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Thea Jennings
Existing Products Research
• The Archers
Performance: Upon reviewing an episode of 'The Archers', specifically one
from the 5th of October 2014, it's clear when different characters are talking from
the different accents and the type of voice wether is male and female, you can
also tell the what kind of emotions the character is feeling from the tone of their
Sound effects: The sound effects in The Archers act as clues as to where the
characters are in the story such as if the characters are outside there will be birds
singing indicating that the characters are outside.
Music: There is only one pieace of music in the entire audio drama which is played at
the beginning and at the end of the episode which is the theme tune of The Archers which
is Barwick Green is It is a "maypole dance" from the suite My Native Heath, written in 1924
by the Yorkshire composer Arthur Wood, and named after Barwick-in-Elmet, east of Leeds,
West Yorkshire.
Existing Products Research
• Chilling Tales for Dark Nights
Performance: Upon reviewing an episode of 'Chilling Tales for Dark Nights', specifically
one from the 9th of March 2017, it's clear when the different narators and chractors are
talking from the different accents and the type of voice wether is male and female, you can
also tell the what kind of emotions the character is feeling from the tone of their voice and
since this is a scary podcast you can tell when the chractoers are schard.
Sound effects: The sound effects in Chilling Tales for Dark Nights act to make the story
more realistic and it also adds to the fact that you can create images for the story you are
listing to by using your imagination and the sound effects are also used to make the
monsters and other scary beings other worldly and terrifying.
Music: There is a lot of music being played in Chilling Tales for Dark Nights and most of the music is
played during the tense and scary moments of the story which makes the listener feel more uneasy and
more schared.
Existing Products Research
• Mr Creepypasta's Storytime
Performance: Upon reviewing an episode of 'Mr Creepypasta's
Storytime', specifically one from the 20th April 2013, it's clear when
the narator is tallking and he does the accents and chractor voices all by
himself which is very impressive.
Sound effects: The sound effects in'Mr Creepypasta's Storytime' act to
make the story more realistic and it also adds to the fact that you can create
images for the story you are listing to by using your imagination and the
sound effects are also used to make the monsters and other scary beings
other worldly and terrifying.
Music: There is a lot of music being played in 'Mr Creepypasta's Storytime' and
most of the music is played during the tense and scary moments of the story
which makes the listener feel more uneasy and more schared.
1. Smith, A. (2012). Chilling Tales for Dark Nights. Available: Last accessed 6 Jun 2020.
2. Smith, A. (15 Oct 2014). Archers Omnibus 141012 (12 October 2014)
[ArchersOmni_ 2014-10-12]. Available:
3. Last accessed 6 Jan 2020.MrCreepypasta. (4 Jan 2011). Mr Creepypasta.
Last accessed 7th Jan 2020.
• Family of Three Plus One: An entity, unseen and
unknown by the family he lives with, protects and
looks after his humans. However, after seeing the
father of the family abuse his son one time too
many, it takes matters into its own hands to
rectify the situation.
• A Big Responsibility: I'm not gonna clean up after
• It Wasn’t a Reindeer: A young man and his sister
encounter something otherworldly on the road,
on their way to a holiday gathering.
Idea Generation/Initial Reaction
Working Title:
What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later
Family of Three Plus One creepypasta reading
Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Use the
Audience Classifications PowerPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section.
Why would your project appeal to this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to
content (why would your product appeal to the age group? Why would your product appeal to
the gender? Etc.)
My audience's age is would be teenagers and their gender will be male and female, their social
status will be the middle class which means that these people have money to spend on luxury
items. If your product costs money, its normally aimed at this group and finally the psychographic
will be the Belonger class, this class of people Most likely living in a small city and will respond to
messages that are family or community oriented, refer to product being made UK and that do
not suggest change. Belongers are very brand loyal.
Project Concept (approx. 200 words)
List of sounds for clip:
1. Hand slap
2. Gate opening
3. Footsteps
4. Zombie moan (distance)
5. Footsteps
6. Trip
7. Footsteps
8. Man running past (pan)
9. Footsteps
* Sound change inside shop
10. Less echo footsteps
11. Fridge opens
• Include your work on foley and some writing
about what went well, what could be better and
what you have learned.
This is my foley task and I think the recording went
really well but I think I should have done better by
making the volume of my music the same as my
recording so they wouldn't overlap.
• You should include a link and a screen shot. Don’t
embed your work, it won’t work.
• Write about your experiences of recording in
different places.
• I recorded in places such as a hallway and room.
• What effect did it have? How will this influence
your project?
• I found out that recording in hallways makes your
voice echo a lot and the recorder picks
up conversations being held in the hallway and I
also found out that when you record in a studio
room it's more quieter and the recorder can only
pick up the speaker's voice
Garage Band
• Include your work with Garage Band, and some
writing about what went well, what could be better
and what you have learned.
• This is my Garage Band task and I think the mixing
went really well and I tried out different voices but I
think I should have done better by having a better
understanding of how to create proper music
Script Draft
• Narrator
• Voice acting
• Music
• Sound effects
Script Draft
Intro music
They follow the same neat routine every day. The boy wakes up to the sound of that unpleasant alarm at 6 AM every morning,(clock alarm sound effect)
Monday through Friday. I listen carefully to the sheets rustling above me(sheets rustling) as he tosses, turns, shifts in his bed struggling to force himself
awake. On the occasion that he falls back asleep in the safe warm embrace of his bedding, face nuzzled sweetly against his puffy down pillow, his mother
will come in.
Now, his mother often wakes up at 5 in the morning, a beautiful time when the light of the morning sun is still waking with the rest of Earth’s creatures. I
can move more freely at this time, though risky as it may be. I watch her arise; her husband lies silent, still consumed by a world of dreams. I follow her to
the bathroom and watch while she cleans her face, brushes her teeth (water running and teeth brushing sound effect) and prepares for the day. Sometimes
she sees me, but never thinks anything of it; how exhilarating those days are, to make eye contact with the people who house me. As she wanders down
stairs to prepare breakfast,(waking down stairs sound effect) we part ways and visit the boy. As I mentioned earlier, on occasion he will sleep in, much like
today. I stretched out and relaxed, awaiting the mothers’ arrival; it was always pleasant to be in the company of my family.
