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BY ARC ADVISORY GROUP                                                            DECEMBER 2001

      Business Continuity and Recovery
        Planning for Manufacturing

BCRP Is Essential for Survival .................................................................. 3

Strategic Objectives ............................................................................... 3

Business Impact and Risk Analysis........................................................... 4

Critical Operations Identification ............................................................ 6

Collaborative Manufacturing.................................................................. 8

Disaster Prevention ................................................................................ 9

Collaborative Asset Lifecycle Management ............................................ 10

Damage Assessment............................................................................ 12

Recovery Strategy and Procedures ........................................................ 13

Recommendations ............................................................................... 14

Enterprise & Automation Strategies for Industry Executives
ARC Strategies • December 2001

                                              0                 2             5    Years
                                      Business Failures After a Disaster without BCRP

                    Disasters Cause 3 Out of 4 Businesses to Fail within 5 Years


                                                                                           Potential Loss
                      1     2     3       4       5   6   7     8   9   10   11   12
                                          Level of Protection

               Balance BCRP Investment Cost for the Needed Level of Protection

2 • • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group
ARC Strategies • December 2001

BCRP Is Essential for Survival

Business continuity and recovery planning (BCRP) is not a new concept, but
it has experienced an enormous amount of renewed interest since the Sep-
tember 11, 2001, terrorist attack on America. A recent Web survey shows
that more than half of the businesses responding were not prepared for a
disaster with a functional BCRP. However, all businesses are currently con-
sidering, implementing, or updating a comprehensive BCRP strategy.
Current events and available statistics support an overwhelming need for
disaster recovery planning.

While failure to plan for a major disaster frequently results in many business
failures, the chances of surviving a disaster double with a good BCRP strat-
egy.   About 40 percent of businesses without a BCRP fail immediately
because they have no plans for a rapid recovery and insufficient funds to
cover the expense of extended downtime. Another 25 percent
                                                                           BCRP Systematic Approach
fail within two years from lost business revenues and cash flow
problems. In fact, only 1 out of 4 businesses without a BCRP          •   Strategic objectives
stay in business more than five years after a disaster.               •   Business impact analysis
                                                                      •   Critical operations identification
Survival after a disaster is the name of the game for any busi-       •   Disaster prevention
                                                                      •   Collaborative management
ness. The impact may even be indirect if, for example, one of
                                                                      •   Damage assessment
your primary suppliers or key customers are the victims of the
                                                                      •   Recovery procedures
disaster and can no longer do business with you. The inability
to obtain critical materials from a supplier or order cancellations from a key
customer can hurt production, revenues, and profits. A serious disaster can
impact the entire value chain from sales and production to shipping and bill-
ing, regardless of your direct involvement in the disaster. That is why every
business must create a good business continuity and recovery plan.

Strategic Objectives

A comprehensive BCRP should be developed using a systematic approach,
beginning by understanding the strategic objectives for business survival.
The main objective of any BCRP is to quickly recover from any business dis-
ruption regardless of the magnitude.         The recovery plan must insure
continuity of important business operations by documenting the most cost
effective recovery procedures for many possible scenarios. A cost effective

                                                                Copyright © ARC Advisory Group • •   3
ARC Strategies • December 2001

                                  recovery requires a focus on minimizing downtime and lost productivity
                                  while maintaining customer satisfaction and avoiding disruption to existing
                                  supply and distribution channels. This is best accomplished by creating a
                                  disaster recovery team with assigned responsibilities and expectations.

                                  This team should consist of key personnel and alternates from each group in
                                  your organization. Selected individuals must understand existing processes
                                  and workflows within their areas. At the first meeting, the team should
                                  agree on a workable schedule for planning, preparing, reviewing, and testing
                                  the plan. The team should initially meet frequently to identify risks and im-
                                  pacts from various threats such as terrorism, vandalism, natural disasters,
                                  labor strikes, mistakes, and failures. What impact would various threats
                                  have on each team member’s area or department? How could they be pre-
                                  vented and what are the best procedures for a fast recovery?

                                  Business Impact and Risk Analysis

                                  Business impact and risk analysis (BIA) are essential elements of any busi-
                                  ness continuity and recovery plan. Knowing the probability of different
                                  business disruptions and their impact will help determine the required in-
                                  vestment needed for the desired level of protection. The disaster recovery
                                  team must determine the correct investment for the level of protection
                                  needed based on a comprehensive BIA.

                                  Certainly, the risks of terrorism have increased, but are still not as probable
                                  as the most common business interruptions such as power outages, hard-
                                     ware failures, software problems, or employee mistakes. Over 45 percent
                   <1%   Terrorism      of survey respondents said hardware and software problems were
                         War, Strike
                                           major disruptions, followed by 16 percent for power failures, 14
                      Natural Disaster
        10%           Theft, Vandalism        percent for mistakes, 10 percent for vandalism and hackers, 8
      14%          Mistakes, Bad Planning        percent for natural disasters, 4 percent for fires, and less than
  16%                  Power Outage
                                                    1 percent for terrorism. All employees make mistakes, but
45%                      HW/SW Failure

            Business Interruption Threats
                                                      minimizing their business impact requires an in-depth
                                                      cause and effect analysis. Proper planning, good train-
                                  ing programs, and enforcement of approved procedures can prevent most
                                  operational mistakes. Bad planning such as inadequate supply chain redun-
                                  dancy or lack of backup resources can be avoided with a better
                                  understanding of business processes and workflows.

4 • • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group
ARC Strategies • December 2001

Most risk analysis can be done using common sense, such as the risk of a
natural disaster based upon your geographic location. Similarly, a manmade
disaster such as terrorism, theft, vandalism, or a labor strike can be logically
related to the type of business or proximity to a high-risk facility. Minimiz-
ing your dependencies on single suppliers, sole distributors, and primary
customers if they are impacted by a disaster can help prevent extended sup-
ply and demand chain interruptions. If your business involves a vola-
tile or sensitive environment, then unexpected mistakes or failures can                                Without
have more serious consequences.                                                                         BCRP

Potentially unsafe or life threatening conditions warrant serious pre-                                  With
vention and recovery investments. Agencies such as OSHA and the                                         BCRP
EPA enforce strict regulations and impose heavy fines for businesses                         DAYS
that do not comply with rigid standards defined by industry for creat-               Loss from Disaster
ing hazardous environments. For example, the chemical industry is
expected to conduct HAZOP analysis on dangerous materials and processes
to determine the proper safety precautions and procedures for both normal
and abnormal conditions. Knowing what to do in case of any emergency in-
volving a hazardous environment can prevent injuries and save lives.

The primary objectives of a risk analysis are proper safety and avoiding finan-
cial losses, but it should also consider the impact of business interruptions on
profitability. BIA minimizes cumulative losses by establishing business conti-
nuity objectives and identifying the cost of various outages with and without
BCRP. Losses can become very significant as the time period for recovery in-
creases due to a lack of a proper plan. ARC’s survey placed average downtime
losses at $35,000 per hour, ranging from less than $10,000 per hour for small
businesses to over $100,000 per hour for large companies.

