RogeRS
                       pOrtraits by SpenceR muRphy

a few seconds after midnight on new year’s        have a relationship with numbers, i have
eve, 2010. numbers start flying across a          a relationship with customers,” says Guy
bank of screens in a large darkened room.         Laurence, the 49-year-old who took over
London: 1,170,000; Glasgow: 115,000;              as ceO of Vodafone uK in 2009. “i focus
manchester: 75,000; Leeds: 70,000… the            totally on human responses to things;
numbers scroll on as the black-clad tech          if you smack someone in the face, what
team look for signs that the system might         would they do? if you kiss them on the
not be able to cope.                              cheek, what would they do?”
    it could be a scene from futurist cult            Laurence took over a company widely
film Minority Report, but the room is             seen as stagnating in third place in the
actually a real one – at Vodafone’s state-        uK’s competitive mobile market. today,
of-the-art network Operations centre              Vodafone is viewed as a powerful success
in newbury, berkshire – and the figures           story, with more than 19 million customers
represent the number of texts sent in             across the country. when you’ve got that
the first 30 minutes of 2011. this is pure        many customers, the big question is:
data in action.                                   how do you industrialise something that
    the man responsible for this scene is         works for each one? “you can always kiss
obsessed with data – because of what the          one customer on the cheek – but how
numbers can help him do, rather than with         do you kiss 19 million customers on the
the ones and zeros themselves. “i don’t           cheek?” he asks.

                 iNSiGHt                     11
Laurence carries only a few numbers in        feel a network,” he says, “but at the nOc          information that companies once believed
his head: his company’s ‘net promoter score’      we absolutely live and breathe data in real        was commercially confidential is now
(which tells him exactly how well Vodafone        time.” managing 90 million calls and 80            routinely published – or leaked to websites
is really doing with its customers) and           million texts on an average day is a tricky        like wikileaks.
the competition’s market revenue share.           business; a typical 24 hours sees Vodafone             Laurence says he is ‘relaxed’ about
“when you run a £5 billion company you            carry 45 terabytes of data, equivalent to          increased demands for transparency.
can’t avoid numbers – but if you start with       11.25 million music tracks.                        “companies will become more transparent
numbers you’ll never innovate,” he says.              Vodafone’s approach is to use data to          as a necessity – customers now see that
“you have to take the action you think will       manage demand before things happen. the            as an essential part of the trust equation.”
work and the numbers follow.”                     company’s plans for the royal wedding in           the bigger impact may come from the
    even when he’s about to fly off with his      april include adding extra temporary base          technology that is making access to
family to live rough in the masai mara for        stations to cope with heavy network usage.         this data a mobile phenomenon. “this
a week, for Laurence, it’s all about focus. he    when take that tickets went on sale just           industry is de-linking access to data from
left school with one grade e a-level, having      before christmas and the band’s official           physical location,” he says. in a world where
fluffed his exams by setting up a candle-         website crashed due to demand, Vodafone            shoppers can check out the competition’s
making business after he realised that            was prepared for the surge of fans texting         prices while they’re in your store, keeping
“making money was much more fun”. it’s            one another to check whether they’d got            control of data is no longer an option.
a pattern repeated when he quit his degree        their tickets.                                         but for now, managing the information
to work for independent music publisher               One of the walls at Vodafone’s                 out there is the priority. access to
chrysalis. eventually he became head of           operations centre shows connections to             information was once the big problem, says
distribution and marketing outside america        217 countries to monitor how much traffic          Laurence. then it quickly flipped, through
at mGm. his job was to work out which             is coming in from abroad in real time.             technology, to data overload. “we were
markets a product would work in.                  the data shows that different cultures are         brought up to believe more data was good,
    he will tell you, for instance, that a        ‘asymmetric’, says Laurence. “you can see          and that’s no longer true,” he argues.
baseball movie will only work outside the         polish mothers are texting their sons over             Laurence refuses to read reports from
us if it’s shown in Japan. he worked on the       here to see if they’re okay, but the sons are      his product managers with more than five
bond films, including GoldenEye, selling          not texting back,” he says. “but the french        of the vital key performance indicators on
them to reluctant cinema owners who hadn’t        are almost symmetrical – so as the texts go        them. “the amount of data is obscene. the
screened anything from the franchise in six       out, the replies come back in. as situations       managers that are going to be successful
years. “the last film had been [classified as]    unfold in real time in egypt or bahrain we         are going to be the ones who are prepared
a 15. therefore anyone under 21 had never         can see how that affects the network, too.”        to take a knife to the amount of data…
seen a bond film in a cinema.” so mGm                 even a bill being sent by email triggers       Otherwise, it’s like a virus.
made it cool – selling the film to teenagers,     a whole chain of data events: customer gets            “where did it all go wrong?” he
dads and mums simultaneously with                 bill, most open it; some have a query and call     continues. “my kids weren’t taught that
targeted campaigns that fuelled interest.         the centre. forty thousand bills go out an         huge volumes of data were great. was
    as Laurence explains, it’s all about making   hour but if the centre gets hit with too many      there a university professor who stood up
the data work. “i triangulate an objective        queries, billings are dialled down to reduce       and said, ‘if you have over 100 indicators
assessment of the new technologies coming         calls in. it’s about fighting the data overload.   you’re a good boy’? because whoever that
in, a subjective assessment of the public’s           and we are truly overloaded by data.           professor is, we need to shoot him.”
reaction to new propositions, and then i take a   Governments around the world are                       Laurence has just won a wager with his
punt.” this ‘triangulation’ is the combination    unleashing a tsunami of numbers on their           team over the number of Vodafone Vip
of hardheaded data analysis, coupled with         citizens. that has huge implications for           members who bought tickets for concerts.
business nous. data is something that             big businesses with lucrative government           his team, based on the data, bet on one
informs his hunches – but never rules them.       contracts. in the uK, the government               number. their boss, based on what he
    setting up the £5 million network             recently published every item of public            knows about people, thought it would be
Operations centre (nOc) in newbury                spending over £25,000. search the database         higher. data plus hunch equals a powerful
was the first expression of this approach at      for ‘Vodafone’ and you get 2,448 individual        combination. Or, as Laurence concludes:
Vodafone. “it’s very difficult to touch and       transactions covering millions of pounds.          “data on its own is impotent.”

Guy Laurence
u n V i ta L s tat i s t i c s
What is your earliest memory?                What do you Want                             Who is your inspiration?
                                             that you can’t have?
pouring corn flakes into a bowl at the                                                    anita roddick from the body shop. rip.
age of four without asking permission        a teleporter.
from my mum.
                                                                                          What Was your greatest mistake?
                                             When did you last feel ashamed?
What’s your signature dish?                                                               not taking enough risks.
                                             i tried to do my 15-year-old daughter’s
Given my cooking abilities, signing the      chemistry homework and failed.
bill in a restaurant.                                                                     What gets you out
                                                                                          of bed in the morning?
                                             What are you searching for?
if you had to stay in one                                                                 an alarm clock and the fear of being in
place, Where Would it be?                    my ipod. One of the kids has borrowed it.    the house when the kids wake up if they
                                                                                          went to bed late the night before.
the colombe d’Or restaurant in saint-
paul de Vence, france.                       When Were you last surprised?
                                                                                          Which piece of music
                                             Last week. a customer sent me some           alters your state of mind?
When Was your last                           cookies to say thank you for showing them
moment of clarity?                           around our network Operations centre.        in a positive sense – Lady Gaga at 7am
                                             if everything goes wrong in my current       on the m4. in a negative sense – wagner
the last time i spent time with a            career i might become a tour guide.          at any time on any motorway.
customer. fortunately, that’s quite often.

                                             What is your greatest                        What do you Want to
What does success                            extravagance?                                be When you’re older?
look like to you?
                                             Quality wine. i don’t play golf, go to the   about 10kg lighter.
spending an hour on it, and not being        pub, stay out late with the lads or go to
able to improve it.                          casinos, so the deal with my wife is that
                                             she doesn’t ask how much the wine costs.     tell us a joke...
What is your biggest failure?                                                             i like simplicity in life. i heard this
                                             What do you see in the mirror?               urban myth a long time ago and it
i agreed with myself that i would get                                                     stayed with me. when nasa first
fit as soon as things calmed down at         pierce brosnan on a good day,                started sending astronauts into space,
work. we had the conversation in 1982        Jeremy clarkson on a normal day              they quickly discovered that ballpoint
and i’m no further forward.                  and Quasimodo on a bad day.                  pens wouldn’t work in zero gravity. to
                                                                                          combat the problem, nasa scientists
                                                                                          spent a decade and $12 billion developing
When did you last let yourself go?           hoW much is enough?                          a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside
                                                                                          down, underwater, on any surface and at
creatively, whenever i can; financially,     i don’t know yet, but i promise to tell      temperatures ranging from below freezing
never; mischievously, every day.             you when/if it happens.                      to 300°c. the russians used a pencil

               oF MIND
   interview by Ulrike reinhard
     portrait by erika SVenSSOn
i n fo g r a p H i c s b y M O r i t z S t e fa n e r

            data superstar
             H a n s r os l i n g
             explains wHy
              a fact- bas e d
            wo r l dv i e w w i l l
               t r a n s fo r m
             yo u r b us i n es s .






           Average life expectancy after birth



                                                      01            02             03             04   05   06   07

                                                      FERTILITY RATE
    Fig. 1                                            Average number of children per woman

How did a public health official from                                       understand what is happening in terms of
sweden become the world’s most famous                                       potential new markets in the middle east,
statistician, a television personality and a                                africa and so on, they are out. so the bigger
regular guest speaker at corporate events?                                  and more international the organisation,
   as an undergraduate, Hans rosling                                        the more fact-based the ceo’s worldview
studied statistics and medicine at uppsala                                  is likely to be. the problem is that they are
university, sweden. He earned a phd, spent                                  slow in getting their organisation to follow.
two decades studying in africa and, as
chairman of the Karolinska international                                    tq why is this?
research and training committee, has
collaborated with universities in asia,                                     rOSling companies as a whole are
africa, the middle east and latin america.                                  stuck in the rut of an old mindset. they
   throughout his career, rosling has                                       think in outworn categories and follow
maintained a fact-based worldview – an                                      habits and assumptions that are not, or
understanding of how global health trends                                   only rarely, based on fact. they need to
act as a signifier for economic development                                 break out of that to understand the world
based on hard data. today, he argues,                                       the way it really is. for instance, in terms
countries and corporations alike need to                                    of education levels, we no longer live
adopt that same data-driven understanding                                   in a world that is divided into the west
of the world if they are to make sense of                                   and the rest; our world today stretches
the changes we are experiencing in this                                     from canada to yemen with all the other
new century, and the opportunities and                                      countries somewhere in between. there’s
challenges that lie ahead.
   alongside his son ola and daughter-in-
                                                     “My basic idea is      a broad spectrum of levels and we have
                                                                            to realise that asia, brazil, latin america
law anna, rosling created the gapminder             that the world          and, to some extent, the middle east are
foundation to facilitate that process.
using trendalyzer (a bespoke software
                                                       has changed          catching up with the countries we used to
                                                                            call the ‘west’.
tool later sold to google), the roslings              so Much, what             but even when people act within a
have reinterpreted static health data as            people need isn’t       fact-based worldview, they are used to
moving, interactive graphics. the results                                   talking with sterile figures. they are
are revelatory, bringing a new awareness              More data but         used to standing on a podium, clicking
of the social and economic history of                 a new Mindset.”       through slide shows in powerpoint rather
global health, and demonstrating that                                       than interacting with their presentation.
creative applications of data can yield                                     the problem is that companies have
extraordinary results.                                                      a strict separation between their it
                                                                            department, where datasets are produced,
think qUarterly you’ve long been                                            and the design department, so hardly any
a proponent of hard data and statistics.                                    presenters are proficient in both. yet this
in what sense do ceos need to change                                        is what we need. getting people used to
their mindset in order to develop a more                                    talking with animated data is, to my mind,
fact-based view of the world?                                               a literacy project.

