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Analytics in Financial Services
     Business Analytics
                                  Tap into the true value
                                  of analytics
                                  Organize, analyze, and apply data
                                  to compete decisively

From the Editors’ Desk
Analytics for a New Decade
01. Post-Crisis Analytics: Six Imperatives                               05
02. Structuring the Unstructured Data: The Convergence of                13
    Structured and Unstructured Analytics
Revitalize Risk Management
03. Fusing Economic Forecasts with Credit Risk Analysis                  21
04. Unstructured Data Analytics for Enterprise Resilience                29
05. Why Real-Time Risk Decisions Require Transaction Analytics           37
Optimize to Drive Profits
06. Ten Questions to Ask of Your Optimization Solution                   47
07. Practical Challenges of Portfolio Optimization                       55
Understand Your Customer
08. Analytics in Cross Selling – A Retail Banking Perspective            61
09. Analytics as a Solution for Attrition                                69
10. Customer Spend Analysis: Unlocking the True Value of a Transaction   77
11. A Dynamic 360 Dashboard: A Solution for Comprehensive                85
    Customer Understanding
Fight Fraud More Effectively
12. Developing a Smarter Solution for Card Fraud Protection              93
13. Using Adaptive Analytics to Combat New Fraud Schemes                 103
14. To Fight Fraud, Connecting Decisions is a Must                       109
Improve Model Performance
15. Productizing Analytic Innovation: The Quest for Quality,             117
    Standardization and Technology Governance
Leverage Analytics Across Lines of Business
16. Analytics in Retail Banking: Why and How?                            125
17. Business Analytics in the Wealth Management Space                    135
Analytics in

                                                                     Yamini Aparna Kona     Balwant C. Surti
Analytics in Cross Selling –                                         Senior Consultant,     Industry Principal and
                                                                     Infosys Technologies   Head-Solutions Architecture
A Retail Banking Perspective                                         Limited                and Design Group,
                                                                                            Finacle Solutions Consulting
                                                                                            Infosys Technologies

The case for cross-selling to the existing customers of a bank is an easy one—the difficult
part is executing it. Today, there are several different techniques for cross-selling effectively.
The common thread that runs across them is data and analytics. Predictive analytics based
on various models have created offers that are just right, just in time. Data mining and
analytics have helped in discovering trends and populating models that are the backbone
of predictive analytics. Value analytics is another approach to cross-selling that is available.
The call center, the branch, the web—every distribution/ service channel—all leverage
analytics in some way to cater to the entire gamut of customer needs—not just what the
customer seeks. This article analyzes the different ways in which cross-selling works
with analytics, its intrinsic challenges, and the emerging trends in the analytics field.

