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UPP B1 MONTHLY EXAM I October 27, 2015
Name: Score:
Class: Duration: 2 hours
SECTION I. LISTENING. Answer the questions using your notes from the lecture called ″Terrorist Attacks″. (20 pts.)
PART A. Circle the best answer. (11x1=11 pts.)
1. According to the lecture, massacre means ---.
A) recruiting new terrorists to a terrorist organization C) kidnapping people to kill them
B) the act ofkilling helpless people in the mostviolentways D) an Israeli celebration
2. Which ofthe following happened earlier than the others according to the lecture?
A) The TWA-flight attack B) The Anthrax attack C) The Oklahoma City bombing D) The Ma’a Massacre
3. In the lecture, it is stated that --- was responsible for the TWA-flight attack.
A) the Palestinian Liberation Organization C) Al-Qaeda
B) the Abu Nidal Organization D) a Pakistani terrorist group
4. According to the lecture, the top British diplomatin Istanbul, Consul-General ---, was among people killed atthe consulate
in Beyoglu.
A) Bruce Edwards Ivins B) Timothy McVeigh C) Roger Short D) Alfred P. Murrah
5. According to the lecture, on November ---, trucks carrying bombs crashed into the BetIsrael and Neve Shalom
synagogues in Istanbul and exploded.
A) 17 B) 2 C) 5 D) 15
6. According to the lecture, which of the following is TRUE about the Anthrax attack?
A) Dozens ofpeople died. C) US-made bombs and weapons were used in this attack.
B) It was a biological terroristattack. D) Senators were warned about the attack through letters before the attack.
7. The lecturer states that --- was the main target which witnessed the death of 100 innocent people in Mumbai attack.
A) the Taj Mahal Temple B) the Mumbai ResortHotel C) the Hotel Taj Mahal D) the Mumbai Bazaar
8) According to the lecture, in which ofthe following attacks death rate was the lowest?
A) The Anthrax attack B) The Oklahoma City bombing C) The Ma’a lotMassacre D) The TWA-flight attack
9. According to the lecture, in which of the following two terrorist attacks were trucks used to create explosions?
A) The Mumbai attack / The 2003 Istanbul bombings C) The Oklahoma City bombing / The 2003 Istanbul bombings
B) The Ma’a Massacre / The Oklahoma City bombing D) The Oklahoma city bombing / The Mumbai attack
10. The lecturer states that the Mumbai attack ---.
A) was supported by the FBIand external enemy forces
B) caused lots ofchildren to die
C) caused a days-long-battle between terrorists and armed forces
D) happened in November, 1998
11. In the lecture, it is stated that the --- terrorist act involved many children’s death.
A) Mumbai B) TWA-flight C) Oklahoma City D) Ma’a
UPP B1 MONTHLY EXAM I October 27, 2015
PART B. Use your notes. According to the lecture, which of the following are TRUE or FALSE? (9x1=9 pts.)
a) On May 15, more than 115 people were taken as hostages in Israel and all of them were killed. T ( ) F ( )
b) It was later found out that the pilotof the TWA- flight was also a terrorist. T ( ) F ( )
c) None ofthe passengers on the TWA-flight that crashed into the Ionian Sea survived. T ( ) F ( )
d) Four trucks in total exploded in 2003 Istanbul bombings. T ( ) F ( )
e) Dr Bruce Edwards Ivıns was an FBI agent. T ( ) F ( )
f) The Oklahoma City bombing was conducted by an American terrorist. T ( ) F ( )
g) The Oklahoma City bomber committed suicide. T ( ) F ( )
h) In 9/11 attacks, almost9000 were killed and 3000 were injured. T ( ) F ( )
i) The Abu Nidal organization is an Iraqi terrorist group. T ( ) F ( )
SECTION II. VOCABULARY. Complete the sentences with the words or phrases below. Do not change the forms of
the words or phrases. There are 3 EXTRA words or phrases. Use a word or phrase only ONCE. (10x1=10 pts.)
alter reverse stunned drop by subjective enthusiasm accommodate
develop prospects retained discrimination gender remarkable
1. A good leader must have a lot of ____________________. Even one person in a group who shows intense enjoyment
and eager interestcan change the entire attitude of that group, and if you’re the leader, itmust be you.
2. Scientists have long discussed whether there is a way to reduce or even
____________________ the warming trend. Some have claimed we can only
take measures to avoid making it worse. However, the latest news isn't all bad.
There are some measures humans can take to slow, stop or perhaps even
cause the warming trend to turn in an opposite direction if we change our
3. In May 2015, the European ministers of agriculture met to discuss organic
agriculture ____________________. According to their report, in industrialized
countries, the demand for certified organic products is expected to continue to
increase, perhaps above the 20 percentgrowth rate of recent years.
4. Thyroid disease can ____________________ your mood and behavior, primarily causing either anxiety or depression.
Generally, the more severe the thyroid disease, the more severe the mood and behavior change.
5. A /an ____________________ point of view is an opinion based on unscientific and immeasurable personal beliefs,
emotions and interpretations rather than on facts. It is most often encountered in creative writing, forum comments, blog
posts, and social media posts.
