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Becoming Effective Problem Solvers:
Separating Ideation from Evaluation
Teresa Lawrence, PhD, PMP, CSM
International Deliverables, LLC
(716) 536.4848
• Introductions
• A little schooling on Creative Problem Solving (CPS)
• Share strategies to frame challenges as opportunities
• Introduce the seven steps of Creative Problem Solving (CPS)
• Learn and use a few thinking tools
• Evaluate the Session
Tell a little, teach a little, talk a little, try a little.
Select a card that represents problem solving to you.
Share your card and thinking.
One person, random three tables.
Project Management
© International Deliverables
Creative Problem Solvers
Tolerance for Ambiguity
Tolerance for Complexity
Openness to Novelty
Being able to entertain ideas that at first seem outlandish and risky.
Being able to deal with uncertainty and to avoid leaping to conclusions.
Being to stay open and persevere without being overwhelmed by large
amounts of information, interrelated and complex issues, and
competing issues.
Creative Problem Solving
Creative specifies elements of newness, innovation, and
Problem refers to any situation that presents a challenge,
represents a troubling concern or offers an opportunity.
Solving means devising ways to answer, meet, or satisfy a
situation by changing self or the situation.
specifies elements of newness, innovation, and
Problem refers to any situation that presents a challenge,
represents a troubling concern or offers an opportunity.
Solving means devising ways to answer, meet, or satisfy a
situation by changing self or the situation.
refers to any situation that presents a challenge,
represents a troubling concern or offers an opportunity.
means devising ways to answer, meet, or satisfy a
situation by changing self or the situation.
Creativity and Problem Solving
Leaders are faced with the task of finding solutions to difficult,
complex, ambiguous, unexpected and perhaps even, repeat
The challenge: How to problem solve and how to decide what
tools to use?
Using thinking tools from the Creative Problem Solving process
(CPS), anyone can become deliberately creative and arrive at
novel and useful solutions…on demand!
For the Creative Process to be Effective
• Divergent thinking: Generating varied and original ideas and options,
exploring possibilities, free wheeling, imagination
Dynamic Balance
• Convergent thinking: Developing and evaluating most promising options,
focusing, making decisions
The more effective PROBLEM SOLVER
Ground Rules for Divergent Thinking
• Defer Judgement…All evaluation is ruled out.
• Strive for Quantity…More ideas increases the likelihood of
generating/developing useful ideas – think idea quota.
• Build on other ideas…How can ideas be extended or
• Seek novelty…It is easier to tame a wild idea.
A Story about Quantity
So, how many pictures did you take?”
“About three.”
“About three?”
“Yes about 3,000.”
“I show the bride and groom about 900.
They pick about 50.”
That’s less than 2% of all the pictures taken.
Think about ideas as wedding photos.
The ⅓; ⅓; ⅓ Principle
• First ⅓...Obvious and incremental
• Second ⅓...Ridiculous and sometimes brilliant
• Third ⅓…Game Changers and Disrupters
The Thing about Ideas
Ideas ≠ actions
Ideas ≠ decisions
Ideas ≠ conclusions
Ideas ≠ feelings
Let’s Practice
Diverge to Ideate
Defer judgement
Strive for quantity
Build on other ideas
Seek novelty
What might be all the ways
to improve a suitcase?
The Modobag: 150W electric motor; Top speed 8 mph; Rechargeable battery; Six
mile range; GPRS-GSM real-time locator; USB Port to Charge your mobile devices
What’s with the pictures?
Forced Connections
The goal is to force a connection between two unrelated
things, the prop and the problem, to stimulate creativity
and generate more ideas.
These new results are often more novel and unusual ideas.
Cognitive Fluidity
“Let’s get one thing clear right now, shall we? There is no Idea
Dump, no Story Central, no Island of the Buried Bestsellers;
good story ideas seem to come quite literally from nowhere…two
previously unrelated ideas come together and make something
new under the sun.”
