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APRIL 17, 2019
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4 ) Objectives & Success Metrics
6 ) Research
1 0 ) Findings
1 1 ) Insights
1 2 ) Strategy
1 7 ) Big Idea
1 8 ) Media Strategy
2 5 ) Creative
3 0 ) Return on Investment
With the fitness and nutrition market being one of the most saturated, Blender Bottle is struggling to garner the loyalty and
business of their secondary audience: active male and female enthusiasts age 25–30 in the United States. Blender Bottle has
asked that we do the following to strengthen the brand’s relationship with the secondary audience: increase Blender Bottle
top-of-mind awareness amongst secondary target audience and increase digital engagement of the Blender Bottle brand to
lead to action. Although Blender Bottle asked for a simultaneous increase in sales of the ProStack model, our research
indicates that increasing sales of the Just for Fun model is better aligned with and utilized by those in the secondary audience.
To effectively address the problems presented by Blender Bottle and achieve the desired sales, market and audience growth,
we propose the “Design Your Motivation” campaign, an interactive bottle design competition that will attract those in the
secondary audience.
By the end of this campaign, digital engagement on Blender Bottle’s social platforms and website
will be increased by 25%, the brand’s top-of-mind awareness among the secondary audience will
increase by 10%, sales of the Just For Fun bottle will increase by 20% and Blender Bottle’s position in
the nutritional shaker category will strengthen by 15%.
Our research indicated that the purchasing habits of the secondary audience relied on the look of a
product rather than the functionality, so what better way to garner the loyalty of the secondary
audience than with a bottle design competition. The competition will be promoted using
influencer marketing, social currency, word of mouth and temporary Blender Bottle activations at
the top 10 farmers markets in the United States.
Increase digital
engagement on
the Blender
Bottle social
platforms and
website by 25%
Increase Blender
Bottles to top-of-
mind awareness
among the
secondary target
audience by 10%.
Increase sales of
the Just For Fun
bottle by 20%.
Increase Blender
Bottle's share of
voice in the
nutritional shaker
category by 15%.
Presentations are communication tools
that can be used as demonstrations,
lectures, speeches, reports, and more.
Monitor the number of followers and engagements on social
media platforms
Count the number of designs entered in the design
Monitor the increase of Just For Fun Bottles sold.
Total the number of emails collected, smoothie/bottle
purchase, boomerang booth images taken and reposted
from each farmers market location.
Track Just For Fun bottle purchases via influencer Instagram
swipe up on stories.
What product relates most to our secondary audience?
1 in 3 of Blender Bottle's tagged social media posts are 'Just For Fun' or college team designs
According to, physical activity is limited amongst 18-24 year old male and females;
however, factors such as “enjoyment,” “appearance,” and “feeling good,” are more important
when they are physically active.
Where does our secondary audience frequently go?
46.4% of those who visit Farmers markets fit Blender Bottle’s target audiences.
Our research shows that locations of Farmer’s Markets are often near outdoor spaces
where those in our target market exercise, explore or relax.
Where does our secondary audience get their inspiration?
Research shows that influencer marketing is proven to generate more organic
engagement than any form of traditional advertising
49% of Consumers Depend on Influencer Recommendations
51% of brands say influencer content outperforms brand-created content
It is proven that Instagram is the most important platform for influencer marketing
Choosing the Just For Fun bottle is better suited for the secondary
target audience.
A farmers market is a great location to find a large percentage of
the secondary target audience
The secondary target audience is very active on social media,
particularly Instagram
The secondary target
audience cares more
about the looks of the
bottle over the
The secondary target
audience desires a
"shareable" experience -
a tangible experience
where an individual can
pull out his/her phone
and easily share via
social platforms.
The secondary
places trust in
The main strategy of this campaign is a design competition that will position Blender Bottles as a convenient, trendy
drink carrying option amongst the active, weight loss enthusiasts. This campaign will increase top-of-mind awareness for
Blender Bottle’s secondary target audience. These individuals are not hard-core athletes. They like to live a healthy and
active lifestyle; however, working out does not control their life. In order to most effectively target these individuals, we will
use the Just For Fun bottle in this campaign. Because our research noted that this audience is more focused on being
trendy rather than the functionality, the Just For Fun bottle is the ideal product. 