A comprehensive BCRP can speed recovery to profitability by minimizing
tangible and direct losses such as lost sales, lost production, and missed de-
liveries. A good BCRP requires a BIA matrix that identifies the best
procedures for most business interruption scenarios. The BIA identifies and
can eliminate tangible and indirect losses resulting from penalties, fines, un-
expected fees, and lost market share. It should also include the best ideas for
avoiding the less visible, but equally serious, intangible losses from lack of
confidence in meeting expectations, eroded customer satisfaction, and dam-
age to reputation.

                                                                 Copyright © ARC Advisory Group • •   5
ARC Strategies • December 2001

                                 Critical Operations Identification

                                 A comprehensive BIA includes mapping the current operational model of
                                 your business with the major profit and loss centers and their primary proc-
                                 ess workflows, procedures, and information requirements. This exercise will
                                 provide the disaster recovery team with a better understanding of the critical
                                 business dynamics and permit identification of the critical operations re-
                                 quired for a faster disaster recovery. Knowing the critical operations will
                                 help with financial justifications for special precautionary duplication of im-
                                 portant functions and information. Duplication means faster recovery times,
                                 but it can be expensive to implement fully redundant and fault tolerant envi-
                                 ronments, disk and server mirroring, or backup wireless communications.
                                                                       Limiting duplication techniques to criti-
                                                                       cal operations is a good way to balance
                                                                       investment costs with the needed level
                                                                       of protection.

                                 Once critical operations are identified, then a minimum working business
                                 model is determined, consisting of product sales, production, and delivery.
                                 For most manufacturers, recovery of plant floor operations will be the most
                                 challenging, given the complexity of production logistics. The first challenge
                                 is how to complete or recover any Work In Progress (WIP) operations for
                                 both damaged and undamaged goods. The next is future production plan-
                                 ning and scheduling based on capabilities versus expectations. Production
                                 objectives after any interruption must be based on predetermined options,
                                 influenced by real-time data such as the extent of damage, supplier & cus-
                                 tomer commitments, revenue opportunities, and backup production options.

                                 Supply chain problems such as insufficient materials are a common cause of
                                 production downtime following an unexpected disaster or business interrup-
                                 tion.    The BCRP must identify how to obtain sufficient raw materials
                                 internally from inventory and externally from suppliers that are essential to
                                 sustain production along with maintenance, repair, and operating materials
                                 to keep critical equipment running reliably. Any problems with perform-
                                 ance, availability ,or reliability of equipment assets can severely impact
                                 production and jeopardize compliance with quality standards and regula-
                                 tions.   Lack of compliance can easily ruin product quality or shutdown
                                 operations, resulting in significant losses.

6 • • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group
ARC Strategies • December 2001

IT Operations
In most manufacturing environments, information technology is deployed
throughout the facility from the shop floor to the top floor. Network infra-
structure and communications exist for all organizations from sales and
marketing, through production and engineering, to distribution and service
support. Recovering all these complex systems and maintaining levels of inte-
gration enjoyed prior to a disaster is extremely difficult if not impossible. The
9/11 disaster totally destroyed the facilities and infrastructure of many busi-
nesses, making alternate site redundancy the only option for fast recovery.
Fortunately this type of disaster is rare, but must still be covered by the BCRP.

Many IT disasters are self-inflicted through poor planning and lack of proper
change management. Large manufacturers often paralyze their business op-
erations by improperly implementing a new enterprise application such as
enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM)
or supply chain management (SCM). Examples include the three year com-
bined ERP, CRM and SCM implementation at Hershey that interrupted order
processing and shipping functions for three months, causing third quarter
sales and profitability to drop 12.4 percent and 18.6 percent respectively.
Other companies experiencing business interruptions from poorly planned
enterprise application implementations include Nike, Whirlpool, Dow Chemi-
cal, Boeing, Dell Computer, and Apple.           Implementation problems are
frequently caused by bad timing for a switchover and the complexity of appli-
cations.   In any case, most of these mistakes can be avoided or quickly
recovered with a good contingency plan within the scope of BCRP.

A good contingency plan requires guaranteed system and data availability,
tested backup procedures, and proven implementation methodology with
best practices for change management. The ability to recover all systems,
applications, and information for critical operations is an essential require-
ment for contingency planning, business continuity, and disaster recovery.
The methods may vary from comprehensive system backups or fully redun-
dant and fault tolerant environments to a duplicate backup site. No matter
what the approach is, the ultimate objective is to return to normal operations
with no loss of functionality or information.

Sales and Service
Customer satisfaction is the key to success for any business. Maintaining it
following a disaster or major business interruption is paramount. That is
why every business continuity plan must consider the best ways to continue

                                                                   Copyright © ARC Advisory Group • •   7
ARC Strategies • December 2001

                                 meeting customer expectations during difficult times. Automating sales and
                                 support processes using appropriate enterprise applications such as ERP and
                                 CRM can help with recovery efforts for orders, deliverables, financials, and
                                 service. Although ERP and CRM are often complex applications, they do
                                 create a comprehensive database of customer sales and support requirements
                                 that can easily be backed up and recovered by IT operations. Automation
                                 can be the medicine for quick recovery. But as a minimum, every business
                                            should document a manual system for sales, delivery, and support
  A Web-based portal can become
                                            as a last resort recovery procedure.
  a primary communication vehicle
      for employees, suppliers, and
                                            In many cases, a good e-business strategy can provide sufficient
    customers following a disaster.
                                            capabilities to satisfy customer requirements for ordering prod-
                                            ucts   and    obtaining    needed      support.      A    web-based
                                 communications portal with e-commerce and e-support functions should be
                                 considered for collaboration between your company employees, key suppli-
                                 ers, and existing customers. The actual network hardware and software
                                 infrastructure can be outsourced to a reputable service provider, reducing
                                 your risk of losing all capabilities after a disaster. The portal can also act as
                                 the primary communication vehicle for your disaster recovery team while
                                 planning, communicating, and even executing the BCRP.

                                 Collaborative Manufacturing

                                 The new Internet economy has greatly improved the efficiency of product
                                 and asset lifecycle management from on-line ordering and just in time pro-
                                 duction, to rapid delivery, and real-time support.       A new Collaborative
                                 Manufacturing Management (CMM) model has evolved that encourages
                                 suppliers, customers, and partners to share knowledge and best practices for
                                 optimizing business operations and improving profitability. CMM improves
                                 supply and demand chain operations by optimizing product and asset lifecy-
                                 cle phases. It shortens latency times between ordering and product delivery
                                 by significantly improving process workflows through collaboration.

