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040 Person to Peraon   5/15/07    11:18 AM     Page 40


                  Screen Gem
                  Danny Aiello does the right
                  thing in Saddle River

                          cademy Award and Golden Globe nominee
                          Danny Aiello. Saddle River, is a man of passion,
                          whether chatting about his seemingly endlc--. li-t
                  of movie and stage credits, his four adult children, his
                  nine grandchildren or his wife of 52 years. Sandy. And.
                  he's a man who is not afraid to take risks.
                     "Life is about taking chances. Grab them when >ou
                  can. because you mighi not get that second opportuni-
                  ty." says the much-acclaimed actor, who launched a
                  singing career with his 2004 album / /us/ Wanted t«
                  Hear tin- Uiwdi. which climbed to Number 4 on
                  Billboard"* Traditional lazz Chart, "right next to Tont - and I was prem excited. I can tell you."

                     Sinjiin^! value k> Aicllo laic in rm life. "I wanted to
                  do it when I was younger, but I never had the guts."
                  admits Aiello. who took on In- In-t acting role in his
                  mid-IOs: in 197V he stepped in front of the cameras in
                  Bang //if Drum Stou-fy with Robert De Niro.
                     Sow. Aiello tours cross-counm as lead singer of an
                  eight-piece jazz ensemble under the direction of album
                  producer Joe Geary. But he'll soon head back to the big
                  screen, as director of his first film for Starlight Rim
                  Productions of Upper Saddle River. Aiello shares his
                  most important lesson learned along the wav: "Take the
                  risk. Don't be afraid to keep moving forward. Thai's
                  what it's all about." •
                                                - DEBI PITTMAN W I L K E Y

                  Bergen Bound Aiello
                  and wife Sandy bought
                  their first home m
                  Ramsey and lived there
                  for 18 years, raising                                                  Oven Fresh Local shopping is Aiello's
                  their four children.                                                   preference. "I'm an A&P man." says the
                  "We bought it when i                                                   actor, who also makes frequent visits to
                  started to make                                                        Wyckoff Bakery
                  money as an actor,
                  and I just loved it It                                                 Great range Although well-known for his star turn
                  was a small house                                                      with Cher m Moonstruck (1987) and his Oscar-nominat-
                  with A picket fence, on a                                              ed performance as Sal, the pizza parlor owner in Spike
                  comer lot." The couple moved to a larger                               Lee's Do the Right Thing (1989). A«llos favorite among
                  home in Saddle River nine years ago so that                            his own movie roles was in 1991 s 29th Street The
                  their nine grandkds would have room to run.                            character was as close to me as any character I've ever
                                                                                         played - the combustibility, the mage, the emotions, the
                                          That's Italian Aiello "hangs out" at           true human being"
                                                 Tutta fasta Restaurant in
                                                     Hoboken. where he often             No stranger to success Aiello garnered an Emmy Award for
                                                       steps on stage to perform.        Outstanding Rerformer in a Children's Program for his work m the
                                                         but the other place he          1980 ABC Afterschool Special Family of Strangers.
                                                          adores is Arturo's n
                                                          Midland Park run by Mario      Valley Guy Aiello had his most fun experience
                                                         and Ma reel lo "We go           working on the film 2 Days m the Volley (1996)
                                                       there about twice a month.        with Charlize Thefon James Spader and Ten
                                                     and they're very good to me"        Hatcher "It was just a wonderful cast."
040 Person to P*r«on-;f    3/13/07      I i l 2 PM   Page 40


                  Legendary guitarist
                  Les Paul on rockin'
                  and life in Mahwah

                            rammy Award-winner Les Paul.
                            91. captured the world's
                            attention decades ago with his
                  inventions that revolutionized rock 'n'
                  roll's trademark sound. Often touted as
                  "the father of the electric guitar." Paul
                  pioneered the launch of the Gibson Les
                  Paul solid-bod) electric guitar in 1952.
                     Ever the showman. Paul steps out
                  each Monday night to make the trek to
                  Times Square, where he takes center
                  stage at the Iridium |azz Club. At the
                  club. Paul has shared his stage with
                  Paul McCartney. Tony Bennett. George
                  Benson. Keith Richards and Pat
                  Metheny Performing on his signature
                  Gibson Les Paul electric, he scores
                  thundering applause from capacity
                  crowds during the twice-nightly
                                   - DEBI PITTMAN WILKEY

