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Faith Fomekong
Promotional campaign on
a musical artist
Existing Product Research
Audience Research
Topic Research
Production Research
 During the next 2 weeks, through secondary and primary research, I will be covering a number of
research areas that will help me gain better understanding of what I will need to consider when
carrying out this project, leading to my final design.
 My research will include:
 Topic research
 Audience research
 Existing Product research
 Production research
 Since last academic year I have been applying this research approach and I believe that I will be
able to gather enough information to successfully produce a final product.
Product Research
Audience Research
Topic Research
Production Research
Promotional Campaign
 In the Topic Research, Promotional Campaign, as well as Music Genre and Branding will be
elaborately discussed, using secondary research.
 In discussing Promotional Campaign, relevant marketing tools will be considered:
• Promotional Campaign strategies
• Out of Home Advertising
• Communication channels
• Promotional Campaign strategies
 I believe that in critically exploring these topics, I will not only have in-depth understanding of the
research topic, but I will be able to effectively carry out and deliver a successful project.
Promotional Campaign
 What is Promotional Campaign?
 Promotional Campaign refers to a series of advertisements using various marketing tools that
share similar messages and thoughts to promote a business or an event (in this research a
musical artist).
 However, it is not only about advertising. It is also the process of engaging and communicating
with the target audience, via specific media channel(s) based on the scope of the campaign.
 In a single campaign different tools can be used, such as direct marketing, Out of Home
advertising, sales promotions and sponsorship, to name a few. In this research, I will focus on
direct marketing and Out of Home advertising.
 A promotional campaign is a very valuable tool, particularly when launching a new service or
product, or improving the sales of existing products.
 An effective Promotional Campaign raises awareness, changes public opinion, increases brand
equity, and above all results in increased sales.
 Yet, a successful Promotional Campaign requires the development of promotional strategies.
Promotional Campaign
 Communication Channels
 To engage and communicate effectively with the audience, I must understand the best way to
reach my target market.
 Communication channels are means through which a message is sent to its intended receiver.
For example, you might air a TV commercial to reach consumers and place an advert in an auto
magazine to reach mechanics.
 Communication channels includes:
 Print publications (flyers, newspapers,…)
 Radio / Television
 Internet (social media, digital space)
 Telephone (mobile device)
 Out-of-home media (Billboard)
 Events
 In this case, I will be going for the out-of-home media which will be a billboard
 Direct Marketing
 Marketing refers to activities undertaken to enhance the buying and selling of services or products.
 Direct marketing relies on direct communication or distribution to individual consumers, instead
of via any third party such as mass media (radio, television, newspaper...).
 While other advertising methods aim to educate prospects about a brand’s services or products,
direct marketing solely intends to persuade the recipient to take a specific action, by providing
calls to action (CTAs) that prompt the customer to act.
Here are some examples of Calls To Action used in direct marketing:
• Visit our website or store.
• Call us to get more information on our products or services.
• Subscribe with your email address.
 In this case, social media will be used as the communication channel to directly market my
musical artist.
Promotional Campaign
 Direct Marketing: Social media
 Social media provide a free marketing opportunity.
 All the major social media platforms can reach a global audience.
 Social media enable to engage with fans and build relationships.
 Social media help grasp the attention of target audience and facilitate the building of a career.
It is believed that there are five motives for social media participation:
• Easy access to content
• Sense of affinity
• Participation
• Interaction
• Social identity
 Therefore, making social media suitable for this project
Promotional Campaign
 Promotional Campaign Strategy
 A promotional strategy is an action plan that is able to influence target audience about a product,
generate more leads, and boost customer engagement.
 In my project, since I will be engaging in a persuasive communication to convince others to buy
from me, I must use the right promotional strategy:
• Identify the target audience
• Know where to find the potential customers
• Set the SMART goals for the promotional campaign.
• Capture the attention of potential customers, educate and influence them.
• Develop the promotion campaign mix.
• Determine the budget.
• Evaluate the campaign effectiveness through feedbacks or responses.
Promotional Campaign
communication channels: Social media and poster location for this project
Right and appropriate message
SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely
 Promotional Campaign at a glance
 The promotional campaign strategy encompasses all activities that will enable achieved the
campaign goal. It also include planning and research, which will be done in subsequent sections.
Overview of Promotional Campaign
Billboard /
Poster / Video
OOH / Social
PM Musical
 Promotional Campaign at a glance
 During this project, the goal of the campaign is to successfully attract and entertain my target audience
 Following a critical research work, the campaign strategy will cover the below presented activities.
Overview of Promotional Campaign
Existing Product
Testimonials /
Traffic / Views
Music Branding
 Music branding
 Now moving on to Music branding, as I mentioned in my contextual research, a brand is anything
that defines or represents you.
 Music branding includes the marketing and communication strategies that differentiate you from
other musicians, it aims to create a consistent experience that will leave a lasting impression and
build a loyal following of fans. However, branding can work in completely different ways as it
depends on the kind of audience you have as well as your brand image and reputation.
 Some of the main things to consider when wanting to build a brand as a music artist are:
• Defining your music
• Creating a brand image
• Colours
 As It will also affect the way you present yourself in person and online, how you interact with
fans, the imagery you choose, and more.
Product Research
Audience Research
Topic Research
Production Research
 The audience research will be carried out using primary research.
