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Presented byDr. Dinanath Chavan
First year PGT, Department of

ModeratorDr. Mrinal Dey
Professor, Department of
• Radiation is energy that travels through space or matter.
• Two types of radiation used in diagnostic imaging are
1. electromagnetic (EM) and
2. particulate.
Electromagnetic Radiation
• EM radiation includes:
(a) gamma rays,
(b) x-rays,
(c) visible light,
(d) radiofrequency
• In this type, the energy is "packaged" in small units
known as photons or quanta.
• Visible light, radio waves, and x-rays are different
types of EM radiation.
• EM radiation has no mass, is unaffected by either
electrical or magnetic fields, and has a constant
speed in a given medium.
• EM radiation travels in straight lines; however, its
trajectory can be altered by interaction with matter.
• EM radiation is characterized by wavelength (λ),
frequency (v), and energy per photon (E)
Particulate Radiation
• The other general type of radiation consists of small
particles of matter moving through space at a very high
• Particle radiation differs from electromagnetic radiation
in that the particles consist of matter and have mass.
• Particle radiation is generally not used as an imaging
radiation because of its low tissue penetration.
• ex. Electron, alfa particles.
Electromagnetic spectrum
X-rays are electromagnetic radiation of exactly the same nature
as light but of very much shorter wavelength

Unit of measurement in x-ray region is Å and nm.
1 Å = 10-10 m, 1 nm = 10 Å = 10-9 m
X-ray wavelengths are in the range 0.5 – 2.5 Å.
Wavelength of visible light ~ 3900 - 7500 Å.
Electromagnetic radiation is the transport of energy
through space as a combination of electric and magnetic
Electromagnetic ( EM ) radiation is produced by a
charge ( charged particle ) being accelerated .
{ electrons are consider as standing waves around the
nucleus and therefore do not represent acclerating
charges. }
Any accelerating charge not bound to atom will emit
EM radiation .
Properties of electromagnetic
• Electromagnetic radiation → wavelike
fluctuation of electric and magnetic fields set up in
space by oscillating electrons
Electromagnetic radiation

According to the classical
theory Electromagnetic
radiation can be
considered as wave
motion .

According to the quantum
theory electromagnetic
radiation can also be
considered as a particles
called photons
Wave concept of electromagnetic radiation
•All EM radiations travel with the speed of light
186000miles/sec, 3×10ˆ8 m/sec but they differ in wavelength
•Wavelength (λ) – distance between 2 successive crests / trough
•Frequency (ν) – number of crests /cycle per second (Hz)
(λ) wavelength ↓ (ν) frequency ↑
•EM travel with the speed of light c , c=λν
•Wave concept of EMR explains why radiation may be reflected ,
refracted, diffracted and polarized .

If each wave has length λ and ν waves pass a given point in
unit time
velocity of wave is

v = λ× ν
Particle concept of electromagnetic radiation
•Short EM waves like XRAYS react with matter as if they are
particles rather than waves.
•These particles are discrete bundles of energy and each bundle is
called quantum /photon.
•Photon travel at the speed of light.
•Amount of energy carried by each photon depends on frequency
of radiation.
•If frequency doubled energy doubled .
•Particle concept can explain the interaction with matter like
photoelectric and Compton effect .

Energy calculated E=hν
h= Planck's constant (4.13×10 ˆ-18 Kev sec )
Relationship between wavelength and
Relationship between wavelength and frequency
ν= c/λ
c – velocity of light (~3×108 m/s)
also E= hν
Instead of ν
E =hc/λ ( h×c = 12.4)

E= 12.4/λ
•Energy of photon =ev
•X-ray measured in kilo ev , 1Kev = 1000 ev
X-ray Production
Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (18451923)

X-rays were first discovered in 1895 by the
German physicist William Roentgen, when using a
Crookes tube
He called them ‘x’ rays, ‘x’ for ‘unknown’.
Site of discovery
Roentgen's lab where, on 8
November 1895, he noticed an
extraordinary glow while
investigating the behavior of
light outside a shrouded
cathode tube. To his
astonishment, he saw the
shadows of the bones of his
hand when held between the
tube and a fluorescent screen.
Within two months he had
published a carefully reasoned
description of his work and the
famous radiograph of his wife's
The first x-ray
Roentgen’s wife
Bertha’s hand
X-ray tube

