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Dr. Kingsley Mayowa Okonoda,
MBChB(Ife), FWACP(Psych)
Department of Psychiatry,
University of Jos/Jos University
Teaching Hospital
 The workplace is a major source of stress in
our lives.
 Rising public expectations and the need to
adapt to changes will continue to add to
workplace stress.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 2
 Excessive stress, if unmanaged,
will often lead to decreased
personal effectiveness and
efficiency, deteriorating work and
family relationships, and also
chronic illnesses.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 3
 This will in turn have an adverse
effect on the organization's
 It has become imperative for
workers to learn and practice
effective stress management
strategies in order to help better
manage their physical and
mental wellness and health
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 4
 Health is a state of complete physical, mental and
social well-being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 5
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 6
 moderate daily physical activity,
 proper nutrition,
 maintaining a healthy weight,
 getting recommended preventive screenings (based
on age, gender and health history) and
 managing chronic conditions to prevent them from
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 7
Emotional well-being includes the ability to:
 manage your feelings and related behaviours,
 cope effectively with stress,
 and adapt to change.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 8
 This dimension focuses on creating and maintaining
healthy, supportive relationships with family, friends
and peers.
 Research has demonstrated that having a social
support network protects against several health
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 9
 This dimension centres on spiritual relationships
and activities that support and enhance these
relationships, such as: prayer, meditation and
worship, among others.
 Spiritual health can bring an inner peace—a
contentment with who you are and your current
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 10
 We can define stress as a normal
physiological response of the body to
situations or stimuli which are perceived
as 'dangerous' to the body.
 Stress can affect anyone and everyone at
some point of time in their life.
 When it occurs frequently it affects
health - both physical and mental.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 11
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 12
 The “fight-or-flight” stress response
involves a cascade of biological
changes that prepare us for
emergency action.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 13
Stress hormones:
◦ adrenalin, noradrenalin and
cortisol race through the
bloodstream, readying us to
either flee the scene or battle it
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 14
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 15
• Pupils dilate so we can see better, and our
blood sugar ramps up, giving us an energy
boost and speeding up reaction time.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 16
• At the same time, body processes
not essential to immediate survival
are suppressed.
• The digestive and reproductive systems
slow down,
• Growth hormones are switched off, and
• The immune response is inhibited.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 17
 What you consider stressful
depends on many factors
 your personality,
 general outlook on life,
 problem-solving abilities,
 and social support system.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 18
 Environmental stressors
 Family and relationship stressors
 Social stressors
 Work stressors
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 19
 Uncertainty or worries,
 Pessimistic attitude,
 Self-criticism,
 Unrealistic expectations and beliefs
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 20
 Perfectionism,
 Low self-esteem,
 Excessive or unexpressed anger,
 Lack of assertiveness
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 21
 a divorce,
 a child leaving home,
 a planned pregnancy,
 a move to a new town,
 a career change,
 graduating from college, or
 a diagnosis of cancer
The faster or more dramatic the change, the
greater the strain.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 22
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 23
Score Comment
300+ You have a high or very high risk of
becoming ill in the near future.
150-299 You have a moderate to high chance of
becoming ill in the near future.
<150 You have only a low to moderate chance
of becoming ill in the near future.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 24
 Job stress can be defined as the harmful physical
and emotional responses that occur when the
requirements of the job do not match the
capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 25
Job Stress
Poor Health,
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 26
 Recall the Pressure Vs Performance
Challenge=Optimal Production.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 27
What are the common
causes of job stress?
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 28
 It is counterproductive to give employees too
much to do or not enough time to complete it
in on a continuous basis.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 29
 Poor instructions or insufficient
training can cause stress.
 Employees may over-estimate
their own capacity for work and
then be reluctant to admit they
have bitten off more than they can
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 30
 It may sometimes be necessary for employees
to come in early and leave late. But working in
excess of normal hours for extended periods
can result in accidents and mistakes.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 31
 Ineffective management can cause employees
stress. For example, failure to address known
problem areas or deal with problem
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 32
 Problems with a manager or fellow employee
can be a major source of work-related stress.
 Humiliating employees, or allowing others to,
leads to a loss of respect and co-operation
from employees.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 33
 Bullying or aggressive behaviour
will certainly cause stress and can
also lead to legal action.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 34
 Any change in the way a business operates
can upset the working environment.
