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FA     I T H F U L

                  STON   E   S   H A D O W

NO WHITE GUTTER              1               71475-HALS
Copyright © 2010 by Stone Shadow. 71475-HALS

                    ISBN:    Softcover       978-1-4500-0787-0

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in
  any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying,
recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission
                        in writing from the copyright owner.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the
product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to
   any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

             This book was printed in the United States of America.

                 To order additional copies of this book, contact:
                               Xlibris Corporation

                                         2                                            NO WHITE GUTTER
                  The content ( graphics / pic ) of this book, “Faithful John”,
                     was developed for me by the very creative employees
                      ( see the credits ) of the Audio Visual Department
                              at Simon Fraser University, in 1979.
                      It was originally, a two projector, sound sequenced,
                     music and voice lap dissolve slide show presentation.
                         It was put into a CD format in April of 2000.
                    CONTACT: for the details &
                       to make the arrangements for ordering the CD.

                   NOTE: As in the credits the voice, on the CD, is that of
                      George Bowring the first Poet Laureate of the
                     Federal Government in Ottawa Ontario, Canada.

                                                                             Faithful John      3

NO WHITE GUTTER                                3                                             71475-HALS
                            Fairy tales are a “Love Gift” in that they:

            1.   Reassure.
            2.   Give hope for the future.
            3.   Promise a happy ending.
            4.   Never make one feel inferior.
            5.   Do not compel one to act or feel in a specific way.
            6.   Do not place demands on the reader or listener.

                           “In order to gain the most from fairy tales
                          one must be willing to dive into deep water”.

            A.   They arouse curiosity
            B.   Enrich life
            C.   Stimulate imagination
            D.   Develop intellect
            E.   Clarify emotions
            F.   Attune one to anxieties and aspirations
            G.   Bring recognition to difficulties
            H.   Promote confidence in oneself and in the future.

                     Fairy tales take anxieties and lifes’ problems seriously
                  and they take the reader or listener into and through them:
                   Primitive drives, violent emotions, the need to be loved,
                         the fear that one is of little value, the love of life
                                       and the fear of death.
                 Enjoy, learn and teach about and from “FAITHFUL JOHN”.

4   Stone Shadow

                                                4                                 NO WHITE GUTTER
Artwork and design
                     Elizabeth Carefoot

                      Michael Hoskins

                      Script adaptation
                        Ralph Maud

                       George Bowring

                        Lou Crockett

                       Doug Gyseman

                        Produced for
                        Jim Halstrum

                            By the
                  Instructional Media Centre
                    Simon Fraser University

                                               Faithful John      5

NO WHITE GUTTER               5                                71475-HALS
This is a very limited list of books and authors.

1. Marie-Louise van Franz: ( Jungian )

A. An Introduction to the interpretation of Fairy tales, 1973, 159 pages

B.Shadow and Evil in Fairy tales, 1973, 284 pages

C. Individuation in Fairy tales, 1977, 210 pages

D. Problems of the Feminine in Fairy tales, 1972, 194 pages

Spring Publications, Postfach 190, 8024 Zurich, Switzerland.

2. Grimm, The Brothers:

A. Grimm’s Fairy Tales, New York: Pantheon Books, 1944

        Note: Faithful John is in their major list of Fairy tales,
        Author unknown, in the Public Domain and
        not under copyright.

3. Elizabeth Cook

A. The Ordinary and the Fabulous: An Introduction to Myths,
Legends and Fairy tales for Teachers and Storytellers:
New York: Cambridge University Press, 1969

4. Bruno Bettelheim ( Freudian )

A. The Uses Of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy tales.
Vantage Books Edition, May 1977

        NOTE: This is a very limited list of books and authors,
        that do provide a starting place, related to Fairy tales,
        their Symbolism and their Interpretations.
        ( Lessons in Psychology )

                                   6                                       NO WHITE GUTTER
There once was an old king, who
                                       was dying,

                        and he called for his trusted
                      servant, Faithful John.”I have
                   no anxiety left”, he said, “except
                    about my son. He is still young
                   and cannot always know how to
                                  conduct himself.”