The design competition will challenge this secondary audience to create designs for future Just For Fun bottles. Once
their design is created, they can encourage friends and family to “vote” for their design via social media and a link. For
each person who submits a design, they will receive a 20% off discount on their next Just For Fun bottle purchase. This
discount will serve as an incentive to get the audience to create a design. The design with the greatest number of votes
will win the design competition. The winner of the competition will have their design featured on the next bottle. The
second and third place winners will each receive $50 Blender Bottle gift cards as a thank you for their artwork.
Blender Bottle will use its social media platforms to engage its followers. Blender Bottle will post graphics to introduce the design competition on Facebook, Instagram,
and Twitter. Throughout the duration of the competition, it will continue to remind its followers of the competition and encourage them to submit a design. Blender
Bottle will also use stories to update followers of the top three leading designs of the week. These stories will tag the creator of the design and have a swipe up link for
the followers to continue to vote on designs. The social platforms will be effective of announcing the winner and continuing to showcase the Just For Fun bottles after
the competition to keep them top-of-mind for the target audience.
Blender Bottle will partner with popular fitness bloggers in targeted locations across the country to promote the Just For Fun bottle. We have chosen 11 strategic male
and female fitness bloggers to reach the target audience via Instagram. The followers range from East coast to West coast, each with over 295K Instagram followers. The
bloggers include Peyton Ganus, JoJo Fletcher, Maxx Chewning, Andi Dorfman, Jay Maryniak, Remi Ashton, Whitney Simmons, Rach Parcel, Lauren Kay Sims, Hollie
Woodward, and Mari Wellyn. Each of these bloggers who partner with Blender Bottle will be paid to post one photo on their feed and two Instagram stories. The first
Instagram story will depict the influencer using a Just For Fun bottle and encouraging followers to swipe up on the post, purchase their own Just For Fun bottle and post
a photo with their new bottle tagging the influencer. The second Instagram story will promote the Design Your Motivation contest and include a swipe up link to enter.
Blender Bottle will host pop-up boomerang booths at the 10 most popular farmers markets across the country in Los Angeles, New York, Seattle, Charleston, Boston,
Portland, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Chicago, and San Francisco. In the boomerang booth, users will take a two-second, looping video posing with a smoothie-filled Just
For Fun bottle against a Blender Bottle themed wall with a neon sign stating #designyourmotivation. After recording the boomerang, they will enter their email address
to receive the boomerang which will allow Blender Bottle to utilize these email addresses in the future to retarget these individuals. The boomerang sent to the user will
have a watermark with Blender Bottle's logo. The pop-up booth will feature smoothies made in a Just For Fun Blender Bottle that can be featured in the boomerang
with fun straws and small umbrellas. These boomerangs can be shared on the users social media platforms. The visitors will also have a chance to purchase a Just For Fun
bottle at the booth. 13
Between posting content and viewing that of others, American adults spend more than 11 hours a day interacting with various social media channels
( With an urge to appear superior to those around them, people post content that makes them appear smart, cool and in-the-know. After consumers
submit a custom just For Fun Bottle design, they will be awarded with an exclusive 20% discount that can be used on any Just For Fun Bottle. Offering an exclusive
discount to a specific group of people will make those within this group feel like insiders, leading them to brag on socials and in-person about the secret discount they
procured. Social currency will also be generated when Blender Bottle pop-up booths appear at select Farmers Markets across the U.S. Those lucky enough to have a
pop-up at their local farmers market will have the opportunity to test out fun spring smoothie flavors, take cute boomerangs to post on socials and submit a design via
iPad to the Design Your Motivation contest.
