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Alphonse-Personal Narrative
A day like any other A boy, aged 16 with fair hair and shining blue eyes weaved his way through the
bumbling throng of people in the hallway, headed towards his next class. A scowl of determination
had settled across his features, as he dragged himself past people. He would not allow himself to be
swept away in the sea of chaos that reigned the hallways. He bumped into a girl, who let out a yelp
as she fell to the ground. The fair haired boy crouched down and mumbled an apology to the girl,
before standing again and continuing. It was close to a minute later when he reached the classroom,
and dropped into his seat with a deep exhalation of relief. Moments later the teacher entered the
room, and settled his belongings on the ... Show more content on ...
The teacher's words blended with his thoughts, and he couldn't quite distinguish between the two.
What had happened was not something he would have believed possible. He had been told his
whole life that although people who looked like him were split from the others, everybody was
happy. "Our society today prides itself in its incomparable order, the split creates a fair society in
which everybody can prosper." He knew the two groups were split, but he had assumed fair meant
equal. But was it? If his classmate viewed them as scum, did that mean others did too? "This
admirable society was achieved by Germany, during their rise to international dominance. Thanks to
the German rule, we now live in a society fully under control by the German Furor Audwin Hitler."
Was their society truly fair? Was it possible that it was all a lie? No. Perhaps he was just
overthinking things. There was no way their society wasn't perfect. Why would the superiors lie? "If
Germany hadn't won World War II, our society would not exist today. Our next unit will study the
events that led to Germany's success." Besides, it wasn't like the world could've been any
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Alphonse Mucha: Life, Works and Legacy
Analysis on Alphonse Mucha
Life, Works, and Legacy
Alphonse Maria Mucha is one of the most prominent artists of the 20th Century, belonging to the
Art–Nouveau genre. He is of Slavic origin, born in Ivančice, Moravia (presently part of the Czech
Republic), on the 24th of July, 1860. A prominent artist of his era and time, his highly influential
works are noted by its very soulful design approach and aesthetics. His works are amongst the best
examples of Art–Nouveau, as well as modern Czech art. He is influenced by his ethnic origins as
well as his personal idea of art and beauty, giving his works a highly personal touch. He is a pioneer
for the Czech nationalist identity and is a strong figure in Czech Revivalist movement, a man who is
devoted into glorifying his homeland by presenting to the world the Czech culture through his
highly successful commercial and artistic works, which are more prominent on the second half of
his career. A more in–depth discussion regarding his life and an evaluation of his works will be
presented further.
Page of Contents
Introduction 2
Page of Contents 3
Background 4 Moravia 4 The Slavic Peoples 5
Personal Life 7
Mucha's Works 9 Characteristics of his Paintings 9
Division 10
Commercial 10 Artistic 12
The Slav Epic 13
Conclusion: The Effects of Mucha's
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Alphonse's False-Original Writing
Sweat dripped down Alphonse's face as he guided his father mule's through the rows of dirt. While,
digging it up for the growing season to start, he felt relieved when the heat lifted from his shoulders.
It was awfully hot in Ohio, so he didn't think much of it until the mule had stopped turning the soil.
Deftly, Al leaped off the back of the mighty creature to find his hooves covered in vines. As quick as
a flash, he whipped a hunting knife from his pocket, and cut the large animal free. Finally, Alphonse
turned to the wake of his tilling, to see a wall of vines and plants. He heard a cry in the distance,
shouting his name, but he had been fastened to the ground, both mentally and literally. Before he
could do anything else, it all went black. ... Show more content on ...
It did", Lucy stuttered ,"But this was one the worst yet."
"What happened?" He questioned. "You were crying, and fighting in your sleep!" She cried "I–I
wanted to help, but you wouldn't wake!"
He hastily assuaged his young sister and hugged her.
"It's alright. I'm here" This wasn't the first time this had happened. It has been every night since that
day. The day when humanity had paid for its mistakes. Its sins against itself and nature. After years
of being treated with poisons labeled as "Weed killer" or "bug repellent". They had evolved, to grow
stronger and fight back. And they did, but that was 4 weeks ago. Now, only three known survivors
are alive. Lucy, Alphonse, and the oldest, selfish school Janitor, Mr. Smith.
Lucy calmly stood up and removed one of the boards from the windows.
"I wish it wasn't so pretty out there. That way I wouldn't want to leave." She sighed
Alphonse stood up and walked to the window. He wasn't focused on how pretty it was though, he
was looking down from 3 stories up. In order tobe safe from danger, Lucy and Alphonse had been
living in the school building, which was the three stories. They were unlucky to find Mr. Smith
sleeping in the boiler room when they ran from their home, 7 blocks down the
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Alphonse Capone: Gang Crime
Chicago is home to two major things: big pizza and big traffic. When Alphonse Capone was active
in it though, it was known for a third thing, big amounts of gang crime! Alphonse Capone is one of
the recognized figures of gangland history. Throughout the early 1900s, he managed to run an entire
crime syndicate and never got caught doing it. This was because Alphonse Capone knew how to
operate without getting his hands dirty, which can be found in how he operated himself, how he
operated using the legal system, how he operated using his cronies, and his last attempts at operating
in prison. "To understand a man you must understand his memories." This quote from Anthony
Quayle gives insight into understanding people. To better understand Alphonse ... Show more
content on ...
The most famous gangland massacre, the St. Valentines Day Massacre, is an event he organized but
did not do himself. He had some of his gang members dress up as cops, take four fully automatic
guns, and then act like they busted rival smuggler Frankie Yale's newest shipment. Lining them up
as if they were arrested, the fake cops opened fire, killing them all. Frankie Yale himself wasn't
present at the scene because he had seen the cops and didn't want to get caught. This is the only
thing that kept him from being brutally murdered with the rest of his cohorts.
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Annotation of After You my Dear Alphonse by Shirley...
Annotation of "After You my Dear Alphonse" by Shirley Jackson
The story that I have chosen to annotate is 'After you my dear
Alphonse' written by Shirley Jackson. Shirley Jackson was born in the year of 1919 and later died in
1965. She is best known for her stories and novels of horror and the occult, rendered more terrifying
because they are set against realistic, common place backgrounds. After graduating from Syracuse
University, Jackson married literary critic
Stanley Edgar Hyman. 'Life among the savages' (1953) and 'Raising
Demons' (1957) are witty and humorous fictionalized memoirs about their life with their four
children. Her most famous works include the short story collection 'The Lottery' (1949), in which
'After you ... Show more content on ...
has three themes but the main theme projected in the story is the theme of racial prejudice. The other
two themes are the theme of narrow mindedness and stereotypes. The writer contrasts the children?s
acceptance of each other in friendship and obliviousness to skin color, to Johnny?s mother, Mrs.
Wilson?s prejudice nature and conditioned reflexes of racial differences. Mrs. Wilson?s reaction to
Boyd comes of as superior due to her marginalized social conditioning.
The title of the story itself, ?After you my dear Alphonse? is extremely symbolic and extremely
important in the aid analyzing the text thoroughly and being able to identify the key themes
portrayed throughout the story. Through the clever use of repetition throughout the text, Shirley
Jackson has enabled the reader to recognize the thoughts that she has depicted in the story. Also the
fact that Johnny and his African American friend Boyd keep repeating the phrase ?After you my
dear Alphonse? and ?no after you my dear Alphonse? through out the text is seen as very symbolic
to the theme of racial prejudice as the phrase ?after you my dear Alphonse ? originated with a comic
strip that first appeared in 1905. Alphonse and Gaston were characters in the once popular gag for
politeness, which appeared in the newspaper
The New Journal. ?After you my dear Alphonse is an expression which is generally used when two
people go back and forth, suggesting that the other go first as a way
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An Analysis Of Alphonse Gabriel 's Al Capone
Alphonse Gabriel "Al" Capone (January 17, 1899 – January 25, 1947) is my great grandmother's
(Raiola) cousin. Although, I could not interview him I asked many family members about him and
got an abundance of family stories. Since parts of my family did not want to be connected to the
mob they chose to change our last name from De Vito to De Vita to Americanize it and separate
themselves from the mob. Al Capone was the son of two poor Italian immigrants, which at that time
in history meant you didn 't matter, so he had to find guidance with the only people that took an
interest in him but unfortunately for him it was some of the biggest mob leaders in New York. Even
with that kind of influence hard to believe that a once soft spoken, intelligent kid from a good family
would grow up to run a major city with blood, bullets, and alcohol.
First, Capone 's lack of tolerance for authority and people who didn 't respect him was obvious from
a young age. In sixth grade a female teacher called Capone a dago and slapped him during a
argument in class, which angered Capone to the point where he punched the female teacher in the
face breaking her nose (Al Capone: Scarface). After the incident, the Capone family moved to a new
neighborhood, where Capone would meet the man that would help change his life forever. Johnny
Torrio was at the time the most successful and respected gangster in New York and his headquarters
was located across the street from the Capone 's new house. Torrio
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Essay on Alphonse Scarface Capone
Alphonse “Scarface'; Capone
Alphonse Capone was born on January 17, 1899. He grew up in rough neighborhood in Brooklyn,
NY where he would attend school only up to the sixth grade, when dropped out. Capone got his
nickname “Scarface'; from a knife attack by the brother of a woman whom Capone had
insulted. The attack left him with three scars across his face and a new nickname.
Capone joined his first gang when he became part of the James Street Gang, headed by the well–
known Johnny Torrio. In 1920, upon the request of Torrio, Capone went to work for
Johnny’s Uncle, Big Jim Colosimo. Colosimo was ... Show more content on ...
Capone was able time and time again to avoid criminal charges, and became a true racketeer, an art
of its own. Ironically, the government finally was able to put Scarface behind bars on charges of
federal income tax evasion. He was sentenced to eleven years in prison. Eleven years that
couldn’t even be saved by the four million–dollar bribe offered by
Capone’s attorneys.
In 1934 Capone was transferred to Alcatraz, and in 1939 he was paroled. Suffering from syphilis
that had begun to drive him insane, Capone knew he could no longer run his Chicago empire, so he
retired to his Miami Beach mansion. The exact place where on January 25, 1947 Alphonse
“Scarface'; Capone died.
In 1920 when prohibition became law, a large portion of the population still wanted alcohol. But not
many were willing to put themselves at risk to sell it to others. Some did take advantage of
prohibition, but none more than Al Capone. With the rise of the telephone, the increase of
automobiles, the invention of the Thompson machine guns Capone was able to create an illegal
empire like no other.
When in came to bootlegging during the time of prohibition, Capone knew how to get to people, and
how to make a huge profit out of it. Another thing Capone was good at was avoiding the law.
Whether he blackmailed someone or he talked his way out of it, he
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Analysis Of The Poem ' After You, My Dear Alphonse, ' I Am...
I have chosen to explore the significant theme of "Prejudice in Authority". This theme is evident
throughout the texts After You, My Dear Alphonse by Shirley Jackson, Race Relations by Jean
Burgess, I Am Not Esther by Fleur Beale and Indian Education by Sherman Alexie.
In the short story, "After You, My Dear Alphonse," the theme of 'Prejudice in Authority' is
displayed. Mrs Wilson, the eldest and most dominant character, makes stereotypical and
discriminating assumptions about Boyd, an African American child who her son brings home for
lunch. Mrs Wilson automatically thinks he is from a typical, deprived black family. An example of
her prejudice occurs when she offers Boyd clothes, assuming that Boyd and his family cannot afford
it as ... Show more content on ...
We aren't born to be a certain way, it is the type of environment we are brought up in, and the
influences upon us, which determines our character.
"Prejudice in Authority" is also displayed in the poem, "Race Relations." In this poem, two children,
one with light skin and the other with darker skin, enjoy each other's company, oblivious to their
differences in skin colour. This shows that the children don't have any sign of racism or prejudice
towards each other. However, the white girl's mother becomes enraged at her daughter for being
with a black person. "He'll scold you, And serve you right, who have no proper pride." The mother
says she deserves to be told off and labels her daughter as having no pride, simply because she is
with someone of black skin. This tells me that the mother has strong prejudice and racism towards
black people. The white child's mother then orders her to go inside. Regardless of whether she
thinks her mother is right or wrong, she obeys these orders as her mother is the dominant figure.
This shows me the dominance and influence a parent has over their children. In parenting, the way
you bring up your child determines how that child turns out. The white child, in this text, will end up
having a more prejudiced mindset, in the future, due to this experience of witnessing that, being
with a coloured person is punishable. This
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Should Alphonse Be Considered To Have Personhood?
There are many issues with John Locke's theory. For example many people cannot remember what
they had for breakfast– does this in turn make them a different person to who ate breakfast yesterday
(Della Rocca M 2014)? This question is raised and even looked upon by Locke, he simply states that
this in fact means you are not the same person as the one who ate breakfast other morning. This is a
complex idea to wrap ones head around. How can we be the same person we were ten years ago and
yet not the same person we were yesterday morning? No philosophical theory can be considered
perfect and though Locke's theory has issues it still does not disclaim the validity as all of the
viewpoints presented within this essay have problems that still lack solutions. ... Show more content
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There is one last view on this topic that could bring a definitive ending to this debate. This
viewpoint comes from an ancient Greek philosopher known as Protagoras of Abdera (Mark, J 2012).
