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Live evaluation of biofield, chakra 
functionality and emotional state
Our research facility at the UNESCO Chair World 
Peace Centre since 1998 
MIT - Pune
Biofield Viewer 3.0 images simple to interpret 
Biofield asymmetry reveals emotional stress 
And colour indicates congested energy 
Brow chakra active and reveals intuitive nature 
Pooling at side of face indicates dental issue
Is the Biofield recognised? 
National Institutes of Health (NIH) 
2004 recognizes the ‘Biofield’. 
US National Library of Medicine as a 
Medical Subject Heading (MeSH)
J Altern Complement Med. 2002 Dec;8(6):703-17. 
The biofield hypothesis: its biophysical basis and 
role in medicine. 
Rubik B. 
• This paper provides a scientific foundation for the biofield: the complex, 
extremely weak electromagnetic field of the organism hypothesized to 
involve electromagnetic bioinformation for regulating homeodynamics. The 
biofield is a useful construct consistent with bioelectromagnetics and the 
physics of nonlinear, dynamical, nonequilibrium living systems. It offers a 
unifying hypothesis to explain the interaction of objects or fields with the 
organism, and is especially useful toward understanding the scientific basis 
of energy medicine, including acupuncture, biofield therapies, 
bioelectromagnetic therapies, and homeopathy. The rapid signal 
propagation of electromagnetic fields comprising the biofield as well as its 
holistic properties may account for the rapid, holistic effects of certain 
alternative and complementary medical interventions.
What is the Biofield Viewer? 
An imaging system which accentuates the 
gradations of light intensity in a standardized 
lighting environment. 
It is the only imaging system which allows for 
3D graphical representation of the biofield. 
It has not been evaluated by the FDA or MCC and is not 
intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. It is 
for research purposes only. 
It is not an infrared, ultraviolet, or aura camera
Biofield imaging set up alongside Medical 
Thermal Imaging at our clinic at the world 
famous Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India.
BiBofiioefldie VldieVwieerw Celirn iEcnalv Eirnovnirmonemnetnt 
Two 4ft FS Bulbs Hung from 
Adjustable Chains 
Optional raised 
white platform for 
subject to stand on 
in line with camera 
and lighting 
Computer with 
BV software 
Camera on 
tripod with 
direct feed to 
Can be raised to 
optimize space 
after imaging
White Matte Wall 
– The background wall behind the subject is painted matte 
white and kept as smooth and clean as possible to create a 
monochromatic environment. We also use photographic 
screens, canvas and white sheets, well ironed/wrinkle free. 
– This balances light across intended subject & regulates 
– Blemishes, cracks, light switches, etc. will cause artifact in 
the image so please ensure it is a smooth surface.
Video Camera/Webcam with Tripod 
Recommended: Logitech c920 
– Other recommended: Sony, JVC, and 
– HD cameras record directly onto a card and 
often not equipped to feed directly into your 
– For video capturing capabilities, we 
recommend a screen capture software to 
reduce the data storage on your computer 
such as Debut. 
If using Logitech c920 webcam, go to: 
Download driver for c920 camera to 
remote control camera and change 
Full Spectrum Lighting 
– Full spectrum light (FSL) is the closest to 
reproducing standard daylight 
wavelengths of visible, ultra-violet (UV) 
and infra-red (IR) energy. A FSL is one 
that emits light in all parts of the visible 
spectrum and some in the Ultraviolet-A 
region (320-400nm), has a CCT of greater 
than 5000K and a CRI of at least 90. 
– The energy in full-spectrum light is simply 
dispersed over broader ranges of the 
visible frequencies. Thus it may be the 
case that FSL facilitates greater 
interaction with the biofield.
Full Spectrum Lighting 
Standardized research clinic: 
We recommend a double 4ft/48” 
fluorescent ‘Full Spectrum Lighting 
system’ as this maintains 
standards and variables within 
research facility. 
Mobile screening: 
We recommend a Husky 5ft 2500 
Lumen LED worklight.
Personal Computer/Laptop 
Personal Computer/Laptop 
– Operating System: Windows 8/7/ Vista 
– Mac partitioned to run on Windows 
– Processor: 2.0GHZ (Intel™ recommended) 
– Memory: 2GB RAM for 32-bit/4GB RAM for 64-bit, 
4GB free hard drive space 
– Video card: DX9 compliant or better 
– USB ports for software key and camera (if needed)
Standardized Environment 
• No lights should be on other than the full 
spectrum light with all windows blocked to 
prevent changing variations of sunlight. 
• Size and color of rooms also affects brightness 
can be reduced by manual exposure on camera. 
Smaller rooms give brighter results than large 
dark rooms. Once exposure is set, it should not 
be changed to maintain consistent images. 