                                        Paul was a friend of
                                                                   Paul still "hangs out" with his buddies at         Paul married singer
                                        BING CROSBY'S
                                                                   local diners around MAN WAN "it's given            Colleen Summers, who
                                        performing on the
                                                                   me some great friends To work with that are        used the stage name
                                        crooners radio show
                                                                   still brilliant, and we still get together every   MARY FORD in 1949 During
                                        and on several of his
                                                                   now and then for coffee."                          their marriage, they recorded a
                                        records - ultimately
                                        leading to Paul's inven-                                                      series of chart-topping hits, including "How
                                        tion of multi-track        The celebrated inventor still TINKERS IN           High The Moon." "Mockm' Bird Hill." "Vaya
                                        recording                  THE BASEMENT of h.s home, where he "is             Con Dtos" and Tiger Rag"
                                                                   brewing up new ideas all the time"
                  Despite his hectic schedle. Paul sneaks in a
                                                                                                                      The YouTube generation can catch vintage
                  few visits each year to DARLINGTON
                                                                   Paul doesn't cook, but enjoys "tagging along"      clips of the LES PAUL AND MARY FORD
                  PARK to "do a little fishing"
                                                                   to grocery stores like his favorite,               HOME SHOW, originally filmed between
                                                                   SHOPRITE ir RAMSEY                                 1953 and 1960. on the user-generated Web site.
                  Paul enjoys wandering through the aisles at
                  HOME DEPOT on Route 17. Mahwah. "You
                  just never know what you'll find there."           Gramrm for Best Country
                                                                     Instrumental Performance (with
                                                                     Chet Atkro). 197& Grammy Hall
                                                                     of Fame Award {with Mary Ford).
                                                                     1979; Grammy Tech Award, 2001
                                                                     In 1988. PAUL WAS INDUCTED
                                                                     INTO The Rock and Roll Hail of
                                                                     Fame. The Songwriters Hall of
                                 "»«*-MM?                            Fame and The National Inventors
                                      "scow                          Hal I of Fame.
044 P*r«on to P»r«on-jr   3/9/07    9 : 1 9 AM P«g* 44


                  He's Got the Beat
                  Financial guru Ron Insana follows a rock-and-roll muse
                                                                                                                  A food mvvitmtnt

