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Personal Branding
Creating and Managing an
 Identity that Promotes
    Mission & Vision
 Sunday, October 10th, 9:15a Room 105
Create a Name
Welcome!    Your Name
             “Christopher Allen”
            Your Tagline
             “Entrepreneur, Advisor
             & Technologist”
            Optionally, your
Give your elevator
Check In #1    Keep it brief — you only
               have a few floors!
               Your audience is current
               classmates, alums, faculty,
               staff and friends of BGI
               Remember, these people
               are also prospective
               employers, employees, or
               connections to
Personal Brand
“The Future You”
What is Personal Brand?
 A perception or emotion, maintained by
 someone other then you, that describes the
 total experience of having a relationship with
Your First Impression
 A first impression is usually made in less than 30
 Studies have shown it can take 21 new
 interactions to change that first
“Publication is a self-invasion
               of privacy.”
Change Agent   – Marshall McLuhan

               “In exchange for power,
               influence, command and a
               place in history, a president
               gives up the bulk of his
               – Roger Mudd

               “You already have zero
               privacy – get over it”
               – Scott McNeally

               “I restore myself alone. A
               career is born in public —
               talent in privacy.”
               – Marilyn Monroe
Discussion of
“The Knowledge is in the
What were your takeaways
            from Optional Readings?
                                 BE CONSISTENT
          FOR- OVER AND OVER
Personal Branding 101:
Discover and Create your
                      • Business cards
       Discovery      • Resume
• Personal Process    • Portfolio
• Find your Passion   • Blog
                      • LinkedIn
• Develop a Plan
                      • facebook
• Master your Niche   • Twitter
                      • Video Resume
Self Impression =     • Wardrobe
How People See You    • Email Address
                      Your Personal Branding Toolkit
Control  Your  
  Personal  Brand

                                    Claim  Your  Google  Profile

                       Reserve  Name  on  Social  Networks

                                     Establish  a  Personal  Hub

              Have  a  Reputation  Management  Strategy

                                                     Promote  You
Dan  Schwabel  (­‐personal-­‐brand/)
Personal  Branding  vs.  Self-­‐Promo4on

          Personal  Branding                                         Self-­‐Promo4on

    Mutually  Beneficial  &  Sustainable                                      It’s  about  ME!
                 Collabora4ve                                           But  Can  You  Help  ME?  

Dale  Carnegie  once  said:  "You  can  make  more  friends  in  2  months  by  being  interested  in  
other  people  than  you  can  in  2  years  trying  to  gets  others  to  be  interested  in  you.”
How  to  you  develop  a  successful  personal  brand?

                                                    +                                                    +                                                    =

        Source:    Shah,  Salma  "Developing  A  Successful  Personal  Brand"  Women  Unlimited:  hQp://www.women-­‐­‐a-­‐successful-­‐
Your brand as a safety net
What color is Your Brand?
                   Energy     Mystery
           Power Passion              Inspiration
      Desire Potency          Wealth        Royalty
         Determination        Competition
 Energy         Courage       Spirituality
    Success        Action       Luxury          Integrity
Determination            Love Magic       Truth     Trust
Encouragement        Force       Peace
 Potency Vitality                     Loyalty
                          Joy Luck
 Productivity                                Authority
 Strength         Sunshine     Nature
            Vision Energy Growth Youth
     Intellect     Warmth Rebirth Optimism
                       Light   Fertility Healing
               Creativity       Relaxation
                   Warning     Spring

                                                   By Caleb Summers
What tunes FASCINATE others?

   Lust                         Mys8que
BRAND:                REPUTATION:
“Brand  Phobia:  How  to  fight  your  
personal  brand  demons  and  win”  
                Women’s  Myths  @  branding:
                Myth  #1:  If  I  Am  Good,  They  
                 Will  Come
                Myth  #2:  Marke8ng  Myself  Is  a  
                 Dirty  Business
                Myth  #3:  I  Can't  Control  What  
                 Other  People  Think

                               By  Lyn  Chamberlin  
Excuse ME! (defend your brand!)



Here’s  the  way  you  want  to  have  it!

