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                                                                       SOIL AMENDMENTS
         A ppropri e Technol
                  at        ogy Transf f R ural A reas
                                      er or
                                                                                        HORTICULTURE TECHNICAL NOTE
           ATTRA is the national sustainable agriculture information center funded by the USDA’s Rural Business -- Cooperative Service.

    ABSTRACT: This publication covers soil amendments that are not standard agricultural fertilizers. These include plant and
    animal by-products, rock powders, seaweed, inoculants, conditioners and others. Much of the information is taken from research
    reports by Iowa State University and the Rodale Institute Research Center, which cover the material in greater detail (2, 9). The
    reader is referred to these works for additional information. Another ATTRA publication, Sources for Organic Fertilizers and
    Amendments, serves as a companion piece to this document. It provides sources for the materials discussed herein.

Written by Bart Hall, July 1998
Revised by Preston Sullivan, April 2001

                                                             Table of Contents
                        Amendments in Proper Context...........................................................2
                        Plant & Animal By-Products ................................................................2
                        Manure & Compost Based Products ....................................................3
                        Rock and Mineral Powders ..................................................................4
                        Seaweed Products ...............................................................................7
                        Microbial Inoculants ............................................................................8
                        Soil Conditioners ..................................................................................10
                        Evaluate Products Carefully.................................................................10
                        References ...........................................................................................11

Amendments In Proper Context                           amendment without ensuring that it was
                                                       approved by the program under which they
The sustainability of a farm system is only            sought certification. Some alternative soil
marginally related to fertilizer and other inputs.     amendments either contain ingredients that
Intrinsic soil factors such as slope, texture, and     disqualify them from use in certified production,
local rainfall, along with management-related          or contain "secret" ingredients that prevent a
factors such as a forage-based rotation, soil          certification program from evaluating whether or
organic matter, aggregate stability, and tillage       not that specific brand can be approved.
practices, have a much greater influence on the
sustainability of any given farm than does the         ATTRA has additional information on organic
type or amount of soil amendments. Shifting            certification, plus a list of certifiers, available
from conventional inputs to alternative ones does      upon request. ATTRA has some good
little to increase overall sustainability.             introductory material on sustainable soil
                                                       management; ask for ATTRA publications
For example, yields of most crops will be reduced      Overview of Cover Crops & Green Manures and
in soils with poor or excessive drainage, and          Sustainable Soil Management.
when soil pH is too acidic or alkaline for the
crop’s needs. Only if soil moisture, air, and          Plant & Animal By-Products
acidity regimes are generally correct do the major
nutrients—nitrogen, phosphate, and potash—             Assorted by-products of the food and fiber
begin to exert significant influence on yields. In     industries are occasionally used as soil
other words, if a soil is excessively acid and         amendments, returning to the land nutrients that
poorly drained it doesn't really matter how much       might otherwise be wasted.
fertilizer (conventional or alternative) is applied;   Many of these products are far too expensive to
yields will still be disappointing.                    justify their use in other than very specialized
                                                       horticultural applications.
In most cases, alternative products are
appropriate and effective as minor components          Plant by-products
of a highly developed system of whole-farm
management. They are most effective in fine-           Alfalfa meal (or pellets) contains around 3%
tuning a system that already functions relatively      nitrogen and is commonly used as an animal
well. This fact is well worth remembering when         feed. It is an excellent fertilizer material in
talking with vendors at a trade show or planning       horticulture, and is said to contain unknown
a product purchase. It is wise to evaluate their       growth factors which make its mineral content
potential usefulness in view of other use for the      more effective as plant nutrients.
same money.
                                                       Cottonseed meal is a rich source of nitrogen (7%).
Farmers for whom organic certification is an           Unfortunately, a substantial percentage of the
important element of marketing should check            insecticides used in the U.S. are applied to
carefully with their certification program before      cotton, and some of these tend to leave residues
buying any product that they do not positively         in the seeds. Most organic certification programs
know is approved on a brand-name basis.                restrict or prohibit the use of cottonseed meal.

Organic certification programs and their field         Fruit pomaces are what remain after the juice is
inspectors have reported persistent problems           extracted. They are heavy, wet products
with alternative soil amendments other than the        normally available only locally, and best
better-known alternative fertilizer materials.         composted before use.
Some farmers have been refused certification
because they took the word of a product                Leaf compost is increasingly available as more
promoter and applied an alternative soil               and more municipalities compost urban and

                        // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS                                     Page 2
suburban leaves. In principle, the product is a       measured as 4-1-1. Fish emulsion may be
good one, but it is often contaminated with           fortified with chemical fertilizer, so organic
"impurities" ranging from transmission fluid to       farmers should be suspicious of any product with
trash bags.                                           a nitrogen content in excess of 5%.

Soybean meal is, like alfalfa, most commonly          Leather meal is ground tannery waste with 10%
used as a protein supplement for animal feeds.        nitrogen. Unfortunately, most leather meal also
With about 7% nitrogen it can be a useful, but        contains about 3% added chromium (a toxic
expensive, fertilizer material.                       heavy metal), and is thus prohibited in organic
Wood ash contains about 2% phosphate and 6%
potash, but may be contaminated with heavy            Manure and Compost Based
metals or plastic and typically has a high salt
content. Wood ash is rather alkaline, and
excessive use can be quite damaging to many           One of the most common types of prepackaged
soils. Some organic programs restrict its use.        alternative soil amendments is the manure- or
                                                      compost-based blended fertilizer. Several of
Animal by-products                                    these products have national distribution, and
                                                      many more enjoy a loyal regional following. Such
Blood meal is dried slaughterhouse waste              products are typically analyzed at 2 to 5% for
containing about 12% nitrogen. Unless used            each nutrient. Dried compost is used as a
carefully, it can burn plants with ammonia, lose      bulking agent, source of nutrients, and organic
much of its nitrogen through volatilization, or       matter. It is blended with several of the materials
encourage fungal growth. In view of the               discussed in this publication, including rock
extremely high cost of blood meal, farmers            minerals and plant and animal by-products.
should be sure that it really is the best source of   Nearly all products of this class sell for prices
nitrogen in a given situation.                        about three times greater than their conventional
                                                      fertilizer value, but may be quite effective in farm
Bone meal is discussed under phosphate sources,       situations. However, farmers with access to other
in the section titled “Rock and Mineral Powders.”     sources of manure or compost can realize
                                                      substantial savings by relying on local manure
Feather meal is a common by-product of the            resources. Some manure-based, blended
poultry slaughter industry. Although total            fertilizers contain ingredients prohibited by one
nitrogen levels are fairly high (7 to 10%), the       or more organic certification programs and may
nature of feathers is such that they break down       not be used in certified production; others may be
and release their nitrogen much more slowly           disqualified because the manufacturer refuses to
than many products of similar price.                  reveal the "secret" ingredients.

Fish meal and fish emulsion are, like most animal     Composted sewage sludge is marketed as a
by-products, rich in nitrogen. Fish meal contains     fertilizer and soil amendment. This compost
about 10% nitrogen, along with about 6%               provides organic matter and a number of
phosphate. It is most frequently used as a feed       nutrients, and as marketed, is solid with little
additive, but can be used as a fertilizer. The        odor. The greatest potential problems with using
fertilizer analysis of fish emulsion varies with      composted sludge are heavy metals from
preparation method. Whole fish and fish parts         industrial waste, along with assorted chemical
must be digested to form a slurry, a process          contaminants (from household cleaners, latex
accomplished with the aid of either phosphoric        paint, and other things people flush down their
acid or special enzymes. Acid-digested fish           drains). Pathogens are controlled fairly easily
emulsion usually has an analysis around 4-4-1,        through proper composting, which raises the
while enzyme-digested fish emulsion is usually        temperature of the composting material