- Stephen King
Warm Ups
 To briefly train you in the tool we will be using
 To “sanction” the time for speculation
 To create a judgment free zone
Let’s Practice some More
Stand up and Stick’em up Brainstorming
• Write your idea on a Post-it
• Say your idea out loud so that others in the group can hear it
• Stick your Post-it on the chart paper
• Phrase your idea like an idea, not a description
• One idea per post-it
Stand up and Stick’em up Brainstorming
Write it
Say it
Stick it
Defer Judgment
Strive for Quantity (40 ideas in 4 minutes)
Seek Wild and Unusual Ideas
Combine and Build on Other Ideas
What might be all the ideas you can possibly imagine
for the perfect bathtub?
What ideas do you get for improving a bathtub
What ideas do you get for improving a bathtub
What ideas do you get for improving a bathtub
What ideas do you get for improving a bathtub
What ideas do you get for improving a bathtub
How many ideas?
Diverging to Clarify
Divergent thinking tools can also be used to help
clarify or formulate the challenge in order to
decide what problem the team will solve.
The language we use to describe a problem will
determine how we will go about solving it.
Statement Starters - AKA Challenge Statements
• We don’t have enough time.
• It’s too expensive.
• We are too broad in our focus.
• How to secure time?
• How might we reduce cost?
• How to gain clarity?
The first three statements block your thinking.
The three questions open your mind to the possibility of
solving the problem. They provoke you to think about ideas
that could solve the problem.
Statement Starters - AKA Challenge Statements
• More general and global
• Consider the challenge from various vantage points
• A definition of the problem stated like a question
• An alternative view as to what the problem is
• An insight in to what the “real” problem might be
• A sub-problem of the main goal
• A piece of the overall issue
• Do not have to be perfect
• Not a solution…Not trying to solve the problem yet
Statement Starters - AKA Challenge Statements
• How to…(H2...)
• How might...(HM…)
• In what ways might…(IWWM…)
• What might be all the…(WMBAT...)
Formatting Challenge Statements
I don’t have the money for a TV!
• Statement starter (What might be all the ways)
• Owner (I)
• Verb (obtain)
• Object (cash for a TV)
What might be all the ways…I…obtain…cash for a TV?
What might be all the ways…I…obtain…cash for a TV?
Let’s Practice
Divergent thinking for ideating or clarifying:
Generating varied and original ideas and options,
exploring possibilities, perspectives, free wheeling,
Guidelines for Convergent Thinking
 Apply affirmative judgement…Carefully consider
the strengths of an idea.
 Be open to novelty…Entertain highly original
options that you might otherwise eliminate.
 Be deliberate…Consider what is realistic, useful
or that can be improved upon.
 Stay on course…Keep the original goal in mind.
Criteria Matrix Stakeholder Analysis
Convergent thinking:
Developing and evaluating most promising options,
focusing, making decisions
To Recap
Traits of creative problem solvers
Divergent thinking – ideate and clarify
Forced Connections
Challenge statements
Convergent thinking
Guidelines for each
The Creative Problem Solving (CPS) Process –
Thinking Skills Model
Cognitive and Affective Skill Base for CPS
Cognitive Thinking Skills Affective Skills
Diagnostic Thinking Mindfulness
Visionary Thinking Dreaming
Strategic Thinking Sensing Gaps
Ideational Thinking Playfulness
Evaluative Thinking Avoiding Premature Closure
Contextual Thinking Sensitivity to Environment
Tactical Thinking Tolerance for Risk
Creative Problem Solving (CPS) – Thinking Skills Model
Every step of CPS utilizes the dynamic balance
between divergent and convergent thinking and
related thinking tools.
The Steps
Assessing the Situation
Purpose: Describe and identify relevant data and to determine next process step.
Cognitive Thinking Skill: Diagnostic Thinking
Making careful examination of a situation, describing the nature of the
problem and making decisions about appropriate process steps to be taken.
Affective Skill: Mindfulness
Attending to thoughts, feelings and sensations relative to the present situation.
Leaders Need to be Skilled in Assessing the Situation
• Leaders influence
• Leaders monitor and make adjustments
• Leaders sort through conflicting data
• Leaders are decision makers
• Leaders seek (positive) risks
• Leaders assess and take action
Assessing the Situation
Diverge: Why, What’s Stopping You? Converge: Hits
Diagnostic Thinking/Mindfulness
Clarification: Exploring the Vision
Purpose: Develop a vision of a desired outcome.
