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DR /Omar Hashim
The cervix is the lower 1/3 of the uterus, it is the
 narrower part of the uterus (neck of uterus) .it is
 rounded and directed downward and posteriorly
Portio is the portion of the cervix that protrudes
 into the vagina (about 1cm long and covered by
 vaginal epithelium .
Ca cervix is the fifth most common cancer in the
  women worldwide . In USA new case 11,270 and
  deaths n 4,070 (in2010) .
The incidence is ↓ due to screening and human
  papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines in the past 4th
  decades .but still in some area in developing
  countries ca cervix is the most common cancer
  and leading cause of death .
Risk factors ;- early age of sexual intercourse/ high
  number of lifetime sexual intercourse /exposure to
  to sexually transmitted diseases (HPV)
  (AIDS)/smoking / oral contraceptive/DES exposure
  in utero

80% of ca cervix is squamous cell carcinoma
  (SCC) usually originate at the squamocolumnar
  junction and progress from mild,moderate,and
  sever dysplasia to carcinoma insitu, to invasive
  carcinoma .
10%--20% of ca cervix is adenocarcinoma .
  Usually arise in high endocervical region and
  originate from endocervical gland .
While SCC have ↓ in USA the incidence of
Adenocarcinoma ↑
  *Lateral trunk ;-
Upper branch → upper internal iliac LNs
Middle branch→obturator LNs
Lowest branch→gluteal ,common iliac, presacral
 *posterior trunk ;-
Superior rectal LNs
Sup-aortic LNs (sacralpromontory)
  *anterior trunk ;-
Distal external iliac

 Lymph nodes group   stage

                 1           11     111

 Pelvic LNs      15%         30%   50%
 Para-aortic LNs 5%          20%   30%
Abnormal vaginal bleeding > 80% .
Vaginal discharge .
Late symptoms include symptoms of pelvic organ
  compression or extension e.g ;-
Sciatic pain /lower extremity edema
Hydronephrosis /pelvic pain /rectal symptoms
Urinary obstruction

investigation      description

Tissue diagnosis    Pap smear –ve not excluded .
                    biopsy by endocervical curettage

lab work            CBC to assess HB & CBC and
                   Count in anticipation chemotherapy
                   Serum chemistries to assess renal
Imaging studies    CXR or chest
                              CT /abdominoplevic CT or
                   MRI which is better in delineation .
                   Or PET which is higher in senitivity in
                   staging LNs or METs

                 Ca cervix suspected

           complete history and physical

Physical exam focus;-
                            Procedure ;-
       pelvic and                                 Lab ;CBC /blood
      rectovaginal                                chem/urinalysis
                          Papsmear if no
 exam/cervical portio                               Radiology;-
  /tumor extension to                           CXR/Ctor MRI of abd-
     vagina /abd-ex                               &pelvis OR PET
                        Cold knife conization
 /supraclavicular LNs

          Exam under anesthesia

                  staging FIGO

       →radical hysterectomy vs definite
           radiation chemotherapy
Generally staging depend on history and
 examination and radiologic and laboratory
 workup . The most common used staging
 system is Federation Gynecology and
 Obstetrics (FIGO) Is based on clinical examation
 . FIGO permits minimal information from plain
 radiograph and does not incorporate
 information on LNs involve-
Ment .despite not altering stage categories ,cross
 sectional imaging (CT/MRI/PET) and invasive
 surgical staging provide important additional
 information on the extent of loco regional nodal
 involvement and distant disease status
FIGO     TNM     Description
    -     Tx      1ry Tumor not assessed
    -     T0     No evidence of 1ry tumor
    -a   Tis     Carcinoma in situ
    1     T1     Ca cervix confined to uterus
   1A     T1a    Invasive carcinoma (diag-microscopy) stromal
                 invasion depth 5.0 mm & wide 7.0mm
   1B     T1b    Visible lesion confined to the cervix or mic->7
   11     T2     Ca cervix invades out uterus but not pelv-wal
   11A    T2 a   Tumor without parametrial invasion
   11B    T2b    Tumor with parametrial invasion
  111    T3      Tumor→plevic wall /lower1/3vagina/affet kid-
 111A    T3a     tumor →Lower 1/3 of vagina/ no plevic wall
 111B    T3b     Tumor→plevic wall or cause hydronephrosis
   1v     T4     Bladder or rectal invasion
  1vA     T4a    Invade of mucosa of bladder or rectal