                        // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS                                  Page 3
sufficiently to kill many microorganisms. The          on-farm experimentation. A general
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has               understanding of the principal phosphate
established strict guidelines for pathogen control,    products, however, will give some indication of
which most sewage composting facilities follow.        how they are likely to act in different
                                                       circumstances. Of particular importance is soil
Heavy metal contamination is a significant risk        pH; phosphates will be released more quickly in
wherever industrial facilities contribute to           moderately acid soils than in neutral or alkaline
sewage. Contamination by heavy metals and              soils.
many other chemicals is limited as much as
possible with current technology, but composted        Colloidal phosphate consists of clay particles
sludge often contains levels that make it              surrounded by natural phosphate. Total
unsuitable for use on food crops. Before using         phosphate is around 20% and “available”
any composted sludge or other treated municipal        phosphate about 2–3%. An efficient use of
waste product in crop production, the grower           colloidal phosphate is to add it directly to
must know the chemical composition of the              livestock manure in the barn or lot, where the
product and whether it is safe to apply to food        manure acids dissolve much of the total
crops. Have the sludge tested. It is important to      phosphate and the phosphate stabilizes the
note that at least 38 states regulate the production   nitrogen in the manure. Many of the same
of sewage compost. Its use is prohibited in all        advantages can be had by adding 20–50 pounds
certified organic production.                          of colloidal phosphate to one ton (two cubic
                                                       yards) of manure when composting. The ATTRA
Rock And Mineral Powders                               publication Farm-scale Composting Resource List
                                                       directs the reader to many useful resources on
Phosphate sources                                      composting. When direct land application of
                                                       rock phosphate is the only possibility, spreading
There are a number of alternative phosphate            rates between 500 and 2,000 pounds per acre are
sources on the market, but it can be difficult for     appropriate, depending on phosphorus status,
growers to determine which is the most                 soil acidity, and finances.
appropriate for their operation. Much of the
difficulty stems from confusion about the              Rock phosphates are usually derived from
difference between “total” and “available”             ancient marine deposits. They have a different
phosphate. Chemical phosphate fertilizer is sold       composition than collodial phosphate, generally
on the basis of available phosphate expressed as       making them less available. Total phosphate is
P2O5. In fact, “available phosphate” is the only       around 30% and available phosphate 1–2%. They
allowable claim for fertilizer value.                  are best used in the same manner as colloidal
                                                       phosphate, and it is worth paying for several tests
Available phosphate designations are determined        to determine how effectively this phosphate
                                                       moves into manure and soil. It may or may not
by measuring the amount of phosphate that
                                                       be a better buy than colloidal, depending greatly
dissolves in a weak citric acid solution believed to
                                                       on conditions and circumstances.
imitate conditions near plant roots. This test
provides a standard means of comparing
                                                       Hard-rock phosphates are usually derived from
different phosphate sources. Unconventional            igneous volcanic deposits and consist almost
phosphates, because of their slow release, are         totally of the mineral apatite. Although apatite
often promoted on the basis of total phosphate         contains about 40% total phosphate, because of
content. Neither available nor total phosphate         the mineral's composition, this phosphate is
analyses give a particularly accurate picture of       largely unavailable. In most circumstances it is
how different phosphate materials will perform         not a good buy, but in some situations is the ideal
in natural systems, hence the importance of            product; again, trial and observation are the keys
developing good powers of observation through          to a wise purchase.

                        // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS                                   Page 4
Bone meal is so well known, especially in             Sulpomag® and K-Mag® are two brand names for
horticulture, that it can hardly be considered an     langbeinite.
alternative product. Typically it contains about
27% total phosphate, and nearly all of that is        The salt content and solubility of potassium-
available. There is a great deal of confusion         bearing sulfates dictate well-considered use, but
about the phosphate content of bone meal              their high potash content (22% for langbeinite
because much of it is sold as a feed additive. In     and 50% for potassium sulfate) does allow for
the feed industry, phosphorus is expressed on the     good plant response from relatively modest
label as elemental phosphorus, while in the           application rates. Although soluble salts, these
fertilizer industry it is expressed as phosphate.     products are considerably less salty and less
Phosphate gives a much bigger number (2.3 times       soluble than either kainite (a mixture of
as big) for the same actual phosphorus content.       potassium sulfates and common salt) or muriate
Twelve percent phosphorus is the same as 27%          of potash, the most common conventional
phosphate, and bone meal is sold under either of      potassium fertilizer.
those (or similar) numbers; it's the same good,
but expensive, product in either case.                Granite dust is often sold as a "slowly available"
                                                      potash source for organic production. Total
A by-product of the smelting industry, basic slag     potash contents in granite dust typically vary
may, if finely ground, be a source of phosphorus      from 1 to 5%, depending on overall mineral
and minor elements. Use of basic slag in organic      composition of the rock, but granite is mostly
production is restricted.                             feldspar, a mineral with low solubility.
                                                      Therefore, little potash fertility is derived from
Potassium from rock and mineral powders               this material.

Alternative potash (potassium) sources are            Another source of slowly available potash,
similar to alternative phosphates in that there are   popular in alternative agriculture, is the clay-type
a variety of sources, with differing availability     mineral, glauconite, commonly sold as
and fertility value. As with phosphate, there is a    greensand. Total potash content of greensand is
difference between available potash and total         around 7%, all of which is deeply locked into the
potash; similarly, there is a difference between      mineral and only slowly available. Greensand is
pure potassium and potash, with the potash            also said to have desirable effects on soil
number being 1.2 times higher than potassium          structure. Its high price, however, limits its use
for the same amount of nutrient.                      solely to high-value horticultural applications.

Two sources of potash, potassium sulfate and          Feldspar is one of the major potassium-bearing
potassium magnesium sulfate (langbeinite), are        minerals of granite. Feldspar powder is fairly
commonly enough used in conventional                  easily obtained through the ceramics trade.
agriculture that they can hardly be considered        Unfortunately, most feldspar potash is as tightly
alternative, save for the fact that both are          bound within its mineral structure as is the
regularly used in certified organic agriculture.      potash in greensand. Unless particular
There are two forms of potassium sulfate on the       circumstances provide a clear indication that
market. One is derived by reacting sulfuric acid      feldspar is the most appropriate source of potash,
with potassium chloride. It is a good fertilizer,     it is proabably not cost-effective.
but not acceptable in certified organic
production. Natural potassium sulfate, from           Certain micas, particularly biotite (black mica),
Great Salt Lake, is extracted by a differential       contain several percent total potash, which,
evaporation process lasting three years. It can be    because of mica's physical structure (quite
used in organic farming. Langbeinite goes from        different than feldspar or glauconite), is relatively
mine to field with minimal processing.                available in microbially active environments. If
                                                      pure biotite can be obtained at a reasonable price,
                                                      it may be cost-effective and useful.

