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• Introduction
• Important minerals
• Calcium & phosphorous metabolism
• Hormones involved in calcium and phosphate homeostasis
• Diseases
• Summary
• Conclusion
• References
Healthy Diet- Healthy Life
Major Elements
Trace Elements
Calcium and phosphorous individually have their
own functions and together they are required for
the formation of hydroxyapatite and physical
strength of the skeletal tissue.
 Most common metal in many animals and in the human body.
 Ancient Romans prepared lime- calcium oxide. 975 AD -plaster
of Paris (calcium sulfate)was used for setting broken bones.
 Sir Humphry Davy Isolated calcium(1808)
Phosphorus –
Due to its use in explosives, poisons -"the Devil's element".
In human body Phosphorus is present as phosphates (compounds
containing the phosphate ion, PO4
 The first form of elemental phosphorus to be produced (white
phosphorus, in 1669) by Greek .
Hennig Brand(1669) discovered.
 Affects nerve and muscle physiology
 Intracellular signal transduction pathways.
 Co-factor in blood clotting cascade.
 Constituent of bone and teeth.
 Major structural element in the vertebrate skeleton (bones and teeth) in the form of
calcium phosphate (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 known as hydroxyapatatite
 Maintain all cells and connective tissues in the body.
 Essential component in production of enzymes and hormones that regulate
Stimulation of muscle
action potential is
Contraction of muscle
Role of phosphate
 Key constituent of bone and teeth.
 Component of intra cellular buffering. Forms energy rich bonds in ATP.
 Forms co-enzymes.
 Regulates blood and urinary pH.
 Forms organic molecules like DNA & RNA
 Cellular energy metabolism.
 Constituent of macro molecules like nucleic acids, phospholipids and
(1.5% of the body weight)
Total calcium Total phosphorus
Normal plasma levels
Normal plasma levels
Ionized Unionized
( 5 mg/dl) (4mg/dl)
organic Inorganic
(0.5-1mg/dl) (Adults:3-4mg/dl)
Lactating mother
Pregnancy, lactation &
 Infants
FAO/WHO Expert Group. 1962. Calcium Requirements. Rome, FAO
Calcium : Phosphate ratio normally is 2:1
Increase in plasma calcium levels causes corresponding
decrease in absorption of phosphate.
This ratio is always constant.
Calcium is present in variable amounts in all the foods
and water we consume, although the main sources
are dairy products and vegetables.
Milk-good sources of calcium
Calcium content of cow’s milk- 100mg/ml
Best source
Hard cheese
Dark green leafy vegetables
Good source
Baked beans
Dried legumes
Dried figs
Fair source
String beans
Average adult-800 mg/ day
Infants: <1yr- 360-540mg
1-10yr- 800mg
11-18yr- 1200mg
During pregnancy & lactation-1200mg/ day
osteoporosis-Women> men
Post menopause women start to lose more bone
Pregnant and breast feeding women must intake
adequate amount as the baby relies on only her
mother to get his supply of calcium.
A child with early childhood caries, in whom diet
management has to be considered. Milk with sugar
can be replaced (with flavoured lassi or a custard
pudding or kheer) rather than total stoppage of milk.
Rich source
Moderate sources
During pregnancy & lactation-1200mg/ day
Absorption of Calcium
Absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract in to blood
Two mechanisms have been proposed for the absorption
of calcium
→ Active absorption(Proximal portion of the duodenum
→ Passive absorption(In the remainder of the small intestine)
 50-70%- absorbed
 Small intestine- soluble inorganic phosphate
 Excess calcium, iron or aluminum- interferes absorption
Factors are classified into
1. Those acting on the mucosal cells
2. Those affecting the availability of
calcium and phosphates in the gut.
Amount of dietary calcium and
Rottenson -1938-amount of calcium stored in body is directly
proportional to amount of calcium absorbed in body
• Increased level of calcium and phosphate in diet increases their
absorption however up to a certain limit.
• This is because the active process of their absorption can bear
with certain amounts of load beyond which the excess would
pass out into faeces
• During later stages of pregnancy, greater amount
of calcium absorption is seen.
• 50% of this calcium is used for the development of
fetal skeleton and the rest is stored in the bones to
act as a reserve for lactation.
• This is due to the increased level of placental
lactogen and estrogen which stimulates
increased hydroxylation of vitamin D.
• In growth there is a increased level of growth hormone.
GH acts by increasing calcium absorption. It also
increases the renal excretion of calcium and
Pregnancy and growth:
The rise in maternal obesity highlights that maternal and newborn
vitamin D deficiency will continue to be a serious public health
problem until steps are taken to identify and treat low 25(OH)D.
Bodnar LM, Catov JM, Roberts JM, Simhan HN. Prepregnancy obesity predicts
poor vitamin D status in mothers and their neonates. The Journal of nutrition.
2007 Nov 1;137(11):2437-42.
Three hormones regulate calcium and
phosphate metabolism.
 Vitamin D
 Calcitonin
Vitamin D
Cholecalciferol / D3
Ergocalciferol / D2
Can be called as hormone as it is produced in the skin
when exposed to sunlight.
Vitamin D has very little intrinsic biological activity.
Vitamin D itself is not a active substance, instead it must
be first converted through a succession of reaction in
the liver and the kidneys to the final active product 1, 25
di hydroxycholecalciferol,
VITAMIN-D(sun-shine vitamin)
Studies conducted by Cheng et al,2003 and Strushkevich et al in
2008 suggested that Vitamin D is converted in the liver to
25(OH)D, a process carried out by CYP2R1.
The crystal structure of CYP2R1 has been determined with vitamin
D in the active site, and the enzyme has been shown to
metabolize both vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 equally efficiently.
Action on bone:
In the osteoblasts of bone calcitriol stimulates ca
uptake for deposition as capo4
Action on kidney:
It is involved in minimizing the excretion of ca&p
through kidney by decreasing their excretion and
enhancing reabsorption
Dietary sources
 Cod liver oil
 Fish- Salmon
 Egg, liver
Mean action of vitamin D is to increase the plasma level of
Increases intestinal Ca&P absorption.
