SlideShare a Scribd company logo
Header – Here the header is letting
the audience know about some vital
information that could do with the
magazine. It also alerts the target
audience on where to look if they
want to know more about this

Main Selling Line – The main
selling line here is placed within
the left third of the magazine in
the middle bit so that it does not
block the image. Also the main
selling line is very big and bold
which means that there is a house
style on the front cover of this

Bar Code, Date, Issue Number
and Price – This is also placed in
the left third of the magazine but
in the bottom section. On the
barcode, the issue number, price
and date have also been added to
it because this way it helps to keep
all of the information together
neatly instead of placing it in
different places of the magazine.

Masthead – “The Source”, which is the title
of the magazine, takes up almost all of the
top space of the magazine’s front cover. The
title almost looks like it is 3D letter because
of the black stroke around it, but actually it is
a shadow under the lettering to give it more
of an effect. Also the colour of the title is red
with a white outline which follows a
consistent house style on the magazine’s
front cover.

Cover Lines – The cover lines that have been
used on this magazine will have some sort of
relationship to do with hip-hop and rappers,
this is shown because there is a cover line on
the right hand side in the middle which states
the name of a rap group called Three 6 Mafia.

Main Image – The main image used on this
magazine has been placed directly in the
middle of the magazine which takes up about
¾ of the space on the front cover. The shot
that is taken of the character is a medium
close up (MCU), This means that the audience
can only see the persons body from their head
to their shoulders.
Puff/Pug – The puff/pug that is used here
in the bottom third on the right side of the
magazine is some sort of a symbol that
could be related to hip-hop. This is useful
because it could mean that there is
something in the magazine that the
publisher might want the audience read
more about.

On this magazine, the picture of The Game is put in front of the strapline which says “The Source”. This can be done by this magazine
company because it is a well known magazine company which therefore means that the target audience will still know which magazine it is
despite a few of the letters being hidden.
Masthead – On this magazine front cover,
the title “XXL” is in front of the main
image, this had to be done because the
title of the magazine is very small which
therefore means that it wouldn’t be
seen if it was put behind the main
image. This could also mean that the
target audience of the magazine might
not realise which magazine it is. The
colours used are very bright which is good
because it will catch the attention of
anyone right away.
Main Selling Line – The main selling line
of this magazine has been placed on the
life side of the magazine on the bottom
section. The colours of the main selling
line here are just standard black and
white but they look effective because a
very bold font has been used on the
main selling line. The colours on the
main selling line follow a house style
because the same colours were used on
the cover lines of this magazine.
The background that is used on this
magazine is very bright in the middle
but then starts to get darker around
the outside. This is a very effective
background because the bright areas
of the background goes all around the
main image which helps to give it like
a certain glow and make it stand out a
Bar Code, Date, Issue Number

Cover Lines – There are not many cover
lines on this magazine because the main
image take just about all of the space on
the front cover and therefore this meant
that cover lines had to be put in areas
where they don’t cover up the main
image. Also, the cover lines that are
used are linked with hip-hop, which is
what the magazine is all about and the
colours used are black and white which
follow a certain house style on the front
cover. The text used on the cover lines is
very bold and in capital letters which
helps to make them stand out more and
makes them more visible.
Main Image – The main image that has
been used on this magazine’s front cover
is a famous hip-hop artist called 50 Cent,
the company of this magazine might have
decided to use him because he is well
known all over the world and therefore
could help to make high numbers of
sales. The main image on this magazine
takes up almost all of the space available
and just leaves a few blank spaces on the
side which are too narrow to put cover
lines in. The shot that was used on this
main image looks like a big close up
(BCU). I think it is this kind of shot
because all of the face can be seen clearly
and just a little bit of the shoulders are

