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Research Methodology
Chapter -3 Literature Review
S.Thowfeek Ahamed
Senior Lecturer
Hardy- Advanced Technological Institute (SLIATE)
Literature Review
Begin with a summary of the purpose statement that leads to a brief explanation of the
organization of the literature review. Do not simply cut and paste the Purpose Statement section
from Chapter 1.
• Include several subheadings that are specific to this dissertation.
• To ensure that the study is relevant, current, and warranted, approximately 85% of references
must be to peer-reviewed research that was published within the last 5 years of when the
dissertation will be completed.
At the end of this section, list the databases that were accessed and the search engines that were
used. List all the search parameters, including the search terms and their combinations (with more
detailed search terms located in an appendix, if appropriate), range of years,and types of literature.
Slide 14-3
Literature Review
• Literature review is always a herculean task. This is because it is often
the part of the project report that fills more pages than any other part.
Also, it needs good writing and evaluation skills to determine which
information is to be added and under which subsection is such to be
added and which information is not to be added. It is also the part
where you find two or more contradictory views and you need good
writing skill to document them and further make decision as to the view
you have chosen to uphold in your study by giving cogent reasons.
• Moreover, in-text citation is also one reason why the literature review is
more difficult than all other sections of the research report. Unlike
other parts, the literature review requires extensive citation and
bibliography record keeping. This is often very exhaustive and tiring
especially when it is being done using certain lower versions of
referencing styles.
Slide 14-4
Critical Literature Review
A literature review is “the selection of available documents (both
published and unpublished) on the topic, which contain information,
ideas, data and evidence written from a particular standpoint to fulfill
certain aims or express certain views on the nature of the topic and
how it is to be investigated, and the effective evaluation of these
documents in relation to the research being proposed” (Hart, 1998, p.
Slide 4-5
Functions Literature Review
In general, a literature review ensures that:
1. The research effort is positioned relative to existing knowledge and builds on this
2. You can look at a problem from a specific angle.
3. You do not run the risk of “reinventing the wheel”;
4. You are able to introduce relevant terminology and to define key terms used in
your writing.
5. You obtain useful insights of the research methods others have used to provide
an answer to similar research questions.
6. The research effort can be contextualized in a wider academic debate.
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Functions Literature Review
Some of the functions of a critical literature review depend on the type
of study and the specific research approach that is taken.
• In a descriptive study it may help you to come up with a comprehensive
overview of the relevant perspectives on the topic, a guiding definition,
and an in-depth overview of frameworks, instruments, and analytical
tools that will help you to describe something.
• In a project that is inductive and exploratory in nature, it may help you
to develop a theoretical background, which provides an overview of
the key literature pertinent to your specific topic
Slide 4-7
Functions Literature Review
• In a deductive study, a review of the literature will allow you to
develop a theoretical background. This may help you to obtain a
clear idea as to what variables will be important to consider in his
theoretical framework, why they are considered important, how
they are related to each other, and how they should be measured
to solve the problem. A critical review of the literature may also
help you to provide arguments for the relationships between the
variables in your conceptual causal model and to develop
Slide 4-8
Importance of Literature Review
• A good literature survey:
• Ensures that important variables are not left out of the study.
• Helps the development of the theoretical framework and hypotheses for
• Ensures that the problem statement is precise and clear.
• Enhances testability and replicability of the findings.
• Reduces the risk of “reinventing the wheel”.
• Confirms that the problem is perceived as relevant and significant.
Data Sources
• Textbooks
• Academic and professional journals
• Theses
• Conference proceedings
• Unpublished manuscripts
• Reports of government departments and corporations
• Newspapers
• The Internet
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Searching for Literature
• Most libraries have the following electronic resources at their
• Electronic journals
• Full-text databases
• Bibliographic databases
• Abstract databases
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Evaluating the Literature
• Titles
• Abstract
• Table of contents/first chapter book
• Number of citations
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Documenting the Literature Review
• Literature review introduces
• Subject study
• Highlights the problem
• Summarizes work done so far
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Common Forms of Plagiarism
Sources not cited
1. “The Ghost Writer”
2. “The Photocopy”
3. “The Potluck Paper”
4. “The Poor Disguise”
5. “The Labor of Laziness”
6. “The Self-Stealer”
Slide 4-14
Common Forms of Plagiarism
Sources cited (but still plagiarized)
1.“The Forgotten Footnote”
2.“The Misinformer”
3.“The Too-Perfect Paraphrase”
4.“The Resourceful Citer”
5.“The Perfect Crime”
Slide 4-15
It helps to think of the organization of a good literature review as an inverse triangle. After first establishing the
seminal theories and foundational research that inform your approach and topic. You then narrow your discussion
to focus on the specific studies and methodologies that justify your research gap design.
Synthesis of Literature Review
How do I write a literature review ?
1. Plan 2. Read
4. write
The Research Process
Beggin your research by using the library databases to locate Peer - reviewed scholarly journal articles, books, and other sources to discuss in
you literature review.
Save all sources that you find. Save electronic sources to a folder on your computer, flash drive, or cloud, and photocopy pages from books,
magazines, or other print sources.
The most important thing to do as you gather sources is to eannotate. Highlight, underline, write in the margins, take potes, or flag pages with
Post-Its. This will not only help you to keep track of sources man points but also help you to see patterns, find common themes, and identify
gaps in the research.
Throughout your research, you may find that several of your sources refer to a particular scholar, work, or study. This repetition usually
indicates that the scholar, work, or study is a classic source in this field, and therefore, you should try to locate the source as it could be a
fundamental piece of your literature review.
If at one point in your research, you get stuck, one of the best things you can do is to consult the works Cited/ References/ Bibliography
sections of the most helpful sources that you have found. These sections will list a multitude of sources that may be worth consulting. Other
useful sections to check for sources are the footnotes and endnotes of a work.
If you are unsure of how many sources you need to gather before writing your literature review, read until you feel that you have a thorough
understanding of the topic you are reviewing.
Once you feel that you are ready to begin writing your literature review, organize your sources and your notes to help guide you as you write.
What is a literature review?
A literature review presents an overview of a
particular topic for which a large body of research
and scholarship already exists
What is purpose of literature review?
The purpose of a literature reviews to critically assess
the existing body of a research in a particular area
through summary, comparison, and evaluation of the
published research studies
What should a literature review look
The format of a literature review will vary
according to the discipline and assignment for
which it is written. The literature review can be a
standalone assignment, a section of a research
paper, or a chapter in a thesis or dissertation
How long does my literature review need to be?
A literature review will vary in length according to the discipline
and assignment. If it is a standalone assignment, it may be a few
pages in length if it is a section of a research paper, the length
may vary from a few paragraphs to a page or two. If it is a
chapter of a thesis or dissertation, the literature review will
consist of several pages, Always refer to your assignment prompt
or consult with your in structure
How long does my literature review need to be?
A literature review will vary in length according to the discipline
and assignment. If it is a standalone assignment, it may be a few
pages in length if it is a section of a research paper, the length
may vary from a few paragraphs to a page or two. If it is a
chapter of a thesis or dissertation, the literature review will
consist of several pages, Always refer to your assignment prompt
or consult with your in structure
Literature Review Format
• Provide an overview of the topic, theme, or issue.
• Identify your specific area of focus.
• Describe your methodology and rationale. How did you decide which sources to include and which to exclude? Why? How
is your review organized?
• Briefly discuss the overall trends in the published scholarship in this area.
• Established your reason for writing the review.
• Find the best organizational method for your review (see boxes below)
• Summarize sources by providing the most relevant information.
• Respectfully and objectively critique and evaluate the studies.
• Use direct quotations sparingly and only if appropriate.
• Summarize the major findings of the sources that you reviewed. Remembering to keep the focus on your topic.
• Evaluate the current state of scholarship in this area. (ex. Flaws or gaps in the research, inconsistencies in findings)
• Identify any areas for further research.
• Conclude by making a connection between your topic and some larger area of study such as the discipline.
Examples of Literature Reviews
Example 1
In Gretel Ehrlich’s essay. ‘’About Men,’’ she is more interested in describing a particular type of man a cowboy
than men in general. Contrary to social stereotypes of a ‘’macho, trigger-happy man.’’ she describes cowboys as
sensitive and humorous, and gives examples to back up her assertions. Her own appreciation for this often
misunderstood type of life- style lends her to argue that these men are ’’androgynous at the core’’ (204); men
who are rugged, powerful, and courageous- as well as sensitive, generous, and ultimately vulnerable. Dave
Barry. On the other hand, is much less romantic in his approach to describing men. In his essay ‘’Guys vs Men,’’
Barry humorously categorizes the majority of the male gender as ‘’guys’’ or ‘’men.’’ Although most of the essay
is spent describing what it mens to be a guy. He does briefly define men as those who take their manhood
seriously, which result in ‘’stupid, behavioral patterns that can produis unfortunate results such as violent crime,
war, spitting, and ice hockey’’ (361). He defines ‘’guys’’ as being much more laid back, interested in technology
simply because it is technology (or ‘’ neat stuft’’as he calls it), enjoying pointless challenges, having difficulty
maintaining a right moral code and communicating intimate feeling. He seems to assume that this kind of ‘’ guy-
ness’’ is pretty widespread in American society. Where barry treats the concept of masculinity humorously,
paut teherou’s treatment of masculinity is serious, with wide-reaching implications. For him, the American
scrsion of manhood involves a lack of feeling and critical thinking, requiring men to be stupid, aggressive, and
raisogvnistic. It is, he writes ‘’essentially write wing, puritaaanicl, cowardly, neurotic, and fuelled largely by a fear
of women’’ (539).
• This a poor example of a literature review because the sources are simply organized by author review
provides summary rather than analysis.
Examples of Literature Reviews
Example 2
• In the wake of the various feminist movements of the twentieth century in America, we have become
increasingly of what is means to be a women, and the ways in which societal expectations shape the
expression of femininity. What such discussions often leave out-or at least gloss over-is a corresponding
critical examination of what societal expectations are for men ,and what the implications of these
expectations may be. A brief comparison of three vastly different essays-Gretel Ehrlich’s ‘’about men.’’
Dave Barry’s ‘’guys vs. men‘’ and Paul Theroux’s ‘’being a man’’ – offer us useful framework for thinking
about the social construction of masculinity, particularly in terms of its limitations.
• Underlying all three essays is a sense of masculinity as prescriptive- and limiting. All three acknowledge,
at least tacitly, that society often valorizes masculinity as aggressive, unfeeling, and powerful. Although
Barry glosses over manhood on his way to defining ‘’guys.’’ he acknowledges that masculine behavior
‘’can produce unfortunate results such as violent crime war spitting, and ice hockey’’ (361). Ehrlich
acknowledges the negative limits of manhood by taking pains to establish the androgyny (primarily
through proofs of emotional sensitivity and vulnerability) of what is typically considered one of the most
‘’manly’’ occupations-the cowboy. Theroux of the three authors, is the most explicit about the negative
limits of masculinity, and the ways that expectations about masculine behavior damage our society-both
by the result in misogyny and by the limits masculinity puts on cultural and emotional expression of men.
• This is a successful example of a literature review because the review present an organized, cohesive
argument, and the sources are analyzed rather than summarized.
Step 1
Decide on your areas of research
Before you begin to search for articles or books, decide beforehand what areas you are going to research. make sure that you only get articles and
books in those areas, even if you come across fascinating books in other areas.
Step 2
Search for the literature
Conduct a comprehensive bibliographic search of books and articles in your area. Read the abstracts online and download and /or print those
articles that pertain to your area of research. Find books in the library that are relevant and check them out. Set a specific time frame for how long
you will search. It should not take more than two or three dedicated time sessions.
Step 3
Find relevant excerpts in your books and articles
Skim the contents of each book and article and look specifically for these five things (1).Claims, conclusions and findings about the constructs
you’re investigating (2) Definition of terms. (3)Calls for follow - up the studies relevant to your project. (4) Gaps you notice in the literature and;
(5) Disagreement about the constructs you are investigating .
When you find any of these five things. type the relevant takes longer than simply typing the excerpt. Make sure to note the name of the author
and the page number following each excerpt. Do this for each article and book that you have in your stack of literature. When you are done print
out your exexcerpts.
Step 4
Code literature
Get out pair of scissors and cut each excerpt out. Now sort the pieces of paper into similar topics. Figure out what the main themes.
place each excerpts that you can't figure out where they belong.Separate those and go over them again at the and to see if you need
now categories. When you finish, placeeach stack of notes into an envelope labeled with the name of the theme.
Step 5
Create your conceptual Schema
Type in large the name of each of your coded themes. Print this out and cut the titles in to individual sleeps of paper to a table or
large workspace and figure out the best way to organize them.
Are there ideas that go together or that are in dialogue with each other? Are there ideas that contradict each other ? Move around the
slips of paper until you come up with a way of organizing the codes that makes sense.Write the conceptual schema down before you
forget or someone cleans up your slips of paper.
Step 6
Begin to write your literature review
Choose any section of your conceptual schema to begin with.You can begin anywhere, because you already know the order. Find the
envelope with the excerpts in them and lay them on the table in front of you. Figure out the mini conceptual schema based on that
theme by grouping together those excerpts that say the same thing. Use that mini conceptual schema to write up your literature
review based on the experts that you have in front of you. Don’t forget to include the citations as you write. So as not to lose track of
who said what repeat the for each sections of your literature review .
Once you complete the 6 steps you will have a complete draft of your literature review. The great thing about this process is that it
breaks down into manageable steps something that seems enormous : writing a literature review.
Thank You

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  • 1. Research Methodology Chapter -3 Literature Review S.Thowfeek Ahamed Senior Lecturer Hardy- Advanced Technological Institute (SLIATE) Ampara
  • 2.
  • 3. Literature Review Begin with a summary of the purpose statement that leads to a brief explanation of the organization of the literature review. Do not simply cut and paste the Purpose Statement section from Chapter 1. • Include several subheadings that are specific to this dissertation. • To ensure that the study is relevant, current, and warranted, approximately 85% of references must be to peer-reviewed research that was published within the last 5 years of when the dissertation will be completed. At the end of this section, list the databases that were accessed and the search engines that were used. List all the search parameters, including the search terms and their combinations (with more detailed search terms located in an appendix, if appropriate), range of years,and types of literature. Slide 14-3
  • 4. Literature Review • Literature review is always a herculean task. This is because it is often the part of the project report that fills more pages than any other part. Also, it needs good writing and evaluation skills to determine which information is to be added and under which subsection is such to be added and which information is not to be added. It is also the part where you find two or more contradictory views and you need good writing skill to document them and further make decision as to the view you have chosen to uphold in your study by giving cogent reasons. • Moreover, in-text citation is also one reason why the literature review is more difficult than all other sections of the research report. Unlike other parts, the literature review requires extensive citation and bibliography record keeping. This is often very exhaustive and tiring especially when it is being done using certain lower versions of referencing styles. Slide 14-4
  • 5. Critical Literature Review A literature review is “the selection of available documents (both published and unpublished) on the topic, which contain information, ideas, data and evidence written from a particular standpoint to fulfill certain aims or express certain views on the nature of the topic and how it is to be investigated, and the effective evaluation of these documents in relation to the research being proposed” (Hart, 1998, p. 13). Slide 4-5
  • 6. Functions Literature Review In general, a literature review ensures that: 1. The research effort is positioned relative to existing knowledge and builds on this knowledge. 2. You can look at a problem from a specific angle. 3. You do not run the risk of “reinventing the wheel”; 4. You are able to introduce relevant terminology and to define key terms used in your writing. 5. You obtain useful insights of the research methods others have used to provide an answer to similar research questions. 6. The research effort can be contextualized in a wider academic debate. Slide 4-6
  • 7. Functions Literature Review Some of the functions of a critical literature review depend on the type of study and the specific research approach that is taken. • In a descriptive study it may help you to come up with a comprehensive overview of the relevant perspectives on the topic, a guiding definition, and an in-depth overview of frameworks, instruments, and analytical tools that will help you to describe something. • In a project that is inductive and exploratory in nature, it may help you to develop a theoretical background, which provides an overview of the key literature pertinent to your specific topic Slide 4-7
  • 8. Functions Literature Review • In a deductive study, a review of the literature will allow you to develop a theoretical background. This may help you to obtain a clear idea as to what variables will be important to consider in his theoretical framework, why they are considered important, how they are related to each other, and how they should be measured to solve the problem. A critical review of the literature may also help you to provide arguments for the relationships between the variables in your conceptual causal model and to develop hypotheses. Slide 4-8
  • 9. Importance of Literature Review • A good literature survey: • Ensures that important variables are not left out of the study. • Helps the development of the theoretical framework and hypotheses for testing. • Ensures that the problem statement is precise and clear. • Enhances testability and replicability of the findings. • Reduces the risk of “reinventing the wheel”. • Confirms that the problem is perceived as relevant and significant. 9
  • 10. Data Sources • Textbooks • Academic and professional journals • Theses • Conference proceedings • Unpublished manuscripts • Reports of government departments and corporations • Newspapers • The Internet Slide 4-10
  • 11. Searching for Literature • Most libraries have the following electronic resources at their disposal: • Electronic journals • Full-text databases • Bibliographic databases • Abstract databases Slide 4-11
  • 12. Evaluating the Literature • Titles • Abstract • Table of contents/first chapter book • Number of citations Slide 4-12
  • 13. Documenting the Literature Review • Literature review introduces • Subject study • Highlights the problem • Summarizes work done so far Slide 4-13
  • 14. Common Forms of Plagiarism Sources not cited 1. “The Ghost Writer” 2. “The Photocopy” 3. “The Potluck Paper” 4. “The Poor Disguise” 5. “The Labor of Laziness” 6. “The Self-Stealer” Slide 4-14
  • 15. Common Forms of Plagiarism Sources cited (but still plagiarized) 1.“The Forgotten Footnote” 2.“The Misinformer” 3.“The Too-Perfect Paraphrase” 4.“The Resourceful Citer” 5.“The Perfect Crime” Slide 4-15
  • 16. It helps to think of the organization of a good literature review as an inverse triangle. After first establishing the seminal theories and foundational research that inform your approach and topic. You then narrow your discussion to focus on the specific studies and methodologies that justify your research gap design. LITERTURE REVIEW
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  • 20. How do I write a literature review ? 1. Plan 2. Read 3. Analyze 4. write 5. Revise The Research Process Beggin your research by using the library databases to locate Peer - reviewed scholarly journal articles, books, and other sources to discuss in you literature review. Save all sources that you find. Save electronic sources to a folder on your computer, flash drive, or cloud, and photocopy pages from books, magazines, or other print sources. The most important thing to do as you gather sources is to eannotate. Highlight, underline, write in the margins, take potes, or flag pages with Post-Its. This will not only help you to keep track of sources man points but also help you to see patterns, find common themes, and identify gaps in the research. Throughout your research, you may find that several of your sources refer to a particular scholar, work, or study. This repetition usually indicates that the scholar, work, or study is a classic source in this field, and therefore, you should try to locate the source as it could be a fundamental piece of your literature review. If at one point in your research, you get stuck, one of the best things you can do is to consult the works Cited/ References/ Bibliography sections of the most helpful sources that you have found. These sections will list a multitude of sources that may be worth consulting. Other useful sections to check for sources are the footnotes and endnotes of a work. If you are unsure of how many sources you need to gather before writing your literature review, read until you feel that you have a thorough understanding of the topic you are reviewing. Once you feel that you are ready to begin writing your literature review, organize your sources and your notes to help guide you as you write.
  • 21. What is a literature review? A literature review presents an overview of a particular topic for which a large body of research and scholarship already exists What is purpose of literature review? The purpose of a literature reviews to critically assess the existing body of a research in a particular area through summary, comparison, and evaluation of the published research studies What should a literature review look like? The format of a literature review will vary according to the discipline and assignment for which it is written. The literature review can be a standalone assignment, a section of a research paper, or a chapter in a thesis or dissertation How long does my literature review need to be? A literature review will vary in length according to the discipline and assignment. If it is a standalone assignment, it may be a few pages in length if it is a section of a research paper, the length may vary from a few paragraphs to a page or two. If it is a chapter of a thesis or dissertation, the literature review will consist of several pages, Always refer to your assignment prompt or consult with your in structure How long does my literature review need to be? A literature review will vary in length according to the discipline and assignment. If it is a standalone assignment, it may be a few pages in length if it is a section of a research paper, the length may vary from a few paragraphs to a page or two. If it is a chapter of a thesis or dissertation, the literature review will consist of several pages, Always refer to your assignment prompt or consult with your in structure
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  • 24. Literature Review Format Introduction • Provide an overview of the topic, theme, or issue. • Identify your specific area of focus. • Describe your methodology and rationale. How did you decide which sources to include and which to exclude? Why? How is your review organized? • Briefly discuss the overall trends in the published scholarship in this area. • Established your reason for writing the review. Body • Find the best organizational method for your review (see boxes below) • Summarize sources by providing the most relevant information. • Respectfully and objectively critique and evaluate the studies. • Use direct quotations sparingly and only if appropriate. Conclusion • Summarize the major findings of the sources that you reviewed. Remembering to keep the focus on your topic. • Evaluate the current state of scholarship in this area. (ex. Flaws or gaps in the research, inconsistencies in findings) • Identify any areas for further research. • Conclude by making a connection between your topic and some larger area of study such as the discipline.
  • 26. Examples of Literature Reviews Example 1 In Gretel Ehrlich’s essay. ‘’About Men,’’ she is more interested in describing a particular type of man a cowboy than men in general. Contrary to social stereotypes of a ‘’macho, trigger-happy man.’’ she describes cowboys as sensitive and humorous, and gives examples to back up her assertions. Her own appreciation for this often misunderstood type of life- style lends her to argue that these men are ’’androgynous at the core’’ (204); men who are rugged, powerful, and courageous- as well as sensitive, generous, and ultimately vulnerable. Dave Barry. On the other hand, is much less romantic in his approach to describing men. In his essay ‘’Guys vs Men,’’ Barry humorously categorizes the majority of the male gender as ‘’guys’’ or ‘’men.’’ Although most of the essay is spent describing what it mens to be a guy. He does briefly define men as those who take their manhood seriously, which result in ‘’stupid, behavioral patterns that can produis unfortunate results such as violent crime, war, spitting, and ice hockey’’ (361). He defines ‘’guys’’ as being much more laid back, interested in technology simply because it is technology (or ‘’ neat stuft’’as he calls it), enjoying pointless challenges, having difficulty maintaining a right moral code and communicating intimate feeling. He seems to assume that this kind of ‘’ guy- ness’’ is pretty widespread in American society. Where barry treats the concept of masculinity humorously, paut teherou’s treatment of masculinity is serious, with wide-reaching implications. For him, the American scrsion of manhood involves a lack of feeling and critical thinking, requiring men to be stupid, aggressive, and raisogvnistic. It is, he writes ‘’essentially write wing, puritaaanicl, cowardly, neurotic, and fuelled largely by a fear of women’’ (539). • This a poor example of a literature review because the sources are simply organized by author review provides summary rather than analysis.
  • 27. Examples of Literature Reviews Example 2 • In the wake of the various feminist movements of the twentieth century in America, we have become increasingly of what is means to be a women, and the ways in which societal expectations shape the expression of femininity. What such discussions often leave out-or at least gloss over-is a corresponding critical examination of what societal expectations are for men ,and what the implications of these expectations may be. A brief comparison of three vastly different essays-Gretel Ehrlich’s ‘’about men.’’ Dave Barry’s ‘’guys vs. men‘’ and Paul Theroux’s ‘’being a man’’ – offer us useful framework for thinking about the social construction of masculinity, particularly in terms of its limitations. • Underlying all three essays is a sense of masculinity as prescriptive- and limiting. All three acknowledge, at least tacitly, that society often valorizes masculinity as aggressive, unfeeling, and powerful. Although Barry glosses over manhood on his way to defining ‘’guys.’’ he acknowledges that masculine behavior ‘’can produce unfortunate results such as violent crime war spitting, and ice hockey’’ (361). Ehrlich acknowledges the negative limits of manhood by taking pains to establish the androgyny (primarily through proofs of emotional sensitivity and vulnerability) of what is typically considered one of the most ‘’manly’’ occupations-the cowboy. Theroux of the three authors, is the most explicit about the negative limits of masculinity, and the ways that expectations about masculine behavior damage our society-both by the result in misogyny and by the limits masculinity puts on cultural and emotional expression of men. • This is a successful example of a literature review because the review present an organized, cohesive argument, and the sources are analyzed rather than summarized.
  • 28. Step 1 Decide on your areas of research Before you begin to search for articles or books, decide beforehand what areas you are going to research. make sure that you only get articles and books in those areas, even if you come across fascinating books in other areas. Step 2 Search for the literature Conduct a comprehensive bibliographic search of books and articles in your area. Read the abstracts online and download and /or print those articles that pertain to your area of research. Find books in the library that are relevant and check them out. Set a specific time frame for how long you will search. It should not take more than two or three dedicated time sessions. Step 3 Find relevant excerpts in your books and articles Skim the contents of each book and article and look specifically for these five things (1).Claims, conclusions and findings about the constructs you’re investigating (2) Definition of terms. (3)Calls for follow - up the studies relevant to your project. (4) Gaps you notice in the literature and; (5) Disagreement about the constructs you are investigating . When you find any of these five things. type the relevant takes longer than simply typing the excerpt. Make sure to note the name of the author and the page number following each excerpt. Do this for each article and book that you have in your stack of literature. When you are done print out your exexcerpts.
  • 29. Step 4 Code literature Get out pair of scissors and cut each excerpt out. Now sort the pieces of paper into similar topics. Figure out what the main themes. place each excerpts that you can't figure out where they belong.Separate those and go over them again at the and to see if you need now categories. When you finish, placeeach stack of notes into an envelope labeled with the name of the theme. Step 5 Create your conceptual Schema Type in large the name of each of your coded themes. Print this out and cut the titles in to individual sleeps of paper to a table or large workspace and figure out the best way to organize them. Are there ideas that go together or that are in dialogue with each other? Are there ideas that contradict each other ? Move around the slips of paper until you come up with a way of organizing the codes that makes sense.Write the conceptual schema down before you forget or someone cleans up your slips of paper. Step 6 Begin to write your literature review Choose any section of your conceptual schema to begin with.You can begin anywhere, because you already know the order. Find the envelope with the excerpts in them and lay them on the table in front of you. Figure out the mini conceptual schema based on that theme by grouping together those excerpts that say the same thing. Use that mini conceptual schema to write up your literature review based on the experts that you have in front of you. Don’t forget to include the citations as you write. So as not to lose track of who said what repeat the for each sections of your literature review . Once you complete the 6 steps you will have a complete draft of your literature review. The great thing about this process is that it breaks down into manageable steps something that seems enormous : writing a literature review.
  • 30.