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Biofield Viewer 5
with Dr Thornton
A new era of in person and at a
distance screening
Biofield Viewer
•Dr Thornton Streeter and John Catchpole have
been collaborating for over 25 years to develop
biofield imaging, interpretation and training
•Biofield Viewer is the market leader in non-
invasive bio-plasma and bio-photonic imaging
and research
•We have a worldwide family of Biofield Viewer
users from a wide range of medical professions.
Key components
of the distant
• The recent development of the ‘Pro’ features in the
Biofield Viewer software have reduced the need for a
clinically perfect lighting environment, this liberates
the process.
• Now it is possible to take a good set of interpretable
images remotely in the same way we now take
passport photos directly with our phones following a
few basic instructions and requirements.
• A white background and removal of shadow with
good use of positioning and lighting
Biofield Sci/Psi lab
Biofield Sci Lab enhancing PET Scan
Biofield Sci Lab
enhancing PET
Live healing session with Biofield Viewer
Face mapping principles
● This concept of Chinese Face Mapping, a basic
concept which utilizes the interconnected
circumstances of the body’s organs to properly
balance our state of health.
● In simpler terms, Face Mapping runs on the
construct and understanding that everything on
the outside is a direct reflection of what is going
on inside. If we consider the connectedness of
our organs via meridian channels, and the fact
that our bodies have a self-regulating system, it
makes sense that what affects one organ
affects another.
● More specifically, the face is one of the many
microcosms in the body which guides us to the
internal workings of the body. In acupuncture, a
practitioner uses meridian lines and points to
stimulate Qi flow. Similarly, in face mapping,
each part of the face has a distinct “Qi point” or
relationship to the internal organs.
Chinese Facial Organ correlation
Forehead: Linked to digestion. The upper forehead is linked to the
bladder and the lower forehead links to the intestines. Check the client’s
elimination habits, noting any constipation.
Eyebrows: Linked to the adrenal glands. Coarse hair of the eyebrows
indicates adrenal stress, with thick eyebrows being Yang and thin
eyebrows being Yin. The adrenal glands are our fight or flight response
and secrete over 40 hormones and steroids. Overactive adrenal glands
are commonly linked with stress, and lines stemming from the start of
the eyebrow are linked with long-term adrenal stress and may correlate
with tightness in the shoulder area, which is a referred pain area (pain
felt near the site of origin not on it).
Eyes: Linked with the liver. Large eyes, eyes set wide apart, long
eyelashes and white showing underneath the iris of the eye are Yin.
Eyes that are small and close together are Yang. Eyelid allergies are
linked with allergies and lung stress.
Between the Eyes: Linked with the liver. Check the client for a history of
hepatitis, jaundice and/or liver stress. A diet that is high in fat, and eating
late, may cause this area to show sensitization or flaking. Deep lines
from liver stress may also be visible. This is commonly known as the
wine and dine area.
Under the Eyes: Linked with the kidneys. Eyes may be puffy (Yin) or
darker (Yang). If a client suffers puffiness and fluid retention, she or he
needs to improve water intake. Grittiness under the eyes links with an
Nose: Linked with the lungs. Naturally large and open nostrils
indicate strong lungs. Smaller or flaring nostrils indicate lung
stress, allergies and asthma. A long nose is more Yin, and a small
nose, pointing upward, is more Yang. Numerous comedones and
oiliness over the nose indicate Yin energy, which is prone to colds
and bronchitis. Redness, broken capillaries and puffiness over
the nose indicate Yang energy, which is prone to allergies,
respiratory stress and sinus problems (hay fever, sensitivity to
smoke, etc.).
Cheeks: Linked with the lung area. Broken capillaries across the
upper cheeks indicate a tendency to allergies and sinus
congestion. Pustular breakouts in line with the teeth may
indicate sinus or gum inflammation and infection. Comedones
and congestion beneath the surface indicate a Yin condition,
while red, inflamed, pustular breakouts indicate a more Yang
Mouth: Linked with the stomach and large intestine. The upper
lip and cracking/dry lips are Yang and link with stomach/gastric
stress. A turned upper lip indicates stomach acid, indigestion or a
nervous stomach (Yang). The lower lip links with the large
intestine, and a pouty, full lower lip links with constipation and
poor elimination (Yin).
