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                                                   Introduction to
                                                   birth defects

Before you begin this unit, please take the        BIRTH DEFECTS
corresponding test at the end of the book to
assess your knowledge of the subject matter. You
should redo the test after you’ve worked through   1-1 What is a birth defect?
the unit, to evaluate what you have learned.
                                                   A birth defect is an abnormality of structure
                                                   or function in a person, which is present
 Objectives                                        from birth. The birth defect may be clinically
                                                   obvious at birth, or may only be diagnosed
                                                   sometime later in life. For example, a neural
 When you have completed this unit you             tube defect is a structural defect which is
 should be able to:                                obvious at birth while haemophilia, which is
 • Define a birth defect.                          also present at birth, is a functional defect that
                                                   may only become obvious and be diagnosed
 • Understand the birth prevalence and
                                                   when the child is older. Birth defects often
   population prevalence of birth defects.         present as an abnormal appearance or failure
 • List the causes of birth defects.               to grow and develop normally.
 • Understand chromosomal inheritance.
 • Understand the inheritance of single             A birth defect is a structural or functional
   genes.                                           abnormality which is present from birth.
 • Define a multifactorial birth defect.
 • Define a teratogen and know their               Congenital disorder is another term that has
   dangers.                                        the same meaning and definition as birth
                                                   defect. Congenital means ‘present at birth’.
                                                   Malformations are the commonest form
                                                   of birth defect. Congenital malformations
                                                   develop during the first trimester and are
                                                   caused by failure of the embryo to develop
                                                   normally. This results in a birth defect of one
                                                   or more organs (e.g. heart, eye, brain).

                                                           live births. It is therefore a measure of
 Congenital malformations occur early in
                                                           how common a defect is among newborn
 pregnancy when the embryo is still forming.
  NOTE An individual with an abnormal appearance
  is said to be ‘dysmorphic’. It is important to        1-4 How common are birth defects?
  differentiate dysmorphic features from the normal     At birth two to three percent of live newborn
  range of features found in a family or community.     infants can be recognised as having a birth
                                                        defect, i.e. the recognisable birth prevalence
1-2 Are all birth defects serious?                      for all defects is 20–30/1000 live births in the
No. Birth defects may be mild or serious. A             first month of life.
mild defect causes no disability. However, a            However, not all birth defects are diagnosed
person with a serious birth defect may die              at or around birth, and by five years of age
soon after birth, or survive with a disability          between four and eight percent of children
due to the direct effect of the birth defect (e.g.      in different countries are considered to have
neural tube defect) or due to a secondary effect        suffered the effects of a serious birth defect, i.e.
(e.g. joint damage resulting from bleeding              a birth prevalence of 40–80/1000 live births.
in haemophilia). Some serious birth defects
can be treated and this may be life-saving or           The birth prevalence of serious birth
prevent or reduce serious disability.                   defects varies from 40/1000 live births in
                                                        industrialised countries to as high as 80/1000
Birth defects can cause a wide range of                 in some developing countries.
disability, e.g. physical disability, intellectual
disability, blindness, deafness and epilepsy.
                                                         The birth prevalence of serious birth defects is
                                                         lower in industrial countries than in developing
 Serious birth defects can cause death or disability.    countries.

1-3 How is the frequency of                               NOTE Research done in rural Limpopo province,
birth defects measured?                                   South Africa, by genetic trained nursing staff
                                                          examining newborn infants on day one of life
The frequency of birth defects (i.e. how                  recorded a birth prevalence of serious defects
common are individuals with a birth defect)               of 15/1000 live births (1.5% of live births). Birth
is expressed as population prevalence and                 defects can be diagnosed at any age from the
birth prevalence:                                         newborn period (birth to 28 days) through
                                                          to adulthood. Examples of birth defects that
1. The population prevalence is defined                   can present for the first time in adulthood
   as the number of affected individuals                  include inherited cancers, Huntington disease
   per 1000 or 10 000 or 100 000 people,                  and adult onset polycystic kidney disease.
   depending on how common or rare the
   disorder is, in a given population at a              1-5 If birth defects are so common why are
   certain time, e.g. the population prevalence         they not seen more frequently at clinics?
   of Down syndrome in rural Limpopo was
   7.5/10 000 children between 1994 and                 1. Infants and children with serious birth
   1997. Therefore the population prevalence               defects are very likely to die when they are
   is a measure of how common a birth defect               young, especially if there are inadequate
   is in the general population.                           medical services available for their care.
2. The birth prevalence is defined as the                  Therefore many infants do not live long
   number of affected infants per 1000 live                enough to be seen at clinics.
   births, e.g. the birth prevalence of Down            2. Many birth defects are not recognised and
   syndrome in rural Limpopo is 2.1/1000                   diagnosed.

3. It is often not realised that many of the
                                                          Birth defects are an important cause of infant
   conditions seen in clinics and hospital
                                                          and childhood death.
   have a congenital origin, e.g. many forms
   of intellectual disability, cerebral palsy,
   deafness and blindness. Up to 50% of these
   disorders may be due to birth defects.                CAUSES OF BIRTH
Therefore both the birth prevalence and                  DEFECTS
population prevalence of birth defects in
developing countries may seem to be much
lower than it really is.                                 1-7 What are the causes of birth defects?
                                                         Birth defects are caused by:
  NOTE Another reason why infants and children
  with birth defects are not seen is that their          1. Problems that are present before
  parents do not take them to hospital or clinic            conception (about 40% of birth defects) –
  because they feel that they will not receive              • Chromosome abnormalities.
  adequate attention or care, and the visit will be         • Single gene defects.
  an unjustified burden on their limited family
                                                            • Multifactorial disorders.
  resources. Experience from Limpopo showed
  that when genetic clinics were established,               These are also known as genetic causes of
  the population soon got to know and parents               birth defects.
  brought their children with birth defects.             2. Problems occurring after conception
                                                            (about 10% of birth defects) –
1-6 How many children die                                   • Teratogens.
from birth defects?                                         • Constraint.
                                                            These are non-genetic causes of birth
In South Africa about 1 million infants                     defects. Note that all birth defects are not
are born annually. Based on the available                   due to genetic causes.
evidence, about 72 000 infants are born each             3. Cause not yet known (about 50% of birth
year with a severe birth defect. Of these                   defects).
infants, about 25% will die in the first five
                                                           NOTE  The percentages given above are
years of life.
                                                           for industrialised countries. Figures for
It is estimated that 9 million children are born           developing countries are not available.
in the world each year with a serious birth
defect. Of these children, at least 8.4 million
                                                          The cause of about 50% of birth defects is not yet
(93%) are born in developing countries. A
minimum of 3.3 million children with a serious
birth defect are estimated to die annually.

  NOTE It is quoted as a general rule that in            CHROMOSOMAL
  industrialised countries 30% of children with
  serious birth defects will die in infancy (the first   INHERITANCE
  year of life), 30% will live with disability even
  if treatment is available, and 40% can largely
  be cured (mainly by surgery). Similar figures          1-8 What are chromosomes?
  for developing countries are not available, but
  the number that die or are successfully treated        Chromosomes are packages of DNA
  will depend on the level of available health           (deoxyribonucleic acid), the genetic material
  care. Currently at least 3.3 million children          found in all cells. A person’s genetic plan of
  with a serious birth defect die annually.              all their inherited characteristics is stored in
                                                         their chromosomes.

                   1                 2               3                     4            5

               6            7        8          9              10          11           12

              13       14       15                        16               17           18

              19       20                21         22                 X                Y

Figure 1-1: Normal karyotype of a male (46,XY) with 23 pairs of chromosomes (22 pairs of matching
autosomes and one pair of unlike sex chromosomes, X and Y)

Human cells have 46 chromosomes that
                                                          Humans have 46 chromosomes in each cell,
are contained in the nucleus of the cell. The
chromosomes are paired (23 pairs), with 22
                                                          22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex
pairs called autosomes and one pair of sex                chromosomes.
chromosomes. Each pair of autosomes looks
the same. The pair of sex chromosomes do not               NOTE  In some textbooks, 46,XY is still
look the same because the X chromosome is                  written as 46 XY. 46,XY is preferable.
longer than the Y chromosome.
                                                         1-9 How are chromosomes inherited?
Females have two X chromosomes (i.e. XX)
while males have one X and one Y chromosome              One chromosome of each pair of
(i.e. XY). Like the 22 autosomes, the pair of X          chromosomes is inherited from the mother
chromosomes in females look alike.                       and the other chromosome from the father.
                                                         Therefore, both the mother and father give one
A picture of the 46 chromosomes is called                chromosome to each pair of chromosomes
a karyotype. The normal female karyotype                 found in the child. Half of the inheritance plan
can be written as 46,XX and the normal male              of each individual is inherited from the mother
karyotype as 46,XY. Each pair of autosomes is            and the other half from the father. This is
given a number (1 to 22).                                called sexual reproduction. An infant’s genetic
                                                         plan is, therefore, inherited from both parents.

                                                                                Parents cells
                                                                                (46 chromosomes)

                                                                               (ova or sperm)
                                                                               (23 chromosomes)

                   (23)                                         (23)

                                                         (fertilised eggs)
                                                         (46 chromosomes)

Figure 1-2: The normal chromosome contribution of each parent

This is why the inherited characteristics of the
                                                      Each parent gives 23 chromosomes which
parents are shared in the child, and the child
has features of both parents.
                                                      combine at fertilisation to give a total of 46
                                                      chromosomes in the zygote.
When the ova (female eggs) are produced
in the mother’s ovaries, and the sperms                NOTE  All living organisms, plants and animals,
(male eggs) in the father’s testicles, the 46          have chromosomes. In humans the 46
chromosomes in the parent’s stem cells divide          chromosomes are known as the diploid number
with only one copy of each chromosome pair             of chromosomes and the 23 chromosomes
still remaining in each ovum or sperm. The ova         in the gametes as the haploid number. The
and sperms (also called gametes or sex cells),         process of cell division in which the gametes
therefore, only have 23 chromosomes each.              are formed and the number of chromosomes
                                                       is halved (from 46 to 23) is called meiosis. After
With fertilisation, a sperm and an ovum                meiosis the ovum contains 22 autosomes and
unite and combine their chromosomes to                 an X chromosome, and each sperm has 22
form the zygote (the first cell which will             autosomes plus either an X or a Y chromosome.
eventually develop into the fetus). The zygote         Cell division in which the chromosome
therefore has 46 chromosomes, half (23) from           number stays the same can also occur (asexual
the mother and half (23) from the father.              reproduction) and this is called mitosis. This is
The zygote divides, multiplies and grows to            the type of cell reproduction that occurs to make
become an embryo (with cells developing into           more cells so that the zygote can multiply and
different organs). The embryo develops into            develop into an embryo and fetus, and the body
                                                       can grow or replace cells that die off during life.
the fetus (with formed organs). After delivery
the fetus is called the newborn infant.