Increases renal reabsorption of Calcium and
Daily requirement
1)Children:10 mug/d(400iu)
3)Pregnancy and lacation:10mug/d
The new 2010 recommended daily allowance (RDA)
Parathyroid Hormone
Secreted by parathyroid gland
Glands are four in number
Present posterior to the thyroid gland
Formed from third and fourth branchial pouches
Combined weight of 130mg with each gland weighing between 30-
Histologically – two types of cells
Chief cells (forming PTH)
Oxyphilic cells (replaces the chief cells
stores hormone)
• Parathyroid hormone is one of the main hormones
controlling Ca+2
• It mainly acts by controlling the formation of 1,25 DHCC,
which is active form of Vit. D, which is responsible for,
increased Ca+2
Parathyroid Hormone
 Single chain polypeptide
 Molecular weight 9000
 Consist of 84 amino acids
 Plasma half life – 20-30 minutes
 Plasma concentration – 10-50ug/ml
 Measured by immunoassay .
Actions of PTH
 The main function is to increase the level of Ca in
plasma within the critical range of 9 to11 mg.
 Parathormone inhibits renal phosphate reabsorption in
the proximal tubule and therefore increases phosphate
 Parathormone increases renal Calcium reabsorption in
the distal tubule, which also increases the serum calcium.
 Net effect of PTH  ↑ serum calcium
↓ serum phosphate
Stimulation for PTH secretion
 The stimulatory effect for PTH secretion is low level
of calcium in plasma.
 Maximum secretion occurs when plasma calcium
level falls below 7mg/dl.
 When plasma calcium level increases to 11mg/dl
there is decreased secretion of PTH
 Minor regulator of calcium & phosphate
 Secreted by parafollicular cells or C-cells of
thyroid gland.
 Also called as thyrocalcitonin.
 Single chain polypeptide
 Molecular weight 3400
 Plasma concentration – 10-20ug/ml
Action of Calcitonin
Net effect of calcitonin  decreases Serum Ca
Target site
Bone (osteoclasts)
 Calcitonin is a Physiological Antagonist to PTH with respect to
 With respect to Phosphate it has the same effect as PTH i.e. ↓
Plasma Phosphate level
Increases the intestinal absorption of calcium and
increases its excretion from urine
Stimulates production of insulin like growth factor in
bone which stimulates protein synthesis in bone
 Testosterone causes differential growth of cartilage
resulting to differential bone development
 Acts on cartilage & increase the bone growth.
It is an anabolic hormone which favors bone formation
Thyroid Hormone
 In infants  stimulation of bone growth
 In adults
increased bone metabolism  increased calcium
Anti vitamin D action, decrease absorption of calcium in
Inhibit protein synthesis and so decrease bone formation
Inhibit new osteoclast formation & decrease the activity of
old osteoclasts.
Factors affecting availability of Calcium and
Phosphates in gut.
pH of the intestine
Amount of dietary calcium and phosphates
Phytic acid and Phytates
Proteins and amino acids
Bile salts
pH of intestine:
• Acidic pH in the upper intestine (deodenum) increases
calcium absorption by keeping calcium salts in a soluble
• In lower intestine since pH is more alkaline, calcium salts
undergoes precipitation
Phytic acid and phytates:
• present in oatmeal, meat and cereals and are considered anti-
calcifying factors as they combine with calcium in the diet thus
forming insoluble salts of calcium
• present in spinach and rhubarb leaves. They form oxalate
precipitates with calcium present in the diet thus decreasing their
• combines with calcium and form insoluble calcium ,
thus decreasing calcium absorption.
Xiao et al(2010) have demonstrated that a duodenal
oxidation state induced by a high fat diet could significantly
down regulate the expression of CB9k, PMCA1b, and NCX,
as well as inhibiting intestinal calcium absorption.
They demonstrated that type diabetes mellitus transientlyⅠ
inhibits intestinal Ca2+ absorption.
Bile salts:
• increases calcium absorption by promoting metabolism
of lipids.
Protein and aminoacids:
• increases calcium absorption as protein forms soluble
complexes with calcium and keeps calcium in a form
that is easily absorbable.
• lactose promotes calcium absorption by creating the
acidity in the gut as they favours the growth of acid
producing bacteria.
Concept of Calcium Balance
Defined as the net gain or loss of calcium by the body
over a specified period of time
Calculated by deducting calcium in faeces and urine
from the calcium taken in diet.
Positive calcium balance in growing children
Negative calcium balance in aging adults.
Excretion of Calcium and
 Calcium is excreted in the urine, bile, and digestive
 The renal threshold for serum ca is 10 mg/dl.
 70-90% of the calcium eliminated from the
body is excreted in the feces.
 The daily loss of calcium in sweat is about 15 mg.
While passing through the kidney, large quantity of
calcium is filtered in the glomerulus. From the
filtrate, 98 to 99% of calcium is reabsorbed in the
renal tubules in to blood and only small quantity is
excreted through urine.
Daily turnover rates of Ca in an adult are as
Intake 1000mg.
Intestinal absorption 350mg
Secretion in GI juice 250mg
Net absorption over secretion 100mg
Loss in the faeces 200mg
Excretion in the urine 80-100mg
Phosphorous Excretion
Phosphorous is excreted primarily through the urine.
Almost 2/3rd
of total phosphorous that is excreted is found
in the urine as phosphate of various cations
phosphorous found in the faeces is the non-absorbed
form of phosphorous.
• An atrophy of bone
• Bone resorption>bone deposition
• Calcium or hormonal deficiencies
• Older people- women>60yrs
• c/f: loss of height- shortening of the trunk &collapse of the vertebrae
Deformed thoracic cage
Bone pain-due to fracture
• Radiographically: loss of bone density
Thinning of cortex
>40yrs-decline in the estrogen levels due to decrease
in the ovarian functions.
All these hormonal changes will lead to
psychological, oral and systemic health changes.
