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It was more than 50 years ago but I’ll never forget that lesson I learned. It wasn’t even orienteering.
I was a new high school teacher coaching my first football team.
I had meticulously prepared a playbook diagramming the plays we would be running that season.
All the offensive players in the formations were designated with circles, the defense with Vs.
The paths for the backs and blocking assignments for the line were all there.
All the players had to do was memorize their particular assignment for each play.
After several practices things were still not going so well and one player, Roger, an offensive guard,
seemed particularly lost.
“Roger, haven’t you read your playbook?” I yelled.
“Yes, but I don’t know what all those X’s and O’s mean,” he matter-of-factly replied.
Begin with the basics. Don’t take anything for granted, I learned. And do not overestimate understanding.
“We should not overestimate
Some suggestions for the orienteering instructor
So it is with orienteering map reading. We orienteers pick up a map and it looks like this.
We know every symbol and everything makes sense. Or we hope it does.
However, for the new orienteer the map might just as well look like this:
(Except for Russian speakers who would have no problem understanding this ‘map’)
Tree Tree
Pit Pit
We have to help the new orienteer pick up a map and see this:
Immediately after the start I’ll cross a stream
Moving along the trail going east I’ll go past three pits on the right.
There will be water on my left.
After 200 meters at the trail junction, I will go to the left / northeast
As I come into the clearing (25 meters) I look to the right and
see a thicket. I’ll head to the thicket and there is the flag.
This is how the orienteers should see each leg of their course:
(Reading from bottom)
The stream, the pits, the trail junction and the clearing are ‘landmarks’ the
orienteer picks to know he/she is on the correct route when they are seen.
What is happening out there?
Florida and Suncoast Orienteering
use Livelox to track willing
The playback information
provides insight in to where the
orienteers went and should help
them understand what happened
when they went off their
intended route. These are the
tracks of intermediate (Orange
Course) males in a recent JROTC
Two of the tracked orienteers
pretty well nailed the best route
One orienteer, the green line,
took 7:31 minutes. Red line was
The others each went off course at some
point, taking from 15 to 44 minutes to
complete the leg. Was there one problem?
Not just one. However, many seemed to be
too careless choosing the right trail in the
circled area. A careful check of the compass
would help there.
Problem #2 – “Relocation” How do they get
back on track?
Wish that was a one-of but we see it over and over again, competition after competition.
Why? What is going wrong? What is missing from their orienteering skill set?
What makes orienteering unique and
fascinating is that, like fingerprints and
snowflakes, no two orienteering legs are
the same. Even when you return to the
same area the organizer will set different
What is missing is an ability to plan.
So how do you plan when every leg is different?
As they look at each of the legs, orienteers could be reciting the mantra
Direction – Distance – Landmarks – Attack Point (Acronym: DeeDeeLAP)
Put together they help us make our Route Choice!
Decision Making Orienteering Problem Solving
Social scientists tell us that the way to make decisions and solve problems are very similar:
• Collect information
• Sort through to the important information
• Select best alternative
• Carry though on selection
• Make adjustments along the way
In orienteering that is what we do every race over and over again. We get pretty good at
decision-making when we have a plan.
However, a study of Livelox routes makes me believe that most cadets do not have a
‘game plan’ to approach orienteering legs.
Every course is unique and every leg on every course is also different from the others.
One formula can be used to produce solutions to each navigation ‘problem’.
While each leg may be different the formula for success is the same:
• Study the map
• Look for Direction, Distance, Landmarks and an Attack Point to
the next control point
• Make a decision and Go
Check direction, distance and landmarks along the way
Go to the next control but be prepared to
• Adjust when necessary,
• Use the Attack Point when necessary
Plan ahead
• Use ‘easy running’ time on one leg to plan routes for future legs
• Always plan your route away from the next control before you
get to it. Do not be standing there as a beacon for orienteers
coming up behind.
East on trail
Direction ENE
Trail Junction
Attack Point
Trail and clearing
In which direction do you leave the next control?
Yes, they can study a leg before they get to it. That
makes getting under way much quicker.
Not just distance from one control to the next but distance
to the first and subsequent decision points along the way.
If pace count overshoots that distance it is immediately time
to reconsider what has happened and make adjustments.
These are features along the route marked on the map that
when you get there you will know the location and know you
are on or off course.
