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Mr. Rubaid Ashfaq Shruti Bansal
Professor MA(PR&EM),2018-20
ASCO A2034218004
I, Shruti Bansal, a student of MA (PR&EM), enrollment no – A2034218004, batch (2018 -
2020), at Amity School of Communication, Amity University, Noida, have undertaken
research (Course code- JMC604).
I reaffirm that the dissertation submitted by me is an original piece of writing and expression,
and nothing has been lifted or copied from anywhere. The project has not been produced
elsewhere to the best of my knowledge and belief.
This is to certify that this dissertation project, on “IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA
completed by ‘Shruti Bansal, a student of MA (PR&EM), ASCO, Amity University, enrolled
for the batch 2018- 2020, under the guidance of Mr. Rubaid Ashfaq.
This Project work has been carried out to meet the academic research. I would like to put on
record, my appreciation and gratitude to all who have rendered their support and input.
Without them, it would not have been possible for me to shape this study.
I would like to thank Mr. Rubaid Ashfaq, Assistant Professor, Amity School of
Communication, Amity University, Noida, and Uttar Pradesh for his unending
encouragement. His classes on Research methodology gave me lot of insight into carrying out
research. More, I would also like to thank his for having trust and confidence in me. She
provided the most valuable information on page setting and logical arrangement of my
project. His last-minute suggestions proved very useful in completing my study in time and I
would like to convey my earnest thanks to his.
I owe my deepest gratitude to the children and people how gave me the facts and support
during my study period. I will always remain indebted to them for all the good opportunities
they provided to me in shaping my study.
Finally, I would like to thank my parents and all my family members. I whole heartedly thank
them all for sending me abundant love, encouragement and support all the way from home
from their hearts. I dedicate all my success to each one of them.
Table of Content
S. No. Topic Page No.
1 Introduction of the Topic 7-14
2 Objectives & Limitations 15
3 Hypothesis of the study 16
4 Significance of the study 17
5 Review of Literature 18
6 Research Methodology 19-22
7 Data Analysis & Interpretation 23-33
8 Major Findings & Conclusion 33-34
9 Bibliography 35
10 Appendix 36-37
The pilot study explains a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of social media
platforms on different parameters of consumer buying behavior. It estimated and analyzed the
impact of social media marketing on consumers buying behavior.
The objective of the study was to show the Impact of social media on the consumer’s
purchasing behavior and to analyze the change in consumer’s purchasing behavior with
different tools of social media marketing.
This pilot study tries to explore the major impact of homosexuality on public or residents of
India. The study focused to determine the factors affecting the consumer preference and
behavior in the Indian market. This study majorly focused on the women and the data is
collected from 70 women both working and non- working women.
The paper comprehensively presents various facts and figures in the form of secondary data
and primary data depicting the real impact of social media marketing on the consumer buying
behavior of all age group. So, from this study we can conclude that Social media marketing
has negative and positive impact on the buying behavior of consumers. 60% respondents
agree that the feedback/ reviews available on social media affect their purchase.
In this research it has been observed that 84.3% respondents think social media makes their
buying decision making easier. 58.2% respondents think searching for information related to
products/ services is easier via social media compared to mainstream media, 47.1%
respondents sometimes rely on information available on social media if they have any kind of
uncertainties regarding a purchase.
Introduction of the Topic
Social Media Marketing is a process which uses social media platforms to promote the
products & services with a purpose to increase the sale & reach out to the prospects &
consumers. With the advent of technology & internet- based services, social media marketing
has become a need of an hour in today’s world. Nowadays, each and every industry &
businesses has their social media presence through which they reach out to the prospects and
convert them into their customers.
Social media marketing is the way toward making content that you have customized to the
setting of every individual web-based life stage to drive client commitment and sharing.
Business also use analytics tool such as Social Media Analytics to analyze the reach,
engagement & behavior of the customers. With this, businesses can also analyze the
geographic location of the user.
In the whole, Social Media Marketing inculcates 5 pillars:
• Strategizing
• Planning & Publishing
• Listening & Engagement
• Analytics & Reporting
• Advertising
With the pace of Technology, Social Media platforms are rapidly evolving, thus providing a
platform to both the businesses & the customers. Nowadays, Content & Relevancy are the
key to every success. Consumer’s buying behavior patter & decision-making process is
highly influenced by the impact of social media platforms.
Social media platforms help to create an impact on the mind of the consumers with creating a
brand awareness.
Nowadays, Social media has become a necessity to everyone, especially to millennials. They
are increasingly drifting towards the use of online tools like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest,
Blogs, etc. It has proven to be an attractive way to win the customers. It has led to a rise in
the usage of social media marketing due to its high influence on consumers of different
geographic & demographics.
This can embrace various attractive deals, limited time offers, rewards, and so forth.,
Information about the products or services and its generation procedure can be imparted to
prospects/customers who feel progressively engaged with their respective desired
product/services. Businesses utilize the social media platform to attract the customers by
posting about the features, benefits, USP & usage of the products or services.
Social Media Marketing provides a platform to the users and customers to voice their
sentiment in an open discussion where their voice can be heard by other similarly invested
people. By structure quality in numbers, shoppers can express what is on their mind to
rumored associations and brands, and power them to change their item using online
networking outlets like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram.
There are some Social Media Platforms those are very beneficial to the marketers as:
• Facebook
• Instagram
• Youtube
• Pinterest
• Snapchat
• Google+
• LinkedIn
• Twitter
Even though the terms e-promoting and advanced showcasing are as yet overwhelming in the
scholarly world, online life advertising is ending up increasingly famous for the specialists
and analysts. Web-based social networking advertising is the way toward picking up site
traffic or consideration through online life destinations.
On an average, thousands of photos are uploaded and posted on Facebook & Instagram, lacs
of tweets are sent, millions of queries are made & hundreds of videos are shared, uploaded
and downloaded. With the advent of Internet and social media platforms, many products and
services are sold on online platforms. One of the most important features of Social Media
Marketing that helps the consumers to decide and influence their buying decision is it allow
customers to give feedbacks and share the suggestions with other people.
This is only one of the numerous way’s buyers have found for making their voices heard.
Brands have also understood the potential that lies in utilizing social media platforms for
promoting their goods and services. Some industries have also used social media platforms as
one of their primary advertising devices.
From the point of view of the customer, these are likewise important attributes of online life. Prior to
this, individuals even go to a store or examine an organization's site, they can figure out the brand and
its picture from their online networking outlets.
Brands Become Familiar
While brand recognition is commonly an objective of most showcasing endeavours, it is
additionally significant from the point of view of the buyer. Internet based life fills in as a
road for shoppers to more readily comprehend a brand, its strategies and its qualities.