She arrived on schedule. With breakfast ready she wouldn’t be letting him sleep any longer. I have watched this week after week and in my humble opinion
it is this behavior that makes the child feel he can sleep as he pleases; this routine is what gives me strength, what gives me confidence. My eyes follow the
door as it opens (door opening sound effect) and I watch her fuzzy slippers step closer. Her skin smells so sweet. For a woman of her age, her soft flesh is so
tightly wrapped around her legs, it is all I can do to stay put and not act on instinct. I let the aroma fill my nostrils and allow her voice to dance along my
ears. She walks out of the room and soon my vision is obscured by cartoon character pajamas and bare feet. His toes are so small, so delectable, little treats
on little feet. I reach out to touch them, my claws leaving the safe haven of darkness that conceals all that go bump in the night. The light burns my flesh as
my claws sprout from under the bed; they brush against his clothes, so very close to that youthful perfection. The pain surges through my hand, my arm, it’s
almost more than I can handle. I reach forward to grab his ankle and he steps away. I pulled my hand back under the bed, nursing the burns, but the thrill of
the hunt filled me with glee. I am so proud of how good she is to him and how much he is growing into a little man. I fade into the shadows and vanish from
his room.
Script Draft
The father was still asleep. It’s 7 AM now, the bus should be arriving for the little one soon and how I will miss him. I
contemplate following him to school, but risk outweighs reward. Exciting as the thought is; to be left stranded in a
school yard, even though I would be blessed with tender morsels left and right, I may not make it home. Last thing I
would want is to leave my home unguarded, to come back and find it claimed by another. No, I must defend my home;
defend my people, till their bitter end. From their closet I watched the father sleep. The door was left cracked open this
morning. He disgusts me; he is by no means a pleasant person. His flesh is coated in filth and only does he bathe when
forced by the wife. I find myself all too often eagerly awaiting his departure to work. Ever since he changed his schedule
to a later shift, I have found my routine has been shattered. Oh, how I miss the days that he would be out the door
before his wife rose so that I would have her all to myself; how I could be there for the child and admire the beauty in
his ignorance. Now, I’m afraid I must tiptoe from the morning to the afternoon, my time alone with the woman is no
longer so. Yes, I can watch her from the mirrors, brush against her as she sinks into the couch, but no longer do I posses
the luxury of freedom. The father will leave shortly before the boy returns, with this I find solace. The sun will begin to
dip down below the horizon while he slaves away the hours at his job.
As night dominates the sky I can move as I wish, inside and outside of my home. Well, I used to go outside. Lately I have
noticed prying eyes gazing at my family from the windows, concealed by darkness. I am tempted to get rid of them, but
I don’t know how many wait, and I can’t risk leaving my people exposed. My kind grows very envious of those of us
with homes and families of our own, they seek to destroy our success and ruin everything we worked so hard to
accomplish. I’ve found myself staring out the window, watching as shadows jump from street light to street light,
contemplating if the less fortunate can be of use to me. I may have a decision soon; perhaps tomorrow night I can have
a chat with a little one.
They call today, Saturday, and I share mixed feelings for this one. I have my humans all day, but this also means the foul
one lounges on the couch, shoveling filth down his gullet and barking at my people like a savage beast. Today was a
true test of my self control. Today he hit my boy.
Script Draft
The little one was running around, talking about his school week and what simple things his brain consumed. He was so excited; I
was so excited, I wanted to embrace him and share my pride, but to do so would be disastrous for us both. I watched as he spread
his joy across the house, but anxiety and fear grabbed hold of me when he approached his father. I could see what was going to
happen as the boy tugged on his father’s sleeve and talked louder than the television in feeble hopes of gaining his parent’s
attention. I saw the disdain on the large one’s face. I felt the rumble of his growl as the boy continued. My claws dug into my
hands as I waited, helplessly. Then it happened, he struck my boy(hitting sound effect) while shouting profanity(man shouting
sound effect). The child ran to his room, holding back tears, refusing to show his pain. I was conflicted by the need to follow him,
and the need to gut this beast and hang him by his entrails. Saturday is the day I decided he had to go.
Night fell quickly, and once they were in their beds I sneaked outside. I could see the hungry eyes staring from the bushes, trees,
rooftops, they were so eager to claim my home. “I only need one of you,” I snarled, my well fed form towering over the lesser
creatures of the night. “I am looking for a little Lust,” I called out, and not a moment later several starved demons scurried before
me. They snapped and slashed at one another, until I snatched a smaller one up and held it up by its leathery tail; the others
quickly disappeared into the night. “I have a deal to make with you,” my voice rumbled in dominance at the tiny creature that
stared fearfully into my massive eyes. “I will share my wealth with you in exchange for the removal of the alpha-male in this
home. I need it done discreetly and I grow angrier every day I can’t maim or massacre him. Will you assist me?” I asked it, giving
not a hint of room for refusal. The creature seemed compliant so I closed my hands over it and returned to the safety of my home.
I scaled the stairs in strides and soon was looking down the gaping maw of the monster, snoring away beside the beautiful woman
I cared so much for. Once more I held my new weapon by its tail and dropped it into the man’s mouth, it slid effortlessly down his
throat without invoking so much as a stir in his sleep. It was the perfect match. I felt better.
As the days went by, the father grew more distant from his family. He earned a promotion at work, had increased hours, and was
often away on business. My life was improving exponentially, but this was only the beginning.
Script Draft
Peacefully I watched my boy sleep. I wanted to move in closer, but if I did, he wouldn’t be the same. As I lost myself in
happy thoughts, they were interrupted by shouting (argueing parents sound effect) in the parent’s room. The father
came home intoxicated tonight; this isn’t a strange occurrence, but he slipped up. The father was supposed to be on a
business trip this weekend. Not only was he home a day early, but there was lipstick on his neck. My heart filled,
swelled with joy as the wife began striking him with a lamp and driving him out of the house. She found the strength to
get rid of that dead weight and I was so proud of her for that. We were finally all going to be one big happy family.
My family has been doing well, but things have changed. They seem complacent; they seem content with their lives
and genuinely happy. I want to be happy for them, but I feel strange. When the father was around, I was so upset, so
disturbed, but I was powerful and a force to be reckoned with. The mother has taken to new habits; she admits when
she is wrong, she replaces punishment with a teachable moment, she has become so humble. If they are so happy, why
can’t I be?
I feel so weak, I feel sick and I think I have been losing weight. I hadn’t thought about what I was doing and now I am
going to die for it. They will never know I existed, they will not miss me and I will rot away in the shadows. I only hope
the boy can fight off the demons that will nest and make this their home. He will have to forgive his father or invite in
Wrath. He must stay active in school and avoid Sloth. He cannot fall to the influences that consumed his father; I hope
that the mother will stay strong as well, and look out for him. When Lust took their father, she didn’t have to deal with
the abuse any longer; she could move on and be content… She didn’t have to be proud any more, but I will always be
Script Final
• Narrator
• Voice acting
• Music
• Sound effects
Script Final
Intro music-No Copyright Music] HORROR THEME | CREEPY BACKGROUND MUSIC | Royalty Free Music | VIVEK ABHISHEK
Narrator(Thea Jennings): They follow the same neat routine every day. The boy wakes up to the sound of that unpleasant alarm at 6 AM every
morning,(clock alarm sound effect) Monday through Friday. I listen carefully to the sheets rustling above me(sheets rustling sound effect) as he tosses,
turns, shifts in his bed struggling to force himself awake. On the occasion that he falls back asleep in the safe warm embrace of his bedding, face nuzzled
sweetly against his puffy down pillow, his mother will come in.