 An  individual  consultant’s  model  –  
personal  branding  –  is  being  sold  to  
companies,  and  it  doesn’t  work  on  a  
  large  scale.  It  does  not  work  for  
   corporate  communica4ons  …
After the break, tell us:
               In 30 seconds, what is
Check In #2    the one thing that you
               absolutely excel at, that
               above all else you are
               better at than almost
               anyone else?
Discover Your
“The Future You”
Tell us:
                In 30 seconds, what is
Check In #2     the one thing that you
                absolutely excel at, that
                above all else you are
                better at than almost
                anyone else?
Your Personal Brand
 All that you are should support your personal
   You are a whole person, not just your profession
 Is your personal brand powerful to people to
 already know you?
 Does a clear, concise, positive idea come to mind
 when people think of you?
 Is your personal brand effective with people that
 don’t know you?
CEO of Your Own Brand
You are the CEO of your own career
What is a title for your career now
that is likely to be true in 2 years?
  Mine now is “Entrepreneur, Advisor &
What is the best one sentence
introduction of your professional
  “I am a long-time entrepreneur & technologist focused
  on the opportunities found in the social web, online
  trust and virtual communities, which I write about in
  my blog Life With Alacrity and teach in the sustainable
  MBA program at Bainbridge Graduate Institute.
A purpose
Last weekend at intensive, we did a journaling
exercise.We built up through the questions,
"What do I consider my personal identity?" and
"What are my core competencies?" to the
ultimate question of, "What is my purpose?" Yes,
that general. Purpose. By the time I go to that         Beth
question, I knew exactly what to write, so I quickly   Breisnes
wrote down my response and shut my notebook.
"My purpose in life is to learn and to
A declaration
Today I revisited the profile, and noticed, after our
exercise in branding, that while accurate, it was
still less than complete. Taking a deep breath, I
added the declaration: I am a passionate,
creative leader. Utterly true.
                                                       Bonnie J
“One of the major driving forces in my life is joy. I
want lasting and long-term joy for myself and
everyone. If you look at all the things that go into
joy: humor, health, community, environment, etc.
you get to the need for a more simple and
sustainable life for humans on this planet.              Melissa
Therefore, I will often focus on happiness as           Dingman
the outcome of sustainability efforts.”
“Tag” yourself using separate
           post-it notes:
Tag Self     Write down three, short
             (2-3 word) phrases that
             you use to introduce
             Describe the three things
             you are most passionate
             Describe three thing
             unique about yourself
“Tag” everyone
               Wander quietly and “tag”
Tag Others     your fellow students on
               their back with post-it
               notes. Use a word or short
               Focus on what makes them
               Gift them by with an
               acknowledgment of
               something they are good at
               they may not know
               Write something you found
               most memorable about
Find an opposite partner
               Pick a personal you know
Tag Review     the least, whom you were
               least able to tag
               They will be your brand
               Take all of the tags off their
Take turns and compare
             the lists of tags that you
Tag Review   wrote for yourself, and
             those that others wrote for
             Discuss how are they the
             same and how are they
             Ask your brand buddy to
             help you identify three key
             phrases that are most
             important and effective at
             evoking “the authentic you”
Share your 3 key phrases!
Check In #3
Your Brand

