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Accelerating Your Professional
Elevation with Social Media
Andrew Krzmarzick
GovLoop Community Manager
•  Imagine you could make powerful, professional,
   network-building connections every day…
  ▫  You can!
•  This session will help you:
  ▫  capitalize on social media tools like Facebook,
     GovLoop, LinkedIn and Twitter
  ▫  accelerate the velocity with which you meet new people
  ▫  establish yourself as a go-to (gotta-hire) resource.
1.  Cast a vision for your future career destination.

2.  Identify the types of people that will help you get there.

3.  Leverage social media to accelerate your professional
Exercise 1: Where Are You and Where
Are You Going?
•  In 7 words or less, explain your professional role

•  In 7 words or less, state your vision for your
   professional role IN 2020.
The Networking Process
How to Leverage Relationships and Referrals to Get a Job

Step 1: Get ready
1.  Identify what you want to achieve from
2.  Do some homework first—research the field,
    read up on organization websites, and join a
    professional association so you can be
    conversant and professional with your contacts.

   © 2011 Heather Krasna:
Get Organized
•  You will be doing a lot of outreach, visits,
   emailing, and following up with people. Get a
   system to track the details, using Excel, Act!, or whatever works for you
•  Check out an infographic of this process at
Step 2: Identify Your Network
Identify your existing “inner circle” and
peripheral contacts.
•  Inner Circle contacts are
   people who know you            •  Tip: Consider the level of
   personally and might be able      connectedness your contacts
   to recommend you.                 have—are they well connected
                                     in general? Do many people
                                     owe them favors? Do you
•  Peripheral contacts know
                                     know any “super-connectors”?
   someone who knows you, are
   people who “know of” you but
   don’t know you well…yet.
Step 3: Research and Categorize Your Contacts
 Categorize people by level of connection with you

•  Innermost circle (references, family, friends)
•  Inner circle (co-workers, classmates)
•  Outer circle /peripheral (friends of friends,
   people you’ve met briefly)
•  Prospects (people you know of, but who don’t
   know you)
Step 3: Research and Categorize Your Contacts
Categorize people by relevance to your job search

•  Most relevant (currently in your        •  Tip: To help with research,
  industry, job function, and geographic      create a Linkedin and GovLoop
  area, and/or in a position to hire or       profile and connect with all of
  refer you for jobs)                         your existing contacts, both
                                              inner and peripheral. Identify
•  Peripherally relevant (in related          which contacts are best-
  industries, job functions; same             connected (sort by number of
  industry, different geographic area)        connections on Linkedin), and
                                              identify which might be able to
•  Less relevant (best friend in a            help you in your specific search.
  totally unrelated industry—still might
  know people who can help you)
Step 4: Leverage Your Existing “Inner
Circle” Contacts
•  Contact them via LinkedIn, email, or phone, with a
   message reaching out to re-establish the relationship:
  ▫  ask them how things have been
  ▫  mention that you are soon launching a job search
•  Be specific about your job target:
  ▫  specify the job title, type of organization (or specific
     organizations), mission area, and geographic location you want.
Step 4: Leverage Your Existing “Inner
Circle” Contacts
Ask them to:
•  Keep an eye out for relevant jobs,          Tip: Don’t only ask
   forwarding them to you                      for favors when you
•  Introduce you to people in your area        need a job -- ask
   of interest / target organizations          how they are doing
•  Serve as an internal referral               continuously!
   (i.e. recommend you to hiring managers)
•  Give tips on the hiring process for their
   agency, revise your resume
•  Recommend you on LinkedIn; and/or serve
   as a reference
•  Meet with you to chat and catch up.
Step 5: Reach Out to New Contacts
•  Using the introductions from your inner circle of
   contacts, as well as other connections /
   professional associations / alumni networks and
   attendance at networking events
Step 5: Reach out to New Contacts
Start reaching out strategically to new people who are:
•  In organizations on your target list

•  Have job titles you envy/admire

•  Might be in a position to (a) hire you, (b) serve as an internal referral for
   upcoming positions in their organization; or (c) are super-connectors