*NOTE: Please record exposure details for future 
screenings and trainings. 
• Turn off as much other electrical equipment as 
possible, i.e. mobile phones, wi-fi, unnecessary 
printers, etc. 
• Maintain consistent room temperature 
(recommended 68-74⁰F) and humidity. *NOTE: 
Temperature and humidity should not vary during the 
length of scan.
Navigating the Software 
Double-click the Biofield Viewer icon on 
the desktop. 
Choose between using 2D and 3D software in the 
bottom left corner. 
2D: Biofield Viewer 
and Chakra Viewer 
3D: Auramancy
Navigating the Software: File 
“Open” (shortcut ‘O’) a new image 
file and press Esc to closes. 
“Open image folder” (shortcut ‘I’) 
will open a previously saved image 
“Notes” (shortcut ‘N’) is a data file 
that is always paired with the 
image for the operator’s case 
history and notes of the subject 
and image. It is stored in the .bi file 
of the image
Navigating the Software: File 
“Annotate with Paint” 
(shortcut P) carries an 
image into the Microsoft 
Paint program for further 
graphical analysis and 
If “Auto Export” is activated, 
the program will 
automatically save to 
media folder
Navigating the Software: View 
“Biofield Viewer” option gives access to 
the 2D programs – Biofield Viewer 
and Chakra Viewer. 
“Auramancy” gives access to the 3D 
Biofield program. 
“Start” and “Stop” display allows users 
to turn on and off the visual image on 
the screen. 
The various palette, subtle energy and 
quality options are only activated in 
3D Biofield mode. 
“Camera” allows user to choose the 
camera input or webcam. 
“Camera detail” gives specifications of 
the camera being used.
Navigating the Software: View 
“Image” is for taking images using 3D 
“Biofield” and “Normal video” allow the 
researcher to switch between normal 
video and the Biofield Viewer 
assessment which helps in analyzing 
“Background black” and “Background 
white” are used for choosing the 
background color 
“Fit to window” and “Fill window” affects 
the scaling of the original image.
Navigating the Software: View 
“Mirror” (shortcut ‘R’) flips the image to 
observe subject’s correct right and 
left side. 
“Alignment line” (shortcut ‘L’) allows 
users to center the subject and help 
standardize the imaging process. 
“Chakra” (shortcut ‘C’) allows the user 
to flip to the chakra mode. 
“Toolbar” (shortcut ‘T’) adds and 
removes the toolbar from the bottom 
of the screen.
Navigating the Software: Record 
To record an image, use the dropdown 
menu and click “Image” (shortcut 
Use “Image as…” to save the image in a 
specific named folder. 
Research: To maintain confidentiality, it is 
suggested to save images using 
personal identification numbers/codes.
Navigating the Software: Help 
“About” gives details of the software 
developer’s license. 
For more practical assistance, please 
join “Biofield Viewer User’s 
Group” on Facebook or contact your 
local agent for technical assistance.
Navigating the Software: Toolbar 
Explore list of 
file of names Alignment 
Save image 
Allows user to line 
create new folder 
Normal and Biofield 
Viewer mode options 
Chakra Viewer 
mode Change size 
of image
Navigating the Software: Toolbar 
Open saved image 
in software to 
explore other 
Color Density 
filters Low/High 
Low/High Quality 
*HQ slows imaging Use Paint to 
circle areas 
and add notes 
Change size 
of image 
Send to other 
Biofield Viewer Environment Calibration
Taking a Set of Images 
*NOTE: Men are advised to NOT take biofield images of undressed female 
subjects and we recommend a female operator. 
 Instructions for the client while the images are being taken: 
 For profile pictures, ask subjects to roll underwear down as far as they are 
 Check subject is as relaxed as possible. Suggest they bend the knees a fraction 
to encourage proper blood flow in the legs. 
 Check subject has good posture and is not standing abnormally, i.e. slouched 
with bent shoulders 
 Check subject is not holding breath and request to breathe normally. 
 Long hair should be pulled back into a tight bun or pony tail. 
 Men should be clean shaven, if possible. 
 Move subjects away from the wall to reduce shadow in the image.