                                 These highly optimized CMM models rely heavily on proper coordination of
                                 the supply chain between suppliers, manufacturers, and customers to opti-
                                 mize production costs and maintain lean inventory levels. Any extended
                                 interruption to this business model can result in major supply chain disrup-
                                 tion and significant losses.      Manufacturers that adhere to this very

8 • • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group
ARC Strategies • December 2001

competitive and efficient business model                                             Business                                Enterprise Axis
must consider multiple recovery options                                                                                     or
to minimize losses from unscheduled                                             HR      ERP
                                                                                                  FIN                  Su

                                                                                                                              Lifecycle Axis
business interruptions.
                                               Exchange                                   EAM
                                                                                CPS/                                                      Exchange
The preferred options are to transfer                       SCM                 APS                                    CRM
                                                                                                           TMS                     Customers
production to another existing manufac-         Suppliers          cure                                          GLS
                                                                                                                               Value Chain
                                                                            PLM/D                   BPM
turing line within your plant or to
                                                                                                           Logistics    Logistics
another plant site with equivalent capa-                                                CPM                             Exchange

                                                                              RPO             PIM
bilities and extra      capacity.   Many                            n         /PSO                        MAS
                                                            D   es                   Automation
industries such as food and pharmaceu-
ticals already use multiple production
lines and plant sites to optimize produc-                                   ARC’s CMM Model
tion costs based on regional demand, and
they should deploy these options in their BCRP. Other manufacturers with-
out redundant production capabilities must consider using third party
manufacturers or even competitors to survive an unexpected disaster. The
competitive approach must be handled carefully to avoid losing customers,
but is possible through contracting, repackaging, or even negotiated referrals.

Disaster Prevention

Avoiding an unnecessary disaster is a far less disruptive approach to busi-
ness continuity and recovery planning.        The old saying “an ounce of
prevention is worth a pound of cure” has significant meaning with respect to
business interruptions. The losses from unexpected downtime can be very
significant and often avoided by simple precautions. There are many policies
and procedures that can be implemented to prevent accidents and protect a
business against common disasters. Fire and water damage can be prevented
through periodic safety audits and careful facilities planning using fireproof-
ing, proper drainage, and other proven techniques. Power interruptions can
be minimized with a UPS and backup generator for critical equipment and
operations. Even theft and vandalism can be deterred by implementing a
basic security model.

ARC’s basic security model focuses on prevention and detection of security
threats and rapid recovery of impacted operations when security is breached.
The model looks at securing tangible assets such as equipment and facilities

                                                                          Copyright © ARC Advisory Group • •                         9
ARC Strategies • December 2001

                                 as well as intangible assets such as software applications and information.
                                 Securing physical assets starts with locks for protection, alarms for detection,
                                 and spares for recovery. Similarly, protection against environmental threats
                                 on assets such as power failures can be protected as previously mentioned
                                 with a UPS and generator. Once a power failure is detected the equipment
                                 can undergo an emergency shutdown to avoid damage and be automatically
                                 restarted for rapid recovery when power is restored.

                                 Business knowledge and information is probably the most valuable asset for
                                 many companies and is usually the most difficult to capture and preserve.
                                 Most IT organizations spend considerable time managing critical business
                                 systems and data that is often integrated with plant floor production sys-
                                 tems. The security threats to critical data have increased exponentially as
                                 more manufacturers rely on Web-based solutions to optimize operations and
                                 generate additional revenues. Protection, detection, and recovery of business
                                                                                    information is an essential part
   Model       Physical     Viral      Access       Backup        Power Failure
                                                                                    of every BCRP.
  Protection     locks      shield   passwords     scheduled      UPS / Generator
                                                                                    Software applications and data
  Detection     alarms       scan       trace      notification     shutdown
  Recovery       spares     clean      change        restore          restart
                                                                                    must be protected from com-
                                                                                    puter viruses introduced by
                                 hackers or unintentionally by employees during everyday operations. Ac-
                                 cess by hackers and unauthorized users must be prevented using password
                                 protection. Business data must be protected using scheduled backup proce-
                                 dures in case of corruption or accidental loss.          Breaches in information
                                 security must be quickly detected with scan algorithms for viruses, trace
                                 routes for unauthorized user logins, and notification of successful data back-
                                 ups when completed. Rapid recovery of critical business applications and
                                 data must be guaranteed to minimize downtime and enable continued opera-
                                 tions. Recovery procedures include data cleaning procedures to eliminate
                                 computer virus signatures, password changes to prevent future unauthor-
                                 ized access to business systems, and system backup restores to repair
                                 corrupted applications and information.

                                 Collaborative Asset Lifecycle Management

                                 The complexity of many new assets requires extensive training and costly
                                 equipment for proper maintenance, forcing customers to share maintenance

10 • • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group
ARC Strategies • December 2001

responsibility with suppliers. For example, repairing a new automobile re-
quires expensive diagnostic equipment and frequent training to understand
computerized performance indicators and fault detection parameters. Only
dealerships can justify the cost of this equipment, forcing customers to rely
on them for most maintenance requirements. This embedding of intelligence
in new products is becoming popular because it reduces support costs and
optimizes performance, availability, and reliability.

Smart technology is driving Collaborative Asset Lifecycle Management
(CALM), which promotes collaboration between suppliers, customers, and
internal organizations for sharing knowledge and integrating important ap-
plications for optimization of the various asset lifecycle phases. Customers
are demanding better support from suppliers through the entire asset lifecy-
cle, from sourcing to redeployment.      Suppliers are assuming more asset
management responsibilities through out-                            Collaborative Asset Lifecycle Management
sourcing    agreements    with   performance
                                                   Manufacturer           Supplier & Manufacturer         3rd Party Service
                                                        Source          Operate           Maintain        Decommission

Placing more responsibility on suppliers is a
best practice for business continuity and                                  Current EAM Solutions

rapid recovery from a disaster. A fast and
proper response to a business interruption                               Capital Equipment Lifecycle

can prevent a serious disaster. Knowing how to contact the right person or
supplier immediately or having access to the right asset information and
spare parts will minimize downtime. Having a good supplier contractually
involved with revenue responsibility can expedite a rapid response to your

A rapid response from anyone will require an accurate and fast evaluation of
the situation. Several new remote monitoring, access, and notification tech-
nologies can expedite the recovery process. Simple network management
protocol (SNMP) can monitor device health, performance, and configuration
over an IP network, while global positioning systems (GPS) and radio fre-
quency identification (RFID) can track asset location.            These and other
technologies properly supplemented with email notification can identify
problem areas, expedite spare parts and tools, and notify the needed re-
sources for the solution. Remember that action speaks louder than words in
an emergency and that CALM provides strong decision support based on
proactive asset management.

                                                                    Copyright © ARC Advisory Group • •       11
ARC Strategies • December 2001

                                 Damage Assessment

                                 A successful recovery requires identifying the problems and potential dam-
                                 age. A good measure of disaster magnitude is the time and cost to recover.
                                 Recovery in less than a day is usually minor, although short outages may
                                 hide less obvious damages such as loss of customer confidence. Comprehen-
                                 sive damage assessment procedures will help quickly assess losses. The best
                                 way to identify and measuring damage should be documented. Before and
                                 after photos of assets and operations can help determine losses and damage
                                 when a major disaster destroys all or a portion of your facilities.