Cognitive Thinking Skill: Visionary Thinking
Articulating a vivid image of what you desire to create.
Affective Skill: Dreaming
Imagining as possible your desires and hopes.
Desired State
It be great if . . . ?
Leaders Need to be Skilled in Exploring the Vision
• Leaders identify future opportunities
• Leaders help others work toward meaningful goals
• Leaders proactively initiate change/analysis
• Leaders provide direction
• Leaders discern which activities/tools yield insights
Clarification: Exploring the Vision
Diverge: Storyboarding Converge: Success Zones
Visionary Thinking/Dreaming
Clarification: Formulating Challenges
Purpose: Identify the gaps that must be closed to achieve desired outcome.
Cognitive Thinking Skill: Strategic Thinking
Identifying the critical issues that must be addressed and pathways needed
to move toward desired future.
Affective Skill: Sensing Gaps
Become consciously aware of discrepancies between what currently exists and
is desired or required.
Well Defined Problem
How to . . .? In what ways might we . . .? What are all the ways to . . .?
Leaders Need to be Skilled in Formulating Challenges
• Leaders preform alternative analysis
• Leaders go for root cause
• Leaders avoid rushing to decisions
• Leaders understand business need
• Leaders test assumptions before moving forward
• Leaders provide greater clarity to challenges
Clarification: Formulating Challenges
Diverge: Statement Starters
Strategic Thinking/Sensing Gaps
Converge: 5-4-3-2-1 Voting
Transformation: Exploring Ideas
Purpose: Generate novel ideas that address important challenges.
Cognitive Thinking Skill: Ideational Thinking
Producing original mental images, thoughts and ideas that respond to
important challenges.
Affective Skill: Playfulness
Freely toying with ideas.
Many and Varied Ideas
Leaders Need to be Skilled in Exploring Ideas
• Leaders invest in teams to feel more energized
• Leaders strive to find breakthrough solutions
• Leaders require original thinking to old problems
• Leaders face “what-if” scenarios
• Leaders facilitate meetings
• Leaders create environments where ideas are welcomed
Transformation: Exploring Ideas
Ideational Thinking/Playfulness
Diverge: Brainwriting Converging: Highlighting
Brainwriting - Write 3 and GO!
Divergent thinking tool that gives team
members a time to reflect on ideas and
deliberately build on other thoughts.
Tool to help deal with teams in which shy,
quiet members are being overshadowed
by more vocal ones.
Generates more ideas because everyone
is working simultaneously.
Think ⅓ principle.
Diverge - Brainwriting
Read the challenge statement
Write three ideas
Get a new sheet
Read the challenge statement
Read the ideas
Add/build on ideas
Get a new sheet
Brainwriting in Action
Diverge: Brainwriting
Ideational Thinking/Playfulness
Converge - Highlighting: Hits, Cluster, Restate
Highlighting lets you narrow from
many to a few good options.
Hits lets you choose ideas that are
especially interesting, promising,
compelling, intriguing, innovative
or on-target.
Clustering organizes your hits into
groups, categories or themes.
Restating captures the essence of
the cluster.
2.Cluster the related “hits” together
3. Restate the cluster as a challenge starting with
1. Mark the “Hits”
- Interesting
- New insight
- Workable
- Solves the problem
- Promising direction
- Feels good in your gut
Highlight in Action
Ideational Thinking/Playfulness
Converging: Highlighting – Hit, Cluster, Restate
Both in Action
Let’s Practice the Tools
• Locate Brainwriting
sheets on your tables
• Let’s go for 40 more
ideas per group
What might be all the ideas you can possibly imagine
for the perfect bathtub?
Let’s Practice the Tools
• Stick Brainwriting sheets to the wall next to your
Brainstormed ideas
• Hit the ideas that resonate with you
• Remove the hits and cluster them on chart paper
• Restate the main idea as a challenge statement (H2, HM,
• Tell us what you got!