Music-Mystery Horror Music - "Rainfall In Monochrome Moonlight" (Slow Strings Composition)
Now, his mother often wakes up at 5 in the morning, a beautiful time when the light of the morning sun is still waking with the rest of Earth’s creatures. I
can move more freely at this time, though risky as it may be. I watch her arise; her husband lies silent, still consumed by a world of dreams. I follow her to
the bathroom and watch while she cleans her face, brushes her teeth (water running and teeth brushing sound effect) and prepares for the day. Sometimes
she sees me, but never thinks anything of it; how exhilarating those days are, to make eye contact with the people who house me. As she wanders down
stairs to prepare breakfast,(waking down stairs sound effect) we part ways and visit the boy. As I mentioned earlier, on occasion he will sleep in, much like
today. I stretched out and relaxed, awaiting the mothers’ arrival; it was always pleasant to be in the company of my family.
Music-Emotional Horror Music - "Safe Haven" (Slow Strings Composition)
She arrived on schedule. With breakfast ready she wouldn’t be letting him sleep any longer. I have watched this week after week and in my humble opinion
it is this behavior that makes the child feel he can sleep as he pleases; this routine is what gives me strength, what gives me confidence. My eyes follow the
door as it opens (door opening sound effect) and I watch her fuzzy slippers step closer. Her skin smells so sweet. For a woman of her age, her soft flesh is so
tightly wrapped around her legs, it is all I can do to stay put and not act on instinct. I let the aroma fill my nostrils and allow her voice to dance along my
ears. She walks out of the room and soon my vision is obscured by cartoon character pajamas and bare feet. His toes are so small, so delectable, little treats
on little feet. I reach out to touch them, my claws leaving the safe haven of darkness that conceals all that go bump in the night. The light burns my flesh as
my claws sprout from under the bed; they brush against his clothes, so very close to that youthful perfection. The pain surges through my hand, my arm, it’s
almost more than I can handle. I reach forward to grab his ankle and he steps away. I pulled my hand back under the bed, nursing the burns, but the thrill of
the hunt filled me with glee. I am so proud of how good she is to him and how much he is growing into a little man. I fade into the shadows and vanish from
his room.
Script Final
The father was still asleep. It’s 7 AM now, (morning sound effects) the bus should be arriving for the little one soon and
how I will miss him. I contemplate following him to school, but risk outweighs reward. Exciting as the thought is; to be
left stranded in a school yard, even though I would be blessed with tender morsels left and right, I may not make it
home. Last thing I would want is to leave my home unguarded, to come back and find it claimed by another. No, I must
defend my home; defend my people, till their bitter end. From their closet I watched the father sleep. The door was left
cracked open this morning. He disgusts me; he is by no means a pleasant person. His flesh is coated in filth and only
does he bathe when forced by the wife. I find myself all too often eagerly awaiting his departure to work. Ever since he
changed his schedule to a later shift, I have found my routine has been shattered. Oh, how I miss the days that he
would be out the door before his wife rose so that I would have her all to myself; how I could be there for the child and
admire the beauty in his ignorance. Now, I’m afraid I must tiptoe from the morning to the afternoon, my time alone
with the woman is no longer so. Yes, I can watch her from the mirrors, brush against her as she sinks into the couch, but
no longer do I posses the luxury of freedom. The father will leave shortly before the boy returns, with this I find solace.
The sun will begin to dip down below the horizon while he slaves away the hours at his job.
As night dominates the sky I can move as I wish, inside and outside of my home. Well, I used to go outside. Lately I have
noticed prying eyes gazing at my family from the windows, concealed by darkness. I am tempted to get rid of them, but
I don’t know how many wait, and I can’t risk leaving my people exposed. My kind grows very envious of those of us
with homes and families of our own, they seek to destroy our success and ruin everything we worked so hard to
accomplish. I’ve found myself staring out the window, watching as shadows jump from street light to street light,
contemplating if the less fortunate can be of use to me. I may have a decision soon; perhaps tomorrow night I can have
a chat with a little one.
They call today, Saturday, and I share mixed feelings for this one. I have my humans all day, but this also means the foul
one lounges on the couch, shoveling filth down his gullet and barking at my people like a savage beast. Today was a
true test of my self control. Today he hit my boy.
Script Final
• The little one was running around, talking about his school week and what simple things his brain consumed. He was so excited; I was so excited, I
wanted to embrace him and share my pride, but to do so would be disastrous for us both. I watched as he spread his joy across the house, but
anxiety and fear grabbed hold of me when he approached his father. I could see what was going to happen as the boy tugged on his father’s sleeve
and talked louder than the television in feeble hopes of gaining his parent’s attention. I saw the disdain on the large one’s face. I felt the rumble of
his growl as the boy continued. My claws dug into my hands as I waited, helplessly. Then it happened, he struck my boy(hitting sound effect) while
shouting profanity. The child ran to his room, holding back tears, refusing to show his pain. I was conflicted by the need to follow him, and the need
to gut this beast and hang him by his entrails. Saturday is the day I decided he had to go.
• Night fell quickly, and once they were in their beds I sneaked outside. I could see the hungry eyes staring from the bushes, trees, rooftops, they were
so eager to claim my home. “I only need one of you,” I snarled, my well fed form towering over the lesser creatures of the night. “I am looking for a
little Lust,” I called out, and not a moment later several starved demons scurried before me. They snapped and slashed at one another, until I
snatched a smaller one up and held it up by its leathery tail; the others quickly disappeared into the night. “I have a deal to make with you,” my voice
rumbled in dominance at the tiny creature that stared fearfully into my massive eyes. “I will share my wealth with you in exchange for the removal of
the alpha-male in this home. I need it done discreetly and I grow angrier every day I can’t maim or massacre him. Will you assist me?” I asked it,
giving not a hint of room for refusal. The creature seemed compliant so I closed my hands over it and returned to the safety of my home. I scaled the
stairs in strides and soon was looking down the gaping maw of the monster, snoring away beside the beautiful woman I cared so much for. Once
more I held my new weapon by its tail and dropped it into the man’s mouth, it slid effortlessly down his throat without invoking so much as a stir in
his sleep. It was the perfect match. I felt better.
• As the days went by, the father grew more distant from his family. He earned a promotion at work, had increased hours, and was often away on
business. My life was improving exponentially, but this was only the beginning.