                                                                           Parents’ cells
                                                                           (46 chromosomes)

Abnormal cell                                                              Normal cell
division                                                                   division

                                                                           (ova or sperm)

                                                                           No. of chromosomes
                (24)              (22)                        (23)
                                                                              in gametes

                                                               (fertilised eggs)

                             Trisomy           Monosomy
                       (47 chromosomes)    (45 chromosomes)

Figure 1-3: Non-disjunction

1-10 What are chromosome abnormalities?          have more or less genetic information than
                                                 it should have. The abnormal embryo may
The process of reproduction (when the ova
                                                 abort spontaneously or result in an infant
and sperms are made, fertilised and divide
                                                 with a birth defect. Chromosomal disorders
after conception) is not always perfect.
                                                 usually present with multiple abnormalities,
Abnormalities can occur in the chromosomes
                                                 including an abnormal appearance
and they may result in a child with a birth
                                                 (dysmorphic features), developmental and
defect. These chromosome abnormalities are
                                                 growth delay and malformations. As most
mostly sporadic, i.e. due to chance.
                                                 chromosomal abnormalities are not inherited,
Chromosome abnormalities include:                the risk of more than one child being affected
                                                 (recurrence) is low.
1. An abnormal number of chromosomes in
   the cells –
   • Trisomy.                                     The risk of the same chromosome disorder
   • Monosomy.                                    occurring more than once in a family is low.
   • Mosaicism.
2. An abnormal structure of chromosomes in
   the cells –                                   1-11 What are trisomy and monosomy?
   • Translocation.                              This occurs during the formation of the
   • Deletion.                                   gametes (ova or sperms) when a pair of the
If a whole chromosome or part of a               parent’s chromosome does not split normally.
chromosome is gained or lost in the process      Instead of one chromosome of a pair going
of reproduction, then the zygote that results    to each gamete, one gamete gets both the
will be abnormal as its genetic plan will        paired chromosomes, and therefore has 24

                      1         2            3                           4              5

                 6          7            8         9              10          11       12

                 13        14           15                        16          17       18

                 19        20                                21          22        X        Y

Figure 1-4: The karyotype of Down syndrome in a male with an extra chromosome 21 (trisomy 21)

chromosomes, while the other gamete does               45 chromosomes (monosomy), the fetus will
not get a copy of that chromosome and,                 have cells with 45 chromosomes.
therefore, only has 22 chromosomes. This
abnormal process of cell division, which
results in two abnormal gametes, is known as
                                                        Trisomy and monosomy are caused by non-
non-disjunction.                                        disjunction.
When either of these two abnormal gametes
fertilise with a normal gamete (containing 23          1-12 What birth defects are caused
chromosomes) the resulting zygote will have            by trisomy and monosomy?
either of the following:                               Many of the common chromosomal disorders
1. An extra chromosome (trisomy) with 47               (chromosomal birth defects) are caused by
   (i.e. 24 +23) chromosomes in the cell.              non-disjunction and the resulting trisomy
2. One chromosome less (monosomy) with                 or monosomy of different chromosomes.
   45 (i.e. 22+23) chromosomes in the cell.            Most fetuses with trisomy and monosomy
                                                       are not capable of living and result in early
From an abnormal zygote with 47                        spontaneous abortion.
chromosomes (trisomy) the fetus
that develops will have cells with 47                  The chromosomes which can result in an
chromosomes. Similarly, for a zygote with              infant being born alive and surviving with

trisomy are 13, 18, 21, X and Y. The common          As an example, if the non-disjunction was with
trisomies are:                                       chromosome 21 in a female then the newborn
                                                     infant would have some cells of 46,XX and
1. Trisomy 21 or Down sydrome (i.e. 47,XY+
                                                     others of 47,XX +21 resulting in mosaic Down
   21 or 47,XX+21).
                                                     syndrome (46,XX/47,XX +21). Mosaicism
2. Trisomy 18 or Edward syndrome (i.e.
                                                     causes 1 to 2% of the infants born with Down
   47,XY +18 or 47,XX+18).
                                                     syndrome. People with Turner syndrome can
3. Trisomy 13 or Patau syndrome (i.e. 47,XY+
                                                     also be mosaic (46,XX/45,X0).
   13 or 46,XX+13).
4. XXY in a male or Klinefelter syndrome (i.e.         NOTE   Rarely, people are found with an
   47,XXY).                                            extra piece of chromosome material that
5. Trisomy X in a female (i.e. 47,XXX).                is called a marker chromosome. How this
6. XYY in a male (i.e. 47,XYY).                        affects the person depends on what piece
                                                       of chromosome is involved. Some people
Down syndrome, with trisomy of chromosome              with marker chromosomes are normal, while
21, is the commonest form of chromosomal               others can have a chromosome disorder.
birth defect.
                                                       In the formation of gametes (ova or sperms, if
The only chromosome that can be lost and               none of the chromosome pairs separate, then
result in a live born infant with monosomy is          46 chromosomes will go to one gamete and
a sex chromosome X or Y. Therefore, the only           none to the other gamete. If the gamete with 46
monosomy seen is Turner syndrome (i.e. 45,X).          chromosomes becomes fertilised with a normal
                                                       gamete with 23 chromosomes, the resulting
                                                       zygote will have an extra set of chromosomes, i.e.
 Down syndrome, with trisomy of chromosome             69 chromosomes (69,XXX or 69,XXY). This is called
 21, is the commonest form of chromosomal birth        triploidy. It is also possible to have more than one
                                                       extra set of chromosomes (polyploidy). Embryos
 defect.                                               with polyploidy usually abort spontaneously
                                                       early in pregnancy. On the rare occasion when
1-13 What is mosaicism?                                a triploidy (three sets of chromosomes) infant is
                                                       born, it is very abnormal and either dies before
In the normal zygote there are 46 chromo-              delivery or very early in the neonatal period.
somes. The zygote then begins dividing by
mitosis to form the embryo which contains            1-14 What is a chromosome translocation?
many cells. This division of the one-celled
zygote results in a doubling of cells to 2, 4, 8,    Translocation occurs when a piece of
16, 32 cells and so on, with all the cells having    one chromosome breaks off and joins
46 chromosomes. However, in mosaicism,               (translocates) onto another chromosome. If
an error occurs in the zygote. Early on in this      in this process no genetic material is lost or
dividing process one of the cells is involved in     gained, this is called a ‘balanced’ translocation
non-disjunction resulting in one cell having         and the person is clinically normal. However,
47 chromosomes (trisomy) and the other               if chromosome material is lost or gained then
cell only 45 chromosomes (monosomy). The             this is an ‘unbalanced translocation’ and the
monosomy cell usually dies but the trisomy           person will be abnormal because their genetic
cell may survive and divide. All future cells that   plan has lost or gained genetic material.
come from it will be trisomy cells. Therefore,       Persons with balanced translocations are at
the embryo, fetus and infant that result will        risk of passing on the abnormal chromosomes
have some cells which are normal with 46             to their offspring, resulting in abnormal
chromosomes and other cells which are                embryos with unbalanced translocations. This
abnormal with 47 chromosomes. This is called         can be the cause of recurrent spontaneous
mosaicism (the presence of 2 different cell lines    abortions. If the embryo survives, the resulting
of the same genetic origin in a person).

infant will be abnormal. This risk varies           biochemical product (e.g. production of a
according to the type of translocation.             protein or an enzyme).
                                                    Genes make up the smallest parts of the
1-15 What is a chromosome deletion?                 genetic code. Children look like their parents
This occurs when a piece of a chromosome,           because their genes are a mixture that is
big or small, is missing. There are several         inherited from both mother and father. As this
recognised syndromes in which a known piece         combination varies with each child, siblings
of chromosome is missing. These include:            look alike and yet have their differences. The
                                                    only individuals with identical genes are
1. Prader Willi syndrome with deletion of a         identical twins.
   specific piece of chromosome 15.
2. Deletion 22 syndrome with deletion of a
   specific piece of chromosome 22.                  A gene is a small section of a chromosome and
3. Cri du chat (cry of a cat) syndrome               controls a cell function. Genes occur in pairs, one
   with loss of a piece of the small arm of          being inherited from each parent.
   chromosome 5.
  NOTE Sometimes a piece of chromosome copies       1-17 What is a single gene defect?
  itself and therefore the chromosome has two
  identical pieces of the chromosome and the
                                                    On the chromosomes, a person’s genetic plan is
  genetic plan has extra chromosome material.       coded (‘written’) in thousands of genes. Genes
  This is called chromosomal duplication. There     on the 22 autosomes and two X chromosomes
  are recognised chromosome duplication             always occur in pairs (alleles). One gene in
  syndromes, e.g. Cat Eye syndrome in which         each matching pair is inherited from the
  a piece of chromosome 22 is duplicated.           mother and the other gene in that pair is
  A piece of one end of a chromosome may            inherited from the father. Each pair of genes
  come off (deleted) making it sticky. This end     together codes for an inherited biochemical
  then sticks to the other end making a ‘ring’      product (e.g. blood clotting factor) or physical
  chromosome. Because genetic material is           feature (e.g. eye colour) and gives the cell an
  lost from the one end of the chromosome           instruction to carry out a particular activity.
  in the process, the person usually has a          If the structure of the gene is abnormal, the
  chromosome disorder, often associated with        instruction will also be abnormal and this may
  growth failure and intellectual disability.
                                                    be harmful to the individual. A birth defect
                                                    that results from an abnormality in a gene is
                                                    called a single gene defect.
GENE DEFECTS                                         A birth defect caused by an abnormality in a
                                                     gene is called a single gene defect.
1-16 What is a gene?
                                                      NOTE It is estimated that humans have about
The genetic material on chromosomes                   20 000 pairs of genes. Over 6000 single
is divided up into smaller packages of                gene defects have been described.
DNA called genes. Like chromosomes,
genes occur in pairs, one gene from each            1-18 How do genes become abnormal?
parent. Together, each pair of genes usually
determines a single inherited function by           Almost all genes are normal and give the
giving a set of instructions to the cell, such as   cell correct instructions. However, a gene
a physical feature (e.g. hair colour) or a single   can become abnormal by mutation. With a
                                                    mutation, the DNA structure of a gene changes.

 A mutation is a change in gene structure that can     A dominant gene controls the function of that
 cause abnormal gene fuction and a birth defect.       gene pair.

