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A Citrix eBook for project
owners and their teams
Been there,
done that, got the
standing ovation.
Deploying desktop
virtualization is a big deal.
For users, it enables mobility,
supports BYOD and delivers
a great desktop experience.
For IT, it’s a quantum leap
in agility, manageability
and security.
For the business, it’s a whole new
way of empowering workers and
responding to change.
a physical desktop infrastructure
to a virtual one (or a hybrid) is a
real transformation that touches
almost every part of the enterprise
and the IT department.
You don’t waltz into something
this big as if you’re just changing
the light bulbs…
Project Accelerator does
just what it says
While we’ve captured some great
best-practice advice in this
eBook, we’ve captured much,
much more inside something
called Project Accelerator.
It’s a free, online project
management environment that
asks you a few questions about
your goals and users, then guides
you step-by-step through your
pilots, roll-outs and beyond (with
reference architectures, hardware
sizing, user segmentation… and
lots of fantastic documentation
and advice).
If you’re thinking about virtualizing
your desktops (or are already on
your destiny
This eBook is about getting your desktop
transformation journey off to a great start.
It’s about the main principles that will
help you:
•Harvest the low-hanging fruit
• Deliver quick wins to the business
• Keep your users excited
• Arrive at your destination in great shape
• Get all the benefits that virtual desktops have to offer
To make it, we approached six desktop virtualization
industry experts who we respect, and asked them what
makes some deployments successful and others go
off the rails.
The insights we’re sharing here are based on hundreds
of real-world desktop transformation deployments.
These guys know what they’re talking about. And they’re
keen to help.
We hope you take some time to absorb these ideas and
bring them to your own virtualization projects.
Here’s to success.
Read the insights.
Then try the tool.
Project Accelerator
will help you manage
your entire desktop
virtualization project.
Meet the
Here are the experts who
contributed their insights
and experience to this eBook
(thanks guys). We’ll just use
their first names to attribute
their advice in the pages
that follow.
Nick Rintalan
Senior Architect
Citrix Consulting Services
Robert Morris
(@agsi_rmorris on twitter)
Virtualization Consultant and
Trainer (and CTP)Advantec
Global Services Inc. (AGSI)
Shane Kleinert
(@shanekleinert on twitter)
Solutions Architect
JDL Technologies
Jarian Gibson
(@jariangibson on twitter)
Virtualization Practice Manager
Choice Solutions LLC
Steve Greenberg
(@stevegreenberg on twitter)
Founder and Chief Architect
(and CTP) Thin Client Computing
Dan Allen
Lead Architect
Citrix Consulting Services
The Insights
Here are the big-picture
ideas that will multiply your
chances of a successful
desktop transformation
“The key is to understand your
business needs first. Establish
your priorities. Understand
why the organization wants
to virtualize.”
“The most common mistake that
I see in virtualization projects?
Choosing to put in tech because
it’s cool. Every piece of technology
you implement has got to have
a good business case, a specific
business case.”
“Don’t let the IT tail wag the
business dog. Talk to the people
who do the day-to-day tasks
within the organization.
Find out what they really need
in order to be productive; then,
plug in the best technology to
add value for them.”
“Time to value is key. Do your use
case analysis up front so everyone
knows why you’re doing desktop
“Starting out with the wrong
goals – or different goals – has the
power to kill any project. It kills the
excitement. The real benefits
in a virtualization project are
most often:
1. Speedier, more
efficient management
2. Greater IT flexibility
3. Faster time to market
Basically, you can do
stuff faster, and respond to
change more quickly.”
Start out
with clear
goals. It’s project management 101:
get management buy-in from
the start, by putting appropriate
goals in front of them.
Get your apps
in order.
“It’s especially important to test
any homegrown applications that
might not have been written for
a shared environment.”
“Customers who struggle the
most with desktop virtualization
try to treat all applications the
same and virtualize them using
the same model.”
“Don’t cut corners here. That’s why
Citrix bought App-DNA to help
people get the app-compatibility
piece in place and make better
“Don’t take a bunch of crap from
your existing desktop environment
and simply put it in the data center
– you need to rationalize your apps
before tackling a desktop
virtualization project. Otherwise,
you’ll end up with image sprawl
and you’ll have the same crap in
your data center!”
“You need to analyze your
applications up front. Understand
where each app writes to. Does it
write to locations outside of the
user profile? Is it terminal services
or RDS compliant?”
“You can’t overlook application
compatibility testing before you
go too far down any virtualization
path. Tools like App-DNA can
help accelerate that and take the
manual work out of it.”
“Application understanding is the
critical piece. You must know what
your users do; what apps they use;
how they use them; and where their
data lives.” Dan
“Virtualizing desktops
is a great opportunity for
application rationalization.
You may find that you have
5000 apps, but only really
use or need 500.”
“It’s essential to start with an
application inventory. And it’s
a great time to rationalize and
consolidate your apps. Then
it’s much easier to centralize the
apps you’re bringing forward.”