Transformation: Formulating Solutions
Purpose: Move from ideas to solutions.
Cognitive Thinking Skill: Evaluative Thinking
Assessing the reasonableness and quality of ideas in order to develop
workable solutions.
Affective Skill: Avoiding Premature Closure
Resisting the urge to push for a decision.
A Well Refined Solution
Leaders Need to be Skilled in Formulating Solutions
• Leaders clear obstacles for teams
• Leaders deliberately assess positive and negative risks and
their potential
• Leaders turn ideas into viable solutions
• Leaders negotiate
• Leaders develop solutions so they are less strange to others
Transformation: Formulating Solutions
Evaluative Thinking/Avoiding Premature Closure
Diverge AND Converge: POINt
Praise First is a four step technique
for evaluating and improving and
idea. Rooted in affirmative
judgment, praise first lets you
express both positive and negative
responses to an idea without
crushing its potential OR originator!
(POINt): Plusses, Opportunities, Issues, New thinking
1. Plusses: Find value in the idea - express what you like
about it.
2. Opportunities: What opportunities might be possible if
the idea was developed?
3. Issues: Present issues as challenges statements to
invite new thinking.
4. New Thinking: Brainstorm ways to overcome stated
Implementation: Exploring Acceptance
Purpose: Increase the likelihood of success and buy-in.
Cognitive Thinking Skill: Contextual Thinking
Understanding the interrelated conditions and circumstances that will
support or hinder success.
Affective Skill: Sensitivity to Environment
The degree to which people are aware of their physical and psychological
Solution Commitment
Leaders Need to be Skilled in Exploring Acceptance
• Leaders develop acceptance criteria
• Leaders intercept being blindsided
• Leaders speak to multicultural/multinational audiences
• Leaders ensure alignment of need with strategic goals
• Leaders build teams
Implementation: Exploring Acceptance
Contextual Thinking/Sensitivity to Environment
Diverge and Converge: Assistor and Resistors:
Implementation: Formulating a Plan
Purpose: To develop and implementation plan.
Cognitive Thinking Skill: Tactical Thinking
Devising a plan that includes specific and measureable steps for attaining a
desired end and methods for monitoring effectiveness.
Affective Skill: Tolerance for Risks
Not allowing yourself to be shaken or unnerved by the possibility of failure
or setback.
Solution Commitment
Leaders Need to be Skilled in Formulating a Plan
• Leaders assess tolerance levels for risk
• Leaders invest in planning
• Leaders create deliberate plans and timelines
• Leaders understand how activities sequence and interact
• Leaders tackle detailed, multilayered processes
• Leaders build a “we can do this” atmosphere
Implementation: Formulating a Plan
Tactical Thinking/Tolerance for Risk
Diverge: How/How Diagram Converge: Sequencing
What is going to be done? Who will do it? By When? Report/Support?
Short Term Actions:
(30 days)
Intermediate Actions:
(60 days)
Long Term Actions:
(6 months and
Creative Problem Solving (CPS) – Thinking Skills Model
Cognitive Thinking
Affective Skills
Diagnostic Thinking Mindfulness
Visionary Thinking Dreaming
Strategic Thinking Sensing Gaps
Ideational Thinking Playfulness
Evaluative Thinking Avoiding Premature
Contextual Thinking Sensitivity to
Tactical Thinking Tolerance for Risk
Anyone Know How To…
It is considered improper to diverge and converge at the same time.
Final Tip – Creativity Etiquette
• Introductions
• A little schooling on Creative Problem Solving (CPS)
• Share strategies to frame challenges as opportunities
• Introduce the seven steps of Creative Problem Solving (CPS)
• Learn and use a few thinking tools
• Evaluate the Session
Taking It Home
Teresa Lawrence, PhD, PMP, CSM
(716) 536.4848
Bringing Processes to Life and Projects to Completion

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Becoming Effective Problem Solvers

  • 1. Becoming Effective Problem Solvers: Separating Ideation from Evaluation Teresa Lawrence, PhD, PMP, CSM International Deliverables, LLC (716) 536.4848 NYS WBE
  • 2. Agenda • Introductions • A little schooling on Creative Problem Solving (CPS) • Share strategies to frame challenges as opportunities • Introduce the seven steps of Creative Problem Solving (CPS) • Learn and use a few thinking tools • Evaluate the Session Tell a little, teach a little, talk a little, try a little.
