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SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global
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AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart
SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global
Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide
AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart
SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global
Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide
AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart
SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global
Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide
AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart
SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global
Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide
AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart
SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global
Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide
AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart
SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global
Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide
AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide
AKGLS Global Service
Author: AKGLS Group
Amrish Kumar Singh
January 6,
1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Meaning
2. Types of SEO
1. White Hat SEO
2. Black Hat SEO
White Hat SEO
1. ON Page Optimization
2. OFF Page Optimization
ON Page Optimization
1. Keywords Research
2. Title Tags
3. Meta Description Tags
4. Header tags
5. Keyword Density
6. H1 Tags
7. Alt tags
8. Clean Permalink
9. Robots.txt
10. Site Map
OFF Page Optimization
1. Blog Comment*
2. PPT Submission
3. Forum Discussions/Comment*
4. Directory Submission*
5. Article Submission*
6. Bookmarking Submission*
7. Profile Submission*
8. Classified Submission
9. Image Submission
January 6,
10. Blog Posting
11. Blog Creation
12. Video Submission
13. Press release*
14. Info graphics Submission
15. Top Commentators
16. Google Local Listing
17. Search Engine Submission
18. Guest Post
On-Page V/S Off-Page Optimization
Black Hat SEO
SEO Theories and Practice
Platform Specific
1. Word press
2. Joule
2. Drupal
3. Magento
4. Others
About the Author
January 6,
AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide
SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Meaning:
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web
page in a search engine's unpaid results - often referred to as "natural," "organic," or "earned" results.
Optimizing (Changing) website so as to rank top in search engines.
Types of SEO:
As the colors of the types of search engine optimization suggest, there are stark differences in the
approach and long-term results of white hat and black hat search engine optimization. Though both types
of SEO have their proponents, most companies/websites with long-term, stable, and sustainable goals
will tend to stay away from the dark-colored variety.
Here is a quick overview:
White Hat SEO Black Hat SEO
Definition White hat SEO utilizes techniques and
methods to improve the search engine
rankings of a website which don't run
afoul of search engine (mainly
Google) guidelines.
Black Hat SEO exploits weaknesses
in the search engine algorithms to
obtain high rankings for a website.
Such techniques and methods are in
direct conflict with search engine
High Very Low (not wholesome at all if
you ask those in charge of cleaning
search engine result page spam)
Techniques Some white hat SEO techniques
include: high quality content
development, website HTML
optimization and restructuring, link
acquisition campaigns supported by
high quality content and manual
research and outreach.
Some black hat SEO techniques
include: link spam, keyword stuffing,
cloaking, hidden text, and hidden
What to Expect Steady, gradual, but lasting growth in
Quick, unpredictable, and short-
lasting growth in rankings.
Gray Hat SEO is recognizable by 'affordable' pricing, since the search engine optimization company has to reduce cost by
resorting to questionable techniques in order to deliver results, instead of highly involved campaign activities.
White Hat – 100% Pure! Black Hat SEO – Evil? Gray Hat SEO – Mixing it up!
White Hat SEO:
In search engine optimization (SEO) terminology, white hat SEO refers to the usage of
optimization strategies, techniques and tactics that focus on a human audience opposed to search engines
and completely follows search engine rules and policies.
January 6,
Types of White Hat SEO:
1. ON Page Optimization:
In this, the changes are made within the website to rank top in search engines like Google 20%
2. OFF Page Optimization (regular):
In this, the changes are made outside the website to rank top in search engines. 80%
The primary and the most important task is to know what kind of site we are developing, what is the content in it
and what are the search keywords we are targeting for the top ranking in search engines like Google.
Step 1 : Choose your interested topic on which you are going to open a website and do seo to that website.
How To create a free website blog? (Google)
Step 2 : Choose the set of keywords, for which you want to rank top in search engines.
Keyword: the search term of a visitor is called keyword Keyword may be single letter single word may be a
paragraph Now, it is very important part of seo to choose the right keywords for your website, keywords that you
are targeting must be related to the content of your website and for which top rank in search engines is easy to
achieve and at the same time the keywords should have maximum searches so maximum traffic. After one has
decided with the type and the content of your website, decide with the keywords that are related to the content of
your website. Now, a tool which would identify and tell us the set of keywords for which ranking in Google or for
that matter in any search engine, is easy to achieve and has good amount of traffic.
Ways 2 choose keywords:
Google Keyword Tool: This tool is used for keyword researching, with this tool one can easily know the
competition and traffic a particular search term gets. Based on these results we can roughly estimate the time
frame in which we can get the top rank, how easily we can get the top rank and how many visitors we can expect
to our webpage once we get the top rank for that particular search term.
Go to :
January 6,
and out here please enter your list of keywords or topics. Enter your keywords in the keywords column and click
search then, tick the 'exact option' on the left side. Herein, you can see thousands of keywords that are related to
the content of your website, choose the set of keywords where the traffic is maximum and at the same time the
competition is less, it is ideal to choose the keywords where the competition is below 20%. Write the list of such
keywords and then choose the keyword in the list that has maximum traffic, as your domain name, at times such
domain names might not be available so, at least see that your domain name starts with those words.
1. ON Page Optimization:
On page optimization involves changing the html code of the website's every page which wants to rank top in
search engines. It basically involves changing of Meta tags, Title tags, Header tags, font decoration, image
alternative text, etc. Now, Firstly, choose set of keywords that are related to the
content of your website.
Before we discuss about both the types of optimization, domain name and domain page urls make an important
part in seo.
Things to know before you choose your website name:
1. See that your website or website page names are the starting words of the 'keywords' you are targeting, a
keyword is the search term in any search engine. Eg. 'Tollywood'
The order of importance of html tags for SEO is arranged in the ascending order as follows :
1.Page Title:
<Title> : These should contain anywhere between 65-100 letters, these are the words that should start with (or
have) your keywords, the title of a webpage is displayed in the title of the website, in Google organic search, the
title of the website is displayed in the first line of the each result in blue colour, the
title has to be interesting so that the reader is attracted to open the website. There should be only one title tag per
webpage. The Google reads the first 65 characters of your web title. Your title must start with the keywords that
you are targeting to perform well in search engines. The title has to be attractive so that users are attracted to click
the website.
January 6,
2.Syntax of title tag:
The ... must have the keywords that you are targeting in the first 55-65 characters. title tag is present anywhere
between the <head> and </head> tags of your webpage.
3.Changing the title tag in blogger
Under any blogger site click on Design --> Edit HTML -->just after the <head> tag give the title of your
Changing the title tag in word press:
In the admin logged in area in word press click on editor under the appearance menu, then click on the header.php
file, here you would find the <head> tags, between them just put your own title tag.
Note : Both in blogger and word press, this tag is already present, just change the content of title tag, according to
your requirement.
4. <Meta Description : The meta description should consist of not more than 100 words, anywhere between 80-
100 words make a good meta description, note that the first 25 words (160 to 500 characters) of the meta
description should have all your keywords. This part is displayed next to title of each search result in the Google
organic search.
<meta name="description" content=" ....">
In the .... put your webpage description, see that the first 25 words you enter must have the keywords that you are
targeting. Meta description tag is present anywhere between the
<head> and </head> tags of your webpage.
Note - Meta description is not always displayed but it is generally displayed, most of the time Google picks first
25 words of the result webpage text content as meta description. The Meta description must be unique to each
page of the website. There should be only one Meta description tag per webpage. The keywords that you are
targeting should be present in the first 25 words of the meta description tag. The meta description tag is a
traditional concept and now a days, it is ignored by the Google.
Step 5: Keywords
<meta Keywords> Tag : This tag should contain all the keywords that you are targeting separated by comma.
There should be only one meta keywords tag per webpage.
Ex: tollywood, tollywood movies, tollywood songs etc..
It should consist of anywhere around 5 - 10 keywords. This concept is again a traditional one, Google these days
does not read this tag at all and will never in future.
Syntax of Meta Keywords Tag:
<meta name="keywords" content="...">
January 6,
The ... must have the keywords separated by comma. This tag is again entered between the head tags of any
webpage. Changes (html) in word press: In the admin logged in area, go to the editor under the appearance menu
on the left side, you'll find different html editor for various parts of the webpage, edit the desired tags and save the
Step 6: Header
Header tags (<h1>,<h2>,<h3>) : The header tags of the website pages should always consist of the keywords that
you are targeting. There should be only one h1 tag per page for better ranking in Google however you can have
more than one <h2> and
<h3> tags
syntax: <h1> ... </h1> and so on for all the header tags from h2 to
h6 tags.
Step 7 : Image Alternative Text
<Image Alternative text> tag : The image alternative text tag should always contain the keywords that you are
targeting. Do not have the same image alternative tag for more than 1 image, use different text but see that it has
the keywords that you are targeting.
For eg. If my keyword is 'mobiles' then i can have images with alt
text as, mobiles nokia, mobiles lg, mobiles samsung s2 glaxy
Note : In blogger the image alt text tag is represented by image
anchor text tag..
Syntax 1 (For bloggers): image anchor="...."
Syntax 2 (For others): img alt="...."
Step 8 : Font Decoration Bold, Italic and underline tag : If your webpage has font in Bold, italics or underline in
any part of the text, see that they contain the keywords that you are targeting.
Step 9 : Keyword Density See that the keyword density in the web page is anywhere between 2% - 4% for better
ranking in Google and the starting 20 words of your webpage must have these keywords.
Step 10 : Avoid using flash in the webpages as Google cannot read flash in your website. Page loading time
January 6,
Step 11 : Avoid using pop-up ads and sticky ads in your website.
Step 12 : Every webpage must have a link to its related pages of the same site . Ideally there should be five such
links at the bottom of the webpage content with the head ink as 'Also read'. If possible see that the anchor text of
the internal links to the site has the keywords that you are targeting.
Broken Link : If at all any page in a website does not have
navigation (link) to any other page of your website, this condition
is called as broken link and it is a big 'drawback of SEO'. A site
can never ever rank top with a broken link so, it is must avoid.
To avoid broken link and interconnect related inner pages
within your site, go , get the code and paste it just before the
closing body tag ( < /body>) of your website's edit html page (For
any general site )
For Word press : Just download the plug-in and install the
plug-in in the word press admin logged in area by going to the
add new plug-in option.
For the Blogger websites: Just click on 'install the widget'
and you are done.
Step 13 :If you are using videos in your website, see that the video is related to the content of your website, this
will improve your ranking in YouTube as well, See that you change the video alternative text tag in html just like
you have done for the image.
Step 14 : Add social bookmarking icon (social media sharing button) in every web page of the site. or
Step 15 : Don't create multiple pages with the same content in your website.
January 6,
All the above tasks comes under ON - Page optimization that comprises of 10% of Seo, if all the tasks are
accomplished then
you score 10/10 votes if Google in On page optimization.
1.OFF Page Optimization :
OFF Page Optimization
1. Blog Comment*
2. PPT Submission
3. Forum Discussions/Comment*
4. Directory Submission*
5. Article Submission*
January 6,
6. Bookmarking Submission*
7. Profile Submission*
8. Classified Submission
9. Image Submission
10. Blog Posting
11. Blog Creation
12. Video Submission
13. Press release*
14. Info graphics Submission
15. Top Commentators
16. Google Local Listing
17. Search Engine Submission
18. Guest Post
2.OFF-Page Optimization :
Directory Submissions:
Directory websites are like yellow pages, herein, you have set of websites for different services.
Directory submissions bring quality links as websites are categorised here. It also brings targeted traffic.
Ideally 5 directory submissions is recommended daily for quality link building. Here is the list of highly
rated, high PR directory 5000+ in the excel file, start your link building from top to bottom. You have to
sign up in each of the directory before you can actually place links in them, do store the login id and
password of each of this directory as y-o-y we will be using it again and again. Do not submit the same
page in a single directory more than once, however you can submit multiple (different ) pages to the
same directory.
Note - Always give the category name related to your web content because this is where all your
competitors websites are also listed which adds to the quality of the website's backlink. The back links
developed do not show for your website immediately as you start building but takes an indefinite period
of time right from a day to 3 months all depending upon when the Google robots visit the site from
where you get the backlinks.
3.OFF-Page Optimization :
Article Submissions:
Article websites are used to submit a small story (generally of 200-300) words regarding our
website/webpage. These article sites in this way indirectly create pages within their site on various topic
and the users are benefited as they get free quality one-way backlink and of course, a dedicated page in
their site that could too perform well in search engines to give us referred traffic. Generally, most of the
article websites accept the html code in the site description, this is where we place our backlink code.It is
advisable not to post the same article in more than one site and make sure you just do not blindly copy
January 6,
paste your own page information and paste in article sites, this can create an impression of 'spam' in the
eyes of google and he can ban your site sooner. For better ranking of your posted article page in search
engine see that you maintain the keyword density and include the same in the title and author of the
article site if at all they have. It is advisable to post at least 5 articles daily to add the link juice of your
Generally it takes 1-7 days to get the backlinks from article sites. You can add up to 2 backlinks per
article for optimizing the work.[Check out the 500+ high PR, low alexa rank quality article submission
4.OFF-Page Optimization :
Press Releases:
Press releases sites refers to the news distribution sites. As the name goes, in press releases sites we
submit our rss feeds or articles to them, they in turn pass these articles to various websites which are
related to the news and current affairs and online information centres. With just one successful press
release you can expect many backlinks and at the same time popularity. If at all your site information is
found interesting you could find the same in the magazines (hard copy) published. There aren't many
press release sites in the web however, of the existing there is no limit of submitting information to them.
It is ideal to submit 2 press releases a day to add to the link juice of your website. Always try to submit
the RSS Feeds where ever applicable because these feeds carry all your website pages and the content
too is automatically updated at the users end. It adds to the popularity of your website. Make sure that
whenever to submit RSS Feeds of your site to the press releases do not submit anything else to the same
site thereafter. The RSS Feeds carry the duplicate copy of your website with real-time updations
automatically. A User if does not have a website to consume RSS Feeds then he can also subscribe to the
same through e-mail so, whenever a new content is added or old content is updated at the source,
automatically mails are fired to the consumers of RSS Feeds. Generally speaking RSS Feeds are .html
and .xml files that are used for real-time stock prices, weather data, gold and commodity real-time
prices, live cricket scores, Live News, Live Radio, Live TV Channels, Newspapers data, etc..
One can see RSS Feeds at the browsers tool bar as well.
For blogger the default RSS Feed url is :
Eg :
For Word press sites :
Eg :
[Let us see how to use the RSS Feeds of others in our site for Live cricket score, live TV channel]
[check out the quality, high PR, low alexa rank press release sites]
Step 5 of OFF-PAGE Optimization –
Social Bookmarking
January 6,
Social Networking Sites : A social networking service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses
on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, who, for example, share
interests and/or activities. A social network service essentially consists of a representation of each user
(often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services
are web based and provide means for users to interact over the Internet, such as e-mail and instant
Online community services are sometimes considered as a social network service, though in a broader
sense, social network service usually means an individual-cantered service whereas online community
services are group-centered. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events, and
interests within their individual networks.[citation needed]
The main types of social networking services are those which contain category places (such as former
school year or classmates), means to connect with friends (usually with self-description pages) and a
recommendation system linked to trust.
Popular methods now combine many of these, with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn widely used
4.The list follows
The best sites for social bookmarking and to keep these icons in your blogger is :
Submit your backlinks to at least 50 social networking sites daily. All the backlinks submissions to these
sites are approved immediately and within 3 days of submission you can expect the backlinks in your
account. It is said that of the 7 methods, social networking sites have got the highest PR and you can
expect a good traffic too from these sites, it directly increases the popularity of your site. You can submit
more than 1 backlink to each of this site, also you can add up to 2 backlinks in one social bookmarking
submission, in some of the sites, you get a dedicated page in their website.
Note :- The submission process is different for each of the social networking site. When submitting for
the first time, you'll have to sign-up after which just login and start submitting as many links as possible.
It is advisable to add popular social networking and bookmarking icons in each of the pages of your
blogs, these increases the popularity and backlinks by your website readers itself. In only wire services
you can also submit your RSS Feeds..
Best tool (Paid) for automatically submitting links to social
bookmarking sites :
Bookmarking Demon -- available at :
Step 6 of OFF Page Optimization :
January 6,
Forum Discussions:
Forums : An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold
conversations in the form of posted messages. They differ from chat rooms in that messages are at least
temporarily archived. Also, depending on the access level of a user or the forum set-up, a posted
message might need to be approved by a moderator before it becomes visible. Forums have a specific set
of jargon associated with them; e.g. a single conversation is called a "thread. “A forum is hierarchical or
tree-like in structure: a forum can contain a number of sub forums, each of which may have several
topics. Within a forum's topic, each new discussion started is called a thread, and can be replied to by as
many people as wish to. Depending on the forum's settings, users can be anonymous or have to register
with the forum and then subsequently log in order to post messages. On most forums, users do not have
to log in to read existing messages.
Points to be noted while posting your backlinks in
As most of the forums have administrator approvals for the messages you are sending so, while sending
any information do not make the administrator feel that your purpose is the backlink. As forums are
generally used for questioning and answering, do the same, see that the message you are sending is
related to the discussion going on and then at the bottom give your reference as your backlink.
Trick : To get a list of forums related to your keyword that you are targeting, make a search in Google
with the that keyword then filter the results by selecting 'discussions' from the left side of the search
results, this will give you the list of forums of your strong competitors. In most of the forum sites while
registering try entering your
backlink even in your name or in any section of the profile if at all it has. As most of the forums
automatically add your name at the bottom of the message, so with your website as name you tend to get
backlinks automatically. There is no estimated time for the appearance of backlinks through forums, it
all depends on when the admin is checking the messages for approving them. Enter only 1 backlink per
Step 7 of Off Page Optimization :
Profile Creation:
There are many websites that have profiles as you become the member of that site . Now in such sites
enter your website instead of your name in the sign-up form and whenever possible if the html tags are
allowed in the profile then just enter your backlink structure. Profile creation is of least important in Off
page optimization However, do not neglect them. There is no specific list of websites for profile
creation, it only comes out of exploration. Generally all the social networking sites and forum sites have
profiles in them.
Step : 8 of Off page Optimization –
January 6,
Blog Commenting:
Blogs are generally sites that have articles on various topics that are of user's interest. It is said that there
are over 1000cr websites which are just blogs and there is lot of money that can be untapped in blogs.
Intact, there is virtually no blog in world whose objective is in commercial. All the blogs are meant for
making money either through ads or through affiliate marketing, information in them is just to attract the
readers. History is evident that the maximum and the most powerful backlinks can be acquired only
through blogs. It is said by SEO Experts that if your blog commenting is constant and consistent with
just this one method you can get top ranking in any major search engine. The reason behind such a
powerful link is that there are from your strongest competitors, It is amazing to know that just 1 strong
competitor backlink is enough to rank 1.
Steps for Acquiring Competitors Backlinks
1. With Seo quake installed in your Mozilla Firefox, go to Google and download the search results in an
excel file. Start commenting on each of this sites ( only is 1000 downloadable ) from top to bottom, for
high approval rate see that you are appreciating the blog owner and speaking or involved in the recent
comments this type of comments have very high approval rates.
1.You can also filter results of Blogs and forums in Google search, follow the first 1000 of each of them
for backlinks.
2.Similarly download the competitors for the keywords related to your target keywords and follow the
task as above.
3.Filter the results of blogs by clicking on 'blog' in the left side of Google search and follow the tasks
4.Filter the timeline to month, week, 24 hours, 1 hour, 10 minutes in the left side of the Google search
and follow the tasks above.
5.filter the results to 'discussions' (forums) in the left side of the Google search and follow the tasks
6.Similarly, follow the step 4 for the timeline.
7.Download each of the competitors backlinks through seo quake and then follow the tasks above.
8.Download each of the competitors backlinks' backlinks through the seo-quake and follow the tasks
In the mid-way you would definitely achieve the top slot in the search engine, the moment you achieve
this, jump for the next keyword to get the top rank.
Points to remember :
1. Do not always focus on a single keyword or a single page, meaning give importance to each of your
page and develop links for them in parallel rather than serial. You must target at least 5-10 keywords for
a page, so see that you have 5-10 different anchor texts in your backlinks codes list.
2.Where ever there is a provision for developing 2 backlinks focus 1 for the homepage and 2nd for any
internal page of your website.
It is advised to continue with all the 7 methods stated above till you gather some backlinks (estimated
time period : 1-3 months) then just and just concentrate on blog commenting and forum discussions,
"success will be under your feet"..
January 6,
Points to be noted:
1.Between the head tags of homepage copy paste the code below:
<meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />
2. Always see that you have the social bookmarking and social networking website buttons at the end of
each post/page. You can get their codes if you do a little research in Google. such codes should always
be placed just before the closing body tag
(</body>) in the edit html section of your website.
3.To avoid broken link and interconnect related inner pages within your site, go to,
get the code and paste it just before the closing body tag ( < /body>) of your website’s edit html page.