Script Final
Peacefully I watched my boy sleep. I wanted to move in closer, but if I did, he wouldn’t be the same. As I
lost myself in happy thoughts, they were interrupted by shouting (argueing parents sound effect) in the
parent’s room. The father came home intoxicated tonight; this isn’t a strange occurrence, but he slipped
up. The father was supposed to be on a business trip this weekend. Not only was he home a day early,
but there was lipstick on his neck. My heart filled, swelled with joy as the wife began striking him with a
lamp and driving him out of the house. She found the strength to get rid of that dead weight and I was
so proud of her for that. We were finally all going to be one big happy family.
My family has been doing well, but things have changed. They seem complacent; they seem content
with their lives and genuinely happy. I want to be happy for them, but I feel strange. When the father
was around, I was so upset, so disturbed, but I was powerful and a force to be reckoned with. The
mother has taken to new habits; she admits when she is wrong, she replaces punishment with a
teachable moment, she has become so humble. If they are so happy, why can’t I be?
I feel so weak, I feel sick and I think I have been losing weight. I hadn’t thought about what I was doing
and now I am going to die for it. They will never know I existed, they will not miss me and I will rot away
in the shadows. I only hope the boy can fight off the demons that will nest and make this their home.
He will have to forgive his father or invite in Wrath. He must stay active in school and avoid Sloth. He
cannot fall to the influences that consumed his father; I hope that the mother will stay strong as well,
and look out for him. When Lust took their father, she didn’t have to deal with the abuse any longer; she
could move on and be content… She didn’t have to be proud any more, but I will always be Proud.
Sound Effects
Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound
(clock alarm sound effect) Youtube
(sheets rustling sound effect) Youtube
(water running sound effect) Youtube
(teeth brushing sound effect) Youtube
(waking down stairs sound effect) Youtube
(door opening sound effect) Youtube
(hitting sound effect) Youtube
(argueing parents sound effect) Youtube
Actor Role Location for recording
Thea Jennings Narrator/Pride My house
Band Name Track Name Link
VIVEKABHISHEK No Copyright Music]
Royalty Free Music | VIVEK
Piano Horror Mystery Horror Music -
"Rainfall In Monochrome
Moonlight" (Slow Strings
Piano Horror Emotional Horror Music -
"Safe Haven" (Slow Strings
Resource List
Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be
used for?
Voice recorder I own it For the narration
Daily Reflection Day 1
• Today I will be recording my creepypasta story
and to do this I will be recording the story on
the voice recorder that has been provided by
college and I recorded my story at least five
times and when I was finished I pick the first
recording I did because it had the most
emotion and depth within the character and I
added the file into a Premier Pro file so I can
edit it.
Daily Reflection Day 2
• Today I found all the sound effects and music
that I would need for my horror short story
audio recording and to do this I searched and
found them on YouTube and I downloaded
them into MP3 files using and I
saved them into the downloads folder so I
could access them easily.
Daily Reflection Day 3
• Today I opened Premier Pro and I added my
recording of my creepypasta story into the
premier pro file and then I added the sound
effects and added them to different parts of
the recording to make the story sound more
Daily Reflection Day 4
• Today I opened my file on Premier Pro and I
added in the intro, outro and story music for
my recording, I also changed the pitch on
my voice whenever my main chractor was
speaking to make me sound more monstrus
and dark
• I found the research pages really useful, the first thing I looked at was the
existing products which allowed me to look into the features used in other
audio projects like such as the Archers show and the Chilling Tales for Dark
Nights podcast and I discovered the different music, sound effects and
performances that are used depending on the type of audio, this meant I
could see what to include in my own product so
I didn’t include unnecessary features that wouldn’t match. I thought about
what made the audince listen to shows such as these. I felt like my
strength in the research section was doing the exsiating products research
and this helped my project by me knowing what kind of performance,
music or sound effects would make an audio project sound good. The
areas that were not helpful were that there were that there wasn't a lot
more reasarch projects for me to do which would have improved my final
product a lot more
• To plan my final product I firstly created a script draft of my story and to
do this I wrote the script in different colours, for example I wrote the
Narrator parts in red, the voice acting in light blue, the music in orange,
and finally the sound effects in green, afterwards I wrote a final script of
my story adding in where the sound effects and music would go,
afterwards I made a list of all the sound effects I would need for my audio
recording, next I made a list of the actors and locations I would need,
next I made a list of the music I would need, finaly,I made a list of all the
resources that I would need. I found that my strengths in planning was
writing up my draft and final scripts and this helped my product because I
knew exactly what to say and where the cues for the sound effects and
music were. I found that my weakness was considering my resorse list as
there wasn't a lot resources that I needed
Time Management
 I felt like I have managed my time well and I successfully finished my production work on time. To
start with I recorded my story with a voice recorder and then I opened Premeir Pro and put my
audio recording in a new file, then I started adding the sound effects and the music to where I
thou then finally, I started my evaluation. I think that I would have done better If had understood
how to use premier pro and I was difficult for me to edit everything precisely.
Technical Qualities
To make my audio project as professional as it could be I added in realisc sound effects to make
the actions of the actors seem more realistic, I also added in royal free music so that the audio
sounds more original, Finaly I made the pitch of my voice deeper when my main character was
talking which is what many creepypasta storytellers do not do.
Aural Qualities
I think that my final product is really creative and unique. The aspects of my audio that I like is
when my sound effects happen and when my character speaks . If I was to improve my
final piece I would record the story a few more so that I wouldn't jumble over my words I think
that my biggest strength was sticking to the theme and colour scheme that I had chosen in my
planning. I think my weakness was creating all the aspects of the game so they all had
similar amount of detail.
Audience Appeal
The overall audience that my finished product would appeal to is anybody from all ages and
from all sex’s. It still doesn’t specially aim at any social group or psychographic. My final piece
would also appeal to anybody who loves horror stories and creepypastas as well as audio
dramas.My products would appeal to them because my product will cheap to buy because I
would sell them to people that belong the belongers class and it would also apply to all genders
because my team is all inclusive of all genders.

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Audio pro forma

  • 2. Existing Products Research • The Archers Performance: Upon reviewing an episode of 'The Archers', specifically one from the 5th of October 2014, it's clear when different characters are talking from the different accents and the type of voice wether is male and female, you can also tell the what kind of emotions the character is feeling from the tone of their voice. Sound effects: The sound effects in The Archers act as clues as to where the characters are in the story such as if the characters are outside there will be birds singing indicating that the characters are outside. Music: There is only one pieace of music in the entire audio drama which is played at the beginning and at the end of the episode which is the theme tune of The Archers which is Barwick Green is It is a "maypole dance" from the suite My Native Heath, written in 1924 by the Yorkshire composer Arthur Wood, and named after Barwick-in-Elmet, east of Leeds, West Yorkshire.