                           o doubt about it, Ron Insana. Tenafly, is the "go-to" guy for business news.           Insana offers "financial" advice to his kids -
                           As a senior analyst for CNBC. Insana doles out market advice to business-              Emily (9). Tom (5) and Anna (4) - as they
                           crazed junkies across the country, broadcast from CNBC's financial world               tackle the board game Shopping Spree Emily
                  headquarters and studios in Englewood Cliffs.                                                   says that Dad "makes a pretty
                     Credits include exclusive interviews with former presidents Clinton and Bush I.              good banker when he plays"
                  several books, a stint anchoring CNBC's Street Signs and punditry on various NBC
                  news shows, as well as Imus in the Morning on MSNBC.
                     Recently, the Valentino-clad Insana assumed a new ro)e: founder and managing                 Insana's big break came when
                  director of Insana Capital Partners, offering advice on a potpourri of financial matters:       FNN co-anchors Bill Griffeth
                  Insana and Tenafly pal John Roglieri set up the company's offices at the old CNBC               and Sue Hererra called in stck
                  building hi Fort Lee.                                                                           on the same day As the show's
                     California native Insana got into the financial "biz" in 1984 after landing an               acting producer. Insana filled in
                  entry-level job at Financial News Network (FNN) m Los Angeles, ultimalely rising                as guest anchor, and "that kicked
                  to bureau chief.                                                                                off my on-air career."
                     When F"NN merged with CNBC in 1991, the West Coast transplant met the love of
                  his life. Melinda. a producer, at the Fort Lee studios. The two wed in 1995, moving             A proud moment was a gig
                  into a Tenatly home once owned by Melinda's family. Because of his jam-packed                   emceeing the National Italian-
                  schedule. Insana says, he's grateful that Melinda has taken on the responsibility as            American Foundation dnner in
                  full-time CEO at home. •                                                                        Washington. DC tfi2002 "I'll
                                                                               - DEBI P I T T M A N W I I K E Y   never forget Robert De Niro
                                                                                                                  talking to me about CNBC and
                  ROCK ON As a teenage drummer n a rock                                                           how he watched it. and liked
                  band, Insana dreamed of cutting an original                                                     my work"
                  record that would hit the charts "As a high
                  school cover band we were terrible - but we                                                     Insana also chatted with Ozzy
                  actually made decent money for 16- and 17-                                                      Osboume when the rocker
                  year-old kids."                                                                                 was at the New York Stock
                                                                                                                  Exchange The two discussed
                     Insana still gets together with firs band-                                                   money management - and
                         mates every now and then, and even                                                       how wife Sharon came n and
                           played a few sen at his own wedding.                                                   salvaged Ozzy's bad nvest-
                                                                                                                    - '
                                                                                                                  Lvndlnf • vok«
                                                                                                                   Insana has contributed
                                                                                                                     to the awareness
        egendary rap star Joseph Simmons.     FOOD FOR THE SOLE Angela and                                 HEAVENLY
        a father of five, says that all it    Vanessa want to be sneaker tycoons |ust                      DESSERT
        takes to run his energeik hou^i'      like dear old dad. whose Phat Farm                           Run makes
 hold is humor and "lots of prayers."         Footwear includes the fundraising                            frequent trips to the
    Simmons, aka Reverend Run. former         "Arthur Ashe" model Teaming up                                old-fashioned Dairy
 front man for the hip-hop trio Run-DMC       with Run and their uncle, Russell                            Queen m nearby
turned ordained minister, allows cam-         Simmons, the girIs launched                                  Montvale to pick up
eras into his Saddle River home to            Pastry Footwear their debut                                  his favorite frozen treat.
 record for millions of MTV viewers, the      Cake Collection came out this
ups and downs of family life for the          spring With names like Chocolate                             WORD OP Run writes a new
 reality series Run's, Houw. now in its       Mousse. Strawberry Shortcake and                             "word of wisdom' every day
third season.                                 Sprinkles (pictured), the sneaks are sold in                 on his Blackberry while
    Through good times and bad. Run           cake boxes tied with satin ribbon. They're                   soaking in his bathtub, each
and his wife of 12 yean., lustine, use the    selling like hotcakes." Run says.                            episode of Run's House
sitcom-style series to have fun showing                                                                    touts a different "word" and
off their parenting skills with children                                                                   shows family members
Vanessa. 23. Angela. 19. |o|o. 17. Daniel     SPIN GAME
                                                                                                           learning from it.
("Diggy"), 12. and Russell, 10.               Run-DMC
    Whether donning a head-to-ioe gorilla     made rap music
suit to teach the lesson "be who you          mainstream                                     DRIVE THIS WAY Run bought his
are." shooting hoops on his indoor            with their                                     Lamborghini, a 2006 Murcielago model,
basketball court or splashing with his        groundbreaking                                 "to have some fun." A car buff. Run was
kids in the pool, the Reverend says he's      1986 collabora-                                amused that one of the reality-show
just "a big kid at heart."                    tion with                                      episodes centered around his Rolls-Royce
    "I'm lucky I tan play with my kids,       Aerosmith on
and I love ii." says Run. who is affiliated   the rock groups
with Zoe Ministries. Zoe was founded in       hit "Walk This
New jersey in the early 1980s: Run him-       Way", the split-
self moved to Bergen in 2002. and soon        screen video was
set up what he calls his "Zen Room"           an MTV staple.
(above), outfitted with a waterfall and       Run-DMCs
stereo system for optimal meditation to       eponymous first
soothing sounds.                              album (at right) was
                                              released in r984
                 - DEBI PITTMAN WILKEY
038 P«r«on to P«rion-jf.qxd     4/16/07     3 i 2 3 PM   Paga 38


                                                                                        Anchored in
                                                                                        Family Values
                                                                                        Ridgewood home is a haven for
                                                                                        Fox News' Martha MacCallum

                                                                                              ike most moms. Martha MacCallum is all-too-familiar with the
                                                                                              ongoing struggle to carve out enough time for her family But
                                                                                              the Ridgewood resident handles the challenge deftly, juggling
                                                                                       her role as on-the-go mother of three school-age children with her
                                                                                       duties as an anchor for Fox News Channel.
                                                                                          MacCallum played a variety of news roles at NBC before her
                                                                                       2004 move to Fox, where career highlights include nailing an
                                                                                       interne* with First Lady Laura Bush and anchoring coverage of
                                                                                       both Pope lohn Paul ll's funeral and Hurricane Katrina. Now.
                                                                                       despite a schedule jam-packed with meetings, interviews and
                                                                                       broadcasts as host of Ttic Lire Desk with Martha MacCallum and
                                                                                       anchor of Fox ers LiVf's afternoon edition. MacCallum makes it
                                                                                       home most days well in time for dinner and homework supervision
                                                                                       with Elizabeth. 11, Reed. 8, and Harry, 6.
                                                                                          Off-camera. MacCallum manages to hold her ground with the
                                                                                       solid support of husband Daniel Gregory and an invaluable
                                                                                       household assistant. "I'm trying to help my kids, and myself, slow
                                                                                       down and focus a little bit." she sa>-* "Time (spent) together on
                                                                                       the weekends is really precious."
                                                                                          MacCallum admits she has it "pretty good" finding that much-
                                                                                       needed "me-time" moms often lack, "the thing 1 do for myself is my
                                                                                       work. It's hard work, hut I love it. My work is my job. but it's also
                                                                                       my outlet - it's where I get to go and be Martha MacCallum." •
                                                                                                                                   - DEBI PITTMAN W I L K E Y