Blender Bottle is a leader and household name in the fitness and health industry. Their patented wire whisk in combination with innovative bottle designs attract users
of all age ranges and fitness levels. Our seconday audience will be triggered primarily when they go to the grocery store and see Blender Bottles on the shelf and when
they see a Blender Bottle propped on the treadmill next to them at the gym. Poorly made water bottles and shaker bottles will also trigger the audience to remember
Blender Bottle, as they will wish for the solid structure and seamless whisking capabilities of Blender Bottle’s products when they find their protein shakes chunky rather
than smooth due to using a product from a company other than Blender Bottle. Individuals will also be triggered when they see friends and family across the country
sharing their designs and asking for support via social media. The pop-up booth boomerangs with the #designyourmotivation neon sign and Blender Bottle watermark
will also appaear on socials and act as a trigger to people entering the contest and purchasing a Just For Fun bottle. Finally, our 11 hand-picked influencers will be sure to
remind our audience of the Design Your Motivation contest when they share two Instagram stories and one feed post on their designated posting day sometime
between March 1 and May 1.
Blender Bottle’s design competition will make use of the high arousal emotion of excitement. The idea of winning a prize and being named “the best” is enough to push
individuals to take part in a campaign, and in reference to the Design Your Motivation contest, our strategy utilizes the emotion of excitement to attract participants and
keep the competition and Blender Bottle top of mind. Participants will feel excitement when they receive their exclusive Blender Bottle discount code upon entering
their design, but more so, sharing the design across their social platforms and asking friends and family members to vote for their design will be the primary fuel to the
excitement fire surrounding the Design Your Motivation contest. Humans are naturally competitive beings who thrive on appearing superior and “in the know” on social
media, so the combination of an exclusive discount code and a public popularity contest will lead all Americans age 18 to 40 to participate. Visitors of the Blender Bottle
farmers market pop-ups will also experience the high arousal emotion of joy when they take a boomerang with their spring-themed smoothie and post it on their social
channels, because studies prove that posting content that we feel confident in brings about great happiness.
Blender Bottle’s design competition will make use of the high arousal emotion of excitement. The idea of winning a prize and being named “the best” is often enough to
push individuals to take part in a campaign, and in reference to the Design Your Motivation contest, our strategy utilizes the emotion of excitement to attract
participants and keep the competition and Blender Bottle top of mind. Participants will feel excitement when they receive their exclusive Blender Bottle discount code
upon entering their design, but more so, sharing the design across their social platforms and asking friends and family members to vote for their design will be the
primary fuel to the excitement fire surrounding the Design Your Motivation contest. Humans are naturally competitive beings who thrive on appearing superior and “in
the know” on social media, so the combination of an exclusive discount code and a public popularity contest will lead all Americans age 18 to 40 to participate. Visitors
of the Blender Bottle farmers market pop-ups will also experience the high arousal emotion of joy when they take a boomerang with their spring-themed smoothie and
post it on their social channels, because studies prove that posting content that we feel confident in brings about great happiness.
Practical value comes in two forms from the Design Your Motivation campaign: the exclusive 20% off discount provided to only those who enter the Design Your
Motivation contest, and the effortless capabilities of sharing your design submission on all social platforms with the simple click of a button. According to an article on, coupons are a top-ranking tactic for driving loyalty as 61% of consumers across the world use them on a daily basis. It was also found that
64% of consumers said fair pricing is a key motivating factor in pushing them to try a new brand. With this being said, through offering exclusive discount codes, Blender
Bottle is attracting a greater consumer base and solidifying the relationships it holds with existing customers. The second form of practical value, effortless sharing
abilities, is an integral factor in attracting participants to the Design Your Motivation contest. The ability to pass along the existence of the contest and discount to family
and friends with ease is a great motivator for individuals who live in a world that seems to move a mile a minute.
The Design Your Motivation contest acts as a catalyst for storytelling and word of mouth communication, because those who confidently submit their personalized
Blender Bottle design will have a subsequent want to share it with the world. In an attempt to gain votes from fiends and family, contest participants will share their
story of what inspire their design and why they feel it should win. People love to talk about themselves and the work they do, something we became aware of through
social currency, so giving participants a reason to talk will only spark the conversation and storytelling surrounding their design and subsequently Blender Bottle’s
contest. 16
Current customers of Blender Bottle as well as those who are new to the brand will
be targeted to enter our design competition. 
Customers can design their own "Just for Fun" bottle for a chance to be July's
featured bottle of the month. 
Entering Blender Bottle's
design competition will
be accompanied with a
20% off coupon of the
customer's next Blender
Bottle purchase.
