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PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS
Copyright © MM Publications
Test: Module 1
A. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. a
B. 1. incredible 2. bracelet 3. popular 4. common 5. cancelled 6. on
1. b 2. a 3. a 4. c
A. 1. ’m cooking, usually cooks, did, didn’t help, haven’t got
2. went, visited, are travelling, Do you want, ’m working
B. 1. didn’t use to study
2. Did…use to work
3. didn’t use to like
4. used to come
C. 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. a
1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T
1. In 1860.
2. Wool or cotton.
3. Because they wanted to make the peak harder and longer to protect the player.
4. Baseball players, tennis players and golfers.
Open answer.
Woman Oh, where’s that tow truck?
Man Calm down. We’ve only been waiting for five minutes.
Woman Did you call Jeff and Linda to tell them that we’re going to be late?
Man Of course. Be thankful we have mobile phones these days.
Woman You’re right. What did we do before mobile phones? I really can’t
Man I can. One time, my car broke down near New Forest and I
walked for 45 minutes before I found a house.
Woman Did they let you use their phone?
Man Yes. They were very nice. And they even gave me a lift back to my car.
Woman What a nightmare! Why were you in the New Forest?
Man I got lost. I didn’t have a GPS back then, either.
Woman Life was a lot simpler, but I think it was worse.
Man What do you mean?
Woman I mean, life without mobile phones, GPS or Internet was difficult.
Man Well, I don’t want to go back to life without the Internet, that’s for
sure. Just think, we do our banking, check the news, weather, find
information about everything.
Woman That’s true. But life seemed a lot simpler without all this technology.
Man What about shopping? You buy almost everything on the Net these
Woman You’re right. Technology has given me more time to do other things.
Man Well, when we get home, maybe I can download a new car.
Woman Ha, ha... That’s a good idea.
PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS
Copyright © MM Publications
Test: Module 2
A. 1. professional 2. extremely 3. avoid 4. behave 5. Humour 6. embarrassed
7. recognise 8. natural
B. 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. c 7. a
1. c 2. f 3. a 4. b 5. e
A. 1. have already seen, did you see, didn’t like, have seen
2. Has Victor called yet, has been, got
3. Did you go, Have you tried, have never tried
B. 1. bought 2. yet 3. for 4. just 5. ago 6. gone
1. b 2. a 3. a
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F
Open answer.
Listening transcript
A:Hello, you. I haven’t seen you for ages.
B:I’m sorry. Do I know you?
A:It’s me, John.
B:I don’t think I’ve met you before.
A:Come on! Don’t you remember me?
B:Maybe you think I’m my brother, Alan. We look alike.
A:No, we used to work together at the supermarket on Hillary Street.
B:But that was twenty years ago!
A:Well, I still remember you.
B:Hi, is Julie there?
A:I’m sorry. She’s gone to the gym. Can I take a message?
B:No, it’s OK. It’s Emma from work. She rang me earlier but I was in a meeting. I just wanted
to know what she wanted.
A:OK, I’ll tell her you called.
B:Great, thanks.
A:So, how’s your new flatmate?
B:Stuart? He’s OK, I suppose.
A:Umm, you don’t sound very enthusiastic.
B:Well, he’s starting to get on my nerves.
A:Is he forgetting to pay the bills like your old flatmate?
B:No, he’s OK with the bills. It’s just that he cooks some really nice food, but he never shares it
with me. And I don’t think he likes it when I play on his game console.
A:I see. Well, some people are just like that.
PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS
Copyright © MM Publications
Test: Module 3
A. 1. creamy 2. across 3. discussion 4. presentation 5. resist 6. exhausted 7. melt
B. 1. reservation 2. allergic 3. whipped 4. chance 5. creative 6. post 7. instructor
1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. b
A. 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. c 6. c
7. a 8. c
B. 1. (who/that) 2. (which/that) 3. where 4. which/that 5. where 6. who/that
7. (which/that) 8. where
1. b 2. c 3. b
1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F
Open answer.
Listening transcript
A: Hey, Wendy.
B: Hi, Fiona. Do you want to go out for dinner tonight?
A: Sure, but can we go somewhere normal for a change?
B: What’s normal?
A: Well, that last restaurant where there were no waiters and we ordered using a tablet
wasn’t very good.
B: Come on, it was fun! We got our food really fast, and it was delicious.
A: Yeah, I suppose. It was just a strange place, that’s all.
B: Well, maybe you won’t like what I have planned for tonight then.
A: What is it this time?
B: It’s a restaurant where you eat in the dark.
A: What? No lights at all?
B: Nope. It’s supposed to be amazing because all you think about is the taste. What do you
A: That makes sense actually. But how do you know what you’re eating?
B: You don’t, until you’ve tasted it. That’s the exciting thing. Also, they have got live
relaxing music playing, too. So, you just listen and taste.
A: It sounds pretty interesting actually.
B: OK, then. It’s very near my flat. It’s on the corner of Wilson Street and Gilbert Road.
We can meet there, or do you want me to pick you up?
A: No, I’ll see you there. But if you get there first, wait for me. Don’t enter the restaurant,
B: Why not?
A: I’m not going to find you inside if it’s dark!
B: That’s true. OK, see you there at eight.
A: Great.
PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS
Copyright © MM Publications
Test: Module 4
A. 1. sprained
2. windscreen
3. damage, collapsed
4. beeped
5. authorities
6. bandage
8. enormous
B. 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. c 7. a
1. c 2. a 3. e 4. b
A. 1. fell 4. didn’t collapse
2. was talking, was making, were planning 5. saw, crossed
3. was cleaning 6. were wearing, didn’t get
B. 1. while 2. As soon as 3. when 4. as 5. While
1. the (National) Museum 2. fifth (5th) 3. Six (6) 4. paintings
1. Because she got a flat tyre. 3. Because she couldn’t start the engine.
2. Half an hour. 4. She walked. / On foot.
Open answer.
Listening transcript
A: Hello, I’m Will Anderson, and this is Channel 6 news. We’re going over to Sandy
Watson, who is going to give us the latest on the fire in Bridge Street this afternoon.
B: Hello, Will. Well, as you can see behind me, firefighters have just managed to put out
the fire here at the National Museum. A few moments ago, they told us that the fire
started in the cafeteria on the top floor and then spread to the fifth floor, which is below
A: Were any people injured in the fire?
B: No, luckily, there were about 100 people in the building at the time, but they got out
pretty quickly. As we speak, firefighters are trying to rescue six people who are in one of
the rooms on the top floors. They are trapped, but they are fine and they are in no
A: What about the damage to the building?
B: Well, as you can imagine, the two top floors are pretty badly burnt. Fortunately,
firefighters worked fast and managed to get most of the paintings out before they got
destroyed in the fire.
A: That’s good news. We’ll be back with Sandy, with any further developments...
PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS
Copyright © MM Publications
Test: Module 5
A. 1. succeeded 2. fasten 3. reduce 4. brochure 5. luggage 6. discovered 7. travel agency
B. 1. towel 2. bargain 3. successful 4. ruins 5. land 6. board 7. dizzy
1. d 2. b 3. a 4. e
A. 1. did…come, was, had already started, arrived
2. looked, hadn’t slept
3. got, realised, hadn’t taken
B. 1. Can 3. Could
2. Would 4. May, Could
C. 1. You shouldn’t exercise when your back hurts.
2. We’d better leave now because we’re going to miss our flight.
3. You’d better not forget to take your car to the mechanic.
4. You should arrive early for the interview.
1. b 2. b 3. c
1. NM 2. F 3. T 4. F
Open answer.
Listening transcript
A: Excuse me.
B: Yes. How can I help?
A: Is there going to be a long delay?
B: I’m afraid so. The new departure time is 3:30.
A: So, what time are we going to land?
B: At about 4:30.
A: You see, I’ve got a meeting at 5:30, and I
don’t want to miss it.
B: We’ll do our best to get you there on time.
A: Oh, I feel terrible.
B: You probably still have motion sickness from
the ferry.
A: I don’t think it’s that. I have a headache and
pains in my stomach, too.
B: Well, it’s kind of late to find a doctor, isn’t it?
A: I can check on the Internet for my symptoms
when we get back home.
B: No, I think you’d better see someone. Listen, I
know a chemist’s that stays open till late.
Let’s go there and ask them.
A: OK, but drive quickly, please.
A: I don’t understand why we have to come to
this beach. There are much better ones near
B: Come on. I really like it here.
A: It’s too crowded and noisy here.
B: It’s not too bad. I love coming here because
I had some unforgettable moments on this
beach when I was a child.
A: But on the other side of the island you have
breathtaking views of the volcano.
B: All right, we can go there tomorrow, OK? Did
I ever tell you about the time my uncle Steve
took us out in his boat and...?
A: Yes, about a hundred times.
PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS
Copyright © MM Publications
Test: Module 6
A. 1. discount 2. eager 3. borrowed 4. addicted 5. majority 6. practical
B. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. b
1. d 2. c 3. a 4. f 5. b 6. e
A. 1. will be able to, have
2. watches, will go
3. will visit, invites
4. won’t talk, apologise
5. will wash, leaves
B. 1. c 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. b
1. W 2. M 3. M 4. B
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F
Open answer.
Listening transcript
A:Did you see that news article about sending a human to Mars?
B:Are they really going to do it?
A:Not quite yet. But it might happen in our lifetime. Imagine that!
B:I can’t see the point, really.
A:What? Don’t you think it’s exciting?
B:Not really. OK, they do research and they might even find life forms or something, but it’s
just a waste of time.
A:No, it isn’t. I don’t believe that they’ll find anything of interest, but it’s not all about the
actual space travel to Mars.
B:What do you mean?
A:Just think of all the progress we make while designing the technology for space travel. I
mean, computers, smartphones, GPS wouldn’t exist without all the research done on space
B:I hadn’t thought of that, actually. But is it really worth it? I mean, there are millions of
people in the world who are homeless and hungry, and we’re spending billions on
spacecraft. It doesn’t seem right.
A:Well, yeah. When you say it like that. I suppose there are more important things to think
PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS
Copyright © MM Publications
Midterm Test:
Modules 1-6
A. 1. exhausted 5. relieved
2. compartment 6. effects
3. speeding 7. documents
4. residents 8. illegal
B. 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. c 9. a 10. c
C. 1. homeless 5. useful
2. pollution 6. harmful
3. disappointed 7. discussion
4. surprised
1. e 2. f 3. a 4. h 5. b 6. d 7. c 8. g
A. 1. is having, Do you want
2. was reading, were watching
3. have known, moved
4. reached, had closed
5. doesn’t usually eat, prefers
6. was driving, crashed
7. are visiting, Have you ever been
B. 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. b 9. c
C. 1. Will 5. couldn’t
2. used 6. where
3. Could 7. while
4. shouldn’t 8. who
D. 1. Paul, could you give me that bag, please?
2. My parents have been in Spain since last Wednesday.
3. There is no juice left.
4. Fred hasn’t got much spare time.
5. My youngest son isn’t able to ride a bicycle yet.
6. You had better not lie to me again.
7. By the time Betty came home, I had eaten dinner. /
I had eaten dinner by the time Betty came home.
8. When I was young, I used to wear trainers all the time.
1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a
1. F 2. NM 3. NM 4. T 5. T
PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS
Copyright © MM Publications
Open answer.
Listening transcript
A:Hello, Sally!
B:Hi, Wendy. How are you?
A:Good. I didn’t see you at Ronda’s barbecue. Where were you?
B:When was that?
A:Two weeks ago.
B:Ah, yes. I had to go to the dentist that day because my tooth was really hurting. I
hadn’t been to the dentist for three years.
A:That’s not good. Anyway, what a nice haircut!
B:Thanks. When was the last time you saw me? It was right before your big job
interview about a month ago. I had it cut after that. Anyway, how did it go?
A:I didn’t get the job. But I’ve had a few interviews since then, and I’m more optimistic.
B:That’s good.
And here’s the latest news about yesterday’s disaster in Portersville. Authorities have
announced that many buildings were damaged, but luckily nobody was killed. There
was some flooding in the city centre and the bad weather has made it hard for rescue
teams. At the moment, there is a group of workers trapped in an office building. A
rescue team is doing their best to get them out, but they are worried about aftershocks.
Let’s go over to Sandy now, who is at the scene.
A:Hi! I’m home.
A:How was work today?
B:I had a day off, remember?
A:Of course, sorry. Did you go to the supermarket?
B:Yeah, but I didn’t find any nice bread.
A:No problem. What about the gym? You said you wanted to go.
B:Yeah, I’ll go later. Jim rang me and we met up at the café before I went to the
A:I see. How is he?
B:He’s fine. He got a job at a…
A:Oh, I don’t believe this. Alison! Could you come here a minute?
B:What’s wrong?
A:What’s this?
A:I told you three times. And I even lent you your half, so we could pay it on time.
B:I know but...
A:I’m not going to go and pay this bill, you know. I refuse to. Anyway, I’m at work all
day, and you, well, you’re obviously busy watching TV all day.
B:Look, Dorothy, I’m sorry. I’ll pay it tomorrow and I’ll try to remember to do it in the
A:Well, take some more money. We’re going to have to pay a late fee now.
B:Yeah, I know.
PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS
Copyright © MM Publications
Test: Module 7
A. 1. flyer 2. changed 3. complaint 4. off 5. unnecessary
B. 1. suggestion 2. stressful 3. minimum 4. disapproved 5. remain 6. achieve
1. f 2. a 3. e 4. b
A. 1. reaches, will win 3. will…do, decides
2. arrive, will cook 4. will have, doesn’t rain
B. 1. a 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. b
C. 1. clumsy 3. worst 5. most convenient 7. more tiring
2. better 4. largest 6. farther/further 8. energetic
1. b 2. b 3. a
1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b
Open answer.