             “The Future
Our Goals
Finalize your Personal Brand
  Know your keywords and key phrases
Update your profiles
  Your Channel Profile one last time
  Then your Google Profile
  Get advice from Personal Brand Buddies
Sign up for LinkedIn
  Add your fellow students
  Update your LinkedIn Profile
Given the important words
                   from your tags:
Related Keywords     Use google suggest to find
                     related words
                     Are any of these two
                     word phrases worthy of a
                     blog name?
Google Search: Alacrity
Know Your Keywords
Given the important words from
your personal brand and identity
  What related words are possibly more
  evocative? Try Thesaurus, OED, roots
  What other words are often paired with
  those words.Try Google Suggest
  What adjectives or adverbs can you add
  to both make you more unique and
  more evocative?
  Is their any pairing of words worthy of a
  blog name?
I’ve mostly worked in entrepreneurial
Initial words         startups, so this was these were
                           the first words I looked up
I right-clicked (option-clicked) the word
Mac Dictionary   “startup” to look it up in the Mac Dictionary
This is the definition of “startup”
Mac Dictionary      in the built-in Mac Dictionary.
Mac Dictionary   The root word for “startup” is start
I looked up “start” using the
Mac Thesaurus         built-in Mac Thesaurus
I just grab any word that is evocative or has
More words         some emotional context attached to it
“eager” was the root of one of the more
More words   interesting words, so I looked that up further
“eager” had a latin root, so I looked up that
Latin Dictionary    in the Lewis-Short Latin/English Dictionary
These are the results of looking up
Latin Dictionary          the word “eager” in the online
                   Lewis & Short English/Latin dictionary
alacritas looked familar,
Latin Dictionary   similar to the word alacrity
Mac Dictionary   I liked the basic definition “cheerful readiness”
I liked the evocation of positive emotions
Mac Thesaurus               in almost all of these synonyms
Google Search:
I looked up the domain
Domain Lookup
Unfortunately, was not
Domain Lookup   available, so I needed a longer domain name
Google Suggest is the feature where you begin
Google Suggest   words and google suggests the most common
                    pairings. Useful for finding important pairs.
Google Suggest used to give numbers, but there
Google Suggest #s                      are third party tools that still do:
Once I had some words, I tried pairing them in
Pairing Words   different ways, different combos, until one stuck
I can also be useful to check the username             
What makes a word evocative?
             A word that brings to mind a
Evocative    memory, mood or image.
             The best evocative words
             have an emotional context.
             However, be very aware of
             emotional context, as it may
             not be what you think.
             Evocative does not mean
It is possible to go too far.
              If there is a choice between
Authentic     an evocative word and
              authentic one, pick the
              However, humor can make a
              big difference:
              I was tired of the title “CEO
              & President”, so on one of
              my old game industry
              business cards I said instead
              “CEO & Herder of Cats”. It
              showed I was boss, but not
              stuffy, a useful image.
Create Your
“The Future You”
During the next two
Create Your   weeks, you will be
Brand         creating the first draft of
              your Personal Brand
You should:
                Find a second Brand
Brand Buddy     Buddy, someone who
                knows you well
                The pair of someone who
                doesn’t know you well plus
                someone who does, works
                Share your drafts with
 Be consistent
   Try to have one consistent personality (or message) in
   lots of different places, not a different personality (or
   message) in each place
   Because the world is small and the people who meet
   you in one place, you will meet in another place also
 Ideally a closeup of your face
   People have a much larger ability to remember faces
   then names
 Put your face anywhere people may need to
 remember you
   My face is on the back of my business card
 If you have privacy concerns, consider
 commissioning a unique caricature
Your Brand Name
Decide what kind of name to use
  A unique personal name or moniker
    ChristopherRayAllen – my full name
    ChristopherA – my preferred moniker
  A meaningful word or phrase you can claim
    Alacrity – “cheerful promptitude” is my core word
    Life With Alacrity – my blog and typical first contact
    Alacrity Management, Alacrity Ventures, Alacrity
    Ventures are sub-brands
  A nym (a pseudonym)
    Tenebrass (only 339 google results) vs Tenebras (1m+)
Account Best Practices
 Use same account name, spelling, upper case, nicknames, and
 logins across all platforms.
   Max 15 characters
   No punctuation
   Avoid numbers
   Use &
   Try to own the domain even if you don’t use it
 Use CamelCase when first registering
 Have a backup nickname
   Close as possible to preferred nickname
Password Management
Have at least two passwords
Create a “non-secure” password for non-financial
  Pick a memorable long word or short phrase,
     e.g.““amber waves”, “perspicacious”
  Shorten it to 7 characters
     “ambrwvs”, “prspccus”
  Convert a letter other then first to number
     O=0, L=1, E=3, S=5 e.g. “ambrwv5” or “pr5pccus”
  Use letter from domain name for last char, and
  capitalize it
     e.g. second o from google “ambrwv5O” or “pr5pccusO”
Same technique but longer word for financial
  or use supergenpass bookmarklet
Consistent Style
 Same personal avatar image on all public
 Same or similar description and keywords
 When possible, use similar fonts, colors, artistic
 style, etc.
   I use nicely kerned elegant serifed font for logo
   I elegant san-serif fonts in body copy
      Gill Sans in presentations
      Trebuchet in web pages
   Colors largely the same on blog, business card,
   presentations, even my shirt for important conferences
Update Your Profiles
 Starting with your Channel profile,
 update your profiles to your new
 Personal Brand
 Ask colleagues and friends for their
 impressions – it is difficult to judge
 your profile yourself
 Think about your profile’s audience:
   The Channel: fellow students, teachers
   LinkedIn: future professional colleagues
   Google Profile: generic
   Blogger Profile: your blog audience
Don’t Fill Out Everything	