Influencers from every
region of the country
will post one Instagram
post as well as two
stories promoting the
design competition 
along with the brand.
Pop-up stands
promoting the design
compettion as well as
the versatility of Blender
Bottles will be at
Farmer's Markets in
every region.
Through Blender
Bottle's social media
and design competition
competitors, the winner
will be voted on by the
Giving consumers an opportunity to
gain something from our
design competition will ecourage
involvement in the competition as well
as lead to Blender Bottle purchases.
Due to the fact that most of the
design entries will come from
loyal customers, offering a
coupon is a way to thank them
for their business as well as
keep them coming back.IMPRESSIONS & ENGAGEMENT
- measure success by the number of designs
entered in the design compettion
- measure how many customers use the coupon
- customers are 67% more likely to return
after receiving a coupon 19
Using Instagram, influencers from every
region in the U.S. chosen based on their
relation to fitness and our target
audience will share one post and two
Instagram stories promoting the
design competition and purchasing a
Two stories will be posted
by each influencer inviting
consumers to 'swipe up' to a
page that leads them to the
Just for Fun purchase page and
the design competition page.
- 2,726,100 impressions from posts and stories
- 272,610 engagements from posts and stories
- 136,305 engagments on swipe up to buy Just for Fun
to pay
- 2,726,100 impressions from posts and stories
- 272,610 engagements from posts and stories
- customers are more likely to use advice or referrals
from influencers rather than celebrities 21
- 2,726,100 impressions from posts and stories
- 272,610 engagements from posts and stories
- customers are more likely to use advice or referrals
from influencers rather than celebrities 22
Farmer's markets are a hub
for millennials and our target market.
The peak times for these markets are
early morning and evening. Because of
this, we will have Blender Bottle booths
at 10 farmer's markets across the U.S. at
these times for two days on a weekend
to promote the design competition.
- 873,333 impressions from farmer's markets
- 117,331 engagements 
for farmer's
market booths,
pay for reps,
and food cost. 
The Farmer's Markets we have
chosen have at least 10,000 visits a
day from those in our target
market. To draw consumers in, we
will have a Boomerang Booth as
well as smoothie demonstrations
with the Blender Bottle. 
Prompting consumers with a 'share'
button after entering the
design competition will encourage
them to share their entry for others to
vote on. 
Once consumers have shared their
votes, this could encourage others to
join the competition as well as engage
with the Blender Bottle Brand. 
Total Engagements
Based on the estimated target audience that attends farmers markets and the Google
Trends average data for most populated days and times for each selected location, there
are a total of 908,700 impressions at all 10 selected farmers market locations.
After averaging the number of Instagram likes for the 11 partnered bloggers, this number
was doubled for the average number of Instagram story views, creating a total of 2,726,100
Instagram impressions.
cost per engagement
With this $86,590 campaign, our high engagements keep the cost
per engagement low and our overall return on investment high. 
$1,276,460ROI: 31
Through our research, findings and media strategy, we have
presented a campaign that is beyond competitive. Our campaign can
address Blender Bottle’s top three problems mentioned in the
creative brief. Increasing top of mind awareness amongst the
secondary target audience, increasing digital engagement of the
brand leading to action, and increasing sales of the Just For Fun
bottles are all accomplished in this campaign. Choosing our
campaign would be the best use of Blender Bottle’s money because
of our low cost per engagement and high return on investment. This
campaign leads to sales, brand awareness, and can be repeated
multiple times by the company in the future.