•  Are accessible and likely to respond to your request
Ask People for Informational
Etiquette for these meetings is:
•  be on time,
•  respect the allotted time,
•  offer to pay for the other person’s coffee,
•  have a list of questions, and
•  do your homework so you don’t waste time
   on basic questions
Ask People for Informational
Your goal with these short meetings is:
•  Research—learn about the organization’s culture, possible new
  opportunities, the person’s career trajectory, job search advice, and
  ways you could be helpful to this person
•  Referrals—ask for introductions to people at other organizations
  or resources to explore
•  Resume feedback—ask (without asking for a job!) for them to
  review your resume to make sure it fits your target field
•  Be remembered positively and convert the
  person into a contact in your inner circle.
Step 6: Feed Your Contacts
•  Maintain the relationship you have established with your
 new and existing contacts (and do this on an ongoing basis, not just
 when you are job-seeking):

  ▫  Send a thank you note after every informational interview. Not
    just an email, but a card. If you can’t do a card—you don’t have a mailing
    address—write a LinkedIn recommendation about how helpful the
    person was.

  ▫  Let them know when you follow up with someone they referred

  ▫  Keep them posted from time to time about your job hunt and
     asking how they are.
Step 6: Feed Your Contacts
•  Refer other people to them; help people they refer to you
•  Send them job leads, grant / new business opportunities, timely and
   relevant news articles, speaking engagements, or other ideas or
   resources that will either help their organization or help them
   personally whenever possible.
•  Retweet their tweets, publicize their organization, etc.
•  Send birthday greetings / holiday wishes if you know ‘em like that
•  Go back to steps 4 through 6 until you land a job, then go to step 7.
Step 7: Thank Everyone!
•  Thank everyone who helped you get a job!
Exercise 2: Who Can Help You Get

•  Identify 10 contacts:
  ▫  5 people you know
  ▫  5 prospects.
 •  Designate them as one
  of these four categories
Discovering Connections On GovLoop
How do you find people you know and prospects
on GovLoop?
•  Click on “Members” from the GovLoop home page.
•  On the following page, click “Advanced Search.”
•  You can also go directly to
•  Search by Name, Title, Current Agency or Organization…or
   even Educational Background.
•  Once you find someone you know or that interests, send them
   a Friend Request (private) or leave a note on their Comment
   Wall (public).
Discovering Connections On GovLoop
•  GovGigs: Find, Land, Keep and Leap
•  As part of its “GovGigs” initiatives, GovLoop
   offers four key services and tools to accelerate
   your career advancement:
  ▫  Rock Your Resume
  ▫  GovLoop Mentors
  ▫  YGL
  ▫  Free Online Training/Resources
Rock Your Resume
•  Over 100 people have received resume reviews!
•  Secured the expertise of two top-notch expert reviewers
•  Conducting 10 resume reviews each month
•  Free service offered exclusively to GovLoop members.
•  Here’s how it works:
  ▫  Become a member of GovLoop (if you aren’t already)
  ▫  Join the “Rock Your Resume Group” -
  ▫  Submit your resume with some context.
  ▫  Get a review; post your edited resume so other
     members can learn from the process.
GovLoop Mentors Program
•  First-of-its-kind, government-wide program
•  50 Mentor Matches began August 22
•  Pilot runs through mid-November
•  Sign up now and get ready for 2012!
•  Here’s how you become a mentor or mentee:
 •  Go to
 •  Determine if you want to be a mentor or mentee.
 •  Complete your profile.
Free Online Training / Resources
•  Free, hour-long, online trainings every month
•  Guides & infographics with easy-to-read career advice
Archives of Free Online Training
•  “Find the Right Gov Gig For You”
•  “Get That Gov Gig: How To Network in a Tricky Job Environment”
•  “How Stunning Storytelling Can Advance Your Government Career”
Links to Guides and Infographics
Guides and Infographs
•  “Building Your Resume on USAJOBS”
•  “4 Winning Tips for a Successful Job Interview”
•  “10 Tips for Letting Federal Employers Know Your Worth”
•  “New Hire Handbook”
•  Launching next week
   (your sneak peek!)
•  Goal: make it easier for   ▫    acquisition,
                              ▫    budgeting
   you to narrow down
                              ▫    communications
   potential job matches.     ▫    generalist
•  Every week: receive 10     ▫    human resources
   new jobs in one of         ▫    information technology
                              ▫    $100K+ jobs
   several areas èèèè
On GovLoop: Learn from Experts and
Peers - Blogs
While there are scores of bloggers covering every issue
imaginable on GovLoop, these three people cover careers:

          Dianne Floyd Sutton
          President, Sutton Enterprises

          Heather Krasna
          Director, Career Services, Evans School of Public Affairs,
          Univ. of Washington