                  Tall stack, short order MacCallum makes          Solid beginnings MacCallum credits her
                           quality time count by whipping up       parents, Betty and Doug MacCallum,
                              a huge stack of pancakes for her     Wyckoff. as the inspiration for her success.
                                family each Saturday. "I think     They've always been supportive, no matter
                                 that especially with working      what I wanted to do."
                                parents, kids really rely on
                             traditions and routines, and          Sweet somethings A cherished family
                         one thing my kids can rely on: Every      event is going out for ice cream
                  Saturday morning, we have a big at-home          MacCallum's favorite
                  family breakfast"                                Ridgewood ice                                    Mediterranean
                                                                   cream parlor is                                  idyilOneof
                 Electric company Playtime is a top priority       Maggie Moo's,                                    MacCallum's
                 An old-fashioned Lionel tram and tracks are       while her kids                                   favorite memories
                 set up in the basement. "Not much trumps          prefer local haunt                               is of a family
                 that experience, of having that kind of time      Ben & Jerry's. But                               vacation in Italy
                 together as a family." MacCallum says.            everyone waits for fall - the seasonal           A watercolor
                                                                   pumpkin flavor scoops year-round fave            painting by her
                                                                   triple caramel chunk                             Sister, Lisa Miller,
                                                                                                                    Rtdgewood, that
                                                                   Fruit of her labor MacCallum has been            reminds her of the trip hangs in the
                                                                   accused of being addicted to her Blackberry      entryway of MacCallum's home
                                                                   "In reality, it's a timesaver." she says. "I'm
                                                                   always checking it. but it's how I keep up       Fashion forward MacCallum keeps herself
                                                                   with my e-mails and what's going on at work      looking pulled together wearing clothes
                                                                   when I'm at home."                               from fdvonte labels J Crew and Escada.
028 Parson to Parion-jf    7/7/06     2:37 PH       Page 28


                                                Living the Dream
                                                    Giants great Jim Burt holds the family line
                                                                                        BY DEBI PITTMAN WILKEY

                                                                                                    hether he's tossing a buddy
                                                                                                    into the pool at a neighbor's
                                                                                                    barbecue or cheering from the
                                                                                        sidelines at his children's games, Tim Run.
                                                                                        Saddle River, will alwa>s be the Ml
                                                                                        lineman who won the hearts of fans,
                                                                                        along with a spot in sports history.
                                                                                            Famous for a career spanning 12
                                                                                        seasons, from 1981 to 1993. Burt won
                                                                                        two Super Bowl titles - with the SY
                                                                                        Giants in 1987. and with the San
                                                                                        Francisco 49ers in 1989. Legendarl
                                                                                        broadcaster |ohn Madden named him to
                                                                                        the All Madden Team in both 1986 and
                                                                                         1990. Yet all those trophies compete for
                                                                                        space on the desk in Bun's home office,
                                                                                        with dozens of framed pictures of his wife
                                                                                                                                                                WHAT A
                                                                                        and kids. "FamiK is the onl> thing that matters." says Burt.            CARRY
                                                                                        married almost 27 years to his high school sweetheart.                  Burr and
                                                                                        Colleen, whose father was his high school hocke> coach.                 his son.
                                                                                            Indeed, one of the most touching moments in televised               Jim Jr.. bask
                                                                                        football is that of Bun plucking his 5->ear-old son from the            in victory's
                                                                                        stands and carting him around the field to celebrate the                glow fol-
                                                                                        Giants' Super Bowl n ur the Denver Broncos. "I was                    lowing the
                                                                                        living m> dream with my son. and you can't get anv better
                                                                                                                                                                1987 Super
                                                                                        than that. It was a blessing from God - the culmination of
                                                                                        all rm eai> of work." •

