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Sulfonylurea action re-revisited

                                                                   family, and showed for the first time that                exert its action through protein phosphor-
Sulfonylureas (SU), commonly used                                  the b-cell KATP channel is composed of                   ylation by protein kinase A (PKA). How-
in the treatment of type 2 diabetes                                Kir6.2 and SUR1.4 The KATP channel is a                  ever, a novel cAMP-binding protein
mellitus (T2DM), stimulate insulin                                 hetero-octameric complex comprising                      family, termed Epac (exchange protein
secretion by inhibiting adenosine                                  two subunits: a pore-forming subunit                     activated by cAMP) or cAMP-GEF
triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive K+ (KATP)                             Kir6.x (Kir6.1 or Kir6.2) and a regula-                  (cAMP-regulated guanine nucleotide
                                                                   tory subunit SURx (SUR1, SUR2A or                        exchange factor) has been identified8.
channels in pancreatic b-cells. SU are
                                                                   SUR2B)5. Different combinations of                       There are two members of the Epac fam-
now known to also activate cyclic
                                                                   Kir6.1 or Kir6.2 and SUR1 or a SUR2                      ily, Epac1 and Epac2, both of which pos-
adenosine monophosphate (cAMP)                                     variant (mix and match) form KATP                        sess guanine nucleotide exchange factor
sensor Epac2 (cAMP-GEFII) to Rap1                                  channels with differing nucleotides and                  (GEF) activity towards Rap1, the small
signaling, which promotes insulin                                  SU sensitivities that play distinct physio-              molecular weight GTP-binding protein, in
secretion. The different effects of                                logical and pathophysiological roles in                  a cAMP-dependent manner. We showed
various SU on Epac2 ⁄ Rap1 signaling,                              different tissues5,6. While Kir6.2 plus                  that Epac2 is involved in the potentiation
as well as KATP channels in different                              SUR1 constitutes pancreatic b-cell KATP                  of cAMP-dependent, PKA-independent
tissues, underlie the diverse pancre-                              channels, Kir6.2 plus SUR2A constitutes                  insulin secretion9. By studying Epac2 null
atic and extra-pancreatic actions of                               cardiac and skeletal muscle KATP chan-                   mice, we recently found that Epac2 ⁄ Rap1
SU. (J Diabetes Invest, doi: 10.1111 ⁄                             nels. Kir6.2 plus SUR2B constitutes                      signaling is especially important in early
j.2040-1124.2010.00014.x, 2010)                                    smooth muscle KATP channels and Kir6.1                   phase (first phase) potentiation by cAMP
                                                                   plus SUR2B constitutes vascular smooth                   of glucose-stimulated insulin granule exo-
                                                                   muscle KATP channels, both of which are                  cytosis10. We have proposed a model in
Although earlier studies have suggested                            somewhat ATP-insensitive, nucleotide                     which Epac2 ⁄ Rap1 signaling regulates
various mechanisms of sulfonylurea (SU)                            diphosphate-activated and glibenclamide-                 cAMP-induced insulin granule exocytosis
action, the discovery of KATP channels by                          sensitive K+ channels. SU actions were                   by controlling the size of a readily releas-
electrophysiology brought a breakthrough                           revisited after the cloning of the various               able pool (RPP), most likely through the
in the understanding of the mechanism                              KATP channels7.                                          regulation of granule density near the
of the action of SU as well as the mecha-                             Mice lacking KATP channels (Kir6.2                    plasma membrane10.
