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Cloning Humans Essay example
Cloning Humans
Cloning is the process of duplicating a genetically identical organism through non–sexual means. Cloning can be done with plants animals including
human, but it had been success with only plants and animals not human, since there are some argument going on about is it right or wrong to clone
human (which is actually what this essay is all about). The first cloned mammal is a sheep named 'Dolly' in 1997.The scientists had cloned other
animals, such as cows and mice. There are some discussions about cloning; some people say cloning is dangerous. In my opinion, I think cloning is 'ok'
because it will make the huge leap of biological science knowledge and technology, it also more content...
(This kind of cloning is called, Therapeutic cloning, and it is legal to do that in UK.) For example, we can clone our Liver or Kidney for transplants.
Second reason is that we can improve the human race by cloning people those who are intelligent or athletic in an attempt to produce a "super race"
even if it's not the main aiming of the scientific mainstream though. This kind of cloning will actually produces the genetically identical organism
from its "parent"; this kind of cloning is called 'Reproductive Cloning'. I think this is good because we might be able to improve our immunity system
in the future, so that our clones are immune to the dangerous diseases and probably all the sickness you can find and we can also avoid defective genes.
The idea of why I'm actually agreeing with this is because I think in the future we can have our brain transferred to another body which is our clone –
exact copy (or close edited version of our clone) so that we can live as long as we want, and we can even have a rest (die) for long time (e.g. 100 years)
and put our brain back into a clone and continue living. Or using this idea for someone who is dead with his brain kept safe and 100% perfect and
their relative wants that person back for some reason, doctor can clone the body of the dead person using the genes from the corpse, so
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Human Cloning Essay
Human Cloning There are many opinions on the topic of cloning, particularly on the controversy of human cloning. Lots of people have many fears
over if we should continue this form of study, whereas others think that this technology should be pushed forward with high hopes. However, no side
should rule out the other, but instead, should compliment one another. Both arguments should be heard and acknowledged before any decision is made
towards this new area of study. For example, many people think that their fears are unanswerable and should cause the absolute ban on cloning.
Although many scientists are in the field of cloning, many other people have scientific reasons why this shouldn't happen. One reason is that if a
human more content...
Another concern with Dolly was that the clone was not entirely from one origin. It is now known that Dolly doesn't carry the entire DNA structure of
her 'mother'. The clone could have received fetal cells, resulting in mixed DNA from a female and male, which means that Dolly was just the product
of an artificial insemination. At this point, many scientists agree that it could have been a mistake, but other clones have been produced that are true
clones, such as: October 3, 1997, Honolulu, created a mouse clone from cumulus cells surrounding an embryo named Cumulina, resulting in 50 clones
with a success rate of 50:1 by July 1998; cloned monkeys at Oregon, March 1997, with possible success chances with humans; and others that you can
find in the news nowadays. Along with these scientific arguments, many people also have moral issues.
Moral issues play a big part in the ongoing battle over cloning. Under some main religions, arguments rise that the creation of life is against the will of
'God', and that humans shouldn't have this power because it's unnatural, and it shouldn't be abused. However, some cloning scientists counter that in
some religious texts, human is portrayed as a sort of co–creator with the 'Supreme'. A certain group, led by Rael (formerly known as Claude Vorilhorn
and president of "Clonaid"), claim that he was visited by aliens in 1973 who said they created life by cloning their own DNA and genetically changing
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Essay about Human Cloning
Cloning humans has recently become a possibility. It is achieved by the production of a group of identical cells or organisms that all derive from a
single individual (Grolier 220). It is not known when cloning humans really became a possibility, but it is known that there are two possible ways that
we can clone humans. The first way involves splitting an embryo into several halves and creating many new individuals from that embryo. The second
method of cloning a human involves taking cells from an already existing human being and cloning them, in turn creating other individuals that are
identical to that particular person. With these two methods almost at our fingertips, we must ask ourselves two very important questions: Can we do this, more content...