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Blender Bottle Design Your Motivation Campaign

  • 2. ALLIE KATZ Media Planner 702.858.4451 KAITLYN KANE Research Analyst 720.837.6893 MACIE MCCOY Account Planner 318.789.9383 MEET OUR TEAM LIZ STARR Creative director 925.963.2302 1
  • 3. TABLE OF CONTENTS Add a headingAdd a subheading Executive summary3 ) 4 ) Objectives & Success Metrics 6 ) Research 1 0 ) Findings 1 1 ) Insights 1 2 ) Strategy 1 7 ) Big Idea 1 8 ) Media Strategy 2 5 ) Creative 3 0 ) Return on Investment 2
  • 4. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY With the fitness and nutrition market being one of the most saturated, Blender Bottle is struggling to garner the loyalty and business of their secondary audience: active male and female enthusiasts age 25–30 in the United States. Blender Bottle has asked that we do the following to strengthen the brand’s relationship with the secondary audience: increase Blender Bottle top-of-mind awareness amongst secondary target audience and increase digital engagement of the Blender Bottle brand to lead to action. Although Blender Bottle asked for a simultaneous increase in sales of the ProStack model, our research indicates that increasing sales of the Just for Fun model is better aligned with and utilized by those in the secondary audience. To effectively address the problems presented by Blender Bottle and achieve the desired sales, market and audience growth, we propose the “Design Your Motivation” campaign, an interactive bottle design competition that will attract those in the secondary audience. By the end of this campaign, digital engagement on Blender Bottle’s social platforms and website will be increased by 25%, the brand’s top-of-mind awareness among the secondary audience will increase by 10%, sales of the Just For Fun bottle will increase by 20% and Blender Bottle’s position in the nutritional shaker category will strengthen by 15%. Our research indicated that the purchasing habits of the secondary audience relied on the look of a product rather than the functionality, so what better way to garner the loyalty of the secondary audience than with a bottle design competition. The competition will be promoted using influencer marketing, social currency, word of mouth and temporary Blender Bottle activations at the top 10 farmers markets in the United States. 3
  • 5. OBJECTIVE 2OBJECTIVE 1 OBJECTIVE 4OBJECTIVE 3 OBJECTIVES Increase digital engagement on the Blender Bottle social platforms and website by 25% Increase Blender Bottles to top-of- mind awareness among the secondary target audience by 10%. Increase sales of the Just For Fun bottle by 20%. Increase Blender Bottle's share of voice in the nutritional shaker category by 15%. 4
  • 6. OUR LATEST PRODUCT LINE Presentations are communication tools that can be used as demonstrations, lectures, speeches, reports, and more. SUCCESS METRICS Monitor the number of followers and engagements on social media platforms Count the number of designs entered in the design competition. Monitor the increase of Just For Fun Bottles sold. Total the number of emails collected, smoothie/bottle purchase, boomerang booth images taken and reposted from each farmers market location. Track Just For Fun bottle purchases via influencer Instagram swipe up on stories. 5
  • 7. RESEARCH: What product relates most to our secondary audience? 1 in 3 of Blender Bottle's tagged social media posts are 'Just For Fun' or college team designs According to, physical activity is limited amongst 18-24 year old male and females; however, factors such as “enjoyment,” “appearance,” and “feeling good,” are more important when they are physically active. 6
  • 8. 7
  • 9. RESEARCH: Where does our secondary audience frequently go? 46.4% of those who visit Farmers markets fit Blender Bottle’s target audiences. Our research shows that locations of Farmer’s Markets are often near outdoor spaces where those in our target market exercise, explore or relax. 8
  • 10. RESEARCH: Where does our secondary audience get their inspiration? Research shows that influencer marketing is proven to generate more organic engagement than any form of traditional advertising 49% of Consumers Depend on Influencer Recommendations 51% of brands say influencer content outperforms brand-created content It is proven that Instagram is the most important platform for influencer marketing 9
  • 11. FINDINGS Choosing the Just For Fun bottle is better suited for the secondary target audience. A farmers market is a great location to find a large percentage of the secondary target audience The secondary target audience is very active on social media, particularly Instagram 10
  • 12. INSIGHTS The secondary target audience cares more about the looks of the bottle over the functionality. The secondary target audience desires a "shareable" experience - a tangible experience where an individual can pull out his/her phone and easily share via social platforms. The secondary target audience places trust in bloggers. 11