Basic elements of an X Ray source assembly
Glass enclosure
•Vacuum: to control the
number and speed of the
accelerated electrons
• Pyrex glass is used.
Cathode -------•Negative terminal of
the x-ray tube is called
cathode or filament.
•Along with filament 2
other elements :
connecting wires and
focusing cup
Filament made of tungsten wire 0.2 mm diameter coiled to
form a vertical spiral 0.2 cm diameter and 1 cm length
CATHODE --------

MADE OF TUNGSTEN + 1%-3% THORIUM ( better emission of electrons. )
Filament and focusing cup
( Nickel )

Modern tubes have two
1. Long One : higher
resolution, larger
2. Short One : lower
Focusing cup maintained
At one point only one at same negative potential
is used
as the filament .
Focusing Cup

Cathode assembly of a dual-focus x-ray
tube. The small filament provides a
smaller focal spot and a radiograph with
greater detail, provided that the patient
does not move. The larger filament is
used for high-intensity exposures of short
1: long tungsten filament
2 : short tungsten filament
3 : real size cathode
Focusing cup

Current across
tube one direction

Mutual repulsion
↑Number of

Prevented by focusing cup – forces the
electron stream to converge on the anode
in required shape and size

Electron stream
spread out

Large area of
Thermionic emission
When Current flows – wire heated

Absorbs thermal energy – electrons move a small
distance from the surface of metal
This escape is referred to as thermionic
Thermionic emission

Emission of electrons resulting from the absorption of
thermal energy – thermionic emission
(Tungeston heated >22000C)
Electron cloud surrounding the filament produced by
thermionic emission is termed “Edison effect”
Space charge
•Collection of negatively charged electrons in the vicinity
of filament when no voltage applied btw cathode and
anode – space charge
•Number of electrons in space charge remain constant
•Tendency of space charge to limit the emission of more
electrons from the filament is called space charge effect

Filament current →filament temperature →rate of
thermionic emission
Space charge cloud
Temperature limited

Space charge cloud shield the electric field for tube voltages of 40kvp
and less ( space charge limited ) , above 40kvp space charge cloud is
overcome by voltage applied

Thin wire
High melting point
Less tendency to vaporize
Long life expectancy

Z # 74
Filament vaporization
•Filament vaporization – shorten the life
•Not heated for too long- filament boosting circuit
•Vaporized filament usually deposited on the inner
surface of glass wall
•Color deepens as the tube ages- bronze colored
•Tends to increase filtration and changes the
quality of beam
Anode +++++

Stationary anode
Tungsten target in copper anode
Rotating anode+++

Spread the heat produced during an exposure over a large area of
anode – capable of withstanding high temperature of large exposures
Anode +++ parts
1. Anode disk –tungsten
•Beveled edge – line focus
•Target area increased but
effective focal size remains the

2. Stator
3. Rotor
4. Bearings - metallic
lubricants (silver )
5. Stem - molybdenum

90%tungsten W and 10 % rhenium Re- ↑resistance to surface
roughening - ↑thermal capacity
Anode +++
Modification of tube to improve speed of rotation and in
turn increased ability to withstand heat .