6. Tanzania is the home of some of the world’s most beautiful tropical beaches,
exotic islands and pristine coral reefs. Tanzania boasts of incredible game lodges,
wildlife parks and adventure. Africa’s highest peak, Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the
____________________ tourist attractions, which is visited by thousands of tourists
UPP B1 MONTHLY EXAM I October 27, 2015
7. It is very impolite for your friends to ____________________ your house without calling first. It is common courtesy to
check with someone before visiting them at home. Your friends should be aware that you may be busy.
8. A woman visiting a family tomb in Brazil was ____________________
when a body emerged alive from a grave, waving its arms around. It has been
reported that the woman was at a cemetery in the suburbs of Sao Paulo when
she heard faint noises then noticed the earth moving in a grave close by. 'I
was terrified to see a man, who I thought was dead, trying to get out of the
grave,' said the woman. The man was taken to hospital and the police are still
investigating the incident.
9. Disability ____________________ occurs when an employer treats an
individual with a disability who is an employee or applicant unfavorably and
unfairly because s/he has a disability. In the US, the law requires an employer to treat an employee or job applicant with a
disability in a fair way; otherwise, the employer will have to pay a fine.
10. Vegetarians are 12 per cent less likely to ____________________ cancer than meat eaters, according to new research.
In a study of more than 61,000 people, scientists from Oxford followed meat eaters and vegetarians for over 12 years,
during which 3,350 of the participants were diagnosed with cancer. They found that the risk of being diagnosed with cancers
of the stomach, bladder, and blood was lower in vegetarians than in meat eaters.
UPP B1 MONTHLY EXAM I October 27, 2015
SECTION III. READING. Read the text carefully and answer the questions. (10x2=20 pts.)
I. At first glance, Esther Okade seems like a normal 10-year-old. She likes
playing with Barbie dolls and going to the park or shopping. However, what makes
the British-Nigerian youngster stand out is the fact that she's a university student.
II. Esther, from Walsall, the UK, is one of the country's youngest freshmen.
The talented 10-year-old enrolled at the Open University in January and is already
top of the class, having scored 100% in a recent exam. "It's so interesting. It has the
type of maths I love. It’s real maths -- theories, complex numbers, all that type of
stuff," she says. "It was super easy. My mum taught me in a nice way. I want to
finish the course in two years. Then I'm going to do my PhD in financial maths when
I’m 13. I want to have my own bank by the time I’m 15 because I like numbers and I
like people and banking is a great way to help people." Some people think her parents have pushed her into starting
university early, but Esther emphatically disagrees. "I actually wanted to start when I was seven. But my mum was like,
"You’re too young, calm down." After three years of begging, mother Efe finally agreed to explore the idea. Not content with
breaking barriers to attend university at just 10 years old, Esther is also writing a series of math workbooks for children
called Yummy Yummy Algebra.
III. Esther was always ahead of her peers. She sat her first Math GSCE exam, a British high school qualification, at
Ounsdale High School in Wolverhampton at just six, where she received a C-grade. A year later, she outdid herselfand got
the A-grade she wanted. Then last year she scored a B-grade when she satthe Math A-level exam.
IV. Esther's mother, Efe, noticed her daughter's flair for figures shortly after she began homeschooling her when she
was 3-years-old. Efe started by teaching basic number skills but Esther was miles ahead. By four, her natural aptitude for
maths led the eager studentto move on to algebra and quadratic equations.
V. Meanwhile, Esther's parents are also trying to introduce their own educational journey to Nigeria. The couple has
set up a foundation and is in the process ofbuilding a nursery and primary school in Nigeria's Delta region (where the family
are from). Named "Shakespeare's Academy," they hope to open the school's doors in next September. The proposed
curriculum will have all the usual subjects such as English, languages, math and science, as well as more unconventional
ones that include morality and ethics, public speaking, entrepreneurship and etiquette. The couple says they want to follow
the teaching methods that worked for Esther rather than focus on one way of learning. “Some children learn very well with
kinesthetics where they learn with their hands -- when they draw they remember things. Some have extremely creative
imaginations. Instead of trying to make children learn one way, you should teach them based on their learning style,”
explains Efe.
VI. The educational facility will have a capacity of 2,000 to
2,500 students with up to 30% of students being local children
offered scholarships to attend. Efe says, "Billions of dollars’ worth
of crude oil is pumped out from that region of Nigeria on a monthly
basis; however, the poverty rate of the local community is
astronomical." Her husband Paul says, “The region has poor
quality nursery and primary education. Attending a good nursery
and a primary school has more impact on children's academic
progress than their gender or family background because it is
then that they develop their core skills necessary for further
education. Our school is designed to give children an aim so they
can study for something, not just to acquire certifications. There is
an end goal.”