Oral changes that can be seen may include: thinning
of oral mucosa, desquamation of gingival epithelium,
burning mouth, gingival recession, xerostomia and
alveolar bone loss & ridge resorption
Since both osteoporosis and
periodontal diseases are bone
resorptive diseases,
It has been hypothesized that
osteoporosis could be a risk factor for
the progression of periodontal disease
Heaney et al(2011)-comparison of pre and post-menopausal women found
that calcium balance fell significantly in post-menopausal women and that
this was due to both a reduction in calcium absorption and an increase in
urinary calcium loss.
 Softening of the bones in children potentially leading to fractures and deformity.
 Due to def. of vit.D causing deficiency in Ca & phosphate
Femoral and tibial bowing
Growth retardation
Susceptibility to fracture
 Longo, Dan L. et al. (2012). Harrison's principles of internal medicine. (18th
ed. ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07174889-6.
Oral manifestation:
Sir Edward Mellanby (1884-1955)- 1st
to report the effect of
rickets on the teeth.
1.Development abnormalities of dentine & enamel,
2.Delayed eruption
3.Malalignment of the teeth in the jaws
4.High caries index
5.Abnormally wide predentine zone
6.Interglobular dentine
Many reports-rickets linked with hypoplasia
Diet and sunlight
Recommendations are for 400 international units (IU) of vitamin D a day for
infants and children. Children who do not get adequate amounts of vitamin D are
at increased risk of rickets. Vitamin D is essential for allowing the body to uptake
calcium for use in proper bone calcification and maintenance.
According to the American academy of paediatrics (AAP),
all infants, including those who are exclusively breast-
fed, may need Vitamin D supplementation until they
start drinking at least 17 US fluid ounces (500 ml) of
vitamin D-fortified milk or formula a day.
Gartner LM, Greer FR (April 2003). "Prevention of rickets and vitamin D deficiency: new guidelines for
vitamin D intake". Pediatrics. 111 (4 Pt 1): 908–10.
• A female, aged 2 years and 6 months, was referred by her general dentist to British Columbia's Children's
Hospital dental department with facial pain and swelling. Oral antibiotics had been prescribed and the
symptoms were improving when the child was first seen
• Preoperative assessment by the pediatrician revealed a waddling gait, and a hip radiograph (not shown)
showed normal acetabular angles, metaphyseal lucency, and medial beaking. Hemoglobin was within
normal limit
• clinical examination confirmed a complete primary dentition and a discharging sinus in the buccal sulcus
associated with the carious maxillary right primary first molar. Carious lesions were noted in the
following teeth: all maxillary primary incisors, all primary first molars, and the mandibular primary
central incisors.
• The medical, hematological, and radiological investigations reported nutritional rickets.
• Intraoral dental radiographs (Fig 1) illustrate the extent of the carious lesions and the large size of the
pulp chambers with pulpal horn extension close to the dentoenamel junction, especially in the
mandibular primary first molars. Hypoplasia was not evident in the unerupted teeth. The bone
trabeculation in the anterior mandible and maxilla was very sparse. The lamina dura and the crypts of
the developing teeth were present, but attenuated. On the left side, the cortices of the inferior alveolar
canal were evident and the inferior cortex of the mandible appeared thinned, but the other side was not
available for comparison
• Oral vitamin D and Calcium Sandoz (Sandoz Canada Inc., Dorval, QB) were prescribed. An initial drop in
the serum calcium level was easily corrected by adjusting the medication.
Nutritional rickets in a 2-year-old child: case report Donal McDonnell, BDS, FFD, MSc,
FRCD(C) Gary Derkson, DMD
 Softening & distortion of skeleton
 Oral manifestation:
Taylor & day-50% incidence of severe periodontitis in a
series of 22 Indian women
Clinical features
Bone pain and tenderness
Peculiar waddling or “penguin”gait
Greenstick bone fractures
Severe Periodontitis
Thin or absent trabeculae
Loosened teeth
Weakened jaw bones
• Def. of enzyme alkaline phophatase
• Excretion of phosphoethanolamine in the urine
• c/f:
Infantile form
Severe rickets
Bone abnormalities
Failure to thrive
Loss of primary teeth
Increased infection
Growth retardation
Rachitic like deformation,
lung., renal, GI disorders
Spontaneous fracture
 Oral manifestations:
Premature loss of primary teeth
 Dental roentgenogram:
Large pulp chambers
Alveolar bone loss
<8.8 mg/dl
<8.5mg/dl- mild tremors
<7.5mg/dl- life threatening
condition will result- TETANY
muscle cramps
Neuromuscular irritability
muscle twitching
Vit. D deficiency
Increased calcitonin
Deficiency of calcium, magnesium
Manifestations: Carpopedal spasm
Laryngismus stridor
Chvostek’s sign Trousseu’s sign
Oral calcium with vitamin d
Underlying cause should be treated.
Tetany needs IV calcium.
•Thyrotoxicosis, addison’s disease
•Paget’s disease
•Tb, leprosy
•Milk- alkali syndrome
•Drugs- thiazides
•Anorexia, nausea, vomiting
•Polyuria, polydypsia
•Confusion, depression, psychosis
•Osteoporosis & pathological fracture
•Renal stones
•Ectopic calcification & pancreatitis
•Increased serum alkaline phosphatase
 Adequate hydration, IV normal saline
 Furosemide IV to promote calcium excretion
 Steroids, if there is calcitriol excess
 Definitive treatment for the underlying disorder
Periodontal disease due to Dietary
calcium deficiency and/ or dietary
phosphorous excess
 Henrickson suggested:
High incidence of periodontal disease in natives of India-attributed in part to
their low dietary calcium intake.
 Labile for Resorption- Alveolar bone
Long bones
Nutrition and Immunology: Principles and Practice edited by M. Eric Gershwin, J. Bruce German, Carl L. Keen
 Lutwak et al- demineralization of alveolar bone in humans
was reversed by daily dietary calcium supplements over a
period of a year.