1.Stem length

• As short as possible
• Decrease inertia
• 2 sets as far as possible

• Decrease weight ( molybdenum + W Re alloy )
• Reduced inertia
Focal spot
•True focal spot :Area of the tungsten target (anode)
that is bombarded by electrons from the cathode.
•The size and shape of focal spot is determined by the
size and shape of the electron stream which hits the
•Heat uniformly distributed on focal spot
Line focus principle
•Anode angle : defined as
the angle of the target
surface with respect to the
central ray in the x-ray field.
•Anode angle range :6°- 20°
•Line focus principle Effective focal spot size is
the length and width of the
focal spot projected down
the central ray in the x-ray
field .
Line focus principle

Foreshortening of the focal spot length
Line focus principle

effective focal length = focal length • sin
Effective focal spot<actual focal spot
Anode angle

Large focal spot = greater heat loading.
Small focal spot = good radiographic detail.
Heel effect
The heel effect: The heel
effect is due to a portion
of the x-ray beam being
absorbed by the anode.
This results in an x-ray
beam that is less
intense on the anode
side and more intense
on the cathode side. The
heel effect is more
pronounced with
steeper anode angles.
Heel effect
Intensity of exposure on
anode side < cathode side
of tube
Heel effect less noticeable
with large focus-film
Heel effect is less with
smaller films



• The intensity of the x-rays emitted through the heel of
the target is reduced because they have a longer path to
travel in the target. The diff in intensity is as much as

Factors affecting the heel effect:
1. Anode angle: the steeper the target → ↑↑ heel effect.
2. FFD: ↑↑ FFD → ↓↓ heel effect "with fixed film size".
3. Film size: ↓↓ film size → ↓↓ heel effect "with fixed FFD".
4. Roughening of the target surface → ↓↓ X-rays output & ↑↑
the heel effect.
• In radiographs of body parts of different thicknesses →
the thicker parts should be placed toward the cathode
(filament) side of the x-ray tube.
• e.g. AP film of the thoracic spine → anode end over the
upper thoracic spine where the body is less thick & the
cathode end of the tube is over the lower thoracic spine
where thicker body structures will receive the increased
Properties of xrays

X-rays travel in straight lines.
X-rays are electrically neutral
X-rays are Polyenergetic and heterogeneous
X-rays travel at the speed of light electromagnetic radiation
5. X-rays are highly penetrating , invisible rays.
Properties of x-rays
6. X-rays cannot be deflected by electric field or
magnetic field.
7. X-rays cannot be focused by lens.
8. Photographic film is blackened by X-rays.
9. Fluorescent materials glow when X-rays are directed
at them.
10. Produce chemical and biologic changes by ionization
and excitation.
11. Liberate minute amounts of energies while passing
through matter.
12. X-rays interact with matter produce photoelectric
and Compton effect.
Processes of x-ray generation
When high speed electrons lose energy in the target
of the x-ray tube

2 processes of xray generation


General radiation ( Bremsstrahlung)
• High speed electrons with nucleus of the tungsten atom

Characteristic radiation
• High sped electrons with the electrons in the shell of tungsten
Degree of deceleration
0.5%time electron
comes in proximity
with nucleus
Coloumbic forces attract
and decelerate the

Loss of kinetic energy and
change in trajectory



Bremsstrahlung ( braking radiation )
Enrgy of photon = enrgy of
initial ectron – enrgy of
braked electron

Energy of photon E = 12.4 /λ
Energy is related to the potential difference across tube or
λmin = 12.4 / kVp
Continuous spectrum

Highest energy determined by the kVp
Minimum wavelength determined by the kVp
Maximum wavelength determined by the filters used
Brems radiation- Polyenergetic
Characteristic radiation

Characteristic radiation results when the Electrons bombarding the
target eject electrons from the inner orbits of target atoms
Characteristic X-Ray Production
M Shell

Outgoing projectile electron
(lower energy)

Target atom
L Shell
K shell
Incoming projectile electron
(high energy)


K X-ray

L X-ray
Characteristic X-ray emission

Ejected electron
ionizes atom
Characteristic radiation

K-70 KEV
L-11 KEV
Characteristic radiation




(β)70-2 = 68 keV


11-2 = 9 keV


(α)70-11= 59 keV

Between 80 and 150 kVp , k shell characteristic contributes to
about 10 %(80kVp) to 28%(150kVp) of useful beam.
Characteristic radiation

Characteristic radiation

Less Polyenergetic
Typical x-ray pattern
Factors affecting x- ray spectrum:1) Effect of tube current (mA) (while others
remain constant):
 More mA more e- s flow from cathode to anode
 Change in mA is directly proportional to the change
in the amplitude of the x-ray spectrum
 Shape of the curve remain unchanged

