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Lesson N9: LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS of diphtheria

    1.Scientifically methodical ground of theme

    Diphtheria was formally an important pediatric disease all over the world but following the
    development of effective prophylactics and mass immunization, the disease has been virtually
    eradicated from most advanced countries. In those developing countries, where childhood
    immunization programs have been implemented effectively diphtheria has become rare but in
    others it still continues to be a serious problem.

    2.Educational purpose


         1.   Structure, staining properties and cultivation of Corynebacterium diphtheriaе
         2.   Fermentative properties and toxin production of Corynebacterium diphtheriaе
         3.   Epidemiology and pathogenesis of diphtheria.
         4.   Methods of laboratory diagnosis of disease, the main methods of prevention and


       – prepare the smears from tested material;stain the smears by Gram’s and Loeffler
    technique; make microscopical examination of the smears and make up conclusion

•   value the growth of Corynebacterium diphtheriaе on different media;

    – choose biological preparation used for laboratory diagnosis and specific prophylaxis of
    diphtheria ; create scheme of diphtheria diagnosis.

    3.Chart of topic content.

    Fig. N 1: Usual biochemical reaction of C.diphtheriae

    Catalase         Nitrat reduction Urease        Helatin          Glucose           Maltose        Sucrose
                                                    hydrolisis                                        fermentation
                                                                     fermentation      fermentation
    +                +              -               -                +                 +              -

    FigN2:Differential-diagnostic signs of corynebacteria diphtheria and non-pathogenic
Type of       Fermenta-tion                            Toxigenic Additional signs
corynebacteri sucrouseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee glucos starc ity       cystina ureas Agglutinati
a             eeeeee                      e      h               se test e test on with
gravis          –                               +     +     +     +     –   +
mitis           –                               +     –   –   +     –   +
Diphtheroids    +                                 +     –   –   +     +     –
Pseudodiphth +                                    –   –   –   –   –   –
eria bacteria

Fig. N3: Mode action of diphtheria toxin


Diphtheria toxin

Cell membrane



Cell death


Prevents protein


Inactivates by ribosome




Fig. N 4:Main effects of C.diphtheriae exotoxin
Local Systemic

Target: pharynx Targets: cardiac, nervous tissues and others

Inflammatory response with


Fig. N 5: Microscopic examination




Throat, nose

  Prepared smears stain by Gram’s and

  examine Loeffler technique

under microscope

Club-shaping, non-sporing, Gram positive rods, that show

methachromatic granules. Organisms arranged in

“Chinese letterâ€u patterns, or side- by- side in “palisadesâ€

Fig. N 6: Prevention of diphtheria

Prevention of diphtheria

Non specific

Isolation of a patient, detection and

Active immunization
Passive immunisation

isolation of carriers

DPT-vaccine ADS-Antitoxin

(antidiphtheritic serum)

4. Student’s independent study program

    1. Structure and staining properties of diphtheria causative agent
    2. Cultivation of Corynebacterium diphtheriaе. Main nutrient media.

  3. Biochemical properties of Corynebacterium diphtheriaе.

  4. classification of Corynebacterium diphtheriaе.

  5. Toxin formation of Corynebacterium diphtheriaе.

  6. Epidemiology of diphtheria :

  a – source of infectious agents;

  b – mechanism of transmission;

  c – factors of transmission.

  8. Pathogenesis and clinical findings of diphtheria.

  9. Laboratory diagnosis of diphtheria.

  10. Treatment and prophylaxis of diphtheria.

  a– specific prophylaxis of diphtheria.

  c – urgent prophylaxis of diphtheria.

  d – treatment

    5. Students’ practical activities:

    1. Stain ready smears of Corynebacterium diphtheriaе by Loeffler technique. Examine
       under microscope; make up conclusion. Draw and record you observation. (See Fig.N5)
On fixed smear pour alkaline methylene blue to act for 3-5 minutes, wash with water, dry with
filter paper, and examine under the microscope. The cytoplasm of Corynebacterium diphtheriaе
is stained light-blue, while granules are dark-blue.

