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Awaken You Wonderful We 1
Trigger points of the diseases in the body
Trigger points of the diseases in the body are the points that can prevent and have negative
impacts on the body functions, blood circulation, fluids circulations. Overtime, the trigger points not
removed may create a lots of unwanted signs, negative feelings, weakness, chronic symptoms, chronic
illneses and systemic diseases.
The trigger points in the body and organs may have abnormal sensations when we create
normal force on the areas like pressing, scratching, pounding, massaging or claping on it.
The abnormal sensations, the feelings that healthy people usually do not have when receiving
these forces, are relieved, comfortable, percing, pain, numbness, itching.
Some of traditional alternative healing techniques that help for pain, fever and
systemic illnesses:
Using stick, or top of the bottle or any tool to press on hands, all areas of hands, neck and
the head gradually until you feel no pain, ni piercing.
Or press the hands on the corner of the hard object. Any abnormal sensations when you
pressing mean that all trigger points in your hands are gone.
Using herbal oils rub on the palm of hands a feet before sleep.
Soaking feet with herbal warm water. To simply have herbal warm water, using salt and
ginger, cinnamo or any herbal at hands.
Using the papaya leaves soaking the alcohol to rub a long the back for 10 minutes.
Using hairdryer to warm up the back, hands, feet, palm of the hands and the pain areas for
10 minites each times.
Awaken You Wonderful We 2
Source of the oxygen in in the lungs, all health problems should check the
health of the lungs
The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has today decided to award the 2019 Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine jointly to William G. Kaelin Jr., Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe, and Gregg L. Semenza:
"for their discoveries of how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability"
For self treating fever, pain, cough, phlegm, difficult breathing and many other chronic diseases:
finding and removing the trigger points.
 Inhale herbal oils
 Practicing Qigong, and right eating, exercises to have good health
 Clapping on the chest and back.
 Massaging or pressing on the hands and feets
 Placing the object on the lower abdominal.
Awaken You Wonderful We 3
Herbal oils for health, cold, flu, sinusitis and systemic body
 Inhale herbal oils can treat sinusitis, cold, kill viruses, and boost the resiratory
system. It creates great benefit for the health of the body so that the body can
heal faster and prevent the cold, flu better.
To inhale the herbal oil, we can rub the oil on the face mask. Or we can use
plastic tubes 2 feet in length, placing tissues paper or cotton on the one top of the
tube, rub the oil on the tissues paper/cotton, then placing the other top the tube
in the nose. The oil will be inhale little by little. The plastic tube not only prevents
the oil do not have direct contact to the skin of the nose but also it can store the
oil for inhaling gradually for 10 to 30 minutes.
The herbal oil maybe eucalyptol oil, cinnamo oil, mint oil or many herbal oil
sell in drug stores.
Awaken You Wonderful We 4
Self-checking the health and trigger points in the body, the hands,
the foot, if yes, this may will help for you.
Self-checking the health and trigger points
It is not good if it is higher or
lower than normal. It indicates
that there are some forgotten
health problems.
Checking the blood pressure on both hands several times a
day to see if it is normal, low or high
Checking glycemia when you hungry, tired, and after eating,
drinking sweet juice to see if it is normal.
Check the state of the
important organs in the stomach.
Just press the thumb on the stomach of people: right upper
stomach (liver), Left upper stomach (gastric), and middle-lower stomach
(intestine, ovule or prostate), if it pain, there may be block for fluidity
Reflexology points on hand
and foot
Pressing every areas of the hand and the foot on the edge of
the table, chairs or any hard objects: spoon, conner of the phone, a
rock, piece of wood.
If there are abnomal feelings, these are the trigger points
and the body may not in good health.
Forgotten trigger points along
the way will make people have
abnormal sensations.
Quick and slight clap on the shoulder, neck, back, lumbar,
head, and forehead to see if there are the sensations of pain,
piercing, burning, or comfortable.
Checking blood circulation to
the feet, hands
Check the hands, feet to feel if it warm, and scratch on the
feet to feel if there are abnormal feelings
Check the blood circulation to
the head well or not
Bend and the neck and the back to see if it feels
Close the eyes than sit down and stand up 10 times to see you
have the feeling of dizziness or vertigo.