                       And he made Faithful John
                   promise to teach him everything
                                   he should know

                  and be a father to him. He should
                  show him the whole castle, all the
                        rooms and all the treasures,

                                                        Faithful John      7

NO WHITE GUTTER                                     7                   71475-HALS
but not the last chamber in
                               the long gallery

             for to see what was in that room
             would place him in grave danger.

             Faithful John pledged himself to
                  carry out the kings wishes, .

                   even if it should cost him .
                                       his life.

                When the king was dead and
                  buried, and the period of
                       mourning was over,

8   Stone Shadow

                                               8   NO WHITE GUTTER
Faithful John told the young
                    prince, who was now king, of
                  what he had promised his father
                                 on his deathbed.

                   “Now is the time for you to see
                       your inheritance” he said.

                  He took the young king all over
                        the castle, up and down,

                  round and about, and opened all
                      the rich and splendid rooms

                      except one. The young king
                                       wanted to

                                                     Faithful John      9

NO WHITE GUTTER                                  9                   71475-HALS
know why Faithful John passed
                 this room by, and he was told,

                    “The king forbids it, because
              there is something in that room of

                           great danger to you.”
                             The youth was not

                 satisfied with this, and tried to
                         open the door himself.

                  Faithful John held him back,
                   saying that he must keep his
               promise to the old king even if it
                        should cost him his life.

10   Stone Shadow

                                               10   NO WHITE GUTTER
But the young king insisted that
                    the room could not harm him,
                  and that he would have no peace
                   day or night until he had seen it
                                 with his own eyes.

                     Indeed, he refused to go away
                  from the place until the door was

                  Faithful John, knowing what the
                       room contained, sought out
                          the key with a heavy and
                                  foreboding heart.

                     Opening the door, he stepped
                                           in first,

                        hoping to block the young
                                       man’s view,

                                                       Faithful John     11

NO WHITE GUTTER                                   11                   71475-HALS
but the king stood on tiptoe

                   and saw immediately, placed
                                 in full sight,

               the portrait of the Princess of the
              Golden Dawn. The picture shone
                  with gold and precious jewels,
              and even the face was so beautiful

                     that anyone who saw it fell
                                 utterly in love.

               The young king was dazzled and
                       sank to the ground in a
                                    dead faint.

12   Stone Shadow

                                                12   NO WHITE GUTTER
Faithful John took him up,
                             carried him to his bed

                  and sorrowfully murmured, “The
                   misfortune is now upon us; what
                                will become of me?”

                   He strengthened the young king
                    with wine, and the first words

                          he spoke he spoke with a
                                         deep sigh

                      “Who is she?” When Faithful
                        John had explained whose
                           portrait it was, he said:

                                                       Faithful John     13

NO WHITE GUTTER                                   13                   71475-HALS
My love for her is so great that
               if all the leaves on the trees were
                tongues, they could not declare
                 it.” He said he would stake his
                   life on winning her, and that
                  Faithful John must help him.”

               Now Faithful John knew it was
                 well nigh impossible to gain
                 access to the Princess of the
                               Golden Dawn

               But he also knew that she loved
               to surround herself with objects
                                 made of gold.

                    All her tables, chairs, bowls
                  goblets and other household
                furnishings were made of gold.

              “In your treasury are five tons of
                gold,” he told the young king.

14   Stone Shadow

                                                14   NO WHITE GUTTER
“Let the goldsmiths fashion it
                      into all manner of vessels and
                           utensils, into all kinds of
                                            birds and

                      strange animals, such as may
                    please the Princess, and we will
                           go to her with them and
                                      try our luck.”