hanS rOSling my basic idea is that the                                      tq what kind of data should we be
world has changed so much, what people                                      looking at to gain this new mindset?
need isn’t more data but a new mindset.
they need a new storage system that can                                     rOSling what’s important today is not
handle this new information. but what                                       just financial data but child mortality
i have found over the years is that the                                     rates, the number of children per women,
ceos of the biggest companies are                                           education levels, etc. in the world today, it’s
actually those that already have the most                                   not money that drags people into modern
fact-based worldview, more so than in                                       times, it’s people that drag money into
media, academia or politics. those ceos                                     modern times. i can demonstrate human
that haven’t grasped the reality of the world                               resources successes in asia through health
have already failed in business. if they don’t   1980                2009   being improved, family size decreasing


and then education levels increasing.                 rOSling we found that the most
that makes sense: when more children                  important thing when presenting our data
survive, parents accept that there is                 [on graphs such as the Health and wealth
less need for multiple births, and they               of nations, which tracks 200 years of global
can afford to put their children through              life expectancy versus income per person
school. so pfizer have moved their                    in a four-and-a-half-minute video] was not
research and development of drugs to                  to put time on the x-axis. we made time
asia, where there are brilliant young                 move, and when you see the movement,
people who are amazing at developing                  the data becomes like a football match
drugs. it’s realising this kind of change             – you can see who is catching up or, for
that’s important.                                     instance, that a country like bangladesh
   that’s why ceos ask me to talk to                  is reducing its child mortality rate faster
their staff – so they can learn to look at            than sweden ever did [see fig. 2].
these interactive videos and gain this                    bangladesh is still at a low level
new mindset. then they’ll realise what                economically, but at the same time there
has changed. in my first ted talk in 2006,            is a huge internal market with cheap
i made al gore get up on stage. i showed              distribution and only one language.
that in vietnam today they have the same              so if you are a company with ambition,
average family size as the us, and the                you have to be in bangladesh. it’s one of
same health as the us in 1980 [see fig. 1],           the 10 biggest countries in the world, but
and their economy is growing faster than              people’s mindset leads them to believe
the us. al gore told me, “i didn’t have               that bangladesh is a hopeless place
the slightest idea.” the problem isn’t that           in need of aid. what is so strong with
specialised companies lack the data they              animation is that it provides that mindset
need, it’s that they don’t go and look for it,        shift in market segmentation. we can
they don’t understand how to handle it.               see where there are highly developed
                                                      countries with a good economy and
tq How has gapminder managed to                       a healthy and well-educated staff.
present data in such a way that you’re able
to change people’s preconceptions?                    tq are there any points of resistance

fig. 2

                                                                                 CHILd moRTALITY
                                                                      0–5-year-olds dying per 1,000 born

                                                                                    Bangladesh | Sweden







to this process of shifting people’s                                a clear division of labour between those
mindsets?                                                           who provide the datasets – like the world
                                                                    bank, the world Health organisation
rOSling at the moment, i’m                                          or companies themselves – those who
quarrelling with sweden’s minister of                               provide new technologies to access or
foreign affairs. He says that the west                              process them, like google or microsoft,
has to make sure its lead over the rest of the                      and those who ‘play’ with them and give
world doesn’t erode. this is a completely
wrong attitude. western europe and
                                                   “the probleM     data meaning. it’s like a great concert:
                                                                    you need a mozart or a chopin to write
other high-income countries have to                  isn’t that     wonderful music, then you need the
integrate themselves into the world in the
same way big companies are doing. they
                                                    specialised     instruments and finally the musicians.
                                                                       meteorologists are one group that has
have to look at the advantages, resources        coMpanies lack     a ready grasp of this idea. they receive
and markets that exist in different places        the data they     a huge amount of data, which they
around the world.                                                   process in a highly sophisticated way,
   and some organisations aren’t willing
                                                  need, it’s that   translating it into stunning graphics –
to share their data, even though it would         they don’t go     and there they are on prime-time tv
be a win-win situation for everybody and
we would do much better in tackling the
                                                  and look for      presenting the weather while we all watch.
                                                                    this is exactly what we strive to emulate.
problems we need to tackle. last april,           it, they don’t    we want our economic indicators, our
the world bank caved in and finally              understand how     social indicators and our environmental
embraced an open data policy, but the                               indicators to be communicated on
oecd uses tax money to compile data               to handle it.”    prime-time television with the same level
and then sells it in a monopolistic way.                            of efficiency.
the chinese statistical bureau provides                                this is what we’re trying to do at the
data more easily than the oecd. the                                 gapminder foundation – and this is what
richest countries in the world don’t have                           ceos want their employees to do – play
the vision to change.                                               with data and give it meaning
   i call this the ‘database hugging
disorder’. to heal it, we have to instil                            gAPmINdER.oRg

Words by Sarah Bracking
I L L U s T r AT I o N s b y M at t tay l o r

CAN yoU do bUsINess WhILe doINg good IN
The deveLopINg WorLd? The ANsWer Is yes, bUT
oNLy If yoU foCUs oN The dATA ThAT mATTers.

Investing in the developing world is          opportunities like this are not only
back at the top of the business agenda.       manifold and potentially lucrative; when
And it’s about time, too. emerging            carried out responsibly they can also act
markets, including the burgeoning             as a catalyst for transformation. socially
opportunities presented by some African       responsible investments won’t just lead
states, are fuelling an upsurge in interest   to private gain – they have the potential
from the private sector. for example,         to shape the world.
in 2009, Angola registered a 109 per              but the power to effect change is a
cent rise in foreign direct investment        double-edged sword; poor investments,
(fdI) as a percentage of gross fixed          irresponsibly made, will have just as wide
capital formation. As a whole in 2010,        an impact – only this time it won’t be for
developing and transition economies           the greater good. When the ripples of
attracted half of global fdI inflows,         investment seep beyond private borders,
‘leading the fdI recovery’ according          questions of risk and the potential for loss
to the United Nations Conference on           or gain become a global affair. Lives, not
Trade and development (UNCTAd).               just bottom lines, are potentially at stake.

he historical challenge of investing in
poorer parts of the globe was magnified
by widespread decolonisation in the
1960s and ’70s. In Africa, expropriation
of foreign-owned enterprises forced
businesses to rethink whether it was
necessary to own rather than maintain
secure access to local assets. over the
next 40 years, companies lengthened
their supply and subcontracting chains,
and generated new types of relationships,
from parallel investing with publicly
funded development finance Institutions
(dfIs), to using state-backed export
credits, and developing other risk-sharing
relationships such as leasing, forward-
contracting and investment agreements.
    however, the instinct that having a stake
in a derivative income stream from an asset
in the developing world is safer than an
ownership stake in the actual fixed asset had
to be reassessed after the global financial
crash of 2007-8, since so much derivative
stock was proved worthless or degraded.
At the same time, such arms length contact
with developing countries has often proved
of little use to the countries themselves,
sometimes provoking a backlash against
offshore equity, as happened in buenos
Aires, which banned all investments from
shell companies held in tax havens in 2005.

so how does one go about making sound     amongst those riddled with risk? The most           to be a good predictor of transparency,
and socially responsible investments in       common indices for investment risk are              which in turn is positively related to
this new era? by focusing on the facts.       the International Country risk guide from           economic growth. The most recent World
    The poorest countries often present       the New york-based prs group; ratings               bank governance Indicators measure
the most challenges to today’s global         from the economist Intelligence Unit,               the quality of political institutions across
investor, not least because future risk       and from eurasia group; alongside the               six categories: voice and accountability,
is highly context-specific. Assessing         more traditional standard & poor’s, dun             political stability and absence of violence,
diverse and fluctuating contexts is           & bradstreet and payments data from the             government effectiveness, regulatory
generating ever-greater complexities of       bank of International settlements.                  quality, rule of law and control of corruption.
data, and bringing the worlds of business         These indices focus on two aspects of
and academia – particularly political         political risk: regime (in)stability and the (un)
scientists and international development      certainty of the macro policy environment.          Development Data
experts – closer together. digesting that     but these indicators struggle to keep pace          Making the numbers work for you.
data, however, is another story entirely.     with nebulous political identities and regime
    business data, economic, social           characteristics. The predicted ‘top 10 most         Almost every aspect of a country’s
and governance indices, corporate             dangerous countries’ at the beginning of a          socioeconomic reality is documented
social responsibility measures and            decade are rarely the same 10 that actually         by statistics. but filtering through the
development impact data are combining         collapse by its end. evidence of political          abundance of information and retrieving
into effective predictive instruments.        stability on its own is not enough: while           a reliable dataset that answers questions
but hazards remain, not least in the level    authoritarian regimes can prove safe places         about the world we live in is not always as
of mathematical complexity generated.         for investment for a time, sometimes a long         straightforward as it seems.
Is the world really this complicated, or is   one, a lack of democracy means that change,             over 175 governments send data to
the data industry out of control, feigning    when it does come, tends to be eruptive and         the Imf for the International financial
precise forecasting but exhibiting no         unpredictable. businesses can quite literally       statistics and to the World bank for World
greater reliability than gut instinct?        lose everything.                                    development Indicators, which in turn
    The only way through this statistical         so how can predictive datasets                  are used by investment risk analysts. The
blizzard is to look at the figures, one       like these be improved? for starters,               most well-known development indices,
dataset at a time.                            institutional quality must be taken into            the human development Index and
                                              account, since political risk ‘events’ (i.e.        the data collected for the purposes of
                                              mass protest or regime change) are better           checking progress towards the millennium
political Risk                                understood by knowing how political                 development goals (mdgs) provide
Can it be measured?                           institutions are likely to react. some can          an overview of wealth and wellbeing in
                                              manage rapid change, while others falter.           developing countries. It may not be obvious
There was a brief period in the 1950s when    Institutional quality measures, which are           at first how we can use this knowledge to
the boundaries of the Cold War defined        proving reliable, will mark the future world,       make better, more effective and ethically
a space that Western governments were         and it is in the contemporary design of             sound business choices, but even a
prepared to protect for business. but that    these that academics and business people            perfunctory analysis shines some light. for
world is gone. In its place is a complex      are meeting. for example, the freedom               example, secondary school enrolments from
political geography where the apparent        house index, Transparency International’s           World development Indicators are a good
stability of a country can change quickly,    Corruption perceptions Index (CpI), or              sign of a more productive workforce, of
as has been the case in Tunisia or egypt.     the quite specific polity Iv series all depict      better governance and the probability in turn
Conversely, countries widely considered       institutional quality, and provide context          of a stable macroeconomic environment.
dangerous, such as the eastern Congo,         and depth to investment and risk planning.              These early development indicators
Angola, myanmar/burma, or sudan,              The CpI is good for general context, but            have recently been complemented by more
are proving profitable for business – as      relies on perception, which can lag behind          complex impact assessment tools – usually
Chinese and Indian corporations have          actual political change. freedom house has          in response to demands from the public or
discovered, leaving the rest of the world     only a handful of classifications: free, partly     donors concerned about a project’s wider
trailing behind.                              free and unfree. but the polity Iv gives            impact. Concern with carbon emissions, or
   faced with this unpredictable landscape,   accurate measures of the legal constraints          assessment of an investment’s impact on
how does one spot a sound investment          on a country’s executive, which turns out           culture, heritage or happiness might seem

irrelevant to the businessperson of the past,      und entwicklungsgesellschaft (deg) and          can prove corporate social responsibility
but future leaders will not be able to evade       the emerging markets private equity             and defend against the risk of reputational
demands for quantifiable, evidence-based           Association (empeA) framework are               damage affecting the customer base.
statements. In this way, data can help us          both exemplary systems that measure the         ‘Clean’ goods are in demand, and whether
achieve more transparent and accountable           impact of a dfI investment.                     it’s diamonds vetted by the Kimberley
working practices.                                    Adopting measures like these aren’t just     process or cocoa trading structures by
    but how do we value the quality of air, the    about ‘being good’. According to advocates      The fairtrade foundation, ethically sound
protection of a heritage site, the treatment       of corporate social responsibility, meeting     production practices can all be corroborated
of workers? An overall assessment of a             the ‘triple bottom line’ of financial, social   by datasets. Likewise, guaranteeing an
company’s ‘social worth’ is some time away,        and environmental returns – or ‘people,         associational distance from child labour,
but those taking the bridgehead approach           planet, profit’ – grows the business in the     environmental harm and land grabbing
will be thinking about this now. efforts           long term. Customers are increasingly           is just as imperative, though they do require a
in ‘greenwash’ will no longer satisfy the          demanding that their money be put to good       much more sophisticated dataset.
informed global public of the future.              use; that the businesses they choose to buy         All this information already exists.
    so how can intangible externalities that       from promote democracy, social welfare and      It can help you do business and ‘be good’.
affect social welfare or the environment           development on the ground – or, at the very     Learning how to filter the noise and focus
be measured? An active relationship with           least, don’t reverse patterns of progress.      on the facts that matter to you is the first
a development finance Institution is a             for example, widespread hIv awareness,          step. Then an even bigger issue comes into
good place to start.                               such as that sponsored by Aureos Capital        play: how do you make sense of it, digest it
    The dfIs are required to produce               (with investment from CdC group and             and absorb its meaning into the work that
matrices of developmental impact, which            Norfund) can reduce hIv prevalence,             you do?
means they demand more social value                which can be measured by the World bank’s           The answer is simple: you need to
from their private sector co-investors. for        development Indicators. successes like this     visualise what the data is trying to say.
example, the Corporate-policy project              make customers happy.                           The four organisations below are doing
rating (gpr) of the deutsche Investitions-            better use of development indicators         just that

GapminDeR                                          ‘make data more actionable through design’.     Watch to publish a constantly updated map                                      With a focus on international development,      that charts relative poverty and wellbeing
                                                   they help government agencies and the           across the world. This easy-to-use tool has
If you think global statistics are boring, think   private sector embrace the open data            helped everyone from the UN to Dell realise
again. Gapminder’s bubbly Trendalyzer tool         revolution by making complex datasets easy      that evidence-based decision-making can
breathes life into the trends shaping our world.   to understand. Quirky toolkits like MapBox      be a pleasure, not a chore.
By reimagining obscure patterns of social          and Managing News turn tough data into
change as graphs that move organically             easy-to-read visualisations or maps, and
over time, Gapminder is smashing through           have been used by everyone from Google to       HealtHmap
the mythical glass ceiling that hangs over         the World Bank. Whether they’re processing
the ‘developing world’ and inspiring more          election results in Afghanistan or monitoring
people to absorb the facts. Everything from        relief efforts in Haiti, simplicity is key.     If the campaign for open data needs a
wealth and health to education and climate                                                         poster child, then HealthMap is it. This
is rigorously analysed, then effortlessly                                                          online mapping tool aggregates information
interpreted as dynamic graphs that represent       statplanet                                      from disparate open data sources to offer a
life in every corner of the globe.                                  comprehensive view of the state of global
                                                                                                   health. This year sees the launch of Predict, a
                                                   Free to download, StatPlanet is a browser-      tool that will help the public track outbreaks
Development seeD                                   based application that creates customised       of animal diseases that might affect humans.                                maps, graphs and visualisations from all        Pooling information from sources such as the
                                                   manner of interlocking datasets. It’s turned    World Health Organisation, Google News
The straight-talking brains at Development         Transparency International’s befuddling         and the Wildlife Disease Information Node,
Seed have created an innovative range of           Corruption Perceptions Index into an            HealthMap proves that freely available
tools to combat information overload and           interactive gateway, and allowed Social         information can be a progressive social force.

    sIMoN rogers PICks
  THe 10 BesT PlACes To see
     ‘sexY’ DATA oNlINe.