Taking a Set of Images 
 Click on Record: “Image As” 
 Click on “Create New Folder” icon or right-click 
and Rename as you choose 
 Open the folder where you would like to store 
Save: Baseline
Biofield Viewer
Save: Anterior Profile 
Waistband to a few inches above the head 
Click “Chakra” to switch modes 
and press Spacebar to save
Use Alignment Line to Centre Image
Save: Right Profile 
Waistband to a few inches above the head 
Click “Chakra” to switch modes 
and press Spacebar to save
Save: Posterior Profile 
Waistband to a few inches above the head 
Click “Chakra” to switch modes 
and press Spacebar to save
Save: Left Profile 
Waistband to a few inches above the head 
Click “Chakra” to switch modes 
and press Spacebar to save
Save: Front of Legs 
Waistband to feet 
Click “Chakra” to switch modes 
and press Spacebar to save
Save: Back of Legs 
Waistband to feet 
Click “Chakra” to switch modes 
and press Spacebar to save
Biofield viewer images matched to show anterior and posterior montage in Chakra 
Viewer mode. Notice the pooling of sluggish energy seen in dark pink and reds
Biofield Viewer Interpretation 
 Focal Point 
 Symmetry 
 Congested Energy (Shielding) 
 Leaking Energy (Venting) 
 Significance of Colors 
 Brightness 
 Color Banding and Intersections 
 Artifacts 
 Entities
Focal Point 
The focal point is the 
most important and 
prominent area which 
draws your attention. 
In this case, it is the 
throat chakra
Symmetry: the butterfly effect
Congested Energy (Shielding) 
Throat Solar Plexus
Congested Energy (Shielding) 
at chest 
Stages of Congestion
Leaking Energy (Venting) 
This man has had a 
heart by-pass 
operation. Note the 
disturbance in the 
field in the heart 
The biofield image from 
the other side confirms 
that there is an energy 
imbalance in the heart 
Shielding/Venting Case Study 
This man had a heart 
attack 15 years ago. 
Note the disturbance 
in the field in the front 
heart area. 
The Navel Chakra is 
leaking energy. 
The Solar Plexus 
Chakra is leaking 
Significance of Colours
Significance of Colours 
Red/Dark Pink 
Red or dark pink energy streaming away from the body often indicate 
an area of imbalance. Dark pink pools are often observed over any 
part of the body where there is an existing or was a previous trauma. It 
has also been observed that pooling patterns may be seen in areas 
that subsequently become diseased. Darker shades of pink are often 
areas of concern and may even correspond to known physical 
The optimum color is not often seen to predominate in the specific 
area and orange like red is related to lower energy. Orange in the 
outer field represents vitality and healthy relationships.
Significance of Colours 
Yellow is found in the biofield to indicate general well-being, 
intelligence and vitality. This is always good to see as long as it is 
flowing and not pooling in small zones. It is often seen with white light 
in healing displays and experiments. It is also seen around the head 
during high mental activity. It can indicate ‘over exposure’ and highly 
reflected light. Yellow and grey bands in outer field shows the effects of 
hyper-mental activity. 
Green is the color of balance and healing as it is located in the middle 
of the spectrum. With many people it has been observed that green is 
often predominant in the upper torso. Positivity in the mind is shown by 
green in the field. It is best to observe this color in the area of the heart 
Significance of Colours 
Blue is a color often seen at the throat center but sometimes the entire 
body’s surface will be blue. Darker blues verging on black are areas 
of concern and must be monitored, especially if all possibilities for 
artifact like shadow are discounted. If it is in the biofield, it shows the 
person remains well balanced with low mental stress. 
Rarely seen in the biofield, and when predominant indicates advanced 
intuition and psychic abilities. 
Violet indicates healing and spiritual/physical/mental development. It 
also accompanies low reds to provide balance in the spectrum. Often 
associated with higher vibrations, meditation etc. It is rarely seen in 
excessive amounts and in some individuals it is often not seen at all.
Significance of Colours 
White light is often seen in a Biofield Viewer imaging during healing. A 
symmetrical white elliptical ring can also be seen around the head of a 
long term meditator or mystic. A white halo does not always mean 
healthy energy or enlightenment. It also occurs in cases of serious 
illness. If an asymmetrical white spot is visible on the body’s surface, 
this could indicate malignancy. If a white spot is present and/or moving 
in the field around the body, it could be an attachment or entity. It is 
often seen in the outer biofield during healing experiments. 
Black represents absence of vibration or light in the biofield. This color 
indicates a complete lack of life force. If black is seen in the field 
around the body, it indicates severe depression. If black is seen on the 
body’s surface, it can indicate necrotic (dead) tissue. It has also been 
seen in certain areas of the body in people near the terminal stages of 
Optimum Compromised 
Coherent Speckled 
Vibrant Dissipated 
Bright Muddied/Smudged 
Vivid Dull/Burnt
Colour Banding and Intersections 
This man had a 
slipped disc. Note 
the red leakage of 
energy intersecting 
the green band. 
The back image confirms 
the energy imbalance. 
Note the line of red 
energy along the spine. 
Loss of colour band clarity
Shadow Clothes
Tattoo Additional Lighting
Child in Mortuary Suspected Black Magic on 
Mother and Child
A day we will never forget, we were amazed to see this portal open as a 
mother says goodbye to her loving and caring son. Keen to see her biofield, 
this was one of the last things she ever did and in so doing, left us hope.