Listening transcript
Welcome to the Boston Express Information
Centre. Customer service representatives are
available seven days a week from 5 am to 9 pm.
If you want to make a booking arrangement,
please press one. If you’d like information about
time schedules, please press two. If you want
information about special deals, press three. For
more information, please wait for our next
available customer representative to take your
A:Hi, Steve. Are you coming down to the
ice-skating rink later?
B:No, thanks. I’m not really into ice skating. I
always fall over.
A:No. The Lions are playing the Hawks. It’s an
important match.
B:Really? I didn’t know that. How much are the
A:I can get them half-price because my cousin
works there.
B:That’s cool.
A:So, are you coming?
B:You know what? It’ll probably be on TV. I’d
prefer to watch it from the comfort of my living
A:Boring! I’ll find someone else who enjoys
hockey to come with me.
A:How are you, Glen?
B:I’m just a little bit tired, that’s all.
A:Were you out late again last night?
B:Not really. I went to the café with some friends
and then we went and had a steak at Smoking
A:Oh, I love that place. They have some very
nice salads.
B:And steaks! I had two. But I won’t be going
there for a while.
A:Why not?
B:I want to make some changes to my diet.
A:But you go jogging every day. You don’t need
to lose weight.
B:I know. I just want to get a little healthier.
A:I see.
PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS
Copyright © MM Publications
Test: Module 8
A. 1. cheered 5. horror
2. priority 6. racket
3. pads 7. kicked
4. provide 8. down
B. 1. net 5. packed
2. rules 6. set
3. original 7. cast
4. main 8. enthusiastic
1. e 2. a 3. c 4. d
A. 1. controls 4. was played
2. is spoken 5. directed
3. was built 6. are held
B. 1. c 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. c 7. a 8. b 9. a 10. a
1. 10 (ten) 2. dribbling (the ball) 3. 6 (six)
1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T
Open answer.
Listening transcript
A:Well, what an end to the third quarter that was!
B:Yes, it was very exciting.
A:Let’s just go over it again, because it all
happened so fast. With ten seconds to go, the
Tigers were winning by 6 points. I thought it
would stay like that.
B:Me too. The Falcons seemed to be in deep
trouble, but then Ericson came into the game
and really changed things.
A:And he only came on because Thompson was
injured. Is that right?
B:That’s what it looked like. Thompson fell while
he was dribbling from one end of the court to
the other. He obviously sprained his ankle,
and with about 15 seconds to go, Ericson was
given the chance to play.
A:Yeah, I think Coach Rollins just didn’t want the
Tigers to score any more points, so he put
Ericson on to try and stop them.
B:But Ericson had other plans. As soon as he
caught the ball for the first time, he shot and
A:Three points! What a shot!
B:Then with 5 seconds on the clock, the Tigers
came down the other end. They missed a shot
and Ericson caught the ball again. He had a
few players he could pass to, but with only two
seconds left he threw the ball from the other
end of the court. Another three points!
A:The whole arena watched as the ball flew the
length of the court and into the basket. I
haven’t seen anything like it for many years.
B:No, you’re right. It really was a special shot.
A:And the players are entering the court now for
the fourth quarter. Will Coach Rollins play
Ericson in this quarter?
B:I think he has to, after that performance.
A:OK. Let’s take a look at the teams.
PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS
Copyright © MM Publications
Test: Module 9
A. 1. fluent 5. crashed
2. rise 6. enrolled
3. lifeguard 7. trade
4. loan
B. 1. fired 4. employees
2. plumber 5. subtitles
3. picked up 6. break
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b
A. 1. Has…finished, has been painting, hasn’t managed
2. have been looking, have found, have been trying
3. have been living, haven’t decided
B. 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. a 7. a 8. c
1. covering letter 2. part-time 3. Political Science 4. working overtime
1. Cleaner, garbage collector and bus driver.
2. Because they always have to finish within a deadline.
3. They have to tweet all the time, write their own blogs and even take videos of the story they are
4. No, he doesn’t.
Open answer.
Listening transcript
A:Good afternoon.
B:Come in, come in. It’s Richard Simpson, isn’t it?
A:That’s right. I’m here for a job interview.
B:Yes, I know. I have your CV here, but I couldn’t find your cover letter.
A:I forgot to send one, I’m sorry.
B:No problem. Now, we have a few positions available. Are you looking for a full-time job?
A:Well, to be honest, I can only work three days a week at the moment. Is that a problem?
B:We’ll see. It’s good to know these things, anyway. Suzie told me you are interested in a job in
A:Yes, that’s right.
B:But you studied Political Science at university. Is that right?
A:That’s right. But for the last five years I’ve been working in the accounting department of my
uncle’s company.
B:I see. So, you have some experience.
A:Yes, I was really good at it. But
I wasn’t getting paid much, which I didn’t like.
B:OK. Now, there are some days we get very busy, which means you may have to work extra
hours. How do you feel about that?
A:That won’t be a problem, as long as I work three days a week.
B:Oh, good. Now, let me ask you about your…
PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS
Copyright © MM Publications
Test: Module 10
A. 1. reach 3. dye 5. pounds 7. tablespoons
2. ingredients 4. Pour 6. charity 8. withdraw
B. 1. fee 3. change 5. charge 7. limit
2. store 4. directly 6. repeat 8. empty
1. b 2. e 3. d 4. c 5. a
A. 1. to look 4. let, play 7. doing, finding
2. Memorising 5. to wake 8. to eat
3. going 6. learning 9. to get 10. to ask
B. 1. big enough 3. too hard 5. too many
2. enough time 4. too violent
1. b 2. c 3. c
1. b 2. c 3. a
Open answer.
Listening transcript
A:So, are you going to get that skirt, Ellie?
B:No, I don’t think so.
A:Why not? It looks good on you. Is it a little too
big, maybe?
B:No, it’s fine.
A:What then? Is it the price? Because I can lend
you some money.
B:No, it’s OK. I’m not broke. It’s just that I have
two more at home that I never wear. It seems
silly getting another one.
A:Maybe you’re right.
A:OK. I think we have everything we need for
the cake.
B:I don’t think we have enough eggs.
A:Are you sure? Check the fridge.
B:No, you’re right. We have enough. We only
have about a pint of milk, though. Is that
A:Yeah, it says we need about ten fluid ounces.
B:But I might not have enough for my cereal
A:We can go out and get a couple of pints later.
B:Good idea.
A:Did you remember everything?
B:I think so. I got apples and carrots, and some
A:And what about shampoo?
B:Ah... that wasn’t on the list, was it?
A:But I called you to remind you.
B:Yeah, sorry. I forgot. I usually write things I
want to remember on my hand but...
A:What’s that on your hand?
B:That’s to remind me to fix the mixer.
A:Are you going to forget to do that, too?
B:No, I’ll do it a little later.
PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS
Copyright © MM Publications
Test: Module 11
A. 1. exotic 5. remind
2. stage 6. parade
3. celebrate 7. anniversary
4. grapes 8. consequences
B. 1. pavement 5. mentioned
2. phrasebook 6. direction
3. adventurous 7. photocopy
4. risky
1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a
A. 1. were, would apologise 5. didn’t stay
2. could 6. lived, wouldn’t need
3. would play, had 7. could go
4. exercised
B. 1. …where the carnival is held
2. …if/whether I need to make a reservation in advance
3. …me what ‘trash’ means
4. …if/whether there is an information desk nearby
5. …how many languages the tour guide speaks
1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T
1. T 2. F 3. NM 4. NM
Open answer.
Listening transcript
Last year my wife and I were on a bus tour of castles in Germany. There were a lot of bus
journeys and it was very tiring, but we had a very nice time. One morning we were travelling in
the north of the country. Our next stop was a long way away, so the bus stopped in a small town
for a break. My wife was sleeping so I got off quickly to get some coffee. The café was busy so I
had to wait in a long queue. When I got back to where the bus had parked, it was gone. I
panicked, and didn’t know what to do. Then I had an idea. I got a taxi and told the driver to take
me to the next castle. Luckily, he could speak English and understood what I told him. The only
problem was that I only had enough money for a coffee, not for a taxi to the next town. When I
explained, the driver believed me, and I promised to pay him when we got there. He drove as fast
as he could to the castle, and just as we arrived, we saw the bus arriving, too. I jumped out of the
taxi and onto the bus, because I thought my wife would be really worried. But there she was, still
asleep. I couldn’t believe it. As I was looking for money to pay the driver, she woke up and said,
‘Be a dear and get me a coffee, please.’
PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS
Copyright © MM Publications
Test: Module 12
A. 1. rash 5. prescription
2. accident 6. ridiculous
3. speechless 7. orphan
4. jealous 8. starving
B. 1. a 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. c 7. a 8. b
1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b
A. 1. …to sit down.
2. …where my brother was.
3. …(that) he had just got over his allergy.
4. …what we were doing the following weekend.
5. …not to stay up too late.
6. …(that) she wouldn’t lie to me again.
7. …to lend her €50. / …if/whether I would lend her €50.
8. …if/whether he had taken a painkiller the day before / the previous day.
B. 1. have you
2. will you
3. doesn’t he, does he
4. didn’t she
C. 1. Haven’t you seen a doctor? / Shouldn’t you see a doctor?
2. Don’t you want to come hiking with me?
3. Can’t you ride a bike?
1. a 2. c 3. c
1. He nearly jumped out of his skin.
2. The new painkillers he had bought.
3. Because he had arranged to meet some friends for coffee.
4. Someone / A thief stole his bike.
Open answer.
PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS
Copyright © MM Publications
Listening transcript
A: Hello. Can I make an appointment for Tuesday with Dr Knowles?
B: I’m sorry, but he’s not coming in tomorrow or the next day. He’s ill.
A: Oh.
B: I have some free appointments on Friday.
A: I can’t make it on Friday. And you’re closed on Saturday, aren’t you?
B: Actually, we’re open. But there aren’t any free appointments, I’m afraid.
A: OK, then. What about next Monday?
B: That’s should be fine. What time would you like to...
A: Hey, guess what my boss said today!
B: Oh, he didn’t embarrass himself again, did he?
A: Not this time. He said he wants us to stay an hour later every day.
B: What? But still come in at the same time?
A: That’s right.
B: Were you surprised?
A: Not really. He’s been wanting to do this for a long time. It just drives me up the wall
because we all work so hard.
B: What can you do?
A: Hi, Sophie. How are you doing? Do you want to talk?
B: Oh, not you too. I’ve had enough people trying to...
A: Listen, I don’t want to fight with you. I just want to make sure you’re OK.
B: Sorry. I’ve been kind of moody since I found out about my exam results.
A: That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. You really shouldn’t be so annoyed. Everyone
knows you can do better than that.
B: I can. I really can.
A: Well, all you need to do is take them again, and this time, don’t worry so much. You’ll
definitely do better.
B:I hope you’re right.
PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS
Copyright © MM Publications
Final Test
A. 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. a 8. c 9. c 10. a
B. 1. insecure 5. quit
2. stare 6. donation
3. hesitate 7. salary
4. filling 8. uniform
C. 1. up 4. out
2. of 5. on, down
3. in 6. off
1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. a
A. 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. c 8. c 9. a 10. c
B. 1. herself 5. had better
2. too 6. may
3. don’t you 7. such
4. has been trying 8. As soon as
C. 1. …my colleagues were (more) helpful.
2. … (some) spare time, he would go to the gym.
3. …is used by many students to study.
4. …where I had found that document.
5. …not to get up yet.
6. …not go out tonight.
7. …if/whether they allow children to enter the museum for free?
8. …adventurous as my older sister.
9. …Jake (that) they could play volleyball the next/following day.
10. …a comfortable sofa that we bought it.
11. …was found by the police late last night.
12. …uploading some of our holiday pictures?
D. 1. c 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. a 6. b 7. c 8. a 9. b 10. c 11. b
1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a
1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F
Open answer.
PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS
Copyright © MM Publications
Listening transcript
A: Hello?
B: Hi, Fred. Are you coming to my get-together on Saturday? It’s going to be fun.
A: I’d like to, but it’s a long drive. I have to be somewhere in the morning, and I don’t want to
drive all the way back home late at night.
B: What? You have to come! Everyone is expecting you.
A: Maybe I can find a cheap hotel near your house, and leave early in the morning.
B: What are you talking about? I can put you up.
A: But you must have a full house.
B: We’ll find some space.
A: Are you sure?
B: Of course!
A: So, what do you think of the game?
B: It’s all right, I suppose. I think 2-2 is a good result for United.
A: No way! United should win this match.
B: Yeah, but they aren’t playing well, at all.
A: You’re right. And Jameson has had a terrible game. What a disappointment!
B: You can say that again.
A: I hope United sells him at the end of the season.
B: It would be a bad decision to keep him.
A: Hi, Roger. Did you have a nice morning?
B: Yeah, I went for a walk in the city centre. I had a few things to do, and I also went to the
A: What for? Don’t you use Internet banking?
B: Yeah, but I needed to withdraw some cash, and the cash machine near me is broken. Of
course there are other machines in the area which I could have gone to, but my sister wants
to open an account, and I wanted to get a few brochures for her.
A: Well, it was a nice morning for a walk anyway.
B: Exactly.
A: Hello, how are you today?
B: Not good. I’m in a lot of pain.
A: Have you been to see a doctor?
B: No, I just need some painkillers. Some strong ones, please.
A: Are you sure? It looks like you need a dentist.
B: Yes. I’ve booked an appointment for tomorrow morning, but until then...
A: OK, I understand. Let me see what I have for you.

