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Sub Theme​- Role of Society in defeating COVID-19
Mir Mustafa Ali Hasan
In these unprecedented and unimaginable circumstances, our world has been halted. We live
in a time of total uncertainty of what to expect from tomorrow.
While we try to live in these times, we remain positive, as we are in this together. That
feeling of collectiveness is something that is being seen all across the world. Communities
coming together, in spirit, if not physically, for a collective cause of a better future.
Humans are extremely versatile beings, known to adapt to their surroundings and in a time of
rapidly changing circumstances, we have proved that we have an innate capacity to adapt and
evolve as better citizens of this planet.
This unique opportunity has allowed us to act as enablers for global cooperation and
commitment to progress. The world has never seen such a moment of a common narrative to
share and as global citizens, it's upon us to carry forward the lofty goal of defeating the virus,
while staying united and not segmenting away into smaller fractions of the World Order.
We are being tested. The questions of this test are simple. Are we going to stay united? Is this
ever going to end? Are we going to adapt to the new normal? The answers to the above are
also pretty simple- Yes, Yes, and Yes.
Word Count of Abstract: 217
Keywords​: Adaptive Capacity, Global Citizenship, COVID-19, Collective Ability.
The Back Story
It all started with a city in China being shut down and the world didn’t really take stock of the
occasion. We were still reeling back from the horrible string of crises the world had gone
through, The Iran-US Standoff, Brexit, The Australian Bushfires and many more such
distressing events.
On the eve of New Years, December 31st, the World Health Organisation was officially
notified of a suspected outbreak of a respiratory illness in its ninth most populous city-
Wuhan in Hubei Province. At this time, no one had imagined that this virus has the potential
to stop the world!
The Chinese Government thought it was ready to handle a crisis of this magnitude as it had
upgraded its medical systems after the SARS Outbreak in 2003. But what was coming was
nothing short of a tsunami of patients, that not only overwhelmed the medical system of the
People’s Republic but also tested it to the ends.
11th February 2019, after spreading to 25 Countries, the enemy was officially named
COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-21
The origin of the virus is believed to be the Hunan Seafood Wholesale Market and is thought
to have a zoonotic origin closely related to bat coronaviruses, pangolin coronaviruses, and2
SARS-CoV. The scientific consensus at that time was that COVID-19 had a natural origin.3
COVID has become a household name with 59% of humanity under complete lockdown, and
another 20% living with strict restrictions. It has thus far affected more than 35,00,0004
people and 2,00,000 people have succumbed to it.5
These definitely are challenging times and it is during this time that humankind has been
most resilient and strong. It has shown the Adaptive Capacity of man and the power of being
together in this crisis.
Statement by the Director-General of WHO, 11th February 2020
New York Times, 10th January 2020
Scripps Research Institute. 17th March 2020
The Guardian, 2nd May 2020
WHO Official Count as on 5th May 2020
The Capacity to Adapt
Adaptive Capacity is defined as
‘the ability to adapt quickly to positively leverage evolving environments.’
There is still much debate around the definition and practical applications of the term
adaptive capacity. Broadly speaking, adaptive capacity denotes the ability of a system to
adjust, modify or change its characteristics or actions to moderate potential damage, take
advantage of opportunities or cope with the consequences of shock or stress .6
‘Change is the only constant’
These are unprecedented territories, we have been relegated to our homes and our lives have
now been confined. The world looks like it’s abandoned and humans have vanished. Streets
show a deserted view. Adaptive Capacity is believed to be the most critical skill of
A key component of this is ensuring that individuals, communities and societies are actively
involved in processes of change Importantly, this relates to changes in behaviour, as well as
in resources and technologies.7
Humans focus on building capacities to respond to change, and to drive that change and
innovate. A few studies however, focus specifically on the social differentiation of capacities
to adapt and innovate. Various studies have proven that there are five dimensions of the
capacity to adapt and innovate, namely, assets, flexibility, learning, social organisation and
agency to be mutually dependent.
The COVID-19 Pandemic has tested humans and their capacity to adapt to the extreme ends
and the results were quiet appeasing. In these situations too, the five dimensions of Adaptive
Capacity were seen vividly.
While the battle against COVID-19 was being fought in Medical Centers and Government
Agencies, the general population was busy assembling their ​assets ​to survive the pandemic.
