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America and the 1920’s
U.S. History II Honors
By Ms. White
Chapter 20 Politics of the
S Chapter Objective: To trace the political and social
changes after World War I and throughout the decade of
the 1920’s.
1920’s Unit Principles
S Objective
S Identify key themes or concepts that characterize 1920s America.
S Essential Question
S What should historians call the 1920s?
America in Context: 1920s
S Che Guevara
S President George H.
W. Bush
S Margaret Thatcher
S Fidel Castro
S Ray Bradbury
S Pope John Paul II
S Maya Angelou
S Martin Luther King Jr.
S Malcolm X
S Elie Wiesel
S Jacqueline Kennedy
S Anne Frank
S Helen Thomas
S Kurt Vonnegut
S President Jimmy
S Senator Robert
S Stanley Kubrick
S Marlon Brando
S Marilyn Monroe
S Audrey Hepburn
S Queen Elizabeth II
People of the 1920s
S We will be using influential people in the 1920s to help us study
important concepts
S We will learn about the 1920’s by exploring the lives of the following:
S Sacco & Vanzetti
S Presidents Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover
S Henry Ford
S Al Capone
S John T. Scopes
S F. Scott Fitzgerald
S Zelda Fitzgerald
S Babe Ruth
S Charles Lindbergh
Warm Up:
What would you call the age in which we currently live?
Recall some of the topics we’ve studied this year. What are
some examples?
S Industrialization
S Immigration
S Urbanization
S Progressivism
S Imperialism
S World War
What should historians call the 1920’s?
Create a name for the 1920’s
America in Context
S Many other events were going on around the world.
S Remember History does not happen in a vacuum!
S Each group will read a timeline of events for their
assigned country.
S Identify 2-3 key events
S How might these events influence America?
S How might America have influenced these events?
S Be prepared to share with the class
America in Context: Asia
America in Context: Asia
In India, Mohandes Gandhi begins his
resistance movement against British
In China, the Chinese Civil War
between Nationalists and Communists
begins in 1924 and does not end until
1950 with a Communist victory
America in Context: Asia
S Turkish Revolution against the Allies is fought between
1919 and 1923 resulting in Turkish independence
America in Context: Europe
America in Context: Europe
S Britain and France begin paying back war debt to the United
 Ireland gains its independence from Britain in
America in Context: Europe
S Amid economic troubles in
Germany, a young war veteran
named Adolf Hitler becomes
Chairman of the Nazi Party in
1921. Three years later his
party earns 6.5% of the
popular vote in elections
S In Italy, fascist leader Benito
Mussolini comes to power in
America in Context: Europe
S In 1922 the Bolshevik faction of the
Russian communist party
consolidates its power and officially
creates the USSR (Soviet Union)
S Two years later Vladimir Lenin, the
founder of Russian communism
dies resulting in a power struggle to
replace him with Joseph Stalin
eventually emerging on top
America in Context: Africa
America in Context: Africa
S Egypt, another major British colony, gains its
independence in 1922
America in Context: Latin & South
America in Context: Latin America
S The Mexican Civil War ends
in 1920
S Pancho Villa is
assassinated in Mexico in
Understanding the 20s
S F. Scott Fitzgerald and the Age of Excess
S In groups of 3 or 4, read through the essay by former
Cambridge professor Joshua Zeitz.
S Highlight key words or phrases that provide details about
what life was like in the 1920’s
S Create a wordle using the words or phrases that you feel
best captures life in the 1902’s
1920’s Wordle
Exit Ticket
S What should historians call the 1920’s?
S Traditional vs. Modern values
S Middle Class Growth
S The age of big personalities
S The growth of media
S American anomaly
S The path to Depression
S Yolo!
Chapter 20 Section 1
“America Struggles with Postwar Issues”
S Learning Objective: Understand how fear and prejudice of radicals and
foreigners led to persecution & injustice in American life. Be able to give
an example of an injustice from the 1920’s.
S Main Idea: A desire for normality after the war and a fear of
communism and foreigners led to postwar isolationism
S Why It Matters Now: Americans continue to debate today political
isolationism and immigration policy.
S Terms, People, & Events: Nativism, communism, isolationism,
anarchism, Sacco & Vanzetti, Quota System, Red Scare, Palmer Raids,
S What are European
countries like after
World War I is over?
Effects of WWI in Europe
Effects of World War I in
S What is America
like after WWI?
S After slavery was
abolished by the
Proclamation in
1863 what types of
jobs were available
for African
S Where are those
jobs located?
Effects of WWI on African Americans
Effects of WWI on African
S How did WWI
create new job
opportunities for
S Where were
those jobs
The Great Migration
Movement of African Americans from Southern Farms to Northern Cities.
How did WWI create
opportunities for
Effects of WWI on Women
How might WWI
veterans feel when they
return from the war and
are unable to find
Who might they direct
their anger and
frustration towards?
Effects of WWI on Veterans
Effects of WWI on Immigrants
Why did
after World
War I?
Effects of WWI in America
S Accelerated America’s emergence as the world’s greatest
industrial power
S Contributed to the movement of African Americans from
southern farms to northern cities called the Great Migration
S Intensified anti-immigrant and anti-radical sentiments among
mainstream Americans
S Brought over 1 million women into the work force
S Hastened (Sped up) the passage of the 19th amendment
women’s right to vote
Effects of WWI in America
S During WWI workers were not allowed to strike because the
government would not let anything interfere with the war effort.
S Returning soldiers faced unemployment or replaced women and
S Cost of living doubled.
S Farmers and factory workers suffered from decreased
S After the war union membership increases, as did strikes for
higher wages and better working conditions.
Post War Trends
S Fear of communism and foreigners leads to postwar
S Prejudice against foreign born
S A policy of pulling away from involvement in world affairs.
S What is anarchism?
S What is communism?
S What is socialism?