The effect on the
tube spectrum when
the mA has been
2)Effect of kV ( other factors remaining constant)
-> As kV is raised area under the curve increased
-> The position of the curve has been shifted to
the right to the high energy side
-> The increase is relatively greater for high
energy x-ray than for low energy x-ray
-> Characteristic curve doesn't change position

The effect on the tube
spectrum when the kV
has been reduced from
80 kV to 70 kV.
3)Effect of added filtration: ( other factors remaining
-> Added filtration absorbs low energy x-rays and allow
high energy x-rays to pass through.
-> The curve is shifted. The bremsstrahlung emission
spectrum is reduced more on left than on right.
->effect of added filtration is the increase in the effective
energy of the x-ray beam (high quality)
-> Characteristic curve doesn't change position
The effect on the
tube spectrum
when filtration has
been added to the
exit beam.
Super Rolatix ceramic x-ray tube
Metal casing instead of glass envelope.
Three ceramic insulators – two insulators for the two high voltage
cables, and one supports the anode stem.
• Allows more compact tube design.
• Most common - Aluminium oxide.
Anode rotates on an axle which has bearings at each end – provides
greater stability and reduce the stress on shaft.
• Allows use of massive anode up to 2KG.
• larger heat storage capacity. Allows higher mAs settings.
Advantages of Metal -• less off focus Radiation .
• higher tube loading.
• longer tube life with high tube currents.
Cooling –
better cooling due to more efficient transfer of heat to the oil
through the metal enclosure, as compare to the glass
enclosure. ( metal is better conductor of heat )
Super Rolatix ceramic x-ray tube
Thank you

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Basics of radiation and production of x rays