           Event Category                 Extreme Impact         Major Impact          Minor Impact         No Impact
           Health and Safety              Loss of Life or Limb   Hospitalization       Local First Aid      None
           Financial Loss                 $$$                    $$                    $                    0
           Information Loss               $$$                    $$                    $                    0
           Compliance                     FDA Revoke License     FDA Suspend License   FDA Review License   None
           Production Loss                Days/$$$               Hours/$$              Minutes/$            None
           Environmental Damage           Permanent /Offsite     Long term/ Onsite     Temporary/ Local     None
           Loss of Trust or Reputation    Permanent              Long Term             Temporary            None

                                 In fact, loss of facilities, such as in the case of the Oklahoma City bombing,
                                 should be a special consideration of any BCRP with provisions for backup
                                 mobile communications and replication of operations at an alternate or mir-
                                 rored site. Availability of an alternate site is an important safeguard for
                                 rapid recovery from any disaster where damage is extensive. Safety concerns
                                 or extensive damage to the facility, information center, or any other critical
                                 operation makes relocation to the alternate site a practical decision. Reloca-
                                 tion time to the new site will depend on the estimated time for recovery as
                                 determined by the damage assessment process. A mirrored site can normally
                                 assume full redundant operations very quickly with minimum business in-
                                 terruption because it provides real-time backup for business information.
                                 The right level of protection will depend on the likelihood of various threats,
                                 the risk tolerance of the business, and the cost of deploying redundant opera-
                                 tions.   Any manufacturer fortunate enough to have similar multi-site
                                 operations should consider mirroring each other’s information as a more cost
                                 effective solution.

12 • • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group
ARC Strategies • December 2001

Recovery Strategy and Procedures

Mirrored hot sites that can immediately takeover operations for another
damaged site is the ideal scenario for BCRP. Unfortunately, very few busi-
nesses or manufacturers can afford this model. Results from our survey
showed a very small percentage of companies performed real-time backup of
data, and few could tolerate more than a day of unexpected downtime. Most
companies relied on comprehensive planning and daily backups for a fast
recovery, with smaller businesses even settling for weekly data backups. The
survey showed that a 1-to-3 day downtime, although costly, was not fatal. It
also indicated that the average BCRP solution was 3 years old, with annual or
periodic updates. Unfortunately, less than half of the companies tested their
BCRP, and only a few companies had adequate recovery teams in place, with
the average being five or fewer members.

In any case, successful recovery
                                          BCRP Supplier              Solutions                      References
requires a complete backup of
                                          Binomial         Phoenix Disaster Recover        Bayer, Unocal, Chevron,
current information, available                                                             Glaxo, Raychem, Trane
spares, and properly trained
                                          Comdisco         Revolution, ComPAS,             IFF, Dow Chemical, Union
personnel. This is best accom-                             Complete BIA, CPT,              Pacific, Thomson Consumer
plished by frequently moving                               Continuity Resource             Electronics

mission   critical      data   offsite,   Compaq           DRTape, Storageworks            Molson, Borden Chemical
cross training personnel in im-           Ernst & Young    e-Risk, e-Security              Morgan Stanley, American
portant areas, and maintaining                                                             Express
the   right    spares    and    latest    HP               Business Continuity Services    Mitsubishi, Rockwell, Pacifica
documentation at multiple sites.
                                          IBM              Business Continuity &           Degussa, Eli Lilly, Inver
The BCRP should be docu-                                   Recovery Services               House, Gillette,Tenneco
mented, updated, and tested               Presage          Business Recovery Planner       AT&T, Braun, Chrysler, Coca
periodically, as well as shared                                                            Cola, Emerson, GM, Sie-
                                                                                           mens, US Navy
with strategic suppliers and cus-
tomers.       It is also wise to          SunGard          Precovery, e-Planner, CBR,      Domco, NYSA and other
                                                           Megacenter                      WTC Companies
participate in the BCRP of your
                                          Strohl Systems   BIA Professional, LDRPS (web    Alabama Power, Lockheed
key suppliers and primary cus-
                                                           server), Incident Manager       Martin, Nestle, Solectron
tomers, since their failures can
seriously impact your opera-
tions. Every BCRP should include provisions for alternate supply and distri-
bution channels for suppliers, partners, and customers.

There are many BCRP service providers including Compaq, Ernst & Young,
HP, and IBM, but only a few large software solution suppliers such as Strohl

                                                                        Copyright © ARC Advisory Group • •   13
ARC Strategies • December 2001

                                 Systems, SunGard, and Comdisco. SunGard provides software and services
                                 to its customers. Several service providers including IBM and Compaq de-
                                 ploy Strohl Systems BCRP solutions for their clients. SunGard is acquiring
                                 ComDisco, and HP may merge with Compaq creating several stronger BCRP
                                 solution suppliers. For do it yourself companies, Binomial International,
                                 Presage, and several other suppliers offer a low cost entry-level solution.

                                 Most BCRP suppliers provide critical support after tragic events such as fires,
                                 storms, floods, and terrorism. IBM, SunGard, and Strohl Systems operate
                                 worldwide recovery centers that can mirror sites or load backup tapes to
                                 support IT operations during a disaster. For example, both Gillette and Mer-
                                 cedes Benz took advantage of IBM’s Sterling Forest, New York, recovery
                                 center to support operations during hurricanes in Puerto Rico and New Jer-
                                 sey. Morgan Stanley built its own fully redundant data center at the World
                                 Trade Center, which was completely destroyed on September 11. Mirroring
                                 permitted the original site 15 blocks away in Manhattan to continue full op-
                                 erations with little disruption. Morgan Stanley is currently working with
                                 Ernst & Young to recover and rebuild WTC redundant data center operations
                                 at another location.


                                 According to the ARC survey, most businesses have implemented strong
                                 user authentication and data integrity security with user passwords, daily
                                 backups, and virus protection software. Few businesses, however, have in-
                                 vested in proper BCRP documentation with good risk analysis and
                                 understanding of security threats, nor have they adequately prepared a dis-
                                 aster recovery team to deal with an unexpected disaster. The likelihood of a
                                 serious manmade disaster has increased significantly since 9/11 making
                                 BCRP an important investment for most companies.           ARC suggests that
                                 every company focus on the following.

                                 •   Determine business interruption risks and action responses
                                 •   Identify the recovery team and strategic objectives in advance
                                 •   Deploy safety and security measures to minimize risk
                                 •   Understand and automate repetitive critical operations
                                 •   Develop procedures to quickly assess extent of damages
                                 •   Document and periodically test a comprehensive BCRP.