       1VB    T4b   Mets-peril-/supraclavicular
       3/4    Nx    Reg-LNs not assess
       3/4    N0    No regional LNs mets
       3/4    N1    Regional LNs mets-
       3/4    Mo    N o distant mets
       3/4    M1    Distant met(peri-/supraclavicularLN or
                    mediastinal LNs
Stage111 enhancement of lift internal iliac lymph nodes
Lymph nodes enhancement in cervical cancer
Ca cervix is curable when diagnosis early ,these lead
  to improve out come in countries with access heath
  care and cytological screening .
In more advanced disease, tumor recure 1/3 of PTs-.
  The outcome is improved significantly with the
Introduction of of concurrent chemotherapy in stage
  1B2_ 1v A . Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the cervix
  has ↑mets rate ,poor prognosis and spread in
  pattern similar to that of small cell cancer .
Low HB associated with ↓local control and survival
  rates specially during RT. Hypoxia also associated
  with poor out come
stage    Local control   Disease –free   treatment
1A—1B    93-95%            92%           Surgery/Radiatio
 1B      All 94%         All 81-85%      Radiation
         4-5cm 90%       4-5cm 86%       therapy
         >5cm 82%        >5cm 67%
 11A      94– 96%        70– 85%         Radiation
1B-11      87%              74%
111—1v     71%              40—50%        Radiation

1vB            --           0%           Palliative
                                         no Radiation
 In stage 1A , non bulky 1B ,and early stage 11A , The
  1ry treatment is surgery with hysterectomy and 1ry
  radiation result in similar outcome
 Stage 1B1 radiation alone a choice or radical
  hysterectomy .
 Stage ≥1B2 radiation with concurrent cisplatin
  based chemotherapy .
 Treatment modalities ;-

 surgery ;-
Modified radical hysterectomy ;- in which remove
  done to the uterus ,cardinal ligament , partially the
  uterosacral ligament ,pelvic LNs .
Survival > 95% /preserving ovarian function
  /avoidance of radiation complication
 Radical hysterectomy ;-
 For stage 1A2 with LVS1 IB1 , non bulky 1B2 –
  11A. In which remove done to the uterus
  .cardinal ligament & upper 1/3 of the vagina
  /pelvic LNs .
 Survival 80—90% .

 Radiation ;- used to as definitive treatment for
  stage 1—11A inside of surgery .
 Definitive treatment for stage 11B– 1VA with
  concurrent chemotherapy .
 For bulky disease >5—6cm should complete in
  7weeks .stage 1B-11A .
 Postoperative pelvic radiation for involved LNs
  +ve SM (EBRT integrated with brachytherapy )
Diagnosis of ca cervix

                   Clinical and radiological staging

  Stage 1A– B1                Stage 1B– 11A                Stage 11B– 1vA

 Ndissect-                       RH pelv
  ±PALN                         LN disse-
   sam-                         PA samp
   OR                    or

                                             ↑                      ↑
                 ERBT +BT
ERBT+BT                                risk/LV/de             risk/SM/LN
                                        pth inve-               /param-

                                            Post op- RA-       Post op radia-

                          Follow up
AS part of definitive treatment with concurrent with RT
  for locally advanced cervical cancer.
Stage 1B1 concurrent CH not validated. Adjuvant
CH following concurrent RT/CH may↓ overall
  recurrence rate used for palliation for local, regional
  or systemic disease.
We use weekly cisplatin during 5weeks with pelvic
EBRT with or without CH during BT.
3-weekly cisplatin/5-FU is also validated level
Evidence. No benefit to cisplatin to other CH.
5-FU alone is not recommended .
Tow randomized trial defined the 1)utilizing of the adjuvant
  radiation ,and 2)adjuvant radiation with concurrent
chemotherapy after hysterectomy