Keep the eyes moving. It always amazes me how much some
orienteers cannot see because they do not look around.
Attack Point
Look for a significant, can’t miss landmark
feature that can help you get a precise direction
and distance into the next control point.
Let's go back to that leg we showed
earlier. The one with all the disasters:
And see how it can be simplified
with a DDLAP plan
While it may initially look complicated it is not. In
practice the features are rolling in to and out of
For instance, we have an attack point in mind but
we do not worry about it while we are leaving the
last control.
We concentrate on getting to that trail then going
The next important point is Landmark 7, the trail
junctions. We must get the direction correct there.
The map tells us north. Landmark 8 tells us that
marsh will be on our right. 5
Does your team know about ‘traffic light’
• Green light area – full speed ahead as the navigation is easy. Also
known as Rough Orienteering.
• Amber light area – slow down a bit and read the map more
carefully. The navigation is getting trickier.
• Red light area – slow down a lot. Near the control or in other
spots where the navigation is also tricky. Also known as Precision
Some More Stuff
• Quizzes
• Bringing training close to home
• Mapping for Training
• Master Maps for Training
• Orienting the Map
• The Compass
• Review
Orienteering Pop Quiz # 1
What are the five colors on an orienteering map and what does each
_______________ ____________________________
_______________ ____________________________
_______________ ____________________________
_______________ ____________________________
_______________ ____________________________
What color is often overprinted on an orienteering map and what are its
two purposes?
_______________ ____________________ ___________________
How much does your team know? Try these five pop quizzes:
(See answers at end of presentation)
Orienteering Pop Quiz #2
What symbol is at the center of each numbered
circle on the map?
1) _______________________
2) _______________________
3) _______________________
4) _______________________
5) _______________________
6) _______________________
7) _______________________
8) _______________________
9) _______________________
10) _______________________
11) _______________________
12) _______________________
What is the approximate distance between
Control 3 and 6 ? ________
Pop Quiz #3 Clue Sheet Symbols - Basic
1) _______________________
2) _______________________
3) _______________________
4) _______________________
5) _______________________
6) _______________________
7) _______________________
8) _______________________
Insert written description
Symbolic control descriptions (clue sheets)
were devised in the 1980s to help
international traveling orienteers to
understand the descriptions in a country
where they might not understand the
(Once in Austria I had the edge of a
cultivated field translated as ‘Edge of
The symbols are also helpful for the
course planner as they take less room
than written descriptions to print on the
Start _____________________
1 _______________________
2 _______________________
3 _______________________
4 _______________________
5 _______________________
6 _______________________
7 _______________________
8 _______________________
9 _______________________
Compulsory marked route from 5 to 6
Distance last control to finish? ____
Orienteering pop quiz #4 (for advanced and intermediate orienteers)
Insert written description
This one is tougher and
requires a good knowledge
of clue sheet symbols, a
knowledge the good
orienteer should master.
Pop Quiz # 5: Route choice and staying ‘located’:
Here are three legs from courses at a recent competition.
Have team members 1) draw on the route they would have taken and
2) pick out ‘landmarks’ along their route to use and identify to know they are still on track. Name the feature.
Yellow Course
Orange Course Green Course
Not all orienteering training has to take place in the forest, parks or preserves.
Orienteering can take place pretty well anywhere from parks to neighborhoods to school and
university grounds and even in shopping malls.
Here are three places online to find ‘instant orienteering maps.
Google Earth
Bring Orienteering practice close to home
Samples of a training course in that neighborhood:
Course on Google Earth
Same course on Open Orienteering
Key advice to help the orienteers:
• Keep moving
• Read the map on the go
• Pick landmarks to keep on track
An orienteering map of the school campus
is a good way to teach the orienteering
skills – compass direction, pace counting,
symbol recognition, map memory and
map reading on the go to name a few.
Help your team get better results:
1. Run: Train running like the cross-country team does, probably just not as fast.
2. Run and read: Read maps, read books, read the iPhone. Learn to steady the map
in hand so that it can be read on the go.
3. Use master maps for training exercises: participants copy the course on to their
map. This trains the eye to see the map and its detail more clearly.
4. Find small parks with small maps or where maps can be made and have your
team set training courses for each other.
5. Map making: ALL the great orienteers have done some training doing field work
to improve maps. It just trains the orienteering eye more than one can imagine.