  • 3. Existing Products Research • Chilling Tales for Dark Nights Performance: Upon reviewing an episode of 'Chilling Tales for Dark Nights', specifically one from the 9th of March 2017, it's clear when the different narators and chractors are talking from the different accents and the type of voice wether is male and female, you can also tell the what kind of emotions the character is feeling from the tone of their voice and since this is a scary podcast you can tell when the chractoers are schard. Sound effects: The sound effects in Chilling Tales for Dark Nights act to make the story more realistic and it also adds to the fact that you can create images for the story you are listing to by using your imagination and the sound effects are also used to make the monsters and other scary beings other worldly and terrifying. Music: There is a lot of music being played in Chilling Tales for Dark Nights and most of the music is played during the tense and scary moments of the story which makes the listener feel more uneasy and more schared.
  • 4. Existing Products Research • Mr Creepypasta's Storytime Performance: Upon reviewing an episode of 'Mr Creepypasta's Storytime', specifically one from the 20th April 2013, it's clear when the narator is tallking and he does the accents and chractor voices all by himself which is very impressive. Sound effects: The sound effects in'Mr Creepypasta's Storytime' act to make the story more realistic and it also adds to the fact that you can create images for the story you are listing to by using your imagination and the sound effects are also used to make the monsters and other scary beings other worldly and terrifying. Music: There is a lot of music being played in 'Mr Creepypasta's Storytime' and most of the music is played during the tense and scary moments of the story which makes the listener feel more uneasy and more schared.
  • 5. Bibliography 1. Smith, A. (2012). Chilling Tales for Dark Nights. Available: Last accessed 6 Jun 2020. 2. Smith, A. (15 Oct 2014). Archers Omnibus 141012 (12 October 2014) [ArchersOmni_ 2014-10-12]. Available: 3. Last accessed 6 Jan 2020.MrCreepypasta. (4 Jan 2011). Mr Creepypasta. Available: Last accessed 7th Jan 2020.
  • 7. Story • Family of Three Plus One: An entity, unseen and unknown by the family he lives with, protects and looks after his humans. However, after seeing the father of the family abuse his son one time too many, it takes matters into its own hands to rectify the situation. • A Big Responsibility: I'm not gonna clean up after it... • It Wasn’t a Reindeer: A young man and his sister encounter something otherworldly on the road, on their way to a holiday gathering.
  • 9. Proposal Working Title: What is it called? This can change if you think of something better later Family of Three Plus One creepypasta reading Audience: Who is your audience? Be very detailed; age, gender, social status, psychographic etc. Use the Audience Classifications PowerPoint on Blackboard to help you develop this section. Why would your project appeal to this person? Discuss each audience element in relation to content (why would your product appeal to the age group? Why would your product appeal to the gender? Etc.) My audience's age is would be teenagers and their gender will be male and female, their social status will be the middle class which means that these people have money to spend on luxury items. If your product costs money, its normally aimed at this group and finally the psychographic will be the Belonger class, this class of people Most likely living in a small city and will respond to messages that are family or community oriented, refer to product being made UK and that do not suggest change. Belongers are very brand loyal. Project Concept (approx. 200 words)
  • 11. Foley List of sounds for clip: 1. Hand slap 2. Gate opening 3. Footsteps 4. Zombie moan (distance) 5. Footsteps 6. Trip 7. Footsteps 8. Man running past (pan) 9. Footsteps * Sound change inside shop 10. Less echo footsteps 11. Fridge opens
  • 12. Foley • Include your work on foley and some writing about what went well, what could be better and what you have learned. This is my foley task and I think the recording went really well but I think I should have done better by making the volume of my music the same as my recording so they wouldn't overlap. • You should include a link and a screen shot. Don’t embed your work, it won’t work. •
  • 13. Recording • Write about your experiences of recording in different places. • I recorded in places such as a hallway and room. • What effect did it have? How will this influence your project? • I found out that recording in hallways makes your voice echo a lot and the recorder picks up conversations being held in the hallway and I also found out that when you record in a studio room it's more quieter and the recorder can only pick up the speaker's voice
  • 14. Garage Band • Include your work with Garage Band, and some writing about what went well, what could be better and what you have learned. • This is my Garage Band task and I think the mixing went really well and I tried out different voices but I think I should have done better by having a better understanding of how to create proper music
  • 16. Script Draft Key • Narrator • Voice acting • Music • Sound effects
  • 17. Script Draft Intro music They follow the same neat routine every day. The boy wakes up to the sound of that unpleasant alarm at 6 AM every morning,(clock alarm sound effect) Monday through Friday. I listen carefully to the sheets rustling above me(sheets rustling) as he tosses, turns, shifts in his bed struggling to force himself awake. On the occasion that he falls back asleep in the safe warm embrace of his bedding, face nuzzled sweetly against his puffy down pillow, his mother will come in. Music Now, his mother often wakes up at 5 in the morning, a beautiful time when the light of the morning sun is still waking with the rest of Earth’s creatures. I can move more freely at this time, though risky as it may be. I watch her arise; her husband lies silent, still consumed by a world of dreams. I follow her to the bathroom and watch while she cleans her face, brushes her teeth (water running and teeth brushing sound effect) and prepares for the day. Sometimes she sees me, but never thinks anything of it; how exhilarating those days are, to make eye contact with the people who house me. As she wanders down stairs to prepare breakfast,(waking down stairs sound effect) we part ways and visit the boy. As I mentioned earlier, on occasion he will sleep in, much like today. I stretched out and relaxed, awaiting the mothers’ arrival; it was always pleasant to be in the company of my family. She arrived on schedule. With breakfast ready she wouldn’t be letting him sleep any longer. I have watched this week after week and in my humble opinion it is this behavior that makes the child feel he can sleep as he pleases; this routine is what gives me strength, what gives me confidence. My eyes follow the door as it opens (door opening sound effect) and I watch her fuzzy slippers step closer. Her skin smells so sweet. For a woman of her age, her soft flesh is so tightly wrapped around her legs, it is all I can do to stay put and not act on instinct. I let the aroma fill my nostrils and allow her voice to dance along my ears. She walks out of the room and soon my vision is obscured by cartoon character pajamas and bare feet. His toes are so small, so delectable, little treats on little feet. I reach out to touch them, my claws leaving the safe haven of darkness that conceals all that go bump in the night. The light burns my flesh as my claws sprout from under the bed; they brush against his clothes, so very close to that youthful perfection. The pain surges through my hand, my arm, it’s almost more than I can handle. I reach forward to grab his ankle and he steps away. I pulled my hand back under the bed, nursing the burns, but the thrill of the hunt filled me with glee. I am so proud of how good she is to him and how much he is growing into a little man. I fade into the shadows and vanish from his room.
  • 18. Script Draft Music The father was still asleep. It’s 7 AM now, the bus should be arriving for the little one soon and how I will miss him. I contemplate following him to school, but risk outweighs reward. Exciting as the thought is; to be left stranded in a school yard, even though I would be blessed with tender morsels left and right, I may not make it home. Last thing I would want is to leave my home unguarded, to come back and find it claimed by another. No, I must defend my home; defend my people, till their bitter end. From their closet I watched the father sleep. The door was left cracked open this morning. He disgusts me; he is by no means a pleasant person. His flesh is coated in filth and only does he bathe when forced by the wife. I find myself all too often eagerly awaiting his departure to work. Ever since he changed his schedule to a later shift, I have found my routine has been shattered. Oh, how I miss the days that he would be out the door before his wife rose so that I would have her all to myself; how I could be there for the child and admire the beauty in his ignorance. Now, I’m afraid I must tiptoe from the morning to the afternoon, my time alone with the woman is no longer so. Yes, I can watch her from the mirrors, brush against her as she sinks into the couch, but no longer do I posses the luxury of freedom. The father will leave shortly before the boy returns, with this I find solace. The sun will begin to dip down below the horizon while he slaves away the hours at his job. Music As night dominates the sky I can move as I wish, inside and outside of my home. Well, I used to go outside. Lately I have noticed prying eyes gazing at my family from the windows, concealed by darkness. I am tempted to get rid of them, but I don’t know how many wait, and I can’t risk leaving my people exposed. My kind grows very envious of those of us with homes and families of our own, they seek to destroy our success and ruin everything we worked so hard to accomplish. I’ve found myself staring out the window, watching as shadows jump from street light to street light, contemplating if the less fortunate can be of use to me. I may have a decision soon; perhaps tomorrow night I can have a chat with a little one. They call today, Saturday, and I share mixed feelings for this one. I have my humans all day, but this also means the foul one lounges on the couch, shoveling filth down his gullet and barking at my people like a savage beast. Today was a true test of my self control. Today he hit my boy.
  • 19. Script Draft The little one was running around, talking about his school week and what simple things his brain consumed. He was so excited; I was so excited, I wanted to embrace him and share my pride, but to do so would be disastrous for us both. I watched as he spread his joy across the house, but anxiety and fear grabbed hold of me when he approached his father. I could see what was going to happen as the boy tugged on his father’s sleeve and talked louder than the television in feeble hopes of gaining his parent’s attention. I saw the disdain on the large one’s face. I felt the rumble of his growl as the boy continued. My claws dug into my hands as I waited, helplessly. Then it happened, he struck my boy(hitting sound effect) while shouting profanity(man shouting sound effect). The child ran to his room, holding back tears, refusing to show his pain. I was conflicted by the need to follow him, and the need to gut this beast and hang him by his entrails. Saturday is the day I decided he had to go. Night fell quickly, and once they were in their beds I sneaked outside. I could see the hungry eyes staring from the bushes, trees, rooftops, they were so eager to claim my home. “I only need one of you,” I snarled, my well fed form towering over the lesser creatures of the night. “I am looking for a little Lust,” I called out, and not a moment later several starved demons scurried before me. They snapped and slashed at one another, until I snatched a smaller one up and held it up by its leathery tail; the others quickly disappeared into the night. “I have a deal to make with you,” my voice rumbled in dominance at the tiny creature that stared fearfully into my massive eyes. “I will share my wealth with you in exchange for the removal of the alpha-male in this home. I need it done discreetly and I grow angrier every day I can’t maim or massacre him. Will you assist me?” I asked it, giving not a hint of room for refusal. The creature seemed compliant so I closed my hands over it and returned to the safety of my home. I scaled the stairs in strides and soon was looking down the gaping maw of the monster, snoring away beside the beautiful woman I cared so much for. Once more I held my new weapon by its tail and dropped it into the man’s mouth, it slid effortlessly down his throat without invoking so much as a stir in his sleep. It was the perfect match. I felt better. As the days went by, the father grew more distant from his family. He earned a promotion at work, had increased hours, and was often away on business. My life was improving exponentially, but this was only the beginning.
  • 20. Script Draft Music Peacefully I watched my boy sleep. I wanted to move in closer, but if I did, he wouldn’t be the same. As I lost myself in happy thoughts, they were interrupted by shouting (argueing parents sound effect) in the parent’s room. The father came home intoxicated tonight; this isn’t a strange occurrence, but he slipped up. The father was supposed to be on a business trip this weekend. Not only was he home a day early, but there was lipstick on his neck. My heart filled, swelled with joy as the wife began striking him with a lamp and driving him out of the house. She found the strength to get rid of that dead weight and I was so proud of her for that. We were finally all going to be one big happy family. Music My family has been doing well, but things have changed. They seem complacent; they seem content with their lives and genuinely happy. I want to be happy for them, but I feel strange. When the father was around, I was so upset, so disturbed, but I was powerful and a force to be reckoned with. The mother has taken to new habits; she admits when she is wrong, she replaces punishment with a teachable moment, she has become so humble. If they are so happy, why can’t I be? Music I feel so weak, I feel sick and I think I have been losing weight. I hadn’t thought about what I was doing and now I am going to die for it. They will never know I existed, they will not miss me and I will rot away in the shadows. I only hope the boy can fight off the demons that will nest and make this their home. He will have to forgive his father or invite in Wrath. He must stay active in school and avoid Sloth. He cannot fall to the influences that consumed his father; I hope that the mother will stay strong as well, and look out for him. When Lust took their father, she didn’t have to deal with the abuse any longer; she could move on and be content… She didn’t have to be proud any more, but I will always be Proud.
  • 21. Script Final Key • Narrator • Voice acting • Music • Sound effects
  • 22. Script Final Intro music-No Copyright Music] HORROR THEME | CREEPY BACKGROUND MUSIC | Royalty Free Music | VIVEK ABHISHEK Narrator(Thea Jennings): They follow the same neat routine every day. The boy wakes up to the sound of that unpleasant alarm at 6 AM every morning,(clock alarm sound effect) Monday through Friday. I listen carefully to the sheets rustling above me(sheets rustling sound effect) as he tosses, turns, shifts in his bed struggling to force himself awake. On the occasion that he falls back asleep in the safe warm embrace of his bedding, face nuzzled sweetly against his puffy down pillow, his mother will come in. Music-Mystery Horror Music - "Rainfall In Monochrome Moonlight" (Slow Strings Composition) Now, his mother often wakes up at 5 in the morning, a beautiful time when the light of the morning sun is still waking with the rest of Earth’s creatures. I can move more freely at this time, though risky as it may be. I watch her arise; her husband lies silent, still consumed by a world of dreams. I follow her to the bathroom and watch while she cleans her face, brushes her teeth (water running and teeth brushing sound effect) and prepares for the day. Sometimes she sees me, but never thinks anything of it; how exhilarating those days are, to make eye contact with the people who house me. As she wanders down stairs to prepare breakfast,(waking down stairs sound effect) we part ways and visit the boy. As I mentioned earlier, on occasion he will sleep in, much like today. I stretched out and relaxed, awaiting the mothers’ arrival; it was always pleasant to be in the company of my family. Music-Emotional Horror Music - "Safe Haven" (Slow Strings Composition) She arrived on schedule. With breakfast ready she wouldn’t be letting him sleep any longer. I have watched this week after week and in my humble opinion it is this behavior that makes the child feel he can sleep as he pleases; this routine is what gives me strength, what gives me confidence. My eyes follow the door as it opens (door opening sound effect) and I watch her fuzzy slippers step closer. Her skin smells so sweet. For a woman of her age, her soft flesh is so tightly wrapped around her legs, it is all I can do to stay put and not act on instinct. I let the aroma fill my nostrils and allow her voice to dance along my ears. She walks out of the room and soon my vision is obscured by cartoon character pajamas and bare feet. His toes are so small, so delectable, little treats on little feet. I reach out to touch them, my claws leaving the safe haven of darkness that conceals all that go bump in the night. The light burns my flesh as my claws sprout from under the bed; they brush against his clothes, so very close to that youthful perfection. The pain surges through my hand, my arm, it’s almost more than I can handle. I reach forward to grab his ankle and he steps away. I pulled my hand back under the bed, nursing the burns, but the thrill of the hunt filled me with glee. I am so proud of how good she is to him and how much he is growing into a little man. I fade into the shadows and vanish from his room.
  • 23. Script Final The father was still asleep. It’s 7 AM now, (morning sound effects) the bus should be arriving for the little one soon and how I will miss him. I contemplate following him to school, but risk outweighs reward. Exciting as the thought is; to be left stranded in a school yard, even though I would be blessed with tender morsels left and right, I may not make it home. Last thing I would want is to leave my home unguarded, to come back and find it claimed by another. No, I must defend my home; defend my people, till their bitter end. From their closet I watched the father sleep. The door was left cracked open this morning. He disgusts me; he is by no means a pleasant person. His flesh is coated in filth and only does he bathe when forced by the wife. I find myself all too often eagerly awaiting his departure to work. Ever since he changed his schedule to a later shift, I have found my routine has been shattered. Oh, how I miss the days that he would be out the door before his wife rose so that I would have her all to myself; how I could be there for the child and admire the beauty in his ignorance. Now, I’m afraid I must tiptoe from the morning to the afternoon, my time alone with the woman is no longer so. Yes, I can watch her from the mirrors, brush against her as she sinks into the couch, but no longer do I posses the luxury of freedom. The father will leave shortly before the boy returns, with this I find solace. The sun will begin to dip down below the horizon while he slaves away the hours at his job. As night dominates the sky I can move as I wish, inside and outside of my home. Well, I used to go outside. Lately I have noticed prying eyes gazing at my family from the windows, concealed by darkness. I am tempted to get rid of them, but I don’t know how many wait, and I can’t risk leaving my people exposed. My kind grows very envious of those of us with homes and families of our own, they seek to destroy our success and ruin everything we worked so hard to accomplish. I’ve found myself staring out the window, watching as shadows jump from street light to street light, contemplating if the less fortunate can be of use to me. I may have a decision soon; perhaps tomorrow night I can have a chat with a little one. They call today, Saturday, and I share mixed feelings for this one. I have my humans all day, but this also means the foul one lounges on the couch, shoveling filth down his gullet and barking at my people like a savage beast. Today was a true test of my self control. Today he hit my boy.
  • 24. Script Final • The little one was running around, talking about his school week and what simple things his brain consumed. He was so excited; I was so excited, I wanted to embrace him and share my pride, but to do so would be disastrous for us both. I watched as he spread his joy across the house, but anxiety and fear grabbed hold of me when he approached his father. I could see what was going to happen as the boy tugged on his father’s sleeve and talked louder than the television in feeble hopes of gaining his parent’s attention. I saw the disdain on the large one’s face. I felt the rumble of his growl as the boy continued. My claws dug into my hands as I waited, helplessly. Then it happened, he struck my boy(hitting sound effect) while shouting profanity. The child ran to his room, holding back tears, refusing to show his pain. I was conflicted by the need to follow him, and the need to gut this beast and hang him by his entrails. Saturday is the day I decided he had to go. • Night fell quickly, and once they were in their beds I sneaked outside. I could see the hungry eyes staring from the bushes, trees, rooftops, they were so eager to claim my home. “I only need one of you,” I snarled, my well fed form towering over the lesser creatures of the night. “I am looking for a little Lust,” I called out, and not a moment later several starved demons scurried before me. They snapped and slashed at one another, until I snatched a smaller one up and held it up by its leathery tail; the others quickly disappeared into the night. “I have a deal to make with you,” my voice rumbled in dominance at the tiny creature that stared fearfully into my massive eyes. “I will share my wealth with you in exchange for the removal of the alpha-male in this home. I need it done discreetly and I grow angrier every day I can’t maim or massacre him. Will you assist me?” I asked it, giving not a hint of room for refusal. The creature seemed compliant so I closed my hands over it and returned to the safety of my home. I scaled the stairs in strides and soon was looking down the gaping maw of the monster, snoring away beside the beautiful woman I cared so much for. Once more I held my new weapon by its tail and dropped it into the man’s mouth, it slid effortlessly down his throat without invoking so much as a stir in his sleep. It was the perfect match. I felt better. • As the days went by, the father grew more distant from his family. He earned a promotion at work, had increased hours, and was often away on business. My life was improving exponentially, but this was only the beginning.
  • 25. Script Final Peacefully I watched my boy sleep. I wanted to move in closer, but if I did, he wouldn’t be the same. As I lost myself in happy thoughts, they were interrupted by shouting (argueing parents sound effect) in the parent’s room. The father came home intoxicated tonight; this isn’t a strange occurrence, but he slipped up. The father was supposed to be on a business trip this weekend. Not only was he home a day early, but there was lipstick on his neck. My heart filled, swelled with joy as the wife began striking him with a lamp and driving him out of the house. She found the strength to get rid of that dead weight and I was so proud of her for that. We were finally all going to be one big happy family. My family has been doing well, but things have changed. They seem complacent; they seem content with their lives and genuinely happy. I want to be happy for them, but I feel strange. When the father was around, I was so upset, so disturbed, but I was powerful and a force to be reckoned with. The mother has taken to new habits; she admits when she is wrong, she replaces punishment with a teachable moment, she has become so humble. If they are so happy, why can’t I be? I feel so weak, I feel sick and I think I have been losing weight. I hadn’t thought about what I was doing and now I am going to die for it. They will never know I existed, they will not miss me and I will rot away in the shadows. I only hope the boy can fight off the demons that will nest and make this their home. He will have to forgive his father or invite in Wrath. He must stay active in school and avoid Sloth. He cannot fall to the influences that consumed his father; I hope that the mother will stay strong as well, and look out for him. When Lust took their father, she didn’t have to deal with the abuse any longer; she could move on and be content… She didn’t have to be proud any more, but I will always be Proud.