This included, available variants of their staple meals, home and body care products, essential
requirements and equipment to work remotely.
Almost half the world was asked to remain at home, and this meant that life for almost
everyone was drastically changed, ​flexibility ​in life was seen. Homes were the new offices,
schools, colleges, exam centers, restaurants, gyms, recreational spaces, places of worship and
centers of frivolity and fun.
Brooks, 2003
Pettengell, 2010
COVID-19 has been a ​learning time for all of us, we have learnt new skills, and unlearned a
few bad habits. We’ve learnt to be more compassionate, more caring, more aware and most
importantly, learnt how to be helpful. We’ve learnt to forget a few old things too such as
disobeying orders, leaving all chores on women, and on a slightly lighter note, we have
forgotten the horrid pollution, the exhausting travels and unending traffic jams.
As a society, we have progressed beyond any comparison. An example that can be taken is
from the signs of solidarity led by the Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi. The
society stands as one. Everyone recognized and applauded the efforts of those elements of
our ​social organization that have been working in the forefront of dealing with this
This time has also proved to us, more than ever how important our family is. While being at
home, we have been dependent on our family for all our work. We have realised how
important neighbours are or how important are the relations we build and how many of them
are strong enough for us to ​mutually depend​ on them to emerge from the crisis together.
We have a tall level of adaptive capacity – our social, economic, political, and institutional
systems to adjust to constant change, cope with moderate potential damage, and use it to take
advantage of the opportunities, and deal with the consequences of change.
Adjustments are the activities of people, networks and governments attempted to improve or
secure prosperity. Adjustment can be compelled or empowered by socio-institutional
elements identified with the physical, monetary and social condition. Versatile limit alludes
to the conditions that empower individuals to foresee and react to change, and recoup from
and limit the results of progress.
This Pandemic has been no different, Humans have adapted to the current situation and have
worked towards balancing their physical health and the well-being of the economy. No doubt,
the economy has seen a plunge that will take years to recover, but the silence of humankind
will make sure that the economy will prosper again soon.
The power of one person's Adaptive Capacity has the power to do well, but the collective
good that everyone will be the make-or-break element of our fight against the virus.
Humans have shown unmatched strength in this time, and safely prove that Humans do
indeed, have the extreme high level of Adaptive Capacity, and we are truly social beings who
are willing to change for the greater good. In times like these, Our world is united as a one
family and in this time more than ever, our strength as one will be tested. Global Citizenship
is absolutely the need of the hour, and our collective Adaptive Capacity will lead us to
emerge victorious in the end.
The Power of Collective Ability
The world is experiencing significant change and numerous individuals feel attracted to
surrender . Our present issues, as intractable as they may appear, rather point to our absence
of a creative mind. It would seem that we are encountering the stage going before a
significant change in perspective and all the emergencies that accompany it.
The predominant worldview can't clarify the social anomalies and it shows up as though
outside occasions, for example, terrorist attacks, extraordinary climate or political distress
power our mentalities to move. As a run-of-the-mill response to such dangers, individuals
over the world go to the old and progressively recognizable paradigms wanting to discover
The most remarkable way individuals have developed, moved their mentality, and
accomplished more significant levels of awareness has been through stories. The accounts we
describe to each other issue. They matter on how we look at particular events in the future.
They grant us to interface with what we believe is true and significant. What is it that we
relate to and value in the tales of our shared cultural narratives?
It is significant that we look at with meticulousness the narratives we tell about ourselves as
individuals and as a society. Given that humanity’s survival as a species is at risk we must
unpack misguided frames about who we are and what we organize for.
Throughout history, there have been only a few events that have united the entire population
as one, we all had the same narrative to share, a similar experience to narrate and a situation,
anyone can relate to.
It can be the Two World Wars or the Moon Landing. Some are joyous and some are
UN Secretary General, Antonio Gutteres said ​“This is both a health and human crisis and the
risk that it contributes to enhanced instability, enhanced unrest, and enhanced conflict are
things that make us believe that this is, indeed, the most challenging crisis we have faced
since the Second World War and the one that needs a stronger and more effective response.
That is only possible in solidarity if everybody come together and if we forget political games
and understand that it is humankind that is at stake”8
COVID-19 is threatening the whole of humanity – and the whole of humanity must fight
​The UNSG Special Report on Socio-Economic Impacts of COVID-19, March 2020
Yet many States simply do not have the resources to respond to the crisis as others do.
