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FILM COLLECTION 1 Experimental Documentary
FILM COLLECTION 2 Artists film Drama
FILM COLLECTION 3 Music Video Dance Animation
MASTERCLASS Creating Captivating
Women In Film and
Re-Imagining the
Film Industry:
Beyond Covid-19
Female Voices
Films 1
• I liked many aspects of this film, though overall it didn’t really stand out to me. My favourite aspect was
definitely the sound design, I love how the volume fluctuated throughout different points, it really drew in
your attention whilst also expressing just how desolate the location was.
• Another thing I enjoyed was the recurring theme of animals. Following the black dog around such an eerie
set of locations really sold the feeling of being alone, plus it added an extra ominous feeling due to the idea
of black dogs being an omen of death, which just added to the ambience.
• Furthermore, I enjoyed the locations in general. The creepiness was sold very well, they didn’t need to
include actors to sell the idea of horror, which can be very difficult to achieve. Though I wasn’t exactly
scared, I was definitely unsettled. And if I hadn’t of known the film didn’t include people, I would definitely
have been on the edge of my seat.
• I would recommend this to a friend, but only those who are interested in film and specitfically horror, as I
feel that people who aren’t would maybe find it a little boring due to the lack of an obvious plot.
• I am debating on wether I will do horror for my FMP, so this would definitely help inspiration in terms of how
I’d want my filming environment to be.
Un/Observed – Inside The Zone Experimental
Films 2
• Overall, I wasn’t a huge fan of this film. I initally clicked it because I saw it included a horse, and seen as
they’re one of my favourite animals I was inclined to watch. Though there are definitely parts of this film
that deserve praise, I mostly felt slightly bored while watching.
• My main thought throughout was that the film dragged on. A lot of the scenes were really long, with
minimal action. For example, some scenes were jus the two characters walking up a road for a minute or so.
It didn’t keep my attention at all. Maybe for others it would have been more suited, like they can take I nthe
environment, but for me it felt like they were makes clips longer just to reach a minute mark. I doubt that
was the case, but that’s what it felt like when watching.
• Some things I did enjoy was the characters and the story. I felt the acting was really good, and the dialogue
seemed very natural. I also enjoyed the clips inbetween with the horse, it provided a nice break inbetween
the story whilst also adding a sense of exploration and nature. The plot was also interesting, it was left
mostly ambigious but I felt that really worked for the overall atmosphere of the film.
• I probably wouldn’t recommend this to a friend due to the main issue of it feeling like it drags, or at least
warn them about that beforehand as I;m sure some people felt like it added to the overall vibe.
Skog - Forest Artist’s Film
Films 3
• I loved this short film for many reasons. The first being just how elegant it looks, the choreography itself is
something to be highly praised, cinematography aside. The dance works really well to the music and the
visuals surrounding it, making it addicting to watch.
• The push and pull dynaimac between the dances could also be taken in so many ways, which helps draw in a
larger audience. Through the own personal viewer’s context and life, they could interpret it however they
chose. For one view it may be a visual representation of passion between lovers, wheras I took it more to
show how the woman dancer is empowering herself while also maintaing a relationship, portraying how she
can be worth so much with or without him, and that she doesn’t need him, but choses to stay.
• I love how the cinematography and visual effects intertwine with the dance. The way the female dancer
seems to manipualte the water around her is so pleasing to watch, and really helps tie I nthe metaphor
whilst also providing an amazing visual for anyone to enjoy, no matter how they interpret it.
• I can take this and link it to my FMP and essay. For my essay, I’m writing about a subject that relates to
female empowerment, so I can take how this dancer views her realtionship as inspiration. Furthermore,
another idea for my FMP is a short music video, maybe not dance but of the same idea, portraying a
metaphorical story through music and movement.
Under The Waterfall Dance
Films 4
• This docuemenary was very insightful into what a lot of people don’t even consider. When someone
mentions privilege, your first thought goes to race or gender, not prublic bathrooms. However, this short film
does a very good job at spreading awareness about it.
• I liked how the information was presented through the animation. It wasn’t expressed in a way that’d make
us feel guilty or scared, it was portrayed in a clear and educational manner. Though emotive films that make
us feel sad or angry are good at getting a message across, I feel like videos I nthis style are better at actually
spreading information rather than scaring information into people.