S Why is there opposition to these in the United States?
S What is the root of the word
S What does anarchy mean?
S Anarchists (people who support
S Don’t believe in any government
S Government should be
overthrown with violence
What is Communism?
S An economic and political theory based on single
party rule by a dictatorship.
S Created by Karl Marx
S From each according to his ability, to each according to his
need.” –Karl Marx
S The public ownership of property to create a completely
equal society
S All the people/workers will own all of the ways of
making money (the land, the machines, the
stores, etc.)
S End to private businesses
S No way for one person to become
very rich
S Political systems are progressing
and communism is seen as the
next and final step from capitalism
and democracy
S Believed in the creation of an
international communist society
brought about by a revolutionary
S To equalize wealth and power communist put an end to
private property and replaced private ownership of business
with government ownership of factories, railroads, and other
S Perceived as a threat to the American way of life
Why considered a threat to
S The Declaration of Independence promises “life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness.”
S Communism guarantees economic equality
S American democracy advocates for the use of the vote to bring
about change
S Communism advocates violent revolution
S American democracy advocates governance by the people and
freedom of the people
S Communism is totalitarian and oppressive
S An economic and political system.
S Government owns major:
private businesses (banks)
public services (hospitals &healthcare)
American Fears of Socialism
S To equalize wealth and power the government would make wealthy
people contribute more money to taxes so that there is not a huge
difference between rich and poor.
Perceived as a threat to
the American way of life
because people believed
it was on the way to
communism and thus a
threat to individual’s right
to private wealth
Red Scare
S Panic in the U.S. that began in 1919 after Revolutions in Russia
overthrew the czarist regime.
S Vladimir Lenin and his followers “The Bolsheviks” established
a new communist state.
S Cried out for a worldwide revolution to abolish capitalism
Symbolic red flag “Reds”
Communist Party in the U.S.
S 70,000 joined including some members of the
IWW (International Workers of the World)
The Case Against the Reds
S Read the abbreviated primary source essay written by U.S.
Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer & answer the following
S What revolution is the author referring to?
S What will the revolution destroy?
S Who is spreading these ideas?
S What effect will this have on America?
S What does Palmer plan to do?
S What fears of the time are reflected in the document?
Palmer Raids
S Several dozen bombs were
mailed to government &
business owners the public
feared that Communists were
taking over.
S U.S. Attorney General Mitchell
Palmer took actions to combat
this “Red Scare”
S Palmer appointed J Edgar
Hoover to hunt down suspected
communists, socialists, and
Mitchell Palmer
J Edgar Hoover
Palmer Raids
S Trampled civil rights by
invading homes & offices &
jailing suspects without
allowing them legal counsel
S Hundreds of foreigners
were deported without trials
S Failed to turn up evidence
of a revolutionary
10,000 people arrested
556 people deported
Palmer Raids
S Who is the person in the middle?
S What does he appear to be doing?
S What is happening to the boat?
What does it represent?
S What’s being thrown from the
S What are the people holding in
their hands? What does it
S What event in U.S. history does
Warm Up
S Should immigrants be looked at
with more suspicion than
American citizens by the
American government? Why or
why not?
S April 15, 1920
S Braintree MA
S A security guard and a
paymaster transporting
money for the Slater-Morrill
Shoe Company are shot &
killed by robbers
S Robbers sped away but
plenty of eye witnesses saw
the commotion
Trial of Sacco and Vanzetti
An Italian shoemaker and a fish peddler are arrested and
charged with robbery and murder of a factory paymaster
and his guard in South Braintree, Massachusetts
Italian immigrants, socialists, and anarchists
Trial of Sacco & Vanzetti
On your packet is a letter.
S J means Jury
S P means Prosecution
S D means Defense
Break down into groups according to your letter and review the
evidence chart.
Prosecution select the best arguments for Sacco and Vanzetti’s
Defense select the best arguments Sacco and Vanzetti’s
Trial of Sacco & Vanzetti
S Jury your job is to listen to all of
the evidence and determine
whether or not the accused
suspects are guilty beyond a
reasonable doubt (an abiding
certainty, not no doubt, but a
reasonable amount of doubt,
confident you did the right thing)
S In groups, discuss your findings
and come to a consensus on
whether or not Sacco and
Vanzetti are guilty of robbery and
murder beyond a reasonable
Trial of Sacco & Vanzetti
S Prosecution for Sacco/Vanzetti present evidence to prove
Sacco’s guilt
S Defense for Sacco/Vanzetti present evidence to prove
Sacco’s innocence
S Cross examination
S Closing arguments
Did Sacco and Vanzetti get a
fair trial?
S Asserted their
innocence and
provided alibis
S Circumstantial
S Prejudicial judge
S Jury found them guilty
and sentenced them to
S Executed in 1927
What is happening in the photo?
Where is the protest taking place?
What are these men doing?
Why are they protesting?
Who might they be?
How can you tell?
S What is the
S Who published the
S Based on all of these
images, what can
you conclude about
the trial of Sacco &
Limiting Immigration
S Wave of nativist sentiment “Keep American for Americans”
became prevailing attitude
S Feared that immigrants would work for lower wages and take
away jobs
S Fear of immigrants as anarchists, communists, or socialists
S Limited immigration from southern & eastern Europe (Catholics &
S Emergency Quota Act of 1921 set a limit on the number of
immigrants who could enter the U.S. & prohibited Japanese
1. Where are the people
trying to get to?
2. What is Uncle Sam
3. What is the caption?
4. According to this
cartoon what is the
solution to the
Who is this group?
Who do they target?
The Klan Rises Again
S Ku Klux Klan devoted to 100% Americanism
S White male
S native born
S Protestant
S Opposed:
S Blacks
S Jews
S Catholics
S foreigners
S Used violence
S 4-5 million members
Effects of WWI in America
 During WWI workers were not allowed to strike
because the government would not let anything
interfere with the war effort.
 Returning soldiers faced unemployment or took
jobs away from women and minorities.
 Cost of living doubled.
 Farmers and factory workers suffered from
decreased production.
 After the war union membership increases, as
did strikes for higher wages and better working
Warm Up
S WWI is over, Americans are struggling to rebuild their broken lives,
the voice of angry workers can be silenced no longer. Despite
public criticism, many people risk loosing their jobs to strike and
join unions. The streets became a battleground for fair pay and
better working conditions.
S Would you strike and risk your families welfare?
S Do city workers have a responsibility not to go on strike?
S Should the government intervene in disputes between labor and
Labor Unrest
S During WWI government would not allow workers to
strike because it would interfere with the war effort
S 1919 saw more then 3,000 strikes that included 4 million
S Employers didn’t want to give raises or have the
employees join unions
S Newspapers labeled striking workers as Communist
Boston Police Strike
S Boston Police had not been given a raise since beginning of
WWI & had been denied the right to unionize
S When workers asked for a raise they were fired
S Mass governor Calvin Coolidge called in the National Guard to
put down the strike
S Strike ended and new policemen were hired
S People praised Coolidge for saving Boston & the nation from
communism & anarchy
S In 1920 he became Warren Harding’s vice presidential running
Steel Mill Strike
S Steel mill workers wanted the right to negotiate for shorter working
hours, higher wages, right to form a union
S U.S. Steel Corp refused to meet with workers reps
S 300,000 workers went on strike
S Strike breakers- employees who agree to work during a strike
S Workers were beaten by federal troops & state militia
S The Companies instituted a propaganda campaign to link the
strikers with communism
S Won an 8 hour work day but did not get the right to form a union
Coal Miners Strike
S United Mine Workers of America led by John L. Lewis
protested low wages and long workdays
S Attorney General Mitchell Palmer obtained a court order
sending the miners back to work
S Strikes continued in defiance of the court order
S President Wilson hired an arbitrator to put an end to the
S Coal miners received a 27% wage increase
Chapter 20 Section 2
“The Harding Presidency”
S Objective: Understand how political corruption
and scandals resulted in distrust of the American
government. Be able to provide an example of
corruption and scandal and its effect.
S Main Idea: The Harding Administration appealed
to America’s desire for calm & peace after war,
but resulted in scandal.
S Why It Matters Now: The government must
guard against scandal and corruption to merit
public trust.
S Terms, People, & Events: Warren G. Harding,
Charles Evan Hughes, Fordney-McCumber
Tariff, Ohio gang, Teapot Dome Scandal, Albert
The Scandalous Presidency
S What was President
Harding’s administration
accused of in the article,
“Senate Demands
Information on Teapot Dome
1922” ?
Warren G. Harding
S He “looked like a president ought to look”
S Promised “a return to normalcy” simpler days
before the Progressive Era and Great War
S Soothing speeches calmed the nation
S Favored a limited role for government in business
affairs and social reform
S Died suddenly from a stroke/heart attack
S First presidential election since passage of
19th amendment
Washington Naval
S Harding invited the major powers to a conference in
Washington to discuss arms reduction
S Post WWI problems about arms control, war debts, and the
reconstruction of war torn countries
Washington Naval Conference
S Russia was left out because it was
S Secretary of State Charles Evan
Hughes recommended that the five
major powers stop building warships
for 10 years and scrap many of those
already existing
S For the first time powerful nations
agreed to disarm
Kellogg-Briand Pact
S 1928 fifteen nations signed a pact which
renounced war as a national policy
S Pact was futile because it had no means of
Which 15 countries signed the pact in 1928?
Kellogg-Briand Pact
High Tariffs and Reparations
S Britain and France had to pay back the billions they
borrowed from the U.S. during World War I
S Two ways to pay off war debt:
S 1. Sell goods to the U.S.
S 2. Collect reparations from Germany
Fordney-McCumber Tariff
Raised taxes on U.S. imports
to 60%
S Highest level ever
S Protected U.S. businesses
from foreign competition
S Made it impossible for Britain
and France to sell enough
goods to the U.S. to repay
 What is a tariff?
 What does an increase in
tariffs do to the price of
 Who benefits from higher
 What group in society
would not support high
S Experienced terrible inflation
S $10 and $20 bills were worth only
nickels and dimes
S Defaulted (failed to make
payments) to Allies
S France invaded Germany
S To avoid war U.S. banker Charles
G. Dawes was sent to negotiate
According to this chart, what did Germany give to the Allies?
According to this chart, what did the Allies give to the U.S.?
What is the benefit of this system?
What is the disadvantage of this system?
Dawes Plan
S American investors loaned Germany
$2.5 billion to pay back Britain and
S Britain and France then paid the U.S.
S The U.S. was repaid with its own money
S Britain and France disliked U.S. for not
paying for its share of the war
S U.S. benefited from the defeat of
Germany while other countries lost
millions of lives
Charles G. Dawes
Ohio Gang
S President Harding’s poker playing
cronies whom he elected to his
S Corrupt friends used their offices
to become wealthy through graft.
Ohio Gang
S Charles R. Forbes, head of the
Veterans Bureau, was caught illegally
selling government and hospital
supplies to private companies
Colonel Thomas W. Miller, head of the
Office of Alien Property, was caught
accepting a bribe
Teapot Dome ScandalS U.S. government set aside oil-rich public
lands at Teapot Dome, Wyoming and Elk
Hills California for use by the U.S. Navy
S U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Albert B. Fall,
got the land transferred from the navy to his
S Fall secretly leased the land to private oil
S He received more than $400,000 in loans,
bonds, and cash
S He was found guilty of bribery and became
he first person to be convicted of a felony
while holding a cabinet post.
Harding’s Scandalous
S “I have no trouble with my enemies…But my…friends,
they’re the ones that keep me walking the floor nights!”
S Who might have said this quote?
S Why might he have said this?
S President Harding died in office in 1923 of a stroke. Many
people speculate that the stresses of scandal are what
killed him
Chapter 20 Section 3
“Business of America”
S Learning Objective: Identify the impact of the automobile in
America and be able to create a visual of how it led to changes
in architecture, landscape, travel, business, labor, etc.
S Main Idea: Consumer goods fueled the business boom of the
1920s as America’s standard of living soared.
S Why It Matters Now: Business, Technological & social
developments of the 1920s launched the era of modern
S Terms & Names: Calvin Coolidge, urban sprawl, installment
Discussion Questions
S What products do we use to make our lives easier?
S What might life without basic electrical appliances
such as, refrigerator, washing machine, cell phone,
computers be like?
Calvin Coolidge
S Republican Party
S Pro-business- supports limited government intervention
S “the chief business of the American people is business…The
man who builds a factory builds a temple-the man who works
there worships there.”
S Keep taxes down and business profits up
S Give business more available credit in order to expand
S High tariffs on foreign imports helped U.S. manufacturers
1920’s American Dream
S How would your life change if you got a car?
S Americans were buying more products and living better lives than ever
S Many Americans were able to buy cars. Henry Ford introduced the
Model A in 1927. The automobile had a profound impact on American
lives and the American landscape
S What were some changes brought on by the automobile?
S 1927 the last Model T Ford
rolled off the assembly line
S 1 million New Yorkers mobbed
show rooms to view the new
Model A.
S Automobile became the
backbone of American
economy in the 1920’s
Difference between the
Model T and the Model A
was that the T only came in
black while the new model
came in Niagara Blue and
Arabian Sand
Automobile Activity
S Read, “The Car That Changed America”
S Utilize the graphic organizer to take notes on the impact
of the automobile on society
S Create a visual to represent how the automobile
impacted American travel, landscape, architecture,
labor/working conditions, & business. Be sure to include
5 changes in your illustration.
Impact of Automobile
S Helped the economy
S Led to the urban
Reduced isolation of farm life
Spurred the paving of
Gave people more
freedom to travel
Impact of Automobile
S Building of service stations, garages, motels, fast food restaurants,
shopping centers
Changed architectural styles-
driveways & garages
Gave Americans a new
status symbol
Airplane Industry
S Established new means of
transportation for people and goods
S Gave people greater freedom to travel
Charles Lindbergh-
first transatlantic flight
Alternating Electrical Current
S Made it possible to distribute electric power over greater areas
S Led to the electrification of homes and widespread use of
electrical appliances
S Made housewives work easier (?) freeing them for other
S Led to more uniform, conformist lifestyles
S Helped the economy to boom
S Refrigerators, toasters, cooking ranges
Chapter 20 Section 3
“Business of America”
S Learning Objective: Understand the impact of the automobile
in America and be able to describe how it led to changes in
architecture, landscape, travel, business, labor, etc.
S Main Idea: Consumer goods fueled the business boom of the
1920s as America’s standard of living soared.
S Why It Matters Now: Business, Technological & social
developments of the 1920s launched the era of modern
S Terms & Names: Calvin Coolidge, urban sprawl, installment
The Dawn of Modern
S Objective: Identify advertising techniques and how they
were used to sell new consumer products in the 1920’s.
Be able to analyze and create an advertisement for a
new 1920s consumer product using these techniques.
S Agenda:
S Identify ad techniques used in 2014 Super Bowl commercials.
S Analyze a 1920’s advertisement.
S Create an advertisement for a consumer product from the
1920’s using the techniques we studied.
Super Bowl Advertisements
S For each ad identify as
many different techniques
being used to sell you the
S Record your responses
on your note taking sheet.
S Be prepared to share
your responses with the
rest of the class.
S Mr. Murphy & I will model
identifying the advertisement
techniques used in the first
commercial as an example for
S Many of the big
companies in the
US today started in
the 1920s
1920s Products
S Phonograph
S Radio
S Car/Ford
S Wheaties
S Planters Peanuts
S Dixie Cups
S Listerine
S Kellogg’s
S Telephone
S Coca Cola
S Dr. Pepper
S Kool Aid
S Chewing Gum
Modern Advertising
S Hired psychologists to study how to appeal to people’s
desire for youthfulness, beauty, health, and wealth
S Created a greater demand for consumer goods
S Increased sales and profits
S Turned luxury items into necessities-
mouthwash, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, toaster
ovens, etc
S Helped the economy boom
Advertising Techniques
S Happy & attractive people
S Popular music, songs or jingles
S Sex appeal
S Fear
S Symbols
S Humor
S Fitting in
S Cute
S Testimonials
S Free trial offers
S Beautiful
S Famous people/celebrities
S Macho
S Femininity
S Repetition
S The good old days
S Culture
S Buy one get one free
S Flattery
S testimonial
1920s Advertisement
S With a partner or a small
group of 3 complete the print
advertisement analysis
worksheet for the 1920s
advertisement you were
S Create an advertisement for
this product using one or
more of the advertising
techniques we discussed.
Advertisement Sharing
S Share the
you created with
the rest of the
S Identify what
technique you
utilized and who
is your target
Installment Plan
S Helped the economy to boom
S Helped to create a false
sense of prosperity
S Allowed people to buy goods
over an extended period of
time without having to put up
much money at the time of

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Chapter 20 Roaring 20's

  • 1. S America and the 1920’s U.S. History II Honors By Ms. White
  • 2. Chapter 20 Politics of the 1920’s S Chapter Objective: To trace the political and social changes after World War I and throughout the decade of the 1920’s.
  • 3. 1920’s Unit Principles S Objective S Identify key themes or concepts that characterize 1920s America. S Essential Question S What should historians call the 1920s?
  • 4. America in Context: 1920s Births S Che Guevara S President George H. W. Bush S Margaret Thatcher S Fidel Castro S Ray Bradbury S Pope John Paul II S Maya Angelou S Martin Luther King Jr. S Malcolm X S Elie Wiesel S Jacqueline Kennedy S Anne Frank S Helen Thomas S Kurt Vonnegut S President Jimmy Carter S Senator Robert Kennedy S Stanley Kubrick S Marlon Brando S Marilyn Monroe S Audrey Hepburn S Queen Elizabeth II
  • 5. People of the 1920s S We will be using influential people in the 1920s to help us study important concepts S We will learn about the 1920’s by exploring the lives of the following: S Sacco & Vanzetti S Presidents Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover S Henry Ford S Al Capone S John T. Scopes S F. Scott Fitzgerald S Zelda Fitzgerald S Babe Ruth S Charles Lindbergh
  • 6. Warm Up: What would you call the age in which we currently live? Recall some of the topics we’ve studied this year. What are some examples? S Industrialization S Immigration S Urbanization S Progressivism S Imperialism S World War What should historians call the 1920’s? Create a name for the 1920’s
  • 7. America in Context S Many other events were going on around the world. S Remember History does not happen in a vacuum! S Each group will read a timeline of events for their assigned country. S Identify 2-3 key events S How might these events influence America? S How might America have influenced these events? S Be prepared to share with the class
  • 9. America in Context: Asia In India, Mohandes Gandhi begins his resistance movement against British rule In China, the Chinese Civil War between Nationalists and Communists begins in 1924 and does not end until 1950 with a Communist victory
  • 10. America in Context: Asia S Turkish Revolution against the Allies is fought between 1919 and 1923 resulting in Turkish independence
  • 12. America in Context: Europe S Britain and France begin paying back war debt to the United States  Ireland gains its independence from Britain in 1921
  • 13. America in Context: Europe S Amid economic troubles in Germany, a young war veteran named Adolf Hitler becomes Chairman of the Nazi Party in 1921. Three years later his party earns 6.5% of the popular vote in elections S In Italy, fascist leader Benito Mussolini comes to power in 1922
  • 14. America in Context: Europe S In 1922 the Bolshevik faction of the Russian communist party consolidates its power and officially creates the USSR (Soviet Union) S Two years later Vladimir Lenin, the founder of Russian communism dies resulting in a power struggle to replace him with Joseph Stalin eventually emerging on top
  • 16. America in Context: Africa S Egypt, another major British colony, gains its independence in 1922
  • 17. America in Context: Latin & South America
  • 18. America in Context: Latin America S The Mexican Civil War ends in 1920 S Pancho Villa is assassinated in Mexico in 1923
  • 19. Understanding the 20s S F. Scott Fitzgerald and the Age of Excess S In groups of 3 or 4, read through the essay by former Cambridge professor Joshua Zeitz. S Highlight key words or phrases that provide details about what life was like in the 1920’s S Create a wordle using the words or phrases that you feel best captures life in the 1902’s
  • 21. Exit Ticket S What should historians call the 1920’s? S Traditional vs. Modern values S Middle Class Growth S The age of big personalities S The growth of media S American anomaly S The path to Depression S Yolo!
  • 22. Chapter 20 Section 1 “America Struggles with Postwar Issues” S Learning Objective: Understand how fear and prejudice of radicals and foreigners led to persecution & injustice in American life. Be able to give an example of an injustice from the 1920’s. S Main Idea: A desire for normality after the war and a fear of communism and foreigners led to postwar isolationism S Why It Matters Now: Americans continue to debate today political isolationism and immigration policy. S Terms, People, & Events: Nativism, communism, isolationism, anarchism, Sacco & Vanzetti, Quota System, Red Scare, Palmer Raids, KKK
  • 23. S What are European countries like after World War I is over? Effects of WWI in Europe
  • 24. Effects of World War I in America S What is America like after WWI?
  • 25. S After slavery was abolished by the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863 what types of jobs were available for African Americans? S Where are those jobs located? Effects of WWI on African Americans
  • 26. Effects of WWI on African Americans? S How did WWI create new job opportunities for African Americans? S Where were those jobs located?
  • 27. The Great Migration Movement of African Americans from Southern Farms to Northern Cities.
  • 28. How did WWI create opportunities for women? Effects of WWI on Women
  • 29. How might WWI veterans feel when they return from the war and are unable to find work? Who might they direct their anger and frustration towards? Effects of WWI on Veterans
  • 30. Effects of WWI on Immigrants Why did Americans turn against immigrants after World War I?
  • 31. Effects of WWI in America S Accelerated America’s emergence as the world’s greatest industrial power S Contributed to the movement of African Americans from southern farms to northern cities called the Great Migration S Intensified anti-immigrant and anti-radical sentiments among mainstream Americans S Brought over 1 million women into the work force S Hastened (Sped up) the passage of the 19th amendment women’s right to vote
  • 32. Effects of WWI in America S During WWI workers were not allowed to strike because the government would not let anything interfere with the war effort. S Returning soldiers faced unemployment or replaced women and minorities. S Cost of living doubled. S Farmers and factory workers suffered from decreased production. S After the war union membership increases, as did strikes for higher wages and better working conditions.
  • 33.
  • 34. Post War Trends S Fear of communism and foreigners leads to postwar
  • 35. Nativism S Prejudice against foreign born people.
  • 36. Isolationism S A policy of pulling away from involvement in world affairs.
  • 37. Think-Pair-Share S What is anarchism? S What is communism? S What is socialism? S Why is there opposition to these in the United States?
  • 38. Anarchism S What is the root of the word “anarchism”? S What does anarchy mean? S Anarchists (people who support anarchism) S Don’t believe in any government S Government should be overthrown with violence
  • 39. What is Communism? S An economic and political theory based on single party rule by a dictatorship. S Created by Karl Marx S From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.” –Karl Marx S The public ownership of property to create a completely equal society S All the people/workers will own all of the ways of making money (the land, the machines, the stores, etc.)
  • 40. Communism S End to private businesses S No way for one person to become very rich S Political systems are progressing and communism is seen as the next and final step from capitalism and democracy S Believed in the creation of an international communist society brought about by a revolutionary party
  • 41. Communism S To equalize wealth and power communist put an end to private property and replaced private ownership of business with government ownership of factories, railroads, and other businesses. S Perceived as a threat to the American way of life
  • 42. Why considered a threat to America? S The Declaration of Independence promises “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” S Communism guarantees economic equality S American democracy advocates for the use of the vote to bring about change S Communism advocates violent revolution S American democracy advocates governance by the people and freedom of the people S Communism is totalitarian and oppressive
  • 43. Socialism S An economic and political system. S Government owns major: private businesses (banks) public services (hospitals &healthcare)
  • 44. American Fears of Socialism S To equalize wealth and power the government would make wealthy people contribute more money to taxes so that there is not a huge difference between rich and poor. Perceived as a threat to the American way of life because people believed it was on the way to communism and thus a threat to individual’s right to private wealth
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 48. Red Scare S Panic in the U.S. that began in 1919 after Revolutions in Russia overthrew the czarist regime. S Vladimir Lenin and his followers “The Bolsheviks” established a new communist state. S Cried out for a worldwide revolution to abolish capitalism everywhere Symbolic red flag “Reds”
  • 49. Communist Party in the U.S. S 70,000 joined including some members of the IWW (International Workers of the World)
  • 50. The Case Against the Reds S Read the abbreviated primary source essay written by U.S. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer & answer the following questions. S What revolution is the author referring to? S What will the revolution destroy? S Who is spreading these ideas? S What effect will this have on America? S What does Palmer plan to do? S What fears of the time are reflected in the document?
  • 51. Palmer Raids S Several dozen bombs were mailed to government & business owners the public feared that Communists were taking over. S U.S. Attorney General Mitchell Palmer took actions to combat this “Red Scare” S Palmer appointed J Edgar Hoover to hunt down suspected communists, socialists, and anarchists Mitchell Palmer J Edgar Hoover
  • 52. Palmer Raids S Trampled civil rights by invading homes & offices & jailing suspects without allowing them legal counsel S Hundreds of foreigners were deported without trials S Failed to turn up evidence of a revolutionary conspiracy 10,000 people arrested 556 people deported
  • 53. Palmer Raids S Who is the person in the middle? S What does he appear to be doing? S What is happening to the boat? What does it represent? S What’s being thrown from the window? S What are the people holding in their hands? What does it represent S What event in U.S. history does
  • 54.
  • 55. Warm Up S Should immigrants be looked at with more suspicion than American citizens by the American government? Why or why not? S April 15, 1920 S Braintree MA S A security guard and a paymaster transporting money for the Slater-Morrill Shoe Company are shot & killed by robbers S Robbers sped away but plenty of eye witnesses saw the commotion
  • 56. Trial of Sacco and Vanzetti An Italian shoemaker and a fish peddler are arrested and charged with robbery and murder of a factory paymaster and his guard in South Braintree, Massachusetts Italian immigrants, socialists, and anarchists
  • 57. Trial of Sacco & Vanzetti On your packet is a letter. S J means Jury S P means Prosecution S D means Defense Break down into groups according to your letter and review the evidence chart. Prosecution select the best arguments for Sacco and Vanzetti’s guilt. Defense select the best arguments Sacco and Vanzetti’s
  • 58. Trial of Sacco & Vanzetti S Jury your job is to listen to all of the evidence and determine whether or not the accused suspects are guilty beyond a reasonable doubt (an abiding certainty, not no doubt, but a reasonable amount of doubt, confident you did the right thing) S In groups, discuss your findings and come to a consensus on whether or not Sacco and Vanzetti are guilty of robbery and murder beyond a reasonable doubt.
  • 59. Trial of Sacco & Vanzetti S Prosecution for Sacco/Vanzetti present evidence to prove Sacco’s guilt S Defense for Sacco/Vanzetti present evidence to prove Sacco’s innocence S Cross examination S Closing arguments
  • 60. Did Sacco and Vanzetti get a fair trial? S Asserted their innocence and provided alibis S Circumstantial evidence S Prejudicial judge S Jury found them guilty and sentenced them to death S Executed in 1927
  • 61. What is happening in the photo? Where is the protest taking place?
  • 62. What are these men doing? Why are they protesting? Who might they be? How can you tell?
  • 63. S What is the headline? S Who published the newspaper? S Based on all of these images, what can you conclude about the trial of Sacco & Vanzetti?
  • 64. Limiting Immigration S Wave of nativist sentiment “Keep American for Americans” became prevailing attitude S Feared that immigrants would work for lower wages and take away jobs S Fear of immigrants as anarchists, communists, or socialists S Limited immigration from southern & eastern Europe (Catholics & Jews) S Emergency Quota Act of 1921 set a limit on the number of immigrants who could enter the U.S. & prohibited Japanese immigration
  • 65. 1. Where are the people trying to get to? 2. What is Uncle Sam doing? 3. What is the caption? 4. According to this cartoon what is the solution to the problem?
  • 66. Who is this group? Who do they target?
  • 67. The Klan Rises Again S Ku Klux Klan devoted to 100% Americanism S White male S native born S Protestant S Opposed: S Blacks S Jews S Catholics S foreigners S Used violence S 4-5 million members
  • 68. Effects of WWI in America  During WWI workers were not allowed to strike because the government would not let anything interfere with the war effort.  Returning soldiers faced unemployment or took jobs away from women and minorities.  Cost of living doubled.  Farmers and factory workers suffered from decreased production.  After the war union membership increases, as did strikes for higher wages and better working conditions.