          Kathleen Smith
          Chief Marketing Officer,

       View all of the top blog posts at:
Candace’s Story
                “Honestly,I was bored, unemployed, and
                going through my morning ritual of
                sending out about 25-30 resumes a day. I
                did a Google search for something like
                "Government Contract Administration"
                and stumbled on a GovLoop blog post. I
                dug through the site, including the job
                board, and signed up!” – Candace

    View all of the top blog posts at:
GovLoop Forums
•  Of course, one of the best ways for you to find
   answers to your questions or position yourself
   as an expert is to check out the Forum section
   on GovLoop:                                     TIP:	
•  Ask:                                                       in	
•  Answer:                                                    content	
  most                  relevant	
Top 7 Tips for LinkedIn
 1. Make sure your profile is complete and up to date!
Tip 2: Search your Email Contacts to
Find Connections
Tip 3: Find Awesome People
Tip 4: Join, Create and Participate in
Tip 5: Recommend your colleagues
(and request recommendations).
Tip 6: Search, Save and Have the Jobs
Delivered to You
Tip 7: Integrate Your Other Social
Media Accounts
•  Blog
•  Reading List
•  Slideshare
•  Twitter
Jeffrey’s Story
•  Started the Chief Learning Officers Network in
   late November 2008.
•  Goal was to get 20-30 folks over a period of a
   year or so.
•  I started the group because nothing was in
   existence in LinkedIn and thought our
   community needed something – a place, a
   forum, something to communicate around
•  Today, 400+ members in the group
5 Quick Lessons from Jeffrey’s
LinkedIn Success
1.  Focused, active engagement leads to the greatest returns.
2.  As with any endeavor, the more you give, the more you
3.  Although the hallmarks of social media are openness,
    transparency and participation, it is okay to limit access
    to your network if that ties back to your ultimate goal.
4.  Establish a clear set of outcomes and a vision for the
5.  Bigger is not always better.
•  Not Professional?
•  Facebook is not usually seen as a professional
   networking site. Yet few social networks can
   cause more trouble for your career than
   Facebook. You all know how to use Facebook to
   connect with friends and family…so this section
   focuses more on the fine line between fun and
Facebook App: Branch Out
•  Helps you expand your career
   network to include everyone you
   know on Facebook.
•  You can expand your career network
   through all of your friends on
•  Key feature: Branchout syncs with
   LinkedIn – a pretty sweet feature if
   you don’t mind mixing business
Facebook App: Branch Out
Exercise 3: What Can Stall Your
•  Form a small group with 4-5 people around you.
•  Select a scenario from the next two pages.
•  Assign a spokesperson and a note-taker.
•  Using the worksheet, take 10 minutes to address the
   scenario assigned to your group.
•  Be ready to share with the large group!
•  We’ll address each scenario for 5-10 minutes.
Scenario 1 – To Friend or Not To Friend?
When Eva hears the news she has earned a spot at the prestigious State
 Department International Fellow program, she is ecstatic as she prepares
 to leave Latvia and travel to the US for one year. Her fellow students in the
 program are from all over the world and want to know all about her -
 where she is from, what languages she speaks, what her hometown looks
 like. “Are you on Facebook?” they ask.

After much convincing, Eva decides to join Facebook and begins accepting
  friend requests from everyone in the program. Since DC has a great
  nightlife, she starts posting lots of pictures from outings with her new
  friends. One afternoon, she gets a friend request from her supervisor. This
  supervisor was the one who originally accepted her application into the
  program, and will be on the panel to decide if she will be placed
  in a select group of students to intern with a US company
  when the program ends.
Scenario 1 – To Friend or Not To Friend?
•  Should Eva accept the friend request from her
•  How can Eva ensure that she doesn’t miss out on
   valuable connections while maintaining a comfortable
   level of privacy and maintain her reputation?
•  Should a supervisor send a friend request to direct
Scenario 2: The Office Offense
Dan and Jeff are like oil and water in the office. Despite sharing a
common mission, they can't seem to get along. They're always taking
not-so-subtle digs at one another in meetings and small camps of
sympathetic colleagues have formed around each of them.
 The problem: they are both excellent performers overall, meeting
deadlines and accomplishing team goals. However, things really
seemed to have gone too far when Dan found an unflattering
personal photo of Jeff on Flickr, posted it on his Facebook page and
used it as his screen saver at the office.
Jeff spoke with Dan's supervisor and reported the incident to HR.
Dan was forced to take the image off his work computer but refused
to remove it from his Facebook page, stating that he could do what he
wanted with his personal account.
Scenario 2: The Office Offense
•  How would you handle this type of situation
   from the perspective of Dan's supervisor?
•  How about from the vantage point of HR?
•  As a colleague?
Scenario 3: Venting in the Wrong Venue
Karla is a Program Analyst at an agency. After a
particularly difficult day, Karla is frustrated after an
interaction with a colleague in another agency and makes
the following comment on her Facebook page: “Had to
deal with difficult [insert position here] at [insert agency
here]. Typical bureaucracy! I’m sure glad I don’t work at
that agency…and especially not with her.” She makes the
comment after work hours from a home computer.
Scenario 3: Venting in the Wrong Venue
•  What if this really happened? Would / should Karla lose
   her job?
•  What would be a fair policy in terms of how agency
   employees should use social media during their personal
Scenario 4: Digging Up Dirt
Vanessa is a hiring manager for your agency. She has discovered
that Google, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are all effective tools for
rounding out the qualifications and determining the cultural fit of
potential candidates for position vacancies. One candidate is highly
qualified for an opening, but Vanessa discovers in her web search
that the individual belongs to a special interest group with which she
strongly disagrees. For that reason, Vanessa does not forward the
candidate's information to the supervisor for review and
consideration. Another member of the HR team learns about
Vanessa's decision and elevates the issue to the Office of the Chief
Human Capital Officer.
Scenario 4: Digging Up Dirt
•  What kind of policy would you develop to protect
   potential candidates from experiencing this kind of
•  What if the person truly would not have been a solid
   culture fit (i.e. could create significant tension among
   team members) based on their affiliation?
•  What if you learned that this happened to you in
   applying for a job? How would you react?
Twitter Advice
             12 COMMANDMENTS
              FOR GOV on TWITTER

      1. Thou Shalt Not Spam
      2. Thou shalt not leave my profile
      info blank
      3. Thou shalt not forget the rules
      4. Thou shalt not bite the hand that
      5. Thou shalt not hide my affiliations
      6. Thou shalt not Bait and switch
      7. Thou shalt Tweet regularly
      8. Thou shalt contribute to the
      9. Thou shalt be selective about who I
      10. Thou shalt use lists
      11. Thou shalt grow my followers
      the right way
      12. Thou shalt seek the greater Good
Twitter Links and Resources
•    6 Suggestions for Taking Twitter to Another Level
•    Follow lists
•    Don’t follow these people!
•    Don’t do it this way!

Use listening tools (i.e. apps)
•  Follow hashtags.
Twitter Resources
“How to Win Friends and Twinfluence People”
Advice from Dr. Mark Drapeau (@cheeky_geeky)

1. Be unique, but be yourself    6. Find the influencers
2. Participate in conversation   7. Become an authority
3. Provide value to a            8. Be creative
community                        9. Reward with shout-outs
4. Attract loyal followers       10. Always have fun
5. Mix microsharing with
other outlets
Stephanie & Sonny’s Story
        “I'm job hunting right now, and I've found social
        media to be extremely helpful for networking
        purposes. LinkedIn and Twitter in particular
        have helped me connect with a bunch of
        potential future employers.”

        “I first heard about my current job vacancy via
         Twitter :) So I can say without any reservation
         that social media has helped my career in a
         significant way.”
Four Fantastic Ways to Get Organized With Google 

          1. Search Yourself
Four Fantastic Ways to Get Organized With Google 

       2. Set Up Google Alerts
Four Fantastic Ways to Get Organized With Google 

              3. Get a Reader

Four Fantastic Ways to Get Organized With Google 

         4. Check Out Google+
Find Your Voice
•  Got something to say and need a place to say it?
  ▫  Blogging gives your voice a written outlet.

  ▫  If speaking’s your thing, try podcasting.
Chris’ Story
                           “Social media allows me to network with
                            like-minded people in the areas I wish to
                            advance my career. This is huge. When
                            trying to look for that next step in my
                            professional career, it allows me to
                            integrate with companies, people in the
        careers I'm interested in, best practices,
      etc. It has also given me a location to
                 showcase my talents and create portfolios
                    of my work.”
Exercise 4: So What Will You Do Next
to Hit the Gas?
•  What are 3 actions you will take in the
   next week?

•  What are 3 additional actions you will
   take by the end of September?
My 3 Actions for YOU!
         1. Join GovLoop:

         2. Friend Me:

         3. Find Me on LinkedIn:

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Advancing Your Government Career With Social Media

  • 1. Accelerating Your Professional Elevation with Social Media Andrew Krzmarzick GovLoop Community Manager @krazykriz
  • 2. Overview •  Imagine you could make powerful, professional, network-building connections every day… ▫  You can! •  This session will help you: ▫  capitalize on social media tools like Facebook, GovLoop, LinkedIn and Twitter ▫  accelerate the velocity with which you meet new people ▫  establish yourself as a go-to (gotta-hire) resource.
  • 3. Objectives 1.  Cast a vision for your future career destination. 2.  Identify the types of people that will help you get there. 3.  Leverage social media to accelerate your professional connections.
  • 4. Exercise 1: Where Are You and Where Are You Going? •  In 7 words or less, explain your professional role RIGHT NOW. •  In 7 words or less, state your vision for your professional role IN 2020.
  • 5. The Networking Process How to Leverage Relationships and Referrals to Get a Job Step 1: Get ready 1.  Identify what you want to achieve from networking. 2.  Do some homework first—research the field, read up on organization websites, and join a professional association so you can be conversant and professional with your contacts. © 2011 Heather Krasna:
  • 6. Get Organized •  You will be doing a lot of outreach, visits, emailing, and following up with people. Get a system to track the details, using Excel, Act!, or whatever works for you •  Check out an infographic of this process at steps-to-social-networking
  • 7. Step 2: Identify Your Network Identify your existing “inner circle” and peripheral contacts. •  Inner Circle contacts are people who know you •  Tip: Consider the level of personally and might be able connectedness your contacts to recommend you. have—are they well connected in general? Do many people owe them favors? Do you •  Peripheral contacts know know any “super-connectors”? someone who knows you, are people who “know of” you but don’t know you well…yet.
  • 8. Step 3: Research and Categorize Your Contacts Categorize people by level of connection with you •  Innermost circle (references, family, friends) •  Inner circle (co-workers, classmates) •  Outer circle /peripheral (friends of friends, people you’ve met briefly) •  Prospects (people you know of, but who don’t know you)
  • 9. Step 3: Research and Categorize Your Contacts Categorize people by relevance to your job search •  Most relevant (currently in your •  Tip: To help with research, industry, job function, and geographic create a Linkedin and GovLoop area, and/or in a position to hire or profile and connect with all of refer you for jobs) your existing contacts, both inner and peripheral. Identify •  Peripherally relevant (in related which contacts are best- industries, job functions; same connected (sort by number of industry, different geographic area) connections on Linkedin), and identify which might be able to •  Less relevant (best friend in a help you in your specific search. totally unrelated industry—still might know people who can help you)
  • 10. Step 4: Leverage Your Existing “Inner Circle” Contacts •  Contact them via LinkedIn, email, or phone, with a message reaching out to re-establish the relationship: ▫  ask them how things have been ▫  mention that you are soon launching a job search •  Be specific about your job target: ▫  specify the job title, type of organization (or specific organizations), mission area, and geographic location you want.
  • 11. Step 4: Leverage Your Existing “Inner Circle” Contacts Ask them to: •  Keep an eye out for relevant jobs, Tip: Don’t only ask forwarding them to you for favors when you •  Introduce you to people in your area need a job -- ask of interest / target organizations how they are doing •  Serve as an internal referral continuously! (i.e. recommend you to hiring managers) •  Give tips on the hiring process for their agency, revise your resume •  Recommend you on LinkedIn; and/or serve as a reference •  Meet with you to chat and catch up.
  • 12. Step 5: Reach Out to New Contacts •  Using the introductions from your inner circle of contacts, as well as other connections / professional associations / alumni networks and attendance at networking events
  • 13. Step 5: Reach out to New Contacts Start reaching out strategically to new people who are: •  In organizations on your target list •  Have job titles you envy/admire •  Might be in a position to (a) hire you, (b) serve as an internal referral for upcoming positions in their organization; or (c) are super-connectors •  Are accessible and likely to respond to your request
  • 14. Ask People for Informational Interviews Etiquette for these meetings is: •  be on time, •  respect the allotted time, •  offer to pay for the other person’s coffee, •  have a list of questions, and •  do your homework so you don’t waste time on basic questions