  • 3. Select a card that represents problem solving to you. Share your card and thinking. One person, random three tables.
  • 5. Creative Problem Solvers Tolerance for Ambiguity Tolerance for Complexity Openness to Novelty Being able to entertain ideas that at first seem outlandish and risky. Being able to deal with uncertainty and to avoid leaping to conclusions. Being to stay open and persevere without being overwhelmed by large amounts of information, interrelated and complex issues, and competing issues.
  • 6. Creative Problem Solving Creative specifies elements of newness, innovation, and novelty. Problem refers to any situation that presents a challenge, represents a troubling concern or offers an opportunity. Solving means devising ways to answer, meet, or satisfy a situation by changing self or the situation. specifies elements of newness, innovation, and novelty. Problem refers to any situation that presents a challenge, represents a troubling concern or offers an opportunity. Solving means devising ways to answer, meet, or satisfy a situation by changing self or the situation. refers to any situation that presents a challenge, represents a troubling concern or offers an opportunity. means devising ways to answer, meet, or satisfy a situation by changing self or the situation.
  • 7. Creativity and Problem Solving Leaders are faced with the task of finding solutions to difficult, complex, ambiguous, unexpected and perhaps even, repeat problems. The challenge: How to problem solve and how to decide what tools to use? Using thinking tools from the Creative Problem Solving process (CPS), anyone can become deliberately creative and arrive at novel and useful solutions…on demand!
  • 8. For the Creative Process to be Effective • Divergent thinking: Generating varied and original ideas and options, exploring possibilities, free wheeling, imagination Divergent Thinking Convergent Thinking Dynamic Balance • Convergent thinking: Developing and evaluating most promising options, focusing, making decisions
  • 9. The more effective PROBLEM SOLVER separates IDEATION from EVALUATION
  • 11. Ground Rules for Divergent Thinking • Defer Judgement…All evaluation is ruled out. • Strive for Quantity…More ideas increases the likelihood of generating/developing useful ideas – think idea quota. • Build on other ideas…How can ideas be extended or combined? • Seek novelty…It is easier to tame a wild idea.
  • 13. A Story about Quantity So, how many pictures did you take?” “About three.” “About three?” “Yes about 3,000.” “I show the bride and groom about 900. They pick about 50.” That’s less than 2% of all the pictures taken. Think about ideas as wedding photos.
  • 14. The ⅓; ⅓; ⅓ Principle • First ⅓...Obvious and incremental • Second ⅓...Ridiculous and sometimes brilliant • Third ⅓…Game Changers and Disrupters
  • 15. The Thing about Ideas Ideas ≠ actions Ideas ≠ decisions Ideas ≠ conclusions Ideas ≠ feelings
  • 17. Defer judgement Strive for quantity Build on other ideas Seek novelty
  • 18. What might be all the ways to improve a suitcase?
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23. The Modobag: 150W electric motor; Top speed 8 mph; Rechargeable battery; Six mile range; GPRS-GSM real-time locator; USB Port to Charge your mobile devices
  • 24. What’s with the pictures?
  • 25. Forced Connections The goal is to force a connection between two unrelated things, the prop and the problem, to stimulate creativity and generate more ideas. These new results are often more novel and unusual ideas.
  • 26. Cognitive Fluidity “Let’s get one thing clear right now, shall we? There is no Idea Dump, no Story Central, no Island of the Buried Bestsellers; good story ideas seem to come quite literally from nowhere…two previously unrelated ideas come together and make something new under the sun.” - Stephen King
  • 27.