There it was concluded that cloning is not something that can be done as of now, but it is quite a possibility for the future. These scientists
experimented eagerly in aims of learning how to clone human. Shannon Brownlee of U.S. News & World Report writes, "Hall and other scientists
split single humans embryos into identical copies, a technology that opens a Pandora's box of ethical questions and has sparked a storm of controversy
around the world" (24). They attempted to create seventeen human embryos in a laboratory dish and when it had grown enough, separated them into
forty–eight individual cells. Two of the separated cells survived for a few days in the lab developed into new human embryos smaller than the head of
a pin and consisting of thirty–two cells each (Brownlee 24).
Although we cannot clone a human yet, this experiment occurred almost two years ago and triggered almost an ethical emergency. Evidence from
these experiments got strange reactions from the public. Shannon Brownlee claims, "The Vatican condemned the technology of this experiment as
being perverse; one German magazine called the research `unscrupulous'" (24). This experiment opened the possibilities of cloning to society and, even
though it was unsuccessful, led people to ask themselves what they would do if cloning were to happen. Common answers to the puzzling questions
about humans and cloning are still trying to be
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Essay on Human Cloning
Would clones understand themselves as creations or copies? Would cloning undermine the conception of a human being's individuality? (Medicines'
Brave New World) Those are two of the most questioned aspects of human cloning. Everyone always wants to be their own person and have their
own thought, basically, be as original as they can be. How original can you get when there's someone out there thinking, doing, and looking exactly
like you? Not very original, if you ask me. Human cloning, cloning of any kind, has been looked at as being creepy, scary, immoral, and in the most
dismal way, exciting. Cloning of humans should be prohibited because it is offensive to the human life and religion.
In July 2000, Dr. Ian Wilmut, a geneticist more content...
In the past, animal cloning experiments has dealt scientists with grotesque and disastrous outcomes. The cloned animals had either been born with
serious defects and/or deformities. The main task that needs to be taken care of before the thought human cloning even steps into the picture is that
of dealing with this major setback. It took 277 attempts to produce Dolly, and apparently Dolly is normal. It's easy to just brush off the fact that a
baby lamb was born with malformations or genetic defects. It's easy to just dump the failed experiment and not worry about the consequences. How
are we to do this if it were done to the human population? What would happen to the 277 other failed experiments produced before that one success?
More than 277 embryos, the start of 277 human beings, would die for the sake of just one embryo that would have the same DNA as some one else.
Human cloning would be means of degrading the character of the human race. It tests the boundaries of a humans way of being valuable and unique.
Cloning a human would take away a person's identity. All humans are guaranteed their own personality without barriers. The right to be yourself will be
breached by the fact that everything you thought was yours will be given to back someone else's genetic identity. It's important to know that
personality is not bounded in someone's genes, but that the
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Cloning Humans Essay
Cloning Humans
Ian Wilmut's foray into cloning Dolly has proved to be an appetizing entrГ©e to mankind, with the next step being the cloning of endangered species,
and eventually, humans. Although his team of researchers had qualified to the public that it is unethical to clone humans1, the very prospect of being
able to replicate creatures of our own kind is nevertheless enticing.
Think of all the possible benefits that make many scientists prepared to cross those ethical boundaries: Firstly, couples who have tried a long time for
identical twins, triplets (or even quintuplets!) may now be able to have them by producing clones from a single embryonic cell. Secondly, the cloning of
genetically altered cells more content...
Secondly, cloning undermines the need for a reproductive system in some ways, and it will eventually become redundant. Might we then evolve to
become creatures with no reproductive organs, such as Ape–man had evolved from his crouched body to today's human form? It is hard to imagine
what we will look like in the future. The pleasures of sex and natural birth will also be greatly compromised! Thirdly, the previously unconceivable
notion of not being able to locate the real criminals with DNA fingerprinting toolkits might one day come true, as there could exist an increasing
number of people with identical genetic fingerprints. Even the introduction of new iris recognition technology will also be useless since clones have
similar irises! Typically, geneticists have also tried to trace ancestral roots and hence the path of evolution via methods such as mitochondrial DNA and
Y chromosome analysis.3 A possible proliferation of clones in the future will greatly complicate the work of these geneticists, as there might be cases
of multiple possible mothers and fathers.