  • 15. Ask People for Informational Interviews Your goal with these short meetings is: •  Research—learn about the organization’s culture, possible new opportunities, the person’s career trajectory, job search advice, and ways you could be helpful to this person •  Referrals—ask for introductions to people at other organizations or resources to explore •  Resume feedback—ask (without asking for a job!) for them to review your resume to make sure it fits your target field •  Be remembered positively and convert the person into a contact in your inner circle.
  • 16. Step 6: Feed Your Contacts •  Maintain the relationship you have established with your new and existing contacts (and do this on an ongoing basis, not just when you are job-seeking): ▫  Send a thank you note after every informational interview. Not just an email, but a card. If you can’t do a card—you don’t have a mailing address—write a LinkedIn recommendation about how helpful the person was. ▫  Let them know when you follow up with someone they referred ▫  Keep them posted from time to time about your job hunt and asking how they are.
  • 17. Step 6: Feed Your Contacts •  Refer other people to them; help people they refer to you •  Send them job leads, grant / new business opportunities, timely and relevant news articles, speaking engagements, or other ideas or resources that will either help their organization or help them personally whenever possible. •  Retweet their tweets, publicize their organization, etc. •  Send birthday greetings / holiday wishes if you know ‘em like that •  Go back to steps 4 through 6 until you land a job, then go to step 7.
  • 18. Step 7: Thank Everyone! •  Thank everyone who helped you get a job!
  • 19. Exercise 2: Who Can Help You Get There? •  Identify 10 contacts: ▫  5 people you know ▫  5 prospects. •  Designate them as one of these four categories èèèèè
  • 20. Discovering Connections On GovLoop How do you find people you know and prospects on GovLoop? •  Click on “Members” from the GovLoop home page. •  On the following page, click “Advanced Search.” •  You can also go directly to •  Search by Name, Title, Current Agency or Organization…or even Educational Background. •  Once you find someone you know or that interests, send them a Friend Request (private) or leave a note on their Comment Wall (public). • government-resume-makeover-jacob-hoots-edition
  • 22. GovGigs •  GovGigs: Find, Land, Keep and Leap •  As part of its “GovGigs” initiatives, GovLoop offers four key services and tools to accelerate your career advancement: ▫  Rock Your Resume ▫  GovLoop Mentors ▫  YGL ▫  Free Online Training/Resources
  • 23. Rock Your Resume •  Over 100 people have received resume reviews! •  Secured the expertise of two top-notch expert reviewers •  Conducting 10 resume reviews each month •  Free service offered exclusively to GovLoop members. •  Here’s how it works: ▫  Become a member of GovLoop (if you aren’t already) ▫  Join the “Rock Your Resume Group” - ▫  Submit your resume with some context. ▫  Get a review; post your edited resume so other members can learn from the process.
  • 24. GovLoop Mentors Program •  First-of-its-kind, government-wide program •  50 Mentor Matches began August 22 •  Pilot runs through mid-November •  Sign up now and get ready for 2012! •  Here’s how you become a mentor or mentee: •  Go to •  Determine if you want to be a mentor or mentee. •  Complete your profile.
  • 25. Free Online Training / Resources •  Free, hour-long, online trainings every month •  Guides & infographics with easy-to-read career advice Archives of Free Online Training •  “Find the Right Gov Gig For You” rocking-resource-how-to-find •  “Get That Gov Gig: How To Network in a Tricky Job Environment” rocking-resource-networking-archive-and-slides •  “How Stunning Storytelling Can Advance Your Government Career” rocking-resource-storytelling
  • 26. Links to Guides and Infographics Guides and Infographs •  “Building Your Resume on USAJOBS” rock-your-resume-usajobsstyle •  “4 Winning Tips for a Successful Job Interview” rocking-resource-4-winning •  “10 Tips for Letting Federal Employers Know Your Worth” tips-for-letting-federal •  “New Hire Handbook”
  • 27. Jobs.GovLoop.Com •  Launching next week (your sneak peek!) •  Goal: make it easier for ▫  acquisition, ▫  budgeting you to narrow down ▫  communications potential job matches. ▫  generalist •  Every week: receive 10 ▫  human resources new jobs in one of ▫  information technology ▫  $100K+ jobs several areas èèèè
  • 28.
  • 29. On GovLoop: Learn from Experts and Peers - Blogs While there are scores of bloggers covering every issue imaginable on GovLoop, these three people cover careers: Dianne Floyd Sutton President, Sutton Enterprises Heather Krasna Director, Career Services, Evans School of Public Affairs, Univ. of Washington Kathleen Smith Chief Marketing Officer, View all of the top blog posts at:
  • 30. Candace’s Story “Honestly,I was bored, unemployed, and going through my morning ritual of sending out about 25-30 resumes a day. I did a Google search for something like "Government Contract Administration" and stumbled on a GovLoop blog post. I dug through the site, including the job board, and signed up!” – Candace View all of the top blog posts at:
  • 31. GovLoop Forums •  Of course, one of the best ways for you to find answers to your questions or position yourself as an expert is to check out the Forum section on GovLoop: TIP:    Be  sure  to  use   the  search  func/on   •  Ask: in  the  blogs  and forums  to  find   •  Answer: content  most relevant  to  you.  
  • 32. Top 7 Tips for LinkedIn 1. Make sure your profile is complete and up to date!
  • 33. Tip 2: Search your Email Contacts to Find Connections
  • 34. Tip 3: Find Awesome People
  • 35. Tip 4: Join, Create and Participate in Groups
  • 36. Tip 5: Recommend your colleagues (and request recommendations).
  • 37. Tip 6: Search, Save and Have the Jobs Delivered to You
  • 38. Tip 7: Integrate Your Other Social Media Accounts •  Blog •  Reading List •  Slideshare •  Twitter
  • 39. Jeffrey’s Story •  Started the Chief Learning Officers Network in late November 2008. •  Goal was to get 20-30 folks over a period of a year or so. •  I started the group because nothing was in existence in LinkedIn and thought our community needed something – a place, a forum, something to communicate around ideas. •  Today, 400+ members in the group
  • 40. 5 Quick Lessons from Jeffrey’s LinkedIn Success 1.  Focused, active engagement leads to the greatest returns. 2.  As with any endeavor, the more you give, the more you receive. 3.  Although the hallmarks of social media are openness, transparency and participation, it is okay to limit access to your network if that ties back to your ultimate goal. 4.  Establish a clear set of outcomes and a vision for the future. 5.  Bigger is not always better.
  • 41. Facebook •  Not Professional? •  Facebook is not usually seen as a professional networking site. Yet few social networks can cause more trouble for your career than Facebook. You all know how to use Facebook to connect with friends and family…so this section focuses more on the fine line between fun and infamy.
  • 42. Facebook App: Branch Out •  Helps you expand your career network to include everyone you know on Facebook. •  You can expand your career network through all of your friends on Facebook. •  Key feature: Branchout syncs with LinkedIn – a pretty sweet feature if you don’t mind mixing business
  • 44. Exercise 3: What Can Stall Your Journey? •  Form a small group with 4-5 people around you. •  Select a scenario from the next two pages. •  Assign a spokesperson and a note-taker. •  Using the worksheet, take 10 minutes to address the scenario assigned to your group. •  Be ready to share with the large group! •  We’ll address each scenario for 5-10 minutes.
  • 45. Scenario 1 – To Friend or Not To Friend? When Eva hears the news she has earned a spot at the prestigious State Department International Fellow program, she is ecstatic as she prepares to leave Latvia and travel to the US for one year. Her fellow students in the program are from all over the world and want to know all about her - where she is from, what languages she speaks, what her hometown looks like. “Are you on Facebook?” they ask. After much convincing, Eva decides to join Facebook and begins accepting friend requests from everyone in the program. Since DC has a great nightlife, she starts posting lots of pictures from outings with her new friends. One afternoon, she gets a friend request from her supervisor. This supervisor was the one who originally accepted her application into the program, and will be on the panel to decide if she will be placed in a select group of students to intern with a US company when the program ends.
  • 46. Scenario 1 – To Friend or Not To Friend? Questions: •  Should Eva accept the friend request from her supervisor? •  How can Eva ensure that she doesn’t miss out on valuable connections while maintaining a comfortable level of privacy and maintain her reputation? •  Should a supervisor send a friend request to direct reports?
  • 47. Scenario 2: The Office Offense Dan and Jeff are like oil and water in the office. Despite sharing a common mission, they can't seem to get along. They're always taking not-so-subtle digs at one another in meetings and small camps of sympathetic colleagues have formed around each of them. The problem: they are both excellent performers overall, meeting deadlines and accomplishing team goals. However, things really seemed to have gone too far when Dan found an unflattering personal photo of Jeff on Flickr, posted it on his Facebook page and used it as his screen saver at the office. Jeff spoke with Dan's supervisor and reported the incident to HR. Dan was forced to take the image off his work computer but refused to remove it from his Facebook page, stating that he could do what he wanted with his personal account.