    2. To familiarize with biological preparation used for laboratory diagnosis and specific
       prophylaxis of diphtheria.

DPT-vaccine, that consists of diphtheria (D) and tetanus (T) toxoid, and pertussis(P) vaccine, all
three generally given together. toxoid is prepared by 0,4% formaline solution treatment from
diphtheria toxin at 400 C during 4 weeks. It is used for planned immunization against toxoid
administration results in the production of antibodies that specifically neutralize the diphtheria
toxin. Since the disease the results primarily from toxin adsorption rather than microbial invasion,
its control can be accomplished most effectively by immunization with toxoid. Unfortunately, these
immunizations have often been neglected, particularly among socioeconomically disadvantages
groups, and serious epidemics of the diseases have occurred periodically. Since the 1980s, there
has been an active campaign in the most of the United states, to ensure that children who are
entering school are immunized against diphtheria. As a result, only a few cases of diphtheria are
annually reported in the USA, as compared to the 30,000 cases reported in 1936.

ADS-Antitoxin ( antidiphtheritic serum) is used for treatment and prophylaxis.In1886 Bering
found antibodies in the blood of porpoises, immunized with sublethal doses of diphtherin. In 1896
Bering used sheep serum for diphtheria treatment. He was awarded Nobel Prize for creating of
new treatment method and for the successes of diphtheria treatment. Passive immunization is an
emergency measure to be employed when susceptibles are exposed to infection, as a case of
diphtheria is admitted to general pediatric ward.It is consist of the sucutaneous administration of
500-1000 unit of antitoxin As this is a horse serum, precaution against hypersensetivity should be

Antibiotics (erythromycin, penicillin) The bacteria are sensitive to these antibiotics, but such
treatmen stops only transmission of the disease; it has no effect on the toxin that has been
adsorbed already.

Effective treatment of diphtheria depends on giving antiserum against diphtheria toxin to the
patient as soon as possible. Administration of antiserum must be given if the disease is
suspected without waiting for proof of the diagnosis, since a delay of the several days need to
obtain confirmation from the culture results can be fatal.

    3. Start diagnosis of diphtheria carrying. Take specimen from throat by cotton swab.
       Inoculate it onto Loeffler medium


Throat Thermostat, at370 C

Cotton swab during 24-48 hours
Inoculate by swab onto Loeffler medium

6. Control questions and tests

 1. It was necessary to make preventive inoculation of student's group because a case of
diphtheria. What preparation should be used to develop artificial active immunity?

 A. Diphtheria toxoid

 B. Antidiphtheritic serum.

 C. A specific antibody.

 D. Vaccine DPT (Triple vaccine.)

 2. To determine the toxigenicity of causative agents of diphtheria obtained from patients,
cultures are inoculated into wells cooped round the central well with diphtheria serum into
nutritious agar of Petri dishes. After cultures incubation between central well and some wells with
cultures bands (lines of precipitation) are observed. Which serologic test is carried out?

 A. Test precipitation in gel.

 B. Tube precipitation test

 C. Agglutination.

 D. Floculation

 E. Coombs test

 3. Pure culture of corynebacteria diphtheria is obtained from a patient. What serologic test
should be used for determining toxigenity of culture?

 A. Agglutinations.

 B.Test. precipitation in agar

 C. Complement fixation test

 D. Hemagglutination inhibition.

 E. Passive hemaglutination
4. Throat culture isolated from a 5- year- old child was identified as corynebacterium diphtheria
by morphological and fermentative properties, but exotoxin free. What process can make this
strain toxigenetic?