 Hypothesized: periodontal bone loss was a direct result of
calcium deficient diet leading to secondary
hyperparathyroidism and the reversal of this condition is by
dietary calcium supplements
Journal of PeriodontologyOctober 1974, Vol. 45, No. 10, Pages 739-745 , DOI 10.1902/jop.1974.45.10.739 (doi:10.1902/jop.1974.45.10.739)
Effect of calcium, phosphorus imbalances &
vitamin D deficiency on dental caries incidence
Variation in ca:p Ratios in experimental diets
Quite cariogenic, because the carbonate level of the tooth was
Relatively acid soluble
Highly susceptible to dental decay
 Some studies shown that rickets during the time of tooth formation is the most common cause
of enamel hypoplasia.
 Shelling & Anderson- in rachitic children:43% of teeth showed hypoplasia.
 Type- pitting variety
1. Textbook of medical biochemistry-DM
2. Textbook of medical physiology-Rodney
3. Textbook of medical physiology-Sembulingam
4. Harper’s biochemistry- 25th
5. Shafer’s oral pathology- 5th
6. Internet sources
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Calcium and phosphate metabolism

  • 2. CONTENTS • Introduction • Important minerals • Calcium & phosphorous metabolism • Hormones involved in calcium and phosphate homeostasis • Diseases • Summary • Conclusion • References
  • 4. IMPORTANT MINERALS Major Elements Calcium Magnesium Phosphorus Sodium Potassium Chloride Sulfur Trace Elements Iron Iodine Copper Manganese Zinc Molybdenum Selenium Fluoride Calcium and phosphorous individually have their own functions and together they are required for the formation of hydroxyapatite and physical strength of the skeletal tissue.
  • 5.  Most common metal in many animals and in the human body.  Ancient Romans prepared lime- calcium oxide. 975 AD -plaster of Paris (calcium sulfate)was used for setting broken bones.  Sir Humphry Davy Isolated calcium(1808) Calcium
  • 6. Phosphorus – Due to its use in explosives, poisons -"the Devil's element". In human body Phosphorus is present as phosphates (compounds containing the phosphate ion, PO4 −3 )  The first form of elemental phosphorus to be produced (white phosphorus, in 1669) by Greek . Hennig Brand(1669) discovered.
  • 7. ROLE OF CALCIUM IN BODY  Affects nerve and muscle physiology  Intracellular signal transduction pathways.  Co-factor in blood clotting cascade.  Constituent of bone and teeth.  Major structural element in the vertebrate skeleton (bones and teeth) in the form of calcium phosphate (Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2 known as hydroxyapatatite  Maintain all cells and connective tissues in the body.  Essential component in production of enzymes and hormones that regulate metabolism Stimulation of muscle action potential is generated Contraction of muscle
  • 8. Role of phosphate  Key constituent of bone and teeth.  Component of intra cellular buffering. Forms energy rich bonds in ATP.  Forms co-enzymes.  Regulates blood and urinary pH.  Forms organic molecules like DNA & RNA  Cellular energy metabolism.  Constituent of macro molecules like nucleic acids, phospholipids and phosphoproteins.
  • 9. DISTRIBUTION 1000-1500gm (1.5% of the body weight) 99% Bones 1% ECF Plasma 500-800gm 80-90% Bones Teeth 10% RBC Plasma Total calcium Total phosphorus
  • 10. PLASMA CALCIUM AND PHOSPHATE Normal plasma levels 9-11mg/dl(calcium) Normal plasma levels 2.5-4.5mg/dl(phosphorous) Ionized Unionized ( 5 mg/dl) (4mg/dl) organic Inorganic (0.5-1mg/dl) (Adults:3-4mg/dl) (children:5-6mg/dl)
  • 11. DAILY REQUIREMENTSDAILY REQUIREMENTS Calcium: Adults Pregnancy Lactating mother Infants Children Phosphates: Adults Pregnancy, lactation & children  Infants 500-800mg 1500mg 2000mg 360mg 800mg 1200mg 240mg 800mg FAO/WHO Expert Group. 1962. Calcium Requirements. Rome, FAO
  • 12. CALCIUM PHOSPHATE RATIO Calcium : Phosphate ratio normally is 2:1 Increase in plasma calcium levels causes corresponding decrease in absorption of phosphate. This ratio is always constant.
  • 13. SOURCES OF CALCIUM Calcium is present in variable amounts in all the foods and water we consume, although the main sources are dairy products and vegetables.
  • 14. Milk-good sources of calcium Calcium content of cow’s milk- 100mg/ml Best source Hard cheese Milk Dark green leafy vegetables Good source Ice-cream Broccoli Baked beans Dried legumes Dried figs Fair source String beans Eggs Bread RDA OF CALCIUM Average adult-800 mg/ day Infants: <1yr- 360-540mg 1-10yr- 800mg 11-18yr- 1200mg During pregnancy & lactation-1200mg/ day osteoporosis-Women> men Post menopause women start to lose more bone Pregnant and breast feeding women must intake adequate amount as the baby relies on only her mother to get his supply of calcium. A child with early childhood caries, in whom diet management has to be considered. Milk with sugar can be replaced (with flavoured lassi or a custard pudding or kheer) rather than total stoppage of milk.
  • 15. Rich source Milk Meat Fish Poultry Eggs Moderate sources Cereals Pulses Nuts Legumes Meat RDA OF PHOSPHATES Adults-800-1200mg/day Infants-240mg/day During pregnancy & lactation-1200mg/ day SOURCES OF PHOSPHATE
  • 16. Absorption of Calcium Absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract in to blood Two mechanisms have been proposed for the absorption of calcium → Active absorption(Proximal portion of the duodenum → Passive absorption(In the remainder of the small intestine)
  • 17. PHOSPHORUS ABSORPTION  50-70%- absorbed  Small intestine- soluble inorganic phosphate  Excess calcium, iron or aluminum- interferes absorption
  • 18. FACTORS CONTROLLING ABSORPTION Factors are classified into 1. Those acting on the mucosal cells 2. Those affecting the availability of calcium and phosphates in the gut.