                                                       ROMPING WITH
                                                       THE NIXONS
                                                       "Nixon was a very good friend
                                                       of mine and Colleen's, We used
                  BIG BLUE                             to go to his house in Saddle                                         CELEBRATORY DUNK
                  The 1986 season is considered        River for cocktails. He'd come                                       Bun is credited with starting a
                  the best m Giants football           to Giants games and sit with                                         football ritual a quarter-century
                  history. With a record of 17-2.      Colleen."                                                            ago when he doused rhen-
                  the team won its first Super                                          FAMILY BUSINESS                     Gants head coach Bill Parcells
                  Bowl championship on Jan 25.                                          The couple's children have fol-     with a cooler of Gatorade on
                  1987 Burt was one of eight                                            lowed m their father's footsteps.   the sidelines after a S7-13
                  players named to the Pro-Bowl                                         Jim jr. captained the baseball      victory against the Washington
                                                                                        team at the University of           Redskins. "I took the Gatorade.
                 ALL SPORTS HEAVEN
                                                                                        Miami, Burt's alma mater. Now.      dumped it all over his head and
                 Burt is building a domed sports
                                                                                        he covers first base for the        no one knew how he was going
                 complex in Waldwick that will
                                                                                        minor league Somerset Patriots      to react. Years later. Parcells
                 feature full soccer and football
                                                                                        Ashlee plays soccer at Northern     told me that 'it had to be you.
                 fields, miniature golf, a rehab
                                                                                        Highlands Regional High School      cause you're the only one with
                 center and a
                                                                                        and is a member of World Class      the guts to do it™
                                                                                        Soccer's traveling team
                                                                                        TOOLING AROUND
                                                                                        Burt spends his down time
                                                                                        golnng. swimming and riding
                                                                                        his ATV with his family.