Chin: Linked with the reproductive organs. Breakouts in this area
are often associated with the menstrual cycle in women. Micro-
comedones are often present at the sides of the chin and may
erupt into papules or pustules at the onset of menstruation.
Small Intestine/Nervous System: The intestines are majorly
influenced by our nervous system, in fact, our CNS
determines digestive function. Deep horizontal lines across
the forehead can indicate an overactive nervous system and
poor intestinal health. It may specifically indicate leaky gut,
SIBO, or a bacterial imbalance. Stress, work, and physical
activity are Yang, which is the sympathetic nervous system.
Therefore, you want to ensure you balance these with Yin
activities like meditation, rest, relaxation, play, and sleep.
Other causes of problems here include poor food choices,
particularly foods that feed pathogens like refined sugar and
carbs but also any form of stress, alcohol consumption, and
lack of time spent in Nature. Nourish this area by eating
prebiotic and probiotic foods like raw cacao, colourful
veggies, and sauerkraut. Also by chewing more thoroughly,
eating only when relaxed, taking probiotics and digestive
enzymes with meals, taking bone broth, collagen and
glutamine to heal the small intestine and practicing yoga or
Qi Gong to activate the parasympathetic Yin state.
The corners of the forehead, by the
temples, represent the Kidney and Bladder
system. Grooves, lines, growths of
progressive acne in this area indicates
issues with the Kidney organ system. The
kidneys are damaged by chronic fear and
stress response (being overly reactive).
Also, sugar, medications, chronic infections,
inflammation and any excessive behavior
weakens these glands. Take proactive steps
to support the kidneys including decreasing
stress, consuming healthy amounts of fluids
(spring water, raw coconut water, herbal
tea), get adequate rest, and utilize herbs
like Lycium, parsley, Chanca Peidra and He
Shou Wu.
Forehead Corners
Liver: The liver rules detoxification, digestion, and the
emotions. If the body is overburdened with toxins,
hard to digest processed foods and negative
emotions, it shows up in this area. Also, each organ
system has a corresponding emotion, for the liver it is
anger. Perhaps this is why chronically angry and
frustrated people are more likely to have a deep
groove in their forehead between the eyes. Also, the
liver is connected most strongly to the skin –
vernally speaking, any skin issues indicate a liver
imbalance so caring for your skin also helps the liver.
Therefore, when decreasing your toxic intake, be sure
to swap any toxic skincare products for organic,
natural ones. To remedy this, care for your liver with
foods and herbs like turmeric, leafy greens, bitters
and healthy amounts of clean protein. Also, learn to
relax, let go of chronic angry thoughts. Decrease your
overall toxic load, meditate, take walks in nature, and
do not take life too seriously.
Between the Eyebrows
Kidney/Adrenal: The kidney system is ruled
by the water element; it manages all fluid
within the body. It is also responsible for
our stress response – when the body is
dehydrated from poor habits or high stress,
it adversely affects the kidneys and shows
in the form of under-eye bags, dark circles,
puffiness, or inflammatory issues around
the eyebrow ridge. Generally speaking,
your eyebrows should be darker than the
hair on your head; if not, it could indicate a
weak kidney system. To improve these
issues, drink enough quality water – sip it
throughout the day and do not chug water
as it dilutes the kidneys. Also, stay away
from sugar and excess caffeine, along with
refined salt as these weaken the kidneys.
Eat mineral rich foods, get good sleep and
handle your emotional stress responses.
Eyebrows/Under Eye
Heart: Issues with the nose indicate problems
with the heart. The left side of the nose
corresponds to the left side of your heart,
and vice versa. The whole area tells us a lot
about the condition of the heart. Blackheads
mean heart congestion, redness indicates
blood sugar/blood pressure issues from
excess alcohol, sugar, and processed foods.
Anger, grief, and stubbornness all damage the
heart. You can help the heart by opening your
heart emotionally, forgiving, and being willing
to understand others. Also, improve
cholesterol levels by lowering sugar and
refined carb intake and eat healthier
cholesterol. You can lower inflammation with
omega-3 fatty acid foods like anchovy,
sardines, and cod liver oil. Great herbs for the
heart include Reishi, Pearl and White Peony.
Colon/Stomach: Any issues with or around the mouth may indicate a
problem with the colon and stomach. Ulcers in the mouth, for
example, may indicate the same toxic heat in the stomach or stomach
ulcers. The colon is obviously closely connected to the stomach as a
major organ in the digestive system – it only makes sense that if things
in the stomach are off, the colon will be affected. According to TCM,
the most common issue that occurs in the stomach is one of
dampness. Dampness is caused by prolonged periods of excess heat,
interestingly enough caused by excess raw or cold foods. Because the
stomach has to “heat” up our food to match our internal body
temperature, when we eat strictly raw or cold foods, the stomach has
to drive up HCL production to warm it up, eventually burning the
stomach out, leading to dampness. Once an issue of dampness arises,
there is often mucus in the colon, yeast and fungal infections and
general poor digestive health. Eating too many raw foods or also too
many sweet foods can cause problems in this area. If you have a dry
mouth or lips, this might indicate a dryness issue in the body, which is
the stage between excess heat and dampness. Before matters get
worse, seek balance in your diet. Eat mostly warm, lightly cooked
foods, which promote healthy HCL production and manage dryness
and dampness. You can also remedy these issues with demulcent fiber
like chia, marshmallow, slippery elm, and aloe vera.
Stomach/Spleen: The Stomach and spleen work
together to extract Qi from food, they rule
digestion. The cheeks are close to the mouth, so
much of what applies to the mouth can be
applied here. The difference is that more often
than not, issues of excess heat show up
primarily on this area. When the cheeks are red,
it is an indication that the stomach is
experiencing inflammation. However, there are
a few imbalances that can occur in this area.
Most can be remedied by mastering the
emotions and surprisingly by drinking enough
fluid (only between meals 1-2 hours after eating
and 15 minutes prior). The stomach system is
the origin of fluids and requires an abundance
of fluids, so do not underestimate the
importance of good hydration!
Mien Shiang Face Reading
The age-old Taoist practice of Mien Shiang is an art and a
science that means literally face (mien) reading (shiang).
It is an accurate means of self-discovery, and a great way
to help us understand others. As the ancient Taoists said,
the face records the past, reflects the present, and
forecasts the future.
What we look for when we read a face are the
characteristics associated with the sizes and shapes and
positions of each facial feature, as well as the lines,
shadings and marking that appear on the face. Simply by
looking at someone’s face, we can determine his or her
character, personality, health, wealth potential, social
standing, and longevity.
Physiognomy-a visual psychodiagnostics for
biofield viewer facial images
● The science that allows us to identify
mental qualities of man, his health
and psyche by facial features and
expression. Physiognomic analysis
can tell a lot about a person just
examining his face and facial
● The art of discovering temperament
and character from outward
● The facial features held to show
qualities of mind or character by their
Biofield viewer image interpretation covers the systems
of the body. Our reference is ‘the energy associated
with digestion or respiration etc.’
1 – Lung & Diaphragm
2 – Heart
3 – Liver & Gall Bladder
4 – Esophagus
5 – Stomach
6 – Pancreas
7 – Gall Bladder
8 – Small Intestine
9 – Ovary
10 – Colon
11- Appendix
12- Urinary Bladder
13 – Kidney
C2 – Various areas of Head
C3 – Side & Front of Neck, supplies the diaphragm
C4 – Upper Back of Neck, supplies the diaphragm
C5 – Middle of Neck & Upper Parts of Arms, supplies the diaphragm,
supplies the shoulder muscles and the muscle to bend our elbow.