A dilemma will also emerge: What type of cells should we clone–mature adult cells or embryonic cells? Whereas embryonic cells can divide almost
indefinitely in cell culture, mature cells can only divide about 50 times4 in cell culture, which gives a pessimistic amount of nuclei to work with,
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Human Cloning Essay
Human Cloning
Ever since the cloning of the first mammal, the sheep Dolly, in 1996 by Ian Wilmut of the Roslin Institute, people have been begun to consider how
they feel about human cloning. Is it possible? Should we do it? The overwhelming answer seems to be "yes" to the first question, and "no" to the second.
"Yes," because cloning a human is not much different from cloning a sheep. The cloning procedure is actually so surprisingly non–technical that
laboratories could easily begin conducting their own research on human embryos today. In fact, one physicist who researched fertility sciences in the
1980's, Dr. Richard Seed, says he can already do it, and is setting up a clinic.
His clinic probably won't succeed, however, more content...
Many senators and bioethicists are also against it, saying things like "This is something we can and should not tolerate. This type of research on
humans is morally reprehensible" Sen. Christopher Bond R–Mo., and "The human species doesn't need cloning" Daniel Callahan of the Hastings
Center (Bailey 1).
Because the American community is currently so largely against cloning, President Clinton has passed a ban on federal funding of human cloning
research, and asked privately funded researchers to stop their work for the time being. In three to five years, however, Congress is going to review the
issue to see if the ban is still needed. "Whether upon such further deliberation our nation will conclude that the use of cloning techniques to create
children should be allowed or permanently banned is, for the moment, an open question," says the National Bioethics Advisory Committee (Executive
Summary 2). Since there is going to be a re–discussion of the issue in a few years, I think every person needs to think about where they stand on
human cloning. But before we can do this, we need to understand just what cloning is, and how it works.
The simple definition of a clone is a plant or animal that is genetically identical to another plant or animal. There are many examples of clones in
nature. All species that reproduce asexually, such as corals, are
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Human Cloning
Ethical Concerns on Human Cloning Human cloning, one of the most fascinating chapters in scientific history. Cloning goes back to the first mammal
that was successfully cloned, Dolly the sheep. Dolly was duplicated on July 5, 1996 and since then the world has had many scientific advancements.
Abby Norman, author of "How Close Are We to SuccessfullyCloning our First Human" said that other types of mammals such as goats, rats, pigs,
mice, and rabbits have been cloned successfully but cloning other mammals and primates may not be so easy. Scientists are not yet able to
successfully clone a human, but believe they will be able to do so by the 2020s. (Norman) Along with such a controversial topic there comes many
who would agree that copying a human would be beneficial while on the opposing side some would argue that replicating someone's genes is ethically
wrong. Cloning is a very important topic and according to the President's Council on Bioethics, "The prospect of cloning–to–produce–children, which
would be a radically new form of procreation, raises deep concerns about identity and individuality, the meaning of having children, the difference
between procreation and manufacture, and the relationship between the generations" ("Human Cloning and Human Dignity: An Ethical Inquiry",
2017). Although useful for studying genetic diseases, human cloning produces issues as to whether it should be allowed or not because some believe
the copy will have the same personality and
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Is Human Cloning Legal? Essay
Human cloning has not been legally used in humans because many people and experts are still discussing its effectiveness, worthiness and effect on
humanity. Human cloning, also known as human genetic engineering, can be divided into two main types, which are therapeutic cloning, growing
cloned tissue from individual, and reproductive cloning, genetically identical copy of an individual. Human cloning have drawn people's attention
because people are become more concerned about health problems and tried to find a methodology that can help them live longer and better; human
cloning seems to be one of the possible choices. However, it is still being discussed its trade–off between benefits and risks. Despite medical benefits
and advancement more content...
In addition, human cloning in the form of reproductive cloning may provide an alternative way of having a genetically related offspring for infertile
and same sex couples. Chambers (2002) & Staicu (2012) state that reproductive cloning may be a good solution for homosexual couples to have a
child, and it can help infertile couples to overcome their health problems. As a result, a number of health–related benefits seem to be found in both
types of human cloning and these benefits could provide a better life for people.