Chakras – energy centres 
• Spinning vortices 
• Transformers of energy 
• Detection Motoyama – Changes in field in space 
around the body 
• Hunt – Electrodes attached to skin – GSR 
• Streeter, Catchpole –Biofield Viewer
Base Chakra: Muladhara 
 Element: Earth 
 Location: Perineum 
 Function: Grounding, survival, excretion 
 Glands: Gonads, prostate 
 Color: Red Sound: Lam Petals: Four 
 If dysfunctional: Elimination system 
 Potential solution: Grounding/Earthing and 
improve diet
Base Chakra
Navel Chakra: Svadisthana 
 Element: Water 
 Location: Sacral plexus, two fingers below navel 
 Function: Procreation, creativity and reproduction 
 Glands: Testes, ovaries 
 Color: Orange Sound: Vam Petals: Six 
 If dysfunctional: Reproduction 
 Potential Solution: Purify drinking water and 
attend to relationships
Navel Chakra
Solar Plexus Chakra: Manipura 
 Element: Fire 
 Location: Twelfth thoracic and first lumbar 
 Function: Will, power, digestion 
 Glands: Isles of Langerhans in pancreas 
 Color: Yellow Sound: Ram Petals: Ten 
 If dysfunctional: Digestive system 
 Potential Solution: Balance digestive flora
Solar Plexus Chakra
Heart Chakra: Anahata 
 Element: Air 
 Location: Fourth & fifth thoracic vertebrae 
 Function: Love, circulation 
 Glands: Thymus 
 Color: Green Sound: Lam Petals: Twelve 
 Dysfunction: Respiratory and 
cardiovascular systems 
 Potential Solution: Conscious breathing
Heart Chakra
Throat Chakra: Vishuddi 
 Element: Plasma 
 Location: Throat 
 Function: Communication, creativity, 
 Glands: Thyroid and parathyroid 
 Color: Blue Sound: Ham Petals: Sixteen 
 Dysfunction: Dental and emotional 
 Potential Solutions: Express yourself, sing
Throat Chakra
Brow Chakra: Ajna 
• Element: Aether 
• Location: Above nose and between eyes 
• Function: Perception and cognition 
• Glands: Pituitary 
• Color: Indigo Sound: Om Petals: Two 
• Dysfunction: Neurological system 
• Potential Solutions: Reduce exposure to 
cell phone and Wi Fi, meditate
Brow Chakra
Crown Chakra: Sahasrara 
 Element: Void 
 Location: Crown of head 
 Function: Union 
 Glands: Pineal 
 Color: Violet Sound: Aum Petals: 998 
 Dysfunctions: Nervous system and spirituality 
 Potential Solution: Be present and be humble
Crown Chakra
3D Biofield, a revolution in subtle 
energy imaging 
3D Subtle Energy 
mode of Biofield 
3D biofield viewer imaging
3D Biofield
Tracking Meridian functionality
light sonopuncture 
250 msec. 7  sec. 
0.25sec 0.000007sec 
Joie Jones 
Vision points 
bladder meridian
Research at CIHS, USA
A treatment case study 
Before- 23.1.13 After - 8.2.13
Repeatability: 3 separate scans on 3 days 
a week apart
Chakra Viewer
Biofield Viewer 3rd Party Video Capture 
Case Study: Camtasia
Biofield Viewer showing healing live
Prim Care. 2010 Mar;37(1):165-79. doi: 10.1016/j.pop.2009.09.012. 
Biofield therapies: energy medicine and 
primary care. 
Rindfleisch JA. 
Department of Family Medicine, Odana Atrium Family Medicine Clinic, 
University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health WI 53719, USA. 
• Energy medicine modalities, also known as biofield therapies, are 
perhaps the most mysterious and controversial complementary 
alternative medicine therapies. Although many of these 
approaches have existed for millennia, scientific investigation of 
these techniques is in its early stages; much remains to be learned 
about mechanisms of action and efficacy. These techniques are 
increasingly used in clinical and hospital settings and can be 
incorporated into an integrative primary care practice. This article 
describes several energy medicine and biofield therapies and 
outlines key elements they hold in common. Several specific 
approaches are described. Research findings related to the efficacy 
of energy medicine are summarized, and proposed mechanisms of 
action and safety issues are discussed.
Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2007 Apr;11(2):253-8. 
The use of biofield therapies in cancer care. 
Pierce B. 
Biofield therapies form a subcategory of the domain of 
energy therapies, as defined by the National Center for 
Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Specific 
biofield therapies addressed in this article include 
Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, Polarity Therapy, Reiki, 
and Qigong. This article will identify core concepts in 
biofield therapies, review controlled trials of the use of 
biofield therapies with patients with cancer, describe the 
process of biofield therapies implementation in one 
cancer center, and suggest research to benefit not only 
patients with cancer but also family members and 
oncology professionals.
Research: Biofield Viewer Phantom Limb
A day we will never forget, we were amazed to see this portal open as a 
mother says goodbye to her loving and caring son. Keen to see her biofield, 
this was one of the last things she ever did and in so doing, left us hope.
The new Biofield Thermography
Working with animals
Image d“aItma aagnea laynsids efodrit r” esearch
Biofield Viewer 3.0 
Image Processing with Image J
Biofield Viewer 3.0 image processing 
analysis with Image J
Image enhancement with Image J
Image analysis with Image J
Trainer and co developer of Biofield 
Viewer Thornton Streeter

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Biofield Viewer 3.0 Holistic integration 2014/5

  • 1. Live evaluation of biofield, chakra functionality and emotional state
  • 2. Our research facility at the UNESCO Chair World Peace Centre since 1998 MIT - Pune
  • 3. Biofield Viewer 3.0 images simple to interpret Biofield asymmetry reveals emotional stress And colour indicates congested energy Brow chakra active and reveals intuitive nature Pooling at side of face indicates dental issue
  • 4.
  • 5. Is the Biofield recognised? National Institutes of Health (NIH) 2004 recognizes the ‘Biofield’. US National Library of Medicine as a Medical Subject Heading (MeSH)
  • 6. J Altern Complement Med. 2002 Dec;8(6):703-17. The biofield hypothesis: its biophysical basis and role in medicine. Rubik B. • This paper provides a scientific foundation for the biofield: the complex, extremely weak electromagnetic field of the organism hypothesized to involve electromagnetic bioinformation for regulating homeodynamics. The biofield is a useful construct consistent with bioelectromagnetics and the physics of nonlinear, dynamical, nonequilibrium living systems. It offers a unifying hypothesis to explain the interaction of objects or fields with the organism, and is especially useful toward understanding the scientific basis of energy medicine, including acupuncture, biofield therapies, bioelectromagnetic therapies, and homeopathy. The rapid signal propagation of electromagnetic fields comprising the biofield as well as its holistic properties may account for the rapid, holistic effects of certain alternative and complementary medical interventions.
  • 7. What is the Biofield Viewer? An imaging system which accentuates the gradations of light intensity in a standardized lighting environment. It is the only imaging system which allows for 3D graphical representation of the biofield. It has not been evaluated by the FDA or MCC and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease. It is for research purposes only. It is not an infrared, ultraviolet, or aura camera
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10. Biofield imaging set up alongside Medical Thermal Imaging at our clinic at the world famous Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi, India.
  • 11. BiBofiioefldie VldieVwieerw Celirn iEcnalv Eirnovnirmonemnetnt Two 4ft FS Bulbs Hung from Adjustable Chains Optional raised white platform for subject to stand on in line with camera and lighting Computer with BV software Camera on tripod with direct feed to computer Can be raised to optimize space after imaging
  • 12. White Matte Wall – The background wall behind the subject is painted matte white and kept as smooth and clean as possible to create a monochromatic environment. We also use photographic screens, canvas and white sheets, well ironed/wrinkle free. – This balances light across intended subject & regulates shadows. – Blemishes, cracks, light switches, etc. will cause artifact in the image so please ensure it is a smooth surface.
  • 13. Video Camera/Webcam with Tripod Recommended: Logitech c920 – Other recommended: Sony, JVC, and Microsoft. – HD cameras record directly onto a card and often not equipped to feed directly into your PC. – For video capturing capabilities, we recommend a screen capture software to reduce the data storage on your computer such as Debut. If using Logitech c920 webcam, go to: Download driver for c920 camera to remote control camera and change exposure/focus.
  • 14. Full Spectrum Lighting – Full spectrum light (FSL) is the closest to reproducing standard daylight wavelengths of visible, ultra-violet (UV) and infra-red (IR) energy. A FSL is one that emits light in all parts of the visible spectrum and some in the Ultraviolet-A region (320-400nm), has a CCT of greater than 5000K and a CRI of at least 90. – The energy in full-spectrum light is simply dispersed over broader ranges of the visible frequencies. Thus it may be the case that FSL facilitates greater interaction with the biofield.
  • 15. Full Spectrum Lighting Standardized research clinic: We recommend a double 4ft/48” fluorescent ‘Full Spectrum Lighting system’ as this maintains standards and variables within research facility. Mobile screening: We recommend a Husky 5ft 2500 Lumen LED worklight.