• I would recommend this to a friend as I feel it’s importatnt to spread the awareness across everyone,
especialy my generation who ar enow coming into power. Most wouldn’t believe bathroom privilege exists
as its something so mundane to most of us. However to these people represented in the shortfilm, it’s made
very clear that it’s a lot more of a bigger deal to them.
Bathroom Privileges Documentary
Films 5
• This film was very interesting to watch. It was short, but very impactful as a narrative on modern technology.
I like how it portrayed a scary yet powerful message in an almost funny way, with a relatable experience that
most of us have with technology.
• The short film grasped multiple genres and combined them in an effortless way, and also making sure the
contrast isn’t too disjointed. The switch from amusement at the robot misunderstanding the man to fear as
he becomes aggravated and violent is quick but well built up, meaning though it does provide a contast
between two genres, it doesn’t seem out of place.
• The twist at the end where it’s revealed the robot was actually messing with the man the entire time is
funny and also slightly scary, as it makes the audience wonder about the true sentiency of our technology
that we just don’t understand.
• I would recommend this to a friend as it’s short and sweet while also providing a critical message. The
narrative is entertaining, the productio nand cinematography leads to a pelasent viewing experience and it
leaves you questioning every day things, such as simply using technology.
Day One Drama
Films 6
• This animation is very cearly a metaphor for suicide, however it seems to be a different type of metaphor
than the usual suicide awareness video. Instead, it focuses on the person who ‘saves’ suicidal people. It
shows how a lot take them for granted, expecting them to hold them at every oppurtunity and rescue them
when they fall. They never take into account how it impacts the person, and how it can cause others to
follow in their footsteps.
• In the short film, it portrays this very well. A super hereo figure watches the first man fall, while the rest
ignore him. The hero flies out to rescue the man, but upon taking him to the top, he get spushed off the roof
once again. The people who didn’t care before suddenly start coming up to the roof to jump for themselves.
This could represent the mass amount of people who self diagnose, and use up rescources (the hero).
• This short film is very impactful to me personally, and I’m sure a lot of people who watch it would also be
able to relate. I would recommend this film to a friend as I believe it’s important to spread awareness for the
‘hero’, and to not take advantage of them and leave it all on their shoulders.
Rain Animation
Films 7
• I loved this music video, as it is very similar to what I would like to acomplish if I chose to do a music video
for my FMP. It tells different stories, each with an ambigious plot but with a tone of change. It explores
different topics – religion, sexuality, toxicity in relationships, and explains them in a poetic way.
• I believe for a lot of people who are a fan of the style of music it uses the music video would be very popular.
It creates an ambigious tone with multiple interpretations, which means everyone can listen to and value the
video differently.
• The main storyline that stood out to me was the cam girl. She was clearly ashamed of herself, yet in the end
she felt empowered in her own body, enough to inspire change. She said farewell to her old mindset and
owned her career, labelling herself ‘whore’ and other terms as a phrase of empowerment. I am an avid
believer in protecting sex workers and voiding the term ‘slut shaming’, hence why this one stood out to me
so much.
• Another one was the woman who got out of a toxic relationship. She was alone, surrounded by boxes in a
tiny dark room ,yet she seemed happy and free as she danced, expressing just how important it is to be void
of people who try to control us, and saying farewell to that toxic lifestyle.
Farewell - Kaada Music Video
Films 8
• This piece is extremely powerful in portraying the modern day pressure in terms of beauty standards. This
film would be very impactful towards women, primarily younger women who are more influencial by social
media and the society’s concept of ‘beautiful’.
• The piece is split into two halves. In the beginning, the woman is sturggling to even stand, constantly being
dragged down by other female dancers, as if to represent the beauty dragging her down. She feels
manipulated and looks puppeteered as her body move sin a disturbing violent way, being controrted by the
women. It’s uncomfortable to watch, but portrays a good idea of the feeling beauty standards give.
• However, in the second half, it shows her push these ‘ebauty standards’ down, before finding herself in the
light. She stands up tall and moves with fluid, light movements, as if she can finally breathe. It’s a beautiful
transition ,and really shows the difference between listening to what society tells you, and finding beauty in
yourself. Flowers bloom in the scene, the storm sounds have stopped and it shows a clear cut transition.
• I would definitely recommend to othes, especially men who don’t really understand the pressures women
face. This short film would help portray and understanding that anyone could get, no matter their
experiences with society’s pressures.