Turning the head to the left and to the right to see if it have
Check the blood circulation to
the eyes
Pressing along the eyebrows to see if there is pain or
Awaken You Wonderful We 5
Check the health of the lungs Clapping or quick punching on the chest to see if it is pain,
piercing or comfortable feelings.
Self-finding any trigger points
on the body
Clapping and pressing many points in the body to see if there
are abnormal feelings.
The main reflexology points in the foot are said to be as follows:
Spine – instep
Liver – outside of right foot
Spleen – outside of left foot
The head and face – toes
Lower back, lower limbs, genitals – heel
Kidneys – sole of the feet
Awaken You Wonderful We 6
Benefits of relaxed deep breathing which is proven by science.
How can we know if someone has deep breathing: just count that in one minute, how many
breaths that they take.
One a simple way to have relaxed deep breathing is:
1. Just try to breathe out via mouth or nose gently and slowly and as long as possible, when
breathing out, we can pronounce a small voice of OOOO or UUU or hahahahaha. By having
this small sound, practitioners can have the breathing out longer 2-5 seconds than the breath
without small sound. This can make the breath longer, deeper but the practitioners are not
tired and do not have to try hard.
2. Do not try to breathe in, just breathe in normally.
During practicing, when practitioners have relaxed, long deep breaths, they can have the
hand warm, feel much healthier, and soothes the pain in the muscle and the lungs. By
practicing this, practitioners can have only 6 to 12 breaths in a minute. While the patients of
asthma usually have 20 - 40 breaths per minute. The shorter the breath, the weaker they are.
The shorter of the breath can make patients have more chest pain.
Practice for 10 to 20 minutes, practitioners will have warmer hands and feel healthier
than not practicing this.
COVID-19, Herbal oils, health, cold, flu, sinusitis and systemic body
 Inhale herbal oils can treat sinusitis, cold, kill viruses, and boost the
resiratory system. It creates great benefit for the health of the body so that
the body can heal faster and prevent the cold, flu better.
To inhale the herbal oil, we can rub the oil on the face mask. Or we can use
plastic tubes 2 feet in length, placing tissues paper or cotton on the one top of the
tube, rub the oil on the tissues paper/cotton, then placing the other top the tube in
the nose. The oil will be inhale little by little. The plastic tube not only
prevents the oil do not have direct contact to the skin of the nose but also it
can store the oil for inhaling gradually for 10 to 30 minutes.
The herbal oil maybe eucalyptol oil, cinnamo oil, mint oil or many herbal
oil sell in drug stores.
Awaken You Wonderful We 7
The simple techniques that give the healing for most illnesses. It
is so simple that most people can do it. And this can give us a new
view of most illnesses.
 The first, eat more, drink more, have more intake to have normal body weight. If
overweight, no need to have more intake, just do the exercises, when feel tired,
take a rest, and continue later.
 The second: cover the tower and clap the lungs, and back if you feel pain,
piercing, or comfortable, continue to do it until you feel normal. When you feel
normal, all trigger points will be removed.
 The third: place object weigh 0.5 kg - 1kg on lower stomach, 30 minutes each
time, 2 to 3 times a day. During waking time, you can use an object to press on
the lower stomach, this can be seen as a passive Qigong exercise.
 The fourth, tie the leg with elastic crepe during running, jogging, or walking on
 The fifth, use the bottle to press on the stomach, when slowly blow via the
mouth, press the bottle, at the end of blowing, stop pressing, then loosen the
bottle to breathe in via the mouth. Repeating for 10 minutes.
 The sixth, clapping all along the back, neck, and head, forehead 10 minutes each
time, do with suitable force, several times a day until you feel roughness.
Roughness feelings mean all trigger points in these areas are gone.
 The seventh, hand and foot massage: using stick, or top of the bottle or any tool
to press on hands, all areas of hands, until you feel no pain, ni piercing. Or press
the hands on the corner of the hard object. Any abnormal sensations when you
pressing mean that all trigger points in your hands are gone.
 The eighth, have gently deep breath all the time you can. To do it easily, breathe
in via the mouth, and during the blow out make the gently, long O, or U sound as
long as possible. This exercise will make your body warm and feel healthier.
 The ninth, slightly and quickly clapping table, chair, or any objects to warm up
the body, boosting blood circulation. It should be 5 - 10 minutes each time.
Do these exercises and self-healing tips, feel the changes of the body during and
after, you can find out the best suitable exercises for you. The best healing techniques
will make you healthier, not take much time because you can do it passively with other
Awaken You Wonderful We 8
activities and not taking much effort.