14 • • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group
ARC Strategies • December 2001

Analyst: Houghton LeRoy
Editor:    Ed Bassett
Distribution: All EAS Clients

Acronym Reference: For a complete list of industry acronyms, refer to our web
page at
B2B Business-to-Business                    GPS  Global Positioning System
B2C Business-to-Consumer                    HMI  Human Machine Interface
BCRP Business Continuity and Recovery       IT   Information Technology
     Planning                               ITRAMIT & Remote Asset Management
BIA  Business Impact Analysis               MRP  Materials Resource Planning
BPR  Business Process Reengineering         OSHA Local Area Network
CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate            PAM  Plant Asset Management
CALM Collaborative Asset Lifecycle          PIMS Process Information Management
     Management                                  System
COM Component Object Model                  RFID Radio Frequency Identification
CNC Computer Numeric Control                ROI Return on Investment
CPG Consumer Packaged Goods                 SCM Supply Chain Management
CRM Customer Relationship Management        SNMP Simple Network Management
CMMS Computerized Maintenance                    Protocol
     Management System                      UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply
EPA Environmental Protection Agency         TMS Transportation Management System
EPM Enterprise Production Management        WIP Work In Progress
ERP  Enterprise Resource Planning           WMS Warehouse Management System

Founded in 1986, ARC Advisory Group is the leader in providing strategic plan-
ning and technology assessment services to leading manufacturing companies,
utilities, and global logistics providers, as well as to software and solution suppli-
ers worldwide. From Global 1000 companies to small start-up firms, ARC
provides the strategic knowledge needed to succeed in today’s technology driven
ARC Strategies is published monthly by ARC. All information in this report is pro-
prietary to and copyrighted by ARC. No part of it may be reproduced without
prior permission from ARC.
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our staff members through our Advisory Services. ARC’s Advisory Services are
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Business continuity and recovery planning for manufacturing