To A Broken Image Artist’s Film
Films 9
• This film is very different from what I expected. The title ended up being a pun, which was clever as you only
really realise that at the end. Thought the genre is comedy, it also tied in a little horror which worked well. It
wasn’t too scary, with a slight jumpscare near the end, but definitely added a thrilling twist.
• It was very simple but worked very well to tell a compelling story I was interested in, as the actor sold the
conversation very well and the visual and auditory effects worked very well together. The plot was enticing
as the story progressed, adding a twist at the end that not a lot of people would have seen coming. It begins
with the audience thinking her and her husband are simply having a fight, but by the end it’s very obvious
that she actually intends on killing him, and is frustrated that she currently can’t due to the pandemic.
• I feel like fans of comedy would have mixed feelings about this short film. It wasn’t really that funny to me,
but it was interesting, almost like more of a thriller. Also the use of sound to create mini jumpscares was
genuinely quite scary, and fans of comedy who just wanted to laugh may not appreciate that.
• However, I would recommend this to someone with a warning of the horror mix, because I feel as though it
was definitely an enjoyable short film, and could be very inspirational in terms of simplicity.
Stockholm Syndrone Comedy
Masterclass 1
• This masterclass is about how to create a compelling narrative in a story.
• I felt this would be relevent to me as I want to make something anrrative for my FMP, wether that’s through
a music video or a short film. I want it to be compelling and emoptive for the viewer, including multiple
layers and metaphors that everyone can interpret in their own way. I could do this through horror, or
through interpretation if I chose to do a music video.
• This really opened my eyes into how many scripts are submitted and how many are actually used in this
industry. Over 14000 were submitted to the BBC this year, and I need to make sure mine stand out if I was
ever to pursue this as a career. I need to make sure I follow a blueprint, if I want to go for something artistic,
I need to make sure it’s concise and not overly poetic, if it’s too vague it’ll make it hard to understand and
hard to make in general, especially for the actor.
• Don’t direct the camera in the script, allow the director to do their job and focus on creating the narrative
itself and focus on the actors.
• Hit the ground running, make sure the script is compelling near the start, but don’t jump right into it with no
structure or you could leave your audience feeling overwhelmed and confused with the narrative, which
means you can’t even think about bringing any sort of extra artistry into it.
Creating Captivating Narratives
Masterclass 2
• This masterclass covers how women work in the industry of media and explores the inbalance and inequality
that women face on film and tv show sets, working behind the camera. Though female actors asre
commonly talked about as facing sexism in the industry, I thought it would be insightful for me to view
behind the cameras as it’s more focused on what I see myself doing in the future.
• This explores how a lot of women doubt being able to get into the industry because it’s more difficult for
them to get a job, due to the overly male stereotype as directors, writers, cameramen, etc.
• Even now, a lot of women are assistant directors, or assistant cinematographers and writers instead of being
lead, as that job is taken by a man. Even though nowadays equality is a lot more prelevent and it’s clear we
are taking steps in the right direction, an inbalance still exists and will continue to when I hopefully move
into this area of work. Thought the modern world is a lot less problematic than it was once, there will still be
more difficulties I’ll face moving into this career but I hope to be one of the people who breaks these
stereotypes and inspires young women like me in the future.
• The women interviewed talk about their personal experiences with sexism and mysogeny on set. This wa
shelpful to me, as it helps me understand and prepare for a future in this career, but also to see these
directors and writers stand up for their own skills despite their gender is empowering and inspirational,
making me want to get that job behind the camera one day even more.
Women In Film and TV
University Showcase
• Angel – This music video felt like a fever dream. There was a lot going on, but it was very clearly representing the divide
between heaven and hell, becoming more and more distorted and merged as it went along, portraying how there’s very
little difference between the two when it comes down to it.
• Donatas – This short film is quite simple, it portrays how a sufferer of cerebal palsy had a difficutl time during the
pandemic as he was stuck inside and unable to be with nature. The entire film is shot in black and white apart from the
end, once he is with nature again the colours are very vibrant and happy, portraying his thoughts and feelings through the
use of visuals.
• This Is Me – This follows the story of a young man who was raised muslim but doubts his beliefs. It portrays the
confrontation with his parents, and how they begin to reconcile despite their differences. It goes against the stereotype of
the father being the angry one, and instead portrays him as someone who understands the son more than his mother.
• Peligroso – The music video follows a dog who finds a man lying on the beach. He walks to the music, as if being taken
over it before succumbing to it by playing his saxophone. It’s simple and short.
• Heathen – A ganster faces consequences when he finds out money has been stolen from him, he goes to pray as a last
resort, something it’s been shown his grandma taught him, portraying that he does have a softer side.
• One Form of Excersize Per Day – This short film portrays life in the covid 19 lockdown and how people found freedom in
simple tasks such as cycling, with Boris Johnson’s voice over as he talks about the pandemic. To me this was taken as quite
a satirical aspect to the short film.
• I chose these films as I was curious about how folm would adapt during and after covid 19, and how it would affect the
industry I would one day like to work in going forward.
Re-Imagining the Film Industry: Beyond Covid-19
Guest Programme
• Alice – This short film portrays a young woman exploring sexuality and going against the way she was raised. She is
described as overly promiscuous in an almost mocking way in the narrative, but in the video itself she seems happy and
care free when away from home.
• Constellations – A woman doesn’t feel satisfied with her boyfriend so seeks passion with a stranger. This short film was
good in terms of production, but quite difficult to watch due to the overtly sexual nature and the disloyalty of the woman.
Though I agree it’s important to make a point that not all women are ‘innocent’ and sexuality shouldn’t be shamed, I do
think portraying her as a cheater and seemingly happy about it doesn’t send that good of a message.
• Only The Lonely – The protagonist is an older woman who has recently lost her husband. She is trapped in old fashioned
ways and hates the thought of change, but befriends her neighbour, an indian woman. Throught his heartwarming
exchange her beliefs begin to change, as she accepts that things aren’t as they once were, but that’s okay.
• The Arrival – Similar to constellations, except less explicit, it portrays a woman who has been disloyal to her partner. She
arrives to him after 2 years only to be revealed as pregnant, at first he attacks her but by the end he seems to have
accepted their situation looking forward.
• Spinosaurus – A very emotive film that portrays a sister taking care of her younger brother. She shields him from the
reality that their mother left, and takes care of him despite her young age. The boy has an innocent obsession with
dinosaurs, contrasting the two characters personalities and she seems worried and distressed.
A Platform for Female Voices
Guest Programme
• What Happened To Evie
• I want to talk about this one seperately and in detail, as it covers a topic that is very hard hitting for me, and I’m sure for a
lot of girls. It’s an unfortunate statistic that almost all girls will have experienced some kind of sexual assault before the age
of 16, myself included. My friends, family, every female I know has experienced cat calling, innaporpriate touching, and in
some cases much worse. It’s a reality that not a lot of people realise, especially men.
• This film is incredibly emotive, and portrays something I want to get across in my FMP, even if it’s through metaphor. First
of all, it address cat calling, and how damaging it can be. It explores the idea of entitlement with male attitudes towards
women. How we don’t have a right to rejection, and it’s funny when we get scared. Women are constantly demonsied and
blamed when it comes to rejecting a guys advantage. ‘Just give him a chance’ ‘What’s wrong with him?’ ‘He deserves
better’. It’s as if we don’t have a choice, and that we were made purely to be trophies. It’s something I’ve come across afar
too many times, some in extreme cases, and a lot of people don’t realise just how traumatising it can be. It doesn’t have to
be physical to leave lasting effects, trauma and to be considered harrasment. It shouldn’t be normalised, and watching this
film stand up against that made me feel empowered in my own rights as a woman.
• I would definitely encourage everyone to watch this short film, provided it wouldn’t be triggering. Especially men who
think it’s okay to cat call women, or not respect their rejection and continue making advances despite being told no many
times, or those who still believe the ‘friend-zone’ exists. This film would hopefully help spread awarenes on what it’s like
to be female, and how the littlest things such as catcalling can bring up unwanted memories or cause pain.
• I want to hopefully apply this to my FMP. I want to make something referencing harrasment and the idea that no means
no, as it’s something personal to me. It wouldn’t be out right, just a metaphor intertwined in the story.
A Platform for Female Voices

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Research 20 slides Amelia gavryliuks.pdf

Asff 2020

  • 2.
  • 3. Schedule TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY FILM COLLECTION 1 Experimental Documentary FILM COLLECTION 2 Artists film Drama FILM COLLECTION 3 Music Video Dance Animation MASTERCLASS Creating Captivating Narratives Women In Film and TV UNIVERSITY SHOWCASE Re-Imagining the Film Industry: Beyond Covid-19 GUEST PROGRAMME A Platform for Female Voices
  • 4. Films 1 • I liked many aspects of this film, though overall it didn’t really stand out to me. My favourite aspect was definitely the sound design, I love how the volume fluctuated throughout different points, it really drew in your attention whilst also expressing just how desolate the location was. • Another thing I enjoyed was the recurring theme of animals. Following the black dog around such an eerie set of locations really sold the feeling of being alone, plus it added an extra ominous feeling due to the idea of black dogs being an omen of death, which just added to the ambience. • Furthermore, I enjoyed the locations in general. The creepiness was sold very well, they didn’t need to include actors to sell the idea of horror, which can be very difficult to achieve. Though I wasn’t exactly scared, I was definitely unsettled. And if I hadn’t of known the film didn’t include people, I would definitely have been on the edge of my seat. • I would recommend this to a friend, but only those who are interested in film and specitfically horror, as I feel that people who aren’t would maybe find it a little boring due to the lack of an obvious plot. • I am debating on wether I will do horror for my FMP, so this would definitely help inspiration in terms of how I’d want my filming environment to be. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Un/Observed – Inside The Zone Experimental
  • 5. Films 2 • Overall, I wasn’t a huge fan of this film. I initally clicked it because I saw it included a horse, and seen as they’re one of my favourite animals I was inclined to watch. Though there are definitely parts of this film that deserve praise, I mostly felt slightly bored while watching. • My main thought throughout was that the film dragged on. A lot of the scenes were really long, with minimal action. For example, some scenes were jus the two characters walking up a road for a minute or so. It didn’t keep my attention at all. Maybe for others it would have been more suited, like they can take I nthe environment, but for me it felt like they were makes clips longer just to reach a minute mark. I doubt that was the case, but that’s what it felt like when watching. • Some things I did enjoy was the characters and the story. I felt the acting was really good, and the dialogue seemed very natural. I also enjoyed the clips inbetween with the horse, it provided a nice break inbetween the story whilst also adding a sense of exploration and nature. The plot was also interesting, it was left mostly ambigious but I felt that really worked for the overall atmosphere of the film. • I probably wouldn’t recommend this to a friend due to the main issue of it feeling like it drags, or at least warn them about that beforehand as I;m sure some people felt like it added to the overall vibe. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Skog - Forest Artist’s Film
  • 6. Films 3 • I loved this short film for many reasons. The first being just how elegant it looks, the choreography itself is something to be highly praised, cinematography aside. The dance works really well to the music and the visuals surrounding it, making it addicting to watch. • The push and pull dynaimac between the dances could also be taken in so many ways, which helps draw in a larger audience. Through the own personal viewer’s context and life, they could interpret it however they chose. For one view it may be a visual representation of passion between lovers, wheras I took it more to show how the woman dancer is empowering herself while also maintaing a relationship, portraying how she can be worth so much with or without him, and that she doesn’t need him, but choses to stay. • I love how the cinematography and visual effects intertwine with the dance. The way the female dancer seems to manipualte the water around her is so pleasing to watch, and really helps tie I nthe metaphor whilst also providing an amazing visual for anyone to enjoy, no matter how they interpret it. • I can take this and link it to my FMP and essay. For my essay, I’m writing about a subject that relates to female empowerment, so I can take how this dancer views her realtionship as inspiration. Furthermore, another idea for my FMP is a short music video, maybe not dance but of the same idea, portraying a metaphorical story through music and movement. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Under The Waterfall Dance
  • 7. Films 4 • This docuemenary was very insightful into what a lot of people don’t even consider. When someone mentions privilege, your first thought goes to race or gender, not prublic bathrooms. However, this short film does a very good job at spreading awareness about it. • I liked how the information was presented through the animation. It wasn’t expressed in a way that’d make us feel guilty or scared, it was portrayed in a clear and educational manner. Though emotive films that make us feel sad or angry are good at getting a message across, I feel like videos I nthis style are better at actually spreading information rather than scaring information into people. • I would recommend this to a friend as I feel it’s importatnt to spread the awareness across everyone, especialy my generation who ar enow coming into power. Most wouldn’t believe bathroom privilege exists as its something so mundane to most of us. However to these people represented in the shortfilm, it’s made very clear that it’s a lot more of a bigger deal to them. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Bathroom Privileges Documentary