 Just because a website asks you a
 question, you don’t have to answer
   Why answer “My superpower” or
   “Something I can’t find on Google” or
   “Where I grew up”?
 Answer only those questions that
 support your Personal Brand
   Interests is often useful profile field
 Keep a text file with your standard
 profile answers
Reflecting on
Your Brand
“The Authentic You”
Assign role
Echo Exercise     Listener/Echoer
Refining Your
“The Authentic You”
Defining your Personal
 Understand your SWOT
  Strengths – personal attributes that help you
  Weaknesses – personal attributes that hinder you
  Opportunities – external conditions that you can
  leverage and exploit
  Threats – external conditions that hold you back or
  may hurt you
Strengths & Weaknesses
 What are your personal strengths?
   What do you offer that your market finds relevant?
   What other strengths do you have that are not part
   of what you think offer? What passions?
   What values do you hold and how do you
   demonstrate them?
   How can you better leverage your strengths?
 What are your personal weaknesses?
   What habits and limitations get in your way?
   What weaknesses can you change?
   What weaknesses can you integrate?
Opportunities & Threats
 What are your opportunities?
   What is changing in the world that you want to be a
   part of?
   What is changing in your life?
 What are your threats?
   What external factors are holding you back?
   How can you mitigate those challenges?
   What is changing Politically, Economically, Socially,
   Technology, Legally, and Environmentally that will
   affect your future life?
Optionally, fill out your
Personal Brand   Personal Brand Worksheet
Worksheet        (in the google docs folder):
                    Use it to help inform your
                    thoughts, but don’t let it
                    limit you
                    Share your results with
                    your Brand Buddies
                    Refine and iterate
                    “Perfection is the enemy of
                    the good”
roots: your important life
               influences and beliefs

Tree of Life   trunk: your life structure,
               particularly those aspects that
               are quite firm and fixed
               branches: key relationships and
               connections, directions, interests,
               how you spend time
               leaves: your unique information
               and knowledge - and sources
               buds: your ideas and hopes for
               the future, and their potential
               fruit: your achievements
               flowers: what makes you special,
               your strengths
               thorns: your sharp edges
Branding      Assignments for next week
              (Wed August 13th 6pm):
Assignments    Discover your related
               Update your Channel
               Profile (again!)
                  Share your problems &
                  questions with class
                  update your LinkedIn &
                  Google profiles
                  share your worksheet or
                  tree of life with class
BGI Guides
BGI Guides
What are your topics?
Review your scope?
  Too broad?
  Too narrow?
Before you start blogging
 Start with Google Blog Search & Technorati to find
 interesting blogs about your field.
 Visit the blogs. Find ones that interest you. Comment
 when you have something to say.
 Establish Google Reader and then feed new posts from
 those blogs to it. Use the Reader instead of going to
 each site.
 Save useful websites in Delicious. Tag them with words
 that make sense to you.
 Share your Delicious favorites with your network. Get
 their favorites. Then visit those sites and add to your
 Reader using RSS feeds.
Building Blog Content
 Writing Purposeful Content
   consistent with continuity
   keyword rich
   remember to link and attribute
 Your content labels your blog
   be careful about names, tags, and keywords
 Build upon your body of work
 Write timeless content
 Blog passionately
 Give readers a reason to return
 Give readers a reason to blog about your blog
 Your comments in other blogs may better as posts
Blog on a schedule
 When you are beginning, ideally 2-3 posts a week
 Only one a week needs to be “serious”
 At least one a week should be a thoughtful
 response to someone else’s blog post
 One a week can just be a quick post of best from
 your delicious bookmarks
Finding Topics
 Search through your outbox
   Every Friday, reuse something you’ve already written
 Google Reader
   Read through the titles of posts
   Look for trends
   Star those that you want to read first
   Read stars
   Add labels
 Search Blogs
   Look for blogs using your keywords
   Comment or Trackback
When to Post
Post just before your readers are ready
  Highest traffic is Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, and
  Saturday, between 6am–11am EST
  Most comments are Monday,Tuesday & Wednesday,
  between 7a–11am EST
Be prepared after
  Schedule yourself time to promote
  Respond to comments swiftly
  Monitor your trackbacks and technorati
Know your Keywords
Make sure every page you use has the important
Make a list for yourself
Look at words of your colleagues & competitors
Look at search logs to see which are searched
See which keywords are indexed more
Use noun, adverb, adjective forms if possible
Know the synonyms
Be particularly careful with keywords in titles
Blog          Assignments for next week
              (Sunday evening August
Assignments   18th):
                Name your Blog
                Create your Blog
                Post about Water & on
                Blog Action Day (October