                                                                                          If you’re looking for time series economic
                                                                                          data – and a nifty way of creating a
                                                                                          sophisticated, embeddable graphic – this
                                                                                          is the place to come. Timetric updates
                                                                                          thousands of datasets every day and
                                                                                          provides an easy-to-use interface that
                                                                                          makes it very simple to create your own.

                                             If someone, somewhere, is producing
                                             a great data visualisation or analysis,

    Information                              Nathan Yau’s blog will find it. Yau has
                                             an unerring ability to unearth the best

    is Beautiful                             data visualisations on the web. He also
                                             produces graphics, and is a regular poster
                                             to the Guardian Datastore Flickr group.
                                                                                                           Canadian Patrick Cain is
                                                                                                           a ‘journalist who makes
                                                                                                           maps for the web’. Based
                                                                                                           in Toronto, Cain takes
                                                                                                           the city’s data and maps
                                                      Patrick Cain’s                                       it – producing guides to
                                                                                                           everything from crime

                                                        Map Blog                                           figures to World War I
                                                                                                           deaths and single parent
                                                                                                           families. A fan of open
Data journalist and design whizz                        
David McCandless’ Information is                                                                           data, Cain has a record
Beautiful blog is a treasure-trove of cool                                                                 of demanding data from
visualisations and mash-ups. His work                                                                      the city’s authorities
has also been published in a bestselling                                                                   using      Freedom    of
book of the same name.                                                                                     Information laws.

Although a lot of the best data work is                                                               This brand new site
done in english, Paris-based oWNI is                                                                  combines an innovative
a collective of geeks and data freaks                                                                 data search function with

producing visualisations and apps that                                                                bright and imaginative
                                                                                                      visualisations. It also
manage to be imaginative and innovative.
                                                                                                      allows you to create your
The collective’s work on Wikileaks –                                                                  own, download them
which allowed people to interrogate the                                                               and put them in your
data – won a 2010 online Journalism                                                                   PowerPoint presentation
Award for general excellence.                                                                         or company report.


         Guardian Datablog
                                                                        It might be better known for its impact on the world of
                                                                        social media, but linkedIn also has a hugely innovative
                                                                        approach to data. linkedIn has made collating and using
                                                                        data a priority, with lead data scientists completely
                                                                        integrated into the commercial operation.

The Guardian and its Datablog publishes raw data behind the news
every day, and encourages readers to visualise and work with it. The
site publishes its data using google spreadsheets and google Fusion                   Datastore
Tables, and allows readers to search thousands of government datasets           
around the world.
The big brains at
Infochimps have come
up with an innovative
way to find, share and
sell formatted data. Both                                               governments around the globe are opening up their

users and the site’s own                                                data, from in the Us, via Australia, the Uk, New
contributors collate and                                                Zealand and France. one of the best and most useful is
scrape datasets so that
                                                                        the london Datastore. Created by the greater london
they’re easily accessible.     
With big plans for                                                      Authority, it publishes thousands of datasets with the
expansion and lots of                                                   emphasis on useful, live data, such as transport and
intellegegent developers                                                economic numbers. Developers are using those figures
onboard, it’s definitely                                                to create interesting apps, such as Matthew somerville’s
one to watch.                                                           live train map for the london Underground

Lunch With haL
              Hal Varian, CHief eConomist
             at GooGle, sinks His teetH into
            data obesity and How to treat it.

              ot 10 minutes into our lunch at Google HQ in Mountain
              View, California, a groupie sidles up. He’s got a guest
              nametag and an outstretched hand. He wants to say
              hello to Hal Varian, Google’s Chief Economist. Varian,
              employee number 441, author of Information Rules,
              Emeritus Professor at the University of California,
              Berkeley (where he was founding dean of the School of
              Information), and a former columnist for The New York
     Times is, it turns out, quite a star in the statistics world.
        The young man quotes a line from the elder circa 2009. That’s
     when Varian famously pronounced that “the sexy job in the next
     10 years will be statisticians.” He added: “I’m not kidding.”
        Of course, sexy, like funny, is subjective (does a T-shirt that
     reads ‘Statisticians do it with models’ make you laugh?). But
     Varian’s prediction is backed up by trends. In 2010, the human
     race created 800 exabytes of information, from tweets and
     Facebook updates to PowerPoint presentations and photographs.
     That’s 800 billion gigabytes, or the amount of data you can fit
     on 75 billion 16-gig iPads. To put that into context, between the
     dawn of civilisation and 2003, we only created five exabytes;
     now we’re creating that amount every two days. By 2020, that
     figure is predicted to sit at 53 zettabytes (53 trillion gigabytes) –
     an increase of 50 times.
        Multiply data and you multiply the need for people to make
     sense of it. That’s where Varian and the statisticians, analysts and
     econometricians who work with him come in.

                       wo r ds by H o l ly F i n n
           i l l U s t r at i o n s b y a d r i a n j o H n s o n

Data is like food, says Varian. “We used     year, while looking to buy a pepper shaker     real-time database. And that’s powerful.”
to be calorie poor and now the problem           online, he hit upon the idea of a Google       Government can, in turn, aggregate
is obesity. We used to be data poor, now         Price Index (GPI). It uses Google’s web        information, giving businesses insight into
the problem is data obesity.” Google’s           shopping database to create a daily            their industry and the economy as a whole.
strength, he continues, was to recognise         measure of inflation. It could, one day,           The trick, in both directions, is
back in 2001 that “we would be handling          be a complement – or competitor – to the       getting high-quality data. But neither
massive amounts of data, and would               official, yet less frequent, Consumer Price    governments nor businesses guarantee
need to develop tools for that.” Another         Index (CPI).                                   it. Last year, Canada’s conservative
foresight was to hire an economist.                  There’s a systemic gap, Varian points      cabinet voted for a weakened census.
Eric Schmidt hired Varian to ‘have a look        out, between the low-frequency data            By removing the requirement for citizens
at the auction’, the bidding system for          employed by governments and the high-          to fill out a ‘long form’ (considered
ads that soon became Google’s lifeblood.                                                        intrusive), it reduces its own access to
Other companies were built up around                                                            vast amounts of quality information.
auctions – eBay, Yahoo! – but they didn’t                                                       “The head of the census bureau resigned
hire experts until much later. Now                                                              over it,” says Varian. “And there’s some
Yahoo!, Microsoft, Apple and Intel all                                                          discussion of similar things here [that]
have chief economists.                                                                          the US is considering.”
    For businesses that are gorging on a                                                            Companies, too, should be concerned
surfeit of information, Varian says the fix           “if yoU’re tHe                            about the quality of the decision-
is clear. It’s the same for data as food: “You
need to focus on quality. You’ll be better
                                                   CHief anytHinG,                              influencing data they are getting, says
                                                                                                Varian. He recalls Lou Gerstner, before
off with a small but carefully structured          yoU always HaVe                              joining IBM, doing reconnaissance.
sample rather than a large sloppy sample,”          a problem witH                              Externally, “he asked people how the
he says. More locally sourced fine dining,                                                      company was doing, and everyone gave it
then, less all-you-can-eat buffet.                   people tellinG                             a C. Then, when he got to the company,
    Varian looks trim enough, dressed                yoU wHat yoU                               he asked the same question: ‘How’re
in a blue shirt and plain khaki trousers,
with brown shoes and a navy sleeveless
                                                     want to Hear.                              we doing?’ And the answer was: ‘All
                                                                                                our customers give us an A!’ So he said,
sweater – the uniform of a mind with more           it’s Hard to Get                            ‘Where’s that data from?’ ‘Oh, we asked
important things to think about than                    CritiCism.”                             our sales people to collect it.’
fashion. He takes a similarly practical                                                             “If you’re the chief anything, you
approach to his food.                                                                           always have a problem with people
    This on-campus café serves a                                                                telling you what you want to hear,”
smorgasbord of exotic treats – including,                                                       adds Varian. “It’s hard to get criticism.”
today, Beautifully Braised Short Ribs,                                                          So Varian courts it. His team conducts
Local Oysters (Kumamoto, Point Reyes                                                            random surveys constantly. The
and Marin Bay), Artichoke Poached in                                                            Ad Happiness Survey, for instance,
Court Bouillon, and Espresso Chiffon             frequency data of business. Government         continually picks advertisers at random
Cake. But Varian arrives at the long             is working on it, though. “It’s now using      and asks them about their experience. In
white refectory table having quickly             supermarket scanner data to predict            order to remove some selection bias, he’s
heaped his plate with iceberg and                inflation rates,” notes Varian. How did it     even hired someone to be (at least some
shredded carrot doused in Thousand               predict them before? “They used to send        of the time) ‘Chief Nag’ to get results out
Island dressing. He’s also got a hastily         people out with notebooks to write it down.”   of resistant responders.
plonked-together           chicken       salad       More      communication        between         Google also conducted 5,000 search
sandwich on a white roll with one slice          government and business clearly benefits       experiments last year, which led to
of tomato. You can take the boy out of           both, says Varian. Business can provide        400 search improvements (and the
Wooster, Ohio…                                   more real-time data. “If you look at most      same again for ads experiments). Such
    For Varian, everything – including his       businesses now, pretty much everyone –         insistent experimentation is an academic
culinary choices – can relate to data. Last      think of UPS, FedEx, MasterCard – has a        means to a capitalist end. Or, as Varian

puts it: “Google is like a university, but
with money.” It’s a cheering thought – and
possibly why, in a recent talk at the 150th
anniversary of MIT, Varian was notably
more optimistic than his peers.
    “Economics is really on a roll in
Silicon Valley,” he says. “The good
news is that standard techniques
from economics work very well on
big problems. It’s a little discouraging
working as an academic economist
because the problems that you work on
are so hard. They’re much, much easier
in industry.”
    He means all industry, not just
Fortune 500 companies. Varian, a
man who quotes feminist playwright
Edna St. Vincent Millay as easily as
MIT founder William Barton Rogers,
points to the proliferation of what he
calls ‘micro-multinationals’ – small
companies, mostly connected to
universities, working around the globe
and around the clock. “The smallest
company now has access to computing
and infrastructure only the biggest tech
company had 15 years ago. So it’s a much
more fertile environment for start-ups.
We’re seeing all these little companies.
And guess what, some of these little
companies become big companies.”
    Information Rules, Varian’s seminal
book with Carl Shapiro, re-popularised
the phrase ‘network effects’ – the value of
a product or service increasing as more
people use it. His next book will focus
on new ideas, including ‘co-opetition’,
the notion of capitalist symbiosis
(Google and news organisations both
championing content, for instance).
Varian is always thinking about what’s
next. Asked to define his job, he says: “To
answer the questions that management
will ask next month.”
    So, what is next for the economy?
Is it gaining steam? “Yes,” says Varian
emphatically. And how does he know?
“I inspect the entrails,” he says. Food
is data, and data a kind of food

Online videO advertising is allOwing
  brands tO speak tO audiences On
  a glObal scale. big ideas will reap
 rewards, prOvided yOu get tO knOw
yOur audience by putting data first.