  • 1. BASICS OF RADIATION AND PRODUCTION OF X-RAYS Presented byDr. Dinanath Chavan First year PGT, Department of Radiodiagnosis SMCH. ModeratorDr. Mrinal Dey Professor, Department of Radiodiagnosis SMCH.
  • 2. Radiation • Radiation is energy that travels through space or matter. • Two types of radiation used in diagnostic imaging are 1. electromagnetic (EM) and 2. particulate. Electromagnetic Radiation • EM radiation includes: (a) gamma rays, (b) x-rays, (c) visible light, (d) radiofrequency
  • 3. EM RADIATION • In this type, the energy is "packaged" in small units known as photons or quanta. • Visible light, radio waves, and x-rays are different types of EM radiation. • EM radiation has no mass, is unaffected by either electrical or magnetic fields, and has a constant speed in a given medium. • EM radiation travels in straight lines; however, its trajectory can be altered by interaction with matter. • EM radiation is characterized by wavelength (λ), frequency (v), and energy per photon (E)
  • 4. Particulate Radiation • The other general type of radiation consists of small particles of matter moving through space at a very high velocity. • Particle radiation differs from electromagnetic radiation in that the particles consist of matter and have mass. • Particle radiation is generally not used as an imaging radiation because of its low tissue penetration. • ex. Electron, alfa particles.
  • 5.
  • 6. Electromagnetic spectrum X-rays are electromagnetic radiation of exactly the same nature as light but of very much shorter wavelength Unit of measurement in x-ray region is Å and nm. 1 Å = 10-10 m, 1 nm = 10 Å = 10-9 m X-ray wavelengths are in the range 0.5 – 2.5 Å. Wavelength of visible light ~ 3900 - 7500 Å.
  • 7. Electromagnetic radiation is the transport of energy through space as a combination of electric and magnetic fields. Electromagnetic ( EM ) radiation is produced by a charge ( charged particle ) being accelerated . { electrons are consider as standing waves around the nucleus and therefore do not represent acclerating charges. } Any accelerating charge not bound to atom will emit EM radiation .
  • 8. Properties of electromagnetic radiation • Electromagnetic radiation → wavelike fluctuation of electric and magnetic fields set up in space by oscillating electrons
  • 9. Electromagnetic radiation According to the classical theory Electromagnetic radiation can be considered as wave motion . According to the quantum theory electromagnetic radiation can also be considered as a particles called photons
  • 10. Wave concept of electromagnetic radiation •All EM radiations travel with the speed of light 186000miles/sec, 3×10ˆ8 m/sec but they differ in wavelength •Wavelength (λ) – distance between 2 successive crests / trough •Frequency (ν) – number of crests /cycle per second (Hz) • (λ) wavelength ↓ (ν) frequency ↑ •EM travel with the speed of light c , c=λν •Wave concept of EMR explains why radiation may be reflected , refracted, diffracted and polarized . If each wave has length λ and ν waves pass a given point in unit time velocity of wave is v = λ× ν
  • 11. Particle concept of electromagnetic radiation •Short EM waves like XRAYS react with matter as if they are particles rather than waves. •These particles are discrete bundles of energy and each bundle is called quantum /photon. •Photon travel at the speed of light. •Amount of energy carried by each photon depends on frequency of radiation. •If frequency doubled energy doubled . •Particle concept can explain the interaction with matter like photoelectric and Compton effect . Energy calculated E=hν h= Planck's constant (4.13×10 ˆ-18 Kev sec )
  • 12. Relationship between wavelength and energy Relationship between wavelength and frequency ν= c/λ c – velocity of light (~3×108 m/s) also E= hν Instead of ν E =hc/λ ( h×c = 12.4) E= 12.4/λ •Energy of photon =ev •X-ray measured in kilo ev , 1Kev = 1000 ev
  • 14. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen (18451923) X-rays were first discovered in 1895 by the German physicist William Roentgen, when using a Crookes tube He called them ‘x’ rays, ‘x’ for ‘unknown’.
  • 15. Site of discovery Roentgen's lab where, on 8 November 1895, he noticed an extraordinary glow while investigating the behavior of light outside a shrouded cathode tube. To his astonishment, he saw the shadows of the bones of his hand when held between the tube and a fluorescent screen. Within two months he had published a carefully reasoned description of his work and the famous radiograph of his wife's hand.
  • 17. X-ray tube Basic elements of an X Ray source assembly
  • 18. Glass enclosure •Vacuum: to control the number and speed of the accelerated electrons independently. • Pyrex glass is used.
  • 19. Cathode -------•Negative terminal of the x-ray tube is called cathode or filament. •Along with filament 2 other elements : connecting wires and focusing cup Filament made of tungsten wire 0.2 mm diameter coiled to form a vertical spiral 0.2 cm diameter and 1 cm length