and Price – The barcode on this magazine has been placed in the bottom section of the magazine on the right hand side.
Other information such as the price and issue number of the magazine have been placed in the barcode area, this is good
because it helps to keep information together rather than having it all over the magazine making it look unprofessional
and untidy.
Masthead – The masthead on this
magazine takes up all of the top
section of the magazine despite it
being behind the main image of the
front cover. The colours used on this
are traditional because they are the
same basic colours that Rolling Stone
have always used which therefore
means that the target audience will
automatically know which magazine it
is. Also the colours follow a house
style of the magazine because a lot of
the information is red and white
which are the same colours that are
used on the title. The font used looks
very western like which helps it to
stand out from other magazine which
use just a basic font style for their
Main Image – The shot that was used
on the main image of this magazine is
a medium close up shot (MCU). This
shot allows the audience to see only
the face and shoulders of the main
image. The main image takes up a lot
of the space on the front cover but
still leaves enough room for some
cover lines to be put around the sides.

Main Selling Line – The font that is used
on the main selling line on this magazine
looks like the font ‘Times New Roman’.
This is because at the end of each letter,
there are pointy corners that flick out,
this is able to give the lettering a western
like sensation. The size of the font is very
big and quite bold which makes it easier
to read even though the colour is bright
red. The text is placed somewhere in the
middle section of the magazine in the
right third.
Cover Lines – The cover lines that were
used on this magazine have the same
font used on them that was used on the
main selling line, also the colours that
are used on the cover lines are able to
follow the house style of the magazine
which is mainly red, black and white.
The size of the font is smaller than the
main selling line but it is still big enough
to be read from a short distance.

On this magazine, the picture of Wiz Khalifa is put in front of the strapline which says “Rolling Stones”. This can be done by this magazine
company because it is a well known magazine company which therefore means that the target audience will still know which magazine it is
despite a few of the letters being hidden.
Date - The date has been added
onto the contents page but it only
lets the reader know the month and
the year. This might have been
added their by the music magazine
because it might be a way of letting
readers know which weekly or
monthly issue they purchased.
Main Image – On the contents page
of this magazine, the main image is
used to take up half the space on
the page as well as becoming the
background image of the contents
page. The shot taken here is an
almost full body shot, this is
because in the shot you can see all
of the character from knees

Contents Title – The title on this
magazine doesn’t actually say the
words ‘Contents Page’, instead it says
‘In The Mix’. The font used for this
title is more of an informal lettering
style because it doesn’t look like the
font that was used on headings. Even
though a different font style has been
used, there is still a consistent colour
scheme being used here which is red,
white and black.
Contents Headings - The font used
for these heading follows the
magazine’s house style of having a
basic and formal font, which looks
more smart and modern, but also it is
very big and bold which makes all the
words easy to read. Also the colours
used on these headings follow the
house style of the magazine which is
red, white and black. Underneath the
headings, there is some more words
which are written in a much smaller
font, this could be because they could
be linked with different articles inside
the magazine and might not want to
give too much away.

Page Numbers - The page numbers have been added next to each heading on the
contents page because this makes it easier for the reader to find specific articles rather
than flicking through the entire magazine. The numbers also follow a house style which is
that they follow the same font and colour scheme of the magazine.
In the background there is the letter
‘V’. This is there because it is the first
letter of the name of the magazine,
which is Vibe. The font of the letter
‘V’ is bold which matches the font
that was used on the contents title
and also the colour is some sort of
grey which matches the house style
of the entire contents page.
Main Image – The shot that was used
on the main image of this contents
page is a half body shot. This means
that only the top half of the body is
being shown on the magazine. The
colours of the person on the
magazine are just black and white
which matches the background
colours and text colours of the
contents page.
This magazine has two different
headings, which is ‘Features’ and
‘Fashion’. This means that the
magazine has articles about music
artists and fashion and therefore, the
makers of the magazine decided to
dress up the main image character
who is a music artist to show the
modern way of dressing.

Contents Title - On this magazine
contents page, the title ‘Contents’ in
not laid out in the traditional banner
form, but instead is it laid out in a way
where the words collapses on itself.
This makes it unique from most other
magazines because they normally use
the traditional layout for the title.
Also the word is very bold and
matches the background and theme
of the magazine which is quite black
and white.

Contents Heading – There are not
many headings on this magazine but
there are two different types of
articles that can be found in the
magazine, one heading is ‘Features’,
which could be all about music and
the latest headlines to do with the
world of music and hip-hop. The
second heading is ‘Fashion’ which
could be to do with the latest clothing
style of celebrities which might be
interested by most people.
Publishing Date and Information –
The publishing date and other
information to do with the magazine
is at the bottom right area of the
magazine. This bit of information also
tells the reader who made and
published the audience.
Date – The date has been added on the contents page of this magazine. This could have been put there because it might be able to let the
readers of the magazine know when the magazine was published. Also the date might have been added onto the magazine to help the readers
to know which weekly or monthly issue of the magazine they have bought.

Band Index – This is a special feature
that the company ‘NME’ put on all of
their magazines. The band index talks
about all of the different artists that
were mentioned in the magazine, the
band index follows a consistent house
style that is used on the magazine
which is able to make it blend in with
the rest of the contents page and
make it look more professional.

Article – On the contents page of this
magazine, there is an article which is
linked with the images on the
contents page. This is something most
magazine companies do because it is
like showing readers some of the
content that they will be able to find
in the magazine. The article could also
have been put on the contents page
under the image because some
people might be wondering what's
happening in the image and by adding
a little article at the bottom, readers
might have a more clearer
understanding of it.

Contents Title – The contents title on
this magazine is in the traditional
layout where the whole of the top of
the contents page space is taken up
by the title. The title is very big and
bold and has basic colours used on it
which follow a house style which is a
formal font and three colours which
are red, white and black.
Contents Headings – The contents
heading have a same sort of layout of
the contents title. The contents
heading also follows the house style
which is a formal and basic font type
and the colours are the same which
are red, white and black.
Main Images – On this contents page,
there are two separate images which
make one whole image when they are
put together. Also they take up most
of the middle space of the contents
page. The image is a group shot of a
band and the is looks like a wide shot
which shows all of the band members
in the two different pictures.

There are advertisements on the contents page of this magazine which are advertising music albums. The music album that is being
advertised might be for a different band that could be featured in the magazine or it could be an album from the band that is in the two
images on the contents page.
Article Name – The name of
the article is big, bold, and
easy to read because of the
size of the lettering. The
name is also in capitals
which is good because the
heading will be the first
thing that customers are
going to see and read. The
colour of the article title is
like a gold/brown colour
which makes it stand out
from the normal black
colour which is used on all
the other parts of the article.

Artists Name – The name of the artist is
written on top of the article name because it
is the person that the article is on about.
The lettering is bold and the colour is black
which makes it readable even though it isn't
as big as the title or quote.

Article – The layout of the
article is in rows of two but
it is split into small chunky
paragraphs. The layout of
the paragraphs is very neat
and organised which makes
the double page spread look
more professional. The text
used is a basic, easy to read
font and is black which
helps it to stand out from
the white background that
it is placed on.
Quote – A quote has been added in the entire bottom section on the
left page on the double page spread. The quote is from something that
the music artist in the main image said and also it might be there
because it could have a link with what the article is about. The quoting is
in bold capitals letters which means it will be one of the first things that
the reader is going to see because it is eye catchy.

Main Image – On this double page spread,
the main image that is used takes up all of
the space on one page and about a quarter
of the other page. The shot used in this
image looks like a wide shot because all of
the person can be seen and quite a lot of
the background is visible.
Main Images – The main
image used on this double
page spread takes up one
and a half pages of space
on the double page spread.
The shot used on the artist
is a mid-shot. The lighting is
very low-key. The
publishers might have
chosen to have the shot
like this because it could be
linked with the article.