UPP B1 MONTHLY EXAM I October 27, 2015
1. From paragraph I, we can infer that Esther’s mother ---.
A) does nothave a good knowledge of math
B) caused Esther to dislike math due to long hours of teaching
C) thought Esther was too young to enroll at a university until she was 10
D) tried to keep Esther away from studying math when she 3-years-old
2. The word pushed in paragraph II is closestin meaning to ---.
A) prohibited B) prevented C) discouraged D) forced
3. From paragraph II, we can understand that Esther ---.
A) learned math with the help ofthe book Yummy Yummy Algebra
B) wants to be an employee ofa bank as an adult
C) has scored 100% in all of her exams at the Open University since she enrolled
D) was willing to enroll at a university before the age of10
4. The word aptitude in paragraph IV is closestin meaning to ---.
A) disinterest B) check C) talent D) procedure
5. Based on the information in paragraphs III&IV, it is TRUE that Esther ---.
A) received a B-grade in her first Math GSCE exam
B) scored a B-grade when she satthe Math A-level exam atthe age offour
C) learned algebra and quadratic equations before she was six
D) couldn’tever get an A-grade in the Math GSCE exam
6. The word ones in paragraph V refers to ---.
A) languages B) subjects C) students D) ways of learning
7. From paragraph V, we can understand that morality and ethics, public speaking, entrepreneurship and etiquette are ---.
A) taught in many schools in Nigeria
B) mandatory courses at schools worldwide
C) rarely taught at schools
D) the best lessons for kids who learn very well with kinesthetics
8. In paragraph V, the word Some refers to ---.
A) Hands B) Children C) Things D) Teaching methods
9. In paragraph VI, the word then refers to the period when children ---.
A) show good academic progress atsecondary school C) attend nursery and primary school
B) start secondary school D) enroll university
10. In paragraph VI, Paul mentions all ofthe following EXCEPT ---.
A) Nigerians’ poverty despite the abundance ofoil in their country
B) astronomical prices offood in Nigeria
C) positive effects ofelementary education on children
D) the effect of gender and family background on a child’s academic progress
UPP B1 MONTHLY EXAM I October 27, 2015
PART I. Below is an interview of US First Lady Michelle Obama with an Italian newspaper La Stampa on the day the
First Lady arrived in Milan to the Universal Exhibition Expo 2015. Fill in the blanks with the correct tense and forms
of the verbs in parantheses. (15x1=15 pts.)
L.S: “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” is the core theme of the Expo in Milan. Could you explain what kinds of nutrition
and health challenges you’re seeing in the United States and tell us about your Let’s Move initiative?
M.O: I __________________1. (be) to Italy many times, but this time is really different for me. I wanted to come to this
Expo because no matter where in the world we live, we all want healthy, nutritious food for our families. I
__________________2. (believe) that raising healthy kids is a challenge for families all over the world, and it’s important
for us to learn from each other. The way we live and eat in the United States and other developed countries
__________________3. (change) drastically over the last 30 years. For example, we eat fewer home-cooked meals and
our portion sizes __________________4. (be) larger than before. We’ve seen an increase in obesity and its associated
health risks, such as diabetes and heart disease. Right now, one in three kids in the U.S. is overweight or obese. Still,
there’s a lot of reason for hope. All around the world, people are coming up with new ideas and partnerships to help find a
cure to this epidemic. That’s what my Let’s Move! initiative is all about. Currently, we are working with every sector of
society such as parents, schools, businesses, faith leaders, medical professionals, and community-based organizations in
our efforts to help our kids grow up healthy.
L.S: You have just celebrated the fifth anniversary of your initiative “Let’s Move!” What are the best results you have
achieved and the next goals?
M.O: Through Let’s Move! we have started a new conversation about how we eat and live in the U.S., and the results we’ve
seen are beyond anything we could ever have imagined. This year, 1.6 million kids __________________5. (go) to healthier
daycare centers. In these centers, fruits and vegetables have replaced cookies and juice, and school breakfasts and
lunches are now healthier for more than 30 million kids. Two million kids __________________6. (have) a Let’s Move! salad
bar in their school, and nearly nine million kids go to Let’s Move! Active Schools and they __________________7. (get) 60
minutes of physical activity in the morning. Thousands of chain restaurants have already created healthier kids’ menus. 70
million people live in a Let’s Move! city, town or county where kids can walk to school on new sidewalks, participate in a
summer meal program, or join a local athletic league. Taken together, these changes are starting to have an impact.
Obesity rates __________________8. (fall) among our youngest children. However, while the progress is impressive, it’s
also incredibly fragile, and we still have a long way to go before we finally solve this problem. I __________________9.
(work) on this for 5 years and while I am in my final stretch as the First Lady, I __________________10. (not/ think) of
slowing down on this issue. I even plan to continue this work long after I leave the White House.
L.S: How can families find ways to work healthier options into their lives?
M.O: One of the best ways any family can ensure they’re getting a nutritious meal is to cook meals together in the kitchen.
When you cook at home, you’re in control of your nutrition as you __________________11. (decide) the ingredients,
portion sizes, and amount of vegetables. So if you’re not already, try cooking one more meal at home each week and
involve your whole family in the process.
L.S: Could you tell us what is a typical healthy menu that your family enjoys for dinner?
M.O: A typical Obama family dinner __________________12. (include) a lean protein, a whole grain, and a vegetable. For
example, for our last dinner we __________________13. (bake) chicken with brown rice and broccoli and a green salad.