  • 1. BY ARC ADVISORY GROUP DECEMBER 2001 Business Continuity and Recovery Planning for Manufacturing BCRP Is Essential for Survival .................................................................. 3 Strategic Objectives ............................................................................... 3 Business Impact and Risk Analysis........................................................... 4 Critical Operations Identification ............................................................ 6 Collaborative Manufacturing.................................................................. 8 Disaster Prevention ................................................................................ 9 Collaborative Asset Lifecycle Management ............................................ 10 Damage Assessment............................................................................ 12 Recovery Strategy and Procedures ........................................................ 13 Recommendations ............................................................................... 14 Enterprise & Automation Strategies for Industry Executives
  • 2. ARC Strategies • December 2001 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 0 2 5 Years Business Failures After a Disaster without BCRP Disasters Cause 3 Out of 4 Businesses to Fail within 5 Years 10 9 8 7 6 Cost 5 Investment 4 Potential Loss 3 2 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Level of Protection Balance BCRP Investment Cost for the Needed Level of Protection 2 • • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group
  • 3. ARC Strategies • December 2001 BCRP Is Essential for Survival Business continuity and recovery planning (BCRP) is not a new concept, but it has experienced an enormous amount of renewed interest since the Sep- tember 11, 2001, terrorist attack on America. A recent Web survey shows that more than half of the businesses responding were not prepared for a disaster with a functional BCRP. However, all businesses are currently con- sidering, implementing, or updating a comprehensive BCRP strategy. Current events and available statistics support an overwhelming need for disaster recovery planning. While failure to plan for a major disaster frequently results in many business failures, the chances of surviving a disaster double with a good BCRP strat- egy. About 40 percent of businesses without a BCRP fail immediately because they have no plans for a rapid recovery and insufficient funds to cover the expense of extended downtime. Another 25 percent BCRP Systematic Approach fail within two years from lost business revenues and cash flow problems. In fact, only 1 out of 4 businesses without a BCRP • Strategic objectives stay in business more than five years after a disaster. • Business impact analysis • Critical operations identification Survival after a disaster is the name of the game for any busi- • Disaster prevention • Collaborative management ness. The impact may even be indirect if, for example, one of • Damage assessment your primary suppliers or key customers are the victims of the • Recovery procedures disaster and can no longer do business with you. The inability to obtain critical materials from a supplier or order cancellations from a key customer can hurt production, revenues, and profits. A serious disaster can impact the entire value chain from sales and production to shipping and bill- ing, regardless of your direct involvement in the disaster. That is why every business must create a good business continuity and recovery plan. Strategic Objectives A comprehensive BCRP should be developed using a systematic approach, beginning by understanding the strategic objectives for business survival. The main objective of any BCRP is to quickly recover from any business dis- ruption regardless of the magnitude. The recovery plan must insure continuity of important business operations by documenting the most cost effective recovery procedures for many possible scenarios. A cost effective Copyright © ARC Advisory Group • • 3
  • 4. ARC Strategies • December 2001 recovery requires a focus on minimizing downtime and lost productivity while maintaining customer satisfaction and avoiding disruption to existing supply and distribution channels. This is best accomplished by creating a disaster recovery team with assigned responsibilities and expectations. This team should consist of key personnel and alternates from each group in your organization. Selected individuals must understand existing processes and workflows within their areas. At the first meeting, the team should agree on a workable schedule for planning, preparing, reviewing, and testing the plan. The team should initially meet frequently to identify risks and im- pacts from various threats such as terrorism, vandalism, natural disasters, labor strikes, mistakes, and failures. What impact would various threats have on each team member’s area or department? How could they be pre- vented and what are the best procedures for a fast recovery? Business Impact and Risk Analysis Business impact and risk analysis (BIA) are essential elements of any busi- ness continuity and recovery plan. Knowing the probability of different business disruptions and their impact will help determine the required in- vestment needed for the desired level of protection. The disaster recovery team must determine the correct investment for the level of protection needed based on a comprehensive BIA. Certainly, the risks of terrorism have increased, but are still not as probable as the most common business interruptions such as power outages, hard- ware failures, software problems, or employee mistakes. Over 45 percent <1% Terrorism of survey respondents said hardware and software problems were 5% War, Strike 8% major disruptions, followed by 16 percent for power failures, 14 Natural Disaster 10% Theft, Vandalism percent for mistakes, 10 percent for vandalism and hackers, 8 14% Mistakes, Bad Planning percent for natural disasters, 4 percent for fires, and less than 16% Power Outage 1 percent for terrorism. All employees make mistakes, but 45% HW/SW Failure Business Interruption Threats minimizing their business impact requires an in-depth cause and effect analysis. Proper planning, good train- ing programs, and enforcement of approved procedures can prevent most operational mistakes. Bad planning such as inadequate supply chain redun- dancy or lack of backup resources can be avoided with a better understanding of business processes and workflows. 4 • • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group
  • 5. ARC Strategies • December 2001 Most risk analysis can be done using common sense, such as the risk of a natural disaster based upon your geographic location. Similarly, a manmade disaster such as terrorism, theft, vandalism, or a labor strike can be logically related to the type of business or proximity to a high-risk facility. Minimiz- ing your dependencies on single suppliers, sole distributors, and primary customers if they are impacted by a disaster can help prevent extended sup- ply and demand chain interruptions. If your business involves a vola- tile or sensitive environment, then unexpected mistakes or failures can Without have more serious consequences. BCRP LOSS Potentially unsafe or life threatening conditions warrant serious pre- With vention and recovery investments. Agencies such as OSHA and the BCRP EPA enforce strict regulations and impose heavy fines for businesses DAYS that do not comply with rigid standards defined by industry for creat- Loss from Disaster ing hazardous environments. For example, the chemical industry is expected to conduct HAZOP analysis on dangerous materials and processes to determine the proper safety precautions and procedures for both normal and abnormal conditions. Knowing what to do in case of any emergency in- volving a hazardous environment can prevent injuries and save lives. The primary objectives of a risk analysis are proper safety and avoiding finan- cial losses, but it should also consider the impact of business interruptions on profitability. BIA minimizes cumulative losses by establishing business conti- nuity objectives and identifying the cost of various outages with and without BCRP. Losses can become very significant as the time period for recovery in- creases due to a lack of a proper plan. ARC’s survey placed average downtime losses at $35,000 per hour, ranging from less than $10,000 per hour for small businesses to over $100,000 per hour for large companies. A comprehensive BCRP can speed recovery to profitability by minimizing tangible and direct losses such as lost sales, lost production, and missed de- liveries. A good BCRP requires a BIA matrix that identifies the best procedures for most business interruption scenarios. The BIA identifies and can eliminate tangible and indirect losses resulting from penalties, fines, un- expected fees, and lost market share. It should also include the best ideas for avoiding the less visible, but equally serious, intangible losses from lack of confidence in meeting expectations, eroded customer satisfaction, and dam- age to reputation. Copyright © ARC Advisory Group • • 5
  • 6. ARC Strategies • December 2001 Critical Operations Identification A comprehensive BIA includes mapping the current operational model of your business with the major profit and loss centers and their primary proc- ess workflows, procedures, and information requirements. This exercise will provide the disaster recovery team with a better understanding of the critical business dynamics and permit identification of the critical operations re- quired for a faster disaster recovery. Knowing the critical operations will help with financial justifications for special precautionary duplication of im- portant functions and information. Duplication means faster recovery times, but it can be expensive to implement fully redundant and fault tolerant envi- ronments, disk and server mirroring, or backup wireless communications. Limiting duplication techniques to criti- cal operations is a good way to balance investment costs with the needed level of protection. Production Once critical operations are identified, then a minimum working business model is determined, consisting of product sales, production, and delivery. For most manufacturers, recovery of plant floor operations will be the most challenging, given the complexity of production logistics. The first challenge is how to complete or recover any Work In Progress (WIP) operations for both damaged and undamaged goods. The next is future production plan- ning and scheduling based on capabilities versus expectations. Production objectives after any interruption must be based on predetermined options, influenced by real-time data such as the extent of damage, supplier & cus- tomer commitments, revenue opportunities, and backup production options. Supply chain problems such as insufficient materials are a common cause of production downtime following an unexpected disaster or business interrup- tion. The BCRP must identify how to obtain sufficient raw materials internally from inventory and externally from suppliers that are essential to sustain production along with maintenance, repair, and operating materials to keep critical equipment running reliably. Any problems with perform- ance, availability ,or reliability of equipment assets can severely impact production and jeopardize compliance with quality standards and regula- tions. Lack of compliance can easily ruin product quality or shutdown operations, resulting in significant losses. 6 • • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group