Fortunately, it is not hard to do. A pencil and sketch pad can get anyone started.
Then we work up from there.
6. Read about orienteering. The BEST place I know is a site
run by a volunteer who not too many years ago was a student just like your
team members and when he found orienteering, he found his passion.
7. Neighborhood orienteering. We can’t always get to a park but we can always get
to a map or better yet, make a map. And then run courses on it.
8. Organize orienteering events in your community. These can be fund-raisers for
your team and by having team members set courses they get to see the courses
from a different set of eyes.
Key ingredients of a good orienteering physical training program:
Have your team visit an area with
paper, clipboards, pencils and erasers in
Draw on all the details they see to
create a sketch map of the area. These
do not have to be perfect creations.
Look to see that they are getting the
objects proportional in size and placed
correctly in relation to each other.
Then using one of the maps for a small
‘O meet’ seems to be a great incentive
for the team to do better.
This was an actual exercise for one of our schools. I
regret that no responses came back. They missed a
golden opportunity.
Master Maps: Using a master map is the term to describe when orienteers copy the course by hand
from a ‘master map’ to their own map. Years ago, it was a standard practice in
competitions. Now it is hardly used at all, not even in training.
But it should be.
1) It saves map copies as only the exact number are used.
2) It gives particularly the novice orienteer a closer look at
and better understanding of that mysterious map.
A fine point sharpie and a straight edge such as a
compass base plate are best for drawing the lines
and circles.
Some older compasses even come with circular
holes in the baseplate. These are for drawing
control sites on to the map.
Orienteering is not just land navigation. It involves problem
solving and decision making. Each time a route choice has been
made the orienteer went through a decision-making process of
selecting information sifting it to get the important information
and then deciding which way to go.
The next step is to carry through on that decision.
Look at each of the maps below.
Which route would you choose 5-6? The routes of three top competitors
Route Choice:
• Consider the information
• Make a decision
• Enact that decision
• Adjust when necessary
Words about
Route Choice
“That’s what we need: officers
who can make decisions.”
-A National Guard sergeant
when learning about
orienteering and decision
“Knowing orienteering put me
head and shoulders above my
land navigation classmates.”
-Recent West Point Graduate
“Of all the activities on your resume
orienteering is the most valuable.”
-University ROTC recruiter
to high school orienteer.
Keep the Map Ready/ Read on the Run
Study the photos above and notice what those folks all have in common. Yes, they are all orienteers. They are running together as they start out in mass
start races, probably relays. But look closer. Look at the map in their hand, how they are holding it and how many are reading on the run. That is what
orienteers do. That is what you should be doing.
Recently while on a course I came across a young person orienteering. “Where is your map?” I asked. “In my pocket,” she responded. At the time I could
only shake my head in disbelief. There are two very good reasons to never put an orienteering map in a pocket. One is that you cannot read the map
when it is hidden away. The other is that the maps in Florida are printed on relatively fragile paper. Crumpling breaks the ink bond with the paper and
causes discoloration and lost information. ALWAYS HAVE YOUR MAP PLACED IN THE AVAILABLE PLASTIC BAG. If tape is available seal the open end.
How to hold the map:
Folded to keep
the needed part handy
Oriented so that the map is lined up
with known objects and direction of travel
Orienting the Map
Do you have a GPS device in your
Have you noticed that when you are
driving the GPS keeps the direction
you are going to the top of the map
screen. When you change direction,
the screen rotates.
Why is that? It is because that is by
far the easiest way to read and
understand the map.
Same with orienteering. While we are taught in school that
north is printed at the top of the map that changes in the field.
The ‘top’ of the map should be the direction we are going.
Meridian lines on the map and the north direction on the
compass needle should be lined up parallel.
As in the previous slide you can also look
for known features on the map and seen
in the terrain.
Align the map to look like the terrain.
Orienteering roughly comes from a word
meaning ‘facing east’ which is what ancient
explorers did every morning. They faced the
rising sun which they knew came up in the
east. They took their direction from that.
Now, with compasses, we use magnetic north
as the base direction.
What about the compass?
Watch out for the dreaded 180
degree error!
This guy has lined up the south
(white) end of the magnetic
needle with the north pointing
meridian lines.
Metric scale If your compass
does not have one then get some
masking tape and draw one on. ALL
orienteering maps use metric
scales. 1:10,000, 1:7,500 etc.