4.Trick to get spinned articles:
Go, to and copy your article in English and convert to some language and then do
the vice-versa, the result would be spanned English article where the words are different but meaning
remains the same. You can also copy good articles directly from regional sites and convert it into a
unique article, for this you have to make use of Google regional search.
Note : After the articles are spinned, see that you have your keywords in it, if not stuff it to get the
appropriate Keyword density.
5.Whenever there is a possibility of getting a backlink from a website, try to put your backlink in the
common area of the site with regard to all its pages (eg. menu, footer, sidebar etc..), the advantage with
this is you get multiple backlinks (i.e. from all the pages of that site) from a single website.
6.Ping the server at Ping-o-matic ( whenever there you change the content or add
new content. Pinging is the technique of informing the major search engines that there is some content
updating in my website/webpage, so please come and index it as soon as possible. This technique helps
in inviting the search engines when we want, generally the frequency of visits of search engine robots is
directly proportional to the frequency of the content updating of your website/webpage, so this technique
helps in keeping search engine up to date in real time about our website content.
Google AdSense :
Google AdSense is the advertising platform of Google wherein the website / blog owners can place the
ads in their website that are provided by Google AdSense Google shares 70% commission it gets for the
ads with the website owners.
There are two types of revenues form advertisements:
1. ppc (pay per click) - it ranges from Rs.3 - Rs.300, herein you
get paid per click of the ad. Each ad has got a different ppc, to roughly check the ppc of each of the
keywords make use of the Google keyword tool.
2. Pay per Impressions - Herein, Google pays website owner per 1000 impressions an amount between
Rs.10 - Rs.200 generally.
3. You can have a maximum of only 3 ad sections of Google ads per webpage, though you can place
codes for any number of ad sections but the display would be only for random 3 sections dynamically.
January 6,
4.Once you have got the approval from the Google AdSense, you can have unlimited sites that can place
the ads, and it all works as long as you follow each and every rule of the Google AdSense.
5.Do read the terms and conditions of Google AdSense carefully before you are applying to it.
6. Never click your ads by yourself. Always remember that Google tracks each visitor through ip address
and time, ctr (avg. should be between 0%-5%), so keep in mind all these factors before applying any
method of getting your ads clicked.
7. The text head ink above should be definitely 'Sponsored Links' and nothing else.
8. Do not apply for Google AdSense within one month from the time you have started developing the
9. Never have an empty website with just ads
10.The payment by Google ads is through check for Indians and no other method, so be cautions while
entering your address and name.
11. Have a strong password for Google accounts to prevent hacking of AdSense account.
12. Never have any illegal content (like betting, gambling, porn, etc..) in your website as long as you
maintain the relation with Google AdSense.
13.Never try getting clicks from family/friends/chatting, they do not work for longer time.
14.Never influence or encourage the readers in your website to click the ads in the webpage.
15. Once the account is banned, all the websites that are registered with that id are automatically banned.
16. To get maximum CTR for your site, try to blend the ads with the theme of your site and place the ads
just below the posts or pages where the user finishes reading the article.
17. To get the maximum CTR see that you change the ad sections and find out which works the best, it is
not illegal to change the ad sections now and then.
18.See that you earn at least 50 paisa / visitor of your site through Google AdSense.
19. Apart from Google AdSense ads, try to have ads from various affiliate programs, little research in
Google would show you the best list of affiliate programs for Indians.
1. Time period ( 0-3months) :
a. 5 directory submissions.
b. 5 article submissions.
c. 2 press release submissions.
d. 5 forum postings
e. 50 social bookmarking/networking submissions.
f. 20 strong competitors blog commenting.
2. Hence the time period for the next 3 months
a. 20 social bookmaking/ networking submissions
b. 5 article submissions
c. 5 forum discussions.
d. 20 blog commenting.
3. Hence the time period for life-long,
January 6,
a. 10 forum submissions
b. 30 blog commenting.
On-Page Vs. Off-Page Optimization
In search engine optimization, on-page optimization refers to factors that have an effect on your Web site or Web
page listing in natural search results in popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.. These factors are
controlled by you or by coding on your page. Examples of on-page optimization include actual HTML code, meta
tags, keyword placement and keyword density. The most important on Page SEO Tips are:
1. Proper URL structures
2. Image optimization
3. Text formatting
Off page SEO refers to techniques that can be used to improve the position of a web site in the search engine
results page (SERPs). Many people associate off-page SEO with link building . In general, off Page SEO has to
do with promotion methods beyond website design for the purpose of ranking a website higher in the search
results in popular search engines like Google, Yahoo etc.
To add your url to the Google web directory, go to and submit you website. Within, 24-
48 hours your site will be added in the Google search engine. To submit site to all the major search engine
directories go to and fill the submit form.
Google Webmaster Tools:
January 6,
This tool is designed for the SEO Experts, in this tool one can,
1.Sumbit the site and all its Webpages to Google search engine.
2.You can analyse your site performance in the search engine.
3.You can check your site ranking for various keywords in the Google search engine
4.You can check your website's keyword density
5.You can check your back links.
6.You can get suggestions to improve your site's visibility in search engines.
7.You can have control over the Google visiting to your site.
Adding your website to webmaster tools :
Before you can add your site to the webmaster tools you have to first register in webmaster tools and then login, in
the login area you would find the option 'add a site', enter you website address here and click on 'continue', then
click the 'alternate methods' and select the option 'add a meta tag to verify the tag', copy this meta tag, go to your
site edit html page and then paste this tag between the <head> and </head> tag, save the file and in webmaster
tools, click on 'save and verify'. This would add your site to webmaster tools, you can add as many sites as
possible with a single webmasters account.
Sitemaps :
Sitemaps are the html / xml representation of all the page urls of your site, any sitemap file would have all the
addresses of each of its pages, When such types of sitemaps are created and submitted to the search engines
automatically, all the webpages of your website are entered in the search engine directories. Each website has got
one sitemap.
Adding the sitemap file in webmaster tools from
In blogger sites, when a site is built the sitemap files are created automatically in the background in the format:
websites: (or) html
note : it does not have 'www'.
While adding atom.xml file if it is redirected to Feed burner account, you may get an error in Google Webmasters
tools while adding Blogger sitemap. For this particular problem, just adding ?redirect=false will solve this
problem. So the sitemap address that you should be adding is:atom.xml?redirect=false The default number of
January 6,
URLs in Blogger XML sitemap is 26 for rss.xml or atom.xml file, so within Webmasters tools you will see there
are 26 total URLs. But if you have more than 26 posts and less than 100 posts then you can add the following
sitemap: atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=100
For more than 100 posts, add a second sitemap:
For more than 200 posts, repeat above to add a third sitemap:
a snap at :
Google Analytics
This tool gives us the statistics of the traffic for our website, with the help of this tool, you can know the details of
the traffic such as:
1. Source of the traffic (Search engines, Reference sites, Direct)
2. Keywords in search engine that bought the visitors to our site.
3.Region of traffic.
4.Browsers from which the traffic has come.
5.Avg. time spent by the visitor in our site.
6.Avg. number of pages visited by the visitors.
7.Search Engines from where the traffic has come etc...
The Google analytics tool is present at the address
You can add 100 sites as possible with just 1 Google analytics account.
Adding your website in Google analytics
Sign up then login, in the login area click on ' add a profile ' ,
then give your website address, click on 'finish', copy the tracking
code shown in the text box and paste in between the <head> and
</head> tags of your website's homepage.
Get back to Google analytics and click on 'save and finish'. This would add your site to Google analytics over a
short period of time.
This area is generally used to measure the statistics of the
website, the three important areas in this are:
1.Avg. Time spend by the user - should be as high as possible.
2.Avg. No. of pages visited by the user - should be as high as
3.The Bounce rate - should be as low as possible.
Bounce rate is nothing but the number of 100 avg visitors who
January 6,
have left your site after reading just 1 page, that is they did not
navigate to other pages of your website.
Difference between Webmaster tools and Google analytics?
Google Webmaster tools gives the statistics of SEO while Google Analytics gives the statistics of Traffic to your
Important Statistics of a website :
1.Backlinks : Back links are nothing but the links of your Webpages in other websites.(reference) It can be either
in the form of text links or images.
The syntax of backlinks is as follows :
Link syntax:
<a href=" WEBSITE_URL ">KEYWORD</a>
Ex: <a href=>free seo tips</a>
The website url can be the home page or any page of your site and The keyword should always be your own
keyword of your webpage, for which you want the top ranking in search engines. Do you get back links from
Google search engine as your site is displayed in the search results? The number of back links of your website
denotes the number of Webpages where your website (or webpage) address is mentioned.
More the number of back links better it is for SEO.
Infect 80% of SEO is dependent on Backlinks.
Backlinks are of two types:
Do follow : These are the backlinks in which there is direct reference to your site.
No follow : These are the backlinks where there is no direct reference to your site, in other words the url is
encrypted here.
Both the backlinks are equal in value and have same importance in SEO but, do understand that by default search
engines links are NO FOLLOW links that bring zero value in SEO. By default all the search engine backlinks are
no-follow that have 0 value, meaning they are not considered as backlinks. To know whether a link is do-follow or
no-follow just scroll over mouse over the link and see the status bar, if you find your webpage url then it is do-
follow link, if it is encrypted then it is
no-follow link. Try to acquire as many do follow links as possible for your website. Each Backlink has got
variable values.
Quality Back links to Get Top Place :-
1.Backlinks from high PR (Page Rank) websites have very high value.
2.Backlinks from your competitors websites have very high value.
3. Backlinks from low 'external links' websites have very high value.
4.Virgin Backlinks have very high value.
5.Backlinks from different domains have higher value than backlinks from the same domain.
6.The backlinks from .gov, .edu and .org websites have higher value.
7. backlink from only related sites.(pages)
January 6,
note : In backlinks, quantity does not matter, what matters is the quality. To check backlinks for any website you
can visit the url:
Acquiring backlinks is the most difficult and the most important part of SEO.
It is said by great SEO Experts that for any keyword, if you have enough number of backlinks, even for an empty
page you can get 1st rank in all the search engines.
PR (Page Rank)
PR is the most important statistic of any website in the world, in short a website can be valued in short by its PR.
PR or Page Rank of any site is the measure of the link juice (Total value of the Backlinks) of the site . It ranges
from 0-10, It is said that the PR is very difficult to achieve infact, in world there are only 4 such sites that have a
PR of 10. Even the 'Google' website itself does not have PR of 10.
Google has a PR of 9.