                                                    clients becomes increasingly difficult and
 Why Cross-Selling is Imperative
                                                    expensive in a highly commoditized industry,
                                                    selling more products to existing customers
The experience of many financial institutions       makes great business sense for a bank. It is an
shows that the cost of selling an additional        excellent way to increase revenues and indirectly
product to a current customer is one-fifth          improve customer retention, because customers
the cost of selling the same product to a
                                                    with more products tend to be more loyal.
new customer. This explains why cross-
                                                    Customer attrition rates are inversely proportional
selling, i.e., selling a bundle of products and
                                                    to the number of products held—the more products
services to the client (usually an existing one),
                                                    you sell to the customer, the lesser is the chance of
is being increasingly considered the cornerstone
                                                    the customer leaving you. As a result, moving
of the retail financial industry.
                                                    from a silo-product mentality to a consultative
As other sources of organic growth (for example,    selling approach has resulted in a proliferation of
loan demand) have slowed, and adding new            cross-sell initiatives in the banking segment.
effective in the hands of a skilled advisor
       Approaches to Cross-Selling                       who can extract portfolio-related
                                                         information from a client. This approach
     Cross-selling is selling additional products        also has the advantage of revaluing the
     to existing customers or prospects. It may          portfolio at periodic intervals and
     happen along with the initial sale or after         coming up with other opportunities for
     the initial sale is made. Often, the customer       cross-selling.
     may not explicitly mention specific needs
                                                      4. Predictive Analytics-based Approach:
     or be aware that the bank offers products
                                                         This refers to a set of approaches where a
     that meet their needs—cross-selling taps into
                                                         model (or a set of models) characterizes
     this unmet potential using a variety of
                                                         customer buying behavior for financial
                                                         products. Past customer data is used to
     1. Person-based Approach: This is based             build, refine and modify predictive
        on either the skill of the Customer              models. These models are used to predict
        Service Representative (CSR) or through          future customer buying—information
        a structured question-based approach. In         used to generate customer offers.
        either case, the emphasis here is to elicit
                                                         In many circumstances, current or recent
        the need through customer interaction.
                                                         transactions are used as trigger points in
        Often, the skill of the CSR is the deciding
                                                         the system, and very often, the current
        factor of success, and little or no use of
                                                         customer interaction is used as the means
        analytics is made.
                                                         to deliver the offer. Trigger-based models
     2. Rules-based Approach: The system                 can range from simple to sophisticated.
        defines a set of rules and uses the              Advanced versions can analyze a current
        information collected from the customer          online transaction and couple it with past
        to arrive at a cross-selling offer. Some         data to present relevant offers. Offline
        analysis of the customer data is made. For       offers are also often analyzed to come up
        example, while processing a loan                 with the best channel for delivery of the
        application, enough information is               offer (for example, by mail, through a
        available to decide whether the prospect         call, etc.) and some offers may be made
        qualifies for a credit card as well.             using a combination of channels used in
                                                         an orchestrated manner to get the
     3. Value-based Approach: This follows a
                                                         customer hooked (for example, a teaser
        portfolio approach to the customer's
                                                         mail, with a click to a website or a phone
        assets and liabilities with the bank. Here,
                                                         number to call or meet a particular
        a customer is given a scenario with one
                                                         branch officer). The success or failure of
        product that he or she has asked for.
                                                         an offer is also an input to the model to
        Then, based on other information
                                                         improve future success rate.
        obtained from the customer, alternate
        scenarios are offered. Certain value          5. Social Networking-based Approaches:
        metrics (for example, net assets,                These are not yet prevalent in retail
        installments per month, average rate of          banking, but here again, a person's social
        interest paid, etc.) under multiple              networks, likes, dislikes, preferences,
        scenarios with additional products are           recommendations from network friends,
        presented to the customer— highlighting          and products used by others in the
        benefits and opportunities for growth.           network, can be analyzed using
        Value-based approaches are often more            sophisticated models to arrive at probable
                                                         cross-selling opportunities. One relevant

Increased role of data and analytics in cross-selling                                               Figure 1

                                                     Value                           Social networks


    non-financial example is Amazon's                        1. Data Mining can uncover potential
    product recommendation engine that is                       customers who can be targets for cross-selling,
    based on users who make similar                             and lead to generation of off-line offers.
    purchases. (Refer Figure – 1 for “Increased
                                                             2. CRM Systems for sales, marketing and
    Role of Analytics in Cross-Selling”.)
                                                                servicing, can use online analytics to
Barring the first approach, where the number                    make cross-selling offers.
crunching is done mostly in a person's brain,
every other approach calls for heavy use of                  3. Predictive Analytics can be used to
analytics—the analysis of data, as well as the                  make both online and offline offers by
creation of models, rules engines, and offer                    predicting most likely choices of the
databases.                                                      customer based on past data.

   Analytics in cross-selling                                                                          Figure 2

   Other technology
   used in cross-selling
   includes event                                     Reporting
   processing, rules
   engines and more.
                                      Text                             Business
                                    Analytics                         Intelligence

                                        Predictive                  Data
                                        Analytics                  Mining

Role of Analytics in                                 purpose of cross-selling. Though they
       Cross-selling                                        may not be part of a suite of products,
                                                            point solutions are easy to integrate with
                                                            existing point-of-sale/ service solutions.
     The role of analytics in cross-selling is
                                                            Often, these solutions are an easy way of
     described in Figure 3.
                                                            bringing cross-selling to an existing
                                                            environment with minimal changes to
       Cross-Selling Solutions                              existing systems. Most of them rely on
                                                            specific technologies and some rely on a
                                                            combination of technologies. Examples
     1. Home-grown or Assembled Solutions:                  include Finacle Customer Analytics,
        Amongst internal initiatives to use                 Customer XPs, and TIBCO's Cross-
        predictive analytics, the most common               Selling Solutions.
        application is often cross-selling. In-
                                                        4. Channel-specific Solutions: Some
        house data warehouses provide the data,
                                                           solutions are designed around specific
        and business intelligence tools, predictive
                                                           channels—a call center, for example. These
        analytics tools, rules engines and coding
                                                           solutions can monitor call center volumes,
        provide cross-selling solutions.                   and trigger extensive cross-selling with
     2. CRM Solutions: CRM solutions from                  incoming calls if the call volume is low.
        leading vendors—such as SAP, Oracle,               When call volumes are high, opportunities
        etc.—come with cross-selling modules,              for follow-up are generated. Similarly,
        which can be configured and used along             outbound call prioritization can be done,
        with the sales and marketing modules of            based not only on probable success rates,
        the solution. CRM analytics are used to            but also based on higher probability of
        provide the data and power the cross-              cross-selling.
        selling engine, with the operational CRM
        providing the delivery. Some core                 Challenges in Leveraging
        banking solution suites that offer a CRM
        solution also offer cross-selling solutions
                                                        Analytics certainly present a summative view
        through their customer analytics module
                                                        of customer transactional and behavioral
        (for example, Finacle Analyz).
                                                        patterns. However, the following challenges
     3. Point Solutions: These are specific             are slowing down the adoption of analytics by
        solutions that are made for the primary         financial institutions:

        Role of analytics in cross-selling                                                    Figure 3

                              Role                      Illustrative Examples of Analytics Used
          1. Actual process of cross-selling            Predictive Analytics, Portfolio Analysis
          2. Analyzing past data to uncover trends      Data Mining, Reporting, Business
             and changes in customer preferences        Intelligence
          3. Measuring effectiveness of cross-selling   Reporting, Web-analytics, Channel Analytics

n Expertise: A combination of
Lack of                                             and software. This adds to the cost of
domain knowledge and data analysis                  implementing analytics models, which
ability, a pre-requisite for effective              are already considered on the pricey
implementation of analytics, continues              side—especially by small and medium
to be elusive. A banking end-user,                  banking enterprises. In addition, lengthy,
though an expert in his domain,                     interactive database queries and complex
often faces a challenge to interpret                analytics scoring processes can congest
and analyze the myriad statistics                   networks and adversely affect database
thrown up by the analytics platform.                performance.
A data analyst can compile the statistics
                                               ·    Need for Real-time and Advanced
quickly, but is dependent on the business
                                                    Analytics: End users are no longer
user's domain expertise to organize
                                                    content with analyzing historical data
and analyze the data and communicate
                                                    and understanding past sales patterns.
it in the form the end-user needs it, to
                                                    Financial organizations now want real-
facilitate an actionable decision.
                                                    time data streaming and analysis that
The whole process may involve several
                                                    facilitates on-the-spot business decisions.
iterations, resulting in a significant
                                                    User demands are fast moving from
lag time between data collection and
                                                    “what happened” scenarios to “what
action and frustration on both sides.
                                                    may/ will happen” to be prepared with a
Predictive analytics, especially, are
                                                    ready action plan. Analytics models are
considered a niche realm, requiring
                                                    expected to answer what will be the
extensive training for effective
                                                    possible outcomes out of action A vs.
                                                    action B. This requires high performance
n for Clean Data: Statistical
· Need                                              analytics models that are capable of real-
  models are only as good as the data               time data analysis. There is growing
  fed into them. The majority of statistical        interest among banks in advanced
  models not only demand accurate data              analytics—though implementation has
  with the least possible approximations,           yet to pick up. (Refer Figure - 4 for
  but also require that data be scrubbed            “Industry Level Advanced Analytics
  and neatly formatted in a particular              Adoption Trends”.)
  way to ensure quick and meaningful/
  actionable recommendations. However,             Emerging Trends in the
  a significant portion of the customer            Analytics Field
  data, maintained by banks happens to
  be inconsistent and siloed, making it        Over the past couple of years, business
  difficult to meet the formatting standards   intelligence—of which analytics are a
  of analytics models.                         part—has been catching the attention of
                                               financial services industry decision-
· Operational Difficulties: The process
                                               makers, who are realizing the need to
  of deploying sophisticated analytics
                                               transform the increased amount of
  models usually involves accessing            available disparate customer transaction
  data from and/ or transferring data          pattern data into actionable information.
  among numerous machines and                  Keeping with the growing interest, the
  operating platforms—requiring seamless       following important trends are observed in
  interoperability of various applications     the analytics field:

Industry-level advanced analytics adoption trends                                                               Figure 4

       “What are your firm’s plans to adopt the following business intelligence technologies?”

             Expanding/          Implementing/      Planning to          Planning to          Interested    Not                  Don’t
             upgrading           implemented        implement in         implement in         but no        interested           know
             implementation                         the next 12          a year or more       plans

                          Reporting tools              31%                       31%              12%      9%     10% 5% 2%

           Data visualization, dashboards        17%           22%                18%         13%          19%         9%         3%
             Specialized database engines        18%          15%         9%     8%       21%               22%             7%
          Business performance solutions         16%         11%    10%        11%            27%               16%         8%
              Decision support solutions         15%     11%       10%     10%            28%               20%             7%
               Data quality Management           15%     10%       11%      10%           28%               18%             8%
                      Advanced analytics       9%      11%    10%    10%                29%                 22%             9%
               Complex event processing 8% 5% 6% 6%                       28%                       34%                13%
                              Text analytics   9% 3% 7% 6%                 28%                      33%                13%
                      In-process analytics      3%       29%                              41%                         19%
                                               2% 4%

                Base: 853 North American and European software decision-makers responsible for
                   packaged applications (percentages may not total 100 because of rounding)

     Source: "The State Of Business Intelligence Software And Emerging Trends: 2010." Forrester Research. May 10, 2010

     n Analytics Applications are
     Packaged                                                               business intelligence vendors are
     in Demand – Business users, especially                                 expected to find great traction. Many
     financial institutions, are increasingly                               small to medium-sized banks are leaning
     demanding packaged analytic                                            towards SaaS models that allow the user
     applications that are specifically                                     to use the application through
     designed for online marketing/ cross-                                  affordable monthly subscriptions
     selling, fraud detection, online credit                                without heavy IT or manpower
     analysis, online trading/ investment                                   investments. Small and medium-sized
     advisory, and others. To date, many                                    banks will leverage SaaS to architect
     organizations have attempted in-house                                  analytics applications that meet with
     customization of analytics applications                                their specific requirements.
     to meet such specific ends. Such
                                                                     Open Source Solutions Gain Traction
     re-architecture may no longer be
                                                                     – Open source analytics solutions are fast
     necessary with the emergence of
                                                                     eating into the market share of on-
     sophisticated event-driven/ complex
                                                                     premise solution providers. Apart
     event-processing products and predictive
                                                                     from low cost, convenience is also a
     analytics platforms that can support
                                                                     contributing factor—open source
     these capabilities.
                                                                     solutions can be deployed alongside on-
     n as a Service (SaaS) Finds
     Software                                                        premise solutions. Open source is
     Demand with Smaller Banks – SaaS                                providing an opportunity for recession-