 Insufficient support or information during
times of change or busy periods creates
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 35
 Lack of clarity about roles, responsibilities and
objectives causes confusion and lack of
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 36
 Managers should not ignore employees’
personal problems.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 37
 For example, bereavement,
divorce, illness, moving home and
financial problems can all cause
high levels of stress that may
impact on an employee's ability to
carry out his or her job.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 38
 Cognitive Symptoms
 Emotional Symptoms
 Behavioural Symptoms
 Physical Symptoms
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 39
• Memory problems
• Indecisiveness
• Inability to concentrate
• Trouble thinking clearly
• Poor judgment
• Seeing only the negative
• Anxious or racing thoughts
• Constant worrying
• Loss of objectivity
• Fearful anticipation
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 40
 Moodiness
 Agitation
 Restlessness
 Short temper
 Irritability, impatience
 Inability to relax
 Feeling tense and “on edge”
 Feeling overwhelmed
 Sense of loneliness and isolation
 Depression or general unhappiness
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 41
 Eating more or less
 Sleeping too much or too little
 Isolating yourself from others
 Procrastination, neglecting responsibilities
 Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax
 Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)
 Teeth grinding or jaw clenching
 Overreacting to unexpected problems
 Picking fights with others
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 42
 Headaches or backaches
 Muscle tension and stiffness
 Diarrhoea or constipation
 Nausea, dizziness
 Insomnia
 Chest pain, rapid heartbeat
 Weight gain or loss
 Skin breakouts (hives, eczema)
 Loss of sex drive
 Frequent colds
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 43
Preventing Stress:
 Exercise
 Diet
 Time Management
 Goal Setting
 Assertiveness
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 44
Controlling Stress:
 Relaxation
 Meditation
 Cognitive Techniques
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 45
 Exercise, like any form of stress
management technique, can become a
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 46
 Plan a fixed amount of time every day.
 Choose an activity which you enjoy.
 Find partners.
 Be enthusiastic.
 Begin Moderately.
 Keep a record.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 47
 Improves heart
 Reduces Cholesterol
 Secretes Endophins
 Relaxes the muscles
 Helps control Blood
 Helps to encourage
 Improves mental
capacity and agility
 Increases self esteem
 Improves sense of
well being
 Facilitates a good
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 48
It is a medically established
fact that eating a healthy diet
can help to defend against
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 49
 Breakfast is the most important meal of
the day, and a good, healthy breakfast
gives you a solid foundation for a stress-
free day.
 Collect healthy recipes that you genuinely
like and enjoy eating.
 Eat slowly at regular hours.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 50
 In today's hectic world, stress is often
caused by the buildup of time pressures.
 We have shorter deadlines,
 longer working hours,
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 51
 Time management allows you to plan and
organize your life so as to give yourself
more space and opportunity.
 It involves planning, delegating, setting
goals and not wasting time doing
unnecessary things or worrying about
things you can do nothing about.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 52
But Not
Urgent, But
Not Urgent
and Not
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 53
 Set blocks of time aside to deal with
specific things.
 Avoid distractions.
 Be ruthless with dealing with paper and
 Don't procrastinate
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 54
 When setting goals, it's important that they are
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 55
 List the different areas of your life, for instance,
work and home, and then break them down into
smaller categories.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 56
 Think about what you want to achieve in the
immediate future (short term), but also in the
medium and the long term.
 Set yourself long term as well as short term
goals, as then you will know what you are
aiming for in the future, but you need to break
your long term goal down into smaller steps.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 57
 Assertiveness is not just about getting
what you want; it's about getting the best
possible outcome for everyone, including
 Getting what you want at someone else's
expense is more commonly known as
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 58
 It will help you understand how to achieve
your goals and stand up for your rights
without neglecting the rights of others.
 Passive behaviour can lead to
internalizing anger.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 59
Clarify your
Give an
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 60
 Maximum benefit requires regular and
continued repetition of relaxation
 "Belly breathing", can be very effective
with managing stress.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 61
 Progressive relaxation may take up to
2 months to master.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 62
 Learning how to meditate can bring an
abundance of calm and relaxation into
your life.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 63
 Some people habitually process
information in an anxious and negative
way, while others are in the habit of
interpreting things more positively.
