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Sometimes the only
happiness one desires is to
hold a brush or pluck
a flower without struggle!
 Every pathologist will see such patients!
 There is often a delay in diagnosis (upto 3 yrs!!!)
 Non immunologic derangements often precede
immunologic ones
 Minimum Physician contact time leading to poor
patient advice.
 Correct guidance can save hours of misery and years
of delay
 “the scope of pathology is determined only
by the limits a pathologist sets for himself”
 From inter discipline to multi discipline to
cross discipline
 De compartmentalization of scientific
 A 45 ye old male presented with (2 month
history of)
 Generalized weakness
 Fatigue
 Low grade fever
 No clear diagnosis
 Treated symptomatically
Week 1
 Suddenly developed
 Skin eruptions all over the trunk (Suspected drug
 Oral ulcers
 Hospitalized in critical condition..!
Week 2
 Extensive investigations but no clear
 Finally tested positive for HIV..!
Week 4
 Found to be positive
for HCV
And, then
 Found to be Positive
for HBV as well!!!
 Something wasn’t right!
Week 5
 Developed multi organ involvement
 Pleuritis
 Seizures
 Joint pains
 Referred to Oncologist, pulmonologist,
gastroenterologist, Dermatologist, ENT
Specialist…. No clear diagnosis!
Week 7
 Finally, someone advised Antinuclear
antibodies which turned out to be positive
 A positive ANA is pathognomonic for SLE
 Patient was traced back and called for
Immunology consult!
 Positive ANA test was reconfirmed by indirect
immunofluorescence testing
Week 9
 Diagnosis: SLE
 What actually happened?
 Serum of an SLE patient becomes an
antibody cocktail and the antibody excess
messes up the rapid tests such as Anti HIV
Antibodies , Anti HCV Antibodies, HbsAg
Week 10
 As pathologist your index of suspicion
coupled with knowledge can help a relative,
and help in early diagnosis!
 Thalassemia in Pakistan
 50,000 - 70000 patients Approx
 Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
 42 per 100,000 Disease Burden = 75000
 RheumatoidArthritis
 0.55% Disease Burden = 11,00,000
 In US, 24 million people have Autoimmune
diseases (Population=370 million, Prevalence
= 6.5%)
 Projected estimates for Pakistan
 6.5% of population
 14300000 people with Autoimmune diseases in
Pakistan (Maybe even more)
 That means what?
Population = 11.17 Million
With a 6.5% prevalence of AI diseases
726050 patients
 Initial symptoms
 non specific
 Diagnosis
 Delayed
 Missed
 Result: Increased morbidity due to
 Example:
 Life time risk for developing Rheumatoid
 1 in 12 for women and 1 in 20 for men
Crowson CS, Matteson EL, Myasoedova E, et al. The lifetime risk of adult-onset
rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory autoimmune rheumatic
diseases. Arthritis Rheum. 2011;63(3):633–639. doi:10.1002/art.30155
 Protected childhoods
 Don’t play in the mud!
 Sanitized environments
 Overuse of disinfectent soaps, hand washes etc
 Mineral water
 The kids only drink bottled water!!
 Antibiotic over use
 He sneezed… Give him Augmentin
or Cefim right away!
 Tolerance is specific immunologic
 i.e., an immune response to a certain antigen
[or epitope] does not occur, although the
immune system is otherwise functioning
 Lack of reactivity to ‘own’ antigens
 Autoimmune diseases are simply a
break down of tolerance !!
 e.g Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE),
RheumatoidArthritis (RA) etc
 “Deletion of self-reactive T-cell precursors
in the thymus”
 In general, antigens that are present during
embryonic life are considered “self ” and do
not stimulate an immunologic response (i.e.,
we are tolerant to those antigens)
 T CellTolerance
 B CellTolerance
 Types:
 Central tolerance: Thymus
 Mechanism:
▪ Clonal deletion
 Peripheral tolerance: Outside thymus
 Mechanism
▪ Clonal anergy
 Peripheral tolerance is necessary because
some antigens are not expressed in the
thymus and therefore some self reactive T
cells are not killed in the thymus.