  • 8. Films 5 • This film was very interesting to watch. It was short, but very impactful as a narrative on modern technology. I like how it portrayed a scary yet powerful message in an almost funny way, with a relatable experience that most of us have with technology. • The short film grasped multiple genres and combined them in an effortless way, and also making sure the contrast isn’t too disjointed. The switch from amusement at the robot misunderstanding the man to fear as he becomes aggravated and violent is quick but well built up, meaning though it does provide a contast between two genres, it doesn’t seem out of place. • The twist at the end where it’s revealed the robot was actually messing with the man the entire time is funny and also slightly scary, as it makes the audience wonder about the true sentiency of our technology that we just don’t understand. • I would recommend this to a friend as it’s short and sweet while also providing a critical message. The narrative is entertaining, the productio nand cinematography leads to a pelasent viewing experience and it leaves you questioning every day things, such as simply using technology. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Day One Drama
  • 9. Films 6 • This animation is very cearly a metaphor for suicide, however it seems to be a different type of metaphor than the usual suicide awareness video. Instead, it focuses on the person who ‘saves’ suicidal people. It shows how a lot take them for granted, expecting them to hold them at every oppurtunity and rescue them when they fall. They never take into account how it impacts the person, and how it can cause others to follow in their footsteps. • In the short film, it portrays this very well. A super hereo figure watches the first man fall, while the rest ignore him. The hero flies out to rescue the man, but upon taking him to the top, he get spushed off the roof once again. The people who didn’t care before suddenly start coming up to the roof to jump for themselves. This could represent the mass amount of people who self diagnose, and use up rescources (the hero). • This short film is very impactful to me personally, and I’m sure a lot of people who watch it would also be able to relate. I would recommend this film to a friend as I believe it’s important to spread awareness for the ‘hero’, and to not take advantage of them and leave it all on their shoulders. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Rain Animation
  • 10. Films 7 • I loved this music video, as it is very similar to what I would like to acomplish if I chose to do a music video for my FMP. It tells different stories, each with an ambigious plot but with a tone of change. It explores different topics – religion, sexuality, toxicity in relationships, and explains them in a poetic way. • I believe for a lot of people who are a fan of the style of music it uses the music video would be very popular. It creates an ambigious tone with multiple interpretations, which means everyone can listen to and value the video differently. • The main storyline that stood out to me was the cam girl. She was clearly ashamed of herself, yet in the end she felt empowered in her own body, enough to inspire change. She said farewell to her old mindset and owned her career, labelling herself ‘whore’ and other terms as a phrase of empowerment. I am an avid believer in protecting sex workers and voiding the term ‘slut shaming’, hence why this one stood out to me so much. • Another one was the woman who got out of a toxic relationship. She was alone, surrounded by boxes in a tiny dark room ,yet she seemed happy and free as she danced, expressing just how important it is to be void of people who try to control us, and saying farewell to that toxic lifestyle. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Farewell - Kaada Music Video
  • 11. Films 8 • This piece is extremely powerful in portraying the modern day pressure in terms of beauty standards. This film would be very impactful towards women, primarily younger women who are more influencial by social media and the society’s concept of ‘beautiful’. • The piece is split into two halves. In the beginning, the woman is sturggling to even stand, constantly being dragged down by other female dancers, as if to represent the beauty dragging her down. She feels manipulated and looks puppeteered as her body move sin a disturbing violent way, being controrted by the women. It’s uncomfortable to watch, but portrays a good idea of the feeling beauty standards give. • However, in the second half, it shows her push these ‘ebauty standards’ down, before finding herself in the light. She stands up tall and moves with fluid, light movements, as if she can finally breathe. It’s a beautiful transition ,and really shows the difference between listening to what society tells you, and finding beauty in yourself. Flowers bloom in the scene, the storm sounds have stopped and it shows a clear cut transition. • I would definitely recommend to othes, especially men who don’t really understand the pressures women face. This short film would help portray and understanding that anyone could get, no matter their experiences with society’s pressures. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE To A Broken Image Artist’s Film