As opposed to attempting to find out about organizations from their formal sites and
conventional ads, online networking channels fill in as a road for organizations to create trust
with their potential clients. While this is extraordinary for advertisers, it is a two-route road,
as purchasers often like to get a feel for an organization before, they trust it enough to make a
Better Targeting
Online networking enables brands to all the more likely contact the people that they wish to buy their
items. For buyers, this implies seeing less publicizing that is unessential and doesn't relate to them.
Different strategies for promoting, for example, TV, boards and email showcasing are less focused on
and frequently arrive at uninterested portions of the market.
Then again, web-based life is an approach to precisely address individuals that would really have
enthusiasm for a brand's items. For example, on the off chance that you were an organization
showcasing Xtrema fired cookware, you could develop an online life crusade that arrives at a
particular — and intrigued — section of the market.
This kind of exactness in online life advertising endeavours implies that portions of the populace that
wouldn't be keen on a specific thing won't be spammed with promotions for it. This implies less
insignificant commercials stopping up your online networking encourages and a simpler time finding
out about items that may intrigue you.
Shift in Power
From an advertising point of view, the development of online networking implies a move in
power away from brands and toward buyers. Never again are commercials a single direction,
business-to-client commitment.
Social Fresh alluded to internet based life as an open discussion in which shoppers can
cooperate with brands and each other. This discussion considers brands responsible for their
items and administrations as grievances are not longer basically submitted in private letters
and messages. In the event that a brand offers low quality to its clients, they are presently
ready to unite as one and make a devastating web based life kickback.
Web-based social networking is a power that puts the focus on organizations and their
activities. The manners by which they go about business, their quality and regard for moral
obligations are being been altogether set on a huge, social stage for investigation. For
customers, web-based life is making progressively responsible and reliable brands.
Consumer behavior is the study of how individual prospects & organizations purchase, use,
and arrange thoughts, merchandise, and administrations to fulfill their needs and demands. It
alludes to the activities of the buyers in the commercial center and the hidden thought
processes in those activities. Basically, it is a study about how individuals make decisions and
what all are the driving forces behind it.
Advertisers expect that by understanding what makes the customers purchase specific
merchandise and ventures, they will have the option to decide—which items are required in
the commercial center, which are out of date, and how best to show the products to the
As per Belch and Belch, at whatever point need emerges; Customers scan for a few data
which would help them in his buy.
Following are the sources of information:
▪ Personal Sources
▪ Commercial Sources
▪ Public Sources
▪ Personal Experience
Perception also plays an important role in influencing the buying decision of consumers.
Factors that affect the Consumer Behavior
There are some factors those highly affect the choice and the behavior of the consumers and
are as:
• Personal
• Marketing
• Cultural
• Psychological
• Social
In today’s world, one of the most common & prominent factors that influences the decision
making and buying behavior of consumers is Social Media. Social Media allows the
customers to give their feedback & recommendations on various platforms like Instagram,
Facebook, online portals, YouTube, etc. Customers can post their recommendations and
views in the context of products and services. Recommendations and comments totally
depend on the satisfaction level of the customers. If the customer is highly satisfied with the
products or services, he/she will post a positive comment on the social media that will further
influence the buying behavior of the prospects & consumers in a positive way, but if there are
more of the negative reviews & comments about the products or services, it will totally
hamper the brands image.
Earlier, several factors were the most prominent factors those were impacting the buying
behavior of consumers but now it has totally been taken over by the social media platforms.
Brand-consumer relationship
There has additionally been an emotional move in the connection between a brand and a
customer. Web-based social networking has removed power and control from the hands of
huge partnerships and popular brands and has placed it in the hands of the buyers.
Understanding this, numerous CEOs and other top-level officials of enormous name brands
have taken to Facebook and Twitter to connect legitimately with the clients who may
purchase their items.
Using social media platforms, organizations can outline their advertising procedures relying
upon what the shoppers feel. Organizations are posting inquiries and requesting that
purchasers share their perspectives on another item, review the products & services and rate
them that further helps to attract the customers and has a very great influence over the buying
behaviour of the consumers.
Organizations are adhering to content via web-based networking media, yet additionally
making intriguing webcasts and recordings to advance thoughts for new items and crusades.
This procedure makes the customers feel progressively engaged with the advertising
procedure and the way that they have given some contribution to the procedure makes them
trust the brand more.
Consumer interaction through social media
Social Media plays a very intrinsic role as it is the only platform where consumers can
exchange their thoughts and ideas without meeting in real- time. An ever-increasing
number of purchasers have begun interfacing with one another over sites like Facebook,
Twitter, Pinterest. This gives the business more statistical view, and a chance to
comprehend their purchasers, their requirements and their disappointment.
Organizations can acquire understanding on improving their item by spotting miserable
clients right off the bat and making strides in like manner.
Guaranteeing that shoppers feel important can enable organizations to remain two
stages in front of their rivals in this consistently evolving business sector. Online
networking has radically changed the promoting game for organizations. The sooner
organizations understand the significance of internet-based life and the job it plays in
promoting, the sooner they can begin receiving the unlimited benefits it offers.
Social Media Marketing has become a necessity of today’s world as it is one of the most
prominent tools for companies to reach out to their prospects & consumers. With the
advent of Technology, Social media marketing has become the only medium which a
the wider reach; worldwide. Most of the organizations & industries are totally relying
on it to achieve their individual objectives.
Social Media is the platform that can help to build the brand image of any industry.
Alongside, it can also hamper then image of the organizations because of the negative
publicities, reviews, feedback & ratings. To overcome the negative impact,
organizations are majorly enrolling themselves to build their good online reputation.
The development of online life has made a requirement for stages to advance with customers’
requests for something new and engaging. Throughout the years there have been numerous
systems that have been delayed actualizing changes or unfit to adjust their foundation to
requests of customers.
Before the existence of social media platforms, netizens during the 1970s and 1980s invested
a large portion of their energy in informal communities like dating locales and online
gatherings. Six Degrees, LiveJournal, and Friendster were the most punctual type of social
The website air pocket of 1995 – 2002 was a basic occasion that enabled the web to turn into
a suitable showcasing instrument. It started with pursuit promoting, inciting brands to make
sites to set up an online nearness. As Google, Yahoo and MSN's web search tools advanced,
organizations went to SEO methodologies to stay at the highest point of query items. .
In 2003 – 2004, the landing web-based social networking locales like Facebook, LinkedIn
and My Space starts the move of web clients from multiplayer web-based games into long
range informal communication destinations. In the long run, organizations got on the
beneficial outcomes of a web-based life webpage nearness on online business and began
making their very own profiles on the prominent systems administration locales.