  • 13. STRATEGY INTRODUCTION The main strategy of this campaign is a design competition that will position Blender Bottles as a convenient, trendy drink carrying option amongst the active, weight loss enthusiasts. This campaign will increase top-of-mind awareness for Blender Bottle’s secondary target audience. These individuals are not hard-core athletes. They like to live a healthy and active lifestyle; however, working out does not control their life. In order to most effectively target these individuals, we will use the Just For Fun bottle in this campaign. Because our research noted that this audience is more focused on being trendy rather than the functionality, the Just For Fun bottle is the ideal product.  The design competition will challenge this secondary audience to create designs for future Just For Fun bottles. Once their design is created, they can encourage friends and family to “vote” for their design via social media and a link. For each person who submits a design, they will receive a 20% off discount on their next Just For Fun bottle purchase. This discount will serve as an incentive to get the audience to create a design. The design with the greatest number of votes will win the design competition. The winner of the competition will have their design featured on the next bottle. The second and third place winners will each receive $50 Blender Bottle gift cards as a thank you for their artwork. 12
  • 14. OWNED MEDIA STRATEGY INTERACTIVE SOCIAL MEDIA Blender Bottle will use its social media platforms to engage its followers. Blender Bottle will post graphics to introduce the design competition on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Throughout the duration of the competition, it will continue to remind its followers of the competition and encourage them to submit a design. Blender Bottle will also use stories to update followers of the top three leading designs of the week. These stories will tag the creator of the design and have a swipe up link for the followers to continue to vote on designs. The social platforms will be effective of announcing the winner and continuing to showcase the Just For Fun bottles after the competition to keep them top-of-mind for the target audience. Blender Bottle will partner with popular fitness bloggers in targeted locations across the country to promote the Just For Fun bottle. We have chosen 11 strategic male and female fitness bloggers to reach the target audience via Instagram. The followers range from East coast to West coast, each with over 295K Instagram followers. The bloggers include Peyton Ganus, JoJo Fletcher, Maxx Chewning, Andi Dorfman, Jay Maryniak, Remi Ashton, Whitney Simmons, Rach Parcel, Lauren Kay Sims, Hollie Woodward, and Mari Wellyn. Each of these bloggers who partner with Blender Bottle will be paid to post one photo on their feed and two Instagram stories. The first Instagram story will depict the influencer using a Just For Fun bottle and encouraging followers to swipe up on the post, purchase their own Just For Fun bottle and post a photo with their new bottle tagging the influencer. The second Instagram story will promote the Design Your Motivation contest and include a swipe up link to enter. Blender Bottle will host pop-up boomerang booths at the 10 most popular farmers markets across the country in Los Angeles, New York, Seattle, Charleston, Boston, Portland, Washington D.C., Atlanta, Chicago, and San Francisco. In the boomerang booth, users will take a two-second, looping video posing with a smoothie-filled Just For Fun bottle against a Blender Bottle themed wall with a neon sign stating #designyourmotivation. After recording the boomerang, they will enter their email address to receive the boomerang which will allow Blender Bottle to utilize these email addresses in the future to retarget these individuals. The boomerang sent to the user will have a watermark with Blender Bottle's logo. The pop-up booth will feature smoothies made in a Just For Fun Blender Bottle that can be featured in the boomerang with fun straws and small umbrellas. These boomerangs can be shared on the users social media platforms. The visitors will also have a chance to purchase a Just For Fun bottle at the booth. 13
  • 16. STRATEGYSOCIAL CURRENCY TRIGGERS EMOTION Between posting content and viewing that of others, American adults spend more than 11 hours a day interacting with various social media channels ( With an urge to appear superior to those around them, people post content that makes them appear smart, cool and in-the-know. After consumers submit a custom just For Fun Bottle design, they will be awarded with an exclusive 20% discount that can be used on any Just For Fun Bottle. Offering an exclusive discount to a specific group of people will make those within this group feel like insiders, leading them to brag on socials and in-person about the secret discount they procured. Social currency will also be generated when Blender Bottle pop-up booths appear at select Farmers Markets across the U.S. Those lucky enough to have a pop-up at their local farmers market will have the opportunity to test out fun spring smoothie flavors, take cute boomerangs to post on socials and submit a design via iPad to the Design Your Motivation contest. Blender Bottle is a leader and household name in the fitness and health industry. Their patented wire whisk in combination with innovative bottle designs attract users of all age ranges and fitness levels. Our seconday audience will be triggered primarily when they go to the grocery store and see Blender Bottles on the shelf and when they see a Blender Bottle propped on the treadmill next to them at the gym. Poorly made water bottles and shaker bottles will also trigger the audience to remember Blender Bottle, as they will wish for the solid structure and seamless whisking