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Before you begin this unit, please take the    TUBERCULOUS INFECTION
corresponding test at the end of the book to
assess your knowledge of the subject matter.
You should redo the test after you’ve worked   1-1 What is tuberculosis?
through the unit, to evaluate what you have
learned.                                       Tuberculosis (TB or TB disease) is a chronic
                                               infectious disease which may involve many
                                               organs of the body, but most often affects
 Objectives                                    the lungs. Tuberculosis of the lung is called
                                               pulmonary tuberculosis.

 When you have completed this unit you          Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease.
 should be able to:
 • Explain what tuberculosis is.
                                               1-2 What causes tuberculosis?
 • Describe how TB bacilli are spread.
 • Explain the difference between TB           Tuberculosis is a bacterial illness caused by
                                               Mycobacterium tuberculosis. These bacteria
   infection and tuberculosis.
                                               are also referred to as TB bacilli (tuberculous
 • Explain why children are at high risk of    bacilli).
   TB infection.
 • List communities in which tuberculosis
                                                Tuberculosis is caused by TB bacilli.
   is common.
 • Explain the features of pulmonary             NOTE   Mycobacterium tuberculosis was
   tuberculosis.                                 first described by Robert Koch in 1882.
 • List the common forms of
   extrapulmonary tuberculosis.                1-3 How are TB bacilli spread?
                                               Tuberculosis is an infectious disease which
                                               results from the spread of TB bacilli from one
                                               person to another. TB bacilli are usually spread

when a person with pulmonary tuberculosis             home. A mother with untreated pulmonary
talks, coughs, spits, laughs, shouts, sings or        tuberculosis who is in close contact with her
sneezes. This sends a spray of very small             children is a great danger to her children.
droplets from the person’s infected lungs into
                                                      Children in close, prolonged contact with
the air (i.e. airborne droplet spread). Live TB
                                                      adults who have untreated pulmonary
bacilli in these droplets then float in the air
                                                      tuberculosis are at greatest risk. Younger
and may be breathed in by other people. If the
                                                      children are more likely to spend most of the
inhaled TB bacilli reach the alveoli they cause
                                                      day and night with an adult.
a tuberculous infection of the lung.

1-4 Who usually spreads TB bacilli?                    Children in poorly ventilated, overcrowded homes
                                                       are at greatest risk of infection with TB bacilli.
TB bacilli are usually spread from adults with
untreated pulmonary tuberculosis. Therefore,
a child with tuberculosis almost always has           1-7 Do all children infected with
been in close contact with an adult with              TB bacilli develop tuberculosis?
pulmonary tuberculosis (the source of the TB          No. Most children infected with TB bacilli
bacilli). It is less common for a child to catch      do not develop tuberculosis (TB disease)
tuberculosis from another child as children           because their immune system is able to control
usually do not cough up TB bacilli in large           the infection and kill most of the TB bacilli.
numbers. Therefore, adults with untreated             As a result, the natural immune response
tuberculosis are a danger to children in the          protects most children with TB infection from
family or household.                                  progressing to tuberculosis.
                                                      It is very important to understand that a child
 TB bacilli that infect children are usually spread   can only develop tuberculosis if the child is
 from an adult with untreated pulmonary               first infected with TB bacilli. Furthermore,
 tuberculosis.                                        TB infection does not always progress to
                                                      tuberculosis (TB disease). Therefore TB
  NOTE TB bacilli in unpasteurised or unboiled        infection without further progression is not
  cows’ milk (Mycobacterium bovis) can be             the same as tuberculosis.
  drunk and cause infection of the tonsil or gut,
  but this is very uncommon in South Africa.
                                                       Fortunately most children infected with TB bacilli
1-5 Which children are at greatest                     do not develop tuberculosis.
risk of infection with TB bacilli?
                                                      The progression of TB infection to tubeculosis
Children, especially those under five years of
                                                      is more common in children than in adults.
age, who are exposed to large numbers of TB
                                                      1-8 Which children with TB infection are at
                                                      the greatest risk of developing tuberculosis?
1-6 Which children are exposed to
large numbers of TB bacilli?                          Children with a weak immune system
                                                      are at the greatest risk. In these children,
Children who live in overcrowded,
                                                      infection with TB bacilli may progress to
poorly ventilated homes or are exposed
                                                      tuberculosis because they have an inadequate
to crowded buses, taxis, schools, crèches
                                                      immune system which is unable to control
and spaces where there are adults with
                                                      the infection. TB infection caused by large
untreated pulmonary tuberculosis. A child
                                                      numbers of TB bacilli is also more likely to
with tuberculosis often has an adult with
                                                      progress to tuberculosis.
untreated tuberculosis living in the same