 1. Constructive worry
 2. Fighting Irrational Beliefs
 3.Thought Control
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 64
 Constructive worry is rational and
includes plans and methods for
confronting the stress agents. It focuses
primarily upon possible solution rather
than the problem itself.
 Destructive worry is not linked to solution
strategies. It is repetitive, recurrent and
obsessive. It is worrying for the sake of
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 65
 Fighting irrational Believes.(Rational-
emotive therapy)
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 66
 1. Identify the thought(s) which create
worry and stress
 2. Be Alert to clues which lead to
worrying thoughts
 3. Detention is the moment you say to
yourself with conviction to “Stop!”
 4 Distraction consist of thinking of more
positive things
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 67
 Taking action to manage stress
effectively can have a positive
effect. Employees will be more
committed to your business and
productivity is likely to increase.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 68
 Set targets that are challenging but realistic.
 Make sure employees do not take on too much
work. Encourage delegation where possible.
 Provide training in time management, if necessary.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 69
 Encourage employees to prioritize
and tackle the most important
tasks first.
 Cut back on time-wasting
activities, such as over-long
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 70
 Encourage employees to take regular short breaks,
in addition to longer holidays to allow them to
unwind fully.
 Make sure they take a lunch break, rather than
eating on the job.
 Encourage employees to leave on time and to do
something in complete contrast to their work.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 71
 Draw up a policy to prevent bullying and
 Consider training managers in interpersonal skills.
 Make sure there is someone within the company
that employees can bring their problems to in
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 72
 Rule by reward, not punishment. Let employees
know their work is valued and appreciated.
 Review performance regularly, so employees know
how well they are doing.
 Operate an open door policy, and encourage
employees to approach you with problems.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 73
 Monitor levels of absence and
sickness leave.
 Survey staff to assess staff attitudes
and experiences in the workplace.
 Draw up a stress policy stating that
you take stress seriously and
detailing how you plan to deal with
workplace stress.
 Offer employees training, help,
advice and support.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 74
 Ensure employees understand the
company's long-term goals.
 Explain the reasons for any change and how
they might be affected.
 Arrange meetings to discuss new projects
so everyone is clear what is happening and
what is expected of them.
 Encourage two-way communication with
staff. Ask for input, ideas and opinions.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 75
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 76
 Clarify employees' objectives and
 Offer employees time off if necessary.
 Consider offering more flexible working
 If appropriate, encourage employees to seek
professional help.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 77
 Stress affects every areas of our life, at every stage
and results from a myriad of causes.
 The work place is a major source of stress in our
 It is imperative that both managers and workers
should be conversant with stress management
strategies to minimize stress in the workplace.
NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 78
 Opposite Mining Quarters, State Low Cost, Rantya. Jos Plateau
09/10/2015NIPSSConsult's PSLC 79
Netwealth Consult
Netwealth Medical
Netwealth Centre
for Addiction
& Psychological
Training and
Training and
Any Questions?
09/10/2015NIPSSConsult's PSLC 80

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Balancing work life, stress management, health dietary issues slideshare

  • 1. Dr. Kingsley Mayowa Okonoda, MBChB(Ife), FWACP(Psych) Department of Psychiatry, University of Jos/Jos University Teaching Hospital
  • 2.  The workplace is a major source of stress in our lives.  Rising public expectations and the need to adapt to changes will continue to add to workplace stress. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 2
  • 3.  Excessive stress, if unmanaged, will often lead to decreased personal effectiveness and efficiency, deteriorating work and family relationships, and also chronic illnesses. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 3
  • 4.  This will in turn have an adverse effect on the organization's productivity.  It has become imperative for workers to learn and practice effective stress management strategies in order to help better manage their physical and mental wellness and health NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 4
  • 5.  Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 5
  • 7.  moderate daily physical activity,  proper nutrition,  maintaining a healthy weight,  getting recommended preventive screenings (based on age, gender and health history) and  managing chronic conditions to prevent them from progressing. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 7
  • 8. Emotional well-being includes the ability to:  manage your feelings and related behaviours,  cope effectively with stress,  and adapt to change. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 8
  • 9.  This dimension focuses on creating and maintaining healthy, supportive relationships with family, friends and peers.  Research has demonstrated that having a social support network protects against several health problems NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 9
  • 10.  This dimension centres on spiritual relationships and activities that support and enhance these relationships, such as: prayer, meditation and worship, among others.  Spiritual health can bring an inner peace—a contentment with who you are and your current situation. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 10
  • 11.  We can define stress as a normal physiological response of the body to situations or stimuli which are perceived as 'dangerous' to the body.  Stress can affect anyone and everyone at some point of time in their life.  When it occurs frequently it affects health - both physical and mental. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 11
  • 13.  The “fight-or-flight” stress response involves a cascade of biological changes that prepare us for emergency action. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 13
  • 14. Stress hormones: ◦ adrenalin, noradrenalin and cortisol race through the bloodstream, readying us to either flee the scene or battle it out. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 14
  • 16. • Pupils dilate so we can see better, and our blood sugar ramps up, giving us an energy boost and speeding up reaction time. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 16
  • 17. • At the same time, body processes not essential to immediate survival are suppressed. • The digestive and reproductive systems slow down, • Growth hormones are switched off, and • The immune response is inhibited. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 17
  • 18.  What you consider stressful depends on many factors including:  your personality,  general outlook on life,  problem-solving abilities,  and social support system. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 18
  • 19.  Environmental stressors  Family and relationship stressors  Social stressors  Work stressors NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 19
  • 20.  Uncertainty or worries,  Pessimistic attitude,  Self-criticism,  Unrealistic expectations and beliefs NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 20
  • 21.  Perfectionism,  Low self-esteem,  Excessive or unexpressed anger,  Lack of assertiveness NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 21
  • 22.  a divorce,  a child leaving home,  a planned pregnancy,  a move to a new town,  a career change,  graduating from college, or  a diagnosis of cancer The faster or more dramatic the change, the greater the strain. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 22
  • 24. Score Comment 300+ You have a high or very high risk of becoming ill in the near future. 150-299 You have a moderate to high chance of becoming ill in the near future. <150 You have only a low to moderate chance of becoming ill in the near future. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 24
  • 25.  Job stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities, resources, or needs of the worker. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 25
  • 27.  Recall the Pressure Vs Performance curve Challenge=Optimal Production. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 27
  • 28. What are the common causes of job stress? NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 28
  • 29.  It is counterproductive to give employees too much to do or not enough time to complete it in on a continuous basis. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 29
  • 30.  Poor instructions or insufficient training can cause stress.  Employees may over-estimate their own capacity for work and then be reluctant to admit they have bitten off more than they can chew. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 30
  • 31.  It may sometimes be necessary for employees to come in early and leave late. But working in excess of normal hours for extended periods can result in accidents and mistakes. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 31
  • 32.  Ineffective management can cause employees stress. For example, failure to address known problem areas or deal with problem employees. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 32
  • 33.  Problems with a manager or fellow employee can be a major source of work-related stress.  Humiliating employees, or allowing others to, leads to a loss of respect and co-operation from employees. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 33
  • 34.  Bullying or aggressive behaviour will certainly cause stress and can also lead to legal action. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 34
  • 35.  Any change in the way a business operates can upset the working environment.  Insufficient support or information during times of change or busy periods creates uncertainty. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 35
  • 36.  Lack of clarity about roles, responsibilities and objectives causes confusion and lack of direction NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 36
  • 37.  Managers should not ignore employees’ personal problems. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 37
  • 38.  For example, bereavement, divorce, illness, moving home and financial problems can all cause high levels of stress that may impact on an employee's ability to carry out his or her job. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 38
  • 39.  Cognitive Symptoms  Emotional Symptoms  Behavioural Symptoms  Physical Symptoms NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 39
  • 40. • Memory problems • Indecisiveness • Inability to concentrate • Trouble thinking clearly • Poor judgment • Seeing only the negative • Anxious or racing thoughts • Constant worrying • Loss of objectivity • Fearful anticipation NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 40
  • 41.  Moodiness  Agitation  Restlessness  Short temper  Irritability, impatience  Inability to relax  Feeling tense and “on edge”  Feeling overwhelmed  Sense of loneliness and isolation  Depression or general unhappiness NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 41
  • 42.  Eating more or less  Sleeping too much or too little  Isolating yourself from others  Procrastination, neglecting responsibilities  Using alcohol, cigarettes, or drugs to relax  Nervous habits (e.g. nail biting, pacing)  Teeth grinding or jaw clenching  Overreacting to unexpected problems  Picking fights with others NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 42
  • 43.  Headaches or backaches  Muscle tension and stiffness  Diarrhoea or constipation  Nausea, dizziness  Insomnia  Chest pain, rapid heartbeat  Weight gain or loss  Skin breakouts (hives, eczema)  Loss of sex drive  Frequent colds NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 43
  • 44. Preventing Stress:  Exercise  Diet  Time Management  Goal Setting  Assertiveness NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 44
  • 45. Controlling Stress:  Relaxation  Meditation  Cognitive Techniques NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 45
  • 46.  Exercise, like any form of stress management technique, can become a habit. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 46
  • 47.  Plan a fixed amount of time every day.  Choose an activity which you enjoy.  Find partners.  Be enthusiastic.  Begin Moderately.  Keep a record. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 47
  • 48.  Improves heart efficiency  Reduces Cholesterol Level  Secretes Endophins  Relaxes the muscles  Helps control Blood Pressure  Helps to encourage rest  Improves mental capacity and agility  Increases self esteem  Improves sense of well being  Facilitates a good mood. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 48
  • 49. It is a medically established fact that eating a healthy diet can help to defend against stress. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 49
  • 50.  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and a good, healthy breakfast gives you a solid foundation for a stress- free day.  Collect healthy recipes that you genuinely like and enjoy eating.  Eat slowly at regular hours. Diet NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 50
  • 51.  In today's hectic world, stress is often caused by the buildup of time pressures.  We have shorter deadlines,  longer working hours, NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 51
  • 52.  Time management allows you to plan and organize your life so as to give yourself more space and opportunity.  It involves planning, delegating, setting goals and not wasting time doing unnecessary things or worrying about things you can do nothing about. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 52
  • 53. Urgent and Important Important, But Not Urgent Urgent, But Not Important Not Urgent and Not Important NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 53
  • 54.  Set blocks of time aside to deal with specific things.  Avoid distractions.  Be ruthless with dealing with paper and administration.  Don't procrastinate NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 54
  • 55.  When setting goals, it's important that they are SMART. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 55
  • 56.  List the different areas of your life, for instance, work and home, and then break them down into smaller categories. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 56
  • 57.  Think about what you want to achieve in the immediate future (short term), but also in the medium and the long term.  Set yourself long term as well as short term goals, as then you will know what you are aiming for in the future, but you need to break your long term goal down into smaller steps. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 57
  • 58.  Assertiveness is not just about getting what you want; it's about getting the best possible outcome for everyone, including you.  Getting what you want at someone else's expense is more commonly known as aggressive behaviour. . NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 58
  • 59.  It will help you understand how to achieve your goals and stand up for your rights without neglecting the rights of others.  Passive behaviour can lead to internalizing anger. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 59
  • 61.  Maximum benefit requires regular and continued repetition of relaxation techniques.  "Belly breathing", can be very effective with managing stress. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 61
  • 62.  Progressive relaxation may take up to 2 months to master. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 62
  • 63.  Learning how to meditate can bring an abundance of calm and relaxation into your life. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 63
  • 64.  Some people habitually process information in an anxious and negative way, while others are in the habit of interpreting things more positively.  1. Constructive worry  2. Fighting Irrational Beliefs  3.Thought Control NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 64
  • 65.  Constructive worry is rational and includes plans and methods for confronting the stress agents. It focuses primarily upon possible solution rather than the problem itself.  Destructive worry is not linked to solution strategies. It is repetitive, recurrent and obsessive. It is worrying for the sake of worry. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 65
  • 66.  Fighting irrational Believes.(Rational- emotive therapy) NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 66
  • 67.  1. Identify the thought(s) which create worry and stress  2. Be Alert to clues which lead to worrying thoughts  3. Detention is the moment you say to yourself with conviction to “Stop!”  4 Distraction consist of thinking of more positive things NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 67