 This research will be carried out using a survey
 The following steps will be included in the research:
 Survey planning
 Survey results and interpretation
 Audience research summary
Audience Research
 Survey Planning
 I will create a public survey on Survey Monkey that will be mainly aimed at 10-14 year olds. This
survey method was chosen because tweens do not have access to Microsoft survey forms.
 Parental consent will be sought at later stage because of the restrictions related to the pandemic.
Four questions will be asked to stimulate quick response.
 “How old are you”- this question is just to make sure that my survey reached the right audience
 “On what social media platform do you spend most of your time?”
Answers to this question will enable me to know the preferred social media platform of my
target audience, informing of where I should display my promotion poster.
 “Which one of these billboards do you believe to be the most aesthetically pleasing without looking
at the musical artist?”
Answer to this question will contribute to the ideas for the design of a suitable poster.
 “What did you like the most about your chosen billboard?” This question links to the previous.
Answer to this question will help me know the main area of focus when designing the poster.
Audience Research
 Survey Planning: Who will I be sending this survey to?
 I will be sending this survey to my 12 years old little sister and will also be asking her to send it to
her friends who will then most likely spread the word.
Audience Research
Survey sent to my sister
My sister sends it to her friends
through her group chat
Some of my sister’s
friends already managed
to complete the survey
within minutes
 Survey Results and Interpretation
 I conducted my primary research from a survey I submitted on Survey Monkey. This survey included 4
questions. However each question is relevant to my project and I received a total of 23 responses which I
think is really good.
 Question 1: “How old are you?”.
• This was an important question as I wanted to make sure that my survey reached the right audience.
Audience Research
 20 people said “11-13” and 3 people said “14-16”.
 I believe this question was answered successfully as the most popular
response features the ages that I will be promoting my project towards.
 Survey Results and Interpretation
 Question 2: “ On what social media platfom do you spend most of your time?”
• This was an important question as in this current situation everyone has to stay indoors which means
that a lot more children will be active on social media. This is why I think that it will be good for me to
know which social media platform would be the most suitable for displaying my final design.
Audience Research
The person that chose the option “other”
wrote Pinterest as the social media
platform they go on the most.
Audience Research
 Survey Results and Interpretation
 Question 2: “ On what social media platfom do you spend most of your time?”
 More than 50% said TikTok (12 people) which is not really surprising knowing that it has been a quite
popular app for the past year. 5 people said Snapchat, 4 said Youtube, 1 said Pinterest and another 1
said Instagram.
 I was quite surprised when I saw only 1 person choosing Instagram as it quite a popular app between
teenagers. However, looking at the previous question and seeing that mainly “10-13” year olds
answered this survey makes it understandable as I believe that the older teenagers will most likely be
drawn to Instagram a lot more.
 Looking at these responses, I already know that I should display my
promotional poster on TikTok as it is where I will find most of my target
Audience Research
 Survey Results and Interpretation
 Question 3: “Which of the following billboards do you believe is most aesthetically pleasing without looking
at the musical artist?”.
 I believe that this was one of the most important questions in this survey as it gives me an idea as to
whether my target audience would be attracted to a billboard that is more bold, unique, with the colour
bright pink and naturally eye-catching (Billboard 1 )or a billboard that is a lot more simple with a more
softer colour, basic yet put together (Billboard 2).
Billboard 1 Billboard 2
Audience Research
 Survey Results and Interpretation
 Question 3: “Which of the following billboards do you believe is most aesthetically pleasing without looking at
the musical artist?”.
 91% of the responses chose Billboard 2 and only 8.7% preferred the first billboard.
 These results clearly show that most 11-13-year-olds
would find a simple yet put-together billboard more
Audience Research
 Survey Results and Interpretation
 Question 4: “What did you like the most about your chosen billboard?”.
• This is a very important question as it helps me get an idea of what I should mainly be focusing on, when
I start production.
Billboard 2 was chosen
by my audience
 In this “ Other” section, 2 out of 3 people said “You can read it
more clearly”, “it is more clear”, 1 person said “ All the above “
and another one likes “The font”.
 1 person said that they liked Arianna Grande the most. As the
audience was asked not to look at the musical artist when giving
an answer, I will not be counting this response. This implies that
I now received 22 responses which is still really good.
Audience Research
 Survey Results and Interpretation
 Question 4: “What did you like the most about your chosen billboard?”.
 For this last question, I received a lot of mixed opinions which
was to be expected.
 The highest amount of responses was 34.78%, for “The
Layout”, 30.4% said “Colours”, 21.7% said “others” and
13.04% answered “Photography style”.
 I believe that these responses indicates that my question
worked successfully as I received a different range of answers.
 I received 22 adequate responses.
 If I mainly focus on the Layout and the colours, it is likely that I will be able to capture my
audience’s attention.
Audience Research
 Audience Research Summary
 After conducting my primary research mainly on SurveyMonkey, I am happy with the results I received. This
is because all the concerns and difficulties I could have potentially been faced with throughout my project,
mainly production were all answered successfully in this survey.
 I was mainly concerned about the kind of layout my audience would find aesthetically pleasing, reason why I
showed them one Billboard that is bold and very unique and another one that is a lot more simple and
straight forward but still appealing.
 From the answers provided from this survey, and the reason behind respondents’
choices, I will be able to make a unique and attention-grabbing production.
 Billboard content was not included because “message” has been identified as crucial
during promotional campaign.
Product Research
Audience Research
Topic Research
Production Research
Product Research
 In existing products research, I will look into Album teasers, Billboards and promotional posters.