  • 7. ARC Strategies • December 2001 IT Operations In most manufacturing environments, information technology is deployed throughout the facility from the shop floor to the top floor. Network infra- structure and communications exist for all organizations from sales and marketing, through production and engineering, to distribution and service support. Recovering all these complex systems and maintaining levels of inte- gration enjoyed prior to a disaster is extremely difficult if not impossible. The 9/11 disaster totally destroyed the facilities and infrastructure of many busi- nesses, making alternate site redundancy the only option for fast recovery. Fortunately this type of disaster is rare, but must still be covered by the BCRP. Many IT disasters are self-inflicted through poor planning and lack of proper change management. Large manufacturers often paralyze their business op- erations by improperly implementing a new enterprise application such as enterprise resource planning (ERP), customer relationship management (CRM) or supply chain management (SCM). Examples include the three year com- bined ERP, CRM and SCM implementation at Hershey that interrupted order processing and shipping functions for three months, causing third quarter sales and profitability to drop 12.4 percent and 18.6 percent respectively. Other companies experiencing business interruptions from poorly planned enterprise application implementations include Nike, Whirlpool, Dow Chemi- cal, Boeing, Dell Computer, and Apple. Implementation problems are frequently caused by bad timing for a switchover and the complexity of appli- cations. In any case, most of these mistakes can be avoided or quickly recovered with a good contingency plan within the scope of BCRP. A good contingency plan requires guaranteed system and data availability, tested backup procedures, and proven implementation methodology with best practices for change management. The ability to recover all systems, applications, and information for critical operations is an essential require- ment for contingency planning, business continuity, and disaster recovery. The methods may vary from comprehensive system backups or fully redun- dant and fault tolerant environments to a duplicate backup site. No matter what the approach is, the ultimate objective is to return to normal operations with no loss of functionality or information. Sales and Service Customer satisfaction is the key to success for any business. Maintaining it following a disaster or major business interruption is paramount. That is why every business continuity plan must consider the best ways to continue Copyright © ARC Advisory Group • • 7
  • 8. ARC Strategies • December 2001 meeting customer expectations during difficult times. Automating sales and support processes using appropriate enterprise applications such as ERP and CRM can help with recovery efforts for orders, deliverables, financials, and service. Although ERP and CRM are often complex applications, they do create a comprehensive database of customer sales and support requirements that can easily be backed up and recovered by IT operations. Automation can be the medicine for quick recovery. But as a minimum, every business should document a manual system for sales, delivery, and support A Web-based portal can become as a last resort recovery procedure. a primary communication vehicle for employees, suppliers, and In many cases, a good e-business strategy can provide sufficient customers following a disaster. capabilities to satisfy customer requirements for ordering prod- ucts and obtaining needed support. A web-based communications portal with e-commerce and e-support functions should be considered for collaboration between your company employees, key suppli- ers, and existing customers. The actual network hardware and software infrastructure can be outsourced to a reputable service provider, reducing your risk of losing all capabilities after a disaster. The portal can also act as the primary communication vehicle for your disaster recovery team while planning, communicating, and even executing the BCRP. Collaborative Manufacturing The new Internet economy has greatly improved the efficiency of product and asset lifecycle management from on-line ordering and just in time pro- duction, to rapid delivery, and real-time support. A new Collaborative Manufacturing Management (CMM) model has evolved that encourages suppliers, customers, and partners to share knowledge and best practices for optimizing business operations and improving profitability. CMM improves supply and demand chain operations by optimizing product and asset lifecy- cle phases. It shortens latency times between ordering and product delivery by significantly improving process workflows through collaboration. These highly optimized CMM models rely heavily on proper coordination of the supply chain between suppliers, manufacturers, and customers to opti- mize production costs and maintain lean inventory levels. Any extended interruption to this business model can result in major supply chain disrup- tion and significant losses. Manufacturers that adhere to this very 8 • • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group
  • 9. ARC Strategies • December 2001 competitive and efficient business model Business Enterprise Axis must consider multiple recovery options or t pp to minimize losses from unscheduled HR ERP FIN Su Lifecycle Axis business interruptions. Buy-Side Buy-Side PLM/S Sell-Side Sell-Side Exchange Exchange EAM CPS/ Exchange Exchange The preferred options are to transfer SCM APS CRM TMS Customers Pro- production to another existing manufac- Suppliers cure GLS Value Chain PLM/D BPM Axis turing line within your plant or to Logistics Logistics Logistics PAM another plant site with equivalent capa- CPM Exchange Exchange RPO PIM bilities and extra capacity. Many n /PSO MAS ig D es Automation industries such as food and pharmaceu- Production ticals already use multiple production lines and plant sites to optimize produc- ARC’s CMM Model tion costs based on regional demand, and they should deploy these options in their BCRP. Other manufacturers with- out redundant production capabilities must consider using third party manufacturers or even competitors to survive an unexpected disaster. The competitive approach must be handled carefully to avoid losing customers, but is possible through contracting, repackaging, or even negotiated referrals. Disaster Prevention Avoiding an unnecessary disaster is a far less disruptive approach to busi- ness continuity and recovery planning. The old saying “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” has significant meaning with respect to business interruptions. The losses from unexpected downtime can be very significant and often avoided by simple precautions. There are many policies and procedures that can be implemented to prevent accidents and protect a business against common disasters. Fire and water damage can be prevented through periodic safety audits and careful facilities planning using fireproof- ing, proper drainage, and other proven techniques. Power interruptions can be minimized with a UPS and backup generator for critical equipment and operations. Even theft and vandalism can be deterred by implementing a basic security model. ARC’s basic security model focuses on prevention and detection of security threats and rapid recovery of impacted operations when security is breached. The model looks at securing tangible assets such as equipment and facilities Copyright © ARC Advisory Group • • 9
  • 10. ARC Strategies • December 2001 as well as intangible assets such as software applications and information. Securing physical assets starts with locks for protection, alarms for detection, and spares for recovery. Similarly, protection against environmental threats on assets such as power failures can be protected as previously mentioned with a UPS and generator. Once a power failure is detected the equipment can undergo an emergency shutdown to avoid damage and be automatically restarted for rapid recovery when power is restored. Business knowledge and information is probably the most valuable asset for many companies and is usually the most difficult to capture and preserve. Most IT organizations spend considerable time managing critical business systems and data that is often integrated with plant floor production sys- tems. The security threats to critical data have increased exponentially as more manufacturers rely on Web-based solutions to optimize operations and generate additional revenues. Protection, detection, and recovery of business information is an essential part Security Model Physical Viral Access Backup Power Failure of every BCRP. Protection locks shield passwords scheduled UPS / Generator Software applications and data Detection alarms scan trace notification shutdown Recovery spares clean change restore restart must be protected from com- puter viruses introduced by hackers or unintentionally by employees during everyday operations. Ac- cess by hackers and unauthorized users must be prevented using password protection. Business data must be protected using scheduled backup proce- dures in case of corruption or accidental loss. Breaches in information security must be quickly detected with scan algorithms for viruses, trace routes for unauthorized user logins, and notification of successful data back- ups when completed. Rapid recovery of critical business applications and data must be guaranteed to minimize downtime and enable continued opera- tions. Recovery procedures include data cleaning procedures to eliminate computer virus signatures, password changes to prevent future unauthor- ized access to business systems, and system backup restores to repair corrupted applications and information. Collaborative Asset Lifecycle Management The complexity of many new assets requires extensive training and costly equipment for proper maintenance, forcing customers to share maintenance 10 • • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group