These days, over 90% of businesses use online networking as a feature of their promoting
techniques, and effective organizations use web-based life advertising for marking, lead age,
client maintenance, research and web based business. 83% of clients who post objections on a
brand's social site like Twitter and get an answer express that they are fulfilled. This helped
organizations hold a greater amount of their clients, coming about to expanded existing client
By 2006, Facebook and Twitter both wound up accessible to clients all through the world.
These destinations stay probably the most famous interpersonal organizations on the Internet.
Different locales like Tumblr, Spotify, Foursquare and Pinterest started springing up to fill
explicit long-range interpersonal communication specialties.
Today, there is an enormous assortment of long-range interpersonal communication
platfroms, and a large number of them can be connected to permit cross-posting. This makes
a situation where clients can arrive at the most extreme number of individuals without giving
up the closeness of individual to-individual correspondence.
Overview of Impact of Social Media Marketing on the businesses
in India
Social networking websites unite individuals to communicate with each other and construct
connections. When organizations join these channels, buyers communicate with them getting
a progressively close to home touch because of their prior associations by means of web-
based social networking. For instance, BLOGS, enable individual supporters to tweet, re
tweet or repost remarks made by the item being advanced. And in light of the fact that the
data is being shared out there, over and over, subsequently carrying more traffic to the item or
Cell Phone utilization has additionally turned out to be valuable for web-based life
promoting. PDAs or we can say advanced mobile phones are fit for interfacing with online
life locales. People utilizing these get refreshes on any happenings about an item or
organization continuously. Along these lines items and organizations can continually remind
on updating, changes in item and so forth. Whereby making commercials consistently in
Client securing is basically the craft of structure and keeping up connections to improve the
customary client procurement and maintenance forms. It's not confined to online life,
however internet-based life is positively a decent spot to begin. Aside from the conventional
push showcasing, pull advertising has likewise turned into a necessary piece of the
framework. 70% of the individuals trust brand suggestions from loved ones. Individuals talk
about various brands via web-based networking media, tail them or even like the pages.
Furthermore, the expense of not being engaged with web-based life is ascending with each
and every day.
For Brand building, three most famous stages names being Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.
Twitter is outstanding amongst other online life stages for commitment and network building.
Facebook is the stage your clients extremely need to see you on. They need client care by
means of Facebook and they need you to be accessible to draw in with them through
Facebook. LinkedIn is centred around B2B associations and leads.
Objectives of the study
1. To show the Impact of social media on the consumer’s purchasing behavior.
2. To analyze the change in consumer’s purchasing behavior with different tools of
social media marketing.
3. To identify the gaps between social media marketing strategies and mainstream
media marketing strategies.
a) The sample size of study is only 70, so that this research study can’t be considered
as universal.
b) It is assumed that respondents have given the correct answers.
c) The survey was conducted only in Delhi/Ncr, so the potential respondents outside
the city were not considered.
Ho: Consumers do not prefer Social Media Marketing over traditional modes of marketing.
H1: Consumers prefer Social Media Marketing over traditional modes of marketing.
Ho: There is no positive impact of Social Media on decision making & buying behavior of
H1: There is a positive impact of Social Media on decision making & buying behavior of
The concept of social media marketing has emerged in 2019 and the sales rate of many
products is increasing due to social media marketing. It has a great impact on the mind of the
With the advent of technology, the market is changing from the basic industry to digital
industry, so the consumers are keen to watch the marketing strategies through social media.
So, it is important to find which are new marketing tools and impactful tools.
The researcher has studied in the pilot study that the consumers are moving towards the
social media advertising. So, it has become a need in today’s hour to conduct a research on
the consumer’s buying behavior and the impact of social media marketing on the purchasing
behavior of consumers.
With the advent of Technology and Internet based services, Social Media has become the
most valuable and beneficial marketing channel for B2B and B2C companies for each &
every industry & sector. Unlike traditional marketing, online marketing has many advantages
like global reach, availability of wide variety, 24*7 timing etc.
Customer satisfaction is the key factor for consumer retention and acquisition in social media
The researcher has done the literature review on various Publications and Articles which are
described below.
The researcher has analyzed from the article written by Williams et al in 2000. In this article
it is stated that Social media marketing influences perception, consumers’ selection behavior,
buying decision from pre- purchase data phase to post- purchase behavior.
The researcher has analyzed that it has been stated by Miller et al, in 2010 that over 11
million shoppers use 70% social networking to buy various products and services. The
consumers provide useful data concerning the product and share comments with different
consumers over social media which helps them to purchase.
The researcher has analyzed from the Research paper written by Williams and Cothrell in
2000, it is stated that due to advantages of social media in connecting business directly to end
consumers, in a timely manner and at a low cost. It has been seen that Social Media
marketing has a great influence on customer’s perceptions and behaviors and has been
brought in the center of attention in different industries in the last few years.
The raid increase in the popularity of social media created the necessity for the use of social
media platforms as a fundamental tool of industry’s promotion and products sales. Social
media are able to modify the marketing methods, since businesses interact immediately with
the consumers- user stated by SOLOMON et al, 2010.
• PRIMARY SOURCE OF DATA: As the name is self-explanatory, Primary data
comprises of firsthand data from the customers through direct interaction at the point of
Primary data includes:-
➢ Questionnaire
➢ Discussions with the concerned
• SECONDARY SOURCE OF DATA: Secondary data is the kind of data that
has already published or collected through magazines, newspapers, articles and other
external sources. External data, on the other hand, was generated from internet.
1. SAMPLE SIZE :- The information is collected through google form questionnaire,
in which total 70 respondents were interviewed during the survey.
2. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE: - In this research study ‘convenience sampling
technique’ has adopted. This method is applied in order to gain initial primary data
for research paper.
Data Collection
Data Collection
The Methodologies that we followed while doing this research includes the
following stages:-
• Collection of data from field as well as internet.
• Profiling those data.
• Analyzing the data collected and questionnaire filled.
Web based life advertising has turned into the most dominant mode for organizations looking
to connect with their prospects and clients. Given the wide reach of SMM, firms are
progressively depending on it. In request to accomplish their advertising and marking targets.
By supplanting the customary methods for showcasing, web-based life has given new
chances to firms to connect with purchasers in social collaboration on the web.
The goal of the present examination is to research the capability of internet-based life
advertising as a compelling promoting device that causes them to influence view of clients
and at last impact their buy choices. The investigation means to feature the focal points that
organizations gain by successful utilization of SMM.
The exploration proposes that the commitment with SMM positively affects customers brand
mindfulness and buy expectations. The article likewise investigations the negative impact of
companies’ internet-based life exercises which influence the general duty and inclusion of the
buyers. In this manner the examination gives a mode to revealing administrative difficulties
and for arranging better reactions to buyers' web-based social networking exercises.
QUESTIONNAIRE: This is the major source of primary data used for research. It has
been directly collected from the respondents. It has detailed questions based on the
parameters related to Homosexuality.