  • 68.  Taking action to manage stress effectively can have a positive effect. Employees will be more committed to your business and productivity is likely to increase. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 68
  • 69.  Set targets that are challenging but realistic.  Make sure employees do not take on too much work. Encourage delegation where possible.  Provide training in time management, if necessary. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 69
  • 70.  Encourage employees to prioritize and tackle the most important tasks first.  Cut back on time-wasting activities, such as over-long meetings. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 70
  • 71.  Encourage employees to take regular short breaks, in addition to longer holidays to allow them to unwind fully.  Make sure they take a lunch break, rather than eating on the job.  Encourage employees to leave on time and to do something in complete contrast to their work. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 71
  • 72.  Draw up a policy to prevent bullying and harassment.  Consider training managers in interpersonal skills.  Make sure there is someone within the company that employees can bring their problems to in confidence. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 72
  • 73.  Rule by reward, not punishment. Let employees know their work is valued and appreciated.  Review performance regularly, so employees know how well they are doing.  Operate an open door policy, and encourage employees to approach you with problems. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 73
  • 74.  Monitor levels of absence and sickness leave.  Survey staff to assess staff attitudes and experiences in the workplace.  Draw up a stress policy stating that you take stress seriously and detailing how you plan to deal with workplace stress.  Offer employees training, help, advice and support. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 74
  • 75.  Ensure employees understand the company's long-term goals.  Explain the reasons for any change and how they might be affected.  Arrange meetings to discuss new projects so everyone is clear what is happening and what is expected of them.  Encourage two-way communication with staff. Ask for input, ideas and opinions. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 75
  • 76. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 76  Clarify employees' objectives and responsibilities.
  • 77.  Offer employees time off if necessary.  Consider offering more flexible working arrangements.  If appropriate, encourage employees to seek professional help. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 77
  • 78.  Stress affects every areas of our life, at every stage and results from a myriad of causes.  The work place is a major source of stress in our lives.  It is imperative that both managers and workers should be conversant with stress management strategies to minimize stress in the workplace. NIPSSConsult's PSLC 09/10/2015 78
  • 79.  Opposite Mining Quarters, State Low Cost, Rantya. Jos Plateau State.  09/10/2015NIPSSConsult's PSLC 79 Netwealth Consult Netwealth Medical Services Netwealth Centre for Addiction Management & Psychological Medicine Netwealth Training and Development Netwealth Training and Development

Editor's Notes

  1. A small amount of pressure is also not a bad thing in everyday life. We all need that feeling of urgency that helps us get out of bed each morning to go to work. Stress is what keeps you on your toes during a presentation at work or drives you to study for your examination when you'd rather be watching TV.
  2. Physical activity is one of the most effective ways to improve and maintain your health. Research shows that physical activity lowers the risk for many chronic conditions (e.g., diabetes, heart disease, obesity and bone and joint problems); improves mood; and boosts energy.
  3. Urgent And Important: Activities in this area relate to dealing with critical issues as they arise and meeting significant commitments. Perform these duties now. Important, But Not Urgent: These success-oriented tasks are critical to achieving goals. Plan to do these tasks next. Urgent, But Not Important: These chores do not move you forward toward your own goals. Manage by delaying them, cutting them short, and rejecting requests from others. Postpone these chores. Not Urgent And Not Important: These trivial interruptions are just a distraction, and should be avoided if possible. However, be careful not to mislabel things like time with family and recreational activities as not important. Avoid these distractions altogether.
  4. Examples: “I am uncomfortable doing that because…” “I can’t right now because I have another project that is due by 5 pm today.” “I don’t have time today, but I could schedule it in for tomorrow morning.” “I understand that you need to have this paperwork filed immediately, but I will not be able to file it for you.” “Yes, I would love to help you by filing this paperwork, but I do not have time until tomorrow morning.” “I understand how you feel, but I will not [or cannot]…”
  5. Breathing in this way help to overcome nerves as it relaxes the body, it also improves your posture and voice, helping to build self-confidence. Self-instruction is helpful, e.g. say to yourself, “I am calm. I feel peaceful.
  6. This means that you very gently tense and relax every muscle in your body, bit by bit, starting at your head or toes, and working to the other end of your body, all the while breathing in and out slowly. Don't just create a visual picture and focus on how you look, but use all your senses.
  7. A lot of people who are successful in their chosen field, and who have also managed to overcome stress, meditate, even if they haven't learnt how to do it in any formal way. They never rush about, and you might sometimes happen on them sitting in their office, appearing to do nothing, just sitting and thinking.