      wOrds by Ulrike reinhard

             very minute, 35 hours of footage is
             uploaded to youtube globally. with
             over two billion views a day, it’s become
             the epicentre of a video advertising
             boom. last year saw brands embracing
             innovative online video campaigns like
             never before. tipp-ex’s ‘shoot the bear’
             and french connection’s ‘youtique’ led
             the way, generating millions of views
             and acres of publicity.
                these success stories are telling
             marketers that big numbers are within
             reach. but how do you go about creating
             a campaign capable of capturing a
             mass audience? is it through deep
             data analysis, or could the secret be
             something less tangible?
   as the following case studies with tipp-ex and
french connection show, real-time data analysis
during and after the process, combined with an
unexpected and interactive narrative, are the
foundations on which a campaign can be built.
hoot the bear was tipp-ex’s web           clicking on the video and increase viewing
                                               debut. the briefing given to              numbers,” he continues, “we first had
                                               buzzman, the paris-based creative         to analyse code and implement certain
                                               agency behind the campaign,               technical solutions within youtube’s

TIPP-EX                                        defined its goals as: ‘to raise short-
                                               term brand awareness and to be
                                         on top of customers’ shopping lists. to
                                                                                         guidelines. this is where the ‘nsfw’ in the
                                                                                         video title comes in – it stands for ‘not safe
                                                                                         for work’. we checked all the most viewed
Shoot the Bear                           go europe-wide and tell the story of how        videos on youtube. we analysed people’s
                                         the product is used.’ surprisingly, going       behaviour, and when we examined all this
                                         digital wasn’t part of it, but after mining     data we were pretty sure that we didn’t
                                         data on youtube’s most popular videos,          want a branded video or our own tipp-
Client BIC                               buzzman came up with a viral ad titled          ex video channel. it became pretty clear
Agency Buzzman                           NSFW. A hunter shoots a bear!                   that a simple video on the main youtube
Search ‘NSFW. A hunter shoots a bear!’      in the 30-second clip, a hunter in a         platform was the right thing to do. a video
                                         forest is approached by a bear. users are       with the look and feel of a video shot on
                                         asked whether the hunter should shoot           a mobile phone by you or me. the data
                                         the bear, and their decision leads to a         taught us that we need to surprise the
                                         second video which sees the hunter reach        viewer – and that’s what we did at the end
                                         out of the player to grab a tipp-ex pocket      when the hunter starts freaking out. this
                                         Mouse from what appears to be a static ad       is where interactivity kicks in. people love
                                         and erase the word ‘shoots’ from the title.     being involved – being part of the story.”
                                         viewers are then invited to write whatever          with a total layout of around €900,000
                                         they want in the blanked-out space and          (including      production,       advertising
                                         watch as the hunter does exactly what           and agency fees), shoot the bear was a
                                         they’ve written.                                europe-wide campaign unbeatable in cost
                                            “we produced 42 scenes,” reveals             efficiency. it went viral from day one: with
                                         thomas granger, Managing director at            one tweet per second in the first 10 hours,
                                         buzzman, “with one search query for each        and one million views after 36 hours. to
                                         scene. based on a survey, we found that         date, the video has had almost 500,000
                                         for each query – let’s say ‘plays with’ as an   shares on facebook, been posted on more
                                         example – there were 40-60 words used by        than 1,300 blogs and more than 43 million
                                         respondents to express the notion of ‘play’.    people have watched it.
                                         so whenever somebody types in one of                it’s a winner in business terms, too. a
                                         these expressions, the query leads them         survey by tipp-ex showed that the ‘buying
                                         straight to the specific scene. real-time       attention’ of potential customers – which
                                         data showed us which scenes were hot and        positions the brand as the first product
                                         which were not. that’s a great source for       they are likely to buy – increased by 100
                                         identifying what youtube viewers want           per cent, while sale volumes were up by 30
                                         and telling us how to react.                    per cent compared to the same timeframe
                                            “to maximise the chance of people            the year before.

nlike tipp-ex, fcuk is an old hand     engage when the video set-up reflects
                                             at e-commerce. their goal was to       their own lifestyle, rather than that of the
                                             grow business by reaching out          catwalk jet-set.
                                             beyond their website and using             “so our decisions weren’t by any

FrEnch connEcTIon                            new communication channels
                                             in an innovative way. not only
                                       would they reach customers in the us
                                                                                    means based on blind judgments. data
                                                                                    mining gave us clear indicators, which
                                                                                    really helped in creating the right
YouTique                               and uk, but they’d also develop insights     atmosphere in the videos. knowing the
                                       about the way video is used on the web.      data, we were fairly sure that people
                                          poke, fcuk’s east london agency,          would buy.”
                                       created youtique – a youtube boutique            “since we made the experience
Client French Connection               – as a place where youtube and               ourselves, we were able to take measure-
Agency Poke                            commerce intersect. it makes clever use      ments and now we can optimise for
Search ‘French Connection, YouTique’   of youtube’s pop-up buttons by letting       the upcoming season,” adds Jennifer
                                       viewers buy what they see with just a        roebuck, director of e-commerce at
                                       few clicks. though the pop-ups tradition-    fcuk. “the data tells us exactly the
                                       ally only link to other youtube videos,      right length for our new videos, the
                                       fcuk was the first brand in the uk to        best spots for calls for action, the best
                                       make an arrangement with youtube             starting points, the best way to place
                                       to let them use what youtube calls           content and label it to achieve number
                                       ‘annotations’, which enable viewers to       one search results. these are just a few of
                                       leave the platform and go off to other       the lessons the datasets are teaching us.
                                       destinations on the web – in this case to    now we’re ready to improve.”
                                       the fcuk website.                                like the tipp-ex campaign, youtique
                                          “youtube data showed us that people       is a winner in business terms, too. it was
                                       were actively searching and browsing         among the three most popular youtube
                                       for fashion tips and tutorials, diy          channels in the uk for a month. a 100
                                       instructions that showed them how to         per cent increase in channel views
                                       dress sexily for a date, what to wear on a   meant a significant increase in brand
                                       business trip or what’s the latest fashion   awareness while the click-through rates
                                       must-have,” says emma pueyo, creative        were among the highest youtube has
                                       director at poke. “and the data also         ever seen – up to five or six per cent – and
                                       showed that people are most likely to        online sales soared.

                                       data-based web advertising was the big breakthrough of 2010, utilising the power of
                                       social media to transform the relationship between consumers and advertisers. tipp-ex
                                       and french connection have pioneered a new model. the next move is yours

The AgeS
  Why not open me up and check me out?
Tally sTicks
                                                                    20,000-10,000 BC

                                                                  The Ishango bone, a
                                                               tally stick from the Upper
                                                              Palaeolithic era, represents
                                                                 the beginnings of our
                                                                    understanding of
                                                                 mathematics and data.

            3,500 BC

   Egyptian obelisks show
  humans manipulating light
 and shadows to measure data
    about the time of day.

                                                               The book on
       PaPyrus                                                 numbers and
          3,000 BC
                                                                         200 BC
  Papyrus, manufactured in
                                                            Dating back to the Han Dynasty
  Egypt, revolutionises the
                                                          of ancient China, this mathematical
   way data and language
                                                          treatise brings together interest rate
      can be recorded.
                                                             calculations with government
                                                                 statutes and law reports.

        abacus                        800-500 BC
          2,700 BC
                                 In Israel, a primitive
 Ancient civilisations develop   census is undertaken
a counting system that enables    and recorded in the
  complex data manipulation.     Hebrew Bible. Social
                                 data capture is born.
The domesday                                        sTock
                               book                                          exchanges
                                      1086 AD                                      1200s AD

                            William the Conqueror                         The earliest stock exchanges
                             conducts a survey in                         emerge in Bruges and Italy in
                         England and Wales recording                   the thirteenth century. Data about
                          land and livestock. It takes                  trades is written down by scribes
                            over a year to complete.                       and transported by couriers.

                                                                                                            1582 AD
       comPass                                                                                    Pope Gregory XIII launches
                                                                                                   the Gregorian calendar to
            1000s AD
                                                                                              eradicate an 11-minute discrepancy
     Chinese scientists develop                                                                 in the Julian calendar, which is
      instruments that attract                                                                causing the official date of equinox
      a needle north, creating                                                                   to creep further away from the
      a navigational tool only                                                                     actual cosmological event.
    recently superseded by GPS.

                                                               1600s AD

                                                   Cornelius Drebbel, Robert Fludd,
                                                  Galileo Galilei and Santorio Santorio
                                                      make progress on a device to
                                                   measure temperature in real time.

        TelescoPe                                                                                   analyTical
            1600s AD                                                                                  engine
                                                                                                            1837 AD
    Scientists in the Netherlands
   develop a refracting telescope                                                                 Charles Babbage develops
that Galileo improves in subsequent                                                                the Analytical Engine,
  years. The instrument observes                                                                  and modern computation
     remote objects in real time.                                                                          is born.
            1897 AD

  Guglielmo Marconi founds
    The Wireless Telegraph
      & Signal Company,
  pioneering communication
     between coastal radio
   stations and ships at sea.

   visualisaTion                      TelemobiloscoPe
            1857 AD                               1904 AD

    During the Crimean War,            Christian Hülsmeyer uses
 Florence Nightingale records         radio waves to detect distant
  the mortality rates of British      metallic objects, inventing the
 soldiers in field hospitals. The        first radar application.
   information is published in
  a series of striking graphics,
  persuading the government
     to improve conditions.

       TelegraPh                                       gPs
             1837 AD                                  1957 AD

       The first commercial           Sputnik – the first artificial satellite –
telegraph is introduced at Euston       is launched by the Soviet Union
Station. It soon crosses the oceans      on October 4, 1957, as a global
to every continent but Antarctica,       positioning system for precise
      making instant global            weapon delivery and paves the way
     communication possible               for GPS as we know it today.
          for the first time.
                                                    earTh engine
                                                             2010 AD

                                        The Google Earth Engine – a cloud computing
                                        platform – processes real-time satellite imagery
                                            and other Earth observation data. Initial
                                       applications of the platform include mapping the
                                       forests of Mexico, identifying water in the Congo
                                       basin, and detecting deforestation in the Amazon.

      Personal                                                                      exPloraTory
                                                                                            2008 AD
          1970s AD
                                                                                   Cluster Exploratory (CluE)
                                                                                      is a National Science
 Hewlett-Packard introduces
                                                                                  Foundation-funded program
programmable computers that
                                                                                 that analyses massive amounts
   fit on top of a desk. The
                                                                                  of data to search for patterns.
  personal computer allows
  economical collection and
     management of data.

                                    suPermarkeT meTrics
                                                   1995 AD

                                    Tesco’s Clubcard scheme revolutionises
                                  consumer metrics by allowing supermarkets
                                   to target offers and optimise their stocks.

radio-frequency                                                                     hubble sPace
 idenTificaTion                                                                      TelescoPe
          1980s AD                                                                           1993 AD
Radio-frequency identification                                                    The Hubble Space Telescope
 technology (RFID) takes hold                                                    captures images of outer space
in transportation and business.                                                  in real time, allowing scientists
 Real-time monitoring systems                                                        to determine the rate of
  are developed to process the                                                      expansion of the universe.
           new data.

   Tony Fagan, DirecTor oF research aT google, answers
    The six quanT quesTions every cMo shoulD be asking
  in orDer To MaxiMise Their reTurn on search aDverTising.

                          w o r D s b y T o n y Fa g a n
                   i l l u s T r aT i o n s b y a D a M H ay E S

Welcome to the age of experiments.                 whether something caused something
At Google, we believe that online                  else. In marketing, we call them ‘A/B
advertising is a more measurable medium            tests’. The idea is simple: test A versus B
than television, radio and print. How can          to see which one works better. That gives
we be sure? Because we look at the stats.          us the ‘incremental’ improvement – the
   Business is about trial and error, but          difference between doing something and
with statistics comes a method to make             not doing it.
the process work better. With the data                 We can use these experiments to
generated from search, click-through and           address six commonly asked questions
conversion rates, we’re able to address and        about running search ad campaigns on
improve ad campaigns on the fly.                   Google. The answers will give you an
   The process is called ‘test-and-learn’          insight into how to make online advertising
and it’s the gold standard for calculating         work efficiently for your organisation.