 For the Album teaser I will mainly be analysing different lightings, camera shots and transitions that are used
 For the posters, I will critically analyse various aspects of the design, namely:
• Content
• Colour
• Font
• Layout
 All images used will be obtained from Google Image and YouTube
 I believe that analysing existing products will improve ideas development when producing my final design.
Product Research
 Album Teasers: Hoodie Allen- The Hype
 Hoodie Allen’s Album trailer is very different from what I
have seen before. Usually, a trailer would consist of
different bits of your songs or music video’s, giving the
audience an idea of what they will be expecting when
listening to the album. However, Allen created a simple
short story ( a boy going to the store to buy the “hype”
necklace which then got stolen by a group of older guys ).
I found this to be very unique and creative way to
promote an album
 His use of different angle shots and camera movement is
actually the main reason why I added him to my work as
he manages to make such a basic story eye catching and
Product Research
 Album Teasers: Hoodie Allen- The Hype
 Throughout the video a lot of close up shots were
used, helping us get as much information as possible
in a short amount of time. E.g.: close up shots on toys
and CD’s of potential rappers could immediately let us
know that the video will be about a child, most likely a
boy. This is then confirmed with a wide shot of the boy
sitting on his bed.
 This video really shows how different shots and angles
can make a massive difference when wanting to create
a silent video ( A video in which the characters aren’t
Product Research
 Album Teasers: Selena Gomez - “Rare”
 This trailer is an example of what most tailers generally look like.
Throughout the video, Selena used a few of her songs ( most likely
the most successful ones) with the matching music video then
showed the remaining songs on the screen.
 Something that really caught my eye was the use of colour and
lighting throughout the video. In most of the video she used very
bright colours such as White, Yellow, Bright pink and blue. This
gives off very bright and happy vibes, immediately letting the
audience know that this album includes songs that they can
potentially dance to and feel happy about. However, in the last song
shown “I needed to lose you to love me” the colours in the video
immediately changed to black and white, letting us know that this
will be a sad song
Product Research
 Billboards
 In general , Billboards tend to follow similar
features which is shown in these three images.
 One common and obvious feature that is present on
musical artists billboard, is the “Spotify” logo.
 Although this is pretty straight forward, making sure to
add the app that directly leads your audience to your
song/album is quite important as it brings in more
 I also realised that most of these artists make sure their
name is big and bold which is totally opposite to normal
“promo” poster.
Image source: google image
Product Research
 Promotional Poster: Saweetie and Arianna grande
• When doing my research, most promotional posters I found
mainly just had the artist posing in the middle of the page,
just like the “Saweetie” poster, which is something I would be
looking at when producing my billboard poster as I will be
creating something simple yet attention grabbing.
• However, for the promotional poster I would like to create
something a bit more unique and creative, just like the
Arianna Grande poster shown on the side. From the Text
effect to the actual image, everything looks very unique. These
are definitely elements that I will be paying attention to for my
own poster.
Product Research
 Promotional Poster: Gabby and Madi
 The first eye-catching features I notice when looking at this
image are the colours that are included and the way they
have been used. This could be very important as it is
something that immediately catches your target audience’s
 The colours included in this image are : Red, white and
 The use of red as their background image gives off a very
bold, empowering yet still positive vibe. Almost letting us
know that they are not afraid to put themselves out there.
 However the use of small elements being white like the title
and the flowers kind of contradicts the whole “Bold and
empowering” statement. Especially when the colour white
mainly represents innocence and purity.
Image source: google image
Product Research
 Promotional Poster: Gabby and Madi
 After drawing our attention to the bold background and the 2
girls we now start reading the title that says “Be right there”
in this white font that gives off a handwritten vibe.
 The fact that they used that specific font for the title with a
yellow hart next to it instead of a bold one (like this “Be right
there”) that would definitely reinforce the meaning behind the
colour red really shows that the girls definitely have this
sweet and gentle side to them that you could maybe find more
about in their song.
This use of contrast in colours definitely leaves the
audience perplexed yet intrigued to find out more
which is a really smart move when wanting to
promote your product.
Image source: google image
Product Research- Summary
 Album trailer
 Just like Hoodie Allen’s teaser, I will be adding background music in my video as I wont be writing
my own song. However I will be adding all the main things that should be in a music teaser like
announcing that the video is for a new album, adding the artist’s name, the release date and the
title of the album, which was all shown in Selena Gomez’s teaser.
I realised that colours also are a massive part of a teaser and is one of the things that can make or
break an audience. As I want to make my audience feel happy and bring an uplifting mood to my
video, I will be making sure to mainly use brighter colours as well as an uplifting music beat.
Product Research- Summary
 posters
 For the billboard posters, I am thinking of keeping the layout simple yet eye-catching, just like the
images that I showed. Mainly focusing on making sure that the name of the artist and the app
where the audience will be able to listen to the music is easy to find and readable when looking at
the poster.
 For the promotional poster, I will be creating something unique and put together. Focusing on the
smaller elements of the poster like text effects or
 In the two last slides I looked at an amateur artist duo. They used to be quite successful on
YouTube as they have about 200-250k views on their music video’s.
The main reason for adding them is because I really liked their poster. However, they also have a
similar target audience and are about the same age as my music artist.
Product Research
Audience Research
Topic Research
Production Research
Production Research
 In Production research, I will look into the following:
 Video
 poster
• Structure of a poster
• Potential Poses
• Colour scheme
• Editing software
 Images used will be obtained from Google Image, Pinterest, and YouTube.
