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Christmas Carol Essay
Crafting an essay on the theme of "Christmas Carol" presents both challenges and rewards. At
first glance, one might anticipate a seamless journey through the well-trodden paths of festive joy
and timeless morality. However, the intricacies lie in balancing the exploration of Charles
Dickens' classic with personal interpretation and original analysis.
The challenge arises in avoiding clichГ©s and predictable narratives. The temptation to retell the
story in detail can be overpowering, yet a successful essay demands a fresh perspective. Delving
into the characters' motivations, the symbolism embedded in the narrative, and the socio-
economic backdrop requires thoughtful examination.
Moreover, capturing the essence of the holiday spirit while avoiding sentimentality poses a
delicate balancing act. The essay should navigate through the ebullient festivities, unearthing the
profound messages beneath the veneer of merriment. This necessitates a keen understanding of
Dickens' intentions and the historical context of the Victorian era.
Furthermore, tackling the thematic richness of "Christmas Carol" requires adept literary analysis.
Exploring the narrative structure, character development, and Dickens' use of language demands
a nuanced approach. Connecting these elements to broader literary traditions and societal issues
adds depth to the essay, but it also demands extensive research and critical thinking.
On the flip side, the process of composing this essay provides an opportunity for personal
growth and intellectual exploration. Unraveling the layers of Dickens' masterpiece allows for a
deeper understanding of literature and human nature. The act of grappling with complex ideas
and conveying them coherently enhances one's analytical and communication skills.
In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Christmas Carol" is a journey that requires finesse
and diligence. The delicate balance between analysis and originality, the challenge of avoiding
clichГ©s, and the demand for a nuanced exploration of Dickens' work make this task a
formidable one. However, the rewards lie in the intellectual and personal growth derived from
dissecting a timeless classic. For those seeking assistance or looking to explore similar essays, a
wealth of resources can be found at
Christmas Carol EssayChristmas Carol Essay
Anselm s Existence of God Refuted Essay
Anselm s Existence of God Refuted
Anselm s Existence of God Refuted
If the only proofs for the existence of God were Aquinas s five ways and Anselm s
ontological argument, in my opinion, Anselm provides the best reasoning. I am not
saying that Anselm s argument is good, or even valid, but just that given the set of
proofs by Aquinas and Anselm, Anselm s is better.
Anselm argues, in effect, that the existence of God is built into the very concept of
God. He proceeds by a form of argument called reductio ad absurdum reduction to
absurdity. He attempts to show that the position of the fool the non believer who has
said in his heart, There is no God is incoherent and leads to absurdity. (Cottingham,
1996: 246)
How does ... Show more content on ...
However, just because something exists in the understanding, we would not normally
conclude that it also exists in reality. As Anselm himself points out, a painter may
have the completed work of art in his mind, but that does not make it a real painting.
(Cottingham, 1996: 246)
What Anselm tries to show next is that in this case, having an idea in the
understanding requires one to admit that the thing exists in reality as well. For
suppose that God exists only in the understanding. Then we can conceive of a greater
being: one who exists in reality as well. Moreover, that would mean that this God who
exists only in the understanding is not the greatest conceivable being. (Cottingham,
1996: 246)
Now we have a contradiction.
Now come to the case of God. The GCB would have to be wise, because a wise
being is greater than a being that is not wise. In addition, the GCB would have to be
just, because justice is better than injustice. What Anselm is claiming is that the GCB
must also exist, because a being that exists in reality is greater than one that exists
merely in the understanding. So:
It would be a contradiction to say; God (the GCB) is not wise
It would be a contradiction to say, God is not just.
In addition, it would be a contradiction to say, God does not exist.
There are many arguments as to why Anselm s argument is invalid. I have chosen
three of them, and have illustrated how these arguments make Anselm s
Types Of The Top Motorcycle Helmet
Research Introduction
If you re currently on the market looking to buy a cool new motorcycle, then you
ve come to the right place! Picking out a helmet that you like can be a difficult
thing to do because they all offer something different and you may not know what
exactly you re looking for. Below, you ll find four different reviews of some of the
top motorcycle helmets that you can purchase. After comparing all of the features
that they have to offer, you ll have no problem finding the perfect helmet for you!
Recommended Motorcycle Helmets
Matte Black/White Modular Dual Visor Flip Up High Performance Motorcycle
If you re looking for a helmet that is available in both a wide variety of sizes and a
couple different colors, then the ... Show more content on ...
Anti Scratch Visor
No matter where you ride or what you do, you re going to face some bad
conditions on the road and your helmet is going to take on some wear and tear.
Even if you re not riding, the helmet can get damaged. The Dual Visor Flip Up
High Performance Motorcycle Helmet features an anti scratch visor to keep your
helmet in great shape at all times. As you can tell, the Dual Visor Flip Up High
Performance Motorcycle Helmet has a little bit of everything and will make the
perfect option for both casual and serious riders looking to get the most out of their
helmet for a low price.
Dual Visor Modular Flip Up Gloss Black Motorcycle Snowmobile Helmet
If you re looking for a helmet that is going to look amazing at all times and provide
you with all of the protection you want from a helmet, look no further than the
Dual Visor Modular Flip Up Gloss Black Motorcycle Helmet to meet all of your
needs. It is the most advanced helmet and can easily be switched from a full face
helmet to an open face helmet. Additionally, this helmet is the perfect option if you
typically wear gloves and ride in all conditions.
Flip Up System
Depending on the type of biker you are, there are some that prefer to use a
completely open face helmet while others want their face completely covered. With
the Dual Visor Modular Flip Up Gloss Black Motorcycle Helmet, both types of bikers
will be covered since you can easily switch
What Caused Water Scarcity In China
The North China Crisis
Most developed countries think of water as a minor thing, but China one of the
leading countries of industrialization doesn t think that way. China, one of the leading
countries in Industrialization, but because of its overpopulation it causes water
scarcity. However, they are getting water from underground lakes called aquifers, but
they are pumping more water than what can be replenished. China s water scarcity is
mainly in the Northern region of China and so they decided to move water from the
south to the north this is called the South to North Water Diversion Project . Three
main causes of China s water scarcity crisis is Population, Global Warming, and
Industrialization. Of these, the most causing one is Industrialization. ... Show more
content on ...
First of all China has the largest population of all countries on Earth. However that
doesn t make China the largest country therefore leading to overpopulation.
Overpopulation is when the given area is populated with tons of people. ChinaВґs
population growth also affects China because the larger the population the more
water is needed because people can t live without water (Doc B). ChinaВґs
population growth affects the water scarcity crisis because people can t live without
water therefore the larger amount of people there are the faster the water is being
used up (Doc B). Also, ChinaВґs urbanization causes the country to waste more
water, for usually people living in cities would use more water than those who live
in rural areas. (Doc B). Therefore when rural people move into urban areas the
amount of water used will increase. Another reason for the water scarcity crisis is
global warming. Global warming is when there is a gradual increase in overall
temperature. This causes water to evaporate quicker therefore drying up major
rivers and lakes. Additionally causing fresh water glaciers to melt. In fact
according to MSNBC report, glaciers in the Qinghai Tibet plateau are shrinking
approximately 7% each year due to global warming (Doc A). This can cause water
scarcity because the water stored up in the glaciers will fall into the ocean and can
cause huge floods wasting water and causing water
Essay about Sci 115 Week 8 Assignment 2 Gene Technology
To purchase this visit here: 115 week 8
assignment 2 gene technology/ Contact us at:
SCI 115 Week 8 Assignment 2 Gene Technology Genetechnology carries with it
social and ethical implications many of which engender personal views and
Select one (1) of the following biotechnology topics to write about:
Genetically modified crop plants
Genetically modified microorganisms
Genetically modified animals
Personal genomics and / or personalized medicine for humans
Gene therapy
Write a four to six (4 to 6) page paper on your chosen topic. Organize your ... Show
more content on ...
Select one (1) of the following biotechnology topics to write about:
Genetically modified crop plants
Genetically modified microorganisms
Genetically modified animals
Personal genomics and / or personalized medicine for humans
Gene therapy
Write a four to six (4 to 6) page paper on your chosen topic. Organize your paper into
sections corresponding to the following requirements:
1. Biological basis. Describe the technology. Discuss what it accomplishes. Elaborate
on the scientific principles that make this technology possible. Your goal in this
section of the paper is to show the instructor that you understand the underlying
science behind the technology. Describe how exactly the technology works. Discuss
the biological principles that underlie this technology.
2. Social and ethical implications. Without disclosing your personal view about this
technology, provide an analysis of its social and ethical implications. State the
ethical concerns apparent in the use of this technology. Discuss the benefits and
risks. Your goal in this section is to look at all sides of the issue. In the next section,
you will give your opinion.
3. Personal viewpoint. In the previous section, your goal was to be More Details
What Is Cooking Essay
Cooking Cooking is something that most of people are doing it or try to do it. Some
do it as a profession, some do it for fun, and some do it because they have to do it.
People are going to cooking, because some food is raw that people cannot eat it,
because it is not tasty. I do cooking because I am very interesting in cooking, also I
will learn and know cooking every food. We have many kind of food, some of them
are good for health and some of them are not good for health. Now I will show you
some foods and how you cook it. We have many kind of food they are good for our
health. Most of salads are good for health one of them is potato salad. Potato salad is
also easy for cooking and is good for our health. This is recipe of potato salad, we
boil same potato, also we boil chicken chest but before we boil the chicken chest,
we cut it like square. After the potato boil we cut it like square, then when the
potato and the chicken chest boil we put them together in a big dish and let them
there. Then we put some olive oil on fire when it has a high temperature we put
some onion, and paprika in the oil after 2 minute we put potato and chicken. Finally,
it is ready for eating. This is one of the... Show more content on ...
Modern food is those food which know people like it to much in most of the
restaurants you can have it. Penne, pasta and pizza are those foods. I like penne
too much, also it is very easy for cooking and do not need too much time. This is
the recipe of penne: first, we boil the penne, then we cut chicken chest like Small
Square and we pan fry it. After that we put some cooking cream you can find it in
the supermarkets we let it boil, then we put some mushroom soup in the boiling
cooking cream, after it boil we put the penne and the chicken chest together in the
pan of cooking cream let few minute on fire then you can present. If you want, you
can put some chees on your dish. Also pizza is one of the food which most of people
Hebrew Old Testament Summary
Originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Syriac along with other Near Eastern
Semitic languages, translated completely into Hebrew, then into Greek, then into
Latin, English and eventually all modern languages. As a result of the Grecian
Macedonian Empire led by Alexander the Great, in 331BC, who conquered the
Achaemenid Empire and assumed control over the Kingdom of Judah. Consequently,
most of the government officials along with the wealthy and well educated of the
Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Israellearned how to speak and write Greek.
A decision was made by the religious leaders to translate the Hebrew Old Testament
into the Greek language, which became known as the Septuagint or the Septuagint
LXX referring to the Seventy ... Show more content on ...
. The Masoretic Text became one of the first writings of the Old Testament
accomplished by a Jewish sect of scribes, the Masoretes, who lived in cities located
in both the Kingdom of Judah as well as Babylonia. Between 700 to 1000AD, the
Masoretes compiled, wrote, copied and distributed the Masoretic Text with the
oldest complete surviving copy, dated 900AD. Saint Jerome, a priest, theologian
and historian, translated the New Testament from Greek to Latin, from 382 to
384AD, and the Old Testament, from 390 to 405AD, ending with the Latin
Vulgate. This would be the only Holy Bible used by the Catholic Church and later,
in 600AD, the church proclaimed that Latin is the only language spoken when
orally reading the Holy Bible. During his translations he also rearranged the order
of the original Hebrew and Greek texts from 32 books to 39 books. Jerome
accomplished this by dividing Joshua and Judges into two separate books, Samuel
and Kings into 1 and 2 Samuel along with 1 and 2 Kings, Chronicles into 1 and 2
Chronicles. The Book of Chronicles originally one of the last books of the Old
Testament was rearranged along with the books of Ruth, Ezra and
Sigmund Freud And Psychoanalysis
Sigmund Freud contributed more to the modern psychological research landscape
than any of his contemporaries. Throughout his career he created one of the first
empirically based methods of understanding the human psyche. These methods are
often summarized under the term Psychoanalysis and it is defined by a series of
theories which connect the human experience to human behaviors and motivations.
These theories consist of development analyses based around psychological,
physiological, and psychosexual growth. The ID Ego Superego relationship
developed by Freud attempts to categorically sort the different elements of human
desires that combine to create a picture of a healthy mind. Applying these conceptual
divides to specific systems... Show more content on ...
A societal participant must display a sense of morality; or the ability to determine
right from wrong. The moral compass was a result of a humans Superego
according to Freud. The superego was believed to develop later on after the Ego,
which was in turn developed just after birth. The superego allows for a higher level
understanding of human relations; and creates motivations to care for other
humans beyond a direct benefit to ones self. A parallel development to the ID Ego
Superego process is the psychosexual stages of human consciousness. These stages
develop over the first few years a child s life; and Freud believed they were the
primary component of sexual development in the psyche. From birth to 18 months a
child experiences the oral stage of psychosexuality; this time period finds the child
focused on the erogenous zone of the mouth. Exploration comes in the form of eating
or sucking on things; and the brain builds a relationship between these actions and
pleasure. This stage can carry extreme significance and Freud believed that events
like withheld food can severely impact the child s sense of trust as an adult. After the
18 month period
The Yellow Wallpaper Psychoanalytic Analysis
Analyzing works of literature through different literary lenses allows one to retrain
his or her mind to think critically. One s ability to think critically while reading
literary texts is pivotal, especially since literary criticism requires his or her mind to
read a text through a specific literary lens. When one applies a particular literary
theoryto a text, he or she embarks on a unique journey; a voyage that allows him or
her to question both the text and its author in order to discover the text s essential
message. For instance, if one decides to view a literary text through a
psychoanalytic lens, he or she is required to apply the ideas of psychology to the
text. How so? Think about it: One can choose to either focus on the psychology...
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In fact, analyzing this particular story is intriguing, mainly because the author of the
text is a female. Charlotte Perkins Gilman was the United States most prominent
feminist thinker during the late seventeenth and early twentieth century. Today,
Gilman s novels and short stories force one to think differently; her literary works
attack the role of women in society; therefore, when reading and analyzing The
Yellow Wallpaper, one should keep the following question in his or her mind: Why
are women portrayed like this? (Dreier 1). Having knowledge regarding the feminist
theory is pivotal, especially since Gilman depicts gender inequality throughout the
text. The feminist theory argues that men and women should be equal politically,
economically, and socially (Feminist Theory
My Career Path On Museums
I was nine years old when I went on my first adventure. Accompanied by my closest
friend, I darted through forests and the ocean, explored a sailing ship and a twentieth
century town, and marveled at the monumental carvings of native Canadians and an
Ice Age landscape. That day my fourth grade class was fortunate enough to travel to
the Royal British Columbia Museumin Victoria. What seemed to be a grand
adventure in the mind of a nine year old was actually my friend and I racing as fast
as our legs (and our chaperone) would allow us through the museums exhibits. I had
always been an inquisitive child; however, that trip was the first time I truly
understood how much joy I could experience while learning.
I aspire to help others experience the childlike joy which I felt when first visiting
the Royal BC Museum and I intend to achieve my goal by becoming a museum
curator. I have chosen to focus my career path on museums because, as my
childhood experience demonstrates, they are the ideal venue to encourage a lifelong
love of learning. The process of learning in a museum is not passive, instead visitors
are encouraged to seek our information for themselves. Not only is this activity
enjoyable for the visitor, it also exemplifies the idea that we should be engaged in our
own education and curious about the subject matter. Additionally, museums are a
unique educational experience because their objects offer visitors a concrete
connection to what they are learning about. Viewing
Bosnian War Research Paper
Alaeyshia Moore
Mrs. Yedinak
English Composition
13, September 16
The Bosnian War
Various ethnic groups and republics inside Yugoslavia sought independence, and as
the end of the Cold War neared, the country spiraled out of control. Serb
nationalism was fueled as Slobodan Milosevic rose to power in 1987. In 1991,
Yugoslavia began to break up along ethnic lines. When the republic of Bosnia and
Herzegovina declared independence in 1992 the region quickly became the central
theater of fighting. The Yugoslav army invaded Croatia, killing hundreds and next on
their long list was Bosnia.
In April 1992, the government of the Yugoslav republic of Bosnia Herzegovina
declared it s independence from Yugoslavia. Over the next several years, Bosnian Serb
... Show more content on ...
This peace agreement established two semi autonomous entities within Bosnia
Herzegovina: the Federation of Bosnia Herzegovina, inhabited primarily by Bosnia s
and Bosnian Croats, and the Republika Srpska (which includes Srebrenica),
dominated by Serbs, both with their own political structures, economies, and
educational systems, though by the End of the War, Roughly 100,000 People had
Died. Refugees were guaranteed the right to return to their pre war homes, but only a
small number of Bosniaks opted to go back to Srebrenica, which had been re
inhabited by Bosnian Serbs who had also been internally displaced by the war. An
influx of international assistance came after the fighting, including reconstruction
efforts by non governmental organizations, UN agencies, and foreign governments
and militaries and over $14 billion in aid (Genocide).
In conclusion the atrocities committed at Srebrenica are considered to be the worst
on European soil after the Holocaust (Genocide). The Bosnian War was a huge loss
for Bosniak and Croatian civilians. It was a presentation of how horrible and cruel
spirited people can be. How come nobody stopped before it got as far as it did. When
it comes to tragedies like this one will you be person who stops it or will you be the
one to afraid to
Fempa Case Study
Since its conception, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has
seen an array of different directors, each with their own leadership style. Many of
these directors performed their duties admirably in the response to many major
U.S. disasters; however, there were also some who are infamous for their lack of
performance. The roles these directors had in response to a major disaster, whether
good or bad, would greatly influence the response and recovery efforts. One of the
most notable and influential FEMA directors was a man named James Lee Witt
who was appointed by former President, Bill Clinton in 1993. Witt, who served four
years, as the director of the Arkansas Office of Emergency Service was the first
FEMA director appointed... Show more content on ...
The region suffered more than $20 billion in damage overall, making it one of the
most costliest disasters in U.S. history (Bolin Stanford, 1998). Due to the
magnitude and severity of the disaster it grabbed the immediate attention of the
federal government, and within hours after the earthquake President Clinton sent
key member of the administration to assess the damage and begin recovery
operations. Most notably, James Lee Witt not only was in charge coordinating the
response effort, but also took immediate action to begin relaying information to the
public and disaster victims as quickly as possible (Gordon Emerson, 2010). In the
days to follow the quake, Witt held daily public press conferences with the
Governor and would spend many evenings walking through temporary shelters,
speaking with victims and listened to their stories (Bolin Stanford, 1998). While
Witt made it his duty to thoroughly reassure the public that the government was
there to help, he also made the decision to modify existing FEMA programs to
expedite grant money to victims. Under normal circumstances, displaced families
would only receive a grant check for $3,000 if they could show proof of their
displacement. However, due to the severity of the disaster, FEMA decided that the
risk of fraud was far exceeded by the benefit of distributing grant money
Taking a Look at Marian Anderson
Successful classical soprano performer Leontyne Price was one of the first artists to
benefit from Marian Anderson s hard work and dedication. The day after Marian
Anderson s death, April 8th, 1993 Price discussed the ways in which Anderson was
able to overcome obstacles while remaining consistently professional and keeping the
high standards she set on her performances. Marian Andersonwas born on February
27, 1897. She was considered one of the most celebrated African American artists
of the twentieth century. Anderson identified herself as a contralto, which is the
lowest frequency female voice with in a choir. Although Anderson is classified as
a classical vocalist her repertoire included many genres such as opera, traditional
American songs, concert literature and spirituals. Her live performances spanned
the years of 1925 to 1965. The majority of her performances were recitals or
concerts, some of which took place within major venues. Through Anderson s
successful career she paved a path for many other African American vocal artists to
follow. This paper explores the ways in which Marian Anderson s career, from her
early beginnings, struggle for recognition, and worldwide acclaim shaped her identity
as a representation for African American vocalists after her to follow. Marian
Anderson was born in PhiladelphiaPennsylvania and spent the majority of her
childhood years in Philadelphia. Her parents were John Berkley Anderson, an
entrepreneur who sold liquor, ice and
The Effectiveness of the International Criminal Court Essay
There is a close relationship between human rights and criminal law. The scope of my
paper will surround human rights and the International Criminal Court (ICC) in
addition to human rights and international crimes. International criminal justice in
this context speaks to those interested in prosecuting against the background of
international human rightsand humanitarian norms. The use of criminal law has
many positive effects and pursues many goals that are worth considering. For
example, deterrence, accountability and punishment are important principles that will
be discussed in the context of human rights. Is the International Criminal Courtan
effective method to promote and protect human rights internationally? If so, why and
how?... Show more content on ...
To support my argument, I will first discuss the evolution of international criminal
justice and the ICC. Then I will address my three subsidiary arguments. First, I will
argue that the International Criminal Court is effective because it increases
accountability of human rights violators. Secondly, I will argue that the existence and
use of the court increases disapproval and deterrence which protects human rights
making the ICC effective. Third, I will argue that the International Criminal Court is
effective because it allows for a universal standard of acceptable and unacceptable
behaviour as well as transcends and empowers national jurisdictions. Finally, I will
address the counter argument and conclude.
The Evolution of International Criminal Justice and the ICC
The evolution of international criminal justice is important to consider. Two ad hoc
tribunals, the International Criminal Tribunal of Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the
International Criminal Tribunal of Rwanda (ICTR), have facilitated the adoption of
the ICC. The ICC came into existence on July 1, 2002. The court operates on the
principle of complementarity which means that the court does not function unless a
state in question is unable or unwilling to investigate and, if warranted, prosecute for
one of the covered crimes. Whereas the ICTY and the ICTR had primary jurisdiction
and could supersede state action, the ICC only has the aforementioned
Ordinances On Homelessness
Homelessness is becoming a rampant issue in Chico. As a community, Chico
should feel strongly about helping people in need, instead of treating the homeless
population like second class citizens. Not allowing the homeless population in
Chico to use the twenty four hour restrooms and the passing of the sit lie ordinance
are not examples of us accepting the homeless population. Every day, I always see
the same homeless people in the same spots near the Chico State campus, Annie s
Glenn, as well as Camellia Way. It makes me feel powerless knowing that I can t
solve the issue of homelessnesswithout help from the government.
The implementation of ordinances for the twenty four hour restrooms in addition to
the sit lie is not helping the cause of
Discrimination Of Women In America
Throughout history man has always felt superior to women. Though most believe
that America has moved past this discrimination, it is still very much so practiced.
Of course in the news we hear about how women are treated in other countries.
They either work all day for the family, have little to no rights, or in general are put
down. In the U.S. the discrimination may not seem as bad, but with how advanced
America is, any discrimination should not be practiced. Whether it be receiving
lower wages or an easy target to abuse, women in America are still greatly chastised
for being who they are. Other countries not as advances as the U.S. or who have
different customs provide the women their with little respect as well. They have
specific duties
Green Sea Turtles
Turtles have puzzled evolutionary biologist immensely. Their morphology isn t
similar to any other living species, specifically their shell is quite perplexing as the
shell makeup is unique to other armored tetrapods, like rhinos and armadillos. In
fact, the dorsal part of the shell is transformed into ribs and vertebrae and their
shoulder blades have inside out topology against the rip cage. This is unique in
comparison to other armored tetrapods because they tend to have independent
vertebrae and rib cage to their armor and have regular topology of the shoulder
blades. In addition, turtles lack a temporal fenestra which classes them in the
anapsid group. This is abnormal, because generally turtles are labeled as reptiles and
generally reptiles have two fenestra which classes them into the diapsid group. These
characteristics are part of the reason as to why a phylogenetic tree is complicated to
create. This primary paper ultimately sets out to determine where the turtle,
specifically the extant species the green sea turtle and the Chinese... Show more
content on ...
The fragments of the turtle s genes in the database needed to be assembled
independently of one another; thus, HiSeq 2000 was used to shotgun sequence
and the sequences were assembled with SOAPdenovo assembler. The resulting
genomic size of each turtle species was ~ 2.2 Gb with N50 lengths of scaffolds
smaller than 3.3 Mb. Based on the analysis of the genetic database study, and
looking at orthologous sets of 1,113 single copy coding genes, there was and
immense amount of evidence that turtles are likely to be a sister clade of crocodiles
and birds. This likely means that the secondary fenestra reptiles have was lost in
turtles have the two sister groups diverged from a common ancestor 257.4 million
years ago. (likely the
Accounts Receivable and Information
chapter 1
accounting information systems: An overview
Suggested Answers to Discussion Questions
1.1The value of information is the difference between the benefits realized from
using that information and the costs of producing it. Would you, or any organization,
ever produce information if its expected costs exceeded its benefits? If so, provide
some examples. If not, why not? Most organizations produce information only if its
value exceeds its cost. However, there are two situations where information may be
produced even if its cost exceeds its value. a. It is often difficult to estimate accurately
the value of information and the cost of producing it. Therefore, organizations may
produce information that they expect ... Show more content on ...
While this active learning activity takes more time than a lecture does, it drives the
point home much better than a lecture would. It also keeps the students more
engaged in the material.
1.4How do an organization s business processes and lines of business affect the
design of its AIS? Give several examples of how differences among organizations
are reflected in their AIS. An organization s AIS must reflect its business processes
and its line of business. For example: * Manufacturing companies will need a set of
procedures and documents for the production cycle; non manufacturing companies do
not. * Government agencies need procedures to track separately all inflows and
outflows from various funds, to ensure that legal requirements about the use of
specific funds are followed. * Financial institutions do not need extensive inventory
control systems. * Passenger service companies (e.g., airlines, bus, and trains)
generally receive payments in advance of providing services. Therefore, extensive
billing and accounts receivable procedures are not needed; instead, they must develop
procedures to account for prepaid revenue. * Construction firms typically receive
payments at regular intervals, based on the percentage of work completed. Thus,
their revenue cycles must be designed to track carefully all work performed and the
The Problems of Northern Ireland Essay
The Problems of Northern Ireland
Northern Ireland is part of Ireland which is the most western part in Europe. It is a
small place with a population of 1.5 million and is no larger than Yorkshire. It has
been the centre of media attention because of a conflict between the people of the
province. Many people have been killed there and in the years 1968 1994 over three
thousand died. Northern Ireland is ruled by the British parliament in London where as
the republic of Ireland has its own government and parliament in Dublin.
Unionists are made up of Protestants wanting Northern Ireland to be a part of the UK.
They think that British troops in Northern Ireland should stay and help fight ... Show
more content on ...
SDLP and Sinn Fein are both political however Sinn Fein back up revolutionary
violence and work of the IRA. The IRA use force to oppose British presence in
Ireland and have killed many British soldiers and Northern Ireland police officers.
The IRA is illegal.
Overall what cause so much conflict in Ireland are the different groups fighting for
unionist and nationalist views. They all believe that they are right and it seems that
they won t quit until others believe it. All groups for nationalist views want the same
thing like unionist groups they all want the same thing to but are going different
ways about it. There are political parties, terrorist groups, religious groups and
historical links battling for unionist and nationalist views. It causes a lot of suspicion
and violence and there is not just one fight to be solved but many.
Northern Ireland Coursework
Question 2A
In this piece of coursework I will be looking at two events that have been particularly
important in shaping the views of the protestant community in Northern Ireland. The
two events I have chosen to look at are the Catholic rebellions 1641 1649 and the
Battle of Boyne in 1690.
English and Scottish people were sent to live in Ireland by Elizabeth
Why Country Music is better than Rap
In the world today, music has become a big influence on everyone. With the power
of music, each person has the ability to accomplish goals even if the music is
country or rap. Most people believe that music can change a person s mood or
behavior which is true. Without music people could not control the way they act.
Most music has the power to affect a person s mood and other music can get them
out of control. If music did not exist the world would be tedious. Without having
music, people would not be able to motivate their moods. With the magic of music
all people tend to have clear minds and better spirits. Music has the ability to put a
smile on their face and a special song in their hearts. Even though most people feel
confident about a special song, this can change their mind about how country musicis
better than rap music. When listening to country music, people tend to get excited
and be in a better mood. All country songs have the ability to express a feelingof what
the song is about. With the power of rap music people cannot express the way they
feel. Country music can allow each individual to achieve more goals in life. If
someone is having a bad day or just feeling down and out they can listen to country
music and it can change their mood right then and there. Most people that listen to
rap probably feel about the same as they did before. This is because the rap music
cannot control feelings like country music can do. People pretty much can listen to
The Theme Of Loneliness In Jane Eyre
Jane #8217;s childhood and upbringing at Gateshead is a crucial part of Bront
#235; #8217;s novel. Her upbringing ignited this hunger in Jane, due to her
exclusion from her cousins and the overwhelming atmosphere of hatred from her
aunt Mrs Reed. The first time the reader is introduced to Jane and the Reeds she is
shut out in the cold from the rest of the family. Who are sitting together by the lit
fireplace while she sits by the window looking out into the cold afternoon and reading
a book. The dreary weather described by Jane is a use of cleaver pathetic fallacy
representing Jane #8217;s feeling of separation from her family. #8220;Why was I
always suffering, always browbeaten, always accused, for ever condemned. Why
could I never please?... Show more content on ...
Jane is a rather submissive girl in public, only ever letting her rage out at several
pivotal points during the text, one of which being when she decided to fight back
against John. He had been delivering his punishment on her for reading a book that
didn #8217;t belong to her, it is then we are made aware by Jane that she usually
accepts the punishment quietly. Though, after John throws the book she was
reading at the back of her head, making her fall forward and cut her forehead she
snaps. #8220;Wicked and cruel boy! #8221; I said #8220;You are like a murderer
you are like a slave driver you are like the Roman emperors! #8221; (Chapt.1) Not
only does she finally let him know just how she feels about him, her use of simile
imply that John Reed.Jr #8217;s treatment of her is on the same level as people from
history known to torture the innocent. This outburst accurately presents Jane #8217;s
anger and foreshadows her future anger towards those who treat her as if she is
worth less than she actually
Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses on First and...
The immune system is comprised of two responses: the adaptive immune response
and the innate immune response. The first line of defence against invading organisms
is classified as the innate immune response and the second line of defence and
protection against re exposure to the same pathogen is known as the adaptive immune
response. Innate immune responses are known as the non specific manner which
composes the cells and defend the host from infection by other organism by
mechanism. The adaptive immunity represents the antigen specific immune
response. Compare to innate immune response, adaptive response is more complex.
In adaptive response the antigen needs to be recognised and processed. The adaptive
immune system creates immune... Show more content on ...
If a pathogen breaches barriers: innate immune response result into an immediate
effect of non specific response. All Innate immune systems derived from plants and
animals, when a pathogen evades the innate response, a third layer of protection is
possessed by vertebrates in which activation of adaptive immune system takes place.
The immune system response adopts itself within an infection and pathogen
recognition is improved. As a result of the improved response, its then retains itself
when the pathogen is eliminated in form of an immunological memory and allows
the adaptive immune system to mount faster and stronger when pathogen is
encountered each time. To be able to distinguish among self and non self molecules,
both immune and adaptive immunity depends on the ability of the immune system.
Self molecules are known as the components in which the body disguise itself from
foreign substances by immune system. Non self discrimination molecules are known
as the foreign molecules. One of its function is the antigen, this substance bind with
specific immune receptors and immune response elicit. When the pathogen replicates
different components of immune system evolves to protect against various types of
pathogens. However infection of an organism does not necessarily shows diseases,
disease are only present when the bolus of infection, in terms of when immunity is
comprised. All components of
Arguments Against The Drug War
Each day it seems America slips further away from the true meaning of individual
liberty. I m sure you have been raised to think that you grew up in the land of the
free, but I question what the true definition of freedom is. Now don t get me
wrong, I agree that other countries may not have as much freedom as we do in
America but that s not my argument. The problem is that The land of the free isn t
so free anymore. It seems we go against the constitution more often every year. The
drug war is a great example of us loosening our grips on the constitution because of
the precise fact that it takes away individual liberty. Using drugs is most certainly
not anything I would advise, but if it was my choice to make for you then you
wouldn t truly... Show more content on ...
They believe that law enforcement using their powers is making America more
drug free. The facts prove this to be incorrect though, because it is doing
everything except for what it was created to do. Since the day that the drug war
began drug use has expanded steadily, which is the complete opposite of its
purpose. What people fail to realize is that others will use drugs regardless of if it is
legal or not. During the 1920 s the alcohol prohibition brought similar outcomes as
the drug war is. It s causing violence, lawlessness, gangs, brutality and corruption.
The reasoning for the violence was not that selling or making alcohol was unsafe,
but was ultimately caused by the brutal black market, which sent profits through
the roof. As Congressmen Ron Paul once stated The only beneficiaries are the
drug barons, smugglers and dealers who enjoy exorbitant profits, and those dark
forces in government who try to further suppress our freedoms under the excuse of
fighting the war against drugs. Pablo Escobar s son stated that the United States
Government used to work with Pablo. They worked with him by smuggling more
drugs into America and buying or selling drugs to and from Pablo himself. That is
just one man s word but there have been multiple times when the CIA has been
called out in making or selling cocaine. If the drug war were working there wouldn
t be a large amount of people using drugs and there wouldn t be people committing
crimes to get the drugs, because if it were working then the country would be drug
free. I iterate that people still use drugs and the drug war has done nothing but create
violence, send people to jail and ruin opportunities for the person. According to Mona
Chalabi, in a study published in the British Medical Journal in 2013 found that
despite efforts to limit the supply of drugs, since the
Grizzly Bear Biome
My biome is Temperate Rainforest, the animal I will be talking about is a grizzly
bear and my plant is a tree. The Grizzly bear is the key member to the Temperate
Rainforest. With the Grizzly strong jaw he/she can take down any sort of prey.
Throughout the winter Grizzly bears hibernate and conserve there energy. During
spring time the Grizzly bearsthick claws help them swipe at fish. When new cubs
are welcome to the Temperate Rainforest they have to stay with their mom for 2 3
years, only to make sure they can survive on their own. This means after the cubs
turn three their parents leave them to be alone in the world. Grizzly bears are
omnivores they can eat seeds, berries, roots, and deer. Male grizzly bears can grow
about up to 6.5 8... Show more content on ...
The grizzly sheds the thick part of their coat during the summer. The coat also
protects the grizzly bear from insects or any types of bugs. The grizzly bears have a
very large home range that they will roam through. The grizzly bear also spend
hours of the day walking around, but that is common for grizzly bears. The wear
in the temperate rainforest is sunny and sometimes rainy. When the grizzly bear
needs to move quickly through their habitat it can be done so at a speed of 30
miles per hour. The mating season for grizzly bears start in mid May it continues
until the middle of July. Grizzly bears can live in the wild up to 30years. They can
also die at the age of 25. Grizzly bears can be found in woodlands, forests, alpine
meadows and prairies. They prefer to be around streams or rivers. Grizzly bears
are mainly solitary, except for mothers and their cubs. Grizzly are known to meet
up at a river or a stream. Grizzly bears are also very strong swimmers. Grizzly bears
use sound, movement, and smells to communicate with each other. Grizzly bears
happen to groan and moan to get each others attention. Grizzly bears also rub their
bodies on trees so they scratch their self. Throughout the summer grizzlies build up
fat by eating as much
Literary Devices InBallad Of Birmingham, By Dudley
The poem Ballad of Birmingham, by Dudley Randall, is about the bombing of a
church in Birmingham, Alabama during 1963. The poem begins with a question
and ends with a completely different question. It starts with a girl asking her
mother a question: Mother dear, may I go downtown / Instead of out to play, / And
march the streets of Birmingham / In a freedom March today? (lines 1 4). It ends
with the mother asking: But, baby, where are you? (line 32). The author uses
literary devices, such as rich word choice, vivid imagery, and alliterations, to bring
up important issues of racism, questions of freedom and safety, and to contribute
to the poem s thematic significance. Randall also uses a question and answer form
between the mother and daugther to build a specific tone, appeal to the reader s
ethos, and bring up the issues of racism, freedom, and safety. The first four stanzas
are questions and answers in the form of dialogue; the daughter asking to be in the
freedom march and the mother telling her it is too dangerous. The mother tells her
that the dogs will be fierce, the guns will fire, and there will be clubs and hoses. In
these stanzas the author uses repetition and word choice to create the tone of a
wary mother telling her daughter no and the daughter s youthful innocence. When
the daughter says: Mother dear (line 1) it conveys a young child trying to inveigle
her mother into letting her be in the march. The repetition of No, baby, no, you
may not go, (lines 5 and 13), has the tone of a vigilant mother talking to her young
child. Randall also uses an understatement to support the issue of racism and the
question of freedom. After the mother says there will fierce dogs, clubs, guns,
hoses, and jails, she says that those things: Aren t good for a little child. (line 8)
This is a tremendous understatement. No one, of any age, should be treated in such
a hideous way, especially free people at a freedom march. The author ends this
section with foreshadowing and dramatic irony. The mother says: No, baby, no,
you may not go, / For I fear the guns will fire. / But you may go to the church
instead / And sing in the children s choir. (lines 12 15). This is dramatic irony and
Plessy V. Ferguson Case
The Plessy v. Ferguson case generated nationwide contention in the United States
exclusively because the outcome would decisively affect every citizen in the country.
This case was the spark that ignited the flame in our nation that led to the
desegregation of schools. Plessy vs. Ferguson elucidated the racial inequality evident
in the educational system at that time and brought to light the standard of the
separate but equaland how it affected both races. The struggle to achieve equality
was made even more difficult by the legislation of racismin the Plessy v Ferguson
The Plessy v. Ferguson case is a very important part of our history. This 1896 U.S.
Supreme Court case endorsed the legalization of segregation under the doctrine ...
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Ferguson because of the many protests that occurred. Groups of white people
protested that the segregation laws should remain the same and that they shouldn t be
changed. Even after the Plessy v. Ferguson case, the doctrine separate but equal has
been marked throughout history.
Even after the Plessy v. Ferguson case, there were many examples of post racism
that occurred throughout history. In fact, there were so many events going on that
an author even used examples of racism and the events that were happening in the
world in her book. An author named Harper Lee wrote a book called To Kill A
Mockingbird. The book was set in the 1930 s and during that time, racism was very
strong. During this time, the Jim Crow laws and the Ku Klux Klan were a big part of
the racial activity going on during the 1930 s. In To Kill A Mockingbird, there
many example that showed great amounts of racism and the doctrine separate but
equal. Some of these examples include, the Tom Robinson case and how the book
shows the separation of African Americans and whites in many places. The Tom
Robinson case shows a great example of separate but equal. In the book, Tom
Robinson is falsely accused for raping a white woman. Throughout the court case,
Tom was told that he was guilty numerous times just because he was black. During
the court case, Atticus says, Which, gentleman, we know is in itself a lie as black as
Tom Robinson s skin, a lie I do not
Kairos Retreat Essay
An event that clearly marked my transition from childhood to adulthood was the
truly eye opening experience of attending a Kairos retreat. For those unfamiliar
with Kairos, it is a four day religious retreat in which you and a small group of
students come together to more learn about God, themselves, and others in a setting
that completely removes you from the daily distractions and stresses of the outside
world. Everyone, including myself, was able to share the personal stories about the
struggles that they have faced and are continuing to face every day of their lives and
offer support to others that may be going through similar things. We laughed
together, we cried together, and we created strong relationships and friendships with
people, some of which we hadn t spoken a word to or even known by... Show more
content on ...
I walked away from this experience, not only with a bunch of new friends, but with
a whole new outlook on life and the way in which I look at and treat other people. I
realized how important it is to simply be kind to others, no matter how clichГ© it
seems, and that just by saying hello to someone or showing you care about them,
you can make their day or maybe even save their life. This is an attitude that I will
carry into adulthood and use in my everyday life. It is an attitude that will be
valuable to me in college and in my career when I encounter an even larger and
more diverse group of people than what I am used to at the moment. In a world
that is filled with such negative people, it is important to not fall into a pessimistic
way of viewing the world and other people and instead be a friend to those who feel
as if they don t have any or be a helping hand to those who are
Silence In No Name Woman
But there is more to this silence; they want me to participate in her punishment. And I
have (1333). In Maxine Hong Kingston s story, No Name Woman, Kingston is telling
the cautionary tale of her aunt who was isolated and pushed to commit suicide and
take her child with her. Kingston makes points on how, If the familyvalues of Chinese
Culture is so important. Why did the No Name Womans family decided to isolate and
shun her, when the whole situation has not been an opportunity to give her a chance
to explain what happened. Silence is a very big key in No Name Woman. Kingston
and her aunt share this key, they both have their own ways of showing silence. The
aunt uses silence more than Kingston, she would not give any clues or reasons for...
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Chinese Americans, when you try to understand what things in you are insanities,
one family, your mother who marked your growing up with stories, from what is
Chinese? What is Chinese tradition and what is the movies? (1327). This is a
powerful point that Kingston is making, it explains all the confusion, the
questions, and the doubting of their true culture values that Chinese Americans
would have when they are being intertwined with this new information given to
them by their school, family members, parents, or even society itself. The feel of
this literature piece is that Kingston is revealing the truth about the ugliness and
flaws of Chinese culture. How the Women are treated with no respect, there were
practices that were cruel and inhuman. That s why I completely feel the same way
that Kingston would feel if I was being forced to be a part of the family s silence
and accept the same exact punishment as Kingston s aunt. One of the practices was
foot binding, it was a way of controlling the women to be submissive and alway
count on the men, as they would always be in pain and helpless. Mother s or slaves
would bind young women s feet at an early age. Having your feet bind together
was some sort of social status, where you place, like low class, middle class, and
upper class. Wealthy women could have their feet bind, they didn t work so it was
done as an act of beauty. That s probably when the phrase It hurts to be beautiful
Similarities Between Middle Colonies And New England
In the 16th century, Europeans attempted to inhabit America, and their efforts
sparked numerous occurrences within the various areas they were colonizing. These
regions of English establishment are divided into three groups, based on how
drastically varied they are from one another. Although, all three of the areas also
share a few common similarities. The establishments were referred to as the New
EnglandColonies, Middle Colonies, and Southern Colonies. As mentioned above, all
of these regions have numerous similarities and differences concerning their
formation and history. There are many elements to consider when discussing the
establishment of the New England Colonies. For one, a number of English Puritans,
in an organization called the MassachusettsBay Company, decided to migrate to
America, in hopes of a more favorable financial environment. In 1629, after much
deliberation and an offer to pay out the original group of prospective settlers, only
some of the Puritans agreed to travel to America, with an aspiration to concoct a
Puritansanctuary. A year later, they journeyed to New England with a charter from
Charles I and with John Winthrop as their governor. The New England Puritans
continued to be bound to their religious roots, but there were a few variations; the
long established worshipping practices that England maintained were not favored,
and the notion of predestination spread. Over time, the Massachusetts Bay Company
prospered, and it rapidly grew in size. Another important historical figure was named
Anne Hutchinson, and she disputed matters regarding religion and women s rights.
Additionally, the Native Americans and the English settlers lived harmoniously and
they assisted one another. Until, numerous wars occurred causing a rift between the
two cultures. Some of these disturbances were called the Pequot War and King
Phillip s War.
Furthermore, the ownership of the Middle Colonies caused much commotion
between the Dutch and English. Initially, the Dutch were in possession of the
colonies, but the English disliked them for creating a divide between all of the
colonies and for allowing smugglers to bypass certain laws. An English fleet seized
control of New Amsterdam, and James
Taking a Look at Brunei Darussalam
A small country in Southeast Asia, Brunei Darussalam is situated about 4В° north of
the Equator and about 114В° degrees east. It is right next to Sarawak, the East
Malaysian state. Brunei s climate is a mix of tropical and equatorial. Temperatures are
high and there is rainfall all year round. At higher altitudes it is humid subtropical
accompanied with heavy rainfall. Humid subtropical climateis subtropical climate
with summers that are hot and humid and winters that are usually mild. The
temperature remains stable at 10 В°C or 50 В°F and the region is warm to hot most
of the year with mild winters. The climate in Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital city
and the largest one in Brunei, is tropical equatorial. It has two seasons; the dry and
the wet or rainy season. In the dry season it is extremely hot with temperatures
soaring up to 36 В°C or 96.8 В°F. In the rainy season, it is usually warm and wet
with temperatures ranging from 20 В°C to 28 В°C or 68.0 В°F to 82.4 В°F. The
country of Brunei, in most parts, is a flat coastal plain. In the east, there are
mountains and in the west, hilly lowlands.
Climatic regions
There are several climatic regions in Brunei. These are:
1.The Brunei Muara District and Bandar Seri Begawan
2.The Tutong District
3.The Belait District
4.The Temburong District
The Brunei Muara District and Bandar Seri Begawan are humid tropical around the
coast and in the north at lower altitudes. The climate in central Brunei Muara District
is humid subtropical.
Sneak Peak into the Egyptian Culture
The Arab Republic of Egypt is located in the north eastern corner of Africa and south
western Asia. It is bounded on the north by the Mediterranean Sea, on the east by
Palestine and Israel, on the south by Sudan, and on the west by Libya.
The capital of Egypt is Cairo. Population amounts to 76,117,421.
The Egyptian community The Egyptian community is one of the most deep rooted
communities all over the world; due to the fact that the ancient Egyptian practiced
agriculture 5000 years ago, they believed in the necessity of achieving cooperation
among members of the community. So, they established a central government to
regulate matters among them.
On the other hand, the geographical position of Egypt helped the ... Show more
content on ...
However, some extended families do not follow the traditional patterns in which
genealogically related persons of two generations live together or in which
married siblings form one household. Rather, extended families are based on the
incorporation of unmarried relatives into a family. Regardless of age, unmarried
sons or daughters live with their parents until marriage. After divorce or the death
of a spouse, both men and women, especially if they do not have children, are
expected to return to their parents if they are still alive; otherwise, they are
supposed to live with a brother, sister, or other relative. Another popular extended
family pattern is the one in which a child is borrowed by a relative with no
children of his or her own. Among lower class people, this phenomenon appear
more often among grandparents who need the assistance of a child for housework.
Another common middle and lower class family pattern found in Egypt is the
incorporation apprentices or work assistants, into a particular household. Such
individuals have a special position, because although not all of them sleep in the
house of their employer. Upper middle and upper class families employ domestic
servants who may or may not live in the
Anglo Saxon Warrior Analysis
The Expectations of an Anglo Saxon Warrior
Paul Watson stated, I do what I do because it is the right thing to do. I am a
warrior, and it is the way of the warrior to fight superior odds . In this quote, Paul
Watson is describing the duty of a warrior. People have many assumptions as to what
warrior s expectations were back in the Anglo Saxon Era. Warriors did whatever it
took to finish their duty. In the poems, The Seafarer, The Wanderer, and Beowulf
warriors were big parts of the stories. Learning about what their expectations
included was very helpful in determining the kind of people they were. Warriors in
the Anglo Saxon Era were very loyal and brave to their kings and or higher powers.
Warriors were also known for traveling great distances in certain circumstances. In all
three poems, the expectations for warriors remained the same.
Bravery can be shown throughout all three stories. Bravery can be described as
courageous behavior or character. Epic heros were not the only people known for
their bravery. Warriors showed bravery just as equally. In The Seafarer, it states,
But there isn t a man on earth so proud/ So born with greatness, so bold with his
youth/ Grown so brave, or so graced by God ( The Seafarer 39 41). In The
Wanderer, it states, Though woefully toiling on wintry seas/ With churning oar in
the icy wave/ Homeless and helpless he fled from fate ( The Wanderer 3 5). In this
quote from The Wanderer , the man has no motivation but he is brave
Analysis Of The Book Celebrated Cases Of Judge Dee
The book Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee takes place in the Tang Dynasty in a
region of China called Chang ping. The time in which the book took place was a
very Confucian society due to the resurrection of the Confucian Educational
System. This society emphasized beliefs such as the importance of the government,
education, filial piety, and the 5 relationships. It believed that the gentleman was
the embodiment of all these characteristics and was held to the highest standards.
Legalism was the practiced legal system at the time. In the legal system, it was
expected that to those who were accused of wrongdoings were to be tortured into
confessing their crimes and the punishments were very severe. One of the ways
Legalism worked was that when one was suspected to be guilty, the confession
would be tortured out of them, rather than searching and comparing all the suspects.
The society of the time also practiced and believed in spiritual entities. They d pray
in temples for answers to their questions and the response they d get were taken
seriously. These were the common practices of the time. This novel focuses on Dee
Jen djieh, or more commonly known as Judge Dee. He is the magistrate of Chang
ping and is famous for solving many successful and puzzling cases. He is an honest,
wise, benevolent, justice loving magistrate, although some members of the public
believe he is too rash in judgments and often jumps to conclusions. Judge Dee is a
good magistrate because he is
The Lovesong Of J Alfred Prufrock Mood
In T.S Elliot s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Elliot describes the mental
interactions between a man and his social environment. Through descriptive
language, allusions, and enjambment, he supports a message that addresses the doubt
and insecurity that lies within a majority of society. Overall, the tone of the poem is
very pessimistic in its addressing of everyday insecurities.
Throughout The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Elliot creates a very distinctive
setting in order to enable the reader to fully understand the thoughts and the mental
state of the man that the poem dissects. The style that is used does more than simply
add to the setting, but it is another way for the author to establish character
development. Through lines
Family Life In Premarital Sex In Colonial America
Premarital sex did not exist in America, and young girls were likely to still be virginal
upon marriage and faithful afterwards, sadly that is just a traditional American myth.
The reality is that sexual activity before and outside marriage was a common practice,
among the Puritans, in the seventeenth century. Throughout the eighteenth century in
America, 30 to 40 percent of brides walked down the aisle pregnant. Premarital
pregnancy was not just limited to the twentieth and twenty first century. Today,
families are not quite the same as what they use to be. They include a more diverse
environment than in the past and are more probable to be formed away from marriage
. Beginning with the familylife in colonial America, we examine the household
structure between the families and colonial communities, compared to the
emergence of the modern family. We apply our attention to the shift from
agriculture based to industrial economy and the consequences for family life that
follow. The colonial society has a particular correlation among families, these
examples involve the family structure, married couples, and children. Looking at
the families through a micro level point of view provides a system to these
examples, where the internal workings of colonial period differed profoundly from
those in our modern days. A vast majority of Early America was associated with
agriculture like farming, because it was mainly a rural territory. On the New World
conditions, family was the most
Martin Luther King Jr s Letter From The Birmingham Jail
The Civil Rights movement has aimed to gain rights for African Americans for
decades. Over the course of the semester we have looked at movement s that have
helped advocate for civil rights. One of the movements of that we looked at
specifically in class was Martin L. King Jr s movement and his Letter from the
Birmingham Jail . In this letter, we hear Dr. King s honest opinion about the
criticism he received from his opponents of timely protest. We gain a lot of insight
about King s honest opinion about his political motivations of his movements and
why he felt that it was critical to act when he did. Another movement that we
discussed but didn t directly look at was the Black Panther Party. An outside article
that discusses the Black... Show more content on ...
With stagnation there would be no awareness to a social issue. Looking further into
King s letter, another crucial point that he brought up is that without significant
activism the oppressing party would never give up what they wanted them to. Also,
to make the problem politically present they had to present the problem in a way in
which everybody would see the growing tensions in the community. This is later
talked about in King s direct action program with him creating an issue that makes for
a political change. He felt that the direct action would create direct changes to the
current problem. A crucial point that really brought me to an emotional thought is
when King mentioned his daughter crying. The mention of his daughter and her not
being able to go to theme parks was an upsetting moment. This point brought up a
relatable perspective that added a unique thought to his argument. In summary King
makes some very relatable points that when looking back now make s us see how he
really helped move the civil rights movement along and cause real change for black
Looking at the outside article of Black Panther Party: 1966 1982 by Michael X.
Delli Carpini we see that the Black Panther Party did not share the same exact ideals
as Dr. King. Although they did advocate strongly for equal rights for black
communities they did not have the same patience that Martin Luther King had. The
main points of the Black Panther Party movement
Random Drug Testing In Schools
Have you ever felt your rights are being taken away? The Hebron Middle School
Handbook says, Four categories of 9 12 students will be the focus of a testing
program where they will be pulled away to have to take a random drug test that will
be sent to the parents with the result and procedure included. The fourth amendment
of the Constitution says that there should be no unreasonable searches. Unless the
school has reasonable evidence that a student is using an illegal drug, random drug
testing could fall under this amendment. Students may feel they are having their
rights taken from them, and they may be more likely to start abusing drugs because
they feel disrespected. This rule should be changed before more students feel their
rights are being taken from them. The rule that is going to be changed is the rule that
states students will be randomly drug tested. This rule can invade a student s privacy.
This rule also can break the fourth amendment. Drug testing can also make a student
feel uncomfortable, and often feel that their privacy has been invaded. Students
should have the right to decline taking a random drug test. Students may feel more
inclined to take the test, if declining the test was an option. Students may feel this
way because their rights are being protected.... Show more content on
... says, When students feel respected their drug abuse problems escalate
slower, and they are less likely to start abusing drugs. When drug testing is a
common thing in schools, students may feel like their rights are not being respected.
The ACLU says that random drug testing in schools can take away the rights of
students. Even when random drug testing is used in schools, ACLU says, A drug test
is not likely to catch most drug users. says, It is clear that drug testing is
not providing the solution for substance use prevention that its advocates
A Strategic Planning And Management System Essay
Organizations and industries today have undergone rapid and accelerating change,
creating uncertainty and complexity in the business environment. Markets are
increasingly competitive and pressured to do things faster, better and cheaper. They
are challenged to develop new organizational characteristics such as expertise and
innovation in order to quickly respond to changes in technology and customer
preferences. Organizations can no longer rely on traditional analytical approach to
understand their industry. Nowadays, intangible assets are just as important as
physical assets and the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is an innovative approach that
considers the financial and non financial perspectives in determining the performance
level of an organization.
Question 1
The BSC is a strategic planning and management system designed to translate an
organization s mission and vision into a comprehensive set of objectives,
performance measures and implementations in order to achieve business goals. The
BSC retains financial metrics as a measure for company success, but supplements
these metrics from three additional perspectives customer, internal process, and
learning and growth (Kaplan and Norton 1992, 1993). Financial data are analyzed to
understand financial performance of the organization. Customer feedback is used to
gather customer satisfaction on the products or services. Internal business processes
are evaluated by assessing quality, productivity and innovation.
Guns, Germs And Steel By Jared Diamond
In the book, Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond, Part Two talks about the roots
of guns, germs, and steel, geographical differences relating to food production, causes
of the spread of food production, development of ancient crops that are still used
today, and domestication. Jared Diamond mostly likes to talk about the development
of the Eurasian society and why they are more powerful. Instead of proximate causes
that get straight to the point, he takes a different route that leads to ultimate causes.
Ultimate causes go deeper in information and include many details unlike proximate
causes. He does this and ultimately bothers with ultimate causes because proximate
causes are common and shallow explanations. Ultimate causes trace... Show more
content on ...
Jared Diamond then starts to talk about farming. He mentions how nobody knew
what they were going into when they first started learning how to farm,
Specifically, in each area of the globe the first people who adopted food production
could obviously not have been making a conscious choice or consciously striving
toward farming as a goal, because they had never seen farming and had no way of
knowing what it would be like (Diamond 101). This leads back to the idea that our
ancestors or mainly the people during this time period, they didn t know how to
lead a normal life. They had to learn how to grow crops, build societies, and
develop technology. Jared Diamond then continues on how farming first started
and how it affected societies. He dedicates a whole chapter to farming because he
wants to know how the world came to be as it is today. His curiosity helps him
because of Yali s question back in chapter one. Jared Diamond bothers with ultimate
causes because he also wants to know how Eurasia became more powerful than
other societies. We should bother with this as well because we live in a world that s
full of technology and information. However, that information had to have come
from the past. We should at least know how our ancestors learned how to
domesticate themselves and learn how to survive. Now, Jared Diamond could also be
happy with his proximate answer, but he wants more reasons and
Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Cynthia is a 65 year old African American female diagnosed with type 2 diabetes
mellitus, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, hypertension, kidney disease, hyperlipidemia
and hypothyroidism. She is on glipizide 5 mg po daily to treat her type 2 diabetes.
Cynthia revisited the clinic soon after the initiation of the treatment with symptoms
of shakiness, sweating, chills, clamminess, lightheadedness and moderately severe
headache. In this case study, Cynthia is exhibiting the symptoms of hypoglycemiaas
she is on sulfonylurea therapy. Sulfonylureas, such as glipizide commonly used as a
second line of therapy in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus(T2DM), promote
insulinrelease independent of prevailing glucose value and as a result,... Show more
content on ...
Impaired cognitive function can cause harmful and cumulative long term effects on
intellectual function, particularly in young children. The most common risk factor
for the occurrence of hypoglycemia is the aggressiveness of therapy applied to
achieve glycemic control. The other factors include, antecedent hypoglycemia,
alcohol, increased glucose utilization, decreased glucose production, female sex,
sleep, duration of diabetes, age and progressive insulin deficiency were also
associated with an increased risk of hypoglycemia in patients with T2DM. Multiple
risk factors are associated with precipitation of hypoglycemia in the general
population. When it comes to elderly patients with diabetes, the problem of
hypoglycemia is a major concern. Hypoglycemia is an expected side effect of
sulfonylurea. Hypoglycemia unawareness is a major cause of severe hypoglycemia in
patients with T2DM. Hypoglycemia awareness in patients can bring better results in
managing hypoglycemic events. Symptoms of hypoglycemia become progressively
less intense over the time or diminish.
Management of hypoglycemia consists of strategies such as prevention of
hypoglycemia, use of therapeutic agents with low or no occurrence of hypoglycemia
and treatment of hypoglycemia. It is important for the patient to understand and agree
to adhere to treatment plan in terms of both medication and lifestyle modification.
Self monitoring of the glucose is very
The Production Possibilities Frontier
1. A reduction in trade barriers has two effects on the economy. The production
possibilities frontier will move outward, and the economy will move closer to the
production possibilities frontier. Both outcomes are related. Freer trade creates more
markets for the country for its goods and services. This allows companies to produce
more, but it does not directly change the production capacity of the nation. Thus, the
economy moves closer to the production possibilities frontier (Rittenberg Tregarthen,
2009). The reason that the production possibilities frontier also moves owes to the
theory of comparative advantage. Freer trade allows the country to focus production
on those goods and services in which it has comparative advantage. Thus, the
economy s production becomes more efficient. Given that the factor resources
(people, capital) have not changed, an increase in efficiency will push the production
possibilities frontier outward. This is because the total capacity is going to be
higher. Note that there is a difference between producing the same things more
efficiently, and producing goods that are more efficient. The total capacity of the
economy is changed when the mix of product and services is changed, marking a
shift in the curve to go along with moving production closer to the curve. In addition,
trade encourages technological transfer. Firms in each country learn from one
another, and the transfer of knowledge and technology is one way that this occurs.
Mass Incarceration Of Poor Black Male
Mass Incarceration of poor, black male, and increasingly female, young people in the
Name of a Bogus War on Drugs
Purpose of the Study Purpose Statement: to reveal the problem of mass
incarceration of poor, black male, and increasingly female, young people in the name
of a bogus war on drugs from the 1980 s?90 s.
The purpose of this study is to expose the process of mass incarceration of poor black
males, and females increasingly, within the context of a fabricated war on drugs
which really is serving to keep the prison population booming by exploiting
traditionally disadvantaged minorities in society. Alexander rightfully calls this a
?redesign? of the old racial caste system in America which was supposed to have
been destroyed by the civil rights movement. The war on drugs in the 80s merely
became the newest vehicle by which to exploit the black community in this country.
The War on Drugs is really the rationale for racial control, which targets black men
and women and relegates millions of citizens to what Alexander calls a ?second class
status (Alexander, 2012).?
This is written as if not a call to action, then a call to galvanize. The purposes of this
report is to enable readers to through empirical and contextual description see the
war on drugs for what is really is: a public relations ploy whose end results are not
fighting drugs, but

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  • 1. Christmas Carol Essay Crafting an essay on the theme of "Christmas Carol" presents both challenges and rewards. At first glance, one might anticipate a seamless journey through the well-trodden paths of festive joy and timeless morality. However, the intricacies lie in balancing the exploration of Charles Dickens' classic with personal interpretation and original analysis. The challenge arises in avoiding clichГ©s and predictable narratives. The temptation to retell the story in detail can be overpowering, yet a successful essay demands a fresh perspective. Delving into the characters' motivations, the symbolism embedded in the narrative, and the socio- economic backdrop requires thoughtful examination. Moreover, capturing the essence of the holiday spirit while avoiding sentimentality poses a delicate balancing act. The essay should navigate through the ebullient festivities, unearthing the profound messages beneath the veneer of merriment. This necessitates a keen understanding of Dickens' intentions and the historical context of the Victorian era. Furthermore, tackling the thematic richness of "Christmas Carol" requires adept literary analysis. Exploring the narrative structure, character development, and Dickens' use of language demands a nuanced approach. Connecting these elements to broader literary traditions and societal issues adds depth to the essay, but it also demands extensive research and critical thinking. On the flip side, the process of composing this essay provides an opportunity for personal growth and intellectual exploration. Unraveling the layers of Dickens' masterpiece allows for a deeper understanding of literature and human nature. The act of grappling with complex ideas and conveying them coherently enhances one's analytical and communication skills. In conclusion, writing an essay on the topic of "Christmas Carol" is a journey that requires finesse and diligence. The delicate balance between analysis and originality, the challenge of avoiding clichГ©s, and the demand for a nuanced exploration of Dickens' work make this task a formidable one. However, the rewards lie in the intellectual and personal growth derived from dissecting a timeless classic. For those seeking assistance or looking to explore similar essays, a wealth of resources can be found at Christmas Carol EssayChristmas Carol Essay
  • 2. Anselm s Existence of God Refuted Essay Anselm s Existence of God Refuted Anselm s Existence of God Refuted If the only proofs for the existence of God were Aquinas s five ways and Anselm s ontological argument, in my opinion, Anselm provides the best reasoning. I am not saying that Anselm s argument is good, or even valid, but just that given the set of proofs by Aquinas and Anselm, Anselm s is better. Anselm argues, in effect, that the existence of God is built into the very concept of God. He proceeds by a form of argument called reductio ad absurdum reduction to absurdity. He attempts to show that the position of the fool the non believer who has said in his heart, There is no God is incoherent and leads to absurdity. (Cottingham, 1996: 246) How does ... Show more content on ... However, just because something exists in the understanding, we would not normally conclude that it also exists in reality. As Anselm himself points out, a painter may have the completed work of art in his mind, but that does not make it a real painting. (Cottingham, 1996: 246) What Anselm tries to show next is that in this case, having an idea in the understanding requires one to admit that the thing exists in reality as well. For suppose that God exists only in the understanding. Then we can conceive of a greater being: one who exists in reality as well. Moreover, that would mean that this God who exists only in the understanding is not the greatest conceivable being. (Cottingham, 1996: 246) Now we have a contradiction. Now come to the case of God. The GCB would have to be wise, because a wise being is greater than a being that is not wise. In addition, the GCB would have to be just, because justice is better than injustice. What Anselm is claiming is that the GCB must also exist, because a being that exists in reality is greater than one that exists merely in the understanding. So: It would be a contradiction to say; God (the GCB) is not wise It would be a contradiction to say, God is not just. In addition, it would be a contradiction to say, God does not exist. There are many arguments as to why Anselm s argument is invalid. I have chosen three of them, and have illustrated how these arguments make Anselm s
  • 3. Types Of The Top Motorcycle Helmet Research Introduction If you re currently on the market looking to buy a cool new motorcycle, then you ve come to the right place! Picking out a helmet that you like can be a difficult thing to do because they all offer something different and you may not know what exactly you re looking for. Below, you ll find four different reviews of some of the top motorcycle helmets that you can purchase. After comparing all of the features that they have to offer, you ll have no problem finding the perfect helmet for you! Recommended Motorcycle Helmets Matte Black/White Modular Dual Visor Flip Up High Performance Motorcycle Helmet If you re looking for a helmet that is available in both a wide variety of sizes and a couple different colors, then the ... Show more content on ... Anti Scratch Visor No matter where you ride or what you do, you re going to face some bad conditions on the road and your helmet is going to take on some wear and tear. Even if you re not riding, the helmet can get damaged. The Dual Visor Flip Up High Performance Motorcycle Helmet features an anti scratch visor to keep your helmet in great shape at all times. As you can tell, the Dual Visor Flip Up High Performance Motorcycle Helmet has a little bit of everything and will make the perfect option for both casual and serious riders looking to get the most out of their helmet for a low price. Dual Visor Modular Flip Up Gloss Black Motorcycle Snowmobile Helmet If you re looking for a helmet that is going to look amazing at all times and provide you with all of the protection you want from a helmet, look no further than the Dual Visor Modular Flip Up Gloss Black Motorcycle Helmet to meet all of your needs. It is the most advanced helmet and can easily be switched from a full face helmet to an open face helmet. Additionally, this helmet is the perfect option if you typically wear gloves and ride in all conditions. Flip Up System Depending on the type of biker you are, there are some that prefer to use a completely open face helmet while others want their face completely covered. With the Dual Visor Modular Flip Up Gloss Black Motorcycle Helmet, both types of bikers will be covered since you can easily switch
  • 4. What Caused Water Scarcity In China The North China Crisis Most developed countries think of water as a minor thing, but China one of the leading countries of industrialization doesn t think that way. China, one of the leading countries in Industrialization, but because of its overpopulation it causes water scarcity. However, they are getting water from underground lakes called aquifers, but they are pumping more water than what can be replenished. China s water scarcity is mainly in the Northern region of China and so they decided to move water from the south to the north this is called the South to North Water Diversion Project . Three main causes of China s water scarcity crisis is Population, Global Warming, and Industrialization. Of these, the most causing one is Industrialization. ... Show more content on ... First of all China has the largest population of all countries on Earth. However that doesn t make China the largest country therefore leading to overpopulation. Overpopulation is when the given area is populated with tons of people. ChinaВґs population growth also affects China because the larger the population the more water is needed because people can t live without water (Doc B). ChinaВґs population growth affects the water scarcity crisis because people can t live without water therefore the larger amount of people there are the faster the water is being used up (Doc B). Also, ChinaВґs urbanization causes the country to waste more water, for usually people living in cities would use more water than those who live in rural areas. (Doc B). Therefore when rural people move into urban areas the amount of water used will increase. Another reason for the water scarcity crisis is global warming. Global warming is when there is a gradual increase in overall temperature. This causes water to evaporate quicker therefore drying up major rivers and lakes. Additionally causing fresh water glaciers to melt. In fact according to MSNBC report, glaciers in the Qinghai Tibet plateau are shrinking approximately 7% each year due to global warming (Doc A). This can cause water scarcity because the water stored up in the glaciers will fall into the ocean and can cause huge floods wasting water and causing water
  • 5. Essay about Sci 115 Week 8 Assignment 2 Gene Technology SCI 115 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT 2 GENE TECHNOLOGY To purchase this visit here: 115 week 8 assignment 2 gene technology/ Contact us at: SUPPORT@ACTIVITYMODE.COM SCI 115 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT 2 GENE TECHNOLOGY SCI 115 Week 8 Assignment 2 Gene Technology Genetechnology carries with it social and ethical implications many of which engender personal views and discussion. Select one (1) of the following biotechnology topics to write about: Genetically modified crop plants Genetically modified microorganisms Genetically modified animals Personal genomics and / or personalized medicine for humans Gene therapy Write a four to six (4 to 6) page paper on your chosen topic. Organize your ... Show more content on ... Select one (1) of the following biotechnology topics to write about: Genetically modified crop plants Genetically modified microorganisms Genetically modified animals Personal genomics and / or personalized medicine for humans Gene therapy Write a four to six (4 to 6) page paper on your chosen topic. Organize your paper into sections corresponding to the following requirements: 1. Biological basis. Describe the technology. Discuss what it accomplishes. Elaborate on the scientific principles that make this technology possible. Your goal in this section of the paper is to show the instructor that you understand the underlying science behind the technology. Describe how exactly the technology works. Discuss the biological principles that underlie this technology. 2. Social and ethical implications. Without disclosing your personal view about this technology, provide an analysis of its social and ethical implications. State the ethical concerns apparent in the use of this technology. Discuss the benefits and risks. Your goal in this section is to look at all sides of the issue. In the next section, you will give your opinion. 3. Personal viewpoint. In the previous section, your goal was to be More Details
  • 6. What Is Cooking Essay Cooking Cooking is something that most of people are doing it or try to do it. Some do it as a profession, some do it for fun, and some do it because they have to do it. People are going to cooking, because some food is raw that people cannot eat it, because it is not tasty. I do cooking because I am very interesting in cooking, also I will learn and know cooking every food. We have many kind of food, some of them are good for health and some of them are not good for health. Now I will show you some foods and how you cook it. We have many kind of food they are good for our health. Most of salads are good for health one of them is potato salad. Potato salad is also easy for cooking and is good for our health. This is recipe of potato salad, we boil same potato, also we boil chicken chest but before we boil the chicken chest, we cut it like square. After the potato boil we cut it like square, then when the potato and the chicken chest boil we put them together in a big dish and let them there. Then we put some olive oil on fire when it has a high temperature we put some onion, and paprika in the oil after 2 minute we put potato and chicken. Finally, it is ready for eating. This is one of the... Show more content on ... Modern food is those food which know people like it to much in most of the restaurants you can have it. Penne, pasta and pizza are those foods. I like penne too much, also it is very easy for cooking and do not need too much time. This is the recipe of penne: first, we boil the penne, then we cut chicken chest like Small Square and we pan fry it. After that we put some cooking cream you can find it in the supermarkets we let it boil, then we put some mushroom soup in the boiling cooking cream, after it boil we put the penne and the chicken chest together in the pan of cooking cream let few minute on fire then you can present. If you want, you can put some chees on your dish. Also pizza is one of the food which most of people like
  • 7. Hebrew Old Testament Summary Originally written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Syriac along with other Near Eastern Semitic languages, translated completely into Hebrew, then into Greek, then into Latin, English and eventually all modern languages. As a result of the Grecian Macedonian Empire led by Alexander the Great, in 331BC, who conquered the Achaemenid Empire and assumed control over the Kingdom of Judah. Consequently, most of the government officials along with the wealthy and well educated of the Kingdom of Judah and the Kingdom of Israellearned how to speak and write Greek. A decision was made by the religious leaders to translate the Hebrew Old Testament into the Greek language, which became known as the Septuagint or the Septuagint LXX referring to the Seventy ... Show more content on ... . The Masoretic Text became one of the first writings of the Old Testament accomplished by a Jewish sect of scribes, the Masoretes, who lived in cities located in both the Kingdom of Judah as well as Babylonia. Between 700 to 1000AD, the Masoretes compiled, wrote, copied and distributed the Masoretic Text with the oldest complete surviving copy, dated 900AD. Saint Jerome, a priest, theologian and historian, translated the New Testament from Greek to Latin, from 382 to 384AD, and the Old Testament, from 390 to 405AD, ending with the Latin Vulgate. This would be the only Holy Bible used by the Catholic Church and later, in 600AD, the church proclaimed that Latin is the only language spoken when orally reading the Holy Bible. During his translations he also rearranged the order of the original Hebrew and Greek texts from 32 books to 39 books. Jerome accomplished this by dividing Joshua and Judges into two separate books, Samuel and Kings into 1 and 2 Samuel along with 1 and 2 Kings, Chronicles into 1 and 2 Chronicles. The Book of Chronicles originally one of the last books of the Old Testament was rearranged along with the books of Ruth, Ezra and
  • 8. Sigmund Freud And Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud contributed more to the modern psychological research landscape than any of his contemporaries. Throughout his career he created one of the first empirically based methods of understanding the human psyche. These methods are often summarized under the term Psychoanalysis and it is defined by a series of theories which connect the human experience to human behaviors and motivations. These theories consist of development analyses based around psychological, physiological, and psychosexual growth. The ID Ego Superego relationship developed by Freud attempts to categorically sort the different elements of human desires that combine to create a picture of a healthy mind. Applying these conceptual divides to specific systems... Show more content on ... A societal participant must display a sense of morality; or the ability to determine right from wrong. The moral compass was a result of a humans Superego according to Freud. The superego was believed to develop later on after the Ego, which was in turn developed just after birth. The superego allows for a higher level understanding of human relations; and creates motivations to care for other humans beyond a direct benefit to ones self. A parallel development to the ID Ego Superego process is the psychosexual stages of human consciousness. These stages develop over the first few years a child s life; and Freud believed they were the primary component of sexual development in the psyche. From birth to 18 months a child experiences the oral stage of psychosexuality; this time period finds the child focused on the erogenous zone of the mouth. Exploration comes in the form of eating or sucking on things; and the brain builds a relationship between these actions and pleasure. This stage can carry extreme significance and Freud believed that events like withheld food can severely impact the child s sense of trust as an adult. After the 18 month period
  • 9. The Yellow Wallpaper Psychoanalytic Analysis Analyzing works of literature through different literary lenses allows one to retrain his or her mind to think critically. One s ability to think critically while reading literary texts is pivotal, especially since literary criticism requires his or her mind to read a text through a specific literary lens. When one applies a particular literary theoryto a text, he or she embarks on a unique journey; a voyage that allows him or her to question both the text and its author in order to discover the text s essential message. For instance, if one decides to view a literary text through a psychoanalytic lens, he or she is required to apply the ideas of psychology to the text. How so? Think about it: One can choose to either focus on the psychology... Show more content on ... In fact, analyzing this particular story is intriguing, mainly because the author of the text is a female. Charlotte Perkins Gilman was the United States most prominent feminist thinker during the late seventeenth and early twentieth century. Today, Gilman s novels and short stories force one to think differently; her literary works attack the role of women in society; therefore, when reading and analyzing The Yellow Wallpaper, one should keep the following question in his or her mind: Why are women portrayed like this? (Dreier 1). Having knowledge regarding the feminist theory is pivotal, especially since Gilman depicts gender inequality throughout the text. The feminist theory argues that men and women should be equal politically, economically, and socially (Feminist Theory
  • 10. My Career Path On Museums I was nine years old when I went on my first adventure. Accompanied by my closest friend, I darted through forests and the ocean, explored a sailing ship and a twentieth century town, and marveled at the monumental carvings of native Canadians and an Ice Age landscape. That day my fourth grade class was fortunate enough to travel to the Royal British Columbia Museumin Victoria. What seemed to be a grand adventure in the mind of a nine year old was actually my friend and I racing as fast as our legs (and our chaperone) would allow us through the museums exhibits. I had always been an inquisitive child; however, that trip was the first time I truly understood how much joy I could experience while learning. I aspire to help others experience the childlike joy which I felt when first visiting the Royal BC Museum and I intend to achieve my goal by becoming a museum curator. I have chosen to focus my career path on museums because, as my childhood experience demonstrates, they are the ideal venue to encourage a lifelong love of learning. The process of learning in a museum is not passive, instead visitors are encouraged to seek our information for themselves. Not only is this activity enjoyable for the visitor, it also exemplifies the idea that we should be engaged in our own education and curious about the subject matter. Additionally, museums are a unique educational experience because their objects offer visitors a concrete connection to what they are learning about. Viewing
  • 11. Bosnian War Research Paper Alaeyshia Moore Mrs. Yedinak English Composition 13, September 16 The Bosnian War Various ethnic groups and republics inside Yugoslavia sought independence, and as the end of the Cold War neared, the country spiraled out of control. Serb nationalism was fueled as Slobodan Milosevic rose to power in 1987. In 1991, Yugoslavia began to break up along ethnic lines. When the republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina declared independence in 1992 the region quickly became the central theater of fighting. The Yugoslav army invaded Croatia, killing hundreds and next on their long list was Bosnia. In April 1992, the government of the Yugoslav republic of Bosnia Herzegovina declared it s independence from Yugoslavia. Over the next several years, Bosnian Serb ... Show more content on ... This peace agreement established two semi autonomous entities within Bosnia Herzegovina: the Federation of Bosnia Herzegovina, inhabited primarily by Bosnia s and Bosnian Croats, and the Republika Srpska (which includes Srebrenica), dominated by Serbs, both with their own political structures, economies, and educational systems, though by the End of the War, Roughly 100,000 People had Died. Refugees were guaranteed the right to return to their pre war homes, but only a small number of Bosniaks opted to go back to Srebrenica, which had been re inhabited by Bosnian Serbs who had also been internally displaced by the war. An influx of international assistance came after the fighting, including reconstruction efforts by non governmental organizations, UN agencies, and foreign governments and militaries and over $14 billion in aid (Genocide). In conclusion the atrocities committed at Srebrenica are considered to be the worst on European soil after the Holocaust (Genocide). The Bosnian War was a huge loss for Bosniak and Croatian civilians. It was a presentation of how horrible and cruel spirited people can be. How come nobody stopped before it got as far as it did. When it comes to tragedies like this one will you be person who stops it or will you be the one to afraid to
  • 12. Fempa Case Study Since its conception, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has seen an array of different directors, each with their own leadership style. Many of these directors performed their duties admirably in the response to many major U.S. disasters; however, there were also some who are infamous for their lack of performance. The roles these directors had in response to a major disaster, whether good or bad, would greatly influence the response and recovery efforts. One of the most notable and influential FEMA directors was a man named James Lee Witt who was appointed by former President, Bill Clinton in 1993. Witt, who served four years, as the director of the Arkansas Office of Emergency Service was the first FEMA director appointed... Show more content on ... The region suffered more than $20 billion in damage overall, making it one of the most costliest disasters in U.S. history (Bolin Stanford, 1998). Due to the magnitude and severity of the disaster it grabbed the immediate attention of the federal government, and within hours after the earthquake President Clinton sent key member of the administration to assess the damage and begin recovery operations. Most notably, James Lee Witt not only was in charge coordinating the response effort, but also took immediate action to begin relaying information to the public and disaster victims as quickly as possible (Gordon Emerson, 2010). In the days to follow the quake, Witt held daily public press conferences with the Governor and would spend many evenings walking through temporary shelters, speaking with victims and listened to their stories (Bolin Stanford, 1998). While Witt made it his duty to thoroughly reassure the public that the government was there to help, he also made the decision to modify existing FEMA programs to expedite grant money to victims. Under normal circumstances, displaced families would only receive a grant check for $3,000 if they could show proof of their displacement. However, due to the severity of the disaster, FEMA decided that the risk of fraud was far exceeded by the benefit of distributing grant money
  • 13. Taking a Look at Marian Anderson Successful classical soprano performer Leontyne Price was one of the first artists to benefit from Marian Anderson s hard work and dedication. The day after Marian Anderson s death, April 8th, 1993 Price discussed the ways in which Anderson was able to overcome obstacles while remaining consistently professional and keeping the high standards she set on her performances. Marian Andersonwas born on February 27, 1897. She was considered one of the most celebrated African American artists of the twentieth century. Anderson identified herself as a contralto, which is the lowest frequency female voice with in a choir. Although Anderson is classified as a classical vocalist her repertoire included many genres such as opera, traditional American songs, concert literature and spirituals. Her live performances spanned the years of 1925 to 1965. The majority of her performances were recitals or concerts, some of which took place within major venues. Through Anderson s successful career she paved a path for many other African American vocal artists to follow. This paper explores the ways in which Marian Anderson s career, from her early beginnings, struggle for recognition, and worldwide acclaim shaped her identity as a representation for African American vocalists after her to follow. Marian Anderson was born in PhiladelphiaPennsylvania and spent the majority of her childhood years in Philadelphia. Her parents were John Berkley Anderson, an entrepreneur who sold liquor, ice and
  • 14. The Effectiveness of the International Criminal Court Essay There is a close relationship between human rights and criminal law. The scope of my paper will surround human rights and the International Criminal Court (ICC) in addition to human rights and international crimes. International criminal justice in this context speaks to those interested in prosecuting against the background of international human rightsand humanitarian norms. The use of criminal law has many positive effects and pursues many goals that are worth considering. For example, deterrence, accountability and punishment are important principles that will be discussed in the context of human rights. Is the International Criminal Courtan effective method to promote and protect human rights internationally? If so, why and how?... Show more content on ... To support my argument, I will first discuss the evolution of international criminal justice and the ICC. Then I will address my three subsidiary arguments. First, I will argue that the International Criminal Court is effective because it increases accountability of human rights violators. Secondly, I will argue that the existence and use of the court increases disapproval and deterrence which protects human rights making the ICC effective. Third, I will argue that the International Criminal Court is effective because it allows for a universal standard of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour as well as transcends and empowers national jurisdictions. Finally, I will address the counter argument and conclude. The Evolution of International Criminal Justice and the ICC The evolution of international criminal justice is important to consider. Two ad hoc tribunals, the International Criminal Tribunal of Yugoslavia (ICTY) and the International Criminal Tribunal of Rwanda (ICTR), have facilitated the adoption of the ICC. The ICC came into existence on July 1, 2002. The court operates on the principle of complementarity which means that the court does not function unless a state in question is unable or unwilling to investigate and, if warranted, prosecute for one of the covered crimes. Whereas the ICTY and the ICTR had primary jurisdiction and could supersede state action, the ICC only has the aforementioned
  • 15. Ordinances On Homelessness Homelessness is becoming a rampant issue in Chico. As a community, Chico should feel strongly about helping people in need, instead of treating the homeless population like second class citizens. Not allowing the homeless population in Chico to use the twenty four hour restrooms and the passing of the sit lie ordinance are not examples of us accepting the homeless population. Every day, I always see the same homeless people in the same spots near the Chico State campus, Annie s Glenn, as well as Camellia Way. It makes me feel powerless knowing that I can t solve the issue of homelessnesswithout help from the government. The implementation of ordinances for the twenty four hour restrooms in addition to the sit lie is not helping the cause of
  • 16. Discrimination Of Women In America Throughout history man has always felt superior to women. Though most believe that America has moved past this discrimination, it is still very much so practiced. Of course in the news we hear about how women are treated in other countries. They either work all day for the family, have little to no rights, or in general are put down. In the U.S. the discrimination may not seem as bad, but with how advanced America is, any discrimination should not be practiced. Whether it be receiving lower wages or an easy target to abuse, women in America are still greatly chastised for being who they are. Other countries not as advances as the U.S. or who have different customs provide the women their with little respect as well. They have specific duties
  • 17. Green Sea Turtles Turtles have puzzled evolutionary biologist immensely. Their morphology isn t similar to any other living species, specifically their shell is quite perplexing as the shell makeup is unique to other armored tetrapods, like rhinos and armadillos. In fact, the dorsal part of the shell is transformed into ribs and vertebrae and their shoulder blades have inside out topology against the rip cage. This is unique in comparison to other armored tetrapods because they tend to have independent vertebrae and rib cage to their armor and have regular topology of the shoulder blades. In addition, turtles lack a temporal fenestra which classes them in the anapsid group. This is abnormal, because generally turtles are labeled as reptiles and generally reptiles have two fenestra which classes them into the diapsid group. These characteristics are part of the reason as to why a phylogenetic tree is complicated to create. This primary paper ultimately sets out to determine where the turtle, specifically the extant species the green sea turtle and the Chinese... Show more content on ... The fragments of the turtle s genes in the database needed to be assembled independently of one another; thus, HiSeq 2000 was used to shotgun sequence and the sequences were assembled with SOAPdenovo assembler. The resulting genomic size of each turtle species was ~ 2.2 Gb with N50 lengths of scaffolds smaller than 3.3 Mb. Based on the analysis of the genetic database study, and looking at orthologous sets of 1,113 single copy coding genes, there was and immense amount of evidence that turtles are likely to be a sister clade of crocodiles and birds. This likely means that the secondary fenestra reptiles have was lost in turtles have the two sister groups diverged from a common ancestor 257.4 million years ago. (likely the
  • 18. Accounts Receivable and Information chapter 1 accounting information systems: An overview Suggested Answers to Discussion Questions 1.1The value of information is the difference between the benefits realized from using that information and the costs of producing it. Would you, or any organization, ever produce information if its expected costs exceeded its benefits? If so, provide some examples. If not, why not? Most organizations produce information only if its value exceeds its cost. However, there are two situations where information may be produced even if its cost exceeds its value. a. It is often difficult to estimate accurately the value of information and the cost of producing it. Therefore, organizations may produce information that they expect ... Show more content on ... While this active learning activity takes more time than a lecture does, it drives the point home much better than a lecture would. It also keeps the students more engaged in the material. 1.4How do an organization s business processes and lines of business affect the design of its AIS? Give several examples of how differences among organizations are reflected in their AIS. An organization s AIS must reflect its business processes and its line of business. For example: * Manufacturing companies will need a set of procedures and documents for the production cycle; non manufacturing companies do not. * Government agencies need procedures to track separately all inflows and outflows from various funds, to ensure that legal requirements about the use of specific funds are followed. * Financial institutions do not need extensive inventory control systems. * Passenger service companies (e.g., airlines, bus, and trains) generally receive payments in advance of providing services. Therefore, extensive billing and accounts receivable procedures are not needed; instead, they must develop procedures to account for prepaid revenue. * Construction firms typically receive payments at regular intervals, based on the percentage of work completed. Thus, their revenue cycles must be designed to track carefully all work performed and the
  • 19. The Problems of Northern Ireland Essay The Problems of Northern Ireland Northern Ireland is part of Ireland which is the most western part in Europe. It is a small place with a population of 1.5 million and is no larger than Yorkshire. It has been the centre of media attention because of a conflict between the people of the province. Many people have been killed there and in the years 1968 1994 over three thousand died. Northern Ireland is ruled by the British parliament in London where as the republic of Ireland has its own government and parliament in Dublin. Unionists are made up of Protestants wanting Northern Ireland to be a part of the UK. They think that British troops in Northern Ireland should stay and help fight ... Show more content on ... SDLP and Sinn Fein are both political however Sinn Fein back up revolutionary violence and work of the IRA. The IRA use force to oppose British presence in Ireland and have killed many British soldiers and Northern Ireland police officers. The IRA is illegal. Overall what cause so much conflict in Ireland are the different groups fighting for unionist and nationalist views. They all believe that they are right and it seems that they won t quit until others believe it. All groups for nationalist views want the same thing like unionist groups they all want the same thing to but are going different ways about it. There are political parties, terrorist groups, religious groups and historical links battling for unionist and nationalist views. It causes a lot of suspicion and violence and there is not just one fight to be solved but many. Northern Ireland Coursework Question 2A In this piece of coursework I will be looking at two events that have been particularly important in shaping the views of the protestant community in Northern Ireland. The two events I have chosen to look at are the Catholic rebellions 1641 1649 and the Battle of Boyne in 1690. English and Scottish people were sent to live in Ireland by Elizabeth
  • 20. Why Country Music is better than Rap In the world today, music has become a big influence on everyone. With the power of music, each person has the ability to accomplish goals even if the music is country or rap. Most people believe that music can change a person s mood or behavior which is true. Without music people could not control the way they act. Most music has the power to affect a person s mood and other music can get them out of control. If music did not exist the world would be tedious. Without having music, people would not be able to motivate their moods. With the magic of music all people tend to have clear minds and better spirits. Music has the ability to put a smile on their face and a special song in their hearts. Even though most people feel confident about a special song, this can change their mind about how country musicis better than rap music. When listening to country music, people tend to get excited and be in a better mood. All country songs have the ability to express a feelingof what the song is about. With the power of rap music people cannot express the way they feel. Country music can allow each individual to achieve more goals in life. If someone is having a bad day or just feeling down and out they can listen to country music and it can change their mood right then and there. Most people that listen to rap probably feel about the same as they did before. This is because the rap music cannot control feelings like country music can do. People pretty much can listen to
  • 21. The Theme Of Loneliness In Jane Eyre Jane #8217;s childhood and upbringing at Gateshead is a crucial part of Bront #235; #8217;s novel. Her upbringing ignited this hunger in Jane, due to her exclusion from her cousins and the overwhelming atmosphere of hatred from her aunt Mrs Reed. The first time the reader is introduced to Jane and the Reeds she is shut out in the cold from the rest of the family. Who are sitting together by the lit fireplace while she sits by the window looking out into the cold afternoon and reading a book. The dreary weather described by Jane is a use of cleaver pathetic fallacy representing Jane #8217;s feeling of separation from her family. #8220;Why was I always suffering, always browbeaten, always accused, for ever condemned. Why could I never please?... Show more content on ... Jane is a rather submissive girl in public, only ever letting her rage out at several pivotal points during the text, one of which being when she decided to fight back against John. He had been delivering his punishment on her for reading a book that didn #8217;t belong to her, it is then we are made aware by Jane that she usually accepts the punishment quietly. Though, after John throws the book she was reading at the back of her head, making her fall forward and cut her forehead she snaps. #8220;Wicked and cruel boy! #8221; I said #8220;You are like a murderer you are like a slave driver you are like the Roman emperors! #8221; (Chapt.1) Not only does she finally let him know just how she feels about him, her use of simile imply that John Reed.Jr #8217;s treatment of her is on the same level as people from history known to torture the innocent. This outburst accurately presents Jane #8217;s anger and foreshadows her future anger towards those who treat her as if she is worth less than she actually
  • 22. Innate and Adaptive Immune Responses on First and... The immune system is comprised of two responses: the adaptive immune response and the innate immune response. The first line of defence against invading organisms is classified as the innate immune response and the second line of defence and protection against re exposure to the same pathogen is known as the adaptive immune response. Innate immune responses are known as the non specific manner which composes the cells and defend the host from infection by other organism by mechanism. The adaptive immunity represents the antigen specific immune response. Compare to innate immune response, adaptive response is more complex. In adaptive response the antigen needs to be recognised and processed. The adaptive immune system creates immune... Show more content on ... If a pathogen breaches barriers: innate immune response result into an immediate effect of non specific response. All Innate immune systems derived from plants and animals, when a pathogen evades the innate response, a third layer of protection is possessed by vertebrates in which activation of adaptive immune system takes place. The immune system response adopts itself within an infection and pathogen recognition is improved. As a result of the improved response, its then retains itself when the pathogen is eliminated in form of an immunological memory and allows the adaptive immune system to mount faster and stronger when pathogen is encountered each time. To be able to distinguish among self and non self molecules, both immune and adaptive immunity depends on the ability of the immune system. Self molecules are known as the components in which the body disguise itself from foreign substances by immune system. Non self discrimination molecules are known as the foreign molecules. One of its function is the antigen, this substance bind with specific immune receptors and immune response elicit. When the pathogen replicates different components of immune system evolves to protect against various types of pathogens. However infection of an organism does not necessarily shows diseases, disease are only present when the bolus of infection, in terms of when immunity is comprised. All components of
  • 23. Arguments Against The Drug War Each day it seems America slips further away from the true meaning of individual liberty. I m sure you have been raised to think that you grew up in the land of the free, but I question what the true definition of freedom is. Now don t get me wrong, I agree that other countries may not have as much freedom as we do in America but that s not my argument. The problem is that The land of the free isn t so free anymore. It seems we go against the constitution more often every year. The drug war is a great example of us loosening our grips on the constitution because of the precise fact that it takes away individual liberty. Using drugs is most certainly not anything I would advise, but if it was my choice to make for you then you wouldn t truly... Show more content on ... They believe that law enforcement using their powers is making America more drug free. The facts prove this to be incorrect though, because it is doing everything except for what it was created to do. Since the day that the drug war began drug use has expanded steadily, which is the complete opposite of its purpose. What people fail to realize is that others will use drugs regardless of if it is legal or not. During the 1920 s the alcohol prohibition brought similar outcomes as the drug war is. It s causing violence, lawlessness, gangs, brutality and corruption. The reasoning for the violence was not that selling or making alcohol was unsafe, but was ultimately caused by the brutal black market, which sent profits through the roof. As Congressmen Ron Paul once stated The only beneficiaries are the drug barons, smugglers and dealers who enjoy exorbitant profits, and those dark forces in government who try to further suppress our freedoms under the excuse of fighting the war against drugs. Pablo Escobar s son stated that the United States Government used to work with Pablo. They worked with him by smuggling more drugs into America and buying or selling drugs to and from Pablo himself. That is just one man s word but there have been multiple times when the CIA has been called out in making or selling cocaine. If the drug war were working there wouldn t be a large amount of people using drugs and there wouldn t be people committing crimes to get the drugs, because if it were working then the country would be drug free. I iterate that people still use drugs and the drug war has done nothing but create violence, send people to jail and ruin opportunities for the person. According to Mona Chalabi, in a study published in the British Medical Journal in 2013 found that despite efforts to limit the supply of drugs, since the
  • 24. Grizzly Bear Biome My biome is Temperate Rainforest, the animal I will be talking about is a grizzly bear and my plant is a tree. The Grizzly bear is the key member to the Temperate Rainforest. With the Grizzly strong jaw he/she can take down any sort of prey. Throughout the winter Grizzly bears hibernate and conserve there energy. During spring time the Grizzly bearsthick claws help them swipe at fish. When new cubs are welcome to the Temperate Rainforest they have to stay with their mom for 2 3 years, only to make sure they can survive on their own. This means after the cubs turn three their parents leave them to be alone in the world. Grizzly bears are omnivores they can eat seeds, berries, roots, and deer. Male grizzly bears can grow about up to 6.5 8... Show more content on ... The grizzly sheds the thick part of their coat during the summer. The coat also protects the grizzly bear from insects or any types of bugs. The grizzly bears have a very large home range that they will roam through. The grizzly bear also spend hours of the day walking around, but that is common for grizzly bears. The wear in the temperate rainforest is sunny and sometimes rainy. When the grizzly bear needs to move quickly through their habitat it can be done so at a speed of 30 miles per hour. The mating season for grizzly bears start in mid May it continues until the middle of July. Grizzly bears can live in the wild up to 30years. They can also die at the age of 25. Grizzly bears can be found in woodlands, forests, alpine meadows and prairies. They prefer to be around streams or rivers. Grizzly bears are mainly solitary, except for mothers and their cubs. Grizzly are known to meet up at a river or a stream. Grizzly bears are also very strong swimmers. Grizzly bears use sound, movement, and smells to communicate with each other. Grizzly bears happen to groan and moan to get each others attention. Grizzly bears also rub their bodies on trees so they scratch their self. Throughout the summer grizzlies build up fat by eating as much
  • 25. Literary Devices InBallad Of Birmingham, By Dudley Randall The poem Ballad of Birmingham, by Dudley Randall, is about the bombing of a church in Birmingham, Alabama during 1963. The poem begins with a question and ends with a completely different question. It starts with a girl asking her mother a question: Mother dear, may I go downtown / Instead of out to play, / And march the streets of Birmingham / In a freedom March today? (lines 1 4). It ends with the mother asking: But, baby, where are you? (line 32). The author uses literary devices, such as rich word choice, vivid imagery, and alliterations, to bring up important issues of racism, questions of freedom and safety, and to contribute to the poem s thematic significance. Randall also uses a question and answer form between the mother and daugther to build a specific tone, appeal to the reader s ethos, and bring up the issues of racism, freedom, and safety. The first four stanzas are questions and answers in the form of dialogue; the daughter asking to be in the freedom march and the mother telling her it is too dangerous. The mother tells her that the dogs will be fierce, the guns will fire, and there will be clubs and hoses. In these stanzas the author uses repetition and word choice to create the tone of a wary mother telling her daughter no and the daughter s youthful innocence. When the daughter says: Mother dear (line 1) it conveys a young child trying to inveigle her mother into letting her be in the march. The repetition of No, baby, no, you may not go, (lines 5 and 13), has the tone of a vigilant mother talking to her young child. Randall also uses an understatement to support the issue of racism and the question of freedom. After the mother says there will fierce dogs, clubs, guns, hoses, and jails, she says that those things: Aren t good for a little child. (line 8) This is a tremendous understatement. No one, of any age, should be treated in such a hideous way, especially free people at a freedom march. The author ends this section with foreshadowing and dramatic irony. The mother says: No, baby, no, you may not go, / For I fear the guns will fire. / But you may go to the church instead / And sing in the children s choir. (lines 12 15). This is dramatic irony and foreshadowing
  • 26. Plessy V. Ferguson Case The Plessy v. Ferguson case generated nationwide contention in the United States exclusively because the outcome would decisively affect every citizen in the country. This case was the spark that ignited the flame in our nation that led to the desegregation of schools. Plessy vs. Ferguson elucidated the racial inequality evident in the educational system at that time and brought to light the standard of the separate but equaland how it affected both races. The struggle to achieve equality was made even more difficult by the legislation of racismin the Plessy v Ferguson case. The Plessy v. Ferguson case is a very important part of our history. This 1896 U.S. Supreme Court case endorsed the legalization of segregation under the doctrine ... Show more content on ... Ferguson because of the many protests that occurred. Groups of white people protested that the segregation laws should remain the same and that they shouldn t be changed. Even after the Plessy v. Ferguson case, the doctrine separate but equal has been marked throughout history. Even after the Plessy v. Ferguson case, there were many examples of post racism that occurred throughout history. In fact, there were so many events going on that an author even used examples of racism and the events that were happening in the world in her book. An author named Harper Lee wrote a book called To Kill A Mockingbird. The book was set in the 1930 s and during that time, racism was very strong. During this time, the Jim Crow laws and the Ku Klux Klan were a big part of the racial activity going on during the 1930 s. In To Kill A Mockingbird, there many example that showed great amounts of racism and the doctrine separate but equal. Some of these examples include, the Tom Robinson case and how the book shows the separation of African Americans and whites in many places. The Tom Robinson case shows a great example of separate but equal. In the book, Tom Robinson is falsely accused for raping a white woman. Throughout the court case, Tom was told that he was guilty numerous times just because he was black. During the court case, Atticus says, Which, gentleman, we know is in itself a lie as black as Tom Robinson s skin, a lie I do not
  • 27. Kairos Retreat Essay An event that clearly marked my transition from childhood to adulthood was the truly eye opening experience of attending a Kairos retreat. For those unfamiliar with Kairos, it is a four day religious retreat in which you and a small group of students come together to more learn about God, themselves, and others in a setting that completely removes you from the daily distractions and stresses of the outside world. Everyone, including myself, was able to share the personal stories about the struggles that they have faced and are continuing to face every day of their lives and offer support to others that may be going through similar things. We laughed together, we cried together, and we created strong relationships and friendships with people, some of which we hadn t spoken a word to or even known by... Show more content on ... I walked away from this experience, not only with a bunch of new friends, but with a whole new outlook on life and the way in which I look at and treat other people. I realized how important it is to simply be kind to others, no matter how clichГ© it seems, and that just by saying hello to someone or showing you care about them, you can make their day or maybe even save their life. This is an attitude that I will carry into adulthood and use in my everyday life. It is an attitude that will be valuable to me in college and in my career when I encounter an even larger and more diverse group of people than what I am used to at the moment. In a world that is filled with such negative people, it is important to not fall into a pessimistic way of viewing the world and other people and instead be a friend to those who feel as if they don t have any or be a helping hand to those who are
  • 28. Silence In No Name Woman But there is more to this silence; they want me to participate in her punishment. And I have (1333). In Maxine Hong Kingston s story, No Name Woman, Kingston is telling the cautionary tale of her aunt who was isolated and pushed to commit suicide and take her child with her. Kingston makes points on how, If the familyvalues of Chinese Culture is so important. Why did the No Name Womans family decided to isolate and shun her, when the whole situation has not been an opportunity to give her a chance to explain what happened. Silence is a very big key in No Name Woman. Kingston and her aunt share this key, they both have their own ways of showing silence. The aunt uses silence more than Kingston, she would not give any clues or reasons for... Show more content on ... Chinese Americans, when you try to understand what things in you are insanities, one family, your mother who marked your growing up with stories, from what is Chinese? What is Chinese tradition and what is the movies? (1327). This is a powerful point that Kingston is making, it explains all the confusion, the questions, and the doubting of their true culture values that Chinese Americans would have when they are being intertwined with this new information given to them by their school, family members, parents, or even society itself. The feel of this literature piece is that Kingston is revealing the truth about the ugliness and flaws of Chinese culture. How the Women are treated with no respect, there were practices that were cruel and inhuman. That s why I completely feel the same way that Kingston would feel if I was being forced to be a part of the family s silence and accept the same exact punishment as Kingston s aunt. One of the practices was foot binding, it was a way of controlling the women to be submissive and alway count on the men, as they would always be in pain and helpless. Mother s or slaves would bind young women s feet at an early age. Having your feet bind together was some sort of social status, where you place, like low class, middle class, and upper class. Wealthy women could have their feet bind, they didn t work so it was done as an act of beauty. That s probably when the phrase It hurts to be beautiful
  • 29. Similarities Between Middle Colonies And New England Colonies In the 16th century, Europeans attempted to inhabit America, and their efforts sparked numerous occurrences within the various areas they were colonizing. These regions of English establishment are divided into three groups, based on how drastically varied they are from one another. Although, all three of the areas also share a few common similarities. The establishments were referred to as the New EnglandColonies, Middle Colonies, and Southern Colonies. As mentioned above, all of these regions have numerous similarities and differences concerning their formation and history. There are many elements to consider when discussing the establishment of the New England Colonies. For one, a number of English Puritans, in an organization called the MassachusettsBay Company, decided to migrate to America, in hopes of a more favorable financial environment. In 1629, after much deliberation and an offer to pay out the original group of prospective settlers, only some of the Puritans agreed to travel to America, with an aspiration to concoct a Puritansanctuary. A year later, they journeyed to New England with a charter from Charles I and with John Winthrop as their governor. The New England Puritans continued to be bound to their religious roots, but there were a few variations; the long established worshipping practices that England maintained were not favored, and the notion of predestination spread. Over time, the Massachusetts Bay Company prospered, and it rapidly grew in size. Another important historical figure was named Anne Hutchinson, and she disputed matters regarding religion and women s rights. Additionally, the Native Americans and the English settlers lived harmoniously and they assisted one another. Until, numerous wars occurred causing a rift between the two cultures. Some of these disturbances were called the Pequot War and King Phillip s War. Furthermore, the ownership of the Middle Colonies caused much commotion between the Dutch and English. Initially, the Dutch were in possession of the colonies, but the English disliked them for creating a divide between all of the colonies and for allowing smugglers to bypass certain laws. An English fleet seized control of New Amsterdam, and James
  • 30. Taking a Look at Brunei Darussalam A small country in Southeast Asia, Brunei Darussalam is situated about 4В° north of the Equator and about 114В° degrees east. It is right next to Sarawak, the East Malaysian state. Brunei s climate is a mix of tropical and equatorial. Temperatures are high and there is rainfall all year round. At higher altitudes it is humid subtropical accompanied with heavy rainfall. Humid subtropical climateis subtropical climate with summers that are hot and humid and winters that are usually mild. The temperature remains stable at 10 В°C or 50 В°F and the region is warm to hot most of the year with mild winters. The climate in Bandar Seri Begawan, the capital city and the largest one in Brunei, is tropical equatorial. It has two seasons; the dry and the wet or rainy season. In the dry season it is extremely hot with temperatures soaring up to 36 В°C or 96.8 В°F. In the rainy season, it is usually warm and wet with temperatures ranging from 20 В°C to 28 В°C or 68.0 В°F to 82.4 В°F. The country of Brunei, in most parts, is a flat coastal plain. In the east, there are mountains and in the west, hilly lowlands. Climatic regions There are several climatic regions in Brunei. These are: 1.The Brunei Muara District and Bandar Seri Begawan 2.The Tutong District 3.The Belait District 4.The Temburong District The Brunei Muara District and Bandar Seri Begawan are humid tropical around the coast and in the north at lower altitudes. The climate in central Brunei Muara District is humid subtropical.
  • 31. Sneak Peak into the Egyptian Culture EGYPTIAN CULTURE The Arab Republic of Egypt is located in the north eastern corner of Africa and south western Asia. It is bounded on the north by the Mediterranean Sea, on the east by Palestine and Israel, on the south by Sudan, and on the west by Libya. The capital of Egypt is Cairo. Population amounts to 76,117,421. The Egyptian community The Egyptian community is one of the most deep rooted communities all over the world; due to the fact that the ancient Egyptian practiced agriculture 5000 years ago, they believed in the necessity of achieving cooperation among members of the community. So, they established a central government to regulate matters among them. On the other hand, the geographical position of Egypt helped the ... Show more content on ... However, some extended families do not follow the traditional patterns in which genealogically related persons of two generations live together or in which married siblings form one household. Rather, extended families are based on the incorporation of unmarried relatives into a family. Regardless of age, unmarried sons or daughters live with their parents until marriage. After divorce or the death of a spouse, both men and women, especially if they do not have children, are expected to return to their parents if they are still alive; otherwise, they are supposed to live with a brother, sister, or other relative. Another popular extended family pattern is the one in which a child is borrowed by a relative with no children of his or her own. Among lower class people, this phenomenon appear more often among grandparents who need the assistance of a child for housework. Another common middle and lower class family pattern found in Egypt is the incorporation apprentices or work assistants, into a particular household. Such individuals have a special position, because although not all of them sleep in the house of their employer. Upper middle and upper class families employ domestic servants who may or may not live in the
  • 32. Anglo Saxon Warrior Analysis The Expectations of an Anglo Saxon Warrior Paul Watson stated, I do what I do because it is the right thing to do. I am a warrior, and it is the way of the warrior to fight superior odds . In this quote, Paul Watson is describing the duty of a warrior. People have many assumptions as to what warrior s expectations were back in the Anglo Saxon Era. Warriors did whatever it took to finish their duty. In the poems, The Seafarer, The Wanderer, and Beowulf , warriors were big parts of the stories. Learning about what their expectations included was very helpful in determining the kind of people they were. Warriors in the Anglo Saxon Era were very loyal and brave to their kings and or higher powers. Warriors were also known for traveling great distances in certain circumstances. In all three poems, the expectations for warriors remained the same. Bravery can be shown throughout all three stories. Bravery can be described as courageous behavior or character. Epic heros were not the only people known for their bravery. Warriors showed bravery just as equally. In The Seafarer, it states, But there isn t a man on earth so proud/ So born with greatness, so bold with his youth/ Grown so brave, or so graced by God ( The Seafarer 39 41). In The Wanderer, it states, Though woefully toiling on wintry seas/ With churning oar in the icy wave/ Homeless and helpless he fled from fate ( The Wanderer 3 5). In this quote from The Wanderer , the man has no motivation but he is brave
  • 33. Analysis Of The Book Celebrated Cases Of Judge Dee The book Celebrated Cases of Judge Dee takes place in the Tang Dynasty in a region of China called Chang ping. The time in which the book took place was a very Confucian society due to the resurrection of the Confucian Educational System. This society emphasized beliefs such as the importance of the government, education, filial piety, and the 5 relationships. It believed that the gentleman was the embodiment of all these characteristics and was held to the highest standards. Legalism was the practiced legal system at the time. In the legal system, it was expected that to those who were accused of wrongdoings were to be tortured into confessing their crimes and the punishments were very severe. One of the ways Legalism worked was that when one was suspected to be guilty, the confession would be tortured out of them, rather than searching and comparing all the suspects. The society of the time also practiced and believed in spiritual entities. They d pray in temples for answers to their questions and the response they d get were taken seriously. These were the common practices of the time. This novel focuses on Dee Jen djieh, or more commonly known as Judge Dee. He is the magistrate of Chang ping and is famous for solving many successful and puzzling cases. He is an honest, wise, benevolent, justice loving magistrate, although some members of the public believe he is too rash in judgments and often jumps to conclusions. Judge Dee is a good magistrate because he is
  • 34. The Lovesong Of J Alfred Prufrock Mood In T.S Elliot s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Elliot describes the mental interactions between a man and his social environment. Through descriptive language, allusions, and enjambment, he supports a message that addresses the doubt and insecurity that lies within a majority of society. Overall, the tone of the poem is very pessimistic in its addressing of everyday insecurities. Throughout The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Elliot creates a very distinctive setting in order to enable the reader to fully understand the thoughts and the mental state of the man that the poem dissects. The style that is used does more than simply add to the setting, but it is another way for the author to establish character development. Through lines
  • 35. Family Life In Premarital Sex In Colonial America Premarital sex did not exist in America, and young girls were likely to still be virginal upon marriage and faithful afterwards, sadly that is just a traditional American myth. The reality is that sexual activity before and outside marriage was a common practice, among the Puritans, in the seventeenth century. Throughout the eighteenth century in America, 30 to 40 percent of brides walked down the aisle pregnant. Premarital pregnancy was not just limited to the twentieth and twenty first century. Today, families are not quite the same as what they use to be. They include a more diverse environment than in the past and are more probable to be formed away from marriage . Beginning with the familylife in colonial America, we examine the household structure between the families and colonial communities, compared to the emergence of the modern family. We apply our attention to the shift from agriculture based to industrial economy and the consequences for family life that follow. The colonial society has a particular correlation among families, these examples involve the family structure, married couples, and children. Looking at the families through a micro level point of view provides a system to these examples, where the internal workings of colonial period differed profoundly from those in our modern days. A vast majority of Early America was associated with agriculture like farming, because it was mainly a rural territory. On the New World conditions, family was the most
  • 36. Martin Luther King Jr s Letter From The Birmingham Jail The Civil Rights movement has aimed to gain rights for African Americans for decades. Over the course of the semester we have looked at movement s that have helped advocate for civil rights. One of the movements of that we looked at specifically in class was Martin L. King Jr s movement and his Letter from the Birmingham Jail . In this letter, we hear Dr. King s honest opinion about the criticism he received from his opponents of timely protest. We gain a lot of insight about King s honest opinion about his political motivations of his movements and why he felt that it was critical to act when he did. Another movement that we discussed but didn t directly look at was the Black Panther Party. An outside article that discusses the Black... Show more content on ... With stagnation there would be no awareness to a social issue. Looking further into King s letter, another crucial point that he brought up is that without significant activism the oppressing party would never give up what they wanted them to. Also, to make the problem politically present they had to present the problem in a way in which everybody would see the growing tensions in the community. This is later talked about in King s direct action program with him creating an issue that makes for a political change. He felt that the direct action would create direct changes to the current problem. A crucial point that really brought me to an emotional thought is when King mentioned his daughter crying. The mention of his daughter and her not being able to go to theme parks was an upsetting moment. This point brought up a relatable perspective that added a unique thought to his argument. In summary King makes some very relatable points that when looking back now make s us see how he really helped move the civil rights movement along and cause real change for black communities. Looking at the outside article of Black Panther Party: 1966 1982 by Michael X. Delli Carpini we see that the Black Panther Party did not share the same exact ideals as Dr. King. Although they did advocate strongly for equal rights for black communities they did not have the same patience that Martin Luther King had. The main points of the Black Panther Party movement
  • 37. Random Drug Testing In Schools Have you ever felt your rights are being taken away? The Hebron Middle School Handbook says, Four categories of 9 12 students will be the focus of a testing program where they will be pulled away to have to take a random drug test that will be sent to the parents with the result and procedure included. The fourth amendment of the Constitution says that there should be no unreasonable searches. Unless the school has reasonable evidence that a student is using an illegal drug, random drug testing could fall under this amendment. Students may feel they are having their rights taken from them, and they may be more likely to start abusing drugs because they feel disrespected. This rule should be changed before more students feel their rights are being taken from them. The rule that is going to be changed is the rule that states students will be randomly drug tested. This rule can invade a student s privacy. This rule also can break the fourth amendment. Drug testing can also make a student feel uncomfortable, and often feel that their privacy has been invaded. Students should have the right to decline taking a random drug test. Students may feel more inclined to take the test, if declining the test was an option. Students may feel this way because their rights are being protected.... Show more content on ... says, When students feel respected their drug abuse problems escalate slower, and they are less likely to start abusing drugs. When drug testing is a common thing in schools, students may feel like their rights are not being respected. The ACLU says that random drug testing in schools can take away the rights of students. Even when random drug testing is used in schools, ACLU says, A drug test is not likely to catch most drug users. says, It is clear that drug testing is not providing the solution for substance use prevention that its advocates
  • 38. A Strategic Planning And Management System Essay Introduction Organizations and industries today have undergone rapid and accelerating change, creating uncertainty and complexity in the business environment. Markets are increasingly competitive and pressured to do things faster, better and cheaper. They are challenged to develop new organizational characteristics such as expertise and innovation in order to quickly respond to changes in technology and customer preferences. Organizations can no longer rely on traditional analytical approach to understand their industry. Nowadays, intangible assets are just as important as physical assets and the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is an innovative approach that considers the financial and non financial perspectives in determining the performance level of an organization. Question 1 The BSC is a strategic planning and management system designed to translate an organization s mission and vision into a comprehensive set of objectives, performance measures and implementations in order to achieve business goals. The BSC retains financial metrics as a measure for company success, but supplements these metrics from three additional perspectives customer, internal process, and learning and growth (Kaplan and Norton 1992, 1993). Financial data are analyzed to understand financial performance of the organization. Customer feedback is used to gather customer satisfaction on the products or services. Internal business processes are evaluated by assessing quality, productivity and innovation.
  • 39. Guns, Germs And Steel By Jared Diamond In the book, Guns, Germs and Steel by Jared Diamond, Part Two talks about the roots of guns, germs, and steel, geographical differences relating to food production, causes of the spread of food production, development of ancient crops that are still used today, and domestication. Jared Diamond mostly likes to talk about the development of the Eurasian society and why they are more powerful. Instead of proximate causes that get straight to the point, he takes a different route that leads to ultimate causes. Ultimate causes go deeper in information and include many details unlike proximate causes. He does this and ultimately bothers with ultimate causes because proximate causes are common and shallow explanations. Ultimate causes trace... Show more content on ... Jared Diamond then starts to talk about farming. He mentions how nobody knew what they were going into when they first started learning how to farm, Specifically, in each area of the globe the first people who adopted food production could obviously not have been making a conscious choice or consciously striving toward farming as a goal, because they had never seen farming and had no way of knowing what it would be like (Diamond 101). This leads back to the idea that our ancestors or mainly the people during this time period, they didn t know how to lead a normal life. They had to learn how to grow crops, build societies, and develop technology. Jared Diamond then continues on how farming first started and how it affected societies. He dedicates a whole chapter to farming because he wants to know how the world came to be as it is today. His curiosity helps him because of Yali s question back in chapter one. Jared Diamond bothers with ultimate causes because he also wants to know how Eurasia became more powerful than other societies. We should bother with this as well because we live in a world that s full of technology and information. However, that information had to have come from the past. We should at least know how our ancestors learned how to domesticate themselves and learn how to survive. Now, Jared Diamond could also be happy with his proximate answer, but he wants more reasons and
  • 40. Patients With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Cynthia is a 65 year old African American female diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus, diabetic peripheral neuropathy, hypertension, kidney disease, hyperlipidemia and hypothyroidism. She is on glipizide 5 mg po daily to treat her type 2 diabetes. Cynthia revisited the clinic soon after the initiation of the treatment with symptoms of shakiness, sweating, chills, clamminess, lightheadedness and moderately severe headache. In this case study, Cynthia is exhibiting the symptoms of hypoglycemiaas she is on sulfonylurea therapy. Sulfonylureas, such as glipizide commonly used as a second line of therapy in patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus(T2DM), promote insulinrelease independent of prevailing glucose value and as a result,... Show more content on ... Impaired cognitive function can cause harmful and cumulative long term effects on intellectual function, particularly in young children. The most common risk factor for the occurrence of hypoglycemia is the aggressiveness of therapy applied to achieve glycemic control. The other factors include, antecedent hypoglycemia, alcohol, increased glucose utilization, decreased glucose production, female sex, sleep, duration of diabetes, age and progressive insulin deficiency were also associated with an increased risk of hypoglycemia in patients with T2DM. Multiple risk factors are associated with precipitation of hypoglycemia in the general population. When it comes to elderly patients with diabetes, the problem of hypoglycemia is a major concern. Hypoglycemia is an expected side effect of sulfonylurea. Hypoglycemia unawareness is a major cause of severe hypoglycemia in patients with T2DM. Hypoglycemia awareness in patients can bring better results in managing hypoglycemic events. Symptoms of hypoglycemia become progressively less intense over the time or diminish. Management of hypoglycemia consists of strategies such as prevention of hypoglycemia, use of therapeutic agents with low or no occurrence of hypoglycemia and treatment of hypoglycemia. It is important for the patient to understand and agree to adhere to treatment plan in terms of both medication and lifestyle modification. Self monitoring of the glucose is very
  • 41. The Production Possibilities Frontier 1. A reduction in trade barriers has two effects on the economy. The production possibilities frontier will move outward, and the economy will move closer to the production possibilities frontier. Both outcomes are related. Freer trade creates more markets for the country for its goods and services. This allows companies to produce more, but it does not directly change the production capacity of the nation. Thus, the economy moves closer to the production possibilities frontier (Rittenberg Tregarthen, 2009). The reason that the production possibilities frontier also moves owes to the theory of comparative advantage. Freer trade allows the country to focus production on those goods and services in which it has comparative advantage. Thus, the economy s production becomes more efficient. Given that the factor resources (people, capital) have not changed, an increase in efficiency will push the production possibilities frontier outward. This is because the total capacity is going to be higher. Note that there is a difference between producing the same things more efficiently, and producing goods that are more efficient. The total capacity of the economy is changed when the mix of product and services is changed, marking a shift in the curve to go along with moving production closer to the curve. In addition, trade encourages technological transfer. Firms in each country learn from one another, and the transfer of knowledge and technology is one way that this occurs.
  • 42. Mass Incarceration Of Poor Black Male Mass Incarceration of poor, black male, and increasingly female, young people in the Name of a Bogus War on Drugs Purpose of the Study Purpose Statement: to reveal the problem of mass incarceration of poor, black male, and increasingly female, young people in the name of a bogus war on drugs from the 1980 s?90 s. The purpose of this study is to expose the process of mass incarceration of poor black males, and females increasingly, within the context of a fabricated war on drugs which really is serving to keep the prison population booming by exploiting traditionally disadvantaged minorities in society. Alexander rightfully calls this a ?redesign? of the old racial caste system in America which was supposed to have been destroyed by the civil rights movement. The war on drugs in the 80s merely became the newest vehicle by which to exploit the black community in this country. The War on Drugs is really the rationale for racial control, which targets black men and women and relegates millions of citizens to what Alexander calls a ?second class status (Alexander, 2012).? This is written as if not a call to action, then a call to galvanize. The purposes of this report is to enable readers to through empirical and contextual description see the war on drugs for what is really is: a public relations ploy whose end results are not fighting drugs, but