Magnetic Needle
The red end will always
be the one pointing to
magnetic north.
Wrist Lanyard
Always have the
compass in hand and
held by a wrist, not a
neck, lanyard.
The Silva 1-2-3 Method. There are faster ways to use a
compass but it is still reliable.
A faster way to use the compass for direction:
The direction to travel shown as an angle off the magnetic
north line.
Notice the leg 8 to 9 on the map below.
You can instantly find your direction of travel
from the compass by reading the same angle
off the magnetic needle which is pointing to
the same magnetic north. (See blue arcs)
That is how a thumb compass is used.
A baseplate compass such as this can be used
the same way with the same fast results.
Time for Review
Answers to Pop Quiz #1
Also out of bounds and dangerous areas
Courtesy of the
Answers to Pop Quiz #2
1 Special Object
2 Significant Tree
3 Knoll
4 Road Junction
5 Building
6 Open woods
7 Small trail
8 Stream
9 Hill
10 Marsh
11 Pavilion / Shelter
12 Indistinct trail
What is the approximate distance between Control 3 and 6 ? 250 meters
Coniferous tree
Stream/ Trail crossing
Building, East side
Fence, West end
Building, North corner
Road/ Trail Junction
Special object
Power pylon
250 m to Finish
Road/ Stone Wall Junction
Ditch Bend
NE Knoll, 1 m, East side
Between Thickets
Middle Depression, East
Eastern Ruin, West side
Compulsory marked route
Stone Wall, Ruined, SE corner
Spur, NW foot
Upper Cliff, 2 meters
Trail Crossing
250 m to finish
Answer to pop quiz #3
Answer to pop quiz #4
FAQ: “Orienteering has changed a lot since back in the day when I was learning ‘land
nav’. How can I find more up-to-date material that stresses map reading for
Answer: There is lots of instructional material on the web, on YouTube and other
sources. Some of it is good. Unfortunately, a lot of it is not so good.
Two good places to start are:
For help with creating
orienteering and map reading
exercises around your school
and in your community
contact Gord Hunter:

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Advice for Orienteering Coaches

  • 1. O O O O O O O O O O O V V V V V V V V V V V It was more than 50 years ago but I’ll never forget that lesson I learned. It wasn’t even orienteering. I was a new high school teacher coaching my first football team. I had meticulously prepared a playbook diagramming the plays we would be running that season. All the offensive players in the formations were designated with circles, the defense with Vs. The paths for the backs and blocking assignments for the line were all there. All the players had to do was memorize their particular assignment for each play. After several practices things were still not going so well and one player, Roger, an offensive guard, seemed particularly lost. “Roger, haven’t you read your playbook?” I yelled. “Yes, but I don’t know what all those X’s and O’s mean,” he matter-of-factly replied. Begin with the basics. Don’t take anything for granted, I learned. And do not overestimate understanding. “We should not overestimate understanding” Some suggestions for the orienteering instructor
  • 2. So it is with orienteering map reading. We orienteers pick up a map and it looks like this. We know every symbol and everything makes sense. Or we hope it does.
  • 3. Water Water сухопутный Дерево Дерево Дерево Дерево Яма Яма Яма След След След Забор Леса Леса болотный Поля Поля Поля Поля However, for the new orienteer the map might just as well look like this: красивый лес (Except for Russian speakers who would have no problem understanding this ‘map’)
  • 5. Immediately after the start I’ll cross a stream Moving along the trail going east I’ll go past three pits on the right. There will be water on my left. After 200 meters at the trail junction, I will go to the left / northeast As I come into the clearing (25 meters) I look to the right and see a thicket. I’ll head to the thicket and there is the flag. This is how the orienteers should see each leg of their course: (Reading from bottom) The stream, the pits, the trail junction and the clearing are ‘landmarks’ the orienteer picks to know he/she is on the correct route when they are seen. North
  • 6. What is happening out there? Florida and Suncoast Orienteering use Livelox to track willing orienteers. The playback information provides insight in to where the orienteers went and should help them understand what happened when they went off their intended route. These are the tracks of intermediate (Orange Course) males in a recent JROTC competition. Two of the tracked orienteers pretty well nailed the best route choices. One orienteer, the green line, took 7:31 minutes. Red line was 8:46 The others each went off course at some point, taking from 15 to 44 minutes to complete the leg. Was there one problem? Not just one. However, many seemed to be too careless choosing the right trail in the circled area. A careful check of the compass would help there. Problem #2 – “Relocation” How do they get back on track?