                      The goldsmiths worked night
                                         and day,

                           the ship was made ready,

                          Faithful John and the king
                  disguised themselves as merchants

                                                         Faithful John     15

NO WHITE GUTTER                                     15                   71475-HALS
and they set out on
                               the voyage to the

               Kingdom of the Golden Dawn.

                When they finally arrived, John
                gathered a sample of the golden
              treasure, bade the king to prepare
                the ship and treasure for display
                  to the princess and went up to
                                       the castle.

              In the courtyard he saw a servant
              girl drawing water from the well.
              As he expected the buckets in her
                      hands were made of gold.

                  He showed her samples of the
                 gold objects they had brought,

16   Stone Shadow

                                                16   NO WHITE GUTTER
and she took him immediately
                                    to her mistress.

                  When the king’s daughter saw the
                  wares, she was delighted and said;
                   “They are so beautifully worked,
                     I will buy them all from you.”

                    “Ah,” said Faithful John,” what
                   I have here is nothing compared
                       with what my master has on
                                         board ship.

                      They are the most artistic and
                      valuable things ever created in
                   gold.” When she wanted to have
                    them brought up to her, he said
                            that it would take many
                                     a day to do that,

                   and really her house was not big
                             enough for everything.

                                                         Faithful John     17

NO WHITE GUTTER                                     17                   71475-HALS
Then her curiosity and longing
                were so excited she agreed to go
                 and see such things for herself.

                     As the Princess approached
                 the ship, the king could hardly
                greet her, for she was even more
                     beautiful than her portrait.

                    Gaining his composure, he
                  ushered her below and began
                 showing her the lovely golden
                objects. She was delighted with

                  Meanwhile, Faithful John had
              stayed on deck, ordering the ship
               to be put out to sea. .Quietly he
                told the helmsman: “Set all sail,
                            till it fly like a bird.”

              The ship was far from land by the
              time the king had gotten through
                all of the wild beasts and strange
                    animals that so fascinated the
                  Princes that she did not notice
                 the motion of the ship until she
                    tired and wanted to go home.

18   Stone Shadow

                                                  18   NO WHITE GUTTER
“I am betrayed,” she cried out
                     in alarm. I have fallen into the
                     power of a merchant - I would
                                         rather die.”

                           The king, removing his
                  merchant’s disguise, quickly took
                       her hand, and told her that

                       he was not a merchant, that
                      he was a king as well-born as
                      herself. “If I have carried you
                      away by guile,” he said, “it is
                   because of your portrait and my
                       overpowering love for you.”

                   He told her everything that was
                                      in his heart,

                  and she was so drawn to him that
                           she willingly consented
                                     to be his wife.

                                                        Faithful John     19

NO WHITE GUTTER                                    19                   71475-HALS
It so happened that as John sat
               on deck, three ravens landed on
                           board the ship, and

               Faithful John understood what
               they were saying to each other.

               “He hasn’t got her yet” said the
                                    first raven.

               “Oh yes he has” said the second
                raven “she is sitting there with
                              him in the ship.”

               “What good will that do him?”
                               said the third.
                     “When they reach land

20   Stone Shadow

                                              20   NO WHITE GUTTER
a red horse will leap forward to
                     meet him, and the Prince will
                     want to mount, but if he does

                       the horse will fly away with
                     him into the air.” “Is there no
                  remedy?” asked the second raven.

                  “Oh yes,” chimed in the first, “if
                  someone else jumps on the horse
                                       and slays it

                     the young king will be saved.”
                        “But,” said the third raven,
                         “nobody knows to do that

                  and if they did, the king will still
                                  not gain his bride

                                                         Faithful John     21

NO WHITE GUTTER                                     21                   71475-HALS
because when they go into the
               castle his wedding shirt will be
                    laid out looking as though
                             made of gold, but

                it is really pitch, and when the
                                  king puts it on

                it will burn him to the bone.”
               when the second raven asked if
                       anything could be done
                                    about that

                    the first raven said that if
                someone wearing gloves threw

                the shirt in the fire, the young
              king would be saved.”But what’s
              the good of that,” said the third,
                          “If after the wedding

22   Stone Shadow

                                               22   NO WHITE GUTTER
the young queen turns pale
                        during the dancing and falls
                        down dead “But if someone
                           immediately picks her up

                    and draws three drops of blood
                             from her right breast,
                       she will come to life again,”
                                 said the first raven.