Next session is Elluminate Session B
    October 13, 2010: 6pm PT

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Christopher Allen
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Personal Branding: Creating and Managing an Identity that Promotes Mission & Vision (BGIMGT566sx 2010 October Intensive Sunday)

  • 1. Personal Branding Creating and Managing an Identity that Promotes Mission & Vision Sunday, October 10th, 9:15a Room 105
  • 2. Create a Name Badge Welcome! Your Name “Christopher Allen” Your Tagline “Entrepreneur, Advisor & Technologist” Optionally, your Affiliation: “”
  • 3. Give your elevator pitch Check In #1 Keep it brief — you only have a few floors! Your audience is current classmates, alums, faculty, staff and friends of BGI Remember, these people are also prospective employers, employees, or connections to professional opportunities!
  • 5. What is Personal Brand? A perception or emotion, maintained by someone other then you, that describes the total experience of having a relationship with you.
  • 6. Your First Impression A first impression is usually made in less than 30 seconds Studies have shown it can take 21 new interactions to change that first impression
  • 7. “Publication is a self-invasion of privacy.” Change Agent – Marshall McLuhan “In exchange for power, influence, command and a place in history, a president gives up the bulk of his privacy.” – Roger Mudd “You already have zero privacy – get over it” – Scott McNeally “I restore myself alone. A career is born in public — talent in privacy.” – Marilyn Monroe
  • 9. What were your takeaways from Optional Readings? Takeaways
  • 11. Personal Branding 101: Discover and Create your Creation • Business cards Discovery • Resume • Personal Process • Portfolio • Find your Passion • Blog • LinkedIn • Develop a Plan • facebook • Master your Niche • Twitter • Video Resume Self Impression = • Wardrobe How People See You • Email Address Your Personal Branding Toolkit
  • 12. Control  Your   Personal  Brand Claim  Your  Google  Profile Reserve  Name  on  Social  Networks Establish  a  Personal  Hub Have  a  Reputation  Management  Strategy Promote  You Dan  Schwabel  (­‐personal-­‐brand/)
  • 13. Personal  Branding  vs.  Self-­‐Promo4on Personal  Branding Self-­‐Promo4on Mutually  Beneficial  &  Sustainable It’s  about  ME! Collabora4ve But  Can  You  Help  ME?   Dale  Carnegie  once  said:  "You  can  make  more  friends  in  2  months  by  being  interested  in   other  people  than  you  can  in  2  years  trying  to  gets  others  to  be  interested  in  you.”
  • 14. How  to  you  develop  a  successful  personal  brand?                                                    +                                                    +                                                    = Source:    Shah,  Salma  "Developing  A  Successful  Personal  Brand"  Women  Unlimited:  hQp://www.women-­‐­‐a-­‐successful-­‐ personal-­‐brand/
  • 15. Your brand as a safety net
  • 16. What color is Your Brand? Energy Mystery Ambition Power Passion Inspiration Desire Potency Wealth Royalty Determination Competition Energy Courage Spirituality Success Action Luxury Integrity Determination Love Magic Truth Trust Encouragement Force Peace Confidence Potency Vitality Loyalty Joy Luck Productivity Authority Strength Sunshine Nature Vision Energy Growth Youth Intellect Warmth Rebirth Optimism Happiness Light Fertility Healing Creativity Relaxation Warning Spring By Caleb Summers
  • 17. What tunes FASCINATE others? Power Pres8ge Alarm Vice Trust Lust Mys8que
  • 18. 18
  • 20. “Brand  Phobia:  How  to  fight  your   personal  brand  demons  and  win”   Women’s  Myths  @  branding: Myth  #1:  If  I  Am  Good,  They   Will  Come Myth  #2:  Marke8ng  Myself  Is  a   Dirty  Business Myth  #3:  I  Can't  Control  What   Other  People  Think By  Lyn  Chamberlin  
  • 21. Excuse ME! (defend your brand!) Especially: -subordinates -minorities -women n.carduner
  • 22. Here’s  the  way  you  want  to  have  it! An  individual  consultant’s  model  –   personal  branding  –  is  being  sold  to   companies,  and  it  doesn’t  work  on  a   large  scale.  It  does  not  work  for   corporate  communica4ons  …
  • 23. After the break, tell us: In 30 seconds, what is Check In #2 the one thing that you absolutely excel at, that above all else you are better at than almost anyone else?
  • 25. Tell us: In 30 seconds, what is Check In #2 the one thing that you absolutely excel at, that above all else you are better at than almost anyone else?
  • 26. Your Personal Brand All that you are should support your personal brand You are a whole person, not just your profession Is your personal brand powerful to people to already know you? Does a clear, concise, positive idea come to mind when people think of you? Is your personal brand effective with people that don’t know you?