  • 11. ARC Strategies • December 2001 responsibility with suppliers. For example, repairing a new automobile re- quires expensive diagnostic equipment and frequent training to understand computerized performance indicators and fault detection parameters. Only dealerships can justify the cost of this equipment, forcing customers to rely on them for most maintenance requirements. This embedding of intelligence in new products is becoming popular because it reduces support costs and optimizes performance, availability, and reliability. Smart technology is driving Collaborative Asset Lifecycle Management (CALM), which promotes collaboration between suppliers, customers, and internal organizations for sharing knowledge and integrating important ap- plications for optimization of the various asset lifecycle phases. Customers are demanding better support from suppliers through the entire asset lifecy- cle, from sourcing to redeployment. Suppliers are assuming more asset management responsibilities through out- Collaborative Asset Lifecycle Management sourcing agreements with performance Manufacturer Supplier & Manufacturer 3rd Party Service guarantees. Source Operate Maintain Decommission Placing more responsibility on suppliers is a best practice for business continuity and Current EAM Solutions rapid recovery from a disaster. A fast and proper response to a business interruption Capital Equipment Lifecycle can prevent a serious disaster. Knowing how to contact the right person or supplier immediately or having access to the right asset information and spare parts will minimize downtime. Having a good supplier contractually involved with revenue responsibility can expedite a rapid response to your problems. A rapid response from anyone will require an accurate and fast evaluation of the situation. Several new remote monitoring, access, and notification tech- nologies can expedite the recovery process. Simple network management protocol (SNMP) can monitor device health, performance, and configuration over an IP network, while global positioning systems (GPS) and radio fre- quency identification (RFID) can track asset location. These and other technologies properly supplemented with email notification can identify problem areas, expedite spare parts and tools, and notify the needed re- sources for the solution. Remember that action speaks louder than words in an emergency and that CALM provides strong decision support based on proactive asset management. Copyright © ARC Advisory Group • • 11
  • 12. ARC Strategies • December 2001 Damage Assessment A successful recovery requires identifying the problems and potential dam- age. A good measure of disaster magnitude is the time and cost to recover. Recovery in less than a day is usually minor, although short outages may hide less obvious damages such as loss of customer confidence. Comprehen- sive damage assessment procedures will help quickly assess losses. The best way to identify and measuring damage should be documented. Before and after photos of assets and operations can help determine losses and damage when a major disaster destroys all or a portion of your facilities. Event Category Extreme Impact Major Impact Minor Impact No Impact Health and Safety Loss of Life or Limb Hospitalization Local First Aid None Financial Loss $$$ $$ $ 0 Information Loss $$$ $$ $ 0 Compliance FDA Revoke License FDA Suspend License FDA Review License None Production Loss Days/$$$ Hours/$$ Minutes/$ None Environmental Damage Permanent /Offsite Long term/ Onsite Temporary/ Local None Loss of Trust or Reputation Permanent Long Term Temporary None In fact, loss of facilities, such as in the case of the Oklahoma City bombing, should be a special consideration of any BCRP with provisions for backup mobile communications and replication of operations at an alternate or mir- rored site. Availability of an alternate site is an important safeguard for rapid recovery from any disaster where damage is extensive. Safety concerns or extensive damage to the facility, information center, or any other critical operation makes relocation to the alternate site a practical decision. Reloca- tion time to the new site will depend on the estimated time for recovery as determined by the damage assessment process. A mirrored site can normally assume full redundant operations very quickly with minimum business in- terruption because it provides real-time backup for business information. The right level of protection will depend on the likelihood of various threats, the risk tolerance of the business, and the cost of deploying redundant opera- tions. Any manufacturer fortunate enough to have similar multi-site operations should consider mirroring each other’s information as a more cost effective solution. 12 • • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group
  • 13. ARC Strategies • December 2001 Recovery Strategy and Procedures Mirrored hot sites that can immediately takeover operations for another damaged site is the ideal scenario for BCRP. Unfortunately, very few busi- nesses or manufacturers can afford this model. Results from our survey showed a very small percentage of companies performed real-time backup of data, and few could tolerate more than a day of unexpected downtime. Most companies relied on comprehensive planning and daily backups for a fast recovery, with smaller businesses even settling for weekly data backups. The survey showed that a 1-to-3 day downtime, although costly, was not fatal. It also indicated that the average BCRP solution was 3 years old, with annual or periodic updates. Unfortunately, less than half of the companies tested their BCRP, and only a few companies had adequate recovery teams in place, with the average being five or fewer members. In any case, successful recovery Supplier BCRP Supplier Solutions References requires a complete backup of Binomial Phoenix Disaster Recover Bayer, Unocal, Chevron, current information, available Glaxo, Raychem, Trane spares, and properly trained Comdisco Revolution, ComPAS, IFF, Dow Chemical, Union personnel. This is best accom- Complete BIA, CPT, Pacific, Thomson Consumer plished by frequently moving Continuity Resource Electronics mission critical data offsite, Compaq DRTape, Storageworks Molson, Borden Chemical cross training personnel in im- Ernst & Young e-Risk, e-Security Morgan Stanley, American portant areas, and maintaining Express the right spares and latest HP Business Continuity Services Mitsubishi, Rockwell, Pacifica documentation at multiple sites. IBM Business Continuity & Degussa, Eli Lilly, Inver The BCRP should be docu- Recovery Services House, Gillette,Tenneco mented, updated, and tested Presage Business Recovery Planner AT&T, Braun, Chrysler, Coca periodically, as well as shared Cola, Emerson, GM, Sie- mens, US Navy with strategic suppliers and cus- tomers. It is also wise to SunGard Precovery, e-Planner, CBR, Domco, NYSA and other Megacenter WTC Companies participate in the BCRP of your Strohl Systems BIA Professional, LDRPS (web Alabama Power, Lockheed key suppliers and primary cus- server), Incident Manager Martin, Nestle, Solectron tomers, since their failures can seriously impact your opera- tions. Every BCRP should include provisions for alternate supply and distri- bution channels for suppliers, partners, and customers. There are many BCRP service providers including Compaq, Ernst & Young, HP, and IBM, but only a few large software solution suppliers such as Strohl Copyright © ARC Advisory Group • • 13
  • 14. ARC Strategies • December 2001 Systems, SunGard, and Comdisco. SunGard provides software and services to its customers. Several service providers including IBM and Compaq de- ploy Strohl Systems BCRP solutions for their clients. SunGard is acquiring ComDisco, and HP may merge with Compaq creating several stronger BCRP solution suppliers. For do it yourself companies, Binomial International, Presage, and several other suppliers offer a low cost entry-level solution. Most BCRP suppliers provide critical support after tragic events such as fires, storms, floods, and terrorism. IBM, SunGard, and Strohl Systems operate worldwide recovery centers that can mirror sites or load backup tapes to support IT operations during a disaster. For example, both Gillette and Mer- cedes Benz took advantage of IBM’s Sterling Forest, New York, recovery center to support operations during hurricanes in Puerto Rico and New Jer- sey. Morgan Stanley built its own fully redundant data center at the World Trade Center, which was completely destroyed on September 11. Mirroring permitted the original site 15 blocks away in Manhattan to continue full op- erations with little disruption. Morgan Stanley is currently working with Ernst & Young to recover and rebuild WTC redundant data center operations at another location. Recommendations According to the ARC survey, most businesses have implemented strong user authentication and data integrity security with user passwords, daily backups, and virus protection software. Few businesses, however, have in- vested in proper BCRP documentation with good risk analysis and understanding of security threats, nor have they adequately prepared a dis- aster recovery team to deal with an unexpected disaster. The likelihood of a serious manmade disaster has increased significantly since 9/11 making BCRP an important investment for most companies. ARC suggests that every company focus on the following. • Determine business interruption risks and action responses • Identify the recovery team and strategic objectives in advance • Deploy safety and security measures to minimize risk • Understand and automate repetitive critical operations • Develop procedures to quickly assess extent of damages • Document and periodically test a comprehensive BCRP. 14 • • Copyright © ARC Advisory Group
  • 15. ARC Strategies • December 2001 Analyst: Houghton LeRoy Editor: Ed Bassett Distribution: All EAS Clients Acronym Reference: For a complete list of industry acronyms, refer to our web page at B2B Business-to-Business GPS Global Positioning System B2C Business-to-Consumer HMI Human Machine Interface BCRP Business Continuity and Recovery IT Information Technology Planning ITRAMIT & Remote Asset Management BIA Business Impact Analysis MRP Materials Resource Planning BPR Business Process Reengineering OSHA Local Area Network CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate PAM Plant Asset Management CALM Collaborative Asset Lifecycle PIMS Process Information Management Management System COM Component Object Model RFID Radio Frequency Identification CNC Computer Numeric Control ROI Return on Investment CPG Consumer Packaged Goods SCM Supply Chain Management CRM Customer Relationship Management SNMP Simple Network Management CMMS Computerized Maintenance Protocol Management System UPS Uninterrupted Power Supply EPA Environmental Protection Agency TMS Transportation Management System EPM Enterprise Production Management WIP Work In Progress ERP Enterprise Resource Planning WMS Warehouse Management System Founded in 1986, ARC Advisory Group is the leader in providing strategic plan- ning and technology assessment services to leading manufacturing companies, utilities, and global logistics providers, as well as to software and solution suppli- ers worldwide. From Global 1000 companies to small start-up firms, ARC provides the strategic knowledge needed to succeed in today’s technology driven economy. ARC Strategies is published monthly by ARC. All information in this report is pro- prietary to and copyrighted by ARC. No part of it may be reproduced without prior permission from ARC. You can take advantage of ARC's extensive ongoing research plus experience of our staff members through our Advisory Services. ARC’s Advisory Services are specifically designed for executives responsible for developing strategies and di- rections for their organizations. For subscription information, please call, fax, or write to: ARC Advisory Group, Three Allied Drive, Dedham, MA 02026 USA Tel: 781-471-1000, Fax: 781-471-1100, Email: Visit our web page at Copyright © ARC Advisory Group • • 15
  • 16. Cambridge, U.K. Düsseldorf, Germany Munich, Germany Hamburg, Germany Tokyo, Japan Bangalore, India Boston, MA Pittsburgh, PA San Francisco, CA Visit for complete contact information Three Allied Drive • Dedham, MA 02026 USA • 781-471-1000 • Fax 781-471-1100