He is most famous for stating that 'man is the measure of all things that they are, and of the things
they are not" (Mark, J 2012). Breaking this down it simply means that a person is who or what they
say or think themselves as. It is similar to Descartes, 'I think, therefore I am' principle. If Alphonse
thinks himself a person than he is a person by his own standards, similarly if the armoured man who
is in the exact same situation thinks himself not a person then he is in fact not a person. Putting it
simply a person only has to consider themselves a person to have personhood. This intern ties in
with the original dictionary meaning of a person, the quality of having personhood. If someone
considers themselves to have personhood then they
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' The Last Lesson, By Alphonse Daudet
In the short story written by Alphonse Daudet, "The Last Lesson" starts off with a young boy with
the name of Franz in which he is contemplating wither he should do the right thing and go to school,
or skip school and go spend the day out in the woods with the birds and animals. Franz frantically
decided to go to school, even though he was already late. As Franz hustled to school, he had no clue
that it was going to be the last time he would be going to school before everything changed. Franz,
along with the people of the town were notified that it would be the last day that the school that this
town revolved and grew up around, would no longer be the same. As the towns people realized that
their school that they grew up in and the only school their kids have ever attended was being taken
over by Berlin, and the German language. Most of the one's that felt like they should show respect
for which they did not show to the school when they were younger, came and sat in the last French
class that would ever be held inside of the school. The amount of respect the town had for the school
and for the teacher, Mr. M. Hamel, showed how much the small things that someone might not like
at the moment, might later realize was the biggest impact on their life's. When the French and
Prussia War first began, The Prussians were not going after the life style of the people in which they
grew up in and wanted to affect the lives of the people of the small towns. Actually, the war began
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How Did Alphonse Mucha Create A Poster Of Lady With...
Alphonse Mucha's Job Poster is part of Art Nouveaus. Why did He create a poster of lady with
cigarettes? 1 Mucha create poster of lady because his first poster was Salon des Cent when he was
31. He repeated drew different ladies on different poster, as he mentions, "Art can never be new" 2.
He created some more poster of different kind of lady. Job poster are made in Colour Lithograph, it
is from Champenois. This 'Job' lady has some matchsticks as clip on her hairs, because on other of
artworks, Mucha did designs on different hairstyles for females. He drew hairstyle into the
horseshoe–shaped when it is curly. 3 He creates the example of characteristic of female hair as
sexual objects; curls and rendered in energetic curves into fashion. This lady seems to be spending
time smoke for Job Cigarettes? This cigarette company used the lady to show sexuality with
cigarettes. Theartstory site said that they used this lady to show the mood when she was smoking. ...
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The answer is not exactly no, because this lady shows that she can smoking to show males that some
women were also smoking too. He most picks either virginal girls or femmes' fatales, and his girls
showing the curiously mixed message. JSTOR site mention that they allow men to smoking and the
women were rarely showen with smoking. Thompson mentions that in the 1890s, women were the
main theme of advertising for the cigarette. Mucha create women smoking because some told that
men are looking into young women. There is another reason why he creates women because;
anonymous author wrote: "Choosing a wife by a pipe of Tobacco". Some said about cigarette girls
when Mucha creating his artwork can be understand of the artists'
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Roy's Narrative Analysis
Roy's Perspective:
"The only way we can track down that serial killer is to split up." I announced. My soldiers, 1st
Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, 2nd Lieutenant Jean Havoc, and Alphonse Elric were helping track down
Barry the Chopper. He's committed many murders by chopping up his victims with a butcher knife,
I guess you could say that's how he got his name.
"Yes, Sir." replied Riza. Her and Alphonse started to walk down the dreary tunnel in the opposite
direction. We were underneath laboratory five, originally looking for something Barry had lost.
Barry's soul was attached to a suit of armor, and he was used as an immortal slave. When he caught
sight of his original body, he quickly realized there was a soul of another creature inside it. ... Show
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"You even carved a transmutation circle into your hand! And you're using that lighter for ignition."
And with the flick of the lighter, sounds of Lust's screams filled the empty room.
"Don't underestimate me." I heard him say in a very dark tone. Flame after flame, she slowly started
losing grasp on her life. Finally, her body started breaking off into specs of nothing.
"You've finally done it, you killed me. I hate losing, even if there are better ways to die at the hands
of a man like you." Roy's cold black eyes stared at her, emotionless. "I like your eyes, I can't wait
for the day when their wide with agony. That day, is soon." Then it was over, her body didn't leave a
trace. Roy fell to the floor in pain from his wound.
"Colonel!" I cried out, running to be by his side.
"Lieutenant, are you okay?" He asked.
"Please sir, worry about yourself for once! We need to get you to a hospital, fast." I could still feel
tears trickling down my face.
"We need a doctor for Havoc too, hurry, before he's gone for good." But at least the Colonel was
okay. This was definitely not the fight we were looking for, but we were able to escape with our
lives, and that's what
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Zero By Paul Logan, I’m Just Me by Lylah Alphonse, and The...
The first unit on our textbook Interactions by Ann Moseley and Jeanette Harris talks about the self–
concept. It is hard to find a definition for the self–concept because it is certain beliefs about
ethnicity, religion, and personalities combined. This unit has a number of readings by various
authors where it shows struggles with the self. Self–identity, ethnic backgrounds, and self–esteem
are the major aspects of those readings. After reading their writings I found that I could relate to
their experiences. The three readings that got my attention were "Zero" By Paul Logan, "I'm Just
Me" by Lylah Alphonse, and "The Jacket" by Gary Soto. In the reading "Zero," Paul Logan is a
student who struggled throughout his academic life by being a ... Show more content on ...
So, I decided to change my major and start over. I did that after taking a break for a month and my
spring semester went well. Like Logan, I realized that failing is not the end and it is either a lesson
or a new start to succeed.
In the reading "I'm just me," Lylah Alphones a multi–racial girl who wanted people to accept her as
she is. Alphones did not want people to see her as of her racial background. She got some looks and
questions from people about her race. People were trying to figure out what is her race. Alphones
did not like that because she thought that people should accept others no matter what with no
discrimination. So, the struggle of mixed identity went away because as she said "I'm just me," but
people are making hard on her so she still want to prove a point where people should not be put into
a specific box regarding their race.
Similar to Alphones, I do not like to be put in a particular ethnic group. I wanted to be just me
because when people ask about my ethnicity they automatically assume it is bad. For example,
being Arab, Muslim, and Saudi is hard especially in the United States because of what happened in
September 11th. What I believe that history is in the past, and what happened in September 11th is
gone. It was a major disaster but what I believe that we should not be all blamed. Hopefully,
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Discrimination in Harrison Bergeron, after you my dear...
Discrimination in the Short Stories, Harrison Bergeron, after you my dear Alphonse, and The
The trait of discrimination is the basis for the stories, Harrison Bergeron, after you my dear
Alphonse, and Lottery. Discrimination is when someone is hated or acted upon negatively for the
reason of race, sex, or nationality. In the short stories the author's feelings of discrimination are
expressed through the characters differently. In these stories the author has his own feelings and
thought depicted through the characters. By the popular theme of discrimination and racism it
suggests that these stories were written in the late sixties early seventies.
In the story Harrison Bergeron the whole country is handicapped except for ... Show more content
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This shows discrimination against everyone because they are taking that person's freedom away and
judging them on their looks and abilities. A man named Harrison who would be a sport super star in
real life because of his outstanding talent is fitted with weights and other handicaps to make him like
everyone else. He revolts and overcomes his handicaps but is soon killed for breaking the law. In
this story discrimination plays a big part in how the main character revolts.
The next example is in the story, after you my dear alphonse. In this story a boy becomes friends
with an African American boy named Boyd and brings him home for lunch, when he gets home his
mother is shocked to see her son with this boy. The mother assumes that the father works hard labor
in the fields and that the boy will grow up and do the same. But that?s not the case, the boys father
works in a factory. This is an example of discrimination because the mother assumes things just
because he is black.
The last example of discrimination as a theme for a short story is in The Lottery. In this story a
community has a lottery every year and the winner is stoned to death. The theme of discrimination is
shown when they just pick a random person and kill them. That discriminates against that person
because they show hate for little or no reason.
In these
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Screaming Forest Essay
Oscar and Alphonse Alphonse was walking in the mysterious forest with her friend Oscar. It was
their first time in the forest. They had heard rumors about Screaming Forest. They were dared by
Kelly to go to the forest. Kelly was one of the meaner girls at Alphonse's school. Hannah is one of
the "special needs" children. She has ADHD which basically urges her to move her hands or
something else constantly. She uses stress balls to fidget with. She is shorter than everyone in her
class. Kelly took notice of this. "Give it back! Give it back!" Hannah cried as Kelly took her stress
ball. "Really, you think I would take orders from a puny person like you? Ugh!" Kelly said. "I will
not take orders, but I will help." said Alphonse right behind ... Show more content on ...
I will not let Kelly win!She has bullied too many people and this will be the end of her asinine
reign!" She scooped two caterpillars in the jar with some grass and sticks included. "We can go now
Oscar." "What is happening, Alphonse?" "It looks like the forest path is changing. It's shifting."
"Help! Help!" both of them screamed for help. It was too late. They were already in a different place
in the forest. They heard others very faintly screaming for help. Were they trapped in some sort of
weird–forest jail? Would they ever get out of this situation? "Alphonse, I just realized something."
"What, Oscar?" "You are a little bit taller than Kelly so you could have just taken the stress ball
from Kelly's hand. We did not have to go through this mess." "Oh. Well, this was all for nothing."
Alphonse puts the jar down. They are returned to the fence where they came from. "Whoa." both of
them are surprised. "Hold it again, Alphonse." She touched it and they went back to the distorted
world. She removed her hand and they returned to the gate. "Alphonse, take out the the things in the
jar and see what happens." She did as told and held the caterpillar in the palm of her hand. The
caterpillars softly wriggled in her hand spelling out "goodbye." She knew it was time to send them
back. She placed the caterpillars on the ground and turned to Oscar. "We can go now, Oscar. I do not
need to take things from this forest. We do not need to
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Alphonse Bertillon Forensics
At the start of our forensic science class we were assigned to do a presentation with a partner.
Everyone is the class had a partner who they had to work with on a specific topic. These topics
would then be presented occurring to their time period. In my case, I had to work with Pierre and
our main focus was the late 19th century. Not only was this project, in my opinion fun, but it also
gave the class and me an introduction to forensics. Apart from that, we learned and discuss some
terms that are used everyday in the forensics field. Pierre and me decided to focus on the Alphonse
Bertillon's, also known as the "father of criminal identification." Bertillon was a the french
criminologist and anthropologist who created the first system of
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The Man Behind the Lines Essay
A man of innovation, style, and creator of labyrinthine masterpieces in all media, Alphonse Mucha
is often named the greatest and most influential Czech artists. As one of the fathers of Art Nouveau,
Mucha developed a reputation with his posters, architecture, jewelry and sculpture that had never
been seen before; a complex weaving of lines and pastel colors featuring voluptuous women and a
harmony that can only be described as: Mucha style. His graphic designs and posters often hold the
limelight of Mucha's ability, but the complexity of his imagination and inspiration show another
deep dimension behind the man, his visions, and his beliefs in art, as well as the world. To begin to
know the artist, one must start at the artist's ... Show more content on ...
He set out to create his own destiny in Vienna building sets for the plays and remained with the
theatre, despite the rollercoaster of hardships and opportunity that proceeded. In 1887, he moved to
Paris from the generosity of Count KhuenBalasi, to study and begin his journey in true art. During
this time Paris was at the beginning of its state of economic recovery from the Franco–Prussian war,
so the nation was flourishing and rebuilding with a vibrant optimistic outlook (Mucha S, 11.) Paris,
following the industrial revolution led by Britain, began constructing new inventions, vehicles, and
processes. A prolific example is the monumental building of the Eiffel Tower for the World's Fair.
The world of art was responding to this new boom of wrenches and gears with: Art Nouveau, a
highly stylized and decorative art, framing the importance of organic, botanical, and true form of the
objects. So while the world focused on exact and complicated features, the artists in Paris were
simplifying, making decadence, and flow emerge out of their art. The one who had the most
harmony, intensity and influence in Paris was Mucha. Mucha was fascinated with another Fin–de–
siècle Parisian movement: allure to the occult or spiritualism. The followers derived their belief in a
"World Soul" from a mash up of religions including: Buddhism, Jewish Kabala, Brahmanism,
Christian mysticism, and
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Underbelly And Blackrock Analysis
Different text types that are based of different ideas often can often explore similar issues in society.
Underbelly and Blackrock have varying text types of a Television medium that's multimodal and
Drama text/ theatre play that is written. Underbelly set in Melbourne, Australia in 1955 follows the
journey of Alphonse Gangitano and Jason Moran and following the crime life that they live.
Blackrock, however, follows a group of teenagers and following the murder of Tracy at a teenager's
birthday party. However, both of these texts are based on true stories, are set in Australia and have
there are similar important issues brought up between these two texts, these include the issues that
crime doesn't pay, the sexualisation of women in between the two texts and corruption within the
use of setting of these texts in which are based off true events.
In both Underbelly and Blackrock, we see a common theme that crime doesn't pay off and both texts
show multiple consequences that resulted from the crime. In Underbelly, we see that crime doesn't
pay as Alphonse Gangitano gets caught for his King Street Nightclub attack where he assaulted a
number of innocent civilians with pool cues. The consequences that Alphonse faced was that he
imprisoned as he pleaded guilty for his actions and that his wife had decided to leave him and took
their kids with her. These resulting consequences show to us how Alphonse's crime did not pay off
and the money involved was not worth it. Similarly, the
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Alphonse Capone And Prohibition Essay
In the United States the consumption of alcohol is accepted as a common part of American life.
Alcohol is consumed at sporting events, restaurants, and even church gatherings. However, less than
a hundred years ago the prohibition movement was one of the greatest conflicts in the early century.
The demand for liquor was in high demand and Alphonse Capone was the man with the solution. In
the early twentieth century, many states started making the consumption of alcohol illegal, and by
January 6, 1919, the United States government added the eighteenth amendment to our Constitution
prohibiting the sale and consumption of alcohol. The amendment formally called "The Prohibition",
reads the following: Section 1 After one year from the ... Show more content on ...
In this pledge the text read: "Whereas the use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage is productive of
pauperism, degradation and crime; and believing it our duty to discourage that which produces more
evil than good, we therefore pledge ourselves to abstain from the use of intoxicating liquors as a
beverage". The Anti Saloon League suggested the United States to do the same and eventually get
the amendment passed. (The Lincoln Lee Legion)The amendment was only able to hold on for
fourteen years, and ironically the country became more corrupt, unethical, and crime ridden.
