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Agricultural Subsidies and Globalisation
Agricultural Subsidies and Globalization
This essay will discuss the effects that agricultural subsidies have on globalization. The main points
that will be covered in regards to subsidies and their effects on worldwide productivity, poverty in
undeveloped countries, the stance of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and International
Monetary Fund (IMF) and some discussion on implementation. First, it would be prudent to define
some terms that will be used in this paper.
Globalization is defined by Charles Hill as, "the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent
world economy" and includes both the globalization of markets and production. (Hill, 2009, p.6) He
goes on to define subsidies as the payments to a domestic producer ... Show more content on ...
(Love & Lattimore, 2009, 71–74)
With an increase in GDP, developing countries would be able to shift resources from a subsistence
level of inputs into agriculture towards infrastructure and education. Agricultural producers in
undeveloped countries currently use low technology and high labour methods. As the undeveloped
countries are able to advance in technology and knowledge, they would be able to move their
production possibilities toward meeting worldwide demands. Undeveloped countries typically are
producing for their own survival and little for foreign export, as production becomes more efficient
and surplus is gained, then farmers would be able to export the excess to the world market. Smith
points to the case of African cotton and its US production to show where subsidies hurt both
productivity and trade. The United States cotton producers are subsidized by the government and
this has depressed the prices worldwide by approximately a quarter which costs West African
countries $200 million in lost foreign exchange. Over 11 million people rely on cotton for their
income but with US subsidies in place it reduces the price and therefore income received. If
subsidies were removed, Africa could produce at two–thirds the
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The McGregor Theory Essay
The onset of the industrial revolution in the late 19 century created a host of new challenges for the
managers. Some of these challenges included the need to increase the workforce effectiveness.
Therefore, early futurist suggested theories that they believe if applied would result in higher
management efficiency. Such theory were based on the fundamental believe that employee should
be actively supervised and monitored (Jone & George 2008). However, Douglas McGregor
challenged this notion. Through his extensive work he established two theories, which defined the
assumption held about employees' attitude towards work. These assumption automatically
influenced workers productivity (Kopelman, Prottas, Davis 2008; Tatham, ... Show more content on ...
As oppose to this assumption, McGregor believed that the general intention of most employees is to
be more productive. This assumption commonly referred to as theory Y (human relation)
contradicted theory Y notion that employees inherently hate working (McGregor 1960).
Convectional view or what is referred to as theory X, underpinned the underlying assumptions that
surrounded the scientific era which the management practices at the time was evolving from. Here,
effective management included harnessing the power of the human labour to achieve organization
effectiveness. The manager could achieve this through effectively; organizing all element of
production. Such element included natural resources, machinery and equipment, money, people,
among others. Very important to note, is that the process of managing people involved keenly
directing and controlling their efforts and actions to suit the organizations needs (Jone & George
2008). According to this theory, failure to constantly intervene the function of the workers would
result in undesirable outcome. This is because here the workers are viewed as indolent,
irresponsible, un–ambitious and self–centred. This is nature might make them passive and at times
resistance to any initiative directed towards achieving organizational goals (McGregor 1960).
Therefore manager could adopt the use of rewards and punishment to model the appropriate
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Is Bataille 's Philosophy Something We Could Realistically...
Is Bataille's philosophy something we could realistically live by? Critically discuss with reference to
the concepts of unproductive expenditure and transgression.
Bataille argues that in modern capitalist society, we are measured by our utility and production
within this system. Material utility is restricted to production and to conserving goods whilst limited
to reproduction and to the preservation of human life. As a result, we work within this framework
where values, rules and laws have been created for us to work within, which, Bataille argues,
restricts our liberty. Though utility is an apparent positive principle of capitalism, Bataille sees this
as a principle of powerlessness and an incapability of being able to expend (Botting and Wilson,
1997, 192). He uses the example of a boy who wants to waste and destroy but cannot do this
because he cannot justify it in utilitarian terms and is unaware that others also have this interest. The
father of the boy is partly responsible for repressing the boy's desire to waste and destroy through
things he provides for him: a home, clothes food and partial recreation. This does not actually satisfy
what the son's desires are as there is something fundamental within the character of the son. Bataille
is trying to demonstrate how in society, the father is like production, which provides us with the
basic components of living but not what we really need and how this excess desire the boy has,
needs to be satisfied. Rules and
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Enhancing Productivity in the Australian Hotel Industry:...
Nankervis, A. R., (1993). Enhancing Productivity in the Australian Hotel Industry: The Role of
Human Resource Management, Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 1(1), 17–
39. Enhancing Productivity in the Australian Hotel Industry: The Role of Human Resource
Management Alan R. Nankervis Abstract The Australian hotel industry is at the crossroads. As part
of the tourism strategy of the present Federal Government, it is charged with catapulting Australia
out of its economic malaise. The industry is, however, constrained in its development by market
fluctuations, an oversupply of accommodation and outdated human resource management practices.
Several recent research studies have underlined the significant ... Show more content on ...
This paper, aiming to contribute to the debate on quality assurance in the Australian hotel industry,
focuses on the crucial components of effective human resource management programmes in
resolving and value–adding service, productivity and profitability in this industry. Considerable
problems currently exist. However, substantial opportunities are also available to hotel managers,
supervisors and human resource specialists to ensure effectiveness, cost–effectiveness and global
competitiveness within this crucial industry sector.
Industry Characteristics Nils Timo (Timo, 1992) observes that the Australian hotel industry is
characterised by ... gendered labour markets, a relatively young transient workforce, a culture of
casualisation, seasonability, and the development of internal labour markets." Not an ideal scenario
for a burgeoning and crucial economic sector! The recent Australian Workplace Industrial Relations
Survey (AWIRS) (Callus, 1991) confirms some, but not all, of these assumptions. Gendered Labour
Markets On the issue of "gendered" labour markets, AWIRS found that some 56% of employees in
the "recreation, personal services and others" category are female, comparable to the proportions
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An Argument Against An Unjust Dismissal Essay
Introduction The notion of employers not having to defend against an unjust dismissal has come
under assault in public debate. The court system in New Zealand (NZ) yet fully upholds the right of
employees to seek justice against an unjustified dismissal by an employer. However, this essay
acclaims that 'all employers in NZ should have the right to fire without having to defend against an
unjust dismissal', as the benefits of employment at will outweighs the costs. This counter argument
is support by empirical research on the exemptions under the proposed doctrine, the mutual benefit
it brings employees and employers, the interpretations of the law by the courts, and the evident lack
of support for the current system implemented within New Zealand. Despite the emotional appeal of
employees allegedly abusing employees, there are compelling reasons to settle employment at will
within NZ. For most of NZs laws, there is less freedom of an employer to dismiss an employee on
grounds they seem are fair. The law can be very ambiguous, because ultimately the decision is not
based on the face value of the law, but rather the interpretation and implication by the courts.
Definition of Unjust Dismissal An unjust dismissal is defined as the removal of an employee
without a fair and genuine reason. Under NZ legislation, it is recognized as an act where an
employee finds themselves "removed" unfairly. It is also known as a wrongful dismissal where there
is a breach of agreement, and
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Is Credit Addiction Back?
US Consumers: Is Credit Addiction Back? The onset of summer tends to bring a lull in excitement
in financial markets. The media is consequently forced to exaggerate the importance of economic
releases over this seemingly mundane period. This year has proven to be no exception. The
Financial Times recently reported that US consumer credit growth had surged by $18bn in the three
months to June, thereby provoking fears that banks were being reckless and consumers were taking
too much debt in a slow economy. These fears constitute a major departure from the worries that
prevailed during the financial crisis, when many commentators were forecasting years of household
deleveraging. Balance sheet adjustment in the sector would, therefore, act as ... Show more content
on ...
Non–revolving consumer credit growth slowed significantly in June, while the expansion in the
revolving category has continued its deceleration since the beginning of the year. The slower growth
in non–revolving credit in June would be consistent with the rolling over, albeit at a high level, of
auto and light truck sales in recent months. There was, however, a sharp rebound in sales in July to
its highest level this year, implying that June's sluggishness in the non–revolving credit could be
short–lived. US Households Are Not Homogenous The Financial Times article seemed to imply that
all segments of the US household sector have been on an irresponsible borrowing binge which could
come back to haunt the economy. The reality is, as usual, much more complex: US households are
not homogenous. Aggregate household net worth stood at $88 trillion in 2016 Q1, having recovered
from a Great Recession nadir of $55 trillion, according to the Fed's Flow of Funds publication. The
bulk of the recovery has been driven by a $7 trillion rise in the equity value of owner–occupied real
estate and a $9 trillion increase in the value of direct equity holdings. Meanwhile, indirect holdings
of financial assets via pension reserves and insurance policies have increased by $17 trillion from
their 2008 lows. The distribution of the aggregate rise in US household net worth has, however,
been uneven. Firstly, the recovery in house
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Gender Roles And Gender Inequality
and girls when women already earn less than men in economic spheres ("Fact Sheet", 2010). The
underlying gender roles and gender inequality that persists in South Africa help not only to explain
their unbelievably difficult daily burdens but it also aids in the understanding of the lack of
economic and political representation of women in the region (Bentley, 2004).
Within South Africa there is a significant gap in the lack of opportunity and representation of
women within the economic and political sphere, which directly correlates to their poverty. Often
times the universal equality and importance of all members of society is not often respected, this is
evident in the histories and devastations of apartheid in South Africa, but also in ... Show more
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The economic and political empowerment of women not only would improve the lives of women,
but of the children that depend on them and the direct and extended family members that rely on the
help of women, in which the HIV/AIDS epidemic has heightened (Schreiner, Mohapi & Koppen,
2004). Females are more likely than men to live in households below the poverty line, lack the
economic and political power to improve their status due to their underrepresentation, and thus lack
the ability and clout to influence policy in ways that can bring social services or developmental
status to women in need. Advocating for the educational and political achievement of women leads
other young girls to see this and strive to be successful, breaking the cycle of disenfranchised
women. Women in leadership can also help to promote and create opportunities for other women,
and may also help to engage in policy–making that will be more effective because they bring a
greater level of understanding to the issues at hand. For example, a recent effort in South Africa to
expand the development of female lawmakers "helped advance legislation promoting gender
equality such as providing equal land rights to women and ensuring reproductive rights" (Diop,
2015). Increasing the educational achievement of women within South Africa could
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The Importance Of Wealth In The Life Of The Society
Wealth is freedom to do as one wishes, without being tied to owing all their life, the idea of having
carefree life of pleasure and fame. It is the admiration, regardless of the flaws that one might have, it
is an illusion. The idea of riches, is the artificially created concept of happiness, that drives people to
being more productive and useful as the members of the society.
The works that have inadvertently interconnected is their themes are happiness, psychology,
productive labour and freedom verses slavery. As what psychologically drives people to work harder
and better, as nothing else, is the unconscious desire to be a freer man. The best way to motivate
people, is giving them loan, that would provide the life they want, but at the same time restrict their
freedom to the extent, where they have no other choice but to contribute to the society, pay taxes and
work. Observationally, it is evident, that people are psychological slaves to their desires, and exactly
this desire, to have more than one needs, or to be someone that one is not, such as admiration for the
rich and famous, is easily manipulated by big corporations today.
Although Smith claims that the money do not carry value, when they are not used to purchase
anything, and of course could end up losing its value, but what it gives–is the security, as the goods
do not always give the freedom and security, as they do not guarantee the freedom, but the purchase
of those goods, is what secures the position of
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New Liberalism Essay
New Liberalism
Old liberalism, otherwise know as classical or Gladstonian liberalism was centred around the
fundamental rights of the individual. It was an ideology that the state should have little to no
intervention in people's lives and in the economy. It relied heavily upon the notion of laissez faire,
and the Victorian mindset of self–help. Thrift was one of these ideas. It was the theory that any
family could support itself if that income was managed wisely, and a pension could be saved for.
The key pillars of old liberalism was low taxes and low state intervention. This was because they
believed that the people should be able to spend their money as they wised, and not be forced to
send it ... Show more content on ...
Towards the end of the century this was coming into question. Other European nations were
industrialising and eating into Britain's profits. There was a thought among the British public that as
long as the economy was growing, eventually prosperity would filter down to the lower classes. But
as the economy began to shrink, according to Lee it "eroded the attractions of industrial growth as a
panacea for society's ills." Victorian notions were rapidly becoming out of date and viewed as
wrong, not only economically, but morally as well. In London and York, studies showed that a third
of people lived in poverty as a direct result of simply not having a large enough income to cover
their basic needs, while thousands more lived in poverty due to inadequate education to manage
there finances. Laissez faire was being proven to be out dated in Birmingham where the
conservative mayor Joseph Chamberlain had shown that local government taking control for and
organised public amenities and facilities could benefit the community as a whole. Not only did this
destroy laissez faire, but also it was an attack by the Tories on Liberal values. In the 1880's socialism
was starting to gain ground as the lower classes saw that their situation was not increases, and at the
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Unemployment and Its Effect on the Economy and Society
Unemployment is an ongoing problem throughout the world. One may asked, what is
unemployment? It is the number of persons who are willing and able to work but are unable to find
jobs. Unemployment is harmful to a country because it imposes costs on a Society. The cost of
employment to a nation can be categorised under three heading, namely · The Social Cost · The
Cost to the Exchequer · The Economic Cost The Social Cost of Unemployment The social cost of
involuntary unemployment is incalculable. For an individual, the demoralising effect that it can have
clearly depends upon whether the period of unemployment is short term or long term. Short term
unemployment may have no serious effect on an individual whilst long term unemployment can ...
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This means that society has experienced a lower standard of living than would have been possible
without rising level of unemployment. The loss of potential output resulting from involuntary
unemployment is clearly a serious matter for an economy. Resources which are willing and able to
work in order to raise the rate of output and to boost living standards are failing to be employed.