  • 69. Warm Up S WWI is over, Americans are struggling to rebuild their broken lives, the voice of angry workers can be silenced no longer. Despite public criticism, many people risk loosing their jobs to strike and join unions. The streets became a battleground for fair pay and better working conditions. S Would you strike and risk your families welfare? S Do city workers have a responsibility not to go on strike? S Should the government intervene in disputes between labor and business?
  • 70. Labor Unrest S During WWI government would not allow workers to strike because it would interfere with the war effort S 1919 saw more then 3,000 strikes that included 4 million workers S Employers didn’t want to give raises or have the employees join unions S Newspapers labeled striking workers as Communist
  • 71. Boston Police Strike S Boston Police had not been given a raise since beginning of WWI & had been denied the right to unionize S When workers asked for a raise they were fired S Mass governor Calvin Coolidge called in the National Guard to put down the strike S Strike ended and new policemen were hired S People praised Coolidge for saving Boston & the nation from communism & anarchy S In 1920 he became Warren Harding’s vice presidential running mate
  • 72.
  • 73. Steel Mill Strike S Steel mill workers wanted the right to negotiate for shorter working hours, higher wages, right to form a union S U.S. Steel Corp refused to meet with workers reps S 300,000 workers went on strike S Strike breakers- employees who agree to work during a strike S Workers were beaten by federal troops & state militia S The Companies instituted a propaganda campaign to link the strikers with communism S Won an 8 hour work day but did not get the right to form a union
  • 74. Coal Miners Strike S United Mine Workers of America led by John L. Lewis protested low wages and long workdays S Attorney General Mitchell Palmer obtained a court order sending the miners back to work S Strikes continued in defiance of the court order S President Wilson hired an arbitrator to put an end to the dispute S Coal miners received a 27% wage increase
  • 75. Chapter 20 Section 2 “The Harding Presidency” S Objective: Understand how political corruption and scandals resulted in distrust of the American government. Be able to provide an example of corruption and scandal and its effect. S Main Idea: The Harding Administration appealed to America’s desire for calm & peace after war, but resulted in scandal. S Why It Matters Now: The government must guard against scandal and corruption to merit public trust. S Terms, People, & Events: Warren G. Harding, Charles Evan Hughes, Fordney-McCumber Tariff, Ohio gang, Teapot Dome Scandal, Albert
  • 76. The Scandalous Presidency S What was President Harding’s administration accused of in the article, “Senate Demands Information on Teapot Dome 1922” ?
  • 77. Warren G. Harding S He “looked like a president ought to look” S Promised “a return to normalcy” simpler days before the Progressive Era and Great War S Soothing speeches calmed the nation S Favored a limited role for government in business affairs and social reform S Died suddenly from a stroke/heart attack S First presidential election since passage of 19th amendment
  • 78. Washington Naval Conference S Harding invited the major powers to a conference in Washington to discuss arms reduction S Post WWI problems about arms control, war debts, and the reconstruction of war torn countries
  • 79. Washington Naval Conference S Russia was left out because it was communist S Secretary of State Charles Evan Hughes recommended that the five major powers stop building warships for 10 years and scrap many of those already existing S For the first time powerful nations agreed to disarm
  • 80. Kellogg-Briand Pact S 1928 fifteen nations signed a pact which renounced war as a national policy S Pact was futile because it had no means of reinforcement
  • 81. Which 15 countries signed the pact in 1928? Kellogg-Briand Pact
  • 82. High Tariffs and Reparations S Britain and France had to pay back the billions they borrowed from the U.S. during World War I S Two ways to pay off war debt: S 1. Sell goods to the U.S. S 2. Collect reparations from Germany
  • 83. Fordney-McCumber Tariff Raised taxes on U.S. imports to 60% S Highest level ever S Protected U.S. businesses from foreign competition S Made it impossible for Britain and France to sell enough goods to the U.S. to repay debt  What is a tariff?  What does an increase in tariffs do to the price of goods?  Who benefits from higher tariffs?  What group in society would not support high tariffs?
  • 84. Germany S Experienced terrible inflation S $10 and $20 bills were worth only nickels and dimes S Defaulted (failed to make payments) to Allies S France invaded Germany S To avoid war U.S. banker Charles G. Dawes was sent to negotiate loans
  • 85. According to this chart, what did Germany give to the Allies? According to this chart, what did the Allies give to the U.S.? What is the benefit of this system? What is the disadvantage of this system?
  • 86. Dawes Plan S American investors loaned Germany $2.5 billion to pay back Britain and France S Britain and France then paid the U.S. S The U.S. was repaid with its own money S Britain and France disliked U.S. for not paying for its share of the war S U.S. benefited from the defeat of Germany while other countries lost millions of lives Charles G. Dawes
  • 87. Ohio Gang S President Harding’s poker playing cronies whom he elected to his cabinet S Corrupt friends used their offices to become wealthy through graft.
  • 88. Ohio Gang S Charles R. Forbes, head of the Veterans Bureau, was caught illegally selling government and hospital supplies to private companies Colonel Thomas W. Miller, head of the Office of Alien Property, was caught accepting a bribe
  • 89.
  • 90. Teapot Dome ScandalS U.S. government set aside oil-rich public lands at Teapot Dome, Wyoming and Elk Hills California for use by the U.S. Navy S U.S. Secretary of the Interior, Albert B. Fall, got the land transferred from the navy to his department S Fall secretly leased the land to private oil companies S He received more than $400,000 in loans, bonds, and cash S He was found guilty of bribery and became he first person to be convicted of a felony while holding a cabinet post.