Citizens felt they should have the freedom to consume alcohol by their own choice, and the
beginning of the prohibition saw–wide spread manufacturing of bootleg liquor. Criminal gangs grew
from the highly profitable illegal liquor trade. Fighting between these gangs broke out, and many
people were killed. The United States Government claimed that it was a failed experiment, and
finally on February 20, 1933, they passed the twenty–first amendment that repealed the eighteenth
amendment. (The Pledge) Gabriel Caponi and Teresina Nee Riolia who was eight months pregnant
immigrated from the slums of Naples, Italy to the slums of Brooklyn, New York along with their
first son Vincenzo (later renamed James). (Kobler
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Aurelius Alphonse Love In Diane Setterfield's The...
"All children mythologize their birth." The opening line to Miss Winter's Tales of Change and
Desperation, it is particularly true for Aurelius Alphonse Love. Abandoned on the porch of the
grandmotherly Mrs. Love in a game bag with only some scraps of paper, a silver spoon and the
scent of smoke; Aurelius must contend with the mystery surrounding his birth. Aurelius' motherless
past and his resulting fixation on families contributes to the ideas of obsession in Diane Setterfield's
The Thirteenth Tale. From Aurelius' first interaction with the narrator, Margaret, his preoccupation
with his past is apparent. Indeed, upon meeting a perfect stranger he asks the surprisingly intimate
question of "Do you have a mother?" (136) Consumed by thoughts of his own absent mother, his
orphaned nature burdens his mind and rules his communications with others. Aurelius craves any
contact with families, even second–hand. He says "All my life I have wanted to find my family," yet
even with the motherly dedication of Mrs. Love who did everything but birth him, he refuses to
allow himself to feel complete (391). ... Show more content on ...
When speaking to Margaret, Aurelius uses the past tense; he "used" to think there was a secret
meaning. While this implies that he no longer believes so, as he already "tried the first letter of each
word, the first of every line" and "replacing one letter for another," covering a multitude of sheets
with his trials, he still turns the pages with his "eyes feverish, as though there was still a chance he
might see something that had escaped him before" (234). Tormented by uncertainty and plagued by
his own ignorance, Aurelius is obsessed with uncovering his past and even sixty odd years later, he
has yet to give up or move
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Alphonse Mucha
Today – March 16, 2017 Breaking News: announces sale on all Alphonse Mucha paintings,
prints and posters (Use voucher code on their site) Four Seasons Four Seasons Alphonse Mucha
BUY NOW FROM ART.COM Influenced by Hans Makart's The Five Senses (1879), his style was
also inspired by the Japanese woodcut decorative style. Mucha's Seasons (1896) were painted on
pânneaux décoratifs (decorative panels). Each painting features a young woman personifying the
harmonious cycle of nature, with a background featuring distinctive seasonal features, which
communicates the mood of each season. In the Seasons, Mucha uses nature, wildlife and women as
subtle metaphors for life, death and rebirth: his spiritual philosophy was beginning to emerge.
Mucha chose to produce the Seasons on colour lithograph because he was keen to make art
accessible and affordable ... Show more content on ...
The translucent white dress is a metaphor for virginity. As she stands beneath blossoming tree, the
blossom flowers appear in her hair symbolises the potential of new life. In her hand she holds a
branch fashioned into a lyre. Three small birds sit on the lyre – the use of birds in each season is one
of the consistent metaphors in these paintings. The Four Seasons: Summer (1896) With a delicate
background of blue sky, Mucha portrays Summer as a sultry brunette sunbathing in the glorious
sunshine. Lounging among red poppies, Summer leans against a grapevine, splashing her feet in the
shallow pool beneath. This serene image, and the metaphor for adulthood, is loved by many people.
The Four Seasons: Autumn (1896) Autumn is represented as a playful and bountiful figure. Set
amongst a rich tapestry of autumnal plants, fruits and flowers, her long auburn hair holds a wreath
of chrysanthemums. She gathers grapes from an abundant vine; a metaphor for the bountiful
supplies that Autumn offers. The Four Seasons: Winter
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Anthropometry: French Criminologist Alphonse Bertillon
Anthropometry is systematic measuring's of human body parts that focuses on the dimensions of the
body size, form, and functional capacities.
French criminologist Alphonse Bertillon developed and introduced the first structured attempt at
personal identification in 1883 known as anthropometry. Alphonse Bertillon applied anthropometry
to law enforcement creating a system that he knew for sure would identify physical measurements
of body parts. Anthropometry has also found use in medical sciences within the field of forensic
medicine. Today there are many forms of measurement that are used within biological anthropology
but anthropometry is very unique, intricate, and one of the most reliable scientific methods of
criminal investigation.
At 26 years of age Alphonse Bertillon obtained a job as an assistant clerk in the criminal records
office of the Paris Police Department. Only being on the job for a couple of days Bertillon had been
thinking of ways to identify offenders and maintain their arrest and criminal history records.
Bertillon knew that no two people body measurements would ever come out identical. So he thought
it would be better to ... Show more content on ...
Robert Hinton murdered Applegate by bashing her head in with a hammer then slit her throat with a
knife; about a month later he set her body on fire with her skull and eye socket remaining. Forensic
anthropologist Dr. Joan Bytheway was called to the scene to assist law enforcement agencies with
the closing of this case. All anthropologist Dr. Bytherway had left of Deborah Applegate was ashes
and bones that she turned into a skeletal replica of her. While examining anthropologist found a
clean bone that was dislodged before the body was burned. Dr. Bytherway knew for a fact what
happened to Applegate and her family would finally receive some closure after two years of pain
and agony thanks to the father of anthropometry Alphonse
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Alphone Bertillon's System
Alphonse Bertillon was born in Paris on April 24, 1853. He was the son of the distinguished
physician, anthropologist, and physician, Louis Adolphe Bertillon ( Young Alphonse
was seen as hopeless through his fathers eyes. He often suffered from migraine headaches, and
nosebleeds, and was very shy and lacked social skills. However, the young Bertillon was not a
complete loss, he was an intellectual who had a thirst for knowledge and shared his father's interest
in statistics and anthropology ( In the year 1875, Bertillon was
conscripted into the french army. After several years of armed service Bertillon was discharged.
With no higher education or degrees Bertillon struggled with finding ... Show more content on ...
He also noticed that the mug shots that were taken by indifferent commercial photographers, were of
very low quality and often the offenders intentionally distorted their faces while being photographed
to disguise their appearance. Bertillon had a general understanding of the anthropological statistics
and anthropometric techniques from the work of his father ( This was in the most
basic sense the study of human statistics and the measurements and proportions of the human body.
Bertillon was soon able to devise a system of identification of criminals which relied on 11 bodily
measurements as well as the color of the eyes, hair, and skin. He also added standardized
photographs of the criminals to his anthropometric data. ( Bertillon believed
that if several body measurements were taken and recorded the likelihood that any two people
would have the same dimensions and measurements would be extremely rare or even nonexistent.
Now that Bertillon had conceived a way to record criminal records effectively, he had to devise a
way to store all his gathered data in a way that an individual's record could be located, within
minutes, from thousands of other body measurement records. Alphonse Bertillon soon developed a
unique filing system for the criminal records. He would first subdivide the eleven body
measurements into small, medium and large. Bertillon
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Alphonse Capone: Notorious Gangster
Do you know the notorious gangster popular during the prohibition era who went by the name of
"Scarface"? It's Alphonse Capone! Al Capone for short. This man made 60 million dollars annually
by selling illegal liquor. He did so many crimes that he eventually went to Alcatraz Island! This is
going to be telling you about how he became such a well known criminal and some of the things he
did during his career. When Capone was a child he was good in school until he started falling behind
in 6th grade. One day his teacher hit him because he had been skipping school and he struck her
back. His principle beat him for hitting a teacher, and he never returned to school after that. Then
later he moved to the outskirts of the Park Slope neighborhood
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Research Paper On Alphonse Al Capone
Alphonse "Al" Capone Back when Prohibition was the law of the land, gangsters ran the world.
Cities in the daytime were bright and happy places, but at night gunshots could be heard around
every street corner. Citizens lived in fear while police were paid to turn a blind eye when any gang
related crime was committed. During this era of United States history, a little boy was born who
would one day grow up to become the most feared mobster in America. Growing up in a poor
immigrant family in Brooklyn, Alphonse "Al" Capone terrorized the streets of Chicago but was
taken down by the IRS and tax evasion. To begin, Alphonse Capone grew up in a poor Brooklyn
community and worked for many mobster who influenced him to join the world of crime, but he still
married and had a son. Al Capone was born on January 17, 1899 to two poor Italian immigrants, he
was the fourth of nine children. At the young age of fourteen, Al Capone quit school and joined his
first gang. As Kelly King Howes and Julie L. Carnegie write, "Capone became involved at a very
early age with several youth gangs, including the Brooklyn Rippers and the Forty Thieves Juniors"
(20–21). As a youth, Al Capone was known for his temper and he committed crimes such as
vandalism and petty theft as well as getting into fistfights with rival gangs. Al Capone also ran
errands for a local mobster named Johnny Torrio. When Al Capone was older, Torrio recommended
him for a job under Frankie Yale. Al Capone was hired and became a
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Alphonse Bertilon Essay
Alphonse Bertillon
Alphonse Bertillon was the first to truly create the scientific method of criminal identification. Born
in 1853, Bertillon was from Paris France and came from a family of scientific background. His
father, Dr. Louis Adolphe Bertillon, was a distinguished physician, statistician, and the vice
president of the Anthropological society of Paris. Bertillon's grandfather was also a well known
naturalist and mathematician. (Ashbaugh, 1999). Bertillon was a poor student and lacked the talent
of his father and grandfather to be successful in the science field. As a boy, Bertillon had heard his
father and grandfather and other scientists discuss statistics and the hypothesis that no two people
have identical physical ... Show more content on ...
He then sent several reports to the Prefect of Police but they turned him down. Then a new prefect
police took office that was a friend of Bertillon's father. The new prefect police finally allowed
Bertillon to introduce anthropometry on an experimental basis for three months. Bertillon made his
first identification on February 20, 1883, less than two weeks before his experiment was over.
Bertillon success of anthropometry spread to other countries. Many countries set up anthropometry
laboratories. However anthropometry would soon be replaced with a new identification method
called fingerprints. Sir Francis Galton was invited to Paris so Bertillon could increase his knowledge
of fingerprints. Bertillon felt that in the beginning that fingerprints were not very practical due to the
lack of classification system. He eventually included fingerprints on the end of his anthropometry
cards as a final check of identifications. Anthropometry was discarded in France and replaced by
fingerprint identification upon Bertillon's death in 1914. According to Jain Anil, fingerprint–based
identification is the oldest method which has been successfully used in numerous applications and
though Bertillon's anthropometry raised many valid points in forensic science, it was discarded and
replaced by the fingerprint identification method after Bertillon's death 1914.
Fingerprints, known for each person to have unique ones, are made of a series of ridges and furrows
on the
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The Role of Poor Parenting in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein...
Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, was raised by a single parent, her father William Godwin.
She acknowledges the mentally stimulating role a father plays in the development of a daughter,
presumably speaking from personal experience. She declares, "There is a peculiarity in the
education of a daughter, brought up by a father only, which tends to develop early a thousand of
those portions of mind, which are folded up" (Veeder). Shelley offers in Frankenstein a portrait of
how children's minds are shape, and ultimately their fates sealed, due to influences from their
fathers. Alphonse, Victor's father, made mistakes in his parenting that negatively shaped the
development of Victor's mind and how he treated other living things. ... Show more content on ...
This is suggested again, when Victor confides, "till death she was to be mine only" (Shelley 36).
This exemplifies how Alphonse showed Victor, at an early age, how women were to be treated in
society. Victor was displaced twice during his adolescence when his father allowed two
nonmembers of the family into the house–first Elizabeth, then Justine. Although Victor was not
outwardly agitated, these two displacements instilled within him a feeling of loneliness. In short,
Alphonse's dominating role as father led Victor to feel isolated. Alphonse did not think deeply about
the impact that adding more members to the family would have on his son. This dominating role can
be seen again when Victor is sent off to Ingolstadt, right after his mother, Caroline, died. Victor
idolized his mother and was very attached to her. Instead of letting Victor grieve with the family,
Alphonse sends him away, leaving Victor to feel more secluded than ever. Victor is isolated from his
family and best friend Clerval, which fuels his obsession with creating the monster.
On one level Alphonse is a loving father. He created something – Victor – and did his best to nurture
his creation. He tries to care for his family and looks out for their best interest. He routinely worries
about Victor when he is at Ingolstadt because he has not heard from him for some time. In his letters
to Victor, he emphasizes his hopes that Victor is doing well and wishes him to not forget
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Underbelly And Blackrock Analysis
Australian crime drama's such as Underbelly and Blackrock are constructed to represent groups
from Australian reality. These representations are designed to present ideas about groups,
reinforcing what the audience, typically Australian, already knew and thought without changing the
audience's perception completely. These groups of people are stereotyped, giving the audience a
sense of reality and at the same time engaging. The following essay will analyse the representation
of the criminal groups in the crime dramas of Underbelly and Blackrock. Blackrock is a screenplay
written by Nick Enright that explores the crime of rape and how teenage boys deal with there
associations to the crime. Underbelly is a hit TV drama that explores the streets of Melbourne during
a time known as the gangland war (1998–2004) in which 36 criminals and citizens were murdered.
Underbelly explores the mindsets and actions of the criminal calling and hiring the murders. The
two dramas construct the main criminals in different ways, but with the outcome being the same
grotesque and evil characters. Underbelly achieves this through the use of visual feature which
characterises the criminals, the perspective of the victims also is used to construct the criminals in
Underbelly. Blackrock also uses the perspective of the victims to constructs the criminals in the text
but by being a play the use of written conventions is dominant. A key difference between the two
texts are the age of the criminal
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Symbolism In Sister Sainte-Alphonse And The Descent From...
First of all, the thought–out history we human try to found a spiritual fulfilment. We want a life with
a more meaning and purpose. Certain people are more religious than spiritual, others are vice versa.