  • 28. Warm Ups  To briefly train you in the tool we will be using  To “sanction” the time for speculation  To create a judgment free zone
  • 30. Stand up and Stick’em up Brainstorming • Write your idea on a Post-it • Say your idea out loud so that others in the group can hear it • Stick your Post-it on the chart paper • Phrase your idea like an idea, not a description • One idea per post-it
  • 31. Stand up and Stick’em up Brainstorming Write it Say it Stick it
  • 32. Defer Judgment Strive for Quantity (40 ideas in 4 minutes) Seek Wild and Unusual Ideas Combine and Build on Other Ideas
  • 33. What might be all the ideas you can possibly imagine for the perfect bathtub?
  • 34. What ideas do you get for improving a bathtub from…
  • 35.
  • 36. What ideas do you get for improving a bathtub from…
  • 37.
  • 38. What ideas do you get for improving a bathtub from…
  • 39.
  • 40. What ideas do you get for improving a bathtub from…
  • 41.
  • 42. What ideas do you get for improving a bathtub from…
  • 43.
  • 45. Diverging to Clarify Divergent thinking tools can also be used to help clarify or formulate the challenge in order to decide what problem the team will solve. The language we use to describe a problem will determine how we will go about solving it.
  • 46. Statement Starters - AKA Challenge Statements • We don’t have enough time. • It’s too expensive. • We are too broad in our focus. • How to secure time? • How might we reduce cost? • How to gain clarity?
  • 47. The first three statements block your thinking. The three questions open your mind to the possibility of solving the problem. They provoke you to think about ideas that could solve the problem.
  • 48. Statement Starters - AKA Challenge Statements • More general and global • Consider the challenge from various vantage points • A definition of the problem stated like a question • An alternative view as to what the problem is • An insight in to what the “real” problem might be • A sub-problem of the main goal • A piece of the overall issue • Do not have to be perfect • Not a solution…Not trying to solve the problem yet
  • 49. Statement Starters - AKA Challenge Statements • How to…(H2...) • How might...(HM…) • In what ways might…(IWWM…) • What might be all the…(WMBAT...)
  • 50. Formatting Challenge Statements I don’t have the money for a TV! • Statement starter (What might be all the ways) • Owner (I) • Verb (obtain) • Object (cash for a TV) What might be all the ways…I…obtain…cash for a TV?
  • 51. What might be all the ways…I…obtain…cash for a TV?
  • 55. Divergent thinking for ideating or clarifying: Generating varied and original ideas and options, exploring possibilities, perspectives, free wheeling, imagination
  • 57. Guidelines for Convergent Thinking  Apply affirmative judgement…Carefully consider the strengths of an idea.  Be open to novelty…Entertain highly original options that you might otherwise eliminate.  Be deliberate…Consider what is realistic, useful or that can be improved upon.  Stay on course…Keep the original goal in mind.
  • 60. Convergent thinking: Developing and evaluating most promising options, focusing, making decisions
  • 61. To Recap Traits of creative problem solvers Divergent thinking – ideate and clarify Brainstorming Forced Connections Challenge statements Convergent thinking Guidelines for each
  • 62. The Creative Problem Solving (CPS) Process – Thinking Skills Model
  • 63. Cognitive and Affective Skill Base for CPS Cognitive Thinking Skills Affective Skills Diagnostic Thinking Mindfulness Visionary Thinking Dreaming Strategic Thinking Sensing Gaps Ideational Thinking Playfulness Evaluative Thinking Avoiding Premature Closure Contextual Thinking Sensitivity to Environment Tactical Thinking Tolerance for Risk
  • 65. Every step of CPS utilizes the dynamic balance between divergent and convergent thinking and related thinking tools.
  • 67. Assessing the Situation Purpose: Describe and identify relevant data and to determine next process step. Cognitive Thinking Skill: Diagnostic Thinking Making careful examination of a situation, describing the nature of the problem and making decisions about appropriate process steps to be taken. Affective Skill: Mindfulness Attending to thoughts, feelings and sensations relative to the present situation. objective Understanding
  • 68. Leaders Need to be Skilled in Assessing the Situation • Leaders influence • Leaders monitor and make adjustments • Leaders sort through conflicting data • Leaders are decision makers • Leaders seek (positive) risks • Leaders assess and take action
  • 69. Assessing the Situation Diverge: Why, What’s Stopping You? Converge: Hits Diagnostic Thinking/Mindfulness
  • 70. Clarification: Exploring the Vision Purpose: Develop a vision of a desired outcome. Cognitive Thinking Skill: Visionary Thinking Articulating a vivid image of what you desire to create. Affective Skill: Dreaming Imagining as possible your desires and hopes. Desired State objective It be great if . . . ?