L.S: Women still play a very important role in overseeing their families’ nutritional needs. How should society help them?
M.O: Women need to be informed and empowered to make their health, and the health of their families, a priority.
Moreover, We should provide more support in the workplace so that women can balance the needs of their families with the
demands of their careers, because it’s hard to stay healthy if you don’t have the flexibility to care for yourself and your
children. I __________________14. (know) this from my own experience. After my older daughter was born, while I was
struggling through one of those sleepless nights, my mother told me to care for myself. She made me realize that if I wasn’t
fully there for myself, I wouldn’t have the energy and strength to be there for my baby daughter and my husband. I was
lucky to have a job that allowed me to do that, but many women don’thave that option, and that must change.
UPP B1 MONTHLY EXAM I October 27, 2015
PART II. REWRITE.Complete the second sentence given so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using
the word in parentheses. (10x1.5=15 pts.)
1. Summer 2015 was cooler than meteorologists had predicted.
Summer 2015 __________________________________________________ meteorologists had predicted. (HOT)
2. Scientists haven’t found a better solution than reducing carbon emissions to decrease global warming.
Reducing carbon emissions ______________________________________________ scientists have found to decrease
global warming. (THE)
3. The world is becoming more and more crowded every single day.
The world’s population _______________________________________________________________every single day. (IS)
4. Obama says he does not play as much basketball as he did.
Obama says he ________________________________________________________________ basketball more. (USED)
5. 20 years ago, recycling was not as common as it is today.
20 years ago, recycling didn’t __________________________________________________________ as it is today. (USE)
6. The last time governments met to discuss climate change was in 2014.
Governments ________________________________________________________________________ 2014. (HAVEN’T)
7. Recycling used materials requires far less energy than making new ones.
Making new materials requires _______________________________________________ recycling used materials. (MUCH)
8. Scientists from the US have recently visited the Paris Climate Institute and come back.
Scientists from the US have recently _____________________________________________ Paris Climate Institute. (TO)
9. A lot of people no longer waste their rubbish; they send it to recycling.
A lot of people do _________________________________________________________ ;they send itto recycling. (ANY)
10. A year ago, a UN committee started collecting data to prove that investment in education reduces crime rate
and improves the economy, and they haven’t still concluded their research.
A UN committee _____________________________________________________ to prove that investment in education
reduces crime rate and improves the economy for a year, and they haven’t still concluded their research. (BEEN)
UPP B1 MONTHLY EXAM I October 27, 2015
SECTION V. WRITING. Complete these half sentences using your own ideas. (10x2=20 pts.)
1. People do notwear wool pullovers,gloves, or wool socks until ______________________________________________
2. Stephen Hawking is not an HIV patient, nor _____________________________________
3. Many of Tesla’s experiments on electric resonance failed; nevertheless, _______________
4. Some countries have warned their citizens not to travel to the Middle East unless _______________________________
5. An ITU prep studentshould pass the proficiency exam atthe end ofthe year; otherwise, __________________________
6. Even though Morris Chang is a millionaire businessman, _______________________________
7. Soldiers use camouflage in war zone; therefore, _______________________________________
8. Some parents getangry with their children whenever ___________________________________
9. Compared to other countries, gasoline and oil are very expensive in Turkey; furthermore, _________________________
10. Some students are not good at math, for ______________________________________________________________.
UPP B1 MONTHLY EXAM I October 27, 2015
PART A. (11x1=11 pts.)
1. b 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. d 6. b 7. c 8. a 9. c 10. c 11. c
PART B. (9x1=9 pts.)
a. F b. F c. T d. T e. F f. T g. F h. F i. F
SECTION II. VOCABULARY. (10x1=10 pts.)
1. enthusiasm 2. reverse 3. prospects 4. alter 5. subjective
6. remarkable 7. drop by 8. stunned 9. discrimination 10. develop
SECTION III. READING. (10x2=20 pts.)
1. C 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B
PART I. (15x1=15 pts.)
1. have been 2. believe
3. has changed / has been changing 4. are
5. are going / have gone 6. have
7. get/ are getting 8. are falling / have fallen / have been falling
9. have been working / have worked 10. am not thinking
11. decide 12. includes
13. baked 14. know
PART B. REWRITE. (10x1.5=15 pts.) Don’t give any credit if the grammar point being tested is incorrect; take off 0.5
points for minor mistakes of punctuation, articles, pronouns, and prepositions. Accept other answers with the same meaning.
1. … wasn’t as hot as …
2. … is the best solution …
3. … is increasing …
4. … used to play …
5. …use to be as common …
6. …haven’t met to discuss climate change since …
7. …much more energy than …
8. …recently been to (the) …
9. … not waste their rubbish any longer / anymore …
10. … has been collecting data …
SECTION V. WRITING. (10x2=20 pts.)
Students have to write full sentences. Do notgive any creditifthe sentence is notmeaningful; take off 0.5 points for mino r
mistakes ofarticle, pronoun, and spelling. Deductfull points if there is a tense mistake or an irrelevantidea. Answers will

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  • 1. UPP B1 MONTHLY EXAM I October 27, 2015 1 AAAAAAAAAAAAA Name: Score: Class: Duration: 2 hours SECTION I. LISTENING. Answer the questions using your notes from the lecture called ″Terrorist Attacks″. (20 pts.) PART A. Circle the best answer. (11x1=11 pts.) 1. According to the lecture, massacre means ---. A) recruiting new terrorists to a terrorist organization C) kidnapping people to kill them B) the act ofkilling helpless people in the mostviolentways D) an Israeli celebration 2. Which ofthe following happened earlier than the others according to the lecture? A) The TWA-flight attack B) The Anthrax attack C) The Oklahoma City bombing D) The Ma’a Massacre 3. In the lecture, it is stated that --- was responsible for the TWA-flight attack. A) the Palestinian Liberation Organization C) Al-Qaeda B) the Abu Nidal Organization D) a Pakistani terrorist group 4. According to the lecture, the top British diplomatin Istanbul, Consul-General ---, was among people killed atthe consulate in Beyoglu. A) Bruce Edwards Ivins B) Timothy McVeigh C) Roger Short D) Alfred P. Murrah 5. According to the lecture, on November ---, trucks carrying bombs crashed into the BetIsrael and Neve Shalom synagogues in Istanbul and exploded. A) 17 B) 2 C) 5 D) 15 6. According to the lecture, which of the following is TRUE about the Anthrax attack? A) Dozens ofpeople died. C) US-made bombs and weapons were used in this attack. B) It was a biological terroristattack. D) Senators were warned about the attack through letters before the attack. 7. The lecturer states that --- was the main target which witnessed the death of 100 innocent people in Mumbai attack. A) the Taj Mahal Temple B) the Mumbai ResortHotel C) the Hotel Taj Mahal D) the Mumbai Bazaar 8) According to the lecture, in which ofthe following attacks death rate was the lowest? A) The Anthrax attack B) The Oklahoma City bombing C) The Ma’a lotMassacre D) The TWA-flight attack 9. According to the lecture, in which of the following two terrorist attacks were trucks used to create explosions? A) The Mumbai attack / The 2003 Istanbul bombings C) The Oklahoma City bombing / The 2003 Istanbul bombings B) The Ma’a Massacre / The Oklahoma City bombing D) The Oklahoma city bombing / The Mumbai attack 10. The lecturer states that the Mumbai attack ---. A) was supported by the FBIand external enemy forces B) caused lots ofchildren to die C) caused a days-long-battle between terrorists and armed forces D) happened in November, 1998 11. In the lecture, it is stated that the --- terrorist act involved many children’s death. A) Mumbai B) TWA-flight C) Oklahoma City D) Ma’a
  • 2. UPP B1 MONTHLY EXAM I October 27, 2015 2 PART B. Use your notes. According to the lecture, which of the following are TRUE or FALSE? (9x1=9 pts.) a) On May 15, more than 115 people were taken as hostages in Israel and all of them were killed. T ( ) F ( ) b) It was later found out that the pilotof the TWA- flight was also a terrorist. T ( ) F ( ) c) None ofthe passengers on the TWA-flight that crashed into the Ionian Sea survived. T ( ) F ( ) d) Four trucks in total exploded in 2003 Istanbul bombings. T ( ) F ( ) e) Dr Bruce Edwards Ivıns was an FBI agent. T ( ) F ( ) f) The Oklahoma City bombing was conducted by an American terrorist. T ( ) F ( ) g) The Oklahoma City bomber committed suicide. T ( ) F ( ) h) In 9/11 attacks, almost9000 were killed and 3000 were injured. T ( ) F ( ) i) The Abu Nidal organization is an Iraqi terrorist group. T ( ) F ( ) SECTION II. VOCABULARY. Complete the sentences with the words or phrases below. Do not change the forms of the words or phrases. There are 3 EXTRA words or phrases. Use a word or phrase only ONCE. (10x1=10 pts.) alter reverse stunned drop by subjective enthusiasm accommodate develop prospects retained discrimination gender remarkable 1. A good leader must have a lot of ____________________. Even one person in a group who shows intense enjoyment and eager interestcan change the entire attitude of that group, and if you’re the leader, itmust be you. 2. Scientists have long discussed whether there is a way to reduce or even ____________________ the warming trend. Some have claimed we can only take measures to avoid making it worse. However, the latest news isn't all bad. There are some measures humans can take to slow, stop or perhaps even cause the warming trend to turn in an opposite direction if we change our behaviours. 3. In May 2015, the European ministers of agriculture met to discuss organic agriculture ____________________. According to their report, in industrialized countries, the demand for certified organic products is expected to continue to increase, perhaps above the 20 percentgrowth rate of recent years. 4. Thyroid disease can ____________________ your mood and behavior, primarily causing either anxiety or depression. Generally, the more severe the thyroid disease, the more severe the mood and behavior change. 5. A /an ____________________ point of view is an opinion based on unscientific and immeasurable personal beliefs, emotions and interpretations rather than on facts. It is most often encountered in creative writing, forum comments, blog posts, and social media posts. 6. Tanzania is the home of some of the world’s most beautiful tropical beaches, exotic islands and pristine coral reefs. Tanzania boasts of incredible game lodges, wildlife parks and adventure. Africa’s highest peak, Mount Kilimanjaro is one of the ____________________ tourist attractions, which is visited by thousands of tourists yearly.
  • 3. UPP B1 MONTHLY EXAM I October 27, 2015 3 7. It is very impolite for your friends to ____________________ your house without calling first. It is common courtesy to check with someone before visiting them at home. Your friends should be aware that you may be busy. 8. A woman visiting a family tomb in Brazil was ____________________ when a body emerged alive from a grave, waving its arms around. It has been reported that the woman was at a cemetery in the suburbs of Sao Paulo when she heard faint noises then noticed the earth moving in a grave close by. 'I was terrified to see a man, who I thought was dead, trying to get out of the grave,' said the woman. The man was taken to hospital and the police are still investigating the incident. 9. Disability ____________________ occurs when an employer treats an individual with a disability who is an employee or applicant unfavorably and unfairly because s/he has a disability. In the US, the law requires an employer to treat an employee or job applicant with a disability in a fair way; otherwise, the employer will have to pay a fine. 10. Vegetarians are 12 per cent less likely to ____________________ cancer than meat eaters, according to new research. In a study of more than 61,000 people, scientists from Oxford followed meat eaters and vegetarians for over 12 years, during which 3,350 of the participants were diagnosed with cancer. They found that the risk of being diagnosed with cancers of the stomach, bladder, and blood was lower in vegetarians than in meat eaters.
  • 4. UPP B1 MONTHLY EXAM I October 27, 2015 4 SECTION III. READING. Read the text carefully and answer the questions. (10x2=20 pts.) 10-YEAR-OLD MATHS GENIUS I. At first glance, Esther Okade seems like a normal 10-year-old. She likes playing with Barbie dolls and going to the park or shopping. However, what makes the British-Nigerian youngster stand out is the fact that she's a university student. II. Esther, from Walsall, the UK, is one of the country's youngest freshmen. The talented 10-year-old enrolled at the Open University in January and is already top of the class, having scored 100% in a recent exam. "It's so interesting. It has the type of maths I love. It’s real maths -- theories, complex numbers, all that type of stuff," she says. "It was super easy. My mum taught me in a nice way. I want to finish the course in two years. Then I'm going to do my PhD in financial maths when I’m 13. I want to have my own bank by the time I’m 15 because I like numbers and I like people and banking is a great way to help people." Some people think her parents have pushed her into starting university early, but Esther emphatically disagrees. "I actually wanted to start when I was seven. But my mum was like, "You’re too young, calm down." After three years of begging, mother Efe finally agreed to explore the idea. Not content with breaking barriers to attend university at just 10 years old, Esther is also writing a series of math workbooks for children called Yummy Yummy Algebra. III. Esther was always ahead of her peers. She sat her first Math GSCE exam, a British high school qualification, at Ounsdale High School in Wolverhampton at just six, where she received a C-grade. A year later, she outdid herselfand got the A-grade she wanted. Then last year she scored a B-grade when she satthe Math A-level exam. IV. Esther's mother, Efe, noticed her daughter's flair for figures shortly after she began homeschooling her when she was 3-years-old. Efe started by teaching basic number skills but Esther was miles ahead. By four, her natural aptitude for maths led the eager studentto move on to algebra and quadratic equations. V. Meanwhile, Esther's parents are also trying to introduce their own educational journey to Nigeria. The couple has set up a foundation and is in the process ofbuilding a nursery and primary school in Nigeria's Delta region (where the family are from). Named "Shakespeare's Academy," they hope to open the school's doors in next September. The proposed curriculum will have all the usual subjects such as English, languages, math and science, as well as more unconventional ones that include morality and ethics, public speaking, entrepreneurship and etiquette. The couple says they want to follow the teaching methods that worked for Esther rather than focus on one way of learning. “Some children learn very well with kinesthetics where they learn with their hands -- when they draw they remember things. Some have extremely creative imaginations. Instead of trying to make children learn one way, you should teach them based on their learning style,” explains Efe. VI. The educational facility will have a capacity of 2,000 to 2,500 students with up to 30% of students being local children offered scholarships to attend. Efe says, "Billions of dollars’ worth of crude oil is pumped out from that region of Nigeria on a monthly basis; however, the poverty rate of the local community is astronomical." Her husband Paul says, “The region has poor quality nursery and primary education. Attending a good nursery and a primary school has more impact on children's academic progress than their gender or family background because it is then that they develop their core skills necessary for further education. Our school is designed to give children an aim so they can study for something, not just to acquire certifications. There is an end goal.”