However, people found comfort and assurance from religion by reading the bible. The gospel is the
foremost iconic key symbol that represents any form of religion. Antoine Plamondon, a Canadian
artist who portrayed various of religious images such as "Sister Sainte–Alphonse" and "The Descent
From The Cross" painting although (Fig.2) does not have an image of the bible specifically;
nonetheless, the four gospel depiction of Christ on the cross resonate throw the oil canvas. In "Sister
Sainte–Alphonse" we see her fully covered holding a
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Locke Personhood
Philosophy can be applied to almost every format of media outlet in today's society. Whether
consciously or not, philosophical questions are raised throughout the world on a daily basis from
news broadcasts, reality television, songs on the radio and many more. Within this essay the idea of
personhood will be discussed by deconstructing a scene from the Japanese anime/manga Fullmetal
Alchemist. The anime follows the story of two brothers endeavouring to find some means of
returning themselves to their bodies after the eldest brother Edward lost a leg while trying to bring
their mother back from the dead. The younger brother Alphonse lost his body entirely in the ordeal
and in tern Edward has to sacrifice his arm in order to bind his brother's ... Show more content on ...
Due to him being capable of thought, intelligence, language and many other necessaries for
personhood under the broad definition of meta–ethics he could be considered a person. When
looking at it from the perspective of the mind and body complex it becomes evident that there are
two opposing views. When examining at it from the point of view of monism, the belief that the
mind cannot exist without the body, then Alphonse and the armoured man Edward faces cannot be
considered human as they only have a mind and therefore it is not sufficient nor necessary to say
they are the same person as they were when they were human. Dualism, the idea that the mind and
body can in fact be separate from each other specifies that if Alphonse has a soul, or sameness of
consciousness through memory he can be considered to have personhood. There are many theories
on personhood, all with their own faults in logic and after comparing them all to the situation
presented in Fullmetal Alchemist it can be seen that personhood is dependant on the viewpoint and
beliefs of the person, which can change substantially depending upon who is looking at it. A single
person cannot come to a valid conclusion on personhood as it varies from personal believes and
upbringings. This could perhaps be why Edward considers his brother and the
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After You My Dear Alphonse And The Test
Racism has been active since civilization began. There are two stories that describe two types of
discrimination. "After You, My Dear Alphonse", by Shirley Jackson is one of the stories. The racism
displayed in this story is subtle. "The Test", by Angelica Gibbs is the second story. The racism in
this story is blatant. Both stories display a sense to the reader of how there really is no difference in
social class. No matter if you're black or white you can do anything. For example, "The Test" states,
"Mandy got her degree, did she? Dog my cats!'" The driving inspector in this story finds it hard to
believe that a black woman got her degree. She is human just like him. Both have the same odds of
getting ahead in life. Racism is the belief of ... Show more content on ...
No matter if you're black or white, you can do anything. In, "After You, My Dear Alphonse", the
author states, "'Boyd's father doesn't have to,' Johnny said. 'He's a foreman.' Mrs. Wilson felt
defeated." This quote shows how Mrs. Wilson does not like how her family and Boyd's family is at
the same social level. To Mrs. Wilson's mind, black people are supposed to be on the lowest level
there is on the social class scale. She believes that black people would or should only work in
factories and leave the highest ranking positions or jobs to whites. In, "The Test", the author states,
"'You–all sho can read fine,' the inspector exclaimed. 'Where d'you learn to do that, Mandy?' 'I got
my college degree last year,' Marian said." To the driving inspector, Marian is a vacuous woman.
The inspector asking Marian, how she learned how to read is a reference to slavery. Slaves usually
didn't get an education which resulted in them not knowing how to read. In this current time
education is equal throughout all the races. It doesn't matter if you're white or black, we all can get
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Impact Of Alphonse Al Capone
Proposed subject of study: How Alphonse Gabriel Capone rose to infamy as America's most
notorious gangster and influenced organized crime in America during the early 1920's and 1930's
that still exists even today.
Today the word "mafia" is used to refer to almost any organized crime group, and in some cases is
even used to describe groups completely unrelated to crime. However, the traditional meaning of
"mafia" is: organized criminal organizations of Italian or Sicilian heritage. In organized crime
groups such as the mafia there Is a hierarchy, with higher ranking members making decisions that
trickle down to the other members of the family. The mafia is not a single group or gang it is made
up of many families that can ... Show more content on ...
When he was supposedly bedridden, Capone was out and about, going to the race tracks, taking trips
to the Bahamas, being questioned by local prosecutors. And by all accounts Al Capone's health was
just fine (s fbI ). On March 27th Capone was arrested for contempt of court in Florida. He got bail
on the promise that he would turn up for trial, however it was a down word spiral for Capone from
this point onwards. He was arrested numerous times after this for things like concealment of
weapons which he did a year in prison for. He also was charged with the original contempt for court
and sentenced to six months in
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Alphonse De Tonti Biography
My story as a Soldier, Explorer and a Leader by Alphonse de Tonti In Memory of Henri de Tonti
These are shortened versions of the journal entries written by my brother Henri de Tonti and given
to me just before passing away. In memory of him I have rewritten and pieced together these entries,
so that some kid 300 hundred years from now can turn it in as a paper. 1668, Paris, France 1668 the
year when it all started, also known as the day I turned eighteen. That day I decided to leave my
mother and my brother Alphonse to enlist in the French Army. My comrades would always asked
me what took me to france, I always lied to them though, only because the truth was too delicate to
go telling everyone. usually I would ... Show more content on ...
In the summer of 1678 La Salle had asked me to join him on his journey, I then told him that he had
made me an offer I could not refuse. We packed up our supplies and munitions along with others
that La Salle had recruited. La Salle told me that most of the men would be joining us when we
arrive at La Salle's home in Montreal, those men were led by La Salle back in 1673 at Fort
Frontenac near lake Ontario. We Traveled through all the great lakes except lake Superior, along the
way many native americans joined our expedition and provided much needed assistance. After two
years of traveling we finally reached the edge of lake Michigan and traveled down the Illinois river.
Approximately one hundred miles south of lake Michigan we founded Fort Crevecoeur, shortly after
La Salle left me in charge while he returned to Fort Frontenac. Things went downhill from there,
some of the men started a rebellion to overthrow me. They destroyed everything and exiled me, the
few years after were a blur from the fact that I was alone and far from
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Theme Of After You My Dear Alphonse
I have chosen to explore the significant theme of "Prejudice in Authority". This theme is evident
throughout the texts After You, My Dear Alphonse by Shirley Jackson, Race Relations by Jean
Burgess and I Am Not Esther by Fleur Beale.
In the short story, "After You, My Dear Alphonse", the theme of 'Prejudice in Authority" is
displayed. Mrs Wilson, the eldest and most dominant character, is meant to be a role model–like
figure. However, she makes stereotypical and discriminating assumptions about Boyd, an African
American child who her son brings home for lunch. Mrs Wilson automatically thinks he is from a
typical, deprived black family. An example of her prejudice occurs when she offers Boyd clothes,
assuming that Boyd and his family can't afford it as they are poor. When Boyd rejects her offer, Mrs
Wilson takes the plate of gingerbread away, just as Boyd was about to eat some – his rejection hurt
her white superiority and removed her sense of power. "There are many boys like you, Boyd, who
would be grateful for the clothes someone was kind enough to give them." It was difficult for Mrs
Wilson to see that black families can be different from one another. Mrs Wilson sees blacks as if
they are in a particular category, where they have specific and predictable qualities, instead of seeing
them as distinct individuals. On the other hand, Johnny, Mrs Wilson's son, doesn't show signs of
racism or prejudice towards Boyd, seeing him as just another one of his friends. I know this
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Alphonse Mucha Research Paper
The organic flow of the Art Nouveau movement has had profound and lasting influence on the
world of art, which isn't surprising since it was an art form for the people, instead of the wealthy.
One of the lesser known artists of this movement is Alphonse Maria Mucha, and while he has started
to gain recognition for his contributions to the Art Nouveau movement today, he was also a multi–
talented artist. Some of his lesser known works are in the mediums of photography, oil paintings,
and even jewelry design. Alphonse Mucha's biggest contributions were in his Art Nouveau designs,
Slav Epic paintings and his influence on subsequent artist.
Mucha was a Czech artist that is recognized mostly for his decorative style of painting, references to
Byzantine art, and muted (or pastel) color palette that became synonymous with the Art Nouveau ...
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He was technically, what we would refer to today as, a graphic artist. Advertising through posters
and postcards were his forte. His favorite subject for these works tended to be young women with
long hair, so that he could better employ the use of calligraphic lines that is a distinguishing
characteristic of Art Nouveau. Often, the women wore long flowing robes that were sometimes
classical in nature, and were surrounded by floral motifs. Later, he would come to use these floral
motifs to form halos around the subject's heads, which would eventually develop into a signature of
his style. The work that was his claim to fame was his poster Gismonda for famed Parisian actress
Sara Bernhardt. The poster was nearly life size, long and rectangular in shape, and utilized his
signature pastel
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##ganse's Treatment Of The Creature By Victor Alphonse
In stark contrast to Victor Frankenstein's treatment of the Creature (his child), Alphonse (Victor's
father) was a man who put considerable effort into parenting Victor. Alphonse was kind, loving, and
protective of the well–being of Victor, there existed no higher desire than to see his children happy.
Yet, to some extent, Victor blames his father for not doing enough in preventing what led to ruin.
For the most part, Victor sees his father as an infallible upright man, however the instance when he
dismissed Agrippa's writings as "sad trash"(40), rather than to explain in depth why, was a failure on
his part. Ironic that Victor never attempted to nurture properly the Creature, opting instead for the
destruction of his child. Perhaps it was possible the whole tragedy could have been averted (should
Alphonse had actually explained Agrippa), but ultimately it was Victor that made the decision to
create life. Let it be said that Alphonse made the attempt (although a weak one) to dissuade Victor
from the readings, which is more so than Victor has done towards the Creature. This attempt is
coupled with M. Krempe's own dismissal of the readings, which helps to indicate opposition in what
he was reading. Alphonse was not a "tyrant(s) to rule"(39) over Victor, but a benevolent father
whom did not seek to cage him.
Shelley uses Alphonse as a foil to Victor as a parent. From what is gathered by Victor's account,
Alphonse was a man with a "sense of justice in [his] upright mind"(34),
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Alphonse Gabriel Capone Research Paper
It is January 17th, 1899; Alphonse Gabriel Capone is born to Italian immigrants in Brooklyn, New
York, US. No one knew it at the time, but he would soon lead the most powerful organized crime
syndicate in the history of the country; the Five Points Gang.
The Sicilian Mafia, La Cosa Nostra, The Italian Mob, The Italian Mafia, and The Mafia. These are
five names for one of the most terrifying criminal organizations in the history of Europe. The name
"Sicilian" originated from a small island just offshore of the Italian mainland, located in the
Mediterranean Sea; Sicily Island. This is where over the course of many centuries, five major clans,
or "families" led their own internal governments, usually run by the head of the family. "The Sicilian
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This was exasperated during the Prohibition Era of 1920 to 1933, due to there being a huge demand
for illegal alcohol. During this time is when Alphonse Gabriel Capone was reaching his early 20's
and he was working as a petty thug and bookkeeper for his lifelong friend, and crime boss, Johnny
Torrio. "In 1917, Torrio introduced Capone to the gangster Frankie Yale, who employed Capone as
bartender and bouncer at the Harvard Inn in Coney Island." Staff. "Al Capone." A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 01 May 2018.
He would soon be reunited with Johnny, who would introduce Capone to The Five Points Gang; or
the Chicago Outfit. He would work under Torio as his Right–Hand–Man, running the Chicago
Outfit for the next 3 years.
A failed assassination attempt against Johnny in 1925 rendered him minorly disabled, which forced
him to retire, and pass down the mantle of leader onto Capone. With Capone in charge of the
Chicago Outfit, came a much heavier focus on bootlegging; the act of making, selling, or
distributing alcohol and other spirits
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Examples Of Religion In Two Days One Night
Another example of religion portrayed in Two Days, One Night would be at the climax of the
movie, when Sandra approaches her co–worker named Alphonse. He is Sandras last hope in keeping
her job. When Sandra asks him, Alphonse responds by saying, "It is what God tells me to do. I have
to help my neighbor (Dardenne)." This line is a blunt example of religion explicitly portrayed in the
Dardenne brothers film. The line spoken by Alphonse is a direct referral to religion. It is not up to
interpretation or perspective. It is a very selfless act completed by Alphonse. Similarly, in Catholic
tradition, themes of selflessness are exhibited. Jesus died on the cross in order to forgive those who
had sinned, even though he had not. This is the very definition of a selfless act.
In Two Days, One Night, Alphonse is a black minority. Alphonse has a minor role within the movie,
however he holds a role that could be viewed as the most important. Alphonse has the deciding vote
of whether or not Sandra ... Show more content on ...
All of these themes being a reflection of the brother's Catholic upbringing. The Son and Two Days,
One Night were able to emulate this through their footage. The Son was able to portray religious
themes that were implied, hinted, and indirect (material objects, occupation). Whereas, in Two Days,
One Night, there were blunt and obvious portrayals of religion/themes (verbal confirmation).
Overall, throughout this paper I've learned that Jean–Pierre and Luc Dardenne are unique directors
(writers, and producers) because of their Catholic upbringing. The brothers focus on subjects and
places that are often forgotten (working class/unemployed) in order to bring depth and meaning to
their work. The Dardenne brothers are truly a duo for the film industry to keep an eye
... Get more on ...
Alphonse Al Capone: Gangster
The name Al Capone struck terror in the hearts of many people in the Chicago area. Law Abiding
citizens and gangsters both feared this man and for good reason. Alphonse ("Al") Capone, also
known as "Scarface," was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1899 to immigrant parents Gabriele and
Teresa Capone. Unlike most children of immigrants, Capone did not grow up in a life of poverty.