Mutations are rare and may occur sponta-              If the dominant gene is abnormal, then the
neously or be caused by environmental                 instructions sent from that gene pair will
factors, including radiation (solar radiation         also be abnormal. As a result the cell may not
from the sun, nuclear radiation or excessive          function normally, causing a birth defect.
X-rays). These abnormal genes can be passed
                                                      If the dominant gene is on one of the 22
onto the next generation in the same way as
                                                      autosomes, it is called an autosomal dominant
normal genes are inherited. As a result, single
                                                      gene. A clinical disorder caused by a mutation
gene defects are usually inherited (unlike
                                                      in an autosomal dominant gene is called
chromosomal defects).
                                                      an autosomal dominant disorder. These
                                                      conditions may be mild or severe but usually
 Single gene defects are usually inherited.           are not lethal (otherwise they probably would
                                                      not be passed on to the next generation).
  NOTE In a mutation, the gene gives instructions     Males and females are equally affected by
  for an incorrect sequence of amino acids            autosomal dominant disorders.
  and, therefore, an abnormal protein or
  enzyme is formed. A mutated gene may                1-21 How are autosomal
  cause a clinical problem (e.g. haemophilia), a
                                                      dominant genes inherited?
  mild variant (e.g. red hair) or rarely a survival
  advantage (e.g. resistance against malaria).        If either the father or mother has an autosomal
                                                      dominant gene, there is a 50% chance of
1-19 What type of genes occur?                        passing that gene on to each of their children.
                                                      Both sons and daughter have an equal chance
A gene may be either a dominant or a recessive        of inheriting an autosomal dominant gene.
gene. Both dominant and recessive genes may
be normal or abnormal.
                                                       There is a 50% chance of inheriting a dominant
                                                       gene from a parent.
 Genes can be either dominant or recessive.
                                                      If the autosomal dominant gene causes an
                                                      abnormality of structure or function, the
DOMINANT INHERITANCE                                  genetic abnormality will be present in the
                                                      parent with that gene, and also in each child
                                                      that inherits that abnormal gene. Autosomal
1-20 What is a dominant gene?                         dominant disorders are, therefore, passed from
In a pair of genes (alleles), the individual          one generation to the next. The clinical effect
genes may be of different strengths, with             of the abnormal gene will usually be present in
the one being ‘stronger’ and the other being          both parent and child.
‘weaker’. The ‘stronger’ gene dominates               While most autosomal dominant genes are
(overpowers) the ‘weaker’ gene. Therefore, the        inherited, an autosomal dominant gene may
‘stronger’ gene is called a dominant gene. The        also appear in a person for the first time in a
dominant gene controls the function of that           family as a result of a new mutation. That gene
gene pair (alleles).                                  will not be present in either parent. Therefore,
                                                      the parents will be normal but the child will
                                                      have the disorder. However, the new mutated
                                                      gene can be passed onto future generations in

                                  Autosomal dominant inheritance

Figure 1-5: The pattern of autosomal dominant inheritance. There is a 50% chance that the autosomal
dominant gene (e.g. D) will be passed from the affected parent to each child no matter whether a boy or girl.

the same way as other autosomal dominant                 RECESSIVE INHERITANCE
genes are inherited.

  NOTE In a single family, some members will show
                                                         1-22 What is a recessive gene?
  all the clinical features caused by the dominant
  gene while others who inherit the gene may             If a dominant gene overpowers (suppresses)
  only show (express) some features. This is known       a ‘weaker’ gene, the weaker gene is called a
  as variable expression (e.g. neurofibromatosis).       recessive gene. The dominant gene will control
  Some family members with a dominant gene               the function of that pair of genes. As a result,
  may not show any features of that gene at all. This
                                                         the instructions sent to the cell will be that
  is called variable penetrance (e.g. polydactyly).
                                                         of the dominant gene only. Therefore, the
  NOTE If both parents have the same dominant
                                                         recessive gene will have no control over the cell
  gene, there is a 75% chance (3 out of 4)               and its effect will be ‘hidden’ or suppressed.
  that each child will inherit that gene. There          A person is called a carrier if she/he carries a
  is also a 25% chance (1 in 4) of the child
                                                         ‘hidden’ recessive gene. In a carrier the effect
  inheriting both dominant genes, which
  is usually fatal if the dominant genes are
                                                         of an abnormal recessive gene is not seen and
  abnormal. Therefore, all children will inherit         the individual appears normal.
  either one or both dominant genes.                     A person who has both a dominant and
                                                         a recessive gene (a carrier), is said to be
                                                         heterozygous for that pair of genes. If both
                                                         genes are the same (both genes are dominant

                                   Autosomal recessive inheritance
                                       (both parents carriers)

                        Carrier                                                    Carrier
                        father                                                     mother

                                   R r                                     R r

                       R R                  R r               R r                r r

                     Normal                 Carrier           Carrier           Affected
                      son                  daughter            son              daughter

Figure 1-6: The pattern of autosomal recessive inheritance. If both parents are heterozygous for a recessive
gene (e.g. r), there is a 25% chance that a child will be homozygous and a 50% chance that a child will also be
heterozygous for that gene.

or both recessive), the person is said to be             1-23 How are autosomal
homozygous for that pair of genes. Only if               recessive genes inherited?
both genes are recessive will the recessive
                                                         If both parents are carriers (i.e. they are
genes together control that function of the
                                                         heterozygous) for the same recessive gene,
cells. They are able to do this as there is no
                                                         their children will have a 25% chance of
dominant gene. Recessive genes may be
                                                         inheriting the recessive gene from both
normal (e.g. carry instructions for blue eyes)
                                                         mother and father (i.e. the child will be
or abnormal (e.g. carry instructions for
                                                         homozygous). Their children will also have
oculocutaneous albinism). If both recessive
                                                         a 50% chance of inheriting a recessive gene
genes are abnormal, that function of the cell
                                                         from only one parent to become a carrier (i.e.
will also be abnormal. A clinically normal
                                                         heterozygous). Getting the same recessive
carrier has both a normal (dominant) and an
                                                         gene from both parents is commoner if
abnormal (recessive) gene for that feature.
                                                         the parents are closely related, e.g. siblings,
A recessive gene on an autosome is called an             cousins or an uncle and a niece (intermarriage
autosomal recessive gene.                                or a consanguineous relationship), as they
                                                         may inherit the same recessive gene from a
  NOTE We all carry five to 10 abnormal recessive        common ancestor (e.g. grandparent).
  genes. As we are heterozygous for that gene
  (single copy), it generally has no effect on our       With autosomal recessive inheritance, the
  health. Only if we are homozygous (double dose)        parents and grandparents are usually normal
  for the same gene will we be clinically affected.      and do not show the effect of the recessive
                                                         gene. If a child inherits two abnormal

                                       X-linked recessive inheritance
                                              (mother carrier)

                       Normal                                                       Carrier
                       father                                                       mother

                                   x    y                                  x x

                       x x                  x    y           x x               x   y

                       Normal               Normal            Carrier         Affected
                      daughter               son             daughter           son

Figure 1-7: The pattern of X-linked recessive inheritance. There is a 50% chance that the recessive gene from
the mother will be inherited by both sons and daughters. Only sons will be clinically affected as the X-linked
recessive gene in daughters will be paired by a normal matching gene from the father.

autosomal recessive genes (i.e. one from each             1-24 What is X-linked recessive inheritance?
parent), they will have an autosomal recessive
                                                          If a recessive gene is on an X chromosome, it
disorder. The risk of an autosomal recessive
                                                          is called an X-linked recessive gene (X-linked
disorder is much higher if the parents are
                                                          dominant genes and Y-linked genes are very
closely related (consanguineous).
The majority of single gene defects are
                                                          X-linked recessive genes are inherited by girls
autosomal recessive. Males and females are
                                                          in the same way as autosomal recessive genes.
equally at risk of an autosomal recessive
                                                          Girls have two X chromosomes and all the
                                                          X-linked genes are in pairs. However, as the
If only one parent is heterozygous (a carrier),           X and Y chromosomes are not identical (the
the children cannot be affected but they have a           Y chromosome is very short) the X-linked
50% risk of inheriting the recessive gene and,            recessive genes in a male are not matched to a
therefore, also being a carrier.                          gene on the Y chromosome. Therefore, the X-
                                                          linked gene, whether dominant or recessive,
                                                          alone controls that cell function in males.
 If both parents are carriers of a recessive gene,
                                                          As with autosomal recessive inheritance, a
 there is a 25% chance (1 in 4) that their child will     mother have a 50% chance (1 in 2) of passing
 inherit both recessive genes.                            her X-linked recessive gene to both her sons
                                                          and daughters. However, it will only influence
                                                          the function of the cell in her sons. It has no
                                                          effect in her daughters as the gene is matched

 Autosomal dominant                  Autosomal recessive                 X-linked recessive
 Achondroplasia                      Adrenogenital syndrome              Duchene muscular
 Apert syndrome                      Congenital hypothyroidism           Fragile X syndrome
 Crouzon syndrome                    Cystic fibrosis                     Glucose 6 phosphate
                                                                         dehydrogenase deficiency
 Hypercholesterolaemia               Fanconi anaemia                     Haemophilia
 Huntington disease                  Galactosaemia                       Hunter syndrome
 Marfan syndrome                     Oculocutaneous albinism             Incontinentia pigmenti
 Neurofibromatosis                   Phenylketonuria                     Vitamin D resistant rickets
 Polydactyly                         Sickle cell anaemia
 Treacher Collins syndrome           Spinal muscular atrophy
 Tuberous sclerosis                  Tay Sachs disease
 Waardenburg syndrome                Thalassaemia

Table 1-1: Examples of single gene disorders and their mode of inheritance

by a gene on the other X chromosome,
                                                         X-linked recessive genes are carried by mothers
inherited from the father.
                                                         and affect 50% of their sons.
Therefore, disorders caused by X-linked
recessive genes are carried by females and affect
males. Males have unaffected sons as they give
them their Y and not their X chromosomes.
                                                        SINGLE GENE DISORDERS
However, there is a 100% chance that each
daughter of an affected male will be a carrier.         1-25 What are the common
Disorders caused by an X-linked recessive               single gene disorders?
gene are called X-linked recessive disorders,           The most common autosomal dominant
e.g. colour blindness and haemophilia.                  disorders are:
                                                        1. Polydactyly (extra digits).
 X-linked recessive disorders affect males and not      2. Achondroplasia (short-limbed dwarfism).
 females.                                               3. Neurofibromatosis.