  • 27. CEO of Your Own Brand You are the CEO of your own career What is a title for your career now that is likely to be true in 2 years? Mine now is “Entrepreneur, Advisor & Technologist” What is the best one sentence introduction of your professional self? “I am a long-time entrepreneur & technologist focused on the opportunities found in the social web, online trust and virtual communities, which I write about in my blog Life With Alacrity and teach in the sustainable MBA program at Bainbridge Graduate Institute.
  • 28. A purpose Last weekend at intensive, we did a journaling exercise.We built up through the questions, "What do I consider my personal identity?" and "What are my core competencies?" to the ultimate question of, "What is my purpose?" Yes, that general. Purpose. By the time I go to that Beth question, I knew exactly what to write, so I quickly Breisnes wrote down my response and shut my notebook. "My purpose in life is to learn and to share."
  • 29. A declaration Today I revisited the profile, and noticed, after our exercise in branding, that while accurate, it was still less than complete. Taking a deep breath, I added the declaration: I am a passionate, creative leader. Utterly true. Bonnie J Wallace
  • 30. Joy “One of the major driving forces in my life is joy. I want lasting and long-term joy for myself and everyone. If you look at all the things that go into joy: humor, health, community, environment, etc. you get to the need for a more simple and sustainable life for humans on this planet. Melissa Therefore, I will often focus on happiness as Dingman the outcome of sustainability efforts.”
  • 31. “Tag” yourself using separate post-it notes: Tag Self Write down three, short (2-3 word) phrases that you use to introduce yourself Describe the three things you are most passionate about Describe three thing unique about yourself
  • 32. “Tag” everyone Wander quietly and “tag” Tag Others your fellow students on their back with post-it notes. Use a word or short phrase. Focus on what makes them unique Gift them by with an acknowledgment of something they are good at they may not know Write something you found most memorable about them
  • 33. Find an opposite partner Pick a personal you know Tag Review the least, whom you were least able to tag They will be your brand buddy Take all of the tags off their back
  • 34. Take turns and compare the lists of tags that you Tag Review wrote for yourself, and those that others wrote for you. Discuss how are they the same and how are they different. Ask your brand buddy to help you identify three key phrases that are most important and effective at evoking “the authentic you”
  • 35. Share your 3 key phrases! Check In #3
  • 36. Discover Your Brand “The Future You”
  • 37. Our Goals Finalize your Personal Brand Know your keywords and key phrases Update your profiles Your Channel Profile one last time Then your Google Profile Get advice from Personal Brand Buddies Sign up for LinkedIn Add your fellow students Update your LinkedIn Profile
  • 38. Given the important words from your tags: Related Keywords Use google suggest to find related words Are any of these two word phrases worthy of a blog name?
  • 39. Google Search: Alacrity
  • 40. Know Your Keywords Given the important words from your personal brand and identity exercises: What related words are possibly more evocative? Try Thesaurus, OED, roots What other words are often paired with those words.Try Google Suggest What adjectives or adverbs can you add to both make you more unique and more evocative? Is their any pairing of words worthy of a blog name?
  • 41. I’ve mostly worked in entrepreneurial Initial words startups, so this was these were the first words I looked up
  • 42. I right-clicked (option-clicked) the word Mac Dictionary “startup” to look it up in the Mac Dictionary
  • 43. This is the definition of “startup” Mac Dictionary in the built-in Mac Dictionary.
  • 44. Mac Dictionary The root word for “startup” is start
  • 45. I looked up “start” using the Mac Thesaurus built-in Mac Thesaurus
  • 46. I just grab any word that is evocative or has More words some emotional context attached to it
  • 47. “eager” was the root of one of the more More words interesting words, so I looked that up further
  • 48. “eager” had a latin root, so I looked up that Latin Dictionary in the Lewis-Short Latin/English Dictionary
  • 49. These are the results of looking up Latin Dictionary the word “eager” in the online Lewis & Short English/Latin dictionary
  • 50. alacritas looked familar, Latin Dictionary similar to the word alacrity
  • 51. Mac Dictionary I liked the basic definition “cheerful readiness”
  • 52. I liked the evocation of positive emotions Mac Thesaurus in almost all of these synonyms
  • 53. Google Search: define:alacrity
  • 54. I looked up the domain Domain Lookup
  • 55. Unfortunately, was not Domain Lookup available, so I needed a longer domain name
  • 56. Google Suggest is the feature where you begin Google Suggest words and google suggests the most common pairings. Useful for finding important pairs.
  • 57. Google Suggest used to give numbers, but there Google Suggest #s are third party tools that still do:
  • 58. Once I had some words, I tried pairing them in Pairing Words different ways, different combos, until one stuck
  • 59. I can also be useful to check the username
  • 60. What makes a word evocative? A word that brings to mind a Evocative memory, mood or image. The best evocative words have an emotional context. However, be very aware of emotional context, as it may not be what you think. Evocative does not mean provocative
  • 61. It is possible to go too far. If there is a choice between Authentic an evocative word and authentic one, pick the authentic. However, humor can make a big difference: I was tired of the title “CEO & President”, so on one of my old game industry business cards I said instead “CEO & Herder of Cats”. It showed I was boss, but not stuffy, a useful image.
  • 63. During the next two Create Your weeks, you will be Brand creating the first draft of your Personal Brand Unique Evocative Concise Memorable
  • 64. You should: Find a second Brand Brand Buddy Buddy, someone who knows you well The pair of someone who doesn’t know you well plus someone who does, works best Share your drafts with them
  • 65. Consistency Be consistent Try to have one consistent personality (or message) in lots of different places, not a different personality (or message) in each place Because the world is small and the people who meet you in one place, you will meet in another place also
  • 66. Avatar Ideally a closeup of your face People have a much larger ability to remember faces then names Put your face anywhere people may need to remember you My face is on the back of my business card If you have privacy concerns, consider commissioning a unique caricature
  • 67. Your Brand Name Decide what kind of name to use A unique personal name or moniker ChristopherRayAllen – my full name ChristopherA – my preferred moniker A meaningful word or phrase you can claim Alacrity – “cheerful promptitude” is my core word Life With Alacrity – my blog and typical first contact Alacrity Management, Alacrity Ventures, Alacrity Ventures are sub-brands A nym (a pseudonym) Tenebrass (only 339 google results) vs Tenebras (1m+)
  • 68. Account Best Practices Use same account name, spelling, upper case, nicknames, and logins across all platforms. Max 15 characters No punctuation Avoid numbers Use & Try to own the domain even if you don’t use it Use CamelCase when first registering Have a backup nickname Close as possible to preferred nickname
  • 69. Password Management Have at least two passwords Create a “non-secure” password for non-financial websites Pick a memorable long word or short phrase, e.g.““amber waves”, “perspicacious” Shorten it to 7 characters “ambrwvs”, “prspccus” Convert a letter other then first to number O=0, L=1, E=3, S=5 e.g. “ambrwv5” or “pr5pccus” Use letter from domain name for last char, and capitalize it e.g. second o from google “ambrwv5O” or “pr5pccusO” Same technique but longer word for financial or use supergenpass bookmarklet
  • 70. Consistent Style Same personal avatar image on all public platforms Same or similar description and keywords When possible, use similar fonts, colors, artistic style, etc. I use nicely kerned elegant serifed font for logo I elegant san-serif fonts in body copy Gill Sans in presentations Trebuchet in web pages Colors largely the same on blog, business card, presentations, even my shirt for important conferences
  • 71. Update Your Profiles Starting with your Channel profile, update your profiles to your new Personal Brand Ask colleagues and friends for their impressions – it is difficult to judge your profile yourself Think about your profile’s audience: The Channel: fellow students, teachers LinkedIn: future professional colleagues Google Profile: generic Blogger Profile: your blog audience
  • 72. Don’t Fill Out Everything Just because a website asks you a question, you don’t have to answer Why answer “My superpower” or “Something I can’t find on Google” or “Where I grew up”? Answer only those questions that support your Personal Brand Interests is often useful profile field Keep a text file with your standard profile answers
  • 74. Assign role Speaker Echo Exercise Listener/Echoer Observer Swap
  • 76. Defining your Personal Brand Understand your SWOT Strengths – personal attributes that help you Weaknesses – personal attributes that hinder you Opportunities – external conditions that you can leverage and exploit Threats – external conditions that hold you back or may hurt you
  • 77. Strengths & Weaknesses What are your personal strengths? What do you offer that your market finds relevant? What other strengths do you have that are not part of what you think offer? What passions? What values do you hold and how do you demonstrate them? How can you better leverage your strengths? What are your personal weaknesses? What habits and limitations get in your way? What weaknesses can you change? What weaknesses can you integrate?
  • 78. Opportunities & Threats What are your opportunities? What is changing in the world that you want to be a part of? What is changing in your life? What are your threats? What external factors are holding you back? How can you mitigate those challenges? PESTLE What is changing Politically, Economically, Socially, Technology, Legally, and Environmentally that will affect your future life?
  • 79. Optionally, fill out your Personal Brand Personal Brand Worksheet Worksheet (in the google docs folder): Use it to help inform your thoughts, but don’t let it limit you Share your results with your Brand Buddies Refine and iterate “Perfection is the enemy of the good”
  • 80. roots: your important life influences and beliefs Tree of Life trunk: your life structure, particularly those aspects that are quite firm and fixed branches: key relationships and connections, directions, interests, how you spend time leaves: your unique information and knowledge - and sources thereof buds: your ideas and hopes for the future, and their potential fruit: your achievements flowers: what makes you special, your strengths thorns: your sharp edges
  • 81. Branding Assignments for next week (Wed August 13th 6pm): Assignments Discover your related keywords Update your Channel Profile (again!) Optionally: Share your problems & questions with class update your LinkedIn & Google profiles share your worksheet or tree of life with class
  • 83. BGI Guides What are your topics? Review your scope? Too broad? Too narrow?
  • 84. Before you start blogging Start with Google Blog Search & Technorati to find interesting blogs about your field. Visit the blogs. Find ones that interest you. Comment when you have something to say. Establish Google Reader and then feed new posts from those blogs to it. Use the Reader instead of going to each site. Save useful websites in Delicious. Tag them with words that make sense to you. Share your Delicious favorites with your network. Get their favorites. Then visit those sites and add to your Reader using RSS feeds.
  • 85. Building Blog Content Writing Purposeful Content consistent with continuity keyword rich remember to link and attribute Your content labels your blog be careful about names, tags, and keywords Build upon your body of work Write timeless content Blog passionately Give readers a reason to return Give readers a reason to blog about your blog Your comments in other blogs may better as posts
  • 86. Blog on a schedule When you are beginning, ideally 2-3 posts a week Only one a week needs to be “serious” At least one a week should be a thoughtful response to someone else’s blog post One a week can just be a quick post of best from your delicious bookmarks
  • 87. Finding Topics Search through your outbox Every Friday, reuse something you’ve already written Google Reader Read through the titles of posts Look for trends Star those that you want to read first Read stars Add labels Search Blogs Look for blogs using your keywords Comment or Trackback
  • 88. When to Post Post just before your readers are ready Highest traffic is Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday, and Saturday, between 6am–11am EST Most comments are Monday,Tuesday & Wednesday, between 7a–11am EST Be prepared after Schedule yourself time to promote Respond to comments swiftly Monitor your trackbacks and technorati
  • 89. Know your Keywords Make sure every page you use has the important ones Make a list for yourself Look at words of your colleagues & competitors Look at search logs to see which are searched See which keywords are indexed more Use noun, adverb, adjective forms if possible Know the synonyms Be particularly careful with keywords in titles
  • 90. Blog Assignments for next week (Sunday evening August Assignments 18th): Name your Blog Create your Blog Post about Water & on Blog Action Day (October 15th)
  • 91. Questions? Feedback? Next session is Elluminate Session B October 13, 2010: 6pm PT