“Dig deeper to find out what
applications are in use and
are mission critical. This is
a very common blind spot for
organizations. It often takes
a neutral, outside party to get
a clear picture of the real app
list. Some of the newer tools
help quite a bit but there is no
substitute for making direct
contact with the end users.”
If your
users aren’t
happy, you’re
“You need to be serious about
gathering user requirements and
understanding their work and their
demands. At the end of the day,
if the users aren’t happy, your
project will fail.”
“The first step is to segment your
user base. If you don’t know what
users are doing and what apps
they’re using, you have no clue.”
“You can use survey tools to help
automate discovery of your user
base. But there’s no substitute for
sending a person to the field to sit
down and talk to the users and
their managers.
Ask them to launch the apps they
use. Look at their desktops. Look
at the drive mappings and learn
how their desktop is configured.”
“You need to work with people.
Sit side-by-side and demo the
environment for them. Show
them they can still customize
their desktop; still have the photo
of their kids on it; still access all
their data and apps…”
“The human element is really
important here. Sending
questionnaires to lots of branches
doesn’t really give you everything.
I much prefer 1- to 2-day site
surveys with users, collecting
real-world data.”
“You can’t meet every user but
you can pick 4-5 managers and
4-5 power users out of 400-500
people and spend an hour
with each.”
“Get your eyes on the workflow
of the end user, learn what they
do each day and how you can
help them. IT projects usually fail
because they’re disconnected
from what the business really
does and what it needs to improve.
We often get hired to do one thing
and then – after observing end
users – change the approach.
Sometimes the killer app can be
as simple as better folder
structures or fixing profiles.”
Know your users.
“You can get crazy with over-
segmentation though. It’s usually
possible to consolidate down to a
cluster of groups of users that
share the key dimensions – even if
they’re not in the same office or
“It’s good to go for the low-hanging
fruit first. You get the easy wins
and get the buzz going so users get
excited about virtualization instead
of fearing it will ruin their world.”
“It’s key to understand the various
use cases and provide the right
technologies to service each
one. However, behind the scenes
it is also important to identify
commonalities. Often user cases
that seem very different may only
vary by a few apps, or by their
preferred access method.”
choose the right delivery model for
every user group – to make sure
the model you choose actually
supports what that group does.”
And put them
into groups.
“We always
	 use two or
	 three delivery
Proactively manage change
in the organization.
“I’m a techie. I love technology.
But after years and years of doing
this, I’ve come to realize that
there’s going to be a human being
that is ultimately using this
technology. And people will help
you if they feel heard and valued.”
“It’s important to brand the effort
internally and give the customer
a stake in the process. Oftentimes
just including users and
departments in naming
the project can foster enthusiastic
support. Make the project name a
buzz word, and a rallying force,
in the organization. Create
excitement and buy-In! This is one
place where marketing can really
help IT.”
“It’s important during the testing
stage to give really responsive
support to users. Their experience
now will give them a taste of the
“There’s a marketing element
to this.You can make a solution,
but if no one cares about it,
it’ll just sit there.”
What’s in it for users?
“With virtualization, they can be back up
and running in minutes from a new endpoint.
They like the sound of that.
They also like flexible working. Knowing
you can be productive wherever you need
to work.
And virtualization lets them bring their own
devices. So the college kids coming in get to
use their shiny new Macbook Pro instead of
the clunky old PC – and still get access to all
the company apps.”
“My standard questions to users are: 1) What
do you do today? 2) What challenges do you
have and what could be better? 3) If we could
wave a magic wand and make it do whatever
you want, what would that be?
Most of the time the answers to 3) are exactly
what we can do with application and desktop
virtualization, users just don’t know these
things are already possible.”
Pick the right
deployment models.
“The idea of mapping FlexCast
models to your user segments
isn’t the first thought of many
project managers – but it
ought to be.”
“Some other vendors only have
a VDI model so they skew people’s
thinking by marketing that model
as if it’s synonymous with desktop
virtualization. It’s not. There’s
much more to it.”
“Persistent desktops – the full VDI
model – are a hungry beast.
Memory and disk footprint and
IOPS can be huge. So only do it for
the small number of users who
really need that experience.”
“If a customer wants to do VDI, they
usually assume it’s going to be a
dedicated virtual machine with
hypervisor layer and all the
storage and networking that was
used for server virtualization. In
reality, VDI is the right technology
only about 10% of the time. Most
use cases dictate other modalities
such as XenApp, App-V or
Provisioning Server, for example.
These can be achieved with lower
cost, excellent performance and
easier management.”
“For many users, session
virtualization is absolutely fine
– you don’t need an entire
OS as with VDI.”
“Structure your IT infrastructure so
that it serves your business, and
not the other way around.”
“The biggest insight I’ve gained
is to keep things simple and only
introduce complexity when there’s
a business case for it.”
Find your models with
Project Accelerator.