 There are several mechanisms involved in
peripheral tolerance
NormalT Cell Activation In case of clonal anergy
 Types:
 Central tolerance: Bone marrow
 Mechanism:
▪ Clonal deletion and receptor editing
 Peripheral tolerance: Outside bone marrow
 Mechanism
▪ Clonal anergy
 To avoid clonal deletion , B cells undergo
receptor editing
 Upto 50% of all B cells undergo receptor
 Central
 Deletion
 Peripheral
 Anergy
 Central
 Deletion (with
receptor editing)
 Peripheral
 Anergy
 Age
 Lower age enhances tolerance
 Structure & dose of antigens
 Lower doses induce tolerance
 Administration of immunosuppressive drugs
 Induces tolerance
 Type of cells involved
 T cells become tolerant more readily
 Administration of a cross-reacting antigen
 Terminates tolerance.
 Loss of tolerance to self antigens
 The most important step in the production of
autoimmune disease is the activation of self-
reactive helper (CD4)T cells.
 These self-reactive cells can induce either
cell-mediated or antibody-mediated
autoimmune reactions, respectively
 Why are they important?
 A connective tissue disease screening
questionnaire for population studies
(ElizabethW.Karlson, MD)
These can be:
 Genetic
 Endogenous/ Hormonal
 Environmental
The time for life style intervention in autoimmune
diseases is always there
 If there’s one in the family, there’d would
more! (Familial clustering!)
 What’s a family?
 Three generation first degree pedigree
 HLA genes
 Others
 “As many as 25 percent of people with an
autoimmune disease will experience
additional autoimmune disorders”
 Some autoimmune diseases carry an
increased likelihood of having three or more
autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid
arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Hashimoto's
thyroiditis, and Sjögren’s syndrome
 Are not causative
 Only increase likelihood
 What is likelihood, Btw ?
 HLA DR4 increases the
chance of having RA by
 HLA DR increases the
incidence of RA from 1
per 1000 population to
2 per 1000 population
 Are not causative
 Only increase likelihood
 What is likelihood, Btw ?
 Need an external trigger
 Environmental factors
 Environmental causes may account for as
many as 70 percent of all autoimmune
 Infections, like the Epstein-Barr virus
 Toxic chemicals, like cigarette smoke
 Dietary factors, like excessive salt
Vojdani A, Pollard KM, Campbell AW. Environmental triggers and
autoimmunity. Autoimmune Dis. 2014;2014:798029. doi:10.1155/2014/798029
 ParvoVirus
 Retro viruses (HIV!!)
 HCV….!!!!
 (Inc assoc with thyroid/ pancreatic malfunction)
 Strep Pyogenes
 Rheumatic fever
 25% RA associated mortality is due to
 90% of all Autoimmune diseases occur in
 A lower incidence in men means delayed
diagnosis and less clinical suspicion!!
 What does this mean?
 If there is no other identifiable cause, then a
higher index of suspicion is warranted in
 Males with specific symptoms
▪ He has butterfly rash, he cant have SLE possibly
(Yes he has!!)
 Females with general symptoms
▪ (She just has lots of aches and pains, can’t be an
autoimmune disease.. Yes, it might be.. Give her an
autoimmune screen.)
For example:
 Smoke
 Cigarette smoke
 (Primary or secondary)
 Smog??
 (Cigarette equivalent of smog)
 What’s Rawalpindi’s air
quality equivalence to
cigarette smoke
 “Multiple dietary approaches have been
 Eat low sugar, moderate fat, high protein,
whole & natural foods cooked in non
inflammatory oils (olive, coconut, canola,
 Avoid processed foods, sugars, reheated
vegetable or seed oils
 A low carb diet helps in
managing AI diseases
(Wahl’s Protocol)
 Vegan diets lower risk
of all cause mortality
(Dr Danielle Belardo,
 Sleep
 Stress
 Exercise
 Mental health
 Chronic insomnia is
associated with an
increased incidence of
developing autoimmu
ne disease (Zeilinski et
 One night of poor
sleep causes genome
wide disturbance
(Satchin Panda et al)
 Acute as well as long
term stress
predisposes to chronic
conditions including
autoimmune illnesses
 In studies, regular exercise has been shown
to help dampen autoimmunity in patients
with lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple
sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, and
other conditions.
 Studies have also shown that sedentary
patients have higher incidences
of autoimmune diseases than more active
 Something better than nothing
 More is better
 Age is just a number
 There are no diseases that should be
considered more acceptable with age
 Diseases are due to sarcopenia, not aging and
sarcopenia is controllable
 More people in US are mobile at 90 than
Pakistani ppl mobile at 70
 Sarcopenia doubles the autoimmunity
related functional dependence
 Japanese migrants to US develop lower life
expectancies. Other way round isn’t true.
 The china study (Hoax or true)
 Longevity
 Health span vs life span
 Why do Mediterranean countries have lower
all cause disease mortality? (Mediterranean
1. Molecular mimicry
 Immune response against a substance can induce
immune response against it’s molecular
2. Alteration of Normal Proteins
3. Release of SequesteredAntigens
 Due to disease etc
4. Epitope Spreading
5. Failure of regulatoryT cells
 RA
 PemphigusVulgaris
 Grave’s disease
 Coeliac disease
 When to screen a patient who has just “aches
and pains” for autoimmune disease?
1. When there is no underlying cause and
general symptoms are not resolving, or
2. a specific symptom develops , or
3. organ involvement becomes apparent
 Just getting the autoimmune profile done is
the problem!
 Blood CP
 ENA Screening
 RA Factor
 C3,C4
 Anti ds DNA
 Anti GBM
 Anti NMDA
 Anti thyroid
 Anti Islet cell
 Anti centromere
 Anti cardiolipin
 Anti beta 2 glycoprotein 1
 etc
 C3, C4
 Half life 8 hours
 Best marker of activation of innate immune
response & inflammation
 Indicates
 Infection
 Ongoing inflammation
 Incipient relapse
 Half life 6 Days
 Anti IgG, IgM
 An IgM molecule that binds IgG
 Present in majority of systemic autoimmune
illnesses and advancing age
 Reduced in response to treatment
 C4 much less than C3 physiologically
 C4 is the first to be depleted
 Best marker of sub clinical autoimmune
C3 Normal C4 Normal Queisent disease/
C3 Normal C4 reduced Indolent disease/ AI
C3 reduced C4 reduced Progressive disease
 Both ESR, CRP elevated in intractable cases
 ESR raised, normal CRP – Non inflammatory
chronic disease
 ESR normal, raised CRP – infection, acute
 ESR, CRP both normal - Queiscence
 Coombs test – Direct/ Indirect
 Anti platelets antibodies
 Anti smooth muscle
 Anti LKM
 Anti Mitochondrial
 Most tests are method dependent with varying
sensitivity (esp ANA, ANCA) – High inter and
intra assay reproducibility but questionable inter
method concordance
 Biologic disease precedes clinical disease or vice
versa (Asymptomatic ANA positive or ANA
negatve lupus)
 Undulating course (Test was positive last month,
negative this month, now again positive)
 Treatment target is stopping biologic
progression or clinical disease?
 Get a baseline autoimmune screen
 Extended screen in case of baseline positivity
 Repeat at 3 months
 Create a patient profile (Keep & tally the
 Please remember
 Trend more imp than single reading
 Profile more imp than single test
 Autoantibodies can cause interference in both
non-immunoassay and immunoassay methods
for a number of analytes
 TFTs,TG, prolactin, other hormones etc
 High /low TFTs, CK, LDH, PRL, etc… Are they real
or interference artifacts…..Serial dilutions is the
 Conversely, chemistry values reversed by
serial dilutions represent autoantibody
Your personal risk calculator
Time for The
mandatory Quiz!!!
 Immunologic tolerance is an example of
1. Incomplete immune response
2. Ineffective immune response
3. Partial immune response
4. Absent immune response
5. No immune response
 What induces tolerance?
1. Deletion of self reactiveT cells in thymus
2. Deletion of self reactiveT cells in Bone marrow
3. Deletion of self reactive B cells in thymus
4. Deletion of self reactive B cells in Bone marrow
 Negative selection ofT cells in thymus is an
example of:
1. Clonal anergy
2. Clonal deletion
3. Receptor editing
4. Breakdown of tolerance
5. None of the above
 All of these are mechanisms of peripheralT
cell tolerance except
1. Clonal anergy
2. Clonal deletion
3. Inhibition by regulatoryT cells
4. Positive selection of self reactiveT cells
5. None of the above
 All of these are mechanisms of autoimmunity
1. Molecular mimicry
2. Release of Sequestered Antigens
3. Epitope Spreading
4. Failure of regulatoryT cells
5. Negative selection of self reactiveT cells
 Following factors are a cause of autoimmune
disease, except:
 Genetic factors
 Hormonal factors
 Environmental factors
 Dietary factors
 None of the above
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  • 1. Sometimes the only happiness one desires is to hold a brush or pluck a flower without struggle!
  • 2.  Every pathologist will see such patients!  There is often a delay in diagnosis (upto 3 yrs!!!)  Non immunologic derangements often precede immunologic ones  Minimum Physician contact time leading to poor patient advice.  Correct guidance can save hours of misery and years of delay
  • 3.  “the scope of pathology is determined only by the limits a pathologist sets for himself”  From inter discipline to multi discipline to cross discipline  De compartmentalization of scientific knowledge
  • 4.  A 45 ye old male presented with (2 month history of)  Generalized weakness  Fatigue  Low grade fever  No clear diagnosis  Treated symptomatically Week 1
  • 5.  Suddenly developed  Skin eruptions all over the trunk (Suspected drug reaction?)  Oral ulcers  Hospitalized in critical condition..! Week 2
  • 6.  Extensive investigations but no clear diagnosis  Finally tested positive for HIV..! Week 4
  • 7.  Found to be positive for HCV And, then  Found to be Positive for HBV as well!!!  Something wasn’t right! Week 5
  • 8.  Developed multi organ involvement  Pleuritis  Seizures  Joint pains  Referred to Oncologist, pulmonologist, gastroenterologist, Dermatologist, ENT Specialist…. No clear diagnosis! Week 7
  • 9.  Finally, someone advised Antinuclear antibodies which turned out to be positive  A positive ANA is pathognomonic for SLE  Patient was traced back and called for Immunology consult!  Positive ANA test was reconfirmed by indirect immunofluorescence testing Week 9
  • 10.  Diagnosis: SLE  What actually happened?  Serum of an SLE patient becomes an antibody cocktail and the antibody excess messes up the rapid tests such as Anti HIV Antibodies , Anti HCV Antibodies, HbsAg Week 10
  • 11.  As pathologist your index of suspicion coupled with knowledge can help a relative, and help in early diagnosis!
  • 12.
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.  Thalassemia in Pakistan  50,000 - 70000 patients Approx
  • 17.  Systemic Lupus Erythematosus  42 per 100,000 Disease Burden = 75000  RheumatoidArthritis  0.55% Disease Burden = 11,00,000 18
  • 18.
  • 19.  In US, 24 million people have Autoimmune diseases (Population=370 million, Prevalence = 6.5%)  Projected estimates for Pakistan  6.5% of population  14300000 people with Autoimmune diseases in Pakistan (Maybe even more)  That means what?
  • 20. Population = 11.17 Million With a 6.5% prevalence of AI diseases 726050 patients
  • 21.  Initial symptoms  non specific  Diagnosis  Delayed  Missed  Result: Increased morbidity due to complications
  • 22.  Example:  Life time risk for developing Rheumatoid Arthritis  1 in 12 for women and 1 in 20 for men Crowson CS, Matteson EL, Myasoedova E, et al. The lifetime risk of adult-onset rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory autoimmune rheumatic diseases. Arthritis Rheum. 2011;63(3):633–639. doi:10.1002/art.30155
  • 23.
  • 25.  Protected childhoods  Don’t play in the mud!  Sanitized environments  Overuse of disinfectent soaps, hand washes etc  Mineral water  The kids only drink bottled water!!  Antibiotic over use  He sneezed… Give him Augmentin or Cefim right away!
  • 26. Definition:  Tolerance is specific immunologic unresponsiveness  i.e., an immune response to a certain antigen [or epitope] does not occur, although the immune system is otherwise functioning normally
  • 27. Tolerance:  Lack of reactivity to ‘own’ antigens  Autoimmune diseases are simply a break down of tolerance !!  e.g Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE), RheumatoidArthritis (RA) etc
  • 28.  “Deletion of self-reactive T-cell precursors in the thymus”  In general, antigens that are present during embryonic life are considered “self ” and do not stimulate an immunologic response (i.e., we are tolerant to those antigens)
  • 29.  T CellTolerance  B CellTolerance
  • 30.  Types:  Central tolerance: Thymus  Mechanism: ▪ Clonal deletion  Peripheral tolerance: Outside thymus  Mechanism ▪ Clonal anergy
  • 31.
  • 32.  Peripheral tolerance is necessary because some antigens are not expressed in the thymus and therefore some self reactive T cells are not killed in the thymus.  There are several mechanisms involved in peripheral tolerance
  • 33.
  • 34. NormalT Cell Activation In case of clonal anergy
  • 35.  Types:  Central tolerance: Bone marrow  Mechanism: ▪ Clonal deletion and receptor editing  Peripheral tolerance: Outside bone marrow  Mechanism ▪ Clonal anergy
  • 36.  To avoid clonal deletion , B cells undergo receptor editing  Upto 50% of all B cells undergo receptor editing
  • 37. T CELLS  Central  Deletion  Peripheral  Anergy B CELLS  Central  Deletion (with receptor editing)  Peripheral  Anergy
  • 38.  Age  Lower age enhances tolerance  Structure & dose of antigens  Lower doses induce tolerance  Administration of immunosuppressive drugs  Induces tolerance  Type of cells involved  T cells become tolerant more readily  Administration of a cross-reacting antigen  Terminates tolerance.
  • 39.
  • 40. Definition  Loss of tolerance to self antigens
  • 41.  The most important step in the production of autoimmune disease is the activation of self- reactive helper (CD4)T cells.  These self-reactive cells can induce either cell-mediated or antibody-mediated autoimmune reactions, respectively
  • 42.  Why are they important?  A connective tissue disease screening questionnaire for population studies (ElizabethW.Karlson, MD) 
  • 43. These can be:  Genetic  Endogenous/ Hormonal  Environmental
  • 44. The time for life style intervention in autoimmune diseases is always there
  • 45.  If there’s one in the family, there’d would more! (Familial clustering!)  What’s a family?  Three generation first degree pedigree
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 49.  “As many as 25 percent of people with an autoimmune disease will experience additional autoimmune disorders”  Some autoimmune diseases carry an increased likelihood of having three or more autoimmune diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, and Sjögren’s syndrome
  • 50.  Are not causative  Only increase likelihood  What is likelihood, Btw ?
  • 51.  HLA DR4 increases the chance of having RA by 50%  HLA DR increases the incidence of RA from 1 per 1000 population to 2 per 1000 population
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.  Are not causative  Only increase likelihood  What is likelihood, Btw ?  Need an external trigger  Environmental factors
  • 55.  Environmental causes may account for as many as 70 percent of all autoimmune diseases.  Infections, like the Epstein-Barr virus  Toxic chemicals, like cigarette smoke  Dietary factors, like excessive salt
  • 56. Vojdani A, Pollard KM, Campbell AW. Environmental triggers and autoimmunity. Autoimmune Dis. 2014;2014:798029. doi:10.1155/2014/798029
  • 57.  CMV  EBV  ParvoVirus  Retro viruses (HIV!!)  HCV….!!!!  (Inc assoc with thyroid/ pancreatic malfunction)  Strep Pyogenes  Rheumatic fever
  • 58.
  • 59.  25% RA associated mortality is due to infections
  • 60.  90% of all Autoimmune diseases occur in women  A lower incidence in men means delayed diagnosis and less clinical suspicion!!  What does this mean?
  • 61.  If there is no other identifiable cause, then a higher index of suspicion is warranted in  Males with specific symptoms ▪ He has butterfly rash, he cant have SLE possibly (Yes he has!!)  Females with general symptoms ▪ (She just has lots of aches and pains, can’t be an autoimmune disease.. Yes, it might be.. Give her an autoimmune screen.)
  • 62. For example:  Smoke  Cigarette smoke  (Primary or secondary)  Smog??  (Cigarette equivalent of smog)
  • 63.  What’s Rawalpindi’s air quality equivalence to cigarette smoke today?
  • 64.  “Multiple dietary approaches have been investigated”  Eat low sugar, moderate fat, high protein, whole & natural foods cooked in non inflammatory oils (olive, coconut, canola, butter)  Avoid processed foods, sugars, reheated vegetable or seed oils
  • 65.  A low carb diet helps in managing AI diseases (Wahl’s Protocol)  Vegan diets lower risk of all cause mortality (Dr Danielle Belardo, MD)
  • 66.  Sleep  Stress  Exercise  Mental health
  • 67.  Chronic insomnia is associated with an increased incidence of developing autoimmu ne disease (Zeilinski et al)  One night of poor sleep causes genome wide disturbance (Satchin Panda et al)
  • 68.  Acute as well as long term stress predisposes to chronic conditions including autoimmune illnesses
  • 69.  In studies, regular exercise has been shown to help dampen autoimmunity in patients with lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, inflammatory bowel disease, and other conditions.  Studies have also shown that sedentary patients have higher incidences of autoimmune diseases than more active patients
  • 70.  Something better than nothing  More is better
  • 71.  Age is just a number  There are no diseases that should be considered more acceptable with age  Diseases are due to sarcopenia, not aging and sarcopenia is controllable  More people in US are mobile at 90 than Pakistani ppl mobile at 70  Sarcopenia doubles the autoimmunity related functional dependence
  • 72.  Japanese migrants to US develop lower life expectancies. Other way round isn’t true. Why?  The china study (Hoax or true)  Longevity  Health span vs life span  Why do Mediterranean countries have lower all cause disease mortality? (Mediterranean Diet)
  • 73. 1. Molecular mimicry  Immune response against a substance can induce immune response against it’s molecular analogues 2. Alteration of Normal Proteins 3. Release of SequesteredAntigens  Due to disease etc 4. Epitope Spreading 5. Failure of regulatoryT cells
  • 74.  SLE  RA  PemphigusVulgaris  IDDM  Grave’s disease  Coeliac disease
  • 75.
  • 76.
  • 77.  When to screen a patient who has just “aches and pains” for autoimmune disease? 1. When there is no underlying cause and general symptoms are not resolving, or 2. a specific symptom develops , or 3. organ involvement becomes apparent
  • 78.  Just getting the autoimmune profile done is the problem!
  • 79. BASIC SCREEN  Blood CP  ESR  ANA  ENA Screening  RA Factor  C3,C4  CRP EXTENDED SCREEN  Anti ds DNA  cANCA  pANCA  ENA ID
  • 80. DISEASE SPECIFIC  Anti GBM  Anti NMDA  Anti thyroid  Anti Islet cell  Anti centromere  Anti cardiolipin  Anti beta 2 glycoprotein 1  etc  MONITORING  C3, C4  CRP  ESR  ANA/ ANCA
  • 81.  Half life 8 hours  Best marker of activation of innate immune response & inflammation  Indicates  Infection  Ongoing inflammation  Incipient relapse
  • 82.  Half life 6 Days  Anti IgG, IgM  An IgM molecule that binds IgG  Present in majority of systemic autoimmune illnesses and advancing age  Reduced in response to treatment
  • 83.  C4 much less than C3 physiologically  C4 is the first to be depleted  Best marker of sub clinical autoimmune pathogenesis C3 Normal C4 Normal Queisent disease/ normal C3 Normal C4 reduced Indolent disease/ AI pathogenesis C3 reduced C4 reduced Progressive disease
  • 84.  Both ESR, CRP elevated in intractable cases  ESR raised, normal CRP – Non inflammatory chronic disease  ESR normal, raised CRP – infection, acute disease  ESR, CRP both normal - Queiscence
  • 85.  Coombs test – Direct/ Indirect  Anti platelets antibodies  Anti smooth muscle  Anti LKM  Anti Mitochondrial
  • 86.  Most tests are method dependent with varying sensitivity (esp ANA, ANCA) – High inter and intra assay reproducibility but questionable inter method concordance  Biologic disease precedes clinical disease or vice versa (Asymptomatic ANA positive or ANA negatve lupus)  Undulating course (Test was positive last month, negative this month, now again positive)  Treatment target is stopping biologic progression or clinical disease?
  • 87.
  • 88.  Get a baseline autoimmune screen  Extended screen in case of baseline positivity  Repeat at 3 months  Create a patient profile (Keep & tally the records)  Please remember  Trend more imp than single reading  Profile more imp than single test
  • 89.  Autoantibodies can cause interference in both non-immunoassay and immunoassay methods for a number of analytes  TFTs,TG, prolactin, other hormones etc  High /low TFTs, CK, LDH, PRL, etc… Are they real or interference artifacts…..Serial dilutions is the solution!  Conversely, chemistry values reversed by serial dilutions represent autoantibody presence
  • 90.
  • 93.  Immunologic tolerance is an example of 1. Incomplete immune response 2. Ineffective immune response 3. Partial immune response 4. Absent immune response 5. No immune response
  • 94.  What induces tolerance? 1. Deletion of self reactiveT cells in thymus 2. Deletion of self reactiveT cells in Bone marrow 3. Deletion of self reactive B cells in thymus 4. Deletion of self reactive B cells in Bone marrow
  • 95.  Negative selection ofT cells in thymus is an example of: 1. Clonal anergy 2. Clonal deletion 3. Receptor editing 4. Breakdown of tolerance 5. None of the above
  • 96.  All of these are mechanisms of peripheralT cell tolerance except 1. Clonal anergy 2. Clonal deletion 3. Inhibition by regulatoryT cells 4. Positive selection of self reactiveT cells 5. None of the above
  • 97.  All of these are mechanisms of autoimmunity except: 1. Molecular mimicry 2. Release of Sequestered Antigens 3. Epitope Spreading 4. Failure of regulatoryT cells 5. Negative selection of self reactiveT cells
  • 98.  Following factors are a cause of autoimmune disease, except:  Genetic factors  Hormonal factors  Environmental factors  Dietary factors  None of the above
  • 99. Download the presentation from

Editor's Notes

  1. The classic picture is of a patient with apparently constitutional changes like fatigue and malaise for years if the disease is indolent and possibly primary unexplained endocrinologic disorders in florid cases