  NOTE    In males, an X-linked recessive gene acts
                                                        The most common autosomal recessive
  as if it were a dominant gene as it is unopposed      disorders are:
  by the function of a matching gene. Females           1.   Sickle cell anaemia.
  may have X-linked recessive disorders (e.g.           2.   Thalassaemia.
  colour blindness) if they inherit the abnormal
                                                        3.   Oculocutaneous albinism.
  recessive gene from both parents, i.e. both
  their X chromosomes carry the abnormal gene.          4.   Cystic fibrosis (the one autosomal recessive
  Their father will be affected by the disorder              disorder that is common in people of
  while their mother will be a carrier. Rarely,              European descent).
  females who carry an X-linked gene may show
                                                        The most common X-linked recessive
  mild signs of the disorder, e.g. haemophilia.
                                                        conditions are:

1. Red–green colour blindness.                      single limb, organ or system. They often
2. Haemophilia.                                     present in infancy or childhood as congenital
3. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase                malformations such as:
   deficiency (G6PD).
                                                    1.   Neural tube defects.
Some single gene disorders are more common          2.   Isolated hydrocephalus.
in particular populations or regions, e.g. sickle   3.   Clubfoot.
cell anaemia in West Africa, cystic fibrosis        4.   Cleft lip and/or palate.
in Europe, thalassaemia in Mediterranean            5.   Congenital heart defects.
countries, polydactyly in black South Africans.
Most autosomal recessive conditions are found
in, or come from, tropical countries. Cystic
                                                     Multifactoral birth defects are common but
fibrosis is the one autosomal recessive disorder     usually involve a single limb, organ or system
that is common in people of European descent.        and have a low risk of recurrence.
Some conditions, such as polycystic kidneys,
osteogenesis imperfecta, retinitis pigmentosa
and mental retardation, may be inherited by         TERATOGENS
more than one mode of inheritance, e.g. in
some families as a dominant while in other
families as a recessive disorder.                   1-27 What is a teratogen?
                                                    A teratogen is a fetal environmental factor that
                                                    can cause a birth defect. This is different from
MULTIFACTORIAL                                      multifactorial birth defects as teratogens cause
                                                    birth defects without an obvious genetic factor.
BIRTH DEFECTS                                       Therefore the chromosomes and genes are
                                                    normal in children with birth defects caused
                                                    by a teratogen.
1-26 What are multifactorial birth defects?
                                                    A teratogen can be a chemical substance like
These are birth defects that have a combined
                                                    alcohol, an infection like the rubella virus
genetic and environmental cause. The
                                                    (German measles) or a physical agent like
environmental factor (or factors) is often
                                                    X-rays. Teratogens interfere with normal
not known. The person affected with
                                                    development of the embryo usually early in
a multifactorial birth defect inherits a
                                                    pregnancy, but some can also damage the fetus
combination of genes from their parents that
                                                    later in pregnancy. If exposure to the teratogen
places them at an increased risk for a birth
                                                    is removed, there is little risk of a similar birth
defect. If that individual then experiences
                                                    defect in a further child in that family.
certain environmental factors, the result will
be a multifactorial birth defect. Multifactorial
birth defects, therefore, require both genetic      1-28 When does a teratogen
and environmental factors before they               do the most damage?
present. Neither the genetic factor nor the         The development of an infant from conception
environmental factor alone will cause the birth     to birth is divided into three phases. The effect
defect. The risk that another child of the same     of teratogens is different in each of these phases:
parents will be affected by a multifactorial
birth defect is small (about 5%). The risk of       1. The pre-implantation phase: (1–17 days
recurrence increases if more than one family           post conception or two to four weeks after
member is affected.                                    the start of the last menstrual period).
                                                       During this phase the fertilised egg
Multifactorial birth defects are the commonest         (zygote) develops from one cell to a ball of
form of birth defect and usually affect a

     many cells (the conceptus). The conceptus         3. The fetal phase: (six days after conception
     floats in a layer of fluid which carries it          to birth or from 10 weeks after the start of
     from the fallopian tube into the uterus.             the last menstrual period to delivery).
     At about 17 days post conception (four               By six days after conception the embryo has
     weeks after the start of the last menstrual          turned into a fetus with fully formed organs.
     period) the conceptus begins to burrow               The fetus still needs to grow and mature
     into the lining of the uterus. Implantation          before being born. Teratogens generally do
     and the development of the placenta and              little damage to the fetus in this phase of
     umbilical cord now begin.                            development, but there are some exceptions.
     Before implantation it is very difficult             For example, the fetal brain, which can be
     for a teratogen to get to the developing             damaged more easily than other organs,
     conceptus and damage it. In the unlikely             can still be affected in this phase by some
     event that a teratogen does damage the               teratogens, particularly drugs like alcohol.
     conceptus, it is so small and fragile that
     it would die. Implantation would not              1-29 What are examples of teratogens?
     happen and the women would not even               1. Maternal infections:
     know she had conceived. Therefore,                   • Rubella virus.
     teratogens do NOT cause birth defects in             • Cytomegalovirus (CMV).
     the pre-implantation phase (1–17 days post           • Toxoplasmosis.
     conception or two to four weeks after the            • Herpes simplex virus.
     last menstrual period).                              • Varicella virus (chicken pox and herpes
 Teratogens do not cause birth defects during the        NOTEToxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus
 pre-implantation phase of development.                  and Herpes are known as the TORCH organisms.
                                                       2. Maternal illnesses:
2. The embryonic phase: (17–6 days post                   • Diabetes mellitus.
   conception or 4–10 weeks after the start of            • Epilepsy.
   the last menstrual period).                         3. Radiation in very large doses:
   With implantation and the development of               • Excessive amounts of X-ray.
   the placenta, the developing infants is now            • Nuclear radiation (e.g. Chernobyl).
   called an embryo. The embryo and mother             4. Drugs:
   are in very close contact and a teratogen              • Alcohol.
   can now move easily from the mother                    • Retinoic acid (for severe acne).
   through the placenta to the embryo.                    • Some antibiotics (e.g. tetracycline,
   During this phase the organs of the body                  streptomycin).
   are developing. They are very sensitive                • Anti-cancer drugs (e.g. methotrexate,
   and are easily damaged by teratogens.                     thalidomide).
   Teratogens do the most damage in the                   • Warfarin (an anticoagulant).
   embryonic phase. Structural birth defects              • Some anti-convulsants (e.g. phenytoin,
   that occur during the embryonic phase are                 valproic acid).
   called malformations, e.g. a cleft lip.                • Lithium (an antidepressant).
                                                       5. Environmental pollutants:
                                                          • Methyl mercury.
 Teratogens cause the most damage in the
                                                          • There are probably many more which
 embryonic phase of development from four to 10              have not yet been identified.
 weeks after the start of the last menstrual period.

CONSTRAINT                                          CASE STUDY 1
                                                    A newborn infant at a district hospital is
1-30 What is constraint?                            recognised as having a birth defect. The
External forces can result in birth defects after   midwife comments that she very rarely sees
the fetus is normally formed (i.e. it is not a      birth defects. The doctor does not know the
malformation). The cause of this type of birth      cause of the birth defect.
defects is called constraint. There are two types
of birth defects due to constraint:                 1. What is a birth defect?
1. Occasionally a normally formed fetus             It is an abnormality of function or structure in
   is pushed out of shape by mechanical             a person which is present from birth.
   force in the uterus (e.g. in multiple
   pregnancies, where there is little space in      2. Why are birth defects rarely seen?
   the uterus, or with oligohydramnios or
   large uterine fibroids). The head or chest       Because many birth defects are not
   may have an abnormal shape or the limbs          recognised. A child may even die of a birth
   may be bent. This type of birth defect is        defect without the correct diagnosis being
   called a deformity. Deformities usually          made. As a result, birth defects are commoner
   correct themselves after delivery once the       than they seem to be.
   pressure has been removed.
2. Sometimes an amniotic band may damage            3. What is birth prevalence?
   a limb or other part of the body. A finger,      The birth prevalence of a birth defect is the
   toe or part of a limb may be amputated           number of infants born with that birth defect
   or have a constriction ring. The amniotic        per 1000 liveborn infants. In contrast, the
   band results from a tear in the amnion           prevalence of a birth defect is the number of
   early in pregnancy. This uncommon form           individuals with that defect per 1000 people in
   of birth defect is called a disruption.          that population.

 Constraint is the type of birth defect caused      4. What are the main known
 by local mechanical pressure in the uterus         causes of a birth defect?
 deforming or disrupting part of the fetus.         Birth defects may be caused by:
                                                       •   Problems at conception, such as
Birth defects may, therefore be divided into:
                                                           chromosomal disorders, single gene
1. Malformations. Congenital malformations                 defects or mutifactorial disorders
   develop during the first trimester and are              (genetic causes).
   caused by failure of the embryo to develop          •   Problems after conception, such
   normally.                                               as teratogens or constraint (fetal
2. Deformations.                                           environmental causes).
3. Disruptions.
Placing a birth defect into one of these three      5. How often is a cause for a
categories helps to identify the probable cause     birth defect not found?
and timing of the defect.                           About 50%.

6. Are all birth defects due                         5. Is trisomy the only way to get
to genetic causes?                                   extra genetic material?
No. Birth defects due to teratogens and              No. With translocation a piece of one
constraint are not due to genetic causes.            chromosome may be moved onto another
Therefore, they usually do not recur in the          chromosome. If the gamete gets the chromo-
same family.                                         some with the extra piece but not the chromo-
                                                     some that has lost a piece, that gamete will
                                                     have extra genetic material.
An infant is brought to hospital with multiple       CASE STUDY 3
abnormalities which were present at birth. The
doctor thinks that the birth defects are due to      Parents with brown eyes have a son with blue
a chromosomal abnormality. A blood sample            eyes. The father asks the genetic nurse how
is sent to a genetic laboratory. The report states   brown-eyed parents can have a blue-eyed child.
that the infant has a trisomy.
                                                     1. What determines the colour
1. What is a chromosome?                             of a person’s eyes?
Chromosomes are packages of DNA (a                   A single pair of genes. The gene for brown eyes
collection of genes) which makes up the              is a dominant gene while the gene for blue eyes
genetic plan for the structure and functions of      in a recessive gene.
the body.
                                                     2. Is the colour of a person’s eyes inherited?
2. Are multiple birth defects often
                                                     Yes. The colour of your eyes depends on the
due to chromosomal defects?
                                                     genes for eye colour carried by your parents.
Yes. Chromosomal defects usually cause
multiple abnormalities including dysmorphic          3. How can two brown-eyed parents
features, growth and developmental delay and         have a child with blue eyes?
                                                     Because both parents are heterozygous,
                                                     i.e. they each have one gene for brown
3. What is a trisomy?
                                                     eyes (dominant) and another for blue eyes
With a trisomy the cells have three instead of       (recessive). If they both give their recessive
two copies of a particular chromosome. For           gene (for blue eyes) to their child, that child
example, in Down syndrome due to trisomy,            will be homozygous for the blue-eyed gene
there are three instead of the normal two            and, therefore, have blue eyes.
chromosomes 21.
                                                     4. What is the chance of their future
4. What is the cause of trisomy?                     children also having blue eyes?
Non-disjunction. During the formation of the         25%. This is the chance of being homozygous
gametes (egg or sperm), one gamete receives          (having both genes recessive) if your parents
two chromosomes in error while the other             are heterozygous. If one or both parents have
gamete does not receive a chromosome (from           two dominant genes for brown eyes, all their
that pair of chromosomes).                           children will have brown eyes.