  • 20. CATHODE -------- MADE OF TUNGSTEN + 1%-3% THORIUM ( better emission of electrons. )
  • 21. Filament and focusing cup ( Nickel ) • Modern tubes have two filaments 1. Long One : higher current/lower resolution, larger exposure 2. Short One : lower current/higher resolution. Focusing cup maintained At one point only one at same negative potential is used as the filament .
  • 22. Focusing Cup Cathode assembly of a dual-focus x-ray tube. The small filament provides a smaller focal spot and a radiograph with greater detail, provided that the patient does not move. The larger filament is used for high-intensity exposures of short duration. 1: long tungsten filament 2 : short tungsten filament 3 : real size cathode
  • 23. Focusing cup Current across tube one direction only Mutual repulsion ↑Number of electrons Prevented by focusing cup – forces the electron stream to converge on the anode in required shape and size Electron stream spread out Bombarding Large area of anode
  • 24. Thermionic emission When Current flows – wire heated Absorbs thermal energy – electrons move a small distance from the surface of metal This escape is referred to as thermionic emission
  • 25. Thermionic emission Emission of electrons resulting from the absorption of thermal energy – thermionic emission (Tungeston heated >22000C) Electron cloud surrounding the filament produced by thermionic emission is termed “Edison effect”
  • 26. Space charge •Collection of negatively charged electrons in the vicinity of filament when no voltage applied btw cathode and anode – space charge •Number of electrons in space charge remain constant •Tendency of space charge to limit the emission of more electrons from the filament is called space charge effect Filament current →filament temperature →rate of thermionic emission
  • 27. Space charge cloud Temperature limited Space charge cloud shield the electric field for tube voltages of 40kvp and less ( space charge limited ) , above 40kvp space charge cloud is overcome by voltage applied
  • 28. Tungsten 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Thin wire Strong High melting point Less tendency to vaporize Long life expectancy Z # 74 MELTING POINT- 3,370 DEG. CELSIUS
  • 29. Filament vaporization •Filament vaporization – shorten the life •Not heated for too long- filament boosting circuit •Vaporized filament usually deposited on the inner surface of glass wall •Color deepens as the tube ages- bronze colored “sunburn” •Tends to increase filtration and changes the quality of beam
  • 30. Anode +++++ Stationary anode Tungsten target in copper anode
  • 31. Rotating anode+++ Spread the heat produced during an exposure over a large area of anode – capable of withstanding high temperature of large exposures
  • 32. Anode +++ parts 1. Anode disk –tungsten •3600rpm •Beveled edge – line focus •Target area increased but effective focal size remains the same. 2. Stator 3. Rotor 4. Bearings - metallic lubricants (silver ) 5. Stem - molybdenum 90%tungsten W and 10 % rhenium Re- ↑resistance to surface roughening - ↑thermal capacity
  • 33. Anode +++ Modification of tube to improve speed of rotation and in turn increased ability to withstand heat . 1.Stem length 2.Bearings 3.weight • As short as possible • Decrease inertia • 2 sets as far as possible • Decrease weight ( molybdenum + W Re alloy ) • Reduced inertia
  • 34. Focal spot •True focal spot :Area of the tungsten target (anode) that is bombarded by electrons from the cathode. •The size and shape of focal spot is determined by the size and shape of the electron stream which hits the target. •Heat uniformly distributed on focal spot
  • 35. Line focus principle •Anode angle : defined as the angle of the target surface with respect to the central ray in the x-ray field. •Anode angle range :6°- 20° •Line focus principle Effective focal spot size is the length and width of the focal spot projected down the central ray in the x-ray field .
  • 36. Line focus principle Foreshortening of the focal spot length
  • 37. Line focus principle effective focal length = focal length • sin Effective focal spot<actual focal spot
  • 38. Anode angle Large focal spot = greater heat loading. Small focal spot = good radiographic detail.
  • 39. Heel effect The heel effect: The heel effect is due to a portion of the x-ray beam being absorbed by the anode. This results in an x-ray beam that is less intense on the anode side and more intense on the cathode side. The heel effect is more pronounced with steeper anode angles.
  • 40. Heel effect Intensity of exposure on anode side < cathode side of tube Heel effect less noticeable with large focus-film distance Heel effect is less with smaller films Cathode ←Intensity→ Anode
  • 41. • The intensity of the x-rays emitted through the heel of the target is reduced because they have a longer path to travel in the target. The diff in intensity is as much as 45% Factors affecting the heel effect: 1. Anode angle: the steeper the target → ↑↑ heel effect. 2. FFD: ↑↑ FFD → ↓↓ heel effect "with fixed film size". 3. Film size: ↓↓ film size → ↓↓ heel effect "with fixed FFD". 4. Roughening of the target surface → ↓↓ X-rays output & ↑↑ the heel effect. • In radiographs of body parts of different thicknesses → the thicker parts should be placed toward the cathode (filament) side of the x-ray tube. • e.g. AP film of the thoracic spine → anode end over the upper thoracic spine where the body is less thick & the cathode end of the tube is over the lower thoracic spine where thicker body structures will receive the increased exposure.
  • 42. Properties of xrays 1. 2. 3. 4. X-rays travel in straight lines. X-rays are electrically neutral X-rays are Polyenergetic and heterogeneous X-rays travel at the speed of light electromagnetic radiation 5. X-rays are highly penetrating , invisible rays.
  • 43. Properties of x-rays 6. X-rays cannot be deflected by electric field or magnetic field. 7. X-rays cannot be focused by lens. 8. Photographic film is blackened by X-rays. 9. Fluorescent materials glow when X-rays are directed at them. 10. Produce chemical and biologic changes by ionization and excitation. 11. Liberate minute amounts of energies while passing through matter. 12. X-rays interact with matter produce photoelectric and Compton effect.
  • 44. Processes of x-ray generation When high speed electrons lose energy in the target of the x-ray tube 2 processes of xray generation General Characteristic General radiation ( Bremsstrahlung) • High speed electrons with nucleus of the tungsten atom Characteristic radiation • High sped electrons with the electrons in the shell of tungsten atoms
  • 45. Degree of deceleration 0.5%time electron comes in proximity with nucleus Coloumbic forces attract and decelerate the electron Loss of kinetic energy and change in trajectory e‾ + e‾ +
  • 47. Enrgy of photon = enrgy of initial ectron – enrgy of braked electron Energy of photon E = 12.4 /λ Energy is related to the potential difference across tube or λmin = 12.4 / kVp
  • 48. Continuous spectrum Highest energy determined by the kVp Minimum wavelength determined by the kVp Maximum wavelength determined by the filters used
  • 50. Characteristic radiation Characteristic radiation results when the Electrons bombarding the target eject electrons from the inner orbits of target atoms
  • 51. Characteristic X-Ray Production M Shell Outgoing projectile electron (lower energy) Target atom L Shell K shell Incoming projectile electron (high energy) W K X-ray L X-ray Characteristic X-ray emission Ejected electron ionizes atom
  • 53. Characteristic radiation L K M K (β)70-2 = 68 keV L 11-2 = 9 keV M (α)70-11= 59 keV Between 80 and 150 kVp , k shell characteristic contributes to about 10 %(80kVp) to 28%(150kVp) of useful beam.
  • 57. Factors affecting x- ray spectrum:1) Effect of tube current (mA) (while others remain constant):  More mA more e- s flow from cathode to anode  Change in mA is directly proportional to the change in the amplitude of the x-ray spectrum  Shape of the curve remain unchanged The effect on the tube spectrum when the mA has been halved.
  • 58. 2)Effect of kV ( other factors remaining constant) -> As kV is raised area under the curve increased -> The position of the curve has been shifted to the right to the high energy side -> The increase is relatively greater for high energy x-ray than for low energy x-ray -> Characteristic curve doesn't change position The effect on the tube spectrum when the kV has been reduced from 80 kV to 70 kV.
  • 59. 3)Effect of added filtration: ( other factors remaining constant) -> Added filtration absorbs low energy x-rays and allow high energy x-rays to pass through. -> The curve is shifted. The bremsstrahlung emission spectrum is reduced more on left than on right. ->effect of added filtration is the increase in the effective energy of the x-ray beam (high quality) -> Characteristic curve doesn't change position The effect on the tube spectrum when filtration has been added to the exit beam.
  • 60. Super Rolatix ceramic x-ray tube Metal casing instead of glass envelope. Three ceramic insulators – two insulators for the two high voltage cables, and one supports the anode stem. • Allows more compact tube design. • Most common - Aluminium oxide. Anode rotates on an axle which has bearings at each end – provides greater stability and reduce the stress on shaft. • Allows use of massive anode up to 2KG. • larger heat storage capacity. Allows higher mAs settings.
  • 61. Advantages of Metal -• less off focus Radiation . • higher tube loading. • longer tube life with high tube currents. Cooling – better cooling due to more efficient transfer of heat to the oil through the metal enclosure, as compare to the glass enclosure. ( metal is better conductor of heat )
  • 62. Super Rolatix ceramic x-ray tube
  • 63.