  • 5. UPP B1 MONTHLY EXAM I October 27, 2015 5 1. From paragraph I, we can infer that Esther’s mother ---. A) does nothave a good knowledge of math B) caused Esther to dislike math due to long hours of teaching C) thought Esther was too young to enroll at a university until she was 10 D) tried to keep Esther away from studying math when she 3-years-old 2. The word pushed in paragraph II is closestin meaning to ---. A) prohibited B) prevented C) discouraged D) forced 3. From paragraph II, we can understand that Esther ---. A) learned math with the help ofthe book Yummy Yummy Algebra B) wants to be an employee ofa bank as an adult C) has scored 100% in all of her exams at the Open University since she enrolled D) was willing to enroll at a university before the age of10 4. The word aptitude in paragraph IV is closestin meaning to ---. A) disinterest B) check C) talent D) procedure 5. Based on the information in paragraphs III&IV, it is TRUE that Esther ---. A) received a B-grade in her first Math GSCE exam B) scored a B-grade when she satthe Math A-level exam atthe age offour C) learned algebra and quadratic equations before she was six D) couldn’tever get an A-grade in the Math GSCE exam 6. The word ones in paragraph V refers to ---. A) languages B) subjects C) students D) ways of learning 7. From paragraph V, we can understand that morality and ethics, public speaking, entrepreneurship and etiquette are ---. A) taught in many schools in Nigeria B) mandatory courses at schools worldwide C) rarely taught at schools D) the best lessons for kids who learn very well with kinesthetics 8. In paragraph V, the word Some refers to ---. A) Hands B) Children C) Things D) Teaching methods 9. In paragraph VI, the word then refers to the period when children ---. A) show good academic progress atsecondary school C) attend nursery and primary school B) start secondary school D) enroll university 10. In paragraph VI, Paul mentions all ofthe following EXCEPT ---. A) Nigerians’ poverty despite the abundance ofoil in their country B) astronomical prices offood in Nigeria C) positive effects ofelementary education on children D) the effect of gender and family background on a child’s academic progress
  • 6. UPP B1 MONTHLY EXAM I October 27, 2015 6 SECTION IV. USE OF ENGLISH. (30 pts.) PART I. Below is an interview of US First Lady Michelle Obama with an Italian newspaper La Stampa on the day the First Lady arrived in Milan to the Universal Exhibition Expo 2015. Fill in the blanks with the correct tense and forms of the verbs in parantheses. (15x1=15 pts.) L.S: “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life” is the core theme of the Expo in Milan. Could you explain what kinds of nutrition and health challenges you’re seeing in the United States and tell us about your Let’s Move initiative? M.O: I __________________1. (be) to Italy many times, but this time is really different for me. I wanted to come to this Expo because no matter where in the world we live, we all want healthy, nutritious food for our families. I __________________2. (believe) that raising healthy kids is a challenge for families all over the world, and it’s important for us to learn from each other. The way we live and eat in the United States and other developed countries __________________3. (change) drastically over the last 30 years. For example, we eat fewer home-cooked meals and our portion sizes __________________4. (be) larger than before. We’ve seen an increase in obesity and its associated health risks, such as diabetes and heart disease. Right now, one in three kids in the U.S. is overweight or obese. Still, there’s a lot of reason for hope. All around the world, people are coming up with new ideas and partnerships to help find a cure to this epidemic. That’s what my Let’s Move! initiative is all about. Currently, we are working with every sector of society such as parents, schools, businesses, faith leaders, medical professionals, and community-based organizations in our efforts to help our kids grow up healthy. L.S: You have just celebrated the fifth anniversary of your initiative “Let’s Move!” What are the best results you have achieved and the next goals? M.O: Through Let’s Move! we have started a new conversation about how we eat and live in the U.S., and the results we’ve seen are beyond anything we could ever have imagined. This year, 1.6 million kids __________________5. (go) to healthier daycare centers. In these centers, fruits and vegetables have replaced cookies and juice, and school breakfasts and lunches are now healthier for more than 30 million kids. Two million kids __________________6. (have) a Let’s Move! salad bar in their school, and nearly nine million kids go to Let’s Move! Active Schools and they __________________7. (get) 60 minutes of physical activity in the morning. Thousands of chain restaurants have already created healthier kids’ menus. 70 million people live in a Let’s Move! city, town or county where kids can walk to school on new sidewalks, participate in a summer meal program, or join a local athletic league. Taken together, these changes are starting to have an impact. Obesity rates __________________8. (fall) among our youngest children. However, while the progress is impressive, it’s also incredibly fragile, and we still have a long way to go before we finally solve this problem. I __________________9. (work) on this for 5 years and while I am in my final stretch as the First Lady, I __________________10. (not/ think) of slowing down on this issue. I even plan to continue this work long after I leave the White House. L.S: How can families find ways to work healthier options into their lives? M.O: One of the best ways any family can ensure they’re getting a nutritious meal is to cook meals together in the kitchen. When you cook at home, you’re in control of your nutrition as you __________________11. (decide) the ingredients, portion sizes, and amount of vegetables. So if you’re not already, try cooking one more meal at home each week and involve your whole family in the process. L.S: Could you tell us what is a typical healthy menu that your family enjoys for dinner? M.O: A typical Obama family dinner __________________12. (include) a lean protein, a whole grain, and a vegetable. For example, for our last dinner we __________________13. (bake) chicken with brown rice and broccoli and a green salad. L.S: Women still play a very important role in overseeing their families’ nutritional needs. How should society help them? M.O: Women need to be informed and empowered to make their health, and the health of their families, a priority. Moreover, We should provide more support in the workplace so that women can balance the needs of their families with the demands of their careers, because it’s hard to stay healthy if you don’t have the flexibility to care for yourself and your children. I __________________14. (know) this from my own experience. After my older daughter was born, while I was struggling through one of those sleepless nights, my mother told me to care for myself. She made me realize that if I wasn’t fully there for myself, I wouldn’t have the energy and strength to be there for my baby daughter and my husband. I was lucky to have a job that allowed me to do that, but many women don’thave that option, and that must change.