Should I manage my Spend through                                         how much Should I
      bIddIng or a daIly budget cap?                                      Spend to maxImISe profIt?

some advertisers choose to manage their spend using             auction theory tells us to increase a bid until the
the daily budget cap feature in adwords. This is fine           ‘marginal’ cost-per-click equals the value-per-click.
unless you’re hitting your cap, because that’s when we          The marginal cost-per-click is different than the
remove you from all future auctions for that day. and           average cost-per-click, and is often higher. so if you’re
this is potentially expensive.                                  managing your spend to an average cost-per-click,
   if you were to lower your bids so you just meet your         you’re paying too much – and making less profit. we
budget cap at the end of each day, you would potentially        recently released a few tools to help you with this,
spend the same amount but get more clicks. how?                 including google bid simulator, which estimates the
when you lower your bid, you lower your position and            traffic you’ll get for a keyword at a different bid.
the cost of clicks. This saves money throughout the                we ran a second experiment with the same
day, allowing you to participate in more auctions.              electronics manufacturer to determine its optimal
   we conducted an a/b experiment on behalf of an               spend, testing different spend levels by changing
electronics manufacturer to analyse how budget caps             bids and adding/subtracting keywords. we found that
affected their adwords performance. by removing the             reducing bids by half resulted in 37 per cent lower
budget cap, this advertiser was able to spend 170 per           spend but 20 per cent more clicks. using the results
cent more with 170 per cent more clicks at the same             data, we were able to draw the ‘marginal cost-per-click
cost-per-click. Pretty good, right?                             curve’, which plots the marginal cost-per-click against
                                                                spend. by selecting the point on the curve where the
                                                                marginal cost-per-click equals your value-per-click,
                                                                you have your optimal spend.

Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
Think 01
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Think 01