Backlinks can be acquired for free of cost and there are also paid backlinks available in the market, little research
in the Google will show you that backlinks these days has become a big business. It is only because of this, the big
companies rank faster in search engines, in matter of just few days. So, if you have money you can quickly get in
top ranking websites in any search engines but if you want go by the free methods it takes time and your patience
but, success is bound to you sometime in future. A small example to show the value of PR and Backlink:
A virgin PR 6 backlink costs around Rs.1,00,000 / month.
Illegal and Legal ways of Backlinks:
Illegal and legal ways of getting backlinks, where we can fool Google, where Google can fool us..,
1. 2-way backlinks (Link Exchange)
2. 3-way backlinks (Through Link Mediator)
These are the two methods of getting backlinks from our competitors wherein, both the website owners are
benefited. 2-way links no longer work and it is said very soon even 3-way links will stop working. Both these
methods of acquiring backlinks are illegal by search engines, they regard only one-way links - safe, natural and
permanent in nature.
Paid and Free backlinks
Generally, getting backlinks is a very slow process hence, ranking in top position in search engine takes
some time but you must have noticed few websites that are actually new and get top rank in matter of
few days even for very competitive keywords, this is possible by getting backlinks by money. But,
remember it is very very expensive.
Note : With 1 high PR website you can create many average pr websites.
eg. With 1 PR3 website you can create 5 PR2 websites.
January 6,
You can also create high PR website that literally has no content at all. Remember always, give as less
backlinks as possible to other sites, the more backlinks you give to others, it increases the external links
(OBL - Out Bound Links) of your site and then the backlinks power will be less henceforth. Always try
to maintain the virginity of your website. It will bring a lot of value in future.
Introduction to SEO QUAKE
SEO QUAKE is the most efficient software for web-browsers for Seo. With the help of this one can,
1. Check the PR of a website / webpage
2. Check when the particular webpage was cached in search engines.
3.Check the number of pages in the various search engines a website has got.
4.Check the number of links a website has got.
5.Check the number of links a webpage has got.
6.Check the 'alexa rank' of websites.
7.Check when the website was registered.
8.Check the IP address.
9.Check who is the owner of a website.
10.Check the SME Rush Rank and SME Price of a website .
11.Check if Robos are visiting the site.
12.Check if the website has got sitemap or not.
13.Check the Total number of internal and external links in any webpage.
14.Check the keyword density (1-word, 2-word, 3-word and multiword) for any webpage.
15.Download the Backlinks of any site in Excel file.
16.Download Google search results.
Note : Before competing for top rank for any keyword, do watch all the statistics of seo quake of existing
top 10 websites in the search engine.
This will give an idea on how long and how fast you can get the top slot in search engines. Seo quake
software works only on Mozilla Firefox and very soon
this plugin can be downloaded in Google Crome Browsers as well, it is free of cost and can be
downloaded at Check out how to give internal links to your webpages within your
website to avoid broken links.
301 redirect
An HTTP status code (see page 12). Forces a site visitor to automatically jump to a specified URL.
.com - an internet top-level domain intended to indicate that a website is used by an unrestricted commercial
.gov - an internet top-level domain intended to indicate that a website is used by a government institution
.org - an internet top-level domain intended to indicate that a website is used by an organization
January 6,
algorithm - the mathematical formula in a search engine used to rank sites
anchor text - the text that is clickable. Also known as hyperlink
backlinks - a word for incoming links to a website
black hat SEO - unethical high-risk techniques used to gain good rank that do not follow search engine
guidelines. Some examples are hiding written text (black letters on black background), other cloaking and link
blogroll - a list of links, usually placed in the sidebar of a blog, that reads as a list of recommendations by the host
of the blog
BLs – backlinks
Crawl-Exploration of websites by search engine software (bots) in order to index their content.
cache - a storage area within a search engine's database for copies of web pages
cgi-bin - a storage folder that contains Common Gateway Interface - Binary scripts. There is normally one cgi-bin
per website.
cloaking - a black hat system of delivering custom content to an engine spider but hiding the code or content from
cross-linking - pointing five or more sites to each other to improve organic engine rankings
Domain-An address on the Internet that indicates the location of a computer or network. These are
administrated to avoid duplication.
Drop-down menu A system in which one chooses content from a menu. When one clicks on the menu, the list
of choices are displayed in a list in a drawn out manner.
Accessibility The ability for users and search engines to access and comprehend content.
do follow - a term for standard incoming links that do not have the no follow attribute
doorway page - a webpage designed to draw in internet traffic and then redirect this traffic to another website.
Also known as bridge, entry, gateway, jump and zebra pages [a probable engine penalty]
ethical SEO - using search optimization techniques that fall within all engine's guidelines
Firefox - a web browser developed by Mozilla that is free to download and provides an alternative to Microsoft's
Windows Internet Explorer
folksonomy - a term for a social system managed by users that tag and label web content. Examples include, and
frames - website design using multiple, independent sections to create a single webpage. Each frame is built as a
separate HTML file, but with one "master" file to identify each selection. [unfriendly to engine crawlers]
Web technology or software developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated. It is able to create web content that
combines sound, video and animation.
Google Ad Words - An advertising service which places relevant advertisements on search results pages and
other content. When a user searches for keywords using Google, Ad Words advertisements related to those
keywords are displayed on the right, top and/or bottom of the search results pages alongside the organic search
Google Analytics - a free service at Google that generates detailed stats about website visitors. A benefit of using
Google Analytics is to check the Page Views your site gets, to determine pay-per-click and other paid ads quality.
Other benefits include tracking: Organic keyword popularity specific to a search engine, all other referring
websites and visitors' physical location. Stat at Google Analytics: Traffic sources show zero Average Time on Site
when those visitors have visited only one page. The real time for these visitors cannot be recorded because the
Analytic software doesn't know how to. Source: Groups. Google Analytics.
HTML - Hypertext Mark-up Language: Designed for the creation of webpages with clickable text and other
information to be displayed in a web browser. Abbreviation for Hypertext Mark-up Language, a language used
when describing web page documents. It denotes the basic elements of web pages, including the document text
and any hyperlinks and images embedded within.
HTML validator - a tool used to check an HTML document for various write-up problems.
Example:'s CSE HTML Validator Lite
http - hypertext transfer protocol: Transfers information between servers and browsers
January 6,
HTTP status code- A code that expresses the meanings of responses from the server when computers are
conveying information to each other. The code is allotted as three numerical digits, with a different meaning
depending on the number used.
<head> tag
An element that indicates the header in an HTML document. The content of this element will not be displayed in
a browser.
https - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure: Transfers encrypted info
hypertext-matching - hyperlink (neighbouring web pages) relevancy scores for page content
details. Google's Technology overview used to show this term's importance in organic SEO.
IBL - in bound (incoming) link
image alt tag - the alternative text that the browser displays when the website visitor does not want to or cannot
see an image on a website, placed in the image tag like this: <img src="seo.gif" alt="SEO">.
inlink - another word for backlink
inside pages - a term for the non-home pages of a website on the world-wide-web
internal pages - inside pages
ID (session ID)
Data provided for the identification and/or behaviour management of a user who is currently accessing a system
or network communications.
IP address - Internet Protocol address. A unique identifier that has four numbers separated by dots, like this: All computers across the internet are assigned one. They are used like street addresses.
Search Engine Optimization Definitions(J to Z)
JavaScript - a scripting programming language most commonly used to add interactive features to webpages. A
type of programming language. It can add dynamic features to web pages and is used by many web services.
link farm - a group of links on a variety of pages solely for the purpose of increasing link popularity for search
engines. Programs, not human beings, normally create link farms. [an engine penalty]
link popularity - the number and quality of inbound links pointing to a given web page
META tags - write-up placed within the HTML <head> </head> tags of a webpage, providing information that is
not visible to browsers
natural link - a term for a hyperlink placed on a web page because it offers useful content
no follow - an HTML attribute used to instruct search engines that a hyperlink should not influence the link
target's engine ranking. The no follow tag is used to cut down on irrelevant content to improve the quality of
search engine results.
The no follow tag looks like: 1) <head> <meta name="robots" content="no index, no follow"> </head> and 2) <a
href="http://_/" rel="no follow">_</a>.
To check for no follow: At web page, View > Source > Edit > Find, then type no follow. When there
are no no follows on the page, that's all that needs to be done. When finding a no follow: 1) Were the head tags
already searched? 2) Finding your url will show if it has the tag.
One-way link - a term for a link that has been obtained without a link exchange. A non-
reciprocal link
Open Directory Project (ODP)-The world's largest volunteer-run web directory (a list of Internet links
collected on a large scale and then organized by category).
Organic SEO - techniques used for unpaid high ranking results on search engines
Parameter-Data provided in the URL to specify a site's behaviour.
PR - Google PageRank: a numerical value that represents the popularity of a website, found on the
RSS feed Data including full or summarized text describing an update to a site/blog. RSS is an abbreviation for
RDF Site Summary; a service using a similar data format is Atom.
Root directory-Directory at the top of the tree structure of a site. It is sometimes called "root".
Subdomain-A type of domain used to identify a category that is smaller than a regular domain.
SE - search engine
Search engine- Computer function that searches data available on the Internet using keywords or other specified
terms, or a program containing this function.
January 6,
SEM - search engine marketing
SEO - search engine optimization
SEOs - search engine optimizers
SERP - search engine results page: The page that users see after clicking Search at an engine.
Social network - a website designed to create online communities focused around common interests or a way for
people to communicate
Social media service- A community-type web service that promotes and supports forging connections among
fellow users.
Search query-Single or multiple terms which are input by the user when performing a search on search engines.
Snippet-Text displayed beneath the title of a corresponding web page on the search results pages of a search
engine. A web page summary and/or parts of the page that match the search keywords will be displayed.
User experience-The experience gained by a user through using products, services, etc. Emphasis is placed on
providing an experience truly sought after by the user, such as "enjoyment," "convenience" and "comfort."
Unethical SEO - using search optimization techniques that do not fall within all engine's guidelines
URL - Uniform Resource Locator: A world wide web address.
Web 2.0 - a term for the second generation of internet-based services that let people collaborate and
share information online in ways previously unavailable. Examples: social networking sites, wikis,
communication tools and folksonomies
Web hosting service - a company that provides web server space to individuals and organizations, used to store
all of a website's files. That server hosts the website.
White hat SEO - techniques for high rank that follow search engine guidelines
XML - Extensible Mark-up Language
XML Sitemap-A list of the pages on a particular website. By creating and sending this list, you are able to
notify Google of all pages on a website, including any URLs that may have been undetected by Google's
regular crawling process.
January 6,
"I'm a great believer that any tool that enhances communication has profound effects in terms of
how people can learn from each other, and how they can achieve the kind of freedoms that they're
interested in." - Bill Gates
"Human beings are human beings. They say what they want, don't they? They used to say it across
the fence while they were hanging wash. Now they just say it on the Internet." -Dennis Miller

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AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide

  • 1. AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide AKGLS AKS Global Service AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide AKGLS Global Service 1/6/2014 Author: AKGLS Group +91-8826503701 Amrish Kumar Singh
  • 2. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 Content Introduction 1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Meaning 2. Types of SEO 1. White Hat SEO 2. Black Hat SEO White Hat SEO 1. ON Page Optimization 2. OFF Page Optimization ON Page Optimization 1. Keywords Research 2. Title Tags 3. Meta Description Tags 4. Header tags 5. Keyword Density 6. H1 Tags 7. Alt tags 8. Clean Permalink 9. Robots.txt 10. Site Map OFF Page Optimization 1. Blog Comment* 2. PPT Submission 3. Forum Discussions/Comment* 4. Directory Submission* 5. Article Submission* 6. Bookmarking Submission* 7. Profile Submission* 8. Classified Submission 9. Image Submission
  • 3. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 10. Blog Posting 11. Blog Creation 12. Video Submission 13. Press release* 14. Info graphics Submission 15. Top Commentators 16. Google Local Listing 17. Search Engine Submission 18. Guest Post On-Page V/S Off-Page Optimization Black Hat SEO SEO Theories and Practice Platform Specific 1. Word press 2. Joule 2. Drupal 3. Magento 4. Others FAQ About the Author
  • 4. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 AKGLS Smart SEO Starter Guide SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Meaning: Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of affecting the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine's unpaid results - often referred to as "natural," "organic," or "earned" results. Optimizing (Changing) website so as to rank top in search engines. Types of SEO: As the colors of the types of search engine optimization suggest, there are stark differences in the approach and long-term results of white hat and black hat search engine optimization. Though both types of SEO have their proponents, most companies/websites with long-term, stable, and sustainable goals will tend to stay away from the dark-colored variety. Here is a quick overview: White Hat SEO Black Hat SEO Definition White hat SEO utilizes techniques and methods to improve the search engine rankings of a website which don't run afoul of search engine (mainly Google) guidelines. Black Hat SEO exploits weaknesses in the search engine algorithms to obtain high rankings for a website. Such techniques and methods are in direct conflict with search engine guidelines. Wholesomeness Level High Very Low (not wholesome at all if you ask those in charge of cleaning search engine result page spam) Techniques Some white hat SEO techniques include: high quality content development, website HTML optimization and restructuring, link acquisition campaigns supported by high quality content and manual research and outreach. Some black hat SEO techniques include: link spam, keyword stuffing, cloaking, hidden text, and hidden links. What to Expect Steady, gradual, but lasting growth in rankings. Quick, unpredictable, and short- lasting growth in rankings. Gray Hat SEO is recognizable by 'affordable' pricing, since the search engine optimization company has to reduce cost by resorting to questionable techniques in order to deliver results, instead of highly involved campaign activities. White Hat – 100% Pure! Black Hat SEO – Evil? Gray Hat SEO – Mixing it up! White Hat SEO: In search engine optimization (SEO) terminology, white hat SEO refers to the usage of optimization strategies, techniques and tactics that focus on a human audience opposed to search engines and completely follows search engine rules and policies.
  • 5. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 Types of White Hat SEO: 1. ON Page Optimization: In this, the changes are made within the website to rank top in search engines like Google 20% 2. OFF Page Optimization (regular): In this, the changes are made outside the website to rank top in search engines. 80% The primary and the most important task is to know what kind of site we are developing, what is the content in it and what are the search keywords we are targeting for the top ranking in search engines like Google. Step 1 : Choose your interested topic on which you are going to open a website and do seo to that website. How To create a free website blog? (Google) Step 2 : Choose the set of keywords, for which you want to rank top in search engines. Keyword: the search term of a visitor is called keyword Keyword may be single letter single word may be a paragraph Now, it is very important part of seo to choose the right keywords for your website, keywords that you are targeting must be related to the content of your website and for which top rank in search engines is easy to achieve and at the same time the keywords should have maximum searches so maximum traffic. After one has decided with the type and the content of your website, decide with the keywords that are related to the content of your website. Now, a tool which would identify and tell us the set of keywords for which ranking in Google or for that matter in any search engine, is easy to achieve and has good amount of traffic. Ways 2 choose keywords: Google Keyword Tool: This tool is used for keyword researching, with this tool one can easily know the competition and traffic a particular search term gets. Based on these results we can roughly estimate the time frame in which we can get the top rank, how easily we can get the top rank and how many visitors we can expect to our webpage once we get the top rank for that particular search term. Go to :
  • 6. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 and out here please enter your list of keywords or topics. Enter your keywords in the keywords column and click search then, tick the 'exact option' on the left side. Herein, you can see thousands of keywords that are related to the content of your website, choose the set of keywords where the traffic is maximum and at the same time the competition is less, it is ideal to choose the keywords where the competition is below 20%. Write the list of such keywords and then choose the keyword in the list that has maximum traffic, as your domain name, at times such domain names might not be available so, at least see that your domain name starts with those words. 1. ON Page Optimization: On page optimization involves changing the html code of the website's every page which wants to rank top in search engines. It basically involves changing of Meta tags, Title tags, Header tags, font decoration, image alternative text, etc. Now, Firstly, choose set of keywords that are related to the content of your website. Before we discuss about both the types of optimization, domain name and domain page urls make an important part in seo. Things to know before you choose your website name: 1. See that your website or website page names are the starting words of the 'keywords' you are targeting, a keyword is the search term in any search engine. Eg. 'Tollywood' The order of importance of html tags for SEO is arranged in the ascending order as follows : 1.Page Title: <Title> : These should contain anywhere between 65-100 letters, these are the words that should start with (or have) your keywords, the title of a webpage is displayed in the title of the website, in Google organic search, the title of the website is displayed in the first line of the each result in blue colour, the title has to be interesting so that the reader is attracted to open the website. There should be only one title tag per webpage. The Google reads the first 65 characters of your web title. Your title must start with the keywords that you are targeting to perform well in search engines. The title has to be attractive so that users are attracted to click the website.
  • 7. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 2.Syntax of title tag: <title>....</title> The ... must have the keywords that you are targeting in the first 55-65 characters. title tag is present anywhere between the <head> and </head> tags of your webpage. 3.Changing the title tag in blogger Under any blogger site click on Design --> Edit HTML -->just after the <head> tag give the title of your homepage. Changing the title tag in word press: In the admin logged in area in word press click on editor under the appearance menu, then click on the header.php file, here you would find the <head> tags, between them just put your own title tag. Note : Both in blogger and word press, this tag is already present, just change the content of title tag, according to your requirement. Description: 4. <Meta Description : The meta description should consist of not more than 100 words, anywhere between 80- 100 words make a good meta description, note that the first 25 words (160 to 500 characters) of the meta description should have all your keywords. This part is displayed next to title of each search result in the Google organic search. Syntax: <meta name="description" content=" ...."> In the .... put your webpage description, see that the first 25 words you enter must have the keywords that you are targeting. Meta description tag is present anywhere between the <head> and </head> tags of your webpage. Note - Meta description is not always displayed but it is generally displayed, most of the time Google picks first 25 words of the result webpage text content as meta description. The Meta description must be unique to each page of the website. There should be only one Meta description tag per webpage. The keywords that you are targeting should be present in the first 25 words of the meta description tag. The meta description tag is a traditional concept and now a days, it is ignored by the Google. Step 5: Keywords <meta Keywords> Tag : This tag should contain all the keywords that you are targeting separated by comma. There should be only one meta keywords tag per webpage. Ex: tollywood, tollywood movies, tollywood songs etc.. It should consist of anywhere around 5 - 10 keywords. This concept is again a traditional one, Google these days does not read this tag at all and will never in future. Syntax of Meta Keywords Tag: <meta name="keywords" content="...">
  • 8. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 The ... must have the keywords separated by comma. This tag is again entered between the head tags of any webpage. Changes (html) in word press: In the admin logged in area, go to the editor under the appearance menu on the left side, you'll find different html editor for various parts of the webpage, edit the desired tags and save the template. Step 6: Header Header tags (<h1>,<h2>,<h3>) : The header tags of the website pages should always consist of the keywords that you are targeting. There should be only one h1 tag per page for better ranking in Google however you can have more than one <h2> and <h3> tags syntax: <h1> ... </h1> and so on for all the header tags from h2 to h6 tags. Step 7 : Image Alternative Text <Image Alternative text> tag : The image alternative text tag should always contain the keywords that you are targeting. Do not have the same image alternative tag for more than 1 image, use different text but see that it has the keywords that you are targeting. For eg. If my keyword is 'mobiles' then i can have images with alt text as, mobiles nokia, mobiles lg, mobiles samsung s2 glaxy etc... Note : In blogger the image alt text tag is represented by image anchor text tag.. Syntax 1 (For bloggers): image anchor="...." Syntax 2 (For others): img alt="...." Step 8 : Font Decoration Bold, Italic and underline tag : If your webpage has font in Bold, italics or underline in any part of the text, see that they contain the keywords that you are targeting. Step 9 : Keyword Density See that the keyword density in the web page is anywhere between 2% - 4% for better ranking in Google and the starting 20 words of your webpage must have these keywords. Step 10 : Avoid using flash in the webpages as Google cannot read flash in your website. Page loading time
  • 9. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 Step 11 : Avoid using pop-up ads and sticky ads in your website. Step 12 : Every webpage must have a link to its related pages of the same site . Ideally there should be five such links at the bottom of the webpage content with the head ink as 'Also read'. If possible see that the anchor text of the internal links to the site has the keywords that you are targeting. Broken Link : If at all any page in a website does not have navigation (link) to any other page of your website, this condition is called as broken link and it is a big 'drawback of SEO'. A site can never ever rank top with a broken link so, it is must avoid. To avoid broken link and interconnect related inner pages within your site, go , get the code and paste it just before the closing body tag ( < /body>) of your website's edit html page (For any general site ) For Word press : Just download the plug-in and install the plug-in in the word press admin logged in area by going to the add new plug-in option. For the Blogger websites: Just click on 'install the widget' and you are done. Step 13 :If you are using videos in your website, see that the video is related to the content of your website, this will improve your ranking in YouTube as well, See that you change the video alternative text tag in html just like you have done for the image. Step 14 : Add social bookmarking icon (social media sharing button) in every web page of the site. or Step 15 : Don't create multiple pages with the same content in your website.
  • 10. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 All the above tasks comes under ON - Page optimization that comprises of 10% of Seo, if all the tasks are accomplished then you score 10/10 votes if Google in On page optimization. 1.OFF Page Optimization : OFF Page Optimization 1. Blog Comment* 2. PPT Submission 3. Forum Discussions/Comment* 4. Directory Submission* 5. Article Submission*
  • 11. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 6. Bookmarking Submission* 7. Profile Submission* 8. Classified Submission 9. Image Submission 10. Blog Posting 11. Blog Creation 12. Video Submission 13. Press release* 14. Info graphics Submission 15. Top Commentators 16. Google Local Listing 17. Search Engine Submission 18. Guest Post 2.OFF-Page Optimization : Directory Submissions: Directory websites are like yellow pages, herein, you have set of websites for different services. Directory submissions bring quality links as websites are categorised here. It also brings targeted traffic. Ideally 5 directory submissions is recommended daily for quality link building. Here is the list of highly rated, high PR directory 5000+ in the excel file, start your link building from top to bottom. You have to sign up in each of the directory before you can actually place links in them, do store the login id and password of each of this directory as y-o-y we will be using it again and again. Do not submit the same page in a single directory more than once, however you can submit multiple (different ) pages to the same directory. Note - Always give the category name related to your web content because this is where all your competitors websites are also listed which adds to the quality of the website's backlink. The back links developed do not show for your website immediately as you start building but takes an indefinite period of time right from a day to 3 months all depending upon when the Google robots visit the site from where you get the backlinks. 3.OFF-Page Optimization : Article Submissions: Article websites are used to submit a small story (generally of 200-300) words regarding our website/webpage. These article sites in this way indirectly create pages within their site on various topic and the users are benefited as they get free quality one-way backlink and of course, a dedicated page in their site that could too perform well in search engines to give us referred traffic. Generally, most of the article websites accept the html code in the site description, this is where we place our backlink code.It is advisable not to post the same article in more than one site and make sure you just do not blindly copy
  • 12. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 paste your own page information and paste in article sites, this can create an impression of 'spam' in the eyes of google and he can ban your site sooner. For better ranking of your posted article page in search engine see that you maintain the keyword density and include the same in the title and author of the article site if at all they have. It is advisable to post at least 5 articles daily to add the link juice of your website. Generally it takes 1-7 days to get the backlinks from article sites. You can add up to 2 backlinks per article for optimizing the work.[Check out the 500+ high PR, low alexa rank quality article submission sites.] 4.OFF-Page Optimization : Press Releases: Press releases sites refers to the news distribution sites. As the name goes, in press releases sites we submit our rss feeds or articles to them, they in turn pass these articles to various websites which are related to the news and current affairs and online information centres. With just one successful press release you can expect many backlinks and at the same time popularity. If at all your site information is found interesting you could find the same in the magazines (hard copy) published. There aren't many press release sites in the web however, of the existing there is no limit of submitting information to them. It is ideal to submit 2 press releases a day to add to the link juice of your website. Always try to submit the RSS Feeds where ever applicable because these feeds carry all your website pages and the content too is automatically updated at the users end. It adds to the popularity of your website. Make sure that whenever to submit RSS Feeds of your site to the press releases do not submit anything else to the same site thereafter. The RSS Feeds carry the duplicate copy of your website with real-time updations automatically. A User if does not have a website to consume RSS Feeds then he can also subscribe to the same through e-mail so, whenever a new content is added or old content is updated at the source, automatically mails are fired to the consumers of RSS Feeds. Generally speaking RSS Feeds are .html and .xml files that are used for real-time stock prices, weather data, gold and commodity real-time prices, live cricket scores, Live News, Live Radio, Live TV Channels, Newspapers data, etc.. One can see RSS Feeds at the browsers tool bar as well. For blogger the default RSS Feed url is : Eg : For Word press sites : Eg : [Let us see how to use the RSS Feeds of others in our site for Live cricket score, live TV channel] [check out the quality, high PR, low alexa rank press release sites] Step 5 of OFF-PAGE Optimization – Social Bookmarking
  • 13. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 Social Networking Sites : A social networking service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on building and reflecting of social networks or social relations among people, who, for example, share interests and/or activities. A social network service essentially consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services. Most social network services are web based and provide means for users to interact over the Internet, such as e-mail and instant messaging. Online community services are sometimes considered as a social network service, though in a broader sense, social network service usually means an individual-cantered service whereas online community services are group-centered. Social networking sites allow users to share ideas, activities, events, and interests within their individual networks.[citation needed] The main types of social networking services are those which contain category places (such as former school year or classmates), means to connect with friends (usually with self-description pages) and a recommendation system linked to trust. Popular methods now combine many of these, with Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn widely used worldwide. 1.Facebook 2.Twitter 3.LinkedIn 4.The list follows The best sites for social bookmarking and to keep these icons in your blogger is : Submit your backlinks to at least 50 social networking sites daily. All the backlinks submissions to these sites are approved immediately and within 3 days of submission you can expect the backlinks in your account. It is said that of the 7 methods, social networking sites have got the highest PR and you can expect a good traffic too from these sites, it directly increases the popularity of your site. You can submit more than 1 backlink to each of this site, also you can add up to 2 backlinks in one social bookmarking submission, in some of the sites, you get a dedicated page in their website. Note :- The submission process is different for each of the social networking site. When submitting for the first time, you'll have to sign-up after which just login and start submitting as many links as possible. It is advisable to add popular social networking and bookmarking icons in each of the pages of your blogs, these increases the popularity and backlinks by your website readers itself. In only wire services you can also submit your RSS Feeds.. Best tool (Paid) for automatically submitting links to social bookmarking sites : Bookmarking Demon -- available at : Step 6 of OFF Page Optimization :
  • 14. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 Forum Discussions: Forums : An Internet forum, or message board, is an online discussion site where people can hold conversations in the form of posted messages. They differ from chat rooms in that messages are at least temporarily archived. Also, depending on the access level of a user or the forum set-up, a posted message might need to be approved by a moderator before it becomes visible. Forums have a specific set of jargon associated with them; e.g. a single conversation is called a "thread. “A forum is hierarchical or tree-like in structure: a forum can contain a number of sub forums, each of which may have several topics. Within a forum's topic, each new discussion started is called a thread, and can be replied to by as many people as wish to. Depending on the forum's settings, users can be anonymous or have to register with the forum and then subsequently log in order to post messages. On most forums, users do not have to log in to read existing messages. Points to be noted while posting your backlinks in forums: As most of the forums have administrator approvals for the messages you are sending so, while sending any information do not make the administrator feel that your purpose is the backlink. As forums are generally used for questioning and answering, do the same, see that the message you are sending is related to the discussion going on and then at the bottom give your reference as your backlink. Trick : To get a list of forums related to your keyword that you are targeting, make a search in Google with the that keyword then filter the results by selecting 'discussions' from the left side of the search results, this will give you the list of forums of your strong competitors. In most of the forum sites while registering try entering your backlink even in your name or in any section of the profile if at all it has. As most of the forums automatically add your name at the bottom of the message, so with your website as name you tend to get backlinks automatically. There is no estimated time for the appearance of backlinks through forums, it all depends on when the admin is checking the messages for approving them. Enter only 1 backlink per message. Step 7 of Off Page Optimization : Profile Creation: There are many websites that have profiles as you become the member of that site . Now in such sites enter your website instead of your name in the sign-up form and whenever possible if the html tags are allowed in the profile then just enter your backlink structure. Profile creation is of least important in Off page optimization However, do not neglect them. There is no specific list of websites for profile creation, it only comes out of exploration. Generally all the social networking sites and forum sites have profiles in them. Eg. Step : 8 of Off page Optimization –
  • 15. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 Blog Commenting: Blogs are generally sites that have articles on various topics that are of user's interest. It is said that there are over 1000cr websites which are just blogs and there is lot of money that can be untapped in blogs. Intact, there is virtually no blog in world whose objective is in commercial. All the blogs are meant for making money either through ads or through affiliate marketing, information in them is just to attract the readers. History is evident that the maximum and the most powerful backlinks can be acquired only through blogs. It is said by SEO Experts that if your blog commenting is constant and consistent with just this one method you can get top ranking in any major search engine. The reason behind such a powerful link is that there are from your strongest competitors, It is amazing to know that just 1 strong competitor backlink is enough to rank 1. Steps for Acquiring Competitors Backlinks 1. With Seo quake installed in your Mozilla Firefox, go to Google and download the search results in an excel file. Start commenting on each of this sites ( only is 1000 downloadable ) from top to bottom, for high approval rate see that you are appreciating the blog owner and speaking or involved in the recent comments this type of comments have very high approval rates. 1.You can also filter results of Blogs and forums in Google search, follow the first 1000 of each of them for backlinks. 2.Similarly download the competitors for the keywords related to your target keywords and follow the task as above. 3.Filter the results of blogs by clicking on 'blog' in the left side of Google search and follow the tasks above. 4.Filter the timeline to month, week, 24 hours, 1 hour, 10 minutes in the left side of the Google search and follow the tasks above. 5.filter the results to 'discussions' (forums) in the left side of the Google search and follow the tasks above. 6.Similarly, follow the step 4 for the timeline. 7.Download each of the competitors backlinks through seo quake and then follow the tasks above. 8.Download each of the competitors backlinks' backlinks through the seo-quake and follow the tasks above. In the mid-way you would definitely achieve the top slot in the search engine, the moment you achieve this, jump for the next keyword to get the top rank. Points to remember : 1. Do not always focus on a single keyword or a single page, meaning give importance to each of your page and develop links for them in parallel rather than serial. You must target at least 5-10 keywords for a page, so see that you have 5-10 different anchor texts in your backlinks codes list. 2.Where ever there is a provision for developing 2 backlinks focus 1 for the homepage and 2nd for any internal page of your website. It is advised to continue with all the 7 methods stated above till you gather some backlinks (estimated time period : 1-3 months) then just and just concentrate on blog commenting and forum discussions, "success will be under your feet"..
  • 16. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 Points to be noted: 1.Between the head tags of homepage copy paste the code below: <meta name="robots" content="index, follow" /> 2. Always see that you have the social bookmarking and social networking website buttons at the end of each post/page. You can get their codes if you do a little research in Google. such codes should always be placed just before the closing body tag (</body>) in the edit html section of your website. 3.To avoid broken link and interconnect related inner pages within your site, go to, get the code and paste it just before the closing body tag ( < /body>) of your website’s edit html page. 4.Trick to get spinned articles: Go, to and copy your article in English and convert to some language and then do the vice-versa, the result would be spanned English article where the words are different but meaning remains the same. You can also copy good articles directly from regional sites and convert it into a unique article, for this you have to make use of Google regional search. Note : After the articles are spinned, see that you have your keywords in it, if not stuff it to get the appropriate Keyword density. 5.Whenever there is a possibility of getting a backlink from a website, try to put your backlink in the common area of the site with regard to all its pages (eg. menu, footer, sidebar etc..), the advantage with this is you get multiple backlinks (i.e. from all the pages of that site) from a single website. 6.Ping the server at Ping-o-matic ( whenever there you change the content or add new content. Pinging is the technique of informing the major search engines that there is some content updating in my website/webpage, so please come and index it as soon as possible. This technique helps in inviting the search engines when we want, generally the frequency of visits of search engine robots is directly proportional to the frequency of the content updating of your website/webpage, so this technique helps in keeping search engine up to date in real time about our website content. Google AdSense : Google AdSense is the advertising platform of Google wherein the website / blog owners can place the ads in their website that are provided by Google AdSense Google shares 70% commission it gets for the ads with the website owners. There are two types of revenues form advertisements: 1. ppc (pay per click) - it ranges from Rs.3 - Rs.300, herein you get paid per click of the ad. Each ad has got a different ppc, to roughly check the ppc of each of the keywords make use of the Google keyword tool. 2. Pay per Impressions - Herein, Google pays website owner per 1000 impressions an amount between Rs.10 - Rs.200 generally. 3. You can have a maximum of only 3 ad sections of Google ads per webpage, though you can place codes for any number of ad sections but the display would be only for random 3 sections dynamically.
  • 17. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 4.Once you have got the approval from the Google AdSense, you can have unlimited sites that can place the ads, and it all works as long as you follow each and every rule of the Google AdSense. 5.Do read the terms and conditions of Google AdSense carefully before you are applying to it. 6. Never click your ads by yourself. Always remember that Google tracks each visitor through ip address and time, ctr (avg. should be between 0%-5%), so keep in mind all these factors before applying any method of getting your ads clicked. 7. The text head ink above should be definitely 'Sponsored Links' and nothing else. 8. Do not apply for Google AdSense within one month from the time you have started developing the website. 9. Never have an empty website with just ads 10.The payment by Google ads is through check for Indians and no other method, so be cautions while entering your address and name. 11. Have a strong password for Google accounts to prevent hacking of AdSense account. 12. Never have any illegal content (like betting, gambling, porn, etc..) in your website as long as you maintain the relation with Google AdSense. 13.Never try getting clicks from family/friends/chatting, they do not work for longer time. 14.Never influence or encourage the readers in your website to click the ads in the webpage. 15. Once the account is banned, all the websites that are registered with that id are automatically banned. 16. To get maximum CTR for your site, try to blend the ads with the theme of your site and place the ads just below the posts or pages where the user finishes reading the article. 17. To get the maximum CTR see that you change the ad sections and find out which works the best, it is not illegal to change the ad sections now and then. 18.See that you earn at least 50 paisa / visitor of your site through Google AdSense. 19. Apart from Google AdSense ads, try to have ads from various affiliate programs, little research in Google would show you the best list of affiliate programs for Indians. 1. Time period ( 0-3months) : a. 5 directory submissions. b. 5 article submissions. c. 2 press release submissions. d. 5 forum postings e. 50 social bookmarking/networking submissions. f. 20 strong competitors blog commenting. 2. Hence the time period for the next 3 months a. 20 social bookmaking/ networking submissions b. 5 article submissions c. 5 forum discussions. d. 20 blog commenting. 3. Hence the time period for life-long,
  • 18. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 a. 10 forum submissions b. 30 blog commenting. On-Page Vs. Off-Page Optimization In search engine optimization, on-page optimization refers to factors that have an effect on your Web site or Web page listing in natural search results in popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing etc.. These factors are controlled by you or by coding on your page. Examples of on-page optimization include actual HTML code, meta tags, keyword placement and keyword density. The most important on Page SEO Tips are: 1. Proper URL structures 2. Image optimization 3. Text formatting Off page SEO refers to techniques that can be used to improve the position of a web site in the search engine results page (SERPs). Many people associate off-page SEO with link building . In general, off Page SEO has to do with promotion methods beyond website design for the purpose of ranking a website higher in the search results in popular search engines like Google, Yahoo etc. To add your url to the Google web directory, go to and submit you website. Within, 24- 48 hours your site will be added in the Google search engine. To submit site to all the major search engine directories go to and fill the submit form. Google Webmaster Tools:
  • 19. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 This tool is designed for the SEO Experts, in this tool one can, 1.Sumbit the site and all its Webpages to Google search engine. 2.You can analyse your site performance in the search engine. 3.You can check your site ranking for various keywords in the Google search engine 4.You can check your website's keyword density 5.You can check your back links. 6.You can get suggestions to improve your site's visibility in search engines. 7.You can have control over the Google visiting to your site. Adding your website to webmaster tools : Before you can add your site to the webmaster tools you have to first register in webmaster tools and then login, in the login area you would find the option 'add a site', enter you website address here and click on 'continue', then click the 'alternate methods' and select the option 'add a meta tag to verify the tag', copy this meta tag, go to your site edit html page and then paste this tag between the <head> and </head> tag, save the file and in webmaster tools, click on 'save and verify'. This would add your site to webmaster tools, you can add as many sites as possible with a single webmasters account. Sitemaps : Sitemaps are the html / xml representation of all the page urls of your site, any sitemap file would have all the addresses of each of its pages, When such types of sitemaps are created and submitted to the search engines automatically, all the webpages of your website are entered in the search engine directories. Each website has got one sitemap. Adding the sitemap file in webmaster tools from In blogger sites, when a site is built the sitemap files are created automatically in the background in the format: Blogger: websites: (or) html note : it does not have 'www'. While adding atom.xml file if it is redirected to Feed burner account, you may get an error in Google Webmasters tools while adding Blogger sitemap. For this particular problem, just adding ?redirect=false will solve this problem. So the sitemap address that you should be adding is:atom.xml?redirect=false The default number of
  • 20. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 URLs in Blogger XML sitemap is 26 for rss.xml or atom.xml file, so within Webmasters tools you will see there are 26 total URLs. But if you have more than 26 posts and less than 100 posts then you can add the following sitemap: atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1&max-results=100 For more than 100 posts, add a second sitemap: atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=101&max-results=100 For more than 200 posts, repeat above to add a third sitemap: atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=201&max-results=100 a snap at : sitemap-to-Google/10149/ Google Analytics This tool gives us the statistics of the traffic for our website, with the help of this tool, you can know the details of the traffic such as: 1. Source of the traffic (Search engines, Reference sites, Direct) 2. Keywords in search engine that bought the visitors to our site. 3.Region of traffic. 4.Browsers from which the traffic has come. 5.Avg. time spent by the visitor in our site. 6.Avg. number of pages visited by the visitors. 7.Search Engines from where the traffic has come etc... The Google analytics tool is present at the address You can add 100 sites as possible with just 1 Google analytics account. Adding your website in Google analytics Sign up then login, in the login area click on ' add a profile ' , then give your website address, click on 'finish', copy the tracking code shown in the text box and paste in between the <head> and </head> tags of your website's homepage. Get back to Google analytics and click on 'save and finish'. This would add your site to Google analytics over a short period of time. This area is generally used to measure the statistics of the website, the three important areas in this are: 1.Avg. Time spend by the user - should be as high as possible. 2.Avg. No. of pages visited by the user - should be as high as possible. 3.The Bounce rate - should be as low as possible. Bounce rate is nothing but the number of 100 avg visitors who
  • 21. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 have left your site after reading just 1 page, that is they did not navigate to other pages of your website. Difference between Webmaster tools and Google analytics? Google Webmaster tools gives the statistics of SEO while Google Analytics gives the statistics of Traffic to your website. Important Statistics of a website : 1.Backlinks : Back links are nothing but the links of your Webpages in other websites.(reference) It can be either in the form of text links or images. The syntax of backlinks is as follows : Link syntax: <a href=" WEBSITE_URL ">KEYWORD</a> Ex: <a href=>free seo tips</a> The website url can be the home page or any page of your site and The keyword should always be your own keyword of your webpage, for which you want the top ranking in search engines. Do you get back links from Google search engine as your site is displayed in the search results? The number of back links of your website denotes the number of Webpages where your website (or webpage) address is mentioned. More the number of back links better it is for SEO. Infect 80% of SEO is dependent on Backlinks. Backlinks are of two types: Do follow : These are the backlinks in which there is direct reference to your site. No follow : These are the backlinks where there is no direct reference to your site, in other words the url is encrypted here. Both the backlinks are equal in value and have same importance in SEO but, do understand that by default search engines links are NO FOLLOW links that bring zero value in SEO. By default all the search engine backlinks are no-follow that have 0 value, meaning they are not considered as backlinks. To know whether a link is do-follow or no-follow just scroll over mouse over the link and see the status bar, if you find your webpage url then it is do- follow link, if it is encrypted then it is no-follow link. Try to acquire as many do follow links as possible for your website. Each Backlink has got variable values. Quality Back links to Get Top Place :- 1.Backlinks from high PR (Page Rank) websites have very high value. 2.Backlinks from your competitors websites have very high value. 3. Backlinks from low 'external links' websites have very high value. 4.Virgin Backlinks have very high value. 5.Backlinks from different domains have higher value than backlinks from the same domain. 6.The backlinks from .gov, .edu and .org websites have higher value. 7. backlink from only related sites.(pages)
  • 22. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 note : In backlinks, quantity does not matter, what matters is the quality. To check backlinks for any website you can visit the url: Acquiring backlinks is the most difficult and the most important part of SEO. It is said by great SEO Experts that for any keyword, if you have enough number of backlinks, even for an empty page you can get 1st rank in all the search engines. PR (Page Rank) PR is the most important statistic of any website in the world, in short a website can be valued in short by its PR. PR or Page Rank of any site is the measure of the link juice (Total value of the Backlinks) of the site . It ranges from 0-10, It is said that the PR is very difficult to achieve infact, in world there are only 4 such sites that have a PR of 10. Even the 'Google' website itself does not have PR of 10. Google has a PR of 9. Backlinks can be acquired for free of cost and there are also paid backlinks available in the market, little research in the Google will show you that backlinks these days has become a big business. It is only because of this, the big companies rank faster in search engines, in matter of just few days. So, if you have money you can quickly get in top ranking websites in any search engines but if you want go by the free methods it takes time and your patience but, success is bound to you sometime in future. A small example to show the value of PR and Backlink: A virgin PR 6 backlink costs around Rs.1,00,000 / month. Illegal and Legal ways of Backlinks: Illegal and legal ways of getting backlinks, where we can fool Google, where Google can fool us.., 1. 2-way backlinks (Link Exchange) 2. 3-way backlinks (Through Link Mediator) These are the two methods of getting backlinks from our competitors wherein, both the website owners are benefited. 2-way links no longer work and it is said very soon even 3-way links will stop working. Both these methods of acquiring backlinks are illegal by search engines, they regard only one-way links - safe, natural and permanent in nature. Paid and Free backlinks Generally, getting backlinks is a very slow process hence, ranking in top position in search engine takes some time but you must have noticed few websites that are actually new and get top rank in matter of few days even for very competitive keywords, this is possible by getting backlinks by money. But, remember it is very very expensive. Note : With 1 high PR website you can create many average pr websites. eg. With 1 PR3 website you can create 5 PR2 websites.
  • 23. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 You can also create high PR website that literally has no content at all. Remember always, give as less backlinks as possible to other sites, the more backlinks you give to others, it increases the external links (OBL - Out Bound Links) of your site and then the backlinks power will be less henceforth. Always try to maintain the virginity of your website. It will bring a lot of value in future. Introduction to SEO QUAKE SEO QUAKE is the most efficient software for web-browsers for Seo. With the help of this one can, 1. Check the PR of a website / webpage 2. Check when the particular webpage was cached in search engines. 3.Check the number of pages in the various search engines a website has got. 4.Check the number of links a website has got. 5.Check the number of links a webpage has got. 6.Check the 'alexa rank' of websites. 7.Check when the website was registered. 8.Check the IP address. 9.Check who is the owner of a website. 10.Check the SME Rush Rank and SME Price of a website . 11.Check if Robos are visiting the site. 12.Check if the website has got sitemap or not. 13.Check the Total number of internal and external links in any webpage. 14.Check the keyword density (1-word, 2-word, 3-word and multiword) for any webpage. 15.Download the Backlinks of any site in Excel file. 16.Download Google search results. Note : Before competing for top rank for any keyword, do watch all the statistics of seo quake of existing top 10 websites in the search engine. This will give an idea on how long and how fast you can get the top slot in search engines. Seo quake software works only on Mozilla Firefox and very soon this plugin can be downloaded in Google Crome Browsers as well, it is free of cost and can be downloaded at Check out how to give internal links to your webpages within your website to avoid broken links. ****************************************************************************************************** 301 redirect An HTTP status code (see page 12). Forces a site visitor to automatically jump to a specified URL. .com - an internet top-level domain intended to indicate that a website is used by an unrestricted commercial organization .gov - an internet top-level domain intended to indicate that a website is used by a government institution .org - an internet top-level domain intended to indicate that a website is used by an organization
  • 24. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 algorithm - the mathematical formula in a search engine used to rank sites anchor text - the text that is clickable. Also known as hyperlink backlinks - a word for incoming links to a website black hat SEO - unethical high-risk techniques used to gain good rank that do not follow search engine guidelines. Some examples are hiding written text (black letters on black background), other cloaking and link farming. blogroll - a list of links, usually placed in the sidebar of a blog, that reads as a list of recommendations by the host of the blog BLs – backlinks Crawl-Exploration of websites by search engine software (bots) in order to index their content. cache - a storage area within a search engine's database for copies of web pages cgi-bin - a storage folder that contains Common Gateway Interface - Binary scripts. There is normally one cgi-bin per website. cloaking - a black hat system of delivering custom content to an engine spider but hiding the code or content from visitors cross-linking - pointing five or more sites to each other to improve organic engine rankings Domain-An address on the Internet that indicates the location of a computer or network. These are administrated to avoid duplication. Drop-down menu A system in which one chooses content from a menu. When one clicks on the menu, the list of choices are displayed in a list in a drawn out manner. Accessibility The ability for users and search engines to access and comprehend content. do follow - a term for standard incoming links that do not have the no follow attribute doorway page - a webpage designed to draw in internet traffic and then redirect this traffic to another website. Also known as bridge, entry, gateway, jump and zebra pages [a probable engine penalty] ethical SEO - using search optimization techniques that fall within all engine's guidelines Firefox - a web browser developed by Mozilla that is free to download and provides an alternative to Microsoft's Windows Internet Explorer folksonomy - a term for a social system managed by users that tag and label web content. Examples include, and frames - website design using multiple, independent sections to create a single webpage. Each frame is built as a separate HTML file, but with one "master" file to identify each selection. [unfriendly to engine crawlers] Flash Web technology or software developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated. It is able to create web content that combines sound, video and animation. Google Ad Words - An advertising service which places relevant advertisements on search results pages and other content. When a user searches for keywords using Google, Ad Words advertisements related to those keywords are displayed on the right, top and/or bottom of the search results pages alongside the organic search results. Google Analytics - a free service at Google that generates detailed stats about website visitors. A benefit of using Google Analytics is to check the Page Views your site gets, to determine pay-per-click and other paid ads quality. Other benefits include tracking: Organic keyword popularity specific to a search engine, all other referring websites and visitors' physical location. Stat at Google Analytics: Traffic sources show zero Average Time on Site when those visitors have visited only one page. The real time for these visitors cannot be recorded because the Analytic software doesn't know how to. Source: Groups. Google Analytics. HTML - Hypertext Mark-up Language: Designed for the creation of webpages with clickable text and other information to be displayed in a web browser. Abbreviation for Hypertext Mark-up Language, a language used when describing web page documents. It denotes the basic elements of web pages, including the document text and any hyperlinks and images embedded within. HTML validator - a tool used to check an HTML document for various write-up problems. Example:'s CSE HTML Validator Lite http - hypertext transfer protocol: Transfers information between servers and browsers
  • 25. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 HTTP status code- A code that expresses the meanings of responses from the server when computers are conveying information to each other. The code is allotted as three numerical digits, with a different meaning depending on the number used. <head> tag An element that indicates the header in an HTML document. The content of this element will not be displayed in a browser. https - Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure: Transfers encrypted info hypertext-matching - hyperlink (neighbouring web pages) relevancy scores for page content details. Google's Technology overview used to show this term's importance in organic SEO. IBL - in bound (incoming) link image alt tag - the alternative text that the browser displays when the website visitor does not want to or cannot see an image on a website, placed in the image tag like this: <img src="seo.gif" alt="SEO">. inlink - another word for backlink inside pages - a term for the non-home pages of a website on the world-wide-web internal pages - inside pages ID (session ID) Data provided for the identification and/or behaviour management of a user who is currently accessing a system or network communications. IP address - Internet Protocol address. A unique identifier that has four numbers separated by dots, like this: All computers across the internet are assigned one. They are used like street addresses. Search Engine Optimization Definitions(J to Z) JavaScript - a scripting programming language most commonly used to add interactive features to webpages. A type of programming language. It can add dynamic features to web pages and is used by many web services. link farm - a group of links on a variety of pages solely for the purpose of increasing link popularity for search engines. Programs, not human beings, normally create link farms. [an engine penalty] link popularity - the number and quality of inbound links pointing to a given web page META tags - write-up placed within the HTML <head> </head> tags of a webpage, providing information that is not visible to browsers natural link - a term for a hyperlink placed on a web page because it offers useful content no follow - an HTML attribute used to instruct search engines that a hyperlink should not influence the link target's engine ranking. The no follow tag is used to cut down on irrelevant content to improve the quality of search engine results. The no follow tag looks like: 1) <head> <meta name="robots" content="no index, no follow"> </head> and 2) <a href="http://_/" rel="no follow">_</a>. To check for no follow: At web page, View > Source > Edit > Find, then type no follow. When there are no no follows on the page, that's all that needs to be done. When finding a no follow: 1) Were the head tags already searched? 2) Finding your url will show if it has the tag. One-way link - a term for a link that has been obtained without a link exchange. A non- reciprocal link Open Directory Project (ODP)-The world's largest volunteer-run web directory (a list of Internet links collected on a large scale and then organized by category). Organic SEO - techniques used for unpaid high ranking results on search engines Parameter-Data provided in the URL to specify a site's behaviour. PR - Google PageRank: a numerical value that represents the popularity of a website, found on the RSS feed Data including full or summarized text describing an update to a site/blog. RSS is an abbreviation for RDF Site Summary; a service using a similar data format is Atom. Root directory-Directory at the top of the tree structure of a site. It is sometimes called "root". Subdomain-A type of domain used to identify a category that is smaller than a regular domain. SE - search engine Search engine- Computer function that searches data available on the Internet using keywords or other specified terms, or a program containing this function.
  • 26. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 SEM - search engine marketing SEO - search engine optimization SEOs - search engine optimizers SERP - search engine results page: The page that users see after clicking Search at an engine. Social network - a website designed to create online communities focused around common interests or a way for people to communicate Social media service- A community-type web service that promotes and supports forging connections among fellow users. Search query-Single or multiple terms which are input by the user when performing a search on search engines. Snippet-Text displayed beneath the title of a corresponding web page on the search results pages of a search engine. A web page summary and/or parts of the page that match the search keywords will be displayed. User experience-The experience gained by a user through using products, services, etc. Emphasis is placed on providing an experience truly sought after by the user, such as "enjoyment," "convenience" and "comfort." Unethical SEO - using search optimization techniques that do not fall within all engine's guidelines URL - Uniform Resource Locator: A world wide web address. Web 2.0 - a term for the second generation of internet-based services that let people collaborate and share information online in ways previously unavailable. Examples: social networking sites, wikis, communication tools and folksonomies Web hosting service - a company that provides web server space to individuals and organizations, used to store all of a website's files. That server hosts the website. White hat SEO - techniques for high rank that follow search engine guidelines XML - Extensible Mark-up Language XML Sitemap-A list of the pages on a particular website. By creating and sending this list, you are able to notify Google of all pages on a website, including any URLs that may have been undetected by Google's regular crawling process.
  • 27. AKGLS SMART SEO STARTER GUIDE January 6, 2014 "I'm a great believer that any tool that enhances communication has profound effects in terms of how people can learn from each other, and how they can achieve the kind of freedoms that they're interested in." - Bill Gates "Human beings are human beings. They say what they want, don't they? They used to say it across the fence while they were hanging wash. Now they just say it on the Internet." -Dennis Miller