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Pioneer pre intermediate-key_totests

  • 1. PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS Copyright © MM Publications 1 Test: Module 1 Vocabulary A. 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. a B. 1. incredible 2. bracelet 3. popular 4. common 5. cancelled 6. on Communication 1. b 2. a 3. a 4. c Grammar A. 1. ’m cooking, usually cooks, did, didn’t help, haven’t got 2. went, visited, are travelling, Do you want, ’m working B. 1. didn’t use to study 2. Did…use to work 3. didn’t use to like 4. used to come C. 1. a 2. b 3. c 4. a Listening 1. F 2. F 3. T 4. T Reading 1. In 1860. 2. Wool or cotton. 3. Because they wanted to make the peak harder and longer to protect the player. 4. Baseball players, tennis players and golfers. Writing Open answer. Woman Oh, where’s that tow truck? Man Calm down. We’ve only been waiting for five minutes. Woman Did you call Jeff and Linda to tell them that we’re going to be late? Man Of course. Be thankful we have mobile phones these days. Woman You’re right. What did we do before mobile phones? I really can’t remember. Man I can. One time, my car broke down near New Forest and I walked for 45 minutes before I found a house. Woman Did they let you use their phone? Man Yes. They were very nice. And they even gave me a lift back to my car. Woman What a nightmare! Why were you in the New Forest? Man I got lost. I didn’t have a GPS back then, either. Woman Life was a lot simpler, but I think it was worse. Man What do you mean? Woman I mean, life without mobile phones, GPS or Internet was difficult. Man Well, I don’t want to go back to life without the Internet, that’s for sure. Just think, we do our banking, check the news, weather, find information about everything. Woman That’s true. But life seemed a lot simpler without all this technology. Man What about shopping? You buy almost everything on the Net these days. Woman You’re right. Technology has given me more time to do other things. Man Well, when we get home, maybe I can download a new car. Woman Ha, ha... That’s a good idea.
  • 2. PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS Copyright © MM Publications 2 Test: Module 2 Vocabulary A. 1. professional 2. extremely 3. avoid 4. behave 5. Humour 6. embarrassed 7. recognise 8. natural B. 1. c 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. a 6. c 7. a Communication 1. c 2. f 3. a 4. b 5. e Grammar A. 1. have already seen, did you see, didn’t like, have seen 2. Has Victor called yet, has been, got 3. Did you go, Have you tried, have never tried B. 1. bought 2. yet 3. for 4. just 5. ago 6. gone Listening 1. b 2. a 3. a Reading 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F Writing Open answer. Listening transcript 1. A:Hello, you. I haven’t seen you for ages. B:I’m sorry. Do I know you? A:It’s me, John. B:I don’t think I’ve met you before. A:Come on! Don’t you remember me? B:Maybe you think I’m my brother, Alan. We look alike. A:No, we used to work together at the supermarket on Hillary Street. B:But that was twenty years ago! A:Well, I still remember you. 2. A:Hello? B:Hi, is Julie there? A:I’m sorry. She’s gone to the gym. Can I take a message? B:No, it’s OK. It’s Emma from work. She rang me earlier but I was in a meeting. I just wanted to know what she wanted. A:OK, I’ll tell her you called. B:Great, thanks. 3. A:So, how’s your new flatmate? B:Stuart? He’s OK, I suppose. A:Umm, you don’t sound very enthusiastic. B:Well, he’s starting to get on my nerves. A:Is he forgetting to pay the bills like your old flatmate? B:No, he’s OK with the bills. It’s just that he cooks some really nice food, but he never shares it with me. And I don’t think he likes it when I play on his game console. A:I see. Well, some people are just like that.
  • 3. PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS Copyright © MM Publications 3 Test: Module 3 Vocabulary A. 1. creamy 2. across 3. discussion 4. presentation 5. resist 6. exhausted 7. melt B. 1. reservation 2. allergic 3. whipped 4. chance 5. creative 6. post 7. instructor Communication 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. b 5. a 6. b Grammar A. 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. c 5. c 6. c 7. a 8. c B. 1. (who/that) 2. (which/that) 3. where 4. which/that 5. where 6. who/that 7. (which/that) 8. where Listening 1. b 2. c 3. b Reading 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F Writing Open answer. Listening transcript A: Hey, Wendy. B: Hi, Fiona. Do you want to go out for dinner tonight? A: Sure, but can we go somewhere normal for a change? B: What’s normal? A: Well, that last restaurant where there were no waiters and we ordered using a tablet wasn’t very good. B: Come on, it was fun! We got our food really fast, and it was delicious. A: Yeah, I suppose. It was just a strange place, that’s all. B: Well, maybe you won’t like what I have planned for tonight then. A: What is it this time? B: It’s a restaurant where you eat in the dark. A: What? No lights at all? B: Nope. It’s supposed to be amazing because all you think about is the taste. What do you think? A: That makes sense actually. But how do you know what you’re eating? B: You don’t, until you’ve tasted it. That’s the exciting thing. Also, they have got live relaxing music playing, too. So, you just listen and taste. A: It sounds pretty interesting actually. B: OK, then. It’s very near my flat. It’s on the corner of Wilson Street and Gilbert Road. We can meet there, or do you want me to pick you up? A: No, I’ll see you there. But if you get there first, wait for me. Don’t enter the restaurant, OK? B: Why not? A: I’m not going to find you inside if it’s dark! B: That’s true. OK, see you there at eight. A: Great.
  • 4. PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS Copyright © MM Publications 4 Test: Module 4 Vocabulary A. 1. sprained 2. windscreen 3. damage, collapsed 4. beeped 5. authorities 6. bandage 8. enormous B. 1. b 2. c 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. c 7. a Communication 1. c 2. a 3. e 4. b Grammar A. 1. fell 4. didn’t collapse 2. was talking, was making, were planning 5. saw, crossed 3. was cleaning 6. were wearing, didn’t get B. 1. while 2. As soon as 3. when 4. as 5. While Listening 1. the (National) Museum 2. fifth (5th) 3. Six (6) 4. paintings Reading 1. Because she got a flat tyre. 3. Because she couldn’t start the engine. 2. Half an hour. 4. She walked. / On foot. Writing Open answer. Listening transcript A: Hello, I’m Will Anderson, and this is Channel 6 news. We’re going over to Sandy Watson, who is going to give us the latest on the fire in Bridge Street this afternoon. Sandy? B: Hello, Will. Well, as you can see behind me, firefighters have just managed to put out the fire here at the National Museum. A few moments ago, they told us that the fire started in the cafeteria on the top floor and then spread to the fifth floor, which is below it. A: Were any people injured in the fire? B: No, luckily, there were about 100 people in the building at the time, but they got out pretty quickly. As we speak, firefighters are trying to rescue six people who are in one of the rooms on the top floors. They are trapped, but they are fine and they are in no danger. A: What about the damage to the building? B: Well, as you can imagine, the two top floors are pretty badly burnt. Fortunately, firefighters worked fast and managed to get most of the paintings out before they got destroyed in the fire. A: That’s good news. We’ll be back with Sandy, with any further developments...
  • 5. PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS Copyright © MM Publications 5 Test: Module 5 Vocabulary A. 1. succeeded 2. fasten 3. reduce 4. brochure 5. luggage 6. discovered 7. travel agency B. 1. towel 2. bargain 3. successful 4. ruins 5. land 6. board 7. dizzy Communication 1. d 2. b 3. a 4. e Grammar A. 1. did…come, was, had already started, arrived 2. looked, hadn’t slept 3. got, realised, hadn’t taken B. 1. Can 3. Could 2. Would 4. May, Could C. 1. You shouldn’t exercise when your back hurts. 2. We’d better leave now because we’re going to miss our flight. 3. You’d better not forget to take your car to the mechanic. 4. You should arrive early for the interview. Listening 1. b 2. b 3. c Reading 1. NM 2. F 3. T 4. F Writing Open answer. Listening transcript 1. A: Excuse me. B: Yes. How can I help? A: Is there going to be a long delay? B: I’m afraid so. The new departure time is 3:30. A: So, what time are we going to land? B: At about 4:30. A: You see, I’ve got a meeting at 5:30, and I don’t want to miss it. B: We’ll do our best to get you there on time. 2. A: Oh, I feel terrible. B: You probably still have motion sickness from the ferry. A: I don’t think it’s that. I have a headache and pains in my stomach, too. B: Well, it’s kind of late to find a doctor, isn’t it? A: I can check on the Internet for my symptoms when we get back home. B: No, I think you’d better see someone. Listen, I know a chemist’s that stays open till late. Let’s go there and ask them. A: OK, but drive quickly, please. 3. A: I don’t understand why we have to come to this beach. There are much better ones near here. B: Come on. I really like it here. A: It’s too crowded and noisy here. B: It’s not too bad. I love coming here because I had some unforgettable moments on this beach when I was a child. A: But on the other side of the island you have breathtaking views of the volcano. B: All right, we can go there tomorrow, OK? Did I ever tell you about the time my uncle Steve took us out in his boat and...? A: Yes, about a hundred times.
  • 6. PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS Copyright © MM Publications 6 Test: Module 6 Vocabulary A. 1. discount 2. eager 3. borrowed 4. addicted 5. majority 6. practical B. 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. b Communication 1. d 2. c 3. a 4. f 5. b 6. e Grammar A. 1. will be able to, have 2. watches, will go 3. will visit, invites 4. won’t talk, apologise 5. will wash, leaves B. 1. c 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. b Listening 1. W 2. M 3. M 4. B Reading 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F Writing Open answer. Listening transcript A:Did you see that news article about sending a human to Mars? B:Are they really going to do it? A:Not quite yet. But it might happen in our lifetime. Imagine that! B:I can’t see the point, really. A:What? Don’t you think it’s exciting? B:Not really. OK, they do research and they might even find life forms or something, but it’s just a waste of time. A:No, it isn’t. I don’t believe that they’ll find anything of interest, but it’s not all about the actual space travel to Mars. B:What do you mean? A:Just think of all the progress we make while designing the technology for space travel. I mean, computers, smartphones, GPS wouldn’t exist without all the research done on space travel. B:I hadn’t thought of that, actually. But is it really worth it? I mean, there are millions of people in the world who are homeless and hungry, and we’re spending billions on spacecraft. It doesn’t seem right. A:Well, yeah. When you say it like that. I suppose there are more important things to think about.
  • 7. PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS Copyright © MM Publications 7 Midterm Test: Modules 1-6 Vocabulary A. 1. exhausted 5. relieved 2. compartment 6. effects 3. speeding 7. documents 4. residents 8. illegal B. 1. c 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. b 6. a 7. c 8. c 9. a 10. c C. 1. homeless 5. useful 2. pollution 6. harmful 3. disappointed 7. discussion 4. surprised Communication 1. e 2. f 3. a 4. h 5. b 6. d 7. c 8. g Grammar A. 1. is having, Do you want 2. was reading, were watching 3. have known, moved 4. reached, had closed 5. doesn’t usually eat, prefers 6. was driving, crashed 7. are visiting, Have you ever been B. 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. c 5. c 6. a 7. c 8. b 9. c C. 1. Will 5. couldn’t 2. used 6. where 3. Could 7. while 4. shouldn’t 8. who D. 1. Paul, could you give me that bag, please? 2. My parents have been in Spain since last Wednesday. 3. There is no juice left. 4. Fred hasn’t got much spare time. 5. My youngest son isn’t able to ride a bicycle yet. 6. You had better not lie to me again. 7. By the time Betty came home, I had eaten dinner. / I had eaten dinner by the time Betty came home. 8. When I was young, I used to wear trainers all the time. Listening 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. a Reading 1. F 2. NM 3. NM 4. T 5. T
  • 8. PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS Copyright © MM Publications 8 Writing Open answer. Listening transcript 1. A:Hello, Sally! B:Hi, Wendy. How are you? A:Good. I didn’t see you at Ronda’s barbecue. Where were you? B:When was that? A:Two weeks ago. B:Ah, yes. I had to go to the dentist that day because my tooth was really hurting. I hadn’t been to the dentist for three years. A:That’s not good. Anyway, what a nice haircut! B:Thanks. When was the last time you saw me? It was right before your big job interview about a month ago. I had it cut after that. Anyway, how did it go? A:I didn’t get the job. But I’ve had a few interviews since then, and I’m more optimistic. B:That’s good. 2. And here’s the latest news about yesterday’s disaster in Portersville. Authorities have announced that many buildings were damaged, but luckily nobody was killed. There was some flooding in the city centre and the bad weather has made it hard for rescue teams. At the moment, there is a group of workers trapped in an office building. A rescue team is doing their best to get them out, but they are worried about aftershocks. Let’s go over to Sandy now, who is at the scene. 3. A:Hi! I’m home. B:Hello. A:How was work today? B:I had a day off, remember? A:Of course, sorry. Did you go to the supermarket? B:Yeah, but I didn’t find any nice bread. A:No problem. What about the gym? You said you wanted to go. B:Yeah, I’ll go later. Jim rang me and we met up at the café before I went to the supermarket. A:I see. How is he? B:He’s fine. He got a job at a… 4. A:Oh, I don’t believe this. Alison! Could you come here a minute? B:What’s wrong? A:What’s this? B:Umm... A:I told you three times. And I even lent you your half, so we could pay it on time. B:I know but... A:I’m not going to go and pay this bill, you know. I refuse to. Anyway, I’m at work all day, and you, well, you’re obviously busy watching TV all day. B:Look, Dorothy, I’m sorry. I’ll pay it tomorrow and I’ll try to remember to do it in the future. A:Well, take some more money. We’re going to have to pay a late fee now. B:Yeah, I know.