Table 10: Mechanism of alternative therapies that help to prevent and heal
chronic illness
Mechanism of most application on preventing and healing chronic illness
To make the metabolic reactions have optimum rate, blood circulation, PH, nature of
the substrate, temperature, enzymes, the concentration of substrate, the
concentration of products, repairing damages, immune cells, homeostatic, motility of
surrounding fluid should be at the optimum levels.
1. Aspirin, papaya, baking soda, acupressure, massage, statin drugs, and NSAIDs help to
prevent and remove the blood clots, trigger points in the vessels and tissues.
2. Exercise, suitable physical laboring work increases the blood circulation, fluid mobility
and exchanging particles between blood and cells.
3. Vitamins, minerals in fruits and balanced diets play an important role in contributing
substrates and activating enzymes. Enzymes are important for all metabolic reactions.
4. Vitamines also play important roles as the antioxidants.
5. Mindfulness, meditation, and positive affirmation help the body relaxed and in balanced
which facilitates the process of healing and preventing blood clots, free oxidants and free
6. Baking soda reduces PH acid from disorder metabolism. PH acid is not good for the
cells, tissues, and metabolism.
7. Deep breathing and diaphragm breathing help to mobilize all cells, tissues, and organs of
important systems in the abdominal, which increases the temperature of the abdomen, make
the abdomen softer more flexible than before. This breathing also increases the blood
circulations between organs, increase rate and efficiency of the metabolic and catabolic in
the abdomens. This leads to increasing the metabolic rate of the whole body.
8. Balanced diets may make all participants of metabolism at an optimum level:
macrobiotic, balanced diets or rich fruits diet
Awaken You Wonderful We 9
Table 1: Catabolic reactions
Substrate + Oxy = Product + H2O + Energy (ATP/heat)
Table 2: The factors that impact the catabolic reactions in the body
The factors that impact the catabolic reactions in the body: the cell, the
reactions, the environment, and the whole body.
Factor 1: Concentration of Enzyme
Factor 2: Concentration of Substrate from digested foods
Factor 3: Concentration of Oxy
Factor 4: Concentration of products
Factor 5: Mobility of blood circulation or the mobility of fluid in the cells and
around the tissues.
Factor 6: The state of the solution: homogeneous or inhomogeneous
Factor 7: Temperature: When two reactants are in the same fluid phase, their
particles collide to have a reaction. If the reactants are uniformly dispersed in a
single homogeneous, then the number of collisions per unit time depends on
concentration and temperature.
Factor 8: PH of the environment.
Factor 9: Effect of Activators or cofactors. Some of the enzymes require certain
inorganic metallic cations, like Mg2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, Ca2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Na+, K+, etc.,
for their optimum activity.
Factor 10: Some of the properties in this category are the state of matter,
molecular size, bond type, and bond strength.
- State of Matter
- Bond Type
- Bond Strength
- Number of Bonds/Molecular Size
Awaken You Wonderful We 10
For self treating fever, pain, cough, phlegm, and difficult breathing
 Inhale herbal oils
 Practicing Qigong, and right eating exercise to have good health
 Clapping on the chest and back
 Massaging the hands and feets
 Placing the object on the lower abdominal
Awaken You Wonderful We 11
Thank you for the feedbacks:
Thank you Van, your words are true. We need healing now. True love is expressed in action
and how we live. True love is unconditional. Without expectation or desire, or craving.
You are an amazing healer and have such deth of knowledge in naturel medicine and
understanding of the human body and energy systems. More than anyone I know. I appreciate you
and all of your work and for helping to kee everything on the right path.
Alex Valdes
Interesting information from a Vietnamese health practitioner. You may already know that
hospital personnel will "pound" the chest in specific ways to assist in removing phlegm and other
toxins from the lungs?
Well, it seems that in Vietnam this is performed as part of very important "self-care" to relieve
lungs of toxins for example... tobacco resin, residue from a viral infection, inhales smoke, etc...