 I believe that going through this research will help in the selection of the appropriate method for this
• In- camera transitions
• Camera shots and angles
• Editing
Production Research
 Album Teaser: Structure
• In an album trailer, the things that should always be included are the name of the album, the artists name,
The release date as well as letting the audience know what you’re promoting which in this case in a New
Album. Once these elements are in the video, you can add some clips of your previous music video’s or any
relevant videos/ images that you think will attract your audience.
• Normally the teaser should not be too long as you want to keep the audience intrigued and impatient to
see/hear more.
 Name of the artist  What you will be promoting  Name of Album
Production Research
 Album Teaser: camera shots and angles
• When producing my video the main things I will have to
think about are the different camera shots and angles as I
believe that they will be the building blocks of my video.
• Although, I already know about different camera angles
and shots, I still watched a few YouTube video’s that gave
me a better idea of the most suitable shots and angles that
I should use for my work.
Production Research
 Cinematography is the creation of images you see on the screen. It comprises all on-screen visual
elements including lighting, framing, composition, camera angles and motion (to name a few)
which then leads to form a cohesive narrative.
 In the end cinematography influences how the viewers respond to your final product. By having
good camera movements and appropriate lighting, your audience will be able to view your product
in a certain way as well as convey emotions, psychological relationships, and a variety of other
important information about a scene
 Cinematography
Production Research
 Album Teaser: In-camera transitions
• In-camera transitions are transitions that do not require any editing. By shooting different camera moves at
the end and beginning of your shots, all you will have to do is drop the two clips together to have a transition.
• This is something I recently looked into and I find very useful as it will make the full video look a lot more
smother and put together.
• During experiment week I will be trying out different in-camera transitions such as: Frame Blocking, Sky
transition, movement match and a few more. This will help me become a lot more familiar with the hand and
leg movements used during these transitions, which will make it a lot easier and straightforward during
production week.
Production Research
 Album teaser: Editing
• After camera shots and angles, another important thing I will have to consider is editing as video editing is the
key to blending images and sounds, making us feel emotionally connected and as if we were truly there in the
• I will be watching a few editing tutorials on YouTube
 sound effect
• Sound effects are mainly used to emphasise what's on the screen and is used to indicate mood. They add
emotion and connects people to what they are looking at as it defines the overall mood and tone of your
narrative. Using the wrong sound effect or bad sound in general can ruin your whole video.
• For my video, I will be making sure to use the right effect at the right time as it can make or break my
Production Research
 Promotional poster: Structure
name(s) of the
Song/Album title
Main image
The product that is promoted
Production Research
 Promotional poster: Poses
 Here are some poses ideas
 All images used are obtained from Pinterest
Production Research
 Promotional poster: Colour Scheme
• I decided to focus on the colours that are recommended on the middle arm as the skin tone matches the
one of my music artist.
• I believe that all the colours shown compliments each skin tone very well
Production Research
 Posters: Editing softwares
• After looking at a wide range of different YouTube video’s I came across this YouTube Channel that is mainly
dedicated to informing the audience about free compute software's and websites
• I believe that this research is necessary as there might be a possibility of me having to edit it from home
• The channel having over 1 mil subscribers
makes it a lot more reliable as I’m assuming
that most of the people watching him were
able to find a suitable website/software.
• Looking at the like/dislikes from a video that
was made 1 day ago, the likes being almost
1k and the dislikes 6, this reinforces the
reliability of trying out the software's he
mentioned in his video.
Production Research
 Posters: Editing softwares
• Gimp is an editing software that was highly recommended in the YouTube comments, specifically under
TechGumbo’s YouTube video’s which is the channel I talked about on the previous slide.
• Gimp is known for being a decent image editing software, however it isn’t beginner friendly which is why I
found a “Gimp Tips & Tricks Beginners Guide 2020” YouTube video.
 Comments under this video are very positive and
reassuring as some of them said that the
Youtuber explained The tutorial well which
helped them to understand the software a lot
better. This is making the video reliable.
 The video having over 5k likes and under 200 dislikes
emphasises my thoughts of it being dependable and useful.
Financial elements
I will now go over the financial elements of my production, it is important for me to do this as early as possible so
that I can start purchasing it as early as possible before it potentially runs out of stock over the upcoming
 The only financial element I will be looking at is
a phone right light.
This will only be considered if I am not able to get a
hold of lighting or a camera in college and will
therefore have to use my phone for the
 I thought that it would be best to get a phone
ring light instead of a normal ring light as I will
most likely only use it one time and it will save
me a lot more money
 The two right lights shown are the ones that
were highly recommended by amazon and the
customers who purchased the item
 Alexa Blog. 2021. Promotional Mix Elements & Examples: An Actionable Guide - Alexa Blog. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 22 January 2021].
 Brodholt, A., 2021. The Basics Of Marketing: What Communication Channels Do You Have Access Too? - Media Centre. [online] Media Centre.
Available at: <>
[Accessed 22 January 2021].
 Decker, A., 2021. Everything You Need To Know About Billboard Advertising. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 22 January 2021].
 (2019). . [online] Available at:
 Team, M., 2021. Promotional Campaign Definition | Marketing Dictionary | MBA Skool-Study.Learn.Share.. [online] MBA Skool-Study.Learn.Share.
Available at: <> [Accessed 22
January 2021].
Topic Bibliography
Production bibliography
• 2021. Amazon.Co.Uk: Low Prices In Electronics, Books, Sports Equipment & More.
• Pinterest. 2021. Pinterest. [online] Available at: <>
• Youtube. 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 20
January 2021].