Artist Name – The name of the artist is added
on the top of this magazine double page
spread, this might have been done because
some people who might be reading the article
might not know the name of the artist in the
picture. The font that is used is a sort of
western like font which makes the text look
are smooth, curvy and western.

Quote – A quotation of
something that the music
artist said has been added
on article on this double
page spread. The
quotation has some sort of
an italic font style on it
which helps it to be
separated from the main
article underneath it.

The capital C used on the
article is able to show the
readers where the article
starts from. The size of
the letter C is quite big as
it takes up the space of 9
lines of the first

Magazine Name & Page Number –
The name of the magazine and the
page number have been added at the
bottom of the magazine but are in
small lettering.

The ending of the article finishes in
big bold western lettering at the
bottom which could be the
important part of the article. The
colour of this bit of the article is
also different because it is a sort of
dark purple/ black colour.

Article – The article on this
magazine only has a single
column layout and the
paragraphs are quite long.
The article uses up all of
the space so that there is
no dead space left
anywhere and the font is
very small but helps the
magazine to look
Main Image – The main
image used on this magazine
double page spread has an
effect on it. The effect is that
half of the artist’s body is
hidden in the black area of
the picture and the other half
is visible. The shot used is a
long shot because all of the
person can be seen in the
Quote – A quote of
something that the artist said
has been added onto the
magazine over the main
image. The quote might have
a link with what the article
could be about so that’s why
the publishers might have
decided to add it over there.

The big “I” that is used at the start of
the magazine article is able to show
the readers where the article starts
from. The size of this letter is much
bigger than the rest of the article and
also it’s bold which makes it easier to
read. The letter takes up a bit of space
from the first 3 lines of the article.

Article Name/Name of artist – The
name that is used for the article is the
name of the artist who is in the main
image of this double page spread. The
font used on the article is basic but big
and bold which makes it easy to read
and the colour used on it helps to
stand out from the background colour.

Information on Artists
current work – On this
double page spread, a
small paragraph has been
added to the article letting
people know about who
the artist is and what his
currently doing with is
music career. The start of
the paragraph says “BOSS
OF BOSSES” which is the
same colour and font style
as the article name which
makes it stand out and
easy to read from the rest
of the article.
Article – The layout of the
article is in a column form
that goes downwards and
is in three rows. The article
takes up all of the space
on the second page of the
double page spread. The
size of the font is small but
because it is in white it
stands out from the
background colour which
makes it more readable
and professional.

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31052024_First India Newspaper Jaipur.pdf
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03062024_First India Newspaper Jaipur.pdf
03062024_First India Newspaper Jaipur.pdf03062024_First India Newspaper Jaipur.pdf
03062024_First India Newspaper Jaipur.pdf


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  • 3. Header – Here the header is letting the audience know about some vital information that could do with the magazine. It also alerts the target audience on where to look if they want to know more about this story. Main Selling Line – The main selling line here is placed within the left third of the magazine in the middle bit so that it does not block the image. Also the main selling line is very big and bold which means that there is a house style on the front cover of this magazine. Bar Code, Date, Issue Number and Price – This is also placed in the left third of the magazine but in the bottom section. On the barcode, the issue number, price and date have also been added to it because this way it helps to keep all of the information together neatly instead of placing it in different places of the magazine. Masthead – “The Source”, which is the title of the magazine, takes up almost all of the top space of the magazine’s front cover. The title almost looks like it is 3D letter because of the black stroke around it, but actually it is a shadow under the lettering to give it more of an effect. Also the colour of the title is red with a white outline which follows a consistent house style on the magazine’s front cover. Cover Lines – The cover lines that have been used on this magazine will have some sort of relationship to do with hip-hop and rappers, this is shown because there is a cover line on the right hand side in the middle which states the name of a rap group called Three 6 Mafia. Main Image – The main image used on this magazine has been placed directly in the middle of the magazine which takes up about ¾ of the space on the front cover. The shot that is taken of the character is a medium close up (MCU), This means that the audience can only see the persons body from their head to their shoulders. Puff/Pug – The puff/pug that is used here in the bottom third on the right side of the magazine is some sort of a symbol that could be related to hip-hop. This is useful because it could mean that there is something in the magazine that the publisher might want the audience read more about. On this magazine, the picture of The Game is put in front of the strapline which says “The Source”. This can be done by this magazine company because it is a well known magazine company which therefore means that the target audience will still know which magazine it is despite a few of the letters being hidden.
  • 4. Masthead – On this magazine front cover, the title “XXL” is in front of the main image, this had to be done because the title of the magazine is very small which therefore means that it wouldn’t be seen if it was put behind the main image. This could also mean that the target audience of the magazine might not realise which magazine it is. The colours used are very bright which is good because it will catch the attention of anyone right away. Main Selling Line – The main selling line of this magazine has been placed on the life side of the magazine on the bottom section. The colours of the main selling line here are just standard black and white but they look effective because a very bold font has been used on the main selling line. The colours on the main selling line follow a house style because the same colours were used on the cover lines of this magazine. The background that is used on this magazine is very bright in the middle but then starts to get darker around the outside. This is a very effective background because the bright areas of the background goes all around the main image which helps to give it like a certain glow and make it stand out a lot. Bar Code, Date, Issue Number Cover Lines – There are not many cover lines on this magazine because the main image take just about all of the space on the front cover and therefore this meant that cover lines had to be put in areas where they don’t cover up the main image. Also, the cover lines that are used are linked with hip-hop, which is what the magazine is all about and the colours used are black and white which follow a certain house style on the front cover. The text used on the cover lines is very bold and in capital letters which helps to make them stand out more and makes them more visible. Main Image – The main image that has been used on this magazine’s front cover is a famous hip-hop artist called 50 Cent, the company of this magazine might have decided to use him because he is well known all over the world and therefore could help to make high numbers of sales. The main image on this magazine takes up almost all of the space available and just leaves a few blank spaces on the side which are too narrow to put cover lines in. The shot that was used on this main image looks like a big close up (BCU). I think it is this kind of shot because all of the face can be seen clearly and just a little bit of the shoulders are visible. and Price – The barcode on this magazine has been placed in the bottom section of the magazine on the right hand side. Other information such as the price and issue number of the magazine have been placed in the barcode area, this is good because it helps to keep information together rather than having it all over the magazine making it look unprofessional and untidy.
  • 5. Masthead – The masthead on this magazine takes up all of the top section of the magazine despite it being behind the main image of the front cover. The colours used on this are traditional because they are the same basic colours that Rolling Stone have always used which therefore means that the target audience will automatically know which magazine it is. Also the colours follow a house style of the magazine because a lot of the information is red and white which are the same colours that are used on the title. The font used looks very western like which helps it to stand out from other magazine which use just a basic font style for their mastheads. Main Image – The shot that was used on the main image of this magazine is a medium close up shot (MCU). This shot allows the audience to see only the face and shoulders of the main image. The main image takes up a lot of the space on the front cover but still leaves enough room for some cover lines to be put around the sides. Main Selling Line – The font that is used on the main selling line on this magazine