Our own project
management tool will help
you map your users to the
right deployment model.
Give it a try!
“Too often, customers
skip over the Assess
and Design stages –
and it comes back to
haunt them.”
Front load
your projects.
“There’s no short cut for a pretty
rigorous assessment stage
up front.”
“Measure twice and cut once.
Mistakes are very expensive in
terms of dollars, manpower,
productivity and organizational
support. Design, test, re-design,
test and then rinse and repeat…”
“Certain common applications
belong in the image for technical
reasons, but the lion’s share of apps
should be virtualized to gain the real
benefits. When you do this you have
the ultimate flexibility to deliver the
applications any way you need to.”
Maintain your
layers of cake.
“Best practice is to
separate the OS from
the apps from the
personalization. If
you de-couple these
layers, administration
is easy and the system
is predictable.”
“You need to containerize your
apps early so you can layer them
properly. Yes, it costs a bit more
money up front but your ongoing
operational costs go way down.
A lot of companies just install
the apps inside the image and
utilize local profiles – then when
you update an app or tweak a user
setting, you have to crack open
the entire image to modify the OS,
which means downtime. With
layers, you can update a major
app like SAP without touching
the base OS layer.
Once apps start getting
installed inside images, the image
proliferation starts. And if each
image is 40-50 GBs, and you’re
keeping two or three copies for
backup/resiliency, that’s ~150 GB
of storage. For essentially one
image! This is why application
virtualization is key – to minimize
the number of images you need
to maintain and decrease
storage costs.”
Be realistic about
your hardware.
“You shouldn’t buy
anything until after
you’ve gathered
requirements and
finished your design.”
One of the biggest
errors I see is people
underestimating the
hardware they’re
going to need.
The only way to really do
how users are working. You can
use Lakeside or other survey
tools to get a snapshot.
Centralize your data.
“The Golden Rule
for VDI: Every
app must reside
in the same data
center as the data
it accesses.”
Centralize your data.Continued.
“It’s important to centralize your
data before you move to a virtual
environment –– or do it in parallel.
But do it.”
“If you break this rule, you’re
pulling data over a WAN – and
your performance and user
experience will be terrible. An
SAP report that took 3-4 seconds
will now take 60-120 seconds
over a WAN – that’s unusable.”
“So don’t put the app in the
field where the user is – bring
the user to the centralized app
and its data.”
“You need all your data close to
your apps. It’s more secure.
Easier to back up and
performance is far better.”
“Centralize data for live
production, but whenever
possible keep it in more than one
place, on site and off site”
“You can’t separate desktop
centralization from data
centralization. If you want to
centralize an app or a desktop,
you must centralize its data at
the same time.”
It’s a good thing.
“Centralized data is easier to
manage, more secure and a lot
less expensive than trying to
maintain small data centers in
every branch office. It’s much
easier to maintain, backup, secure
and manage data from one or two
“You need to get all the IT
administrators involved. Desktop
virtualization touches desktops,
applications, networks, security,
storage – and you need all the
admins of these things working
together. If one of the systems
goes wrong, the whole
environment suffers.”
“Desktop virtualization touches
everything in IT. That’s good news
and bad news if you don’t get
everyone involved and the
communication going.”
“Desktop and application
virtualization involve all layers of
the stack, from hardware, storage,
network and operating system
all the way up through apps,
personalization and presentation.
This has to be a cross-discipline
effort and we always recommend
creating a project team that has
representation in all of these
“Project teams that try to do
this themselves with no input
from the other teams, especially
the business, always struggle.
It never works.”
Get the whole
IT team involved.
	 The desktop
team can’t do desktop
virtualization alone.
You need a cohesive
IT group.
By far the
trap is failing
to test.
“Use the application experts – the
users – to run tests. Don’t just let
an IT guy launch an app, click
around a bit and consider
testing complete.
Remove the user’s old endpoint
so they give their full attention
towards testing. Otherwise as
soon as the first problem arises,
they will switch back to their
old endpoint. The key here
is to make sure they can
perform all job functions in the
future environment before
removing the endpoint!”
“With the first test users and
business cases, we look for
people who are going to be
positive, and who will step up
and help. We make them the early
testers and rely on their feedback
to eliminate most issues before
going into general testing. When
they are satisfied and can show
success we make them the
poster child for the rest of the
organization. If you don’t
test, you will fail.”
“Load testing is critical.”
“If you have branch offices,
have live users test from those
locations. It’s important to see
how the user experience will be
across your WAN links. If
possible, test with WAN
simulators first to tune policies,
then test with
live users.”
“I was called in to consult for a
pretty large public organization.
Just a few days before they went
live, they wanted to review the
structure. I asked if they had
done a test. They had not. They
were planning to run 40-50
people per server. I asked them:
What are you basing that on?
They had no idea. None. And they
didn’t even test it.”
