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Animal Cloning Controversy
Animal Cloning is a process where the whole organism reproduced from cells taken from parent
organisms to produce offspring that is genetically identical. This means that animal cloning is an
exact duplicate of the parent, which means that also have the same DNA.
When Dolly, the first cloned sheep entered in the news, the cloning controversy is becoming more
prominent. Not only researchers, the general public became interested in knowing how cloning is
done as well as engage in the pros and cons.
Cloning has the potential to bring desired changes in the genetic makeup of the individual. Through
cloning, the genetic nature of both can be promoted while the negative properties can be eliminated.
Cloning can also be applied to the plants to
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The Cloning Controversy Essay
The Cloning Controversy
A mad scientist stands in one part of a double–chambered machine, leaving the other empty. As he
presses a button, gears begin to whir and smoke. A bright light flashes, and out of the empty
chamber steps a perfect replica of the scientist, complete with clothes and command of the English
This sci–fi plot line may be familiar, but it has nothing to do with the actual, controversial cloning
process, one that may be used by today's scientists to create cloned human embryos in the not–so–
distant future.
At Harvard University, two separate teams of scientists may soon create the first cloned human
embryo in the United States. (Earlier this year, a group of South Korean researchers announced they
had ... Show more content on ...
"We could give you your own blood back," Daley said. There would be no risk of rejection by the
immune system, and therefore no reason to suppress it. This way the body would continue to be able
to protect itself after a transplant of any kind.
Cloning, or somatic cell nuclear transfer, involves complex maneuvering. A cell is first taken from
the body of the person or animal to be cloned. It is then inserted into an egg cell whose nucleus has
been removed, thus creating the equivalent to a zygote, or fertilized egg. After certain chemical
adjustments, the cells of the zygote divide and multiply, as if it had been created from an egg and
sperm. The zygote becomes a blastocyst, an early–stage, five–day–old embryo consisting of about
150 stem cells. If the blastocyst is placed into a surrogate mother's uterus, it could possibly develop
into a fully grown person, a replica of the original cell's donor.
In the research that will be conducted at Harvard, if permission is granted, the growth of the
blastocyst would be stopped and it would not be implanted into a woman's womb. Stem cells would
be extracted for study, destroying the embryo.
Scientists are interested in stem cells for their ability to become any type of cell in the body, a
process called differentiation. Theoretically, this allows for limitless possibilities in disease
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Essay on Cloning Informative Speech
Cloning and Stem Cell Research
S/P: To inform my audience about cloning and cell stem research. C/I: The benefits and ethical
issues of cloning and cell stem research. Introduction
Specific purpose: Today I'm going to inform you about "Cloning Technology and Stem Cell
Attention getter: Imagine yourself dying from heart disease or liver failure, and the only way to live
was to have an exact clone of your heart or liver. The only way this could be possible was to have an
exact copy made by your organs, and this process is achieved only by cloning.
Reveal central idea: Stem cell research and cloning, is one of the most exciting and controversial
ethical ... Show more content on ...
Diabetes: People who suffer from type I diabetes have problems with the regulation of insulin. In
this case research says that by taking some of this cells who are not capable to produce insulin, in
laboratory conditions we can guide this cells to generate other cells that will be able to produce
insulin. Then transplant these cells into diabetics, in order to remove their need for insulin injection.
B. Transplanting damaged organs. Stem cells are very important in this process, because from your
own cells scientists can develop organs. And if you will need any transplant this organs can be used
at any time and have no risk that your organism might reject them. The first successful transplant
from this technique of "growing your own organs" took place in Barcelona, Spain 2008, and this
was a 30–year old woman from Colombia, who replaced her windpipe because of tuberculosis. C.
Testing medications and drugs. Stem cells have an important role in this field. New drugs and
medications can be tested on stem cells to see if they are safe, before we use them on humans or
animals. Scientists by doing this tests can find new ways to treat some diseases. For example a
cancer cell can be created to test an anti–tumor drug. If the results will be positive we will have a
cure for that kind of tumor.
(Transition: The final part that we will look at is the ethical issues and government funding of stem
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The Controversy Concerning The Ethics Of Human Cloning
Clones are humans. This statement embodies the crux of the controversy regarding the ethics of
human cloning. If clones are humans, then they should receive the same rights as humans who were
born 'naturally'. But how do you determine humanity? The film Never Let Me Go (2010), based on
Kazuo Ishiguro's novel of the same name, helps answer the question "Should we clone?" by
establishing that humanity is more than the way one enters the world and by highlighting the
unethical issues that may arise from cloning.
Never Let Me Go illustrates the humanity of the cloned characters – Kathy, Tommy, and Ruth – as
they attempt to determine the roles they play in the world. The film begins by introducing the
characters when they were children attending Hailsham School. Just like 'normal' children, they seek
companionship from each other and in the process realize the complexities of their relationships
with each other. Tommy, for instance, has difficulty relating to his peers. When he isn 't picked to be
a part of the soccer team and is told "Looks like no one wants you," he expresses his frustration by
throwing a tantrum. And just like 'normal' children, they derive happiness from the simple moments.
Simple moments such as when Ruth fantasizes about owning five horses like Ruth or when Kathy
listens to the music she received from her crush, Tommy. When they grow older and move from
Hailsham to live in the cottages, the complexities increase. As the relationship between
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Cloning Argument Analysis
After the excessive amount of unsuccessful attempts at producing a surviving clone, the controversy
of cloning heightened. The topic of cloning has faced ethical issues since it was proposed, but after
certain information on the creation of clones was released the ethical matter of cloning was put more
up to questioning. Cloning involves the production of genetically identical copies of living
organisms, a production that could easily have a negative effect on the human population just as
well as it could help keep many others alive. There are three different types of cloning: DNA
cloning or gene cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning, each one used for a different
reason. All three types could benefit the population in a short ... Show more content on ...
An endangered species that goes extinct eventually ends up affecting all the animals in their habitat.
If an animal that various other animals depend on goes extinct other animals could also go into
extinction since they most likely will not be able to adapt quickly to finding new prey leading to
starvation. Animals could also face the problem of having to immigrate to a new environment for
food leading to their extinction because they were unable to adapt quickly to the new habitat.
Through the clone technology scientists hope they will soon be able to save more species saying
"we will perfect the technology to clone animals, and thus we could forever preserve endangered
species" (Document A). The argument of saving endangered species is invalid because it is rare that
a clone embryo will survive and if only few animals of a kind are left they will be forced to keep
inserting embryos into a surrogate mother that could potentially kill the mothers too. If their bodies
cannot handle carrying another organism or if having surgery a lot to insert the embryo the new
mothers can now also die leaving the species without anyone to carry their children. While trying to
save a species they run the risk of completely killing it off in a shorter amount of time than they
expected. Even if the embryo lives up to the birthing moment the probability of the clone surviving
is so little that they would be spending money to create more of a species that would return right
back to being endangered in a short period of
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The Pros And Cons Of Animal Cloning
In February 1997, it was announced that Ian Wilmut and other researchers at the Roslin Institute in
Edinburgh, Scotland, had succeeded in creating the first cloned mammal, a sheep named Dolly. A
controversy quickly arose over the moral aspects of cloning, particularly regarding the issue of
human cloning. Hardly any researchers have advocated human "reproductive" cloning; rather, they
have generally argued for the development of human "therapeutic" cloning, which may someday
yield important medical benefits. However, even this type of cloning is controversial, because the
process involves the destruction of a human embryo. As this paper will show, there have been many
problems and setbacks in the efforts to clone animals. In addition, recent evidence shows that it is
probably impossible to clone humans with the current technology because of the way the
reproductive cells in primates are designed. Thus, as this paper will argue, despite the concerns that
have been expressed over human ... Show more content on ...
It takes numerous attempts to produce a single viable clone, because more than 90 percent of the
attempts end in failure during the early stages ("Cloning Fact Sheet" n.p.). Even after a cloned
embryo has been successfully created, the majority of the embryos end up dying during the prenatal
phase (Travis 250). For the very few cloned animals that survive long enough to be born, a large
percentage have been found to have birth defects. Many of the clones have had weak immune
systems or tumors, or have been abnormally large; and many have died young ("Cloning Fact Sheet"
n.p.). As a notable example, the same researchers who created Dolly also cloned a second sheep
shortly afterward. However, in contrast to Dolly, the second sheep was born with severe respiratory
problems because its lungs had not developed properly (Travis
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Arguments Against Therapeutic Cloning
For many years there has been a large controversy over the use of cloning for therapeutic and
reproductive purposes. The argument against therapeutic cloning is that creating an exact replica of
one's self all for the use of harvesting its parts is considered killing another human being. However,
some people are for this use so that they can survive as long as they can, and use the clones
materials as a way to cure disease or heal injuries. On the other hand, reductive cloning also has two
sides, for and against. People who believe that reproductive cloning is okay, want to create another
version of themselves just to either have themselves as a baby or replace a loved one. But, people
who are against reproductive cloning believe that it is a selfish or unreasonable act to have one birth
a ... Show more content on ...
Some people fawn over the idea of cloning themselves and to have a replica of themselves be
birthed by a surrogate mother. However, I believe that parents who are selfish would use the
advantages of having a baby clone of themselves will overuse the power, and distinguish the rights
of the baby. Since parents have legal right over medical decisions for the child, there is nothing from
preventing them from harvesting their own child for their own good. I may be completely against
reproductive cloning, however, some people and/or parents feel as if having a clone of a lost one
will make up for their absence. Recreating someone doesn't mean that it is the same as the original
because, with different external impacts, a clone can easily have different personalities, feelings, and
memories. Therefore technically trying to bring back someone back, will be emotionally
unsuccessful. With the technology that our world has today, reproductive cloning is absolutely
possible and has been done before, but I believe that it will damage the human
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Pro Cloning Cons
Cloning is the process of replicating an identical copy of cells and or body parts and it can go as far
as even a whole organism. Cloning has been a very debatable subject of matter for many years and it
will for many more to come. Cloning was first established in 1885 with a demonstration with
artificial embryo twinning. Cloning eventual became more complex and from there it stemmed off
and cloning of animals was possible. Dolly the sheep was the first example of cloning of animals in
July 5, 1996. Another area cloning stemmed off to stem cell research which was first discovered in
Germany by a biologist Ernst Haeckel. There are many forms of cloning such as full on cloning of
an animal. Another part of cloning is replicating organs ... Show more content on ...
The cloning of embryonic stem cells has proven to be very innovative in the medical field. One of
the point made were in the article "The Medical Benefits of Human Cloning." it says the following.
We can produce embryonic stem cells of which that can be grown to replicate organs or tissues to
repair or replace damaged or lost ones. This could mean that we would have the ability to save
people from agony and suffering. For instance cloning of the embryonic stem cells we are able to
grow new and improved skin for burn victims. We would also have to ability to grow back damaged
brain cells, giving people a second chance. Another example of the uses cloning being a step
forward in the medical field. Scientist have proven that they can do amazing things with cloning. In
the same article "The Medical Benefits of Human Cloning." it states that we may one day be able to
clone livers for people who are without. This could mean that some day in the near future we could
give people another liver if it was lost. If we are able to replicate a liver for someone that could
mean that not too far behind are kidneys and or bone marrow. If we could replicate bone marrow we
could save millions from dying of cancer. In conclusion, maybe someday in the near future we may
be able to save many savable people from death with newly innovative cloning
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Therapeutic Cloning And Its Controversy
Therapeutic Cloning and its Controversy The idea of finding a way to cure people of diseases with
their own cells is one that scientists, physicians, and those who are afflicted by such diseases find
very enticing. Therapeutic cloning is a process that scientists believe has the potential to achieve
such goals in the future. While therapeutic cloning brings with it a variety of potential benefits and
innovations, it also carries with it a polarizing ethical conflict that poses a strong impediment to
furthering such research and development. By realizing therapeutic cloning for its great potential
benefits and world changing implications and disregarding any ethical considerations that may deter
such advancement, the proper focus and open–mindedness necessary to achieve success in the field
would be achieved. Therapeutic cloning, like all medical endeavors, includes a multitude of
challenges and flaws, but no very important medical achievements come about without extensive
research and continual attempts at success. Therapeutic cloning is a process in which the cells of one
person are manipulated into becoming the stem cells for another person through Somatic Cell
Nuclear Transfer (SCNT). This process involves taking oocytes, or immature female egg cells that
are generated during ovulation, incubating them in in vivo culture, and extracting the nucleus of
such cells and replacing them with the the nucleus of another cell. This produces a stem cell with a
genetic make–up
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Cloning: A Therapeutic Analysis
Why is cloning such a controversy? According to William Dudley, "A clone is a genetic duplicate of
a living thing"("Background to Controversy: Basic Questions About Cloning" 7). Therapeutic and
reproductive cloning are the two main types of cloning that are controversially fought over to
become illegal. Cloning began in 1894 when Hans Driesch cloned a sea urchin, and continued in
1928 when Hans Spemann cloned a salamander using the same technique of "twinning" as Hans
Driesch. In 1996, Dolly the sheep was the first cloned mammal. Since Dolly, scientists have been
able to clone deer, ferrets, mules, more sheep, goats, cows, mice, pigs, rabbits, a gaur, dogs, and
even a cat using the same method of cloning called SCNT (Manninen). Even though ... Show more
content on ...