 Existing product Bibliography
• The hype-

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  • 1. Faith Fomekong Promotional campaign on a musical artist Research FINAL MAJOR PROJECT:
  • 2. Overview Introduction Conclusion Existing Product Research Audience Research Topic Research Production Research
  • 3.  During the next 2 weeks, through secondary and primary research, I will be covering a number of research areas that will help me gain better understanding of what I will need to consider when carrying out this project, leading to my final design.  My research will include:  Topic research  Audience research  Existing Product research  Production research  Since last academic year I have been applying this research approach and I believe that I will be able to gather enough information to successfully produce a final product. Introduction
  • 5. Promotional Campaign  In the Topic Research, Promotional Campaign, as well as Music Genre and Branding will be elaborately discussed, using secondary research.  In discussing Promotional Campaign, relevant marketing tools will be considered: • Promotional Campaign strategies • Out of Home Advertising • Communication channels • Promotional Campaign strategies  I believe that in critically exploring these topics, I will not only have in-depth understanding of the research topic, but I will be able to effectively carry out and deliver a successful project.
  • 6. Promotional Campaign  What is Promotional Campaign?  Promotional Campaign refers to a series of advertisements using various marketing tools that share similar messages and thoughts to promote a business or an event (in this research a musical artist).  However, it is not only about advertising. It is also the process of engaging and communicating with the target audience, via specific media channel(s) based on the scope of the campaign.  In a single campaign different tools can be used, such as direct marketing, Out of Home advertising, sales promotions and sponsorship, to name a few. In this research, I will focus on direct marketing and Out of Home advertising.  A promotional campaign is a very valuable tool, particularly when launching a new service or product, or improving the sales of existing products.  An effective Promotional Campaign raises awareness, changes public opinion, increases brand equity, and above all results in increased sales.  Yet, a successful Promotional Campaign requires the development of promotional strategies.
  • 7. Promotional Campaign  Communication Channels  To engage and communicate effectively with the audience, I must understand the best way to reach my target market.  Communication channels are means through which a message is sent to its intended receiver. For example, you might air a TV commercial to reach consumers and place an advert in an auto magazine to reach mechanics.  Communication channels includes:  Print publications (flyers, newspapers,…)  Radio / Television  Internet (social media, digital space)  Telephone (mobile device)  Out-of-home media (Billboard)  Events  In this case, I will be going for the out-of-home media which will be a billboard
  • 8.  Direct Marketing  Marketing refers to activities undertaken to enhance the buying and selling of services or products.  Direct marketing relies on direct communication or distribution to individual consumers, instead of via any third party such as mass media (radio, television, newspaper...).  While other advertising methods aim to educate prospects about a brand’s services or products, direct marketing solely intends to persuade the recipient to take a specific action, by providing calls to action (CTAs) that prompt the customer to act. Here are some examples of Calls To Action used in direct marketing: • Visit our website or store. • Call us to get more information on our products or services. • Subscribe with your email address.  In this case, social media will be used as the communication channel to directly market my musical artist. Promotional Campaign
  • 9.  Direct Marketing: Social media  Social media provide a free marketing opportunity.  All the major social media platforms can reach a global audience.  Social media enable to engage with fans and build relationships.  Social media help grasp the attention of target audience and facilitate the building of a career. It is believed that there are five motives for social media participation: • Easy access to content • Sense of affinity • Participation • Interaction • Social identity  Therefore, making social media suitable for this project Promotional Campaign
  • 10.  Promotional Campaign Strategy  A promotional strategy is an action plan that is able to influence target audience about a product, generate more leads, and boost customer engagement.  In my project, since I will be engaging in a persuasive communication to convince others to buy from me, I must use the right promotional strategy: • Identify the target audience • Know where to find the potential customers • Set the SMART goals for the promotional campaign. • Capture the attention of potential customers, educate and influence them. • Develop the promotion campaign mix. • Determine the budget. • Evaluate the campaign effectiveness through feedbacks or responses. Promotional Campaign communication channels: Social media and poster location for this project Right and appropriate message SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely
  • 11. Target Audience Budget Marketing tools/methods Communication Channels Promotional Campaign (PM)  Promotional Campaign at a glance  The promotional campaign strategy encompasses all activities that will enable achieved the campaign goal. It also include planning and research, which will be done in subsequent sections. Overview of Promotional Campaign Existing Product Measurable Metrics Production
  • 12. Target Audience Research Budget Billboard / Poster / Video OOH / Social Media PM Musical Artist  Promotional Campaign at a glance  During this project, the goal of the campaign is to successfully attract and entertain my target audience  Following a critical research work, the campaign strategy will cover the below presented activities. Overview of Promotional Campaign Existing Product Research Testimonials / Traffic / Views Production Research
  • 13. Music Branding  Music branding  Now moving on to Music branding, as I mentioned in my contextual research, a brand is anything that defines or represents you.  Music branding includes the marketing and communication strategies that differentiate you from other musicians, it aims to create a consistent experience that will leave a lasting impression and build a loyal following of fans. However, branding can work in completely different ways as it depends on the kind of audience you have as well as your brand image and reputation.  Some of the main things to consider when wanting to build a brand as a music artist are: • Defining your music • Creating a brand image • Colours  As It will also affect the way you present yourself in person and online, how you interact with fans, the imagery you choose, and more.