Human cloning not only has several medical benefits but can also contribute to the advanced knowledge of humanity. The theory of human cloning can
be learned, adapted and extended to other fields in many ways. This biotechnology has destroyed the limit of people's knowledge about the human
body in depth, which will provide many further benefits. Learning more about disease therapy and extend it to the pharmaceutical field is one of these
benefits. Embryonic stem cell and cloning research could be used as cellular models to understand the cause of the diseases and could be used to test
new drugs (Devolder & Savulesca, 2006). Furthermore, therapeutic cloning has a successful tendency of curing several genetic disorders such as
diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. For instance, in January 2005, the Japanese team
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Human Cloning Essay
Human Cloning
Human Cloning comes with two dangerous processes, reproductive cloning (the creating of a new organism) and the therapeutic cloning (the creation
of a new tissues or "other biological products") which affects the ethics of human society. Scientists perceive cloning benefits all men and women,
while religious leaders stress the idea of cloning to be an unethical process. Although human cloning serves as an aid to the children and parents with
conflicts, cloning is completely unacceptable to convey human life as a product.
Humans reproductively and therapeutically give the idea of people becoming a product rather than a living being. Siedler emphasizes more
People are born to live individually, free to express their uniqueness, but cloning shatters the varieties of all human kind and cause the people to serve
with purpose; purpose to be the same (Siedler 91–92). The differences of every person with their talents or outer appearance "will be changed, giving
them absolutely no individuality or specialness," (Goodnough 45–47).
Scientists guarantee the "good" causes cloning may give to the world, but cloning advocates the unacceptable idea to the people of this generation.
God produced his own place in His own eyes and the way He wanted His children to become, but cloning destroys everything; destroys the creation of
His own beloved and creates "the danger of playing God," (Goodnough 47). Cloning illustrates a sign of human going against God and changes the life
God provided, which Goodnough stresses that "humans were given the privilege of finding themselves through what God have given them, but all will
[be erased] with cloning that could go against the gift of God" (47). With such a simple human cloning process, it can "raise deep concerns [about
people's]...most cherished concepts of faith," (Goodnough 109). A human carry a great amount of power within but is it to the point that humans could
call themselves their own creator? Lisa Yount declares "there is a strong and real understanding that [humans] are not [their]
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Cloning Humans Essay Example

  • 1. Cloning Humans Essay example Cloning Humans Cloning is the process of duplicating a genetically identical organism through non–sexual means. Cloning can be done with plants animals including human, but it had been success with only plants and animals not human, since there are some argument going on about is it right or wrong to clone human (which is actually what this essay is all about). The first cloned mammal is a sheep named 'Dolly' in 1997.The scientists had cloned other animals, such as cows and mice. There are some discussions about cloning; some people say cloning is dangerous. In my opinion, I think cloning is 'ok' because it will make the huge leap of biological science knowledge and technology, it also more content... (This kind of cloning is called, Therapeutic cloning, and it is legal to do that in UK.) For example, we can clone our Liver or Kidney for transplants. Second reason is that we can improve the human race by cloning people those who are intelligent or athletic in an attempt to produce a "super race" even if it's not the main aiming of the scientific mainstream though. This kind of cloning will actually produces the genetically identical organism from its "parent"; this kind of cloning is called 'Reproductive Cloning'. I think this is good because we might be able to improve our immunity system in the future, so that our clones are immune to the dangerous diseases and probably all the sickness you can find and we can also avoid defective genes. The idea of why I'm actually agreeing with this is because I think in the future we can have our brain transferred to another body which is our clone – exact copy (or close edited version of our clone) so that we can live as long as we want, and we can even have a rest (die) for long time (e.g. 100 years) and put our brain back into a clone and continue living. Or using this idea for someone who is dead with his brain kept safe and 100% perfect and their relative wants that person back for some reason, doctor can clone the body of the dead person using the genes from the corpse, so Get more content on
  • 2. Human Cloning Essay Human Cloning There are many opinions on the topic of cloning, particularly on the controversy of human cloning. Lots of people have many fears over if we should continue this form of study, whereas others think that this technology should be pushed forward with high hopes. However, no side should rule out the other, but instead, should compliment one another. Both arguments should be heard and acknowledged before any decision is made towards this new area of study. For example, many people think that their fears are unanswerable and should cause the absolute ban on cloning. Although many scientists are in the field of cloning, many other people have scientific reasons why this shouldn't happen. One reason is that if a human more content... Another concern with Dolly was that the clone was not entirely from one origin. It is now known that Dolly doesn't carry the entire DNA structure of her 'mother'. The clone could have received fetal cells, resulting in mixed DNA from a female and male, which means that Dolly was just the product of an artificial insemination. At this point, many scientists agree that it could have been a mistake, but other clones have been produced that are true clones, such as: October 3, 1997, Honolulu, created a mouse clone from cumulus cells surrounding an embryo named Cumulina, resulting in 50 clones with a success rate of 50:1 by July 1998; cloned monkeys at Oregon, March 1997, with possible success chances with humans; and others that you can find in the news nowadays. Along with these scientific arguments, many people also have moral issues. Moral issues play a big part in the ongoing battle over cloning. Under some main religions, arguments rise that the creation of life is against the will of 'God', and that humans shouldn't have this power because it's unnatural, and it shouldn't be abused. However, some cloning scientists counter that in some religious texts, human is portrayed as a sort of co–creator with the 'Supreme'. A certain group, led by Rael (formerly known as Claude Vorilhorn and president of "Clonaid"), claim that he was visited by aliens in 1973 who said they created life by cloning their own DNA and genetically changing Get more content on
  • 3. Essay about Human Cloning Cloning humans has recently become a possibility. It is achieved by the production of a group of identical cells or organisms that all derive from a single individual (Grolier 220). It is not known when cloning humans really became a possibility, but it is known that there are two possible ways that we can clone humans. The first way involves splitting an embryo into several halves and creating many new individuals from that embryo. The second method of cloning a human involves taking cells from an already existing human being and cloning them, in turn creating other individuals that are identical to that particular person. With these two methods almost at our fingertips, we must ask ourselves two very important questions: Can we do this, more content... There it was concluded that cloning is not something that can be done as of now, but it is quite a possibility for the future. These scientists experimented eagerly in aims of learning how to clone human. Shannon Brownlee of U.S. News & World Report writes, "Hall and other scientists split single humans embryos into identical copies, a technology that opens a Pandora's box of ethical questions and has sparked a storm of controversy around the world" (24). They attempted to create seventeen human embryos in a laboratory dish and when it had grown enough, separated them into forty–eight individual cells. Two of the separated cells survived for a few days in the lab developed into new human embryos smaller than the head of a pin and consisting of thirty–two cells each (Brownlee 24). Although we cannot clone a human yet, this experiment occurred almost two years ago and triggered almost an ethical emergency. Evidence from these experiments got strange reactions from the public. Shannon Brownlee claims, "The Vatican condemned the technology of this experiment as being perverse; one German magazine called the research `unscrupulous'" (24). This experiment opened the possibilities of cloning to society and, even though it was unsuccessful, led people to ask themselves what they would do if cloning were to happen. Common answers to the puzzling questions about humans and cloning are still trying to be Get more content on
  • 4. Essay on Human Cloning Would clones understand themselves as creations or copies? Would cloning undermine the conception of a human being's individuality? (Medicines' Brave New World) Those are two of the most questioned aspects of human cloning. Everyone always wants to be their own person and have their own thought, basically, be as original as they can be. How original can you get when there's someone out there thinking, doing, and looking exactly like you? Not very original, if you ask me. Human cloning, cloning of any kind, has been looked at as being creepy, scary, immoral, and in the most dismal way, exciting. Cloning of humans should be prohibited because it is offensive to the human life and religion. In July 2000, Dr. Ian Wilmut, a geneticist more content... In the past, animal cloning experiments has dealt scientists with grotesque and disastrous outcomes. The cloned animals had either been born with serious defects and/or deformities. The main task that needs to be taken care of before the thought human cloning even steps into the picture is that of dealing with this major setback. It took 277 attempts to produce Dolly, and apparently Dolly is normal. It's easy to just brush off the fact that a baby lamb was born with malformations or genetic defects. It's easy to just dump the failed experiment and not worry about the consequences. How are we to do this if it were done to the human population? What would happen to the 277 other failed experiments produced before that one success? More than 277 embryos, the start of 277 human beings, would die for the sake of just one embryo that would have the same DNA as some one else. Human cloning would be means of degrading the character of the human race. It tests the boundaries of a humans way of being valuable and unique. Cloning a human would take away a person's identity. All humans are guaranteed their own personality without barriers. The right to be yourself will be breached by the fact that everything you thought was yours will be given to back someone else's genetic identity. It's important to know that personality is not bounded in someone's genes, but that the Get more content on
  • 5. Cloning Humans Essay Cloning Humans Ian Wilmut's foray into cloning Dolly has proved to be an appetizing entrГ©e to mankind, with the next step being the cloning of endangered species, and eventually, humans. Although his team of researchers had qualified to the public that it is unethical to clone humans1, the very prospect of being able to replicate creatures of our own kind is nevertheless enticing. Think of all the possible benefits that make many scientists prepared to cross those ethical boundaries: Firstly, couples who have tried a long time for identical twins, triplets (or even quintuplets!) may now be able to have them by producing clones from a single embryonic cell. Secondly, the cloning of genetically altered cells more content... Secondly, cloning undermines the need for a reproductive system in some ways, and it will eventually become redundant. Might we then evolve to become creatures with no reproductive organs, such as Ape–man had evolved from his crouched body to today's human form? It is hard to imagine what we will look like in the future. The pleasures of sex and natural birth will also be greatly compromised! Thirdly, the previously unconceivable notion of not being able to locate the real criminals with DNA fingerprinting toolkits might one day come true, as there could exist an increasing number of people with identical genetic fingerprints. Even the introduction of new iris recognition technology will also be useless since clones have similar irises! Typically, geneticists have also tried to trace ancestral roots and hence the path of evolution via methods such as mitochondrial DNA and Y chromosome analysis.3 A possible proliferation of clones in the future will greatly complicate the work of these geneticists, as there might be cases of multiple possible mothers and fathers. A dilemma will also emerge: What type of cells should we clone–mature adult cells or embryonic cells? Whereas embryonic cells can divide almost indefinitely in cell culture, mature cells can only divide about 50 times4 in cell culture, which gives a pessimistic amount of nuclei to work with, Get more content on
  • 6. Human Cloning Essay Human Cloning Ever since the cloning of the first mammal, the sheep Dolly, in 1996 by Ian Wilmut of the Roslin Institute, people have been begun to consider how they feel about human cloning. Is it possible? Should we do it? The overwhelming answer seems to be "yes" to the first question, and "no" to the second. "Yes," because cloning a human is not much different from cloning a sheep. The cloning procedure is actually so surprisingly non–technical that laboratories could easily begin conducting their own research on human embryos today. In fact, one physicist who researched fertility sciences in the 1980's, Dr. Richard Seed, says he can already do it, and is setting up a clinic. His clinic probably won't succeed, however, more content... Many senators and bioethicists are also against it, saying things like "This is something we can and should not tolerate. This type of research on humans is morally reprehensible" Sen. Christopher Bond R–Mo., and "The human species doesn't need cloning" Daniel Callahan of the Hastings Center (Bailey 1). Because the American community is currently so largely against cloning, President Clinton has passed a ban on federal funding of human cloning research, and asked privately funded researchers to stop their work for the time being. In three to five years, however, Congress is going to review the issue to see if the ban is still needed. "Whether upon such further deliberation our nation will conclude that the use of cloning techniques to create children should be allowed or permanently banned is, for the moment, an open question," says the National Bioethics Advisory Committee (Executive Summary 2). Since there is going to be a re–discussion of the issue in a few years, I think every person needs to think about where they stand on human cloning. But before we can do this, we need to understand just what cloning is, and how it works. –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– The simple definition of a clone is a plant or animal that is genetically identical to another plant or animal. There are many examples of clones in nature. All species that reproduce asexually, such as corals, are
  • 7. Get more content on
  • 8. Human Cloning Ethical Concerns on Human Cloning Human cloning, one of the most fascinating chapters in scientific history. Cloning goes back to the first mammal that was successfully cloned, Dolly the sheep. Dolly was duplicated on July 5, 1996 and since then the world has had many scientific advancements. Abby Norman, author of "How Close Are We to SuccessfullyCloning our First Human" said that other types of mammals such as goats, rats, pigs, mice, and rabbits have been cloned successfully but cloning other mammals and primates may not be so easy. Scientists are not yet able to successfully clone a human, but believe they will be able to do so by the 2020s. (Norman) Along with such a controversial topic there comes many who would agree that copying a human would be beneficial while on the opposing side some would argue that replicating someone's genes is ethically wrong. Cloning is a very important topic and according to the President's Council on Bioethics, "The prospect of cloning–to–produce–children, which would be a radically new form of procreation, raises deep concerns about identity and individuality, the meaning of having children, the difference between procreation and manufacture, and the relationship between the generations" ("Human Cloning and Human Dignity: An Ethical Inquiry", 2017). Although useful for studying genetic diseases, human cloning produces issues as to whether it should be allowed or not because some believe the copy will have the same personality and Get more content on
  • 9. Is Human Cloning Legal? Essay Human cloning has not been legally used in humans because many people and experts are still discussing its effectiveness, worthiness and effect on humanity. Human cloning, also known as human genetic engineering, can be divided into two main types, which are therapeutic cloning, growing cloned tissue from individual, and reproductive cloning, genetically identical copy of an individual. Human cloning have drawn people's attention because people are become more concerned about health problems and tried to find a methodology that can help them live longer and better; human cloning seems to be one of the possible choices. However, it is still being discussed its trade–off between benefits and risks. Despite medical benefits and advancement more content... In addition, human cloning in the form of reproductive cloning may provide an alternative way of having a genetically related offspring for infertile and same sex couples. Chambers (2002) & Staicu (2012) state that reproductive cloning may be a good solution for homosexual couples to have a child, and it can help infertile couples to overcome their health problems. As a result, a number of health–related benefits seem to be found in both types of human cloning and these benefits could provide a better life for people. Human cloning not only has several medical benefits but can also contribute to the advanced knowledge of humanity. The theory of human cloning can be learned, adapted and extended to other fields in many ways. This biotechnology has destroyed the limit of people's knowledge about the human body in depth, which will provide many further benefits. Learning more about disease therapy and extend it to the pharmaceutical field is one of these benefits. Embryonic stem cell and cloning research could be used as cellular models to understand the cause of the diseases and could be used to test new drugs (Devolder & Savulesca, 2006). Furthermore, therapeutic cloning has a successful tendency of curing several genetic disorders such as diabetes, Alzheimer's disease and Parkinson's disease. For instance, in January 2005, the Japanese team Get more content on
  • 10. Human Cloning Essay Human Cloning Human Cloning comes with two dangerous processes, reproductive cloning (the creating of a new organism) and the therapeutic cloning (the creation of a new tissues or "other biological products") which affects the ethics of human society. Scientists perceive cloning benefits all men and women, while religious leaders stress the idea of cloning to be an unethical process. Although human cloning serves as an aid to the children and parents with conflicts, cloning is completely unacceptable to convey human life as a product. Humans reproductively and therapeutically give the idea of people becoming a product rather than a living being. Siedler emphasizes more content... People are born to live individually, free to express their uniqueness, but cloning shatters the varieties of all human kind and cause the people to serve with purpose; purpose to be the same (Siedler 91–92). The differences of every person with their talents or outer appearance "will be changed, giving them absolutely no individuality or specialness," (Goodnough 45–47). Scientists guarantee the "good" causes cloning may give to the world, but cloning advocates the unacceptable idea to the people of this generation. God produced his own place in His own eyes and the way He wanted His children to become, but cloning destroys everything; destroys the creation of His own beloved and creates "the danger of playing God," (Goodnough 47). Cloning illustrates a sign of human going against God and changes the life God provided, which Goodnough stresses that "humans were given the privilege of finding themselves through what God have given them, but all will [be erased] with cloning that could go against the gift of God" (47). With such a simple human cloning process, it can "raise deep concerns [about people's]...most cherished concepts of faith," (Goodnough 109). A human carry a great amount of power within but is it to the point that humans could call themselves their own creator? Lisa Yount declares "there is a strong and real understanding that [humans] are not [their] Get more content on