 Eligibility criteria              arm 1                  arm2
 LVS1 stromal tumor
                            Pelvic RT 46GY in 23 Observation
 +ve    deep1/3 any size    fr . 50.4 GY in 28 fr
 +ve   middle1/3     ≥2cm                           N=140
                                     n= 137
 + ve superficial1/3 ≥5cm

 -ve deepormidlle   ≥ 4cm
In the first trial show 46% reducation in risk of
  recurrence favoring RT arm (p=0.0007) . Deferent in
  overall survival
The 2nd trial 109 evaluated addition of concurrent
CH. Taking stage 1A,1B, or 11A (LN +ve /paramet-
+ve /SM +ve). Pts treated with RH then randomized
To RT alone versus RT with 4 cycles of cisplatin/5
FU. Overall survival was significantly improve.
Analysis show particular benefit for large tumor,
Multiple LNs.
HR for overall survival was 1.96 (p=0.007) favoring
RT/concurrent CH. OS for 4 yrs 71% with R and
81% for with RT/CH.
Clinical stage 1A,1B ,11A + any of ;-
                   1- +ve LN S
                   2- +ve parametria
                   3- +ve SM


        ARM1                                               ARM2
Plevic RT 49.3GY IN 29 fr                  Same RT +
                                           Cisplatin /5fu96 hours infusion
        n=116                              Every 3weeks x4 cycles


    GOG protocol 109 evaluated the addition of concurrent chemotherapy
    Is of benefit .*HR overall survival was 1.96 (p=0.007) favoring concurrent
    Chemo-overall survival was 4 yrs 71% with RT .and 81% with RT+CHEMO-
Trial      FIGO        Number      Compari-    Follow up     HR        ↑ in
           stage       Of pts      son                                 survival
 GOG85     11B-1VA       368       PF veru-    8.7 yrs         0.7       10%
 RTOG      1B(>5cm)     388        PF veru-    43             0.59        15%
9001       -1vA                    none        months
 GOG       11B-1VA       526       P /HU       35            0.61          18%
 120       11B-1VA       526       PFHU/H      months        0.58          18%
                                   U           35 month
GOG         1B(>5cm      369       P versus    36             0.54         9%
123        -1vA                    none        months
NCI/cana   1B(>5cm       253       P versus    64            0.91          3%
da         -1vA                    none        months
meta       1B-1VA        3,452      cth/none   62             0.78         ¾%
analysis                                       months

 Level evidence for the benefit from 5 randomized trial evaluating radiation
 With concurrent cisplatin base cth-
Definitive RT ;-
The definitive RT for ca cervix require EBRT (with
Pelvic and parametrical and nodal boosts if approp-
Riate) and BT . Treatment must be individualized based
  on the patient‘s tumor extend ,normal tissue anatomy
  ,tumor response characteristics during
The therapy
EBRT ;- the field include 1ry tumor /local extension
(parametria / uterosacral ligament, vagina) draining
Regional LNs,
Simulation, target volume delineation & field
  arrangement ;-
3-dimensional image- guide is high recommended to
Improve the delineation of target structures and
Exclusion of normal tissues include bowel ,bladder
And bone marrow . By use of intravenous contrast
For CT can differentiate regional LNs from vessels
CT can not differentiate tumor from normal tissues
In side the uterus ,so we use the MRI which show
Us the tumor extend in the uterus,parametria,
1ry tumor         GTV ;-entire uterus and tumor extension to para-
                  Metria based on imagi & implanted markers
                  CTV ;-additional 0.7 to 1cm margin,3-cm margin to
                  lower extension

                  PTV 0.5 -1cm margin

  LNs               Gross involved lymph nodes
                  CTV;- gross involved LNs+ 1cm margin in
                  obturator,external and common iliac LNs in 111A
                  In distal half vagina inginal LNs. Post surgical clips
                  &post operative seroma add0.7-cm/1-2 cm anterior
                  to theS1-S3
                  PTV ;-0.5 –cm margin

Target volume for definitive radiation therapy using Ctbased planing
The final PTV = 1ry tumor PTV +nodal PTV and because of
The viabilities in the aortic bifurcation 40% of common iliac LNs
  are be higher to the L4-L5 interspace ,so in these case
The upper border can shifted up word by 1-3 vertebrae .
Contouring of normal structure include the rectum (up to the
  recto sigmoid junction), bowel (large bowel &mesentery)
With in 5cm upper border of target, the bladder and femoral
Head .if 3D NOT available the field design should be guided
By bony landmark
field   borders

AP/PA     Superior; L4-L5 interspaced
          Inferior ;- 3cm bellow the lowest tumor extend (determined by
          Gold seed or bottom of obturator formen .
          Lateral ;- 2cm lateral to the pelvic brim and include any surgical
          clips with 1-1.5 cm margin

lateral   superior;- same as AP/PA
          inferior ;- same as AP/PPA .
          Anterior ;- 1cm anterior to pubic pubic symphsis .
          Posterior ;- at least anterior half of the sacrum
Dose and treatment delivery ;-
The EBRT prescribed dose to the range 45– 50.4 GY IN 1,8
GY.the BT boost 5.4—14.4 .
The total dose will be 50 in small stage 1B.and 55 GY in
  moderately involved parametrial involved. And 60 GY for
Bulky parametrial .
IMRT ;- is used in the treatment of the ca cervix and show to
  decrease the dose to the organ at risk (bowel,bladder
Acute gasterointestinsl toxicity and bone marrow dose
Regreesion of cervical cancer after 30 GY RT Compare lift and right

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Cevical cancer

  • 2. ANATOMY OF CERVIX The cervix is the lower 1/3 of the uterus, it is the narrower part of the uterus (neck of uterus) .it is rounded and directed downward and posteriorly . Portio is the portion of the cervix that protrudes into the vagina (about 1cm long and covered by vaginal epithelium .
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. EPIDEMIOLOGY AND ETIOLOGY Ca cervix is the fifth most common cancer in the women worldwide . In USA new case 11,270 and deaths n 4,070 (in2010) . The incidence is ↓ due to screening and human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines in the past 4th decades .but still in some area in developing countries ca cervix is the most common cancer and leading cause of death . Risk factors ;- early age of sexual intercourse/ high number of lifetime sexual intercourse /exposure to to sexually transmitted diseases (HPV) (AIDS)/smoking / oral contraceptive/DES exposure in utero
  • 6. PATHOLOGY 80% of ca cervix is squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) usually originate at the squamocolumnar junction and progress from mild,moderate,and sever dysplasia to carcinoma insitu, to invasive carcinoma . 10%--20% of ca cervix is adenocarcinoma . Usually arise in high endocervical region and originate from endocervical gland . While SCC have ↓ in USA the incidence of Adenocarcinoma ↑
  • 7.
  • 8. LYMPH DRAIN & LYMPH SPREAD *Lateral trunk ;- Upper branch → upper internal iliac LNs Middle branch→obturator LNs Lowest branch→gluteal ,common iliac, presacral LNs *posterior trunk ;- Superior rectal LNs Sup-aortic LNs (sacralpromontory) *anterior trunk ;- Distal external iliac
  • 9. INVOLVEMENT OF LNS GROUP( IN%) BY STAGE Lymph nodes group stage 1 11 111 Pelvic LNs 15% 30% 50% Para-aortic LNs 5% 20% 30%
  • 10. DIAGNOSIS CILNICAL PRESENTATION ;- Abnormal vaginal bleeding > 80% . Vaginal discharge . Late symptoms include symptoms of pelvic organ compression or extension e.g ;- Sciatic pain /lower extremity edema Hydronephrosis /pelvic pain /rectal symptoms Urinary obstruction
  • 11. INVESTIGATION investigation description Tissue diagnosis Pap smear –ve not excluded . biopsy by endocervical curettage lab work CBC to assess HB & CBC and differential Count in anticipation chemotherapy Serum chemistries to assess renal function Imaging studies CXR or chest CT /abdominoplevic CT or MRI which is better in delineation . Or PET which is higher in senitivity in staging LNs or METs
  • 12. DIAGNOSIS AND PRETHERAPY EVALUATION Ca cervix suspected complete history and physical examination Physical exam focus;- Procedure ;- pelvic and Lab ;CBC /blood colposcopy rectovaginal chem/urinalysis Papsmear if no exam/cervical portio Radiology;- bleeding /tumor extension to CXR/Ctor MRI of abd- Biopsy vagina /abd-ex &pelvis OR PET Cold knife conization /supraclavicular LNs
  • 13. con→ Exam under anesthesia Cystoscopy,proctoscopy Ureteral staging FIGO →radical hysterectomy vs definite radiation chemotherapy
  • 14. STAGING Generally staging depend on history and examination and radiologic and laboratory workup . The most common used staging system is Federation Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) Is based on clinical examation . FIGO permits minimal information from plain radiograph and does not incorporate information on LNs involve- Ment .despite not altering stage categories ,cross sectional imaging (CT/MRI/PET) and invasive surgical staging provide important additional information on the extent of loco regional nodal involvement and distant disease status
  • 15. FIGO &TNM STAGING OF CA CERVIX FIGO TNM Description - Tx 1ry Tumor not assessed - T0 No evidence of 1ry tumor -a Tis Carcinoma in situ 1 T1 Ca cervix confined to uterus 1A T1a Invasive carcinoma (diag-microscopy) stromal invasion depth 5.0 mm & wide 7.0mm 1B T1b Visible lesion confined to the cervix or mic->7 11 T2 Ca cervix invades out uterus but not pelv-wal 11A T2 a Tumor without parametrial invasion 11B T2b Tumor with parametrial invasion 111 T3 Tumor→plevic wall /lower1/3vagina/affet kid- 111A T3a tumor →Lower 1/3 of vagina/ no plevic wall 111B T3b Tumor→plevic wall or cause hydronephrosis 1v T4 Bladder or rectal invasion 1vA T4a Invade of mucosa of bladder or rectal
  • 16.
  • 17.
  • 18. CON→ FIGO TNM DESCRIPTION 1VB T4b Mets-peril-/supraclavicular LNs/lunge... 3/4 Nx Reg-LNs not assess 3/4 N0 No regional LNs mets 3/4 N1 Regional LNs mets- 3/4 Mo N o distant mets 3/4 M1 Distant met(peri-/supraclavicularLN or mediastinal LNs
  • 19. Stage111 enhancement of lift internal iliac lymph nodes
  • 20. Lymph nodes enhancement in cervical cancer
  • 21. PROGNOSIS Ca cervix is curable when diagnosis early ,these lead to improve out come in countries with access heath care and cytological screening . In more advanced disease, tumor recure 1/3 of PTs-. The outcome is improved significantly with the Introduction of of concurrent chemotherapy in stage 1B2_ 1v A . Neuroendocrine carcinoma of the cervix has ↑mets rate ,poor prognosis and spread in pattern similar to that of small cell cancer . Low HB associated with ↓local control and survival rates specially during RT. Hypoxia also associated with poor out come
  • 22. stage Local control Disease –free treatment survival 1A—1B 93-95% 92% Surgery/Radiatio n 1B All 94% All 81-85% Radiation 4-5cm 90% 4-5cm 86% therapy >5cm 82% >5cm 67% 11A 94– 96% 70– 85% Radiation therapy 1B-11 87% 74% Radiation/chemo therapy 111—1v 71% 40—50% Radiation /chemotherapy 1vB -- 0% Palliative chemotherapy no Radiation
  • 23. TREATMENT  In stage 1A , non bulky 1B ,and early stage 11A , The 1ry treatment is surgery with hysterectomy and 1ry radiation result in similar outcome  Stage 1B1 radiation alone a choice or radical hysterectomy .  Stage ≥1B2 radiation with concurrent cisplatin based chemotherapy .  Treatment modalities ;- surgery ;- Modified radical hysterectomy ;- in which remove done to the uterus ,cardinal ligament , partially the uterosacral ligament ,pelvic LNs . Survival > 95% /preserving ovarian function /avoidance of radiation complication
  • 24.  Radical hysterectomy ;-  For stage 1A2 with LVS1 IB1 , non bulky 1B2 – 11A. In which remove done to the uterus .cardinal ligament & upper 1/3 of the vagina /pelvic LNs .  Survival 80—90% .  Radiation ;- used to as definitive treatment for stage 1—11A inside of surgery .  Definitive treatment for stage 11B– 1VA with concurrent chemotherapy .  For bulky disease >5—6cm should complete in 7weeks .stage 1B-11A .  Postoperative pelvic radiation for involved LNs +ve SM (EBRT integrated with brachytherapy ) .RT
  • 25. Diagnosis of ca cervix Clinical and radiological staging Stage 1A– B1 Stage 1B– 11A Stage 11B– 1vA RH/pelvicL Ndissect- RH pelv ERBT+BT/ ±PALN LN disse- CH sam- PA samp OR or ↑ ↑ ERBT +BT ERBT+BT risk/LV/de risk/SM/LN /CH pth inve- /param- Post op- RA- Post op radia- Concu-chem- Follow up
  • 26. CHEMOTHERAPY AS part of definitive treatment with concurrent with RT for locally advanced cervical cancer. Stage 1B1 concurrent CH not validated. Adjuvant CH following concurrent RT/CH may↓ overall recurrence rate used for palliation for local, regional or systemic disease. We use weekly cisplatin during 5weeks with pelvic EBRT with or without CH during BT. 3-weekly cisplatin/5-FU is also validated level Evidence. No benefit to cisplatin to other CH. 5-FU alone is not recommended .
  • 27. Tow randomized trial defined the 1)utilizing of the adjuvant radiation ,and 2)adjuvant radiation with concurrent chemotherapy after hysterectomy Eligibility criteria arm 1 arm2 LVS1 stromal tumor Pelvic RT 46GY in 23 Observation +ve deep1/3 any size fr . 50.4 GY in 28 fr . +ve middle1/3 ≥2cm N=140 n= 137 + ve superficial1/3 ≥5cm -ve deepormidlle ≥ 4cm
  • 28. In the first trial show 46% reducation in risk of recurrence favoring RT arm (p=0.0007) . Deferent in overall survival
  • 29. The 2nd trial 109 evaluated addition of concurrent CH. Taking stage 1A,1B, or 11A (LN +ve /paramet- +ve /SM +ve). Pts treated with RH then randomized To RT alone versus RT with 4 cycles of cisplatin/5 FU. Overall survival was significantly improve. Analysis show particular benefit for large tumor, Multiple LNs. HR for overall survival was 1.96 (p=0.007) favoring RT/concurrent CH. OS for 4 yrs 71% with R and 81% for with RT/CH.
  • 30. Clinical stage 1A,1B ,11A + any of ;- 1- +ve LN S 2- +ve parametria 3- +ve SM randomization ARM1 ARM2 Plevic RT 49.3GY IN 29 fr Same RT + Cisplatin /5fu96 hours infusion n=116 Every 3weeks x4 cycles n=127 GOG protocol 109 evaluated the addition of concurrent chemotherapy Is of benefit .*HR overall survival was 1.96 (p=0.007) favoring concurrent Chemo-overall survival was 4 yrs 71% with RT .and 81% with RT+CHEMO-
  • 31. Trial FIGO Number Compari- Follow up HR ↑ in stage Of pts son survival GOG85 11B-1VA 368 PF veru- 8.7 yrs 0.7 10% HU RTOG 1B(>5cm) 388 PF veru- 43 0.59 15% 9001 -1vA none months GOG 11B-1VA 526 P /HU 35 0.61 18% 120 11B-1VA 526 PFHU/H months 0.58 18% U 35 month GOG 1B(>5cm 369 P versus 36 0.54 9% 123 -1vA none months NCI/cana 1B(>5cm 253 P versus 64 0.91 3% da -1vA none months meta 1B-1VA 3,452 cth/none 62 0.78 ¾% analysis months Level evidence for the benefit from 5 randomized trial evaluating radiation With concurrent cisplatin base cth-
  • 32. RT TECHNIQUES Definitive RT ;- The definitive RT for ca cervix require EBRT (with Pelvic and parametrical and nodal boosts if approp- Riate) and BT . Treatment must be individualized based on the patient‘s tumor extend ,normal tissue anatomy ,tumor response characteristics during The therapy EBRT ;- the field include 1ry tumor /local extension (parametria / uterosacral ligament, vagina) draining Regional LNs,
  • 33. Simulation, target volume delineation & field arrangement ;- 3-dimensional image- guide is high recommended to Improve the delineation of target structures and Exclusion of normal tissues include bowel ,bladder And bone marrow . By use of intravenous contrast For CT can differentiate regional LNs from vessels CT can not differentiate tumor from normal tissues In side the uterus ,so we use the MRI which show Us the tumor extend in the uterus,parametria,
  • 34. 1ry tumor GTV ;-entire uterus and tumor extension to para- Metria based on imagi & implanted markers CTV ;-additional 0.7 to 1cm margin,3-cm margin to lower extension PTV 0.5 -1cm margin LNs Gross involved lymph nodes CTV;- gross involved LNs+ 1cm margin in obturator,external and common iliac LNs in 111A In distal half vagina inginal LNs. Post surgical clips &post operative seroma add0.7-cm/1-2 cm anterior to theS1-S3 PTV ;-0.5 –cm margin Target volume for definitive radiation therapy using Ctbased planing
  • 35. The final PTV = 1ry tumor PTV +nodal PTV and because of The viabilities in the aortic bifurcation 40% of common iliac LNs are be higher to the L4-L5 interspace ,so in these case The upper border can shifted up word by 1-3 vertebrae . Contouring of normal structure include the rectum (up to the recto sigmoid junction), bowel (large bowel &mesentery) With in 5cm upper border of target, the bladder and femoral Head .if 3D NOT available the field design should be guided By bony landmark
  • 36. field borders AP/PA Superior; L4-L5 interspaced Inferior ;- 3cm bellow the lowest tumor extend (determined by Gold seed or bottom of obturator formen . Lateral ;- 2cm lateral to the pelvic brim and include any surgical clips with 1-1.5 cm margin lateral superior;- same as AP/PA inferior ;- same as AP/PPA . Anterior ;- 1cm anterior to pubic pubic symphsis . Posterior ;- at least anterior half of the sacrum
  • 37. Dose and treatment delivery ;- The EBRT prescribed dose to the range 45– 50.4 GY IN 1,8 GY.the BT boost 5.4—14.4 . The total dose will be 50 in small stage 1B.and 55 GY in moderately involved parametrial involved. And 60 GY for Bulky parametrial . IMRT ;- is used in the treatment of the ca cervix and show to decrease the dose to the organ at risk (bowel,bladder Acute gasterointestinsl toxicity and bone marrow dose
  • 38. Regreesion of cervical cancer after 30 GY RT Compare lift and right

Editor's Notes

  1. opsy
  2. HR;-hazard ratio / P;- cisplatin / F ;- fluorouracil / HU ;-hydroxyurea