                       // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS                                    Page 5
A by-product of the cement industry, kiln dust        Zeolites
can be an affordable limestone substitute and
potash (about 6% soluble) source in areas where       Zeolites are mined alumino-silicate materials,
it is available. Some cement kilns are fired using    containing only insignificant levels of plant
assorted industrial wastes, sometimes including       nutrients. Their use in crop production stems
hazardous wastes. Dust from these kilns may           primarily from high nutrient-exchange capacities,
itself be a hazardous product, and in several         which allow them to absorb and release plant
states is legally treated as such. Sources should     nutrients and moisture without any change in the
be verified carefully, and state regulations          nature of the zeolite. This action results from the
checked. To date, the product is sold only in         mineral’s porous-but-stable chemical structure.
bulk. It is generally prohibited in certified
organic production.                                   Zeolites enhance the performance of fertilizers by
                                                      making them resistant to leaching,
Secondary and minor nutrients from rock               immobilization, and gaseous losses. They are of
powders                                               particular use in reducing leaching in sandy soils.
                                                      In one study, 4 to 8 tons of zeolite per acre was
A number of other rock dusts and powders are          applied (1). Yield increases were reported for
occasionally available in various parts of the        wheat (14%), eggplant (19–55%), carrots (63%),
country; sometimes the results from local trials      and apples (13–38%). Zeolites are widely used in
are reported in national or international             eastern European and Japanese agriculture, but
publications, but it is important to remember that    their use in the U.S. at this time is very limited.
what applies in one region may not be pertinent
in another. Additionally, when dealing with           Humates
natural materials like rock, there is very little
product consistency from one batch to another;        Humates are commercial products usually
results from one trial may not be transferable to     prepared from leonardite, an oxidized form of
other situations.                                     lignite coal and clay. Leonardite may contain up
                                                      to 60% humic and fulvic acids, which mimic the
Basalt dust, if available at a reasonable cost, can   "active" part of soil humus. Soil scientists use
provide a wide range of trace minerals to             very broad definitions to describe soil organic
agricultural systems over a period of several         matter components; "fulvic acids" and "humic
years; as with most rock powders, transportation      acids" are terms lumping complex families of
costs are a major factor in determining cost-         organic compounds together on the basis of how
effectiveness. Most of the rich volcanic soils of     they can be most easily extracted from soil. For
the world are derived from basalt, which gives        the most part, however, the organic acids
some indication of basalt's agronomic value, and      extracted from leonardite bear little resemblance
even when too expensive for land application,         to the humic or fulvic acids in soils. Although
basalt dust can benefit farm systems when mixed       extremely useful and cost-efficient in certain
with manure in the composting process.                situations—as nutrient substrates in soilless
                                                      greenhouse production for example—humates
Any rock, of course, can be ground into powder,       and similar products are less clearly helpful in
if the price is right. Various people have            many field situations.
proposed additions to the soil of assorted rock
dusts, or even powdered gravel. One rationale         The sheer volume of organic matter in even
for this is the paramagnetic property that some       moderately rich soils suggests that agronomically
rock minerals add to the soil—a factor believed to    affordable applications of humates may not
be associated with high fertility. ATTRA has          produce significant improvements. The top six
additional information on paramagnetism in soils      inches of soil weigh approximately 1,000 tons per
for those interested.                                 acre; each percent of organic matter, therefore,
                                                      weighs ten tons. Even assuming that the organic
                                                      matter in humate products actually is similar to

                       // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS                                   Page 6
that in soil, it requires two tons of humates per      Seaweed Products
acre to increase soil organic matter by 0.1%.
                                                       Most seaweed fertilizers come from kelp that has
Research by the Rodale Institute determined that:      been harvested, dried, and ground. Kelp meal is
                                                       suitable for application directly to the soil, or for
       commercial humates...are not products that      addition to the compost pile. It flows easily and
       can substitute for adequate mineral             is readily applied with most dry fertilizer
       nutrients.... Humates do contain high           applicators. It is easily mixed with other dry
       percentages of humic acids and organic          fertilizers and amendments.
       matter, but at their recommended, or
       economically feasible rates it is likely they
                                                       Soil application rates for kelp meal commonly
       may not significantly increase soil organic
                                                       range from 150 to 250 lbs/acre for pastures,
       matter. Likewise, the humic acids in
                                                       forages and small grains. Two hundred to 400
       commercial humates may have the ability
                                                       lbs/acre are advised for corn, horticultural crops,
       to...provide growth-stimulating effects, but
                                                       and gardens. Since it is expensive, kelp meal is
       in the soil they comprise only a minute
                                                       most commonly used only on high-value crops.
       fraction of the total soil humic acid content
                                                       Dried raw seaweed tends to contain about 1%
Additionally, the results indicated that humates       nitrogen, a trace of phosphorus, and 2% potash,
containing unrefined leonardite can immobilize         along with magnesium, sulfur, and numerous
soil phosphorus under some conditions, creating        trace elements. Raw seaweeds are prepared by
a negative effect on plant performance.                various methods and sold under a number of
                                                       brand names.
The Rodale report also concluded that:
                                                       More often, compounds from kelp and other
       [while] humate products are based on            seaweeds are extracted by various methods in
       sound principles and the potential for          order to concentrate both micronutrients and
       their beneficial action does exist...the        naturally occurring plant hormones into a
       economics and time involved to increase         soluble, easily transported form. Such kelp
       organic matter through commercial               extracts are sometimes applied as a foliar spray
       products, rather than through more              by farmers seeking a natural source of
       traditional organic-matter-building             micronutrients. For the most part, none of the
       programs, should be seriously considered        micronutrient levels in kelp extracts is high
       (2).                                            enough to correct a deficiency, but as a "tonic"
                                                       providing a broad array of micronutrients and
Despite such determinations, many farmers              other trace elements, seaweed extracts have won
report significant benefits from the use of            a measure of acceptance among organic farmers.
humates and related products. Where humates            Note that while most kelp products are allowed
have shown the most promise is as natural soil         in certified production, a few have been
amendments in areas with alkaline, low-organic-        supplemented with commercial forms of potash
matter soils. Such soils are common across a           and other nutrients and are prohibited.
wide range of agricultural production zones in
the southern and western U.S. Leonardite and           Microbial Inoculants
similar products are generally consistent with
organic production practices, given that they are      Inoculants, which are dry or liquid preparations
natural products with proven benefit in certain        of one or more species of microorganism, fall into

situations. Some extracts, however, are not            three broad groups: 1) those that inoculate
acceptable in certified organic production,            individual plants with symbiotic organisms
depending on the extraction process used.              (chiefly Rhizobia spp.), 2) those that inoculate the

                        // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS                                     Page 7
soil with desirable organisms, and 3) those that        from plant association by taking nutrients and
are used as “cover crops” (algae).                      carbohydrates from the plant roots they live in.

Rhizobia                                                In soils where mychorrhizae have been killed off,
                                                        an inoculation may be beneficial. In healthy soils
The most clearly beneficial microbial                   where they already exist there will be little or no
preparations for agricultural use are the different     benefit to adding more. There are dozens of
strains of Rhizobia used to inoculate legumes.          mychorrizae species in nature. Additionally, the
Specific strains of these bacteria live in a mutually   species found on plant roots may change as the
beneficial (symbiotic) relationship with specific       plant matures. If those that are available are of
species of legumes. The bacteria penetrate the          the correct species, and are handled properly at
plant roots, causing the formation of root nodules      all stages, they offer interesting potential benefits
containing both plant tissue and bacteria. In very      to farmers in well-managed systems. Generally it
simple terms, the plant supplies the physical           is preferred to inoculate with several species
environment and certain nutrients to the bacteria;      rather than a single one. For information on
the bacteria "fix" nitrogen from the air into           rhizobial and mycorrhizal inoculation for disease
compounds that then become available to the             suppression, request the ATTRA publication
plant. Typical nitrogen fixation rates vary from        Sustainable Management of Soil-borne Plant
50 lbs/acre to over 300 lbs/acre, depending on          Diseases.
climate, species, and soil conditions. On most
farms these rates make it possible to harvest good      Free-living soil organisms
crops without purchasing additional nitrogen.
                                                        A great many of the products in this category are
Mycorrhizae                                             designed to be sprayed on the soil surface or on
                                                        crop residues in order to inoculate the topsoil
The mycorrhizae (my-cor-ry-‘zee) group of fungi         with desirable microorganisms. Manufacturers
live either on or in plant roots and act to extend      of these products make numerous and varying
the reach of root hairs into the soil. Mycorrhizae      claims about their beneficial effects, which fall
increase the plant's uptake of water and                into three broad categories:
nutrients, especially in less fertile soils. The
superfine, root-like structures of these fungi are      •   The microbes will fix enough nitrogen from
more extensive and more effective than plant root           the air to allow the farmer to eliminate much
hairs at absorbing phosphorus, and other                    or all fertilizer.
nutrients as well. Phosphorus moves slowly in           •   The product improves soil organic matter and
soils but the fungi can absorb it much faster than          "releases" soil nutrients to the crop.
the plant alone can. This enhanced root feeding         •   The product produces better yields, especially
makes it possible to reduce fertilizer rates for            during times of drought.
plants having a healthy colony of mychorrhizae.
Some plants including citrus, grapes, avocados,         Many microbial products do indeed contain free-
and bananas, are dependent on mycorrhiza                living (as opposed to symbiotic) microbes that are
fungi. Others that benefit from having them are         known to fix nitrogen in certain circumstances.
artichokes, melons, tomatoes, peppers, and              Those species, however, work best in wet,
squash.                                                 oxygen-poor conditions that most farmers and
                                                        their crops would prefer to avoid. Rice paddies
Roots colonized by mycorrhizae are less likely to       are a notable exception. In the vast majority of
be penetrated by root-feeding nematodes since           cropping situations other than rice production,
the pest cannot pierce the thick fungal network.        the amount of nitrogen fixed by such free-living