Therapeutic cloning (also known as research cloning) is controversial because while the scientists
isolate the the stem cells, it destroys the embryo resulting in death. Many people argue that
therapeutic cloning can help to cure diseases like Alzheimer's but it kills the embryo in the process.
There are more concerns that the human embryo should not be destroyed in the process of
therapeutic cloning. (Manninen). Another reason why people would also be upset with the process
of therapeutic cloning is because embryos are limited. Scientists need egg donors in order to do
research and according to Insoo Hyun, "the main concern is that when you put money on the table,
women would not give a fully voluntary choice to participate" (Raz). Women would also not be
willing to participate because of how low the success rate is. The success ranges between 0.1
percent to three percent ("What are the Risks of Cloning"). To make Dolly, it took 277 sheep
embryos and the only successful outcome was her, and she still had a few minor medical flaws
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Sheep Cloning Controversy
Cloning is the production of an organism with genetic material identical to that of another organism.
The word cloning comes from the Greek work klon, meanings "twig," involves the production of
genetically identical animals by a process of nuclear transfer. On July 5th, 1996, at the Roslin
Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland, a scientific breakthrough occurred when Dolly, a Finn Dorset
sheep, was born. (Seidel, 682) "We transfered 29 eggs into a recipient and only one of them became
a live lamb. So you can see it's a very exciting and encouraging result. The efficiencies are poor and
there's a need for a lot more research."( Where it is a controversial subject, the cloning of
dolly the sheep affected the world in a positive way and helped advance medical research in finding
cures for diseases.
Dolly was the first mammal cloned from an adult mammal but was kept hidden from the public for
several months. On February 22, 1997 she was finally revealed to the world. Scientists did not think
that such an uprising in discussion would occur. ( They waited until all the records of her
health reached them and then they told the world. The media, news broadcasters, and reporters from
all over the world went to visit the young sheep. During her entire life span the media always kept a
very close eye on her and her health. (roslin.ed)
As ... Show more content on ...
Scientists want to learn the molecular causes of diseases by studying embryonic stem cell lines from
cloned embryos derived from cells. This is to help animals or humans with diseases and find cures.
There are currently trials going on trying to restore people's eyesight using stem cells research. "It
will enable us to study genetic diseases for which there is presently no cure and track down
mechanisms that are involved."
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The Controversy Of Cloning And Genetic Engineering Essay
God and Nature first made us what we are, and then out of our own created genius we make
ourselves what we want to be... Let the sky and God be our limit and Eternity our measurement –
Marcus Garvey (1887–1940).
Cloning and genetically modifying humans is now more attainable than ever due to strides made by
science. With a relatively short history, cloning and genetic engineering have been a new concept for
many people in society with the first proof of cloning being dolly the sheep, the first successful
clone born by the somatic cell nuclear–transfer procedure [1]. Cloning over the years has evolved
and now could be used to someday help people requiring organ transplants, recover from traumatic
injuries and aid infertile couples with its reproductive possibilities [4].
On the other hand, genetic engineering can also be a great benefit as through gene therapy, genetic
diseases can be prevented and quite possibly being wiped from existence. Another benefit of genetic
engineering is that it can also allow infertile couples to have a baby but to do this would require the
genetic information of a surrogate alongside the couple's genetic information [12]. This could result
in many complications which is why there is a great controversy on this matter. Although cloning is
known by a plethora of people, whereas the minority of the population knows of genetic engineering
which brings up the question, what is genetic engineering?
Simply put, genetic engineering is "the
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Human Cloning Controversy
There is ongoing controversy regarding the issue of human cloning in countries such as the United
States, the United Kingdom and Australia which have made attempts or have done research in
reproductive cloning. Countries like Australia have prohibited human cloning in 2006. (NHMRC,
2007) Advocates who involve congress members, editorial writers, fertility specialists...and so on
gave benefits of human cloning, yet not enough to justify the moral and ethical issues underlying the
controversy. Human cloning refers to the creation of a genetically identical copy of an existing
human or growing cloned tissue from that individual. This essay will illustrate the major ethical
concerns associated with human cloning that lead to the conclusion ... Show more content on ...
Consequently, with no sense of self–worth or individuality, the child may tend to believe that he or
she is merely a carbon copy, giving the outcome that children produced from reproductive cloning
are likely to have psychological problems of identity, dignity and individuality. (President's Council,
2002, internet) As a result, it can be said that oppressive expectations burdened on human clones is
an ethical issue and reason why human cloning should not be advocated.
To conclude, diverse opinions are strongly held regarding the ethnicity of human cloning which
include: Safety concerns are expressed regarding human cloning, given there are too many
unknowns concerning reproductive cloning of human, attempts to clone human is considered
potentially dangerous and ethically irresponsible. Secondly, it is believed that human cloning is
unlikely to be delivered in an equitable manner, as they may not be entitled to full rights, with a
deeper concern regarding promoting trends of designer babies. Finally the last ethical issue
discussed is that parental expectations and constant comparisons could psychologically affect the
cloned child. (McConville, 2001, 399)
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Pros And Cons Of Cloning
For quite some time, cloning has been a largely debated topic in society. Most people in the U.S.
feel like cloning is morally wrong and takes innocent lives, but others think that it is beneficial and
could be a big advancement in modern science. Cloning to produce humans has been outlawed in
most countries, but in some, cloning for therapeutic reasons is still a dispute. Cloning can lead to
revolutionary medical treatments such as cures for cancer, diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's,
Multiple Sclerosis and certain forms of heart disease. It could also help treat spinal cord injuries,
nervous system injuries, and severe burns. Within the last 50 years there have been several
breakthroughs that have only complicated the moral and ethical ... Show more content on ...
Human cloning is when researchers insert a nucleus of an adult's human cells into a unfertilized
human egg and then stimulate it to begin dividing like an embryo. Lab workers then destroy the
developing embryo to yield the undifferentiated stem cells, which are capable of becoming
specialized cells, like heart, muscle, and brain neurons It could either produce new information and
wealth or it can cause an ethical and moral nightmare. Twenty states in the United States have filed
bills this year to ban all cloning of human cells, with penalties of up to 10 years in prison with a
$1,000,000 fine. While human cloning is illegal, a consensus has been reached to approve
therapeutic cloning which is cloning human embryos and removing their stem cells, then the stem
cells grow into a variety of human organs in tissues which can be used for transplants and surgeries.
In 1997, a group of Scottish scientist created the first live–born sheep cloned from adult tissue. They
had difficulties with the tiny cells, which caused a 30 year delay of the creation of the first sheep.
This breakthrough showed the potential of cloning for the future. Soon after this experiment, there
were lots of debates, bringing out the public's anxiety over biotechnology. As a response to this,
President Clinton ordered the National Bioethics Advisory Commission to review the ethical and
legal issues associated with cloning. President Clinton then ordered that no federal funds
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Human And Animal Cloning
Human and Animal Cloning A little bit on cloning, cloning is the intention to create an exact
duplicate of and animal or human. A embryo, or an egg of either a human or animal go through the
process in which is transferred and scientifically cared for. Scientific attempts and success of
cloning has not been an overnight success. Still today it continues to come across obstacles that keep
it from being a fully successful process. Record of cloning experiments go back to the year 1938,
when a German scientist believed animals could be cloned. Through trial and error over the course
of years scientist continued to tweak the cloning experiments. Eventually in the year 1996 and 1997
and forward was when there was evidence that the first successful experiments took place.
Cloning can be viewed in positive or negative way, depending on the purpose of the method it is
being used for. There is controversy with the study of cloning because of the ethical issues
associated with the discovery. Some believe that cloning is trying to mimic God, on the other hand
there are those who believe in science more than they believe there is a God. As there are those who
see the possibilities that cloning can open in the medical industry. There are those who see the
unnatural as a bad thing. Both cloning of humans and animal are being researched continually, and
both have had a mix of results.
The cloning of humans has been attempted multiple times, but the experiments have not been
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The Controversy of Genetic Cloning
Genetic cloning is one of the most controversial topics of all time. People, specifically scientists, are
constantly searching for ways to improve the quality of human life. As a result, they began
genetically engineering animals and are currently in search of a method to genetically engineer
humans as well; which is called human cloning. There are many reasons why people should not go
forward with this step since genetic cloning, consequently human cloning, does not respect nature
nor does it ensure diversity and survival in natural ecosystems. In addition, genetic cloning is a
cruel, harsh, and an unsafe experiment. Genetic cloning is defined as the production of a living
being that is exactly identical to an existing living being from which it will originate. The two main
purposes of cloning are to take a step towards immortality, since one can create an exact younger
copy of oneself, and to rescue endangered species which may be of great medical potential to human
beings. Other minor purposes include having a better sense of identity, hope, and religious freedom.
One can study one's identity better through cloning, since it is always easier for someone to judge
other people in front of them when compared to judging their own selves directly. Hope is brought
about through cloning since scientists would feel like they have mastered every single aspect in life–
they could give rise to human beings after all. Two religions, the Raelian Religion and the Summum
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Therapeutic Cloning Research Paper
"Cloning Can Be Beneficial"
Cloning, can be beneficial to human society. Theres many types of cloning but, the one that benefits
society today is known as therapeutic cloning. Therapeutic cloning, is the removal of a nucleus,
which contains the genetic material, from virtually any cell of the body usually from the skin and its
transferred by injection it into an unfertilized egg from which the nucleus has also been removed.
Creating an identical DNA. By, having a cloned DNA it can help understand genetic diseases. The
cells created it can later be used transplanted into the patients to treat a diseases from which the
patient suffers. Cloning have become more complex since technologies for reproducing mammals.
In 1997, the first sheep ... Show more content on ...
Many christians believe cloning should be banned due to violating human rights. Driscoll Says,
"The cloning of human beings, however, should be permanently banned, as an offense to human
dignity. The practice raises the possibility of babies born to bypass normal family structures, or to
please parents' vanity, or to serve as providers of "spare parts" for sick relatives." (Driscoll, par 7)
Every treatment has it risk but with technology we are one step closer to discovering how we can
prevent genetic diseases. That will help in future generations. Cloning can help families not use
another of their child to help their sibling. Instead they could use cloning for a spare part. As
mentioned previously, cloning isn't a risk to
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Human Cloning
Ethical Concerns on Human Cloning Human cloning, one of the most fascinating chapters in
scientific history. Cloning goes back to the first mammal that was successfully cloned, Dolly the
sheep. Dolly was duplicated on July 5, 1996 and since then the world has had many scientific
advancements. Abby Norman, author of "How Close Are We to Successfully Cloning our First
Human" said that other types of mammals such as goats, rats, pigs, mice, and rabbits have been
cloned successfully but cloning other mammals and primates may not be so easy. Scientists are not
yet able to successfully clone a human, but believe they will be able to do so by the 2020s.
(Norman) Along with such a controversial topic there comes many who would agree that copying a
human would be beneficial while on the opposing side some would argue that replicating someone's
genes is ethically wrong. Cloning is a very important topic and according to the President's Council
on Bioethics, "The prospect of cloning–to–produce–children, which would be a radically new form
of procreation, raises deep concerns about identity and individuality, the meaning of having
children, the difference between procreation and manufacture, and the relationship between the
generations" ("Human Cloning and Human Dignity: An Ethical Inquiry", 2017). Although useful for
studying genetic diseases, human cloning produces issues as to whether it should be allowed or not
because some believe the copy will have the same personality and
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Animal Cloning: A Big Controversy In Modern Media
Animal cloning is a big controversy in modern media and in the medical field. Animal cloning
benefits many people. Animal cloning is very interesting, you can clone your long lost family pet,
you can resurrect extinct animals, and it offers medical breakthroughs. I think it should be practiced
more and made more available to the public. Animal cloning has been proved successful on July
5,1996 the first animal was cloned. It was a female sheep named Dolly, so animal coning is an
effective practice. There are 2 ways to clone animals, embryo cloning and nuclear transfer. Embryo
cloning is where a tidbit of sperm is retracted from an animal and put into a petri dish with an egg
from another animal , then fertilization occurs. Once the egg is
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Embryonic Wars Essay
The specific objective of this major essay is to clarify and summarise the controversial debate
concerning the ethical decency of embryonic cloning for therapeutic purposes. This is the form of
cloning that is supposedly beneficial to a barrage of medical applications. We will identify the key
opposing ethical perspectives such as those of the justification of embryonic research based on the
normative theory of consequentialism. This paper will also probe into the relatively brief history of
the debate while gauging the particular stumbling blocks of disagreement which bioethicists have
arrived at. The topical aspects of therapeutic cloning will be closely studied by weighing the pros
and cons and gaining a greater understanding of the ... Show more content on ...
In July this year, scientists of the United Kingdom began to publicly exploit a loophole in the
Government's ruling of the rejection of spare–part cloning research. The loophole allows the
researchers to continue with experiments by importing stem cells from cloned embryos which have
been created and destroyed in another country.
There is a rather surprising amount of medical benefits arising from therapeutic cloning research
which have to be weighed before we assess where the debate is currently at. Doctors lay well
founded expectations that by being able to study the multiple embryos developed through cloning,
the causes of disastrous spontaneous abortions can be determined and much human loss can be
averted. A greatly viable application lies in the field of clinical contraceptives. Leading
contraceptive specialists perceive that if they can determine the manner in which an embryo knows
where to implant itself, a contraceptive can be developed which will prevent embryos from
implanting in the uterine wall. An additionally important branch of therapeutic cloning research is
embryonic stem cell development. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can "evolve into
almost any type of cell" (Lord 28) within the human body. These cells are not attacked by a
person's immune system because of their rapid maturation and undifferentiated status. Many doctors
have reason to believe that these stem
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Frankenstein And Dolly's Monster Comparison
The Ewe and the Monster If you heard there are quite a few similarities between Frankenstein's
monster and a normal–looking sheep, would you be surprised? Shocking or not, it is true. The
connection between the two is a scientific subject: animal cloning. The dawn of the process of
splitting and recreating cells began more than 50 years ago, but more recently a sheep named Dolly
was born that brought many things to light in this side of science. Although Dolly the Sheep was
born from a cloned cell instead of pieced–together body parts, she and Frankenstein's monster are
reminiscent of each other by their controversial, odd births and critical impacts left on the world.
Being the first ever successfully cloned mammal brought fame to Dolly's ... Show more content on ...
The haunting novel of Frankenstein's monster is now considered a classic that has touched many,
even through films, ideas, or Halloween decorations. Dolly has paved the way for scientific
findings, on the other hand. Duplicate pets have been made, different species cloned, and farmers
improved their herds (Glenn). One article even states: "Scientists say cloning could also be used to
save endangered species from extinction" (Glenn). Not only did Dolly provide further material to
study and work upon, but she also pushed forward a whole new business. New animals can be
cloned, and ancient ones that were thought to be gone forever could possibly be resurrected.
Arguments have been unearthed as well, but opposing views aid in the realization and continued
study of issues. Overall, Dolly's existence has been a beneficial one, even if she didn't know it in her
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Cloning In Frankenstein
Furthermore, the fact that Victor learns how to bestow animation upon life less matter by
discovering the "cause of generation and life" (38)is similar to Galvani's frogs experiment in a way
that when electricity is conducted to flesh, the flesh "moves" and appear to be alive. Also, Victor
works incessantly in Vaults, charnel houses, slaughter houses and dissecting rooms, combining
corpses to create new creature (41). Aldini is known for his demonstrations with regard to corpses,
and it is obvious that Merry Shelley has been influenced by it.
After finding all the connections between the novel and science in general, cloning in modern
science appears to be the same as electricity in 18th century. The experiments on cells and gene are
especially ... Show more content on ...
To illustrate, the purpose of clone is to create the exact "copy" of the creature. That means the new
creature will almost has no difference from the original creature. In this case, we brush up against
same questions as what we bump up against in Frankenstein. how can one decide if all of our laws
and moral standards apply to the new creatures or not? Should we treat human clones like human
beings, or should we simply use them as "tools" or even "test subjects"? Do clones have dignity and
virtue that we human being are naturally born with? Are those duplicable, too? What if the cloned
creatures lose control and start killing just like the creature in Frankenstein? These questions all
need to be taken into
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The Controversy Of Cloning And Cloning
For what purpose animals such as frog, mouse or sheep need to be clone? To what extend these
organisms are able to use for cloning? Some people may wonder whether cloned organisms exist or
not after watching live action movies, animes or cartoons that consist of cloned characters. The
answer for this question is yes, clones do exist. The term, cloning is a process of producing genetic
identical living organism asexually using genetic material such as DNA. A cloned organism is likely
to have the identical gene with the parents. There are several types of cloning such as therapeutic,
reproductive and embryonic cloning. These steps are performed by expert scientist with the aid of
modern technology. The first experiment on cloning was carried ... Show more content on ...
Genetics Discussion: PCR as the cloning technology
There are a variety of methods to produce a clone. One common laboratory technique in the present
is somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) which will be focus in the essay. In this process, the nucleus,
which contains the genetic material is removed from the female donor egg cell (ovum) and
discarded, leaving the enucleated egg cell. Next, the nucleus of somatic cell from another donor is
removed but kept; the enucleated somatic cell is discarded. Then, the nucleus of the somatic cell is
fused with the enucleated egg cell by applying electric current. The egg cell containing the somatic
cell nucleus will begin to divide. After the single cell forms a blastocyst, it is implanted into a
surrogate mother uterus for further development.
The sheep named Dolly was successfully cloned from an adult somatic cell using the above
laboratory technique. She was cloned by Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell and colleagues at the Roslin
Institute, part of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland (Edwards, 1999). The experiment started
with 277 fused eggs but only 29 fused eggs became fertilized. The fertilized eggs were transferred
into 13 sheep, however only one sheep became pregnant successfully. The other remaining 12 sheep
failed to pregnant and several dead fetuses were then discovered from them. The successful clone,
Dolly was born on July 5, 1996. Unfortunately, Dolly only live up to the age of six which is
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Essay on Human Cloning
Would clones understand themselves as creations or copies? Would cloning undermine the
conception of a human being's individuality? (Medicines' Brave New World) Those are two of the
most questioned aspects of human cloning. Everyone always wants to be their own person and have
their own thought, basically, be as original as they can be. How original can you get when there's
someone out there thinking, doing, and looking exactly like you? Not very original, if you ask me.
Human cloning, cloning of any kind, has been looked at as being creepy, scary, immoral, and in the
most dismal way, exciting. Cloning of humans should be prohibited because it is offensive to the
human life and religion.
In July 2000, Dr. Ian Wilmut, a geneticist of ... Show more content on ...
In the past, animal cloning experiments has dealt scientists with grotesque and disastrous outcomes.
The cloned animals had either been born with serious defects and/or deformities. The main task that
needs to be taken care of before the thought human cloning even steps into the picture is that of
dealing with this major setback. It took 277 attempts to produce Dolly, and apparently Dolly is
normal. It's easy to just brush off the fact that a baby lamb was born with malformations or genetic
defects. It's easy to just dump the failed experiment and not worry about the consequences. How are
we to do this if it were done to the human population? What would happen to the 277 other failed
experiments produced before that one success? More than 277 embryos, the start of 277 human
beings, would die for the sake of just one embryo that would have the same DNA as some one else.
Human cloning would be means of degrading the character of the human race. It tests the
boundaries of a humans way of being valuable and unique. Cloning a human would take away a
person's identity. All humans are guaranteed their own personality without barriers. The right to be
yourself will be breached by the fact that everything you thought was yours will be given to back
someone else's genetic identity. It's important to know that personality is not bounded in someone's
genes, but that the
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The Controversy Of Human Cloning
Human Cloning
The controversy of human cloning has contemplated the reasons it should or shouldn't be allowed.
Human cloning is the reproduction of human cells and tissue by creating a genetical copy
artificially. Clones contain original characteristics of the individual or cell. There are many
dangerous risks and great benefits to human cloning. Many people have an extraordinary reaction to
cloning because it creates all sorts of images. Cloning is a medical breakthrough that can help
millions of people if it is scientifically proven to be 100% safe. Is science really ready to officially
clone a human?
Human cloning has advanced dramatically over the years. The first breakthrough in science was
cloning a sea urchin in 1885. It ... Show more content on ...
The moral code for religious people stands at cloning being unacceptable. Various religious
followers believe that science is "playing God". This also corresponds with laws of the United States
as well as other countries. Laws have outlawed cloning in general or have research monitored, "the
issue was first addressed by California legislature, which banned reproductive cloning, or cloning to
initiate a pregnancy, in 1997. Since then Arkansas, Connecticut, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Michigan, Rhode Island, New Jersey, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Virginia
have enacted measures to prohibit reproductive cloning," (NCLS 1).
What are the benefits of human cloning? Even though genetically copying something has its
negatives, there are upswings. For example, cloning can help infertile couples get children of their
own. It also can help patients that are injured.
My believe stands on the fact that human cloning is wrong. With the low success rate it has, I do not
think that cloning is reasonable. Most of cloning has taken place with animals which cannot take the
place of a human being. There is a large room for error. What if the experiment goes wrong, then
what? That person could either be at risk for death or other
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Human Cloning Controversy
What if individuality and diversity no longer existed throughout our world? What if everyone was so
similar to each other one could not tell the difference between people? This could very easily be a
true statement at some point in the future due to human cloning. Human cloning can be done but not
actually performed yet, as in a human clone being born. At first it started with animals, but then it
moved to human embryos. Scientists figured out a way to make it possible to clone a human being.
Scientists do this through stem cells as well as harvesting women's eggs. Scientist grow these
embryos in petri dishes and once they are done experimenting, scientist destroy these embryos that
could be human beings. This is where a big controversy begins ... Show more content on ...
According to Heimbach (1998), "By reducing diversity in the human gene pool, cloning will
weaken a natural barrier that helps protect human bodies for attack by infectious diseases (like
malaria) which constantly mutate to find vulnerabilities in the host." (p. 635). It will make the
human race enable to fight off diseases since most of us will end up having the same type of genes,
" seems likely that attempts to create human beings with more desirable traits could have harmful
consequences down the road. (Less variety in the gene pool, for instance, could weaken the
species)" (Anderson, p. 4–5) So using human cloning to create ideal persons is cause for concern.
Not only will it weaken the human race but also the diversity will become less and less as time goes
on. Especially for second and third generations. It would violate the reproductive system and the
nature of the reproduction would be completely changed. It could end up putting an end to the
human race as a whole. A single disease could wipe out the population. "Cloning will make the
entire human race more vulnerable to mutating infectious diseases, and the size of this danger will
grow exponentially in relation to the rate at which human cloning actually reduces diversity in the
gene pool for the race as a whole." (Heimbach, 1998, p. 635). Lastly being able to chose our
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The Pros And Cons Of Cloning
Cloning is mostly found in Sci–Fi books and movies. However, cloning has become something
scientists in today's society are striving toward. Scientists are hoping to clone humans in the near
future. The idea of cloning may seem like an exciting idea to some people, but the idea is actually
very harmful. Cloning is an unethical practice and should be outlawed due to the moral issues and
the health problems caused in cloned organisms. Cloning is defined as "a number of different
processes that can be used to produce genetically identical copies of a biological entity" (Cloning
Fact Sheet). Cloning is basically just creating an exact copy of another organism. Cloning is actually
a natural occurrence in for some organisms. Cloning occurs naturally in "some plants and single–
celled organisms, such as bacteria, produce genetically identical offspring through a process called
asexual reproduction" (Cloning Fact Sheet). Less complex organisms reproduce without the aid of a
partner which makes the offspring an exact copy of the parent. Scientists have become interested in
the process of cloning and want to be able to clone anything. So far, scientists have developed "three
different types of artificial cloning: gene cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning"
(Cloning Fact Sheet). Scientists have discovered three different ways to clone organisms as of right
now. Gene cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning are similar yet different.
According to the
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Is Cloning A Real Development?
It is in human nature to constantly learn and improve. Humans are daredevils and natural
entrepreneurs in life. Testing limits, discovering things to help create new ideas and give hope to the
human population, but some discoveries are out of mankind 's hands. Cloning is starting to become
a real development but issues such as later development issues, overpopulation and the idea of
decreasing natural individuality keep it at a standstill.
While Cloning is at a standstill there are things that make it an interesting research development.
Cloning: the complete copy of an original piece. With all the downfalls of the new technology idea,
some are blinded by the unique promises that could help the human race. With learning so much
about the ... Show more content on ...
There is life and saving with in the idea of cloning. Heads should not be turned just because of its
unnatural creation, cloning is a an idea that is looked down upon, but so was electricity and other
great inventions that have increased our knowledge of the world we know today.
Cloning animals have already been a development, but each clone has had development problems.
Most have a problem such as later development. Reproductive cloning is expensive and highly
inefficient. "More than 90% of cloning attempts fail to produce viable offspring."("Cloning: an Issue
Overview"p.2) More than 100 nuclear transfer procedures could be required to produce one viable
clone. In addition to low success rates, cloned animals tend to have more compromised immune
function and higher rates of infection, tumor growth, and other disorders. Cloned animals that do
survive tend to be much bigger at birth than their natural counterparts. "Cloned animals also
experience many health complications, such as abnormally large organs, and so they often die early.
For example, scientists euthanized Dolly when she was six years old (half her expected lifetime)
because she suffered from progressive lung disease and severe arthritis"(Joseph Castro, p.1).Dolly is
a the first mammal ever cloned in history, with her shocking survival when she was born,
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Should Therapeutic Cloning Be Banned
There are two sides to the topic of cloning. One side believes it is unethical and should be banned.
The other side believes the benefits and possibilities outweigh the problems. The two most
controversial types of artificial cloning are reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning.
Reproductive cloning is the use of cells from a host to create a whole new genetic copy. Therapeutic
cloning is the use of embryonic stem cells to create tissue to replace damaged tissue and whole
organs. The ethical concerns with cloning didn't become a problem until Dolly, the sheep, was
created. Many years before Dolly very similar experiments were being performed; however, those
experiments did not spark much public concern regarding cloning. Over fifty years ... Show more
content on ...
Animal protection agencies are questioning the many health problems that come with cloning. As
mentioned before, cloning causes many problems in the cloned animal and the host mother. People
that are against cloning also bring up the costs of cloning. For example the cloning of a deceased pet
may cost upwards of a hundred thousand dollars. However, most of the controversy with cloning is
the ethical side of cloning. Many religious groups believe that scientists are playing God by
producing unfertilized embryos(Hinrichs). They believe that certain areas, such as the creation of
life, should be left up to divine control. People may find that therapeutic cloning could be found
unethical and controversial, because of its possible use as alternate
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Cloning Controversy In Scientific Research
Cloning is a fairly new topic for many people. So many may ask; What is cloning? The term
describes a process used to create copies of a biological organism, this copied organism is referred
to as a clone. Cloning is a new pathway in scientific research, and because of this, many people
decide that cloning is unethical before learning anything about it. Since cloning is a new topic of
discussion it is a very objectionable to society. There are several medical plus sides to medical
cloning, except the world does not trust human cloning. Medical cloning should be available to
those you would like to use it.
Scientist expect there are many ways cloning can benefit mankind. Researchers have been
researching cloning for two to three decades, and have learned many different things about the topic.
According to the Human Cloning Foundation this whole dispute over cloning started when,
"Richard Seed, a physicist who created great controversy in December 1997 by announcing that he
planned to try to clone humans soon." Scientist predict technology could be ... Show more content
on ...
Single celled bacteria has the ability to replicate an identical offspring; this process is asexual
reproduction. Humans and mammals can also have natural clones. In humans we call them identical
twins, these twins have almost have the same genes as each other, but are naturally different from
their parents. Genes are a unit of heredity that are passed from parent to offspring, that can also be
cloned. However cloned animals do not always look alike. For example, the first cat cloned was a
calico that is very different from the adult cat. During cloned birth the female adult gives birth to an
animal that has the same genetic makeup as the animal that donated the somatic cell. There are some
drawbacks to cloned birth, some effects are; an increase in birth size, defects in the liver, defects in
the brain, and also defects in the
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The Human Of Human Cloning
Human cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human. However, this term not
only refers to the entire artificial human, but also the reproduction of human cells and tissues. There
are two types of theoretical human cloning: reproductive cloning which would involve making an
entire cloned human and the other, therapeutic cloning, which would involve cloning cells from a
human for use in medicine and transplants by somatic–cell nuclear transfer or pluripotent stem cell
induction. In reproductive cloning the entire genetic code is reproduced from a single body cell of
an adult individual. The most common cloning technique is somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT).
The procedure is as follows:
The ... Show more content on ...
iPSCs are typically derived by introducing products of specific sets of pluripotency–associated
genes, or "reprogramming factors", into a given cell type.
Although the human cloning seems fairly beneficial and useful for human welfare, the possibility of
human cloning has raised controversies. Concerning reproductive cloning, advocates believe that
parents who cannot otherwise procreate should have access to the technology. Some opponents have
concerns that technology is not yet developed enough to be safe while others emphasize that
reproductive cloning could be prone to abuse (leading to the generation of humans whose organs
and tissues would be harvested), and have concerns about how cloned individuals could integrate
with families and with society at large. With regards to therapeutic cloning, the problem is that many
attempts are often required to create a viable egg. The stability of the egg with the infused somatic
nucleus is poor and it can require hundreds of attempts before success is attained. Therapeutic
cloning does result in the destruction of an embryo after stem cells are extracted and this destruction
has stirred controversy over the morality of the procedure. Some argue that the pros outweigh the
cons with regards to treating disease and support development of therapeutic cloning in order to
generate tissues and whole
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The Controversy Of Cloning Animals
Cloning your pet, or any other animal, may seem like a thing of the future. Until now, scientists have
developed a way to clone animals including your deceased pet. Cloning is a tricky task to perform.
In most cases only one out of every 277 cloned embryos is successfully born. On top of that it is
also a very expensive procedure costing in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to execute. Even
though, it is an amazing scientific feat.
Cloning an animal is full of controversy. However, it is an amazing feat for science and technology.
This reason gives cloning a positive viewpoint for many people. Though, the act will still probably
remain a controversy. Another reason is that cloning is misunderstood. Many people think that it's
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Pros And Cons Of Cloning
The aspect of having some living organism to have the same type of genetic information and have
the same looks, is kind of a skeptical topic to talk about. It is very much more skeptical when the
living organism has the same genes as the other and one of them were not born "by nature". This
phenomenon is called cloning. Cloning creates all types of controversies within the scientists and all
the population, for the things that scientist can do with just a little piece of a cell. One of the main
controversy that the world has is, why do human beings want to create life instead of having it
created by nature. This controversy has always been around since the first organism was cloned. The
other controversy that has all the world really worried is, what would happen if a human gets
cloned. Cloning has all the world really nervous and concerned because they do not know what
might happen if they were to clone a human. The science that goes behind the cloning procedure is
very complex and some of the college graduates with a background of biology can perform this
procedure. Cloning can have a good effect or a bad effect on society. Cloning an animal has always
been one of the most futuristic and technological advancements there has ever been in the world.
Before the first mammal was cloned people thought the day of cloning a living organism would be
far long from the twentieth century, and people said that it was a futuristic thought and would never
become a reality. However,
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Pandora 's Box And The Everlasting Quest Essay
Pandora's Box and the Everlasting Quest to Immortality
It was Carl Sagan in his 1998 book, Billions & Billons: Thoughts of Life and Death at the Brink of
the Millennium, which moved audiences with powerful words of wisdom and quotes that stained
memories with each page. Sagan announced, "I would love to believe that when I die I will live
again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But as much as I want to
believe that, and despite the ancient and worldwide cultural traditions that assert an afterlife, I know
of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking." (Sagan, 1998). His wish is among
millions; Arguably one of the world's everlasting wishes to be able to master immortality and live
forever. One can only wonder if Carl Sagan knew about human cloning when he wrote this novel.
Over 46 countries, 23% of the world, have illegalized some kind of embryo research and/or human
reproductive cloning (Matthews, 2007). While one can imagine the different reasons as to why, an
expanded mindset can simultaneously wonder why not. Due to the different elements of our modern
world now, there are many valid arguments for and against cloning–and they all deserve to be
analyzed thoroughly.
Human cloning is the creation of an identical entity of an existing being through means of copying
DNA and or cloned tissue (Science Daily.) Reproductive cloning being something familiar to the
nation for a little more than a century, was first introduced by
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Essay on The Reality of Human Cloning
The Reality of Human Cloning
As aptly put by Rosa Beddington, the word "clone" has become one of the most emotive of all the
terms coined by scientists which have entered popular vocabulary. I shall add another, and that will
be the phrase "Dolly the sheep". The conception of Dolly, the "baby" of scientist Ian Wilmut and his
team has opened the possibility of cloning humans. The mention of Dolly brings to average the
person, haunting connotations of "future replicas of living megalomaniacs and the resurrected dead".
Indeed, Dolly has provided misconceptions about cloning, which, to a certain extent is skewed.
Deliberate cloning is as old as horticulture itself and is nothing new. It has yielded numerous
benefits, particularly in ... Show more content on ...
The questions are endless. Predicting the future of human cloning at present is indeed futile as it will
only yield more needless speculations.
As much as I recognize the dangers of human cloning, I see the hoo– ha of human cloning a matter
of perspective and time frame. All the attention given it is a passing phase. Ever since the advent of
the industrial revolution, mankind has demonstrated his unquenchable thirst for discovery through
science and technology. The fields of medicine, computing, electronics were founded because of
research done by numerous groups of people who wanted to find more answers to unexplained
phenomena and to cure, solve and discover. A few centuries back, no one thought that tuberculosis
could be cured but it subsequently could. The uproar of test tube babies by ethical and religious
groups when the first of such babies was born was deafening. Through the years, such ethical groups
had other concerns to contend with, examples being the euthanasia and organ transplants. All these
scientific breakthroughs involved human lives. Despite the obvious differences, the possibility of
human cloning can be said to be just another "concern" in the ever progressing field of science, with
many other concerns to come. When science produces another breakthrough which proves more
shocking than human cloning, people will shift their attention and fear to that something else and
human cloning will be passé.
Do not get me wrong, I am a strongly
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Arguments On Human Cloning
Human cloning has been around since 1952 and up to this day, the issues surrounding cloning of
humans remain a hot topic. People are divided on both sides of the controversy and morally the
arguments are broader. The word "cloning" is mostly used in everyday communication to mean and
represent many different technological procedures. More specifically, cloning is defined as somatic
cell nuclear transfer. Human cloning is a very controversial topic as well as a tremendous
breakthrough in today's technology and science. There have been many experiments on animal
cloning which have been successful, and because of these discoveries, there is a belief that human
cloning would be successful too.
Many individuals argue that each human life is unique and born of a miracle that is beyond
laboratory science. A fundamental argument is that cloning is ethically wrong, and many religious
groups have rejected it saying that cloning is equivalent to "playing God". And cloning goes against
these certain religions because they believe only God has created life and its various forms in nature,
and humans should have no right to act like "God". And many others argue that human cloning
should continue for many reasons. One of them being that cloned humans embryos would make
research into genetics and genetically related diseases and their preventions or treatments, much
easier, as well as cheaper. Embryo cloning has also been seen as a potential treatment for infertility
when in–vitro fertilization is not available. And this can occur when parents are infertile, or when
both or one of the parents harbor a genome coding for certain undesirable traits or beliefs. Cloned
embryos tissues could be used for the replacement of lost or diseased tissues. Some experts believe
that embryo should not require any moral consideration. Reason being that they believe at the stage
an embryo is cloned, it is basically just a bunch of cells that contain DNA, which are considered no
different than the millions of skin cells we shed daily. At that stage, embryonic cells should not be
considered equivalent to human beings because it does not have any self–awareness, memory,
feelings, thoughts, organs, legs, arms, etc. However, adult cloning might be
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The Controversies Of Cloning Pros And Cons
There are actually many benefits that would come with cloning, such as being able to cure defective
genes s, many cosmetic surgeries, and possibly, being able to cure cancer. The way that cloning
would be able to cure defective genes, would be by cloning the same genes, but altering them to be
benefit the human body rather than be a negative aspect.
There are many controversies surrounding the cloning world; some of these being involved with
religions, personal morals, fears, and misconceptions. Many people have a common paranoia, that
cloning may have more negatives than positives. One of the fears that I found interesting, was that
there may be a mad man/women, obsessed with power, who would turn to cloning to create an
enormous army and conquer Earth. Ways that cloning interfere with religion, is that many religious
people fear that it is a sin to, 'play god', and that if cloning advances, cloned human being would be
the future, and become superior to natural pregnancies. ... Show more content on ...
Some of the many diseases that can be positively impacted by stem cell research are: neurological
disorders, spinal cord injuries, some birth defects. stroke, respiratory disease, and diabetes, The way
that stem cell can help to treat, and possibly cure these diseases, are by simply replacing damaged,
defective cells, with new, healthy stem cells.
B. Stem cell research is highly controversial, I've found, in which many people are offended morally
and ethically by this topic. These groups mainly being religious groups, politicians, a small portion
of the science community, and most of the general public. The reason that stem cell research is so
controversial is because stem cells are found in embryos, and so many people feel that it is
comparable to abortion. These people also tend to believe it is unethical and immoral to destroy one
life to save
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The Pros And Cons Of Human Cloning
Human cloning has been the main idea of many movies and books, from Star Wars where they had
cloned armies from one man's DNA, to Jurassic Park with the cloning of new Dinosaurs. Though
Jurassic Park's science is too far fetched , because you cannot patch T–Rex DNA genomes with
lizard, frog, or bird DNA –; that is simply an impossibility, but human cloning is not(Your source for
all things Jurassic Park! N.D). In reality, however the first creature to ever be cloned successfully
was a sheep named Dolly, who was created on July 5, 1996 in Scotland. Since her creation, there has
been controversy regarding cloning from all around the world, and for different reasons, but most of
the controversy came against the possibility of human cloning( Cloning Dolly the sheep. N.D).
Human cloning is a novel idea but is logically not necessary for research, and it would create a large
scale issue with human rights,and politics, with people wanting to use them for slavery.
Human cloning was a thing of science fiction up until 1996 when Dolly was created, bringing a
sudden realization to the public at large that human cloning was quite near our reach as a species.
Which brought a large amount of debate on whether or not clones would have human rights. The
UN ruled in 2005 that any human clone would be given the same rights as a normal human, also
adding that any genetic engineering to take out human dignity was inhumane and also to prevent
human exploitation. Even with this ruling, it was
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Human Cloning Controversy
In this present day and age, cloning has gained much controversy in relation to its development and
scientific use. Applying this contentious process to extinct organisms – known as 'de–extinction' –
fuels further debate. Through various experiments – the first instance of cloning, Dolly the sheep in
1997, scientists have observed that this could serve as a gateway for further scientific discoveries.
Also, it has been hypothesised that an ecosystem could highly benefit from the revival of an extinct
species. Nonetheless, however advantageous it appears for some scientific development, the act of
cloning an extinct organism itself has major implications involving the welfare of the animal itself.
The controversy has also arisen ... Show more content on ...
(Cohen, 2014). Out of these questions, the notion that scientists and people are 'playing god' is the
most prominent: some regard this experimentation to be going against nature and taking lives into
our own hands. (Rose, 2013) According to utilitarianism, the welfare and overall wellbeing of the
animal must be considered first and foremost, especially when regarding the prospect of suffering.
(Michaud and Watson, 2014). The ethical and moral viewpoints regarding de–extinction stand
against the overall notion of recreating species, that the notion of de–extinction goes against most
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Animal Cloning Controversy

  • 1. Animal Cloning Controversy Animal Cloning is a process where the whole organism reproduced from cells taken from parent organisms to produce offspring that is genetically identical. This means that animal cloning is an exact duplicate of the parent, which means that also have the same DNA. When Dolly, the first cloned sheep entered in the news, the cloning controversy is becoming more prominent. Not only researchers, the general public became interested in knowing how cloning is done as well as engage in the pros and cons. Cloning has the potential to bring desired changes in the genetic makeup of the individual. Through cloning, the genetic nature of both can be promoted while the negative properties can be eliminated. Cloning can also be applied to the plants to ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. The Cloning Controversy Essay The Cloning Controversy A mad scientist stands in one part of a double–chambered machine, leaving the other empty. As he presses a button, gears begin to whir and smoke. A bright light flashes, and out of the empty chamber steps a perfect replica of the scientist, complete with clothes and command of the English language. This sci–fi plot line may be familiar, but it has nothing to do with the actual, controversial cloning process, one that may be used by today's scientists to create cloned human embryos in the not–so– distant future. At Harvard University, two separate teams of scientists may soon create the first cloned human embryo in the United States. (Earlier this year, a group of South Korean researchers announced they had ... Show more content on ... "We could give you your own blood back," Daley said. There would be no risk of rejection by the immune system, and therefore no reason to suppress it. This way the body would continue to be able to protect itself after a transplant of any kind. Cloning, or somatic cell nuclear transfer, involves complex maneuvering. A cell is first taken from the body of the person or animal to be cloned. It is then inserted into an egg cell whose nucleus has been removed, thus creating the equivalent to a zygote, or fertilized egg. After certain chemical adjustments, the cells of the zygote divide and multiply, as if it had been created from an egg and sperm. The zygote becomes a blastocyst, an early–stage, five–day–old embryo consisting of about 150 stem cells. If the blastocyst is placed into a surrogate mother's uterus, it could possibly develop into a fully grown person, a replica of the original cell's donor. In the research that will be conducted at Harvard, if permission is granted, the growth of the blastocyst would be stopped and it would not be implanted into a woman's womb. Stem cells would be extracted for study, destroying the embryo. Scientists are interested in stem cells for their ability to become any type of cell in the body, a process called differentiation. Theoretically, this allows for limitless possibilities in disease ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Essay on Cloning Informative Speech Cloning and Stem Cell Research S/P: To inform my audience about cloning and cell stem research. C/I: The benefits and ethical issues of cloning and cell stem research. Introduction Specific purpose: Today I'm going to inform you about "Cloning Technology and Stem Cell Research". Attention getter: Imagine yourself dying from heart disease or liver failure, and the only way to live was to have an exact clone of your heart or liver. The only way this could be possible was to have an exact copy made by your organs, and this process is achieved only by cloning. Reveal central idea: Stem cell research and cloning, is one of the most exciting and controversial ethical ... Show more content on ... Diabetes: People who suffer from type I diabetes have problems with the regulation of insulin. In this case research says that by taking some of this cells who are not capable to produce insulin, in laboratory conditions we can guide this cells to generate other cells that will be able to produce insulin. Then transplant these cells into diabetics, in order to remove their need for insulin injection. B. Transplanting damaged organs. Stem cells are very important in this process, because from your own cells scientists can develop organs. And if you will need any transplant this organs can be used at any time and have no risk that your organism might reject them. The first successful transplant from this technique of "growing your own organs" took place in Barcelona, Spain 2008, and this was a 30–year old woman from Colombia, who replaced her windpipe because of tuberculosis. C. Testing medications and drugs. Stem cells have an important role in this field. New drugs and medications can be tested on stem cells to see if they are safe, before we use them on humans or animals. Scientists by doing this tests can find new ways to treat some diseases. For example a cancer cell can be created to test an anti–tumor drug. If the results will be positive we will have a cure for that kind of tumor. (Transition: The final part that we will look at is the ethical issues and government funding of stem cell ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. The Controversy Concerning The Ethics Of Human Cloning Clones are humans. This statement embodies the crux of the controversy regarding the ethics of human cloning. If clones are humans, then they should receive the same rights as humans who were born 'naturally'. But how do you determine humanity? The film Never Let Me Go (2010), based on Kazuo Ishiguro's novel of the same name, helps answer the question "Should we clone?" by establishing that humanity is more than the way one enters the world and by highlighting the unethical issues that may arise from cloning. Never Let Me Go illustrates the humanity of the cloned characters – Kathy, Tommy, and Ruth – as they attempt to determine the roles they play in the world. The film begins by introducing the characters when they were children attending Hailsham School. Just like 'normal' children, they seek companionship from each other and in the process realize the complexities of their relationships with each other. Tommy, for instance, has difficulty relating to his peers. When he isn 't picked to be a part of the soccer team and is told "Looks like no one wants you," he expresses his frustration by throwing a tantrum. And just like 'normal' children, they derive happiness from the simple moments. Simple moments such as when Ruth fantasizes about owning five horses like Ruth or when Kathy listens to the music she received from her crush, Tommy. When they grow older and move from Hailsham to live in the cottages, the complexities increase. As the relationship between ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Cloning Argument Analysis After the excessive amount of unsuccessful attempts at producing a surviving clone, the controversy of cloning heightened. The topic of cloning has faced ethical issues since it was proposed, but after certain information on the creation of clones was released the ethical matter of cloning was put more up to questioning. Cloning involves the production of genetically identical copies of living organisms, a production that could easily have a negative effect on the human population just as well as it could help keep many others alive. There are three different types of cloning: DNA cloning or gene cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning, each one used for a different reason. All three types could benefit the population in a short ... Show more content on ... An endangered species that goes extinct eventually ends up affecting all the animals in their habitat. If an animal that various other animals depend on goes extinct other animals could also go into extinction since they most likely will not be able to adapt quickly to finding new prey leading to starvation. Animals could also face the problem of having to immigrate to a new environment for food leading to their extinction because they were unable to adapt quickly to the new habitat. Through the clone technology scientists hope they will soon be able to save more species saying "we will perfect the technology to clone animals, and thus we could forever preserve endangered species" (Document A). The argument of saving endangered species is invalid because it is rare that a clone embryo will survive and if only few animals of a kind are left they will be forced to keep inserting embryos into a surrogate mother that could potentially kill the mothers too. If their bodies cannot handle carrying another organism or if having surgery a lot to insert the embryo the new mothers can now also die leaving the species without anyone to carry their children. While trying to save a species they run the risk of completely killing it off in a shorter amount of time than they expected. Even if the embryo lives up to the birthing moment the probability of the clone surviving is so little that they would be spending money to create more of a species that would return right back to being endangered in a short period of ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. The Pros And Cons Of Animal Cloning In February 1997, it was announced that Ian Wilmut and other researchers at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland, had succeeded in creating the first cloned mammal, a sheep named Dolly. A controversy quickly arose over the moral aspects of cloning, particularly regarding the issue of human cloning. Hardly any researchers have advocated human "reproductive" cloning; rather, they have generally argued for the development of human "therapeutic" cloning, which may someday yield important medical benefits. However, even this type of cloning is controversial, because the process involves the destruction of a human embryo. As this paper will show, there have been many problems and setbacks in the efforts to clone animals. In addition, recent evidence shows that it is probably impossible to clone humans with the current technology because of the way the reproductive cells in primates are designed. Thus, as this paper will argue, despite the concerns that have been expressed over human ... Show more content on ... It takes numerous attempts to produce a single viable clone, because more than 90 percent of the attempts end in failure during the early stages ("Cloning Fact Sheet" n.p.). Even after a cloned embryo has been successfully created, the majority of the embryos end up dying during the prenatal phase (Travis 250). For the very few cloned animals that survive long enough to be born, a large percentage have been found to have birth defects. Many of the clones have had weak immune systems or tumors, or have been abnormally large; and many have died young ("Cloning Fact Sheet" n.p.). As a notable example, the same researchers who created Dolly also cloned a second sheep shortly afterward. However, in contrast to Dolly, the second sheep was born with severe respiratory problems because its lungs had not developed properly (Travis ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Arguments Against Therapeutic Cloning For many years there has been a large controversy over the use of cloning for therapeutic and reproductive purposes. The argument against therapeutic cloning is that creating an exact replica of one's self all for the use of harvesting its parts is considered killing another human being. However, some people are for this use so that they can survive as long as they can, and use the clones materials as a way to cure disease or heal injuries. On the other hand, reductive cloning also has two sides, for and against. People who believe that reproductive cloning is okay, want to create another version of themselves just to either have themselves as a baby or replace a loved one. But, people who are against reproductive cloning believe that it is a selfish or unreasonable act to have one birth a ... Show more content on ... Some people fawn over the idea of cloning themselves and to have a replica of themselves be birthed by a surrogate mother. However, I believe that parents who are selfish would use the advantages of having a baby clone of themselves will overuse the power, and distinguish the rights of the baby. Since parents have legal right over medical decisions for the child, there is nothing from preventing them from harvesting their own child for their own good. I may be completely against reproductive cloning, however, some people and/or parents feel as if having a clone of a lost one will make up for their absence. Recreating someone doesn't mean that it is the same as the original because, with different external impacts, a clone can easily have different personalities, feelings, and memories. Therefore technically trying to bring back someone back, will be emotionally unsuccessful. With the technology that our world has today, reproductive cloning is absolutely possible and has been done before, but I believe that it will damage the human ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Pro Cloning Cons Cloning is the process of replicating an identical copy of cells and or body parts and it can go as far as even a whole organism. Cloning has been a very debatable subject of matter for many years and it will for many more to come. Cloning was first established in 1885 with a demonstration with artificial embryo twinning. Cloning eventual became more complex and from there it stemmed off and cloning of animals was possible. Dolly the sheep was the first example of cloning of animals in July 5, 1996. Another area cloning stemmed off to stem cell research which was first discovered in Germany by a biologist Ernst Haeckel. There are many forms of cloning such as full on cloning of an animal. Another part of cloning is replicating organs ... Show more content on ... The cloning of embryonic stem cells has proven to be very innovative in the medical field. One of the point made were in the article "The Medical Benefits of Human Cloning." it says the following. We can produce embryonic stem cells of which that can be grown to replicate organs or tissues to repair or replace damaged or lost ones. This could mean that we would have the ability to save people from agony and suffering. For instance cloning of the embryonic stem cells we are able to grow new and improved skin for burn victims. We would also have to ability to grow back damaged brain cells, giving people a second chance. Another example of the uses cloning being a step forward in the medical field. Scientist have proven that they can do amazing things with cloning. In the same article "The Medical Benefits of Human Cloning." it states that we may one day be able to clone livers for people who are without. This could mean that some day in the near future we could give people another liver if it was lost. If we are able to replicate a liver for someone that could mean that not too far behind are kidneys and or bone marrow. If we could replicate bone marrow we could save millions from dying of cancer. In conclusion, maybe someday in the near future we may be able to save many savable people from death with newly innovative cloning ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Therapeutic Cloning And Its Controversy Therapeutic Cloning and its Controversy The idea of finding a way to cure people of diseases with their own cells is one that scientists, physicians, and those who are afflicted by such diseases find very enticing. Therapeutic cloning is a process that scientists believe has the potential to achieve such goals in the future. While therapeutic cloning brings with it a variety of potential benefits and innovations, it also carries with it a polarizing ethical conflict that poses a strong impediment to furthering such research and development. By realizing therapeutic cloning for its great potential benefits and world changing implications and disregarding any ethical considerations that may deter such advancement, the proper focus and open–mindedness necessary to achieve success in the field would be achieved. Therapeutic cloning, like all medical endeavors, includes a multitude of challenges and flaws, but no very important medical achievements come about without extensive research and continual attempts at success. Therapeutic cloning is a process in which the cells of one person are manipulated into becoming the stem cells for another person through Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT). This process involves taking oocytes, or immature female egg cells that are generated during ovulation, incubating them in in vivo culture, and extracting the nucleus of such cells and replacing them with the the nucleus of another cell. This produces a stem cell with a genetic make–up ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Cloning: A Therapeutic Analysis Why is cloning such a controversy? According to William Dudley, "A clone is a genetic duplicate of a living thing"("Background to Controversy: Basic Questions About Cloning" 7). Therapeutic and reproductive cloning are the two main types of cloning that are controversially fought over to become illegal. Cloning began in 1894 when Hans Driesch cloned a sea urchin, and continued in 1928 when Hans Spemann cloned a salamander using the same technique of "twinning" as Hans Driesch. In 1996, Dolly the sheep was the first cloned mammal. Since Dolly, scientists have been able to clone deer, ferrets, mules, more sheep, goats, cows, mice, pigs, rabbits, a gaur, dogs, and even a cat using the same method of cloning called SCNT (Manninen). Even though ... Show more content on ... Therapeutic cloning (also known as research cloning) is controversial because while the scientists isolate the the stem cells, it destroys the embryo resulting in death. Many people argue that therapeutic cloning can help to cure diseases like Alzheimer's but it kills the embryo in the process. There are more concerns that the human embryo should not be destroyed in the process of therapeutic cloning. (Manninen). Another reason why people would also be upset with the process of therapeutic cloning is because embryos are limited. Scientists need egg donors in order to do research and according to Insoo Hyun, "the main concern is that when you put money on the table, women would not give a fully voluntary choice to participate" (Raz). Women would also not be willing to participate because of how low the success rate is. The success ranges between 0.1 percent to three percent ("What are the Risks of Cloning"). To make Dolly, it took 277 sheep embryos and the only successful outcome was her, and she still had a few minor medical flaws ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Sheep Cloning Controversy Cloning is the production of an organism with genetic material identical to that of another organism. The word cloning comes from the Greek work klon, meanings "twig," involves the production of genetically identical animals by a process of nuclear transfer. On July 5th, 1996, at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, Scotland, a scientific breakthrough occurred when Dolly, a Finn Dorset sheep, was born. (Seidel, 682) "We transfered 29 eggs into a recipient and only one of them became a live lamb. So you can see it's a very exciting and encouraging result. The efficiencies are poor and there's a need for a lot more research."( Where it is a controversial subject, the cloning of dolly the sheep affected the world in a positive way and helped advance medical research in finding cures for diseases. Dolly was the first mammal cloned from an adult mammal but was kept hidden from the public for several months. On February 22, 1997 she was finally revealed to the world. Scientists did not think that such an uprising in discussion would occur. ( They waited until all the records of her health reached them and then they told the world. The media, news broadcasters, and reporters from all over the world went to visit the young sheep. During her entire life span the media always kept a very close eye on her and her health. (roslin.ed) As ... Show more content on ... Scientists want to learn the molecular causes of diseases by studying embryonic stem cell lines from cloned embryos derived from cells. This is to help animals or humans with diseases and find cures. There are currently trials going on trying to restore people's eyesight using stem cells research. "It will enable us to study genetic diseases for which there is presently no cure and track down mechanisms that are involved." ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. The Controversy Of Cloning And Genetic Engineering Essay Introduction God and Nature first made us what we are, and then out of our own created genius we make ourselves what we want to be... Let the sky and God be our limit and Eternity our measurement – Marcus Garvey (1887–1940). Cloning and genetically modifying humans is now more attainable than ever due to strides made by science. With a relatively short history, cloning and genetic engineering have been a new concept for many people in society with the first proof of cloning being dolly the sheep, the first successful clone born by the somatic cell nuclear–transfer procedure [1]. Cloning over the years has evolved and now could be used to someday help people requiring organ transplants, recover from traumatic injuries and aid infertile couples with its reproductive possibilities [4]. On the other hand, genetic engineering can also be a great benefit as through gene therapy, genetic diseases can be prevented and quite possibly being wiped from existence. Another benefit of genetic engineering is that it can also allow infertile couples to have a baby but to do this would require the genetic information of a surrogate alongside the couple's genetic information [12]. This could result in many complications which is why there is a great controversy on this matter. Although cloning is known by a plethora of people, whereas the minority of the population knows of genetic engineering which brings up the question, what is genetic engineering? Simply put, genetic engineering is "the ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Human Cloning Controversy There is ongoing controversy regarding the issue of human cloning in countries such as the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia which have made attempts or have done research in reproductive cloning. Countries like Australia have prohibited human cloning in 2006. (NHMRC, 2007) Advocates who involve congress members, editorial writers, fertility specialists...and so on gave benefits of human cloning, yet not enough to justify the moral and ethical issues underlying the controversy. Human cloning refers to the creation of a genetically identical copy of an existing human or growing cloned tissue from that individual. This essay will illustrate the major ethical concerns associated with human cloning that lead to the conclusion ... Show more content on ... Consequently, with no sense of self–worth or individuality, the child may tend to believe that he or she is merely a carbon copy, giving the outcome that children produced from reproductive cloning are likely to have psychological problems of identity, dignity and individuality. (President's Council, 2002, internet) As a result, it can be said that oppressive expectations burdened on human clones is an ethical issue and reason why human cloning should not be advocated. To conclude, diverse opinions are strongly held regarding the ethnicity of human cloning which include: Safety concerns are expressed regarding human cloning, given there are too many unknowns concerning reproductive cloning of human, attempts to clone human is considered potentially dangerous and ethically irresponsible. Secondly, it is believed that human cloning is unlikely to be delivered in an equitable manner, as they may not be entitled to full rights, with a deeper concern regarding promoting trends of designer babies. Finally the last ethical issue discussed is that parental expectations and constant comparisons could psychologically affect the cloned child. (McConville, 2001, 399) ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Pros And Cons Of Cloning For quite some time, cloning has been a largely debated topic in society. Most people in the U.S. feel like cloning is morally wrong and takes innocent lives, but others think that it is beneficial and could be a big advancement in modern science. Cloning to produce humans has been outlawed in most countries, but in some, cloning for therapeutic reasons is still a dispute. Cloning can lead to revolutionary medical treatments such as cures for cancer, diabetes, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, Multiple Sclerosis and certain forms of heart disease. It could also help treat spinal cord injuries, nervous system injuries, and severe burns. Within the last 50 years there have been several breakthroughs that have only complicated the moral and ethical ... Show more content on ... Human cloning is when researchers insert a nucleus of an adult's human cells into a unfertilized human egg and then stimulate it to begin dividing like an embryo. Lab workers then destroy the developing embryo to yield the undifferentiated stem cells, which are capable of becoming specialized cells, like heart, muscle, and brain neurons It could either produce new information and wealth or it can cause an ethical and moral nightmare. Twenty states in the United States have filed bills this year to ban all cloning of human cells, with penalties of up to 10 years in prison with a $1,000,000 fine. While human cloning is illegal, a consensus has been reached to approve therapeutic cloning which is cloning human embryos and removing their stem cells, then the stem cells grow into a variety of human organs in tissues which can be used for transplants and surgeries. In 1997, a group of Scottish scientist created the first live–born sheep cloned from adult tissue. They had difficulties with the tiny cells, which caused a 30 year delay of the creation of the first sheep. This breakthrough showed the potential of cloning for the future. Soon after this experiment, there were lots of debates, bringing out the public's anxiety over biotechnology. As a response to this, President Clinton ordered the National Bioethics Advisory Commission to review the ethical and legal issues associated with cloning. President Clinton then ordered that no federal funds ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Human And Animal Cloning Human and Animal Cloning A little bit on cloning, cloning is the intention to create an exact duplicate of and animal or human. A embryo, or an egg of either a human or animal go through the process in which is transferred and scientifically cared for. Scientific attempts and success of cloning has not been an overnight success. Still today it continues to come across obstacles that keep it from being a fully successful process. Record of cloning experiments go back to the year 1938, when a German scientist believed animals could be cloned. Through trial and error over the course of years scientist continued to tweak the cloning experiments. Eventually in the year 1996 and 1997 and forward was when there was evidence that the first successful experiments took place. Cloning can be viewed in positive or negative way, depending on the purpose of the method it is being used for. There is controversy with the study of cloning because of the ethical issues associated with the discovery. Some believe that cloning is trying to mimic God, on the other hand there are those who believe in science more than they believe there is a God. As there are those who see the possibilities that cloning can open in the medical industry. There are those who see the unnatural as a bad thing. Both cloning of humans and animal are being researched continually, and both have had a mix of results. The cloning of humans has been attempted multiple times, but the experiments have not been successful ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. The Controversy of Genetic Cloning Genetic cloning is one of the most controversial topics of all time. People, specifically scientists, are constantly searching for ways to improve the quality of human life. As a result, they began genetically engineering animals and are currently in search of a method to genetically engineer humans as well; which is called human cloning. There are many reasons why people should not go forward with this step since genetic cloning, consequently human cloning, does not respect nature nor does it ensure diversity and survival in natural ecosystems. In addition, genetic cloning is a cruel, harsh, and an unsafe experiment. Genetic cloning is defined as the production of a living being that is exactly identical to an existing living being from which it will originate. The two main purposes of cloning are to take a step towards immortality, since one can create an exact younger copy of oneself, and to rescue endangered species which may be of great medical potential to human beings. Other minor purposes include having a better sense of identity, hope, and religious freedom. One can study one's identity better through cloning, since it is always easier for someone to judge other people in front of them when compared to judging their own selves directly. Hope is brought about through cloning since scientists would feel like they have mastered every single aspect in life– they could give rise to human beings after all. Two religions, the Raelian Religion and the Summum Religion ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Therapeutic Cloning Research Paper "Cloning Can Be Beneficial" Cloning, can be beneficial to human society. Theres many types of cloning but, the one that benefits society today is known as therapeutic cloning. Therapeutic cloning, is the removal of a nucleus, which contains the genetic material, from virtually any cell of the body usually from the skin and its transferred by injection it into an unfertilized egg from which the nucleus has also been removed. Creating an identical DNA. By, having a cloned DNA it can help understand genetic diseases. The cells created it can later be used transplanted into the patients to treat a diseases from which the patient suffers. Cloning have become more complex since technologies for reproducing mammals. In 1997, the first sheep ... Show more content on ... Many christians believe cloning should be banned due to violating human rights. Driscoll Says, "The cloning of human beings, however, should be permanently banned, as an offense to human dignity. The practice raises the possibility of babies born to bypass normal family structures, or to please parents' vanity, or to serve as providers of "spare parts" for sick relatives." (Driscoll, par 7) Every treatment has it risk but with technology we are one step closer to discovering how we can prevent genetic diseases. That will help in future generations. Cloning can help families not use another of their child to help their sibling. Instead they could use cloning for a spare part. As mentioned previously, cloning isn't a risk to ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Human Cloning Ethical Concerns on Human Cloning Human cloning, one of the most fascinating chapters in scientific history. Cloning goes back to the first mammal that was successfully cloned, Dolly the sheep. Dolly was duplicated on July 5, 1996 and since then the world has had many scientific advancements. Abby Norman, author of "How Close Are We to Successfully Cloning our First Human" said that other types of mammals such as goats, rats, pigs, mice, and rabbits have been cloned successfully but cloning other mammals and primates may not be so easy. Scientists are not yet able to successfully clone a human, but believe they will be able to do so by the 2020s. (Norman) Along with such a controversial topic there comes many who would agree that copying a human would be beneficial while on the opposing side some would argue that replicating someone's genes is ethically wrong. Cloning is a very important topic and according to the President's Council on Bioethics, "The prospect of cloning–to–produce–children, which would be a radically new form of procreation, raises deep concerns about identity and individuality, the meaning of having children, the difference between procreation and manufacture, and the relationship between the generations" ("Human Cloning and Human Dignity: An Ethical Inquiry", 2017). Although useful for studying genetic diseases, human cloning produces issues as to whether it should be allowed or not because some believe the copy will have the same personality and ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Animal Cloning: A Big Controversy In Modern Media Animal cloning is a big controversy in modern media and in the medical field. Animal cloning benefits many people. Animal cloning is very interesting, you can clone your long lost family pet, you can resurrect extinct animals, and it offers medical breakthroughs. I think it should be practiced more and made more available to the public. Animal cloning has been proved successful on July 5,1996 the first animal was cloned. It was a female sheep named Dolly, so animal coning is an effective practice. There are 2 ways to clone animals, embryo cloning and nuclear transfer. Embryo cloning is where a tidbit of sperm is retracted from an animal and put into a petri dish with an egg from another animal , then fertilization occurs. Once the egg is ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Embryonic Wars Essay The specific objective of this major essay is to clarify and summarise the controversial debate concerning the ethical decency of embryonic cloning for therapeutic purposes. This is the form of cloning that is supposedly beneficial to a barrage of medical applications. We will identify the key opposing ethical perspectives such as those of the justification of embryonic research based on the normative theory of consequentialism. This paper will also probe into the relatively brief history of the debate while gauging the particular stumbling blocks of disagreement which bioethicists have arrived at. The topical aspects of therapeutic cloning will be closely studied by weighing the pros and cons and gaining a greater understanding of the ... Show more content on ... In July this year, scientists of the United Kingdom began to publicly exploit a loophole in the Government's ruling of the rejection of spare–part cloning research. The loophole allows the researchers to continue with experiments by importing stem cells from cloned embryos which have been created and destroyed in another country. There is a rather surprising amount of medical benefits arising from therapeutic cloning research which have to be weighed before we assess where the debate is currently at. Doctors lay well founded expectations that by being able to study the multiple embryos developed through cloning, the causes of disastrous spontaneous abortions can be determined and much human loss can be averted. A greatly viable application lies in the field of clinical contraceptives. Leading contraceptive specialists perceive that if they can determine the manner in which an embryo knows where to implant itself, a contraceptive can be developed which will prevent embryos from implanting in the uterine wall. An additionally important branch of therapeutic cloning research is embryonic stem cell development. Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can "evolve into almost any type of cell" (Lord 28) within the human body. These cells are not attacked by a person's immune system because of their rapid maturation and undifferentiated status. Many doctors have reason to believe that these stem ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. Frankenstein And Dolly's Monster Comparison The Ewe and the Monster If you heard there are quite a few similarities between Frankenstein's monster and a normal–looking sheep, would you be surprised? Shocking or not, it is true. The connection between the two is a scientific subject: animal cloning. The dawn of the process of splitting and recreating cells began more than 50 years ago, but more recently a sheep named Dolly was born that brought many things to light in this side of science. Although Dolly the Sheep was born from a cloned cell instead of pieced–together body parts, she and Frankenstein's monster are reminiscent of each other by their controversial, odd births and critical impacts left on the world. Being the first ever successfully cloned mammal brought fame to Dolly's ... Show more content on ... The haunting novel of Frankenstein's monster is now considered a classic that has touched many, even through films, ideas, or Halloween decorations. Dolly has paved the way for scientific findings, on the other hand. Duplicate pets have been made, different species cloned, and farmers improved their herds (Glenn). One article even states: "Scientists say cloning could also be used to save endangered species from extinction" (Glenn). Not only did Dolly provide further material to study and work upon, but she also pushed forward a whole new business. New animals can be cloned, and ancient ones that were thought to be gone forever could possibly be resurrected. Arguments have been unearthed as well, but opposing views aid in the realization and continued study of issues. Overall, Dolly's existence has been a beneficial one, even if she didn't know it in her sheepish ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Cloning In Frankenstein Furthermore, the fact that Victor learns how to bestow animation upon life less matter by discovering the "cause of generation and life" (38)is similar to Galvani's frogs experiment in a way that when electricity is conducted to flesh, the flesh "moves" and appear to be alive. Also, Victor works incessantly in Vaults, charnel houses, slaughter houses and dissecting rooms, combining corpses to create new creature (41). Aldini is known for his demonstrations with regard to corpses, and it is obvious that Merry Shelley has been influenced by it. After finding all the connections between the novel and science in general, cloning in modern science appears to be the same as electricity in 18th century. The experiments on cells and gene are especially ... Show more content on ... To illustrate, the purpose of clone is to create the exact "copy" of the creature. That means the new creature will almost has no difference from the original creature. In this case, we brush up against same questions as what we bump up against in Frankenstein. how can one decide if all of our laws and moral standards apply to the new creatures or not? Should we treat human clones like human beings, or should we simply use them as "tools" or even "test subjects"? Do clones have dignity and virtue that we human being are naturally born with? Are those duplicable, too? What if the cloned creatures lose control and start killing just like the creature in Frankenstein? These questions all need to be taken into ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. The Controversy Of Cloning And Cloning For what purpose animals such as frog, mouse or sheep need to be clone? To what extend these organisms are able to use for cloning? Some people may wonder whether cloned organisms exist or not after watching live action movies, animes or cartoons that consist of cloned characters. The answer for this question is yes, clones do exist. The term, cloning is a process of producing genetic identical living organism asexually using genetic material such as DNA. A cloned organism is likely to have the identical gene with the parents. There are several types of cloning such as therapeutic, reproductive and embryonic cloning. These steps are performed by expert scientist with the aid of modern technology. The first experiment on cloning was carried ... Show more content on ... Genetics Discussion: PCR as the cloning technology There are a variety of methods to produce a clone. One common laboratory technique in the present is somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) which will be focus in the essay. In this process, the nucleus, which contains the genetic material is removed from the female donor egg cell (ovum) and discarded, leaving the enucleated egg cell. Next, the nucleus of somatic cell from another donor is removed but kept; the enucleated somatic cell is discarded. Then, the nucleus of the somatic cell is fused with the enucleated egg cell by applying electric current. The egg cell containing the somatic cell nucleus will begin to divide. After the single cell forms a blastocyst, it is implanted into a surrogate mother uterus for further development. The sheep named Dolly was successfully cloned from an adult somatic cell using the above laboratory technique. She was cloned by Ian Wilmut, Keith Campbell and colleagues at the Roslin Institute, part of the University of Edinburgh, Scotland (Edwards, 1999). The experiment started with 277 fused eggs but only 29 fused eggs became fertilized. The fertilized eggs were transferred into 13 sheep, however only one sheep became pregnant successfully. The other remaining 12 sheep failed to pregnant and several dead fetuses were then discovered from them. The successful clone, Dolly was born on July 5, 1996. Unfortunately, Dolly only live up to the age of six which is ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Essay on Human Cloning Would clones understand themselves as creations or copies? Would cloning undermine the conception of a human being's individuality? (Medicines' Brave New World) Those are two of the most questioned aspects of human cloning. Everyone always wants to be their own person and have their own thought, basically, be as original as they can be. How original can you get when there's someone out there thinking, doing, and looking exactly like you? Not very original, if you ask me. Human cloning, cloning of any kind, has been looked at as being creepy, scary, immoral, and in the most dismal way, exciting. Cloning of humans should be prohibited because it is offensive to the human life and religion. In July 2000, Dr. Ian Wilmut, a geneticist of ... Show more content on ... In the past, animal cloning experiments has dealt scientists with grotesque and disastrous outcomes. The cloned animals had either been born with serious defects and/or deformities. The main task that needs to be taken care of before the thought human cloning even steps into the picture is that of dealing with this major setback. It took 277 attempts to produce Dolly, and apparently Dolly is normal. It's easy to just brush off the fact that a baby lamb was born with malformations or genetic defects. It's easy to just dump the failed experiment and not worry about the consequences. How are we to do this if it were done to the human population? What would happen to the 277 other failed experiments produced before that one success? More than 277 embryos, the start of 277 human beings, would die for the sake of just one embryo that would have the same DNA as some one else. Human cloning would be means of degrading the character of the human race. It tests the boundaries of a humans way of being valuable and unique. Cloning a human would take away a person's identity. All humans are guaranteed their own personality without barriers. The right to be yourself will be breached by the fact that everything you thought was yours will be given to back someone else's genetic identity. It's important to know that personality is not bounded in someone's genes, but that the ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. The Controversy Of Human Cloning Human Cloning The controversy of human cloning has contemplated the reasons it should or shouldn't be allowed. Human cloning is the reproduction of human cells and tissue by creating a genetical copy artificially. Clones contain original characteristics of the individual or cell. There are many dangerous risks and great benefits to human cloning. Many people have an extraordinary reaction to cloning because it creates all sorts of images. Cloning is a medical breakthrough that can help millions of people if it is scientifically proven to be 100% safe. Is science really ready to officially clone a human? Human cloning has advanced dramatically over the years. The first breakthrough in science was cloning a sea urchin in 1885. It ... Show more content on ... The moral code for religious people stands at cloning being unacceptable. Various religious followers believe that science is "playing God". This also corresponds with laws of the United States as well as other countries. Laws have outlawed cloning in general or have research monitored, "the issue was first addressed by California legislature, which banned reproductive cloning, or cloning to initiate a pregnancy, in 1997. Since then Arkansas, Connecticut, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Rhode Island, New Jersey, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Virginia have enacted measures to prohibit reproductive cloning," (NCLS 1). What are the benefits of human cloning? Even though genetically copying something has its negatives, there are upswings. For example, cloning can help infertile couples get children of their own. It also can help patients that are injured. My believe stands on the fact that human cloning is wrong. With the low success rate it has, I do not think that cloning is reasonable. Most of cloning has taken place with animals which cannot take the place of a human being. There is a large room for error. What if the experiment goes wrong, then what? That person could either be at risk for death or other ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Human Cloning Controversy What if individuality and diversity no longer existed throughout our world? What if everyone was so similar to each other one could not tell the difference between people? This could very easily be a true statement at some point in the future due to human cloning. Human cloning can be done but not actually performed yet, as in a human clone being born. At first it started with animals, but then it moved to human embryos. Scientists figured out a way to make it possible to clone a human being. Scientists do this through stem cells as well as harvesting women's eggs. Scientist grow these embryos in petri dishes and once they are done experimenting, scientist destroy these embryos that could be human beings. This is where a big controversy begins ... Show more content on ... According to Heimbach (1998), "By reducing diversity in the human gene pool, cloning will weaken a natural barrier that helps protect human bodies for attack by infectious diseases (like malaria) which constantly mutate to find vulnerabilities in the host." (p. 635). It will make the human race enable to fight off diseases since most of us will end up having the same type of genes, " seems likely that attempts to create human beings with more desirable traits could have harmful consequences down the road. (Less variety in the gene pool, for instance, could weaken the species)" (Anderson, p. 4–5) So using human cloning to create ideal persons is cause for concern. Not only will it weaken the human race but also the diversity will become less and less as time goes on. Especially for second and third generations. It would violate the reproductive system and the nature of the reproduction would be completely changed. It could end up putting an end to the human race as a whole. A single disease could wipe out the population. "Cloning will make the entire human race more vulnerable to mutating infectious diseases, and the size of this danger will grow exponentially in relation to the rate at which human cloning actually reduces diversity in the gene pool for the race as a whole." (Heimbach, 1998, p. 635). Lastly being able to chose our ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. The Pros And Cons Of Cloning Cloning is mostly found in Sci–Fi books and movies. However, cloning has become something scientists in today's society are striving toward. Scientists are hoping to clone humans in the near future. The idea of cloning may seem like an exciting idea to some people, but the idea is actually very harmful. Cloning is an unethical practice and should be outlawed due to the moral issues and the health problems caused in cloned organisms. Cloning is defined as "a number of different processes that can be used to produce genetically identical copies of a biological entity" (Cloning Fact Sheet). Cloning is basically just creating an exact copy of another organism. Cloning is actually a natural occurrence in for some organisms. Cloning occurs naturally in "some plants and single– celled organisms, such as bacteria, produce genetically identical offspring through a process called asexual reproduction" (Cloning Fact Sheet). Less complex organisms reproduce without the aid of a partner which makes the offspring an exact copy of the parent. Scientists have become interested in the process of cloning and want to be able to clone anything. So far, scientists have developed "three different types of artificial cloning: gene cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning" (Cloning Fact Sheet). Scientists have discovered three different ways to clone organisms as of right now. Gene cloning, reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning are similar yet different. According to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Is Cloning A Real Development? It is in human nature to constantly learn and improve. Humans are daredevils and natural entrepreneurs in life. Testing limits, discovering things to help create new ideas and give hope to the human population, but some discoveries are out of mankind 's hands. Cloning is starting to become a real development but issues such as later development issues, overpopulation and the idea of decreasing natural individuality keep it at a standstill. While Cloning is at a standstill there are things that make it an interesting research development. Cloning: the complete copy of an original piece. With all the downfalls of the new technology idea, some are blinded by the unique promises that could help the human race. With learning so much about the ... Show more content on ... There is life and saving with in the idea of cloning. Heads should not be turned just because of its unnatural creation, cloning is a an idea that is looked down upon, but so was electricity and other great inventions that have increased our knowledge of the world we know today. Cloning animals have already been a development, but each clone has had development problems. Most have a problem such as later development. Reproductive cloning is expensive and highly inefficient. "More than 90% of cloning attempts fail to produce viable offspring."("Cloning: an Issue Overview"p.2) More than 100 nuclear transfer procedures could be required to produce one viable clone. In addition to low success rates, cloned animals tend to have more compromised immune function and higher rates of infection, tumor growth, and other disorders. Cloned animals that do survive tend to be much bigger at birth than their natural counterparts. "Cloned animals also experience many health complications, such as abnormally large organs, and so they often die early. For example, scientists euthanized Dolly when she was six years old (half her expected lifetime) because she suffered from progressive lung disease and severe arthritis"(Joseph Castro, p.1).Dolly is a the first mammal ever cloned in history, with her shocking survival when she was born, ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Should Therapeutic Cloning Be Banned There are two sides to the topic of cloning. One side believes it is unethical and should be banned. The other side believes the benefits and possibilities outweigh the problems. The two most controversial types of artificial cloning are reproductive cloning, and therapeutic cloning. Reproductive cloning is the use of cells from a host to create a whole new genetic copy. Therapeutic cloning is the use of embryonic stem cells to create tissue to replace damaged tissue and whole organs. The ethical concerns with cloning didn't become a problem until Dolly, the sheep, was created. Many years before Dolly very similar experiments were being performed; however, those experiments did not spark much public concern regarding cloning. Over fifty years ... Show more content on ... Animal protection agencies are questioning the many health problems that come with cloning. As mentioned before, cloning causes many problems in the cloned animal and the host mother. People that are against cloning also bring up the costs of cloning. For example the cloning of a deceased pet may cost upwards of a hundred thousand dollars. However, most of the controversy with cloning is the ethical side of cloning. Many religious groups believe that scientists are playing God by producing unfertilized embryos(Hinrichs). They believe that certain areas, such as the creation of life, should be left up to divine control. People may find that therapeutic cloning could be found unethical and controversial, because of its possible use as alternate ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Cloning Controversy In Scientific Research Cloning is a fairly new topic for many people. So many may ask; What is cloning? The term describes a process used to create copies of a biological organism, this copied organism is referred to as a clone. Cloning is a new pathway in scientific research, and because of this, many people decide that cloning is unethical before learning anything about it. Since cloning is a new topic of discussion it is a very objectionable to society. There are several medical plus sides to medical cloning, except the world does not trust human cloning. Medical cloning should be available to those you would like to use it. Scientist expect there are many ways cloning can benefit mankind. Researchers have been researching cloning for two to three decades, and have learned many different things about the topic. According to the Human Cloning Foundation this whole dispute over cloning started when, "Richard Seed, a physicist who created great controversy in December 1997 by announcing that he planned to try to clone humans soon." Scientist predict technology could be ... Show more content on ... Single celled bacteria has the ability to replicate an identical offspring; this process is asexual reproduction. Humans and mammals can also have natural clones. In humans we call them identical twins, these twins have almost have the same genes as each other, but are naturally different from their parents. Genes are a unit of heredity that are passed from parent to offspring, that can also be cloned. However cloned animals do not always look alike. For example, the first cat cloned was a calico that is very different from the adult cat. During cloned birth the female adult gives birth to an animal that has the same genetic makeup as the animal that donated the somatic cell. There are some drawbacks to cloned birth, some effects are; an increase in birth size, defects in the liver, defects in the brain, and also defects in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. The Human Of Human Cloning 1. INTRODUCTION Human cloning is the creation of a genetically identical copy of a human. However, this term not only refers to the entire artificial human, but also the reproduction of human cells and tissues. There are two types of theoretical human cloning: reproductive cloning which would involve making an entire cloned human and the other, therapeutic cloning, which would involve cloning cells from a human for use in medicine and transplants by somatic–cell nuclear transfer or pluripotent stem cell induction. In reproductive cloning the entire genetic code is reproduced from a single body cell of an adult individual. The most common cloning technique is somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT). The procedure is as follows: The ... Show more content on ... iPSCs are typically derived by introducing products of specific sets of pluripotency–associated genes, or "reprogramming factors", into a given cell type. 2. ISSUES Although the human cloning seems fairly beneficial and useful for human welfare, the possibility of human cloning has raised controversies. Concerning reproductive cloning, advocates believe that parents who cannot otherwise procreate should have access to the technology. Some opponents have concerns that technology is not yet developed enough to be safe while others emphasize that reproductive cloning could be prone to abuse (leading to the generation of humans whose organs and tissues would be harvested), and have concerns about how cloned individuals could integrate with families and with society at large. With regards to therapeutic cloning, the problem is that many attempts are often required to create a viable egg. The stability of the egg with the infused somatic nucleus is poor and it can require hundreds of attempts before success is attained. Therapeutic cloning does result in the destruction of an embryo after stem cells are extracted and this destruction has stirred controversy over the morality of the procedure. Some argue that the pros outweigh the cons with regards to treating disease and support development of therapeutic cloning in order to generate tissues and whole ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. The Controversy Of Cloning Animals Cloning your pet, or any other animal, may seem like a thing of the future. Until now, scientists have developed a way to clone animals including your deceased pet. Cloning is a tricky task to perform. In most cases only one out of every 277 cloned embryos is successfully born. On top of that it is also a very expensive procedure costing in the hundreds of thousands of dollars to execute. Even though, it is an amazing scientific feat. Cloning an animal is full of controversy. However, it is an amazing feat for science and technology. This reason gives cloning a positive viewpoint for many people. Though, the act will still probably remain a controversy. Another reason is that cloning is misunderstood. Many people think that it's something ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Pros And Cons Of Cloning The aspect of having some living organism to have the same type of genetic information and have the same looks, is kind of a skeptical topic to talk about. It is very much more skeptical when the living organism has the same genes as the other and one of them were not born "by nature". This phenomenon is called cloning. Cloning creates all types of controversies within the scientists and all the population, for the things that scientist can do with just a little piece of a cell. One of the main controversy that the world has is, why do human beings want to create life instead of having it created by nature. This controversy has always been around since the first organism was cloned. The other controversy that has all the world really worried is, what would happen if a human gets cloned. Cloning has all the world really nervous and concerned because they do not know what might happen if they were to clone a human. The science that goes behind the cloning procedure is very complex and some of the college graduates with a background of biology can perform this procedure. Cloning can have a good effect or a bad effect on society. Cloning an animal has always been one of the most futuristic and technological advancements there has ever been in the world. Before the first mammal was cloned people thought the day of cloning a living organism would be far long from the twentieth century, and people said that it was a futuristic thought and would never become a reality. However, ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Pandora 's Box And The Everlasting Quest Essay Pandora's Box and the Everlasting Quest to Immortality It was Carl Sagan in his 1998 book, Billions & Billons: Thoughts of Life and Death at the Brink of the Millennium, which moved audiences with powerful words of wisdom and quotes that stained memories with each page. Sagan announced, "I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But as much as I want to believe that, and despite the ancient and worldwide cultural traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking." (Sagan, 1998). His wish is among millions; Arguably one of the world's everlasting wishes to be able to master immortality and live forever. One can only wonder if Carl Sagan knew about human cloning when he wrote this novel. Over 46 countries, 23% of the world, have illegalized some kind of embryo research and/or human reproductive cloning (Matthews, 2007). While one can imagine the different reasons as to why, an expanded mindset can simultaneously wonder why not. Due to the different elements of our modern world now, there are many valid arguments for and against cloning–and they all deserve to be analyzed thoroughly. Human cloning is the creation of an identical entity of an existing being through means of copying DNA and or cloned tissue (Science Daily.) Reproductive cloning being something familiar to the nation for a little more than a century, was first introduced by ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. Essay on The Reality of Human Cloning The Reality of Human Cloning As aptly put by Rosa Beddington, the word "clone" has become one of the most emotive of all the terms coined by scientists which have entered popular vocabulary. I shall add another, and that will be the phrase "Dolly the sheep". The conception of Dolly, the "baby" of scientist Ian Wilmut and his team has opened the possibility of cloning humans. The mention of Dolly brings to average the person, haunting connotations of "future replicas of living megalomaniacs and the resurrected dead". Indeed, Dolly has provided misconceptions about cloning, which, to a certain extent is skewed. Deliberate cloning is as old as horticulture itself and is nothing new. It has yielded numerous benefits, particularly in ... Show more content on ... The questions are endless. Predicting the future of human cloning at present is indeed futile as it will only yield more needless speculations. As much as I recognize the dangers of human cloning, I see the hoo– ha of human cloning a matter of perspective and time frame. All the attention given it is a passing phase. Ever since the advent of the industrial revolution, mankind has demonstrated his unquenchable thirst for discovery through science and technology. The fields of medicine, computing, electronics were founded because of research done by numerous groups of people who wanted to find more answers to unexplained phenomena and to cure, solve and discover. A few centuries back, no one thought that tuberculosis could be cured but it subsequently could. The uproar of test tube babies by ethical and religious groups when the first of such babies was born was deafening. Through the years, such ethical groups had other concerns to contend with, examples being the euthanasia and organ transplants. All these scientific breakthroughs involved human lives. Despite the obvious differences, the possibility of human cloning can be said to be just another "concern" in the ever progressing field of science, with many other concerns to come. When science produces another breakthrough which proves more shocking than human cloning, people will shift their attention and fear to that something else and human cloning will be passé. Do not get me wrong, I am a strongly ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. Arguments On Human Cloning Human cloning has been around since 1952 and up to this day, the issues surrounding cloning of humans remain a hot topic. People are divided on both sides of the controversy and morally the arguments are broader. The word "cloning" is mostly used in everyday communication to mean and represent many different technological procedures. More specifically, cloning is defined as somatic cell nuclear transfer. Human cloning is a very controversial topic as well as a tremendous breakthrough in today's technology and science. There have been many experiments on animal cloning which have been successful, and because of these discoveries, there is a belief that human cloning would be successful too. Many individuals argue that each human life is unique and born of a miracle that is beyond laboratory science. A fundamental argument is that cloning is ethically wrong, and many religious groups have rejected it saying that cloning is equivalent to "playing God". And cloning goes against these certain religions because they believe only God has created life and its various forms in nature, and humans should have no right to act like "God". And many others argue that human cloning should continue for many reasons. One of them being that cloned humans embryos would make research into genetics and genetically related diseases and their preventions or treatments, much easier, as well as cheaper. Embryo cloning has also been seen as a potential treatment for infertility when in–vitro fertilization is not available. And this can occur when parents are infertile, or when both or one of the parents harbor a genome coding for certain undesirable traits or beliefs. Cloned embryos tissues could be used for the replacement of lost or diseased tissues. Some experts believe that embryo should not require any moral consideration. Reason being that they believe at the stage an embryo is cloned, it is basically just a bunch of cells that contain DNA, which are considered no different than the millions of skin cells we shed daily. At that stage, embryonic cells should not be considered equivalent to human beings because it does not have any self–awareness, memory, feelings, thoughts, organs, legs, arms, etc. However, adult cloning might be ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. The Controversies Of Cloning Pros And Cons There are actually many benefits that would come with cloning, such as being able to cure defective genes s, many cosmetic surgeries, and possibly, being able to cure cancer. The way that cloning would be able to cure defective genes, would be by cloning the same genes, but altering them to be benefit the human body rather than be a negative aspect. There are many controversies surrounding the cloning world; some of these being involved with religions, personal morals, fears, and misconceptions. Many people have a common paranoia, that cloning may have more negatives than positives. One of the fears that I found interesting, was that there may be a mad man/women, obsessed with power, who would turn to cloning to create an enormous army and conquer Earth. Ways that cloning interfere with religion, is that many religious people fear that it is a sin to, 'play god', and that if cloning advances, cloned human being would be the future, and become superior to natural pregnancies. ... Show more content on ... Some of the many diseases that can be positively impacted by stem cell research are: neurological disorders, spinal cord injuries, some birth defects. stroke, respiratory disease, and diabetes, The way that stem cell can help to treat, and possibly cure these diseases, are by simply replacing damaged, defective cells, with new, healthy stem cells. B. Stem cell research is highly controversial, I've found, in which many people are offended morally and ethically by this topic. These groups mainly being religious groups, politicians, a small portion of the science community, and most of the general public. The reason that stem cell research is so controversial is because stem cells are found in embryos, and so many people feel that it is comparable to abortion. These people also tend to believe it is unethical and immoral to destroy one life to save ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. The Pros And Cons Of Human Cloning Human cloning has been the main idea of many movies and books, from Star Wars where they had cloned armies from one man's DNA, to Jurassic Park with the cloning of new Dinosaurs. Though Jurassic Park's science is too far fetched , because you cannot patch T–Rex DNA genomes with lizard, frog, or bird DNA –; that is simply an impossibility, but human cloning is not(Your source for all things Jurassic Park! N.D). In reality, however the first creature to ever be cloned successfully was a sheep named Dolly, who was created on July 5, 1996 in Scotland. Since her creation, there has been controversy regarding cloning from all around the world, and for different reasons, but most of the controversy came against the possibility of human cloning( Cloning Dolly the sheep. N.D). Human cloning is a novel idea but is logically not necessary for research, and it would create a large scale issue with human rights,and politics, with people wanting to use them for slavery. Human cloning was a thing of science fiction up until 1996 when Dolly was created, bringing a sudden realization to the public at large that human cloning was quite near our reach as a species. Which brought a large amount of debate on whether or not clones would have human rights. The UN ruled in 2005 that any human clone would be given the same rights as a normal human, also adding that any genetic engineering to take out human dignity was inhumane and also to prevent human exploitation. Even with this ruling, it was ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. Human Cloning Controversy Introduction In this present day and age, cloning has gained much controversy in relation to its development and scientific use. Applying this contentious process to extinct organisms – known as 'de–extinction' – fuels further debate. Through various experiments – the first instance of cloning, Dolly the sheep in 1997, scientists have observed that this could serve as a gateway for further scientific discoveries. Also, it has been hypothesised that an ecosystem could highly benefit from the revival of an extinct species. Nonetheless, however advantageous it appears for some scientific development, the act of cloning an extinct organism itself has major implications involving the welfare of the animal itself. The controversy has also arisen ... Show more content on ... (Cohen, 2014). Out of these questions, the notion that scientists and people are 'playing god' is the most prominent: some regard this experimentation to be going against nature and taking lives into our own hands. (Rose, 2013) According to utilitarianism, the welfare and overall wellbeing of the animal must be considered first and foremost, especially when regarding the prospect of suffering. (Michaud and Watson, 2014). The ethical and moral viewpoints regarding de–extinction stand against the overall notion of recreating species, that the notion of de–extinction goes against most human ... Get more on ...