  • 91. Harding’s Scandalous Presidency S “I have no trouble with my enemies…But my…friends, they’re the ones that keep me walking the floor nights!” S Who might have said this quote? S Why might he have said this? S President Harding died in office in 1923 of a stroke. Many people speculate that the stresses of scandal are what killed him
  • 92. Chapter 20 Section 3 “Business of America” S Learning Objective: Identify the impact of the automobile in America and be able to create a visual of how it led to changes in architecture, landscape, travel, business, labor, etc. S Main Idea: Consumer goods fueled the business boom of the 1920s as America’s standard of living soared. S Why It Matters Now: Business, Technological & social developments of the 1920s launched the era of modern consumerism S Terms & Names: Calvin Coolidge, urban sprawl, installment plan
  • 93. Discussion Questions S What products do we use to make our lives easier? S What might life without basic electrical appliances such as, refrigerator, washing machine, cell phone, computers be like?
  • 94. Calvin Coolidge S Republican Party S Pro-business- supports limited government intervention S “the chief business of the American people is business…The man who builds a factory builds a temple-the man who works there worships there.” S Keep taxes down and business profits up S Give business more available credit in order to expand S High tariffs on foreign imports helped U.S. manufacturers
  • 95. 1920’s American Dream S How would your life change if you got a car? S Americans were buying more products and living better lives than ever before. S Many Americans were able to buy cars. Henry Ford introduced the Model A in 1927. The automobile had a profound impact on American lives and the American landscape S drastically-changed S S What were some changes brought on by the automobile?
  • 96. Ford S 1927 the last Model T Ford rolled off the assembly line S 1 million New Yorkers mobbed show rooms to view the new Model A. S Automobile became the backbone of American economy in the 1920’s Difference between the Model T and the Model A was that the T only came in black while the new model came in Niagara Blue and Arabian Sand
  • 97. Automobile Activity S Read, “The Car That Changed America” S Utilize the graphic organizer to take notes on the impact of the automobile on society S Create a visual to represent how the automobile impacted American travel, landscape, architecture, labor/working conditions, & business. Be sure to include 5 changes in your illustration.
  • 98. Impact of Automobile S Helped the economy boom S Led to the urban sprawl Reduced isolation of farm life Spurred the paving of roads Gave people more freedom to travel
  • 99. Impact of Automobile S Building of service stations, garages, motels, fast food restaurants, shopping centers Changed architectural styles- driveways & garages Gave Americans a new status symbol
  • 100. Airplane Industry S Established new means of transportation for people and goods S Gave people greater freedom to travel Charles Lindbergh- first transatlantic flight
  • 101. Alternating Electrical Current S Made it possible to distribute electric power over greater areas S Led to the electrification of homes and widespread use of electrical appliances S Made housewives work easier (?) freeing them for other activities S Led to more uniform, conformist lifestyles S Helped the economy to boom S Refrigerators, toasters, cooking ranges S cb-radio
  • 102. Chapter 20 Section 3 “Business of America” S Learning Objective: Understand the impact of the automobile in America and be able to describe how it led to changes in architecture, landscape, travel, business, labor, etc. S Main Idea: Consumer goods fueled the business boom of the 1920s as America’s standard of living soared. S Why It Matters Now: Business, Technological & social developments of the 1920s launched the era of modern consumerism S Terms & Names: Calvin Coolidge, urban sprawl, installment plan
  • 103. The Dawn of Modern Advertising S Objective: Identify advertising techniques and how they were used to sell new consumer products in the 1920’s. Be able to analyze and create an advertisement for a new 1920s consumer product using these techniques. S Agenda: S Identify ad techniques used in 2014 Super Bowl commercials. S Analyze a 1920’s advertisement. S Create an advertisement for a consumer product from the 1920’s using the techniques we studied.
  • 104. Super Bowl Advertisements S For each ad identify as many different techniques being used to sell you the product. S Record your responses on your note taking sheet. S Be prepared to share your responses with the rest of the class. S Mr. Murphy & I will model identifying the advertisement techniques used in the first commercial as an example for you S o/shows/super-bowl- commercials-2011 S o/shows/super-bowl- commercials- 2012?vid=d2063583-f3cf- 49d3-8c57-e8252976dbd0
  • 105. Consumer Goods S Many of the big companies in the US today started in the 1920s
  • 106. 1920s Products S Phonograph S Radio S TV S Car/Ford S Wheaties S Planters Peanuts S Dixie Cups S Listerine S Kellogg’s S Telephone S Coca Cola S Dr. Pepper S Kool Aid S Chewing Gum
  • 107. Modern Advertising S Hired psychologists to study how to appeal to people’s desire for youthfulness, beauty, health, and wealth S Created a greater demand for consumer goods S Increased sales and profits S Turned luxury items into necessities- mouthwash, refrigerators, vacuum cleaners, toaster ovens, etc S Helped the economy boom
  • 108. Advertising Techniques S Happy & attractive people S Popular music, songs or jingles S Sex appeal S Fear S Symbols S Humor S Fitting in S Cute S Testimonials S Free trial offers S Beautiful S Famous people/celebrities S Macho S Femininity S Repetition S The good old days S Culture S Buy one get one free S Flattery S testimonial
  • 109. 1920s Advertisement S With a partner or a small group of 3 complete the print advertisement analysis worksheet for the 1920s advertisement you were given. S Create an advertisement for this product using one or more of the advertising techniques we discussed.
  • 110. Advertisement Sharing S Share the advertisement you created with the rest of the class. S Identify what advertisement technique you utilized and who is your target audience.
  • 111. Installment Plan S Helped the economy to boom S Helped to create a false sense of prosperity S Allowed people to buy goods over an extended period of time without having to put up much money at the time of purchase

Editor's Notes

  1. Do you recognize any names on this list? If so, which ones? How do the various people embody or shape the time period in which they lived?
  2. ProtestTrafalgar Square London
  3. What are these people doing?Why are the protesting?Who might they be?