5. Are recessive genes always abnormal?           parents being carriers (heterozygous) for an
                                                  abnormal recessive gene.
No. Many recessive genes (such as eye colour)
are normal. However, recessive genes may
be abnormal and, therefore, cause a clinical
disorder when the child is homozygous.            CASE STUDY 5
                                                  Healthy parents of six children plan to
CASE STUDY 4                                      have one last child. They have three normal
                                                  daughters and one normal son. However,
                                                  their other two sons both have a similar birth
A young couple wants to get married.
                                                  defect. The mother’s sister also has a son with
However, the man has a serious birth defect
                                                  the same birth defect. They want to know what
which has been diagnosed as an autosomal
                                                  the risk is of the planned child having the birth
dominant disorder. They ask their general
                                                  defect that is common in the family.
practitioner what the chances are that their
children will inherit the problem. They
mention that they are cousins.                    1. What type of gene defect
                                                  affects a number of children
                                                  born to normal parents?
1. What is an autosomal
dominant disorder?                                The pattern of inheritance suggests a recessive
                                                  gene (either autosomal or X-linked).
It is a clinical problem caused by having an
abnormal dominant gene on an autosome.
                                                  2. Why are some of the boys and
                                                  none of the girls affected?
2. What is an autosome?
                                                  This may be due to chance. However, it
One of the 22 pairs of non-sex chromosomes.
                                                  strongly suggests an abnormal X-linked
The X and Y chromosomes are not autosomes.
                                                  recessive gene defect. The fact that the
                                                  mother’s sister also has an affected son
3. What is a dominant disorder?                   indicates an abnormal gene carried by the
It is a clinical condition caused by an           females and affecting the males in the family.
abnormal dominant gene. A dominant gene is
a ‘strong’ gene that will overpower a recessive   3. Which parent is probably a
gene with which it is paired. The dominant        carrier of the abnormal gene?
gene will determine the effect that pair of
                                                  The mother.
genes has on the cell.

                                                  4. What is the risk of a further
4. What is the risk that their children
                                                  son being affected?
will inherit their father’s abnormal
autosomal dominant gene?                          50%.
50%. Therefore, the risk of having the same
birth defect (disorder) is also 50%.              5. What is the risk of a further
                                                  daughter being affected?
5. Does it matter that they are cousins?          Nil. However, she has a 50% chance of being a
This will not affect the risk of the children
inheriting the autosomal dominant disorder.
It would, however, increase the risk of both

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Birth Defects: Introduction to birth defects