The instructions need to be read carefully before self-treatment. One example of this is the warning
not to go near the heart area... Good luck with your self-care friends!!!
p.s I've tried it and it leaves one with a lovely warmth in the lung area, and a sense of general
Ellen Steadman
Oh, I have just farted. Thanks for triggering the point. Big relief. Lots of air. - Mok Malvin
Very informative and beneficial. Thank you. - Arnab Kumar DE
Thank you, I thought your take on health and some of these methods sounded great ( I had
heard of some) and you explain so well. And of course, people have access to these methods they
can employ as they choose. Thanks again. – Maz Aspen
Thank you for sharing! Yes, this technique is very helpful, and can clear stagnant energy in
many areas of body. Much Love and Light. - Denise
I see you online and read everything I can find that is posted in English. Thank you. I show
a lot of people how you helped me too. Thank you again.
Awaken You Wonderful We 12
My CT scans are perfect now cause beat on my back and front pretty regularly the last
couple of years.I Could see progress using your instructions. I have had ZERO asthma this
summer. Amazing and no allergy symptoms either. I attribute that directly to the tapping. Thank
u Dao
Jeanette Lindow
Thank You, Duy.
I am happy there are more people who know we are all humans and we can all heal.
As you might have read, I already healed part of my 'autism' ��
And still integrating more towards oneness with all of myself and with all that is. I am so
thankful for this experience and happy to share this with the world. Because ilI have been there I
can show the world it is possible!!
And yes, I'm into meditation, healing, energy work. Many experiences of Oneness/Dao
/Source. We all are one.
Thank you for your offer, and your message,
You also are doing great work for humankind!
Love, Els
Van Duy Dao well read the article, I agree with it, some on here are assuming Autism is a
disease or caused by pesticides, I have limited social skills as well as my boys, only downfall.
assumptions like these are what keeps people looking at us like we are freaks, there is no cure
and never will be, hate to say it but my parents had mental disorders my mom bipolar my dad
OCD, maybe the cause all it is I am unique therefore blessed, I can go through life wishing or I
can go through life accepting and coping, I wish I could do a lot others can like socialize, I wish
my kids were like everyone else, then I realize that all 3 of us are truly blessed with health,
family and love, love for ourselves and others even those who judge us, you are a very intelligent
individual and reading your comments has enlightened me.
Awaken You Wonderful We 13
AUTISMIC LIES. AS OUR CREATOR SAYS, "Life is not paradoxical, life is art. Life is not
calculated by the autistic robot, life is must felt and created" <----- THIS!!! (p.s. I love you)
Awaken You Wonderful We 14

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Covid-19 healing, flu, pain management, chronic illnesses, autism and ADHD review of Awaken You Wonderful We.

  • 1. Awaken You Wonderful We 1 Trigger points of the diseases in the body Trigger points of the diseases in the body are the points that can prevent and have negative impacts on the body functions, blood circulation, fluids circulations. Overtime, the trigger points not removed may create a lots of unwanted signs, negative feelings, weakness, chronic symptoms, chronic illneses and systemic diseases. The trigger points in the body and organs may have abnormal sensations when we create normal force on the areas like pressing, scratching, pounding, massaging or claping on it. The abnormal sensations, the feelings that healthy people usually do not have when receiving these forces, are relieved, comfortable, percing, pain, numbness, itching. Some of traditional alternative healing techniques that help for pain, fever and systemic illnesses: Using stick, or top of the bottle or any tool to press on hands, all areas of hands, neck and the head gradually until you feel no pain, ni piercing. Or press the hands on the corner of the hard object. Any abnormal sensations when you pressing mean that all trigger points in your hands are gone. Using herbal oils rub on the palm of hands a feet before sleep. Soaking feet with herbal warm water. To simply have herbal warm water, using salt and ginger, cinnamo or any herbal at hands. Using the papaya leaves soaking the alcohol to rub a long the back for 10 minutes. Using hairdryer to warm up the back, hands, feet, palm of the hands and the pain areas for 10 minites each times.
  • 2. Awaken You Wonderful We 2 Source of the oxygen in in the lungs, all health problems should check the health of the lungs The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institutet has today decided to award the 2019 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine jointly to William G. Kaelin Jr., Sir Peter J. Ratcliffe, and Gregg L. Semenza: "for their discoveries of how cells sense and adapt to oxygen availability" SELF HEALING COVID-19 For self treating fever, pain, cough, phlegm, difficult breathing and many other chronic diseases: finding and removing the trigger points.  Inhale herbal oils  Practicing Qigong, and right eating, exercises to have good health  Clapping on the chest and back.  Massaging or pressing on the hands and feets  Placing the object on the lower abdominal.