nism of glucose-stimulated insulin secre-                          null mice and SUR1 null mice) were gen-                     In the course of the studies of Epac2-
tion. KATP channels were first reported in                          erated6. Neither glucose nor tolbutamide                 mediated mechanisms of insulin secre-
cardiac cell membranes and were later                              stimulation elicited any change in [Ca2+]i               tion, we developed a fluorescence
described in many other tissues including                          in Kir6.2 null b-cells. Importantly, neither             resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based
pancreatic islet cells1. In 1985, Sturgess                         glucose nor tolbutamide stimulation                      Epac2 sensor (termed C-Epac2-Y) in
et al. found that tolbutamide inhibits                             caused a significant insulin secretion in                 which the full-length Epac2 is fused
KATP channels in pancreatic b-cells, sug-                          Kir6.2 null mice. Examination of SUR1                    amino-terminally to enhanced cyan fluo-
gesting that the channels are the target of                        null mice also confirmed that both glu-                   rescent protein (ECFP) and carboxyl-ter-
SU2. In 1995, Aguilar-Bryan et al. cloned                          cose-stimulated and sulfonylurea-stimu-                  minally to enhanced yellow fluorescent
the SU receptor (now called SUR1) from                             lated insulin secretion depend critically                protein (EYFP)11. Epac2 is a closed form
the pancreatic b-cell cDNA libraries3.                             on the activity of b-cell KATP channels.                 in the inactive state8, so that ECFP and
SUR1 belongs to members of the adeno-                              Based on these findings, it is generally                  EYFP are located very closely to each
sine triphosphate (ATP)-binding cassette                           accepted that the primary target of SU is                other (within 10 nm), which causes
(ABC) protein superfamily. At almost the                           SUR1 and that action of SU is mediated                   FRET. On cAMP binding to Epac2,
same time, we cloned Kir6.24, a member                             by closure of the KATP channels through                  Epac2 changes its conformation to an
of the inwardly rectifying K+ channel                              binding to SUR1.                                         open form. As a result, ECFP and EYFP
                                                                      Cyclic adenosine monophosphate                        separate away, so that FRET does not
                                                                   (cAMP) is a universal intracellular second               occur (active state)8. Utilizing this princi-
*Corresponding author. Susumu Seino                                messenger involved in the regulation of                  ple, we are able to monitor the activation
Tel.: +81-78-382-5860 Fax: +81-78-382-6762
E-mail address:                             various cellular functions in many cell                  status of Epac2. In the search for agents
Received 19 January 2010; accepted 22 January 2010                 types. cAMP has long been considered to                  that activate Epac2 using this FRET

ª 2010 Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd   Journal of Diabetes Investigation Volume 1 Issue 1/2 February/April 2010   37
Seino et al.

                                                                                                              binds specifically to the A-site of SUR1;
                                                                                                              the second group (which includes gliben-
                                                                                                              clamide and glimepiride) binds to the
                                                                                                              B-sites of both SUR1 and SUR2A as well
                                                                                                              as the A-site of SUR1; and the third
                                                                                                              group (which includes meglinitide and
                                                                                                              repaglinide) binds to the B-site of SUR1
                                                                                                              and SUR2A. In addition, SU, with the
                                                                                                              exception of gliclazide, activate Epac2 ⁄
                                                                                                              Rap1 signaling, whereas glinides do not.
                                                                                                              Thus, different SU and glinides have dif-
                                                                                                              ferent mechanisms of action in insulin
                                                                                                              secretion in terms of specificities for
                                                                                                              SUR1 and Epac2.
                                                                                                                 Mutations of Kir6.2 have recently
                                                                                                              been shown to cause neonatal diabetes
Figure 1 | Model of sulfonylurea (SU) action in insulin secretion. Closure of KATP channels is essen-         mellitus (ND) with varying degrees of
tial for SU to stimulate insulin secretion. Activation of Epac2 ⁄ Rap1 signaling is required for SU to        severity12. In most ND patients, insulin
exert their full effect on insulin secretion. cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate; GIP, glucose-             injection can be replaced by high-dose
dependent insulinotropic polypeptide; GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide 1; PKA, protein kinase A; RRP,             SU orally. Studies by Zhang et al. sug-
readily releasable pool; SUR, SU receptor; VDDC, voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels.                             gest that the effectiveness of SU in the
                                                                                                              treatment of ND patients might vary,
                                                                                                              depending on the properties of the
sensor, we found that tolbutamide, gli-             mice was significantly less than that in                   SU11.
benclamide, chlorpropamide, acetohexa-              wild-type mice.                                              Incretin-related drugs such as analogs
mide and glipizide significantly decreased              As described above, it is well estab-                  of glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and
the FRET response in COS-1 cells trans-             lished that SU stimulate insulin secretion                dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibi-
fected with the Epac2 FRET sensor in dif-           by eliciting a series of ionic events includ-             tors, which potentiate insulin secretion
ferent degrees and varying kinetics,                ing closure of KATP channels, opening                     through cAMP signaling in pancreatic
suggesting strongly that these SU activate          of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels                        b-cells, are currently being used as new
Epac2. However, gliclazide, another SU,             (VDCC), and Ca2+ influx into the b-cells.                  hypoglycemic agents to treat T2DM.