  • 1. 1 Introduction to birth defects Before you begin this unit, please take the BIRTH DEFECTS corresponding test at the end of the book to assess your knowledge of the subject matter. You should redo the test after you’ve worked through 1-1 What is a birth defect? the unit, to evaluate what you have learned. A birth defect is an abnormality of structure or function in a person, which is present Objectives from birth. The birth defect may be clinically obvious at birth, or may only be diagnosed sometime later in life. For example, a neural When you have completed this unit you tube defect is a structural defect which is should be able to: obvious at birth while haemophilia, which is • Define a birth defect. also present at birth, is a functional defect that may only become obvious and be diagnosed • Understand the birth prevalence and when the child is older. Birth defects often population prevalence of birth defects. present as an abnormal appearance or failure • List the causes of birth defects. to grow and develop normally. • Understand chromosomal inheritance. • Understand the inheritance of single A birth defect is a structural or functional genes. abnormality which is present from birth. • Define a multifactorial birth defect. • Define a teratogen and know their Congenital disorder is another term that has dangers. the same meaning and definition as birth defect. Congenital means ‘present at birth’. Malformations are the commonest form of birth defect. Congenital malformations develop during the first trimester and are caused by failure of the embryo to develop normally. This results in a birth defect of one or more organs (e.g. heart, eye, brain).
  • 2. 14 BIR TH DEFECTS live births. It is therefore a measure of Congenital malformations occur early in how common a defect is among newborn pregnancy when the embryo is still forming. infants. NOTE An individual with an abnormal appearance is said to be ‘dysmorphic’. It is important to 1-4 How common are birth defects? differentiate dysmorphic features from the normal At birth two to three percent of live newborn range of features found in a family or community. infants can be recognised as having a birth defect, i.e. the recognisable birth prevalence 1-2 Are all birth defects serious? for all defects is 20–30/1000 live births in the No. Birth defects may be mild or serious. A first month of life. mild defect causes no disability. However, a However, not all birth defects are diagnosed person with a serious birth defect may die at or around birth, and by five years of age soon after birth, or survive with a disability between four and eight percent of children due to the direct effect of the birth defect (e.g. in different countries are considered to have neural tube defect) or due to a secondary effect suffered the effects of a serious birth defect, i.e. (e.g. joint damage resulting from bleeding a birth prevalence of 40–80/1000 live births. in haemophilia). Some serious birth defects can be treated and this may be life-saving or The birth prevalence of serious birth prevent or reduce serious disability. defects varies from 40/1000 live births in industrialised countries to as high as 80/1000 Birth defects can cause a wide range of in some developing countries. disability, e.g. physical disability, intellectual disability, blindness, deafness and epilepsy. The birth prevalence of serious birth defects is lower in industrial countries than in developing Serious birth defects can cause death or disability. countries. 1-3 How is the frequency of NOTE Research done in rural Limpopo province, birth defects measured? South Africa, by genetic trained nursing staff examining newborn infants on day one of life The frequency of birth defects (i.e. how recorded a birth prevalence of serious defects common are individuals with a birth defect) of 15/1000 live births (1.5% of live births). Birth is expressed as population prevalence and defects can be diagnosed at any age from the birth prevalence: newborn period (birth to 28 days) through to adulthood. Examples of birth defects that 1. The population prevalence is defined can present for the first time in adulthood as the number of affected individuals include inherited cancers, Huntington disease per 1000 or 10 000 or 100 000 people, and adult onset polycystic kidney disease. depending on how common or rare the disorder is, in a given population at a 1-5 If birth defects are so common why are certain time, e.g. the population prevalence they not seen more frequently at clinics? of Down syndrome in rural Limpopo was 7.5/10 000 children between 1994 and 1. Infants and children with serious birth 1997. Therefore the population prevalence defects are very likely to die when they are is a measure of how common a birth defect young, especially if there are inadequate is in the general population. medical services available for their care. 2. The birth prevalence is defined as the Therefore many infants do not live long number of affected infants per 1000 live enough to be seen at clinics. births, e.g. the birth prevalence of Down 2. Many birth defects are not recognised and syndrome in rural Limpopo is 2.1/1000 diagnosed.
  • 3. INTRODUCTION TO BIR TH DEFECTS 15 3. It is often not realised that many of the Birth defects are an important cause of infant conditions seen in clinics and hospital and childhood death. have a congenital origin, e.g. many forms of intellectual disability, cerebral palsy, deafness and blindness. Up to 50% of these disorders may be due to birth defects. CAUSES OF BIRTH Therefore both the birth prevalence and DEFECTS population prevalence of birth defects in developing countries may seem to be much lower than it really is. 1-7 What are the causes of birth defects? Birth defects are caused by: NOTE Another reason why infants and children with birth defects are not seen is that their 1. Problems that are present before parents do not take them to hospital or clinic conception (about 40% of birth defects) – because they feel that they will not receive • Chromosome abnormalities. adequate attention or care, and the visit will be • Single gene defects. an unjustified burden on their limited family • Multifactorial disorders. resources. Experience from Limpopo showed that when genetic clinics were established, These are also known as genetic causes of the population soon got to know and parents birth defects. brought their children with birth defects. 2. Problems occurring after conception (about 10% of birth defects) – 1-6 How many children die • Teratogens. from birth defects? • Constraint. These are non-genetic causes of birth In South Africa about 1 million infants defects. Note that all birth defects are not are born annually. Based on the available due to genetic causes. evidence, about 72 000 infants are born each 3. Cause not yet known (about 50% of birth year with a severe birth defect. Of these defects). infants, about 25% will die in the first five NOTE The percentages given above are years of life. for industrialised countries. Figures for It is estimated that 9 million children are born developing countries are not available. in the world each year with a serious birth defect. Of these children, at least 8.4 million The cause of about 50% of birth defects is not yet (93%) are born in developing countries. A minimum of 3.3 million children with a serious known. birth defect are estimated to die annually. NOTE It is quoted as a general rule that in CHROMOSOMAL industrialised countries 30% of children with serious birth defects will die in infancy (the first INHERITANCE year of life), 30% will live with disability even if treatment is available, and 40% can largely be cured (mainly by surgery). Similar figures 1-8 What are chromosomes? for developing countries are not available, but the number that die or are successfully treated Chromosomes are packages of DNA will depend on the level of available health (deoxyribonucleic acid), the genetic material care. Currently at least 3.3 million children found in all cells. A person’s genetic plan of with a serious birth defect die annually. all their inherited characteristics is stored in their chromosomes.
  • 4. 16 BIR TH DEFECTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 X Y Figure 1-1: Normal karyotype of a male (46,XY) with 23 pairs of chromosomes (22 pairs of matching autosomes and one pair of unlike sex chromosomes, X and Y) Human cells have 46 chromosomes that Humans have 46 chromosomes in each cell, are contained in the nucleus of the cell. The chromosomes are paired (23 pairs), with 22 22 pairs of autosomes and one pair of sex pairs called autosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes. chromosomes. Each pair of autosomes looks the same. The pair of sex chromosomes do not NOTE In some textbooks, 46,XY is still look the same because the X chromosome is written as 46 XY. 46,XY is preferable. longer than the Y chromosome. 1-9 How are chromosomes inherited? Females have two X chromosomes (i.e. XX) while males have one X and one Y chromosome One chromosome of each pair of (i.e. XY). Like the 22 autosomes, the pair of X chromosomes is inherited from the mother chromosomes in females look alike. and the other chromosome from the father. Therefore, both the mother and father give one A picture of the 46 chromosomes is called chromosome to each pair of chromosomes a karyotype. The normal female karyotype found in the child. Half of the inheritance plan can be written as 46,XX and the normal male of each individual is inherited from the mother karyotype as 46,XY. Each pair of autosomes is and the other half from the father. This is given a number (1 to 22). called sexual reproduction. An infant’s genetic plan is, therefore, inherited from both parents.
  • 5. INTRODUCTION TO BIR TH DEFECTS 17 Parents cells (46 chromosomes) Gametes (ova or sperm) (23 chromosomes) (23) (23) Zygotes (fertilised eggs) (46 chromosomes) Figure 1-2: The normal chromosome contribution of each parent This is why the inherited characteristics of the Each parent gives 23 chromosomes which parents are shared in the child, and the child has features of both parents. combine at fertilisation to give a total of 46 chromosomes in the zygote. When the ova (female eggs) are produced in the mother’s ovaries, and the sperms NOTE All living organisms, plants and animals, (male eggs) in the father’s testicles, the 46 have chromosomes. In humans the 46 chromosomes in the parent’s stem cells divide chromosomes are known as the diploid number with only one copy of each chromosome pair of chromosomes and the 23 chromosomes still remaining in each ovum or sperm. The ova in the gametes as the haploid number. The and sperms (also called gametes or sex cells), process of cell division in which the gametes therefore, only have 23 chromosomes each. are formed and the number of chromosomes is halved (from 46 to 23) is called meiosis. After With fertilisation, a sperm and an ovum meiosis the ovum contains 22 autosomes and unite and combine their chromosomes to an X chromosome, and each sperm has 22 form the zygote (the first cell which will autosomes plus either an X or a Y chromosome. eventually develop into the fetus). The zygote Cell division in which the chromosome therefore has 46 chromosomes, half (23) from number stays the same can also occur (asexual the mother and half (23) from the father. reproduction) and this is called mitosis. This is The zygote divides, multiplies and grows to the type of cell reproduction that occurs to make become an embryo (with cells developing into more cells so that the zygote can multiply and different organs). The embryo develops into develop into an embryo and fetus, and the body can grow or replace cells that die off during life. the fetus (with formed organs). After delivery the fetus is called the newborn infant.
  • 6. 18 BIR TH DEFECTS Parents’ cells (46 chromosomes) Abnormal cell Normal cell division division Gametes (ova or sperm) No. of chromosomes (24) (22) (23) in gametes Zygotes (fertilised eggs) Trisomy Monosomy (47 chromosomes) (45 chromosomes) Figure 1-3: Non-disjunction 1-10 What are chromosome abnormalities? have more or less genetic information than it should have. The abnormal embryo may The process of reproduction (when the ova abort spontaneously or result in an infant and sperms are made, fertilised and divide with a birth defect. Chromosomal disorders after conception) is not always perfect. usually present with multiple abnormalities, Abnormalities can occur in the chromosomes including an abnormal appearance and they may result in a child with a birth (dysmorphic features), developmental and defect. These chromosome abnormalities are growth delay and malformations. As most mostly sporadic, i.e. due to chance. chromosomal abnormalities are not inherited, Chromosome abnormalities include: the risk of more than one child being affected (recurrence) is low. 1. An abnormal number of chromosomes in the cells – • Trisomy. The risk of the same chromosome disorder • Monosomy. occurring more than once in a family is low. • Mosaicism. 2. An abnormal structure of chromosomes in the cells – 1-11 What are trisomy and monosomy? • Translocation. This occurs during the formation of the • Deletion. gametes (ova or sperms) when a pair of the If a whole chromosome or part of a parent’s chromosome does not split normally. chromosome is gained or lost in the process Instead of one chromosome of a pair going of reproduction, then the zygote that results to each gamete, one gamete gets both the will be abnormal as its genetic plan will paired chromosomes, and therefore has 24
  • 7. INTRODUCTION TO BIR TH DEFECTS 19 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 X Y Figure 1-4: The karyotype of Down syndrome in a male with an extra chromosome 21 (trisomy 21) chromosomes, while the other gamete does 45 chromosomes (monosomy), the fetus will not get a copy of that chromosome and, have cells with 45 chromosomes. therefore, only has 22 chromosomes. This abnormal process of cell division, which results in two abnormal gametes, is known as Trisomy and monosomy are caused by non- non-disjunction. disjunction. When either of these two abnormal gametes fertilise with a normal gamete (containing 23 1-12 What birth defects are caused chromosomes) the resulting zygote will have by trisomy and monosomy? either of the following: Many of the common chromosomal disorders 1. An extra chromosome (trisomy) with 47 (chromosomal birth defects) are caused by (i.e. 24 +23) chromosomes in the cell. non-disjunction and the resulting trisomy 2. One chromosome less (monosomy) with or monosomy of different chromosomes. 45 (i.e. 22+23) chromosomes in the cell. Most fetuses with trisomy and monosomy are not capable of living and result in early From an abnormal zygote with 47 spontaneous abortion. chromosomes (trisomy) the fetus that develops will have cells with 47 The chromosomes which can result in an chromosomes. Similarly, for a zygote with infant being born alive and surviving with