  • 19. Amount of dietary calcium and phosphates: Rottenson -1938-amount of calcium stored in body is directly proportional to amount of calcium absorbed in body • Increased level of calcium and phosphate in diet increases their absorption however up to a certain limit. • This is because the active process of their absorption can bear with certain amounts of load beyond which the excess would pass out into faeces
  • 20. • During later stages of pregnancy, greater amount of calcium absorption is seen. • 50% of this calcium is used for the development of fetal skeleton and the rest is stored in the bones to act as a reserve for lactation. • This is due to the increased level of placental lactogen and estrogen which stimulates increased hydroxylation of vitamin D. • In growth there is a increased level of growth hormone. GH acts by increasing calcium absorption. It also increases the renal excretion of calcium and phosphates. Pregnancy and growth: The rise in maternal obesity highlights that maternal and newborn vitamin D deficiency will continue to be a serious public health problem until steps are taken to identify and treat low 25(OH)D. Bodnar LM, Catov JM, Roberts JM, Simhan HN. Prepregnancy obesity predicts poor vitamin D status in mothers and their neonates. The Journal of nutrition. 2007 Nov 1;137(11):2437-42.
  • 21. HORMONAL CONTROL OF CALCIUM & PHOSPHATE METABOLISM Three hormones regulate calcium and phosphate metabolism.  Vitamin D  PTH  Calcitonin
  • 22. Vitamin D Cholecalciferol / D3 Ergocalciferol / D2 Can be called as hormone as it is produced in the skin when exposed to sunlight. Vitamin D has very little intrinsic biological activity. Vitamin D itself is not a active substance, instead it must be first converted through a succession of reaction in the liver and the kidneys to the final active product 1, 25 di hydroxycholecalciferol,
  • 23. VITAMIN-D(sun-shine vitamin) Studies conducted by Cheng et al,2003 and Strushkevich et al in 2008 suggested that Vitamin D is converted in the liver to 25(OH)D, a process carried out by CYP2R1. The crystal structure of CYP2R1 has been determined with vitamin D in the active site, and the enzyme has been shown to metabolize both vitamin D2 and vitamin D3 equally efficiently.
  • 24. Action on bone: In the osteoblasts of bone calcitriol stimulates ca uptake for deposition as capo4 Action on kidney: It is involved in minimizing the excretion of ca&p through kidney by decreasing their excretion and enhancing reabsorption
  • 25. Dietary sources  Cod liver oil  Fish- Salmon  Egg, liver Mean action of vitamin D is to increase the plasma level of calcium. Increases intestinal Ca&P absorption. Increases renal reabsorption of Calcium and phosphate.
  • 26. Daily requirement 1)Children:10 mug/d(400iu) 2)Adults:5-10mug/d(200iu) 3)Pregnancy and lacation:10mug/d 4)Elderly:600iu/d The new 2010 recommended daily allowance (RDA)
  • 27. Parathyroid Hormone (PTH) Secreted by parathyroid gland Glands are four in number Present posterior to the thyroid gland Formed from third and fourth branchial pouches Combined weight of 130mg with each gland weighing between 30- 50mg. Histologically – two types of cells Chief cells (forming PTH) Oxyphilic cells (replaces the chief cells stores hormone)
  • 28. • Parathyroid hormone is one of the main hormones controlling Ca+2 absorption. • It mainly acts by controlling the formation of 1,25 DHCC, which is active form of Vit. D, which is responsible for, increased Ca+2 absorption. NORMAL PTH LEVEL IN SERUM – 10-60ng/L PARATHYROID HORMONE
  • 29. Parathyroid Hormone  Single chain polypeptide  Molecular weight 9000  Consist of 84 amino acids  Plasma half life – 20-30 minutes  Plasma concentration – 10-50ug/ml  Measured by immunoassay .
  • 30. Actions of PTH  The main function is to increase the level of Ca in plasma within the critical range of 9 to11 mg.  Parathormone inhibits renal phosphate reabsorption in the proximal tubule and therefore increases phosphate excretion  Parathormone increases renal Calcium reabsorption in the distal tubule, which also increases the serum calcium.  Net effect of PTH  ↑ serum calcium ↓ serum phosphate
  • 31. Stimulation for PTH secretion  The stimulatory effect for PTH secretion is low level of calcium in plasma.  Maximum secretion occurs when plasma calcium level falls below 7mg/dl.  When plasma calcium level increases to 11mg/dl there is decreased secretion of PTH
  • 32. CALCITONIN  Minor regulator of calcium & phosphate metabolism  Secreted by parafollicular cells or C-cells of thyroid gland.  Also called as thyrocalcitonin.  Single chain polypeptide  Molecular weight 3400  Plasma concentration – 10-20ug/ml
  • 33. Action of Calcitonin Net effect of calcitonin  decreases Serum Ca Target site Bone (osteoclasts) Kidney Intestine
  • 34.  Calcitonin is a Physiological Antagonist to PTH with respect to Calcium.  With respect to Phosphate it has the same effect as PTH i.e. ↓ Plasma Phosphate level
  • 36. Increases the intestinal absorption of calcium and increases its excretion from urine Stimulates production of insulin like growth factor in bone which stimulates protein synthesis in bone GROWTH HORMONE
  • 37. TESTOSTERONE  Testosterone causes differential growth of cartilage resulting to differential bone development  Acts on cartilage & increase the bone growth. INSULIN It is an anabolic hormone which favors bone formation
  • 38. Thyroid Hormone  In infants  stimulation of bone growth  In adults increased bone metabolism  increased calcium mobilization
  • 39. Glucocorticoids Anti vitamin D action, decrease absorption of calcium in intestine Inhibit protein synthesis and so decrease bone formation Inhibit new osteoclast formation & decrease the activity of old osteoclasts.