Research Design Descriptive research
Research Method Survey method
Research Instrument Structured questionnaire
Sample size 70
Sample area Delhi NCR
Sampling method Non-Probability/Convenience Sampling
n No.
Particulars No. of
1 18-21 14 20%
2 22-30 47 67.1%
3 31-35 9 12.9%
From the above chart, we can see the data that the researcher has collected is the age of most
of the respondents was in between 22- 30
S. No. Particulars No. of
1 Students 36 51.4%
2 Professional 34 48.6%
From the above study, the researcher can conclude that in the research questionnaire 51.4%
people were professionals while 48.6% were students.
S. No. Particulars No. of respondents Percentage
1 Yes 68 97.1%
2 No 2 2.9%
From the above chart, we can see that 97.1% respondents were social media user while 2.9%
respondents were not.
S. No. Particulars No. of respondents Percentage
1 Always 10 14.3%
2 Often 21 30%
3 Rarely 34 48.6%
4 Never 5 7.1%
From the above chart, we can see that 48.6 % respondents rarely prefer buying products
through social media sites and get attracted by social media marketing, 30% respondents’
often, 14.3% respondents always and 7.1% respondents never social media sites for buying
products/ services.
S. No. Particulars No. of respondents Percentage
1 Facebook 3 4.3%
2 Blogs/ Forums 2 2.9%
3 Instagram 27 38.6%
4 Others 38 54.3%
From the above chart, we can see that 38.6 % respondents prefer Instagram for buying
products/ services, 4.3% prefer Facebook, 2.9% prefer blogs and 54.3% respondents prefer
S. No. Particulars No. of respondents Percentage
1 Strongly agree 5 7.5%
2 Agree 39 58.2%
3 Neutral 18 26.9%
4 Disagree 3 4.5%
5 Strongly disagree 2 3%
From the above chart, we can see that 58.2% respondents think searching for information
related to products/ services is easier via social media compared to mainstream media, 26.9%
respondents were neutral about the statement, 7.5% respondents were strongly agreeing,
4.5% respondents disagreed and 3% respondents strongly disagreed.
S. No. Particulars No. of respondents Percentage
1 Yes 47 67.1%
2 No 23 32.9%
From the above chart, we can see that 67.1% respondents think the information shared on
social media sites about products is relevant while 32.9% respondents think it is not.
S. No. Particulars No. of respondents Percentage
1 Always 6 8.6%
2 Often 17 24.3%
3 Sometimes 33 47.1%
4 Rarely 10 14.3%
5 Never 4 5.7%
From the above chart, we can see that 47.1% respondents sometimes rely on information
available on social media if they have any kind of uncertainties regarding a purchase, 24.3%
respondents do often, 14.3% respondents rarely rely on the available information, 8.6%
respondents always rely while 5.7% respondents never rely.
S. No. Particulars No. of respondents Percentage
1 Strongly agree 11 15.7%
2 Agree 42 60%
3 Neutral 13 18.6%
4 Disagree 3 4.3%
5 Strongly disagree 1 1.4%
From the above chart, we can see that 60% respondents agrees that the feedback/ reviews
available on social media affect their purchasing behavior, 18.6% respondents are neutral
about the statement, 15.7% respondents strongly agreed while 1.4% respondents strongly
disagreed with the statement.
S. No. Particulars No. of respondents Percentage
1 Yes 59 84.3%
2 No 11 15.7%
From the above chart, we can see that 84.3% respondents think social media makes their
buying decision making easier while 15.7% respondents think it does not.
1. With the help of pilot study, the researcher has been observed that majority of the
people thinks social media marketing is really effective and has a great impact on
consumer’s buying behaviour.
2. Despite of strong marketing people, people still do not prefer to buy products/services
through social media sites.
3. Majority of the people think searching for information related to products/ services is
easier via social media compared to mainstream media and it makes life easy.
4. In this research, it has been observed sometimes people rely on information available
on social media if they have any kind of uncertainties regarding a purchase
5. According to the study it has been observed that 60% respondents agree that the
feedback/ reviews available on social media affect their purchase.
6. In this research it has been observed that 84.3% respondents think social media makes
their buying decision making easier.
Thus, from the above pilot study it is pretty clear that Social media marketing which is a
subpart of digital/ New age media has impacted in a positive way and also in a negative way.
Hence, 58.2% respondents think searching for information related to products/ services is
easier via social media compared to mainstream media, 47.1% respondents sometimes rely on
information available on social media if they have any kind of uncertainties regarding a
purchase. And it has been observed that people think it is very easy to take information of any
product from social media than any other sources and it is Time saving. Also, Many social
sites gives chance to replace product if you have any issue and there are so many options to
find relevant product on social sites.
Social media helps to give entire information about the products under one roof. Using
information from the social media is a great idea for a purchase decision but the difference is
that few of the people like to purchase mostly from malls or related to that because they do
not rely on online shopping.
Hence it can be concluded, Nowadays youth are very active on social medias so the relevant
information about the products on different social media is very useful it effect the buying
decision of customers and they can also go through the feedbacks given by many known
personalities, people usually get attracted towards them while using such media's.
Sample Questionnaire
1. Age
• 18-21
• 22-30
• 30-35
• 36+
2. Profession
• Student
• Professional
• Homemaker
• Others
3. Are you a social media user?
• Yes
• No
4. Do you prefer buying products through social media sites?
• Always
• Often
• Rarely
• Never
5. Which of the social media site you prefer for buying products/services?
• Facebook
• Blogs/forums
• Instagram
• Youtube
• Others
6. Do you think searching for information related to products/ services is easier via social
media compared to mainstream media?
• Strongly agree
• Agree
• Neutral
• Agree
• Strongly disagree
7. Do you think the information shared on social media sites about products is relevant?
• Yes
• No
8. Do you rely on information available on social media if you have uncertainties regarding
a purchase?
• Always
• Often
• Sometimes
• Rarely
• Never
9. Do you agree that feedbacks/ reviews on social media affect your purchase?
• Strongly agree
• Agree
• Neutral
• Disagree
• Strongly disagree
10. Do you think social media makes your buying decision making easier?
• Strongly agree
• Agree
• Neutral
• Disagree
• Strongly disagree
11. In your opinion what is the biggest difference in making a purchase decision b/w using
info from the social media and from other sources?

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  • 2. 2 DECLARATION I, Shruti Bansal, a student of MA (PR&EM), enrollment no – A2034218004, batch (2018 - 2020), at Amity School of Communication, Amity University, Noida, have undertaken research (Course code- JMC604). I reaffirm that the dissertation submitted by me is an original piece of writing and expression, and nothing has been lifted or copied from anywhere. The project has not been produced elsewhere to the best of my knowledge and belief.