A. Chromosomal mutation.

B.Cultivation on telurite medium

C. Passing culture through organisms of sensitive animals.

D. Cultivation on medium with antitoxic serum.

E. Phage conversion.

 5. Corynebacterium diphtheriae was obtained from a sick child with suspicion of diphtheria.
What research is necessary to use to be convinced, that this microbe causes diphtheria at the

A. Agglutination test.

B. Staining a material using Giema’s method .

C. Culturing microbes on a blood agar.

D. To infect the rabbit.

E. To check up a toxin producing by microbes.

  6. Among children there are cases of respiratory infection. The tonsil swab was stained by
Neisser technique. There were yellow rods with brown terminal granules, the rods were situated
like letters V, W, X. What infection can be suspected in this case?

 A. Infectious mononucleosis.

 B. Diphtheria.

 C. Listeriasis.

 D. Tonsillitis.

 E. Scarlet fever.

 7. Doctor noticed grayish patches “pseudomembraneâ€e on pharyngeal tonsils of 6- year-
old child at the examination. Bleeding was occurred when there was attempt of remove patches.
What symptoms can appear within the next few days without specific treatment?
A. Very strong attack-like cough.

B. Lungs edema.

C. Toxic lesion of a cardiac muscle, liver, kidneys.

D. Papular rash on skin.

E. Intermittent fever.

  8. The two-year-old boy was not immunizated for diphtheria toxoid. On his pharyngeal tonsils
there were revealed microorganisms, which on morphological and biochemical properties are
identical to Corynebacterium diphtheriaе. But precipitation test in agar with antitoxic serum has
been negative. What form of infectious process can this agent cause in the child without

A. Asymptomatic carriage of bacteria.

B. The easy nontoxic form of disease.

C. The toxic complicated form of disease.

D. Chronic disease with damage of the internal organs.

E. Persistent infection.

  9. The girl, 7 years, with a high body temperature, complaints of sore throat, weakness has been
hospitalized to infectious clinic. The doctor has suspected diphtheria and has given the instruction
to take a material from pharynx for obtaining pure culture of the pathogen. Which one of the
following points is the most important for confirmation of the diagnosis "diphtheria"?

A. Revealing polymetaphosphate granules in agent.

B. Demonstrating toxin production.

C. Urease test.

D. Hemolytic activity of agent.

E. Bacteriophage typing.

 10. In pediatric department of infectious clinic there was diagnosed diphtheria in the boy. Which
one of the following preparations should be injected first of all?

A. Diphtheritic antitoxic serum.
B. Diphtheritic toxoid.




 11. In smear from a tonsil of the patient with suspicion for diphtheria there have been revealed
blue rods with dark blue beads at the ends. What method of staining has been used?

 A. Loeffler’s.

 B. Giemsa.

 C. Gins’.

 D. Gram’s.

 E. Neisser’s.

 12. It is necessary to conduct specific prophylaxis of diphtheria in children at school. What
preparation should be used for this purpose?

 A. Toxoid.

 B. Antibiotics.

 C. Probiotics.

 D. A corpuscular vaccine.

 E. Immune serum.

 13. Each of following statements concerning Corynebacterium diphtheriaе is correct EXCEPT:

    A. Corynebacterium diphtheriaе is gram positive rod that does not form spores
    B. toxin production is dependent on the organism’s being lysogenized by bacteriophage
    C. diphtheria toxoid should not be given to children under the age of 3 years because the
       incidents of complications is too high
    D. Antitoxin should be used to treat patients with diphtheria

 14. diphtheria toxin is correctly described as:

A. Produced by Corynebacterium diphtheriaе both in vitro and in vivo
B. Immunogenic

C. The active agent in Schick test

D. Used to vaccinate infants

15. The primary virulence factor for Corynebacterium diphtheriaе is:

    A.   Enterotoxin
    B.   Capsule
    C.   Exotoxin
    D.   Endotoxin

 16. For practical use of curative antitoxic serums, the patient is always given precisely defined
doses. What units is activity of diphtheria antitoxin measured in?

 A. International.

 B. Flocculation’s.

 C. Antigenic.

 D. Agglutination’s

 E. Neutralization’s

7. List of literature: 1.I. S. Gaidash, V.V. Flegontova, Microbiology, virology and immunology,
Lugansk, 2004, chapterN17, p. 29-43.

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Bohomolets Microbiology Lesson #9

  • 1. Lesson N9: LABORATORY DIAGNOSIS of diphtheria 1.Scientifically methodical ground of theme Diphtheria was formally an important pediatric disease all over the world but following the development of effective prophylactics and mass immunization, the disease has been virtually eradicated from most advanced countries. In those developing countries, where childhood immunization programs have been implemented effectively diphtheria has become rare but in others it still continues to be a serious problem. 2.Educational purpose STUDENTS MUST KNOW: 1. Structure, staining properties and cultivation of Corynebacterium diphtheriaе 2. Fermentative properties and toxin production of Corynebacterium diphtheriaе 3. Epidemiology and pathogenesis of diphtheria. 4. Methods of laboratory diagnosis of disease, the main methods of prevention and treatment. STUDENTS SHOULD BE ABLE TO: – prepare the smears from tested material;stain the smears by Gram’s and Loeffler technique; make microscopical examination of the smears and make up conclusion • value the growth of Corynebacterium diphtheriaе on different media; – choose biological preparation used for laboratory diagnosis and specific prophylaxis of diphtheria ; create scheme of diphtheria diagnosis. 3.Chart of topic content. Fig. N 1: Usual biochemical reaction of C.diphtheriae Catalase Nitrat reduction Urease Helatin Glucose Maltose Sucrose hydrolisis fermentation fermentation fermentation + + - - + + - FigN2:Differential-diagnostic signs of corynebacteria diphtheria and non-pathogenic corynebacteria
  • 2. Type of Fermenta-tion Toxigenic Additional signs corynebacteri sucrouseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee glucos starc ity cystina ureas Agglutinati a eeeeee e h se test e test on with antiserum Diphtheria corynebacteri a gravis – + + + + – + mitis – + – – + – + Diphtheroids + + – – + + – Pseudodiphth + – – – – – – eria bacteria Fig. N3: Mode action of diphtheria toxin C.diphtheriae Diphtheria toxin Cell membrane AB AB Cell death A Prevents protein synthesis Inactivates by ribosome elongation factor-2 ribosome Fig. N 4:Main effects of C.diphtheriae exotoxin
  • 3. Local Systemic Target: pharynx Targets: cardiac, nervous tissues and others Inflammatory response with pseudomembrane Fig. N 5: Microscopic examination taking specimen swab Throat, nose Prepared smears stain by Gram’s and examine Loeffler technique under microscope Club-shaping, non-sporing, Gram positive rods, that show methachromatic granules. Organisms arranged in “Chinese letterâ€u patterns, or side- by- side in “palisades†Fig. N 6: Prevention of diphtheria Prevention of diphtheria Non specific Specific(immunization) Isolation of a patient, detection and Active immunization
  • 4. Passive immunisation isolation of carriers DPT-vaccine ADS-Antitoxin (antidiphtheritic serum) 4. Student’s independent study program 1. Structure and staining properties of diphtheria causative agent 2. Cultivation of Corynebacterium diphtheriaе. Main nutrient media. 3. Biochemical properties of Corynebacterium diphtheriaе. 4. classification of Corynebacterium diphtheriaе. 5. Toxin formation of Corynebacterium diphtheriaе. 6. Epidemiology of diphtheria : a – source of infectious agents; b – mechanism of transmission; c – factors of transmission. 8. Pathogenesis and clinical findings of diphtheria. 9. Laboratory diagnosis of diphtheria. 10. Treatment and prophylaxis of diphtheria. a– specific prophylaxis of diphtheria. c – urgent prophylaxis of diphtheria. d – treatment 5. Students’ practical activities: 1. Stain ready smears of Corynebacterium diphtheriaе by Loeffler technique. Examine under microscope; make up conclusion. Draw and record you observation. (See Fig.N5)
  • 5. On fixed smear pour alkaline methylene blue to act for 3-5 minutes, wash with water, dry with filter paper, and examine under the microscope. The cytoplasm of Corynebacterium diphtheriaе is stained light-blue, while granules are dark-blue. 2. To familiarize with biological preparation used for laboratory diagnosis and specific prophylaxis of diphtheria. DPT-vaccine, that consists of diphtheria (D) and tetanus (T) toxoid, and pertussis(P) vaccine, all three generally given together. toxoid is prepared by 0,4% formaline solution treatment from diphtheria toxin at 400 C during 4 weeks. It is used for planned immunization against toxoid administration results in the production of antibodies that specifically neutralize the diphtheria toxin. Since the disease the results primarily from toxin adsorption rather than microbial invasion, its control can be accomplished most effectively by immunization with toxoid. Unfortunately, these immunizations have often been neglected, particularly among socioeconomically disadvantages groups, and serious epidemics of the diseases have occurred periodically. Since the 1980s, there has been an active campaign in the most of the United states, to ensure that children who are entering school are immunized against diphtheria. As a result, only a few cases of diphtheria are annually reported in the USA, as compared to the 30,000 cases reported in 1936. ADS-Antitoxin ( antidiphtheritic serum) is used for treatment and prophylaxis.In1886 Bering found antibodies in the blood of porpoises, immunized with sublethal doses of diphtherin. In 1896 Bering used sheep serum for diphtheria treatment. He was awarded Nobel Prize for creating of new treatment method and for the successes of diphtheria treatment. Passive immunization is an emergency measure to be employed when susceptibles are exposed to infection, as a case of diphtheria is admitted to general pediatric ward.It is consist of the sucutaneous administration of 500-1000 unit of antitoxin As this is a horse serum, precaution against hypersensetivity should be observe. Antibiotics (erythromycin, penicillin) The bacteria are sensitive to these antibiotics, but such treatmen stops only transmission of the disease; it has no effect on the toxin that has been adsorbed already. Effective treatment of diphtheria depends on giving antiserum against diphtheria toxin to the patient as soon as possible. Administration of antiserum must be given if the disease is suspected without waiting for proof of the diagnosis, since a delay of the several days need to obtain confirmation from the culture results can be fatal. 3. Start diagnosis of diphtheria carrying. Take specimen from throat by cotton swab. Inoculate it onto Loeffler medium . Throat Thermostat, at370 C Cotton swab during 24-48 hours
  • 6. Inoculate by swab onto Loeffler medium 6. Control questions and tests 1. It was necessary to make preventive inoculation of student's group because a case of diphtheria. What preparation should be used to develop artificial active immunity? A. Diphtheria toxoid B. Antidiphtheritic serum. C. A specific antibody. D. Vaccine DPT (Triple vaccine.) 2. To determine the toxigenicity of causative agents of diphtheria obtained from patients, cultures are inoculated into wells cooped round the central well with diphtheria serum into nutritious agar of Petri dishes. After cultures incubation between central well and some wells with cultures bands (lines of precipitation) are observed. Which serologic test is carried out? A. Test precipitation in gel. B. Tube precipitation test C. Agglutination. D. Floculation E. Coombs test 3. Pure culture of corynebacteria diphtheria is obtained from a patient. What serologic test should be used for determining toxigenity of culture? A. Agglutinations. B.Test. precipitation in agar C. Complement fixation test D. Hemagglutination inhibition. E. Passive hemaglutination