  • 9. PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS Copyright © MM Publications 9 Test: Module 7 Vocabulary A. 1. flyer 2. changed 3. complaint 4. off 5. unnecessary B. 1. suggestion 2. stressful 3. minimum 4. disapproved 5. remain 6. achieve Communication 1. f 2. a 3. e 4. b Grammar A. 1. reaches, will win 3. will…do, decides 2. arrive, will cook 4. will have, doesn’t rain B. 1. a 2. a 3. c 4. c 5. b C. 1. clumsy 3. worst 5. most convenient 7. more tiring 2. better 4. largest 6. farther/further 8. energetic Listening 1. b 2. b 3. a Reading 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. b Writing Open answer. Listening transcript 1. Welcome to the Boston Express Information Centre. Customer service representatives are available seven days a week from 5 am to 9 pm. If you want to make a booking arrangement, please press one. If you’d like information about time schedules, please press two. If you want information about special deals, press three. For more information, please wait for our next available customer representative to take your call... 2. A:Hi, Steve. Are you coming down to the ice-skating rink later? B:No, thanks. I’m not really into ice skating. I always fall over. A:No. The Lions are playing the Hawks. It’s an important match. B:Really? I didn’t know that. How much are the tickets? A:I can get them half-price because my cousin works there. B:That’s cool. A:So, are you coming? B:You know what? It’ll probably be on TV. I’d prefer to watch it from the comfort of my living room. A:Boring! I’ll find someone else who enjoys hockey to come with me. 3. A:How are you, Glen? B:I’m just a little bit tired, that’s all. A:Were you out late again last night? B:Not really. I went to the café with some friends and then we went and had a steak at Smoking Tim’s. A:Oh, I love that place. They have some very nice salads. B:And steaks! I had two. But I won’t be going there for a while. A:Why not? B:I want to make some changes to my diet. A:But you go jogging every day. You don’t need to lose weight. B:I know. I just want to get a little healthier. A:I see.
  • 10. PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS Copyright © MM Publications 10 Test: Module 8 Vocabulary A. 1. cheered 5. horror 2. priority 6. racket 3. pads 7. kicked 4. provide 8. down B. 1. net 5. packed 2. rules 6. set 3. original 7. cast 4. main 8. enthusiastic Communication 1. e 2. a 3. c 4. d Grammar A. 1. controls 4. was played 2. is spoken 5. directed 3. was built 6. are held B. 1. c 2. c 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. c 7. a 8. b 9. a 10. a Listening 1. 10 (ten) 2. dribbling (the ball) 3. 6 (six) Reading 1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T Writing Open answer. Listening transcript A:Well, what an end to the third quarter that was! B:Yes, it was very exciting. A:Let’s just go over it again, because it all happened so fast. With ten seconds to go, the Tigers were winning by 6 points. I thought it would stay like that. B:Me too. The Falcons seemed to be in deep trouble, but then Ericson came into the game and really changed things. A:And he only came on because Thompson was injured. Is that right? B:That’s what it looked like. Thompson fell while he was dribbling from one end of the court to the other. He obviously sprained his ankle, and with about 15 seconds to go, Ericson was given the chance to play. A:Yeah, I think Coach Rollins just didn’t want the Tigers to score any more points, so he put Ericson on to try and stop them. B:But Ericson had other plans. As soon as he caught the ball for the first time, he shot and scored. A:Three points! What a shot! B:Then with 5 seconds on the clock, the Tigers came down the other end. They missed a shot and Ericson caught the ball again. He had a few players he could pass to, but with only two seconds left he threw the ball from the other end of the court. Another three points! A:The whole arena watched as the ball flew the length of the court and into the basket. I haven’t seen anything like it for many years. B:No, you’re right. It really was a special shot. A:And the players are entering the court now for the fourth quarter. Will Coach Rollins play Ericson in this quarter? B:I think he has to, after that performance. A:OK. Let’s take a look at the teams.
  • 11. PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS Copyright © MM Publications 11 Test: Module 9 Vocabulary A. 1. fluent 5. crashed 2. rise 6. enrolled 3. lifeguard 7. trade 4. loan B. 1. fired 4. employees 2. plumber 5. subtitles 3. picked up 6. break Communication 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b Grammar A. 1. Has…finished, has been painting, hasn’t managed 2. have been looking, have found, have been trying 3. have been living, haven’t decided B. 1. b 2. b 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. a 7. a 8. c Listening 1. covering letter 2. part-time 3. Political Science 4. working overtime Reading 1. Cleaner, garbage collector and bus driver. 2. Because they always have to finish within a deadline. 3. They have to tweet all the time, write their own blogs and even take videos of the story they are following. 4. No, he doesn’t. Writing Open answer. Listening transcript A:Good afternoon. B:Come in, come in. It’s Richard Simpson, isn’t it? A:That’s right. I’m here for a job interview. B:Yes, I know. I have your CV here, but I couldn’t find your cover letter. A:I forgot to send one, I’m sorry. B:No problem. Now, we have a few positions available. Are you looking for a full-time job? A:Well, to be honest, I can only work three days a week at the moment. Is that a problem? B:We’ll see. It’s good to know these things, anyway. Suzie told me you are interested in a job in accounting? A:Yes, that’s right. B:But you studied Political Science at university. Is that right? A:That’s right. But for the last five years I’ve been working in the accounting department of my uncle’s company. B:I see. So, you have some experience. A:Yes, I was really good at it. But I wasn’t getting paid much, which I didn’t like. B:OK. Now, there are some days we get very busy, which means you may have to work extra hours. How do you feel about that? A:That won’t be a problem, as long as I work three days a week. B:Oh, good. Now, let me ask you about your…
  • 12. PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS Copyright © MM Publications 12 Test: Module 10 Vocabulary A. 1. reach 3. dye 5. pounds 7. tablespoons 2. ingredients 4. Pour 6. charity 8. withdraw B. 1. fee 3. change 5. charge 7. limit 2. store 4. directly 6. repeat 8. empty Communication 1. b 2. e 3. d 4. c 5. a Grammar A. 1. to look 4. let, play 7. doing, finding 2. Memorising 5. to wake 8. to eat 3. going 6. learning 9. to get 10. to ask B. 1. big enough 3. too hard 5. too many 2. enough time 4. too violent Listening 1. b 2. c 3. c Reading 1. b 2. c 3. a Writing Open answer. Listening transcript 1. A:So, are you going to get that skirt, Ellie? B:No, I don’t think so. A:Why not? It looks good on you. Is it a little too big, maybe? B:No, it’s fine. A:What then? Is it the price? Because I can lend you some money. B:No, it’s OK. I’m not broke. It’s just that I have two more at home that I never wear. It seems silly getting another one. A:Maybe you’re right. 2. A:OK. I think we have everything we need for the cake. B:I don’t think we have enough eggs. A:Are you sure? Check the fridge. B:No, you’re right. We have enough. We only have about a pint of milk, though. Is that enough? A:Yeah, it says we need about ten fluid ounces. B:But I might not have enough for my cereal tomorrow. A:We can go out and get a couple of pints later. B:Good idea. 3. A:Did you remember everything? B:I think so. I got apples and carrots, and some toothpaste. A:And what about shampoo? B:Ah... that wasn’t on the list, was it? A:But I called you to remind you. B:Yeah, sorry. I forgot. I usually write things I want to remember on my hand but... A:What’s that on your hand? B:That’s to remind me to fix the mixer. A:Are you going to forget to do that, too? B:No, I’ll do it a little later.
  • 13. PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS Copyright © MM Publications 13 Test: Module 11 Vocabulary A. 1. exotic 5. remind 2. stage 6. parade 3. celebrate 7. anniversary 4. grapes 8. consequences B. 1. pavement 5. mentioned 2. phrasebook 6. direction 3. adventurous 7. photocopy 4. risky Communication 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a Grammar A. 1. were, would apologise 5. didn’t stay 2. could 6. lived, wouldn’t need 3. would play, had 7. could go 4. exercised B. 1. …where the carnival is held 2. …if/whether I need to make a reservation in advance 3. …me what ‘trash’ means 4. …if/whether there is an information desk nearby 5. …how many languages the tour guide speaks Listening 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T Reading 1. T 2. F 3. NM 4. NM Writing Open answer. Listening transcript Last year my wife and I were on a bus tour of castles in Germany. There were a lot of bus journeys and it was very tiring, but we had a very nice time. One morning we were travelling in the north of the country. Our next stop was a long way away, so the bus stopped in a small town for a break. My wife was sleeping so I got off quickly to get some coffee. The café was busy so I had to wait in a long queue. When I got back to where the bus had parked, it was gone. I panicked, and didn’t know what to do. Then I had an idea. I got a taxi and told the driver to take me to the next castle. Luckily, he could speak English and understood what I told him. The only problem was that I only had enough money for a coffee, not for a taxi to the next town. When I explained, the driver believed me, and I promised to pay him when we got there. He drove as fast as he could to the castle, and just as we arrived, we saw the bus arriving, too. I jumped out of the taxi and onto the bus, because I thought my wife would be really worried. But there she was, still asleep. I couldn’t believe it. As I was looking for money to pay the driver, she woke up and said, ‘Be a dear and get me a coffee, please.’
  • 14. PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS Copyright © MM Publications 14 Test: Module 12 Vocabulary A. 1. rash 5. prescription 2. accident 6. ridiculous 3. speechless 7. orphan 4. jealous 8. starving B. 1. a 2. a 3. c 4. b 5. c 6. c 7. a 8. b Communication 1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b Grammar A. 1. …to sit down. 2. …where my brother was. 3. …(that) he had just got over his allergy. 4. …what we were doing the following weekend. 5. …not to stay up too late. 6. …(that) she wouldn’t lie to me again. 7. …to lend her €50. / …if/whether I would lend her €50. 8. …if/whether he had taken a painkiller the day before / the previous day. B. 1. have you 2. will you 3. doesn’t he, does he 4. didn’t she C. 1. Haven’t you seen a doctor? / Shouldn’t you see a doctor? 2. Don’t you want to come hiking with me? 3. Can’t you ride a bike? Listening 1. a 2. c 3. c Reading 1. He nearly jumped out of his skin. 2. The new painkillers he had bought. 3. Because he had arranged to meet some friends for coffee. 4. Someone / A thief stole his bike. Writing Open answer.
  • 15. PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS Copyright © MM Publications 15 Listening transcript 1. A: Hello. Can I make an appointment for Tuesday with Dr Knowles? B: I’m sorry, but he’s not coming in tomorrow or the next day. He’s ill. A: Oh. B: I have some free appointments on Friday. A: I can’t make it on Friday. And you’re closed on Saturday, aren’t you? B: Actually, we’re open. But there aren’t any free appointments, I’m afraid. A: OK, then. What about next Monday? B: That’s should be fine. What time would you like to... 2. A: Hey, guess what my boss said today! B: Oh, he didn’t embarrass himself again, did he? A: Not this time. He said he wants us to stay an hour later every day. B: What? But still come in at the same time? A: That’s right. B: Were you surprised? A: Not really. He’s been wanting to do this for a long time. It just drives me up the wall because we all work so hard. B: What can you do? 3. A: Hi, Sophie. How are you doing? Do you want to talk? B: Oh, not you too. I’ve had enough people trying to... A: Listen, I don’t want to fight with you. I just want to make sure you’re OK. B: Sorry. I’ve been kind of moody since I found out about my exam results. A: That’s what I wanted to talk to you about. You really shouldn’t be so annoyed. Everyone knows you can do better than that. B: I can. I really can. A: Well, all you need to do is take them again, and this time, don’t worry so much. You’ll definitely do better. B:I hope you’re right.
  • 16. PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS Copyright © MM Publications 16 Final Test Vocabulary A. 1. a 2. c 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. c 7. a 8. c 9. c 10. a B. 1. insecure 5. quit 2. stare 6. donation 3. hesitate 7. salary 4. filling 8. uniform C. 1. up 4. out 2. of 5. on, down 3. in 6. off Communication 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. a Grammar A. 1. c 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. b 7. c 8. c 9. a 10. c B. 1. herself 5. had better 2. too 6. may 3. don’t you 7. such 4. has been trying 8. As soon as C. 1. …my colleagues were (more) helpful. 2. … (some) spare time, he would go to the gym. 3. …is used by many students to study. 4. …where I had found that document. 5. …not to get up yet. 6. …not go out tonight. 7. …if/whether they allow children to enter the museum for free? 8. …adventurous as my older sister. 9. …Jake (that) they could play volleyball the next/following day. 10. …a comfortable sofa that we bought it. 11. …was found by the police late last night. 12. …uploading some of our holiday pictures? D. 1. c 2. c 3. a 4. c 5. a 6. b 7. c 8. a 9. b 10. c 11. b Listening 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. a Reading 1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. F Writing Open answer.
  • 17. PIONEER pre-intermediate - KEY TO TESTS Copyright © MM Publications 17 Listening transcript 1. A: Hello? B: Hi, Fred. Are you coming to my get-together on Saturday? It’s going to be fun. A: I’d like to, but it’s a long drive. I have to be somewhere in the morning, and I don’t want to drive all the way back home late at night. B: What? You have to come! Everyone is expecting you. A: Maybe I can find a cheap hotel near your house, and leave early in the morning. B: What are you talking about? I can put you up. A: But you must have a full house. B: We’ll find some space. A: Are you sure? B: Of course! 2. A: So, what do you think of the game? B: It’s all right, I suppose. I think 2-2 is a good result for United. A: No way! United should win this match. B: Yeah, but they aren’t playing well, at all. A: You’re right. And Jameson has had a terrible game. What a disappointment! B: You can say that again. A: I hope United sells him at the end of the season. B: It would be a bad decision to keep him. 3. A: Hi, Roger. Did you have a nice morning? B: Yeah, I went for a walk in the city centre. I had a few things to do, and I also went to the bank. A: What for? Don’t you use Internet banking? B: Yeah, but I needed to withdraw some cash, and the cash machine near me is broken. Of course there are other machines in the area which I could have gone to, but my sister wants to open an account, and I wanted to get a few brochures for her. A: Well, it was a nice morning for a walk anyway. B: Exactly. 4. A: Hello, how are you today? B: Not good. I’m in a lot of pain. A: Have you been to see a doctor? B: No, I just need some painkillers. Some strong ones, please. A: Are you sure? It looks like you need a dentist. B: Yes. I’ve booked an appointment for tomorrow morning, but until then... A: OK, I understand. Let me see what I have for you.