  • 15.  The audience research will be carried out using primary research.  This research will be carried out using a survey  The following steps will be included in the research:  Survey planning  Survey results and interpretation  Audience research summary Audience Research
  • 16.  Survey Planning  I will create a public survey on Survey Monkey that will be mainly aimed at 10-14 year olds. This survey method was chosen because tweens do not have access to Microsoft survey forms.  Parental consent will be sought at later stage because of the restrictions related to the pandemic. Four questions will be asked to stimulate quick response.  “How old are you”- this question is just to make sure that my survey reached the right audience  “On what social media platform do you spend most of your time?” Answers to this question will enable me to know the preferred social media platform of my target audience, informing of where I should display my promotion poster.  “Which one of these billboards do you believe to be the most aesthetically pleasing without looking at the musical artist?” Answer to this question will contribute to the ideas for the design of a suitable poster.  “What did you like the most about your chosen billboard?” This question links to the previous. Answer to this question will help me know the main area of focus when designing the poster. Audience Research
  • 17.  Survey Planning: Who will I be sending this survey to?  I will be sending this survey to my 12 years old little sister and will also be asking her to send it to her friends who will then most likely spread the word. Audience Research Survey sent to my sister My sister sends it to her friends through her group chat Some of my sister’s friends already managed to complete the survey within minutes
  • 18.  Survey Results and Interpretation  I conducted my primary research from a survey I submitted on Survey Monkey. This survey included 4 questions. However each question is relevant to my project and I received a total of 23 responses which I think is really good.  Question 1: “How old are you?”. • This was an important question as I wanted to make sure that my survey reached the right audience. Audience Research  20 people said “11-13” and 3 people said “14-16”.  I believe this question was answered successfully as the most popular response features the ages that I will be promoting my project towards.
  • 19.  Survey Results and Interpretation  Question 2: “ On what social media platfom do you spend most of your time?” • This was an important question as in this current situation everyone has to stay indoors which means that a lot more children will be active on social media. This is why I think that it will be good for me to know which social media platform would be the most suitable for displaying my final design. Audience Research The person that chose the option “other” wrote Pinterest as the social media platform they go on the most.
  • 20. Audience Research  Survey Results and Interpretation  Question 2: “ On what social media platfom do you spend most of your time?”  More than 50% said TikTok (12 people) which is not really surprising knowing that it has been a quite popular app for the past year. 5 people said Snapchat, 4 said Youtube, 1 said Pinterest and another 1 said Instagram.  I was quite surprised when I saw only 1 person choosing Instagram as it quite a popular app between teenagers. However, looking at the previous question and seeing that mainly “10-13” year olds answered this survey makes it understandable as I believe that the older teenagers will most likely be drawn to Instagram a lot more.  Looking at these responses, I already know that I should display my promotional poster on TikTok as it is where I will find most of my target audience
  • 21. Audience Research  Survey Results and Interpretation  Question 3: “Which of the following billboards do you believe is most aesthetically pleasing without looking at the musical artist?”.  I believe that this was one of the most important questions in this survey as it gives me an idea as to whether my target audience would be attracted to a billboard that is more bold, unique, with the colour bright pink and naturally eye-catching (Billboard 1 )or a billboard that is a lot more simple with a more softer colour, basic yet put together (Billboard 2). Billboard 1 Billboard 2
  • 22. Audience Research  Survey Results and Interpretation  Question 3: “Which of the following billboards do you believe is most aesthetically pleasing without looking at the musical artist?”.  91% of the responses chose Billboard 2 and only 8.7% preferred the first billboard.  These results clearly show that most 11-13-year-olds would find a simple yet put-together billboard more appealing.
  • 23. Audience Research  Survey Results and Interpretation  Question 4: “What did you like the most about your chosen billboard?”. • This is a very important question as it helps me get an idea of what I should mainly be focusing on, when I start production. Billboard 2 was chosen by my audience  In this “ Other” section, 2 out of 3 people said “You can read it more clearly”, “it is more clear”, 1 person said “ All the above “ and another one likes “The font”.  1 person said that they liked Arianna Grande the most. As the audience was asked not to look at the musical artist when giving an answer, I will not be counting this response. This implies that I now received 22 responses which is still really good.
  • 24. Audience Research  Survey Results and Interpretation  Question 4: “What did you like the most about your chosen billboard?”.  For this last question, I received a lot of mixed opinions which was to be expected.  The highest amount of responses was 34.78%, for “The Layout”, 30.4% said “Colours”, 21.7% said “others” and 13.04% answered “Photography style”.  I believe that these responses indicates that my question worked successfully as I received a different range of answers.  I received 22 adequate responses.  If I mainly focus on the Layout and the colours, it is likely that I will be able to capture my audience’s attention.
  • 25. Audience Research  Audience Research Summary  After conducting my primary research mainly on SurveyMonkey, I am happy with the results I received. This is because all the concerns and difficulties I could have potentially been faced with throughout my project, mainly production were all answered successfully in this survey.  I was mainly concerned about the kind of layout my audience would find aesthetically pleasing, reason why I showed them one Billboard that is bold and very unique and another one that is a lot more simple and straight forward but still appealing.  From the answers provided from this survey, and the reason behind respondents’ choices, I will be able to make a unique and attention-grabbing production.  Billboard content was not included because “message” has been identified as crucial during promotional campaign.
  • 27. Product Research  In existing products research, I will look into Album teasers, Billboards and promotional posters.  For the Album teaser I will mainly be analysing different lightings, camera shots and transitions that are used  For the posters, I will critically analyse various aspects of the design, namely: • Content • Colour • Font • Layout  All images used will be obtained from Google Image and YouTube  I believe that analysing existing products will improve ideas development when producing my final design.