looks like the font ‘Times New Roman’. This is because at the end of each letter, there are pointy corners that flick out, this is able to give the lettering a western like sensation. The size of the font is very big and quite bold which makes it easier to read even though the colour is bright red. The text is placed somewhere in the middle section of the magazine in the right third. Cover Lines – The cover lines that were used on this magazine have the same font used on them that was used on the main selling line, also the colours that are used on the cover lines are able to follow the house style of the magazine which is mainly red, black and white. The size of the font is smaller than the main selling line but it is still big enough to be read from a short distance. On this magazine, the picture of Wiz Khalifa is put in front of the strapline which says “Rolling Stones”. This can be done by this magazine company because it is a well known magazine company which therefore means that the target audience will still know which magazine it is despite a few of the letters being hidden.
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  • 7. Date - The date has been added onto the contents page but it only lets the reader know the month and the year. This might have been added their by the music magazine because it might be a way of letting readers know which weekly or monthly issue they purchased. Main Image – On the contents page of this magazine, the main image is used to take up half the space on the page as well as becoming the background image of the contents page. The shot taken here is an almost full body shot, this is because in the shot you can see all of the character from knees upwards. Contents Title – The title on this magazine doesn’t actually say the words ‘Contents Page’, instead it says ‘In The Mix’. The font used for this title is more of an informal lettering style because it doesn’t look like the font that was used on headings. Even though a different font style has been used, there is still a consistent colour scheme being used here which is red, white and black. Contents Headings - The font used for these heading follows the magazine’s house style of having a basic and formal font, which looks more smart and modern, but also it is very big and bold which makes all the words easy to read. Also the colours used on these headings follow the house style of the magazine which is red, white and black. Underneath the headings, there is some more words which are written in a much smaller font, this could be because they could be linked with different articles inside the magazine and might not want to give too much away. Page Numbers - The page numbers have been added next to each heading on the contents page because this makes it easier for the reader to find specific articles rather than flicking through the entire magazine. The numbers also follow a house style which is that they follow the same font and colour scheme of the magazine.
  • 8. In the background there is the letter ‘V’. This is there because it is the first letter of the name of the magazine, which is Vibe. The font of the letter ‘V’ is bold which matches the font that was used on the contents title and also the colour is some sort of grey which matches the house style of the entire contents page. Main Image – The shot that was used on the main image of this contents page is a half body shot. This means that only the top half of the body is being shown on the magazine. The colours of the person on the magazine are just black and white which matches the background colours and text colours of the contents page. This magazine has two different headings, which is ‘Features’ and ‘Fashion’. This means that the magazine has articles about music artists and fashion and therefore, the makers of the magazine decided to dress up the main image character who is a music artist to show the modern way of dressing. Contents Title - On this magazine contents page, the title ‘Contents’ in not laid out in the traditional banner form, but instead is it laid out in a way where the words collapses on itself. This makes it unique from most other magazines because they normally use the traditional layout for the title. Also the word is very bold and matches the background and theme of the magazine which is quite black and white. Contents Heading – There are not many headings on this magazine but there are two different types of articles that can be found in the magazine, one heading is ‘Features’, which could be all about music and the latest headlines to do with the world of music and hip-hop. The second heading is ‘Fashion’ which could be to do with the latest clothing style of celebrities which might be interested by most people. Publishing Date and Information – The publishing date and other information to do with the magazine is at the bottom right area of the magazine. This bit of information also tells the reader who made and published the audience.
  • 9. Date – The date has been added on the contents page of this magazine. This could have been put there because it might be able to let the readers of the magazine know when the magazine was published. Also the date might have been added onto the magazine to help the readers to know which weekly or monthly issue of the magazine they have bought. Band Index – This is a special feature that the company ‘NME’ put on all of their magazines. The band index talks about all of the different artists that were mentioned in the magazine, the band index follows a consistent house style that is used on the magazine which is able to make it blend in with the rest of the contents page and make it look more professional. Article – On the contents page of this magazine, there is an article which is linked with the images on the contents page. This is something most magazine companies do because it is like showing readers some of the content that they will be able to find in the magazine. The article could also have been put on the contents page under the image because some people might be wondering what's happening in the image and by adding a little article at the bottom, readers might have a more clearer understanding of it. Contents Title – The contents title on this magazine is in the traditional layout where the whole of the top of the contents page space is taken up by the title. The title is very big and bold and has basic colours used on it which follow a house style which is a formal font and three colours which are red, white and black. Contents Headings – The contents heading have a same sort of layout of the contents title. The contents heading also follows the house style which is a formal and basic font type and the colours are the same which are red, white and black. Main Images – On this contents page, there are two separate images which make one whole image when they are put together. Also they take up most of the middle space of the contents page. The image is a group shot of a band and the is looks like a wide shot which shows all of the band members in the two different pictures. There are advertisements on the contents page of this magazine which are advertising music albums. The music album that is being advertised might be for a different band that could be featured in the magazine or it could be an album from the band that is in the two images on the contents page.
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  • 11. Article Name – The name of the article is big, bold, and easy to read because of the size of the lettering. The name is also in capitals which is good because the heading will be the first thing that customers are going to see and read. The colour of the article title is like a gold/brown colour which makes it stand out from the normal black colour which is used on all the other parts of the article. Artists Name – The name of the artist is written on top of the article name because it is the person that the article is on about. The lettering is bold and the colour is black which makes it readable even though it isn't as big as the title or quote. Article – The layout of the article is in rows of two but it is split into small chunky paragraphs. The layout of the paragraphs is very neat and organised which makes the double page spread look more professional. The text used is a basic, easy to read font and is black which helps it to stand out from the white background that it is placed on. Quote – A quote has been added in the entire bottom section on the left page on the double page spread. The quote is from something that the music artist in the main image said and also it might be there because it could have a link with what the article is about. The quoting is in bold capitals letters which means it will be one of the first things that the reader is going to see because it is eye catchy. Main Image – On this double page spread, the main image that is used takes up all of the space on one page and about a quarter of the other page. The shot used in this image looks like a wide shot because all of the person can be seen and quite a lot of the background is visible.
  • 12. Main Images – The main image used on this double page spread takes up one and a half pages of space on the double page spread. The shot used on the artist is a mid-shot. The lighting is very low-key. The publishers might have chosen to have the shot like this because it could be linked with the article. Artist Name – The name of the artist is added on the top of this magazine double page spread, this might have been done because some people who might be reading the article might not know the name of the artist in the picture. The font that is used is a sort of western like font which makes the text look are smooth, curvy and western. Quote – A quotation of something that the music artist said has been added on article on this double page spread. The quotation has some sort of an italic font style on it which helps it to be separated from the main article underneath it. The capital C used on the article is able to show the readers where the article starts from. The size of the letter C is quite big as it takes up the space of 9 lines of the first paragraph. Magazine Name & Page Number – The name of the magazine and the page number have been added at the bottom of the magazine but are in small lettering. The ending of the article finishes in big bold western lettering at the bottom which could be the important part of the article. The colour of this bit of the article is also different because it is a sort of dark purple/ black colour. Article – The article on this magazine only has a single column layout and the paragraphs are quite long. The article uses up all of the space so that there is no dead space left anywhere and the font is very small but helps the magazine to look professional.
  • 13. Main Image – The main image used on this magazine double page spread has an effect on it. The effect is that half of the artist’s body is hidden in the black area of the picture and the other half is visible. The shot used is a long shot because all of the person can be seen in the picture Quote – A quote of something that the artist said has been added onto the magazine over the main image. The quote might have a link with what the article could be about so that’s why the publishers might have decided to add it over there. The big “I” that is used at the start of the magazine article is able to show the readers where the article starts from. The size of this letter is much bigger than the rest of the article and also it’s bold which makes it easier to read. The letter takes up a bit of space from the first 3 lines of the article. Article Name/Name of artist – The name that is used for the article is the name of the artist who is in the main image of this double page spread. The font used on the article is basic but big and bold which makes it easy to read and the colour used on it helps to stand out from the background colour. Information on Artists current work – On this double page spread, a small paragraph has been added to the article letting people know about who the artist is and what his currently doing with is music career. The start of the paragraph says “BOSS OF BOSSES” which is the same colour and font style as the article name which makes it stand out and easy to read from the rest of the article. Article – The layout of the article is in a column form that goes downwards and is in three rows. The article takes up all of the space on the second page of the double page spread. The size of the font is small but because it is in white it stands out from the background colour which makes it more readable and professional.