His family was well to immigrants and his parents loved him unconditionally. They were oblivious
to the mobster their son would eventually become. Alphonse Capone grew up like most of the
children did in New York and lived an average life. Capone came from a well respected family and
no one could foresee that Al would become such a notorious gangster and cause so much ... Show
more content on ...
The police did not like Al Capone one bit and tried for the longest time to arrest him. At one point,
Capone decided to turn himself in. Turning himself in did not amount to much because the local
police did not have enough evidence on him to take the investigation any further. After all this crime
he decided to become what he thought was a peacemaker. Acting as peacemaker, he would create
acts of terror against other gangs and mobs. This peacemaker label eventually led to the events of
the horrible St. Valentine's Day Massacre (The Decades
... Get more on ...

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Alphonse-Personal Narrative

  • 1. Alphonse-Personal Narrative A day like any other A boy, aged 16 with fair hair and shining blue eyes weaved his way through the bumbling throng of people in the hallway, headed towards his next class. A scowl of determination had settled across his features, as he dragged himself past people. He would not allow himself to be swept away in the sea of chaos that reigned the hallways. He bumped into a girl, who let out a yelp as she fell to the ground. The fair haired boy crouched down and mumbled an apology to the girl, before standing again and continuing. It was close to a minute later when he reached the classroom, and dropped into his seat with a deep exhalation of relief. Moments later the teacher entered the room, and settled his belongings on the ... Show more content on ... The teacher's words blended with his thoughts, and he couldn't quite distinguish between the two. What had happened was not something he would have believed possible. He had been told his whole life that although people who looked like him were split from the others, everybody was happy. "Our society today prides itself in its incomparable order, the split creates a fair society in which everybody can prosper." He knew the two groups were split, but he had assumed fair meant equal. But was it? If his classmate viewed them as scum, did that mean others did too? "This admirable society was achieved by Germany, during their rise to international dominance. Thanks to the German rule, we now live in a society fully under control by the German Furor Audwin Hitler." Was their society truly fair? Was it possible that it was all a lie? No. Perhaps he was just overthinking things. There was no way their society wasn't perfect. Why would the superiors lie? "If Germany hadn't won World War II, our society would not exist today. Our next unit will study the events that led to Germany's success." Besides, it wasn't like the world could've been any ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Alphonse Mucha: Life, Works and Legacy Analysis on Alphonse Mucha Life, Works, and Legacy Alphonse Maria Mucha is one of the most prominent artists of the 20th Century, belonging to the Art–Nouveau genre. He is of Slavic origin, born in Ivančice, Moravia (presently part of the Czech Republic), on the 24th of July, 1860. A prominent artist of his era and time, his highly influential works are noted by its very soulful design approach and aesthetics. His works are amongst the best examples of Art–Nouveau, as well as modern Czech art. He is influenced by his ethnic origins as well as his personal idea of art and beauty, giving his works a highly personal touch. He is a pioneer for the Czech nationalist identity and is a strong figure in Czech Revivalist movement, a man who is devoted into glorifying his homeland by presenting to the world the Czech culture through his highly successful commercial and artistic works, which are more prominent on the second half of his career. A more in–depth discussion regarding his life and an evaluation of his works will be presented further. Page of Contents Introduction 2 Page of Contents 3 Background 4 Moravia 4 The Slavic Peoples 5 Personal Life 7 Mucha's Works 9 Characteristics of his Paintings 9 Division 10 Commercial 10 Artistic 12 The Slav Epic 13 Conclusion: The Effects of Mucha's ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Alphonse's False-Original Writing Sweat dripped down Alphonse's face as he guided his father mule's through the rows of dirt. While, digging it up for the growing season to start, he felt relieved when the heat lifted from his shoulders. It was awfully hot in Ohio, so he didn't think much of it until the mule had stopped turning the soil. Deftly, Al leaped off the back of the mighty creature to find his hooves covered in vines. As quick as a flash, he whipped a hunting knife from his pocket, and cut the large animal free. Finally, Alphonse turned to the wake of his tilling, to see a wall of vines and plants. He heard a cry in the distance, shouting his name, but he had been fastened to the ground, both mentally and literally. Before he could do anything else, it all went black. ... Show more content on ... It did", Lucy stuttered ,"But this was one the worst yet." "What happened?" He questioned. "You were crying, and fighting in your sleep!" She cried "I–I wanted to help, but you wouldn't wake!" He hastily assuaged his young sister and hugged her. "It's alright. I'm here" This wasn't the first time this had happened. It has been every night since that day. The day when humanity had paid for its mistakes. Its sins against itself and nature. After years of being treated with poisons labeled as "Weed killer" or "bug repellent". They had evolved, to grow stronger and fight back. And they did, but that was 4 weeks ago. Now, only three known survivors are alive. Lucy, Alphonse, and the oldest, selfish school Janitor, Mr. Smith. Lucy calmly stood up and removed one of the boards from the windows. "I wish it wasn't so pretty out there. That way I wouldn't want to leave." She sighed Alphonse stood up and walked to the window. He wasn't focused on how pretty it was though, he was looking down from 3 stories up. In order tobe safe from danger, Lucy and Alphonse had been living in the school building, which was the three stories. They were unlucky to find Mr. Smith sleeping in the boiler room when they ran from their home, 7 blocks down the ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Alphonse Capone: Gang Crime Chicago is home to two major things: big pizza and big traffic. When Alphonse Capone was active in it though, it was known for a third thing, big amounts of gang crime! Alphonse Capone is one of the recognized figures of gangland history. Throughout the early 1900s, he managed to run an entire crime syndicate and never got caught doing it. This was because Alphonse Capone knew how to operate without getting his hands dirty, which can be found in how he operated himself, how he operated using the legal system, how he operated using his cronies, and his last attempts at operating in prison. "To understand a man you must understand his memories." This quote from Anthony Quayle gives insight into understanding people. To better understand Alphonse ... Show more content on ... The most famous gangland massacre, the St. Valentines Day Massacre, is an event he organized but did not do himself. He had some of his gang members dress up as cops, take four fully automatic guns, and then act like they busted rival smuggler Frankie Yale's newest shipment. Lining them up as if they were arrested, the fake cops opened fire, killing them all. Frankie Yale himself wasn't present at the scene because he had seen the cops and didn't want to get caught. This is the only thing that kept him from being brutally murdered with the rest of his cohorts. ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. Annotation of After You my Dear Alphonse by Shirley... Annotation of "After You my Dear Alphonse" by Shirley Jackson The story that I have chosen to annotate is 'After you my dear Alphonse' written by Shirley Jackson. Shirley Jackson was born in the year of 1919 and later died in 1965. She is best known for her stories and novels of horror and the occult, rendered more terrifying because they are set against realistic, common place backgrounds. After graduating from Syracuse University, Jackson married literary critic Stanley Edgar Hyman. 'Life among the savages' (1953) and 'Raising Demons' (1957) are witty and humorous fictionalized memoirs about their life with their four children. Her most famous works include the short story collection 'The Lottery' (1949), in which 'After you ... Show more content on ... has three themes but the main theme projected in the story is the theme of racial prejudice. The other two themes are the theme of narrow mindedness and stereotypes. The writer contrasts the children?s acceptance of each other in friendship and obliviousness to skin color, to Johnny?s mother, Mrs. Wilson?s prejudice nature and conditioned reflexes of racial differences. Mrs. Wilson?s reaction to Boyd comes of as superior due to her marginalized social conditioning. The title of the story itself, ?After you my dear Alphonse? is extremely symbolic and extremely important in the aid analyzing the text thoroughly and being able to identify the key themes portrayed throughout the story. Through the clever use of repetition throughout the text, Shirley Jackson has enabled the reader to recognize the thoughts that she has depicted in the story. Also the fact that Johnny and his African American friend Boyd keep repeating the phrase ?After you my dear Alphonse? and ?no after you my dear Alphonse? through out the text is seen as very symbolic to the theme of racial prejudice as the phrase ?after you my dear Alphonse ? originated with a comic strip that first appeared in 1905. Alphonse and Gaston were characters in the once popular gag for politeness, which appeared in the newspaper The New Journal. ?After you my dear Alphonse is an expression which is generally used when two people go back and forth, suggesting that the other go first as a way ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. An Analysis Of Alphonse Gabriel 's Al Capone Alphonse Gabriel "Al" Capone (January 17, 1899 – January 25, 1947) is my great grandmother's (Raiola) cousin. Although, I could not interview him I asked many family members about him and got an abundance of family stories. Since parts of my family did not want to be connected to the mob they chose to change our last name from De Vito to De Vita to Americanize it and separate themselves from the mob. Al Capone was the son of two poor Italian immigrants, which at that time in history meant you didn 't matter, so he had to find guidance with the only people that took an interest in him but unfortunately for him it was some of the biggest mob leaders in New York. Even with that kind of influence hard to believe that a once soft spoken, intelligent kid from a good family would grow up to run a major city with blood, bullets, and alcohol. First, Capone 's lack of tolerance for authority and people who didn 't respect him was obvious from a young age. In sixth grade a female teacher called Capone a dago and slapped him during a argument in class, which angered Capone to the point where he punched the female teacher in the face breaking her nose (Al Capone: Scarface). After the incident, the Capone family moved to a new neighborhood, where Capone would meet the man that would help change his life forever. Johnny Torrio was at the time the most successful and respected gangster in New York and his headquarters was located across the street from the Capone 's new house. Torrio ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Essay on Alphonse Scarface Capone Alphonse “Scarface'; Capone BACKGROUND INFORMATION Alphonse Capone was born on January 17, 1899. He grew up in rough neighborhood in Brooklyn, NY where he would attend school only up to the sixth grade, when dropped out. Capone got his nickname “Scarface'; from a knife attack by the brother of a woman whom Capone had insulted. The attack left him with three scars across his face and a new nickname. Capone joined his first gang when he became part of the James Street Gang, headed by the well– known Johnny Torrio. In 1920, upon the request of Torrio, Capone went to work for Johnny’s Uncle, Big Jim Colosimo. Colosimo was ... Show more content on ... Capone was able time and time again to avoid criminal charges, and became a true racketeer, an art of its own. Ironically, the government finally was able to put Scarface behind bars on charges of federal income tax evasion. He was sentenced to eleven years in prison. Eleven years that couldn’t even be saved by the four million–dollar bribe offered by Capone’s attorneys. In 1934 Capone was transferred to Alcatraz, and in 1939 he was paroled. Suffering from syphilis that had begun to drive him insane, Capone knew he could no longer run his Chicago empire, so he retired to his Miami Beach mansion. The exact place where on January 25, 1947 Alphonse “Scarface'; Capone died. IMPORTANCE IN THE TWENTIES In 1920 when prohibition became law, a large portion of the population still wanted alcohol. But not many were willing to put themselves at risk to sell it to others. Some did take advantage of prohibition, but none more than Al Capone. With the rise of the telephone, the increase of automobiles, the invention of the Thompson machine guns Capone was able to create an illegal empire like no other. When in came to bootlegging during the time of prohibition, Capone knew how to get to people, and how to make a huge profit out of it. Another thing Capone was good at was avoiding the law. Whether he blackmailed someone or he talked his way out of it, he ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. Analysis Of The Poem ' After You, My Dear Alphonse, ' I Am... I have chosen to explore the significant theme of "Prejudice in Authority". This theme is evident throughout the texts After You, My Dear Alphonse by Shirley Jackson, Race Relations by Jean Burgess, I Am Not Esther by Fleur Beale and Indian Education by Sherman Alexie. In the short story, "After You, My Dear Alphonse," the theme of 'Prejudice in Authority' is displayed. Mrs Wilson, the eldest and most dominant character, makes stereotypical and discriminating assumptions about Boyd, an African American child who her son brings home for lunch. Mrs Wilson automatically thinks he is from a typical, deprived black family. An example of her prejudice occurs when she offers Boyd clothes, assuming that Boyd and his family cannot afford it as ... Show more content on ... We aren't born to be a certain way, it is the type of environment we are brought up in, and the influences upon us, which determines our character. "Prejudice in Authority" is also displayed in the poem, "Race Relations." In this poem, two children, one with light skin and the other with darker skin, enjoy each other's company, oblivious to their differences in skin colour. This shows that the children don't have any sign of racism or prejudice towards each other. However, the white girl's mother becomes enraged at her daughter for being with a black person. "He'll scold you, And serve you right, who have no proper pride." The mother says she deserves to be told off and labels her daughter as having no pride, simply because she is with someone of black skin. This tells me that the mother has strong prejudice and racism towards black people. The white child's mother then orders her to go inside. Regardless of whether she thinks her mother is right or wrong, she obeys these orders as her mother is the dominant figure. This shows me the dominance and influence a parent has over their children. In parenting, the way you bring up your child determines how that child turns out. The white child, in this text, will end up having a more prejudiced mindset, in the future, due to this experience of witnessing that, being with a coloured person is punishable. This ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Should Alphonse Be Considered To Have Personhood? There are many issues with John Locke's theory. For example many people cannot remember what they had for breakfast– does this in turn make them a different person to who ate breakfast yesterday (Della Rocca M 2014)? This question is raised and even looked upon by Locke, he simply states that this in fact means you are not the same person as the one who ate breakfast other morning. This is a complex idea to wrap ones head around. How can we be the same person we were ten years ago and yet not the same person we were yesterday morning? No philosophical theory can be considered perfect and though Locke's theory has issues it still does not disclaim the validity as all of the viewpoints presented within this essay have problems that still lack solutions. ... Show more content on ... There is one last view on this topic that could bring a definitive ending to this debate. This viewpoint comes from an ancient Greek philosopher known as Protagoras of Abdera (Mark, J 2012). He is most famous for stating that 'man is the measure of all things that they are, and of the things they are not" (Mark, J 2012). Breaking this down it simply means that a person is who or what they say or think themselves as. It is similar to Descartes, 'I think, therefore I am' principle. If Alphonse thinks himself a person than he is a person by his own standards, similarly if the armoured man who is in the exact same situation thinks himself not a person then he is in fact not a person. Putting it simply a person only has to consider themselves a person to have personhood. This intern ties in with the original dictionary meaning of a person, the quality of having personhood. If someone considers themselves to have personhood then they ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. ' The Last Lesson, By Alphonse Daudet In the short story written by Alphonse Daudet, "The Last Lesson" starts off with a young boy with the name of Franz in which he is contemplating wither he should do the right thing and go to school, or skip school and go spend the day out in the woods with the birds and animals. Franz frantically decided to go to school, even though he was already late. As Franz hustled to school, he had no clue that it was going to be the last time he would be going to school before everything changed. Franz, along with the people of the town were notified that it would be the last day that the school that this town revolved and grew up around, would no longer be the same. As the towns people realized that their school that they grew up in and the only school their kids have ever attended was being taken over by Berlin, and the German language. Most of the one's that felt like they should show respect for which they did not show to the school when they were younger, came and sat in the last French class that would ever be held inside of the school. The amount of respect the town had for the school and for the teacher, Mr. M. Hamel, showed how much the small things that someone might not like at the moment, might later realize was the biggest impact on their life's. When the French and Prussia War first began, The Prussians were not going after the life style of the people in which they grew up in and wanted to affect the lives of the people of the small towns. Actually, the war began ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. How Did Alphonse Mucha Create A Poster Of Lady With... Alphonse Mucha's Job Poster is part of Art Nouveaus. Why did He create a poster of lady with cigarettes? 