Therefore, both TB infection and progress to             The risk of TB infection progressing to
tuberculosis are most common when a child                tuberculosis is greater in young children
with a weak immune system is exposed to                  than in older children or adults. In children
large numbers of TB bacilli.                             infected under two years of age, the risk is as
                                                         high as 50%.
    Children with weak immune systems are at
    greatest risk of tuberculosis.                        About 10% of people with TB infection will
                                                          develop tuberculosis.
1-9 Which children have weak
immune systems?                                          1-12 What do you understand by
                                                         the incidence of tuberculosis?
Young children under five years, and especially
if under two years, of age have immature                 The incidence is the number of people with
(weak) immune systems which are unable to                tuberculosis per 100 000 of the population per
control severe infections. The immune system             year. This is a very useful measure as it allows
can further be weakened in:                              the frequency of tuberculosis in different
                                                         communities or countries to be compared. The
•     Children with HIV infection
                                                         incidence of a single community can also be
•     Children recovering from measles or
                                                         compared from one year to the next.
      whooping cough
•     Children with severe malnutrition
•     Children on large doses of oral steroids           1-13 What is the incidence of
                                                         tuberculosis in South Africa?
HIV infection is the most important cause of a
weakened immune system.                                  While tuberculosis is uncommon in most
                                                         developed countries, it is common in
                                                         developing countries such as South Africa
    Children with HIV infection have the highest risk    where the number of people with tuberculosis
    of developing tuberculosis.                          has increased rapidly in the last few years.
                                                         The incidence of tuberculosis in South Africa
1-10 Is TB infection common?                             was 948/100 000 in 2007. This is high when
                                                         compared to developed countries like the
Yes, infection with TB bacilli (Mycobacterium            United Kingdom where the incidence of
tuberculosis) is very common, and it is                  tuberculosis in 2007 was 13/100 000.
estimated that almost 50% of adult South
Africans have been infected. Most infections             In South Africa tuberculosis is particularly
take place during childhood.                             common in the Western Cape and KwaZulu-
                                                         Natal. It is estimated that there are 400 new
                                                         cases of tuberculosis per 100 000 children
    TB infection is common and usually occurs during     each year in the Western Cape. In any clinic
    childhood.                                           children will make up approximately 15% of
                                                         all the cases of tuberculosis.
1-11 How many children with TB                             NOTE  About ten million new cases of
infection develop tuberculosis?                            TB occur worldwide each year with two
                                                           million deaths due to TB. About 300 South
Only about 10% of all people with TB                       Africans die of TB each day. With the AIDS
infection progress to tuberculosis (TB disease)            epidemic this figure is rising rapidly.
during their lifetime. Therefore, TB infection
is far more common than tuberculosis.

1-14 In which communities is                         area of inflammation. This is called primary
tuberculosis common?                                 tuberculosis. From the primary infection TB
                                                     bacilli spread along the lymphatics to the local
TB is common in poor, disadvantaged
                                                     lymph nodes at the place where the main
communities where overcrowding,
                                                     bronchi divide into branches (hilar nodes).
undernutrition and HIV infection are
                                                     The primary infection in the lung, together
common. Tuberculosis is a disease of poverty.
                                                     with the infected hilar lymph nodes, is called
Tuberculosis spreads in any overcrowded
                                                     the primary complex. Parahilar and other
living spaces, both at home and in the
                                                     mediastinal nodes may also be affected.
community. TB is often transmitted by
a child’s family member, friend or close             After six weeks the immune system usually
neighbour. However it may also be caught             becomes active and kills most of the TB bacilli
in a public space if there are many untreated        in the lung and lymph nodes. As a result, the
patients in the community.                           primary infection is asymptomatic in most
                                                     children and does not cause clinical illness.
 Tuberculosis is usually seen in poor communities.   Therefore, the primary TB infection usually
                                                     heals and does not spread any further, as the
  NOTE About 95% of new TB cases and 99%             TB bacilli have been contained by the body’s
  of TB deaths worldwide are in developing           natural immunity.
  countries. In developed countries TB is              NOTE The primary TB infection in the lung
  virtually confined to poor, overcrowded              used to be called the Ghon focus.
  environments and ethnic minorities.

1-15 Why is tuberculosis an                           Inhaling TB bacilli into the lung may result in
important disease?                                    primary infection.
Tuberculosis is a major cause of illness and
death in many poor countries. These are              1-17 Can the primary TB infection
preventable deaths, and the large number of          cause illness due to spread of the
patients with tuberculosis is a huge drain on        infection within the lung?
healthcare resources.                                Sometimes the primary TB infection is not
                                                     controlled by the immune system and the
 Tuberculosis is an important cause of illness and   child now becomes ill with the signs and
 death.                                              symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis. This is a
                                                     common form of tuberculosis in children.
                                                     With progression of the primary infection
PULMONARY                                            to pulmonary tuberculosis, the TB bacilli
                                                     continue to multiply and an area of
TUBERCULOSIS                                         inflammation develops in the lung and lymph
                                                     nodes in an attempt to prevent the TB bacilli
                                                     from spreading any further. Often the centre
1-16 What is primary TB infection                    of the inflamed area becomes soft as the tissues
of the lung?                                         die. These dead cells (caseous material) can
Tuberculous infection usually starts when TB         drain into the surrounding tissues.
bacilli are inhaled deep into the distant parts      There are a number of different ways that the
of the lungs, called alveoli. During the first six   primary TB infection can spread (progress)
weeks of infection the immune system is unable       and lead to complications.
to control the TB bacilli, which multiply rapidly
in the alveoli where they cause a small, local

                                                           measles, the TB bacilli may start to multiply
    The primary TB infection may spread to cause
                                                           once more (reactivation) and a local area
    pulmonary tuberculosis.
                                                           of tuberculous pneumonia will develop.
                                                           Therefore, pulmonary tuberculosis due to
     NOTE The immune response to TB bacilli
                                                           reactivation of dormant TB bacilli may only
     is dependent on T lymphocytes.
                                                           present years after the primary infection.

1-18 What are the pulmonary complications
of the primary TB infection in the lung?                 Pulmonary tuberculosis with enlarged hilar
                                                         lymph nodes is the commonest form of
•     In some children with a weak immune
      system, the body is unable to control the
                                                         tuberculosis in children.
      primary infection in the lung. The TB
      bacilli continue to multiply and spread        1-19 What are the pulmonary complications
      into neighbouring parts of the lung to         of TB infection in the hilar lymph nodes?
      cause tuberculous pneumonia. Progression
                                                     •     TB bacilli may multiply rapidly in the hilar
      from the primary infection to pulmonary
                                                           lymph nodes, causing the nodes to enlarge
      tuberculosis usually takes place rapidly
                                                           and compress the bronchus or trachea
      within weeks or months and the child
                                                           (airway). Clinically this may present as
      becomes ill. This pattern of tuberculosis,
                                                           wheezing or stridor with either collapse or
      together with enlarged hilar nodes, is the
                                                           hyperinflation of a lobe or the whole lung.
      commonest form of tuberculosis in young
                                                     •     The enlarged lymph node may rupture
      and undernourished children.
                                                           into a bronchus spreading large numbers
•     Cavitary tuberculosis (‘open tuberculosis’)
                                                           of TB bacilli into other areas of the lung.
      is usually seen in older children and
                                                           This results in widespread tuberculous
      adolescents. The area of tuberculous
      pneumonia progresses and breaks down to
      form a hole. This occurs most commonly
      in the upper parts of the lung and results         Enlarged hilar lymph nodes may compress the
      in an air-filled cavity containing dead            airways causing wheezing.
      (caseous) tissue which contains huge
      numbers of TB bacilli. This form of
                                                     1-20 Why are the lungs the
      pulmonary tuberculosis is very infectious
                                                     commonest site of tuberculosis?
      as TB bacilli grow fast and many TB bacilli
      enter the airways. From here they are          The lungs are the commonest site of
      coughed into the air where they may be         tuberculosis as TB infection is usually caused
      breathed in and infect the lungs of other      by inhaling TB bacilli.
      people. Children and adolescents with
      cavitary tuberculosis are very infectious      1-21 What is the difference
      and can infect other children and adults.      between pulmonary tuberculosis
•     Damage to the large airways by                 in children and adults?
      tuberculosis can result in bronchiectasis.
•     In older children and adults the TB            While children usually have lymph node
      bacilli often remain dormant (inactive or      enlargement with few TB bacilli in the sputum,
      ‘sleeping’) in the lung for many months or     adolescents and adults usually have cavitary
      even years after the primary infection. The    tuberculosis with destruction of lung tissue and
      body has been able to control but not kill     large numbers of TB bacilli in their sputum.
      all the TB bacilli. If the immune system
      later becomes weakened by malnutrition
      or another infection, such as HIV or

     NOTE Cavities are formed in adult-type                1-23 Which other organs can be
     tuberculosis, usually in the upper lobes or apices    involved in tuberculosis?
     of the lower lobes of the lungs. This can result in
     permanent lung damage and scarring (fibrosis).        Although the lung is the commonest organ
                                                           infected by TB bacilli, tuberculosis can involve
                                                           any other organ of the body. Sometimes
EXTRAPULMONARY                                             more than one organ is infected. The organs
                                                           which are most commonly infected via the
TUBERCULOSIS                                               bloodstream in children are:
                                                           •     The meninges (tuberculous meningitis)
1-22 Can tuberculous infection spread                      •     Bones, especially the spine (tuberculous
from the lung to other parts of the body?                        osteitis)
                                                           •     Joints, especially the hip joint (tuberculous
Yes. This spread beyond the lungs is called                      arthritis)
extrapulmonary tuberculosis:                               •     Intra-abdominal organs such as liver
•     Tuberculosis may spread from the lung to                   and spleen and peritoneum (abdominal
      the pleura causing a pleural effusion.                     tuberculous)
•     Infection with TB bacilli can spread                      NOTE  The skin, tonsils, pericardium, bone
      from the lung, and especially the hilar                   marrow, middle ear and genitalia are less
      lymph nodes, via the bloodstream (TB                      common sites of tuberculosis in children.
      bacteraemia) to most organs of the body.                  Tuberculosis of the kidney usually follows
      In children the TB bacilli usually spread                 five or more years after the primary infection
      at the time of the primary lung infection.                and therefore is uncommon in childhood.
      As a result, tuberculosis of other organs
      usually presents soon after the primary              1-24 What is disseminated tuberculosis?
      lung infection. However, the TB bacilli              Tuberculosis involving multiple organs is
      may remain dormant in these organs for               referred to as disseminated tuberculosis.
      many months or years before they start to            This follows spread of TB bacilli through the
      multiply and cause local tuberculosis. This          bloodstream to many organs. If disseminated
      reactivation of TB bacilli is usually due to         tuberculosis includes widespread infection of
      weakening of the immune system.                      both lungs, it is called miliary tuberculosis.
•     TB bacilli can also spread to other lymph            This is a very serious illness with a high
      nodes via the lymphatics (e.g. from the              mortality rate unless diagnosed and treated
      hilar lymph nodes up to the cervical lymph           early. It usually occurs in young children.
      nodes or down to the abdominal lymph
      nodes). Lymph nodes in the axilla or groin
      may also be involved. However, lymphatic                 Disseminated tuberculosis is a serious illness
      spread is usually to the cervical nodes.                 with a high mortality rate.
      TB infection of lymph nodes is called
      tuberculous lymphadenitis.
                                                           1-25 Is extrapulmonary
                                                           tuberculosis infectious?
    Tuberculous bacilli may spread from the lungs          Unlike pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculosis of
    to other organs via the bloodstream or the             other organs is rarely infectious to other people.

1-26 Is extrapulmonary tuberculosis                  mother to cough over her newborn infant.
common in children?                                  TB bacilli do not appear in the breast milk.
                                                     Therefore breastfeeding is safe as long as
Yes, extrapulmonary tuberculosis is far more
                                                     the mother is on treatment and the infant
common in children than in adults. Cervical
                                                     receives prophylaxis.
lymph node enlargement is the commonest
form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in
                                                     CASE STUDY 1
 Cervical lymph node enlargement is the              A child of six years develops primary TB
 commonest form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis       infection in her one lung. She remains
 in children.                                        clinically well however. When she is weighed
                                                     by the school nurse, the mother is reassured
1-27 Can one have a tuberculous                      that the child is healthy and thriving.
infection more than once?
                                                     1. What is the cause of TB infection?
Yes. Previous TB infection does not give
complete immunity to further TB infections.          TB bacilli (Mycobacterium tuberculosis).
A child with a healed primary infection can,
months or years later, have another new              2. Why is this child clinically well if
primary infection when they are exposed to           she has a primary TB infection?
an infectious case of tuberculosis, especially
                                                     Because most children with a primary TB
if their immune system is weakened by severe
                                                     infection have no signs or symptoms of
malnutrition or HIV.
                                                     illness. Her immune system has controlled
Therefore, pulmonary tuberculosis may be             the TB infection.
due to immediate spread from the original
primary infection, reactivation (relapse)            3. Will this child develop tuberculosis?
of an old primary infection which had not
healed fully (latent tuberculous infection),         Probably not, as most children are able to
or spread from a new primary infection               prevent the spread of TB bacilli from the
(reinfection). In children, spread from the          primary infection.
primary TB infection to cause tuberculosis is
most common and usually occurs within two            4. Which children are at greatest
years of being infected (90% within one year of      risk of the primary infection
being infected).                                     progressing to tuberculosis?
                                                     Children with weak immune systems. These
1-28 Can a mother with tuberculosis infect           include young children, malnourished
her infant either before or after birth?             children and children with HIV infection.
Yes. During pregnancy TB bacilli in the mother
can be spread via the bloodstream to the             5. How common is TB infection?
placenta. From here the TB bacilli may reach         Very common. Almost 50% of adult South
the fetus via the umbilical vessels or may infect    Africans have had a primary TB infection
the amniotic fluid and then be swallowed by          at some time in their lives, most during
the fetus. Infection during delivery is rare.        childhood.
However, the spread of TB bacilli from a
mother to her infant usually happens after
delivery. The greatest risk is for an infectious

6. How many children with TB                     4. Is childhood tuberculosis
infection develop tuberculosis?                  common in South Africa?
The risk of progression from TB infection to     Yes, especially in poor, disadvantaged
tuberculosis during a lifetime is about 10%.     communities. Childhood tuberculosis makes
However the risk is higher in children and is    up approximately 15% of all the cases at a TB
as high as 50% in children under two years       clinic.
of age. Therefore TB infection is particularly
dangerous in young children.                     5. What are the pulmonary complications
                                                 of primary TB infection in the lung?

CASE STUDY 2                                     The primary infection in the lung may
                                                 progress to tuberculous pneumonia. In older
                                                 children and adults this may form a cavity. The
An 18-month-old child lives in an overcrowded    grandfather probably has cavitary tuberculosis.
home. During the day he is looked after by
his grandfather who is unwell and has had
                                                 6. Are the hilar lymph nodes often
a chronic cough for the past few months.
                                                 involved in primary TB infection?
The clinic nurse is worried as the child is
malnourished and recently had measles.           Yes. The primary TB infection in the lung
                                                 is usually associated with enlarged hilar
1. Why is this child at high                     lymph nodes. Together they are called the
risk of TB infection?                            primary complex. The enlarged hilar nodes
                                                 can compress a large airway causing wheeze
Because the grandfather probably has             or stridor. Further enlargement of the lymph
undiagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis. The          nodes may result in collapse or overinflation
house is overcrowded and the child has           of a lobe.
prolonged contact with the grandfather. These
factors all suggest that the child is being
exposed to large numbers of TB bacilli.
                                                 CASE STUDY 3
2. Why will the TB infection probably
                                                 The parents are very worried as their
progress to tuberculosis?
                                                 daughter has a lump in her neck which has
Because the child has a weak immune system       been diagnosed as tuberculosis. Friends tell
due to his young age, malnutrition and recent    them that the diagnosis must be wrong as
measles infection.                               tuberculosis only affects the lungs.
The child’s age and exposure to large numbers
of TB bacilli will, therefore, increase his      1. Does tuberculosis only affect the lungs?
risk of both TB infection and progress to        No. Tuberculosis may affect most organs of the
tuberculosis.                                    body. Tuberculosis outside the lungs is called
                                                 extrapulmonary tuberculosis.
3. What other infection may
weaken the immune system?                        2. What is the likely cause of
HIV.                                             the lump in her neck?
                                                 Tuberculosis of a lymph node (tuberculous

3. What other organs are most                      THE FIVE MOST
commonly infected with TB?
                                                   IMPORTANT ‘TAKE-
The meninges (TB meningitis), bones (TB
osteitis), joints (TB arthritis) and abdominal     HOME’ MESSAGES
organs (abdominal TB).
                                                   1. Children are infected with TB bacilli after
4. What is disseminated tuberculosis?                 exposure to someone with infectious
                                                      pulmonary tuberculosis.
The spread of TB infection to many organs.         2. Most TB infection in children does not
This is a serious illness with a high mortality       progress to disease (tuberculosis).
rate.                                              3. The children at greatest risk of progression
                                                      to disease are children infected when
5. Is extrapulmonary tuberculosis                     less than two years of age, HIV infected
infectious to others?                                 children, and children with malnutrition.
Usually not. However, extrapulmonary and           4. Pulmonary tuberculosis with enlarged
pulmonary TB may occur in the same patient.           hilar lymph nodes is the commonest form
Pulmonary tuberculosis is the most infectious         of tuberculosis in children.
form of the disease.                               5. Cervical lymph node enlargement is the
                                                      commonest form of extrapulmonary
                                                      tuberculosis in children.
6. Can a newborn infant be infected
with tuberculosis from the mother?
Tuberculosis can spread from mother to infant
during pregnancy but this is uncommon.
The greatest risk is when a mother with
tuberculosis coughs onto her newborn infant.

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Childhood TB: Introduction to childhood tuberculosis

  • 1. 1 Introduction to childhood tuberculosis Before you begin this unit, please take the TUBERCULOUS INFECTION corresponding test at the end of the book to assess your knowledge of the subject matter. You should redo the test after you’ve worked 1-1 What is tuberculosis? through the unit, to evaluate what you have learned. Tuberculosis (TB or TB disease) is a chronic infectious disease which may involve many organs of the body, but most often affects Objectives the lungs. Tuberculosis of the lung is called pulmonary tuberculosis. When you have completed this unit you Tuberculosis is a chronic infectious disease. should be able to: • Explain what tuberculosis is. 1-2 What causes tuberculosis? • Describe how TB bacilli are spread. • Explain the difference between TB Tuberculosis is a bacterial illness caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis. These bacteria infection and tuberculosis. are also referred to as TB bacilli (tuberculous • Explain why children are at high risk of bacilli). TB infection. • List communities in which tuberculosis Tuberculosis is caused by TB bacilli. is common. • Explain the features of pulmonary NOTE Mycobacterium tuberculosis was tuberculosis. first described by Robert Koch in 1882. • List the common forms of extrapulmonary tuberculosis. 1-3 How are TB bacilli spread? Tuberculosis is an infectious disease which results from the spread of TB bacilli from one person to another. TB bacilli are usually spread
  • 2. 16 CHILDHOOD TB when a person with pulmonary tuberculosis home. A mother with untreated pulmonary talks, coughs, spits, laughs, shouts, sings or tuberculosis who is in close contact with her sneezes. This sends a spray of very small children is a great danger to her children. droplets from the person’s infected lungs into Children in close, prolonged contact with the air (i.e. airborne droplet spread). Live TB adults who have untreated pulmonary bacilli in these droplets then float in the air tuberculosis are at greatest risk. Younger and may be breathed in by other people. If the children are more likely to spend most of the inhaled TB bacilli reach the alveoli they cause day and night with an adult. a tuberculous infection of the lung. 1-4 Who usually spreads TB bacilli? Children in poorly ventilated, overcrowded homes are at greatest risk of infection with TB bacilli. TB bacilli are usually spread from adults with untreated pulmonary tuberculosis. Therefore, a child with tuberculosis almost always has 1-7 Do all children infected with been in close contact with an adult with TB bacilli develop tuberculosis? pulmonary tuberculosis (the source of the TB No. Most children infected with TB bacilli bacilli). It is less common for a child to catch do not develop tuberculosis (TB disease) tuberculosis from another child as children because their immune system is able to control usually do not cough up TB bacilli in large the infection and kill most of the TB bacilli. numbers. Therefore, adults with untreated As a result, the natural immune response tuberculosis are a danger to children in the protects most children with TB infection from family or household. progressing to tuberculosis. It is very important to understand that a child TB bacilli that infect children are usually spread can only develop tuberculosis if the child is from an adult with untreated pulmonary first infected with TB bacilli. Furthermore, tuberculosis. TB infection does not always progress to tuberculosis (TB disease). Therefore TB NOTE TB bacilli in unpasteurised or unboiled infection without further progression is not cows’ milk (Mycobacterium bovis) can be the same as tuberculosis. drunk and cause infection of the tonsil or gut, but this is very uncommon in South Africa. Fortunately most children infected with TB bacilli 1-5 Which children are at greatest do not develop tuberculosis. risk of infection with TB bacilli? The progression of TB infection to tubeculosis Children, especially those under five years of is more common in children than in adults. age, who are exposed to large numbers of TB bacilli. 1-8 Which children with TB infection are at the greatest risk of developing tuberculosis? 1-6 Which children are exposed to large numbers of TB bacilli? Children with a weak immune system are at the greatest risk. In these children, Children who live in overcrowded, infection with TB bacilli may progress to poorly ventilated homes or are exposed tuberculosis because they have an inadequate to crowded buses, taxis, schools, crèches immune system which is unable to control and spaces where there are adults with the infection. TB infection caused by large untreated pulmonary tuberculosis. A child numbers of TB bacilli is also more likely to with tuberculosis often has an adult with progress to tuberculosis. untreated tuberculosis living in the same
  • 3. INTRODUCTION TO CHILDHOOD TUBERCULOSIS 17 Therefore, both TB infection and progress to The risk of TB infection progressing to tuberculosis are most common when a child tuberculosis is greater in young children with a weak immune system is exposed to than in older children or adults. In children large numbers of TB bacilli. infected under two years of age, the risk is as high as 50%. Children with weak immune systems are at greatest risk of tuberculosis. About 10% of people with TB infection will develop tuberculosis. 1-9 Which children have weak immune systems? 1-12 What do you understand by the incidence of tuberculosis? Young children under five years, and especially if under two years, of age have immature The incidence is the number of people with (weak) immune systems which are unable to tuberculosis per 100 000 of the population per control severe infections. The immune system year. This is a very useful measure as it allows can further be weakened in: the frequency of tuberculosis in different communities or countries to be compared. The • Children with HIV infection incidence of a single community can also be • Children recovering from measles or compared from one year to the next. whooping cough • Children with severe malnutrition • Children on large doses of oral steroids 1-13 What is the incidence of tuberculosis in South Africa? HIV infection is the most important cause of a weakened immune system. While tuberculosis is uncommon in most developed countries, it is common in developing countries such as South Africa Children with HIV infection have the highest risk where the number of people with tuberculosis of developing tuberculosis. has increased rapidly in the last few years. The incidence of tuberculosis in South Africa 1-10 Is TB infection common? was 948/100 000 in 2007. This is high when compared to developed countries like the Yes, infection with TB bacilli (Mycobacterium United Kingdom where the incidence of tuberculosis) is very common, and it is tuberculosis in 2007 was 13/100 000. estimated that almost 50% of adult South Africans have been infected. Most infections In South Africa tuberculosis is particularly take place during childhood. common in the Western Cape and KwaZulu- Natal. It is estimated that there are 400 new cases of tuberculosis per 100 000 children TB infection is common and usually occurs during each year in the Western Cape. In any clinic childhood. children will make up approximately 15% of all the cases of tuberculosis. 1-11 How many children with TB NOTE About ten million new cases of infection develop tuberculosis? TB occur worldwide each year with two million deaths due to TB. About 300 South Only about 10% of all people with TB Africans die of TB each day. With the AIDS infection progress to tuberculosis (TB disease) epidemic this figure is rising rapidly. during their lifetime. Therefore, TB infection is far more common than tuberculosis.
  • 4. 18 CHILDHOOD TB 1-14 In which communities is area of inflammation. This is called primary tuberculosis common? tuberculosis. From the primary infection TB bacilli spread along the lymphatics to the local TB is common in poor, disadvantaged lymph nodes at the place where the main communities where overcrowding, bronchi divide into branches (hilar nodes). undernutrition and HIV infection are The primary infection in the lung, together common. Tuberculosis is a disease of poverty. with the infected hilar lymph nodes, is called Tuberculosis spreads in any overcrowded the primary complex. Parahilar and other living spaces, both at home and in the mediastinal nodes may also be affected. community. TB is often transmitted by a child’s family member, friend or close After six weeks the immune system usually neighbour. However it may also be caught becomes active and kills most of the TB bacilli in a public space if there are many untreated in the lung and lymph nodes. As a result, the patients in the community. primary infection is asymptomatic in most children and does not cause clinical illness. Tuberculosis is usually seen in poor communities. Therefore, the primary TB infection usually heals and does not spread any further, as the NOTE About 95% of new TB cases and 99% TB bacilli have been contained by the body’s of TB deaths worldwide are in developing natural immunity. countries. In developed countries TB is NOTE The primary TB infection in the lung virtually confined to poor, overcrowded used to be called the Ghon focus. environments and ethnic minorities. 1-15 Why is tuberculosis an Inhaling TB bacilli into the lung may result in important disease? primary infection. Tuberculosis is a major cause of illness and death in many poor countries. These are 1-17 Can the primary TB infection preventable deaths, and the large number of cause illness due to spread of the patients with tuberculosis is a huge drain on infection within the lung? healthcare resources. Sometimes the primary TB infection is not controlled by the immune system and the Tuberculosis is an important cause of illness and child now becomes ill with the signs and death. symptoms of pulmonary tuberculosis. This is a common form of tuberculosis in children. With progression of the primary infection PULMONARY to pulmonary tuberculosis, the TB bacilli continue to multiply and an area of TUBERCULOSIS inflammation develops in the lung and lymph nodes in an attempt to prevent the TB bacilli from spreading any further. Often the centre 1-16 What is primary TB infection of the inflamed area becomes soft as the tissues of the lung? die. These dead cells (caseous material) can Tuberculous infection usually starts when TB drain into the surrounding tissues. bacilli are inhaled deep into the distant parts There are a number of different ways that the of the lungs, called alveoli. During the first six primary TB infection can spread (progress) weeks of infection the immune system is unable and lead to complications. to control the TB bacilli, which multiply rapidly in the alveoli where they cause a small, local
  • 5. INTRODUCTION TO CHILDHOOD TUBERCULOSIS 19 measles, the TB bacilli may start to multiply The primary TB infection may spread to cause once more (reactivation) and a local area pulmonary tuberculosis. of tuberculous pneumonia will develop. Therefore, pulmonary tuberculosis due to NOTE The immune response to TB bacilli reactivation of dormant TB bacilli may only is dependent on T lymphocytes. present years after the primary infection. 1-18 What are the pulmonary complications of the primary TB infection in the lung? Pulmonary tuberculosis with enlarged hilar lymph nodes is the commonest form of • In some children with a weak immune system, the body is unable to control the tuberculosis in children. primary infection in the lung. The TB bacilli continue to multiply and spread 1-19 What are the pulmonary complications into neighbouring parts of the lung to of TB infection in the hilar lymph nodes? cause tuberculous pneumonia. Progression • TB bacilli may multiply rapidly in the hilar from the primary infection to pulmonary lymph nodes, causing the nodes to enlarge tuberculosis usually takes place rapidly and compress the bronchus or trachea within weeks or months and the child (airway). Clinically this may present as becomes ill. This pattern of tuberculosis, wheezing or stridor with either collapse or together with enlarged hilar nodes, is the hyperinflation of a lobe or the whole lung. commonest form of tuberculosis in young • The enlarged lymph node may rupture and undernourished children. into a bronchus spreading large numbers • Cavitary tuberculosis (‘open tuberculosis’) of TB bacilli into other areas of the lung. is usually seen in older children and This results in widespread tuberculous adolescents. The area of tuberculous bronchopneumonia. pneumonia progresses and breaks down to form a hole. This occurs most commonly in the upper parts of the lung and results Enlarged hilar lymph nodes may compress the in an air-filled cavity containing dead airways causing wheezing. (caseous) tissue which contains huge numbers of TB bacilli. This form of 1-20 Why are the lungs the pulmonary tuberculosis is very infectious commonest site of tuberculosis? as TB bacilli grow fast and many TB bacilli enter the airways. From here they are The lungs are the commonest site of coughed into the air where they may be tuberculosis as TB infection is usually caused breathed in and infect the lungs of other by inhaling TB bacilli. people. Children and adolescents with cavitary tuberculosis are very infectious 1-21 What is the difference and can infect other children and adults. between pulmonary tuberculosis • Damage to the large airways by in children and adults? tuberculosis can result in bronchiectasis. • In older children and adults the TB While children usually have lymph node bacilli often remain dormant (inactive or enlargement with few TB bacilli in the sputum, ‘sleeping’) in the lung for many months or adolescents and adults usually have cavitary even years after the primary infection. The tuberculosis with destruction of lung tissue and body has been able to control but not kill large numbers of TB bacilli in their sputum. all the TB bacilli. If the immune system later becomes weakened by malnutrition or another infection, such as HIV or
  • 6. 20 CHILDHOOD TB NOTE Cavities are formed in adult-type 1-23 Which other organs can be tuberculosis, usually in the upper lobes or apices involved in tuberculosis? of the lower lobes of the lungs. This can result in permanent lung damage and scarring (fibrosis). Although the lung is the commonest organ infected by TB bacilli, tuberculosis can involve any other organ of the body. Sometimes EXTRAPULMONARY more than one organ is infected. The organs which are most commonly infected via the TUBERCULOSIS bloodstream in children are: • The meninges (tuberculous meningitis) 1-22 Can tuberculous infection spread • Bones, especially the spine (tuberculous from the lung to other parts of the body? osteitis) • Joints, especially the hip joint (tuberculous Yes. This spread beyond the lungs is called arthritis) extrapulmonary tuberculosis: • Intra-abdominal organs such as liver • Tuberculosis may spread from the lung to and spleen and peritoneum (abdominal the pleura causing a pleural effusion. tuberculous) • Infection with TB bacilli can spread NOTE The skin, tonsils, pericardium, bone from the lung, and especially the hilar marrow, middle ear and genitalia are less lymph nodes, via the bloodstream (TB common sites of tuberculosis in children. bacteraemia) to most organs of the body. Tuberculosis of the kidney usually follows In children the TB bacilli usually spread five or more years after the primary infection at the time of the primary lung infection. and therefore is uncommon in childhood. As a result, tuberculosis of other organs usually presents soon after the primary 1-24 What is disseminated tuberculosis? lung infection. However, the TB bacilli Tuberculosis involving multiple organs is may remain dormant in these organs for referred to as disseminated tuberculosis. many months or years before they start to This follows spread of TB bacilli through the multiply and cause local tuberculosis. This bloodstream to many organs. If disseminated reactivation of TB bacilli is usually due to tuberculosis includes widespread infection of weakening of the immune system. both lungs, it is called miliary tuberculosis. • TB bacilli can also spread to other lymph This is a very serious illness with a high nodes via the lymphatics (e.g. from the mortality rate unless diagnosed and treated hilar lymph nodes up to the cervical lymph early. It usually occurs in young children. nodes or down to the abdominal lymph nodes). Lymph nodes in the axilla or groin may also be involved. However, lymphatic Disseminated tuberculosis is a serious illness spread is usually to the cervical nodes. with a high mortality rate. TB infection of lymph nodes is called tuberculous lymphadenitis. 1-25 Is extrapulmonary tuberculosis infectious? Tuberculous bacilli may spread from the lungs Unlike pulmonary tuberculosis, tuberculosis of to other organs via the bloodstream or the other organs is rarely infectious to other people. lymphatics.
  • 7. INTRODUCTION TO CHILDHOOD TUBERCULOSIS 21 1-26 Is extrapulmonary tuberculosis mother to cough over her newborn infant. common in children? TB bacilli do not appear in the breast milk. Therefore breastfeeding is safe as long as Yes, extrapulmonary tuberculosis is far more the mother is on treatment and the infant common in children than in adults. Cervical receives prophylaxis. lymph node enlargement is the commonest form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in children. CASE STUDY 1 Cervical lymph node enlargement is the A child of six years develops primary TB commonest form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis infection in her one lung. She remains in children. clinically well however. When she is weighed by the school nurse, the mother is reassured 1-27 Can one have a tuberculous that the child is healthy and thriving. infection more than once? 1. What is the cause of TB infection? Yes. Previous TB infection does not give complete immunity to further TB infections. TB bacilli (Mycobacterium tuberculosis). A child with a healed primary infection can, months or years later, have another new 2. Why is this child clinically well if primary infection when they are exposed to she has a primary TB infection? an infectious case of tuberculosis, especially Because most children with a primary TB if their immune system is weakened by severe infection have no signs or symptoms of malnutrition or HIV. illness. Her immune system has controlled Therefore, pulmonary tuberculosis may be the TB infection. due to immediate spread from the original primary infection, reactivation (relapse) 3. Will this child develop tuberculosis? of an old primary infection which had not healed fully (latent tuberculous infection), Probably not, as most children are able to or spread from a new primary infection prevent the spread of TB bacilli from the (reinfection). In children, spread from the primary infection. primary TB infection to cause tuberculosis is most common and usually occurs within two 4. Which children are at greatest years of being infected (90% within one year of risk of the primary infection being infected). progressing to tuberculosis? Children with weak immune systems. These 1-28 Can a mother with tuberculosis infect include young children, malnourished her infant either before or after birth? children and children with HIV infection. Yes. During pregnancy TB bacilli in the mother can be spread via the bloodstream to the 5. How common is TB infection? placenta. From here the TB bacilli may reach Very common. Almost 50% of adult South the fetus via the umbilical vessels or may infect Africans have had a primary TB infection the amniotic fluid and then be swallowed by at some time in their lives, most during the fetus. Infection during delivery is rare. childhood. However, the spread of TB bacilli from a mother to her infant usually happens after delivery. The greatest risk is for an infectious
  • 8. 22 CHILDHOOD TB 6. How many children with TB 4. Is childhood tuberculosis infection develop tuberculosis? common in South Africa? The risk of progression from TB infection to Yes, especially in poor, disadvantaged tuberculosis during a lifetime is about 10%. communities. Childhood tuberculosis makes However the risk is higher in children and is up approximately 15% of all the cases at a TB as high as 50% in children under two years clinic. of age. Therefore TB infection is particularly dangerous in young children. 5. What are the pulmonary complications of primary TB infection in the lung? CASE STUDY 2 The primary infection in the lung may progress to tuberculous pneumonia. In older children and adults this may form a cavity. The An 18-month-old child lives in an overcrowded grandfather probably has cavitary tuberculosis. home. During the day he is looked after by his grandfather who is unwell and has had 6. Are the hilar lymph nodes often a chronic cough for the past few months. involved in primary TB infection? The clinic nurse is worried as the child is malnourished and recently had measles. Yes. The primary TB infection in the lung is usually associated with enlarged hilar 1. Why is this child at high lymph nodes. Together they are called the risk of TB infection? primary complex. The enlarged hilar nodes can compress a large airway causing wheeze Because the grandfather probably has or stridor. Further enlargement of the lymph undiagnosed pulmonary tuberculosis. The nodes may result in collapse or overinflation house is overcrowded and the child has of a lobe. prolonged contact with the grandfather. These factors all suggest that the child is being exposed to large numbers of TB bacilli. CASE STUDY 3 2. Why will the TB infection probably The parents are very worried as their progress to tuberculosis? daughter has a lump in her neck which has Because the child has a weak immune system been diagnosed as tuberculosis. Friends tell due to his young age, malnutrition and recent them that the diagnosis must be wrong as measles infection. tuberculosis only affects the lungs. The child’s age and exposure to large numbers of TB bacilli will, therefore, increase his 1. Does tuberculosis only affect the lungs? risk of both TB infection and progress to No. Tuberculosis may affect most organs of the tuberculosis. body. Tuberculosis outside the lungs is called extrapulmonary tuberculosis. 3. What other infection may weaken the immune system? 2. What is the likely cause of HIV. the lump in her neck? Tuberculosis of a lymph node (tuberculous lymphadenitis).
  • 9. INTRODUCTION TO CHILDHOOD TUBERCULOSIS 23 3. What other organs are most THE FIVE MOST commonly infected with TB? IMPORTANT ‘TAKE- The meninges (TB meningitis), bones (TB osteitis), joints (TB arthritis) and abdominal HOME’ MESSAGES organs (abdominal TB). 1. Children are infected with TB bacilli after 4. What is disseminated tuberculosis? exposure to someone with infectious pulmonary tuberculosis. The spread of TB infection to many organs. 2. Most TB infection in children does not This is a serious illness with a high mortality progress to disease (tuberculosis). rate. 3. The children at greatest risk of progression to disease are children infected when 5. Is extrapulmonary tuberculosis less than two years of age, HIV infected infectious to others? children, and children with malnutrition. Usually not. However, extrapulmonary and 4. Pulmonary tuberculosis with enlarged pulmonary TB may occur in the same patient. hilar lymph nodes is the commonest form Pulmonary tuberculosis is the most infectious of tuberculosis in children. form of the disease. 5. Cervical lymph node enlargement is the commonest form of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in children. 6. Can a newborn infant be infected with tuberculosis from the mother? Tuberculosis can spread from mother to infant during pregnancy but this is uncommon. The greatest risk is when a mother with tuberculosis coughs onto her newborn infant.