C6 – Lower Parts of Neck, Arms & Elbows, bending the wrist back
C7 – Lower Part of Arm & Shoulder, straightening the elbow
C8 – Lower Part of Arm & Shoulder, bends the fingers
T1 – Hands, Wrist, Fingers & Thyroid, spreads the fingers
T2 – Heart, Heart Valves & Coronary Arteries
T3 – Lungs, Bronchial Tubes, Pleura and Chest
T4 – Gall Bladder & Common Duct
T5 – Liver & Solar Plexus T6 – Stomach & Mid-back Area
T7 – Pancreas & Duodenum
T8 – Spleen & Lower-mid Back T9 – Adrenal Glands
T10 – Kidneys T11 – Ureters T12 – Small Intestine & Upper-lower Back
L1 – Ileocecal Valve & Large Intestine
L2 – Appendix, Abdomen & Upper Leg, bends the hip
L3 – Sex Organs, Uterus, Bladder & Knees, straightens the knee
L4 – Prostate & Lower Back, pulls the foot up
L5 – Sciatic Nerve, Lower Legs, Ankles & Feet, wiggles the toes
Sacrum – Hip Bones & Buttocks, pulls the foot down, bladder, bowel
and sex organs and the anal and other pelvic muscles
Coccyx – Rectum & Anus
Stage 4: Chakra Viewer
Dermatome Emotional CORRESPONDENCES:
C2 – Muddled, Instability, Non-thinking, Non-emotive,
Paranoia, Up & down
C4 – Muddled, Instability, Non-thinking, Non-emotive,
Paranoia, Up & down
C7 – Muddled, Instability, Non-thinking, Non-emotive,
Paranoia, Up & down
T1 – Low self-esteem, Grief, Fear
T2 – Grief, Anger, Frightfully overjoyed
T3 – False pride, Shame
T4 – Resentment
T5 – Low self-esteem, Fear, Anger
T6 – False pride, Shame
T7 – Muddled, Instability
T8 – Grief, Fear, Anger, Frightfully overjoyed
T9 – Low self-esteem, Grief, Muddled, Instability
T11 – Muddled, Instability
T12 – Frightfully overjoyed
L2 – Grief
L3 – Grief, Non-thinking, Non-emotive
L5 – Dogmatically positioned, Paralyzed will, Lost, Vulnerable,
Non-thinking, Non-emotive
Sacrum – Non-thinking, Non-emotive
Coccyx – Non-thinking, Non-emotive
Spirits and entities
Transformation with healing
Transformation with healing
Thank you

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Biofield viewer 5 live, distant screening

  • 1. Biofield Viewer 5 Live with Dr Thornton Streeter A new era of in person and at a distance screening
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  • 5. Biofield Viewer •Dr Thornton Streeter and John Catchpole have been collaborating for over 25 years to develop biofield imaging, interpretation and training •Biofield Viewer is the market leader in non- invasive bio-plasma and bio-photonic imaging and research •We have a worldwide family of Biofield Viewer users from a wide range of medical professions.
  • 6. Key components of the distant screening process • The recent development of the ‘Pro’ features in the Biofield Viewer software have reduced the need for a clinically perfect lighting environment, this liberates the process. • Now it is possible to take a good set of interpretable images remotely in the same way we now take passport photos directly with our phones following a few basic instructions and requirements. • A white background and removal of shadow with good use of positioning and lighting
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  • 17. Biofield Sci Lab enhancing PET Scan
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  • 21. Live healing session with Biofield Viewer
  • 22. Face mapping principles ● This concept of Chinese Face Mapping, a basic concept which utilizes the interconnected circumstances of the body’s organs to properly balance our state of health. ● In simpler terms, Face Mapping runs on the construct and understanding that everything on the outside is a direct reflection of what is going on inside. If we consider the connectedness of our organs via meridian channels, and the fact that our bodies have a self-regulating system, it makes sense that what affects one organ affects another. ● More specifically, the face is one of the many microcosms in the body which guides us to the internal workings of the body. In acupuncture, a practitioner uses meridian lines and points to stimulate Qi flow. Similarly, in face mapping, each part of the face has a distinct “Qi point” or relationship to the internal organs.
  • 23. Chinese Facial Organ correlation Forehead: Linked to digestion. The upper forehead is linked to the bladder and the lower forehead links to the intestines. Check the client’s elimination habits, noting any constipation. Eyebrows: Linked to the adrenal glands. Coarse hair of the eyebrows indicates adrenal stress, with thick eyebrows being Yang and thin eyebrows being Yin. The adrenal glands are our fight or flight response and secrete over 40 hormones and steroids. Overactive adrenal glands are commonly linked with stress, and lines stemming from the start of the eyebrow are linked with long-term adrenal stress and may correlate with tightness in the shoulder area, which is a referred pain area (pain felt near the site of origin not on it). Eyes: Linked with the liver. Large eyes, eyes set wide apart, long eyelashes and white showing underneath the iris of the eye are Yin. Eyes that are small and close together are Yang. Eyelid allergies are linked with allergies and lung stress. Between the Eyes: Linked with the liver. Check the client for a history of hepatitis, jaundice and/or liver stress. A diet that is high in fat, and eating late, may cause this area to show sensitization or flaking. Deep lines from liver stress may also be visible. This is commonly known as the wine and dine area. Under the Eyes: Linked with the kidneys. Eyes may be puffy (Yin) or darker (Yang). If a client suffers puffiness and fluid retention, she or he needs to improve water intake. Grittiness under the eyes links with an Nose: Linked with the lungs. Naturally large and open nostrils indicate strong lungs. Smaller or flaring nostrils indicate lung stress, allergies and asthma. A long nose is more Yin, and a small nose, pointing upward, is more Yang. Numerous comedones and oiliness over the nose indicate Yin energy, which is prone to colds and bronchitis. Redness, broken capillaries and puffiness over the nose indicate Yang energy, which is prone to allergies, respiratory stress and sinus problems (hay fever, sensitivity to smoke, etc.). Cheeks: Linked with the lung area. Broken capillaries across the upper cheeks indicate a tendency to allergies and sinus congestion. Pustular breakouts in line with the teeth may indicate sinus or gum inflammation and infection. Comedones and congestion beneath the surface indicate a Yin condition, while red, inflamed, pustular breakouts indicate a more Yang condition. Mouth: Linked with the stomach and large intestine. The upper lip and cracking/dry lips are Yang and link with stomach/gastric stress. A turned upper lip indicates stomach acid, indigestion or a nervous stomach (Yang). The lower lip links with the large intestine, and a pouty, full lower lip links with constipation and poor elimination (Yin). Chin: Linked with the reproductive organs. Breakouts in this area are often associated with the menstrual cycle in women. Micro- comedones are often present at the sides of the chin and may erupt into papules or pustules at the onset of menstruation.
  • 24. Small Intestine/Nervous System: The intestines are majorly influenced by our nervous system, in fact, our CNS determines digestive function. Deep horizontal lines across the forehead can indicate an overactive nervous system and poor intestinal health. It may specifically indicate leaky gut, SIBO, or a bacterial imbalance. Stress, work, and physical activity are Yang, which is the sympathetic nervous system. Therefore, you want to ensure you balance these with Yin activities like meditation, rest, relaxation, play, and sleep. Other causes of problems here include poor food choices, particularly foods that feed pathogens like refined sugar and carbs but also any form of stress, alcohol consumption, and lack of time spent in Nature. Nourish this area by eating prebiotic and probiotic foods like raw cacao, colourful veggies, and sauerkraut. Also by chewing more thoroughly, eating only when relaxed, taking probiotics and digestive enzymes with meals, taking bone broth, collagen and glutamine to heal the small intestine and practicing yoga or Qi Gong to activate the parasympathetic Yin state. Forehead
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  • 26. The corners of the forehead, by the temples, represent the Kidney and Bladder system. Grooves, lines, growths of progressive acne in this area indicates issues with the Kidney organ system. The kidneys are damaged by chronic fear and stress response (being overly reactive). Also, sugar, medications, chronic infections, inflammation and any excessive behavior weakens these glands. Take proactive steps to support the kidneys including decreasing stress, consuming healthy amounts of fluids (spring water, raw coconut water, herbal tea), get adequate rest, and utilize herbs like Lycium, parsley, Chanca Peidra and He Shou Wu. Forehead Corners
  • 27. Liver: The liver rules detoxification, digestion, and the emotions. If the body is overburdened with toxins, hard to digest processed foods and negative emotions, it shows up in this area. Also, each organ system has a corresponding emotion, for the liver it is anger. Perhaps this is why chronically angry and frustrated people are more likely to have a deep groove in their forehead between the eyes. Also, the liver is connected most strongly to the skin – vernally speaking, any skin issues indicate a liver imbalance so caring for your skin also helps the liver. Therefore, when decreasing your toxic intake, be sure to swap any toxic skincare products for organic, natural ones. To remedy this, care for your liver with foods and herbs like turmeric, leafy greens, bitters and healthy amounts of clean protein. Also, learn to relax, let go of chronic angry thoughts. Decrease your overall toxic load, meditate, take walks in nature, and do not take life too seriously. Between the Eyebrows
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  • 29. Kidney/Adrenal: The kidney system is ruled by the water element; it manages all fluid within the body. It is also responsible for our stress response – when the body is dehydrated from poor habits or high stress, it adversely affects the kidneys and shows in the form of under-eye bags, dark circles, puffiness, or inflammatory issues around the eyebrow ridge. Generally speaking, your eyebrows should be darker than the hair on your head; if not, it could indicate a weak kidney system. To improve these issues, drink enough quality water – sip it throughout the day and do not chug water as it dilutes the kidneys. Also, stay away from sugar and excess caffeine, along with refined salt as these weaken the kidneys. Eat mineral rich foods, get good sleep and handle your emotional stress responses. Eyebrows/Under Eye
  • 30. Heart: Issues with the nose indicate problems with the heart. The left side of the nose corresponds to the left side of your heart, and vice versa. The whole area tells us a lot about the condition of the heart. Blackheads mean heart congestion, redness indicates blood sugar/blood pressure issues from excess alcohol, sugar, and processed foods. Anger, grief, and stubbornness all damage the heart. You can help the heart by opening your heart emotionally, forgiving, and being willing to understand others. Also, improve cholesterol levels by lowering sugar and refined carb intake and eat healthier cholesterol. You can lower inflammation with omega-3 fatty acid foods like anchovy, sardines, and cod liver oil. Great herbs for the heart include Reishi, Pearl and White Peony. Nose
  • 31. Colon/Stomach: Any issues with or around the mouth may indicate a problem with the colon and stomach. Ulcers in the mouth, for example, may indicate the same toxic heat in the stomach or stomach ulcers. The colon is obviously closely connected to the stomach as a major organ in the digestive system – it only makes sense that if things in the stomach are off, the colon will be affected. According to TCM, the most common issue that occurs in the stomach is one of dampness. Dampness is caused by prolonged periods of excess heat, interestingly enough caused by excess raw or cold foods. Because the stomach has to “heat” up our food to match our internal body temperature, when we eat strictly raw or cold foods, the stomach has to drive up HCL production to warm it up, eventually burning the stomach out, leading to dampness. Once an issue of dampness arises, there is often mucus in the colon, yeast and fungal infections and general poor digestive health. Eating too many raw foods or also too many sweet foods can cause problems in this area. If you have a dry mouth or lips, this might indicate a dryness issue in the body, which is the stage between excess heat and dampness. Before matters get worse, seek balance in your diet. Eat mostly warm, lightly cooked foods, which promote healthy HCL production and manage dryness and dampness. You can also remedy these issues with demulcent fiber like chia, marshmallow, slippery elm, and aloe vera. Mouth/Chin
  • 32. Stomach/Spleen: The Stomach and spleen work together to extract Qi from food, they rule digestion. The cheeks are close to the mouth, so much of what applies to the mouth can be applied here. The difference is that more often than not, issues of excess heat show up primarily on this area. When the cheeks are red, it is an indication that the stomach is experiencing inflammation. However, there are a few imbalances that can occur in this area. Most can be remedied by mastering the emotions and surprisingly by drinking enough fluid (only between meals 1-2 hours after eating and 15 minutes prior). The stomach system is the origin of fluids and requires an abundance of fluids, so do not underestimate the importance of good hydration! Cheeks
  • 33. Mien Shiang Face Reading The age-old Taoist practice of Mien Shiang is an art and a science that means literally face (mien) reading (shiang). It is an accurate means of self-discovery, and a great way to help us understand others. As the ancient Taoists said, the face records the past, reflects the present, and forecasts the future. What we look for when we read a face are the characteristics associated with the sizes and shapes and positions of each facial feature, as well as the lines, shadings and marking that appear on the face. Simply by looking at someone’s face, we can determine his or her character, personality, health, wealth potential, social standing, and longevity.
  • 34. Physiognomy-a visual psychodiagnostics for biofield viewer facial images ● The science that allows us to identify mental qualities of man, his health and psyche by facial features and expression. Physiognomic analysis can tell a lot about a person just examining his face and facial expressions. ● The art of discovering temperament and character from outward appearance. ● The facial features held to show qualities of mind or character by their
  • 36. Biofield viewer image interpretation covers the systems of the body. Our reference is ‘the energy associated with digestion or respiration etc.’
  • 37. ORGAN PROJECTIONS ANATOMICAL CORRESPONDENCES: 1 – Lung & Diaphragm 2 – Heart 3 – Liver & Gall Bladder 4 – Esophagus 5 – Stomach 6 – Pancreas 7 – Gall Bladder 8 – Small Intestine 9 – Ovary 10 – Colon 11- Appendix 12- Urinary Bladder 13 – Kidney
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  • 42. NERVE BASED ANATOMICAL CORRESPONDENCES: C2 – Various areas of Head C3 – Side & Front of Neck, supplies the diaphragm C4 – Upper Back of Neck, supplies the diaphragm C5 – Middle of Neck & Upper Parts of Arms, supplies the diaphragm, supplies the shoulder muscles and the muscle to bend our elbow. C6 – Lower Parts of Neck, Arms & Elbows, bending the wrist back C7 – Lower Part of Arm & Shoulder, straightening the elbow C8 – Lower Part of Arm & Shoulder, bends the fingers T1 – Hands, Wrist, Fingers & Thyroid, spreads the fingers T2 – Heart, Heart Valves & Coronary Arteries T3 – Lungs, Bronchial Tubes, Pleura and Chest T4 – Gall Bladder & Common Duct T5 – Liver & Solar Plexus T6 – Stomach & Mid-back Area T7 – Pancreas & Duodenum T8 – Spleen & Lower-mid Back T9 – Adrenal Glands T10 – Kidneys T11 – Ureters T12 – Small Intestine & Upper-lower Back L1 – Ileocecal Valve & Large Intestine L2 – Appendix, Abdomen & Upper Leg, bends the hip L3 – Sex Organs, Uterus, Bladder & Knees, straightens the knee L4 – Prostate & Lower Back, pulls the foot up L5 – Sciatic Nerve, Lower Legs, Ankles & Feet, wiggles the toes Sacrum – Hip Bones & Buttocks, pulls the foot down, bladder, bowel and sex organs and the anal and other pelvic muscles Coccyx – Rectum & Anus
  • 43. Stage 4: Chakra Viewer
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  • 47. Dermatome Emotional CORRESPONDENCES: C2 – Muddled, Instability, Non-thinking, Non-emotive, Paranoia, Up & down C4 – Muddled, Instability, Non-thinking, Non-emotive, Paranoia, Up & down C7 – Muddled, Instability, Non-thinking, Non-emotive, Paranoia, Up & down T1 – Low self-esteem, Grief, Fear T2 – Grief, Anger, Frightfully overjoyed T3 – False pride, Shame T4 – Resentment T5 – Low self-esteem, Fear, Anger T6 – False pride, Shame T7 – Muddled, Instability T8 – Grief, Fear, Anger, Frightfully overjoyed T9 – Low self-esteem, Grief, Muddled, Instability T11 – Muddled, Instability T12 – Frightfully overjoyed L2 – Grief L3 – Grief, Non-thinking, Non-emotive L5 – Dogmatically positioned, Paralyzed will, Lost, Vulnerable, Non-thinking, Non-emotive Sacrum – Non-thinking, Non-emotive Coccyx – Non-thinking, Non-emotive
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