  • 7. UPP B1 MONTHLY EXAM I October 27, 2015 7 PART II. REWRITE.Complete the second sentence given so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word in parentheses. (10x1.5=15 pts.) 1. Summer 2015 was cooler than meteorologists had predicted. Summer 2015 __________________________________________________ meteorologists had predicted. (HOT) 2. Scientists haven’t found a better solution than reducing carbon emissions to decrease global warming. Reducing carbon emissions ______________________________________________ scientists have found to decrease global warming. (THE) 3. The world is becoming more and more crowded every single day. The world’s population _______________________________________________________________every single day. (IS) 4. Obama says he does not play as much basketball as he did. Obama says he ________________________________________________________________ basketball more. (USED) 5. 20 years ago, recycling was not as common as it is today. 20 years ago, recycling didn’t __________________________________________________________ as it is today. (USE) 6. The last time governments met to discuss climate change was in 2014. Governments ________________________________________________________________________ 2014. (HAVEN’T) 7. Recycling used materials requires far less energy than making new ones. Making new materials requires _______________________________________________ recycling used materials. (MUCH) 8. Scientists from the US have recently visited the Paris Climate Institute and come back. Scientists from the US have recently _____________________________________________ Paris Climate Institute. (TO) 9. A lot of people no longer waste their rubbish; they send it to recycling. A lot of people do _________________________________________________________ ;they send itto recycling. (ANY) 10. A year ago, a UN committee started collecting data to prove that investment in education reduces crime rate and improves the economy, and they haven’t still concluded their research. A UN committee _____________________________________________________ to prove that investment in education reduces crime rate and improves the economy for a year, and they haven’t still concluded their research. (BEEN)
  • 8. UPP B1 MONTHLY EXAM I October 27, 2015 8 AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA NAME: CLASS: SCORE: SECTION V. WRITING. Complete these half sentences using your own ideas. (10x2=20 pts.) 1. People do notwear wool pullovers,gloves, or wool socks until ______________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________. 2. Stephen Hawking is not an HIV patient, nor _____________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________. 3. Many of Tesla’s experiments on electric resonance failed; nevertheless, _______________ ___________________________________________________________________________. 4. Some countries have warned their citizens not to travel to the Middle East unless _______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________. 5. An ITU prep studentshould pass the proficiency exam atthe end ofthe year; otherwise, __________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________. 6. Even though Morris Chang is a millionaire businessman, _______________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________. 7. Soldiers use camouflage in war zone; therefore, _______________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________. 8. Some parents getangry with their children whenever ___________________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________. 9. Compared to other countries, gasoline and oil are very expensive in Turkey; furthermore, _________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________. 10. Some students are not good at math, for ______________________________________________________________.
  • 9. UPP B1 MONTHLY EXAM I October 27, 2015 9 ANSWER KEY AAAAAAAAAAAA SECTION I. LISTENING. (20 pts.) PART A. (11x1=11 pts.) 1. b 2. d 3. b 4. c 5. d 6. b 7. c 8. a 9. c 10. c 11. c PART B. (9x1=9 pts.) a. F b. F c. T d. T e. F f. T g. F h. F i. F SECTION II. VOCABULARY. (10x1=10 pts.) 1. enthusiasm 2. reverse 3. prospects 4. alter 5. subjective 6. remarkable 7. drop by 8. stunned 9. discrimination 10. develop SECTION III. READING. (10x2=20 pts.) 1. C 2. D 3. D 4. C 5. C 6. B 7. C 8. B 9. C 10. B SECTION IV. USE OF ENGLISH (30 pts.) PART I. (15x1=15 pts.) 1. have been 2. believe 3. has changed / has been changing 4. are 5. are going / have gone 6. have 7. get/ are getting 8. are falling / have fallen / have been falling 9. have been working / have worked 10. am not thinking 11. decide 12. includes 13. baked 14. know PART B. REWRITE. (10x1.5=15 pts.) Don’t give any credit if the grammar point being tested is incorrect; take off 0.5 points for minor mistakes of punctuation, articles, pronouns, and prepositions. Accept other answers with the same meaning. 1. … wasn’t as hot as … 2. … is the best solution … 3. … is increasing … 4. … used to play … 5. …use to be as common … 6. …haven’t met to discuss climate change since … 7. …much more energy than … 8. …recently been to (the) … 9. … not waste their rubbish any longer / anymore … 10. … has been collecting data … SECTION V. WRITING. (10x2=20 pts.) Students have to write full sentences. Do notgive any creditifthe sentence is notmeaningful; take off 0.5 points for mino r mistakes ofarticle, pronoun, and spelling. Deductfull points if there is a tense mistake or an irrelevantidea. Answers will vary.