  • 28. Product Research  Album Teasers: Hoodie Allen- The Hype  Hoodie Allen’s Album trailer is very different from what I have seen before. Usually, a trailer would consist of different bits of your songs or music video’s, giving the audience an idea of what they will be expecting when listening to the album. However, Allen created a simple short story ( a boy going to the store to buy the “hype” necklace which then got stolen by a group of older guys ). I found this to be very unique and creative way to promote an album  His use of different angle shots and camera movement is actually the main reason why I added him to my work as he manages to make such a basic story eye catching and entertaining.
  • 29. Product Research  Album Teasers: Hoodie Allen- The Hype  Throughout the video a lot of close up shots were used, helping us get as much information as possible in a short amount of time. E.g.: close up shots on toys and CD’s of potential rappers could immediately let us know that the video will be about a child, most likely a boy. This is then confirmed with a wide shot of the boy sitting on his bed.  This video really shows how different shots and angles can make a massive difference when wanting to create a silent video ( A video in which the characters aren’t speaking).
  • 30. Product Research  Album Teasers: Selena Gomez - “Rare”  This trailer is an example of what most tailers generally look like. Throughout the video, Selena used a few of her songs ( most likely the most successful ones) with the matching music video then showed the remaining songs on the screen.  Something that really caught my eye was the use of colour and lighting throughout the video. In most of the video she used very bright colours such as White, Yellow, Bright pink and blue. This gives off very bright and happy vibes, immediately letting the audience know that this album includes songs that they can potentially dance to and feel happy about. However, in the last song shown “I needed to lose you to love me” the colours in the video immediately changed to black and white, letting us know that this will be a sad song
  • 31. Product Research  Billboards  In general , Billboards tend to follow similar features which is shown in these three images.  One common and obvious feature that is present on musical artists billboard, is the “Spotify” logo.  Although this is pretty straight forward, making sure to add the app that directly leads your audience to your song/album is quite important as it brings in more audience.  I also realised that most of these artists make sure their name is big and bold which is totally opposite to normal “promo” poster. Image source: google image
  • 32. Product Research  Promotional Poster: Saweetie and Arianna grande • When doing my research, most promotional posters I found mainly just had the artist posing in the middle of the page, just like the “Saweetie” poster, which is something I would be looking at when producing my billboard poster as I will be creating something simple yet attention grabbing. • However, for the promotional poster I would like to create something a bit more unique and creative, just like the Arianna Grande poster shown on the side. From the Text effect to the actual image, everything looks very unique. These are definitely elements that I will be paying attention to for my own poster.
  • 33. Product Research  Promotional Poster: Gabby and Madi  The first eye-catching features I notice when looking at this image are the colours that are included and the way they have been used. This could be very important as it is something that immediately catches your target audience’s attention.  The colours included in this image are : Red, white and yellow.  The use of red as their background image gives off a very bold, empowering yet still positive vibe. Almost letting us know that they are not afraid to put themselves out there.  However the use of small elements being white like the title and the flowers kind of contradicts the whole “Bold and empowering” statement. Especially when the colour white mainly represents innocence and purity. Image source: google image
  • 34. Product Research  Promotional Poster: Gabby and Madi  After drawing our attention to the bold background and the 2 girls we now start reading the title that says “Be right there” in this white font that gives off a handwritten vibe.  The fact that they used that specific font for the title with a yellow hart next to it instead of a bold one (like this “Be right there”) that would definitely reinforce the meaning behind the colour red really shows that the girls definitely have this sweet and gentle side to them that you could maybe find more about in their song. This use of contrast in colours definitely leaves the audience perplexed yet intrigued to find out more which is a really smart move when wanting to promote your product. Image source: google image
  • 35. Product Research- Summary  Album trailer  Just like Hoodie Allen’s teaser, I will be adding background music in my video as I wont be writing my own song. However I will be adding all the main things that should be in a music teaser like announcing that the video is for a new album, adding the artist’s name, the release date and the title of the album, which was all shown in Selena Gomez’s teaser. I realised that colours also are a massive part of a teaser and is one of the things that can make or break an audience. As I want to make my audience feel happy and bring an uplifting mood to my video, I will be making sure to mainly use brighter colours as well as an uplifting music beat.
  • 36. Product Research- Summary  posters  For the billboard posters, I am thinking of keeping the layout simple yet eye-catching, just like the images that I showed. Mainly focusing on making sure that the name of the artist and the app where the audience will be able to listen to the music is easy to find and readable when looking at the poster.  For the promotional poster, I will be creating something unique and put together. Focusing on the smaller elements of the poster like text effects or  In the two last slides I looked at an amateur artist duo. They used to be quite successful on YouTube as they have about 200-250k views on their music video’s. The main reason for adding them is because I really liked their poster. However, they also have a similar target audience and are about the same age as my music artist.