  • 7. Wish that was a one-of but we see it over and over again, competition after competition. Why? What is going wrong? What is missing from their orienteering skill set?
  • 8. What makes orienteering unique and fascinating is that, like fingerprints and snowflakes, no two orienteering legs are the same. Even when you return to the same area the organizer will set different legs. What is missing is an ability to plan. So how do you plan when every leg is different?
  • 9. As they look at each of the legs, orienteers could be reciting the mantra Direction – Distance – Landmarks – Attack Point (Acronym: DeeDeeLAP) Put together they help us make our Route Choice! Decision Making Orienteering Problem Solving Social scientists tell us that the way to make decisions and solve problems are very similar: • Collect information • Sort through to the important information • Select best alternative • Carry though on selection • Make adjustments along the way In orienteering that is what we do every race over and over again. We get pretty good at decision-making when we have a plan. However, a study of Livelox routes makes me believe that most cadets do not have a ‘game plan’ to approach orienteering legs. Every course is unique and every leg on every course is also different from the others. One formula can be used to produce solutions to each navigation ‘problem’.
  • 10. While each leg may be different the formula for success is the same: • Study the map • Look for Direction, Distance, Landmarks and an Attack Point to the next control point • Make a decision and Go Check direction, distance and landmarks along the way Go to the next control but be prepared to • Adjust when necessary, • Use the Attack Point when necessary Plan ahead • Use ‘easy running’ time on one leg to plan routes for future legs • Always plan your route away from the next control before you get to it. Do not be standing there as a beacon for orienteers coming up behind. DDLAP (DeeDeeLAP) Direction East on trail Direction ENE Landmark Water Landmark Trail Junction Attack Point Trail and clearing
  • 11. Direction In which direction do you leave the next control? Yes, they can study a leg before they get to it. That makes getting under way much quicker. Distance Not just distance from one control to the next but distance to the first and subsequent decision points along the way. If pace count overshoots that distance it is immediately time to reconsider what has happened and make adjustments. Landmarks These are features along the route marked on the map that when you get there you will know the location and know you are on or off course. Keep the eyes moving. It always amazes me how much some orienteers cannot see because they do not look around. Attack Point Look for a significant, can’t miss landmark feature that can help you get a precise direction and distance into the next control point.
  • 12. Let's go back to that leg we showed earlier. The one with all the disasters: And see how it can be simplified with a DDLAP plan While it may initially look complicated it is not. In practice the features are rolling in to and out of focus. For instance, we have an attack point in mind but we do not worry about it while we are leaving the last control. We concentrate on getting to that trail then going north. The next important point is Landmark 7, the trail junctions. We must get the direction correct there. The map tells us north. Landmark 8 tells us that marsh will be on our right. 5 6
  • 13. Does your team know about ‘traffic light’ orienteering? • Green light area – full speed ahead as the navigation is easy. Also known as Rough Orienteering. • Amber light area – slow down a bit and read the map more carefully. The navigation is getting trickier. • Red light area – slow down a lot. Near the control or in other spots where the navigation is also tricky. Also known as Precision Orienteering.
  • 14. Some More Stuff • Quizzes • Bringing training close to home • Mapping for Training • Master Maps for Training • Orienting the Map • The Compass • Review
  • 15. Orienteering Pop Quiz # 1 What are the five colors on an orienteering map and what does each represent? _______________ ____________________________ _______________ ____________________________ _______________ ____________________________ _______________ ____________________________ _______________ ____________________________ What color is often overprinted on an orienteering map and what are its two purposes? _______________ ____________________ ___________________ How much does your team know? Try these five pop quizzes: (See answers at end of presentation)
  • 16. Orienteering Pop Quiz #2 What symbol is at the center of each numbered circle on the map? 1) _______________________ 2) _______________________ 3) _______________________ 4) _______________________ 5) _______________________ 6) _______________________ 7) _______________________ 8) _______________________ 9) _______________________ 10) _______________________ 11) _______________________ 12) _______________________ What is the approximate distance between Control 3 and 6 ? ________
  • 17. Pop Quiz #3 Clue Sheet Symbols - Basic 1) _______________________ 2) _______________________ 3) _______________________ 4) _______________________ 5) _______________________ 6) _______________________ 7) _______________________ 8) _______________________ Insert written description Symbolic control descriptions (clue sheets) were devised in the 1980s to help international traveling orienteers to understand the descriptions in a country where they might not understand the language. (Once in Austria I had the edge of a cultivated field translated as ‘Edge of Civilization’) The symbols are also helpful for the course planner as they take less room than written descriptions to print on the map.