“POCs are done on low-end
hardware, usually whatever is
laying around. You should look at
your new infrastructure design to
determine what the capacity will
really be in production. You’ve
got to stress things out to test
them. That’s critical! A lack of
proper scalability testing is one
of the biggest causes of failure
when companies move from
POC to production.”
“It’s not just user acceptance
testing (though it’s amazing that
some customers skip that too).
It’s performance and scalability
testing. I’d estimate that only
about ten percent of customers
do this properly or at all.
You need to find the bottlenecks
early – the things that cause
systems to break and lead to
outages – and design around
them. Only performance and
scalability testing can do that.”
“Don’t go from 5 users to 5,000
without proper performance 
scalability testing. The idea is to
try to break the system
intentionally. Put 250 users on a
server or throw 2000 desktops in
a single resource pool or cluster.
That’s when you start to catch
the issues.”
Exploit the available
“Consider Citrix’s Provisioning
Server. This is the coolest thing
since sliced bread if you
understand how it works. Many
projects should use it but they
don’t because the technology
looks intimidating. But I could
teach you how to use it in a day or
“I created a rollout incidents app
in Podio for tracking tickets during
testing and trend the issues and
resolutions. If you don’t do
incident tracking during user
testing, you’ll repeat the mistakes
when you roll out.”
“There are incredible resources
available to you today – take
advantage of them. But do not lose
sight of the huge learning curve.
You must dedicate real time and
effort to get up to speed. The Citrix
FlexCast model is a perfect
example - you are given multiple
ways to solve the same problem,
so make sure you understand both
the problem and the differences in
the available solutions. “
“You need to educate yourself
and your team. Leverage Citrix
resources and take a systematic
approach to deployment, using
the planning guides, reference
architectures, Project Accelerator.
They’re out there – use them.” Shane
Go to Project Accelerator.
This is our go-to project
management tool for your
entire desktop virtualization
“Project Accelerator is great
for sizing and reference
architectures. It’s really
important to review these.
The framework really helps
projects stay on track. Even
for experienced CTPs.”
“One of the first deliverables
in Project Accelerator is a
roadmap that shows you
which user groups to start
with and which delivery
model to use for each.”
“When you’re in the trenches, it’s hard
to stay on top of developments with
the technology. Project Accelerator
has the latest best practice and the
latest documentation built in so you
stay up to date.
With Project Accelerator, our
customers see the project moving
forward – it gives everyone on the
project constant visibility.”
“I like Project Accelerator. It takes a lot
of important data into account and
asks the right questions. It takes
extensive expertise to determine what
the general outline of any given project
will be in terms of hardware, software,
services, planning and execution.
This tool helps you get a good picture
of what your project will look like
without requiring the level of skill that
the experts in this eBook have.”
A word
about Project
Forgive the shameless plug, but we’re proud of this
puppy (and our experts seem to like it too).
We basically tried
to capture all the best
practice advice from
our consultants and
wrap it up in a self-
service environment.
Try it now!
To be honest, we weren’t
sure what kind of things we’d
come up with when we set
out to make this eBook.
Would it be too detailed and
technical? Would it be too
obvious and generic?
What we got back from our
generous contributors feels
to us like solid gold: real,
front-line advice from the
mouths of some of the
world’s most experienced
desktop virtualization
The themes that we
summarize here all emerged
naturally, from the experts
themselves. In most cases,
the advice was unanimous.
Which left us with a strong
impression that we’re
starting to hit the real, critical
issues that drive the most
successful desktop
virtualization deployments.
We hope you enjoyed reading
it as much as we enjoyed
assembling it.
And, more importantly, we
hope it helps you make your
own desktop virtualization
projects run smoothly.
The Citrix Consulting and
Project Accelerator teams
Oh, and if you did enjoy this
eBook… please do share this
with your colleagues:
More Resources
Our XenDesktop Blog
For best-practice advice
from some of our top people
The XenDesktop
Support Forum
There’s not a lot this
community doesn’t know
about desktop virtualization
The XenDesktop
Design Handbook
With reference architectures,
planning guides and lots
The Citrix Knowledge Center
Dig in - we share everything
we know
All our documentation in an
easy-to-use format
The Ask the Architect blog
An excellent team blog by
some of the best in the
The social collaboration
platform that you make
your own.
The application compatibility
testing tool that accelerates
and de-risks migration.
About Citrix Services
We’re Citrix consultants,
teachers and support
engineers and we’re all about
one thing: making sure
you succeed.
With our help, you’ll deploy
high-performance, robust
virtualization and networking
projects, faster and with
dramatically lower risk
and higher return.
From free online tools and
24x7 support to intensive
training, live events and
deeply committed consulting
engagements – we’re here
for you.
How we can help
Citrix Consulting
Intensive engagements for
complex, critical or just plain
massive projects.
Citrix Support
Always-on support services
that leverage everything we
know about best-practice
deployment and
Citrix Education
The fastest, most efficient
way to get your team the
virtualization skills they
need. Online, on-site
or in class.