did not decrease the FRET response.                 Although closure of the KATP channels is                  Because Epac2 is also required for poten-
Direct binding of SU to Epac2 was con-              a prerequisite for SU to stimulate insulin                tiation of insulin secretion by cAMP, it is
firmed by specific binding of radiolabeled            secretion, the activation of Epac2 ⁄ Rap1                 a target of both SU and incretin-related
glibenclamide to Epac2 expressed in                 signaling is required for SU to exert their               drugs. There are many basic and clinical
COS-1 cells. We also found that tolbuta-            full effects in insulin secretion (except in              questions yet to be answered. Where is
mide and glibenclamide activate Rap1 in             the case of gliclazide). Considering the                  the SU binding site in Epac2? Is there
clonal pancreatic b-cells (MIN6 cells),             role of Epac2 ⁄ Rap1 signaling in insulin                 any additive or synergistic effect of cAMP
but gliclazide does not. In addition, tol-          granule exocytosis10, SU might increase                   and SU on activation of Epac2 ⁄ Rap1 sig-
butamide-stimulated insulin secretion               the size of a readily releasable pool of                  naling? Is there any accessory protein that
and glibenclamide-stimulated insulin                insulin granules near the plasma mem-                     might facilitate direct interaction of SU
secretion from isolated pancreatic islets           brane (Figure 1).                                         and Epac2? Is Epac2 ⁄ Rap1 signaling
of Epac2 null mice were significantly                   A two-site (A-site and B-site) model                   involved in the extrapancreatic effects
reduced, compared with those of wild-               for the interaction of SU and glinides                    of SU and incretin-related drugs and
type mice. However, there was no sig-               with SUR has been proposed6. The A-site                   which SU has the least adverse effect? Is
nificant difference in insulin secretion in          is located on the eighth (between trans-                  Epac2 ⁄ Rap1 signaling involved in the sec-
response to gliclazide. Furthermore, the            membrane segment (TM) 15 and 16)                          ondary failure of SU and incretin-related
insulin response to the oral administra-            cytosolic loop, which is specific for SUR1,                drugs, and which SU shows least second-
tion of tolbutamide alone or concomi-               and the B-site involves the third (between                ary failure? What is the best combination
tant administration of glucose and                  TM 5 and 6) cytosolic loop, which is very                 of SU and incretin-related drugs for the
tolbutamide in Epac2 null mice was sig-             similar in all SUR. Based on this model,                  most beneficial effect for treatment of
nificantly reduced, compared with that               SU and glinides can be divided into three                 T2DM in terms of insulin secretion,
in wild-type mice, and the glucose low-             groups. The first group (which includes                    glycemic control and adverse effects?
ering effect of tolbutamide in Epac2 null           tolbutamide, gliclazide and nateglinide)                  Answers to these questions are required

38        Journal of Diabetes Investigation Volume 1 Issue 1/2 February/April 2010   ª 2010 Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
Sulfonylurea action

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To my colleagues from many parts of the world


  • 1. COMMENTARY Sulfonylurea action re-revisited family, and showed for the first time that exert its action through protein phosphor- Sulfonylureas (SU), commonly used the b-cell KATP channel is composed of ylation by protein kinase A (PKA). How- in the treatment of type 2 diabetes Kir6.2 and SUR1.4 The KATP channel is a ever, a novel cAMP-binding protein mellitus (T2DM), stimulate insulin hetero-octameric complex comprising family, termed Epac (exchange protein secretion by inhibiting adenosine two subunits: a pore-forming subunit activated by cAMP) or cAMP-GEF triphosphate (ATP)-sensitive K+ (KATP) Kir6.x (Kir6.1 or Kir6.2) and a regula- (cAMP-regulated guanine nucleotide tory subunit SURx (SUR1, SUR2A or exchange factor) has been identified8. channels in pancreatic b-cells. SU are SUR2B)5. Different combinations of There are two members of the Epac fam- now known to also activate cyclic Kir6.1 or Kir6.2 and SUR1 or a SUR2 ily, Epac1 and Epac2, both of which pos- adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) variant (mix and match) form KATP sess guanine nucleotide exchange factor sensor Epac2 (cAMP-GEFII) to Rap1 channels