  • 3. Awaken You Wonderful We 3 COVID- 19, BODY IMMMUNES SYSTEM, Herbal oils for health, cold, flu, sinusitis and systemic body  Inhale herbal oils can treat sinusitis, cold, kill viruses, and boost the resiratory system. It creates great benefit for the health of the body so that the body can heal faster and prevent the cold, flu better. To inhale the herbal oil, we can rub the oil on the face mask. Or we can use plastic tubes 2 feet in length, placing tissues paper or cotton on the one top of the tube, rub the oil on the tissues paper/cotton, then placing the other top the tube in the nose. The oil will be inhale little by little. The plastic tube not only prevents the oil do not have direct contact to the skin of the nose but also it can store the oil for inhaling gradually for 10 to 30 minutes. The herbal oil maybe eucalyptol oil, cinnamo oil, mint oil or many herbal oil sell in drug stores.
  • 4. Awaken You Wonderful We 4 Self-checking the health and trigger points in the body, the hands, the foot, if yes, this may will help for you. Self-checking the health and trigger points It is not good if it is higher or lower than normal. It indicates that there are some forgotten health problems. Checking the blood pressure on both hands several times a day to see if it is normal, low or high Checking glycemia when you hungry, tired, and after eating, drinking sweet juice to see if it is normal. Check the state of the important organs in the stomach. Just press the thumb on the stomach of people: right upper stomach (liver), Left upper stomach (gastric), and middle-lower stomach (intestine, ovule or prostate), if it pain, there may be block for fluidity Reflexology points on hand and foot Pressing every areas of the hand and the foot on the edge of the table, chairs or any hard objects: spoon, conner of the phone, a rock, piece of wood. If there are abnomal feelings, these are the trigger points and the body may not in good health. Forgotten trigger points along the way will make people have abnormal sensations. Quick and slight clap on the shoulder, neck, back, lumbar, head, and forehead to see if there are the sensations of pain, piercing, burning, or comfortable. Checking blood circulation to the feet, hands Check the hands, feet to feel if it warm, and scratch on the feet to feel if there are abnormal feelings Check the blood circulation to the head well or not Bend and the neck and the back to see if it feels uncomfortable. Close the eyes than sit down and stand up 10 times to see you have the feeling of dizziness or vertigo. Turning the head to the left and to the right to see if it have uncomfortable Check the blood circulation to the eyes Pressing along the eyebrows to see if there is pain or piercing.
  • 5. Awaken You Wonderful We 5 Check the health of the lungs Clapping or quick punching on the chest to see if it is pain, piercing or comfortable feelings. Self-finding any trigger points on the body Clapping and pressing many points in the body to see if there are abnormal feelings. The main reflexology points in the foot are said to be as follows: Spine – instep Liver – outside of right foot Spleen – outside of left foot The head and face – toes Lower back, lower limbs, genitals – heel Kidneys – sole of the feet
  • 6. Awaken You Wonderful We 6 Benefits of relaxed deep breathing which is proven by science. How can we know if someone has deep breathing: just count that in one minute, how many breaths that they take. One a simple way to have relaxed deep breathing is: 1. Just try to breathe out via mouth or nose gently and slowly and as long as possible, when breathing out, we can pronounce a small voice of OOOO or UUU or hahahahaha. By having this small sound, practitioners can have the breathing out longer 2-5 seconds than the breath without small sound. This can make the breath longer, deeper but the practitioners are not tired and do not have to try hard. 2. Do not try to breathe in, just breathe in normally. During practicing, when practitioners have relaxed, long deep breaths, they can have the hand warm, feel much healthier, and soothes the pain in the muscle and the lungs. By practicing this, practitioners can have only 6 to 12 breaths in a minute. While the patients of asthma usually have 20 - 40 breaths per minute. The shorter the breath, the weaker they are. The shorter of the breath can make patients have more chest pain. Practice for 10 to 20 minutes, practitioners will have warmer hands and feel healthier than not practicing this. COVID-19, Herbal oils, health, cold, flu, sinusitis and systemic body  Inhale herbal oils can treat sinusitis, cold, kill viruses, and boost the resiratory system. It creates great benefit for the health of the body so that the body can heal faster and prevent the cold, flu better. To inhale the herbal oil, we can rub the oil on the face mask. Or we can use plastic tubes 2 feet in length, placing tissues paper or cotton on the one top of the tube, rub the oil on the tissues paper/cotton, then placing the other top the tube in the nose. The oil will be inhale little by little. The plastic tube not only prevents the oil do not have direct contact to the skin of the nose but also it can store the oil for inhaling gradually for 10 to 30 minutes. The herbal oil maybe eucalyptol oil, cinnamo oil, mint oil or many herbal oil sell in drug stores.