  • 8. 20 BIR TH DEFECTS trisomy are 13, 18, 21, X and Y. The common As an example, if the non-disjunction was with trisomies are: chromosome 21 in a female then the newborn infant would have some cells of 46,XX and 1. Trisomy 21 or Down sydrome (i.e. 47,XY+ others of 47,XX +21 resulting in mosaic Down 21 or 47,XX+21). syndrome (46,XX/47,XX +21). Mosaicism 2. Trisomy 18 or Edward syndrome (i.e. causes 1 to 2% of the infants born with Down 47,XY +18 or 47,XX+18). syndrome. People with Turner syndrome can 3. Trisomy 13 or Patau syndrome (i.e. 47,XY+ also be mosaic (46,XX/45,X0). 13 or 46,XX+13). 4. XXY in a male or Klinefelter syndrome (i.e. NOTE Rarely, people are found with an 47,XXY). extra piece of chromosome material that 5. Trisomy X in a female (i.e. 47,XXX). is called a marker chromosome. How this 6. XYY in a male (i.e. 47,XYY). affects the person depends on what piece of chromosome is involved. Some people Down syndrome, with trisomy of chromosome with marker chromosomes are normal, while 21, is the commonest form of chromosomal others can have a chromosome disorder. birth defect. In the formation of gametes (ova or sperms, if The only chromosome that can be lost and none of the chromosome pairs separate, then result in a live born infant with monosomy is 46 chromosomes will go to one gamete and a sex chromosome X or Y. Therefore, the only none to the other gamete. If the gamete with 46 monosomy seen is Turner syndrome (i.e. 45,X). chromosomes becomes fertilised with a normal gamete with 23 chromosomes, the resulting zygote will have an extra set of chromosomes, i.e. Down syndrome, with trisomy of chromosome 69 chromosomes (69,XXX or 69,XXY). This is called 21, is the commonest form of chromosomal birth triploidy. It is also possible to have more than one extra set of chromosomes (polyploidy). Embryos defect. with polyploidy usually abort spontaneously early in pregnancy. On the rare occasion when 1-13 What is mosaicism? a triploidy (three sets of chromosomes) infant is born, it is very abnormal and either dies before In the normal zygote there are 46 chromo- delivery or very early in the neonatal period. somes. The zygote then begins dividing by mitosis to form the embryo which contains 1-14 What is a chromosome translocation? many cells. This division of the one-celled zygote results in a doubling of cells to 2, 4, 8, Translocation occurs when a piece of 16, 32 cells and so on, with all the cells having one chromosome breaks off and joins 46 chromosomes. However, in mosaicism, (translocates) onto another chromosome. If an error occurs in the zygote. Early on in this in this process no genetic material is lost or dividing process one of the cells is involved in gained, this is called a ‘balanced’ translocation non-disjunction resulting in one cell having and the person is clinically normal. However, 47 chromosomes (trisomy) and the other if chromosome material is lost or gained then cell only 45 chromosomes (monosomy). The this is an ‘unbalanced translocation’ and the monosomy cell usually dies but the trisomy person will be abnormal because their genetic cell may survive and divide. All future cells that plan has lost or gained genetic material. come from it will be trisomy cells. Therefore, Persons with balanced translocations are at the embryo, fetus and infant that result will risk of passing on the abnormal chromosomes have some cells which are normal with 46 to their offspring, resulting in abnormal chromosomes and other cells which are embryos with unbalanced translocations. This abnormal with 47 chromosomes. This is called can be the cause of recurrent spontaneous mosaicism (the presence of 2 different cell lines abortions. If the embryo survives, the resulting of the same genetic origin in a person).
  • 9. INTRODUCTION TO BIR TH DEFECTS 21 infant will be abnormal. This risk varies biochemical product (e.g. production of a according to the type of translocation. protein or an enzyme). Genes make up the smallest parts of the 1-15 What is a chromosome deletion? genetic code. Children look like their parents This occurs when a piece of a chromosome, because their genes are a mixture that is big or small, is missing. There are several inherited from both mother and father. As this recognised syndromes in which a known piece combination varies with each child, siblings of chromosome is missing. These include: look alike and yet have their differences. The only individuals with identical genes are 1. Prader Willi syndrome with deletion of a identical twins. specific piece of chromosome 15. 2. Deletion 22 syndrome with deletion of a specific piece of chromosome 22. A gene is a small section of a chromosome and 3. Cri du chat (cry of a cat) syndrome controls a cell function. Genes occur in pairs, one with loss of a piece of the small arm of being inherited from each parent. chromosome 5. NOTE Sometimes a piece of chromosome copies 1-17 What is a single gene defect? itself and therefore the chromosome has two identical pieces of the chromosome and the On the chromosomes, a person’s genetic plan is genetic plan has extra chromosome material. coded (‘written’) in thousands of genes. Genes This is called chromosomal duplication. There on the 22 autosomes and two X chromosomes are recognised chromosome duplication always occur in pairs (alleles). One gene in syndromes, e.g. Cat Eye syndrome in which each matching pair is inherited from the a piece of chromosome 22 is duplicated. mother and the other gene in that pair is A piece of one end of a chromosome may inherited from the father. Each pair of genes come off (deleted) making it sticky. This end together codes for an inherited biochemical then sticks to the other end making a ‘ring’ product (e.g. blood clotting factor) or physical chromosome. Because genetic material is feature (e.g. eye colour) and gives the cell an lost from the one end of the chromosome instruction to carry out a particular activity. in the process, the person usually has a If the structure of the gene is abnormal, the chromosome disorder, often associated with instruction will also be abnormal and this may growth failure and intellectual disability. be harmful to the individual. A birth defect that results from an abnormality in a gene is called a single gene defect. INHERITANCE OF SINGLE GENE DEFECTS A birth defect caused by an abnormality in a gene is called a single gene defect. 1-16 What is a gene? NOTE It is estimated that humans have about The genetic material on chromosomes 20 000 pairs of genes. Over 6000 single is divided up into smaller packages of gene defects have been described. DNA called genes. Like chromosomes, genes occur in pairs, one gene from each 1-18 How do genes become abnormal? parent. Together, each pair of genes usually determines a single inherited function by Almost all genes are normal and give the giving a set of instructions to the cell, such as cell correct instructions. However, a gene a physical feature (e.g. hair colour) or a single can become abnormal by mutation. With a mutation, the DNA structure of a gene changes.
  • 10. 22 BIR TH DEFECTS A mutation is a change in gene structure that can A dominant gene controls the function of that cause abnormal gene fuction and a birth defect. gene pair. Mutations are rare and may occur sponta- If the dominant gene is abnormal, then the neously or be caused by environmental instructions sent from that gene pair will factors, including radiation (solar radiation also be abnormal. As a result the cell may not from the sun, nuclear radiation or excessive function normally, causing a birth defect. X-rays). These abnormal genes can be passed If the dominant gene is on one of the 22 onto the next generation in the same way as autosomes, it is called an autosomal dominant normal genes are inherited. As a result, single gene. A clinical disorder caused by a mutation gene defects are usually inherited (unlike in an autosomal dominant gene is called chromosomal defects). an autosomal dominant disorder. These conditions may be mild or severe but usually Single gene defects are usually inherited. are not lethal (otherwise they probably would not be passed on to the next generation). NOTE In a mutation, the gene gives instructions Males and females are equally affected by for an incorrect sequence of amino acids autosomal dominant disorders. and, therefore, an abnormal protein or enzyme is formed. A mutated gene may 1-21 How are autosomal cause a clinical problem (e.g. haemophilia), a dominant genes inherited? mild variant (e.g. red hair) or rarely a survival advantage (e.g. resistance against malaria). If either the father or mother has an autosomal dominant gene, there is a 50% chance of 1-19 What type of genes occur? passing that gene on to each of their children. Both sons and daughter have an equal chance A gene may be either a dominant or a recessive of inheriting an autosomal dominant gene. gene. Both dominant and recessive genes may be normal or abnormal. There is a 50% chance of inheriting a dominant gene from a parent. Genes can be either dominant or recessive. If the autosomal dominant gene causes an abnormality of structure or function, the DOMINANT INHERITANCE genetic abnormality will be present in the parent with that gene, and also in each child that inherits that abnormal gene. Autosomal 1-20 What is a dominant gene? dominant disorders are, therefore, passed from In a pair of genes (alleles), the individual one generation to the next. The clinical effect genes may be of different strengths, with of the abnormal gene will usually be present in the one being ‘stronger’ and the other being both parent and child. ‘weaker’. The ‘stronger’ gene dominates While most autosomal dominant genes are (overpowers) the ‘weaker’ gene. Therefore, the inherited, an autosomal dominant gene may ‘stronger’ gene is called a dominant gene. The also appear in a person for the first time in a dominant gene controls the function of that family as a result of a new mutation. That gene gene pair (alleles). will not be present in either parent. Therefore, the parents will be normal but the child will have the disorder. However, the new mutated gene can be passed onto future generations in
  • 11. INTRODUCTION TO BIR TH DEFECTS 23 Autosomal dominant inheritance Figure 1-5: The pattern of autosomal dominant inheritance. There is a 50% chance that the autosomal dominant gene (e.g. D) will be passed from the affected parent to each child no matter whether a boy or girl. the same way as other autosomal dominant RECESSIVE INHERITANCE genes are inherited. NOTE In a single family, some members will show 1-22 What is a recessive gene? all the clinical features caused by the dominant gene while others who inherit the gene may If a dominant gene overpowers (suppresses) only show (express) some features. This is known a ‘weaker’ gene, the weaker gene is called a as variable expression (e.g. neurofibromatosis). recessive gene. The dominant gene will control Some family members with a dominant gene the function of that pair of genes. As a result, may not show any features of that gene at all. This the instructions sent to the cell will be that is called variable penetrance (e.g. polydactyly). of the dominant gene only. Therefore, the NOTE If both parents have the same dominant recessive gene will have no control over the cell gene, there is a 75% chance (3 out of 4) and its effect will be ‘hidden’ or suppressed. that each child will inherit that gene. There A person is called a carrier if she/he carries a is also a 25% chance (1 in 4) of the child ‘hidden’ recessive gene. In a carrier the effect inheriting both dominant genes, which is usually fatal if the dominant genes are of an abnormal recessive gene is not seen and abnormal. Therefore, all children will inherit the individual appears normal. either one or both dominant genes. A person who has both a dominant and a recessive gene (a carrier), is said to be heterozygous for that pair of genes. If both genes are the same (both genes are dominant
  • 12. 24 BIR TH DEFECTS Autosomal recessive inheritance (both parents carriers) Carrier Carrier father mother R r R r R R R r R r r r Normal Carrier Carrier Affected son daughter son daughter Figure 1-6: The pattern of autosomal recessive inheritance. If both parents are heterozygous for a recessive gene (e.g. r), there is a 25% chance that a child will be homozygous and a 50% chance that a child will also be heterozygous for that gene. or both recessive), the person is said to be 1-23 How are autosomal homozygous for that pair of genes. Only if recessive genes inherited? both genes are recessive will the recessive If both parents are carriers (i.e. they are genes together control that function of the heterozygous) for the same recessive gene, cells. They are able to do this as there is no their children will have a 25% chance of dominant gene. Recessive genes may be inheriting the recessive gene from both normal (e.g. carry instructions for blue eyes) mother and father (i.e. the child will be or abnormal (e.g. carry instructions for homozygous). Their children will also have oculocutaneous albinism). If both recessive a 50% chance of inheriting a recessive gene genes are abnormal, that function of the cell from only one parent to become a carrier (i.e. will also be abnormal. A clinically normal heterozygous). Getting the same recessive carrier has both a normal (dominant) and an gene from both parents is commoner if abnormal (recessive) gene for that feature. the parents are closely related, e.g. siblings, A recessive gene on an autosome is called an cousins or an uncle and a niece (intermarriage autosomal recessive gene. or a consanguineous relationship), as they may inherit the same recessive gene from a NOTE We all carry five to 10 abnormal recessive common ancestor (e.g. grandparent). genes. As we are heterozygous for that gene (single copy), it generally has no effect on our With autosomal recessive inheritance, the health. Only if we are homozygous (double dose) parents and grandparents are usually normal for the same gene will we be clinically affected. and do not show the effect of the recessive gene. If a child inherits two abnormal
  • 13. INTRODUCTION TO BIR TH DEFECTS 25 X-linked recessive inheritance (mother carrier) Normal Carrier father mother x y x x x x x y x x x y Normal Normal Carrier Affected daughter son daughter son Figure 1-7: The pattern of X-linked recessive inheritance. There is a 50% chance that the recessive gene from the mother will be inherited by both sons and daughters. Only sons will be clinically affected as the X-linked recessive gene in daughters will be paired by a normal matching gene from the father. autosomal recessive genes (i.e. one from each 1-24 What is X-linked recessive inheritance? parent), they will have an autosomal recessive If a recessive gene is on an X chromosome, it disorder. The risk of an autosomal recessive is called an X-linked recessive gene (X-linked disorder is much higher if the parents are dominant genes and Y-linked genes are very closely related (consanguineous). rare). The majority of single gene defects are X-linked recessive genes are inherited by girls autosomal recessive. Males and females are in the same way as autosomal recessive genes. equally at risk of an autosomal recessive Girls have two X chromosomes and all the disorder. X-linked genes are in pairs. However, as the If only one parent is heterozygous (a carrier), X and Y chromosomes are not identical (the the children cannot be affected but they have a Y chromosome is very short) the X-linked 50% risk of inheriting the recessive gene and, recessive genes in a male are not matched to a therefore, also being a carrier. gene on the Y chromosome. Therefore, the X- linked gene, whether dominant or recessive, alone controls that cell function in males. If both parents are carriers of a recessive gene, As with autosomal recessive inheritance, a there is a 25% chance (1 in 4) that their child will mother have a 50% chance (1 in 2) of passing inherit both recessive genes. her X-linked recessive gene to both her sons and daughters. However, it will only influence the function of the cell in her sons. It has no effect in her daughters as the gene is matched
  • 14. 26 BIR TH DEFECTS Autosomal dominant Autosomal recessive X-linked recessive Achondroplasia Adrenogenital syndrome Duchene muscular dystrophy Apert syndrome Congenital hypothyroidism Fragile X syndrome Crouzon syndrome Cystic fibrosis Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency Hypercholesterolaemia Fanconi anaemia Haemophilia Huntington disease Galactosaemia Hunter syndrome Marfan syndrome Oculocutaneous albinism Incontinentia pigmenti Neurofibromatosis Phenylketonuria Vitamin D resistant rickets Polydactyly Sickle cell anaemia Treacher Collins syndrome Spinal muscular atrophy Tuberous sclerosis Tay Sachs disease Waardenburg syndrome Thalassaemia Table 1-1: Examples of single gene disorders and their mode of inheritance by a gene on the other X chromosome, X-linked recessive genes are carried by mothers inherited from the father. and affect 50% of their sons. Therefore, disorders caused by X-linked recessive genes are carried by females and affect males. Males have unaffected sons as they give them their Y and not their X chromosomes. SINGLE GENE DISORDERS However, there is a 100% chance that each daughter of an affected male will be a carrier. 1-25 What are the common Disorders caused by an X-linked recessive single gene disorders? gene are called X-linked recessive disorders, The most common autosomal dominant e.g. colour blindness and haemophilia. disorders are: 1. Polydactyly (extra digits). X-linked recessive disorders affect males and not 2. Achondroplasia (short-limbed dwarfism). females. 3. Neurofibromatosis. NOTE In males, an X-linked recessive gene acts The most common autosomal recessive as if it were a dominant gene as it is unopposed disorders are: by the function of a matching gene. Females 1. Sickle cell anaemia. may have X-linked recessive disorders (e.g. 2. Thalassaemia. colour blindness) if they inherit the abnormal 3. Oculocutaneous albinism. recessive gene from both parents, i.e. both their X chromosomes carry the abnormal gene. 4. Cystic fibrosis (the one autosomal recessive Their father will be affected by the disorder disorder that is common in people of while their mother will be a carrier. Rarely, European descent). females who carry an X-linked gene may show The most common X-linked recessive mild signs of the disorder, e.g. haemophilia. conditions are:
  • 15. INTRODUCTION TO BIR TH DEFECTS 27 1. Red–green colour blindness. single limb, organ or system. They often 2. Haemophilia. present in infancy or childhood as congenital 3. Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase malformations such as: deficiency (G6PD). 1. Neural tube defects. Some single gene disorders are more common 2. Isolated hydrocephalus. in particular populations or regions, e.g. sickle 3. Clubfoot. cell anaemia in West Africa, cystic fibrosis 4. Cleft lip and/or palate. in Europe, thalassaemia in Mediterranean 5. Congenital heart defects. countries, polydactyly in black South Africans. Most autosomal recessive conditions are found in, or come from, tropical countries. Cystic Multifactoral birth defects are common but fibrosis is the one autosomal recessive disorder usually involve a single limb, organ or system that is common in people of European descent. and have a low risk of recurrence. Some conditions, such as polycystic kidneys, osteogenesis imperfecta, retinitis pigmentosa and mental retardation, may be inherited by TERATOGENS more than one mode of inheritance, e.g. in some families as a dominant while in other families as a recessive disorder. 1-27 What is a teratogen? A teratogen is a fetal environmental factor that can cause a birth defect. This is different from MULTIFACTORIAL multifactorial birth defects as teratogens cause birth defects without an obvious genetic factor. BIRTH DEFECTS Therefore the chromosomes and genes are normal in children with birth defects caused by a teratogen. 1-26 What are multifactorial birth defects? A teratogen can be a chemical substance like These are birth defects that have a combined alcohol, an infection like the rubella virus genetic and environmental cause. The (German measles) or a physical agent like environmental factor (or factors) is often X-rays. Teratogens interfere with normal not known. The person affected with development of the embryo usually early in a multifactorial birth defect inherits a pregnancy, but some can also damage the fetus combination of genes from their parents that later in pregnancy. If exposure to the teratogen places them at an increased risk for a birth is removed, there is little risk of a similar birth defect. If that individual then experiences defect in a further child in that family. certain environmental factors, the result will be a multifactorial birth defect. Multifactorial birth defects, therefore, require both genetic 1-28 When does a teratogen and environmental factors before they do the most damage? present. Neither the genetic factor nor the The development of an infant from conception environmental factor alone will cause the birth to birth is divided into three phases. The effect defect. The risk that another child of the same of teratogens is different in each of these phases: parents will be affected by a multifactorial birth defect is small (about 5%). The risk of 1. The pre-implantation phase: (1–17 days recurrence increases if more than one family post conception or two to four weeks after member is affected. the start of the last menstrual period). During this phase the fertilised egg Multifactorial birth defects are the commonest (zygote) develops from one cell to a ball of form of birth defect and usually affect a
  • 16. 28 BIR TH DEFECTS many cells (the conceptus). The conceptus 3. The fetal phase: (six days after conception floats in a layer of fluid which carries it to birth or from 10 weeks after the start of from the fallopian tube into the uterus. the last menstrual period to delivery). At about 17 days post conception (four By six days after conception the embryo has weeks after the start of the last menstrual turned into a fetus with fully formed organs. period) the conceptus begins to burrow The fetus still needs to grow and mature into the lining of the uterus. Implantation before being born. Teratogens generally do and the development of the placenta and little damage to the fetus in this phase of umbilical cord now begin. development, but there are some exceptions. Before implantation it is very difficult For example, the fetal brain, which can be for a teratogen to get to the developing damaged more easily than other organs, conceptus and damage it. In the unlikely can still be affected in this phase by some event that a teratogen does damage the teratogens, particularly drugs like alcohol. conceptus, it is so small and fragile that it would die. Implantation would not 1-29 What are examples of teratogens? happen and the women would not even 1. Maternal infections: know she had conceived. Therefore, • Rubella virus. teratogens do NOT cause birth defects in • Cytomegalovirus (CMV). the pre-implantation phase (1–17 days post • Toxoplasmosis. conception or two to four weeks after the • Herpes simplex virus. last menstrual period). • Varicella virus (chicken pox and herpes zoster). Teratogens do not cause birth defects during the NOTEToxoplasmosis, Rubella, Cytomegalovirus pre-implantation phase of development. and Herpes are known as the TORCH organisms. 2. Maternal illnesses: 2. The embryonic phase: (17–6 days post • Diabetes mellitus. conception or 4–10 weeks after the start of • Epilepsy. the last menstrual period). 3. Radiation in very large doses: With implantation and the development of • Excessive amounts of X-ray. the placenta, the developing infants is now • Nuclear radiation (e.g. Chernobyl). called an embryo. The embryo and mother 4. Drugs: are in very close contact and a teratogen • Alcohol. can now move easily from the mother • Retinoic acid (for severe acne). through the placenta to the embryo. • Some antibiotics (e.g. tetracycline, During this phase the organs of the body streptomycin). are developing. They are very sensitive • Anti-cancer drugs (e.g. methotrexate, and are easily damaged by teratogens. thalidomide). Teratogens do the most damage in the • Warfarin (an anticoagulant). embryonic phase. Structural birth defects • Some anti-convulsants (e.g. phenytoin, that occur during the embryonic phase are valproic acid). called malformations, e.g. a cleft lip. • Lithium (an antidepressant). 5. Environmental pollutants: • Methyl mercury. Teratogens cause the most damage in the • There are probably many more which embryonic phase of development from four to 10 have not yet been identified. weeks after the start of the last menstrual period.
  • 17. INTRODUCTION TO BIR TH DEFECTS 29 CONSTRAINT CASE STUDY 1 A newborn infant at a district hospital is 1-30 What is constraint? recognised as having a birth defect. The External forces can result in birth defects after midwife comments that she very rarely sees the fetus is normally formed (i.e. it is not a birth defects. The doctor does not know the malformation). The cause of this type of birth cause of the birth defect. defects is called constraint. There are two types of birth defects due to constraint: 1. What is a birth defect? 1. Occasionally a normally formed fetus It is an abnormality of function or structure in is pushed out of shape by mechanical a person which is present from birth. force in the uterus (e.g. in multiple pregnancies, where there is little space in 2. Why are birth defects rarely seen? the uterus, or with oligohydramnios or large uterine fibroids). The head or chest Because many birth defects are not may have an abnormal shape or the limbs recognised. A child may even die of a birth may be bent. This type of birth defect is defect without the correct diagnosis being called a deformity. Deformities usually made. As a result, birth defects are commoner correct themselves after delivery once the than they seem to be. pressure has been removed. 2. Sometimes an amniotic band may damage 3. What is birth prevalence? a limb or other part of the body. A finger, The birth prevalence of a birth defect is the toe or part of a limb may be amputated number of infants born with that birth defect or have a constriction ring. The amniotic per 1000 liveborn infants. In contrast, the band results from a tear in the amnion prevalence of a birth defect is the number of early in pregnancy. This uncommon form individuals with that defect per 1000 people in of birth defect is called a disruption. that population. Constraint is the type of birth defect caused 4. What are the main known by local mechanical pressure in the uterus causes of a birth defect? deforming or disrupting part of the fetus. Birth defects may be caused by: • Problems at conception, such as Birth defects may, therefore be divided into: chromosomal disorders, single gene 1. Malformations. Congenital malformations defects or mutifactorial disorders develop during the first trimester and are (genetic causes). caused by failure of the embryo to develop • Problems after conception, such normally. as teratogens or constraint (fetal 2. Deformations. environmental causes). 3. Disruptions. Placing a birth defect into one of these three 5. How often is a cause for a categories helps to identify the probable cause birth defect not found? and timing of the defect. About 50%.
  • 18. 30 BIR TH DEFECTS 6. Are all birth defects due 5. Is trisomy the only way to get to genetic causes? extra genetic material? No. Birth defects due to teratogens and No. With translocation a piece of one constraint are not due to genetic causes. chromosome may be moved onto another Therefore, they usually do not recur in the chromosome. If the gamete gets the chromo- same family. some with the extra piece but not the chromo- some that has lost a piece, that gamete will have extra genetic material. CASE STUDY 2 An infant is brought to hospital with multiple CASE STUDY 3 abnormalities which were present at birth. The doctor thinks that the birth defects are due to Parents with brown eyes have a son with blue a chromosomal abnormality. A blood sample eyes. The father asks the genetic nurse how is sent to a genetic laboratory. The report states brown-eyed parents can have a blue-eyed child. that the infant has a trisomy. 1. What determines the colour 1. What is a chromosome? of a person’s eyes? Chromosomes are packages of DNA (a A single pair of genes. The gene for brown eyes collection of genes) which makes up the is a dominant gene while the gene for blue eyes genetic plan for the structure and functions of in a recessive gene. the body. 2. Is the colour of a person’s eyes inherited? 2. Are multiple birth defects often Yes. The colour of your eyes depends on the due to chromosomal defects? genes for eye colour carried by your parents. Yes. Chromosomal defects usually cause multiple abnormalities including dysmorphic 3. How can two brown-eyed parents features, growth and developmental delay and have a child with blue eyes? malformations. Because both parents are heterozygous, i.e. they each have one gene for brown 3. What is a trisomy? eyes (dominant) and another for blue eyes With a trisomy the cells have three instead of (recessive). If they both give their recessive two copies of a particular chromosome. For gene (for blue eyes) to their child, that child example, in Down syndrome due to trisomy, will be homozygous for the blue-eyed gene there are three instead of the normal two and, therefore, have blue eyes. chromosomes 21. 4. What is the chance of their future 4. What is the cause of trisomy? children also having blue eyes? Non-disjunction. During the formation of the 25%. This is the chance of being homozygous gametes (egg or sperm), one gamete receives (having both genes recessive) if your parents two chromosomes in error while the other are heterozygous. If one or both parents have gamete does not receive a chromosome (from two dominant genes for brown eyes, all their that pair of chromosomes). children will have brown eyes.
  • 19. INTRODUCTION TO BIR TH DEFECTS 31 5. Are recessive genes always abnormal? parents being carriers (heterozygous) for an abnormal recessive gene. No. Many recessive genes (such as eye colour) are normal. However, recessive genes may be abnormal and, therefore, cause a clinical disorder when the child is homozygous. CASE STUDY 5 Healthy parents of six children plan to CASE STUDY 4 have one last child. They have three normal daughters and one normal son. However, their other two sons both have a similar birth A young couple wants to get married. defect. The mother’s sister also has a son with However, the man has a serious birth defect the same birth defect. They want to know what which has been diagnosed as an autosomal the risk is of the planned child having the birth dominant disorder. They ask their general defect that is common in the family. practitioner what the chances are that their children will inherit the problem. They mention that they are cousins. 1. What type of gene defect affects a number of children born to normal parents? 1. What is an autosomal dominant disorder? The pattern of inheritance suggests a recessive gene (either autosomal or X-linked). It is a clinical problem caused by having an abnormal dominant gene on an autosome. 2. Why are some of the boys and none of the girls affected? 2. What is an autosome? This may be due to chance. However, it One of the 22 pairs of non-sex chromosomes. strongly suggests an abnormal X-linked The X and Y chromosomes are not autosomes. recessive gene defect. The fact that the mother’s sister also has an affected son 3. What is a dominant disorder? indicates an abnormal gene carried by the It is a clinical condition caused by an females and affecting the males in the family. abnormal dominant gene. A dominant gene is a ‘strong’ gene that will overpower a recessive 3. Which parent is probably a gene with which it is paired. The dominant carrier of the abnormal gene? gene will determine the effect that pair of The mother. genes has on the cell. 4. What is the risk of a further 4. What is the risk that their children son being affected? will inherit their father’s abnormal autosomal dominant gene? 50%. 50%. Therefore, the risk of having the same birth defect (disorder) is also 50%. 5. What is the risk of a further daughter being affected? 5. Does it matter that they are cousins? Nil. However, she has a 50% chance of being a carrier. This will not affect the risk of the children inheriting the autosomal dominant disorder. It would, however, increase the risk of both