  • 18. Start _____________________ 1 _______________________ 2 _______________________ 3 _______________________ 4 _______________________ 5 _______________________ 6 _______________________ 7 _______________________ 8 _______________________ 9 _______________________ Compulsory marked route from 5 to 6 Distance last control to finish? ____ Orienteering pop quiz #4 (for advanced and intermediate orienteers) Insert written description This one is tougher and requires a good knowledge of clue sheet symbols, a knowledge the good orienteer should master.
  • 19. Pop Quiz # 5: Route choice and staying ‘located’: Here are three legs from courses at a recent competition. Have team members 1) draw on the route they would have taken and 2) pick out ‘landmarks’ along their route to use and identify to know they are still on track. Name the feature. Yellow Course Orange Course Green Course ‘Landmarks’? ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ‘Landmarks’? ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ‘Landmarks’? ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________
  • 20. Not all orienteering training has to take place in the forest, parks or preserves. Orienteering can take place pretty well anywhere from parks to neighborhoods to school and university grounds and even in shopping malls. Here are three places online to find ‘instant orienteering maps. Google Earth Bring Orienteering practice close to home
  • 21. Samples of a training course in that neighborhood: Course on Google Earth Same course on Open Orienteering Mapper Key advice to help the orienteers: • Keep moving • Read the map on the go • Pick landmarks to keep on track
  • 22. An orienteering map of the school campus is a good way to teach the orienteering skills – compass direction, pace counting, symbol recognition, map memory and map reading on the go to name a few.
  • 23. Help your team get better results: 1. Run: Train running like the cross-country team does, probably just not as fast. 2. Run and read: Read maps, read books, read the iPhone. Learn to steady the map in hand so that it can be read on the go. 3. Use master maps for training exercises: participants copy the course on to their map. This trains the eye to see the map and its detail more clearly. 4. Find small parks with small maps or where maps can be made and have your team set training courses for each other. 5. Map making: ALL the great orienteers have done some training doing field work to improve maps. It just trains the orienteering eye more than one can imagine. Fortunately, it is not hard to do. A pencil and sketch pad can get anyone started. Then we work up from there. 6. Read about orienteering. The BEST place I know is a site run by a volunteer who not too many years ago was a student just like your team members and when he found orienteering, he found his passion. 7. Neighborhood orienteering. We can’t always get to a park but we can always get to a map or better yet, make a map. And then run courses on it. 8. Organize orienteering events in your community. These can be fund-raisers for your team and by having team members set courses they get to see the courses from a different set of eyes.
  • 24. Key ingredients of a good orienteering physical training program:
  • 25. Map Drawing Exercise Have your team visit an area with paper, clipboards, pencils and erasers in hand. Draw on all the details they see to create a sketch map of the area. These do not have to be perfect creations. Look to see that they are getting the objects proportional in size and placed correctly in relation to each other. Then using one of the maps for a small ‘O meet’ seems to be a great incentive for the team to do better. This was an actual exercise for one of our schools. I regret that no responses came back. They missed a golden opportunity.
  • 26. Master Maps: Using a master map is the term to describe when orienteers copy the course by hand from a ‘master map’ to their own map. Years ago, it was a standard practice in competitions. Now it is hardly used at all, not even in training. But it should be. 1) It saves map copies as only the exact number are used. 2) It gives particularly the novice orienteer a closer look at and better understanding of that mysterious map. A fine point sharpie and a straight edge such as a compass base plate are best for drawing the lines and circles. Some older compasses even come with circular holes in the baseplate. These are for drawing control sites on to the map.
  • 27. Orienteering is not just land navigation. It involves problem solving and decision making. Each time a route choice has been made the orienteer went through a decision-making process of selecting information sifting it to get the important information and then deciding which way to go. The next step is to carry through on that decision. Look at each of the maps below. Which route would you choose 5-6? The routes of three top competitors Route Choice: • Consider the information • Make a decision • Enact that decision • Adjust when necessary Words about Route Choice 4:36 5:14 11:54 “That’s what we need: officers who can make decisions.” -A National Guard sergeant when learning about orienteering and decision making “Knowing orienteering put me head and shoulders above my land navigation classmates.” -Recent West Point Graduate “Of all the activities on your resume orienteering is the most valuable.” -University ROTC recruiter to high school orienteer.