Mycorrhizae also produce hormones and                   microbes is not generally considered
antibiotics, which enhance root growth and              economically significant (3). In other words, the
provide disease suppression. The fungi benefit          value of any fixed nitrogen may be less than the
                                                        cost of the product. Far greater nitrogen fixation,
                        // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS                                     Page 8
for example, can be obtained via symbiotic            surface is necessary. On most soils this would
Rhizobia on a legume sod or cover crop, for much      require irrigation.
lower cost.
                                                      Where weed management is a concern, a
Soil microbes, like all living things, will thrive    traditional cover crop will be more effective than
only in the presence of their preferred               algae. The algal mat is very thin and will not
environmental conditions—moisture, oxygen,            suppress weeds adequately. The constant surface
temperature, pH, food, and shelter. When              moisture required by the algae tends to
conditions are not within favorable ranges, the       encourage weed seeds to sprout. It can also
microbes cease reproduction or die. Natural           encourage disease problems in the crop.
microbial populations will be abundant if soil
conditions are right. Adding a microbial              Enzyme-Based Amendments
amendment in such circumstances may not be
cost-efficient, because the naturally occurring       Enzymes are involved in a number of soil
individuals will typically outnumber the same         reactions, particularly as catalysts in the
species supplied in a product by 10,000 to 1, or      microbial breakdown of organic matter, but very
more (4).                                             little research has been done on the effects of
                                                      adding enzyme products to the soil.
If soil conditions are not right, inoculant           Nevertheless, commercial enzyme treatments for
organisms will reproduce just as slowly as their      soils are often advertised as having a large
naturally occurring colleagues, which is to say,      number of beneficial effects, including improved
not at all. The consensus among agronomists           soil structure, nutrient "activation," greater
appears to be that these products perform best        nutrient availability, "detoxification" of the soil,
when the soil is at or near optimum conditions to     better drainage, better water retention, and
begin with.                                           greater microbial activity.

Algal mats                                            In nature, the microorganisms that process soil
                                                      organic matter produce the enzymes they need to
Another group of inoculants, sold as "cover           do the job. Those enzymes, being proteins, are
crops," are commercial preparations of                themselves broken down by microbial action (5).
soil-inhabiting algae advertised as providing         Enzymes added to the soil would probably suffer
many benefits, including reduced soil crusting,       a similar fate in short order.
improved soil structure, increased soil organic
matter, improved drainage, and better moisture        As with free-living soil organism products, the
retention. A solution of the algae mixed with         circumstances where enzyme products are likely
water is sprayed on the soil surface. In theory it    to perform the best are in soils, that are already
then establishes itself to form a continuous mat      well-balanced and in good condition.
over the soil surface. If natural algae populations
have not been observed to populate a particular       Vitamin products are also sold as soil treatments
soil already, management practices will have to       on occasion, but more often as sprays for the
be adjusted to get successful growth of an algal      plants themselves. Plants might absorb some of
cover crop.                                           the vitamin through leaves or roots, but much of
                                                      the applied vitamin is broken down into simple
Algae are susceptible to the vast majority of         components before being absorbed by the plant
herbicides in use today and would therefore be        (6, 7). Generally, plants in favorable
essentially incompatible in a conventional row        environments synthesize all the vitamins they

crop system. Mat establishment could only occur       need from the resources at hand. The most likely
in the absence of soil disturbance. Therefore,        benefit of applying a vitamin product would be
application would need to be made only after a        as a “quick fix” measure for plants grown under
final cultivation. Lastly, a continuously moist       poor conditions, provided it is possible to

                        // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS                                   Page 9
determine just which vitamins happen to be            structure. Note, too, that many wetting agents
deficient.                                            are not acceptable in certified organic production.

Soil Conditioners                                     Evaluate Products Carefully
Wetting agents and surfactants break the natural      Some non-traditional soil treatments are based on
surface tension of water, overcoming its tendency     sound biological or scientific principles.
to form droplets, and allowing it to penetrate a      Unfortunately, a number of studies cited in the
variety of materials. Common clothes-washing          Compendium (9, 10) and in the Rodale report
solutions, shampoos, and detergents rely on           Novel Soil Amendments (2) show that using many
wetting agents or surfactants to function             of the non-traditional products mentioned here
effectively. Similar compounds are also sold as       results in negative net income for the farmer. The
soil conditioners and are heavily promoted as         supposed beneficial effects of the products tested
improving water penetration, drainage, and soil       in these studies do not increase yields sufficiently
structure. They are also advertised as aids in        to offset the cost of applying the product. In
controlling erosion and reducing compaction or        many studies, the product tested had no
hardpans as a result of increased water               measurable effect on either the crop or the soil.
penetration of the soil.
                                                      Advertisements for these products often cite
In general, wetting agents are effective where a      studies which the sellers claim prove the
soil's water-repellency is caused by turf or          effectiveness of their products. Those results,
grassland cover, by ash from the burning of           however, are usually taken out of context,
organic matter, or by single-grain soil structure     obscuring the fact that the claimed yield increase
(soil particles all of one size and not aggregated,
                                                      is due not to the tested product, but to normal
as occurs in some sands). Conditions
                                                      random fluctuations in yield caused by
in which wetting agents have little or no effect
include poor drainage due to hardpans,                environmental conditions within the study.
compaction from tillage or traffic, and “tight” or    In other words, the product doesn't really do
fine-textured soils that have very small pores        what the vendors claim it does. Though
(such as some clays). In other words, wetting         governments do require companies to guarantee
agents are likely to have some effect where water     analyses and to back up sales claims for
infiltrates a soil slowly because the soil surface    conventional fertilizers, alternative products are,
repels water, but not where water penetrates          for the most part, unregulated and uncontrolled.
slowly because there are no large pore spaces (8).
Most soils with good structure have good              At the same time, prejudice against alternative
infiltration rates. Soil structure can be             products and practices has often resulted in
maintained and improved by a good rotation,
                                                      testing that has been less than honest, and some
regular additions of organic matter, and normal
                                                      off-the-cuff rejections by researchers and
conservation practices. Beneficial effects should
not be expected on soils that are already wetable.    Extension. As a result, farmers benefit the most
                                                      by evaluations done within the context of their
Commercial wetting agents can be quite                own farm operations. On-farm research trials
expensive, especially when used to treat large        take some effort but are not difficult to perform.
areas, and any results may not justify the cost of    Contact ATTRA for a copy of the Sustainable
the product. Some farmers attempt to economize        Agriculture Network's publication entitled How
by applying something like dishwashing soap or        to Conduct Research on Your Farm or Ranch.

shampoo instead of commercial wetting agents,         References
but caution is advised since other ingredients in
household products may be detrimental to plant        1)     Mumptom, Fredrick A. 1985. Using zeolites
growth or may cause a breakdown of soil                      in agriculture. p. 125–158 In: Innovative

                       // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS                                    Page 10
Biological Technologies for Lesser Developed             7)       Allison, F.E. 1973. Soil Organic Matter and its
           Countries. Congress of the United States,                         Role in Crop Production. Elsevier Scientific
           Office of Technology Assessment.                                  Publishing Co., New York, 639 p.
           Washington D.C. 246 p.
                                                                    8)       Sunderman, H. D. 1983. Soil Wetting Agents:
2)         McAllister, J. 1987. A Practical Guide to                         Their Use in Crop Production. North Central
           Novel Soil Amendments. Rodale Press,                              Regional Extension Publication 190, 4 p.
           Emmaus, Pennsylvania. 124 p.
                                                                    9)       NRC-103 Committee. 1986. Compendium of
3)         Huang, P. M. and M. Schnitzer, (eds.) . 1986.                     Research Reports on Use of Non-Traditional
           Interactions of Soil Minerals with Natural                        Materials for Crop Production, Cooperative
           Organics and Microbes, Special Publication                        Extension Service, Iowa State University,
           17. Soil Science Society of America, Madison,                     Ames. Varied pagination.
           Wisconsin. 606 p.
                                                                    10)      Ibid. Supplement 1.
4)         David Patriquin
           Department of Biology, Dalhousie Univ.
           Halifax, Nova Scotia                                     By Bart Hall, July 1998
                                                                    Revised by Preston Sullivan, April, 2001
5)         Stevenson, F. J., (ed.) . 1982. Nitrogen in
           Agricultural Soils. American Society of                  NCAT Agriculture Specialists
           Agronomy. Madison, Wisconsin. 940 p.

6)         Vitosh, M. L. 1984. Biological Inoculants
           and Activators: Their Value to Agriculture.
           North Central Regional Extension
           Publication. 168. 4 p.                                    The electronic version of Alternative Soil Amendments
                                                                     is located at:

     The ATTRA Project is operated by the National Center for Appropriate Technology under a grant from the
     Rural Business-Cooperative Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. These organizations do not
     recommend or endorse products, companies, or individuals. ATTRA is located in the Ozark Mountains
     at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville at P.O. Box 3657, Fayetteville, AR 72702. ATTRA staff
     members prefer to receive requests for information about sustainable agriculture via the toll-free
     number 800-346-9140.

                            // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS                                                Page 11


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Alternative Soil Amendments

  • 1. 800-346-9140 ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS A ppropri e Technol at ogy Transf f R ural A reas er or HORTICULTURE TECHNICAL NOTE ATTRA is the national sustainable agriculture information center funded by the USDA’s Rural Business -- Cooperative Service. ABSTRACT: This publication covers soil amendments that are not standard agricultural fertilizers. These include plant and animal by-products, rock powders, seaweed, inoculants, conditioners and others. Much of the information is taken from research reports by Iowa State University and the Rodale Institute Research Center, which cover the material in greater detail (2, 9). The reader is referred to these works for additional information. Another ATTRA publication, Sources for Organic Fertilizers and Amendments, serves as a companion piece to this document. It provides sources for the materials discussed herein. Written by Bart Hall, July 1998 Revised by Preston Sullivan, April 2001 Table of Contents Amendments in Proper Context...........................................................2 Plant & Animal By-Products ................................................................2 Manure & Compost Based Products ....................................................3 Rock and Mineral Powders ..................................................................4 Seaweed Products ...............................................................................7 Microbial Inoculants ............................................................................8 Soil Conditioners ..................................................................................10 Evaluate Products Carefully.................................................................10 References ...........................................................................................11 IS A PROJECT OF THE NATIONAL CENTER FOR APPROPRIATE TECHNOLOGY
  • 2. Amendments In Proper Context amendment without ensuring that it was approved by the program under which they The sustainability of a farm system is only sought certification. Some alternative soil marginally related to fertilizer and other inputs. amendments either contain ingredients that Intrinsic soil factors such as slope, texture, and disqualify them from use in certified production, local rainfall, along with management-related or contain "secret" ingredients that prevent a factors such as a forage-based rotation, soil certification program from evaluating whether or organic matter, aggregate stability, and tillage not that specific brand can be approved. practices, have a much greater influence on the sustainability of any given farm than does the ATTRA has additional information on organic type or amount of soil amendments. Shifting certification, plus a list of certifiers, available from conventional inputs to alternative ones does upon request. ATTRA has some good little to increase overall sustainability. introductory material on sustainable soil management; ask for ATTRA publications For example, yields of most crops will be reduced Overview of Cover Crops & Green Manures and in soils with poor or excessive drainage, and Sustainable Soil Management. when soil pH is too acidic or alkaline for the crop’s needs. Only if soil moisture, air, and Plant & Animal By-Products acidity regimes are generally correct do the major nutrients—nitrogen, phosphate, and potash— Assorted by-products of the food and fiber begin to exert significant influence on yields. In industries are occasionally used as soil other words, if a soil is excessively acid and amendments, returning to the land nutrients that poorly drained it doesn't really matter how much might otherwise be wasted. fertilizer (conventional or alternative) is applied; Many of these products are far too expensive to yields will still be disappointing. justify their use in other than very specialized horticultural applications. In most cases, alternative products are appropriate and effective as minor components Plant by-products of a highly developed system of whole-farm management. They are most effective in fine- Alfalfa meal (or pellets) contains around 3% tuning a system that already functions relatively nitrogen and is commonly used as an animal well. This fact is well worth remembering when feed. It is an excellent fertilizer material in talking with vendors at a trade show or planning horticulture, and is said to contain unknown a product purchase. It is wise to evaluate their growth factors which make its mineral content potential usefulness in view of other use for the more effective as plant nutrients. same money. Cottonseed meal is a rich source of nitrogen (7%). Farmers for whom organic certification is an Unfortunately, a substantial percentage of the important element of marketing should check insecticides used in the U.S. are applied to carefully with their certification program before cotton, and some of these tend to leave residues buying any product that they do not positively in the seeds. Most organic certification programs know is approved on a brand-name basis. restrict or prohibit the use of cottonseed meal. Organic certification programs and their field Fruit pomaces are what remain after the juice is inspectors have reported persistent problems extracted. They are heavy, wet products with alternative soil amendments other than the normally available only locally, and best better-known alternative fertilizer materials. composted before use. Some farmers have been refused certification because they took the word of a product Leaf compost is increasingly available as more promoter and applied an alternative soil and more municipalities compost urban and // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS Page 2
  • 3. suburban leaves. In principle, the product is a measured as 4-1-1. Fish emulsion may be good one, but it is often contaminated with fortified with chemical fertilizer, so organic "impurities" ranging from transmission fluid to farmers should be suspicious of any product with trash bags. a nitrogen content in excess of 5%. Soybean meal is, like alfalfa, most commonly Leather meal is ground tannery waste with 10% used as a protein supplement for animal feeds. nitrogen. Unfortunately, most leather meal also With about 7% nitrogen it can be a useful, but contains about 3% added chromium (a toxic expensive, fertilizer material. heavy metal), and is thus prohibited in organic agriculture. Wood ash contains about 2% phosphate and 6% potash, but may be contaminated with heavy Manure and Compost Based metals or plastic and typically has a high salt Products content. Wood ash is rather alkaline, and excessive use can be quite damaging to many One of the most common types of prepackaged soils. Some organic programs restrict its use. alternative soil amendments is the manure- or compost-based blended fertilizer. Several of Animal by-products these products have national distribution, and many more enjoy a loyal regional following. Such Blood meal is dried slaughterhouse waste products are typically analyzed at 2 to 5% for containing about 12% nitrogen. Unless used each nutrient. Dried compost is used as a carefully, it can burn plants with ammonia, lose bulking agent, source of nutrients, and organic much of its nitrogen through volatilization, or matter. It is blended with several of the materials encourage fungal growth. In view of the discussed in this publication, including rock extremely high cost of blood meal, farmers minerals and plant and animal by-products. should be sure that it really is the best source of Nearly all products of this class sell for prices nitrogen in a given situation. about three times greater than their conventional fertilizer value, but may be quite effective in farm Bone meal is discussed under phosphate sources, situations. However, farmers with access to other in the section titled “Rock and Mineral Powders.” sources of manure or compost can realize substantial savings by relying on local manure Feather meal is a common by-product of the resources. Some manure-based, blended poultry slaughter industry. Although total fertilizers contain ingredients prohibited by one nitrogen levels are fairly high (7 to 10%), the or more organic certification programs and may nature of feathers is such that they break down not be used in certified production; others may be and release their nitrogen much more slowly disqualified because the manufacturer refuses to than many products of similar price. reveal the "secret" ingredients. Fish meal and fish emulsion are, like most animal Composted sewage sludge is marketed as a by-products, rich in nitrogen. Fish meal contains fertilizer and soil amendment. This compost about 10% nitrogen, along with about 6% provides organic matter and a number of phosphate. It is most frequently used as a feed nutrients, and as marketed, is solid with little additive, but can be used as a fertilizer. The odor. The greatest potential problems with using fertilizer analysis of fish emulsion varies with composted sludge are heavy metals from preparation method. Whole fish and fish parts industrial waste, along with assorted chemical must be digested to form a slurry, a process contaminants (from household cleaners, latex accomplished with the aid of either phosphoric paint, and other things people flush down their acid or special enzymes. Acid-digested fish drains). Pathogens are controlled fairly easily emulsion usually has an analysis around 4-4-1, through proper composting, which raises the while enzyme-digested fish emulsion is usually temperature of the composting material // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS Page 3