  • 26. Sound Effects Sound Effect Needed How I Will Create the Sound (clock alarm sound effect) Youtube (sheets rustling sound effect) Youtube (water running sound effect) Youtube (teeth brushing sound effect) Youtube (waking down stairs sound effect) Youtube (door opening sound effect) Youtube (hitting sound effect) Youtube (argueing parents sound effect) Youtube
  • 27. Actors/Locations Actor Role Location for recording Thea Jennings Narrator/Pride My house
  • 28. Music Band Name Track Name Link VIVEKABHISHEK No Copyright Music] HORROR THEME | CREEPY BACKGROUND MUSIC | Royalty Free Music | VIVEK ABHISHEK Piano Horror Mystery Horror Music - "Rainfall In Monochrome Moonlight" (Slow Strings Composition) Piano Horror Emotional Horror Music - "Safe Haven" (Slow Strings Composition)
  • 29. Resource List Resource Owned/Cost What sound effect will it be used for? Voice recorder I own it For the narration
  • 31. Daily Reflection Day 1 • Today I will be recording my creepypasta story and to do this I will be recording the story on the voice recorder that has been provided by college and I recorded my story at least five times and when I was finished I pick the first recording I did because it had the most emotion and depth within the character and I added the file into a Premier Pro file so I can edit it.
  • 32. Daily Reflection Day 2 • Today I found all the sound effects and music that I would need for my horror short story audio recording and to do this I searched and found them on YouTube and I downloaded them into MP3 files using and I saved them into the downloads folder so I could access them easily.
  • 33. Daily Reflection Day 3 • Today I opened Premier Pro and I added my recording of my creepypasta story into the premier pro file and then I added the sound effects and added them to different parts of the recording to make the story sound more realistic.
  • 34. Daily Reflection Day 4 • Today I opened my file on Premier Pro and I added in the intro, outro and story music for my recording, I also changed the pitch on my voice whenever my main chractor was speaking to make me sound more monstrus and dark
  • 36. Research • I found the research pages really useful, the first thing I looked at was the existing products which allowed me to look into the features used in other audio projects like such as the Archers show and the Chilling Tales for Dark Nights podcast and I discovered the different music, sound effects and performances that are used depending on the type of audio, this meant I could see what to include in my own product so I didn’t include unnecessary features that wouldn’t match. I thought about what made the audince listen to shows such as these. I felt like my strength in the research section was doing the exsiating products research and this helped my project by me knowing what kind of performance, music or sound effects would make an audio project sound good. The areas that were not helpful were that there were that there wasn't a lot more reasarch projects for me to do which would have improved my final product a lot more
  • 37. Planning • To plan my final product I firstly created a script draft of my story and to do this I wrote the script in different colours, for example I wrote the Narrator parts in red, the voice acting in light blue, the music in orange, and finally the sound effects in green, afterwards I wrote a final script of my story adding in where the sound effects and music would go, afterwards I made a list of all the sound effects I would need for my audio recording, next I made a list of the actors and locations I would need, next I made a list of the music I would need, finaly,I made a list of all the resources that I would need. I found that my strengths in planning was writing up my draft and final scripts and this helped my product because I knew exactly what to say and where the cues for the sound effects and music were. I found that my weakness was considering my resorse list as there wasn't a lot resources that I needed
  • 38. Time Management  I felt like I have managed my time well and I successfully finished my production work on time. To start with I recorded my story with a voice recorder and then I opened Premeir Pro and put my audio recording in a new file, then I started adding the sound effects and the music to where I thou then finally, I started my evaluation. I think that I would have done better If had understood how to use premier pro and I was difficult for me to edit everything precisely.
  • 39. Technical Qualities To make my audio project as professional as it could be I added in realisc sound effects to make the actions of the actors seem more realistic, I also added in royal free music so that the audio sounds more original, Finaly I made the pitch of my voice deeper when my main character was talking which is what many creepypasta storytellers do not do.
  • 40. Aural Qualities I think that my final product is really creative and unique. The aspects of my audio that I like is when my sound effects happen and when my character speaks . If I was to improve my final piece I would record the story a few more so that I wouldn't jumble over my words I think that my biggest strength was sticking to the theme and colour scheme that I had chosen in my planning. I think my weakness was creating all the aspects of the game so they all had similar amount of detail.
  • 41. Audience Appeal The overall audience that my finished product would appeal to is anybody from all ages and from all sex’s. It still doesn’t specially aim at any social group or psychographic. My final piece would also appeal to anybody who loves horror stories and creepypastas as well as audio dramas.My products would appeal to them because my product will cheap to buy because I would sell them to people that belong the belongers class and it would also apply to all genders because my team is all inclusive of all genders.

Editor's Notes

  1. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  2. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  3. Go over as many slides as necessary. Research at least 3 products. Discuss the use of sound effects, music and performance. How have the producers suggested a location/time period and created a tone/feel Try to break down what you can hear. How do the different sound elements work together? How do sound effects add to the drama? What part does music play in the work? Try to listen to a variety of different types of radio programme. If you listen to drama and documentary, you will give yourself a better understanding of what exists and what is possible. It will also help guide your project.
  4. Using Neil’s Toolbox, log all the resources you have used
  5. Provide a brief summary of the story/stories you have chosen
  6. Log your initial thoughts regarding the set brief- What stories could you use? How do you feel about the different potential formats? What are the positives about this project? What could be some difficult aspects? Create a mind map of all the things you need to think about for your project.
  7. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  8. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  9. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  10. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  11. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  12. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  13. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  14. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  15. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  16. Initial draft of your script. This should then be refined.
  17. What music could you use? This should be copyright free. Explore options online for copyright free/public domain music or make your own on Garage Band
  18. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  19. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  20. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  21. Log your thoughts and feeling related to what you have produced. Discuss methods and tools you have used. Reference everything you have done today. Use screenshots
  22. What were the strengths of your research? How did your research help your product? What were the weaknesses of your research? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product? Think about existing products as well as practical experiments
  23. What were the strengths of your planning? How did your planning help your product? What were the weaknesses of your planning? What could you have done better/improve? What effect would this have had on your product?
  24. Did you manage your time well? Did you complete your project on time or would your products have improved with additional time? What would you have done if you had more time to produce your work?
  25. Compare your work to similar existing products and discuss the similarities and differences Is your work technically detailed/complicated enough? What effects and techniques have you used? How did you create your effects? How did you record your audio? Did you use any foley methods?
  26. Does your work sound good? Was it creative? What aspects of your audio do you like? What would you improve? How would you improve it? Discuss the strengths and weaknesses
  27. How have you appealed to your target audience? What specific bits of content would appeal to your target audience.