                       “What good is that?” replied
                    the third raven. “Whoever does
                     that, and tries to tell the young
                  king, will become stone from the
                    crown of his head to the sole of
                                              his foot.”

                     Having said all this, the ravens
                  flew on, leaving John very pensive
                    and sad. At length, however, he
                                     said to himself:

                     I will save my master, even if it
                        bring destruction on myself.

                                                           Faithful John     23

NO WHITE GUTTER                                       23                   71475-HALS
So that when they arrived on
                   shore - the red horse sprang

                 Faithful John pushed the king
                            aside and mounted

                         the horse and killed it.

                    All of the court said “it was
                  shameful to kill the beautiful
              horse that was to have carried the
                              king to his palace,

                  but the king sided with John.

24   Stone Shadow

                                               24   NO WHITE GUTTER
When they reached the castle
                     there was the wedding shirt

                           as the ravens foretold,
                     looking bright and attractive

                        but Faithful John seized it
                                   with gloves on

                  and threw it in the fire, where it
                                burned like pitch.

                            Again, the attendants
                                complained, but

                                                      Faithful John     25

NO WHITE GUTTER                                  25                   71475-HALS
the king defended Faithful John.

                    And now the wedding was
                          solemnized and the
                              dancing began.

                    Faithful John watched the
                          Princess all the time

               and when she suddenly turned
                 white and fell to the ground

               he picked her up, carried her to
                              the bedchamber,

26   Stone Shadow

                                             26   NO WHITE GUTTER
knelt beside her, and sucked three
                                drops of blood from
                                     her right breast

                               and immediately she
                                    breathed again.

                  The young king, ignorant of why
                          Faithful John had done
                                     such a thing,

                       had him thrown into prison.
                  Next morning he was condemned
                             and led to the gallows.

                   When he stood on high and was
                   about to be hanged - he decided
                    to explain his actions no matter
                            what the consequences.

                                                        Faithful John     27

NO WHITE GUTTER                                    27                   71475-HALS
“I am unjustly condemned,” he
                   cried out to the king, “I have
                       always been true to you.”

              Then he told what the ravens had
              said and why he had been obliged
                            to do what he did.

              The king was instantly convinced
              of the truth of what Faithful John
                 said, and ordered him released.

                     But with the last words of
                               his explanation

                     Faithful John had toppled
                                  over, a stone.

28   Stone Shadow

                                               28   NO WHITE GUTTER
There followed many years of
                   anguish for the king and queen.

                   The king had the stone brought
                                 to his own room,

                           and whenever he looked
                                    at it he wept.

                      The queen gave birth to twin
                     sons, who grew and gave their
                        parents much joy, but their
                       happiness was not complete.

                      One day while the queen was
                   away at prayer and the children
                   were playing beside their father,
                    the king turned to the statue as
                  he often did, and sighed: “If only
                     I could bring you to life again,
                                     Faithful John.”

                                                        Faithful John     29

NO WHITE GUTTER                                    29                   71475-HALS
And then amazingly the stone
              spoke to him. “You can bring me
                 to life again if you use for that
               purpose what is dearest to you.”

                 The king jumped up and cried
                 that he would give anything in
                the world. “Then said the stone
               “if you cut off the heads of your
                  two sons with your own hand
              and sprinkle me with their blood,
                      I shall be restored to life.”

                  The king was terrified at this
               thought, but trusting in Faithful
                   John, who had died for him

                          he drew his sword and
                                   with his own

              hand cut off the children’s heads.