  • 4. sufficiently to kill many microorganisms. The on-farm experimentation. A general U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has understanding of the principal phosphate established strict guidelines for pathogen control, products, however, will give some indication of which most sewage composting facilities follow. how they are likely to act in different circumstances. Of particular importance is soil Heavy metal contamination is a significant risk pH; phosphates will be released more quickly in wherever industrial facilities contribute to moderately acid soils than in neutral or alkaline sewage. Contamination by heavy metals and soils. many other chemicals is limited as much as possible with current technology, but composted Colloidal phosphate consists of clay particles sludge often contains levels that make it surrounded by natural phosphate. Total unsuitable for use on food crops. Before using phosphate is around 20% and “available” any composted sludge or other treated municipal phosphate about 2–3%. An efficient use of waste product in crop production, the grower colloidal phosphate is to add it directly to must know the chemical composition of the livestock manure in the barn or lot, where the product and whether it is safe to apply to food manure acids dissolve much of the total crops. Have the sludge tested. It is important to phosphate and the phosphate stabilizes the note that at least 38 states regulate the production nitrogen in the manure. Many of the same of sewage compost. Its use is prohibited in all advantages can be had by adding 20–50 pounds certified organic production. of colloidal phosphate to one ton (two cubic yards) of manure when composting. The ATTRA Rock And Mineral Powders publication Farm-scale Composting Resource List directs the reader to many useful resources on Phosphate sources composting. When direct land application of rock phosphate is the only possibility, spreading There are a number of alternative phosphate rates between 500 and 2,000 pounds per acre are sources on the market, but it can be difficult for appropriate, depending on phosphorus status, growers to determine which is the most soil acidity, and finances. appropriate for their operation. Much of the difficulty stems from confusion about the Rock phosphates are usually derived from difference between “total” and “available” ancient marine deposits. They have a different phosphate. Chemical phosphate fertilizer is sold composition than collodial phosphate, generally on the basis of available phosphate expressed as making them less available. Total phosphate is P2O5. In fact, “available phosphate” is the only around 30% and available phosphate 1–2%. They allowable claim for fertilizer value. are best used in the same manner as colloidal phosphate, and it is worth paying for several tests Available phosphate designations are determined to determine how effectively this phosphate moves into manure and soil. It may or may not by measuring the amount of phosphate that be a better buy than colloidal, depending greatly dissolves in a weak citric acid solution believed to on conditions and circumstances. imitate conditions near plant roots. This test provides a standard means of comparing Hard-rock phosphates are usually derived from different phosphate sources. Unconventional igneous volcanic deposits and consist almost phosphates, because of their slow release, are totally of the mineral apatite. Although apatite often promoted on the basis of total phosphate contains about 40% total phosphate, because of content. Neither available nor total phosphate the mineral's composition, this phosphate is analyses give a particularly accurate picture of largely unavailable. In most circumstances it is how different phosphate materials will perform not a good buy, but in some situations is the ideal in natural systems, hence the importance of product; again, trial and observation are the keys developing good powers of observation through to a wise purchase. // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS Page 4
  • 5. Bone meal is so well known, especially in Sulpomag® and K-Mag® are two brand names for horticulture, that it can hardly be considered an langbeinite. alternative product. Typically it contains about 27% total phosphate, and nearly all of that is The salt content and solubility of potassium- available. There is a great deal of confusion bearing sulfates dictate well-considered use, but about the phosphate content of bone meal their high potash content (22% for langbeinite because much of it is sold as a feed additive. In and 50% for potassium sulfate) does allow for the feed industry, phosphorus is expressed on the good plant response from relatively modest label as elemental phosphorus, while in the application rates. Although soluble salts, these fertilizer industry it is expressed as phosphate. products are considerably less salty and less Phosphate gives a much bigger number (2.3 times soluble than either kainite (a mixture of as big) for the same actual phosphorus content. potassium sulfates and common salt) or muriate Twelve percent phosphorus is the same as 27% of potash, the most common conventional phosphate, and bone meal is sold under either of potassium fertilizer. those (or similar) numbers; it's the same good, but expensive, product in either case. Granite dust is often sold as a "slowly available" potash source for organic production. Total A by-product of the smelting industry, basic slag potash contents in granite dust typically vary may, if finely ground, be a source of phosphorus from 1 to 5%, depending on overall mineral and minor elements. Use of basic slag in organic composition of the rock, but granite is mostly production is restricted. feldspar, a mineral with low solubility. Therefore, little potash fertility is derived from Potassium from rock and mineral powders this material. Alternative potash (potassium) sources are Another source of slowly available potash, similar to alternative phosphates in that there are popular in alternative agriculture, is the clay-type a variety of sources, with differing availability mineral, glauconite, commonly sold as and fertility value. As with phosphate, there is a greensand. Total potash content of greensand is difference between available potash and total around 7%, all of which is deeply locked into the potash; similarly, there is a difference between mineral and only slowly available. Greensand is pure potassium and potash, with the potash also said to have desirable effects on soil number being 1.2 times higher than potassium structure. Its high price, however, limits its use for the same amount of nutrient. solely to high-value horticultural applications. Two sources of potash, potassium sulfate and Feldspar is one of the major potassium-bearing potassium magnesium sulfate (langbeinite), are minerals of granite. Feldspar powder is fairly commonly enough used in conventional easily obtained through the ceramics trade. agriculture that they can hardly be considered Unfortunately, most feldspar potash is as tightly alternative, save for the fact that both are bound within its mineral structure as is the regularly used in certified organic agriculture. potash in greensand. Unless particular There are two forms of potassium sulfate on the circumstances provide a clear indication that market. One is derived by reacting sulfuric acid feldspar is the most appropriate source of potash, with potassium chloride. It is a good fertilizer, it is proabably not cost-effective. but not acceptable in certified organic production. Natural potassium sulfate, from Certain micas, particularly biotite (black mica), Great Salt Lake, is extracted by a differential contain several percent total potash, which, evaporation process lasting three years. It can be because of mica's physical structure (quite used in organic farming. Langbeinite goes from different than feldspar or glauconite), is relatively mine to field with minimal processing. available in microbially active environments. If pure biotite can be obtained at a reasonable price, it may be cost-effective and useful. // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS Page 5
  • 6. A by-product of the cement industry, kiln dust Zeolites can be an affordable limestone substitute and potash (about 6% soluble) source in areas where Zeolites are mined alumino-silicate materials, it is available. Some cement kilns are fired using containing only insignificant levels of plant assorted industrial wastes, sometimes including nutrients. Their use in crop production stems hazardous wastes. Dust from these kilns may primarily from high nutrient-exchange capacities, itself be a hazardous product, and in several which allow them to absorb and release plant states is legally treated as such. Sources should nutrients and moisture without any change in the be verified carefully, and state regulations nature of the zeolite. This action results from the checked. To date, the product is sold only in mineral’s porous-but-stable chemical structure. bulk. It is generally prohibited in certified organic production. Zeolites enhance the performance of fertilizers by making them resistant to leaching, Secondary and minor nutrients from rock immobilization, and gaseous losses. They are of powders particular use in reducing leaching in sandy soils. In one study, 4 to 8 tons of zeolite per acre was A number of other rock dusts and powders are applied (1). Yield increases were reported for occasionally available in various parts of the wheat (14%), eggplant (19–55%), carrots (63%), country; sometimes the results from local trials and apples (13–38%). Zeolites are widely used in are reported in national or international eastern European and Japanese agriculture, but publications, but it is important to remember that their use in the U.S. at this time is very limited. what applies in one region may not be pertinent in another. Additionally, when dealing with Humates natural materials like rock, there is very little product consistency from one batch to another; Humates are commercial products usually results from one trial may not be transferable to prepared from leonardite, an oxidized form of other situations. lignite coal and clay. Leonardite may contain up to 60% humic and fulvic acids, which mimic the Basalt dust, if available at a reasonable cost, can "active" part of soil humus. Soil scientists use provide a wide range of trace minerals to very broad definitions to describe soil organic agricultural systems over a period of several matter components; "fulvic acids" and "humic years; as with most rock powders, transportation acids" are terms lumping complex families of costs are a major factor in determining cost- organic compounds together on the basis of how effectiveness. Most of the rich volcanic soils of they can be most easily extracted from soil. For the world are derived from basalt, which gives the most part, however, the organic acids some indication of basalt's agronomic value, and extracted from leonardite bear little resemblance even when too expensive for land application, to the humic or fulvic acids in soils. Although basalt dust can benefit farm systems when mixed extremely useful and cost-efficient in certain with manure in the composting process. situations—as nutrient substrates in soilless greenhouse production for example—humates Any rock, of course, can be ground into powder, and similar products are less clearly helpful in if the price is right. Various people have many field situations. proposed additions to the soil of assorted rock dusts, or even powdered gravel. One rationale The sheer volume of organic matter in even for this is the paramagnetic property that some moderately rich soils suggests that agronomically rock minerals add to the soil—a factor believed to affordable applications of humates may not be associated with high fertility. ATTRA has produce significant improvements. The top six additional information on paramagnetism in soils inches of soil weigh approximately 1,000 tons per for those interested. acre; each percent of organic matter, therefore, weighs ten tons. Even assuming that the organic matter in humate products actually is similar to // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS Page 6
  • 7. that in soil, it requires two tons of humates per Seaweed Products acre to increase soil organic matter by 0.1%. Most seaweed fertilizers come from kelp that has Research by the Rodale Institute determined that: been harvested, dried, and ground. Kelp meal is suitable for application directly to the soil, or for commercial humates...are not products that addition to the compost pile. It flows easily and can substitute for adequate mineral is readily applied with most dry fertilizer nutrients.... Humates do contain high applicators. It is easily mixed with other dry percentages of humic acids and organic fertilizers and amendments. matter, but at their recommended, or economically feasible rates it is likely they Soil application rates for kelp meal commonly may not significantly increase soil organic range from 150 to 250 lbs/acre for pastures, matter. Likewise, the humic acids in forages and small grains. Two hundred to 400 commercial humates may have the ability lbs/acre are advised for corn, horticultural crops, to...provide growth-stimulating effects, but and gardens. Since it is expensive, kelp meal is in the soil they comprise only a minute most commonly used only on high-value crops. fraction of the total soil humic acid content (2). Dried raw seaweed tends to contain about 1% Additionally, the results indicated that humates nitrogen, a trace of phosphorus, and 2% potash, containing unrefined leonardite can immobilize along with magnesium, sulfur, and numerous soil phosphorus under some conditions, creating trace elements. Raw seaweeds are prepared by a negative effect on plant performance. various methods and sold under a number of brand names. The Rodale report also concluded that: More often, compounds from kelp and other [while] humate products are based on seaweeds are extracted by various methods in sound principles and the potential for order to concentrate both micronutrients and their beneficial action does exist...the naturally occurring plant hormones into a economics and time involved to increase soluble, easily transported form. Such kelp organic matter through commercial extracts are sometimes applied as a foliar spray products, rather than through more by farmers seeking a natural source of traditional organic-matter-building micronutrients. For the most part, none of the programs, should be seriously considered micronutrient levels in kelp extracts is high (2). enough to correct a deficiency, but as a "tonic" providing a broad array of micronutrients and Despite such determinations, many farmers other trace elements, seaweed extracts have won report significant benefits from the use of a measure of acceptance among organic farmers. humates and related products. Where humates Note that while most kelp products are allowed have shown the most promise is as natural soil in certified production, a few have been amendments in areas with alkaline, low-organic- supplemented with commercial forms of potash matter soils. Such soils are common across a and other nutrients and are prohibited. wide range of agricultural production zones in the southern and western U.S. Leonardite and Microbial Inoculants similar products are generally consistent with organic production practices, given that they are Inoculants, which are dry or liquid preparations natural products with proven benefit in certain of one or more species of microorganism, fall into situations. Some extracts, however, are not three broad groups: 1) those that inoculate acceptable in certified organic production, individual plants with symbiotic organisms depending on the extraction process used. (chiefly Rhizobia spp.), 2) those that inoculate the // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS Page 7
  • 8. soil with desirable organisms, and 3) those that from plant association by taking nutrients and are used as “cover crops” (algae). carbohydrates from the plant roots they live in. Rhizobia In soils where mychorrhizae have been killed off, an inoculation may be beneficial. In healthy soils The most clearly beneficial microbial where they already exist there will be little or no preparations for agricultural use are the different benefit to adding more. There are dozens of strains of Rhizobia used to inoculate legumes. mychorrizae species in nature. Additionally, the Specific strains of these bacteria live in a mutually species found on plant roots may change as the beneficial (symbiotic) relationship with specific plant matures. If those that are available are of species of legumes. The bacteria penetrate the the correct species, and are handled properly at plant roots, causing the formation of root nodules all stages, they offer interesting potential benefits containing both plant tissue and bacteria. In very to farmers in well-managed systems. Generally it simple terms, the plant supplies the physical is preferred to inoculate with several species environment and certain nutrients to the bacteria; rather than a single one. For information on the bacteria "fix" nitrogen from the air into rhizobial and mycorrhizal inoculation for disease compounds that then become available to the suppression, request the ATTRA publication plant. Typical nitrogen fixation rates vary from Sustainable Management of Soil-borne Plant 50 lbs/acre to over 300 lbs/acre, depending on Diseases. climate, species, and soil conditions. On most farms these rates make it possible to harvest good Free-living soil organisms crops without purchasing additional nitrogen. A great many of the products in this category are Mycorrhizae designed to be sprayed on the soil surface or on crop residues in order to inoculate the topsoil The mycorrhizae (my-cor-ry-‘zee) group of fungi with desirable microorganisms. Manufacturers live either on or in plant roots and act to extend of these products make numerous and varying the reach of root hairs into the soil. Mycorrhizae claims about their beneficial effects, which fall increase the plant's uptake of water and into three broad categories: nutrients, especially in less fertile soils. The superfine, root-like structures of these fungi are • The microbes will fix enough nitrogen from more extensive and more effective than plant root the air to allow the farmer to eliminate much hairs at absorbing phosphorus, and other or all fertilizer. nutrients as well. Phosphorus moves slowly in • The product improves soil organic matter and soils but the fungi can absorb it much faster than "releases" soil nutrients to the crop. the plant alone can. This enhanced root feeding • The product produces better yields, especially makes it possible to reduce fertilizer rates for during times of drought. plants having a healthy colony of mychorrhizae. Some plants including citrus, grapes, avocados, Many microbial products do indeed contain free- and bananas, are dependent on mycorrhiza living (as opposed to symbiotic) microbes that are fungi. Others that benefit from having them are known to fix nitrogen in certain circumstances. artichokes, melons, tomatoes, peppers, and Those species, however, work best in wet, squash. oxygen-poor conditions that most farmers and their crops would prefer to avoid. Rice paddies Roots colonized by mycorrhizae are less likely to are a notable exception. In the vast majority of be penetrated by root-feeding nematodes since cropping situations other than rice production, the pest cannot pierce the thick fungal network. the amount of nitrogen fixed by such free-living Mycorrhizae also produce hormones and microbes is not generally considered antibiotics, which enhance root growth and economically significant (3). In other words, the provide disease suppression. The fungi benefit value of any fixed nitrogen may be less than the cost of the product. Far greater nitrogen fixation, // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS Page 8