  • 7. 4. Throat culture isolated from a 5- year- old child was identified as corynebacterium diphtheria by morphological and fermentative properties, but exotoxin free. What process can make this strain toxigenetic? A. Chromosomal mutation. B.Cultivation on telurite medium C. Passing culture through organisms of sensitive animals. D. Cultivation on medium with antitoxic serum. E. Phage conversion. 5. Corynebacterium diphtheriae was obtained from a sick child with suspicion of diphtheria. What research is necessary to use to be convinced, that this microbe causes diphtheria at the child? A. Agglutination test. B. Staining a material using Giema’s method . C. Culturing microbes on a blood agar. D. To infect the rabbit. E. To check up a toxin producing by microbes. 6. Among children there are cases of respiratory infection. The tonsil swab was stained by Neisser technique. There were yellow rods with brown terminal granules, the rods were situated like letters V, W, X. What infection can be suspected in this case? A. Infectious mononucleosis. B. Diphtheria. C. Listeriasis. D. Tonsillitis. E. Scarlet fever. 7. Doctor noticed grayish patches “pseudomembraneâ€e on pharyngeal tonsils of 6- year- old child at the examination. Bleeding was occurred when there was attempt of remove patches. What symptoms can appear within the next few days without specific treatment?
  • 8. A. Very strong attack-like cough. B. Lungs edema. C. Toxic lesion of a cardiac muscle, liver, kidneys. D. Papular rash on skin. E. Intermittent fever. 8. The two-year-old boy was not immunizated for diphtheria toxoid. On his pharyngeal tonsils there were revealed microorganisms, which on morphological and biochemical properties are identical to Corynebacterium diphtheriaе. But precipitation test in agar with antitoxic serum has been negative. What form of infectious process can this agent cause in the child without treatment? A. Asymptomatic carriage of bacteria. B. The easy nontoxic form of disease. C. The toxic complicated form of disease. D. Chronic disease with damage of the internal organs. E. Persistent infection. 9. The girl, 7 years, with a high body temperature, complaints of sore throat, weakness has been hospitalized to infectious clinic. The doctor has suspected diphtheria and has given the instruction to take a material from pharynx for obtaining pure culture of the pathogen. Which one of the following points is the most important for confirmation of the diagnosis "diphtheria"? A. Revealing polymetaphosphate granules in agent. B. Demonstrating toxin production. C. Urease test. D. Hemolytic activity of agent. E. Bacteriophage typing. 10. In pediatric department of infectious clinic there was diagnosed diphtheria in the boy. Which one of the following preparations should be injected first of all? A. Diphtheritic antitoxic serum.
  • 9. B. Diphtheritic toxoid. C. BCG. D. DPT. E. ТABTe. 11. In smear from a tonsil of the patient with suspicion for diphtheria there have been revealed blue rods with dark blue beads at the ends. What method of staining has been used? A. Loeffler’s. B. Giemsa. C. Gins’. D. Gram’s. E. Neisser’s. 12. It is necessary to conduct specific prophylaxis of diphtheria in children at school. What preparation should be used for this purpose? A. Toxoid. B. Antibiotics. C. Probiotics. D. A corpuscular vaccine. E. Immune serum. 13. Each of following statements concerning Corynebacterium diphtheriaе is correct EXCEPT: A. Corynebacterium diphtheriaе is gram positive rod that does not form spores B. toxin production is dependent on the organism’s being lysogenized by bacteriophage C. diphtheria toxoid should not be given to children under the age of 3 years because the incidents of complications is too high D. Antitoxin should be used to treat patients with diphtheria 14. diphtheria toxin is correctly described as: A. Produced by Corynebacterium diphtheriaе both in vitro and in vivo
  • 10. B. Immunogenic C. The active agent in Schick test D. Used to vaccinate infants 15. The primary virulence factor for Corynebacterium diphtheriaе is: A. Enterotoxin B. Capsule C. Exotoxin D. Endotoxin 16. For practical use of curative antitoxic serums, the patient is always given precisely defined doses. What units is activity of diphtheria antitoxin measured in? A. International. B. Flocculation’s. C. Antigenic. D. Agglutination’s E. Neutralization’s 7. List of literature: 1.I. S. Gaidash, V.V. Flegontova, Microbiology, virology and immunology, Lugansk, 2004, chapterN17, p. 29-43.