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Issue 10

Celebrity Interviews

  • 1. 040 Person to Peraon 5/15/07 11:18 AM Page 40 PERSON-TO-PERSON Screen Gem Danny Aiello does the right thing in Saddle River A cademy Award and Golden Globe nominee Danny Aiello. Saddle River, is a man of passion, whether chatting about his seemingly endlc--. li-t of movie and stage credits, his four adult children, his nine grandchildren or his wife of 52 years. Sandy. And. he's a man who is not afraid to take risks. "Life is about taking chances. Grab them when >ou can. because you mighi not get that second opportuni- ty." says the much-acclaimed actor, who launched a singing career with his 2004 album / /us/ Wanted t« Hear tin- Uiwdi. which climbed to Number 4 on Billboard"* Traditional lazz Chart, "right next to Tont - and I was prem excited. I can tell you." Sinjiin^! value k> Aicllo laic in rm life. "I wanted to do it when I was younger, but I never had the guts." admits Aiello. who took on In- In-t acting role in his mid-IOs: in 197V he stepped in front of the cameras in Bang //if Drum Stou-fy with Robert De Niro. Sow. Aiello tours cross-counm as lead singer of an eight-piece jazz ensemble under the direction of album producer Joe Geary. But he'll soon head back to the big screen, as director of his first film for Starlight Rim Productions of Upper Saddle River. Aiello shares his most important lesson learned along the wav: "Take the risk. Don't be afraid to keep moving forward. Thai's what it's all about." • - DEBI PITTMAN W I L K E Y Bergen Bound Aiello and wife Sandy bought their first home m Ramsey and lived there for 18 years, raising Oven Fresh Local shopping is Aiello's their four children. preference. "I'm an A&P man." says the "We bought it when i actor, who also makes frequent visits to started to make Wyckoff Bakery money as an actor, and I just loved it It Great range Although well-known for his star turn was a small house with Cher m Moonstruck (1987) and his Oscar-nominat- with A picket fence, on a ed performance as Sal, the pizza parlor owner in Spike comer lot." The couple moved to a larger Lee's Do the Right Thing (1989). A«llos favorite among home in Saddle River nine years ago so that his own movie roles was in 1991 s 29th Street The their nine grandkds would have room to run. character was as close to me as any character I've ever played - the combustibility, the mage, the emotions, the That's Italian Aiello "hangs out" at true human being" Tutta fasta Restaurant in Hoboken. where he often No stranger to success Aiello garnered an Emmy Award for steps on stage to perform. Outstanding Rerformer in a Children's Program for his work m the but the other place he 1980 ABC Afterschool Special Family of Strangers. adores is Arturo's n Midland Park run by Mario Valley Guy Aiello had his most fun experience and Ma reel lo "We go working on the film 2 Days m the Volley (1996) there about twice a month. with Charlize Thefon James Spader and Ten and they're very good to me" Hatcher "It was just a wonderful cast."
  • 2. 040 Person to P*r«on-;f 3/13/07 I i l 2 PM Page 40 PERSON-TO-PERSON Guitar Man Legendary guitarist Les Paul on rockin' and life in Mahwah G rammy Award-winner Les Paul. 91. captured the world's attention decades ago with his inventions that revolutionized rock 'n' roll's trademark sound. Often touted as "the father of the electric guitar." Paul pioneered the launch of the Gibson Les Paul solid-bod) electric guitar in 1952. Ever the showman. Paul steps out each Monday night to make the trek to Times Square, where he takes center stage at the Iridium |azz Club. At the club. Paul has shared his stage with Paul McCartney. Tony Bennett. George Benson. Keith Richards and Pat Metheny Performing on his signature Gibson Les Paul electric, he scores thundering applause from capacity crowds during the twice-nightly performances. - DEBI PITTMAN WILKEY Paul was a friend of Paul still "hangs out" with his buddies at Paul married singer BING CROSBY'S local diners around MAN WAN "it's given Colleen Summers, who performing on the me some great friends To work with that are used the stage name crooners radio show still brilliant, and we still get together every MARY FORD in 1949 During and on several of his now and then for coffee." their marriage, they recorded a records - ultimately leading to Paul's inven- series of chart-topping hits, including "How tion of multi-track The celebrated inventor still TINKERS IN High The Moon." "Mockm' Bird Hill." "Vaya recording THE BASEMENT of h.s home, where he "is Con Dtos" and Tiger Rag" brewing up new ideas all the time" Despite his hectic schedle. Paul sneaks in a The YouTube generation can catch vintage few visits each year to DARLINGTON Paul doesn't cook, but enjoys "tagging along" clips of the LES PAUL AND MARY FORD PARK to "do a little fishing" to grocery stores like his favorite, HOME SHOW, originally filmed between SHOPRITE ir RAMSEY 1953 and 1960. on the user-generated Web site. Paul enjoys wandering through the aisles at HOME DEPOT on Route 17. Mahwah. "You just never know what you'll find there." Gramrm for Best Country ny Instrumental Performance (with Chet Atkro). 197& Grammy Hall of Fame Award {with Mary Ford). 1979; Grammy Tech Award, 2001 In 1988. PAUL WAS INDUCTED INTO The Rock and Roll Hail of Fame. The Songwriters Hall of "»«*-MM? Fame and The National Inventors "scow Hal I of Fame. 40
  • 3. 044 P*r«on to P»r«on-jr 3/9/07 9 : 1 9 AM P«g* 44 PERSON-TO-PERSON He's Got the Beat Financial guru Ron Insana follows a rock-and-roll muse A food mvvitmtnt N o doubt about it, Ron Insana. Tenafly, is the "go-to" guy for business news. Insana offers "financial" advice to his kids - As a senior analyst for CNBC. Insana doles out market advice to business- Emily (9). Tom (5) and Anna (4) - as they crazed junkies across the country, broadcast from CNBC's financial world tackle the board game Shopping Spree Emily headquarters and studios in Englewood Cliffs. says that Dad "makes a pretty Credits include exclusive interviews with former presidents Clinton and Bush I. good banker when he plays" several books, a stint anchoring CNBC's Street Signs and punditry on various NBC news shows, as well as Imus in the Morning on MSNBC. Recently, the Valentino-clad Insana assumed a new ro)e: founder and managing Insana's big break came when director of Insana Capital Partners, offering advice on a potpourri of financial matters: FNN co-anchors Bill Griffeth Insana and Tenafly pal John Roglieri set up the company's offices at the old CNBC and Sue Hererra called in stck building hi Fort Lee. on the same day As the show's California native Insana got into the financial "biz" in 1984 after landing an acting producer. Insana filled in entry-level job at Financial News Network (FNN) m Los Angeles, ultimalely rising as guest anchor, and "that kicked to bureau chief. off my on-air career." When F"NN merged with CNBC in 1991, the West Coast transplant met the love of his life. Melinda. a producer, at the Fort Lee studios. The two wed in 1995, moving A proud moment was a gig into a Tenatly home once owned by Melinda's family. Because of his jam-packed emceeing the National Italian- schedule. Insana says, he's grateful that Melinda has taken on the responsibility as American Foundation dnner in full-time CEO at home. • Washington. DC tfi2002 "I'll - DEBI P I T T M A N W I I K E Y never forget Robert De Niro talking to me about CNBC and ROCK ON As a teenage drummer n a rock how he watched it. and liked band, Insana dreamed of cutting an original my work" record that would hit the charts "As a high school cover band we were terrible - but we Insana also chatted with Ozzy actually made decent money for 16- and 17- Osboume when the rocker year-old kids." was at the New York Stock Exchange The two discussed Insana still gets together with firs band- money management - and mates every now and then, and even how wife Sharon came n and played a few sen at his own wedding. salvaged Ozzy's bad nvest- - ' Lvndlnf • vok« Insana has contributed to the awareness
  • 4. L egendary rap star Joseph Simmons. FOOD FOR THE SOLE Angela and HEAVENLY a father of five, says that all it Vanessa want to be sneaker tycoons |ust DESSERT takes to run his energeik hou^i' like dear old dad. whose Phat Farm Run makes hold is humor and "lots of prayers." Footwear includes the fundraising frequent trips to the Simmons, aka Reverend Run. former "Arthur Ashe" model Teaming up old-fashioned Dairy front man for the hip-hop trio Run-DMC with Run and their uncle, Russell Queen m nearby turned ordained minister, allows cam- Simmons, the girIs launched Montvale to pick up eras into his Saddle River home to Pastry Footwear their debut his favorite frozen treat. record for millions of MTV viewers, the Cake Collection came out this ups and downs of family life for the spring With names like Chocolate WORD OP Run writes a new reality series Run's, Houw. now in its Mousse. Strawberry Shortcake and "word of wisdom' every day third season. Sprinkles (pictured), the sneaks are sold in on his Blackberry while Through good times and bad. Run cake boxes tied with satin ribbon. They're soaking in his bathtub, each and his wife of 12 yean., lustine, use the selling like hotcakes." Run says. episode of Run's House sitcom-style series to have fun showing touts a different "word" and off their parenting skills with children shows family members Vanessa. 23. Angela. 19. |o|o. 17. Daniel SPIN GAME learning from it. ("Diggy"), 12. and Russell, 10. Run-DMC Whether donning a head-to-ioe gorilla made rap music suit to teach the lesson "be who you mainstream DRIVE THIS WAY Run bought his are." shooting hoops on his indoor with their Lamborghini, a 2006 Murcielago model, basketball court or splashing with his groundbreaking "to have some fun." A car buff. Run was kids in the pool, the Reverend says he's 1986 collabora- amused that one of the reality-show just "a big kid at heart." tion with episodes centered around his Rolls-Royce "I'm lucky I tan play with my kids, Aerosmith on and I love ii." says Run. who is affiliated the rock groups with Zoe Ministries. Zoe was founded in hit "Walk This New jersey in the early 1980s: Run him- Way", the split- self moved to Bergen in 2002. and soon screen video was set up what he calls his "Zen Room" an MTV staple. (above), outfitted with a waterfall and Run-DMCs stereo system for optimal meditation to eponymous first soothing sounds. album (at right) was released in r984 - DEBI PITTMAN WILKEY