  • 71. Leaders Need to be Skilled in Exploring the Vision • Leaders identify future opportunities • Leaders help others work toward meaningful goals • Leaders proactively initiate change/analysis • Leaders provide direction • Leaders discern which activities/tools yield insights
  • 72. Clarification: Exploring the Vision Diverge: Storyboarding Converge: Success Zones Visionary Thinking/Dreaming
  • 73. Clarification: Formulating Challenges Purpose: Identify the gaps that must be closed to achieve desired outcome. Cognitive Thinking Skill: Strategic Thinking Identifying the critical issues that must be addressed and pathways needed to move toward desired future. Affective Skill: Sensing Gaps Become consciously aware of discrepancies between what currently exists and is desired or required. Well Defined Problem objective How to . . .? In what ways might we . . .? What are all the ways to . . .?
  • 74. Leaders Need to be Skilled in Formulating Challenges • Leaders preform alternative analysis • Leaders go for root cause • Leaders avoid rushing to decisions • Leaders understand business need • Leaders test assumptions before moving forward • Leaders provide greater clarity to challenges
  • 75. Clarification: Formulating Challenges Diverge: Statement Starters Strategic Thinking/Sensing Gaps Converge: 5-4-3-2-1 Voting
  • 76. Transformation: Exploring Ideas Purpose: Generate novel ideas that address important challenges. Cognitive Thinking Skill: Ideational Thinking Producing original mental images, thoughts and ideas that respond to important challenges. Affective Skill: Playfulness Freely toying with ideas. Many and Varied Ideas objective
  • 77. Leaders Need to be Skilled in Exploring Ideas • Leaders invest in teams to feel more energized • Leaders strive to find breakthrough solutions • Leaders require original thinking to old problems • Leaders face “what-if” scenarios • Leaders facilitate meetings • Leaders create environments where ideas are welcomed
  • 78. Transformation: Exploring Ideas Ideational Thinking/Playfulness Diverge: Brainwriting Converging: Highlighting
  • 79. Brainwriting - Write 3 and GO! Divergent thinking tool that gives team members a time to reflect on ideas and deliberately build on other thoughts. Tool to help deal with teams in which shy, quiet members are being overshadowed by more vocal ones. Generates more ideas because everyone is working simultaneously. Think ⅓ principle.
  • 80. Diverge - Brainwriting Read the challenge statement Write three ideas Get a new sheet Read the challenge statement Read the ideas Add/build on ideas Get a new sheet Repeat
  • 81. Brainwriting in Action Diverge: Brainwriting Ideational Thinking/Playfulness
  • 82. Converge - Highlighting: Hits, Cluster, Restate Highlighting lets you narrow from many to a few good options. Hits lets you choose ideas that are especially interesting, promising, compelling, intriguing, innovative or on-target. Clustering organizes your hits into groups, categories or themes. Restating captures the essence of the cluster.
  • 83. 2.Cluster the related “hits” together 3. Restate the cluster as a challenge starting with H2…? IWWMI…? WMBAT…? WISMDI…? 1. Mark the “Hits” - Interesting - New insight - Workable - Solves the problem - Promising direction - Feels good in your gut Highlighting
  • 84. Highlight in Action Ideational Thinking/Playfulness Converging: Highlighting – Hit, Cluster, Restate
  • 86. Let’s Practice the Tools • Locate Brainwriting sheets on your tables • Let’s go for 40 more ideas per group What might be all the ideas you can possibly imagine for the perfect bathtub?
  • 87. Let’s Practice the Tools • Stick Brainwriting sheets to the wall next to your Brainstormed ideas • Hit the ideas that resonate with you • Remove the hits and cluster them on chart paper • Restate the main idea as a challenge statement (H2, HM, IWW, WMBAT) • Tell us what you got!
  • 88. Transformation: Formulating Solutions Purpose: Move from ideas to solutions. Cognitive Thinking Skill: Evaluative Thinking Assessing the reasonableness and quality of ideas in order to develop workable solutions. Affective Skill: Avoiding Premature Closure Resisting the urge to push for a decision. A Well Refined Solution objective
  • 89. Leaders Need to be Skilled in Formulating Solutions • Leaders clear obstacles for teams • Leaders deliberately assess positive and negative risks and their potential • Leaders turn ideas into viable solutions • Leaders negotiate • Leaders develop solutions so they are less strange to others
  • 90. Transformation: Formulating Solutions Evaluative Thinking/Avoiding Premature Closure Diverge AND Converge: POINt Praise First is a four step technique for evaluating and improving and idea. Rooted in affirmative judgment, praise first lets you express both positive and negative responses to an idea without crushing its potential OR originator!
  • 91. (POINt): Plusses, Opportunities, Issues, New thinking 1. Plusses: Find value in the idea - express what you like about it. 2. Opportunities: What opportunities might be possible if the idea was developed? 3. Issues: Present issues as challenges statements to invite new thinking. 4. New Thinking: Brainstorm ways to overcome stated challenges.
  • 92. POINt
  • 93. Implementation: Exploring Acceptance Purpose: Increase the likelihood of success and buy-in. Cognitive Thinking Skill: Contextual Thinking Understanding the interrelated conditions and circumstances that will support or hinder success. Affective Skill: Sensitivity to Environment The degree to which people are aware of their physical and psychological surroundings. Solution Commitment objective
  • 94. Leaders Need to be Skilled in Exploring Acceptance • Leaders develop acceptance criteria • Leaders intercept being blindsided • Leaders speak to multicultural/multinational audiences • Leaders ensure alignment of need with strategic goals • Leaders build teams
  • 95. Implementation: Exploring Acceptance Contextual Thinking/Sensitivity to Environment Diverge and Converge: Assistor and Resistors: Who…. H2 IWW HMW WMBAT
  • 96. Implementation: Formulating a Plan Purpose: To develop and implementation plan. Cognitive Thinking Skill: Tactical Thinking Devising a plan that includes specific and measureable steps for attaining a desired end and methods for monitoring effectiveness. Affective Skill: Tolerance for Risks Not allowing yourself to be shaken or unnerved by the possibility of failure or setback. Solution Commitment objective
  • 97. Leaders Need to be Skilled in Formulating a Plan • Leaders assess tolerance levels for risk • Leaders invest in planning • Leaders create deliberate plans and timelines • Leaders understand how activities sequence and interact • Leaders tackle detailed, multilayered processes • Leaders build a “we can do this” atmosphere
  • 98. Implementation: Formulating a Plan Tactical Thinking/Tolerance for Risk Diverge: How/How Diagram Converge: Sequencing
  • 99. What is going to be done? Who will do it? By When? Report/Support? Short Term Actions: (30 days) Intermediate Actions: (60 days) Long Term Actions: (6 months and ongoing)
  • 100. Creative Problem Solving (CPS) – Thinking Skills Model Cognitive Thinking Skills Affective Skills Diagnostic Thinking Mindfulness Visionary Thinking Dreaming Strategic Thinking Sensing Gaps Ideational Thinking Playfulness Evaluative Thinking Avoiding Premature Closure Contextual Thinking Sensitivity to Environment Tactical Thinking Tolerance for Risk
  • 101. Anyone Know How To…
  • 102. It is considered improper to diverge and converge at the same time. Final Tip – Creativity Etiquette
  • 103. Agenda • Introductions • A little schooling on Creative Problem Solving (CPS) • Share strategies to frame challenges as opportunities • Introduce the seven steps of Creative Problem Solving (CPS) • Learn and use a few thinking tools • Evaluate the Session
  • 105.
  • 106. Teresa Lawrence, PhD, PMP, CSM (716) 536.4848 NYS WBE Bringing Processes to Life and Projects to Completion