  • 40. Factors affecting availability of Calcium and Phosphates in gut. pH of the intestine Amount of dietary calcium and phosphates Phytic acid and Phytates Oxalates Fats Proteins and amino acids Carbohydrates Bile salts
  • 41. pH of intestine: • Acidic pH in the upper intestine (deodenum) increases calcium absorption by keeping calcium salts in a soluble state. • In lower intestine since pH is more alkaline, calcium salts undergoes precipitation
  • 42. Phytic acid and phytates: • present in oatmeal, meat and cereals and are considered anti- calcifying factors as they combine with calcium in the diet thus forming insoluble salts of calcium Oxalates: • present in spinach and rhubarb leaves. They form oxalate precipitates with calcium present in the diet thus decreasing their availability. Fats: • combines with calcium and form insoluble calcium , thus decreasing calcium absorption. Xiao et al(2010) have demonstrated that a duodenal oxidation state induced by a high fat diet could significantly down regulate the expression of CB9k, PMCA1b, and NCX, as well as inhibiting intestinal calcium absorption. They demonstrated that type diabetes mellitus transientlyⅠ inhibits intestinal Ca2+ absorption.
  • 43. Bile salts: • increases calcium absorption by promoting metabolism of lipids. Protein and aminoacids: • increases calcium absorption as protein forms soluble complexes with calcium and keeps calcium in a form that is easily absorbable. Carbohydrates: • lactose promotes calcium absorption by creating the acidity in the gut as they favours the growth of acid producing bacteria.  
  • 44. Concept of Calcium Balance Defined as the net gain or loss of calcium by the body over a specified period of time Calculated by deducting calcium in faeces and urine from the calcium taken in diet. Positive calcium balance in growing children Negative calcium balance in aging adults.
  • 45. Excretion of Calcium and Phosphorous  Calcium is excreted in the urine, bile, and digestive secretions.  The renal threshold for serum ca is 10 mg/dl.  70-90% of the calcium eliminated from the body is excreted in the feces.  The daily loss of calcium in sweat is about 15 mg. While passing through the kidney, large quantity of calcium is filtered in the glomerulus. From the filtrate, 98 to 99% of calcium is reabsorbed in the renal tubules in to blood and only small quantity is excreted through urine.
  • 46. Daily turnover rates of Ca in an adult are as follows: Intake 1000mg. Intestinal absorption 350mg Secretion in GI juice 250mg Net absorption over secretion 100mg Loss in the faeces 200mg Excretion in the urine 80-100mg
  • 47. Phosphorous Excretion Phosphorous is excreted primarily through the urine. Almost 2/3rd of total phosphorous that is excreted is found in the urine as phosphate of various cations phosphorous found in the faeces is the non-absorbed form of phosphorous.
  • 48. OSTEOPOROSIS • An atrophy of bone • Bone resorption>bone deposition • Calcium or hormonal deficiencies • Older people- women>60yrs • c/f: loss of height- shortening of the trunk &collapse of the vertebrae Deformed thoracic cage Bone pain-due to fracture • Radiographically: loss of bone density Thinning of cortex Trabaculae-reduced
  • 49. ASSOCIATION OF MENOPAUSE, OSTEOPOROSIS AND PERIODONTAL DISEASES OSTEOPOROSIS & PERIODONTAL DISEASE >40yrs-decline in the estrogen levels due to decrease in the ovarian functions. All these hormonal changes will lead to psychological, oral and systemic health changes. Oral changes that can be seen may include: thinning of oral mucosa, desquamation of gingival epithelium, burning mouth, gingival recession, xerostomia and alveolar bone loss & ridge resorption Since both osteoporosis and periodontal diseases are bone resorptive diseases, It has been hypothesized that osteoporosis could be a risk factor for the progression of periodontal disease Heaney et al(2011)-comparison of pre and post-menopausal women found that calcium balance fell significantly in post-menopausal women and that this was due to both a reduction in calcium absorption and an increase in urinary calcium loss.
  • 50. RICKETS  Softening of the bones in children potentially leading to fractures and deformity.  Due to def. of vit.D causing deficiency in Ca & phosphate  CLINICAL FEATURES Femoral and tibial bowing Growth retardation weakness tetany Susceptibility to fracture Irritability  Longo, Dan L. et al. (2012). Harrison's principles of internal medicine. (18th ed. ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 978-0-07174889-6.
  • 51. Oral manifestation: Sir Edward Mellanby (1884-1955)- 1st to report the effect of rickets on the teeth. 1.Development abnormalities of dentine & enamel, 2.Delayed eruption 3.Malalignment of the teeth in the jaws 4.High caries index 5.Abnormally wide predentine zone 6.Interglobular dentine Many reports-rickets linked with hypoplasia
  • 52. TREATMENT: Diet and sunlight Recommendations are for 400 international units (IU) of vitamin D a day for infants and children. Children who do not get adequate amounts of vitamin D are at increased risk of rickets. Vitamin D is essential for allowing the body to uptake calcium for use in proper bone calcification and maintenance. According to the American academy of paediatrics (AAP), all infants, including those who are exclusively breast- fed, may need Vitamin D supplementation until they start drinking at least 17 US fluid ounces (500 ml) of vitamin D-fortified milk or formula a day. Gartner LM, Greer FR (April 2003). "Prevention of rickets and vitamin D deficiency: new guidelines for vitamin D intake". Pediatrics. 111 (4 Pt 1): 908–10.