capabilities of Blender Bottle’s products when they find their protein shakes chunky rather than smooth due to using a product from a company other than Blender Bottle. Individuals will also be triggered when they see friends and family across the country sharing their designs and asking for support via social media. The pop-up booth boomerangs with the #designyourmotivation neon sign and Blender Bottle watermark will also appaear on socials and act as a trigger to people entering the contest and purchasing a Just For Fun bottle. Finally, our 11 hand-picked influencers will be sure to remind our audience of the Design Your Motivation contest when they share two Instagram stories and one feed post on their designated posting day sometime between March 1 and May 1. Blender Bottle’s design competition will make use of the high arousal emotion of excitement. The idea of winning a prize and being named “the best” is enough to push individuals to take part in a campaign, and in reference to the Design Your Motivation contest, our strategy utilizes the emotion of excitement to attract participants and keep the competition and Blender Bottle top of mind. Participants will feel excitement when they receive their exclusive Blender Bottle discount code upon entering their design, but more so, sharing the design across their social platforms and asking friends and family members to vote for their design will be the primary fuel to the excitement fire surrounding the Design Your Motivation contest. Humans are naturally competitive beings who thrive on appearing superior and “in the know” on social media, so the combination of an exclusive discount code and a public popularity contest will lead all Americans age 18 to 40 to participate. Visitors of the Blender Bottle farmers market pop-ups will also experience the high arousal emotion of joy when they take a boomerang with their spring-themed smoothie and post it on their social channels, because studies prove that posting content that we feel confident in brings about great happiness. 15
  • 17. STRATEGY PUBLIC PRACTICAL VALUE STORIES Blender Bottle’s design competition will make use of the high arousal emotion of excitement. The idea of winning a prize and being named “the best” is often enough to push individuals to take part in a campaign, and in reference to the Design Your Motivation contest, our strategy utilizes the emotion of excitement to attract participants and keep the competition and Blender Bottle top of mind. Participants will feel excitement when they receive their exclusive Blender Bottle discount code upon entering their design, but more so, sharing the design across their social platforms and asking friends and family members to vote for their design will be the primary fuel to the excitement fire surrounding the Design Your Motivation contest. Humans are naturally competitive beings who thrive on appearing superior and “in the know” on social media, so the combination of an exclusive discount code and a public popularity contest will lead all Americans age 18 to 40 to participate. Visitors of the Blender Bottle farmers market pop-ups will also experience the high arousal emotion of joy when they take a boomerang with their spring-themed smoothie and post it on their social channels, because studies prove that posting content that we feel confident in brings about great happiness. Practical value comes in two forms from the Design Your Motivation campaign: the exclusive 20% off discount provided to only those who enter the Design Your Motivation contest, and the effortless capabilities of sharing your design submission on all social platforms with the simple click of a button. According to an article on, coupons are a top-ranking tactic for driving loyalty as 61% of consumers across the world use them on a daily basis. It was also found that 64% of consumers said fair pricing is a key motivating factor in pushing them to try a new brand. With this being said, through offering exclusive discount codes, Blender Bottle is attracting a greater consumer base and solidifying the relationships it holds with existing customers. The second form of practical value, effortless sharing abilities, is an integral factor in attracting participants to the Design Your Motivation contest. The ability to pass along the existence of the contest and discount to family and friends with ease is a great motivator for individuals who live in a world that seems to move a mile a minute. The Design Your Motivation contest acts as a catalyst for storytelling and word of mouth communication, because those who confidently submit their personalized Blender Bottle design will have a subsequent want to share it with the world. In an attempt to gain votes from fiends and family, contest participants will share their story of what inspire their design and why they feel it should win. People love to talk about themselves and the work they do, something we became aware of through social currency, so giving participants a reason to talk will only spark the conversation and storytelling surrounding their design and subsequently Blender Bottle’s contest. 16
  • 18. 17 BIG IDEA: DESIGN YOUR MOTIVATIONDESIGN YOUR MOTIVATION Current customers of Blender Bottle as well as those who are new to the brand will be targeted to enter our design competition.  Customers can design their own "Just for Fun" bottle for a chance to be July's featured bottle of the month. 
  • 19. DISCOUNT INCENTIVE Entering Blender Bottle's design competition will be accompanied with a 20% off coupon of the customer's next Blender Bottle purchase. INFLUENCERS Influencers from every region of the country will post one Instagram post as well as two stories promoting the design competition  along with the brand. FARMER'S MARKETS Pop-up stands promoting the design compettion as well as the versatility of Blender Bottles will be at Farmer's Markets in every region. MEDIA STRATEGY DESIGN VOTING Through Blender Bottle's social media and design competition competitors, the winner will be voted on by the public. 18
  • 20. DISCOUNT INCENTIVE Giving consumers an opportunity to gain something from our design competition will ecourage involvement in the competition as well as lead to Blender Bottle purchases. Due to the fact that most of the design entries will come from loyal customers, offering a coupon is a way to thank them for their business as well as keep them coming back.IMPRESSIONS & ENGAGEMENT - measure success by the number of designs entered in the design compettion - measure how many customers use the coupon - customers are 67% more likely to return after receiving a coupon 19
  • 21. INFLUENCERS Using Instagram, influencers from every region in the U.S. chosen based on their relation to fitness and our target audience will share one post and two Instagram stories promoting the design competition and purchasing a bottle. Two stories will be posted by each influencer inviting consumers to 'swipe up' to a page that leads them to the Just for Fun purchase page and the design competition page. COST IMPRESSIONS & ENGAGEMENT - 2,726,100 impressions from posts and stories - 272,610 engagements from posts and stories - 136,305 engagments on swipe up to buy Just for Fun bottles $75,500 to pay influencers 20
  • 22. IMPRESSIONS & ENGGEMENT - 2,726,100 impressions from posts and stories - 272,610 engagements from posts and stories - customers are more likely to use advice or referrals from influencers rather than celebrities 21
  • 23. IMPRESSIONS & ENGGEMENT - 2,726,100 impressions from posts and stories - 272,610 engagements from posts and stories - customers are more likely to use advice or referrals from influencers rather than celebrities 22
  • 24. FARMER'S MARKETS Farmer's markets are a hub for millennials and our target market. The peak times for these markets are early morning and evening. Because of this, we will have Blender Bottle booths at 10 farmer's markets across the U.S. at these times for two days on a weekend to promote the design competition. COST IMPRESSIONS & ENGAGEMENT - 873,333 impressions from farmer's markets - 117,331 engagements  $11,590 for farmer's market booths, pay for reps, and food cost.  The Farmer's Markets we have chosen have at least 10,000 visits a day from those in our target market. To draw consumers in, we will have a Boomerang Booth as well as smoothie demonstrations with the Blender Bottle.  23
  • 25. DESIGN VOTING Prompting consumers with a 'share' button after entering the design competition will encourage them to share their entry for others to vote on.  . 24 Once consumers have shared their votes, this could encourage others to join the competition as well as engage with the Blender Bottle Brand. 
  • 27. 26
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  • 31. 389,941 Total Engagements Based on the estimated target audience that attends farmers markets and the Google Trends average data for most populated days and times for each selected location, there are a total of 908,700 impressions at all 10 selected farmers market locations. After averaging the number of Instagram likes for the 11 partnered bloggers, this number was doubled for the average number of Instagram story views, creating a total of 2,726,100 Instagram impressions. 30
  • 32. $0.22 cost per engagement With this $86,590 campaign, our high engagements keep the cost per engagement low and our overall return on investment high.  $1,276,460ROI: 31
  • 33. Through our research, findings and media strategy, we have presented a campaign that is beyond competitive. Our campaign can address Blender Bottle’s top three problems mentioned in the creative brief. Increasing top of mind awareness amongst the secondary target audience, increasing digital engagement of the brand leading to action, and increasing sales of the Just For Fun bottles are all accomplished in this campaign. Choosing our campaign would be the best use of Blender Bottle’s money because of our low cost per engagement and high return on investment. This campaign leads to sales, brand awareness, and can be repeated multiple times by the company in the future. CONCLUDING STATEMENT 32