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Chapter 13
 What changes in traditional
 belief systems, religion, and
 ways of treating people do you
 think could improve society?
Section 1
Pgs. 390-394
The Second Great
1790s- Americans
took part in a
Christian renewal
called the Second
Great Awakening.
[New York through
the frontier:
Kentucky, Ohio,
Tennessee, & South

By 1820s/1830s- new
interest spread in
New England, the
Appalachians, and the
   Charles Grandison Finney-
    1821 left law after a dramatic
    religious conversion.
   Challenged Protestant
   Stated each individual was
    responsible for their own
   Believed sin was avoidable
   Many converted to
    Christianity during these
   Told converts t0
    demonstrate their faith
    through good deeds.
   Finney’s preaching angered some
   1st Amendment guaranteed freedom of
    religion & prevented local or state gov’s from
    passing laws banning new religious practices.
   Result =
     Church membership across country 
     More women/African Americans involved
     Renewed Americans’ religious faith
Revival                     How did the Second Great
Meetings                    Awakening affect Americans? [390]

 Religious revivals swept
the United States in the
early 1800s. Some
meetings drew up to
20,000 people at a time
to huge outdoor camps.
James Finley, who later
became a Methodist
preacher, described one
revival as a “vast sea of
human beings [that]
seemed to be agitated
as if by a storm.”
Preachers traveled from
town to town, urging
sinners to seek
Idea that people could rise above the material things in life; philosophy
shared by some New England writers and thinkers in the mid-1800s.
 Essay in 1841- “Self-
  Reliance” stated that
  people depend on too
  much institution and
 Wanted people to
  follow their own beliefs
  and use their own
 Fuller wrote Woman in
  the Nineteenth Century
 Wrote how women had
  the right to choose their
  own paths in life.
 Some saw her as a
  champion of women’s
   Believed in Self-Reliance
   2 years lived alone in a
    cabin in Mass.
   “I went to the woods
    because I wished to live
    deliberately to front only
    the essential facts of life,
    and see if I could learn
    what it had to teach, and
    not, when I cam to die,
    discover that I had not
                             How did transcendentalists
                            believe people should live? [p.393]
In the 1840s some
formed a community at
Brook Farm,
Massachusetts. Brook
Farm did not last very
long, however. It was one
of many experiments with
utopian communities that
took place in America.
These communities tried
to form a perfect society
on Earth. Some
Americans founded
utopian communities as
places to practice their
religious beliefs.
Thomas Cole- Painter of American Landscapes
Nathaniel Hawthorne- author of the Scarlet Letter
 Allan Poe
    “Once upon a midnight
  while I pondered,2 weak and
    Over many a quaint3 and
   volume of forgotten lore4 —
     While I nodded, nearly
      suddenly there came a
     As of some one gently
      rapping at my chamber
‘‘Tis some visiter,’ I muttered,
     ‘tapping at my chamber
Only this and nothing more.’”
Emily               What was the romantic movement,
                   and who were some of the major
Dickinson          American artists and writers of this
                   movement? [p.394]

Born in 1830,      This is my letter to the
Emily Dickinson    World
                   That never wrote to Me-
led a quiet life   The simple News that
in Amherst,        Nature told-
Massachusetts.     With tender Majesty

                   Her Message is committed
                   To Hands, I cannot see-
                   For love of Her- Sweet-
                   Judge tenderly- of Me.
Section 2 [395-399]
What factor shapes
  an immigrant’s
   <4mil. Immigrants U.S. b/w 1840-1860
   Most from Europe
   <3mil. Of these- German or Irish
   Many fleeing economic or political troubles in
    native countries
   Mid-1840s potato blight,
    disease causing rot- left
    Ireland w/ little food.
   “One business survives!
    That fortunate business…
    is the Irish coffin-maker”
   Most immigrants settled in
    Mass., NJ, NY, PA
   Worked building canals,
    RRs; women as domestic
   Poor wages forced
    immigrants to live in poor
   1848- Germans revolted
    against harsh rule
   Educated Germans can to
    escape persecution or
    economic reasons
   While Irish were Catholic,
    Germans were Protestant,
    Catholic or Jews
   Moved to Michigan, Ohio
    & Wisconsin
   Chicago Daily Tribune:
    Germans: “fitted to do the
    cheap… labor of the
   Industrialization + Immigrants = changed the
    American labor force.
   Chance of getting farmland in Midwest drew
    many immigrants to this area.
   Industrial jobs in N.E. drew immigrants to
    cheap labor in many towns/cities
   New jobs fueled local economies
   New jobs: clerks, merchants, supervisors,
    professional workers
   Native-born citizens
    feared losing their jobs
    to immigrants who
    might work for lower
   Felt threatened by the
    different cultures and
    religions of immigrant
   Before Catholics, many
    Americans were
   1840s/1850s Nativists
    became politically active
   Main goal was to stir up
    anti-immigrant feeling
   “Look at the . . . thieves
    and vagabonds
    [tramps], roaming
    about our streets . . .
    monopolizing [taking]
    the business which
    properly belongs to our
    own native and true-
    born citizens.”
   1849 Political Party founded by Nativists
   Named b/c when questioned replied “I know
   Wanted to keep Catholics/Immigrants out of
    public office
   Wanted immigrants to live in U.S. for >21 yrs
    before they could be citizens
   Some success, won state elections during
   Controlled Mass. Legis. For a short time
How did the Industrial Revolution and the Transportation Revolution affect
life in American cities? [9.398]
   Rise of industry &
    growth of cities changed
    American life.
   Business owners or
    skilled workers
    benefitted most
   New class grew, Middle
    class- social/economic
    level b/w wealthy & poor
   Cities were
   Many walked to work
 Cities in early & mid
  1800s faced challenges
  due to rapid growth
 Crowded conditions
  meant poor wage
  workers meant people
  lived by class
 Lack of safe
  housing/public services
 Immigrants lived in
   Did not have clean water,
    public health regulations
    or clean ways to get rid of
    garbage/human waste
   Diseases spread easily
   1832-49- NYC- Cholera
    killed thousands of people
   Cities- criminal activities
   NYC, Boston, Philly had no
    permanent police force,
    but volunteer ones
   Fire protection meant
    hands pumps and buckets
Section 3 [400-403]
What specific changes
to policies and laws
have you noticed during
your lifetime?
Dorothea                    “I come to present the strong claims of suffering humanity . . .
                            the miserable, the desolate [deserted], the outcast . . . to call
                            your attention to the present state of insane persons
Dix                         confined within this Commonwealth, in cages, closets,
                            cellars, stalls, pens! Chained, naked, beaten with rods, and
                            lashed into obedience.”
In 1841 Dorothea Dix
visited a jail in Cambridge,
Massachusetts, to teach a
Sunday school class. What
she saw there shocked her.
Mentally ill women were
jailed beside common
criminals in dirty cells. Dix
became angry at the
conditions she found there                                     These cages were used to
and in other Massachusetts                                     confine mentally ill
jails. As a result, she began                                  people. Mentally ill
to work to improve the                                         usually put in prisons with
care of mentally ill people                                    criminals
across the country. She
joined many other women After Dix’s influence- more than 100
reformers in the early and state hospital were built where mentally
mid-1800s.                    ill received professional care.
Children who
committed crimes:
Treated the same as

Boston mayor Josiah
Quincy asked for
different punishments.

1820s founded reform
schools for children.
Lived under strict
rules, & received
vocational training.
Prison                   How did reformers try to change
Overcrowding            prisons in the early 1800s? [p.401]

Reformers tried to
end over-crowding
in Prisons as well as
cruel punishments.
Efforts led to the
creation of houses
of correction.

Instead of only
through education
became the
preferred method.
• believed Americans were
  drinking @ an alarming rate
• 1830s- avg. alcohol
  consumption was 7gallons/yr
• alcohol caused social
     • family violence
     • Poverty
     • Criminal behavior
• urged people to stop drinking
  hard liquor &limit beer &wine
• People who drank were
  “neglecting the education of
  their families- and corrupting
  their morals”
Temperance          What were the goals of the
Movement           temperance movement? [402]
[Lyman Beecher]

•Maine law
1846- illegal to
sell alcohol
states w/
similar laws
   Earl 1800s- poor public education
   Immigration  reformers argued education
    would help Americans become good workers
    in citizens
   Most believed this/but did not expect children
    to receive a great deal of formal schools
   Many children worked in factories or farms to
    help support families
   Parents wanted children to read the Bible,
    write, and do simple math.
 New England had the
  most schoolhouses
 South & West had the
 Most teachers were
  untrained young men
 Taught before
  becoming farmers or
  practicing another
   Textbooks in mid-1800s-
    McGuffey’s Readers put
    together by William
    McGuffey a Presbyterian
   Different backgrounds
    received education
     Rich- private schools; hired
     Poor- only public school
     Girls- could go, often kept
      home- fewer girls learned
      to read.
Common                        Why did Horace Mann want to
School                       improve schools, and what did he
Movement                     accomplish? [p.404]
•Wanted all children to be
educated in a common
•1st Sec. of Edu. In Mass-1837
•Former lawyer/legis.
•Doubled state school
•Helped teachers earn better
•Made school year longer
•Founded first teacher
training school
•Ideas spread to Latin
America and Europe
•Set standard for education
1800s      Today
Draw a two column chart in your notebook
 School Resources
with the headings 1800s and today. Complete
 # of students per
it based on the following categories:
Students’ attitude
Parents’ attitude:
Importance of
education to
   Pre-1820s few women could attend class
    beyond grade school
   Catharine Beecher, reformer of Women’s
    edu. Early 1800s
   Believed women were better at teaching
    the moral lessons that made good citizens
   Wrote several essays i.e.: On the Education of
    Female Teachers
 1821- Troy, NY- Emma
  Willard founded a
  college-level institute
  for Women
 Troy Female Seminary
 Studied diff. subj:
     Ranging from Math to
     B/w 1821-1872, <12,000
      women attended
   Mt. Holyoke in Mass      Oberlin College, Ohio
     Mary Lyon                First co-educational
   “I am doing a great         college in U.S.
    work, I cannot come
“School was kept occasionally. It was regarded a great favor
to have it allowed at any time. Each pupil or scholar paid on
dollar per month. Often there was no school because there
was no teacher” –James Thomas, From Slavery to Freedom
   Went to separate schools
    than whites
   NY African Free school,
    NYC-1787 produced
    notable scholars/leaders
   Philly- 7 schools for black
   1820- elem.
   1855- allowed to go to
    white schools
 What educational challenges did
                     women and African Americans face in
                     the 1800s? [p.405]

   Rarely attended college,        Black Colleges:
    only few institutions             1842- Institute for Colored
    avail. For higher learning         Youth
   1835- Oberlin- 1st College        1849- Avery College in
    for African Americans              Philly
   Later Harvard joined
   South few able to attain
   Laws prevented slaves
    from receiving edu., due
    to whites’ fears of
    potential slave rebellions
Pg. 406- this typewriter produced raised dots representing the alphabet
created by Louis Braille for visually impaired people
   Samuel Gridley Howe
     worked w/ visually
     Prison reform
     Education reform
     Care if mentally ill
   1831- Perkins Institution
    [Mass] for visually
   Travelled to 17 other
    states to talk about
    teaching visually
   Ran Perkins for 45 years
 What kinds of schools were
founded for people with
disabilities? [406]
               After Yale, Thomas Hopkins
                Gallaudet Eur. 2yrs. Living
                with hearing impaired
               1817- 1st free American school for
                hearing impaired- Hartford
               Principal till 1830
               Prof. of Philosophy @ NYU
               Called for special schools to train
               Wrote textbooks for
                children/people w/ hearing
               Gallaudet University in Wash.
                Named after him.
Section 4- pgs 407-412
All students with brown eyes
will take a pop quiz today, while
the rest of the class will play a

Write your feelings about this.

•1830s Americans who had
been against slavery for
years began to take
organized action.

•formed a movement to
support abolition

•Some wanted
immediate emancipation.
 Minority in U.S. but
  very vocal
 Different
     Quakers [religious
     Ministers of 2nd Great
      Awakening [morals]
     Political theorists [ideals
      of Declaration of
   Abolitionists disagreed
    what ending slavery
    would mean
     Should be treated the
      same as whites
     Opposed full social and
      political equality for
      African Americans
     Send African Americans
      to Africa to prevent
      racial conflict
•1817 founded by
Robert Finley
•5 yrs later-
founded colony of
Liberia on West
coast of Africa
•12,000 African
Americans settled
•Many who once
turned against
   Speaking tours
   Wrote newspaper articles/pamphlets
   Poetry
   Literature

   William Lloyd Garrison The Liberator 1831
   Founded the American Anti-Slavery Society
Stand your                   Liberator & Anti-Slavery
                              Society relied on support
 ground!                      of Free African Americans
•Spread lit. thru-out N. &
Mid W.
•Petitions to Congress
•1840- split:
     •Immediate freedom
     for slaves
     •Women should be =
     to men in abolitionist
     •Other group: slower
     role for women
Grimke                                   How did the members of
                                        the Anti-Slavery Society
Sisters                                 fight slavery? [409]
2 southern women:
•Well know activists
•Family of S. Carolina slaveholders
•Moved to Philly.
•Wrote popular essay
•Became 1st women to speak before
Male/Female audience for Anti-
Slavery Society

American Slavery As it Is – most
important anti-slavery writing of the
Essential Question:

 Write down examples of how one can get
 their point across to another person.
In 1845 Frederick Douglass published the first of three autobiographies
 describing his life as a slave and his abolitionist efforts once he gained
 his freedom. In the following excerpt he explains the purpose of his

Sincerely and earnestly hoping that this little
book may do something toward throwing light
on the American slave system, and hastening
the glad day of deliverance to the millions of my
brethren in bonds—faithfully relying on the
power of truth, love, and justice, for success in
my humble efforts—and solemnly pledging
myself anew to the sacred cause,—I subscribe
myself, Frederick Douglass.
“The blessings in which you, this
Frederick              day, rejoice, are not enjoyed in common…
Douglas                This 4th of July is yours, not mine. You may
                       rejoice, I must mourn.”
•1841: Douglas began
giving regular lectures-
Speaking @ a 4th of
July Celebration in 1852

•Spoke in U.S./Eur.

•Published the North

•Others included:
Sojourner Truth &
Charles Remond
   1830s- group helped slaves escape South
     Free African Americans
     Former Slaves
     Few White Abolitionists
   Arranged transportation/hiding for
    fugitives/escaped slaves
   Wore disguises @ night, followed N. Star
   Hid in Attics, barns, other secret locations
How did Free African
                             Americans & former slaves try
                             to end slavery? [411]

   Most famous/daring
   Escaped in 1849
   Returned to South 19x
   Freed family and up to
    300 slaves
   Never lost a fugitive
   Reward for Tubman @
   40,000 slaves used RR
to Abolition

defenders of
slavery used
images to argue
that American
slaves enjoyed a
better life than
British factory
 Many white N. did not     Fed. Gov. stood in way
  believe in = treatment     of Abolitionists
  for Afr. Am.              1836-1844- U.S. HoR
 Warned freed slaves        used Gag Rule to
  would move N. & take       prevent discussion of
  jobs                       1000s of antislavery
 Some joined violent        petitions
  mobs that attacked        Violated 1st
  Afr. Am & burned anti-     Amendment
  slavery lit.
   Many thought slavery           Some believed slavery
    vital to economy &              protected African
    culture                         Americans
   Believed outsiders had         Virginia lawyer- George
    no business interfering         Fitzhugh: “freed slaves
   After Turner’s Rebellion-       would freeze or starve in
    open talk of slavery            north”
    question disappeared in        Racism, fear, and South’s
    South                           economic dependence
                                    made emancipation
                                    unpopular in South
Northern Feared loss
           of jobs
           Believed slavery
Southern   was central to
           economy &
Section 5 [pgs. 413-417]
Identify three famous women from
  the 1900s or 2000s. Rank their
        influence on culture.
 Grimké Sisters &
  Sojourner Truth were
  Abolitionists turned
  women’s rights
  advocates [mid 1800s]
 Felt they had to defend
  rights in public
Critics believed
women should
not give public
                   Everyone is a Critic
speeches and
should stay in
female roles.

Critics: [some
members of]
1. Press
2. Clergy
3. Male
   Grimké sisters: women          Sarah argued for equal
    had a moral duty to lead        educational
    antislavery movement            opportunities.
   “I ask no favors for my        Pointed out laws that
    sex… All I ask our              negatively affected
    brethren is, that they          women
    will take their feet from      Called for = rights/pay
    off our necks, and
    permit us to stand
    upright on that ground
    which God designed us
    to occupy”
Why did some people oppose women’s
                                 efforts in the abolitionist movement, and
                                 how did this opposition affect the
                                 women’s rights movement?

   Sojourner Truth- spoke for        “That man over there says
    abolition & women’s rights         that women need to be
   6 ft. tall & confident             helped into carriages and
   1851- challenged audience          lifted over ditches, and
    members not to think of            not to have the best place
    women as the “weaker               everywhere. Nobody ever
    sex”                               helps me into carriages or
                                       over mud puddles, or
                                       gives me any best place…
                                       Look at me! I have
                                       ploughed and planted
                                       and… no man could
                                       [outwork] me. And ain’t I
                                       a woman?”
 Shortly after America    Took adv. Of
  Rev. publications for     educational
  W.R’s appeared            opportunities
 Did not become a         Learned how to
  national movement for     organize more
  yrs.                      effectively by working
 Social changes like       in reform groups
  abolition movement       Some men assisted in
  led to the rise of        women’s rights
  women’s movement
   Not having the right to
   Married women in many
    states had little or no
    control over their own
   Claims that: Women “did
    not have the physical or
    mental strength to
    survive w/out men’s
   Most people believed
    men should control her
 Some women said they
  were not unequal to
  men, just different and
  did not need new
 Some critics believed
  women should not try
  to work for social
  changes in public but in
  their own homes.
p. 415
   1840- attended World’s
    Anti-Slavery Convention
    in London while on
   Had to watch separately
    from husband
   All women were hidden
    from men’s view by a
   William Lloyd Garrison in
    protest, sat with them
 This treatment            Planned to “form a
  angered Stanton and        society to advance the
  Lucretia Mott.             rights of women”
 “[they] resolved to       8 years passed
  hold a conversation as     announced: The
  soon as we returned        Seneca Falls
  home”                      Convention
 Stanton+Mott –            1st public meeting
  “resolved to hold a        about women’s rights
  convention as soon as      to be held in the U.S.
  we returned home”
 Convention organizers
  wrote based on
  language of Dec. of
 Detailed beliefs about
  social injustice towards
 100 people signed
 240 attended
  Convention inc.
  Frederick Douglas
In search of Women’s Rights
   Lucy Stone                  Susan B. Anthony
     Powerful speaker            Turned movement political
     Anti-Slavery Society        Single Woman, Supported Self
                                  Argued for = pay
                                  Allowed to go into law
                                  Property Rights
                                  1860- NYC gave women
                                   ownership of wages/property
                                  Soon trickled to N.E. and
Ch 13 new movements in america

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Ch 13 new movements in america

  • 2.  What changes in traditional belief systems, religion, and ways of treating people do you think could improve society?
  • 4. The Second Great Awakening 1790s- Americans took part in a Christian renewal called the Second Great Awakening. [New York through the frontier: Kentucky, Ohio, Tennessee, & South Carolina]. By 1820s/1830s- new interest spread in New England, the Appalachians, and the South.
  • 5. Charles Grandison Finney- 1821 left law after a dramatic religious conversion.  Challenged Protestant beliefs  Stated each individual was responsible for their own salvation  Believed sin was avoidable  Many converted to Christianity during these revivals.  Told converts t0 demonstrate their faith through good deeds.
  • 6. Finney’s preaching angered some  1st Amendment guaranteed freedom of religion & prevented local or state gov’s from passing laws banning new religious practices.  Result =  Church membership across country   More women/African Americans involved  Renewed Americans’ religious faith
  • 7. Revival How did the Second Great Meetings Awakening affect Americans? [390] Religious revivals swept the United States in the early 1800s. Some meetings drew up to 20,000 people at a time to huge outdoor camps. James Finley, who later became a Methodist preacher, described one revival as a “vast sea of human beings [that] seemed to be agitated as if by a storm.” Preachers traveled from town to town, urging sinners to seek salvation.
  • 8. transcendentalism Idea that people could rise above the material things in life; philosophy shared by some New England writers and thinkers in the mid-1800s.
  • 9.  Essay in 1841- “Self- Reliance” stated that people depend on too much institution and traditions.  Wanted people to follow their own beliefs and use their own judgment
  • 10.  Fuller wrote Woman in the Nineteenth Century  Wrote how women had the right to choose their own paths in life.  Some saw her as a champion of women’s rights
  • 11. Believed in Self-Reliance  2 years lived alone in a cabin in Mass.  “I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could learn what it had to teach, and not, when I cam to die, discover that I had not lived.”
  • 12. Utopian Communities  How did transcendentalists believe people should live? [p.393] In the 1840s some transcendentalists formed a community at Brook Farm, Massachusetts. Brook Farm did not last very long, however. It was one of many experiments with utopian communities that took place in America. These communities tried to form a perfect society on Earth. Some Americans founded utopian communities as places to practice their religious beliefs.
  • 13. Thomas Cole- Painter of American Landscapes Nathaniel Hawthorne- author of the Scarlet Letter
  • 14. Edgar Allan Poe “Once upon a midnight dreary,1 while I pondered,2 weak and weary, Over many a quaint3 and curious volume of forgotten lore4 — While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door— ‘‘Tis some visiter,’ I muttered, ‘tapping at my chamber door— Only this and nothing more.’”
  • 15. Emily  What was the romantic movement, and who were some of the major Dickinson American artists and writers of this movement? [p.394] Born in 1830, This is my letter to the Emily Dickinson World That never wrote to Me- led a quiet life The simple News that in Amherst, Nature told- Massachusetts. With tender Majesty Her Message is committed To Hands, I cannot see- For love of Her- Sweet- countrymen Judge tenderly- of Me.
  • 17. What factor shapes an immigrant’s experience?
  • 18. <4mil. Immigrants U.S. b/w 1840-1860  Most from Europe  <3mil. Of these- German or Irish  Many fleeing economic or political troubles in native countries
  • 19. Mid-1840s potato blight, disease causing rot- left Ireland w/ little food.  “One business survives! That fortunate business… is the Irish coffin-maker”  Most immigrants settled in Mass., NJ, NY, PA  Worked building canals, RRs; women as domestic servants.  Poor wages forced immigrants to live in poor housing.
  • 20. 1848- Germans revolted against harsh rule  Educated Germans can to escape persecution or economic reasons  While Irish were Catholic, Germans were Protestant, Catholic or Jews  Moved to Michigan, Ohio & Wisconsin  Chicago Daily Tribune: Germans: “fitted to do the cheap… labor of the country”
  • 21. Industrialization + Immigrants = changed the American labor force.  Chance of getting farmland in Midwest drew many immigrants to this area.  Industrial jobs in N.E. drew immigrants to cheap labor in many towns/cities  New jobs fueled local economies  New jobs: clerks, merchants, supervisors, professional workers
  • 22. Native-born citizens feared losing their jobs to immigrants who might work for lower wages.  Felt threatened by the different cultures and religions of immigrant groups.  Before Catholics, many Americans were protestants
  • 23. 1840s/1850s Nativists became politically active  Main goal was to stir up anti-immigrant feeling  “Look at the . . . thieves and vagabonds [tramps], roaming about our streets . . . monopolizing [taking] the business which properly belongs to our own native and true- born citizens.”
  • 24. 1849 Political Party founded by Nativists  Named b/c when questioned replied “I know nothing”  Wanted to keep Catholics/Immigrants out of public office  Wanted immigrants to live in U.S. for >21 yrs before they could be citizens  Some success, won state elections during 1850s  Controlled Mass. Legis. For a short time
  • 25. How did the Industrial Revolution and the Transportation Revolution affect life in American cities? [9.398]
  • 26. Rise of industry & growth of cities changed American life.  Business owners or skilled workers benefitted most  New class grew, Middle class- social/economic level b/w wealthy & poor  Cities were compact/crowded  Many walked to work
  • 27.  Cities in early & mid 1800s faced challenges due to rapid growth  Crowded conditions meant poor wage workers meant people lived by class  Lack of safe housing/public services  Immigrants lived in tenements
  • 28. Did not have clean water, public health regulations or clean ways to get rid of garbage/human waste  Diseases spread easily  1832-49- NYC- Cholera killed thousands of people  Cities- criminal activities  NYC, Boston, Philly had no permanent police force, but volunteer ones  Fire protection meant hands pumps and buckets
  • 30. What specific changes to policies and laws have you noticed during your lifetime?
  • 31. Dorothea “I come to present the strong claims of suffering humanity . . . the miserable, the desolate [deserted], the outcast . . . to call your attention to the present state of insane persons Dix confined within this Commonwealth, in cages, closets, cellars, stalls, pens! Chained, naked, beaten with rods, and lashed into obedience.” In 1841 Dorothea Dix visited a jail in Cambridge, Massachusetts, to teach a Sunday school class. What she saw there shocked her. Mentally ill women were jailed beside common criminals in dirty cells. Dix became angry at the conditions she found there These cages were used to and in other Massachusetts confine mentally ill jails. As a result, she began people. Mentally ill to work to improve the usually put in prisons with care of mentally ill people criminals across the country. She joined many other women After Dix’s influence- more than 100 reformers in the early and state hospital were built where mentally mid-1800s. ill received professional care.
  • 32. Reform Schools Children who committed crimes: •Begging •Stealing Treated the same as criminals. Boston mayor Josiah Quincy asked for different punishments. 1820s founded reform schools for children. Lived under strict rules, & received vocational training.
  • 33. Prison  How did reformers try to change Overcrowding prisons in the early 1800s? [p.401] Reformers tried to end over-crowding in Prisons as well as cruel punishments. Efforts led to the creation of houses of correction. Instead of only punishment, rehabilitation through education became the preferred method.
  • 34. • believed Americans were drinking @ an alarming rate • 1830s- avg. alcohol consumption was 7gallons/yr • alcohol caused social problems: • family violence • Poverty • Criminal behavior • urged people to stop drinking hard liquor &limit beer &wine • People who drank were “neglecting the education of their families- and corrupting their morals”
  • 35. Temperance  What were the goals of the Movement temperance movement? [402] [Lyman Beecher] •Maine law 1846- illegal to sell alcohol •1855-dozen states w/ similar laws
  • 36. Earl 1800s- poor public education  Immigration  reformers argued education would help Americans become good workers in citizens  Most believed this/but did not expect children to receive a great deal of formal schools  Many children worked in factories or farms to help support families  Parents wanted children to read the Bible, write, and do simple math.
  • 37.  New England had the most schoolhouses  South & West had the fewest  Most teachers were untrained young men  Taught before becoming farmers or practicing another trade
  • 38. Textbooks in mid-1800s- McGuffey’s Readers put together by William McGuffey a Presbyterian Minister.  Different backgrounds received education differently:  Rich- private schools; hired tutors  Poor- only public school  Girls- could go, often kept home- fewer girls learned to read.
  • 39. Common  Why did Horace Mann want to School improve schools, and what did he Movement accomplish? [p.404] •Wanted all children to be educated in a common ground •1st Sec. of Edu. In Mass-1837 •Former lawyer/legis. •Doubled state school budget •Helped teachers earn better salaries •Made school year longer •Founded first teacher training school •Ideas spread to Latin America and Europe •Set standard for education reform
  • 40. 1800s Today Draw a two column chart in your notebook School Resources with the headings 1800s and today. Complete # of students per it based on the following categories: class Students’ attitude towards education Parents’ attitude: Importance of education to employment Class organization
  • 41. Pre-1820s few women could attend class beyond grade school  Catharine Beecher, reformer of Women’s edu. Early 1800s  Believed women were better at teaching the moral lessons that made good citizens  Wrote several essays i.e.: On the Education of Female Teachers
  • 42.  1821- Troy, NY- Emma Willard founded a college-level institute for Women  Troy Female Seminary  Studied diff. subj:  Ranging from Math to Philosophy  B/w 1821-1872, <12,000 women attended
  • 43. Mt. Holyoke in Mass  Oberlin College, Ohio  Mary Lyon  First co-educational  “I am doing a great college in U.S. work, I cannot come down”
  • 44. “School was kept occasionally. It was regarded a great favor to have it allowed at any time. Each pupil or scholar paid on dollar per month. Often there was no school because there was no teacher” –James Thomas, From Slavery to Freedom
  • 45. Went to separate schools than whites  NY African Free school, NYC-1787 produced notable scholars/leaders  Philly- 7 schools for black students  1820- elem. School/Boston  1855- allowed to go to white schools
  • 46.  What educational challenges did women and African Americans face in the 1800s? [p.405]  Rarely attended college,  Black Colleges: only few institutions  1842- Institute for Colored avail. For higher learning Youth  1835- Oberlin- 1st College  1849- Avery College in for African Americans Philly  Later Harvard joined  South few able to attain edu.  Laws prevented slaves from receiving edu., due to whites’ fears of potential slave rebellions
  • 47. Pg. 406- this typewriter produced raised dots representing the alphabet created by Louis Braille for visually impaired people
  • 48. Samuel Gridley Howe  worked w/ visually impaired  Prison reform  Education reform  Care if mentally ill  1831- Perkins Institution [Mass] for visually impaired  Travelled to 17 other states to talk about teaching visually impaired  Ran Perkins for 45 years
  • 49.  What kinds of schools were founded for people with disabilities? [406]  After Yale, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet Eur. 2yrs. Living with hearing impaired  1817- 1st free American school for hearing impaired- Hartford Conn.  Principal till 1830  Prof. of Philosophy @ NYU  Called for special schools to train teachers  Wrote textbooks for children/people w/ hearing impairments  Gallaudet University in Wash. Named after him.
  • 50. Section 4- pgs 407-412
  • 51. All students with brown eyes will take a pop quiz today, while the rest of the class will play a game. Write your feelings about this.
  • 52. Abolition •1830s Americans who had been against slavery for years began to take organized action. •formed a movement to support abolition •Some wanted immediate emancipation.
  • 53.  Minority in U.S. but very vocal  Different backgrounds/diff. reasons  Quakers [religious grounds]  Ministers of 2nd Great Awakening [morals]  Political theorists [ideals of Declaration of Independence]
  • 54. Abolitionists disagreed what ending slavery would mean  Should be treated the same as whites  Opposed full social and political equality for African Americans  Send African Americans to Africa to prevent racial conflict
  • 55. American Colonization Society •1817 founded by Robert Finley •5 yrs later- founded colony of Liberia on West coast of Africa •12,000 African Americans settled there •Many who once favored colonization, turned against
  • 56. Speaking tours  Wrote newspaper articles/pamphlets  Poetry  Literature  William Lloyd Garrison The Liberator 1831  Founded the American Anti-Slavery Society
  • 57. Stand your Liberator & Anti-Slavery Society relied on support ground! of Free African Americans •Spread lit. thru-out N. & Mid W. •Petitions to Congress •1840- split: •Immediate freedom for slaves •Women should be = to men in abolitionist movement •Other group: slower emancipation/limited role for women
  • 58. Grimke  How did the members of the Anti-Slavery Society Sisters fight slavery? [409] 2 southern women: Angelina Sarah •Well know activists •Family of S. Carolina slaveholders •Moved to Philly. •Wrote popular essay •Became 1st women to speak before Male/Female audience for Anti- Slavery Society American Slavery As it Is – most important anti-slavery writing of the time.
  • 59. Essential Question: Write down examples of how one can get their point across to another person.
  • 60. In 1845 Frederick Douglass published the first of three autobiographies describing his life as a slave and his abolitionist efforts once he gained his freedom. In the following excerpt he explains the purpose of his autobiography. Sincerely and earnestly hoping that this little book may do something toward throwing light on the American slave system, and hastening the glad day of deliverance to the millions of my brethren in bonds—faithfully relying on the power of truth, love, and justice, for success in my humble efforts—and solemnly pledging myself anew to the sacred cause,—I subscribe myself, Frederick Douglass.
  • 61. “The blessings in which you, this Frederick day, rejoice, are not enjoyed in common… Douglas This 4th of July is yours, not mine. You may rejoice, I must mourn.” •1841: Douglas began giving regular lectures- Speaking @ a 4th of July Celebration in 1852 •Spoke in U.S./Eur. •Published the North Star •Others included: Sojourner Truth & Charles Remond
  • 62. 1830s- group helped slaves escape South  Free African Americans  Former Slaves  Few White Abolitionists  Arranged transportation/hiding for fugitives/escaped slaves  Wore disguises @ night, followed N. Star  Hid in Attics, barns, other secret locations
  • 63. How did Free African Americans & former slaves try to end slavery? [411]  Most famous/daring conductor  Escaped in 1849  Returned to South 19x  Freed family and up to 300 slaves  Never lost a fugitive  Reward for Tubman @ $40,000  40,000 slaves used RR 1810-1850
  • 64. Opposition to Abolition Southern defenders of slavery used images to argue that American slaves enjoyed a better life than British factory workers.
  • 65.  Many white N. did not  Fed. Gov. stood in way believe in = treatment of Abolitionists for Afr. Am.  1836-1844- U.S. HoR  Warned freed slaves used Gag Rule to would move N. & take prevent discussion of jobs 1000s of antislavery  Some joined violent petitions mobs that attacked  Violated 1st Afr. Am & burned anti- Amendment slavery lit.
  • 66. Many thought slavery  Some believed slavery vital to economy & protected African culture Americans  Believed outsiders had  Virginia lawyer- George no business interfering Fitzhugh: “freed slaves  After Turner’s Rebellion- would freeze or starve in open talk of slavery north” question disappeared in  Racism, fear, and South’s South economic dependence made emancipation unpopular in South
  • 67. Northern Feared loss of jobs Believed slavery Southern was central to economy & culture
  • 68. Section 5 [pgs. 413-417]
  • 69. Identify three famous women from the 1900s or 2000s. Rank their influence on culture.
  • 70.  Grimké Sisters & Sojourner Truth were Abolitionists turned women’s rights advocates [mid 1800s]  Felt they had to defend rights in public
  • 71. Critics believed women should not give public Everyone is a Critic speeches and should stay in traditional female roles. Critics: [some members of] 1. Press 2. Clergy 3. Male Abolitionists
  • 72. Grimké sisters: women  Sarah argued for equal had a moral duty to lead educational antislavery movement opportunities.  “I ask no favors for my  Pointed out laws that sex… All I ask our negatively affected brethren is, that they women will take their feet from  Called for = rights/pay off our necks, and permit us to stand upright on that ground which God designed us to occupy”
  • 73. Why did some people oppose women’s efforts in the abolitionist movement, and how did this opposition affect the women’s rights movement?  Sojourner Truth- spoke for  “That man over there says abolition & women’s rights that women need to be  6 ft. tall & confident helped into carriages and  1851- challenged audience lifted over ditches, and members not to think of not to have the best place women as the “weaker everywhere. Nobody ever sex” helps me into carriages or over mud puddles, or gives me any best place… Look at me! I have ploughed and planted and… no man could [outwork] me. And ain’t I a woman?”
  • 74.  Shortly after America  Took adv. Of Rev. publications for educational W.R’s appeared opportunities  Did not become a  Learned how to national movement for organize more yrs. effectively by working  Social changes like in reform groups abolition movement  Some men assisted in led to the rise of women’s rights women’s movement
  • 75. Not having the right to vote  Married women in many states had little or no control over their own property  Claims that: Women “did not have the physical or mental strength to survive w/out men’s protection”  Most people believed men should control her property
  • 76.  Some women said they were not unequal to men, just different and did not need new rights.  Some critics believed women should not try to work for social changes in public but in their own homes.
  • 78.
  • 79. 1840- attended World’s Anti-Slavery Convention in London while on honeymoon  Had to watch separately from husband  All women were hidden from men’s view by a curtain  William Lloyd Garrison in protest, sat with them
  • 80.  This treatment  Planned to “form a angered Stanton and society to advance the Lucretia Mott. rights of women”  “[they] resolved to  8 years passed hold a conversation as announced: The soon as we returned Seneca Falls home” Convention  Stanton+Mott –  1st public meeting “resolved to hold a about women’s rights convention as soon as to be held in the U.S. we returned home”
  • 81.
  • 82.  Convention organizers wrote based on language of Dec. of Ind.  Detailed beliefs about social injustice towards women  100 people signed  240 attended Convention inc. Frederick Douglas
  • 83. In search of Women’s Rights
  • 84. Lucy Stone  Susan B. Anthony  Powerful speaker  Turned movement political  Anti-Slavery Society  Single Woman, Supported Self  Argued for = pay  Allowed to go into law  Property Rights  1860- NYC gave women ownership of wages/property  Soon trickled to N.E. and Midwest

Editor's Notes

  1. Translation: Other countries, other customs Meaning: Foreigners have different customs [which may be perfectly normal there] Similar: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.