  • 3. 3 FACULTY CERTIFICATE This is to certify that this dissertation project, on “IMPACT OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING ON THE BUYING BEHAVIOUR OF CONSUMERS” has been completed by ‘Shruti Bansal, a student of MA (PR&EM), ASCO, Amity University, enrolled for the batch 2018- 2020, under the guidance of Mr. Rubaid Ashfaq. Date: (Signature)
  • 4. 4 Acknowledgment This Project work has been carried out to meet the academic research. I would like to put on record, my appreciation and gratitude to all who have rendered their support and input. Without them, it would not have been possible for me to shape this study. I would like to thank Mr. Rubaid Ashfaq, Assistant Professor, Amity School of Communication, Amity University, Noida, and Uttar Pradesh for his unending encouragement. His classes on Research methodology gave me lot of insight into carrying out research. More, I would also like to thank his for having trust and confidence in me. She provided the most valuable information on page setting and logical arrangement of my project. His last-minute suggestions proved very useful in completing my study in time and I would like to convey my earnest thanks to his. I owe my deepest gratitude to the children and people how gave me the facts and support during my study period. I will always remain indebted to them for all the good opportunities they provided to me in shaping my study. Finally, I would like to thank my parents and all my family members. I whole heartedly thank them all for sending me abundant love, encouragement and support all the way from home from their hearts. I dedicate all my success to each one of them.
  • 5. 5 Table of Content S. No. Topic Page No. 1 Introduction of the Topic 7-14 2 Objectives & Limitations 15 3 Hypothesis of the study 16 4 Significance of the study 17 5 Review of Literature 18 6 Research Methodology 19-22 7 Data Analysis & Interpretation 23-33 8 Major Findings & Conclusion 33-34 9 Bibliography 35 10 Appendix 36-37
  • 6. 6 Abstract The pilot study explains a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of social media platforms on different parameters of consumer buying behavior. It estimated and analyzed the impact of social media marketing on consumers buying behavior. The objective of the study was to show the Impact of social media on the consumer’s purchasing behavior and to analyze the change in consumer’s purchasing behavior with different tools of social media marketing. This pilot study tries to explore the major impact of homosexuality on public or residents of India. The study focused to determine the factors affecting the consumer preference and behavior in the Indian market. This study majorly focused on the women and the data is collected from 70 women both working and non- working women. The paper comprehensively presents various facts and figures in the form of secondary data and primary data depicting the real impact of social media marketing on the consumer buying behavior of all age group. So, from this study we can conclude that Social media marketing has negative and positive impact on the buying behavior of consumers. 60% respondents agree that the feedback/ reviews available on social media affect their purchase. In this research it has been observed that 84.3% respondents think social media makes their buying decision making easier. 58.2% respondents think searching for information related to products/ services is easier via social media compared to mainstream media, 47.1% respondents sometimes rely on information available on social media if they have any kind of uncertainties regarding a purchase.
  • 7. 7 CHAPTER-1 Introduction of the Topic Social Media Marketing is a process which uses social media platforms to promote the products & services with a purpose to increase the sale & reach out to the prospects & consumers. With the advent of technology & internet- based services, social media marketing has become a need of an hour in today’s world. Nowadays, each and every industry & businesses has their social media presence through which they reach out to the prospects and convert them into their customers. Social media marketing is the way toward making content that you have customized to the setting of every individual web-based life stage to drive client commitment and sharing. Business also use analytics tool such as Social Media Analytics to analyze the reach, engagement & behavior of the customers. With this, businesses can also analyze the geographic location of the user. In the whole, Social Media Marketing inculcates 5 pillars: • Strategizing • Planning & Publishing • Listening & Engagement • Analytics & Reporting • Advertising With the pace of Technology, Social Media platforms are rapidly evolving, thus providing a platform to both the businesses & the customers. Nowadays, Content & Relevancy are the key to every success. Consumer’s buying behavior patter & decision-making process is highly influenced by the impact of social media platforms. Social media platforms help to create an impact on the mind of the consumers with creating a brand awareness. Nowadays, Social media has become a necessity to everyone, especially to millennials. They are increasingly drifting towards the use of online tools like Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Blogs, etc. It has proven to be an attractive way to win the customers. It has led to a rise in the usage of social media marketing due to its high influence on consumers of different geographic & demographics. This can embrace various attractive deals, limited time offers, rewards, and so forth., Information about the products or services and its generation procedure can be imparted to prospects/customers who feel progressively engaged with their respective desired
  • 8. 8 product/services. Businesses utilize the social media platform to attract the customers by posting about the features, benefits, USP & usage of the products or services. Social Media Marketing provides a platform to the users and customers to voice their sentiment in an open discussion where their voice can be heard by other similarly invested people. By structure quality in numbers, shoppers can express what is on their mind to rumored associations and brands, and power them to change their item using online networking outlets like Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and Instagram. There are some Social Media Platforms those are very beneficial to the marketers as: • Facebook • Instagram • Youtube • Pinterest • Snapchat • Google+ • LinkedIn • Twitter Even though the terms e-promoting and advanced showcasing are as yet overwhelming in the scholarly world, online life advertising is ending up increasingly famous for the specialists and analysts. Web-based social networking advertising is the way toward picking up site traffic or consideration through online life destinations. On an average, thousands of photos are uploaded and posted on Facebook & Instagram, lacs of tweets are sent, millions of queries are made & hundreds of videos are shared, uploaded and downloaded. With the advent of Internet and social media platforms, many products and services are sold on online platforms. One of the most important features of Social Media Marketing that helps the consumers to decide and influence their buying decision is it allow customers to give feedbacks and share the suggestions with other people. This is only one of the numerous way’s buyers have found for making their voices heard. Brands have also understood the potential that lies in utilizing social media platforms for promoting their goods and services. Some industries have also used social media platforms as one of their primary advertising devices.
  • 9. 9 BENEFITS OF SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING From the point of view of the customer, these are likewise important attributes of online life. Prior to this, individuals even go to a store or examine an organization's site, they can figure out the brand and its picture from their online networking outlets. Brands Become Familiar While brand recognition is commonly an objective of most showcasing endeavours, it is additionally significant from the point of view of the buyer. Internet based life fills in as a road for shoppers to more readily comprehend a brand, its strategies and its qualities. As opposed to attempting to find out about organizations from their formal sites and conventional ads, online networking channels fill in as a road for organizations to create trust with their potential clients. While this is extraordinary for advertisers, it is a two-route road, as purchasers often like to get a feel for an organization before, they trust it enough to make a purchase. Better Targeting Online networking enables brands to all the more likely contact the people that they wish to buy their items. For buyers, this implies seeing less publicizing that is unessential and doesn't relate to them. Different strategies for promoting, for example, TV, boards and email showcasing are less focused on and frequently arrive at uninterested portions of the market. Then again, web-based life is an approach to precisely address individuals that would really have enthusiasm for a brand's items. For example, on the off chance that you were an organization showcasing Xtrema fired cookware, you could develop an online life crusade that arrives at a particular — and intrigued — section of the market. This kind of exactness in online life advertising endeavours implies that portions of the populace that wouldn't be keen on a specific thing won't be spammed with promotions for it. This implies less insignificant commercials stopping up your online networking encourages and a simpler time finding out about items that may intrigue you. Shift in Power From an advertising point of view, the development of online networking implies a move in power away from brands and toward buyers. Never again are commercials a single direction, business-to-client commitment.
  • 10. 10 Social Fresh alluded to internet based life as an open discussion in which shoppers can cooperate with brands and each other. This discussion considers brands responsible for their items and administrations as grievances are not longer basically submitted in private letters and messages. In the event that a brand offers low quality to its clients, they are presently ready to unite as one and make a devastating web based life kickback. Web-based social networking is a power that puts the focus on organizations and their activities. The manners by which they go about business, their quality and regard for moral obligations are being been altogether set on a huge, social stage for investigation. For customers, web-based life is making progressively responsible and reliable brands. CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Consumer behavior is the study of how individual prospects & organizations purchase, use, and arrange thoughts, merchandise, and administrations to fulfill their needs and demands. It alludes to the activities of the buyers in the commercial center and the hidden thought processes in those activities. Basically, it is a study about how individuals make decisions and what all are the driving forces behind it. Advertisers expect that by understanding what makes the customers purchase specific merchandise and ventures, they will have the option to decide—which items are required in the commercial center, which are out of date, and how best to show the products to the shoppers. As per Belch and Belch, at whatever point need emerges; Customers scan for a few data which would help them in his buy. Following are the sources of information: ▪ Personal Sources ▪ Commercial Sources ▪ Public Sources ▪ Personal Experience Perception also plays an important role in influencing the buying decision of consumers. Factors that affect the Consumer Behavior There are some factors those highly affect the choice and the behavior of the consumers and are as: • Personal • Marketing • Cultural • Psychological • Social
  • 11. 11 In today’s world, one of the most common & prominent factors that influences the decision making and buying behavior of consumers is Social Media. Social Media allows the customers to give their feedback & recommendations on various platforms like Instagram, Facebook, online portals, YouTube, etc. Customers can post their recommendations and views in the context of products and services. Recommendations and comments totally depend on the satisfaction level of the customers. If the customer is highly satisfied with the products or services, he/she will post a positive comment on the social media that will further influence the buying behavior of the prospects & consumers in a positive way, but if there are more of the negative reviews & comments about the products or services, it will totally hamper the brands image. Earlier, several factors were the most prominent factors those were impacting the buying behavior of consumers but now it has totally been taken over by the social media platforms. Brand-consumer relationship There has additionally been an emotional move in the connection between a brand and a customer. Web-based social networking has removed power and control from the hands of huge partnerships and popular brands and has placed it in the hands of the buyers. Understanding this, numerous CEOs and other top-level officials of enormous name brands have taken to Facebook and Twitter to connect legitimately with the clients who may purchase their items. Using social media platforms, organizations can outline their advertising procedures relying upon what the shoppers feel. Organizations are posting inquiries and requesting that purchasers share their perspectives on another item, review the products & services and rate them that further helps to attract the customers and has a very great influence over the buying behaviour of the consumers. Organizations are adhering to content via web-based networking media, yet additionally making intriguing webcasts and recordings to advance thoughts for new items and crusades. This procedure makes the customers feel progressively engaged with the advertising procedure and the way that they have given some contribution to the procedure makes them trust the brand more. Consumer interaction through social media Social Media plays a very intrinsic role as it is the only platform where consumers can exchange their thoughts and ideas without meeting in real- time. An ever-increasing number of purchasers have begun interfacing with one another over sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest. This gives the business more statistical view, and a chance to comprehend their purchasers, their requirements and their disappointment.
  • 12. 12 Organizations can acquire understanding on improving their item by spotting miserable clients right off the bat and making strides in like manner. Guaranteeing that shoppers feel important can enable organizations to remain two stages in front of their rivals in this consistently evolving business sector. Online networking has radically changed the promoting game for organizations. The sooner organizations understand the significance of internet-based life and the job it plays in promoting, the sooner they can begin receiving the unlimited benefits it offers. Social Media Marketing has become a necessity of today’s world as it is one of the most prominent tools for companies to reach out to their prospects & consumers. With the advent of Technology, Social media marketing has become the only medium which a the wider reach; worldwide. Most of the organizations & industries are totally relying on it to achieve their individual objectives. Social Media is the platform that can help to build the brand image of any industry. Alongside, it can also hamper then image of the organizations because of the negative publicities, reviews, feedback & ratings. To overcome the negative impact, organizations are majorly enrolling themselves to build their good online reputation.
  • 13. 13 HISTORICAL PERSPECTIVE The development of online life has made a requirement for stages to advance with customers’ requests for something new and engaging. Throughout the years there have been numerous systems that have been delayed actualizing changes or unfit to adjust their foundation to requests of customers. Before the existence of social media platforms, netizens during the 1970s and 1980s invested a large portion of their energy in informal communities like dating locales and online gatherings. Six Degrees, LiveJournal, and Friendster were the most punctual type of social medias. The website air pocket of 1995 – 2002 was a basic occasion that enabled the web to turn into a suitable showcasing instrument. It started with pursuit promoting, inciting brands to make sites to set up an online nearness. As Google, Yahoo and MSN's web search tools advanced, organizations went to SEO methodologies to stay at the highest point of query items. . In 2003 – 2004, the landing web-based social networking locales like Facebook, LinkedIn and My Space starts the move of web clients from multiplayer web-based games into long range informal communication destinations. In the long run, organizations got on the beneficial outcomes of a web-based life webpage nearness on online business and began making their very own profiles on the prominent systems administration locales. These days, over 90% of businesses use online networking as a feature of their promoting techniques, and effective organizations use web-based life advertising for marking, lead age, client maintenance, research and web based business. 83% of clients who post objections on a brand's social site like Twitter and get an answer express that they are fulfilled. This helped organizations hold a greater amount of their clients, coming about to expanded existing client exchanges. By 2006, Facebook and Twitter both wound up accessible to clients all through the world. These destinations stay probably the most famous interpersonal organizations on the Internet. Different locales like Tumblr, Spotify, Foursquare and Pinterest started springing up to fill explicit long-range interpersonal communication specialties. Today, there is an enormous assortment of long-range interpersonal communication platfroms, and a large number of them can be connected to permit cross-posting. This makes a situation where clients can arrive at the most extreme number of individuals without giving up the closeness of individual to-individual correspondence.
  • 14. 14 Overview of Impact of Social Media Marketing on the businesses in India Social networking websites unite individuals to communicate with each other and construct connections. When organizations join these channels, buyers communicate with them getting a progressively close to home touch because of their prior associations by means of web- based social networking. For instance, BLOGS, enable individual supporters to tweet, re tweet or repost remarks made by the item being advanced. And in light of the fact that the data is being shared out there, over and over, subsequently carrying more traffic to the item or organization. Cell Phone utilization has additionally turned out to be valuable for web-based life promoting. PDAs or we can say advanced mobile phones are fit for interfacing with online life locales. People utilizing these get refreshes on any happenings about an item or organization continuously. Along these lines items and organizations can continually remind on updating, changes in item and so forth. Whereby making commercials consistently in sight. Client securing is basically the craft of structure and keeping up connections to improve the customary client procurement and maintenance forms. It's not confined to online life, however internet-based life is positively a decent spot to begin. Aside from the conventional push showcasing, pull advertising has likewise turned into a necessary piece of the framework. 70% of the individuals trust brand suggestions from loved ones. Individuals talk about various brands via web-based networking media, tail them or even like the pages. Furthermore, the expense of not being engaged with web-based life is ascending with each and every day. For Brand building, three most famous stages names being Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Twitter is outstanding amongst other online life stages for commitment and network building. Facebook is the stage your clients extremely need to see you on. They need client care by means of Facebook and they need you to be accessible to draw in with them through Facebook. LinkedIn is centred around B2B associations and leads.
  • 15. 15 Objectives of the study 1. To show the Impact of social media on the consumer’s purchasing behavior. 2. To analyze the change in consumer’s purchasing behavior with different tools of social media marketing. 3. To identify the gaps between social media marketing strategies and mainstream media marketing strategies. Limitations a) The sample size of study is only 70, so that this research study can’t be considered as universal. b) It is assumed that respondents have given the correct answers. c) The survey was conducted only in Delhi/Ncr, so the potential respondents outside the city were not considered.
  • 16. 16 HYPOTHESIS OF THE STUDY Ho: Consumers do not prefer Social Media Marketing over traditional modes of marketing. H1: Consumers prefer Social Media Marketing over traditional modes of marketing. Ho: There is no positive impact of Social Media on decision making & buying behavior of consumers. H1: There is a positive impact of Social Media on decision making & buying behavior of consumers.
  • 17. 17 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY The concept of social media marketing has emerged in 2019 and the sales rate of many products is increasing due to social media marketing. It has a great impact on the mind of the consumers. With the advent of technology, the market is changing from the basic industry to digital industry, so the consumers are keen to watch the marketing strategies through social media. So, it is important to find which are new marketing tools and impactful tools. The researcher has studied in the pilot study that the consumers are moving towards the social media advertising. So, it has become a need in today’s hour to conduct a research on the consumer’s buying behavior and the impact of social media marketing on the purchasing behavior of consumers. With the advent of Technology and Internet based services, Social Media has become the most valuable and beneficial marketing channel for B2B and B2C companies for each & every industry & sector. Unlike traditional marketing, online marketing has many advantages like global reach, availability of wide variety, 24*7 timing etc. Customer satisfaction is the key factor for consumer retention and acquisition in social media marketing.
  • 18. 18 CHAPTER 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE The researcher has done the literature review on various Publications and Articles which are described below. The researcher has analyzed from the article written by Williams et al in 2000. In this article it is stated that Social media marketing influences perception, consumers’ selection behavior, buying decision from pre- purchase data phase to post- purchase behavior. The researcher has analyzed that it has been stated by Miller et al, in 2010 that over 11 million shoppers use 70% social networking to buy various products and services. The consumers provide useful data concerning the product and share comments with different consumers over social media which helps them to purchase. The researcher has analyzed from the Research paper written by Williams and Cothrell in 2000, it is stated that due to advantages of social media in connecting business directly to end consumers, in a timely manner and at a low cost. It has been seen that Social Media marketing has a great influence on customer’s perceptions and behaviors and has been brought in the center of attention in different industries in the last few years. The raid increase in the popularity of social media created the necessity for the use of social media platforms as a fundamental tool of industry’s promotion and products sales. Social media are able to modify the marketing methods, since businesses interact immediately with the consumers- user stated by SOLOMON et al, 2010.
  • 19. 19 METHODOLOGY • PRIMARY SOURCE OF DATA: As the name is self-explanatory, Primary data comprises of firsthand data from the customers through direct interaction at the point of meeting. Primary data includes:- ➢ Questionnaire ➢ Discussions with the concerned • SECONDARY SOURCE OF DATA: Secondary data is the kind of data that has already published or collected through magazines, newspapers, articles and other external sources. External data, on the other hand, was generated from internet. 1. SAMPLE SIZE :- The information is collected through google form questionnaire, in which total 70 respondents were interviewed during the survey. 2. SAMPLING TECHNIQUE: - In this research study ‘convenience sampling technique’ has adopted. This method is applied in order to gain initial primary data for research paper. Data Collection Method PRIMARY Data Collection Method SECONDARY INTERNAL/ EXTERNAL
  • 20. 20 The Methodologies that we followed while doing this research includes the following stages:- • Collection of data from field as well as internet. • Profiling those data. • Analyzing the data collected and questionnaire filled.
  • 21. 21 1. SECONDARY DATA ANALYSIS Web based life advertising has turned into the most dominant mode for organizations looking to connect with their prospects and clients. Given the wide reach of SMM, firms are progressively depending on it. In request to accomplish their advertising and marking targets. By supplanting the customary methods for showcasing, web-based life has given new chances to firms to connect with purchasers in social collaboration on the web. The goal of the present examination is to research the capability of internet-based life advertising as a compelling promoting device that causes them to influence view of clients and at last impact their buy choices. The investigation means to feature the focal points that organizations gain by successful utilization of SMM. The exploration proposes that the commitment with SMM positively affects customers brand mindfulness and buy expectations. The article likewise investigations the negative impact of companies’ internet-based life exercises which influence the general duty and inclusion of the buyers. In this manner the examination gives a mode to revealing administrative difficulties and for arranging better reactions to buyers' web-based social networking exercises. SOURCE: buying-behaviour-a-study/ PUBLISHED ONLINE: 7 June’18
  • 22. 22 2. PRIMARY DATA ANALYSIS QUESTIONNAIRE: This is the major source of primary data used for research. It has been directly collected from the respondents. It has detailed questions based on the parameters related to Homosexuality. Research Design Descriptive research Research Method Survey method Research Instrument Structured questionnaire Sample size 70 Sample area Delhi NCR Sampling method Non-Probability/Convenience Sampling
  • 23. 23 DATA ANALYSIS & INTERPRETATION S. n No. Particulars No. of Respondents Percentage 1 18-21 14 20% 2 22-30 47 67.1% 3 31-35 9 12.9% Interpretation From the above chart, we can see the data that the researcher has collected is the age of most of the respondents was in between 22- 30
  • 24. 24 S. No. Particulars No. of respondents Percentage 1 Students 36 51.4% 2 Professional 34 48.6% Interpretation From the above study, the researcher can conclude that in the research questionnaire 51.4% people were professionals while 48.6% were students.