30   Stone Shadow

                                                 30   NO WHITE GUTTER
And when he had smeared the
                        stone with their blood, life
                                     returned to it

                      Faithful John stood once more
                  safe and sound before him. “Your
                     trust shall not go unrewarded,”
                                             he said,

                    and he took the children’s heads
                   and attached them again to their
                     bodies. He rubbed the wounds
                         with their blood, and they

                        became whole, and went on
                     playing as though nothing had

                  Then the king was full of joy, and
                   when he saw the queen coming
                      he hid Faithful John and the
                        children in a big cupboard,

                                                        Faithful John     31

NO WHITE GUTTER                                    31                   71475-HALS
and asked her casually if she had
               been at prayer. “Yes,” she said, “I
                have been praying that Faithful
                 John might be restored to us.”
                           ‘Dear wife,” said the

               king, “that can be accomplished,
               but it will cost us our little sons,
                 whom we must sacrifice.” The
               queen turned pale, and her heart
                 was full of terror, but she said:

              “We owe this to him, for his great
               fidelity.” Then the king rejoiced
                    that she thought as he had,

                  and opened the cupboard and
                   brought forth Faithful John.

               “God be praised, he is delivered,
               and we have our little sons also,”
              and the king told how everything
                                  had occurred.

32   Stone Shadow

                                                 32   NO WHITE GUTTER
And they lived together happily
                        for the rest of their lives.

                                                       Faithful John     33

NO WHITE GUTTER                                   33                   71475-HALS
Stone Shadow