This is a true waste of resources. It is not so clear, however, whether the loss of potential output
through voluntary unemployment is so serious. It may simple mean that be that more people are
taking advantage of higher social security benefits to spend more time searching for suitable jobs.
There are numerous causes to the problem of unemployment which may vary from country to
country. Amongst them are Natural unemployment The level of natural unemployment can be
defined as the number of persons who are employed even when the labour market is in long–run
equilibrium that is when the total demand for labour is equal to the supply of labour at the prevailing
level of real wage rates. In this situation, people may be unemployed because: · they are between
jobs and are taking time to search for the most appropriate job with the highest wage(search
unemployment) · the industry in which they have traditionally worked have experienced a structural
decline or has been influenced by technological advances (structural unemployment) · there has
been a seasonal
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Labour Force In Canada
The term labour force "consists of persons who contribute or are available to contribute to the
production of goods and services falling within the System of National Accounts production
boundary" (Statistics Canada, 2017). According to Canada's first decennial census, the work force
was meant to include anyone stating an occupation. However, with increasing industrialization and
urbanization, "census officials soon accepted the growing myth of one–dimensional, cash–based
economy by further defining occupation as the position in which the enumerated was 'gainfully
employed,' which the 1901 census identified as 'those paid salary or wages or other money
allowances'" (MacDonald, 2010, p. 390). This paper will explore the concept of labour data ... Show
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Approaching this data otherwise leaves us with the impression that both women and Black workers
did not, and do not, contribute to the Canadian workforce in a meaningful way. In both cases, the
numbers depict that white men hold the majority of jobs in which they are the highest salary earners
(Fearon & Wald 2011, p. 330; MacDonald, 2010, p. 390). Thus, reading these statistics without
being critical of the structures they stand upon only proves that white men have made greater
contributions to the Canadian labour market, and thus perpetuating the power of data. Therefore,
based on the authors' findings, it must be concluded that much like the power of data, statistical
manipulation essentially distorts the truth and exaggerates statistics way out of proportion to suit a
certain agenda. For instance, the way that the wage gap has been similarly evaluated upholds the
conviction that women and Black workers do not work as hard as white men do or are unproductive,
and therefore they are assumed to be either lazy or incompetent. For example, the total number of
women religious in Canada seems grossly under–reported in every census year, and yet it is carried
into published research, thus skewing data, which results in a significant portion of women religious
assumed to have been unproductive
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Disadvantages Of Corruption
In this essay, I argue that high levels of corruption lead to low levels of investments in the country
which further lead to a crippled GDP overtime. Corruption also lead to reduced government fiscal
funding by investors (lenders) and may result in increased taxes which may result in country
instability overtime.
I begin by providing the context of a country's economy as it relates to government and firm's roles
in developing a country and its economy. I then provide examples of countries (Brazil and South
Africa) which have been plagued by corruption and I also discuss the major economic problems
they have experienced in recent years as a result of corruption. I ... Show more content on ...
Government budget deficit is a result of government spending more that it collects in taxes. One
factor is that, it is probable that Brazil government was unable to collect enough taxes because firms
are not as productive as they should be and that the high level of unemployment causes the
government to collect even less taxes from the employed population. The second factor is this, it is
probable that firms have lost confidence in the government's trust and transparency and they (firms)
do not invest as much as they should to be more productive and hire more people.
Furthermore, the Brazil political environment led to instability in the country and during that period,
it is almost impossible for Brazil's economy to be as productive as it should be because of mass
protests, mass stay away from work and firm investment protests.
The Brazil economy, has unfortunately taken a huge knock. Since 2015, Brazil's has been in
recession and it is struggling to recover
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Is Credit Card Addiction Back?
US Consumers: Is Credit Card Addiction Back? The onset of summer tends to bring a lull in
excitement levels in financial markets. The media is consequently forced to exaggerate the
importance of economic releases over this seemingly mundane period, and this year has proven to
be no exception. The Financial Times recently reported that US consumer credit had surged by
$18bn in the three months to June, thereby provoking fears that banks were being reckless and
consumers were taking on too much debt in a slow economy. These fears constitute a major
departure from the worries that prevailed during the financial crisis, when many commentators were
forecasting years of household deleveraging. Balance sheet adjustment in the sector would, ... Show
more content on ...
Non–revolving consumer credit growth slowed significantly in June, while the expansion in the
revolving category continued its deceleration evident since the beginning of the year. Slower non–
revolving growth would be consistent with the rolling over, albeit at a high level, of auto and light
truck sales in Q2. There was, however, a sharp sales rebound in July to its highest level this year,
implying that June's sluggishness in the non–revolving category could be short–lived. Meanwhile,
some commentators are worried about the recent rise in credit card issuance for people with low
credit scores. Delinquent credit card balances are, however, running at their lowest levels since
records began in 2003, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. US Households
Enjoyed Differing Balance Sheet Repair The Financial Times article seemed to imply that all
segments of the US household sector have been on an irresponsible borrowing binge which could
come back to haunt the economy. As usual, however, the reality is much more complex: US
households are not homogenous. Aggregate household net worth stood at $88 trillion in 2016 Q1,
having recovered from a Great Recession nadir of $55 trillion, according to the Fed's Flow of Funds
publication. Part of the increase was driven by a $7 trillion rise in the equity value of owner–
occupied real estate, and a $9 trillion surge in direct equity holdings.
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Adam Smith Research Paper
Adam Smith is considered as one of the most influential economists in the 18th century. Although
his theories have been criticized by several socialist economists, however, his idea of capitalism still
has great impact to the rest of the economists during classical, neo classical periods and the structure
of today's economy. Even the former Prime Minister of Britain, Margaret Thatcher had praised on
Smith's contribution on today's capitalism market. She commented "Adam Smith, in fact, heralded
the end of the strait–jacket of feudalism and released all the innate energy of private initiative and
enterprise which enable wealth to be created on a scale never before contemplated" (Copley and
Sutherland 1995, 2). Smith is also being recognized ... Show more content on ...
Smith believed that societies were being motivated by passions and self–interest. Therefore, motive
of morality came in to explain what is backing up the passion of human beings. The essential
components of passion are self–interest and reasons. Self–interest indicated the goal of an individual
wanted to achieve in a certain period of time and the reason gives explanation why this individual
wanted to achieve this goal in that period of time. With these two components, Smith was able to
conclude that the behaviors of individuals are motivated by reasoning. Also because of human
beings are always looking for better living standard, therefore, he explained that the motive of
morality is one of the keys to improve our society.
The "theory of moral sentiment" did not only explain how human behaviors are modified by
sympathy, but in addition, the theory supported Smith's view on what policies should be adopted
based on these theories. Laissez–faire was the early form of attitudes that Smiths and some of
economists pursued in Europe during 18th century. It suggested that government should reduce their
intervention on import and export regulation, such as imposing taxes and tariffs on these
transactions on private parties. In addition, governments should advocate perfect competition in the
nation in order to maximize economic growth. The Theory of Moral Sentiment has properly backed
Lassies–faire up and clarified why human beings can regulated themselves in an
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The Natural And Physical Inequality
Unavoidably, every person enters the world with a unique set of talents, dispositions and attributes
which lead him or her to perform better or worse than another person in certain realms. Rousseau
calls this natural or physical inequality: one may be stronger, quicker or smarter than another, and as
such able to complete more tasks than another. Rousseau argues that none of this matters in the state
of nature because, similar to animals, mankind concerns itself with self–preservation. Family bonds,
or any other sort of organization of a group of people, do not exist in this state. The complete self–
sufficiency of each person means nobody needs to exercise control or domination of any sort over
any other person to survive or enjoy a more luxurious lifestyle. "I see him satisfying his hunger
under an oak tree, quenching his thirst at the first stream, finding his bed at the foot of the same tree
that supplied his meal; and thus all his needs are satisfied" (Rousseau 47). Perhaps one more adept
at finding food, whether by speed or size, will more easily satisfy his hunger and have more time to
rest at the foot of the tree or to enjoy relations with those passing by. While this does provide an
advantage, every person effectively lives the same sort of life, free of dominion of any sort.
Similarly, Smith writes that talents of men differ on the basis of the realm they most naturally aspire
to. While one man may inevitably be stronger than a second, the same second may
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Adam Smith And Karl Marx 's Views On The Deregulation Of...
ECON1401 Written Assignment 2:
Adam Smith and Karl Marx's Views on the Deregulation of University Fees
The Abbott government's recent proposal for deregulation of university fees in Australia has brought
about much controversial debate. Under current policy, university fees are set at a fixed rate, in
which a price ceiling is placed on the amount universities can charge students and with no interest
on student loans. The new proposal to deregulate these fees eliminates the price ceiling and gives
universities the freedom to set tuition fees at any level they see fit. This holds two possible
implications: (1) this would increase competition between universities and drive fees down; or (2)
the freedom granted to universities ... Show more content on ...
Smith started a career as a lecturer at both Oxford University and the University of Glasgow. The
turning point of his life to revolutionary change was in 1764, when he became the tutor of a young
duke and travelled with him around Europe for more than two years. It was this trip that not only
gave him the opportunity to meet many other great thinkers, but it also provided him with enough
money to return home and focus on producing his most famous book, Wealth of Nations (1776) .
The value of Wealth of Nations did not lie on the presented ideas being original, but it rested on the
brilliant way in which Smith organized and fitted the different ideas from different thinkers into one
massive masterpiece – like a completed jigsaw puzzle, his work has been described as a
comprehensive landscape of economics . His work and contribution to the world of economics made
him the 'Father of Economics' and inspired many economists after him such as David Ricardo and
Thomas Malthus.
Essentially, Smith's arguments were focused on the rationale that individuals were all motivated by
self–gain and a desire for wealth. In other words, individuals will act or perform tasks for the
purposes of gaining a benefit or increasing his/her wealth. As quoted from Wealth of Nations, "it is
not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we can expect our dinner, but
from their regard to their own interest" . Smith argued that this sort of behaviour
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Pros And Cons Of Free Trade Essay
Pros and Cons of Free Trade I. Introduction Free trade, the ever present driving force behind our
national and world economy, is a trade policy embroiled in controversy. It is considered by most
economists to be an almost perfect trade policy, barring a few negative effects. Free trade has been
shown to increase production, output and income levels in an economy. However, there are many
people that view free trade as destroyer of economies and a catalyst of poverty. Critics of free trade
have pointed out that in the short–run, free trade causes a loss of jobs which in turn causes a rise in
poverty levels. It is interesting to note that the argument for free trade and the argument against free
trade are inverses of each other. Proponents of free trade see it as a tool to stimulate an economy
while detractors see it as a policy which exacerbates poverty, causes dependency and reduces
economic stability. In general, there is no consensus on free trade. Economists see free trade as the
devil that we know. While imperfect, it is the best we have to work with. Popular opinion sees free
trade as a cause of inequality. Even though it alleviates poverty and causes economic stimulation in
the long–run, it can cause the exact opposite in the short run. The pros and the cons of free trade
must then be weighed, which will then allow us to determine if free trade is truly a beneficial trade
policy. Therefore, this discussion will weigh the benefits and harms of free trade and will
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Different Levels Of Maslow 's Hierarchy Of Needs
8.) Two different levels of Maslow 's hierarchy of needs that can be satisfied at work are social
needs and esteem needs. Social needs, being trust, acceptance, friendship, and belonging, and
esteem needs, being respect and recognition of achievement. As social needs must first be met
before esteem needs, workplaces provide an element of trust that an individual will do a job,
acceptance into this trust and workplace, friendships with other staff members, and a sense of
belonging to a team and contributing to a similar goal. When this need is met, needs of esteem can
then be fulfilled as an individual will earn the respect fellow colleagues, and they will be rewarded
by management when they achieve their goals or meet their KPI 's.
11.) ... Show more content on ...
In addition, this will weed out those expecting to put in half effort and still get paid. This will help
me identify who my real sellers and pushers are based of off who is making the most. In turn, I can
manage and place my staff effectively so my operation is reaching max efficiency.
19.) Job rotation is the increasing of the flexibility of the workforce and the variety of work they do
by switching them from one job to another. Job enrichment is the organising of employees so they
are encouraged and allowed to utilize their full abilities not just physical effort. The shear difference
is job rotation is having employees do different jobs than the one they are trained to do, whereas, job
enrichment is encouraging employees by training them for different tasks or making their job better
by providing constant and relevant feedback.
21.) Two benefits of organising workers into teams are more accountability and a higher
productivity. If workers are organised into groups the will be dependent on each other for the
competion of the team 's task. If one worker is not up to par and is not completing his sub–tasks or is
lacking in an area, the rest of the team can encourage him and motivate him to complete his bit of
the greater task. As a result, this motivation will lead to a higher productivity, when team members
are motivating each other to complete the given task. In addition to this, the teams can complete for
who can produce the
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Aims and Development of the Penal System Within the Uk...
Discuss the aims and development of the penal system within the UK over the last 200 years. In this
essay I will be looking at the key developments of the British penal system since the early
nineteenth century. I will also discuss how the main objectives of the prison system have changed
over this period of time. The earliest origins of imprisonment was the use of holding defendants
prior to trial and dates back to the 9th century. This early form of incarceration was not designed as
a form of punishment, rather it was reserved for individuals unable to provide surety for loans or
behaviour. The majority of these individuals were held within country gaols, although there were
some purpose built gaols such as Tower and Fleet ... Show more content on ...