  • 7. Awaken You Wonderful We 7 The simple techniques that give the healing for most illnesses. It is so simple that most people can do it. And this can give us a new view of most illnesses.  The first, eat more, drink more, have more intake to have normal body weight. If overweight, no need to have more intake, just do the exercises, when feel tired, take a rest, and continue later.  The second: cover the tower and clap the lungs, and back if you feel pain, piercing, or comfortable, continue to do it until you feel normal. When you feel normal, all trigger points will be removed.  The third: place object weigh 0.5 kg - 1kg on lower stomach, 30 minutes each time, 2 to 3 times a day. During waking time, you can use an object to press on the lower stomach, this can be seen as a passive Qigong exercise.  The fourth, tie the leg with elastic crepe during running, jogging, or walking on stairs.  The fifth, use the bottle to press on the stomach, when slowly blow via the mouth, press the bottle, at the end of blowing, stop pressing, then loosen the bottle to breathe in via the mouth. Repeating for 10 minutes.  The sixth, clapping all along the back, neck, and head, forehead 10 minutes each time, do with suitable force, several times a day until you feel roughness. Roughness feelings mean all trigger points in these areas are gone.  The seventh, hand and foot massage: using stick, or top of the bottle or any tool to press on hands, all areas of hands, until you feel no pain, ni piercing. Or press the hands on the corner of the hard object. Any abnormal sensations when you pressing mean that all trigger points in your hands are gone.  The eighth, have gently deep breath all the time you can. To do it easily, breathe in via the mouth, and during the blow out make the gently, long O, or U sound as long as possible. This exercise will make your body warm and feel healthier.  The ninth, slightly and quickly clapping table, chair, or any objects to warm up the body, boosting blood circulation. It should be 5 - 10 minutes each time. Do these exercises and self-healing tips, feel the changes of the body during and after, you can find out the best suitable exercises for you. The best healing techniques will make you healthier, not take much time because you can do it passively with other
  • 8. Awaken You Wonderful We 8 activities and not taking much effort. Table 10: Mechanism of alternative therapies that help to prevent and heal chronic illness Mechanism of most application on preventing and healing chronic illness To make the metabolic reactions have optimum rate, blood circulation, PH, nature of the substrate, temperature, enzymes, the concentration of substrate, the concentration of products, repairing damages, immune cells, homeostatic, motility of surrounding fluid should be at the optimum levels. 1. Aspirin, papaya, baking soda, acupressure, massage, statin drugs, and NSAIDs help to prevent and remove the blood clots, trigger points in the vessels and tissues. 2. Exercise, suitable physical laboring work increases the blood circulation, fluid mobility and exchanging particles between blood and cells. 3. Vitamins, minerals in fruits and balanced diets play an important role in contributing substrates and activating enzymes. Enzymes are important for all metabolic reactions. 4. Vitamines also play important roles as the antioxidants. 5. Mindfulness, meditation, and positive affirmation help the body relaxed and in balanced which facilitates the process of healing and preventing blood clots, free oxidants and free radical. 6. Baking soda reduces PH acid from disorder metabolism. PH acid is not good for the cells, tissues, and metabolism. 7. Deep breathing and diaphragm breathing help to mobilize all cells, tissues, and organs of important systems in the abdominal, which increases the temperature of the abdomen, make the abdomen softer more flexible than before. This breathing also increases the blood circulations between organs, increase rate and efficiency of the metabolic and catabolic in the abdomens. This leads to increasing the metabolic rate of the whole body. 8. Balanced diets may make all participants of metabolism at an optimum level: macrobiotic, balanced diets or rich fruits diet