1 Mucha create poster of lady because his first poster was Salon des Cent when he was 31. He repeated drew different ladies on different poster, as he mentions, "Art can never be new" 2. He created some more poster of different kind of lady. Job poster are made in Colour Lithograph, it is from Champenois. This 'Job' lady has some matchsticks as clip on her hairs, because on other of artworks, Mucha did designs on different hairstyles for females. He drew hairstyle into the horseshoe–shaped when it is curly. 3 He creates the example of characteristic of female hair as sexual objects; curls and rendered in energetic curves into fashion. This lady seems to be spending time smoke for Job Cigarettes? This cigarette company used the lady to show sexuality with cigarettes. Theartstory site said that they used this lady to show the mood when she was smoking. ... Show more content on ... The answer is not exactly no, because this lady shows that she can smoking to show males that some women were also smoking too. He most picks either virginal girls or femmes' fatales, and his girls showing the curiously mixed message. JSTOR site mention that they allow men to smoking and the women were rarely showen with smoking. Thompson mentions that in the 1890s, women were the main theme of advertising for the cigarette. Mucha create women smoking because some told that men are looking into young women. There is another reason why he creates women because; anonymous author wrote: "Choosing a wife by a pipe of Tobacco". Some said about cigarette girls when Mucha creating his artwork can be understand of the artists' ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Roy's Narrative Analysis Roy's Perspective: "The only way we can track down that serial killer is to split up." I announced. My soldiers, 1st Lieutenant Riza Hawkeye, 2nd Lieutenant Jean Havoc, and Alphonse Elric were helping track down Barry the Chopper. He's committed many murders by chopping up his victims with a butcher knife, I guess you could say that's how he got his name. "Yes, Sir." replied Riza. Her and Alphonse started to walk down the dreary tunnel in the opposite direction. We were underneath laboratory five, originally looking for something Barry had lost. Barry's soul was attached to a suit of armor, and he was used as an immortal slave. When he caught sight of his original body, he quickly realized there was a soul of another creature inside it. ... Show more content on ... "You even carved a transmutation circle into your hand! And you're using that lighter for ignition." And with the flick of the lighter, sounds of Lust's screams filled the empty room. "Don't underestimate me." I heard him say in a very dark tone. Flame after flame, she slowly started losing grasp on her life. Finally, her body started breaking off into specs of nothing. "You've finally done it, you killed me. I hate losing, even if there are better ways to die at the hands of a man like you." Roy's cold black eyes stared at her, emotionless. "I like your eyes, I can't wait for the day when their wide with agony. That day, is soon." Then it was over, her body didn't leave a trace. Roy fell to the floor in pain from his wound. "Colonel!" I cried out, running to be by his side. "Lieutenant, are you okay?" He asked. "Please sir, worry about yourself for once! We need to get you to a hospital, fast." I could still feel tears trickling down my face. "We need a doctor for Havoc too, hurry, before he's gone for good." But at least the Colonel was okay. This was definitely not the fight we were looking for, but we were able to escape with our lives, and that's what ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Zero By Paul Logan, I’m Just Me by Lylah Alphonse, and The... The first unit on our textbook Interactions by Ann Moseley and Jeanette Harris talks about the self– concept. It is hard to find a definition for the self–concept because it is certain beliefs about ethnicity, religion, and personalities combined. This unit has a number of readings by various authors where it shows struggles with the self. Self–identity, ethnic backgrounds, and self–esteem are the major aspects of those readings. After reading their writings I found that I could relate to their experiences. The three readings that got my attention were "Zero" By Paul Logan, "I'm Just Me" by Lylah Alphonse, and "The Jacket" by Gary Soto. In the reading "Zero," Paul Logan is a student who struggled throughout his academic life by being a ... Show more content on ... So, I decided to change my major and start over. I did that after taking a break for a month and my spring semester went well. Like Logan, I realized that failing is not the end and it is either a lesson or a new start to succeed. In the reading "I'm just me," Lylah Alphones a multi–racial girl who wanted people to accept her as she is. Alphones did not want people to see her as of her racial background. She got some looks and questions from people about her race. People were trying to figure out what is her race. Alphones did not like that because she thought that people should accept others no matter what with no discrimination. So, the struggle of mixed identity went away because as she said "I'm just me," but people are making hard on her so she still want to prove a point where people should not be put into a specific box regarding their race. Similar to Alphones, I do not like to be put in a particular ethnic group. I wanted to be just me because when people ask about my ethnicity they automatically assume it is bad. For example, being Arab, Muslim, and Saudi is hard especially in the United States because of what happened in September 11th. What I believe that history is in the past, and what happened in September 11th is gone. It was a major disaster but what I believe that we should not be all blamed. Hopefully, ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Discrimination in Harrison Bergeron, after you my dear... Discrimination in the Short Stories, Harrison Bergeron, after you my dear Alphonse, and The Lottery The trait of discrimination is the basis for the stories, Harrison Bergeron, after you my dear Alphonse, and Lottery. Discrimination is when someone is hated or acted upon negatively for the reason of race, sex, or nationality. In the short stories the author's feelings of discrimination are expressed through the characters differently. In these stories the author has his own feelings and thought depicted through the characters. By the popular theme of discrimination and racism it suggests that these stories were written in the late sixties early seventies. In the story Harrison Bergeron the whole country is handicapped except for ... Show more content on ... This shows discrimination against everyone because they are taking that person's freedom away and judging them on their looks and abilities. A man named Harrison who would be a sport super star in real life because of his outstanding talent is fitted with weights and other handicaps to make him like everyone else. He revolts and overcomes his handicaps but is soon killed for breaking the law. In this story discrimination plays a big part in how the main character revolts. The next example is in the story, after you my dear alphonse. In this story a boy becomes friends with an African American boy named Boyd and brings him home for lunch, when he gets home his mother is shocked to see her son with this boy. The mother assumes that the father works hard labor in the fields and that the boy will grow up and do the same. But that?s not the case, the boys father works in a factory. This is an example of discrimination because the mother assumes things just because he is black. The last example of discrimination as a theme for a short story is in The Lottery. In this story a community has a lottery every year and the winner is stoned to death. The theme of discrimination is shown when they just pick a random person and kill them. That discriminates against that person because they show hate for little or no reason. In these ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Screaming Forest Essay Oscar and Alphonse Alphonse was walking in the mysterious forest with her friend Oscar. It was their first time in the forest. They had heard rumors about Screaming Forest. They were dared by Kelly to go to the forest. Kelly was one of the meaner girls at Alphonse's school. Hannah is one of the "special needs" children. She has ADHD which basically urges her to move her hands or something else constantly. She uses stress balls to fidget with. She is shorter than everyone in her class. Kelly took notice of this. "Give it back! Give it back!" Hannah cried as Kelly took her stress ball. "Really, you think I would take orders from a puny person like you? Ugh!" Kelly said. "I will not take orders, but I will help." said Alphonse right behind ... Show more content on ... I will not let Kelly win!She has bullied too many people and this will be the end of her asinine reign!" She scooped two caterpillars in the jar with some grass and sticks included. "We can go now Oscar." "What is happening, Alphonse?" "It looks like the forest path is changing. It's shifting." "Help! Help!" both of them screamed for help. It was too late. They were already in a different place in the forest. They heard others very faintly screaming for help. Were they trapped in some sort of weird–forest jail? Would they ever get out of this situation? "Alphonse, I just realized something." "What, Oscar?" "You are a little bit taller than Kelly so you could have just taken the stress ball from Kelly's hand. We did not have to go through this mess." "Oh. Well, this was all for nothing." Alphonse puts the jar down. They are returned to the fence where they came from. "Whoa." both of them are surprised. "Hold it again, Alphonse." She touched it and they went back to the distorted world. She removed her hand and they returned to the gate. "Alphonse, take out the the things in the jar and see what happens." She did as told and held the caterpillar in the palm of her hand. The caterpillars softly wriggled in her hand spelling out "goodbye." She knew it was time to send them back. She placed the caterpillars on the ground and turned to Oscar. "We can go now, Oscar. I do not need to take things from this forest. We do not need to ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Alphonse Bertillon Forensics At the start of our forensic science class we were assigned to do a presentation with a partner. Everyone is the class had a partner who they had to work with on a specific topic. These topics would then be presented occurring to their time period. In my case, I had to work with Pierre and our main focus was the late 19th century. Not only was this project, in my opinion fun, but it also gave the class and me an introduction to forensics. Apart from that, we learned and discuss some terms that are used everyday in the forensics field. Pierre and me decided to focus on the Alphonse Bertillon's, also known as the "father of criminal identification." Bertillon was a the french criminologist and anthropologist who created the first system of ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. The Man Behind the Lines Essay A man of innovation, style, and creator of labyrinthine masterpieces in all media, Alphonse Mucha is often named the greatest and most influential Czech artists. As one of the fathers of Art Nouveau, Mucha developed a reputation with his posters, architecture, jewelry and sculpture that had never been seen before; a complex weaving of lines and pastel colors featuring voluptuous women and a harmony that can only be described as: Mucha style. His graphic designs and posters often hold the limelight of Mucha's ability, but the complexity of his imagination and inspiration show another deep dimension behind the man, his visions, and his beliefs in art, as well as the world. To begin to know the artist, one must start at the artist's ... Show more content on ... He set out to create his own destiny in Vienna building sets for the plays and remained with the theatre, despite the rollercoaster of hardships and opportunity that proceeded. In 1887, he moved to Paris from the generosity of Count KhuenBalasi, to study and begin his journey in true art. During this time Paris was at the beginning of its state of economic recovery from the Franco–Prussian war, so the nation was flourishing and rebuilding with a vibrant optimistic outlook (Mucha S, 11.) Paris, following the industrial revolution led by Britain, began constructing new inventions, vehicles, and processes. A prolific example is the monumental building of the Eiffel Tower for the World's Fair. The world of art was responding to this new boom of wrenches and gears with: Art Nouveau, a highly stylized and decorative art, framing the importance of organic, botanical, and true form of the objects. So while the world focused on exact and complicated features, the artists in Paris were simplifying, making decadence, and flow emerge out of their art. The one who had the most harmony, intensity and influence in Paris was Mucha. Mucha was fascinated with another Fin–de– siècle Parisian movement: allure to the occult or spiritualism. The followers derived their belief in a "World Soul" from a mash up of religions including: Buddhism, Jewish Kabala, Brahmanism, Christian mysticism, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Underbelly And Blackrock Analysis Different text types that are based of different ideas often can often explore similar issues in society. Underbelly and Blackrock have varying text types of a Television medium that's multimodal and Drama text/ theatre play that is written. Underbelly set in Melbourne, Australia in 1955 follows the journey of Alphonse Gangitano and Jason Moran and following the crime life that they live. Blackrock, however, follows a group of teenagers and following the murder of Tracy at a teenager's birthday party. However, both of these texts are based on true stories, are set in Australia and have there are similar important issues brought up between these two texts, these include the issues that crime doesn't pay, the sexualisation of women in between the two texts and corruption within the use of setting of these texts in which are based off true events. In both Underbelly and Blackrock, we see a common theme that crime doesn't pay off and both texts show multiple consequences that resulted from the crime. In Underbelly, we see that crime doesn't pay as Alphonse Gangitano gets caught for his King Street Nightclub attack where he assaulted a number of innocent civilians with pool cues. The consequences that Alphonse faced was that he imprisoned as he pleaded guilty for his actions and that his wife had decided to leave him and took their kids with her. These resulting consequences show to us how Alphonse's crime did not pay off and the money involved was not worth it. Similarly, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Alphonse Capone And Prohibition Essay In the United States the consumption of alcohol is accepted as a common part of American life. Alcohol is consumed at sporting events, restaurants, and even church gatherings. However, less than a hundred years ago the prohibition movement was one of the greatest conflicts in the early century. The demand for liquor was in high demand and Alphonse Capone was the man with the solution. In the early twentieth century, many states started making the consumption of alcohol illegal, and by January 6, 1919, the United States government added the eighteenth amendment to our Constitution prohibiting the sale and consumption of alcohol. The amendment formally called "The Prohibition", reads the following: Section 1 After one year from the ... Show more content on ... In this pledge the text read: "Whereas the use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage is productive of pauperism, degradation and crime; and believing it our duty to discourage that which produces more evil than good, we therefore pledge ourselves to abstain from the use of intoxicating liquors as a beverage". The Anti Saloon League suggested the United States to do the same and eventually get the amendment passed. (The Lincoln Lee Legion)The amendment was only able to hold on for fourteen years, and ironically the country became more corrupt, unethical, and crime ridden. Citizens felt they should have the freedom to consume alcohol by their own choice, and the beginning of the prohibition saw–wide spread manufacturing of bootleg liquor. Criminal gangs grew from the highly profitable illegal liquor trade. Fighting between these gangs broke out, and many people were killed. The United States Government claimed that it was a failed experiment, and finally on February 20, 1933, they passed the twenty–first amendment that repealed the eighteenth amendment. (The Pledge) Gabriel Caponi and Teresina Nee Riolia who was eight months pregnant immigrated from the slums of Naples, Italy to the slums of Brooklyn, New York along with their first son Vincenzo (later renamed James). (Kobler ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Aurelius Alphonse Love In Diane Setterfield's The... "All children mythologize their birth." The opening line to Miss Winter's Tales of Change and Desperation, it is particularly true for Aurelius Alphonse Love. Abandoned on the porch of the grandmotherly Mrs. Love in a game bag with only some scraps of paper, a silver spoon and the scent of smoke; Aurelius must contend with the mystery surrounding his birth. Aurelius' motherless past and his resulting fixation on families contributes to the ideas of obsession in Diane Setterfield's The Thirteenth Tale. From Aurelius' first interaction with the narrator, Margaret, his preoccupation with his past is apparent. Indeed, upon meeting a perfect stranger he asks the surprisingly intimate question of "Do you have a mother?" (136) Consumed by thoughts of his own absent mother, his orphaned nature burdens his mind and rules his communications with others. Aurelius craves any contact with families, even second–hand. He says "All my life I have wanted to find my family," yet even with the motherly dedication of Mrs. Love who did everything but birth him, he refuses to allow himself to feel complete (391). ... Show more content on ... When speaking to Margaret, Aurelius uses the past tense; he "used" to think there was a secret meaning. While this implies that he no longer believes so, as he already "tried the first letter of each word, the first of every line" and "replacing one letter for another," covering a multitude of sheets with his trials, he still turns the pages with his "eyes feverish, as though there was still a chance he might see something that had escaped him before" (234). Tormented by uncertainty and plagued by his own ignorance, Aurelius is obsessed with uncovering his past and even sixty odd years later, he has yet to give up or move ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Alphonse Mucha Today – March 16, 2017 Breaking News: announces sale on all Alphonse Mucha paintings, prints and posters (Use voucher code on their site) Four Seasons Four Seasons Alphonse Mucha BUY NOW FROM ART.COM Influenced by Hans Makart's The Five Senses (1879), his style was also inspired by the Japanese woodcut decorative style. Mucha's Seasons (1896) were painted on pânneaux décoratifs (decorative panels). Each painting features a young woman personifying the harmonious cycle of nature, with a background featuring distinctive seasonal features, which communicates the mood of each season. In the Seasons, Mucha uses nature, wildlife and women as subtle metaphors for life, death and rebirth: his spiritual philosophy was beginning to emerge. Mucha chose to produce the Seasons on colour lithograph because he was keen to make art accessible and affordable ... Show more content on ... The translucent white dress is a metaphor for virginity. As she stands beneath blossoming tree, the blossom flowers appear in her hair symbolises the potential of new life. In her hand she holds a branch fashioned into a lyre. Three small birds sit on the lyre – the use of birds in each season is one of the consistent metaphors in these paintings. The Four Seasons: Summer (1896) With a delicate background of blue sky, Mucha portrays Summer as a sultry brunette sunbathing in the glorious sunshine. Lounging among red poppies, Summer leans against a grapevine, splashing her feet in the shallow pool beneath. This serene image, and the metaphor for adulthood, is loved by many people. The Four Seasons: Autumn (1896) Autumn is represented as a playful and bountiful figure. Set amongst a rich tapestry of autumnal plants, fruits and flowers, her long auburn hair holds a wreath of chrysanthemums. She gathers grapes from an abundant vine; a metaphor for the bountiful supplies that Autumn offers. The Four Seasons: Winter ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Anthropometry: French Criminologist Alphonse Bertillon Anthropometry is systematic measuring's of human body parts that focuses on the dimensions of the body size, form, and functional capacities. French criminologist Alphonse Bertillon developed and introduced the first structured attempt at personal identification in 1883 known as anthropometry. Alphonse Bertillon applied anthropometry to law enforcement creating a system that he knew for sure would identify physical measurements of body parts. Anthropometry has also found use in medical sciences within the field of forensic medicine. Today there are many forms of measurement that are used within biological anthropology but anthropometry is very unique, intricate, and one of the most reliable scientific methods of criminal investigation. At 26 years of age Alphonse Bertillon obtained a job as an assistant clerk in the criminal records office of the Paris Police Department. Only being on the job for a couple of days Bertillon had been thinking of ways to identify offenders and maintain their arrest and criminal history records. Bertillon knew that no two people body measurements would ever come out identical. So he thought it would be better to ... Show more content on ... Robert Hinton murdered Applegate by bashing her head in with a hammer then slit her throat with a knife; about a month later he set her body on fire with her skull and eye socket remaining. Forensic anthropologist Dr. Joan Bytheway was called to the scene to assist law enforcement agencies with the closing of this case. All anthropologist Dr. Bytherway had left of Deborah Applegate was ashes and bones that she turned into a skeletal replica of her. While examining anthropologist found a clean bone that was dislodged before the body was burned. Dr. Bytherway knew for a fact what happened to Applegate and her family would finally receive some closure after two years of pain and agony thanks to the father of anthropometry Alphonse ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Alphone Bertillon's System Alphonse Bertillon was born in Paris on April 24, 1853. He was the son of the distinguished physician, anthropologist, and physician, Louis Adolphe Bertillon ( Young Alphonse was seen as hopeless through his fathers eyes. He often suffered from migraine headaches, and nosebleeds, and was very shy and lacked social skills. However, the young Bertillon was not a complete loss, he was an intellectual who had a thirst for knowledge and shared his father's interest in statistics and anthropology ( In the year 1875, Bertillon was conscripted into the french army. After several years of armed service Bertillon was discharged. With no higher education or degrees Bertillon struggled with finding ... Show more content on ... He also noticed that the mug shots that were taken by indifferent commercial photographers, were of very low quality and often the offenders intentionally distorted their faces while being photographed to disguise their appearance. Bertillon had a general understanding of the anthropological statistics and anthropometric techniques from the work of his father ( This was in the most basic sense the study of human statistics and the measurements and proportions of the human body. Bertillon was soon able to devise a system of identification of criminals which relied on 11 bodily measurements as well as the color of the eyes, hair, and skin. He also added standardized photographs of the criminals to his anthropometric data. ( Bertillon believed that if several body measurements were taken and recorded the likelihood that any two people would have the same dimensions and measurements would be extremely rare or even nonexistent. Now that Bertillon had conceived a way to record criminal records effectively, he had to devise a way to store all his gathered data in a way that an individual's record could be located, within minutes, from thousands of other body measurement records. Alphonse Bertillon soon developed a unique filing system for the criminal records. He would first subdivide the eleven body measurements into small, medium and large. Bertillon ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Alphonse Capone: Notorious Gangster Do you know the notorious gangster popular during the prohibition era who went by the name of "Scarface"? It's Alphonse Capone! Al Capone for short. This man made 60 million dollars annually by selling illegal liquor. He did so many crimes that he eventually went to Alcatraz Island! This is going to be telling you about how he became such a well known criminal and some of the things he did during his career. When Capone was a child he was good in school until he started falling behind in 6th grade. One day his teacher hit him because he had been skipping school and he struck her back. His principle beat him for hitting a teacher, and he never returned to school after that. Then later he moved to the outskirts of the Park Slope neighborhood ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Research Paper On Alphonse Al Capone Alphonse "Al" Capone Back when Prohibition was the law of the land, gangsters ran the world. Cities in the daytime were bright and happy places, but at night gunshots could be heard around every street corner. Citizens lived in fear while police were paid to turn a blind eye when any gang related crime was committed. During this era of United States history, a little boy was born who would one day grow up to become the most feared mobster in America. Growing up in a poor immigrant family in Brooklyn, Alphonse "Al" Capone terrorized the streets of Chicago but was taken down by the IRS and tax evasion. To begin, Alphonse Capone grew up in a poor Brooklyn community and worked for many mobster who influenced him to join the world of crime, but he still married and had a son. Al Capone was born on January 17, 1899 to two poor Italian immigrants, he was the fourth of nine children. At the young age of fourteen, Al Capone quit school and joined his first gang. As Kelly King Howes and Julie L. Carnegie write, "Capone became involved at a very early age with several youth gangs, including the Brooklyn Rippers and the Forty Thieves Juniors" (20–21). As a youth, Al Capone was known for his temper and he committed crimes such as vandalism and petty theft as well as getting into fistfights with rival gangs. Al Capone also ran errands for a local mobster named Johnny Torrio. When Al Capone was older, Torrio recommended him for a job under Frankie Yale. Al Capone was hired and became a ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Alphonse Bertilon Essay Alphonse Bertillon Alphonse Bertillon was the first to truly create the scientific method of criminal identification. Born in 1853, Bertillon was from Paris France and came from a family of scientific background. His father, Dr. Louis Adolphe Bertillon, was a distinguished physician, statistician, and the vice president of the Anthropological society of Paris. Bertillon's grandfather was also a well known naturalist and mathematician. (Ashbaugh, 1999). Bertillon was a poor student and lacked the talent of his father and grandfather to be successful in the science field. As a boy, Bertillon had heard his father and grandfather and other scientists discuss statistics and the hypothesis that no two people have identical physical ... Show more content on ... He then sent several reports to the Prefect of Police but they turned him down. Then a new prefect police took office that was a friend of Bertillon's father. The new prefect police finally allowed Bertillon to introduce anthropometry on an experimental basis for three months. Bertillon made his first identification on February 20, 1883, less than two weeks before his experiment was over. Bertillon success of anthropometry spread to other countries. Many countries set up anthropometry laboratories. However anthropometry would soon be replaced with a new identification method called fingerprints. Sir Francis Galton was invited to Paris so Bertillon could increase his knowledge of fingerprints. Bertillon felt that in the beginning that fingerprints were not very practical due to the lack of classification system. He eventually included fingerprints on the end of his anthropometry cards as a final check of identifications. Anthropometry was discarded in France and replaced by fingerprint identification upon Bertillon's death in 1914. According to Jain Anil, fingerprint–based identification is the oldest method which has been successfully used in numerous applications and though Bertillon's anthropometry raised many valid points in forensic science, it was discarded and replaced by the fingerprint identification method after Bertillon's death 1914. Fingerprints, known for each person to have unique ones, are made of a series of ridges and furrows on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Role of Poor Parenting in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein... Mary Shelley, the author of Frankenstein, was raised by a single parent, her father William Godwin. She acknowledges the mentally stimulating role a father plays in the development of a daughter, presumably speaking from personal experience. She declares, "There is a peculiarity in the education of a daughter, brought up by a father only, which tends to develop early a thousand of those portions of mind, which are folded up" (Veeder). Shelley offers in Frankenstein a portrait of how children's minds are shape, and ultimately their fates sealed, due to influences from their fathers. Alphonse, Victor's father, made mistakes in his parenting that negatively shaped the development of Victor's mind and how he treated other living things. ... Show more content on ... This is suggested again, when Victor confides, "till death she was to be mine only" (Shelley 36). This exemplifies how Alphonse showed Victor, at an early age, how women were to be treated in society. Victor was displaced twice during his adolescence when his father allowed two nonmembers of the family into the house–first Elizabeth, then Justine. Although Victor was not outwardly agitated, these two displacements instilled within him a feeling of loneliness. In short, Alphonse's dominating role as father led Victor to feel isolated. Alphonse did not think deeply about the impact that adding more members to the family would have on his son. This dominating role can be seen again when Victor is sent off to Ingolstadt, right after his mother, Caroline, died. Victor idolized his mother and was very attached to her. Instead of letting Victor grieve with the family, Alphonse sends him away, leaving Victor to feel more secluded than ever. Victor is isolated from his family and best friend Clerval, which fuels his obsession with creating the monster. On one level Alphonse is a loving father. He created something – Victor – and did his best to nurture his creation. He tries to care for his family and looks out for their best interest. He routinely worries about Victor when he is at Ingolstadt because he has not heard from him for some time. In his letters to Victor, he emphasizes his hopes that Victor is doing well and wishes him to not forget ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Underbelly And Blackrock Analysis Australian crime drama's such as Underbelly and Blackrock are constructed to represent groups from Australian reality. These representations are designed to present ideas about groups, reinforcing what the audience, typically Australian, already knew and thought without changing the audience's perception completely. These groups of people are stereotyped, giving the audience a sense of reality and at the same time engaging. The following essay will analyse the representation of the criminal groups in the crime dramas of Underbelly and Blackrock. Blackrock is a screenplay written by Nick Enright that explores the crime of rape and how teenage boys deal with there associations to the crime. Underbelly is a hit TV drama that explores the streets of Melbourne during a time known as the gangland war (1998–2004) in which 36 criminals and citizens were murdered. Underbelly explores the mindsets and actions of the criminal calling and hiring the murders. The two dramas construct the main criminals in different ways, but with the outcome being the same grotesque and evil characters. Underbelly achieves this through the use of visual feature which characterises the criminals, the perspective of the victims also is used to construct the criminals in Underbelly. Blackrock also uses the perspective of the victims to constructs the criminals in the text but by being a play the use of written conventions is dominant. A key difference between the two texts are the age of the criminal ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Symbolism In Sister Sainte-Alphonse And The Descent From... First of all, the thought–out history we human try to found a spiritual fulfilment. We want a life with a more meaning and purpose. Certain people are more religious than spiritual, others are vice versa. However, people found comfort and assurance from religion by reading the bible. The gospel is the foremost iconic key symbol that represents any form of religion. Antoine Plamondon, a Canadian artist who portrayed various of religious images such as "Sister Sainte–Alphonse" and "The Descent From The Cross" painting although (Fig.2) does not have an image of the bible specifically; nonetheless, the four gospel depiction of Christ on the cross resonate throw the oil canvas. In "Sister Sainte–Alphonse" we see her fully covered holding a ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Locke Personhood Philosophy can be applied to almost every format of media outlet in today's society. Whether consciously or not, philosophical questions are raised throughout the world on a daily basis from news broadcasts, reality television, songs on the radio and many more. Within this essay the idea of personhood will be discussed by deconstructing a scene from the Japanese anime/manga Fullmetal Alchemist. The anime follows the story of two brothers endeavouring to find some means of returning themselves to their bodies after the eldest brother Edward lost a leg while trying to bring their mother back from the dead. The younger brother Alphonse lost his body entirely in the ordeal and in tern Edward has to sacrifice his arm in order to bind his brother's ... Show more content on ... Due to him being capable of thought, intelligence, language and many other necessaries for personhood under the broad definition of meta–ethics he could be considered a person. When looking at it from the perspective of the mind and body complex it becomes evident that there are two opposing views. When examining at it from the point of view of monism, the belief that the mind cannot exist without the body, then Alphonse and the armoured man Edward faces cannot be considered human as they only have a mind and therefore it is not sufficient nor necessary to say they are the same person as they were when they were human. Dualism, the idea that the mind and body can in fact be separate from each other specifies that if Alphonse has a soul, or sameness of consciousness through memory he can be considered to have personhood. There are many theories on personhood, all with their own faults in logic and after comparing them all to the situation presented in Fullmetal Alchemist it can be seen that personhood is dependant on the viewpoint and beliefs of the person, which can change substantially depending upon who is looking at it. A single person cannot come to a valid conclusion on personhood as it varies from personal believes and upbringings. This could perhaps be why Edward considers his brother and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. After You My Dear Alphonse And The Test Racism has been active since civilization began. There are two stories that describe two types of discrimination. "After You, My Dear Alphonse", by Shirley Jackson is one of the stories. The racism displayed in this story is subtle. "The Test", by Angelica Gibbs is the second story. The racism in this story is blatant. Both stories display a sense to the reader of how there really is no difference in social class. No matter if you're black or white you can do anything. For example, "The Test" states, "Mandy got her degree, did she? Dog my cats!'" The driving inspector in this story finds it hard to believe that a black woman got her degree. She is human just like him. Both have the same odds of getting ahead in life. Racism is the belief of ... Show more content on ... No matter if you're black or white, you can do anything. In, "After You, My Dear Alphonse", the author states, "'Boyd's father doesn't have to,' Johnny said. 'He's a foreman.' Mrs. Wilson felt defeated." This quote shows how Mrs. Wilson does not like how her family and Boyd's family is at the same social level. To Mrs. Wilson's mind, black people are supposed to be on the lowest level there is on the social class scale. She believes that black people would or should only work in factories and leave the highest ranking positions or jobs to whites. In, "The Test", the author states, "'You–all sho can read fine,' the inspector exclaimed. 'Where d'you learn to do that, Mandy?' 'I got my college degree last year,' Marian said." To the driving inspector, Marian is a vacuous woman. The inspector asking Marian, how she learned how to read is a reference to slavery. Slaves usually didn't get an education which resulted in them not knowing how to read. In this current time education is equal throughout all the races. It doesn't matter if you're white or black, we all can get an ... Get more on ...
  • 62.
  • 63. Impact Of Alphonse Al Capone RSR: Proposed subject of study: How Alphonse Gabriel Capone rose to infamy as America's most notorious gangster and influenced organized crime in America during the early 1920's and 1930's that still exists even today. Today the word "mafia" is used to refer to almost any organized crime group, and in some cases is even used to describe groups completely unrelated to crime. However, the traditional meaning of "mafia" is: organized criminal organizations of Italian or Sicilian heritage. In organized crime groups such as the mafia there Is a hierarchy, with higher ranking members making decisions that trickle down to the other members of the family. The mafia is not a single group or gang it is made up of many families that can ... Show more content on ... When he was supposedly bedridden, Capone was out and about, going to the race tracks, taking trips to the Bahamas, being questioned by local prosecutors. And by all accounts Al Capone's health was just fine (s fbI ). On March 27th Capone was arrested for contempt of court in Florida. He got bail on the promise that he would turn up for trial, however it was a down word spiral for Capone from this point onwards. He was arrested numerous times after this for things like concealment of weapons which he did a year in prison for. He also was charged with the original contempt for court and sentenced to six months in ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Alphonse De Tonti Biography My story as a Soldier, Explorer and a Leader by Alphonse de Tonti In Memory of Henri de Tonti These are shortened versions of the journal entries written by my brother Henri de Tonti and given to me just before passing away. In memory of him I have rewritten and pieced together these entries, so that some kid 300 hundred years from now can turn it in as a paper. 1668, Paris, France 1668 the year when it all started, also known as the day I turned eighteen. That day I decided to leave my mother and my brother Alphonse to enlist in the French Army. My comrades would always asked me what took me to france, I always lied to them though, only because the truth was too delicate to go telling everyone. usually I would ... Show more content on ... In the summer of 1678 La Salle had asked me to join him on his journey, I then told him that he had made me an offer I could not refuse. We packed up our supplies and munitions along with others that La Salle had recruited. La Salle told me that most of the men would be joining us when we arrive at La Salle's home in Montreal, those men were led by La Salle back in 1673 at Fort Frontenac near lake Ontario. We Traveled through all the great lakes except lake Superior, along the way many native americans joined our expedition and provided much needed assistance. After two years of traveling we finally reached the edge of lake Michigan and traveled down the Illinois river. Approximately one hundred miles south of lake Michigan we founded Fort Crevecoeur, shortly after La Salle left me in charge while he returned to Fort Frontenac. Things went downhill from there, some of the men started a rebellion to overthrow me. They destroyed everything and exiled me, the few years after were a blur from the fact that I was alone and far from ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Theme Of After You My Dear Alphonse I have chosen to explore the significant theme of "Prejudice in Authority". This theme is evident throughout the texts After You, My Dear Alphonse by Shirley Jackson, Race Relations by Jean Burgess and I Am Not Esther by Fleur Beale. In the short story, "After You, My Dear Alphonse", the theme of 'Prejudice in Authority" is displayed. Mrs Wilson, the eldest and most dominant character, is meant to be a role model–like figure. However, she makes stereotypical and discriminating assumptions about Boyd, an African American child who her son brings home for lunch. Mrs Wilson automatically thinks he is from a typical, deprived black family. An example of her prejudice occurs when she offers Boyd clothes, assuming that Boyd and his family can't afford it as they are poor. When Boyd rejects her offer, Mrs Wilson takes the plate of gingerbread away, just as Boyd was about to eat some – his rejection hurt her white superiority and removed her sense of power. "There are many boys like you, Boyd, who would be grateful for the clothes someone was kind enough to give them." It was difficult for Mrs Wilson to see that black families can be different from one another. Mrs Wilson sees blacks as if they are in a particular category, where they have specific and predictable qualities, instead of seeing them as distinct individuals. On the other hand, Johnny, Mrs Wilson's son, doesn't show signs of racism or prejudice towards Boyd, seeing him as just another one of his friends. I know this ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Alphonse Mucha Research Paper The organic flow of the Art Nouveau movement has had profound and lasting influence on the world of art, which isn't surprising since it was an art form for the people, instead of the wealthy. One of the lesser known artists of this movement is Alphonse Maria Mucha, and while he has started to gain recognition for his contributions to the Art Nouveau movement today, he was also a multi– talented artist. Some of his lesser known works are in the mediums of photography, oil paintings, and even jewelry design. Alphonse Mucha's biggest contributions were in his Art Nouveau designs, Slav Epic paintings and his influence on subsequent artist. Mucha was a Czech artist that is recognized mostly for his decorative style of painting, references to Byzantine art, and muted (or pastel) color palette that became synonymous with the Art Nouveau ... Show more content on ... He was technically, what we would refer to today as, a graphic artist. Advertising through posters and postcards were his forte. His favorite subject for these works tended to be young women with long hair, so that he could better employ the use of calligraphic lines that is a distinguishing characteristic of Art Nouveau. Often, the women wore long flowing robes that were sometimes classical in nature, and were surrounded by floral motifs. Later, he would come to use these floral motifs to form halos around the subject's heads, which would eventually develop into a signature of his style. The work that was his claim to fame was his poster Gismonda for famed Parisian actress Sara Bernhardt. The poster was nearly life size, long and rectangular in shape, and utilized his signature pastel ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. ##ganse's Treatment Of The Creature By Victor Alphonse In stark contrast to Victor Frankenstein's treatment of the Creature (his child), Alphonse (Victor's father) was a man who put considerable effort into parenting Victor. Alphonse was kind, loving, and protective of the well–being of Victor, there existed no higher desire than to see his children happy. Yet, to some extent, Victor blames his father for not doing enough in preventing what led to ruin. For the most part, Victor sees his father as an infallible upright man, however the instance when he dismissed Agrippa's writings as "sad trash"(40), rather than to explain in depth why, was a failure on his part. Ironic that Victor never attempted to nurture properly the Creature, opting instead for the destruction of his child. Perhaps it was possible the whole tragedy could have been averted (should Alphonse had actually explained Agrippa), but ultimately it was Victor that made the decision to create life. Let it be said that Alphonse made the attempt (although a weak one) to dissuade Victor from the readings, which is more so than Victor has done towards the Creature. This attempt is coupled with M. Krempe's own dismissal of the readings, which helps to indicate opposition in what he was reading. Alphonse was not a "tyrant(s) to rule"(39) over Victor, but a benevolent father whom did not seek to cage him. Shelley uses Alphonse as a foil to Victor as a parent. From what is gathered by Victor's account, Alphonse was a man with a "sense of justice in [his] upright mind"(34), ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Alphonse Gabriel Capone Research Paper It is January 17th, 1899; Alphonse Gabriel Capone is born to Italian immigrants in Brooklyn, New York, US. No one knew it at the time, but he would soon lead the most powerful organized crime syndicate in the history of the country; the Five Points Gang. The Sicilian Mafia, La Cosa Nostra, The Italian Mob, The Italian Mafia, and The Mafia. These are five names for one of the most terrifying criminal organizations in the history of Europe. The name "Sicilian" originated from a small island just offshore of the Italian mainland, located in the Mediterranean Sea; Sicily Island. This is where over the course of many centuries, five major clans, or "families" led their own internal governments, usually run by the head of the family. "The Sicilian ... Show more content on ... This was exasperated during the Prohibition Era of 1920 to 1933, due to there being a huge demand for illegal alcohol. During this time is when Alphonse Gabriel Capone was reaching his early 20's and he was working as a petty thug and bookkeeper for his lifelong friend, and crime boss, Johnny Torrio. "In 1917, Torrio introduced Capone to the gangster Frankie Yale, who employed Capone as bartender and bouncer at the Harvard Inn in Coney Island." Staff. "Al Capone." A&E Television Networks, 2009. Web. 01 May 2018. He would soon be reunited with Johnny, who would introduce Capone to The Five Points Gang; or the Chicago Outfit. He would work under Torio as his Right–Hand–Man, running the Chicago Outfit for the next 3 years. A failed assassination attempt against Johnny in 1925 rendered him minorly disabled, which forced him to retire, and pass down the mantle of leader onto Capone. With Capone in charge of the Chicago Outfit, came a much heavier focus on bootlegging; the act of making, selling, or distributing alcohol and other spirits ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. Examples Of Religion In Two Days One Night Another example of religion portrayed in Two Days, One Night would be at the climax of the movie, when Sandra approaches her co–worker named Alphonse. He is Sandras last hope in keeping her job. When Sandra asks him, Alphonse responds by saying, "It is what God tells me to do. I have to help my neighbor (Dardenne)." This line is a blunt example of religion explicitly portrayed in the Dardenne brothers film. The line spoken by Alphonse is a direct referral to religion. It is not up to interpretation or perspective. It is a very selfless act completed by Alphonse. Similarly, in Catholic tradition, themes of selflessness are exhibited. Jesus died on the cross in order to forgive those who had sinned, even though he had not. This is the very definition of a selfless act. In Two Days, One Night, Alphonse is a black minority. Alphonse has a minor role within the movie, however he holds a role that could be viewed as the most important. Alphonse has the deciding vote of whether or not Sandra ... Show more content on ... All of these themes being a reflection of the brother's Catholic upbringing. The Son and Two Days, One Night were able to emulate this through their footage. The Son was able to portray religious themes that were implied, hinted, and indirect (material objects, occupation). Whereas, in Two Days, One Night, there were blunt and obvious portrayals of religion/themes (verbal confirmation). Overall, throughout this paper I've learned that Jean–Pierre and Luc Dardenne are unique directors (writers, and producers) because of their Catholic upbringing. The brothers focus on subjects and places that are often forgotten (working class/unemployed) in order to bring depth and meaning to their work. The Dardenne brothers are truly a duo for the film industry to keep an eye ... Get more on ...
  • 76.
  • 77. Alphonse Al Capone: Gangster The name Al Capone struck terror in the hearts of many people in the Chicago area. Law Abiding citizens and gangsters both feared this man and for good reason. Alphonse ("Al") Capone, also known as "Scarface," was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1899 to immigrant parents Gabriele and Teresa Capone. Unlike most children of immigrants, Capone did not grow up in a life of poverty. His family was well to immigrants and his parents loved him unconditionally. They were oblivious to the mobster their son would eventually become. Alphonse Capone grew up like most of the children did in New York and lived an average life. Capone came from a well respected family and no one could foresee that Al would become such a notorious gangster and cause so much ... Show more content on ... The police did not like Al Capone one bit and tried for the longest time to arrest him. At one point, Capone decided to turn himself in. Turning himself in did not amount to much because the local police did not have enough evidence on him to take the investigation any further. After all this crime he decided to become what he thought was a peacemaker. Acting as peacemaker, he would create acts of terror against other gangs and mobs. This peacemaker label eventually led to the events of the horrible St. Valentine's Day Massacre (The Decades ... Get more on ...