However the terms of the Act were often ignored and they only covered the main prisons and not the
smaller gaols or debtor's prisons (Todd, 2002, p.118). By now the number of prisoners was
increasing partly due to the decline in other forms of punishment, such as the stocks and branding,
which were now viewed as outdated. Nevertheless many people still believed that prison should be
concerned with punishment and deterrence, rather than the rehabilitation of criminals which was
viewed as costly (Todd, 2002, p.119). In 1842 Pentonville prison was built using the panopticon
design. This meant that each prisoner was now held in their own individual cell. Pentonville
operated on the ‘separate system' which involved almost total solitary confinement and elements
such as education and work were largely ignored
( Support for the separate system declined
in the second half of the 19th century and was gradually replaced by the ‘silent system'. The silent
system was introduced in 1865 and was originally used in America. Prisoners were still kept in
solitary confinement for the first nine months and in addition were also forced to do ‘hard labour'.
Hard labour consisted of pointless unproductive work designed to deter prisoners from re–offending.
One of the main
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Adam Smith Influence on Economic Theory Essay
Why is the work of Adam Smith considered so crucial in the development of economic thought?
Adam Smith is widely regarded as the father of economics as a social science, and is perhaps best
known for his work The Wealth of Nations. Throughout this work Smith states and informs towards
his belief that society is not at its most productive when ruled over by rules and limitations with
regards to trade, and that in order for markets to maximise prosperity, a free trade environment
should be made accessible. In this essay I intend to asses the way in which many of Smiths theories
taken directly form his works can be applied to past and current situations, first from an economic
then social, and then a political point of view. I will also ... Show more content on ...
The 'invisible hand' would have such an effect if every individual acts in order to maximise their
own prosperity, the prosperity of the community will, in turn, be maximised and become more
efficient. "This effect is very well exemplified in modern day terms by using a supermarket queuing
system as an example. Each customer getting in line selfishly chooses to maximize his own interest,
that is to check out in the shortest time, regardless of the other customers. Their utility maximizing
choice is to get in queue in the shortest line; this means that eventually customers queue up in lines
all of the same length. Therefore even without the slightest direction and by following only their
selfishness, the lines are all of the same length, which is clearly the most efficient disposition." This
theory has been crucial in the development of economic thought in that it is a statement which
reflected society in Smiths day, and is still so widely applicable in modern day society. From a
political point of view, Smith wrote that Government intervention should be kept to a minimum
within society. From a mercantilist point of view this was a terrible suggestion, however Smith
argued that government intervention in markets will cause a limitation in productivity, and therefore
not maximise efficiency. However if left alone as discussed in the previous paragraph, each party
will seek to maximise its own prosperity within the given constraints, in turn maximising the
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Objectives Of The Millennium Development Goals
The Millennium Development Goals are a blueprint that was agreed on by the nations of the world
to meet the needs of the world's poor and are to be achieved by 2015. They are to eliminate poverty
globally in all its forms. These goals are continually checked through their indicators that determine
how much progress has been made. Reports have been done to keep track of progress. The United
Nations partners with many agencies, governments, donors and regional commissions in the
achievement of the millennium development goals. These include the World Bank, Food and
Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Monetary fund, World Health Organization and
International Labour Organization among others.
This report analyses the ... Show more content on ...
However, 1.2 million people globally are still living in extreme poverty (UN, 2015) and the number
of people that are still suffering from hunger is still high. According to the UN, the proportion of
people who are undernourished has decreased from 23% in 1990–1992 to 15% in 2010–2012 (UN,
2015). South–Eastern Asia region has managed to meet the hunger reduction target ahead of 2015,
where the ratio of the undernourished people has decreased from 29.6% in 1990–1992 to 10.9% in
2010–2012 (UN, 2015). The World Bank is working together with the international community
towards ending poverty in countries and boost incomes for people. It has been promoting agriculture
and promoting resilience of communities against climate change (World Bank). The international
community together with the bank have worked together to provide pregnant women and children
with basic nutrition services. The International Development Association which is a World Bank's
fund for developing countries committed $22.2 billion in 2014 to promote the well being and
development of people and eliminate poverty. ( ).
Target 1B: achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and
young people.
There has been a reduction of workers who lived below $1.25 a day from 384 million in 2001 to 294
million in 2011 (UN, 2015). The gender gap in employment still persists; there is a 24.8%
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The Changing Role Of Prisons In The 18th Century
Between the late 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century, crime was generally perceived
as a rising lower–class problem which required brutal suppression. For this reason, the criminal
justice, particularly in the latter part of the 17th century, became more punitive and coercive:
corporal punishments such as flogging, mutilation and execution were increasingly used as
predominant sanctions (Braithwaite, 1993). These forms of punishments often took place in public,
as the main objective at the time was to put offenders into highly stigmatic shame through brutal
humiliation, degradation and out casting (Beattie, 1984). Prisons at the time were typically
characterised by no segregation of men from women, no classification of offenders, and no
segregation of tried and untried offenders (Muncie and McLaughlin). In the late 18th century, as
recorded by John Howard (penal reformer), the regimes implemented in prisons were such that
offenders were living in appalling conditions: indeed, Howard reported that prisons were poorly
ventilated and illuminated, and they were mostly characterised by lack of sanitation, washing
facilities and cleanliness. Nevertheless, throughout the 18th century, influential personalities such as
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It must be said, however, that although it reflected most of the ideas put forward by reformers,
Brebner's regime was innovative: indeed, unlike must prisons regimes which were characterised by
unproductive hard labour, Brebner's regime required that prisoners at Duke Street had to engage in
productive, constructive and paid labour. Put another way, the crank and treadmill, which were
common forms of unproductive labour, had no place in Brebner's regime (ElectricScotland,
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Where Is My Tax Gonig?
Now–a–days, taxes are on everyone 's mind almost 24–7 since they influence our daily lives. People
don't know much more about the taxation, like how taxation plays an important role in development
or why taxation is necessary. But with all these things we must to know where our tax is going, is it
using for the development and management or somewhere else. We must aware about our rights and
through Right to Information act, we can access every information of our tax system. First we have
to understand that what tax is. So, tax is a financial charge or other levy imposed upon a taxpayer
(an individual or legal entity) by a state or the functional equivalent of a state to fund various public
expenditures. Taxation ... Show more content on ...
On Good and Services – In this, tax is imposed upon goods and to every operation that creates value
in order to proportionate to their quantity or value, taxes like Value Added Tax(VAT),sales tax,
service tax and excises tax, etc.
Other taxes are payroll tax, consumption tax, toll tax, transportation tax, Pigovian tax, Direct tax and
Indirect tax.
The levying of taxes aims to raise revenue to fund governing and/or to alter prices in order to affect
demand. States and their functional equivalents throughout history have used money provided by
taxation to carry out many functions. Some of these include expenditures on economic infrastructure
(roads, public transportation, sanitation, legal systems, public safety, education, health–care
systems), military, scientific research, culture and the arts, public works, distribution, data collection
and dissemination, public insurance, and the operation of government itself. Governments also use
taxes to fund welfare and public services. These services can include education systems, pensions
for the elderly, unemployment benefits, and public transportation. Energy, water and waste
management systems are also common public utilities. A government 's ability to raise taxes is
called its fiscal capacity. Taxes are applied to fund foreign aid and military ventures, to influence the
macroeconomic performance of the economy (a government 's strategy for doing this is called its
fiscal policy; see also tax exemption), or to modify
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The Paradox of Rich-to-Poor Capital Flow Essay
According to the Solow Growth Model, all countries will eventually converge to their long run
steady state. If we consider the usual assumptions, of countries producing the same goods with the
same constant returns to scale production technology, using (homogenous) capital and labour as
factors of production, differences in income per capita income will reflect differences in per capita
capital. Therefore, essentially if capital is allowed to flow freely, new investments should occur only
in the poorer economy. However this is certainly not the case in reality. Most of the net capital flow
in the past four decades has been north–to–north (rich countries investing in other rich countries),
rather than north–south (rich economies investing ... Show more content on ...
Eaton et al.'s Pure Theory of Country Risk(1987)was published before Lucas published his paper
outlining the famous Lucas Paradox(1990), and in their analysis, they claim that the reason for the
lack of capital flows from north to south, or from rich to poor countries is the failure of the capital
market. Lucas, on the other hand stresses more on the view that the main explaination for the Lucas
Paradox is that capital, and most importantly human capital, is far less productive in poorer
countries. Lucas suggests adding human capital as an extra variable will remove the paradox, and
essentially, in order to improve capital flows from the rich to the poor, countries must concentrate on
improving the quality of their human capital in particular, and generally capital and labour
productivity. The alternative position, stresses that factors such as asymmetric information,
unenforceable property rights sovereign risk are the reason behind the paradox.
According to Lucas, capital imperfections do not explain the lack of flow from rich to poor
countries very well. An example he cites is that of world before 1945. Much of what is now the third
world was under colonial rule at the time, and therefore subject to European legal arrangements.
Investors in developed countries, such as the UK,
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Construction Productivity And Construction Of Construction...
Construction Productivity in a Project Introduction Road projects are one of the key areas of
construction engineering; it is essential to understand the main processes involved in such a project,
the type of work force involved and machinery in order to achieve the maximum productivity in the
projects. This project paper aims at describing the problems that lower productivity rates in the
construction process and how to eradicate the future challenges in order to improve productivity.
Road construction equipment The equipment used in road construction projects play a fundamental
role in ensuring productivity; they vary depending on if the project is a new road, minor road repairs
or re–carpeting (Peyret 447–461).The most commonly used ... Show more content on ...
Crawler excavator They are heavy construction equipment that excavates the land and rocks and
loads them into dump trucks. They consist of a bucket, cab, and a boom that is paced above an
undercarriage with tracks and wheels. It is able to do a variety of work by interchanging the front
attachment. Truck cane– They are mounted at the back of a lorry so as to assist in lifting
requirements in a construction site. They have a lifting component and a carrier which are joined
through a turntable which allows the lifting elements to swing from one side to another. Wheel
loader It is a type of tractor that is used to move a load of materials from the ground to and then
loads it onto a dump truck or into an open pit. Forklift truck– it a powered industrial equipment with
a prolonged attached platform that can be adjusted to pick an object below or on the ground. It was
first used to move objects in industries. Choice of equipment and rate of standard production Most
of the construction equipment is used to do repetitive operations; they are classified into two basic
operations, haulers and operators. It is very vital to select equipment with the proper characteristics
and the size suited for the operation. Factors that most affect the selection of the best equipment are;
Availability of equipment– affects job productivity; the productivity of excavating will reduce if the
equipment available
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Economic Growth and Development
{draw:frame} Introduction The world has been divided into developing, under–developed and
developed countries. And the race has been always to move from under–developed to developed
counties. But the confusion lies herein in this process of movement from the under–
developed/developing countries to developed countries. When should a country consider itself to be
moving in the right direction i.e. towards its goal of being a developed country? Surveys are made
and reports being churned out that state the economic growth of a nation. Does the rate of this
economic growth a true indicator in this regard? If that is true why is it then that even in the 21st
century decades after the industrialization and years after globalization the ... Show more content on ...
The US became economically prosperous due to laissez faire, while Japan came to economic–
growth race later. It followed the policy of imitating foreign technologies and protecting domestic
industries from imports and developing tremendous expertise in manufacturing and electronics. The
four wheels of growth Even though the paths of growth had been different for these countries they
share certain common traits and they are even at work in developing countries like China and India.
Economists have found the engine of economic progress must ride on the same four wheels no
matter how rich or poor the country is. These four wheels or factors of growth are: Human resources
(labour supply, education, discipline, motivation) Natural resources (land, minerals, fuels,
environmental quality) Capital formation (machines, factories, roads) Technology (science,
engineering, management, entrepreneurship) The relationship between these factors and economic
growth can be sum up as Q=AF (K, L, R) where, Q= output, K= productive series of capital, L=
labour inputs, R= natural resource inputs, A= represents the level of technology in the economy, F=
production function. Human resources: Labour inputs consist of quantity of workers and the skills of
the workforce. Capital goods of a country can be effectively used
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What Are The Causes Of Inequality
To understand the causes of inequality one must first know what inequality is. Inequality is the
extent to which income is distributed unevenly in a group of people. It is the disproportionate
ownership of resources between different sections of the society. Inequality is typically thought of as
differences between individuals within a population, normally a country, though it can also be
considered for smaller or larger populations. Thus it is important to consider inequality between
groups of people, including global inequality between countries, inequality between regions or
communities within a country, and inequality between groups of individuals or households classified
according to various criteria (for example gender, class). Inequality ... Show more content on ...
For unskilled workers, computers and machinery perform a lot of tasks these workers used to be do.
In many jobs, such as packaging and manufacturing, machinery works even more effectively and
efficiently. Hence, jobs involving repetitive tasks have largely been eliminated. Skilled workers are
not immune to the nightmare of losing jobs. The rapid development in artificial intelligence may
ultimately allow computers and robots to perform knowledge–based jobs. The impact of increasing
unemployment is stagnant or decreasing wages for most workers, as there is a low demand for but
high supply of labour. A small portion of society, usually the owners of capital, controls an ever–
increasing fraction of the economy. The income gap between workers who earn by their skills and
owners who earn by investing in capital has widened. Although both skilled and unskilled workers
are adversely affected by the technological advance, it seems unskilled workers are subject to worse
outcomes. This is because the labour market may still need skilled workers to use computers and
operate the advanced machines. The rightward shift in the demand for skilled labour creates an
increase in the relative wages of the skilled compared to the unskilled workers. Hence, the income
gap among workers also has
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The Harmful Effects Of Child Labour
Child labour has many repercussions for the children, for their families and for the society as a
whole. The harmful effects of child labour can be seen in inadequate physical development, various
illnesses and deformities, damage to their central nervous system, impoverishment of their mental
faculties and indulgence in immoral acts. Family of the working child suffers the economic loss in
the long run and loses social bonds and ties within family which may ultimately lead to family
disorganisation. This survey focuses upon some specific dimensions of child labour like wages and
hours of work of the child labourers in Agra district of the U.P. state of India. Total 500 child
workers were chosen as respondents and Interview ... Show more content on ...