  • 12. Films 9 • This film is very different from what I expected. The title ended up being a pun, which was clever as you only really realise that at the end. Thought the genre is comedy, it also tied in a little horror which worked well. It wasn’t too scary, with a slight jumpscare near the end, but definitely added a thrilling twist. • It was very simple but worked very well to tell a compelling story I was interested in, as the actor sold the conversation very well and the visual and auditory effects worked very well together. The plot was enticing as the story progressed, adding a twist at the end that not a lot of people would have seen coming. It begins with the audience thinking her and her husband are simply having a fight, but by the end it’s very obvious that she actually intends on killing him, and is frustrated that she currently can’t due to the pandemic. • I feel like fans of comedy would have mixed feelings about this short film. It wasn’t really that funny to me, but it was interesting, almost like more of a thriller. Also the use of sound to create mini jumpscares was genuinely quite scary, and fans of comedy who just wanted to laugh may not appreciate that. • However, I would recommend this to someone with a warning of the horror mix, because I feel as though it was definitely an enjoyable short film, and could be very inspirational in terms of simplicity. FILM TITLE FILM GENRE Stockholm Syndrone Comedy
  • 13. Masterclass 1 • This masterclass is about how to create a compelling narrative in a story. • I felt this would be relevent to me as I want to make something anrrative for my FMP, wether that’s through a music video or a short film. I want it to be compelling and emoptive for the viewer, including multiple layers and metaphors that everyone can interpret in their own way. I could do this through horror, or through interpretation if I chose to do a music video. • This really opened my eyes into how many scripts are submitted and how many are actually used in this industry. Over 14000 were submitted to the BBC this year, and I need to make sure mine stand out if I was ever to pursue this as a career. I need to make sure I follow a blueprint, if I want to go for something artistic, I need to make sure it’s concise and not overly poetic, if it’s too vague it’ll make it hard to understand and hard to make in general, especially for the actor. • Don’t direct the camera in the script, allow the director to do their job and focus on creating the narrative itself and focus on the actors. • Hit the ground running, make sure the script is compelling near the start, but don’t jump right into it with no structure or you could leave your audience feeling overwhelmed and confused with the narrative, which means you can’t even think about bringing any sort of extra artistry into it. MASTERCLASS TITLE Creating Captivating Narratives
  • 14. Masterclass 2 • This masterclass covers how women work in the industry of media and explores the inbalance and inequality that women face on film and tv show sets, working behind the camera. Though female actors asre commonly talked about as facing sexism in the industry, I thought it would be insightful for me to view behind the cameras as it’s more focused on what I see myself doing in the future. • This explores how a lot of women doubt being able to get into the industry because it’s more difficult for them to get a job, due to the overly male stereotype as directors, writers, cameramen, etc. • Even now, a lot of women are assistant directors, or assistant cinematographers and writers instead of being lead, as that job is taken by a man. Even though nowadays equality is a lot more prelevent and it’s clear we are taking steps in the right direction, an inbalance still exists and will continue to when I hopefully move into this area of work. Thought the modern world is a lot less problematic than it was once, there will still be more difficulties I’ll face moving into this career but I hope to be one of the people who breaks these stereotypes and inspires young women like me in the future. • The women interviewed talk about their personal experiences with sexism and mysogeny on set. This wa shelpful to me, as it helps me understand and prepare for a future in this career, but also to see these directors and writers stand up for their own skills despite their gender is empowering and inspirational, making me want to get that job behind the camera one day even more. MASTERCLASS TITLE Women In Film and TV
  • 15. University Showcase • Angel – This music video felt like a fever dream. There was a lot going on, but it was very clearly representing the divide between heaven and hell, becoming more and more distorted and merged as it went along, portraying how there’s very little difference between the two when it comes down to it. • Donatas – This short film is quite simple, it portrays how a sufferer of cerebal palsy had a difficutl time during the pandemic as he was stuck inside and unable to be with nature. The entire film is shot in black and white apart from the end, once he is with nature again the colours are very vibrant and happy, portraying his thoughts and feelings through the use of visuals. • This Is Me – This follows the story of a young man who was raised muslim but doubts his beliefs. It portrays the confrontation with his parents, and how they begin to reconcile despite their differences. It goes against the stereotype of the father being the angry one, and instead portrays him as someone who understands the son more than his mother. • Peligroso – The music video follows a dog who finds a man lying on the beach. He walks to the music, as if being taken over it before succumbing to it by playing his saxophone. It’s simple and short. • Heathen – A ganster faces consequences when he finds out money has been stolen from him, he goes to pray as a last resort, something it’s been shown his grandma taught him, portraying that he does have a softer side. • One Form of Excersize Per Day – This short film portrays life in the covid 19 lockdown and how people found freedom in simple tasks such as cycling, with Boris Johnson’s voice over as he talks about the pandemic. To me this was taken as quite a satirical aspect to the short film. • I chose these films as I was curious about how folm would adapt during and after covid 19, and how it would affect the industry I would one day like to work in going forward. SHOWCASE TITLE Re-Imagining the Film Industry: Beyond Covid-19
  • 16. Guest Programme • Alice – This short film portrays a young woman exploring sexuality and going against the way she was raised. She is described as overly promiscuous in an almost mocking way in the narrative, but in the video itself she seems happy and care free when away from home. • Constellations – A woman doesn’t feel satisfied with her boyfriend so seeks passion with a stranger. This short film was good in terms of production, but quite difficult to watch due to the overtly sexual nature and the disloyalty of the woman. Though I agree it’s important to make a point that not all women are ‘innocent’ and sexuality shouldn’t be shamed, I do think portraying her as a cheater and seemingly happy about it doesn’t send that good of a message. • Only The Lonely – The protagonist is an older woman who has recently lost her husband. She is trapped in old fashioned ways and hates the thought of change, but befriends her neighbour, an indian woman. Throught his heartwarming exchange her beliefs begin to change, as she accepts that things aren’t as they once were, but that’s okay. • The Arrival – Similar to constellations, except less explicit, it portrays a woman who has been disloyal to her partner. She arrives to him after 2 years only to be revealed as pregnant, at first he attacks her but by the end he seems to have accepted their situation looking forward. • Spinosaurus – A very emotive film that portrays a sister taking care of her younger brother. She shields him from the reality that their mother left, and takes care of him despite her young age. The boy has an innocent obsession with dinosaurs, contrasting the two characters personalities and she seems worried and distressed. GUEST PROGRAMME TITLE A Platform for Female Voices
  • 17. Guest Programme • What Happened To Evie • I want to talk about this one seperately and in detail, as it covers a topic that is very hard hitting for me, and I’m sure for a lot of girls. It’s an unfortunate statistic that almost all girls will have experienced some kind of sexual assault before the age of 16, myself included. My friends, family, every female I know has experienced cat calling, innaporpriate touching, and in some cases much worse. It’s a reality that not a lot of people realise, especially men. • This film is incredibly emotive, and portrays something I want to get across in my FMP, even if it’s through metaphor. First of all, it address cat calling, and how damaging it can be. It explores the idea of entitlement with male attitudes towards women. How we don’t have a right to rejection, and it’s funny when we get scared. Women are constantly demonsied and blamed when it comes to rejecting a guys advantage. ‘Just give him a chance’ ‘What’s wrong with him?’ ‘He deserves better’. It’s as if we don’t have a choice, and that we were made purely to be trophies. It’s something I’ve come across afar too many times, some in extreme cases, and a lot of people don’t realise just how traumatising it can be. It doesn’t have to be physical to leave lasting effects, trauma and to be considered harrasment. It shouldn’t be normalised, and watching this film stand up against that made me feel empowered in my own rights as a woman. • I would definitely encourage everyone to watch this short film, provided it wouldn’t be triggering. Especially men who think it’s okay to cat call women, or not respect their rejection and continue making advances despite being told no many times, or those who still believe the ‘friend-zone’ exists. This film would hopefully help spread awarenes on what it’s like to be female, and how the littlest things such as catcalling can bring up unwanted memories or cause pain. • I want to hopefully apply this to my FMP. I want to make something referencing harrasment and the idea that no means no, as it’s something personal to me. It wouldn’t be out right, just a metaphor intertwined in the story. GUEST PROGRAMME TITLE A Platform for Female Voices

Editor's Notes

  1. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  2. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  3. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  4. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  5. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  6. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  7. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  8. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  9. Consider discussing; What did I like about the movie?, What didn’t I like about the movie?, How will this movie land for fans of the franchise / the genre / the director / the star?, How did it end up making you feel?, Did it make you laugh? Did it scare you? etc?, Would you recommend it to someone else? Why?, If you were describing a short to a friend who hadn’t seen it, what would you write? Can you link it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  10. What was it about? What did you learn? How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  11. What was it about? What did you learn? How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  12. Why did you choose this showcase? Briefly describe each of the films included in it. How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  13. Why did you choose this programme? Briefly describe each of the films included in it. How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?
  14. Why did you choose this programme? Briefly describe each of the films included in it. How could you relate it to your project/FMP/Career ambitions/University courses?