  • 28. Keep the Map Ready/ Read on the Run Study the photos above and notice what those folks all have in common. Yes, they are all orienteers. They are running together as they start out in mass start races, probably relays. But look closer. Look at the map in their hand, how they are holding it and how many are reading on the run. That is what orienteers do. That is what you should be doing. Recently while on a course I came across a young person orienteering. “Where is your map?” I asked. “In my pocket,” she responded. At the time I could only shake my head in disbelief. There are two very good reasons to never put an orienteering map in a pocket. One is that you cannot read the map when it is hidden away. The other is that the maps in Florida are printed on relatively fragile paper. Crumpling breaks the ink bond with the paper and causes discoloration and lost information. ALWAYS HAVE YOUR MAP PLACED IN THE AVAILABLE PLASTIC BAG. If tape is available seal the open end. How to hold the map: Folded to keep the needed part handy Oriented so that the map is lined up with known objects and direction of travel
  • 29. Orienting the Map Do you have a GPS device in your car? Have you noticed that when you are driving the GPS keeps the direction you are going to the top of the map screen. When you change direction, the screen rotates. Why is that? It is because that is by far the easiest way to read and understand the map. Same with orienteering. While we are taught in school that north is printed at the top of the map that changes in the field. The ‘top’ of the map should be the direction we are going. Meridian lines on the map and the north direction on the compass needle should be lined up parallel. As in the previous slide you can also look for known features on the map and seen in the terrain. Align the map to look like the terrain. Orienteering roughly comes from a word meaning ‘facing east’ which is what ancient explorers did every morning. They faced the rising sun which they knew came up in the east. They took their direction from that. Now, with compasses, we use magnetic north as the base direction.
  • 30. What about the compass? Watch out for the dreaded 180 degree error! This guy has lined up the south (white) end of the magnetic needle with the north pointing meridian lines. Metric scale If your compass does not have one then get some masking tape and draw one on. ALL orienteering maps use metric scales. 1:10,000, 1:7,500 etc. Magnetic Needle The red end will always be the one pointing to magnetic north. Wrist Lanyard Always have the compass in hand and held by a wrist, not a neck, lanyard. The Silva 1-2-3 Method. There are faster ways to use a compass but it is still reliable.
  • 31. A faster way to use the compass for direction: The direction to travel shown as an angle off the magnetic north line. Notice the leg 8 to 9 on the map below. You can instantly find your direction of travel from the compass by reading the same angle off the magnetic needle which is pointing to the same magnetic north. (See blue arcs) That is how a thumb compass is used. A baseplate compass such as this can be used the same way with the same fast results.
  • 33. Answers to Pop Quiz #1 Overprint Also out of bounds and dangerous areas Courtesy of the
  • 34. Answers to Pop Quiz #2 1 Special Object 2 Significant Tree 3 Knoll 4 Road Junction 5 Building 6 Open woods 7 Small trail 8 Stream 9 Hill 10 Marsh 11 Pavilion / Shelter 12 Indistinct trail What is the approximate distance between Control 3 and 6 ? 250 meters
  • 35. Coniferous tree Stream/ Trail crossing Building, East side Fence, West end Building, North corner Road/ Trail Junction Special object Power pylon 250 m to Finish Road/ Stone Wall Junction Ditch Bend NE Knoll, 1 m, East side Between Thickets Middle Depression, East Eastern Ruin, West side Compulsory marked route Stone Wall, Ruined, SE corner Spur, NW foot Upper Cliff, 2 meters Trail Crossing 250 m to finish Answer to pop quiz #3 Answer to pop quiz #4
  • 36. FAQ: “Orienteering has changed a lot since back in the day when I was learning ‘land nav’. How can I find more up-to-date material that stresses map reading for navigation?” Answer: There is lots of instructional material on the web, on YouTube and other sources. Some of it is good. Unfortunately, a lot of it is not so good. Two good places to start are: For help with creating orienteering and map reading exercises around your school and in your community contact Gord Hunter: