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Rajat Verma, Preksha Gupta, Prof.C.Malathy / International Journal of Engineering Research
                and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                       Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.497-503
           Multi-Touch Table With Rfid Technology For Hotels
                     Rajat Verma#1, Preksha Gupta#2, Prof.C.Malathy#3
                  Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM University, Kattankulathur
                                                 Chennai, India

         With the introduction of multi-touch, a           available in different forms. Due to the improvement
new form of human computer interaction is                  of processing power of modern desktop computers,
introduced. Due to recent innovations multi-               it no longer requires expensive equipment. Modern
touch technology has become affordable. Unlike             computer interaction consists of a monitor, keyboard
interaction on a desktop computer multi-touch              and a mouse. Limited by the operating system, it
allows multiple users to interact with the same            allows us only to control a single pointer on the
device at the same time. To demonstrate the vast           screen. With multi-touch, multiple input pointers are
possibilities of multi-touch technologies an               introduced to the system which all can be controlled
‘interactive RFID-based Multi-touch Device’ can            independently. Depending on the size of the display
be constructed which can be utilised in a hotel.           multi-touch allows multiple persons to interact with
The objective of the project is to enhance the             the same display at the same time.
customer’s dining experience and to provide an
enjoyable and user friendly interface thereby                        Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is
reducing human effort and time. The multi-touch            the use of a wireless non-contact system that uses
table constructed is a camera based multi-touch            radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer
device which is designed using front-side                  data from a tag attached to an object, for the
illumination technique. Card associated with a             purposes of automatic identification and tracking. It
RFID tag will be used, priced to a specific amount         has been extensively applied to various fields such
which is issued to the customer at the reception           as product surveillance, supply chain, automobile
desk. Each order table at the restaurant will have         parts tracking and telemedicine. A RFID system is
a multi-touch device along with the RFID reader.           composed of three major components, including
Customer can now interact with the multi-touch             reader, tag and middleware. Unlike traditional bar-
device by showing his RFID card and place an               code system, RFID systems can carry dynamic as
order by selecting from the menu displayed on              well as static data. Some tags require no battery and
the order table. This project proposes the                 are powered and read at short ranges via magnetic
methodology of designing an interactive system             fields (electromagnetic induction). Others use a local
along with applications to verify the effectiveness        power source and emit radio waves (electromagnetic
of the same.                                               radiation at radio frequencies).Tag contains
                                                           electronically stored information which may be read
Keywords - multi-touch, RFID, interactive, front-          from up to several meters away. Unlike a bar code,
side illumination                                          the tag does not need to be within line of sight of the
                                                           reader and may be embedded in the tracked object.
1. INTRODUCTION                                                      The project will consist of a multi-touch
          Multi-touch (or multitouch) denotes a set of     table containing a RFID reader. A card associated
interaction techniques which allow computer users          with a RFID tag will be used. Two computer
to control graphical applications with several fingers.    systems will be required, one to be used as a client
Multi-touch consists of a touch screen (screen, table,     and other one as server. Network connectivity needs
wall, etc.) or touchpad, as well as software that          to be established between the reception desk, multi-
recognizes multiple simultaneous touch points, as          touch table or order table and chef desk. This whole
opposed to the standard touch screen (e.g. computer        setup can be utilised in a hotel/restaurant. A
touchpad, ATM), which recognizes only one touch            customer can buy a card (with the RFID tag) priced
point. This effect is achieved through a variety of        to a specific amount which he thinks is required or
means, including but not limited to: heat, finger          necessary for future transactions. Each table in a
pressure, high capture rate cameras, infrared light,       restaurant will have a multi-touch device along with
optic capture, tuned electromagnetic induction,            the RFID reader . Customer will show the card on
ultrasonic receivers,transducer microphones,laser          this device and his details will be displayed along
rangefinders, and shadow capture. Multi-touch              with the menu card on the table. He can then place
displays are interactive graphics devices that             the order according to the balance left in his card.
combine camera and tactile technologies for direct         This order will be sent to the chef‟s system. A
on-screen manipulation. Multi-touch technology is          database will be needed for this purpose. Using
not entirely new, since the 1970s it has been              queries the chef will be able to identify the table

                                                                                                  497 | P a g e
Rajat Verma, Preksha Gupta, Prof.C.Malathy / International Journal of Engineering Research
                and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                       Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.497-503
from which the request has been made and confirm             in his account. As soon as he places the order, the
the order.                                                   ordered amount will be deducted from customer‟s
                                                             account updating the database and timer will start
2. SYSTEM OVERVIEW                                           showing the estimated time required for the service
          In this section, we will overview the              to be processed. The customer‟s request will be sent
proposed rfid-based multi-touch interactive system           to chef system. After receiving the order, estimated
from two different angles. Figure 1 shows the                time required for processing the request (preparing
structure of the proposed rfid based interactive             the order) will be sent to the customer table by the
display system. One is the hardware configuration            chef.
that contains two main components, RFID reader
and multi-touch table. The rfid reader is user to
identify the user or customer which uses the rfid tag
and the multi-touch table is an interface for user to
operate the proposed interactive display system. The
other part is from software viewpoint where the
client and server are connected in an ad-hoc network
and applications are run on both sides along with the
blob tracker for multi-touch.

                                                             Fig. 2 A flowchart of the proposed interactive RFID-
                                                             based multi-touch device.
Fig. 1 A graphical overview of RFID-based multi-
touch interaction pipeline
                                                             3.     HARDWARE               AND      SOFTWARE
          Figure 2 shows the flowchart of the rfid-          CONFIGURATION
based interactive multi-touch system. The                              This project aims at developing the rfid
receptionist at the reception desk will login into the       based multi-touch interactive system which
system by entering the appropriate username and              combines display technology with sensors which are
password. The customer arriving at the Reception             capable of tracking multiple points of input. The
Desk has two options: New Registration, for a new            idea is that this would allow users to interact with
customer or Recharge for an existing customer.               the computer in a natural way .Using this display
Accordingly details like first name, last name, email        more than one user can interact with the system
id, mobile no, amount and the rfid tag unique                simultaneously.
identification number for the customer will be added         Hardware and software specifications for this project
or updated in the existing database of the hotel. Now        are as follows:-
the customer is ready to place an order at the               Hardware Requirements:-
restaurant. The rfid reader is connected to the system
available at the customer side which is also in             Web Camera of minimum resolution 640 X 480
conjunction with the multi-touch table. At the same         Acrylic sheet or glass( thickness ~6-10 mm)
time connection needs to be established between the         Two computer systems with minimum of 1 GB
customer table and the chef system using                     RAM.
adhoc(computer-to–computer) network by manually             Light source for increasing light intensity when
configuring the IP addresses of both the systems.            ambient light is not sufficient and to overcome
The customer will show his rfid card issued to him           shadow problem.
before at the reception to the rfid reader at the           RFID-Reader module with RS232 output.
restaurant table. As soon as she shows the card, user       RFID tag/cards.
details will be displayed including the amount              USB to serial adapter.
present in his account along with the menu card.            A display projector (if needed).
Now the customer will place the order by selecting
different options available on the menu using the
multi-touch table according to the amount available

                                                                                                   498 | P a g e
Rajat Verma, Preksha Gupta, Prof.C.Malathy / International Journal of Engineering Research
                and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                       Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.497-503
Software Specifications:-                                  user views the scene on the panel and decides to
 Touchlib, free open source multi-touch framework         interact. To interact with the device, the user touches
  libraries like CONFIG.BAT, GATEWAY.BAT                   the device panel. On the hardware level the camera
  AND SERVER.BAT are required for configuring              registers touch. Because the captured frame might
  this multi-touch device.                                 not only include the contact points but also a (static)
 VISUAL BASIC-6.0 and Video Ocx Tools have                background, it is required to perform image
  been used in application development for the             processing on each captured frame. The captured
  multi-touch device.                                      frame is converted to a gray scale image and the
 Hyper terminal to test connection with rfid reader.      static background is removed by subtracting the
 Client and server side applications using VB6.0          current frame with a reference frame. As a result the
  for reception, table and chef desk.                      frame only shows white contours (blobs) which are
 Windows socket programming used for both client          the points of contact. By tracking these blobs the
  and server side applications.                            system becomes capable of sensing touch. In order
                                                           to track the blobs, the positions are transmitted to the
3.1 Design considerations of the rfid-based multi-         blob tracker which matches blobs from earlier
     touch device.                                         frames with the current frame.After processing,
         There are various techniques available for        events will be triggered which can be used in a
the construction of the multi-touch device. But from       multi-touch capable application. The application
the starting of this project, my prime area of             modifies objects in the current scene according to
consideration was the camera based multi-touch             the new blob positions. The result is returned to the
techniques. The camera based multi-touch                   user through the display. The performance of a
techniques have been widely utilized in various            camera based multi-touch device depends on the
multi-touch devices. Microsoft Surface which               used hardware and software. When a user touches a
released previously and created a lot of fuss was          multi-touch device, it expects the device to respond
based on a camera based multi-touch technique              directly. The responsiveness of the device depends
(precisely     saying      rear-side       illumination    on the time it needs to process the user's input and
technique).Front-side illumination technique is            present the users a result through the display. In the
camera based multi-touch technique but because of          interaction pipeline two levels are important, the
its impreciseness and low reliability, its potential has   hardware and the software level. Using a camera
not been fully utilized. In my project I have used         which is capable of 30 frames per second allows
front-side illumination technique only but with            smooth interaction with the system. However, this
certain modifications so as to increase the reliability    requires a system that can handle image processing
and preciseness of the technique. Before designing a       and blob tracking in 1/30 of a second. A
multi-touch device one has to consider various             combination of smart algorithms implemented in
factors such as the environment in which the device        software and fast hardware helps to minimize the
would be used, the target audience, the cost which         latency and increase the responsiveness of the device.
would be involved in the construction of the device,
etc. The following considerations were kept in mind Front-side illumination technique
while making the device: There may be a case when                    A technique for designing a touch interface,
the surrounding light may not seem sufficient. To          based on diffused illumination is known as Front-
tackle that case an array small bulbs are put on the       side Illumination (FI). This technique is based on
boundary of the touch sensitive surface. The cost of       light being diffused. However instead of using
construction of the device needed to be kept low;          infrared light sources, it depends on the ambient
hence I decided not to use the projector. Instead the      light from the environment. With FI the diffuser is
camera inputs are directly supplied to the computer.       attached to the front side of the display. The ambient
                                                           light illuminates the diffuser, which from the
                                                           camera's point of view, results in an evenly colored
                                                           rectangle. By touching the surface, shadows will
                                                           appear underneath the fingertips because the ambient
                                                           light cannot reach it. These points are detected by
                                                           the camera and a touch is registered. Figure 4. shows
                                                           a basic setup for FI. Because the used touch library
                                                           requires touched spots to be colored white, a simple
                                                           invert filter is being applied. FI can be seen as the
Fig. 3 Multi-touch table outside and inside view.          cheapest way of creating a camera based multi-touch
                                                           capable device.
3.1.1 Camera-based multi-touch techniques
        Camera based multi-touch devices share the
same concept of processing and filtering captured
images on patterns. The pipeline begins when the

                                                                                                   499 | P a g e
Rajat Verma, Preksha Gupta, Prof.C.Malathy / International Journal of Engineering Research
                and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                       Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.497-503
                                                         (static) background a highpass filter is applied. This
                                                         filter compares the contrast in the image and only
                                                         allows `high' values to pass through (depending on a
                                                         pre-set value). As a result only the touched spots will
                                                         be visible. Depending on the used diffuser and
                                                         infrared LEDs the result might show weak blobs, in
                                                         this case we can add a scaler filter to amplify the
                                                         brightness of the blobs. Finally, the rectify filter is
                                                         applied resulting in clear blobs ready for tracking. It
                                                         is used to filter out noise and reduce the gray scale
                                                         image to a black and white image only displaying
                                                         the actually touched areas.
                                                         An example of the Touchlib image processing
                                                         results can be found in Figure 5.
Fig. 4 Schematic view of the multi-touch panel using
front side illumination

3.1.2 Choosing an appropriate camera device
         When choosing a camera it is
recommended to find out which sensor is used and
whether the data sheets are available for this sensor.
Whilst high-end consumer USB cameras are capable
of transmitting images of VGA resolution (640X480
pixels) at reasonable frame rates, they often
introduce latency. Because this reduces the
responsiveness of the multi-touch devices, it is
recommended to use a FireWire based camera
instead. Depending on the size of the display and the
projected image it is recommended to use at least a
camera running a VGA resolution because of                  Fig. 5. Example of Touchlib filter chain using
precision. The frame rate should be at least 30          front side illumination
frames per second to allow smooth interaction.
                                                         3.2.2 Blob detection and tracking
3.2 Multi-touch detection and processing.                           In Touchlib the blob tracker handles the
To perform camera based multi-touch detection and        blob detection and tracking. Blob detection is done
processing several frameworks are available. In this     to detect touch in a camera image. In order to follow
paper we describe the used multi-touch framework,        the movement of touch, the blob tracker compares
how a multi-touch framework connects to a multi-         the detected touch locations in a frame with the
touch application and the different types of gestures.   positions of the previous frame. In each time step,
                                                         Touchlib requests a frame from the video camera.
3.2.1 TouchLib                                           After a frame has been processed, the resulting
          Our multi-touch system uses Touchlib           image is used to perform blob tracking. By using the
which is a free open source cross platform multi-        OpenCV function cvFindContours() we obtain a list
touch framework which provides video processing          of contours found in the current frame. All found
and blob tracking for multi-touch devices based on       contours (and their properties) are stored in a
FTIR and DI. Video processing in Touchlib is done        contours list. Each contour is checked on whether it
through the Intel's OpenCV graphics library.             is a fiducial marker or a touch. On each contour
Touchlib currently runs on MS Windows, Linux and         Touchlib tries to fit a polygon which matches the
Mac OS X. When Touchlib is used for the first time       outlines of the contour. If the fitted polygon is build
(in an application) it stores a copy of the current      out of four points (we are talking here of square
frame into the memory. This frame is used as a           fiducial marker) it might be a possible fiducial
reference frame and used to perform background           marker. Next it will check whether the angle of all
subtraction on the next frames. Front-side               the corners matches approximately 90 degrees. If the
illumination requires more video processing filters      result is true, the contour is considered a fiducial and
before blob tracking can be applied. First a capture     the position (center) will be calculated. It will also
filter is selected depending on the used interface       assign a unique tag identifier based on the pattern
(USB or Firewire). If the system uses FI it is           found within the square. If the polygon is more
required to add an invert filter because Touchlib        complex than four points, it is assumed to be a touch.
expects white colored blobs. The next filter is the      Touchlib will fit an ellipse on the contour. The
background subtraction filter. After removing the

                                                                                                500 | P a g e
Rajat Verma, Preksha Gupta, Prof.C.Malathy / International Journal of Engineering Research
                and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                       Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.497-503
properties of the ellipse are used to determine the         implemented in conjunction with the Touchlib
position, orientation and the size of a blob. If the size   software designed for the multi-touch table. The
of the blob fits the minimum and maximum                    three modules for the reception desk, multi-touch
requirements on height and width, the blob will be          table ,chef table are integrated using the algorithms
added to the blob list.                                     specially designed for this purpose and various
          In order to track blobs it is required to have    forms which demonstrate the use of such an
at least two data sets that contain blobs in different      application is shown in the project. Figure 6 shows
states. We first define the two data sets.                  the various modules developed for RFID integrated
The first data set contains the blob list from a            multi-touch device.
previous frame and is defined as follows:
   p1; p2; p3;…………….; pn
where n is the number of active blobs in the previous
frame. The second set contains the blobs list of the
current frame and is defined as follows:
   c1; c2; c3;……………..; cm
where m is the number of active blobs in the current
After each frame, the data from set p is replaced by
set c. Set c will be filled with the new blob list.

3.2.3 Generating events
          In the last part of the blob tracking,            Figure 6(a) Reception desk module.
Touchlib prepares the events to be triggered. First
Touchlib walks through the list of currently active
blobs. If a blob is new in the current frame (it did not
match with a blob in the previous frame) it will
contain an ID with the value -1. In that case a new
ID will be generated and assigned. After the
assignment a “touch event” of the blob will be
dispatched. If a blob in the current frame matches a
blob of the previous frame, it will use the same
identifier of the previous frame. Depending on the
amount of movement an update event will be
dispatched. If the delta of movement is higher than
the set value of distanceThreshold it means the blob
                                                            Figure 6(b) Chef desk module.
„traveled‟ over a larger distance than one would
assume to be correct. In this case instead of an
update event a “touch event” is dispatched instead. If
the delta of movement from the current and the
previous frame is below the value of
minimumDisplacementThreshold, no update event
will occur. After Touchlib processed the list of
currently active blobs, it compares the list with the
blob list of the previous frame. If a blob was active
in the previous frame but has not been found in the
current frame, the blob is marked for deletion and a
“touch up event” will be dispatched.

3.2.3 Programming Language Interfaces
         The client side or reception desk module           Figure 6(c) Order table module.
will consist of programs and algorithms which are
written in accordance with communication                    3.3 RFID Reader/RFID tag
performed over a ad-hoc network. The serial                          An RFID system consists of a tag reader
communication ports will be able to transfer and            (also called the interrogator) and a tag. All
receive the data via the RFID reader and the same           communication between the tag and reader occurs
informed can be sent via the network to the server          completely through a wireless link that is sometimes
side or the chef system using windows socket                called an air interface. Through a sequence of
programming. The coding parts are written in Visual         commands sent and received between both devices
Basic 6.0 which creates several forms or applications       (called the inventory round), an RFID reader can
to be used by the interactive system and are                identify the electronic product code (EPC) of an

                                                                                                  501 | P a g e
Rajat Verma, Preksha Gupta, Prof.C.Malathy / International Journal of Engineering Research
                and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                       Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.497-503
RFID tag. For passive tags, the basic idea is that the     encoding and updates. Passive RFID Tags have no
interrogator initiates an interrogation round with a       internal power supply. An electrical current induced
query command. The query command essentially               in the antenna by the incoming radio frequency
“wakes up” the tag, which responds with the                signal provides just enough power for the integrated
appropriate information. Figure 7 shows a basic            circuit (IC) in the RFID tag to power up and transmit
block diagram of the tag/reader system. Figure 8           a response. RFID tags communicate in various ways
shows the RFID reader with RS 232 port used in the         with the RFID reader. The aerial (antenna) has to be
project.                                                   designed to both collect power from the incoming
                                                           signal and also to transmit the outbound signal. Lack
                                                           of an onboard power supply means that the passive
                                                           RFID tag can be quite small: commercially available
                                                           products exist that can be embedded under the skin.
                                                           In this project I will be using a passive RFID tag.
                                                           These do not require batteries and have an unlimited
                                                           life span. As we have already seen there are two
                                                           important components of a RFID tag – A microchip
                                                           and a coil (antenna). The antenna receives power
   Fig. 7 Block diagram of typical RFID tag/reader
                                                           and RF signals from the RFID reader and sends
                                                           those signals to the chip. The chip receives those
                                                           signals, computes them and sends back the data to
                                                           RFID reader. We can figure out the precise working
                                                           of a RFID tag through this diagram.

  Fig. 8 RFID reader with RS 232 kit.

          Note from Figure 7 that many RFID readers
and measurement systems actually use a three-port
RF component called a circulator that gives both
transmit and receive front ends the ability to use the
same antenna. Note that with many RFID, standards,
timing information between transmit and                      Fig. 6 Working of RFID tag.
receive commands is defined by strict guidelines. In
fact, a sort of “handshaking” is required between the               To recognize the identity of an RFID tag,
tag and reader to complete an interrogation                RFID reader sends radio signals which is captured
round. This actually creates a unique test challenge       by the coil (working as antenna) for the tag. The coil
because the instrumentation must be capable of the         receives these signals as alternating current and
same behaviour. On an interrogator, an embedded            passes to the chip. The chip extracts both the power
processor is required to decode and generate               and the information from this alternating current. By
commands within a tight timing interval. As                communicating with the non volatile memory of the
discussed in a later section, this design is quite         chip that stores unique id as well as other
similar to field-programmable gate array (FPGA)-           information, it sends back the required signal to the
enabled RFID measurement systems, which use                antenna which is then transmitted to the RFID reader.
similar embedded processing to fully emulate either        There are three main roles a RFID reader plays other
a tag or a reader. RFID tags come in many shapes           than signalling RFID tag to transmit desired
and sizes each suited to a specific application, but all   information back to the RFID reader. Firstly, a
RFID tags can be generally grouped into two main           RFID reader has the responsibility of keeping RFID
categories, regardless if they are encased, a sticky       tags powered up.        Secondly, a RFID reader
label or just a solid button like tag .RFID tags are       demodulates incoming signals from the RFID tag
either “passive” (no battery) or “active” (self-           down. This process slows the incoming signals
powered by a battery). RFID tags also can be read-         down enough so that the RFID reader is able to
only (stored data can be read but not changed),            process the signals. Finally, after the incoming
read/write (stored data can be altered or rewritten),      signals are slowed down, RFID then has the
or a combination, in which some data is permanently        responsibility of decoding the incoming signals into
stored while other memory is left accessible for later     the words people can interpret

                                                                                                 502 | P a g e
Rajat Verma, Preksha Gupta, Prof.C.Malathy / International Journal of Engineering Research
                and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622
                       Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.497-503
4. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK                     [6]
          A novel interactive system that integrates      [7]    Experiences with interactive multi-touch
RFID and multi-touch technologies is proposed in                 tables : Wim Fikkert, Michiel Hakvoort,
this paper. Customers can now have a whole new                   Paul Van Der Vet
experience by using the touch interface for ordering      [8]
their food at restaurants and paying via the RFID                y-Article.asp?ArtNum=4 for RFID working.
card issued to them. With the construction of our         [9]
own camera based multi-touch table we have                       w-rfid-tag-works?page=5 Rfid tags.
demonstrated that multi-touch technology has              [10]   Hyperterminal
become affordable. The precision, reliability and      
responsiveness of a multi-touch table depends on the             al.shtml
used hardware. Because of the use of a camera based       [11]   Configuration
multi-touch technology, ambient light has a large      
influence in the tracking performance. Compared to               perterminal.html
desktop applications, users were able to manipulate       [12]
objects in a natural way of touch. Instead of                    Reader-Kit-Rs232-Interface.html        RFID
correcting the entire camera image, it is also possible          reader kit with RS 232 interface
to apply position correction on the output of the blob
tracker. Currently image processing is done on the
CPU. In order to reduce the load on the CPU it is
possible to use graphics processing units (GPU) for
image processing. The current blob tracker used in
Touchlib is not scalable. Depending on the used
hardware, Touchlib will fail to track fifty or more
blobs in real-time. A smarter algorithm would not
only take the distance into account but also the
region and direction of a blob. It would also be
interesting to use the GPU for blob tracking. Based
on our own experiences the touch surface should be
improved. The friction with the acrylic makes it hard
to use the system for a longer period of time.

          This research project would not have been
possible without the support of many people. The
author wishes to express his gratitude to his
supervisor, Prof.C.Malathy of Computer Science and
Engineering Department who was abundantly
helpful and offered invaluable assistance, support
and guidance. The author wishes to express his love
and gratitude to his beloved families for their
understanding & endless love, through the duration
of his studies.

  [1]    Han, J.: Low-cost multi-touch sensing
         through frustrated total internal reflection.
         In: UIST ‟05: Proceedings of the 18th
         annual ACM symposium on User interface
         software and technology, New York, ACM
         Press (2005) 115–118.
  [2]    RFID :A Technical Overview and its
         application to the enterprise by Ron
  [3]    Jefferson Y.Han Multi-touch Interaction
         wall In Siggraph ‟06:ACM Siggraph 2006
         Emerging technologies.
  [4]    Jazz Mutant .Lemur Input Device.2006
  [5]    Didier Brun .Mouse Gesture Recognition
         2007 URL

                                                                                             503 | P a g e

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  • 1. Rajat Verma, Preksha Gupta, Prof.C.Malathy / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.497-503 Multi-Touch Table With Rfid Technology For Hotels Rajat Verma#1, Preksha Gupta#2, Prof.C.Malathy#3 # Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SRM University, Kattankulathur Chennai, India ABSTRACT With the introduction of multi-touch, a available in different forms. Due to the improvement new form of human computer interaction is of processing power of modern desktop computers, introduced. Due to recent innovations multi- it no longer requires expensive equipment. Modern touch technology has become affordable. Unlike computer interaction consists of a monitor, keyboard interaction on a desktop computer multi-touch and a mouse. Limited by the operating system, it allows multiple users to interact with the same allows us only to control a single pointer on the device at the same time. To demonstrate the vast screen. With multi-touch, multiple input pointers are possibilities of multi-touch technologies an introduced to the system which all can be controlled ‘interactive RFID-based Multi-touch Device’ can independently. Depending on the size of the display be constructed which can be utilised in a hotel. multi-touch allows multiple persons to interact with The objective of the project is to enhance the the same display at the same time. customer’s dining experience and to provide an enjoyable and user friendly interface thereby Radio-frequency identification (RFID) is reducing human effort and time. The multi-touch the use of a wireless non-contact system that uses table constructed is a camera based multi-touch radio-frequency electromagnetic fields to transfer device which is designed using front-side data from a tag attached to an object, for the illumination technique. Card associated with a purposes of automatic identification and tracking. It RFID tag will be used, priced to a specific amount has been extensively applied to various fields such which is issued to the customer at the reception as product surveillance, supply chain, automobile desk. Each order table at the restaurant will have parts tracking and telemedicine. A RFID system is a multi-touch device along with the RFID reader. composed of three major components, including Customer can now interact with the multi-touch reader, tag and middleware. Unlike traditional bar- device by showing his RFID card and place an code system, RFID systems can carry dynamic as order by selecting from the menu displayed on well as static data. Some tags require no battery and the order table. This project proposes the are powered and read at short ranges via magnetic methodology of designing an interactive system fields (electromagnetic induction). Others use a local along with applications to verify the effectiveness power source and emit radio waves (electromagnetic of the same. radiation at radio frequencies).Tag contains electronically stored information which may be read Keywords - multi-touch, RFID, interactive, front- from up to several meters away. Unlike a bar code, side illumination the tag does not need to be within line of sight of the reader and may be embedded in the tracked object. 1. INTRODUCTION The project will consist of a multi-touch Multi-touch (or multitouch) denotes a set of table containing a RFID reader. A card associated interaction techniques which allow computer users with a RFID tag will be used. Two computer to control graphical applications with several fingers. systems will be required, one to be used as a client Multi-touch consists of a touch screen (screen, table, and other one as server. Network connectivity needs wall, etc.) or touchpad, as well as software that to be established between the reception desk, multi- recognizes multiple simultaneous touch points, as touch table or order table and chef desk. This whole opposed to the standard touch screen (e.g. computer setup can be utilised in a hotel/restaurant. A touchpad, ATM), which recognizes only one touch customer can buy a card (with the RFID tag) priced point. This effect is achieved through a variety of to a specific amount which he thinks is required or means, including but not limited to: heat, finger necessary for future transactions. Each table in a pressure, high capture rate cameras, infrared light, restaurant will have a multi-touch device along with optic capture, tuned electromagnetic induction, the RFID reader . Customer will show the card on ultrasonic receivers,transducer microphones,laser this device and his details will be displayed along rangefinders, and shadow capture. Multi-touch with the menu card on the table. He can then place displays are interactive graphics devices that the order according to the balance left in his card. combine camera and tactile technologies for direct This order will be sent to the chef‟s system. A on-screen manipulation. Multi-touch technology is database will be needed for this purpose. Using not entirely new, since the 1970s it has been queries the chef will be able to identify the table 497 | P a g e
  • 2. Rajat Verma, Preksha Gupta, Prof.C.Malathy / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.497-503 from which the request has been made and confirm in his account. As soon as he places the order, the the order. ordered amount will be deducted from customer‟s account updating the database and timer will start 2. SYSTEM OVERVIEW showing the estimated time required for the service In this section, we will overview the to be processed. The customer‟s request will be sent proposed rfid-based multi-touch interactive system to chef system. After receiving the order, estimated from two different angles. Figure 1 shows the time required for processing the request (preparing structure of the proposed rfid based interactive the order) will be sent to the customer table by the display system. One is the hardware configuration chef. that contains two main components, RFID reader and multi-touch table. The rfid reader is user to identify the user or customer which uses the rfid tag and the multi-touch table is an interface for user to operate the proposed interactive display system. The other part is from software viewpoint where the client and server are connected in an ad-hoc network and applications are run on both sides along with the blob tracker for multi-touch. Fig. 2 A flowchart of the proposed interactive RFID- based multi-touch device. Fig. 1 A graphical overview of RFID-based multi- touch interaction pipeline 3. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE Figure 2 shows the flowchart of the rfid- CONFIGURATION based interactive multi-touch system. The This project aims at developing the rfid receptionist at the reception desk will login into the based multi-touch interactive system which system by entering the appropriate username and combines display technology with sensors which are password. The customer arriving at the Reception capable of tracking multiple points of input. The Desk has two options: New Registration, for a new idea is that this would allow users to interact with customer or Recharge for an existing customer. the computer in a natural way .Using this display Accordingly details like first name, last name, email more than one user can interact with the system id, mobile no, amount and the rfid tag unique simultaneously. identification number for the customer will be added Hardware and software specifications for this project or updated in the existing database of the hotel. Now are as follows:- the customer is ready to place an order at the Hardware Requirements:- restaurant. The rfid reader is connected to the system available at the customer side which is also in  Web Camera of minimum resolution 640 X 480 conjunction with the multi-touch table. At the same  Acrylic sheet or glass( thickness ~6-10 mm) time connection needs to be established between the  Two computer systems with minimum of 1 GB customer table and the chef system using RAM. adhoc(computer-to–computer) network by manually  Light source for increasing light intensity when configuring the IP addresses of both the systems. ambient light is not sufficient and to overcome The customer will show his rfid card issued to him shadow problem. before at the reception to the rfid reader at the  RFID-Reader module with RS232 output. restaurant table. As soon as she shows the card, user  RFID tag/cards. details will be displayed including the amount  USB to serial adapter. present in his account along with the menu card.  A display projector (if needed). Now the customer will place the order by selecting different options available on the menu using the multi-touch table according to the amount available 498 | P a g e
  • 3. Rajat Verma, Preksha Gupta, Prof.C.Malathy / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.497-503 Software Specifications:- user views the scene on the panel and decides to  Touchlib, free open source multi-touch framework interact. To interact with the device, the user touches libraries like CONFIG.BAT, GATEWAY.BAT the device panel. On the hardware level the camera AND SERVER.BAT are required for configuring registers touch. Because the captured frame might this multi-touch device. not only include the contact points but also a (static)  VISUAL BASIC-6.0 and Video Ocx Tools have background, it is required to perform image been used in application development for the processing on each captured frame. The captured multi-touch device. frame is converted to a gray scale image and the  Hyper terminal to test connection with rfid reader. static background is removed by subtracting the  Client and server side applications using VB6.0 current frame with a reference frame. As a result the for reception, table and chef desk. frame only shows white contours (blobs) which are  Windows socket programming used for both client the points of contact. By tracking these blobs the and server side applications. system becomes capable of sensing touch. In order to track the blobs, the positions are transmitted to the 3.1 Design considerations of the rfid-based multi- blob tracker which matches blobs from earlier touch device. frames with the current frame.After processing, There are various techniques available for events will be triggered which can be used in a the construction of the multi-touch device. But from multi-touch capable application. The application the starting of this project, my prime area of modifies objects in the current scene according to consideration was the camera based multi-touch the new blob positions. The result is returned to the techniques. The camera based multi-touch user through the display. The performance of a techniques have been widely utilized in various camera based multi-touch device depends on the multi-touch devices. Microsoft Surface which used hardware and software. When a user touches a released previously and created a lot of fuss was multi-touch device, it expects the device to respond based on a camera based multi-touch technique directly. The responsiveness of the device depends (precisely saying rear-side illumination on the time it needs to process the user's input and technique).Front-side illumination technique is present the users a result through the display. In the camera based multi-touch technique but because of interaction pipeline two levels are important, the its impreciseness and low reliability, its potential has hardware and the software level. Using a camera not been fully utilized. In my project I have used which is capable of 30 frames per second allows front-side illumination technique only but with smooth interaction with the system. However, this certain modifications so as to increase the reliability requires a system that can handle image processing and preciseness of the technique. Before designing a and blob tracking in 1/30 of a second. A multi-touch device one has to consider various combination of smart algorithms implemented in factors such as the environment in which the device software and fast hardware helps to minimize the would be used, the target audience, the cost which latency and increase the responsiveness of the device. would be involved in the construction of the device, etc. The following considerations were kept in mind Front-side illumination technique while making the device: There may be a case when A technique for designing a touch interface, the surrounding light may not seem sufficient. To based on diffused illumination is known as Front- tackle that case an array small bulbs are put on the side Illumination (FI). This technique is based on boundary of the touch sensitive surface. The cost of light being diffused. However instead of using construction of the device needed to be kept low; infrared light sources, it depends on the ambient hence I decided not to use the projector. Instead the light from the environment. With FI the diffuser is camera inputs are directly supplied to the computer. attached to the front side of the display. The ambient light illuminates the diffuser, which from the camera's point of view, results in an evenly colored rectangle. By touching the surface, shadows will appear underneath the fingertips because the ambient light cannot reach it. These points are detected by the camera and a touch is registered. Figure 4. shows a basic setup for FI. Because the used touch library requires touched spots to be colored white, a simple invert filter is being applied. FI can be seen as the Fig. 3 Multi-touch table outside and inside view. cheapest way of creating a camera based multi-touch capable device. 3.1.1 Camera-based multi-touch techniques Camera based multi-touch devices share the same concept of processing and filtering captured images on patterns. The pipeline begins when the 499 | P a g e
  • 4. Rajat Verma, Preksha Gupta, Prof.C.Malathy / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.497-503 (static) background a highpass filter is applied. This filter compares the contrast in the image and only allows `high' values to pass through (depending on a pre-set value). As a result only the touched spots will be visible. Depending on the used diffuser and infrared LEDs the result might show weak blobs, in this case we can add a scaler filter to amplify the brightness of the blobs. Finally, the rectify filter is applied resulting in clear blobs ready for tracking. It is used to filter out noise and reduce the gray scale image to a black and white image only displaying the actually touched areas. An example of the Touchlib image processing results can be found in Figure 5. Fig. 4 Schematic view of the multi-touch panel using front side illumination 3.1.2 Choosing an appropriate camera device When choosing a camera it is recommended to find out which sensor is used and whether the data sheets are available for this sensor. Whilst high-end consumer USB cameras are capable of transmitting images of VGA resolution (640X480 pixels) at reasonable frame rates, they often introduce latency. Because this reduces the responsiveness of the multi-touch devices, it is recommended to use a FireWire based camera instead. Depending on the size of the display and the projected image it is recommended to use at least a camera running a VGA resolution because of Fig. 5. Example of Touchlib filter chain using precision. The frame rate should be at least 30 front side illumination frames per second to allow smooth interaction. 3.2.2 Blob detection and tracking 3.2 Multi-touch detection and processing. In Touchlib the blob tracker handles the To perform camera based multi-touch detection and blob detection and tracking. Blob detection is done processing several frameworks are available. In this to detect touch in a camera image. In order to follow paper we describe the used multi-touch framework, the movement of touch, the blob tracker compares how a multi-touch framework connects to a multi- the detected touch locations in a frame with the touch application and the different types of gestures. positions of the previous frame. In each time step, Touchlib requests a frame from the video camera. 3.2.1 TouchLib After a frame has been processed, the resulting Our multi-touch system uses Touchlib image is used to perform blob tracking. By using the which is a free open source cross platform multi- OpenCV function cvFindContours() we obtain a list touch framework which provides video processing of contours found in the current frame. All found and blob tracking for multi-touch devices based on contours (and their properties) are stored in a FTIR and DI. Video processing in Touchlib is done contours list. Each contour is checked on whether it through the Intel's OpenCV graphics library. is a fiducial marker or a touch. On each contour Touchlib currently runs on MS Windows, Linux and Touchlib tries to fit a polygon which matches the Mac OS X. When Touchlib is used for the first time outlines of the contour. If the fitted polygon is build (in an application) it stores a copy of the current out of four points (we are talking here of square frame into the memory. This frame is used as a fiducial marker) it might be a possible fiducial reference frame and used to perform background marker. Next it will check whether the angle of all subtraction on the next frames. Front-side the corners matches approximately 90 degrees. If the illumination requires more video processing filters result is true, the contour is considered a fiducial and before blob tracking can be applied. First a capture the position (center) will be calculated. It will also filter is selected depending on the used interface assign a unique tag identifier based on the pattern (USB or Firewire). If the system uses FI it is found within the square. If the polygon is more required to add an invert filter because Touchlib complex than four points, it is assumed to be a touch. expects white colored blobs. The next filter is the Touchlib will fit an ellipse on the contour. The background subtraction filter. After removing the 500 | P a g e
  • 5. Rajat Verma, Preksha Gupta, Prof.C.Malathy / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.497-503 properties of the ellipse are used to determine the implemented in conjunction with the Touchlib position, orientation and the size of a blob. If the size software designed for the multi-touch table. The of the blob fits the minimum and maximum three modules for the reception desk, multi-touch requirements on height and width, the blob will be table ,chef table are integrated using the algorithms added to the blob list. specially designed for this purpose and various In order to track blobs it is required to have forms which demonstrate the use of such an at least two data sets that contain blobs in different application is shown in the project. Figure 6 shows states. We first define the two data sets. the various modules developed for RFID integrated The first data set contains the blob list from a multi-touch device. previous frame and is defined as follows: p1; p2; p3;…………….; pn where n is the number of active blobs in the previous frame. The second set contains the blobs list of the current frame and is defined as follows: c1; c2; c3;……………..; cm where m is the number of active blobs in the current frame. After each frame, the data from set p is replaced by set c. Set c will be filled with the new blob list. 3.2.3 Generating events In the last part of the blob tracking, Figure 6(a) Reception desk module. Touchlib prepares the events to be triggered. First Touchlib walks through the list of currently active blobs. If a blob is new in the current frame (it did not match with a blob in the previous frame) it will contain an ID with the value -1. In that case a new ID will be generated and assigned. After the assignment a “touch event” of the blob will be dispatched. If a blob in the current frame matches a blob of the previous frame, it will use the same identifier of the previous frame. Depending on the amount of movement an update event will be dispatched. If the delta of movement is higher than the set value of distanceThreshold it means the blob Figure 6(b) Chef desk module. „traveled‟ over a larger distance than one would assume to be correct. In this case instead of an update event a “touch event” is dispatched instead. If the delta of movement from the current and the previous frame is below the value of minimumDisplacementThreshold, no update event will occur. After Touchlib processed the list of currently active blobs, it compares the list with the blob list of the previous frame. If a blob was active in the previous frame but has not been found in the current frame, the blob is marked for deletion and a “touch up event” will be dispatched. 3.2.3 Programming Language Interfaces The client side or reception desk module Figure 6(c) Order table module. will consist of programs and algorithms which are written in accordance with communication 3.3 RFID Reader/RFID tag performed over a ad-hoc network. The serial An RFID system consists of a tag reader communication ports will be able to transfer and (also called the interrogator) and a tag. All receive the data via the RFID reader and the same communication between the tag and reader occurs informed can be sent via the network to the server completely through a wireless link that is sometimes side or the chef system using windows socket called an air interface. Through a sequence of programming. The coding parts are written in Visual commands sent and received between both devices Basic 6.0 which creates several forms or applications (called the inventory round), an RFID reader can to be used by the interactive system and are identify the electronic product code (EPC) of an 501 | P a g e
  • 6. Rajat Verma, Preksha Gupta, Prof.C.Malathy / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.497-503 RFID tag. For passive tags, the basic idea is that the encoding and updates. Passive RFID Tags have no interrogator initiates an interrogation round with a internal power supply. An electrical current induced query command. The query command essentially in the antenna by the incoming radio frequency “wakes up” the tag, which responds with the signal provides just enough power for the integrated appropriate information. Figure 7 shows a basic circuit (IC) in the RFID tag to power up and transmit block diagram of the tag/reader system. Figure 8 a response. RFID tags communicate in various ways shows the RFID reader with RS 232 port used in the with the RFID reader. The aerial (antenna) has to be project. designed to both collect power from the incoming signal and also to transmit the outbound signal. Lack of an onboard power supply means that the passive RFID tag can be quite small: commercially available products exist that can be embedded under the skin. In this project I will be using a passive RFID tag. These do not require batteries and have an unlimited life span. As we have already seen there are two important components of a RFID tag – A microchip and a coil (antenna). The antenna receives power Fig. 7 Block diagram of typical RFID tag/reader and RF signals from the RFID reader and sends system those signals to the chip. The chip receives those signals, computes them and sends back the data to RFID reader. We can figure out the precise working of a RFID tag through this diagram. Fig. 8 RFID reader with RS 232 kit. Note from Figure 7 that many RFID readers and measurement systems actually use a three-port RF component called a circulator that gives both transmit and receive front ends the ability to use the same antenna. Note that with many RFID, standards, timing information between transmit and Fig. 6 Working of RFID tag. receive commands is defined by strict guidelines. In fact, a sort of “handshaking” is required between the To recognize the identity of an RFID tag, tag and reader to complete an interrogation RFID reader sends radio signals which is captured round. This actually creates a unique test challenge by the coil (working as antenna) for the tag. The coil because the instrumentation must be capable of the receives these signals as alternating current and same behaviour. On an interrogator, an embedded passes to the chip. The chip extracts both the power processor is required to decode and generate and the information from this alternating current. By commands within a tight timing interval. As communicating with the non volatile memory of the discussed in a later section, this design is quite chip that stores unique id as well as other similar to field-programmable gate array (FPGA)- information, it sends back the required signal to the enabled RFID measurement systems, which use antenna which is then transmitted to the RFID reader. similar embedded processing to fully emulate either There are three main roles a RFID reader plays other a tag or a reader. RFID tags come in many shapes than signalling RFID tag to transmit desired and sizes each suited to a specific application, but all information back to the RFID reader. Firstly, a RFID tags can be generally grouped into two main RFID reader has the responsibility of keeping RFID categories, regardless if they are encased, a sticky tags powered up. Secondly, a RFID reader label or just a solid button like tag .RFID tags are demodulates incoming signals from the RFID tag either “passive” (no battery) or “active” (self- down. This process slows the incoming signals powered by a battery). RFID tags also can be read- down enough so that the RFID reader is able to only (stored data can be read but not changed), process the signals. Finally, after the incoming read/write (stored data can be altered or rewritten), signals are slowed down, RFID then has the or a combination, in which some data is permanently responsibility of decoding the incoming signals into stored while other memory is left accessible for later the words people can interpret 502 | P a g e
  • 7. Rajat Verma, Preksha Gupta, Prof.C.Malathy / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 3, Issue 2, March -April 2013, pp.497-503 4. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE WORK [6] A novel interactive system that integrates [7] Experiences with interactive multi-touch RFID and multi-touch technologies is proposed in tables : Wim Fikkert, Michiel Hakvoort, this paper. Customers can now have a whole new Paul Van Der Vet experience by using the touch interface for ordering [8] their food at restaurants and paying via the RFID y-Article.asp?ArtNum=4 for RFID working. card issued to them. With the construction of our [9] own camera based multi-touch table we have w-rfid-tag-works?page=5 Rfid tags. demonstrated that multi-touch technology has [10] Hyperterminal become affordable. The precision, reliability and responsiveness of a multi-touch table depends on the al.shtml used hardware. Because of the use of a camera based [11] Configuration multi-touch technology, ambient light has a large influence in the tracking performance. Compared to perterminal.html desktop applications, users were able to manipulate [12] objects in a natural way of touch. Instead of Reader-Kit-Rs232-Interface.html RFID correcting the entire camera image, it is also possible reader kit with RS 232 interface to apply position correction on the output of the blob tracker. Currently image processing is done on the CPU. In order to reduce the load on the CPU it is possible to use graphics processing units (GPU) for image processing. The current blob tracker used in Touchlib is not scalable. Depending on the used hardware, Touchlib will fail to track fifty or more blobs in real-time. A smarter algorithm would not only take the distance into account but also the region and direction of a blob. It would also be interesting to use the GPU for blob tracking. Based on our own experiences the touch surface should be improved. The friction with the acrylic makes it hard to use the system for a longer period of time. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This research project would not have been possible without the support of many people. The author wishes to express his gratitude to his supervisor, Prof.C.Malathy of Computer Science and Engineering Department who was abundantly helpful and offered invaluable assistance, support and guidance. The author wishes to express his love and gratitude to his beloved families for their understanding & endless love, through the duration of his studies. REFERENCES [1] Han, J.: Low-cost multi-touch sensing through frustrated total internal reflection. In: UIST ‟05: Proceedings of the 18th annual ACM symposium on User interface software and technology, New York, ACM Press (2005) 115–118. [2] RFID :A Technical Overview and its application to the enterprise by Ron Weinstein. [3] Jefferson Y.Han Multi-touch Interaction wall In Siggraph ‟06:ACM Siggraph 2006 Emerging technologies. [4] Jazz Mutant .Lemur Input Device.2006 [5] Didier Brun .Mouse Gesture Recognition 2007 URL 503 | P a g e