               34   NO WHITE GUTTER

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Faithful john

  • 2. Copyright © 2010 by Stone Shadow. 71475-HALS ISBN: Softcover 978-1-4500-0787-0 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. This book was printed in the United States of America. To order additional copies of this book, contact: Xlibris Corporation 1-888-795-4274 2 NO WHITE GUTTER
  • 3. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The content ( graphics / pic ) of this book, “Faithful John”, was developed for me by the very creative employees ( see the credits ) of the Audio Visual Department at Simon Fraser University, in 1979. It was originally, a two projector, sound sequenced, music and voice lap dissolve slide show presentation. It was put into a CD format in April of 2000. CONTACT: for the details & to make the arrangements for ordering the CD. NOTE: As in the credits the voice, on the CD, is that of George Bowring the first Poet Laureate of the Federal Government in Ottawa Ontario, Canada. Faithful John 3 NO WHITE GUTTER 3 71475-HALS
  • 4. FORWARD Fairy tales are a “Love Gift” in that they: 1. Reassure. 2. Give hope for the future. 3. Promise a happy ending. 4. Never make one feel inferior. 5. Do not compel one to act or feel in a specific way. 6. Do not place demands on the reader or listener. “In order to gain the most from fairy tales one must be willing to dive into deep water”. A. They arouse curiosity B. Enrich life C. Stimulate imagination D. Develop intellect E. Clarify emotions F. Attune one to anxieties and aspirations G. Bring recognition to difficulties H. Promote confidence in oneself and in the future. Fairy tales take anxieties and lifes’ problems seriously and they take the reader or listener into and through them: Primitive drives, violent emotions, the need to be loved, the fear that one is of little value, the love of life and the fear of death. Enjoy, learn and teach about and from “FAITHFUL JOHN”. 4 Stone Shadow 4 NO WHITE GUTTER
  • 5. Artwork and design Elizabeth Carefoot Photography Michael Hoskins Script adaptation Ralph Maud Narration George Bowring Music Lou Crockett Sound Doug Gyseman Produced for Jim Halstrum By the Instructional Media Centre Simon Fraser University Faithful John 5 NO WHITE GUTTER 5 71475-HALS
  • 6. BIBLIOGRAPHY This is a very limited list of books and authors. 1. Marie-Louise van Franz: ( Jungian ) A. An Introduction to the interpretation of Fairy tales, 1973, 159 pages B.Shadow and Evil in Fairy tales, 1973, 284 pages C. Individuation in Fairy tales, 1977, 210 pages D. Problems of the Feminine in Fairy tales, 1972, 194 pages Spring Publications, Postfach 190, 8024 Zurich, Switzerland. 2. Grimm, The Brothers: A. Grimm’s Fairy Tales, New York: Pantheon Books, 1944 Note: Faithful John is in their major list of Fairy tales, Author unknown, in the Public Domain and not under copyright. 3. Elizabeth Cook A. The Ordinary and the Fabulous: An Introduction to Myths, Legends and Fairy tales for Teachers and Storytellers: New York: Cambridge University Press, 1969 4. Bruno Bettelheim ( Freudian ) A. The Uses Of Enchantment: The Meaning and Importance of Fairy tales. Vantage Books Edition, May 1977 NOTE: This is a very limited list of books and authors, that do provide a starting place, related to Fairy tales, their Symbolism and their Interpretations. ( Lessons in Psychology ) 6 NO WHITE GUTTER
  • 7. There once was an old king, who was dying, and he called for his trusted servant, Faithful John.”I have no anxiety left”, he said, “except about my son. He is still young and cannot always know how to conduct himself.” And he made Faithful John promise to teach him everything he should know and be a father to him. He should show him the whole castle, all the rooms and all the treasures, Faithful John 7 NO WHITE GUTTER 7 71475-HALS
  • 8. but not the last chamber in the long gallery for to see what was in that room would place him in grave danger. Faithful John pledged himself to carry out the kings wishes, . even if it should cost him . his life. When the king was dead and buried, and the period of mourning was over, 8 Stone Shadow 8 NO WHITE GUTTER
  • 9. Faithful John told the young prince, who was now king, of what he had promised his father on his deathbed. “Now is the time for you to see your inheritance” he said. He took the young king all over the castle, up and down, round and about, and opened all the rich and splendid rooms except one. The young king wanted to Faithful John 9 NO WHITE GUTTER 9 71475-HALS
  • 10. know why Faithful John passed this room by, and he was told, “The king forbids it, because there is something in that room of great danger to you.” The youth was not satisfied with this, and tried to open the door himself. Faithful John held him back, saying that he must keep his promise to the old king even if it should cost him his life. 10 Stone Shadow 10 NO WHITE GUTTER
  • 11. But the young king insisted that the room could not harm him, and that he would have no peace day or night until he had seen it with his own eyes. Indeed, he refused to go away from the place until the door was unlocked. Faithful John, knowing what the room contained, sought out the key with a heavy and foreboding heart. Opening the door, he stepped in first, hoping to block the young man’s view, Faithful John 11 NO WHITE GUTTER 11 71475-HALS
  • 12. but the king stood on tiptoe and saw immediately, placed in full sight, the portrait of the Princess of the Golden Dawn. The picture shone with gold and precious jewels, and even the face was so beautiful that anyone who saw it fell utterly in love. The young king was dazzled and sank to the ground in a dead faint. 12 Stone Shadow 12 NO WHITE GUTTER
  • 13. Faithful John took him up, carried him to his bed and sorrowfully murmured, “The misfortune is now upon us; what will become of me?” He strengthened the young king with wine, and the first words he spoke he spoke with a deep sigh “Who is she?” When Faithful John had explained whose portrait it was, he said: Faithful John 13 NO WHITE GUTTER 13 71475-HALS
  • 14. My love for her is so great that if all the leaves on the trees were tongues, they could not declare it.” He said he would stake his life on winning her, and that Faithful John must help him.” Now Faithful John knew it was well nigh impossible to gain access to the Princess of the Golden Dawn But he also knew that she loved to surround herself with objects made of gold. All her tables, chairs, bowls goblets and other household furnishings were made of gold. “In your treasury are five tons of gold,” he told the young king. 14 Stone Shadow 14 NO WHITE GUTTER
  • 15. “Let the goldsmiths fashion it into all manner of vessels and utensils, into all kinds of birds and strange animals, such as may please the Princess, and we will go to her with them and try our luck.” The goldsmiths worked night and day, the ship was made ready, Faithful John and the king disguised themselves as merchants Faithful John 15 NO WHITE GUTTER 15 71475-HALS
  • 16. and they set out on the voyage to the Kingdom of the Golden Dawn. When they finally arrived, John gathered a sample of the golden treasure, bade the king to prepare the ship and treasure for display to the princess and went up to the castle. In the courtyard he saw a servant girl drawing water from the well. As he expected the buckets in her hands were made of gold. He showed her samples of the gold objects they had brought, 16 Stone Shadow 16 NO WHITE GUTTER
  • 17. and she took him immediately to her mistress. When the king’s daughter saw the wares, she was delighted and said; “They are so beautifully worked, I will buy them all from you.” “Ah,” said Faithful John,” what I have here is nothing compared with what my master has on board ship. They are the most artistic and valuable things ever created in gold.” When she wanted to have them brought up to her, he said that it would take many a day to do that, and really her house was not big enough for everything. Faithful John 17 NO WHITE GUTTER 17 71475-HALS
  • 18. Then her curiosity and longing were so excited she agreed to go and see such things for herself. As the Princess approached the ship, the king could hardly greet her, for she was even more beautiful than her portrait. Gaining his composure, he ushered her below and began showing her the lovely golden objects. She was delighted with everything. Meanwhile, Faithful John had stayed on deck, ordering the ship to be put out to sea. .Quietly he told the helmsman: “Set all sail, till it fly like a bird.” The ship was far from land by the time the king had gotten through all of the wild beasts and strange animals that so fascinated the Princes that she did not notice the motion of the ship until she tired and wanted to go home. 18 Stone Shadow 18 NO WHITE GUTTER
  • 19. “I am betrayed,” she cried out in alarm. I have fallen into the power of a merchant - I would rather die.” The king, removing his merchant’s disguise, quickly took her hand, and told her that he was not a merchant, that he was a king as well-born as herself. “If I have carried you away by guile,” he said, “it is because of your portrait and my overpowering love for you.” He told her everything that was in his heart, and she was so drawn to him that she willingly consented to be his wife. Faithful John 19 NO WHITE GUTTER 19 71475-HALS
  • 20. It so happened that as John sat on deck, three ravens landed on board the ship, and Faithful John understood what they were saying to each other. “He hasn’t got her yet” said the first raven. “Oh yes he has” said the second raven “she is sitting there with him in the ship.” “What good will that do him?” said the third. “When they reach land 20 Stone Shadow 20 NO WHITE GUTTER
  • 21. a red horse will leap forward to meet him, and the Prince will want to mount, but if he does the horse will fly away with him into the air.” “Is there no remedy?” asked the second raven. “Oh yes,” chimed in the first, “if someone else jumps on the horse and slays it the young king will be saved.” “But,” said the third raven, “nobody knows to do that and if they did, the king will still not gain his bride Faithful John 21 NO WHITE GUTTER 21 71475-HALS
  • 22. because when they go into the castle his wedding shirt will be laid out looking as though made of gold, but it is really pitch, and when the king puts it on it will burn him to the bone.” when the second raven asked if anything could be done about that the first raven said that if someone wearing gloves threw the shirt in the fire, the young king would be saved.”But what’s the good of that,” said the third, “If after the wedding 22 Stone Shadow 22 NO WHITE GUTTER
  • 23. the young queen turns pale during the dancing and falls down dead “But if someone immediately picks her up and draws three drops of blood from her right breast, she will come to life again,” said the first raven. “What good is that?” replied the third raven. “Whoever does that, and tries to tell the young king, will become stone from the crown of his head to the sole of his foot.” Having said all this, the ravens flew on, leaving John very pensive and sad. At length, however, he said to himself: I will save my master, even if it bring destruction on myself. Faithful John 23 NO WHITE GUTTER 23 71475-HALS
  • 24. So that when they arrived on shore - the red horse sprang forward, Faithful John pushed the king aside and mounted the horse and killed it. All of the court said “it was shameful to kill the beautiful horse that was to have carried the king to his palace, but the king sided with John. 24 Stone Shadow 24 NO WHITE GUTTER
  • 25. When they reached the castle there was the wedding shirt as the ravens foretold, looking bright and attractive but Faithful John seized it with gloves on and threw it in the fire, where it burned like pitch. Again, the attendants complained, but Faithful John 25 NO WHITE GUTTER 25 71475-HALS
  • 26. the king defended Faithful John. And now the wedding was solemnized and the dancing began. Faithful John watched the Princess all the time and when she suddenly turned white and fell to the ground he picked her up, carried her to the bedchamber, 26 Stone Shadow 26 NO WHITE GUTTER
  • 27. knelt beside her, and sucked three drops of blood from her right breast and immediately she breathed again. The young king, ignorant of why Faithful John had done such a thing, had him thrown into prison. Next morning he was condemned and led to the gallows. When he stood on high and was about to be hanged - he decided to explain his actions no matter what the consequences. Faithful John 27 NO WHITE GUTTER 27 71475-HALS
  • 28. “I am unjustly condemned,” he cried out to the king, “I have always been true to you.” Then he told what the ravens had said and why he had been obliged to do what he did. The king was instantly convinced of the truth of what Faithful John said, and ordered him released. But with the last words of his explanation Faithful John had toppled over, a stone. 28 Stone Shadow 28 NO WHITE GUTTER
  • 29. There followed many years of anguish for the king and queen. The king had the stone brought to his own room, and whenever he looked at it he wept. The queen gave birth to twin sons, who grew and gave their parents much joy, but their happiness was not complete. One day while the queen was away at prayer and the children were playing beside their father, the king turned to the statue as he often did, and sighed: “If only I could bring you to life again, Faithful John.” Faithful John 29 NO WHITE GUTTER 29 71475-HALS
  • 30. And then amazingly the stone spoke to him. “You can bring me to life again if you use for that purpose what is dearest to you.” The king jumped up and cried that he would give anything in the world. “Then said the stone “if you cut off the heads of your two sons with your own hand and sprinkle me with their blood, I shall be restored to life.” The king was terrified at this thought, but trusting in Faithful John, who had died for him he drew his sword and with his own hand cut off the children’s heads. 30 Stone Shadow 30 NO WHITE GUTTER
  • 31. And when he had smeared the stone with their blood, life returned to it Faithful John stood once more safe and sound before him. “Your trust shall not go unrewarded,” he said, and he took the children’s heads and attached them again to their bodies. He rubbed the wounds with their blood, and they became whole, and went on playing as though nothing had happened. Then the king was full of joy, and when he saw the queen coming he hid Faithful John and the children in a big cupboard, Faithful John 31 NO WHITE GUTTER 31 71475-HALS
  • 32. and asked her casually if she had been at prayer. “Yes,” she said, “I have been praying that Faithful John might be restored to us.” ‘Dear wife,” said the king, “that can be accomplished, but it will cost us our little sons, whom we must sacrifice.” The queen turned pale, and her heart was full of terror, but she said: “We owe this to him, for his great fidelity.” Then the king rejoiced that she thought as he had, and opened the cupboard and brought forth Faithful John. “God be praised, he is delivered, and we have our little sons also,” and the king told how everything had occurred. 32 Stone Shadow 32 NO WHITE GUTTER
  • 33. And they lived together happily for the rest of their lives. Faithful John 33 NO WHITE GUTTER 33 71475-HALS
  • 34. Stone Shadow 34 NO WHITE GUTTER