Plus free tools  resources,
The Knowledge Center
Online forums,
documentation and
support resources
Citrix Auto Support
The automated online
troubleshooter and
Project Accelerator
The project management
environment for your
entire desktop
virtualization project.
Desktop Virtualization Deployment Insights - 6 IT experts share their advice

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Desktop Virtualization Deployment Insights - 6 IT experts share their advice

  • 1. Desktop Virtualization Deployment Insights Six experts share their advice A Citrix eBook for project owners and their teams
  • 2. Been there, done that, got the standing ovation. Deploying desktop virtualization is a big deal. For users, it enables mobility, supports BYOD and delivers a great desktop experience. For IT, it’s a quantum leap in agility, manageability and security. For the business, it’s a whole new way of empowering workers and responding to change. Butmakenomistake:movingfrom a physical desktop infrastructure to a virtual one (or a hybrid) is a real transformation that touches almost every part of the enterprise and the IT department. You don’t waltz into something this big as if you’re just changing the light bulbs…
  • 3. Project Accelerator does just what it says While we’ve captured some great best-practice advice in this eBook, we’ve captured much, much more inside something called Project Accelerator. It’s a free, online project management environment that asks you a few questions about your goals and users, then guides you step-by-step through your pilots, roll-outs and beyond (with reference architectures, hardware sizing, user segmentation… and lots of fantastic documentation and advice). If you’re thinking about virtualizing your desktops (or are already on Control your destiny This eBook is about getting your desktop transformation journey off to a great start. It’s about the main principles that will help you: •Harvest the low-hanging fruit • Deliver quick wins to the business • Keep your users excited • Arrive at your destination in great shape • Get all the benefits that virtual desktops have to offer To make it, we approached six desktop virtualization industry experts who we respect, and asked them what makes some deployments successful and others go off the rails. The insights we’re sharing here are based on hundreds of real-world desktop transformation deployments. These guys know what they’re talking about. And they’re keen to help. We hope you take some time to absorb these ideas and bring them to your own virtualization projects. Here’s to success. Read the insights. Then try the tool. Project Accelerator will help you manage your entire desktop virtualization project.
  • 4. Meet the Experts Here are the experts who contributed their insights and experience to this eBook (thanks guys). We’ll just use their first names to attribute their advice in the pages that follow. Nick Rintalan Senior Architect Citrix Consulting Services Robert Morris (@agsi_rmorris on twitter) Virtualization Consultant and Trainer (and CTP)Advantec Global Services Inc. (AGSI) Shane Kleinert (@shanekleinert on twitter) Solutions Architect JDL Technologies Jarian Gibson (@jariangibson on twitter) Virtualization Practice Manager Choice Solutions LLC Steve Greenberg (@stevegreenberg on twitter) Founder and Chief Architect (and CTP) Thin Client Computing Dan Allen Lead Architect Citrix Consulting Services
  • 5. The Insights Here are the big-picture ideas that will multiply your chances of a successful desktop transformation implementation…
  • 6. “The key is to understand your business needs first. Establish your priorities. Understand why the organization wants to virtualize.” Shane “The most common mistake that I see in virtualization projects? Choosing to put in tech because it’s cool. Every piece of technology you implement has got to have a good business case, a specific business case.” Robert “Don’t let the IT tail wag the business dog. Talk to the people who do the day-to-day tasks within the organization. Find out what they really need in order to be productive; then, plug in the best technology to add value for them.” Steve “Time to value is key. Do your use case analysis up front so everyone knows why you’re doing desktop virtualization.” Shane “Starting out with the wrong goals – or different goals – has the power to kill any project. It kills the excitement. The real benefits in a virtualization project are most often: 1. Speedier, more efficient management 2. Greater IT flexibility 3. Faster time to market Basically, you can do stuff faster, and respond to change more quickly.” Robert Start out with clear goals. It’s project management 101: get management buy-in from the start, by putting appropriate goals in front of them. Robert
  • 7. Get your apps in order. “It’s especially important to test any homegrown applications that might not have been written for a shared environment.” Jarian “Customers who struggle the most with desktop virtualization try to treat all applications the same and virtualize them using the same model.” Nick “Don’t cut corners here. That’s why Citrix bought App-DNA to help people get the app-compatibility piece in place and make better decisions.” Dan “Don’t take a bunch of crap from your existing desktop environment and simply put it in the data center – you need to rationalize your apps before tackling a desktop virtualization project. Otherwise, you’ll end up with image sprawl and you’ll have the same crap in your data center!” Nick “You need to analyze your applications up front. Understand where each app writes to. Does it write to locations outside of the user profile? Is it terminal services or RDS compliant?” Nick “You can’t overlook application compatibility testing before you go too far down any virtualization path. Tools like App-DNA can help accelerate that and take the manual work out of it.” Jarian “Application understanding is the critical piece. You must know what your users do; what apps they use; how they use them; and where their data lives.” Dan
  • 8. “Virtualizing desktops is a great opportunity for application rationalization. You may find that you have 5000 apps, but only really use or need 500.” Nick “It’s essential to start with an application inventory. And it’s a great time to rationalize and consolidate your apps. Then it’s much easier to centralize the apps you’re bringing forward.” Shane “Dig deeper to find out what applications are in use and are mission critical. This is a very common blind spot for organizations. It often takes a neutral, outside party to get a clear picture of the real app list. Some of the newer tools help quite a bit but there is no substitute for making direct contact with the end users.” Steve
  • 9. If your users aren’t happy, you’re dead.”Shane “You need to be serious about gathering user requirements and understanding their work and their demands. At the end of the day, if the users aren’t happy, your project will fail.” Jarian “The first step is to segment your user base. If you don’t know what users are doing and what apps they’re using, you have no clue.” Nick “You can use survey tools to help automate discovery of your user base. But there’s no substitute for sending a person to the field to sit down and talk to the users and their managers. Ask them to launch the apps they use. Look at their desktops. Look at the drive mappings and learn how their desktop is configured.” Dan “You need to work with people. Sit side-by-side and demo the environment for them. Show them they can still customize their desktop; still have the photo of their kids on it; still access all their data and apps…” Jarian “The human element is really important here. Sending questionnaires to lots of branches doesn’t really give you everything. I much prefer 1- to 2-day site surveys with users, collecting real-world data.” Dan “You can’t meet every user but you can pick 4-5 managers and 4-5 power users out of 400-500 people and spend an hour with each.” Dan “Get your eyes on the workflow of the end user, learn what they do each day and how you can help them. IT projects usually fail because they’re disconnected from what the business really does and what it needs to improve. We often get hired to do one thing and then – after observing end users – change the approach. Sometimes the killer app can be as simple as better folder structures or fixing profiles.” Steve Know your users.
  • 10. “You can get crazy with over- segmentation though. It’s usually possible to consolidate down to a cluster of groups of users that share the key dimensions – even if they’re not in the same office or department.” Shane “It’s good to go for the low-hanging fruit first. You get the easy wins and get the buzz going so users get excited about virtualization instead of fearing it will ruin their world.” Jarian “It’s key to understand the various use cases and provide the right technologies to service each one. However, behind the scenes it is also important to identify commonalities. Often user cases that seem very different may only vary by a few apps, or by their preferred access method.” Steve “Segmentingyouruserbaseletsyou choose the right delivery model for every user group – to make sure the model you choose actually supports what that group does.” Shane And put them into groups. “We always use two or three delivery models” Shane
  • 11. Proactively manage change in the organization. “I’m a techie. I love technology. But after years and years of doing this, I’ve come to realize that there’s going to be a human being that is ultimately using this technology. And people will help you if they feel heard and valued.” Dan “It’s important to brand the effort internally and give the customer a stake in the process. Oftentimes just including users and departments in naming the project can foster enthusiastic support. Make the project name a buzz word, and a rallying force, in the organization. Create excitement and buy-In! This is one place where marketing can really help IT.” Steve “It’s important during the testing stage to give really responsive support to users. Their experience now will give them a taste of the future.” Shane “There’s a marketing element to this.You can make a solution, but if no one cares about it, it’ll just sit there.” Steve
  • 12. What’s in it for users? “With virtualization, they can be back up and running in minutes from a new endpoint. They like the sound of that. They also like flexible working. Knowing you can be productive wherever you need to work. And virtualization lets them bring their own devices. So the college kids coming in get to use their shiny new Macbook Pro instead of the clunky old PC – and still get access to all the company apps.” Jarian “My standard questions to users are: 1) What do you do today? 2) What challenges do you have and what could be better? 3) If we could wave a magic wand and make it do whatever you want, what would that be? Most of the time the answers to 3) are exactly what we can do with application and desktop virtualization, users just don’t know these things are already possible.” Steve
  • 13. Pick the right deployment models. “The idea of mapping FlexCast models to your user segments isn’t the first thought of many project managers – but it ought to be.” Shane “Some other vendors only have a VDI model so they skew people’s thinking by marketing that model as if it’s synonymous with desktop virtualization. It’s not. There’s much more to it.” Nick “Persistent desktops – the full VDI model – are a hungry beast. Memory and disk footprint and IOPS can be huge. So only do it for the small number of users who really need that experience.” Dan “If a customer wants to do VDI, they usually assume it’s going to be a dedicated virtual machine with hypervisor layer and all the storage and networking that was used for server virtualization. In reality, VDI is the right technology only about 10% of the time. Most use cases dictate other modalities such as XenApp, App-V or Provisioning Server, for example. These can be achieved with lower cost, excellent performance and easier management.” Steve “For many users, session virtualization is absolutely fine – you don’t need an entire OS as with VDI.” Nick “Structure your IT infrastructure so that it serves your business, and not the other way around.” Robert “The biggest insight I’ve gained is to keep things simple and only introduce complexity when there’s a business case for it.” Steve Find your models with Project Accelerator. Our own project management tool will help you map your users to the right deployment model. Give it a try!
  • 14. “Too often, customers skip over the Assess and Design stages – and it comes back to haunt them.” Nick Front load your projects. “There’s no short cut for a pretty rigorous assessment stage up front.” Jarian “Measure twice and cut once. Mistakes are very expensive in terms of dollars, manpower, productivity and organizational support. Design, test, re-design, test and then rinse and repeat…” Steve
  • 15. “Certain common applications belong in the image for technical reasons, but the lion’s share of apps should be virtualized to gain the real benefits. When you do this you have the ultimate flexibility to deliver the applications any way you need to.” Steve Maintain your layers of cake. “Best practice is to separate the OS from the apps from the personalization. If you de-couple these layers, administration is easy and the system is predictable.” Nick “You need to containerize your apps early so you can layer them properly. Yes, it costs a bit more money up front but your ongoing operational costs go way down. A lot of companies just install the apps inside the image and utilize local profiles – then when you update an app or tweak a user setting, you have to crack open the entire image to modify the OS, which means downtime. With layers, you can update a major app like SAP without touching the base OS layer. Once apps start getting installed inside images, the image proliferation starts. And if each image is 40-50 GBs, and you’re keeping two or three copies for backup/resiliency, that’s ~150 GB of storage. For essentially one image! This is why application virtualization is key – to minimize the number of images you need to maintain and decrease storage costs.” Nick
  • 16. Be realistic about your hardware. “You shouldn’t buy anything until after you’ve gathered requirements and finished your design.” Steve One of the biggest errors I see is people underestimating the hardware they’re going to need. The only way to really do hardwaresizingistounderstand how users are working. You can use Lakeside or other survey tools to get a snapshot. Jarian
  • 17. Centralize your data. “The Golden Rule for VDI: Every app must reside in the same data center as the data it accesses.” Dan
  • 18. Centralize your data.Continued. “It’s important to centralize your data before you move to a virtual environment –– or do it in parallel. But do it.” Jarian “If you break this rule, you’re pulling data over a WAN – and your performance and user experience will be terrible. An SAP report that took 3-4 seconds will now take 60-120 seconds over a WAN – that’s unusable.” Dan “So don’t put the app in the field where the user is – bring the user to the centralized app and its data.” Dan “You need all your data close to your apps. It’s more secure. Easier to back up and performance is far better.” Shane “Centralize data for live production, but whenever possible keep it in more than one place, on site and off site” Steve “You can’t separate desktop centralization from data centralization. If you want to centralize an app or a desktop, you must centralize its data at the same time.” Dan It’s a good thing. “Centralized data is easier to manage, more secure and a lot less expensive than trying to maintain small data centers in every branch office. It’s much easier to maintain, backup, secure and manage data from one or two locations.” Dan
  • 19. “You need to get all the IT administrators involved. Desktop virtualization touches desktops, applications, networks, security, storage – and you need all the admins of these things working together. If one of the systems goes wrong, the whole environment suffers.” Jarian “Desktop virtualization touches everything in IT. That’s good news and bad news if you don’t get everyone involved and the communication going.” Nick “Desktop and application virtualization involve all layers of the stack, from hardware, storage, network and operating system all the way up through apps, personalization and presentation. This has to be a cross-discipline effort and we always recommend creating a project team that has representation in all of these areas” Steve “Project teams that try to do this themselves with no input from the other teams, especially the business, always struggle. It never works.” Nick Get the whole IT team involved. The desktop team can’t do desktop virtualization alone. You need a cohesive IT group. Dan
  • 20. By far the biggest deployment trap is failing to test. Nick “Use the application experts – the users – to run tests. Don’t just let an IT guy launch an app, click around a bit and consider testing complete. Remove the user’s old endpoint so they give their full attention towards testing. Otherwise as soon as the first problem arises, they will switch back to their old endpoint. The key here is to make sure they can perform all job functions in the future environment before removing the endpoint!” Shane “With the first test users and business cases, we look for people who are going to be positive, and who will step up and help. We make them the early testers and rely on their feedback to eliminate most issues before going into general testing. When they are satisfied and can show success we make them the poster child for the rest of the organization. If you don’t test, you will fail.” Steve “Load testing is critical.” Jarian “If you have branch offices, have live users test from those locations. It’s important to see how the user experience will be across your WAN links. If possible, test with WAN simulators first to tune policies, then test with live users.” Shane “I was called in to consult for a pretty large public organization. Just a few days before they went live, they wanted to review the structure. I asked if they had done a test. They had not. They were planning to run 40-50 people per server. I asked them: What are you basing that on? They had no idea. None. And they didn’t even test it.” Robert “POCs are done on low-end hardware, usually whatever is laying around. You should look at your new infrastructure design to determine what the capacity will really be in production. You’ve got to stress things out to test them. That’s critical! A lack of proper scalability testing is one of the biggest causes of failure when companies move from POC to production.” Robert “It’s not just user acceptance testing (though it’s amazing that some customers skip that too). It’s performance and scalability testing. I’d estimate that only about ten percent of customers do this properly or at all. You need to find the bottlenecks early – the things that cause systems to break and lead to outages – and design around them. Only performance and scalability testing can do that.” Nick “Don’t go from 5 users to 5,000 without proper performance scalability testing. The idea is to try to break the system intentionally. Put 250 users on a server or throw 2000 desktops in a single resource pool or cluster. That’s when you start to catch the issues.” Nick Test,test,test.