  • 53. • A female, aged 2 years and 6 months, was referred by her general dentist to British Columbia's Children's Hospital dental department with facial pain and swelling. Oral antibiotics had been prescribed and the symptoms were improving when the child was first seen • Preoperative assessment by the pediatrician revealed a waddling gait, and a hip radiograph (not shown) showed normal acetabular angles, metaphyseal lucency, and medial beaking. Hemoglobin was within normal limit • clinical examination confirmed a complete primary dentition and a discharging sinus in the buccal sulcus associated with the carious maxillary right primary first molar. Carious lesions were noted in the following teeth: all maxillary primary incisors, all primary first molars, and the mandibular primary central incisors. • The medical, hematological, and radiological investigations reported nutritional rickets. • Intraoral dental radiographs (Fig 1) illustrate the extent of the carious lesions and the large size of the pulp chambers with pulpal horn extension close to the dentoenamel junction, especially in the mandibular primary first molars. Hypoplasia was not evident in the unerupted teeth. The bone trabeculation in the anterior mandible and maxilla was very sparse. The lamina dura and the crypts of the developing teeth were present, but attenuated. On the left side, the cortices of the inferior alveolar canal were evident and the inferior cortex of the mandible appeared thinned, but the other side was not available for comparison • Oral vitamin D and Calcium Sandoz (Sandoz Canada Inc., Dorval, QB) were prescribed. An initial drop in the serum calcium level was easily corrected by adjusting the medication. Nutritional rickets in a 2-year-old child: case report Donal McDonnell, BDS, FFD, MSc, FRCD(C) Gary Derkson, DMD
  • 54. OSTEOMALACIA  Softening & distortion of skeleton  Oral manifestation: Taylor & day-50% incidence of severe periodontitis in a series of 22 Indian women Clinical features Bone pain and tenderness Peculiar waddling or “penguin”gait Tetany Greenstick bone fractures Myopathy
  • 55. ORAL MANIFESTATION: Severe Periodontitis Thin or absent trabeculae Loosened teeth Weakened jaw bones
  • 56. HYPOPHOPHATASIA • Def. of enzyme alkaline phophatase • Excretion of phosphoethanolamine in the urine • c/f: Infantile form Severe rickets Bone abnormalities Failure to thrive Childhood Loss of primary teeth Increased infection Growth retardation Rachitic like deformation, lung., renal, GI disorders Adult Spontaneous fracture
  • 57.  Oral manifestations: Premature loss of primary teeth Gingivitis  Dental roentgenogram: Hypocalcification Large pulp chambers Alveolar bone loss
  • 58. HYPOCALCEMIA <8.8 mg/dl <8.5mg/dl- mild tremors <7.5mg/dl- life threatening condition will result- TETANY Symptoms muscle cramps Paresthesia Neuromuscular irritability muscle twitching Tetany Seizures Bradycardia Causes Hypoparathyroidism Vit. D deficiency Increased calcitonin Deficiency of calcium, magnesium Hypoalbuminemia
  • 59. TETANY Manifestations: Carpopedal spasm Laryngismus stridor Chvostek’s sign Trousseu’s sign Treatment: Oral calcium with vitamin d supplementation. Underlying cause should be treated. Tetany needs IV calcium.
  • 60. HYPERCALCEMIA Causes •Hyperparathyoidism •Thyrotoxicosis, addison’s disease •Paget’s disease •Dehydration •Tb, leprosy •Milk- alkali syndrome •Drugs- thiazides symptoms •Anorexia, nausea, vomiting •Polyuria, polydypsia •Confusion, depression, psychosis •Osteoporosis & pathological fracture •Renal stones •Ectopic calcification & pancreatitis •Increased serum alkaline phosphatase
  • 61.  Adequate hydration, IV normal saline  Furosemide IV to promote calcium excretion  Steroids, if there is calcitriol excess  Definitive treatment for the underlying disorder MANAGEMENT OF HYPERCALCEMIA
  • 62. Periodontal disease due to Dietary calcium deficiency and/ or dietary phosphorous excess  Henrickson suggested: High incidence of periodontal disease in natives of India-attributed in part to their low dietary calcium intake.  Labile for Resorption- Alveolar bone Vertebrae Ribs Long bones Nutrition and Immunology: Principles and Practice edited by M. Eric Gershwin, J. Bruce German, Carl L. Keen
  • 63.  Lutwak et al- demineralization of alveolar bone in humans was reversed by daily dietary calcium supplements over a period of a year.  Hypothesized: periodontal bone loss was a direct result of calcium deficient diet leading to secondary hyperparathyroidism and the reversal of this condition is by dietary calcium supplements Journal of PeriodontologyOctober 1974, Vol. 45, No. 10, Pages 739-745 , DOI 10.1902/jop.1974.45.10.739 (doi:10.1902/jop.1974.45.10.739)
  • 64. Effect of calcium, phosphorus imbalances & vitamin D deficiency on dental caries incidence Variation in ca:p Ratios in experimental diets Quite cariogenic, because the carbonate level of the tooth was increased. Relatively acid soluble Highly susceptible to dental decay
  • 65. NUTRITIONAL FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH DENTAL ENAMEL HYPOPLASIA  Some studies shown that rickets during the time of tooth formation is the most common cause of enamel hypoplasia.  Shelling & Anderson- in rachitic children:43% of teeth showed hypoplasia.  Type- pitting variety
  • 67.
  • 68.
  • 69.
  • 71. REFERENCES 1. Textbook of medical biochemistry-DM Vasudevan 2. Textbook of medical physiology-Rodney 3. Textbook of medical physiology-Sembulingam 4. Harper’s biochemistry- 25th edition 5. Shafer’s oral pathology- 5th edition 6. Internet sources

Editor's Notes

  1. Calcium is one of the interesting items that you can find in many products such as cheese, milk, and other types of food. Consuming sufficient calcium is great for the body. The word calcium is derived from the Latin world called as calcis. Calcium is not only found in some important foods like milk and cheese. The buyer can also get this element located on the earth crust. Calcium is as essential element for the plants and animals living surrounding your house. It can strengthen the muscle and form the new skeletal system. Moreover, the animal can form the bio chemical reaction for some purposes. Many people have recognized about the benefit of calcium to the plants, human and animals. In 1808, this element can be purified by the man called as Si Humphrey Davy. He came from England. The benefit of calcium in manufacturing process is big enough. It can be used as a reduction magnet for making other types of metal in the factories. You can also use it to make cheese, making cement, or even eliminating the nonmetallic impurities ingredients in the alloys. he name calcium as I have stated before is derived from Latin word. Can you guess the meaning of calcis. It is lime. That’s why the ancient Roman uses calcium dioxide to make a liquor or a lime drink.
  2. Phosphorus was the 13th element to be discovered. For this reason, and also due to its use in explosives, poisons and nerve agents, it is sometimes referred to as &amp;quot;the Devil&amp;apos;s element&amp;quot;.[34] It was the first element to be discovered that was not known since the ancient times. The discovery of phosphorus is credited to the German alchemist Hennig Brand in 1669, although other chemists might have discovered phosphorus around the same time.[35] Brand experimented with urine, which contains considerable quantities of dissolved phosphates from normal metabolism.[11] Working in Hamburg,
  4. In growth there is a increased level of growth hormone. GH acts by increasing calcium absorption. It also increases the renal excretion of calcium and phosphates.
  5. The positive balance is obvious in growing child, about 0.1 gm being retained each day in the growing &amp; mineralizing skeleton The Negative balance arises in later decades of age 50 yrs or more, this can be detected as a loss of skeletal tissue, not merely a reduction in the proportion of mineralization.
  6. In osteoporosis, the cortex becomes thinner and more brittle, while the inner trabecular bone develops larger holes. Mature adult bone is continually being remodelled. Specialised cells called osteoclasts absorb old bone and other cells called osteoblasts create new, strong, bone. In this way, bone retains its strength and density. Normally in the adult skeleton, about 3%of ‘cortical’ bone – the outer hard part – and 25% of ‘trabecular’ bone – the inner, honeycomb part – is remodelled each year. For this process to work properly we need the minerals calcium and phosphorus from which bone is made (these come from our diet) and a range of hormones and vitamins which drive the process. As we grow, our bone mass steadily increases; more bone is made than is absorbed. By early adulthood, we reach what is known as peak bone mass, which is the maximum density achieved by our bones. After about 35 years of age, even though bone formation still occurs, our bone mass slowly declines as more is absorbed than is added. The cortex becomes thinner and more brittle, while the inner trabecular bone develops larger holes. In women after menopause, absorption and thinning of bones occurs even more rapidly. As bone is lost, the skeleton becomes progressively more and more osteoporotic and prone to bone fracture. While almost everyone loses bone, some people are less likely to suffer from osteoporosis until they are very old (if at all). In some cases, osteoporosis is caused by a deficiency of these hormones or vitamins. Osteoporosis accelerates in women after menopause. That’s because after menopause, levels of the sex hormone oestrogen fall. Oestrogen is thought to play a role in maintaining bone mass by slowing the process of bone breakdown by osteoclasts. People who don’t have enough calcium in the diet are prone to osteoporosis. Failure to absorb calcium properly from the gut can also play a role. This may be due to a disease of the small bowel (where calcium is absorbed) or a deficiency in vitamin D, which is needed for calcium absorption. Osteoporosis isn’t an inherited disease, but it tends to run in families. So it’s more likely if there’s someone else in the family that has it. Symptoms The problem with osteoporosis is that it’s a silent condition; bone loss is gradual and invisible. People may not know they have osteoporosis until their bones become so weak that a sudden strain, bump, or fall causes fracture which wouldn’t have happened in a person with normal strong bones. Fractures are most common in the wrist, hip, spine, pelvis and upper arm – but any bone can fracture. People with smaller, lighter frames are more likely to suffer a fracture than larger, taller people because they have less bone mass to start with, so are more likely to get a fracture for the same degree of bone demineralisation. When a fracture occurs it can be quite serious. It often requires hospitalisation – in the case of a fractured hip for example – and then a prolonged period of rehabilitation. Osteoporosis in the spine may cause collapse of the spinal vertebrae resulting in severe back pain, spinal deformities, loss of height, kyphosis of the spine or ‘dowagers hump.
  7. Periodontitis and Osteoporosis: Association and Mechanisms The risk factors for osteoporosis include many risk factors associated with advanced periodontal disease. Since both osteoporosis and Dr. Hayder A. Alwaeli (Figure 1) (Figure 2) Smile Magazine 09 periodontal diseases are bone resorptive diseases, it has been hypothesized that osteoporosis could be a risk factor for the progression of periodontal disease.
  8. (Rickets is among the most frequent childhood diseases in many developing countries. The predominant cause is a vitamin D deficiency, but lack of adequate calcium in the diet may also lead to rickets. Although it can occur in adults, the majority of cases occur in children suffering from severe malnutrition, usually resulting from famine or starvation during the early stages of childhood. Osteomalacia is the term used to describe a similar condition occurring in adults, generally due to a deficiency of vitamin D. “rachitis” The “wrist widening” of rickets Epidemiology Those at higher risk for developing rickets include:  Breast-fed infants whose mothers are not exposed to sunlight.  Breast-fed infants who are not exposed to sunlight.  Individuals not consuming fortified milk, such as those who are lactose intolerant Individuals with red hair have a decreased risk for rickets due to their greater production of vitamin D in sunlight. Etiology Vitamin D is required for proper calcium absorption from the gut. In the absence of vitamin D, dietary calcium is not properly absorbed, resulting in hypocalcemia, leading to skeletal and dental deformities and neuromuscular symptoms, e.g. hyperexcitability. Presentation Radiograph of a two-year old rickets sufferer, with a marked genu varum (bowing of the femurs) and decreased bone opacity, suggesting poor bone mineralization. Signs and symptoms of rickets include: 1) Bone pain or tenderness 2) dental problems 3) muscle weakness (rickety myopathy or “floppy baby syndrome”) 4) increased tendency for fractures (easily broken bones),especially greenstick fractures 5) Skeletal deformity *Toddlers: Bowed legs (genu varum) *Older children: Knock-knees (genu valgum) or “windswept knees” *Cranial, spinal, and pelvic deformities 6) Growth disturbance 7) Hypocalcemia (low level of calcium in the blood), and 8) Tetany (uncontrolled muscle spasms all over the body). 9) Craniotabes (soft skull) 10) Costochondral swelling (aka “rickety rosary” or “rachitic rosary”) 11) Harrison’s groove 12) Double malleoli sign due to metaphyseal hyperplasia An X-ray or radiograph of an advanced sufferer from rickets tends to present in a classic way: bow legs (outward curve of long bone of the legs) and a deformed chest. Changes in the skull also occur causing a distinctive “square headed” appearance. These deformities persist into adult life if not treated.
  10. SHAFER
  11. Due accidental surgical removal of parathyroid glands Auto immune disease
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