Editor's Notes

  1. Ν = nu ( initial for number in Greek ). Lambda = (λ)
  2. Si unit for h = 6.62 ×10 ˆ-34 joules second ( J.s )
  3. E in Kev and wavelength in A’. 1ev = amount of energy that an electron gains as it is accelerated by a potential difference of 1 V.
  4. Connecting wires – supply both voltage and amperage to heat the filament
  5. THORIUM increases the emission of electrons.
  6. Xray current 100mA , 0.1 A1 ampere = rate of flow of 1 coulumb of electricity thro a conductor in 1 sec – 1 columb is 6.25 * 10^ 17
  7. 2200 degree temp for adequate amount of electron emission.
  8. Space charge – prevent the electrons from being emitted from the filament until they have acquired sufficient thermal energy to overcome the force caused by space charge Loss of electrons – filament positive – attracts some electrons back – when filament heated to its emission temp ,state of equilibrium reached ,here number of electrons returning equal to number of electrons emitted
  9. When potential difference is insufficient to cause almost all the elctrons to be pulled away from the filament the instant they are emitted – residual space charge Untill 40 kv the increse in kilovoltage produces a significant increase tube current evn thou filament heating remains same Above 40 kv however the increse in kv produce very little change in tube current In this example 40 kv is the saturation voltage Below 40 kv it is space charge limited Above 40 kv space charge effect no influence – tube current determined by the number of electrons made available by the eheated filament – temperature limited
  10. X-ray circuit is turned on ,but no exposure is made ,a standby current heats the filament to a value corresponding to low current – for exposure, circuit will increase the filament current to required value and soon after exposure lower it standby value.
  11. Tungsten target embedded in the large mass of copper Tungsten plate greater than 1 cm Tungsten atomic number 74 , high melting point Tungsten Good absorber and dissipater of heat Small target in larger copper – heat dissipation – even though high melting temp cannot withstand repeated exposures – cu better conductor of heat .so used for better conduction of heat and increased speed of cooling Tungsten larger than the focal size , as copper in the immediate vicinity can melt when the exposure increases the target temp by 1000. and cu doesn&apos;t have such high melting temperature 1070 oc .
  12. At 3600 rpm , every 1/60thsec the target is opposite the electron beam . Rest of the time used for cooling typical disk diameter- 75,100,125mm Circumference = 2π r Stator coils –magnetic field produced by stator coils provide power for rotation Magnetic fields produced by stator induces a current in the rotor – provides power to rotate anode Bearings – anode assembly rotates on this Lubricants – earlier oil , graphite Stem – molybdenum( 2600) for heat dissipation , ↑length ↑inertia ↑load on bearings Inertia leads to delay 0.5 – 1 sec – safety circuit prevents exposure until rotor reaches full speed
  13. Molybdenum disc with tungsten rhenium alloy target attached to it Weight of anode itself
  14. The size ands shape of focsal spot can be determined by the size and shape of elctron stream Size and shape of ecltron stream – by dimension of filament tungsten wire coil , focusing cup , position of filament from focusing cup Focal spot is the area of anode bombarded by electrons from cathode – most energy converted into heat Heat uniformly distributed on over the focal spot – large amount of heat accumulated on the on anode – melting point of anode tungsten is 3370 – Large focal spot for greater heat loading Small focal spot for good radiographic detail
  15. From where the xrays are emitted from the tube
  16. Smaller anode angle will produce smaller focal spot and smaller field coverage
  17. Intensity of x-ray beam is not uniformly distributed thro all portions of beam. decreased intensity at the anode side of tube as absorption by the target itself
  18. Ffd – focus film distance
  19. 99% produce heat Electron attracted by the positive nucleus gets deflected from the original direction – electron loses energy and slowed down when its direction changes.Xray photon energy equal to the loss of kinetic energy
  20. German
  21. Initial elctron – deflected electron
  22. Binding energy E for k shell of tungsten is 70 kevCathode electron should have more than 70 kVp to eject k shell electron K shell electron ejected after impinging electron uses 70 kVp to eject it – remaining energy shared between initial and ejected electron – both these electrons leave the atom . Removal of electron makesthe atom to have positive charge – return to normal state by losing excess energy Now the atom is unstable – k shell electron is replaced by l shell- l shell more energy than k shell – gives up the excess energy in the form of single x-ray photon