with differing nucleotides and (GEF) activity towards Rap1, the small signaling, which promotes insulin SU sensitivities that play distinct physio- molecular weight GTP-binding protein, in secretion. The different effects of logical and pathophysiological roles in a cAMP-dependent manner. We showed various SU on Epac2 ⁄ Rap1 signaling, different tissues5,6. While Kir6.2 plus that Epac2 is involved in the potentiation as well as KATP channels in different SUR1 constitutes pancreatic b-cell KATP of cAMP-dependent, PKA-independent tissues, underlie the diverse pancre- channels, Kir6.2 plus SUR2A constitutes insulin secretion9. By studying Epac2 null atic and extra-pancreatic actions of cardiac and skeletal muscle KATP chan- mice, we recently found that Epac2 ⁄ Rap1 SU. (J Diabetes Invest, doi: 10.1111 ⁄ nels. Kir6.2 plus SUR2B constitutes signaling is especially important in early j.2040-1124.2010.00014.x, 2010) smooth muscle KATP channels and Kir6.1 phase (first phase) potentiation by cAMP plus SUR2B constitutes vascular smooth of glucose-stimulated insulin granule exo- muscle KATP channels, both of which are cytosis10. We have proposed a model in Although earlier studies have suggested somewhat ATP-insensitive, nucleotide which Epac2 ⁄ Rap1 signaling regulates various mechanisms of sulfonylurea (SU) diphosphate-activated and glibenclamide- cAMP-induced insulin granule exocytosis action, the discovery of KATP channels by sensitive K+ channels. SU actions were by controlling the size of a readily releas- electrophysiology brought a breakthrough revisited after the cloning of the various able pool (RPP), most likely through the in the understanding of the mechanism KATP channels7. regulation of granule density near the of the action of SU as well as the mecha- Mice lacking KATP channels (Kir6.2 plasma membrane10. nism of glucose-stimulated insulin secre- null mice and SUR1 null mice) were gen- In the course of the studies of Epac2- tion. KATP channels were first reported in erated6. Neither glucose nor tolbutamide mediated mechanisms of insulin secre- cardiac cell membranes and were later stimulation elicited any change in [Ca2+]i tion, we developed a fluorescence described in many other tissues including in Kir6.2 null b-cells. Importantly, neither resonance energy transfer (FRET)-based pancreatic islet cells1. In 1985, Sturgess glucose nor tolbutamide stimulation Epac2 sensor (termed C-Epac2-Y) in et al. found that tolbutamide inhibits caused a significant insulin secretion in which the full-length Epac2 is fused KATP channels in pancreatic b-cells, sug- Kir6.2 null mice. Examination of SUR1 amino-terminally to enhanced cyan fluo- gesting that the channels are the target of null mice also confirmed that both glu- rescent protein (ECFP) and carboxyl-ter- SU2. In 1995, Aguilar-Bryan et al. cloned cose-stimulated and sulfonylurea-stimu- minally to enhanced yellow fluorescent the SU receptor (now called SUR1) from lated insulin secretion depend critically protein (EYFP)11. Epac2 is a closed form the pancreatic b-cell cDNA libraries3. on the activity of b-cell KATP channels. in the inactive state8, so that ECFP and SUR1 belongs to members of the adeno- Based on these findings, it is generally EYFP are located very closely to each sine triphosphate (ATP)-binding cassette accepted that the primary target of SU is other (within 10 nm), which causes (ABC) protein superfamily. At almost the SUR1 and that action of SU is mediated FRET. On cAMP binding to Epac2, same time, we cloned Kir6.24, a member by closure of the KATP channels through Epac2 changes its conformation to an of the inwardly rectifying K+ channel binding to SUR1. open form. As a result, ECFP and EYFP Cyclic adenosine monophosphate separate away, so that FRET does not (cAMP) is a universal intracellular second occur (active state)8. Utilizing this princi- *Corresponding author. Susumu Seino messenger involved in the regulation of ple, we are able to monitor the activation Tel.: +81-78-382-5860 Fax: +81-78-382-6762 E-mail address: various cellular functions in many cell status of Epac2. In the search for agents Received 19 January 2010; accepted 22 January 2010 types. cAMP has long been considered to that activate Epac2 using this FRET ª 2010 Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd Journal of Diabetes Investigation Volume 1 Issue 1/2 February/April 2010 37
  • 2. Seino et al. binds specifically to the A-site of SUR1; the second group (which includes gliben- clamide and glimepiride) binds to the B-sites of both SUR1 and SUR2A as well as the A-site of SUR1; and the third group (which includes meglinitide and repaglinide) binds to the B-site of SUR1 and SUR2A. In addition, SU, with the exception of gliclazide, activate Epac2 ⁄ Rap1 signaling, whereas glinides do not. Thus, different SU and glinides have dif- ferent mechanisms of action in insulin secretion in terms of specificities for SUR1 and Epac2. Mutations of Kir6.2 have recently been shown to cause neonatal diabetes Figure 1 | Model of sulfonylurea (SU) action in insulin secretion. Closure of KATP channels is essen- mellitus (ND) with varying degrees of tial for SU to stimulate insulin secretion. Activation of Epac2 ⁄ Rap1 signaling is required for SU to severity12. In most ND patients, insulin exert their full effect on insulin secretion. cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate; GIP, glucose- injection can be replaced by high-dose dependent insulinotropic polypeptide; GLP-1, glucagon-like peptide 1; PKA, protein kinase A; RRP, SU orally. Studies by Zhang et al. sug- readily releasable pool; SUR, SU receptor; VDDC, voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels. gest that the effectiveness of SU in the treatment of ND patients might vary, depending on the properties of the sensor, we found that tolbutamide, gli- mice was significantly less than that in SU11. benclamide, chlorpropamide, acetohexa- wild-type mice. Incretin-related drugs such as analogs mide and glipizide significantly decreased As described above, it is well estab- of glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and the FRET response in COS-1 cells trans- lished that SU stimulate insulin secretion dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) inhibi- fected with the Epac2 FRET sensor in dif- by eliciting a series of ionic events includ- tors, which potentiate insulin secretion ferent degrees and varying kinetics, ing closure of KATP channels, opening through cAMP signaling in pancreatic suggesting strongly that these SU activate of voltage-dependent Ca2+ channels b-cells, are currently being used as new Epac2. However, gliclazide, another SU, (VDCC), and Ca2+ influx into the b-cells. hypoglycemic agents to treat T2DM. did not decrease the FRET response. Although closure of the KATP channels is Because Epac2 is also required for poten- Direct binding of SU to Epac2 was con- a prerequisite for SU to stimulate insulin tiation of insulin secretion by cAMP, it is firmed by specific binding of radiolabeled secretion, the activation of Epac2 ⁄ Rap1 a target of both SU and incretin-related glibenclamide to Epac2 expressed in signaling is required for SU to exert their drugs. There are many basic and clinical COS-1 cells. We also found that tolbuta- full effects in insulin secretion (except in questions yet to be answered. Where is mide and glibenclamide activate Rap1 in the case of gliclazide). Considering the the SU binding site in Epac2? Is there clonal pancreatic b-cells (MIN6 cells), role of Epac2 ⁄ Rap1 signaling in insulin any additive or synergistic effect of cAMP but gliclazide does not. In addition, tol- granule exocytosis10, SU might increase and SU on activation of Epac2 ⁄ Rap1 sig- butamide-stimulated insulin secretion the size of a readily releasable pool of naling? Is there any accessory protein that and glibenclamide-stimulated insulin insulin granules near the plasma mem- might facilitate direct interaction of SU secretion from isolated pancreatic islets brane (Figure 1). and Epac2? Is Epac2 ⁄ Rap1 signaling of Epac2 null mice were significantly A two-site (A-site and B-site) model involved in the extrapancreatic effects reduced, compared with those of wild- for the interaction of SU and glinides of SU and incretin-related drugs and type mice. However, there was no sig- with SUR has been proposed6. The A-site which SU has the least adverse effect? Is nificant difference in insulin secretion in is located on the eighth (between trans- Epac2 ⁄ Rap1 signaling involved in the sec- response to gliclazide. Furthermore, the membrane segment (TM) 15 and 16) ondary failure of SU and incretin-related insulin response to the oral administra- cytosolic loop, which is specific for SUR1, drugs, and which SU shows least second- tion of tolbutamide alone or concomi- and the B-site involves the third (between ary failure? What is the best combination tant administration of glucose and TM 5 and 6) cytosolic loop, which is very of SU and incretin-related drugs for the tolbutamide in Epac2 null mice was sig- similar in all SUR. Based on this model, most beneficial effect for treatment of nificantly reduced, compared with that SU and glinides can be divided into three T2DM in terms of insulin secretion, in wild-type mice, and the glucose low- groups. The first group (which includes glycemic control and adverse effects? ering effect of tolbutamide in Epac2 null tolbutamide, gliclazide and nateglinide) Answers to these questions are required 38 Journal of Diabetes Investigation Volume 1 Issue 1/2 February/April 2010 ª 2010 Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes and Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd
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