  • 9. Awaken You Wonderful We 9 Table 1: Catabolic reactions Substrate + Oxy = Product + H2O + Energy (ATP/heat) Table 2: The factors that impact the catabolic reactions in the body The factors that impact the catabolic reactions in the body: the cell, the reactions, the environment, and the whole body. Factor 1: Concentration of Enzyme Factor 2: Concentration of Substrate from digested foods Factor 3: Concentration of Oxy Factor 4: Concentration of products Factor 5: Mobility of blood circulation or the mobility of fluid in the cells and around the tissues. Factor 6: The state of the solution: homogeneous or inhomogeneous Factor 7: Temperature: When two reactants are in the same fluid phase, their particles collide to have a reaction. If the reactants are uniformly dispersed in a single homogeneous, then the number of collisions per unit time depends on concentration and temperature. Factor 8: PH of the environment. Factor 9: Effect of Activators or cofactors. Some of the enzymes require certain inorganic metallic cations, like Mg2+, Mn2+, Zn2+, Ca2+, Co2+, Cu2+, Na+, K+, etc., for their optimum activity. Factor 10: Some of the properties in this category are the state of matter, molecular size, bond type, and bond strength. - State of Matter - Bond Type - Bond Strength - Number of Bonds/Molecular Size
  • 10. Awaken You Wonderful We 10 For self treating fever, pain, cough, phlegm, and difficult breathing  Inhale herbal oils  Practicing Qigong, and right eating exercise to have good health  Clapping on the chest and back  Massaging the hands and feets  Placing the object on the lower abdominal
  • 11. Awaken You Wonderful We 11 Thank you for the feedbacks: Thank you Van, your words are true. We need healing now. True love is expressed in action and how we live. True love is unconditional. Without expectation or desire, or craving. You are an amazing healer and have such deth of knowledge in naturel medicine and understanding of the human body and energy systems. More than anyone I know. I appreciate you and all of your work and for helping to kee everything on the right path. Alex Valdes Interesting information from a Vietnamese health practitioner. You may already know that hospital personnel will "pound" the chest in specific ways to assist in removing phlegm and other toxins from the lungs? Well, it seems that in Vietnam this is performed as part of very important "self-care" to relieve lungs of toxins for example... tobacco resin, residue from a viral infection, inhales smoke, etc... The instructions need to be read carefully before self-treatment. One example of this is the warning not to go near the heart area... Good luck with your self-care friends!!! p.s I've tried it and it leaves one with a lovely warmth in the lung area, and a sense of general well-being. Ellen Steadman Oh, I have just farted. Thanks for triggering the point. Big relief. Lots of air. - Mok Malvin Very informative and beneficial. Thank you. - Arnab Kumar DE Thank you, I thought your take on health and some of these methods sounded great ( I had heard of some) and you explain so well. And of course, people have access to these methods they can employ as they choose. Thanks again. – Maz Aspen Thank you for sharing! Yes, this technique is very helpful, and can clear stagnant energy in many areas of body. Much Love and Light. - Denise I see you online and read everything I can find that is posted in English. Thank you. I show a lot of people how you helped me too. Thank you again.
  • 12. Awaken You Wonderful We 12 My CT scans are perfect now cause beat on my back and front pretty regularly the last couple of years.I Could see progress using your instructions. I have had ZERO asthma this summer. Amazing and no allergy symptoms either. I attribute that directly to the tapping. Thank u Dao Jeanette Lindow Thank You, Duy. I am happy there are more people who know we are all humans and we can all heal. As you might have read, I already healed part of my 'autism' �� And still integrating more towards oneness with all of myself and with all that is. I am so thankful for this experience and happy to share this with the world. Because ilI have been there I can show the world it is possible!! And yes, I'm into meditation, healing, energy work. Many experiences of Oneness/Dao /Source. We all are one. Thank you for your offer, and your message, You also are doing great work for humankind! Love, Els Van Duy Dao well read the article, I agree with it, some on here are assuming Autism is a disease or caused by pesticides, I have limited social skills as well as my boys, only downfall. assumptions like these are what keeps people looking at us like we are freaks, there is no cure and never will be, hate to say it but my parents had mental disorders my mom bipolar my dad OCD, maybe the cause all it is I am unique therefore blessed, I can go through life wishing or I can go through life accepting and coping, I wish I could do a lot others can like socialize, I wish my kids were like everyone else, then I realize that all 3 of us are truly blessed with health, family and love, love for ourselves and others even those who judge us, you are a very intelligent individual and reading your comments has enlightened me. T.y
  • 14. Awaken You Wonderful We 14