  • 9. for example, can be obtained via symbiotic surface is necessary. On most soils this would Rhizobia on a legume sod or cover crop, for much require irrigation. lower cost. Where weed management is a concern, a Soil microbes, like all living things, will thrive traditional cover crop will be more effective than only in the presence of their preferred algae. The algal mat is very thin and will not environmental conditions—moisture, oxygen, suppress weeds adequately. The constant surface temperature, pH, food, and shelter. When moisture required by the algae tends to conditions are not within favorable ranges, the encourage weed seeds to sprout. It can also microbes cease reproduction or die. Natural encourage disease problems in the crop. microbial populations will be abundant if soil conditions are right. Adding a microbial Enzyme-Based Amendments amendment in such circumstances may not be cost-efficient, because the naturally occurring Enzymes are involved in a number of soil individuals will typically outnumber the same reactions, particularly as catalysts in the species supplied in a product by 10,000 to 1, or microbial breakdown of organic matter, but very more (4). little research has been done on the effects of adding enzyme products to the soil. If soil conditions are not right, inoculant Nevertheless, commercial enzyme treatments for organisms will reproduce just as slowly as their soils are often advertised as having a large naturally occurring colleagues, which is to say, number of beneficial effects, including improved not at all. The consensus among agronomists soil structure, nutrient "activation," greater appears to be that these products perform best nutrient availability, "detoxification" of the soil, when the soil is at or near optimum conditions to better drainage, better water retention, and begin with. greater microbial activity. Algal mats In nature, the microorganisms that process soil organic matter produce the enzymes they need to Another group of inoculants, sold as "cover do the job. Those enzymes, being proteins, are crops," are commercial preparations of themselves broken down by microbial action (5). soil-inhabiting algae advertised as providing Enzymes added to the soil would probably suffer many benefits, including reduced soil crusting, a similar fate in short order. improved soil structure, increased soil organic matter, improved drainage, and better moisture As with free-living soil organism products, the retention. A solution of the algae mixed with circumstances where enzyme products are likely water is sprayed on the soil surface. In theory it to perform the best are in soils, that are already then establishes itself to form a continuous mat well-balanced and in good condition. over the soil surface. If natural algae populations have not been observed to populate a particular Vitamin products are also sold as soil treatments soil already, management practices will have to on occasion, but more often as sprays for the be adjusted to get successful growth of an algal plants themselves. Plants might absorb some of cover crop. the vitamin through leaves or roots, but much of the applied vitamin is broken down into simple Algae are susceptible to the vast majority of components before being absorbed by the plant herbicides in use today and would therefore be (6, 7). Generally, plants in favorable essentially incompatible in a conventional row environments synthesize all the vitamins they crop system. Mat establishment could only occur need from the resources at hand. The most likely in the absence of soil disturbance. Therefore, benefit of applying a vitamin product would be application would need to be made only after a as a “quick fix” measure for plants grown under final cultivation. Lastly, a continuously moist poor conditions, provided it is possible to // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS Page 9
  • 10. determine just which vitamins happen to be structure. Note, too, that many wetting agents deficient. are not acceptable in certified organic production. Soil Conditioners Evaluate Products Carefully Wetting agents and surfactants break the natural Some non-traditional soil treatments are based on surface tension of water, overcoming its tendency sound biological or scientific principles. to form droplets, and allowing it to penetrate a Unfortunately, a number of studies cited in the variety of materials. Common clothes-washing Compendium (9, 10) and in the Rodale report solutions, shampoos, and detergents rely on Novel Soil Amendments (2) show that using many wetting agents or surfactants to function of the non-traditional products mentioned here effectively. Similar compounds are also sold as results in negative net income for the farmer. The soil conditioners and are heavily promoted as supposed beneficial effects of the products tested improving water penetration, drainage, and soil in these studies do not increase yields sufficiently structure. They are also advertised as aids in to offset the cost of applying the product. In controlling erosion and reducing compaction or many studies, the product tested had no hardpans as a result of increased water measurable effect on either the crop or the soil. penetration of the soil. Advertisements for these products often cite In general, wetting agents are effective where a studies which the sellers claim prove the soil's water-repellency is caused by turf or effectiveness of their products. Those results, grassland cover, by ash from the burning of however, are usually taken out of context, organic matter, or by single-grain soil structure obscuring the fact that the claimed yield increase (soil particles all of one size and not aggregated, is due not to the tested product, but to normal as occurs in some sands). Conditions random fluctuations in yield caused by in which wetting agents have little or no effect include poor drainage due to hardpans, environmental conditions within the study. compaction from tillage or traffic, and “tight” or In other words, the product doesn't really do fine-textured soils that have very small pores what the vendors claim it does. Though (such as some clays). In other words, wetting governments do require companies to guarantee agents are likely to have some effect where water analyses and to back up sales claims for infiltrates a soil slowly because the soil surface conventional fertilizers, alternative products are, repels water, but not where water penetrates for the most part, unregulated and uncontrolled. slowly because there are no large pore spaces (8). Most soils with good structure have good At the same time, prejudice against alternative infiltration rates. Soil structure can be products and practices has often resulted in maintained and improved by a good rotation, testing that has been less than honest, and some regular additions of organic matter, and normal off-the-cuff rejections by researchers and conservation practices. Beneficial effects should not be expected on soils that are already wetable. Extension. As a result, farmers benefit the most by evaluations done within the context of their Commercial wetting agents can be quite own farm operations. On-farm research trials expensive, especially when used to treat large take some effort but are not difficult to perform. areas, and any results may not justify the cost of Contact ATTRA for a copy of the Sustainable the product. Some farmers attempt to economize Agriculture Network's publication entitled How by applying something like dishwashing soap or to Conduct Research on Your Farm or Ranch. shampoo instead of commercial wetting agents, References but caution is advised since other ingredients in household products may be detrimental to plant 1) Mumptom, Fredrick A. 1985. Using zeolites growth or may cause a breakdown of soil in agriculture. p. 125–158 In: Innovative // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS Page 10
  • 11. Biological Technologies for Lesser Developed 7) Allison, F.E. 1973. Soil Organic Matter and its Countries. Congress of the United States, Role in Crop Production. Elsevier Scientific Office of Technology Assessment. Publishing Co., New York, 639 p. Washington D.C. 246 p. 8) Sunderman, H. D. 1983. Soil Wetting Agents: 2) McAllister, J. 1987. A Practical Guide to Their Use in Crop Production. North Central Novel Soil Amendments. Rodale Press, Regional Extension Publication 190, 4 p. Emmaus, Pennsylvania. 124 p. 9) NRC-103 Committee. 1986. Compendium of 3) Huang, P. M. and M. Schnitzer, (eds.) . 1986. Research Reports on Use of Non-Traditional Interactions of Soil Minerals with Natural Materials for Crop Production, Cooperative Organics and Microbes, Special Publication Extension Service, Iowa State University, 17. Soil Science Society of America, Madison, Ames. Varied pagination. Wisconsin. 606 p. 10) Ibid. Supplement 1. 4) David Patriquin Department of Biology, Dalhousie Univ. Halifax, Nova Scotia By Bart Hall, July 1998 Revised by Preston Sullivan, April, 2001 5) Stevenson, F. J., (ed.) . 1982. Nitrogen in Agricultural Soils. American Society of NCAT Agriculture Specialists Agronomy. Madison, Wisconsin. 940 p. 6) Vitosh, M. L. 1984. Biological Inoculants and Activators: Their Value to Agriculture. North Central Regional Extension Publication. 168. 4 p. The electronic version of Alternative Soil Amendments is located at: The ATTRA Project is operated by the National Center for Appropriate Technology under a grant from the Rural Business-Cooperative Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. These organizations do not recommend or endorse products, companies, or individuals. ATTRA is located in the Ozark Mountains at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville at P.O. Box 3657, Fayetteville, AR 72702. ATTRA staff members prefer to receive requests for information about sustainable agriculture via the toll-free number 800-346-9140. // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS Page 11
  • 12. Notes: Notes: // ALTERNATIVE SOIL AMENDMENTS Page 12