  • 38. Production Research  In Production research, I will look into the following:  Video  poster • Structure of a poster • Potential Poses • Colour scheme • Editing software  Images used will be obtained from Google Image, Pinterest, and YouTube.  I believe that going through this research will help in the selection of the appropriate method for this production. • In- camera transitions • Camera shots and angles • Editing
  • 39. Production Research  Album Teaser: Structure • In an album trailer, the things that should always be included are the name of the album, the artists name, The release date as well as letting the audience know what you’re promoting which in this case in a New Album. Once these elements are in the video, you can add some clips of your previous music video’s or any relevant videos/ images that you think will attract your audience. • Normally the teaser should not be too long as you want to keep the audience intrigued and impatient to see/hear more.  Name of the artist  What you will be promoting  Name of Album
  • 40. Production Research  Album Teaser: camera shots and angles • When producing my video the main things I will have to think about are the different camera shots and angles as I believe that they will be the building blocks of my video. • Although, I already know about different camera angles and shots, I still watched a few YouTube video’s that gave me a better idea of the most suitable shots and angles that I should use for my work.
  • 41. Production Research  Cinematography is the creation of images you see on the screen. It comprises all on-screen visual elements including lighting, framing, composition, camera angles and motion (to name a few) which then leads to form a cohesive narrative.  In the end cinematography influences how the viewers respond to your final product. By having good camera movements and appropriate lighting, your audience will be able to view your product in a certain way as well as convey emotions, psychological relationships, and a variety of other important information about a scene  Cinematography
  • 42. Production Research  Album Teaser: In-camera transitions • In-camera transitions are transitions that do not require any editing. By shooting different camera moves at the end and beginning of your shots, all you will have to do is drop the two clips together to have a transition. • This is something I recently looked into and I find very useful as it will make the full video look a lot more smother and put together. • During experiment week I will be trying out different in-camera transitions such as: Frame Blocking, Sky transition, movement match and a few more. This will help me become a lot more familiar with the hand and leg movements used during these transitions, which will make it a lot easier and straightforward during production week.
  • 43. Production Research  Album teaser: Editing • After camera shots and angles, another important thing I will have to consider is editing as video editing is the key to blending images and sounds, making us feel emotionally connected and as if we were truly there in the video. • I will be watching a few editing tutorials on YouTube  sound effect • Sound effects are mainly used to emphasise what's on the screen and is used to indicate mood. They add emotion and connects people to what they are looking at as it defines the overall mood and tone of your narrative. Using the wrong sound effect or bad sound in general can ruin your whole video. • For my video, I will be making sure to use the right effect at the right time as it can make or break my audience
  • 44. Production Research  Promotional poster: Structure name(s) of the singer/Band Song/Album title Main image The product that is promoted
  • 45. Production Research  Promotional poster: Poses  Here are some poses ideas  All images used are obtained from Pinterest
  • 46. Production Research  Promotional poster: Colour Scheme • I decided to focus on the colours that are recommended on the middle arm as the skin tone matches the one of my music artist. • I believe that all the colours shown compliments each skin tone very well
  • 47. Production Research  Posters: Editing softwares • After looking at a wide range of different YouTube video’s I came across this YouTube Channel that is mainly dedicated to informing the audience about free compute software's and websites • I believe that this research is necessary as there might be a possibility of me having to edit it from home • The channel having over 1 mil subscribers makes it a lot more reliable as I’m assuming that most of the people watching him were able to find a suitable website/software. • Looking at the like/dislikes from a video that was made 1 day ago, the likes being almost 1k and the dislikes 6, this reinforces the reliability of trying out the software's he mentioned in his video.
  • 48. Production Research  Posters: Editing softwares • Gimp is an editing software that was highly recommended in the YouTube comments, specifically under TechGumbo’s YouTube video’s which is the channel I talked about on the previous slide. • Gimp is known for being a decent image editing software, however it isn’t beginner friendly which is why I found a “Gimp Tips & Tricks Beginners Guide 2020” YouTube video.  Comments under this video are very positive and reassuring as some of them said that the Youtuber explained The tutorial well which helped them to understand the software a lot better. This is making the video reliable.  The video having over 5k likes and under 200 dislikes emphasises my thoughts of it being dependable and useful.
  • 49. Financial elements I will now go over the financial elements of my production, it is important for me to do this as early as possible so that I can start purchasing it as early as possible before it potentially runs out of stock over the upcoming weeks.  The only financial element I will be looking at is a phone right light. This will only be considered if I am not able to get a hold of lighting or a camera in college and will therefore have to use my phone for the pictures/video.  I thought that it would be best to get a phone ring light instead of a normal ring light as I will most likely only use it one time and it will save me a lot more money  The two right lights shown are the ones that were highly recommended by amazon and the customers who purchased the item
  • 50.  Alexa Blog. 2021. Promotional Mix Elements & Examples: An Actionable Guide - Alexa Blog. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 22 January 2021].  Brodholt, A., 2021. The Basics Of Marketing: What Communication Channels Do You Have Access Too? - Media Centre. [online] Media Centre. Available at: <> [Accessed 22 January 2021].  Decker, A., 2021. Everything You Need To Know About Billboard Advertising. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 22 January 2021].  (2019). . [online] Available at:  Team, M., 2021. Promotional Campaign Definition | Marketing Dictionary | MBA Skool-Study.Learn.Share.. [online] MBA Skool-Study.Learn.Share. Available at: <> [Accessed 22 January 2021].   Topic Bibliography
  • 51. Production bibliography • 2021. Amazon.Co.Uk: Low Prices In Electronics, Books, Sports Equipment & More. • Pinterest. 2021. Pinterest. [online] Available at: <> • Youtube. 2021. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 20 January 2021]. • • effects#:~:text=Sound%20is%20important%20because%20it,is%20used%20to%20indicate%20mood.&t ext=Sound%20adds%20emotion%20and%20connects%20people%20to%20what%20they're%20seeing.  Existing product Bibliography • The hype-