  • 21. Exploit the available resources. “Consider Citrix’s Provisioning Server. This is the coolest thing since sliced bread if you understand how it works. Many projects should use it but they don’t because the technology looks intimidating. But I could teach you how to use it in a day or two.” Robert “I created a rollout incidents app in Podio for tracking tickets during testing and trend the issues and resolutions. If you don’t do incident tracking during user testing, you’ll repeat the mistakes when you roll out.” Shane “There are incredible resources available to you today – take advantage of them. But do not lose sight of the huge learning curve. You must dedicate real time and effort to get up to speed. The Citrix FlexCast model is a perfect example - you are given multiple ways to solve the same problem, so make sure you understand both the problem and the differences in the available solutions. “ Steve “You need to educate yourself and your team. Leverage Citrix resources and take a systematic approach to deployment, using the planning guides, reference architectures, Project Accelerator. They’re out there – use them.” Shane Go to Project Accelerator. This is our go-to project management tool for your entire desktop virtualization project.
  • 22. “Project Accelerator is great for sizing and reference architectures. It’s really important to review these. The framework really helps projects stay on track. Even for experienced CTPs.” Shane “One of the first deliverables in Project Accelerator is a roadmap that shows you which user groups to start with and which delivery model to use for each.” Nick “When you’re in the trenches, it’s hard to stay on top of developments with the technology. Project Accelerator has the latest best practice and the latest documentation built in so you stay up to date. With Project Accelerator, our customers see the project moving forward – it gives everyone on the project constant visibility.” Shane “I like Project Accelerator. It takes a lot of important data into account and asks the right questions. It takes extensive expertise to determine what the general outline of any given project will be in terms of hardware, software, services, planning and execution. This tool helps you get a good picture of what your project will look like without requiring the level of skill that the experts in this eBook have.” Steve A word about Project Accelerator. Forgive the shameless plug, but we’re proud of this puppy (and our experts seem to like it too). We basically tried to capture all the best practice advice from our consultants and wrap it up in a self- service environment. Dan Try it now!
  • 23. Conclusion To be honest, we weren’t sure what kind of things we’d come up with when we set out to make this eBook. Would it be too detailed and technical? Would it be too obvious and generic? What we got back from our generous contributors feels to us like solid gold: real, front-line advice from the mouths of some of the world’s most experienced desktop virtualization experts. The themes that we summarize here all emerged naturally, from the experts themselves. In most cases, the advice was unanimous. Which left us with a strong impression that we’re starting to hit the real, critical issues that drive the most successful desktop virtualization deployments. We hope you enjoyed reading it as much as we enjoyed assembling it. And, more importantly, we hope it helps you make your own desktop virtualization projects run smoothly. The Citrix Consulting and Project Accelerator teams Oh, and if you did enjoy this eBook… please do share this with your colleagues:
  • 24. More Resources Our XenDesktop Blog For best-practice advice from some of our top people The XenDesktop Support Forum There’s not a lot this community doesn’t know about desktop virtualization The XenDesktop Design Handbook With reference architectures, planning guides and lots more The Citrix Knowledge Center Dig in - we share everything we know eDocumentation All our documentation in an easy-to-use format The Ask the Architect blog An excellent team blog by some of the best in the business Podio The social collaboration platform that you make your own. AppDNA The application compatibility testing tool that accelerates and de-risks migration.
  • 25. About Citrix Services We’re Citrix consultants, teachers and support engineers and we’re all about one thing: making sure you succeed. With our help, you’ll deploy high-performance, robust virtualization and networking projects, faster and with dramatically lower risk and higher return. From free online tools and 24x7 support to intensive training, live events and deeply committed consulting engagements – we’re here for you. How we can help Citrix Consulting Intensive engagements for complex, critical or just plain massive projects. Citrix Support Always-on support services that leverage everything we know about best-practice deployment and maintenance. Citrix Education The fastest, most efficient way to get your team the virtualization skills they need. Online, on-site or in class. Plus free tools resources, including: The Knowledge Center Online forums, documentation and support resources Citrix Auto Support The automated online troubleshooter and health-checker. Project Accelerator The project management environment for your entire desktop virtualization project.