hit organizations to experiment with a          features that will support simulation
   mix-and-match model and acquire                 using historical data, which helps
   components of analytics solutions from          experimentation before starting the
   various providers at a fraction of the          actual analysis.
   price. Just as one might assemble spare      nInitiatives will Catch Up with
   parts in the backyard, businesses are        Analytics Vendors –Initial green efforts
   toying with the concept of reaching out      in the analytics/ business intelligence
   to best-of-breed open source vendors for     field have come from hardware vendors,
   various phases of the analytics              resulting in reduced energy consumption.
   process—from charting to data                Software vendors are expected to enter the
   crunching, statistic modeling, predicting,   market with offerings that will enable
   and reporting. The soaring sales of          companies to monitor their emissions
   vendors—such as Pentaho and                  and sustainability exercises.
   JasperSoft—bear testimony to the
   growing popularity of open source in the
   analytics field.
Mash-ups Make an Entry – Over the               Analytics have a key role to play in
next couple of years, many analytics            helping the banks to increase revenue
applications are expected to be deployed        by discovering and fulfilling genuine
through coarse-grained application              customer needs. The pressure to increase
mash-ups, which provide a cost-effective        sales is even more urgent now than ever
means to embed analytics into business          before and the use of online analytics and
process—without involving major
                                                predictive analytics can make the job of
re-architecture work.
                                                cross-selling a non-invasive, seamless part
Improving Analytics Literacy –                  of every customer interaction. Predictive
Vendors are realizing that providing            analytics provide the much-needed,
applications with rich graphical                data-based support to cross-selling, which
representations and complex                     will convert the task of “selling more” into
dashboards is not enough to satisfy             an act of “fulfilling a customer need” by
business users, unless the users have           preemption. By ensuring that the cross-sell
a means of deciphering the output. That         is aimed at optimizing value to the
is why we will begin to see vendors             customer, banks can gain additional
churning out flexible and user-                 business as well as customer loyalty and
friendly models with built-in training          stickiness.

Analytics cross-selling-retail-banking
Analytics cross-selling-retail-banking

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Analytics cross-selling-retail-banking

  • 1. Analytics in Financial Services Business Analytics Tap into the true value of analytics Organize, analyze, and apply data to compete decisively
  • 2. Content Preface From the Editors’ Desk Analytics for a New Decade 01. Post-Crisis Analytics: Six Imperatives 05 02. Structuring the Unstructured Data: The Convergence of 13 Structured and Unstructured Analytics Revitalize Risk Management 03. Fusing Economic Forecasts with Credit Risk Analysis 21 04. Unstructured Data Analytics for Enterprise Resilience 29 05. Why Real-Time Risk Decisions Require Transaction Analytics 37 Optimize to Drive Profits 06. Ten Questions to Ask of Your Optimization Solution 47 07. Practical Challenges of Portfolio Optimization 55 Understand Your Customer 08. Analytics in Cross Selling – A Retail Banking Perspective 61 09. Analytics as a Solution for Attrition 69 10. Customer Spend Analysis: Unlocking the True Value of a Transaction 77 0 11. A Dynamic 360 Dashboard: A Solution for Comprehensive 85 Customer Understanding Fight Fraud More Effectively 12. Developing a Smarter Solution for Card Fraud Protection 93 13. Using Adaptive Analytics to Combat New Fraud Schemes 103 14. To Fight Fraud, Connecting Decisions is a Must 109 Improve Model Performance 15. Productizing Analytic Innovation: The Quest for Quality, 117 Standardization and Technology Governance Leverage Analytics Across Lines of Business 16. Analytics in Retail Banking: Why and How? 125 17. Business Analytics in the Wealth Management Space 135
  • 3. Analytics in Financial Services 08 Yamini Aparna Kona Balwant C. Surti Analytics in Cross Selling – Senior Consultant, Industry Principal and Infosys Technologies Head-Solutions Architecture A Retail Banking Perspective Limited and Design Group, Finacle Solutions Consulting Practice, Infosys Technologies Limited The case for cross-selling to the existing customers of a bank is an easy one—the difficult part is executing it. Today, there are several different techniques for cross-selling effectively. The common thread that runs across them is data and analytics. Predictive analytics based on various models have created offers that are just right, just in time. Data mining and analytics have helped in discovering trends and populating models that are the backbone of predictive analytics. Value analytics is another approach to cross-selling that is available. The call center, the branch, the web—every distribution/ service channel—all leverage analytics in some way to cater to the entire gamut of customer needs—not just what the customer seeks. This article analyzes the different ways in which cross-selling works with analytics, its intrinsic challenges, and the emerging trends in the analytics field. clients becomes increasingly difficult and Why Cross-Selling is Imperative expensive in a highly commoditized industry, selling more products to existing customers The experience of many financial institutions makes great business sense for a bank. It is an shows that the cost of selling an additional excellent way to increase revenues and indirectly product to a current customer is one-fifth improve customer retention, because customers the cost of selling the same product to a with more products tend to be more loyal. new customer. This explains why cross- Customer attrition rates are inversely proportional selling, i.e., selling a bundle of products and to the number of products held—the more products services to the client (usually an existing one), you sell to the customer, the lesser is the chance of is being increasingly considered the cornerstone the customer leaving you. As a result, moving of the retail financial industry. from a silo-product mentality to a consultative As other sources of organic growth (for example, selling approach has resulted in a proliferation of loan demand) have slowed, and adding new cross-sell initiatives in the banking segment.
  • 4. effective in the hands of a skilled advisor Approaches to Cross-Selling who can extract portfolio-related information from a client. This approach Cross-selling is selling additional products also has the advantage of revaluing the to existing customers or prospects. It may portfolio at periodic intervals and happen along with the initial sale or after coming up with other opportunities for the initial sale is made. Often, the customer cross-selling. may not explicitly mention specific needs 4. Predictive Analytics-based Approach: or be aware that the bank offers products This refers to a set of approaches where a that meet their needs—cross-selling taps into model (or a set of models) characterizes this unmet potential using a variety of customer buying behavior for financial techniques: products. Past customer data is used to 1. Person-based Approach: This is based build, refine and modify predictive on either the skill of the Customer models. These models are used to predict Service Representative (CSR) or through future customer buying—information a structured question-based approach. In used to generate customer offers. either case, the emphasis here is to elicit In many circumstances, current or recent the need through customer interaction. transactions are used as trigger points in Often, the skill of the CSR is the deciding the system, and very often, the current factor of success, and little or no use of customer interaction is used as the means analytics is made. to deliver the offer. Trigger-based models 2. Rules-based Approach: The system can range from simple to sophisticated. defines a set of rules and uses the Advanced versions can analyze a current information collected from the customer online transaction and couple it with past to arrive at a cross-selling offer. Some data to present relevant offers. Offline analysis of the customer data is made. For offers are also often analyzed to come up example, while processing a loan with the best channel for delivery of the application, enough information is offer (for example, by mail, through a available to decide whether the prospect call, etc.) and some offers may be made qualifies for a credit card as well. using a combination of channels used in an orchestrated manner to get the 3. Value-based Approach: This follows a customer hooked (for example, a teaser portfolio approach to the customer's mail, with a click to a website or a phone assets and liabilities with the bank. Here, number to call or meet a particular a customer is given a scenario with one branch officer). The success or failure of product that he or she has asked for. an offer is also an input to the model to Then, based on other information improve future success rate. obtained from the customer, alternate scenarios are offered. Certain value 5. Social Networking-based Approaches: metrics (for example, net assets, These are not yet prevalent in retail installments per month, average rate of banking, but here again, a person's social interest paid, etc.) under multiple networks, likes, dislikes, preferences, scenarios with additional products are recommendations from network friends, presented to the customer— highlighting and products used by others in the benefits and opportunities for growth. network, can be analyzed using Value-based approaches are often more sophisticated models to arrive at probable cross-selling opportunities. One relevant 62
  • 5. Increased role of data and analytics in cross-selling Figure 1 Predictive Value Social networks Rules Person non-financial example is Amazon's 1. Data Mining can uncover potential product recommendation engine that is customers who can be targets for cross-selling, based on users who make similar and lead to generation of off-line offers. purchases. (Refer Figure – 1 for “Increased 2. CRM Systems for sales, marketing and Role of Analytics in Cross-Selling”.) servicing, can use online analytics to Barring the first approach, where the number make cross-selling offers. crunching is done mostly in a person's brain, every other approach calls for heavy use of 3. Predictive Analytics can be used to analytics—the analysis of data, as well as the make both online and offline offers by creation of models, rules engines, and offer predicting most likely choices of the databases. customer based on past data. Analytics in cross-selling Figure 2 Other technology used in cross-selling includes event Reporting processing, rules engines and more. Text Business Analytics Intelligence Cross- selling Predictive Data Analytics Mining 63
  • 6. Role of Analytics in purpose of cross-selling. Though they Cross-selling may not be part of a suite of products, point solutions are easy to integrate with existing point-of-sale/ service solutions. The role of analytics in cross-selling is Often, these solutions are an easy way of described in Figure 3. bringing cross-selling to an existing environment with minimal changes to Cross-Selling Solutions existing systems. Most of them rely on specific technologies and some rely on a combination of technologies. Examples 1. Home-grown or Assembled Solutions: include Finacle Customer Analytics, Amongst internal initiatives to use Customer XPs, and TIBCO's Cross- predictive analytics, the most common Selling Solutions. application is often cross-selling. In- 4. Channel-specific Solutions: Some house data warehouses provide the data, solutions are designed around specific and business intelligence tools, predictive channels—a call center, for example. These analytics tools, rules engines and coding solutions can monitor call center volumes, provide cross-selling solutions. and trigger extensive cross-selling with 2. CRM Solutions: CRM solutions from incoming calls if the call volume is low. leading vendors—such as SAP, Oracle, When call volumes are high, opportunities etc.—come with cross-selling modules, for follow-up are generated. Similarly, which can be configured and used along outbound call prioritization can be done, with the sales and marketing modules of based not only on probable success rates, the solution. CRM analytics are used to but also based on higher probability of provide the data and power the cross- cross-selling. selling engine, with the operational CRM providing the delivery. Some core Challenges in Leveraging banking solution suites that offer a CRM Analytics solution also offer cross-selling solutions Analytics certainly present a summative view through their customer analytics module of customer transactional and behavioral (for example, Finacle Analyz). patterns. However, the following challenges 3. Point Solutions: These are specific are slowing down the adoption of analytics by solutions that are made for the primary financial institutions: Role of analytics in cross-selling Figure 3 Role Illustrative Examples of Analytics Used 1. Actual process of cross-selling Predictive Analytics, Portfolio Analysis 2. Analyzing past data to uncover trends Data Mining, Reporting, Business and changes in customer preferences Intelligence 3. Measuring effectiveness of cross-selling Reporting, Web-analytics, Channel Analytics 64
  • 7. n Expertise: A combination of Lack of and software. This adds to the cost of domain knowledge and data analysis implementing analytics models, which ability, a pre-requisite for effective are already considered on the pricey implementation of analytics, continues side—especially by small and medium to be elusive. A banking end-user, banking enterprises. In addition, lengthy, though an expert in his domain, interactive database queries and complex often faces a challenge to interpret analytics scoring processes can congest and analyze the myriad statistics networks and adversely affect database thrown up by the analytics platform. performance. A data analyst can compile the statistics · Need for Real-time and Advanced quickly, but is dependent on the business Analytics: End users are no longer user's domain expertise to organize content with analyzing historical data and analyze the data and communicate and understanding past sales patterns. it in the form the end-user needs it, to Financial organizations now want real- facilitate an actionable decision. time data streaming and analysis that The whole process may involve several facilitates on-the-spot business decisions. iterations, resulting in a significant User demands are fast moving from lag time between data collection and “what happened” scenarios to “what action and frustration on both sides. may/ will happen” to be prepared with a Predictive analytics, especially, are ready action plan. Analytics models are considered a niche realm, requiring expected to answer what will be the extensive training for effective possible outcomes out of action A vs. implementation. action B. This requires high performance n for Clean Data: Statistical · Need analytics models that are capable of real- models are only as good as the data time data analysis. There is growing fed into them. The majority of statistical interest among banks in advanced models not only demand accurate data analytics—though implementation has with the least possible approximations, yet to pick up. (Refer Figure - 4 for but also require that data be scrubbed “Industry Level Advanced Analytics and neatly formatted in a particular Adoption Trends”.) way to ensure quick and meaningful/ actionable recommendations. However, Emerging Trends in the a significant portion of the customer Analytics Field data, maintained by banks happens to be inconsistent and siloed, making it Over the past couple of years, business difficult to meet the formatting standards intelligence—of which analytics are a of analytics models. part—has been catching the attention of financial services industry decision- n · Operational Difficulties: The process makers, who are realizing the need to of deploying sophisticated analytics transform the increased amount of models usually involves accessing available disparate customer transaction data from and/ or transferring data pattern data into actionable information. among numerous machines and Keeping with the growing interest, the operating platforms—requiring seamless following important trends are observed in interoperability of various applications the analytics field: 65
  • 8. Industry-level advanced analytics adoption trends Figure 4 “What are your firm’s plans to adopt the following business intelligence technologies?” Expanding/ Implementing/ Planning to Planning to Interested Not Don’t upgrading implemented implement in implement in but no interested know implementation the next 12 a year or more plans months Reporting tools 31% 31% 12% 9% 10% 5% 2% Data visualization, dashboards 17% 22% 18% 13% 19% 9% 3% Specialized database engines 18% 15% 9% 8% 21% 22% 7% Business performance solutions 16% 11% 10% 11% 27% 16% 8% Decision support solutions 15% 11% 10% 10% 28% 20% 7% Data quality Management 15% 10% 11% 10% 28% 18% 8% Advanced analytics 9% 11% 10% 10% 29% 22% 9% Complex event processing 8% 5% 6% 6% 28% 34% 13% Text analytics 9% 3% 7% 6% 28% 33% 13% 1% In-process analytics 3% 29% 41% 19% 2% 4% Base: 853 North American and European software decision-makers responsible for packaged applications (percentages may not total 100 because of rounding) Source: "The State Of Business Intelligence Software And Emerging Trends: 2010." Forrester Research. May 10, 2010 n Analytics Applications are Packaged business intelligence vendors are in Demand – Business users, especially expected to find great traction. Many financial institutions, are increasingly small to medium-sized banks are leaning demanding packaged analytic towards SaaS models that allow the user applications that are specifically to use the application through designed for online marketing/ cross- affordable monthly subscriptions selling, fraud detection, online credit without heavy IT or manpower analysis, online trading/ investment investments. Small and medium-sized advisory, and others. To date, many banks will leverage SaaS to architect organizations have attempted in-house analytics applications that meet with customization of analytics applications their specific requirements. to meet such specific ends. Such n Open Source Solutions Gain Traction re-architecture may no longer be – Open source analytics solutions are fast necessary with the emergence of eating into the market share of on- sophisticated event-driven/ complex premise solution providers. Apart event-processing products and predictive from low cost, convenience is also a analytics platforms that can support contributing factor—open source these capabilities. solutions can be deployed alongside on- n as a Service (SaaS) Finds Software premise solutions. Open source is Demand with Smaller Banks – SaaS providing an opportunity for recession- 66
  • 9. hit organizations to experiment with a features that will support simulation mix-and-match model and acquire using historical data, which helps components of analytics solutions from experimentation before starting the various providers at a fraction of the actual analysis. price. Just as one might assemble spare nInitiatives will Catch Up with Green parts in the backyard, businesses are Analytics Vendors –Initial green efforts toying with the concept of reaching out in the analytics/ business intelligence to best-of-breed open source vendors for field have come from hardware vendors, various phases of the analytics resulting in reduced energy consumption. process—from charting to data Software vendors are expected to enter the crunching, statistic modeling, predicting, market with offerings that will enable and reporting. The soaring sales of companies to monitor their emissions vendors—such as Pentaho and and sustainability exercises. JasperSoft—bear testimony to the growing popularity of open source in the Conclusion analytics field. n Mash-ups Make an Entry – Over the Analytics have a key role to play in next couple of years, many analytics helping the banks to increase revenue applications are expected to be deployed by discovering and fulfilling genuine through coarse-grained application customer needs. The pressure to increase mash-ups, which provide a cost-effective sales is even more urgent now than ever means to embed analytics into business before and the use of online analytics and process—without involving major predictive analytics can make the job of re-architecture work. cross-selling a non-invasive, seamless part n Improving Analytics Literacy – of every customer interaction. Predictive Vendors are realizing that providing analytics provide the much-needed, applications with rich graphical data-based support to cross-selling, which representations and complex will convert the task of “selling more” into dashboards is not enough to satisfy an act of “fulfilling a customer need” by business users, unless the users have preemption. By ensuring that the cross-sell a means of deciphering the output. That is aimed at optimizing value to the is why we will begin to see vendors customer, banks can gain additional churning out flexible and user- business as well as customer loyalty and friendly models with built-in training stickiness. 67