  • 2.
  • 3. By mapping individual neurons in the brain with red, green and blue derivatives of fluorescent protein, Jeff Lichtman and Joshua Sanes invented the art of ‘brainbows’ in 2007 at Harvard Medical School. This image shows a transgenic mouse hippocampus magnified by 40 times. Image courtesy of Livet, Weissman, Sanes and Lichtman, Harvard University.
  • 4.
  • 5. Welcome to THINK QUARTERLY tHe DAtA ISSUe At Google, we often think that speed is the forgotten ‘killer application’ – the ingredient that can differentiate winners from the rest. We know that the faster we deliver results, the more useful people find our service. But in a world of accelerating change, we all need time to reflect. Think Quarterly is a breathing space in a busy world. It’s a place to take time out and consider what’s happening and why it matters. Our first issue is dedicated to Data – amongst a morass of information, how can you find the magic metrics that will help transform your business? We hope that you find inspiration, insights, and more, in Think Quarterly. Matt Brittin managing Director, UK & Ireland operations Google 05
  • 6. ConTriBUTorS Simon rogerS Ulrike reinhard Sarah BraCking Think Quarterly represents Simon Rogers is the editor Ulrike Reinhard is the editor Sarah Bracking is the author the imagination, insights of, which of WE magazine, a digital of Money and Power and and knowledge of a global encourages users to visualise publication focussed on Corruption and Development, community of contributors raw datasets. He has edited two emergent net culture. With and is a Senior Lecturer in from journalists and academics Guardian books: How Slow Can Peter Kruse, she co-founded Politics and Development at to industry experts and Google you Waterski? and The Hutton the What’s Next? Institute the University of Manchester. insiders. They’re united by a Inquiry and Its Impact. In to research cultural value She is a member of the passion for cutting-edge ideas 2010, Simon received a special preferences and social International Institute for and seeking out the points of commendation from the Royal megatrends. She interviews Democracy and Electoral fundamental change in the Statistical Society in its awards Hans Rosling on page 16; Assistance and has worked new era of digital business. for journalistic excellence. writes about the online with the Norwegian Agency He interviews Vodafone CEO video ad boom on page 34; for Development Cooperation. Guy Laurence on page 10, and speaks to Peter Kruse She writes about ethical and chooses his top 10 data about harnessing collective investment in the developing websites on page 28. intelligence on page 50. world on page 22. 06
  • 7. holly Finn Tony Fagan nigel ShadBolT riCh PleeTh Holly Finn is the former Tony Fagan is the director Nigel Shadbolt is a Professor Rich Pleeth spent three years editor of the Financial Times’ of the Quantitative Research of Artificial Intelligence at working for a large FMCG ‘How to Spend It’ pages, team at Google, which focusses the University of Southampton. before joining Google in and a former leader writer on understanding consumer He was one of the originators 2010 as a Product Marketing at The Times. She moved to behaviour on the web and of Web Science – a systems Manager, with a particular Silicon Valley five years ago improving Google’s advertising level approach to the web focus on strategy and and is a contributor to the US system. Prior to working for that recognises the social innovation. He lives in Fulham edition of Think Quarterly. Google, Tony managed a and technical factors that in south west London, but Off-hours, Holly is building team that built analytics and shape its development. Since you’ll most likely find him a site dedicated to the latest infrastructure at eBay. He 2009, he has been at the heart cycling around Richmond research and insights about holds Master’s degrees in both of the UK’s Open Government Park at the weekend. Rich IVF, for both women and men. statistics and engineering. Data project, launching data. is editor-at-large of the UK She interviews her Google Tony answers the six quant with Sir Tim Berners- edition of Think Quarterly. hero, Chief Economist Hal questions that every CMO Lee. He discusses the benefits He writes about Near Field Varian, on page 30. should be asking on page 40. of open data on page 44. Communication on page 56. contact The articles appearing within this publication reflect the opinions and attitudes of their respective authors and not necessarily those of the publishers or editorial team. They’re also really good. If you agree and you’d like to share them, just email us and ask. #thinkquarterly © Google 2011 Edited and designed by The Church of London 07
  • 10.
  • 11. ExEcutivE Guy Laurence, ceO Of VOdafOne uK, KnOws a thinG Or twO abOut infOrmatiOn OVerLOad. feeLinG stressed Out by statistics? he has the cure fOr data impOtence. wOrds by Simon RogeRS pOrtraits by SpenceR muRphy a few seconds after midnight on new year’s have a relationship with numbers, i have eve, 2010. numbers start flying across a a relationship with customers,” says Guy bank of screens in a large darkened room. Laurence, the 49-year-old who took over London: 1,170,000; Glasgow: 115,000; as ceO of Vodafone uK in 2009. “i focus manchester: 75,000; Leeds: 70,000… the totally on human responses to things; numbers scroll on as the black-clad tech if you smack someone in the face, what team look for signs that the system might would they do? if you kiss them on the not be able to cope. cheek, what would they do?” it could be a scene from futurist cult Laurence took over a company widely film Minority Report, but the room is seen as stagnating in third place in the actually a real one – at Vodafone’s state- uK’s competitive mobile market. today, of-the-art network Operations centre Vodafone is viewed as a powerful success in newbury, berkshire – and the figures story, with more than 19 million customers represent the number of texts sent in across the country. when you’ve got that the first 30 minutes of 2011. this is pure many customers, the big question is: data in action. how do you industrialise something that the man responsible for this scene is works for each one? “you can always kiss obsessed with data – because of what the one customer on the cheek – but how numbers can help him do, rather than with do you kiss 19 million customers on the the ones and zeros themselves. “i don’t cheek?” he asks. iNSiGHt 11
  • 12. Laurence carries only a few numbers in feel a network,” he says, “but at the nOc information that companies once believed his head: his company’s ‘net promoter score’ we absolutely live and breathe data in real was commercially confidential is now (which tells him exactly how well Vodafone time.” managing 90 million calls and 80 routinely published – or leaked to websites is really doing with its customers) and million texts on an average day is a tricky like wikileaks. the competition’s market revenue share. business; a typical 24 hours sees Vodafone Laurence says he is ‘relaxed’ about “when you run a £5 billion company you carry 45 terabytes of data, equivalent to increased demands for transparency. can’t avoid numbers – but if you start with 11.25 million music tracks. “companies will become more transparent numbers you’ll never innovate,” he says. Vodafone’s approach is to use data to as a necessity – customers now see that “you have to take the action you think will manage demand before things happen. the as an essential part of the trust equation.” work and the numbers follow.” company’s plans for the royal wedding in the bigger impact may come from the even when he’s about to fly off with his april include adding extra temporary base technology that is making access to family to live rough in the masai mara for stations to cope with heavy network usage. this data a mobile phenomenon. “this a week, for Laurence, it’s all about focus. he when take that tickets went on sale just industry is de-linking access to data from left school with one grade e a-level, having before christmas and the band’s official physical location,” he says. in a world where fluffed his exams by setting up a candle- website crashed due to demand, Vodafone shoppers can check out the competition’s making business after he realised that was prepared for the surge of fans texting prices while they’re in your store, keeping “making money was much more fun”. it’s one another to check whether they’d got control of data is no longer an option. a pattern repeated when he quit his degree their tickets. but for now, managing the information to work for independent music publisher One of the walls at Vodafone’s out there is the priority. access to chrysalis. eventually he became head of operations centre shows connections to information was once the big problem, says distribution and marketing outside america 217 countries to monitor how much traffic Laurence. then it quickly flipped, through at mGm. his job was to work out which is coming in from abroad in real time. technology, to data overload. “we were markets a product would work in. the data shows that different cultures are brought up to believe more data was good, he will tell you, for instance, that a ‘asymmetric’, says Laurence. “you can see and that’s no longer true,” he argues. baseball movie will only work outside the polish mothers are texting their sons over Laurence refuses to read reports from us if it’s shown in Japan. he worked on the here to see if they’re okay, but the sons are his product managers with more than five bond films, including GoldenEye, selling not texting back,” he says. “but the french of the vital key performance indicators on them to reluctant cinema owners who hadn’t are almost symmetrical – so as the texts go them. “the amount of data is obscene. the screened anything from the franchise in six out, the replies come back in. as situations managers that are going to be successful years. “the last film had been [classified as] unfold in real time in egypt or bahrain we are going to be the ones who are prepared a 15. therefore anyone under 21 had never can see how that affects the network, too.” to take a knife to the amount of data… seen a bond film in a cinema.” so mGm even a bill being sent by email triggers Otherwise, it’s like a virus. made it cool – selling the film to teenagers, a whole chain of data events: customer gets “where did it all go wrong?” he dads and mums simultaneously with bill, most open it; some have a query and call continues. “my kids weren’t taught that targeted campaigns that fuelled interest. the centre. forty thousand bills go out an huge volumes of data were great. was as Laurence explains, it’s all about making hour but if the centre gets hit with too many there a university professor who stood up the data work. “i triangulate an objective queries, billings are dialled down to reduce and said, ‘if you have over 100 indicators assessment of the new technologies coming calls in. it’s about fighting the data overload. you’re a good boy’? because whoever that in, a subjective assessment of the public’s and we are truly overloaded by data. professor is, we need to shoot him.” reaction to new propositions, and then i take a Governments around the world are Laurence has just won a wager with his punt.” this ‘triangulation’ is the combination unleashing a tsunami of numbers on their team over the number of Vodafone Vip of hardheaded data analysis, coupled with citizens. that has huge implications for members who bought tickets for concerts. business nous. data is something that big businesses with lucrative government his team, based on the data, bet on one informs his hunches – but never rules them. contracts. in the uK, the government number. their boss, based on what he setting up the £5 million network recently published every item of public knows about people, thought it would be Operations centre (nOc) in newbury spending over £25,000. search the database higher. data plus hunch equals a powerful was the first expression of this approach at for ‘Vodafone’ and you get 2,448 individual combination. Or, as Laurence concludes: Vodafone. “it’s very difficult to touch and transactions covering millions of pounds. “data on its own is impotent.” 12
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  • 14. Guy Laurence u n V i ta L s tat i s t i c s
  • 15. What is your earliest memory? What do you Want Who is your inspiration? that you can’t have? pouring corn flakes into a bowl at the anita roddick from the body shop. rip. age of four without asking permission a teleporter. from my mum. What Was your greatest mistake? When did you last feel ashamed? What’s your signature dish? not taking enough risks. i tried to do my 15-year-old daughter’s Given my cooking abilities, signing the chemistry homework and failed. bill in a restaurant. What gets you out of bed in the morning? What are you searching for? if you had to stay in one an alarm clock and the fear of being in place, Where Would it be? my ipod. One of the kids has borrowed it. the house when the kids wake up if they went to bed late the night before. the colombe d’Or restaurant in saint- paul de Vence, france. When Were you last surprised? Which piece of music Last week. a customer sent me some alters your state of mind? When Was your last cookies to say thank you for showing them moment of clarity? around our network Operations centre. in a positive sense – Lady Gaga at 7am if everything goes wrong in my current on the m4. in a negative sense – wagner the last time i spent time with a career i might become a tour guide. at any time on any motorway. customer. fortunately, that’s quite often. What is your greatest What do you Want to What does success extravagance? be When you’re older? look like to you? Quality wine. i don’t play golf, go to the about 10kg lighter. spending an hour on it, and not being pub, stay out late with the lads or go to able to improve it. casinos, so the deal with my wife is that she doesn’t ask how much the wine costs. tell us a joke... What is your biggest failure? i like simplicity in life. i heard this What do you see in the mirror? urban myth a long time ago and it i agreed with myself that i would get stayed with me. when nasa first fit as soon as things calmed down at pierce brosnan on a good day, started sending astronauts into space, work. we had the conversation in 1982 Jeremy clarkson on a normal day they quickly discovered that ballpoint and i’m no further forward. and Quasimodo on a bad day. pens wouldn’t work in zero gravity. to combat the problem, nasa scientists spent a decade and $12 billion developing When did you last let yourself go? hoW much is enough? a pen that writes in zero gravity, upside down, underwater, on any surface and at creatively, whenever i can; financially, i don’t know yet, but i promise to tell temperatures ranging from below freezing never; mischievously, every day. you when/if it happens. to 300°c. the russians used a pencil 15
  • 16. A DATA STATE oF MIND interview by Ulrike reinhard portrait by erika SVenSSOn i n fo g r a p H i c s b y M O r i t z S t e fa n e r data superstar H a n s r os l i n g explains wHy a fact- bas e d wo r l dv i e w w i l l t r a n s fo r m yo u r b us i n es s . 16
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  • 18. 80 70 60 50 40 30 Average life expectancy after birth LIFE EXPECTANCY 20 10 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 FERTILITY RATE Fig. 1 Average number of children per woman 18
  • 19. How did a public health official from understand what is happening in terms of sweden become the world’s most famous potential new markets in the middle east, statistician, a television personality and a africa and so on, they are out. so the bigger regular guest speaker at corporate events? and more international the organisation, as an undergraduate, Hans rosling the more fact-based the ceo’s worldview studied statistics and medicine at uppsala is likely to be. the problem is that they are university, sweden. He earned a phd, spent slow in getting their organisation to follow. two decades studying in africa and, as chairman of the Karolinska international tq why is this? research and training committee, has collaborated with universities in asia, rOSling companies as a whole are africa, the middle east and latin america. stuck in the rut of an old mindset. they throughout his career, rosling has think in outworn categories and follow maintained a fact-based worldview – an habits and assumptions that are not, or understanding of how global health trends only rarely, based on fact. they need to act as a signifier for economic development break out of that to understand the world based on hard data. today, he argues, the way it really is. for instance, in terms countries and corporations alike need to of education levels, we no longer live adopt that same data-driven understanding in a world that is divided into the west of the world if they are to make sense of and the rest; our world today stretches the changes we are experiencing in this from canada to yemen with all the other new century, and the opportunities and countries somewhere in between. there’s challenges that lie ahead. alongside his son ola and daughter-in- “My basic idea is a broad spectrum of levels and we have to realise that asia, brazil, latin america law anna, rosling created the gapminder that the world and, to some extent, the middle east are foundation to facilitate that process. using trendalyzer (a bespoke software has changed catching up with the countries we used to call the ‘west’. tool later sold to google), the roslings so Much, what but even when people act within a have reinterpreted static health data as people need isn’t fact-based worldview, they are used to moving, interactive graphics. the results talking with sterile figures. they are are revelatory, bringing a new awareness More data but used to standing on a podium, clicking of the social and economic history of a new Mindset.” through slide shows in powerpoint rather global health, and demonstrating that than interacting with their presentation. creative applications of data can yield the problem is that companies have extraordinary results. a strict separation between their it department, where datasets are produced, think qUarterly you’ve long been and the design department, so hardly any a proponent of hard data and statistics. presenters are proficient in both. yet this in what sense do ceos need to change is what we need. getting people used to their mindset in order to develop a more talking with animated data is, to my mind, fact-based view of the world? a literacy project. hanS rOSling my basic idea is that the tq what kind of data should we be world has changed so much, what people looking at to gain this new mindset? need isn’t more data but a new mindset. they need a new storage system that can rOSling what’s important today is not handle this new information. but what just financial data but child mortality i have found over the years is that the rates, the number of children per women, ceos of the biggest companies are education levels, etc. in the world today, it’s actually those that already have the most not money that drags people into modern fact-based worldview, more so than in times, it’s people that drag money into media, academia or politics. those ceos modern times. i can demonstrate human that haven’t grasped the reality of the world resources successes in asia through health have already failed in business. if they don’t 1980 2009 being improved, family size decreasing 19
  • 20. 1800 and then education levels increasing. rOSling we found that the most that makes sense: when more children important thing when presenting our data survive, parents accept that there is [on graphs such as the Health and wealth less need for multiple births, and they of nations, which tracks 200 years of global can afford to put their children through life expectancy versus income per person school. so pfizer have moved their in a four-and-a-half-minute video] was not research and development of drugs to to put time on the x-axis. we made time asia, where there are brilliant young move, and when you see the movement, people who are amazing at developing the data becomes like a football match drugs. it’s realising this kind of change – you can see who is catching up or, for that’s important. instance, that a country like bangladesh that’s why ceos ask me to talk to is reducing its child mortality rate faster their staff – so they can learn to look at than sweden ever did [see fig. 2]. these interactive videos and gain this bangladesh is still at a low level new mindset. then they’ll realise what economically, but at the same time there has changed. in my first ted talk in 2006, is a huge internal market with cheap i made al gore get up on stage. i showed distribution and only one language. that in vietnam today they have the same so if you are a company with ambition, average family size as the us, and the you have to be in bangladesh. it’s one of same health as the us in 1980 [see fig. 1], the 10 biggest countries in the world, but and their economy is growing faster than people’s mindset leads them to believe the us. al gore told me, “i didn’t have that bangladesh is a hopeless place the slightest idea.” the problem isn’t that in need of aid. what is so strong with specialised companies lack the data they animation is that it provides that mindset need, it’s that they don’t go and look for it, shift in market segmentation. we can they don’t understand how to handle it. see where there are highly developed countries with a good economy and tq How has gapminder managed to a healthy and well-educated staff. present data in such a way that you’re able to change people’s preconceptions? tq are there any points of resistance 20
  • 21. fig. 2 CHILd moRTALITY 0–5-year-olds dying per 1,000 born Bangladesh | Sweden 250 200 150 100 50 0 2010 to this process of shifting people’s a clear division of labour between those mindsets? who provide the datasets – like the world bank, the world Health organisation rOSling at the moment, i’m or companies themselves – those who quarrelling with sweden’s minister of provide new technologies to access or foreign affairs. He says that the west process them, like google or microsoft, has to make sure its lead over the rest of the and those who ‘play’ with them and give world doesn’t erode. this is a completely wrong attitude. western europe and “the probleM data meaning. it’s like a great concert: you need a mozart or a chopin to write other high-income countries have to isn’t that wonderful music, then you need the integrate themselves into the world in the same way big companies are doing. they specialised instruments and finally the musicians. meteorologists are one group that has have to look at the advantages, resources coMpanies lack a ready grasp of this idea. they receive and markets that exist in different places the data they a huge amount of data, which they around the world. process in a highly sophisticated way, and some organisations aren’t willing need, it’s that translating it into stunning graphics – to share their data, even though it would they don’t go and there they are on prime-time tv be a win-win situation for everybody and we would do much better in tackling the and look for presenting the weather while we all watch. this is exactly what we strive to emulate. problems we need to tackle. last april, it, they don’t we want our economic indicators, our the world bank caved in and finally understand how social indicators and our environmental embraced an open data policy, but the indicators to be communicated on oecd uses tax money to compile data to handle it.” prime-time television with the same level and then sells it in a monopolistic way. of efficiency. the chinese statistical bureau provides this is what we’re trying to do at the data more easily than the oecd. the gapminder foundation – and this is what richest countries in the world don’t have ceos want their employees to do – play the vision to change. with data and give it meaning i call this the ‘database hugging disorder’. to heal it, we have to instil gAPmINdER.oRg 21
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  • 23. Words by Sarah Bracking I L L U s T r AT I o N s b y M at t tay l o r CAN yoU do bUsINess WhILe doINg good IN The deveLopINg WorLd? The ANsWer Is yes, bUT oNLy If yoU foCUs oN The dATA ThAT mATTers. Investing in the developing world is opportunities like this are not only back at the top of the business agenda. manifold and potentially lucrative; when And it’s about time, too. emerging carried out responsibly they can also act markets, including the burgeoning as a catalyst for transformation. socially opportunities presented by some African responsible investments won’t just lead states, are fuelling an upsurge in interest to private gain – they have the potential from the private sector. for example, to shape the world. in 2009, Angola registered a 109 per but the power to effect change is a cent rise in foreign direct investment double-edged sword; poor investments, (fdI) as a percentage of gross fixed irresponsibly made, will have just as wide capital formation. As a whole in 2010, an impact – only this time it won’t be for developing and transition economies the greater good. When the ripples of attracted half of global fdI inflows, investment seep beyond private borders, ‘leading the fdI recovery’ according questions of risk and the potential for loss to the United Nations Conference on or gain become a global affair. Lives, not Trade and development (UNCTAd). just bottom lines, are potentially at stake. 23
  • 24. he historical challenge of investing in poorer parts of the globe was magnified by widespread decolonisation in the 1960s and ’70s. In Africa, expropriation of foreign-owned enterprises forced businesses to rethink whether it was necessary to own rather than maintain secure access to local assets. over the next 40 years, companies lengthened their supply and subcontracting chains, and generated new types of relationships, from parallel investing with publicly funded development finance Institutions (dfIs), to using state-backed export credits, and developing other risk-sharing relationships such as leasing, forward- contracting and investment agreements. however, the instinct that having a stake in a derivative income stream from an asset in the developing world is safer than an ownership stake in the actual fixed asset had to be reassessed after the global financial crash of 2007-8, since so much derivative stock was proved worthless or degraded. At the same time, such arms length contact with developing countries has often proved of little use to the countries themselves, sometimes provoking a backlash against offshore equity, as happened in buenos Aires, which banned all investments from shell companies held in tax havens in 2005. 24
  • 25. so how does one go about making sound amongst those riddled with risk? The most to be a good predictor of transparency, and socially responsible investments in common indices for investment risk are which in turn is positively related to this new era? by focusing on the facts. the International Country risk guide from economic growth. The most recent World The poorest countries often present the New york-based prs group; ratings bank governance Indicators measure the most challenges to today’s global from the economist Intelligence Unit, the quality of political institutions across investor, not least because future risk and from eurasia group; alongside the six categories: voice and accountability, is highly context-specific. Assessing more traditional standard & poor’s, dun political stability and absence of violence, diverse and fluctuating contexts is & bradstreet and payments data from the government effectiveness, regulatory generating ever-greater complexities of bank of International settlements. quality, rule of law and control of corruption. data, and bringing the worlds of business These indices focus on two aspects of and academia – particularly political political risk: regime (in)stability and the (un) scientists and international development certainty of the macro policy environment. Development Data experts – closer together. digesting that but these indicators struggle to keep pace Making the numbers work for you. data, however, is another story entirely. with nebulous political identities and regime business data, economic, social characteristics. The predicted ‘top 10 most Almost every aspect of a country’s and governance indices, corporate dangerous countries’ at the beginning of a socioeconomic reality is documented social responsibility measures and decade are rarely the same 10 that actually by statistics. but filtering through the development impact data are combining collapse by its end. evidence of political abundance of information and retrieving into effective predictive instruments. stability on its own is not enough: while a reliable dataset that answers questions but hazards remain, not least in the level authoritarian regimes can prove safe places about the world we live in is not always as of mathematical complexity generated. for investment for a time, sometimes a long straightforward as it seems. Is the world really this complicated, or is one, a lack of democracy means that change, over 175 governments send data to the data industry out of control, feigning when it does come, tends to be eruptive and the Imf for the International financial precise forecasting but exhibiting no unpredictable. businesses can quite literally statistics and to the World bank for World greater reliability than gut instinct? lose everything. development Indicators, which in turn The only way through this statistical so how can predictive datasets are used by investment risk analysts. The blizzard is to look at the figures, one like these be improved? for starters, most well-known development indices, dataset at a time. institutional quality must be taken into the human development Index and account, since political risk ‘events’ (i.e. the data collected for the purposes of mass protest or regime change) are better checking progress towards the millennium political Risk understood by knowing how political development goals (mdgs) provide Can it be measured? institutions are likely to react. some can an overview of wealth and wellbeing in manage rapid change, while others falter. developing countries. It may not be obvious There was a brief period in the 1950s when Institutional quality measures, which are at first how we can use this knowledge to the boundaries of the Cold War defined proving reliable, will mark the future world, make better, more effective and ethically a space that Western governments were and it is in the contemporary design of sound business choices, but even a prepared to protect for business. but that these that academics and business people perfunctory analysis shines some light. for world is gone. In its place is a complex are meeting. for example, the freedom example, secondary school enrolments from political geography where the apparent house index, Transparency International’s World development Indicators are a good stability of a country can change quickly, Corruption perceptions Index (CpI), or sign of a more productive workforce, of as has been the case in Tunisia or egypt. the quite specific polity Iv series all depict better governance and the probability in turn Conversely, countries widely considered institutional quality, and provide context of a stable macroeconomic environment. dangerous, such as the eastern Congo, and depth to investment and risk planning. These early development indicators Angola, myanmar/burma, or sudan, The CpI is good for general context, but have recently been complemented by more are proving profitable for business – as relies on perception, which can lag behind complex impact assessment tools – usually Chinese and Indian corporations have actual political change. freedom house has in response to demands from the public or discovered, leaving the rest of the world only a handful of classifications: free, partly donors concerned about a project’s wider trailing behind. free and unfree. but the polity Iv gives impact. Concern with carbon emissions, or faced with this unpredictable landscape, accurate measures of the legal constraints assessment of an investment’s impact on how does one spot a sound investment on a country’s executive, which turns out culture, heritage or happiness might seem 25
  • 26. irrelevant to the businessperson of the past, und entwicklungsgesellschaft (deg) and can prove corporate social responsibility but future leaders will not be able to evade the emerging markets private equity and defend against the risk of reputational demands for quantifiable, evidence-based Association (empeA) framework are damage affecting the customer base. statements. In this way, data can help us both exemplary systems that measure the ‘Clean’ goods are in demand, and whether achieve more transparent and accountable impact of a dfI investment. it’s diamonds vetted by the Kimberley working practices. Adopting measures like these aren’t just process or cocoa trading structures by but how do we value the quality of air, the about ‘being good’. According to advocates The fairtrade foundation, ethically sound protection of a heritage site, the treatment of corporate social responsibility, meeting production practices can all be corroborated of workers? An overall assessment of a the ‘triple bottom line’ of financial, social by datasets. Likewise, guaranteeing an company’s ‘social worth’ is some time away, and environmental returns – or ‘people, associational distance from child labour, but those taking the bridgehead approach planet, profit’ – grows the business in the environmental harm and land grabbing will be thinking about this now. efforts long term. Customers are increasingly is just as imperative, though they do require a in ‘greenwash’ will no longer satisfy the demanding that their money be put to good much more sophisticated dataset. informed global public of the future. use; that the businesses they choose to buy All this information already exists. so how can intangible externalities that from promote democracy, social welfare and It can help you do business and ‘be good’. affect social welfare or the environment development on the ground – or, at the very Learning how to filter the noise and focus be measured? An active relationship with least, don’t reverse patterns of progress. on the facts that matter to you is the first a development finance Institution is a for example, widespread hIv awareness, step. Then an even bigger issue comes into good place to start. such as that sponsored by Aureos Capital play: how do you make sense of it, digest it The dfIs are required to produce (with investment from CdC group and and absorb its meaning into the work that matrices of developmental impact, which Norfund) can reduce hIv prevalence, you do? means they demand more social value which can be measured by the World bank’s The answer is simple: you need to from their private sector co-investors. for development Indicators. successes like this visualise what the data is trying to say. example, the Corporate-policy project make customers happy. The four organisations below are doing rating (gpr) of the deutsche Investitions- better use of development indicators just that GapminDeR ‘make data more actionable through design’. Watch to publish a constantly updated map With a focus on international development, that charts relative poverty and wellbeing they help government agencies and the across the world. This easy-to-use tool has If you think global statistics are boring, think private sector embrace the open data helped everyone from the UN to Dell realise again. Gapminder’s bubbly Trendalyzer tool revolution by making complex datasets easy that evidence-based decision-making can breathes life into the trends shaping our world. to understand. Quirky toolkits like MapBox be a pleasure, not a chore. By reimagining obscure patterns of social and Managing News turn tough data into change as graphs that move organically easy-to-read visualisations or maps, and over time, Gapminder is smashing through have been used by everyone from Google to HealtHmap the mythical glass ceiling that hangs over the World Bank. Whether they’re processing the ‘developing world’ and inspiring more election results in Afghanistan or monitoring people to absorb the facts. Everything from relief efforts in Haiti, simplicity is key. If the campaign for open data needs a wealth and health to education and climate poster child, then HealthMap is it. This is rigorously analysed, then effortlessly online mapping tool aggregates information interpreted as dynamic graphs that represent statplanet from disparate open data sources to offer a life in every corner of the globe. comprehensive view of the state of global health. This year sees the launch of Predict, a Free to download, StatPlanet is a browser- tool that will help the public track outbreaks Development seeD based application that creates customised of animal diseases that might affect humans. maps, graphs and visualisations from all Pooling information from sources such as the manner of interlocking datasets. It’s turned World Health Organisation, Google News The straight-talking brains at Development Transparency International’s befuddling and the Wildlife Disease Information Node, Seed have created an innovative range of Corruption Perceptions Index into an HealthMap proves that freely available tools to combat information overload and interactive gateway, and allowed Social information can be a progressive social force. 26
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  • 28. THE KNOWLEDGE sIMoN rogers PICks THe 10 BesT PlACes To see ‘sexY’ DATA oNlINe. Flowing Data OWNI If you’re looking for time series economic data – and a nifty way of creating a sophisticated, embeddable graphic – this is the place to come. Timetric updates thousands of datasets every day and provides an easy-to-use interface that makes it very simple to create your own. Timetric If someone, somewhere, is producing a great data visualisation or analysis, Information Nathan Yau’s blog will find it. Yau has an unerring ability to unearth the best is Beautiful data visualisations on the web. He also produces graphics, and is a regular poster to the Guardian Datastore Flickr group. Canadian Patrick Cain is a ‘journalist who makes maps for the web’. Based in Toronto, Cain takes the city’s data and maps Patrick Cain’s it – producing guides to everything from crime Map Blog figures to World War I deaths and single parent families. A fan of open Data journalist and design whizz David McCandless’ Information is data, Cain has a record Beautiful blog is a treasure-trove of cool of demanding data from visualisations and mash-ups. His work the city’s authorities has also been published in a bestselling using Freedom of book of the same name. Information laws. 28
  • 29. Although a lot of the best data work is This brand new site done in english, Paris-based oWNI is combines an innovative a collective of geeks and data freaks data search function with DataMarket producing visualisations and apps that bright and imaginative visualisations. It also manage to be imaginative and innovative. allows you to create your The collective’s work on Wikileaks – own, download them which allowed people to interrogate the and put them in your data – won a 2010 online Journalism PowerPoint presentation Award for general excellence. or company report. LinkedIn Guardian Datablog It might be better known for its impact on the world of social media, but linkedIn also has a hugely innovative approach to data. linkedIn has made collating and using data a priority, with lead data scientists completely integrated into the commercial operation. The Guardian and its Datablog publishes raw data behind the news London every day, and encourages readers to visualise and work with it. The site publishes its data using google spreadsheets and google Fusion Datastore Tables, and allows readers to search thousands of government datasets around the world. The big brains at Infochimps have come up with an innovative way to find, share and sell formatted data. Both governments around the globe are opening up their Infochimps users and the site’s own data, from in the Us, via Australia, the Uk, New contributors collate and Zealand and France. one of the best and most useful is scrape datasets so that the london Datastore. Created by the greater london they’re easily accessible. With big plans for Authority, it publishes thousands of datasets with the expansion and lots of emphasis on useful, live data, such as transport and intellegegent developers economic numbers. Developers are using those figures onboard, it’s definitely to create interesting apps, such as Matthew somerville’s one to watch. live train map for the london Underground 29
  • 30. 30
  • 31. Lunch With haL Hal Varian, CHief eConomist at GooGle, sinks His teetH into data obesity and How to treat it. ot 10 minutes into our lunch at Google HQ in Mountain View, California, a groupie sidles up. He’s got a guest nametag and an outstretched hand. He wants to say hello to Hal Varian, Google’s Chief Economist. Varian, employee number 441, author of Information Rules, Emeritus Professor at the University of California, Berkeley (where he was founding dean of the School of Information), and a former columnist for The New York Times is, it turns out, quite a star in the statistics world. The young man quotes a line from the elder circa 2009. That’s when Varian famously pronounced that “the sexy job in the next 10 years will be statisticians.” He added: “I’m not kidding.” Of course, sexy, like funny, is subjective (does a T-shirt that reads ‘Statisticians do it with models’ make you laugh?). But Varian’s prediction is backed up by trends. In 2010, the human race created 800 exabytes of information, from tweets and Facebook updates to PowerPoint presentations and photographs. That’s 800 billion gigabytes, or the amount of data you can fit on 75 billion 16-gig iPads. To put that into context, between the dawn of civilisation and 2003, we only created five exabytes; now we’re creating that amount every two days. By 2020, that figure is predicted to sit at 53 zettabytes (53 trillion gigabytes) – an increase of 50 times. Multiply data and you multiply the need for people to make sense of it. That’s where Varian and the statisticians, analysts and econometricians who work with him come in. wo r ds by H o l ly F i n n i l l U s t r at i o n s b y a d r i a n j o H n s o n 31
  • 32. Data is like food, says Varian. “We used year, while looking to buy a pepper shaker real-time database. And that’s powerful.” to be calorie poor and now the problem online, he hit upon the idea of a Google Government can, in turn, aggregate is obesity. We used to be data poor, now Price Index (GPI). It uses Google’s web information, giving businesses insight into the problem is data obesity.” Google’s shopping database to create a daily their industry and the economy as a whole. strength, he continues, was to recognise measure of inflation. It could, one day, The trick, in both directions, is back in 2001 that “we would be handling be a complement – or competitor – to the getting high-quality data. But neither massive amounts of data, and would official, yet less frequent, Consumer Price governments nor businesses guarantee need to develop tools for that.” Another Index (CPI). it. Last year, Canada’s conservative foresight was to hire an economist. There’s a systemic gap, Varian points cabinet voted for a weakened census. Eric Schmidt hired Varian to ‘have a look out, between the low-frequency data By removing the requirement for citizens at the auction’, the bidding system for employed by governments and the high- to fill out a ‘long form’ (considered ads that soon became Google’s lifeblood. intrusive), it reduces its own access to Other companies were built up around vast amounts of quality information. auctions – eBay, Yahoo! – but they didn’t “The head of the census bureau resigned hire experts until much later. Now over it,” says Varian. “And there’s some Yahoo!, Microsoft, Apple and Intel all discussion of similar things here [that] have chief economists. the US is considering.” For businesses that are gorging on a Companies, too, should be concerned surfeit of information, Varian says the fix “if yoU’re tHe about the quality of the decision- is clear. It’s the same for data as food: “You need to focus on quality. You’ll be better CHief anytHinG, influencing data they are getting, says Varian. He recalls Lou Gerstner, before off with a small but carefully structured yoU always HaVe joining IBM, doing reconnaissance. sample rather than a large sloppy sample,” a problem witH Externally, “he asked people how the he says. More locally sourced fine dining, company was doing, and everyone gave it then, less all-you-can-eat buffet. people tellinG a C. Then, when he got to the company, Varian looks trim enough, dressed yoU wHat yoU he asked the same question: ‘How’re in a blue shirt and plain khaki trousers, with brown shoes and a navy sleeveless want to Hear. we doing?’ And the answer was: ‘All our customers give us an A!’ So he said, sweater – the uniform of a mind with more it’s Hard to Get ‘Where’s that data from?’ ‘Oh, we asked important things to think about than CritiCism.” our sales people to collect it.’ fashion. He takes a similarly practical “If you’re the chief anything, you approach to his food. always have a problem with people This on-campus café serves a telling you what you want to hear,” smorgasbord of exotic treats – including, adds Varian. “It’s hard to get criticism.” today, Beautifully Braised Short Ribs, So Varian courts it. His team conducts Local Oysters (Kumamoto, Point Reyes random surveys constantly. The and Marin Bay), Artichoke Poached in Ad Happiness Survey, for instance, Court Bouillon, and Espresso Chiffon frequency data of business. Government continually picks advertisers at random Cake. But Varian arrives at the long is working on it, though. “It’s now using and asks them about their experience. In white refectory table having quickly supermarket scanner data to predict order to remove some selection bias, he’s heaped his plate with iceberg and inflation rates,” notes Varian. How did it even hired someone to be (at least some shredded carrot doused in Thousand predict them before? “They used to send of the time) ‘Chief Nag’ to get results out Island dressing. He’s also got a hastily people out with notebooks to write it down.” of resistant responders. plonked-together chicken salad More communication between Google also conducted 5,000 search sandwich on a white roll with one slice government and business clearly benefits experiments last year, which led to of tomato. You can take the boy out of both, says Varian. Business can provide 400 search improvements (and the Wooster, Ohio… more real-time data. “If you look at most same again for ads experiments). Such For Varian, everything – including his businesses now, pretty much everyone – insistent experimentation is an academic culinary choices – can relate to data. Last think of UPS, FedEx, MasterCard – has a means to a capitalist end. Or, as Varian 32
  • 33. puts it: “Google is like a university, but with money.” It’s a cheering thought – and possibly why, in a recent talk at the 150th anniversary of MIT, Varian was notably more optimistic than his peers. “Economics is really on a roll in Silicon Valley,” he says. “The good news is that standard techniques from economics work very well on big problems. It’s a little discouraging working as an academic economist because the problems that you work on are so hard. They’re much, much easier in industry.” He means all industry, not just Fortune 500 companies. Varian, a man who quotes feminist playwright Edna St. Vincent Millay as easily as MIT founder William Barton Rogers, points to the proliferation of what he calls ‘micro-multinationals’ – small companies, mostly connected to universities, working around the globe and around the clock. “The smallest company now has access to computing and infrastructure only the biggest tech company had 15 years ago. So it’s a much more fertile environment for start-ups. We’re seeing all these little companies. And guess what, some of these little companies become big companies.” Information Rules, Varian’s seminal book with Carl Shapiro, re-popularised the phrase ‘network effects’ – the value of a product or service increasing as more people use it. His next book will focus on new ideas, including ‘co-opetition’, the notion of capitalist symbiosis (Google and news organisations both championing content, for instance). Varian is always thinking about what’s next. Asked to define his job, he says: “To answer the questions that management will ask next month.” So, what is next for the economy? Is it gaining steam? “Yes,” says Varian emphatically. And how does he know? “I inspect the entrails,” he says. Food is data, and data a kind of food 33
  • 35. Online videO advertising is allOwing brands tO speak tO audiences On a glObal scale. big ideas will reap rewards, prOvided yOu get tO knOw yOur audience by putting data first. wOrds by Ulrike reinhard very minute, 35 hours of footage is uploaded to youtube globally. with over two billion views a day, it’s become the epicentre of a video advertising boom. last year saw brands embracing innovative online video campaigns like never before. tipp-ex’s ‘shoot the bear’ and french connection’s ‘youtique’ led the way, generating millions of views and acres of publicity. these success stories are telling marketers that big numbers are within reach. but how do you go about creating a campaign capable of capturing a mass audience? is it through deep data analysis, or could the secret be something less tangible? as the following case studies with tipp-ex and french connection show, real-time data analysis during and after the process, combined with an unexpected and interactive narrative, are the foundations on which a campaign can be built.
  • 36. hoot the bear was tipp-ex’s web clicking on the video and increase viewing debut. the briefing given to numbers,” he continues, “we first had buzzman, the paris-based creative to analyse code and implement certain agency behind the campaign, technical solutions within youtube’s TIPP-EX defined its goals as: ‘to raise short- term brand awareness and to be on top of customers’ shopping lists. to guidelines. this is where the ‘nsfw’ in the video title comes in – it stands for ‘not safe for work’. we checked all the most viewed Shoot the Bear go europe-wide and tell the story of how videos on youtube. we analysed people’s the product is used.’ surprisingly, going behaviour, and when we examined all this digital wasn’t part of it, but after mining data we were pretty sure that we didn’t data on youtube’s most popular videos, want a branded video or our own tipp- Client BIC buzzman came up with a viral ad titled ex video channel. it became pretty clear Agency Buzzman NSFW. A hunter shoots a bear! that a simple video on the main youtube Search ‘NSFW. A hunter shoots a bear!’ in the 30-second clip, a hunter in a platform was the right thing to do. a video forest is approached by a bear. users are with the look and feel of a video shot on asked whether the hunter should shoot a mobile phone by you or me. the data the bear, and their decision leads to a taught us that we need to surprise the second video which sees the hunter reach viewer – and that’s what we did at the end out of the player to grab a tipp-ex pocket when the hunter starts freaking out. this Mouse from what appears to be a static ad is where interactivity kicks in. people love and erase the word ‘shoots’ from the title. being involved – being part of the story.” viewers are then invited to write whatever with a total layout of around €900,000 they want in the blanked-out space and (including production, advertising watch as the hunter does exactly what and agency fees), shoot the bear was a they’ve written. europe-wide campaign unbeatable in cost “we produced 42 scenes,” reveals efficiency. it went viral from day one: with thomas granger, Managing director at one tweet per second in the first 10 hours, buzzman, “with one search query for each and one million views after 36 hours. to scene. based on a survey, we found that date, the video has had almost 500,000 for each query – let’s say ‘plays with’ as an shares on facebook, been posted on more example – there were 40-60 words used by than 1,300 blogs and more than 43 million respondents to express the notion of ‘play’. people have watched it. so whenever somebody types in one of it’s a winner in business terms, too. a these expressions, the query leads them survey by tipp-ex showed that the ‘buying straight to the specific scene. real-time attention’ of potential customers – which data showed us which scenes were hot and positions the brand as the first product which were not. that’s a great source for they are likely to buy – increased by 100 identifying what youtube viewers want per cent, while sale volumes were up by 30 and telling us how to react. per cent compared to the same timeframe “to maximise the chance of people the year before. 36
  • 37. nlike tipp-ex, fcuk is an old hand engage when the video set-up reflects at e-commerce. their goal was to their own lifestyle, rather than that of the grow business by reaching out catwalk jet-set. beyond their website and using “so our decisions weren’t by any FrEnch connEcTIon new communication channels in an innovative way. not only would they reach customers in the us means based on blind judgments. data mining gave us clear indicators, which really helped in creating the right YouTique and uk, but they’d also develop insights atmosphere in the videos. knowing the about the way video is used on the web. data, we were fairly sure that people poke, fcuk’s east london agency, would buy.” created youtique – a youtube boutique “since we made the experience Client French Connection – as a place where youtube and ourselves, we were able to take measure- Agency Poke commerce intersect. it makes clever use ments and now we can optimise for Search ‘French Connection, YouTique’ of youtube’s pop-up buttons by letting the upcoming season,” adds Jennifer viewers buy what they see with just a roebuck, director of e-commerce at few clicks. though the pop-ups tradition- fcuk. “the data tells us exactly the ally only link to other youtube videos, right length for our new videos, the fcuk was the first brand in the uk to best spots for calls for action, the best make an arrangement with youtube starting points, the best way to place to let them use what youtube calls content and label it to achieve number ‘annotations’, which enable viewers to one search results. these are just a few of leave the platform and go off to other the lessons the datasets are teaching us. destinations on the web – in this case to now we’re ready to improve.” the fcuk website. like the tipp-ex campaign, youtique “youtube data showed us that people is a winner in business terms, too. it was were actively searching and browsing among the three most popular youtube for fashion tips and tutorials, diy channels in the uk for a month. a 100 instructions that showed them how to per cent increase in channel views dress sexily for a date, what to wear on a meant a significant increase in brand business trip or what’s the latest fashion awareness while the click-through rates must-have,” says emma pueyo, creative were among the highest youtube has director at poke. “and the data also ever seen – up to five or six per cent – and showed that people are most likely to online sales soared. data-based web advertising was the big breakthrough of 2010, utilising the power of social media to transform the relationship between consumers and advertisers. tipp-ex and french connection have pioneered a new model. the next move is yours 37
  • 39. A vISUAL hISTORy OF DATA CApTURe ThROUgh The AgeS Why not open me up and check me out?
  • 40. Tally sTicks 20,000-10,000 BC The Ishango bone, a tally stick from the Upper Palaeolithic era, represents the beginnings of our understanding of mathematics and data. sundials 3,500 BC Egyptian obelisks show humans manipulating light and shadows to measure data about the time of day. The book on PaPyrus numbers and 3,000 BC comPuTaTion 200 BC Papyrus, manufactured in Dating back to the Han Dynasty Egypt, revolutionises the of ancient China, this mathematical way data and language treatise brings together interest rate can be recorded. calculations with government statutes and law reports. census abacus 800-500 BC 2,700 BC In Israel, a primitive Ancient civilisations develop census is undertaken a counting system that enables and recorded in the complex data manipulation. Hebrew Bible. Social data capture is born.
  • 41. The domesday sTock book exchanges 1086 AD 1200s AD William the Conqueror The earliest stock exchanges conducts a survey in emerge in Bruges and Italy in England and Wales recording the thirteenth century. Data about land and livestock. It takes trades is written down by scribes over a year to complete. and transported by couriers. gregorian calendar 1582 AD navigaTional comPass Pope Gregory XIII launches the Gregorian calendar to 1000s AD eradicate an 11-minute discrepancy Chinese scientists develop in the Julian calendar, which is instruments that attract causing the official date of equinox a needle north, creating to creep further away from the a navigational tool only actual cosmological event. recently superseded by GPS. ThermomeTer 1600s AD Cornelius Drebbel, Robert Fludd, Galileo Galilei and Santorio Santorio make progress on a device to measure temperature in real time. TelescoPe analyTical 1600s AD engine 1837 AD Scientists in the Netherlands develop a refracting telescope Charles Babbage develops that Galileo improves in subsequent the Analytical Engine, years. The instrument observes and modern computation remote objects in real time. is born.
  • 42. wireless TelegraPh 1897 AD Guglielmo Marconi founds The Wireless Telegraph & Signal Company, pioneering communication between coastal radio stations and ships at sea. daTa visualisaTion TelemobiloscoPe 1857 AD 1904 AD During the Crimean War, Christian Hülsmeyer uses Florence Nightingale records radio waves to detect distant the mortality rates of British metallic objects, inventing the soldiers in field hospitals. The first radar application. information is published in a series of striking graphics, persuading the government to improve conditions. TelegraPh gPs 1837 AD 1957 AD The first commercial Sputnik – the first artificial satellite – telegraph is introduced at Euston is launched by the Soviet Union Station. It soon crosses the oceans on October 4, 1957, as a global to every continent but Antarctica, positioning system for precise making instant global weapon delivery and paves the way communication possible for GPS as we know it today. for the first time.
  • 43. google earTh engine 2010 AD The Google Earth Engine – a cloud computing platform – processes real-time satellite imagery and other Earth observation data. Initial applications of the platform include mapping the forests of Mexico, identifying water in the Congo basin, and detecting deforestation in the Amazon. clusTer Personal exPloraTory 2008 AD comPuTer 1970s AD Cluster Exploratory (CluE) is a National Science Hewlett-Packard introduces Foundation-funded program programmable computers that that analyses massive amounts fit on top of a desk. The of data to search for patterns. personal computer allows economical collection and management of data. suPermarkeT meTrics 1995 AD Tesco’s Clubcard scheme revolutionises consumer metrics by allowing supermarkets to target offers and optimise their stocks. radio-frequency hubble sPace idenTificaTion TelescoPe 1980s AD 1993 AD Radio-frequency identification The Hubble Space Telescope technology (RFID) takes hold captures images of outer space in transportation and business. in real time, allowing scientists Real-time monitoring systems to determine the rate of are developed to process the expansion of the universe. new data.
  • 44. AD VALUE Tony Fagan, DirecTor oF research aT google, answers The six quanT quesTions every cMo shoulD be asking in orDer To MaxiMise Their reTurn on search aDverTising. w o r D s b y T o n y Fa g a n i l l u s T r aT i o n s b y a D a M H ay E S Welcome to the age of experiments. whether something caused something At Google, we believe that online else. In marketing, we call them ‘A/B advertising is a more measurable medium tests’. The idea is simple: test A versus B than television, radio and print. How can to see which one works better. That gives we be sure? Because we look at the stats. us the ‘incremental’ improvement – the Business is about trial and error, but difference between doing something and with statistics comes a method to make not doing it. the process work better. With the data We can use these experiments to generated from search, click-through and address six commonly asked questions conversion rates, we’re able to address and about running search ad campaigns on improve ad campaigns on the fly. Google. The answers will give you an The process is called ‘test-and-learn’ insight into how to make online advertising and it’s the gold standard for calculating work efficiently for your organisation. 40
  • 45. Should I manage my Spend through how much Should I bIddIng or a daIly budget cap? Spend to maxImISe profIt? some advertisers choose to manage their spend using auction theory tells us to increase a bid until the the daily budget cap feature in adwords. This is fine ‘marginal’ cost-per-click equals the value-per-click. unless you’re hitting your cap, because that’s when we The marginal cost-per-click is different than the remove you from all future auctions for that day. and average cost-per-click, and is often higher. so if you’re this is potentially expensive. managing your spend to an average cost-per-click, if you were to lower your bids so you just meet your you’re paying too much – and making less profit. we budget cap at the end of each day, you would potentially recently released a few tools to help you with this, spend the same amount but get more clicks. how? including google bid simulator, which estimates the when you lower your bid, you lower your position and traffic you’ll get for a keyword at a different bid. the cost of clicks. This saves money throughout the we ran a second experiment with the same day, allowing you to participate in more auctions. electronics manufacturer to determine its optimal we conducted an a/b experiment on behalf of an spend, testing different spend levels by changing electronics manufacturer to analyse how budget caps bids and adding/subtracting keywords. we found that affected their adwords performance. by removing the reducing bids by half resulted in 37 per cent lower budget cap, this advertiser was able to spend 170 per spend but 20 per cent more clicks. using the results cent more with 170 per cent more clicks at the same data, we were able to draw the ‘marginal cost-per-click cost-per-click. Pretty good, right? curve’, which plots the marginal cost-per-click against spend. by selecting the point on the curve where the marginal cost-per-click equals your value-per-click, you have your optimal spend. 41