  • 16. Personal Computer/Laptop Personal Computer/Laptop – Operating System: Windows 8/7/ Vista – Mac partitioned to run on Windows – Processor: 2.0GHZ (Intel™ recommended) – Memory: 2GB RAM for 32-bit/4GB RAM for 64-bit, 4GB free hard drive space – Video card: DX9 compliant or better – USB ports for software key and camera (if needed)
  • 17. Standardized Environment • No lights should be on other than the full spectrum light with all windows blocked to prevent changing variations of sunlight. • Size and color of rooms also affects brightness can be reduced by manual exposure on camera. Smaller rooms give brighter results than large dark rooms. Once exposure is set, it should not be changed to maintain consistent images. *NOTE: Please record exposure details for future screenings and trainings. • Turn off as much other electrical equipment as possible, i.e. mobile phones, wi-fi, unnecessary printers, etc. • Maintain consistent room temperature (recommended 68-74⁰F) and humidity. *NOTE: Temperature and humidity should not vary during the length of scan.
  • 18. Navigating the Software Double-click the Biofield Viewer icon on the desktop. Choose between using 2D and 3D software in the bottom left corner. 2D: Biofield Viewer and Chakra Viewer 3D: Auramancy
  • 19. Navigating the Software: File “Open” (shortcut ‘O’) a new image file and press Esc to closes. “Open image folder” (shortcut ‘I’) will open a previously saved image folder. “Notes” (shortcut ‘N’) is a data file that is always paired with the image for the operator’s case history and notes of the subject and image. It is stored in the .bi file of the image
  • 20. Navigating the Software: File “Annotate with Paint” (shortcut P) carries an image into the Microsoft Paint program for further graphical analysis and edits.ᶧ If “Auto Export” is activated, the program will automatically save to media folder
  • 21. Navigating the Software: View “Biofield Viewer” option gives access to the 2D programs – Biofield Viewer and Chakra Viewer. “Auramancy” gives access to the 3D Biofield program. “Start” and “Stop” display allows users to turn on and off the visual image on the screen. The various palette, subtle energy and quality options are only activated in 3D Biofield mode. “Camera” allows user to choose the camera input or webcam. “Camera detail” gives specifications of the camera being used.
  • 22. Navigating the Software: View “Image” is for taking images using 3D software. “Biofield” and “Normal video” allow the researcher to switch between normal video and the Biofield Viewer assessment which helps in analyzing shadow. “Background black” and “Background white” are used for choosing the background color “Fit to window” and “Fill window” affects the scaling of the original image.
  • 23. Navigating the Software: View “Mirror” (shortcut ‘R’) flips the image to observe subject’s correct right and left side. “Alignment line” (shortcut ‘L’) allows users to center the subject and help standardize the imaging process. “Chakra” (shortcut ‘C’) allows the user to flip to the chakra mode. “Toolbar” (shortcut ‘T’) adds and removes the toolbar from the bottom of the screen.
  • 24. Navigating the Software: Record To record an image, use the dropdown menu and click “Image” (shortcut space-bar). Use “Image as…” to save the image in a specific named folder. Research: To maintain confidentiality, it is suggested to save images using personal identification numbers/codes.
  • 25. Navigating the Software: Help “About” gives details of the software developer’s license. For more practical assistance, please join “Biofield Viewer User’s Group” on Facebook or contact your local agent for technical assistance.
  • 26. Navigating the Software: Toolbar Explore list of file of names Alignment Save image Allows user to line create new folder Normal and Biofield Viewer mode options Chakra Viewer mode Change size of image
  • 27. Navigating the Software: Toolbar Open saved image in software to explore other Low/Medium/High Color Density filters Low/High Low/High Quality *HQ slows imaging Use Paint to circle areas and add notes Change size of image Send to other program
  • 29. Taking a Set of Images *NOTE: Men are advised to NOT take biofield images of undressed female subjects and we recommend a female operator.  Instructions for the client while the images are being taken:  For profile pictures, ask subjects to roll underwear down as far as they are comfortable  Check subject is as relaxed as possible. Suggest they bend the knees a fraction to encourage proper blood flow in the legs.  Check subject has good posture and is not standing abnormally, i.e. slouched with bent shoulders  Check subject is not holding breath and request to breathe normally.  Long hair should be pulled back into a tight bun or pony tail.  Men should be clean shaven, if possible.  Move subjects away from the wall to reduce shadow in the image.
  • 30. Taking a Set of Images  Click on Record: “Image As”  Click on “Create New Folder” icon or right-click and Rename as you choose  Open the folder where you would like to store images
  • 33. Save: Anterior Profile Waistband to a few inches above the head Click “Chakra” to switch modes and press Spacebar to save
  • 34. Use Alignment Line to Centre Image
  • 35. Save: Right Profile Waistband to a few inches above the head Click “Chakra” to switch modes and press Spacebar to save
  • 36. Save: Posterior Profile Waistband to a few inches above the head Click “Chakra” to switch modes and press Spacebar to save
  • 37. Save: Left Profile Waistband to a few inches above the head Click “Chakra” to switch modes and press Spacebar to save
  • 38. Save: Front of Legs Waistband to feet Click “Chakra” to switch modes and press Spacebar to save
  • 39. Save: Back of Legs Waistband to feet Click “Chakra” to switch modes and press Spacebar to save
  • 40. Biofield viewer images matched to show anterior and posterior montage in Chakra Viewer mode. Notice the pooling of sluggish energy seen in dark pink and reds
  • 41. Biofield Viewer Interpretation  Focal Point  Symmetry  Congested Energy (Shielding)  Leaking Energy (Venting)  Significance of Colors  Brightness  Color Banding and Intersections  Artifacts  Entities
  • 42. Focal Point The focal point is the most important and prominent area which draws your attention. In this case, it is the throat chakra
  • 45. Congested Energy (Shielding) Throat Solar Plexus
  • 46. Congested Energy (Shielding) Pooling at chest Pooling in cardiac region
  • 48. Leaking Energy (Venting) This man has had a heart by-pass operation. Note the disturbance in the field in the heart area. 00004_010999 The biofield image from the other side confirms that there is an energy imbalance in the heart area.
  • 49. Shielding/Venting Case Study This man had a heart attack 15 years ago. Note the disturbance in the field in the front heart area. 020999_001 The Navel Chakra is leaking energy. The Solar Plexus Chakra is leaking energy.
  • 51. Significance of Colours Red/Dark Pink Red or dark pink energy streaming away from the body often indicate an area of imbalance. Dark pink pools are often observed over any part of the body where there is an existing or was a previous trauma. It has also been observed that pooling patterns may be seen in areas that subsequently become diseased. Darker shades of pink are often areas of concern and may even correspond to known physical conditions. Orange The optimum color is not often seen to predominate in the specific area and orange like red is related to lower energy. Orange in the outer field represents vitality and healthy relationships.
  • 52. Significance of Colours Yellow Yellow is found in the biofield to indicate general well-being, intelligence and vitality. This is always good to see as long as it is flowing and not pooling in small zones. It is often seen with white light in healing displays and experiments. It is also seen around the head during high mental activity. It can indicate ‘over exposure’ and highly reflected light. Yellow and grey bands in outer field shows the effects of hyper-mental activity. Green Green is the color of balance and healing as it is located in the middle of the spectrum. With many people it has been observed that green is often predominant in the upper torso. Positivity in the mind is shown by green in the field. It is best to observe this color in the area of the heart chakra.
  • 53. Significance of Colours Blue Blue is a color often seen at the throat center but sometimes the entire body’s surface will be blue. Darker blues verging on black are areas of concern and must be monitored, especially if all possibilities for artifact like shadow are discounted. If it is in the biofield, it shows the person remains well balanced with low mental stress. Indigo Rarely seen in the biofield, and when predominant indicates advanced intuition and psychic abilities. Violet Violet indicates healing and spiritual/physical/mental development. It also accompanies low reds to provide balance in the spectrum. Often associated with higher vibrations, meditation etc. It is rarely seen in excessive amounts and in some individuals it is often not seen at all.
  • 54. Significance of Colours White White light is often seen in a Biofield Viewer imaging during healing. A symmetrical white elliptical ring can also be seen around the head of a long term meditator or mystic. A white halo does not always mean healthy energy or enlightenment. It also occurs in cases of serious illness. If an asymmetrical white spot is visible on the body’s surface, this could indicate malignancy. If a white spot is present and/or moving in the field around the body, it could be an attachment or entity. It is often seen in the outer biofield during healing experiments. Black Black represents absence of vibration or light in the biofield. This color indicates a complete lack of life force. If black is seen in the field around the body, it indicates severe depression. If black is seen on the body’s surface, it can indicate necrotic (dead) tissue. It has also been seen in certain areas of the body in people near the terminal stages of disease.
  • 55. Brightness Optimum Compromised Coherent Speckled Vibrant Dissipated Bright Muddied/Smudged Vivid Dull/Burnt
  • 57. Colour Banding and Intersections This man had a slipped disc. Note the red leakage of energy intersecting the green band. The back image confirms the energy imbalance. Note the line of red energy along the spine. 040999_001
  • 58. Loss of colour band clarity
  • 61. Entities Child in Mortuary Suspected Black Magic on Mother and Child
  • 62. A day we will never forget, we were amazed to see this portal open as a mother says goodbye to her loving and caring son. Keen to see her biofield, this was one of the last things she ever did and in so doing, left us hope.
  • 63. Chakras – energy centres • Spinning vortices • Transformers of energy • Detection Motoyama – Changes in field in space around the body • Hunt – Electrodes attached to skin – GSR • Streeter, Catchpole –Biofield Viewer
  • 64.
  • 65. Base Chakra: Muladhara  Element: Earth  Location: Perineum  Function: Grounding, survival, excretion  Glands: Gonads, prostate  Color: Red Sound: Lam Petals: Four  If dysfunctional: Elimination system  Potential solution: Grounding/Earthing and improve diet
  • 67. Navel Chakra: Svadisthana  Element: Water  Location: Sacral plexus, two fingers below navel  Function: Procreation, creativity and reproduction  Glands: Testes, ovaries  Color: Orange Sound: Vam Petals: Six  If dysfunctional: Reproduction  Potential Solution: Purify drinking water and attend to relationships
  • 69. Solar Plexus Chakra: Manipura  Element: Fire  Location: Twelfth thoracic and first lumbar  Function: Will, power, digestion  Glands: Isles of Langerhans in pancreas  Color: Yellow Sound: Ram Petals: Ten  If dysfunctional: Digestive system  Potential Solution: Balance digestive flora
  • 71. Heart Chakra: Anahata  Element: Air  Location: Fourth & fifth thoracic vertebrae  Function: Love, circulation  Glands: Thymus  Color: Green Sound: Lam Petals: Twelve  Dysfunction: Respiratory and cardiovascular systems  Potential Solution: Conscious breathing
  • 73. Throat Chakra: Vishuddi  Element: Plasma  Location: Throat  Function: Communication, creativity, respiration  Glands: Thyroid and parathyroid  Color: Blue Sound: Ham Petals: Sixteen  Dysfunction: Dental and emotional expression  Potential Solutions: Express yourself, sing
  • 75. Brow Chakra: Ajna • Element: Aether • Location: Above nose and between eyes • Function: Perception and cognition • Glands: Pituitary • Color: Indigo Sound: Om Petals: Two • Dysfunction: Neurological system • Potential Solutions: Reduce exposure to cell phone and Wi Fi, meditate
  • 77. Crown Chakra: Sahasrara  Element: Void  Location: Crown of head  Function: Union  Glands: Pineal  Color: Violet Sound: Aum Petals: 998  Dysfunctions: Nervous system and spirituality  Potential Solution: Be present and be humble
  • 79. 3D Biofield, a revolution in subtle energy imaging 3D Subtle Energy mode of Biofield Viewer
  • 83. light sonopuncture 250 msec. 7  sec. 0.25sec 0.000007sec Joie Jones Vision points bladder meridian
  • 85. A treatment case study Before- 23.1.13 After - 8.2.13
  • 86. Repeatability: 3 separate scans on 3 days a week apart
  • 87.
  • 89. Biofield Viewer 3rd Party Video Capture Case Study: Camtasia
  • 90. Biofield Viewer showing healing live
  • 91. Prim Care. 2010 Mar;37(1):165-79. doi: 10.1016/j.pop.2009.09.012. Biofield therapies: energy medicine and primary care. Rindfleisch JA. Department of Family Medicine, Odana Atrium Family Medicine Clinic, University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health WI 53719, USA. • Energy medicine modalities, also known as biofield therapies, are perhaps the most mysterious and controversial complementary alternative medicine therapies. Although many of these approaches have existed for millennia, scientific investigation of these techniques is in its early stages; much remains to be learned about mechanisms of action and efficacy. These techniques are increasingly used in clinical and hospital settings and can be incorporated into an integrative primary care practice. This article describes several energy medicine and biofield therapies and outlines key elements they hold in common. Several specific approaches are described. Research findings related to the efficacy of energy medicine are summarized, and proposed mechanisms of action and safety issues are discussed.
  • 92. Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2007 Apr;11(2):253-8. The use of biofield therapies in cancer care. Pierce B. Biofield therapies form a subcategory of the domain of energy therapies, as defined by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine. Specific biofield therapies addressed in this article include Therapeutic Touch, Healing Touch, Polarity Therapy, Reiki, and Qigong. This article will identify core concepts in biofield therapies, review controlled trials of the use of biofield therapies with patients with cancer, describe the process of biofield therapies implementation in one cancer center, and suggest research to benefit not only patients with cancer but also family members and oncology professionals.
  • 94. A day we will never forget, we were amazed to see this portal open as a mother says goodbye to her loving and caring son. Keen to see her biofield, this was one of the last things she ever did and in so doing, left us hope.
  • 95. The new Biofield Thermography
  • 97. Image d“aItma aagnea laynsids efodrit r” esearch
  • 98. Biofield Viewer 3.0 Image Processing with Image J
  • 99. Biofield Viewer 3.0 image processing analysis with Image J
  • 102. Trainer and co developer of Biofield Viewer Thornton Streeter