  • 48. Scenario 2: The Office Offense Questions: •  How would you handle this type of situation from the perspective of Dan's supervisor? •  How about from the vantage point of HR? •  As a colleague?
  • 49. Scenario 3: Venting in the Wrong Venue Karla is a Program Analyst at an agency. After a particularly difficult day, Karla is frustrated after an interaction with a colleague in another agency and makes the following comment on her Facebook page: “Had to deal with difficult [insert position here] at [insert agency here]. Typical bureaucracy! I’m sure glad I don’t work at that agency…and especially not with her.” She makes the comment after work hours from a home computer.
  • 50. Scenario 3: Venting in the Wrong Venue Questions •  What if this really happened? Would / should Karla lose her job? •  What would be a fair policy in terms of how agency employees should use social media during their personal time?
  • 51. Scenario 4: Digging Up Dirt Vanessa is a hiring manager for your agency. She has discovered that Google, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn are all effective tools for rounding out the qualifications and determining the cultural fit of potential candidates for position vacancies. One candidate is highly qualified for an opening, but Vanessa discovers in her web search that the individual belongs to a special interest group with which she strongly disagrees. For that reason, Vanessa does not forward the candidate's information to the supervisor for review and consideration. Another member of the HR team learns about Vanessa's decision and elevates the issue to the Office of the Chief Human Capital Officer.
  • 52. Scenario 4: Digging Up Dirt Questions •  What kind of policy would you develop to protect potential candidates from experiencing this kind of discrimination? •  What if the person truly would not have been a solid culture fit (i.e. could create significant tension among team members) based on their affiliation? •  What if you learned that this happened to you in applying for a job? How would you react?
  • 53. Twitter Advice 12 COMMANDMENTS FOR GOV on TWITTER 1. Thou Shalt Not Spam 2. Thou shalt not leave my profile info blank 3. Thou shalt not forget the rules 4. Thou shalt not bite the hand that feeds 5. Thou shalt not hide my affiliations 6. Thou shalt not Bait and switch 7. Thou shalt Tweet regularly 8. Thou shalt contribute to the conversation 9. Thou shalt be selective about who I follow 10. Thou shalt use lists 11. Thou shalt grow my followers the right way 12. Thou shalt seek the greater Good
  • 54. Twitter Links and Resources •  6 Suggestions for Taking Twitter to Another Level •  Follow lists •  Don’t follow these people! •  Don’t do it this way! Use listening tools (i.e. apps) • apps-for-2011-930383 • for-your-mobile-phone/ •  Follow hashtags.
  • 55. Twitter Resources “How to Win Friends and Twinfluence People” Advice from Dr. Mark Drapeau (@cheeky_geeky) WIN FRIENDS TWINFLUENCE PEOPLE 1. Be unique, but be yourself 6. Find the influencers 2. Participate in conversation 7. Become an authority 3. Provide value to a 8. Be creative community 9. Reward with shout-outs 4. Attract loyal followers 10. Always have fun 5. Mix microsharing with other outlets
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  • 58. Stephanie & Sonny’s Story “I'm job hunting right now, and I've found social media to be extremely helpful for networking purposes. LinkedIn and Twitter in particular have helped me connect with a bunch of potential future employers.” “I first heard about my current job vacancy via Twitter :) So I can say without any reservation that social media has helped my career in a significant way.”
  • 59. Four Fantastic Ways to Get Organized With Google  1. Search Yourself
  • 60. Four Fantastic Ways to Get Organized With Google  2. Set Up Google Alerts
  • 61. Four Fantastic Ways to Get Organized With Google  3. Get a Reader  
  • 62. Four Fantastic Ways to Get Organized With Google  4. Check Out Google+
  • 63. Find Your Voice •  Got something to say and need a place to say it? ▫  Blogging gives your voice a written outlet. ▫  If speaking’s your thing, try podcasting.
  • 64.
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  • 66. Chris’ Story “Social media allows me to network with like-minded people in the areas I wish to advance my career. This is huge. When trying to look for that next step in my professional career, it allows me to integrate with companies, people in the TIP:  Be  sure   careers I'm interested in, best practices, to  review  this   etc. It has also given me a location to infograph   showcase my talents and create portfolios online   of my work.”
  • 67. Exercise 4: So What Will You Do Next to Hit the Gas? •  What are 3 actions you will take in the next week? •  What are 3 additional actions you will take by the end of September?
  • 68. My 3 Actions for YOU! 1. Join GovLoop: 2. Friend Me: www. 3. Find Me on LinkedIn: