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Classification and
       Diagnosis of Mental
Helen Crimlisk
Consultant Psychiatrist
Eastglade Sector Team (Oct 12)
Plan of Talk
    Classification
         Classification in general
         Classification of mental illness
         ICD 10
         Case example
  Break
  Diagnosis
         Diagnosis
         Assessment
               History
               Mental State Examination
         Common Mental Illnesses
         Case examples

Why do we classify things?
   Why?
     Aids recognition - improves communication
     Economic - simplification “cognitive economy”
     Predictive - “heuristic” - leads to ability to test
     Reflect natural processes ( i.e. implies better
      understanding e.g. Darwin )
Classification of manhole covers
Evolutionary Tree

How do we classify?
   How?
     size
     age
     appearance
     prognosis
     similar   biochemical / genetic factors
Classification by height

What are the problems with


  Improved scientific understanding makes a
   mockery of previous attempts to classify (e.g.


  Categorisationmeans defining thresholds
   which may be and indeed often are arbitrary
     depression / dysthymia / fed up
     obese / well built / chubby / slender
Eysenck’s 2 dimensional trait theory


  Categorisation   can lead to stigma and
Terms previously acceptable now gone out of usage
  because of negative connotations
   cretin                               hypothyroid
  mongol                              Down’s syndrome
               mentally retarded
 imbecile                           mentally handicapped     Intellectually
                                      learning disabled
idiot savant                       pervasive developmental
                cerebral palsy
  insane                                psychopathic
  lunatic                               schizophrenia         integrative


   Economy of thought may lead to
    oversimplification and inhumane action
Categorisation of people
            makes it “easier” to engage
             in inhumane behaviour


Polish                       Gypsies

   Dissidents          Homosexuals
What are the benefits of using
classification in mental health?
   to facilitate reporting and inform public health issues
   to provide a framework for research
   to encourage communication among health workers and
    between them and health care providers /government
   Promote a feeling of being understood (“we’ve seen this
    before – your problems are not unique”)
   Some ability to predict treatment options and natural

How could we classify mental
Classification in Mental Health

      severity          severe / moderate / mild
      characteristics   hebephrenic / paranoid /
      aetiology         endogenous / exogenous
      prognosis         “treatment resistant”
                         personality disorders /
      age               young onset / older onset
      treatability      personality disorders /
History 1
   Cullen (18th Century)
       Neurosis
            “dysfunction of nervous system in the absence of fever”
   Freud (19th Century)
       Psychoneurosis
            “A neurosis that is psychological in origin”
   Kraepelin (19th Century)
       Distinguished between:
            Dementia Praecox (schizophrenia) and Manic Depressive Psychosis
             (bipolar disorder)
   ICD -European / DSM -American (20th Century)
History 2
   1938
     FirstInternational classification to include mental
     International Classifications of Disease 5 (previously

       a. mental deficiency
       b. schizophrenia
       c. manic depressive psychosis
       d. other mental diseases
History 3
   1992
      ICD 10 published by World Health Organisation
      increased number of disorders listed
      diagnostic guidelines given
      subsections for different professions:
          medical / clerical / educational / research personnel
     version for primary care
     multi-axial classification introduced
Aims of ICD 10 Chapter V
 To facilitate medical practice and public health
 action by providing a common language to all
 To enable mental health workers, public health
 decision makers, statisticians and professionals
 in disciplines relevant to psychiatry:
  to understand one another
  to share results of research
  to improve and unify training strategies
  to allow all disciplines to record areas specific to them
   as fully as they wish to
Developed simultaneously in
many languages
   Arabic
   Chinese
   English
   French
   German
   Japanese
   Portuguese
   Russian
   Spanish
       Translated into 30+ other languages
Features of ICD 10 Chapter V
   based on consensus
   based on field trials
   developed in collaboration between a Governmental
    Organization (WHO) and non-Governmental
    Organizations (WPA, WFN, AD, etc.)
   developed simultaneously in many languages
   compatible with national classifications
   developed in collaboration with a network of centres
    around the world participating in relevant research,
    undertaking translation and providing training and
    support to users
ICD 10 Classification
  22   chapters I – XXII
       covering all ailments/conditions/abnormalities etc
  Chapter      V: Mental and Behavioural Disorders
       F0 Organic mental disorders
       F1 Disorders due to psychoactive substance misuse
       F2 Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders
       F3 Mood disorders
       F4 Neurotic, stress related and somatoform disorders
       F5 Behavioural syndromes associated with psychological
       F6 Disorders of adult personality disorder and behaviour
       F7 Mental retardation
       F8 Disorders of psychological development
       F9 Behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually
        occurring in childhood and adolescence.
ICD 10 Classification
 Each chapter has subsections with
  clinical descriptions
  F2 Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional
       F20 schizophrenia
       F21 schizotypal disorder
       F22 persistent delusional disorder
       F23 Acute and transient psychotic disorder
       F24 Induced delusional disorder
       F25 schizoaffective disorder
       F28 Other non organic psychotic disorders
       F29 Unspecified non organic psychosis
Multi-axial presentation of
   Axis I clinical diagnoses
         mental disorders
         physical disorders
         personality disorders
   Axis II disability
         personal care
         occupation
         family and household
         functioning in broader social context
   Axis III contextual factors
         environmental and life style factors relevant to
          pathogenesis and course of patient's illness
Case History 1
   Mr X, a 35-year old Asian factory worker, married, with 3
    children, was admitted to hospital, having broken his leg
    by falling down stairs.

   On the third day of admission, he grew increasingly
    nervous and started to tremble. He could not sleep,
    talked incoherently and was obviously very anxious.

   According to his wife, Mr X drank large quantities of beer
    each night until falling asleep, for the last 3 years. This
    had caused a rift in the relationship.
Case History 2
   He had been unhappy at work and was the only Asian.
    During the past year he had missed work several times
    and had been threatened with dismissal. He had been in
    the country for 9 years, arriving as a asylum seeker.

   On examination Mr X spoke incoherently. He was
    disoriented in time, place, and at times also in person.
    He picked at bugs that he could see on his blanket. He
    trembled and sweated profusely. He was agitated, tried
    constantly to get out of bed and seemed unaware that
    his right leg was in plaster.
Axis I: Clinical diagnoses
   Mr X had a long history of heavy alcohol use and
    developed severe withdrawal symptoms when he could
    not get alcohol.

   He presented with the characteristic symptoms of a
    delirium: clouding of consciousness, global disturbance
    of cognition, psychomotor agitation, disturbance of the
    sleep-wake cycle, rapid onset and fluctuation of the

   There were no convulsions.

     F10.40 Alcohol withdrawal state with delirium,
                without convulsions.
Axis I: Clinical diagnoses
   The information provided by his wife gives
    evidence pointing to an additional diagnosis of
    alcohol dependence syndrome: continuous
    heavy use during the last 3 years, difficulties in
    controlling the drinking and the presence of a
    withdrawal state.

      F10.24 Alcohol dependence syndrome,
           currently using the substance
Axis II: Disabilities
   Because of the situation described, it is possible
    for an assessment to be made of the disabilities
    suffered by Mr X on a scale defined in ICD 10:

    A. Personal care                 =0
    B. Occupation                    =1
    C. Family and household          =2
    D. Broader social context        =2
Axis III: Contextual factors
   It is thought by the assessor that the following
    contextual factors were important to consider in
    Mr X:

    •   Z55.0 illiteracy and low-level literacy
    •   Z56.4 discord with boss and workmates
    •   Z60.5 target of perceived adverse discrimination and
    •   Z60.3 acculturation difficulty (Migration & Social
    •   Z63.0 problems in relationship with spouse or partner
Coffee etc !!!!
   How do we make diagnoses
     Man    in the street’s terminology
          mad / depressed / drunkard
     Patients    own diagnosis
          depression / hyperactivity / “ME”
     Rating    Scales
          Beck Depression Inventory / Aspberger questionnaire
     Standardised       Clinical Assessment
          E.g. SCAN interview ( set questions asked)
     History   and Mental State Examination “clinical”
Aims of assessment – not only
 make      a provisional diagnosis

 elicit   the aetiology of the illness

 identify   maintaining factors

   clarify the risks – to patient / to others

 set   out a management strategy
Psychiatric Assessment
   reason for referral
   history of presenting complaint
   past psychiatric history
   family history
   personal history
   past medical history
   use of medication/drugs/alcohol
   forensic history
   mental state examination
        including cognitive examination
   physical examination
   risk assessment
   management plan
History of presenting complaint

   what are the current symptoms?
   how long have they been present?
   what precipitated them?
   do the symptoms fluctuate?
   does anything help or make things worse?
Open Ended Questions

 “Can you tell me a bit about what the
  problem is?”
 “I’d like to ask you a few questions in a
  minute but perhaps you can start by
  telling me in your own words what has
  been happening to you?”
Clarifying and closed

 “Can I stop you there and just check a few
  details - When exactly did this start? –
  How long did that feeling last?”
 “Have you ever had anything like this
 “What exactly brought you into hospital
Past Psychiatric History
 “Have you ever had anything like this
 “Did you ever seek help for this in the
 “Have you ever been in hospital for this
 “What treatments have you tried in the
Family History
 “Has anyone else in the family had anything
  similar to this?”
 “Has anyone in the family had problems with
  their nerves?”
 “Has anyone in the family seen a psychiatrist
  that you know about?”
 “Tell me a bit more about your family – are
  your parents alive? What did they do for a
  living? What’s your relationship like with
  them? – has it always been like that?”
Personal History
 birth
 early development
 school - social / academic
 home environment
 qualifications
 relationships and children
 work
Personal History -clarifications
 “Did you complete the training course?
  Why not – were you finding it difficult or
  did you have problems with the boss?”
 “Why did you leave that job after just 3
 “Why did you have so much time off
  school as a child?”
Past Medical History

 medical conditions
 admissions
 surgical procedures
 head injuries ?accidents
 deliberate self harm
Medication, Drugs & Alcohol
   current medication
   allergies
   illicit drug use
       how much?
       why?
     alcohol consumption
       how much?
       why?
       how long?
Drug and Alcohol - clarifications
      “What age were you when you first started
       using drugs?”
      “Have you ever injected?
      Which veins do you use?”
      “So what do you actually mean by social
      “What time do you usually start drinking in the
      “Do you drink every day?”
Forensic History

     juvenile crime
     court appearances
     convictions
     length of sentence
     against person / property
     experience of prison
Mental State Examination

  what you objectively observe
  can be done even where no history
Mental State Examination 1
   Appearance
     hygiene
     posture
     demeanour
     dress
     expression
     movements
Mental State Examination 2
   Behaviour
     tense
     relaxed
     over-familiar
     threatening
     withdrawn
Mental State Examination 3
   Speech
     quantity
     rate
     volume
     words
     associations
Mental State Examination 4
   Mood (subjective)
     depressed
     elated
     anxious
     biological features
     suicidal thoughts or plans
   Affect (objective)
     congruent
     appropriate
Mental State Examination 5
      Thoughts
        slowed or racing thoughts
        ruminative or intrusive thoughts
        thought disorder “loosened associations”
        preoccupations
        delusions
Mental State Examination 6
     Perceptions
       Hallucinations2nd or 3rd person?
       “Do the voices talk to you (2nd) or about you
       Command hallucinations
       “Have you ever heard sounds or voices that
        no one else can hear?”
       “Have you ever had any unusual
Mental State Examination 7
          Cognitive
            orientation in time, place & person
            registration, attention
            memory
            naming
            following instructions
            writing
            copying
  how does the patient see their problems?
  do they recognise that there is a problem?
  Do they recognise problems as relating to
   mental health?
  Are they willing to accept help?
  how do they feel about what should be
   done now?
Physical Examination
         aetiological factors
           e.g.thyroid abnormalities
           head injuries
         co morbid factors
           diabetes
           asthma
         side effects
           interferon  for MS
           Antiviral treatment in HIV / hepatitis
Risk Assessment

    risk to self through suicidal behaviour
    risk to self through neglect / dangerous
    risk to others
Delusions 1
 a disorder of thought
 a belief that is
    •   firmly held
    •   not affected by rational argument or evidence
        to the contrary
    •   not a conventional belief (not within
        educational and cultural background)
    •   usually false but not always so
Delusions 2
   must differentiate from
    • normal “eccentric” ideas
    • overvalued ideas - an isolated belief which
      can dominate a person’s life for years
    - often within cultural background
    - may be swayed by reason, not held with utter
Delusions 3
   Persecutory :
        patient believes a person or organization
        are trying to harm him
            “They're out to get me”
   Grandiose :
     beliefs of inflated self-importance, celebrity,
            “I am the true Queen of England”
Delusions 4
   Delusions of reference :
     certain objects/ events/ actions take on
      special significance for the patient
          “When I hear them talking about pedophiles on
           the TV, I know they really mean me”
   Nihilistic delusions :
     belief   that everything is negated or absent
          “I don't have any bowels, they’ve been eaten
Unusual types of delusions
    erotomanic (De Clerambault’s syndrome)
      patientdevelops a delusion that a man often of
       higher social standing is in love with her (cf stalking)
    morbid jealousy (Othello syndrome)
      patientdevelops a delusion that a sexual partner is
       being unfaithful NB high risk of violence
    delusional misidentification (Capgras syndrome)
      delusionthat a close relative has been replaced by
       an impersonator (a number of variants possible)
    infestation (Ekbom’s syndrome)
    folie a deux “induced psychosis”
Hallucinatons 1
 Disorder of perception
 a percept
    •   experienced in the absence of an external
    •   similar quality to that of a real perception
    •   experienced as originating in the outside
        world (objective space) not in own mind
        (subjective space)
Hallucinations 2
 It is important to differentiate between
  hallucination and illusion
 illusion : misperceptions of external (real)
     affect   driven
        anxious child who sees a coat hanging on a door
         and thinks it is a robber
        seeing a map of England in a crack on the ceiling
Types of hallucination
(different modalities)

     auditory           hearing
     visual             seeing
     olfactory          smelling
     gustatory          tasting
     tactile            feeling
Auditory hallucinations
   2nd person
     “you are an evil person, you deserve to die”
     “you are the most important person in the world”

   3rd person
     running  commentary “now he’s picking up the
      knife and he’s going to ….”
     repeating patients thoughts
     several voices discussing patient “ I think he’s one
      of the most wonderful people I’ve ever met” “Yes –
      he is the true Messiah….”
Passivity phenomena
   Disorder of both thought and perception

   The feeling that one’s actions/ thoughts/ feelings
    are not their own but controlled by an external

                                          Controls own
Thought alienation
 Disorder of thought
 The feeling that one’s thoughts are being
  interfered with in some way
      thought broadcast
      thought insertion
      thought withdrawal

                            insertion   withdrawal
Some common mental
 Depression
 Mania
 Anxiety
 Schizophrenia
 disorder of mood
 three core symptoms:
     pervasive,  persistent low mood
     loss of pleasure (anhedonia)
     loss of energy (anergia)
   psychotic phenomena
     mood   congruent
     hallucinations 2nd person
Symptoms of depression
Biological symptoms        Cognitive symptoms
 sleep disturbance         poor concentration
 appetite disturbance      hopelessness
 diurnal mood variation    worthlessness
 weight loss               guilt
 loss of libido            loss of confidence
Mania (also hypomania)
      disorder of mood
      three core features
          elevated or irritable mood
          increased energy/activity
          reduced need for sleep/rest
        psychotic phenomena
          grandiosity, paranoia
          hallucinations 2nd person
Symptoms of mania
   elevated    mood
   feelings of well being, infective affect
   poor concentration and attention
   increased energy, drive, sexual energy
   irritability, boorish behaviour or conceit
   r educed need for sleep
   loss of social inhibitions
   grandiosity, inflated self esteem
   over spending, rash decisions
   promiscuity
  can be a symptom of many disorders e.g.
   psychosis, depression, alcohol
  also prominent in the neurotic disorders :
     •   generalized anxiety disorder
     •   panic disorder
     •   phobias
Symptoms of anxiety
Physical              Psychological
 palpitations         sense of impending
 hyperventilation      doom
 chest pain           poor concentration

 dry mouth            irritability

 parasthesiae         restlessness

 headache             initial insomnia

 tremor
 urinary frequency
   Pragmatic definition
   A severe psychotic illness with onset in early
    adulthood, characterised by bizarre
    delusions, auditory hallucinations, thought
    disorder strange behaviour and progressive
    deterioration in personal, domestic, social
    and occupational competence all occurring in
    clear consciousness
   Schneiderian First Rank symptoms
     Symptoms   which if present give weight to a
      diagnosis of schizophrenia
        delusional perception
        audible thoughts

        voices heard arguing

        voices giving a running commentary

        made actions/impulses/feelings

        somatic passivity

        thought insertion/broadcast/withdrawal
   full assessment needed to be certain
   diagnosis may need to be revised
   not static
   remember this is only axis I of the classification
   consider also
     disability
     contextural   aspects
Case A (1)
  A 34 yr old man presents in A+E saying
 he is having a heart attack. He is sweaty,
    shaky, breathless and experiencing
    palpitations. Investigations rule out
              “medical” causes.

       What would you thinking of?
Case A (2)
 On further questioning he tells you that he
  has been drinking 1 bottle of vodka and
      £30 worth of cannabis per day

     What else would you think about?
Case A (3)
  After he has calmed down, he tells you
 that he uses the alcohol and cannabis to
  “drown out” the voices. They talk about
 him and control his thoughts and actions.

               What now?
Case B (1)
 A 19yr old male is brought in by the police
   swearing and shouting. He says he is
 responding to all the people calling him a
 “bastard”. He believes that the police and
  Army are involved in a conspiracy to kill

    What are your immediate thoughts?
Case B (2)
  He is admitted to the ward and settles
 down very quickly. A urine drug screen is
       positive for amphetamines.

              What now?
Case B (3)
  A few days later he absconds from the
  ward and returns drowsy and confused.
    He says he has taken Ecstasy and
   alcohol. You check his bloods and his
            LFTs are very high.

               What now?

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  • 1. Classification and Diagnosis of Mental Disorders Helen Crimlisk Consultant Psychiatrist Eastglade Sector Team (Oct 12)
  • 2. Plan of Talk  Classification  Classification in general  Classification of mental illness  ICD 10  Case example  Break  Diagnosis  Diagnosis  Assessment  History  Mental State Examination  Common Mental Illnesses  Case examples
  • 3. Task Why do we classify things?
  • 4. Classification  Why?  Aids recognition - improves communication  Economic - simplification “cognitive economy”  Predictive - “heuristic” - leads to ability to test hypotheses  Reflect natural processes ( i.e. implies better understanding e.g. Darwin )
  • 7. Task How do we classify?
  • 8. Classification  How?  size  age  appearance  prognosis  similar biochemical / genetic factors
  • 10. Task What are the problems with classification?
  • 11. Classification Problems  Improved scientific understanding makes a mockery of previous attempts to classify (e.g. phrenology)
  • 13. Classification Problems  Categorisationmeans defining thresholds which may be and indeed often are arbitrary  depression / dysthymia / fed up  obese / well built / chubby / slender
  • 15. Classification Problems  Categorisation can lead to stigma and prejudice
  • 16. Terms previously acceptable now gone out of usage because of negative connotations cretin hypothyroid mongol Down’s syndrome mentally retarded imbecile mentally handicapped Intellectually challenged moron learning disabled autism idiot savant pervasive developmental disorder cerebral palsy spastic insane psychopathic lunatic schizophrenia integrative disorder??
  • 17. Classification Problems  Economy of thought may lead to oversimplification and inhumane action
  • 18. Categorisation of people makes it “easier” to engage in inhumane behaviour Jews Polish Gypsies Dissidents Homosexuals
  • 19. What are the benefits of using classification in mental health?  to facilitate reporting and inform public health issues  to provide a framework for research  to encourage communication among health workers and between them and health care providers /government  Promote a feeling of being understood (“we’ve seen this before – your problems are not unique”)  Some ability to predict treatment options and natural history
  • 20. Task How could we classify mental health?
  • 21. Classification in Mental Health  severity severe / moderate / mild depression  characteristics hebephrenic / paranoid / schizophrenia  aetiology endogenous / exogenous depression  prognosis “treatment resistant” personality disorders / depression  age young onset / older onset dementia  treatability personality disorders / schizophrenia
  • 22. History 1  Cullen (18th Century)  Neurosis  “dysfunction of nervous system in the absence of fever”  Freud (19th Century)  Psychoneurosis  “A neurosis that is psychological in origin”  Kraepelin (19th Century)  Distinguished between:  Dementia Praecox (schizophrenia) and Manic Depressive Psychosis (bipolar disorder)  ICD -European / DSM -American (20th Century)
  • 23. History 2  1938  FirstInternational classification to include mental disorders  International Classifications of Disease 5 (previously “death”) a. mental deficiency b. schizophrenia c. manic depressive psychosis d. other mental diseases
  • 24. History 3  1992   ICD 10 published by World Health Organisation  increased number of disorders listed  diagnostic guidelines given  subsections for different professions:  medical / clerical / educational / research personnel  version for primary care  multi-axial classification introduced
  • 25. Aims of ICD 10 Chapter V To facilitate medical practice and public health action by providing a common language to all concerned. To enable mental health workers, public health decision makers, statisticians and professionals in disciplines relevant to psychiatry:  to understand one another  to share results of research  to improve and unify training strategies  to allow all disciplines to record areas specific to them as fully as they wish to
  • 26. Developed simultaneously in many languages  Arabic  Chinese  English  French  German  Japanese  Portuguese  Russian  Spanish  Translated into 30+ other languages
  • 27. Features of ICD 10 Chapter V  based on consensus  based on field trials  developed in collaboration between a Governmental Organization (WHO) and non-Governmental Organizations (WPA, WFN, AD, etc.)  developed simultaneously in many languages  compatible with national classifications  developed in collaboration with a network of centres around the world participating in relevant research, undertaking translation and providing training and support to users
  • 28. ICD 10 Classification  22 chapters I – XXII  covering all ailments/conditions/abnormalities etc  Chapter V: Mental and Behavioural Disorders  F0 Organic mental disorders  F1 Disorders due to psychoactive substance misuse  F2 Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders  F3 Mood disorders  F4 Neurotic, stress related and somatoform disorders  F5 Behavioural syndromes associated with psychological disturbances  F6 Disorders of adult personality disorder and behaviour  F7 Mental retardation  F8 Disorders of psychological development  F9 Behavioural and emotional disorders with onset usually occurring in childhood and adolescence.
  • 29. ICD 10 Classification Each chapter has subsections with clinical descriptions  F2 Schizophrenia, schizotypal and delusional disorders  F20 schizophrenia  F21 schizotypal disorder  F22 persistent delusional disorder  F23 Acute and transient psychotic disorder  F24 Induced delusional disorder  F25 schizoaffective disorder  F28 Other non organic psychotic disorders  F29 Unspecified non organic psychosis
  • 30. Multi-axial presentation of ICD-10  Axis I clinical diagnoses  mental disorders  physical disorders  personality disorders  Axis II disability  personal care  occupation  family and household  functioning in broader social context  Axis III contextual factors  environmental and life style factors relevant to pathogenesis and course of patient's illness
  • 31. Case History 1  Mr X, a 35-year old Asian factory worker, married, with 3 children, was admitted to hospital, having broken his leg by falling down stairs.  On the third day of admission, he grew increasingly nervous and started to tremble. He could not sleep, talked incoherently and was obviously very anxious.  According to his wife, Mr X drank large quantities of beer each night until falling asleep, for the last 3 years. This had caused a rift in the relationship.
  • 32. Case History 2  He had been unhappy at work and was the only Asian. During the past year he had missed work several times and had been threatened with dismissal. He had been in the country for 9 years, arriving as a asylum seeker.  On examination Mr X spoke incoherently. He was disoriented in time, place, and at times also in person. He picked at bugs that he could see on his blanket. He trembled and sweated profusely. He was agitated, tried constantly to get out of bed and seemed unaware that his right leg was in plaster.
  • 33. Axis I: Clinical diagnoses  Mr X had a long history of heavy alcohol use and developed severe withdrawal symptoms when he could not get alcohol.  He presented with the characteristic symptoms of a delirium: clouding of consciousness, global disturbance of cognition, psychomotor agitation, disturbance of the sleep-wake cycle, rapid onset and fluctuation of the symptoms.  There were no convulsions. F10.40 Alcohol withdrawal state with delirium, without convulsions.
  • 34. Axis I: Clinical diagnoses  The information provided by his wife gives evidence pointing to an additional diagnosis of alcohol dependence syndrome: continuous heavy use during the last 3 years, difficulties in controlling the drinking and the presence of a withdrawal state. F10.24 Alcohol dependence syndrome, currently using the substance
  • 35. Axis II: Disabilities  Because of the situation described, it is possible for an assessment to be made of the disabilities suffered by Mr X on a scale defined in ICD 10: A. Personal care =0 B. Occupation =1 C. Family and household =2 D. Broader social context =2
  • 36. Axis III: Contextual factors  It is thought by the assessor that the following contextual factors were important to consider in Mr X: • Z55.0 illiteracy and low-level literacy • Z56.4 discord with boss and workmates • Z60.5 target of perceived adverse discrimination and persecution • Z60.3 acculturation difficulty (Migration & Social transplantation) • Z63.0 problems in relationship with spouse or partner
  • 38. Diagnosis  How do we make diagnoses  Man in the street’s terminology  mad / depressed / drunkard  Patients own diagnosis  depression / hyperactivity / “ME”  Rating Scales  Beck Depression Inventory / Aspberger questionnaire  Standardised Clinical Assessment  E.g. SCAN interview ( set questions asked)  History and Mental State Examination “clinical”
  • 39. Aims of assessment – not only diagnosis!  make a provisional diagnosis  elicit the aetiology of the illness  identify maintaining factors  clarify the risks – to patient / to others  set out a management strategy
  • 40. Psychiatric Assessment  reason for referral  history of presenting complaint  past psychiatric history  family history  personal history  past medical history  use of medication/drugs/alcohol  forensic history  mental state examination  including cognitive examination  physical examination  risk assessment  management plan
  • 41. History of presenting complaint  what are the current symptoms?  how long have they been present?  what precipitated them?  do the symptoms fluctuate?  does anything help or make things worse?
  • 42. Open Ended Questions  “Can you tell me a bit about what the problem is?”  “I’d like to ask you a few questions in a minute but perhaps you can start by telling me in your own words what has been happening to you?”
  • 43. Clarifying and closed questioning  “Can I stop you there and just check a few details - When exactly did this start? – How long did that feeling last?”  “Have you ever had anything like this before?”  “What exactly brought you into hospital today?
  • 44. Past Psychiatric History  “Have you ever had anything like this before?”  “Did you ever seek help for this in the past?”  “Have you ever been in hospital for this before”  “What treatments have you tried in the past?”
  • 45. Family History  “Has anyone else in the family had anything similar to this?”  “Has anyone in the family had problems with their nerves?”  “Has anyone in the family seen a psychiatrist that you know about?”  “Tell me a bit more about your family – are your parents alive? What did they do for a living? What’s your relationship like with them? – has it always been like that?”
  • 46. Personal History  birth  early development  school - social / academic  home environment  qualifications  relationships and children  work
  • 47. Personal History -clarifications  “Did you complete the training course? Why not – were you finding it difficult or did you have problems with the boss?”  “Why did you leave that job after just 3 months?”  “Why did you have so much time off school as a child?”
  • 48. Past Medical History  medical conditions  admissions  surgical procedures  head injuries ?accidents  deliberate self harm
  • 49. Medication, Drugs & Alcohol  current medication  allergies  illicit drug use  how much?  why?  alcohol consumption  how much?  why?  how long?
  • 50. Drug and Alcohol - clarifications  “What age were you when you first started using drugs?”  “Have you ever injected?  Which veins do you use?”  “So what do you actually mean by social drinking?”  “What time do you usually start drinking in the morning?”  “Do you drink every day?”
  • 51. Forensic History  juvenile crime  court appearances  convictions  length of sentence  against person / property  experience of prison
  • 52. Mental State Examination  what you objectively observe  can be done even where no history available
  • 53. Mental State Examination 1  Appearance  hygiene  posture  demeanour  dress  expression  movements
  • 54. Mental State Examination 2  Behaviour  tense  relaxed  over-familiar  threatening  withdrawn
  • 55. Mental State Examination 3  Speech  quantity  rate  volume  words  associations
  • 56. Mental State Examination 4  Mood (subjective)  depressed  elated  anxious  biological features  suicidal thoughts or plans  Affect (objective)  congruent  appropriate
  • 57. Mental State Examination 5  Thoughts  slowed or racing thoughts  ruminative or intrusive thoughts  thought disorder “loosened associations”  preoccupations  delusions
  • 58. Mental State Examination 6  Perceptions  Hallucinations2nd or 3rd person?  “Do the voices talk to you (2nd) or about you (3rd)?”  Command hallucinations  “Have you ever heard sounds or voices that no one else can hear?”  “Have you ever had any unusual experiences?”
  • 59. Mental State Examination 7  Cognitive  orientation in time, place & person  registration, attention  memory  naming  following instructions  writing  copying
  • 60. Insight  how does the patient see their problems?  do they recognise that there is a problem?  Do they recognise problems as relating to mental health?  Are they willing to accept help?  how do they feel about what should be done now?
  • 61. Physical Examination  aetiological factors  e.g.thyroid abnormalities  head injuries  co morbid factors  diabetes  asthma  side effects  interferon for MS  Antiviral treatment in HIV / hepatitis
  • 62. Risk Assessment  risk to self through suicidal behaviour  risk to self through neglect / dangerous behaviour  risk to others
  • 63. Delusions 1  a disorder of thought  a belief that is • firmly held • not affected by rational argument or evidence to the contrary • not a conventional belief (not within educational and cultural background) • usually false but not always so
  • 64. Delusions 2  must differentiate from • normal “eccentric” ideas • overvalued ideas - an isolated belief which can dominate a person’s life for years - often within cultural background - may be swayed by reason, not held with utter conviction
  • 65. Delusions 3  Persecutory :  patient believes a person or organization are trying to harm him  “They're out to get me”  Grandiose :  beliefs of inflated self-importance, celebrity, supernaturalness  “I am the true Queen of England”
  • 66. Delusions 4  Delusions of reference :  certain objects/ events/ actions take on special significance for the patient  “When I hear them talking about pedophiles on the TV, I know they really mean me”  Nihilistic delusions :  belief that everything is negated or absent  “I don't have any bowels, they’ve been eaten away”
  • 67. Unusual types of delusions  erotomanic (De Clerambault’s syndrome)  patientdevelops a delusion that a man often of higher social standing is in love with her (cf stalking)  morbid jealousy (Othello syndrome)  patientdevelops a delusion that a sexual partner is being unfaithful NB high risk of violence  delusional misidentification (Capgras syndrome)  delusionthat a close relative has been replaced by an impersonator (a number of variants possible)  infestation (Ekbom’s syndrome)  folie a deux “induced psychosis”
  • 68. Hallucinatons 1  Disorder of perception  a percept • experienced in the absence of an external stimulus • similar quality to that of a real perception • experienced as originating in the outside world (objective space) not in own mind (subjective space)
  • 69. Hallucinations 2  It is important to differentiate between hallucination and illusion  illusion : misperceptions of external (real) stimulus  affect driven  anxious child who sees a coat hanging on a door and thinks it is a robber  seeing a map of England in a crack on the ceiling
  • 70. Types of hallucination (different modalities)  auditory hearing  visual seeing  olfactory smelling  gustatory tasting  tactile feeling
  • 71. Auditory hallucinations  2nd person  “you are an evil person, you deserve to die”  “you are the most important person in the world”  3rd person  running commentary “now he’s picking up the knife and he’s going to ….”  repeating patients thoughts  several voices discussing patient “ I think he’s one of the most wonderful people I’ve ever met” “Yes – he is the true Messiah….”
  • 72. Passivity phenomena  Disorder of both thought and perception  The feeling that one’s actions/ thoughts/ feelings are not their own but controlled by an external agency !!! External agency Controls own thoughts
  • 73. Thought alienation  Disorder of thought  The feeling that one’s thoughts are being interfered with in some way  thought broadcast  thought insertion broadcast  thought withdrawal insertion withdrawal
  • 74. Some common mental disorders  Depression  Mania  Anxiety  Schizophrenia
  • 75. Depression  disorder of mood  three core symptoms:  pervasive, persistent low mood  loss of pleasure (anhedonia)  loss of energy (anergia)  psychotic phenomena  mood congruent  hallucinations 2nd person
  • 76. Symptoms of depression Biological symptoms Cognitive symptoms  sleep disturbance  poor concentration  appetite disturbance  hopelessness  diurnal mood variation  worthlessness  weight loss  guilt  loss of libido  loss of confidence
  • 77. Mania (also hypomania)  disorder of mood  three core features  elevated or irritable mood  increased energy/activity  reduced need for sleep/rest  psychotic phenomena  grandiosity, paranoia  hallucinations 2nd person
  • 78. Symptoms of mania  elevated mood  feelings of well being, infective affect  poor concentration and attention  increased energy, drive, sexual energy  irritability, boorish behaviour or conceit  r educed need for sleep  loss of social inhibitions  grandiosity, inflated self esteem  over spending, rash decisions  promiscuity
  • 79. Anxiety  can be a symptom of many disorders e.g. psychosis, depression, alcohol dependence  also prominent in the neurotic disorders : • generalized anxiety disorder • panic disorder • phobias
  • 80. Symptoms of anxiety Physical Psychological  palpitations  sense of impending  hyperventilation doom  chest pain  poor concentration  dry mouth  irritability  parasthesiae  restlessness  headache  initial insomnia  tremor  urinary frequency
  • 81. Schizophrenia  Pragmatic definition  A severe psychotic illness with onset in early adulthood, characterised by bizarre delusions, auditory hallucinations, thought disorder strange behaviour and progressive deterioration in personal, domestic, social and occupational competence all occurring in clear consciousness
  • 82. Schizophrenia  Schneiderian First Rank symptoms  Symptoms which if present give weight to a diagnosis of schizophrenia  delusional perception  audible thoughts  voices heard arguing  voices giving a running commentary  made actions/impulses/feelings  somatic passivity  thought insertion/broadcast/withdrawal
  • 83. Diagnoses  full assessment needed to be certain  diagnosis may need to be revised  not static  remember this is only axis I of the classification system  consider also  disability  contextural aspects
  • 84. Case A (1) A 34 yr old man presents in A+E saying he is having a heart attack. He is sweaty, shaky, breathless and experiencing palpitations. Investigations rule out “medical” causes. What would you thinking of?
  • 85. Case A (2) On further questioning he tells you that he has been drinking 1 bottle of vodka and £30 worth of cannabis per day What else would you think about?
  • 86. Case A (3) After he has calmed down, he tells you that he uses the alcohol and cannabis to “drown out” the voices. They talk about him and control his thoughts and actions. What now?
  • 87. Case B (1) A 19yr old male is brought in by the police swearing and shouting. He says he is responding to all the people calling him a “bastard”. He believes that the police and Army are involved in a conspiracy to kill him. What are your immediate thoughts?
  • 88. Case B (2) He is admitted to the ward and settles down very quickly. A urine drug screen is positive for amphetamines. What now?
  • 89. Case B (3) A few days later he absconds from the ward and returns drowsy and confused. He says he has taken Ecstasy and alcohol. You check his bloods and his LFTs are very high. What now?