The incidence of earning money from childhood generates a feeling of independence among
children due to which they like to behave freely and promiscuously and do not like to be subjected
to control and discipline by other family members and are seen in many cases, even before marriage
indulging in sexual acts. Thus the family not only suffers the economic loss in the long run but also
becomes subjected to lose social bonds and ties within the family, and at times, even family
disorganisation occurs. This survey study empirically investigates into dimensions of wage and
working hours of child workers in Agra, U.P., India.
Khandekar and Naik (1972) observed that since the early years are meant to equip oneself with
knowledge, techniques and skills for one's different adult roles in the society, having to take up a job
at a young age to earn a living, is bound to affect the very process of growing up. Chakraborty
(1991) found that wage rate of child labourers was nearly 69.43 percent and 64.48 percent of adult
male wage rate in 1984–85 and 1986–87 respectively. But the man days of employment for adult
males in agriculture and all other occupations were 242 and 257 and for children there were 307 and
315 respectively in 1984 and 1987. He has advanced the argument that child agricultural labourers
although they constitute a very small percentage of total agricultural labourers (6.17
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Benefits And Benefits Of Working Flexibility
Today 's organizations as often as need to deal with the ever changing client needs and wants, the
competition within niche markets as well as the rapid improvement of technology. Organisations
therefore need to execute flexibility in the workplace as it is a basic element to overall workplace
effectiveness. Flexibility is a methodology use to state when and how work is conducted as well as
how vocation are organized. Pilbeam and Corbridge (2002), describe flexibility at workplace as 'the
capacity of an organization to adjust the size, structure, responsiveness and expenses of the people
inputs required to accomplish objectives and goals of the organization'. Working flexibility is about
how flexible work is organized in the workplace so that the organizations and employees benefits.
Workplace flexibility can be regarded as 'the capacity of employees to make decisions influencing
when, where and for how long they engage in work' (Jeffrey, 2008). Flexible working is a kind of
working arrangement which gives a level of flexibility on how long, when, where as well as at what
times employees work. Employees access flexible working through HR arrangements, which as a
rule require supervisory approval. The changing environment of work is making new difficulties and
opportunities that organizations can only meet with the sort of alacrity that flexible working
arrangements provide. Therefore, implement a workplace flexibility strategy is a fundamental part
for any organisations,
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Tax Assessment And Its Effects On Today 's Taxation Policy...
Tax assessment has always been a hotly debated issue in economic. We all know that it costs a lot to
run a household. In the same sense, it costs a lot of money for a government to run a country. This is
why taxation is necessary. Through taxation, a government can compensate their spending and fund
the social services that benefit most of the society. High tax can compensate the government
spending while may curb investment. A question always being raised is that how to impose an
appropriate and efficient tax without harming our economy and what subjects are best to be taxed.
We can find the answer from the analyses on different approaches to taxation by Adam Smith and
David Ricardo throwback a century ago. Their analyses still have a far–reaching impact on today's
taxation policy. Adam Smith discusses different strategies for levying a tax in his book "Wealth of
Nations". Smith calls attention to that the state can raise money through five different channels:
taxes on the rent of land, taxes upon the rent of the house, taxes upon profit, taxes upon the wages of
labour and taxes upon consumable commodities. One way for Smith to evaluate those five different
taxation channels is that whether they satisfy the four basic maxims for taxation he made. For a tax
to be considered good and efficient, it needs to meet the following four basic principles raised by
"I. The subjects of every state outhg to contribute towards the support of the government, as
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Youth Unemployment in Nigeria
Youth unemployment in Nigeria has eaten deep into the agile and intelligent youths who despite the
lack of jobs cannot do without activities. ... Show more content on ...
This effect trickle down to the woman in the village, whom all she had known to do all her life is to
combine many things together at the same time, like carrying a breastfeeding baby on her laps, using
one hand to blow the fire she created with woods which she is using to cook for her family, using
the other hand to stir the cassava flour on fire, and at the same time, weaving a basket at intervals.
She has it in mind to sell the basket in the market on the next market day. How pathetic it will be for
her to go through all that stress, and at the end of the day she loses the profits to a hooligan who was
actually turned a hooligan by the youth unemployment crisis. At the other extreme, a rich man in the
city gets a large amount of money from a contract and could not deposit it in the bank that day
because the money came late and banks had closed for the day. He prayerfully takes the money
home to deposit it first thing the following morning. That same night, "Mr. Smart Guy" comes with
a "team" of others to rob the rich man of his money. At the same time, in between the two extremes,
lies the average civil servant who stays at home one evening with his family watching a family
programme on TV. The entire neighbourhood was actually dark due to power outage. The family
only had an exclusive interest in the programme and managed to put on their generating set in order
not to miss the program. This was around 8.00pm.
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Modernization Of A Poor Communist Country
Introduction China's thirty year run of almost 10% GDP growth is legendary and there are many
reasons for this phenomenal growth. The journey of a poor communist country of the 1950s to a
world economic superpower today reads like a novel comprised of economic plots and sub–plots
along the way. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the country started
on the path to industrialisation in earnest. The hallmarks of industrialization were the consolidation
of socialist governance and increased control over the domestic migration of labour, which paved
the way for the administration of the planned economy. This dramatic system of economic reform
has benefited China in many ways. However, there are still a number of issues which the country
needs to address if it wants to maintain long–term economic stability. 1952 to 1978 In the 1950s
China had a meagre national growth rate of 3%. To speed up the industrialization process the
government increased investment in heavy industries such as steel, concrete and heavy machinery.
The growth that happened during this period was more a result of increase in physical and human
capital than an increase in productive efficiency. The production activities of State enterprises were
determined according to the government plan rather than market signals. The State enterprises were
inefficient, employed redundant workers (as mandated by the socialist state system), and there was
little market demand for the
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Theoretical Review On Performance Management
This chapter examines the relevant literature to this study. It evaluates the idea of performance
management and how its role on the production of employees and the performance of the
2.2 Theoretical Review
2.2.1 Institutional Theory
Institutional theory refers to a form of policy that is created with an emphasis on the legal and
regulatory framework of government structures (Kraft, 2007). It is a widely adopted theoretical
standing that puts emphasis on reasonable myths and legitimacy (Scott, 2008). Institutional theory is
made up of two dominant trends; Old institutionalism and new institutionalism. New
institutionalism rejects the rational models behind historical economics, instead seeking cultural and
cognitive interpretations ... Show more content on ...
Instead, the optimal course of action is a factor of the internal and external situation. Gareth Morgan
in his book "Images of Organization", describes Organizations as open systems that need careful
management to satisfy and balance internal needs and to adapt to environmental circumstances.
Gareth further states that, there doesn't exist one single best way of organizing tasks in an institution.
The appropriate technique purely depends on sort of task at hand or the prevalent environment.
Gareth emphasizes that Management must be concerned, above all else, with achieving alignments
and good fits. Some important contingencies for management include; Technology, suppliers and
distributors, consumer and interest groups, customers and competitors, governments and labour
unions. Other situational or contingency factors are 'changes in customer demand for goods and
services, change in government policy or law, change in environment or climate change, and so
forth (Heinz, 2012). The theory provides for leaders who are able to meet the changing needs of the
environment as they
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The Deployment Of Automation For An Automated Warehouse
Executive Summary The change from a manual warehouse to an automated warehouse is significant
and the impact of that change should never be under estimated. Even limited application of
automated technologies will have a dramatic effect on the processes used in the warehouse, the
management systems required to make it effective and on the people who have to adapt to accept its
use. The deployment of automation in warehouses, whether it is a fully integrated solution or an
enhancement to a manual technology, can bring competitive advantages to companies with benefits
in staffing, property or service. In staffing, we could have reduced costs, providing improved
ergonomics and an alternative to unproductive labor. Property includes saving on space, reduced
facility size and reduced costs. Service benefits include improved order accuracy, product security
and condition, and lead–times. Also, if a service provider like Amazon wants to launch its 'Prime'
services in a developing nation which hardly has any money for automation services, they would
find it very difficult to fulfil the customer requirements with their 2–day delivery system. This is
because of the drawback of having a manual warehousing. Speaking of manual warehousing, there
are numerous issues related to labor that a company might encounter in the long–run. Probably the
biggest driver is the ever increasing cost of labor. Wages are spiraling downwards due to the
financial crisis, but this may only be temporary.
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The Pre Industrial Working Class
In this present article I wish to consider a particular episode in the early contemporary activity of the
pre–industrial working–class, or at least a precise and common aspect of it: the quintessential
purposed land–riot. In modern divided economic conflict its role is now less decisively familiar –
for good practical reasons. For semi–feudal rural societies in past decades we can still observe the
logic being referred to. Chiefly among them the phenomenon of pulling down established / newly–
established dividing fences and burning hedgerows as a defeated act by already unresolved
working–class / peasant militancy. In formal results these are still relatively clear in general massed
terms: (i) mass–confrontation followed by (ii) mass–expulsion and (iii) mass–defeat, was, and
remains, the norm of implicit results. The hypothesis remains rightly justified in the case of the early
industrial land–action, if not exact. Yet the effective return of the 'land – question' to several
different sorts of conservative movements of agricultural labourers in several developing or even
well–advanced capitalist countries and with it the straightforward organising action – predominantly
accepted in Latin America, still moreso in Eastern Europe –, in recent years ensures the technique
deserves a degree of historical thought and comment. There exists today obviously some about
under–bearing for the interest; as has been qualified in other features as a debate. Such conjecture
rests on the
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Patriarchy And The Separation Of Public And Private Sphere
Women continue to be impacted by patriarchy and the separation of public and private sphere that
occurred in (enter date here). They face discrimination in their home from their association with
domestic labour. The social construction of gendered division of labour benefits men while
oppressing women. The purpose of this paper is to explore how the association of women with the
private sphere is created to oppresses and undervalue women. This paper agues that patriarchy
reproduces the oppression of women through the gendered division of labour. This sub–issues this
paper discusses are: (1) patriarchy and the reproduction of gendered division of labour, and (2) the
association of women with domestic labour. Patriarchy is a system and a structure of power that
creates privileges for men while oppressing women. It is a social system that we participate, both
consciously and unconsciously. It is embedded in major institutions, such as schools, workplaces,
homes, and media. The operating system also allows for individual man to victimize and commit
violence against individual woman (Neuenfeldt, 2015). In the home, patriarchy allows for husbands
to have dominance over his wife. The oppression that women face at home becomes a mediating
factor in women's performance outside the home (Omvedt, 1986). The concept of patriarchy comes
from the [something] Era, where the church had significant power in dictating the thoughts and
actions of its people. The church perpetuated the idea
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Compensation System Of Henderson Printing Company
Compensation system in Henderson printing company
One of the important aspects of business management is having a proper compensation system.
Compensation ensures that the staff of the company obtains the results of their efforts.
Compensation is a cost to the enterprise and, therefore, a proper remuneration model must
demonstrate its ability to produce returns. Also, since compensation is what the employees get in
exchange for their services, the type used must be one that will motivate the employees (Belcourt &
McBey, 2015). Henderson printing company is a mid–level company. Therefore, it requires a very
critical remuneration system that will help it to survive. This memo explores the compensation
models that Henderson printing operates as well as suggests the necessary changes.
Compensation systems that Henderson printing run
Henderson printing is a mid–level company. The company operates some compensation models for
its personnel. Through these models, the employees receive rewards for the labour they render to the
enterprise. Henderson printing pays its employees by giving them regular salaries for their services.
These are direct payments for the work they do in this company. Secondly, the employees are given
pay raises even though this depends on the employee's initiative to ask for a pay rise from the owner
(Davis, 2013). Lastly, the employees are also accorded some merit bonuses every Christmas time.
The merit bonuses are based on their contribution to
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Economic Models after World War II
A widespread view developed among economists and policymakers in the early post World War II
period Import substitution policies were popular amongst developing economies was that the best
way for these countries to develop more rapidly was to stimulate industrialisation by adopting
import–substitution policies. At the time, there seemed to be a number of good reasons for such an
approach. The policy makers of the newly independent nations were keenly aware not only that
most of the countries from whom they obtained independence had much higher per capita income
levels and were much more industrialised but that their former rulers had imposed economic policies
in the past which discouraged industrialisation within the new nations and industrialisation seemed
to offer the possibility of achieving faster growth, higher per capita income levels and the economic
and military power needed for national security. An economically sensible way of achieving
industrialisation seemed to be to restrict imports of manufactured goods for which there already was
a domestic demand in order both to shift this demand toward domestic producers and permit the use
of the country's primary– product export earnings to import the capital goods needed for
industrialisation. There also appeared to be a number of examples where high levels of import
protection contributed positively to industrialisation. Although Great Britain had adopted a policy of
free trade during its period of rapid growth in the
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Challenges Of HRM
1.1 Introduction to Total Quality Management
We all have experiences of poor quality service or product with business organizations. Experiences
like in fast food restaurant, burgers customers get are way more different they appeared in the
commercials, or encounter bad customer service when lodging an unhappy purchasing.
These poor services probably happened because employees are not well–trained with the problems
faced or they have do not seem to care attitude. Eventually, organizations will start to lost
reputations and affects its business.
Hence, in order to stay competitive in the market, organizations design guide lines to continuously
improve the quality level. These concepts are Total quality management. Meanwhile, as these TQM
are dealing with the processes of ... Show more content on ...
These improvements are made by identifying, remove bottlenecks and eliminate irrelevant work
practices. In order to achieve this, HR department needs to become empowered.
For an organization to make improvements, it must consider the external, as well as the internal and
relational–based views. TQM affects the process at all levels.
In terms of HRM, it impacts organization's culture; staffing and planning; staff training and policies
development and work practices.
3.2 One challenge face in term of HRM of the Reengineering
When an organization is reviewing the working process, one of the highlighted issues is there are
staffing. In term of the staff issue, it impact the organization overall performance. Therefore, HR
needs to plan on analysing and designing of jobs, hiring the best appropriate employees for the
position and managing staffs.
One challenges faced by the HRM face when plan is the trend of change in labour
... Get more on ...

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Agricultural Subsidies And Globalisation

  • 1. Agricultural Subsidies and Globalisation Agricultural Subsidies and Globalization This essay will discuss the effects that agricultural subsidies have on globalization. The main points that will be covered in regards to subsidies and their effects on worldwide productivity, poverty in undeveloped countries, the stance of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) and some discussion on implementation. First, it would be prudent to define some terms that will be used in this paper. Globalization is defined by Charles Hill as, "the shift toward a more integrated and interdependent world economy" and includes both the globalization of markets and production. (Hill, 2009, p.6) He goes on to define subsidies as the payments to a domestic producer ... Show more content on ... (Love & Lattimore, 2009, 71–74) With an increase in GDP, developing countries would be able to shift resources from a subsistence level of inputs into agriculture towards infrastructure and education. Agricultural producers in undeveloped countries currently use low technology and high labour methods. As the undeveloped countries are able to advance in technology and knowledge, they would be able to move their production possibilities toward meeting worldwide demands. Undeveloped countries typically are producing for their own survival and little for foreign export, as production becomes more efficient and surplus is gained, then farmers would be able to export the excess to the world market. Smith points to the case of African cotton and its US production to show where subsidies hurt both productivity and trade. The United States cotton producers are subsidized by the government and this has depressed the prices worldwide by approximately a quarter which costs West African countries $200 million in lost foreign exchange. Over 11 million people rely on cotton for their income but with US subsidies in place it reduces the price and therefore income received. If subsidies were removed, Africa could produce at two–thirds the ... Get more on ...
  • 2.
  • 3. The McGregor Theory Essay Introduction The onset of the industrial revolution in the late 19 century created a host of new challenges for the managers. Some of these challenges included the need to increase the workforce effectiveness. Therefore, early futurist suggested theories that they believe if applied would result in higher management efficiency. Such theory were based on the fundamental believe that employee should be actively supervised and monitored (Jone & George 2008). However, Douglas McGregor challenged this notion. Through his extensive work he established two theories, which defined the assumption held about employees' attitude towards work. These assumption automatically influenced workers productivity (Kopelman, Prottas, Davis 2008; Tatham, ... Show more content on ... As oppose to this assumption, McGregor believed that the general intention of most employees is to be more productive. This assumption commonly referred to as theory Y (human relation) contradicted theory Y notion that employees inherently hate working (McGregor 1960). Convectional view or what is referred to as theory X, underpinned the underlying assumptions that surrounded the scientific era which the management practices at the time was evolving from. Here, effective management included harnessing the power of the human labour to achieve organization effectiveness. The manager could achieve this through effectively; organizing all element of production. Such element included natural resources, machinery and equipment, money, people, among others. Very important to note, is that the process of managing people involved keenly directing and controlling their efforts and actions to suit the organizations needs (Jone & George 2008). According to this theory, failure to constantly intervene the function of the workers would result in undesirable outcome. This is because here the workers are viewed as indolent, irresponsible, un–ambitious and self–centred. This is nature might make them passive and at times resistance to any initiative directed towards achieving organizational goals (McGregor 1960). Therefore manager could adopt the use of rewards and punishment to model the appropriate ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Is Bataille 's Philosophy Something We Could Realistically... Is Bataille's philosophy something we could realistically live by? Critically discuss with reference to the concepts of unproductive expenditure and transgression. Bataille argues that in modern capitalist society, we are measured by our utility and production within this system. Material utility is restricted to production and to conserving goods whilst limited to reproduction and to the preservation of human life. As a result, we work within this framework where values, rules and laws have been created for us to work within, which, Bataille argues, restricts our liberty. Though utility is an apparent positive principle of capitalism, Bataille sees this as a principle of powerlessness and an incapability of being able to expend (Botting and Wilson, 1997, 192). He uses the example of a boy who wants to waste and destroy but cannot do this because he cannot justify it in utilitarian terms and is unaware that others also have this interest. The father of the boy is partly responsible for repressing the boy's desire to waste and destroy through things he provides for him: a home, clothes food and partial recreation. This does not actually satisfy what the son's desires are as there is something fundamental within the character of the son. Bataille is trying to demonstrate how in society, the father is like production, which provides us with the basic components of living but not what we really need and how this excess desire the boy has, needs to be satisfied. Rules and ... Get more on ...
  • 6.
  • 7. Enhancing Productivity in the Australian Hotel Industry:... Nankervis, A. R., (1993). Enhancing Productivity in the Australian Hotel Industry: The Role of Human Resource Management, Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, 1(1), 17– 39. Enhancing Productivity in the Australian Hotel Industry: The Role of Human Resource Management Alan R. Nankervis Abstract The Australian hotel industry is at the crossroads. As part of the tourism strategy of the present Federal Government, it is charged with catapulting Australia out of its economic malaise. The industry is, however, constrained in its development by market fluctuations, an oversupply of accommodation and outdated human resource management practices. Several recent research studies have underlined the significant ... Show more content on ... This paper, aiming to contribute to the debate on quality assurance in the Australian hotel industry, focuses on the crucial components of effective human resource management programmes in resolving and value–adding service, productivity and profitability in this industry. Considerable problems currently exist. However, substantial opportunities are also available to hotel managers, supervisors and human resource specialists to ensure effectiveness, cost–effectiveness and global competitiveness within this crucial industry sector. Industry Characteristics Nils Timo (Timo, 1992) observes that the Australian hotel industry is characterised by ... gendered labour markets, a relatively young transient workforce, a culture of casualisation, seasonability, and the development of internal labour markets." Not an ideal scenario for a burgeoning and crucial economic sector! The recent Australian Workplace Industrial Relations Survey (AWIRS) (Callus, 1991) confirms some, but not all, of these assumptions. Gendered Labour Markets On the issue of "gendered" labour markets, AWIRS found that some 56% of employees in the "recreation, personal services and others" category are female, comparable to the proportions indicated ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. An Argument Against An Unjust Dismissal Essay Introduction The notion of employers not having to defend against an unjust dismissal has come under assault in public debate. The court system in New Zealand (NZ) yet fully upholds the right of employees to seek justice against an unjustified dismissal by an employer. However, this essay acclaims that 'all employers in NZ should have the right to fire without having to defend against an unjust dismissal', as the benefits of employment at will outweighs the costs. This counter argument is support by empirical research on the exemptions under the proposed doctrine, the mutual benefit it brings employees and employers, the interpretations of the law by the courts, and the evident lack of support for the current system implemented within New Zealand. Despite the emotional appeal of employees allegedly abusing employees, there are compelling reasons to settle employment at will within NZ. For most of NZs laws, there is less freedom of an employer to dismiss an employee on grounds they seem are fair. The law can be very ambiguous, because ultimately the decision is not based on the face value of the law, but rather the interpretation and implication by the courts. Definition of Unjust Dismissal An unjust dismissal is defined as the removal of an employee without a fair and genuine reason. Under NZ legislation, it is recognized as an act where an employee finds themselves "removed" unfairly. It is also known as a wrongful dismissal where there is a breach of agreement, and ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Is Credit Addiction Back? US Consumers: Is Credit Addiction Back? The onset of summer tends to bring a lull in excitement in financial markets. The media is consequently forced to exaggerate the importance of economic releases over this seemingly mundane period. This year has proven to be no exception. The Financial Times recently reported that US consumer credit growth had surged by $18bn in the three months to June, thereby provoking fears that banks were being reckless and consumers were taking too much debt in a slow economy. These fears constitute a major departure from the worries that prevailed during the financial crisis, when many commentators were forecasting years of household deleveraging. Balance sheet adjustment in the sector would, therefore, act as ... Show more content on ... Non–revolving consumer credit growth slowed significantly in June, while the expansion in the revolving category has continued its deceleration since the beginning of the year. The slower growth in non–revolving credit in June would be consistent with the rolling over, albeit at a high level, of auto and light truck sales in recent months. There was, however, a sharp rebound in sales in July to its highest level this year, implying that June's sluggishness in the non–revolving credit could be short–lived. US Households Are Not Homogenous The Financial Times article seemed to imply that all segments of the US household sector have been on an irresponsible borrowing binge which could come back to haunt the economy. The reality is, as usual, much more complex: US households are not homogenous. Aggregate household net worth stood at $88 trillion in 2016 Q1, having recovered from a Great Recession nadir of $55 trillion, according to the Fed's Flow of Funds publication. The bulk of the recovery has been driven by a $7 trillion rise in the equity value of owner–occupied real estate and a $9 trillion increase in the value of direct equity holdings. Meanwhile, indirect holdings of financial assets via pension reserves and insurance policies have increased by $17 trillion from their 2008 lows. The distribution of the aggregate rise in US household net worth has, however, been uneven. Firstly, the recovery in house ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. Gender Roles And Gender Inequality and girls when women already earn less than men in economic spheres ("Fact Sheet", 2010). The underlying gender roles and gender inequality that persists in South Africa help not only to explain their unbelievably difficult daily burdens but it also aids in the understanding of the lack of economic and political representation of women in the region (Bentley, 2004). Within South Africa there is a significant gap in the lack of opportunity and representation of women within the economic and political sphere, which directly correlates to their poverty. Often times the universal equality and importance of all members of society is not often respected, this is evident in the histories and devastations of apartheid in South Africa, but also in ... Show more content on ... The economic and political empowerment of women not only would improve the lives of women, but of the children that depend on them and the direct and extended family members that rely on the help of women, in which the HIV/AIDS epidemic has heightened (Schreiner, Mohapi & Koppen, 2004). Females are more likely than men to live in households below the poverty line, lack the economic and political power to improve their status due to their underrepresentation, and thus lack the ability and clout to influence policy in ways that can bring social services or developmental status to women in need. Advocating for the educational and political achievement of women leads other young girls to see this and strive to be successful, breaking the cycle of disenfranchised women. Women in leadership can also help to promote and create opportunities for other women, and may also help to engage in policy–making that will be more effective because they bring a greater level of understanding to the issues at hand. For example, a recent effort in South Africa to expand the development of female lawmakers "helped advance legislation promoting gender equality such as providing equal land rights to women and ensuring reproductive rights" (Diop, 2015). Increasing the educational achievement of women within South Africa could ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Importance Of Wealth In The Life Of The Society Wealth is freedom to do as one wishes, without being tied to owing all their life, the idea of having carefree life of pleasure and fame. It is the admiration, regardless of the flaws that one might have, it is an illusion. The idea of riches, is the artificially created concept of happiness, that drives people to being more productive and useful as the members of the society. The works that have inadvertently interconnected is their themes are happiness, psychology, productive labour and freedom verses slavery. As what psychologically drives people to work harder and better, as nothing else, is the unconscious desire to be a freer man. The best way to motivate people, is giving them loan, that would provide the life they want, but at the same time restrict their freedom to the extent, where they have no other choice but to contribute to the society, pay taxes and work. Observationally, it is evident, that people are psychological slaves to their desires, and exactly this desire, to have more than one needs, or to be someone that one is not, such as admiration for the rich and famous, is easily manipulated by big corporations today. Although Smith claims that the money do not carry value, when they are not used to purchase anything, and of course could end up losing its value, but what it gives–is the security, as the goods do not always give the freedom and security, as they do not guarantee the freedom, but the purchase of those goods, is what secures the position of ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. New Liberalism Essay New Liberalism Old liberalism, otherwise know as classical or Gladstonian liberalism was centred around the fundamental rights of the individual. It was an ideology that the state should have little to no intervention in people's lives and in the economy. It relied heavily upon the notion of laissez faire, and the Victorian mindset of self–help. Thrift was one of these ideas. It was the theory that any family could support itself if that income was managed wisely, and a pension could be saved for. The key pillars of old liberalism was low taxes and low state intervention. This was because they believed that the people should be able to spend their money as they wised, and not be forced to send it ... Show more content on ... Towards the end of the century this was coming into question. Other European nations were industrialising and eating into Britain's profits. There was a thought among the British public that as long as the economy was growing, eventually prosperity would filter down to the lower classes. But as the economy began to shrink, according to Lee it "eroded the attractions of industrial growth as a panacea for society's ills." Victorian notions were rapidly becoming out of date and viewed as wrong, not only economically, but morally as well. In London and York, studies showed that a third of people lived in poverty as a direct result of simply not having a large enough income to cover their basic needs, while thousands more lived in poverty due to inadequate education to manage there finances. Laissez faire was being proven to be out dated in Birmingham where the conservative mayor Joseph Chamberlain had shown that local government taking control for and organised public amenities and facilities could benefit the community as a whole. Not only did this destroy laissez faire, but also it was an attack by the Tories on Liberal values. In the 1880's socialism was starting to gain ground as the lower classes saw that their situation was not increases, and at the ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Unemployment and Its Effect on the Economy and Society Unemployment is an ongoing problem throughout the world. One may asked, what is unemployment? It is the number of persons who are willing and able to work but are unable to find jobs. Unemployment is harmful to a country because it imposes costs on a Society. The cost of employment to a nation can be categorised under three heading, namely · The Social Cost · The Cost to the Exchequer · The Economic Cost The Social Cost of Unemployment The social cost of involuntary unemployment is incalculable. For an individual, the demoralising effect that it can have clearly depends upon whether the period of unemployment is short term or long term. Short term unemployment may have no serious effect on an individual whilst long term unemployment can ... Show more content on ... This means that society has experienced a lower standard of living than would have been possible without rising level of unemployment. The loss of potential output resulting from involuntary unemployment is clearly a serious matter for an economy. Resources which are willing and able to work in order to raise the rate of output and to boost living standards are failing to be employed. This is a true waste of resources. It is not so clear, however, whether the loss of potential output through voluntary unemployment is so serious. It may simple mean that be that more people are taking advantage of higher social security benefits to spend more time searching for suitable jobs. There are numerous causes to the problem of unemployment which may vary from country to country. Amongst them are Natural unemployment The level of natural unemployment can be defined as the number of persons who are employed even when the labour market is in long–run equilibrium that is when the total demand for labour is equal to the supply of labour at the prevailing level of real wage rates. In this situation, people may be unemployed because: · they are between jobs and are taking time to search for the most appropriate job with the highest wage(search unemployment) · the industry in which they have traditionally worked have experienced a structural decline or has been influenced by technological advances (structural unemployment) · there has been a seasonal ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Labour Force In Canada The term labour force "consists of persons who contribute or are available to contribute to the production of goods and services falling within the System of National Accounts production boundary" (Statistics Canada, 2017). According to Canada's first decennial census, the work force was meant to include anyone stating an occupation. However, with increasing industrialization and urbanization, "census officials soon accepted the growing myth of one–dimensional, cash–based economy by further defining occupation as the position in which the enumerated was 'gainfully employed,' which the 1901 census identified as 'those paid salary or wages or other money allowances'" (MacDonald, 2010, p. 390). This paper will explore the concept of labour data ... Show more content on ... Approaching this data otherwise leaves us with the impression that both women and Black workers did not, and do not, contribute to the Canadian workforce in a meaningful way. In both cases, the numbers depict that white men hold the majority of jobs in which they are the highest salary earners (Fearon & Wald 2011, p. 330; MacDonald, 2010, p. 390). Thus, reading these statistics without being critical of the structures they stand upon only proves that white men have made greater contributions to the Canadian labour market, and thus perpetuating the power of data. Therefore, based on the authors' findings, it must be concluded that much like the power of data, statistical manipulation essentially distorts the truth and exaggerates statistics way out of proportion to suit a certain agenda. For instance, the way that the wage gap has been similarly evaluated upholds the conviction that women and Black workers do not work as hard as white men do or are unproductive, and therefore they are assumed to be either lazy or incompetent. For example, the total number of women religious in Canada seems grossly under–reported in every census year, and yet it is carried into published research, thus skewing data, which results in a significant portion of women religious assumed to have been unproductive ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Disadvantages Of Corruption THE ECONOMIC AND FISCAL COSTS OF CORRUPTION IN A COUNTRY Introduction In this essay, I argue that high levels of corruption lead to low levels of investments in the country which further lead to a crippled GDP overtime. Corruption also lead to reduced government fiscal funding by investors (lenders) and may result in increased taxes which may result in country instability overtime. I begin by providing the context of a country's economy as it relates to government and firm's roles in developing a country and its economy. I then provide examples of countries (Brazil and South Africa) which have been plagued by corruption and I also discuss the major economic problems they have experienced in recent years as a result of corruption. I ... Show more content on ... Government budget deficit is a result of government spending more that it collects in taxes. One factor is that, it is probable that Brazil government was unable to collect enough taxes because firms are not as productive as they should be and that the high level of unemployment causes the government to collect even less taxes from the employed population. The second factor is this, it is probable that firms have lost confidence in the government's trust and transparency and they (firms) do not invest as much as they should to be more productive and hire more people. Furthermore, the Brazil political environment led to instability in the country and during that period, it is almost impossible for Brazil's economy to be as productive as it should be because of mass protests, mass stay away from work and firm investment protests. The Brazil economy, has unfortunately taken a huge knock. Since 2015, Brazil's has been in recession and it is struggling to recover ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Is Credit Card Addiction Back? US Consumers: Is Credit Card Addiction Back? The onset of summer tends to bring a lull in excitement levels in financial markets. The media is consequently forced to exaggerate the importance of economic releases over this seemingly mundane period, and this year has proven to be no exception. The Financial Times recently reported that US consumer credit had surged by $18bn in the three months to June, thereby provoking fears that banks were being reckless and consumers were taking on too much debt in a slow economy. These fears constitute a major departure from the worries that prevailed during the financial crisis, when many commentators were forecasting years of household deleveraging. Balance sheet adjustment in the sector would, ... Show more content on ... Non–revolving consumer credit growth slowed significantly in June, while the expansion in the revolving category continued its deceleration evident since the beginning of the year. Slower non– revolving growth would be consistent with the rolling over, albeit at a high level, of auto and light truck sales in Q2. There was, however, a sharp sales rebound in July to its highest level this year, implying that June's sluggishness in the non–revolving category could be short–lived. Meanwhile, some commentators are worried about the recent rise in credit card issuance for people with low credit scores. Delinquent credit card balances are, however, running at their lowest levels since records began in 2003, according to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. US Households Enjoyed Differing Balance Sheet Repair The Financial Times article seemed to imply that all segments of the US household sector have been on an irresponsible borrowing binge which could come back to haunt the economy. As usual, however, the reality is much more complex: US households are not homogenous. Aggregate household net worth stood at $88 trillion in 2016 Q1, having recovered from a Great Recession nadir of $55 trillion, according to the Fed's Flow of Funds publication. Part of the increase was driven by a $7 trillion rise in the equity value of owner– occupied real estate, and a $9 trillion surge in direct equity holdings. ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Adam Smith Research Paper Adam Smith is considered as one of the most influential economists in the 18th century. Although his theories have been criticized by several socialist economists, however, his idea of capitalism still has great impact to the rest of the economists during classical, neo classical periods and the structure of today's economy. Even the former Prime Minister of Britain, Margaret Thatcher had praised on Smith's contribution on today's capitalism market. She commented "Adam Smith, in fact, heralded the end of the strait–jacket of feudalism and released all the innate energy of private initiative and enterprise which enable wealth to be created on a scale never before contemplated" (Copley and Sutherland 1995, 2). Smith is also being recognized ... Show more content on ... Smith believed that societies were being motivated by passions and self–interest. Therefore, motive of morality came in to explain what is backing up the passion of human beings. The essential components of passion are self–interest and reasons. Self–interest indicated the goal of an individual wanted to achieve in a certain period of time and the reason gives explanation why this individual wanted to achieve this goal in that period of time. With these two components, Smith was able to conclude that the behaviors of individuals are motivated by reasoning. Also because of human beings are always looking for better living standard, therefore, he explained that the motive of morality is one of the keys to improve our society. The "theory of moral sentiment" did not only explain how human behaviors are modified by sympathy, but in addition, the theory supported Smith's view on what policies should be adopted based on these theories. Laissez–faire was the early form of attitudes that Smiths and some of economists pursued in Europe during 18th century. It suggested that government should reduce their intervention on import and export regulation, such as imposing taxes and tariffs on these transactions on private parties. In addition, governments should advocate perfect competition in the nation in order to maximize economic growth. The Theory of Moral Sentiment has properly backed Lassies–faire up and clarified why human beings can regulated themselves in an ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. The Natural And Physical Inequality Unavoidably, every person enters the world with a unique set of talents, dispositions and attributes which lead him or her to perform better or worse than another person in certain realms. Rousseau calls this natural or physical inequality: one may be stronger, quicker or smarter than another, and as such able to complete more tasks than another. Rousseau argues that none of this matters in the state of nature because, similar to animals, mankind concerns itself with self–preservation. Family bonds, or any other sort of organization of a group of people, do not exist in this state. The complete self– sufficiency of each person means nobody needs to exercise control or domination of any sort over any other person to survive or enjoy a more luxurious lifestyle. "I see him satisfying his hunger under an oak tree, quenching his thirst at the first stream, finding his bed at the foot of the same tree that supplied his meal; and thus all his needs are satisfied" (Rousseau 47). Perhaps one more adept at finding food, whether by speed or size, will more easily satisfy his hunger and have more time to rest at the foot of the tree or to enjoy relations with those passing by. While this does provide an advantage, every person effectively lives the same sort of life, free of dominion of any sort. Similarly, Smith writes that talents of men differ on the basis of the realm they most naturally aspire to. While one man may inevitably be stronger than a second, the same second may ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Adam Smith And Karl Marx 's Views On The Deregulation Of... ECON1401 Written Assignment 2: Adam Smith and Karl Marx's Views on the Deregulation of University Fees INTRODUCTION The Abbott government's recent proposal for deregulation of university fees in Australia has brought about much controversial debate. Under current policy, university fees are set at a fixed rate, in which a price ceiling is placed on the amount universities can charge students and with no interest on student loans. The new proposal to deregulate these fees eliminates the price ceiling and gives universities the freedom to set tuition fees at any level they see fit. This holds two possible implications: (1) this would increase competition between universities and drive fees down; or (2) the freedom granted to universities ... Show more content on ... Smith started a career as a lecturer at both Oxford University and the University of Glasgow. The turning point of his life to revolutionary change was in 1764, when he became the tutor of a young duke and travelled with him around Europe for more than two years. It was this trip that not only gave him the opportunity to meet many other great thinkers, but it also provided him with enough money to return home and focus on producing his most famous book, Wealth of Nations (1776) . The value of Wealth of Nations did not lie on the presented ideas being original, but it rested on the brilliant way in which Smith organized and fitted the different ideas from different thinkers into one massive masterpiece – like a completed jigsaw puzzle, his work has been described as a comprehensive landscape of economics . His work and contribution to the world of economics made him the 'Father of Economics' and inspired many economists after him such as David Ricardo and Thomas Malthus. Essentially, Smith's arguments were focused on the rationale that individuals were all motivated by self–gain and a desire for wealth. In other words, individuals will act or perform tasks for the purposes of gaining a benefit or increasing his/her wealth. As quoted from Wealth of Nations, "it is not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker, that we can expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest" . Smith argued that this sort of behaviour ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Pros And Cons Of Free Trade Essay Pros and Cons of Free Trade I. Introduction Free trade, the ever present driving force behind our national and world economy, is a trade policy embroiled in controversy. It is considered by most economists to be an almost perfect trade policy, barring a few negative effects. Free trade has been shown to increase production, output and income levels in an economy. However, there are many people that view free trade as destroyer of economies and a catalyst of poverty. Critics of free trade have pointed out that in the short–run, free trade causes a loss of jobs which in turn causes a rise in poverty levels. It is interesting to note that the argument for free trade and the argument against free trade are inverses of each other. Proponents of free trade see it as a tool to stimulate an economy while detractors see it as a policy which exacerbates poverty, causes dependency and reduces economic stability. In general, there is no consensus on free trade. Economists see free trade as the devil that we know. While imperfect, it is the best we have to work with. Popular opinion sees free trade as a cause of inequality. Even though it alleviates poverty and causes economic stimulation in the long–run, it can cause the exact opposite in the short run. The pros and the cons of free trade must then be weighed, which will then allow us to determine if free trade is truly a beneficial trade policy. Therefore, this discussion will weigh the benefits and harms of free trade and will ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Different Levels Of Maslow 's Hierarchy Of Needs 8.) Two different levels of Maslow 's hierarchy of needs that can be satisfied at work are social needs and esteem needs. Social needs, being trust, acceptance, friendship, and belonging, and esteem needs, being respect and recognition of achievement. As social needs must first be met before esteem needs, workplaces provide an element of trust that an individual will do a job, acceptance into this trust and workplace, friendships with other staff members, and a sense of belonging to a team and contributing to a similar goal. When this need is met, needs of esteem can then be fulfilled as an individual will earn the respect fellow colleagues, and they will be rewarded by management when they achieve their goals or meet their KPI 's. 11.) ... Show more content on ... In addition, this will weed out those expecting to put in half effort and still get paid. This will help me identify who my real sellers and pushers are based of off who is making the most. In turn, I can manage and place my staff effectively so my operation is reaching max efficiency. 19.) Job rotation is the increasing of the flexibility of the workforce and the variety of work they do by switching them from one job to another. Job enrichment is the organising of employees so they are encouraged and allowed to utilize their full abilities not just physical effort. The shear difference is job rotation is having employees do different jobs than the one they are trained to do, whereas, job enrichment is encouraging employees by training them for different tasks or making their job better by providing constant and relevant feedback. 21.) Two benefits of organising workers into teams are more accountability and a higher productivity. If workers are organised into groups the will be dependent on each other for the competion of the team 's task. If one worker is not up to par and is not completing his sub–tasks or is lacking in an area, the rest of the team can encourage him and motivate him to complete his bit of the greater task. As a result, this motivation will lead to a higher productivity, when team members are motivating each other to complete the given task. In addition to this, the teams can complete for who can produce the ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Aims and Development of the Penal System Within the Uk... Discuss the aims and development of the penal system within the UK over the last 200 years. In this essay I will be looking at the key developments of the British penal system since the early nineteenth century. I will also discuss how the main objectives of the prison system have changed over this period of time. The earliest origins of imprisonment was the use of holding defendants prior to trial and dates back to the 9th century. This early form of incarceration was not designed as a form of punishment, rather it was reserved for individuals unable to provide surety for loans or behaviour. The majority of these individuals were held within country gaols, although there were some purpose built gaols such as Tower and Fleet ... Show more content on ... However the terms of the Act were often ignored and they only covered the main prisons and not the smaller gaols or debtor's prisons (Todd, 2002, p.118). By now the number of prisoners was increasing partly due to the decline in other forms of punishment, such as the stocks and branding, which were now viewed as outdated. Nevertheless many people still believed that prison should be concerned with punishment and deterrence, rather than the rehabilitation of criminals which was viewed as costly (Todd, 2002, p.119). In 1842 Pentonville prison was built using the panopticon design. This meant that each prisoner was now held in their own individual cell. Pentonville operated on the ‘separate system' which involved almost total solitary confinement and elements such as education and work were largely ignored ( Support for the separate system declined in the second half of the 19th century and was gradually replaced by the ‘silent system'. The silent system was introduced in 1865 and was originally used in America. Prisoners were still kept in solitary confinement for the first nine months and in addition were also forced to do ‘hard labour'. Hard labour consisted of pointless unproductive work designed to deter prisoners from re–offending. One of the main ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Adam Smith Influence on Economic Theory Essay Why is the work of Adam Smith considered so crucial in the development of economic thought? Adam Smith is widely regarded as the father of economics as a social science, and is perhaps best known for his work The Wealth of Nations. Throughout this work Smith states and informs towards his belief that society is not at its most productive when ruled over by rules and limitations with regards to trade, and that in order for markets to maximise prosperity, a free trade environment should be made accessible. In this essay I intend to asses the way in which many of Smiths theories taken directly form his works can be applied to past and current situations, first from an economic then social, and then a political point of view. I will also ... Show more content on ... The 'invisible hand' would have such an effect if every individual acts in order to maximise their own prosperity, the prosperity of the community will, in turn, be maximised and become more efficient. "This effect is very well exemplified in modern day terms by using a supermarket queuing system as an example. Each customer getting in line selfishly chooses to maximize his own interest, that is to check out in the shortest time, regardless of the other customers. Their utility maximizing choice is to get in queue in the shortest line; this means that eventually customers queue up in lines all of the same length. Therefore even without the slightest direction and by following only their selfishness, the lines are all of the same length, which is clearly the most efficient disposition." This theory has been crucial in the development of economic thought in that it is a statement which reflected society in Smiths day, and is still so widely applicable in modern day society. From a political point of view, Smith wrote that Government intervention should be kept to a minimum within society. From a mercantilist point of view this was a terrible suggestion, however Smith argued that government intervention in markets will cause a limitation in productivity, and therefore not maximise efficiency. However if left alone as discussed in the previous paragraph, each party will seek to maximise its own prosperity within the given constraints, in turn maximising the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Objectives Of The Millennium Development Goals Introduction The Millennium Development Goals are a blueprint that was agreed on by the nations of the world to meet the needs of the world's poor and are to be achieved by 2015. They are to eliminate poverty globally in all its forms. These goals are continually checked through their indicators that determine how much progress has been made. Reports have been done to keep track of progress. The United Nations partners with many agencies, governments, donors and regional commissions in the achievement of the millennium development goals. These include the World Bank, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), International Monetary fund, World Health Organization and International Labour Organization among others. This report analyses the ... Show more content on ... However, 1.2 million people globally are still living in extreme poverty (UN, 2015) and the number of people that are still suffering from hunger is still high. According to the UN, the proportion of people who are undernourished has decreased from 23% in 1990–1992 to 15% in 2010–2012 (UN, 2015). South–Eastern Asia region has managed to meet the hunger reduction target ahead of 2015, where the ratio of the undernourished people has decreased from 29.6% in 1990–1992 to 10.9% in 2010–2012 (UN, 2015). The World Bank is working together with the international community towards ending poverty in countries and boost incomes for people. It has been promoting agriculture and promoting resilience of communities against climate change (World Bank). The international community together with the bank have worked together to provide pregnant women and children with basic nutrition services. The International Development Association which is a World Bank's fund for developing countries committed $22.2 billion in 2014 to promote the well being and development of people and eliminate poverty. ( ). Target 1B: achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all, including women and young people. There has been a reduction of workers who lived below $1.25 a day from 384 million in 2001 to 294 million in 2011 (UN, 2015). The gender gap in employment still persists; there is a 24.8% ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. The Changing Role Of Prisons In The 18th Century Between the late 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century, crime was generally perceived as a rising lower–class problem which required brutal suppression. For this reason, the criminal justice, particularly in the latter part of the 17th century, became more punitive and coercive: corporal punishments such as flogging, mutilation and execution were increasingly used as predominant sanctions (Braithwaite, 1993). These forms of punishments often took place in public, as the main objective at the time was to put offenders into highly stigmatic shame through brutal humiliation, degradation and out casting (Beattie, 1984). Prisons at the time were typically characterised by no segregation of men from women, no classification of offenders, and no segregation of tried and untried offenders (Muncie and McLaughlin). In the late 18th century, as recorded by John Howard (penal reformer), the regimes implemented in prisons were such that offenders were living in appalling conditions: indeed, Howard reported that prisons were poorly ventilated and illuminated, and they were mostly characterised by lack of sanitation, washing facilities and cleanliness. Nevertheless, throughout the 18th century, influential personalities such as ... Show more content on ... It must be said, however, that although it reflected most of the ideas put forward by reformers, Brebner's regime was innovative: indeed, unlike must prisons regimes which were characterised by unproductive hard labour, Brebner's regime required that prisoners at Duke Street had to engage in productive, constructive and paid labour. Put another way, the crank and treadmill, which were common forms of unproductive labour, had no place in Brebner's regime (ElectricScotland, ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Where Is My Tax Gonig? WHERE IS MY TAX GONIG Now–a–days, taxes are on everyone 's mind almost 24–7 since they influence our daily lives. People don't know much more about the taxation, like how taxation plays an important role in development or why taxation is necessary. But with all these things we must to know where our tax is going, is it using for the development and management or somewhere else. We must aware about our rights and through Right to Information act, we can access every information of our tax system. First we have to understand that what tax is. So, tax is a financial charge or other levy imposed upon a taxpayer (an individual or legal entity) by a state or the functional equivalent of a state to fund various public expenditures. Taxation ... Show more content on ... On Good and Services – In this, tax is imposed upon goods and to every operation that creates value in order to proportionate to their quantity or value, taxes like Value Added Tax(VAT),sales tax, service tax and excises tax, etc. Other taxes are payroll tax, consumption tax, toll tax, transportation tax, Pigovian tax, Direct tax and Indirect tax. The levying of taxes aims to raise revenue to fund governing and/or to alter prices in order to affect demand. States and their functional equivalents throughout history have used money provided by taxation to carry out many functions. Some of these include expenditures on economic infrastructure (roads, public transportation, sanitation, legal systems, public safety, education, health–care systems), military, scientific research, culture and the arts, public works, distribution, data collection and dissemination, public insurance, and the operation of government itself. Governments also use taxes to fund welfare and public services. These services can include education systems, pensions for the elderly, unemployment benefits, and public transportation. Energy, water and waste management systems are also common public utilities. A government 's ability to raise taxes is called its fiscal capacity. Taxes are applied to fund foreign aid and military ventures, to influence the macroeconomic performance of the economy (a government 's strategy for doing this is called its fiscal policy; see also tax exemption), or to modify ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. The Paradox of Rich-to-Poor Capital Flow Essay According to the Solow Growth Model, all countries will eventually converge to their long run steady state. If we consider the usual assumptions, of countries producing the same goods with the same constant returns to scale production technology, using (homogenous) capital and labour as factors of production, differences in income per capita income will reflect differences in per capita capital. Therefore, essentially if capital is allowed to flow freely, new investments should occur only in the poorer economy. However this is certainly not the case in reality. Most of the net capital flow in the past four decades has been north–to–north (rich countries investing in other rich countries), rather than north–south (rich economies investing ... Show more content on ... Eaton et al.'s Pure Theory of Country Risk(1987)was published before Lucas published his paper outlining the famous Lucas Paradox(1990), and in their analysis, they claim that the reason for the lack of capital flows from north to south, or from rich to poor countries is the failure of the capital market. Lucas, on the other hand stresses more on the view that the main explaination for the Lucas Paradox is that capital, and most importantly human capital, is far less productive in poorer countries. Lucas suggests adding human capital as an extra variable will remove the paradox, and essentially, in order to improve capital flows from the rich to the poor, countries must concentrate on improving the quality of their human capital in particular, and generally capital and labour productivity. The alternative position, stresses that factors such as asymmetric information, unenforceable property rights sovereign risk are the reason behind the paradox. According to Lucas, capital imperfections do not explain the lack of flow from rich to poor countries very well. An example he cites is that of world before 1945. Much of what is now the third world was under colonial rule at the time, and therefore subject to European legal arrangements. Investors in developed countries, such as the UK, ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Construction Productivity And Construction Of Construction... Construction Productivity in a Project Introduction Road projects are one of the key areas of construction engineering; it is essential to understand the main processes involved in such a project, the type of work force involved and machinery in order to achieve the maximum productivity in the projects. This project paper aims at describing the problems that lower productivity rates in the construction process and how to eradicate the future challenges in order to improve productivity. Road construction equipment The equipment used in road construction projects play a fundamental role in ensuring productivity; they vary depending on if the project is a new road, minor road repairs or re–carpeting (Peyret 447–461).The most commonly used ... Show more content on ... Crawler excavator They are heavy construction equipment that excavates the land and rocks and loads them into dump trucks. They consist of a bucket, cab, and a boom that is paced above an undercarriage with tracks and wheels. It is able to do a variety of work by interchanging the front attachment. Truck cane– They are mounted at the back of a lorry so as to assist in lifting requirements in a construction site. They have a lifting component and a carrier which are joined through a turntable which allows the lifting elements to swing from one side to another. Wheel loader It is a type of tractor that is used to move a load of materials from the ground to and then loads it onto a dump truck or into an open pit. Forklift truck– it a powered industrial equipment with a prolonged attached platform that can be adjusted to pick an object below or on the ground. It was first used to move objects in industries. Choice of equipment and rate of standard production Most of the construction equipment is used to do repetitive operations; they are classified into two basic operations, haulers and operators. It is very vital to select equipment with the proper characteristics and the size suited for the operation. Factors that most affect the selection of the best equipment are; Availability of equipment– affects job productivity; the productivity of excavating will reduce if the equipment available ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Economic Growth and Development {draw:frame} Introduction The world has been divided into developing, under–developed and developed countries. And the race has been always to move from under–developed to developed counties. But the confusion lies herein in this process of movement from the under– developed/developing countries to developed countries. When should a country consider itself to be moving in the right direction i.e. towards its goal of being a developed country? Surveys are made and reports being churned out that state the economic growth of a nation. Does the rate of this economic growth a true indicator in this regard? If that is true why is it then that even in the 21st century decades after the industrialization and years after globalization the ... Show more content on ... The US became economically prosperous due to laissez faire, while Japan came to economic– growth race later. It followed the policy of imitating foreign technologies and protecting domestic industries from imports and developing tremendous expertise in manufacturing and electronics. The four wheels of growth Even though the paths of growth had been different for these countries they share certain common traits and they are even at work in developing countries like China and India. Economists have found the engine of economic progress must ride on the same four wheels no matter how rich or poor the country is. These four wheels or factors of growth are: Human resources (labour supply, education, discipline, motivation) Natural resources (land, minerals, fuels, environmental quality) Capital formation (machines, factories, roads) Technology (science, engineering, management, entrepreneurship) The relationship between these factors and economic growth can be sum up as Q=AF (K, L, R) where, Q= output, K= productive series of capital, L= labour inputs, R= natural resource inputs, A= represents the level of technology in the economy, F= production function. Human resources: Labour inputs consist of quantity of workers and the skills of the workforce. Capital goods of a country can be effectively used ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. What Are The Causes Of Inequality To understand the causes of inequality one must first know what inequality is. Inequality is the extent to which income is distributed unevenly in a group of people. It is the disproportionate ownership of resources between different sections of the society. Inequality is typically thought of as differences between individuals within a population, normally a country, though it can also be considered for smaller or larger populations. Thus it is important to consider inequality between groups of people, including global inequality between countries, inequality between regions or communities within a country, and inequality between groups of individuals or households classified according to various criteria (for example gender, class). Inequality ... Show more content on ... For unskilled workers, computers and machinery perform a lot of tasks these workers used to be do. In many jobs, such as packaging and manufacturing, machinery works even more effectively and efficiently. Hence, jobs involving repetitive tasks have largely been eliminated. Skilled workers are not immune to the nightmare of losing jobs. The rapid development in artificial intelligence may ultimately allow computers and robots to perform knowledge–based jobs. The impact of increasing unemployment is stagnant or decreasing wages for most workers, as there is a low demand for but high supply of labour. A small portion of society, usually the owners of capital, controls an ever– increasing fraction of the economy. The income gap between workers who earn by their skills and owners who earn by investing in capital has widened. Although both skilled and unskilled workers are adversely affected by the technological advance, it seems unskilled workers are subject to worse outcomes. This is because the labour market may still need skilled workers to use computers and operate the advanced machines. The rightward shift in the demand for skilled labour creates an increase in the relative wages of the skilled compared to the unskilled workers. Hence, the income gap among workers also has ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. The Harmful Effects Of Child Labour Abstract: Child labour has many repercussions for the children, for their families and for the society as a whole. The harmful effects of child labour can be seen in inadequate physical development, various illnesses and deformities, damage to their central nervous system, impoverishment of their mental faculties and indulgence in immoral acts. Family of the working child suffers the economic loss in the long run and loses social bonds and ties within family which may ultimately lead to family disorganisation. This survey focuses upon some specific dimensions of child labour like wages and hours of work of the child labourers in Agra district of the U.P. state of India. Total 500 child workers were chosen as respondents and Interview ... Show more content on ... The incidence of earning money from childhood generates a feeling of independence among children due to which they like to behave freely and promiscuously and do not like to be subjected to control and discipline by other family members and are seen in many cases, even before marriage indulging in sexual acts. Thus the family not only suffers the economic loss in the long run but also becomes subjected to lose social bonds and ties within the family, and at times, even family disorganisation occurs. This survey study empirically investigates into dimensions of wage and working hours of child workers in Agra, U.P., India. REVIEW OF LITERATURE Khandekar and Naik (1972) observed that since the early years are meant to equip oneself with knowledge, techniques and skills for one's different adult roles in the society, having to take up a job at a young age to earn a living, is bound to affect the very process of growing up. Chakraborty (1991) found that wage rate of child labourers was nearly 69.43 percent and 64.48 percent of adult male wage rate in 1984–85 and 1986–87 respectively. But the man days of employment for adult males in agriculture and all other occupations were 242 and 257 and for children there were 307 and 315 respectively in 1984 and 1987. He has advanced the argument that child agricultural labourers although they constitute a very small percentage of total agricultural labourers (6.17 ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Benefits And Benefits Of Working Flexibility Today 's organizations as often as need to deal with the ever changing client needs and wants, the competition within niche markets as well as the rapid improvement of technology. Organisations therefore need to execute flexibility in the workplace as it is a basic element to overall workplace effectiveness. Flexibility is a methodology use to state when and how work is conducted as well as how vocation are organized. Pilbeam and Corbridge (2002), describe flexibility at workplace as 'the capacity of an organization to adjust the size, structure, responsiveness and expenses of the people inputs required to accomplish objectives and goals of the organization'. Working flexibility is about how flexible work is organized in the workplace so that the organizations and employees benefits. Workplace flexibility can be regarded as 'the capacity of employees to make decisions influencing when, where and for how long they engage in work' (Jeffrey, 2008). Flexible working is a kind of working arrangement which gives a level of flexibility on how long, when, where as well as at what times employees work. Employees access flexible working through HR arrangements, which as a rule require supervisory approval. The changing environment of work is making new difficulties and opportunities that organizations can only meet with the sort of alacrity that flexible working arrangements provide. Therefore, implement a workplace flexibility strategy is a fundamental part for any organisations, ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. Tax Assessment And Its Effects On Today 's Taxation Policy... Tax assessment has always been a hotly debated issue in economic. We all know that it costs a lot to run a household. In the same sense, it costs a lot of money for a government to run a country. This is why taxation is necessary. Through taxation, a government can compensate their spending and fund the social services that benefit most of the society. High tax can compensate the government spending while may curb investment. A question always being raised is that how to impose an appropriate and efficient tax without harming our economy and what subjects are best to be taxed. We can find the answer from the analyses on different approaches to taxation by Adam Smith and David Ricardo throwback a century ago. Their analyses still have a far–reaching impact on today's taxation policy. Adam Smith discusses different strategies for levying a tax in his book "Wealth of Nations". Smith calls attention to that the state can raise money through five different channels: taxes on the rent of land, taxes upon the rent of the house, taxes upon profit, taxes upon the wages of labour and taxes upon consumable commodities. One way for Smith to evaluate those five different taxation channels is that whether they satisfy the four basic maxims for taxation he made. For a tax to be considered good and efficient, it needs to meet the following four basic principles raised by Smith: "I. The subjects of every state outhg to contribute towards the support of the government, as ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Youth Unemployment in Nigeria YOUTH UNEMPLOY MENT IN NIGERIA SOLVING THE PROBLEMS FROM THE ROOT SOLVING THE PROBLEMS FROM THE ROOT TABLE OF CONTENTS ✓ ABSTRACT ✓ INTRODUCTION ✓ THE EFFECTS OF YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT IN NIGERIA ✓ CAUSES OF YOUTH UNEMPLOYMENT ✓ LIFE INVESTORS FOUNDATION: INTRODUCTION ✓ THE WORK PLAN ENTERPRISES WORK STUDY RESEARCH ACADEMY ✓ OTHER STRATEGIES ANTICORRUPTION TEAM COLLATERAL BOARD RESOURCE AND INFORMATION CENTRE PROJECT RESUSCITATION YOUTH PARLIAMENT ✓ CONCLUSION ✓ REFERENCES ✓ ABSTRACT Youth unemployment in Nigeria has eaten deep into the agile and intelligent youths who despite the lack of jobs cannot do without activities. ... Show more content on ... This effect trickle down to the woman in the village, whom all she had known to do all her life is to combine many things together at the same time, like carrying a breastfeeding baby on her laps, using one hand to blow the fire she created with woods which she is using to cook for her family, using the other hand to stir the cassava flour on fire, and at the same time, weaving a basket at intervals. She has it in mind to sell the basket in the market on the next market day. How pathetic it will be for her to go through all that stress, and at the end of the day she loses the profits to a hooligan who was actually turned a hooligan by the youth unemployment crisis. At the other extreme, a rich man in the city gets a large amount of money from a contract and could not deposit it in the bank that day because the money came late and banks had closed for the day. He prayerfully takes the money home to deposit it first thing the following morning. That same night, "Mr. Smart Guy" comes with a "team" of others to rob the rich man of his money. At the same time, in between the two extremes, lies the average civil servant who stays at home one evening with his family watching a family programme on TV. The entire neighbourhood was actually dark due to power outage. The family
  • 62. only had an exclusive interest in the programme and managed to put on their generating set in order not to miss the program. This was around 8.00pm. ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. Modernization Of A Poor Communist Country Introduction China's thirty year run of almost 10% GDP growth is legendary and there are many reasons for this phenomenal growth. The journey of a poor communist country of the 1950s to a world economic superpower today reads like a novel comprised of economic plots and sub–plots along the way. After the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the country started on the path to industrialisation in earnest. The hallmarks of industrialization were the consolidation of socialist governance and increased control over the domestic migration of labour, which paved the way for the administration of the planned economy. This dramatic system of economic reform has benefited China in many ways. However, there are still a number of issues which the country needs to address if it wants to maintain long–term economic stability. 1952 to 1978 In the 1950s China had a meagre national growth rate of 3%. To speed up the industrialization process the government increased investment in heavy industries such as steel, concrete and heavy machinery. The growth that happened during this period was more a result of increase in physical and human capital than an increase in productive efficiency. The production activities of State enterprises were determined according to the government plan rather than market signals. The State enterprises were inefficient, employed redundant workers (as mandated by the socialist state system), and there was little market demand for the ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Theoretical Review On Performance Management This chapter examines the relevant literature to this study. It evaluates the idea of performance management and how its role on the production of employees and the performance of the organization. 2.2 Theoretical Review 2.2.1 Institutional Theory Institutional theory refers to a form of policy that is created with an emphasis on the legal and regulatory framework of government structures (Kraft, 2007). It is a widely adopted theoretical standing that puts emphasis on reasonable myths and legitimacy (Scott, 2008). Institutional theory is made up of two dominant trends; Old institutionalism and new institutionalism. New institutionalism rejects the rational models behind historical economics, instead seeking cultural and cognitive interpretations ... Show more content on ... Instead, the optimal course of action is a factor of the internal and external situation. Gareth Morgan in his book "Images of Organization", describes Organizations as open systems that need careful management to satisfy and balance internal needs and to adapt to environmental circumstances. Gareth further states that, there doesn't exist one single best way of organizing tasks in an institution. The appropriate technique purely depends on sort of task at hand or the prevalent environment. Gareth emphasizes that Management must be concerned, above all else, with achieving alignments and good fits. Some important contingencies for management include; Technology, suppliers and distributors, consumer and interest groups, customers and competitors, governments and labour unions. Other situational or contingency factors are 'changes in customer demand for goods and services, change in government policy or law, change in environment or climate change, and so forth (Heinz, 2012). The theory provides for leaders who are able to meet the changing needs of the environment as they ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. The Deployment Of Automation For An Automated Warehouse Executive Summary The change from a manual warehouse to an automated warehouse is significant and the impact of that change should never be under estimated. Even limited application of automated technologies will have a dramatic effect on the processes used in the warehouse, the management systems required to make it effective and on the people who have to adapt to accept its use. The deployment of automation in warehouses, whether it is a fully integrated solution or an enhancement to a manual technology, can bring competitive advantages to companies with benefits in staffing, property or service. In staffing, we could have reduced costs, providing improved ergonomics and an alternative to unproductive labor. Property includes saving on space, reduced facility size and reduced costs. Service benefits include improved order accuracy, product security and condition, and lead–times. Also, if a service provider like Amazon wants to launch its 'Prime' services in a developing nation which hardly has any money for automation services, they would find it very difficult to fulfil the customer requirements with their 2–day delivery system. This is because of the drawback of having a manual warehousing. Speaking of manual warehousing, there are numerous issues related to labor that a company might encounter in the long–run. Probably the biggest driver is the ever increasing cost of labor. Wages are spiraling downwards due to the financial crisis, but this may only be temporary. ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. The Pre Industrial Working Class In this present article I wish to consider a particular episode in the early contemporary activity of the pre–industrial working–class, or at least a precise and common aspect of it: the quintessential purposed land–riot. In modern divided economic conflict its role is now less decisively familiar – for good practical reasons. For semi–feudal rural societies in past decades we can still observe the logic being referred to. Chiefly among them the phenomenon of pulling down established / newly– established dividing fences and burning hedgerows as a defeated act by already unresolved working–class / peasant militancy. In formal results these are still relatively clear in general massed terms: (i) mass–confrontation followed by (ii) mass–expulsion and (iii) mass–defeat, was, and remains, the norm of implicit results. The hypothesis remains rightly justified in the case of the early industrial land–action, if not exact. Yet the effective return of the 'land – question' to several different sorts of conservative movements of agricultural labourers in several developing or even well–advanced capitalist countries and with it the straightforward organising action – predominantly accepted in Latin America, still moreso in Eastern Europe –, in recent years ensures the technique deserves a degree of historical thought and comment. There exists today obviously some about under–bearing for the interest; as has been qualified in other features as a debate. Such conjecture rests on the ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Patriarchy And The Separation Of Public And Private Sphere Women continue to be impacted by patriarchy and the separation of public and private sphere that occurred in (enter date here). They face discrimination in their home from their association with domestic labour. The social construction of gendered division of labour benefits men while oppressing women. The purpose of this paper is to explore how the association of women with the private sphere is created to oppresses and undervalue women. This paper agues that patriarchy reproduces the oppression of women through the gendered division of labour. This sub–issues this paper discusses are: (1) patriarchy and the reproduction of gendered division of labour, and (2) the association of women with domestic labour. Patriarchy is a system and a structure of power that creates privileges for men while oppressing women. It is a social system that we participate, both consciously and unconsciously. It is embedded in major institutions, such as schools, workplaces, homes, and media. The operating system also allows for individual man to victimize and commit violence against individual woman (Neuenfeldt, 2015). In the home, patriarchy allows for husbands to have dominance over his wife. The oppression that women face at home becomes a mediating factor in women's performance outside the home (Omvedt, 1986). The concept of patriarchy comes from the [something] Era, where the church had significant power in dictating the thoughts and actions of its people. The church perpetuated the idea ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. Compensation System Of Henderson Printing Company Compensation system in Henderson printing company Introduction One of the important aspects of business management is having a proper compensation system. Compensation ensures that the staff of the company obtains the results of their efforts. Compensation is a cost to the enterprise and, therefore, a proper remuneration model must demonstrate its ability to produce returns. Also, since compensation is what the employees get in exchange for their services, the type used must be one that will motivate the employees (Belcourt & McBey, 2015). Henderson printing company is a mid–level company. Therefore, it requires a very critical remuneration system that will help it to survive. This memo explores the compensation models that Henderson printing operates as well as suggests the necessary changes. Compensation systems that Henderson printing run Henderson printing is a mid–level company. The company operates some compensation models for its personnel. Through these models, the employees receive rewards for the labour they render to the enterprise. Henderson printing pays its employees by giving them regular salaries for their services. These are direct payments for the work they do in this company. Secondly, the employees are given pay raises even though this depends on the employee's initiative to ask for a pay rise from the owner (Davis, 2013). Lastly, the employees are also accorded some merit bonuses every Christmas time. The merit bonuses are based on their contribution to ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Economic Models after World War II A widespread view developed among economists and policymakers in the early post World War II period Import substitution policies were popular amongst developing economies was that the best way for these countries to develop more rapidly was to stimulate industrialisation by adopting import–substitution policies. At the time, there seemed to be a number of good reasons for such an approach. The policy makers of the newly independent nations were keenly aware not only that most of the countries from whom they obtained independence had much higher per capita income levels and were much more industrialised but that their former rulers had imposed economic policies in the past which discouraged industrialisation within the new nations and industrialisation seemed to offer the possibility of achieving faster growth, higher per capita income levels and the economic and military power needed for national security. An economically sensible way of achieving industrialisation seemed to be to restrict imports of manufactured goods for which there already was a domestic demand in order both to shift this demand toward domestic producers and permit the use of the country's primary– product export earnings to import the capital goods needed for industrialisation. There also appeared to be a number of examples where high levels of import protection contributed positively to industrialisation. Although Great Britain had adopted a policy of free trade during its period of rapid growth in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. Challenges Of HRM 1.Introduction 1.1 Introduction to Total Quality Management We all have experiences of poor quality service or product with business organizations. Experiences like in fast food restaurant, burgers customers get are way more different they appeared in the commercials, or encounter bad customer service when lodging an unhappy purchasing. These poor services probably happened because employees are not well–trained with the problems faced or they have do not seem to care attitude. Eventually, organizations will start to lost reputations and affects its business. Hence, in order to stay competitive in the market, organizations design guide lines to continuously improve the quality level. These concepts are Total quality management. Meanwhile, as these TQM are dealing with the processes of ... Show more content on ... These improvements are made by identifying, remove bottlenecks and eliminate irrelevant work practices. In order to achieve this, HR department needs to become empowered. For an organization to make improvements, it must consider the external, as well as the internal and relational–based views. TQM affects the process at all levels. In terms of HRM, it impacts organization's culture; staffing and planning; staff training and policies development and work practices. 3.2 One challenge face in term of HRM of the Reengineering When an organization is reviewing the working process, one of the highlighted issues is there are staffing. In term of the staff issue, it impact the organization overall performance. Therefore, HR needs to plan on analysing and designing of jobs, hiring the best appropriate employees for the position and managing staffs. One challenges faced by the HRM face when plan is the trend of change in labour ... Get more on ...