  • 5. 038 P«r«on to P«rion-jf.qxd 4/16/07 3 i 2 3 PM Paga 38 PERSON-TO-PERSON Anchored in Family Values Ridgewood home is a haven for Fox News' Martha MacCallum L ike most moms. Martha MacCallum is all-too-familiar with the ongoing struggle to carve out enough time for her family But the Ridgewood resident handles the challenge deftly, juggling her role as on-the-go mother of three school-age children with her duties as an anchor for Fox News Channel. MacCallum played a variety of news roles at NBC before her 2004 move to Fox, where career highlights include nailing an interne* with First Lady Laura Bush and anchoring coverage of both Pope lohn Paul ll's funeral and Hurricane Katrina. Now. despite a schedule jam-packed with meetings, interviews and broadcasts as host of Ttic Lire Desk with Martha MacCallum and anchor of Fox ers LiVf's afternoon edition. MacCallum makes it home most days well in time for dinner and homework supervision with Elizabeth. 11, Reed. 8, and Harry, 6. Off-camera. MacCallum manages to hold her ground with the solid support of husband Daniel Gregory and an invaluable household assistant. "I'm trying to help my kids, and myself, slow down and focus a little bit." she sa>-* "Time (spent) together on the weekends is really precious." MacCallum admits she has it "pretty good" finding that much- needed "me-time" moms often lack, "the thing 1 do for myself is my work. It's hard work, hut I love it. My work is my job. but it's also my outlet - it's where I get to go and be Martha MacCallum." • - DEBI PITTMAN W I L K E Y Tall stack, short order MacCallum makes Solid beginnings MacCallum credits her quality time count by whipping up parents, Betty and Doug MacCallum, a huge stack of pancakes for her Wyckoff. as the inspiration for her success. family each Saturday. "I think They've always been supportive, no matter that especially with working what I wanted to do." parents, kids really rely on traditions and routines, and Sweet somethings A cherished family one thing my kids can rely on: Every event is going out for ice cream Saturday morning, we have a big at-home MacCallum's favorite family breakfast" Ridgewood ice Mediterranean cream parlor is idyilOneof Electric company Playtime is a top priority Maggie Moo's, MacCallum's An old-fashioned Lionel tram and tracks are while her kids favorite memories set up in the basement. "Not much trumps prefer local haunt is of a family that experience, of having that kind of time Ben & Jerry's. But vacation in Italy together as a family." MacCallum says. everyone waits for fall - the seasonal A watercolor pumpkin flavor scoops year-round fave painting by her triple caramel chunk Sister, Lisa Miller, Rtdgewood, that Fruit of her labor MacCallum has been reminds her of the trip hangs in the accused of being addicted to her Blackberry entryway of MacCallum's home "In reality, it's a timesaver." she says. "I'm always checking it. but it's how I keep up Fashion forward MacCallum keeps herself with my e-mails and what's going on at work looking pulled together wearing clothes when I'm at home." from fdvonte labels J Crew and Escada.
  • 6. 028 Parson to Parion-jf 7/7/06 2:37 PH Page 28 PERSON-TO-PERSON Living the Dream Giants great Jim Burt holds the family line BY DEBI PITTMAN WILKEY W hether he's tossing a buddy into the pool at a neighbor's barbecue or cheering from the sidelines at his children's games, Tim Run. Saddle River, will alwa>s be the Ml lineman who won the hearts of fans, along with a spot in sports history. Famous for a career spanning 12 seasons, from 1981 to 1993. Burt won two Super Bowl titles - with the SY Giants in 1987. and with the San Francisco 49ers in 1989. Legendarl broadcaster |ohn Madden named him to the All Madden Team in both 1986 and 1990. Yet all those trophies compete for space on the desk in Bun's home office, with dozens of framed pictures of his wife WHAT A and kids. "FamiK is the onl> thing that matters." says Burt. CARRY married almost 27 years to his high school sweetheart. Burr and Colleen, whose father was his high school hocke> coach. his son. Indeed, one of the most touching moments in televised Jim Jr.. bask football is that of Bun plucking his 5->ear-old son from the in victory's stands and carting him around the field to celebrate the glow fol- Giants' Super Bowl n ur the Denver Broncos. "I was lowing the living m> dream with my son. and you can't get anv better 1987 Super Bowl than that. It was a blessing from God - the culmination of all rm eai> of work." • ROMPING WITH THE NIXONS "Nixon was a very good friend of mine and Colleen's, We used BIG BLUE to go to his house in Saddle CELEBRATORY DUNK The 1986 season is considered River for cocktails. He'd come Bun is credited with starting a the best m Giants football to Giants games and sit with football ritual a quarter-century history. With a record of 17-2. Colleen." ago when he doused rhen- the team won its first Super FAMILY BUSINESS Gants head coach Bill Parcells Bowl championship on Jan 25. The couple's children have fol- with a cooler of Gatorade on 1987 Burt was one of eight lowed m their father's footsteps. the sidelines after a S7-13 players named to the Pro-Bowl Jim jr. captained the baseball victory against the Washington team at the University of Redskins. "I took the Gatorade. ALL SPORTS HEAVEN Miami, Burt's alma mater. Now. dumped it all over his head and Burt is building a domed sports he covers first base for the no one knew how he was going complex in Waldwick that will minor league Somerset Patriots to react. Years later. Parcells feature full soccer and football Ashlee plays soccer at Northern told me that 'it had to be you. fields, miniature golf, a rehab Highlands Regional High School cause you're the only one with center and a and is a member of World Class the guts to do it™ restaurant. Soccer's traveling team TOOLING AROUND Burt spends his down time 28 golnng. swimming and riding his ATV with his family.