  • 25. 25 S. No. Particulars No. of respondents Percentage 1 Yes 68 97.1% 2 No 2 2.9% Interpretations: From the above chart, we can see that 97.1% respondents were social media user while 2.9% respondents were not.
  • 26. 26 S. No. Particulars No. of respondents Percentage 1 Always 10 14.3% 2 Often 21 30% 3 Rarely 34 48.6% 4 Never 5 7.1% Interpretations From the above chart, we can see that 48.6 % respondents rarely prefer buying products through social media sites and get attracted by social media marketing, 30% respondents’ often, 14.3% respondents always and 7.1% respondents never social media sites for buying products/ services.
  • 27. 27 S. No. Particulars No. of respondents Percentage 1 Facebook 3 4.3% 2 Blogs/ Forums 2 2.9% 3 Instagram 27 38.6% 4 Others 38 54.3% Interpretations From the above chart, we can see that 38.6 % respondents prefer Instagram for buying products/ services, 4.3% prefer Facebook, 2.9% prefer blogs and 54.3% respondents prefer others.
  • 28. 28 S. No. Particulars No. of respondents Percentage 1 Strongly agree 5 7.5% 2 Agree 39 58.2% 3 Neutral 18 26.9% 4 Disagree 3 4.5% 5 Strongly disagree 2 3% Interpretations From the above chart, we can see that 58.2% respondents think searching for information related to products/ services is easier via social media compared to mainstream media, 26.9% respondents were neutral about the statement, 7.5% respondents were strongly agreeing, 4.5% respondents disagreed and 3% respondents strongly disagreed.
  • 29. 29 S. No. Particulars No. of respondents Percentage 1 Yes 47 67.1% 2 No 23 32.9% Interpretations From the above chart, we can see that 67.1% respondents think the information shared on social media sites about products is relevant while 32.9% respondents think it is not.
  • 30. 30 S. No. Particulars No. of respondents Percentage 1 Always 6 8.6% 2 Often 17 24.3% 3 Sometimes 33 47.1% 4 Rarely 10 14.3% 5 Never 4 5.7% Interpretations From the above chart, we can see that 47.1% respondents sometimes rely on information available on social media if they have any kind of uncertainties regarding a purchase, 24.3% respondents do often, 14.3% respondents rarely rely on the available information, 8.6% respondents always rely while 5.7% respondents never rely.
  • 31. 31 S. No. Particulars No. of respondents Percentage 1 Strongly agree 11 15.7% 2 Agree 42 60% 3 Neutral 13 18.6% 4 Disagree 3 4.3% 5 Strongly disagree 1 1.4% Interpretations From the above chart, we can see that 60% respondents agrees that the feedback/ reviews available on social media affect their purchasing behavior, 18.6% respondents are neutral about the statement, 15.7% respondents strongly agreed while 1.4% respondents strongly disagreed with the statement.
  • 32. 32 S. No. Particulars No. of respondents Percentage 1 Yes 59 84.3% 2 No 11 15.7% Interpretations From the above chart, we can see that 84.3% respondents think social media makes their buying decision making easier while 15.7% respondents think it does not.
  • 33. 33 MAJOR FINDINGS OF THE STUDY 1. With the help of pilot study, the researcher has been observed that majority of the people thinks social media marketing is really effective and has a great impact on consumer’s buying behaviour. 2. Despite of strong marketing people, people still do not prefer to buy products/services through social media sites. 3. Majority of the people think searching for information related to products/ services is easier via social media compared to mainstream media and it makes life easy. 4. In this research, it has been observed sometimes people rely on information available on social media if they have any kind of uncertainties regarding a purchase 5. According to the study it has been observed that 60% respondents agree that the feedback/ reviews available on social media affect their purchase. 6. In this research it has been observed that 84.3% respondents think social media makes their buying decision making easier.
  • 34. 34 Conclusion Thus, from the above pilot study it is pretty clear that Social media marketing which is a subpart of digital/ New age media has impacted in a positive way and also in a negative way. Hence, 58.2% respondents think searching for information related to products/ services is easier via social media compared to mainstream media, 47.1% respondents sometimes rely on information available on social media if they have any kind of uncertainties regarding a purchase. And it has been observed that people think it is very easy to take information of any product from social media than any other sources and it is Time saving. Also, Many social sites gives chance to replace product if you have any issue and there are so many options to find relevant product on social sites. Social media helps to give entire information about the products under one roof. Using information from the social media is a great idea for a purchase decision but the difference is that few of the people like to purchase mostly from malls or related to that because they do not rely on online shopping. Hence it can be concluded, Nowadays youth are very active on social medias so the relevant information about the products on different social media is very useful it effect the buying decision of customers and they can also go through the feedbacks given by many known personalities, people usually get attracted towards them while using such media's.
  • 35. 35 BIBLIOGRAPHY • benefits-of-social-media-for-consumers/ • • • • consumer-buying-behaviour-a-study/ • 043109995.html • infographic.html • • •
  • 36. 36 APPENDIX Sample Questionnaire 1. Age • 18-21 • 22-30 • 30-35 • 36+ 2. Profession • Student • Professional • Homemaker • Others 3. Are you a social media user? • Yes • No 4. Do you prefer buying products through social media sites? • Always • Often • Rarely • Never 5. Which of the social media site you prefer for buying products/services? • Facebook • Blogs/forums • Instagram • Youtube • Others 6. Do you think searching for information related to products/ services is easier via social media compared to mainstream media? • Strongly agree • Agree • Neutral • Agree • Strongly disagree 7. Do you think the information shared on social media sites about products is relevant?
  • 37. 37 • Yes • No 8. Do you rely on information available on social media if you have uncertainties regarding a purchase? • Always • Often • Sometimes • Rarely • Never 9. Do you agree that feedbacks/ reviews on social media affect your purchase? • Strongly agree • Agree • Neutral • Disagree • Strongly disagree 10. Do you think social media makes your buying decision making easier? • Strongly agree • Agree • Neutral • Disagree • Strongly disagree 11. In your opinion what is the biggest difference in making a purchase decision b/w using info from the social media and from other sources?
  • 38. 38