Disparities in public health responses are exposing poorer countries to higher risks than
Just as combating COVID-19 requires governments to extend protection to the whole
population, especially those least able to protect themselves, we need to ensure that all
countries are equally effective in their responses. The coronavirus has shown itself to be no
respecter of national boundaries. If one country fails in its efforts to control the spread of the
virus, all countries are at risk. The world is only as strong as the weakest health system.9
The focus is rightly on saving lives, for which universal access to health care is imperative.
But the health crisis has triggered an economic and social crisis that is hitting individuals,
families and communities hard.
This impact comes from the disease itself but also from the measures necessary to combat it
coming up against underlying factors like inequalities and weak protection systems. It falls
disproportionately on some people, often those least able to protect themselves. This is in the
background, when the message of unification and collective action is being promoted. We are
in this together and it is our responsibility to protect not only ours but everyone because at the
end of the day, ​Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam​, The world is one family!
The COVID-19 Pandemic, has presented us with an unmatched opportunity to connect.
COVID-19 has given the world something to talk about. The virus has attacked almost all
countries which means that no matter what the culture or tradition of the place – everyone is
weirdly unified by a single virus. Something that matters a lot in this time, is our role as
citizens, not only of our countries but also the world. It’s been evident that while we are
united for the same cause, we stand more divided than ever.
With the advancement of digital communication, the spread of racial stereotyping and
dicrimiantion has bothered us during times when we are in dire need of worldwide inclusion,
intensing the already existing prejudice people have towards various communities. In the
present occasion too, over the web, individuals are censuring the Chinese for the Coronavirus
as well as have gone similarly as condemning their way of life. Well known posts much of
the time guarantee that the pandemic is brought about by ​‘filthy individuals who can't
maintain control’ and are cautioning individuals to ​‘reconsider before requesting anything10
Chinese.’ However, this is not the first occasion when we have something like this: we saw11
this with the Ebola outbreak in 2014 as well, yet apparently we have not gained from the past.
During this time of uncertainty, we should all remain united in our fight and use our
collective capacity to adapt, and the power of our collective efforts will be the mast on which
the flag of our victory against COVID-19.
COVID-19 and Human Rights, United Nations Report, April 2020
​Disclaimer​: These views are not of the author but quoted from various Social Media Posts, The author
doesn’t support/endorse this statement.
​Disclaimer​: These views are not of the author but quoted from various Social Media Posts. The author
doesn’t support/endorse this statement.
Our role as Global Citizens to tackle COVID-19
Do we need to become Global Citizens?
This pandemic has truly shown us, how the world has no boundaries and the virus itself does
not respect borders, race, ethnicity, age or religion. We are all one and are all humans.
Therefore, now is the time to act as Global Citizens. It is essential for us to not only think
about ourselves and our own immediate surroundings but also about others around the globe.
The world has seen wars, pandemics and many other dark periods throughout history, but the
world has never been as interconnected as it is now. We are bonded together like never before
and countries have never been as accountable to each other as now.
National borders have become more obvious and less penetrable than any time in recent
memory, and citizenship seems to have reemerged as a definitive marker of society, having a
belonging and solidarity. Be that as it may, is this really the case? Or on the other hand would
we say we are additionally seeing the ascent of transnational solidarity inside and across
borders, while residents inside their societies ​'deceive the solidarity' they have with their
kindred nationals?
Yes, while our borders have been closed and the world ​seems broken into fragments by
narrow domestic walls​, we are still united in our cause and an insane amount of solidarity and
acts of kindness have been seen. This might be from helping stranded citizens in your locality
or governments helping other nations cope with the crisis. The essence of being united in this
common narrative has given all of us the distinte opportunity to explore opportunities to help
beyond our local civilizations.
Humans are social beings and it's a human trait to be social and in these unfortunate times of
lockdown, the internet too has been a great sphere for global connectivity and
communications. Even when we talk about the more somber news, we always don’t restrict
ourselves to our own state or nation but talk about the global response too.
So answering my question in the start, do we need to become Global Citizens to tackle
COVID-19? The answer is simple. Yes, Global Citizenship is the way forward, but do we
need to become Global Citizens? No, we already are!
We must ask ourselves, what defines us as global citizens in times of a pandemic. Citizenship
and national borders should not become characterizing components of our joint battle. It is
somewhat our civic obligation and transnational solidarity that ought to characterize the
thought of our community: the community of individuals who live together and try to ensure
and help one another, the community of states which look to help each other across and past
borders. That should be the role we should vision to play as global citizens.
Road Ahead
This is an increasingly challenging time, a time of disruption in the life of our country, a
disruption that has brought grief to some, financial difficulties to many, and enormous
changes to the daily lives of us all.
But we are indebted to the sacrifice of those, who fight this on the frontlines. We are indebted
to those who are willing to go beyond their duty to help us. We all must also be willing to
help. There are those whose capacity to adapt to changing times, might be low. These might
be people living on daily wagers or the elderly. It is our responsibility to take them along with
us to achieve a greater victory towards the fight against the pandemic.
Together we are handling this pandemic, and we have to stay united and unflinched, and only
then we will conquer it. In the years to come everybody will remember the time
wholeheartedly, the way we reacted to this test, and the generation who will come after us
will say that this generation was as adaptive as any. ​The pride in who we are is not a part of
our past, it defines our present and our future​. This is the time we need to get together with12
all countries over the globe in a common endeavour. Utilizing the extraordinary advances of
science and our instinctive compassion to heal, we will succeed, and that success will belong
to every one of us. We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure,
better days will return. 13
Word Count of the Article: 2719
About the Author
Mir Mustafa Ali Hasan is an undergraduate law student studying at Sultan-Ul-Uloom College of Law,
affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad. His interests range from cooking to International Relations &
Politics. An extensive reader and a passionate orator, he is vocal about various social issues that concern him.
He genuinely believes in the power of collective action and the strength of the global community. His thoughts
resonate with that of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II- ‘Better days will return. We will be with our friends
again. We will be with our families again. We will meet again!’14
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Address to the Commonwealth on COVID-19

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Adaptive Capacity in Times of a Pandemic

  • 1. Connect Chancellor Sub Theme​- Role of Society in defeating COVID-19 ADAPTIVE CAPACITY IN TIMES OF A PANDEMIC Mir Mustafa Ali Hasan Abstract In these unprecedented and unimaginable circumstances, our world has been halted. We live in a time of total uncertainty of what to expect from tomorrow. While we try to live in these times, we remain positive, as we are in this together. That feeling of collectiveness is something that is being seen all across the world. Communities coming together, in spirit, if not physically, for a collective cause of a better future. Humans are extremely versatile beings, known to adapt to their surroundings and in a time of rapidly changing circumstances, we have proved that we have an innate capacity to adapt and evolve as better citizens of this planet. This unique opportunity has allowed us to act as enablers for global cooperation and commitment to progress. The world has never seen such a moment of a common narrative to share and as global citizens, it's upon us to carry forward the lofty goal of defeating the virus, while staying united and not segmenting away into smaller fractions of the World Order. We are being tested. The questions of this test are simple. Are we going to stay united? Is this ever going to end? Are we going to adapt to the new normal? The answers to the above are also pretty simple- Yes, Yes, and Yes. Word Count of Abstract: 217 Keywords​: Adaptive Capacity, Global Citizenship, COVID-19, Collective Ability. 1
  • 2. The Back Story It all started with a city in China being shut down and the world didn’t really take stock of the occasion. We were still reeling back from the horrible string of crises the world had gone through, The Iran-US Standoff, Brexit, The Australian Bushfires and many more such distressing events. On the eve of New Years, December 31st, the World Health Organisation was officially notified of a suspected outbreak of a respiratory illness in its ninth most populous city- Wuhan in Hubei Province. At this time, no one had imagined that this virus has the potential to stop the world! The Chinese Government thought it was ready to handle a crisis of this magnitude as it had upgraded its medical systems after the SARS Outbreak in 2003. But what was coming was nothing short of a tsunami of patients, that not only overwhelmed the medical system of the People’s Republic but also tested it to the ends. 11th February 2019, after spreading to 25 Countries, the enemy was officially named COVID-19 or SARS-CoV-21 The origin of the virus is believed to be the Hunan Seafood Wholesale Market and is thought to have a zoonotic origin closely related to bat coronaviruses, pangolin coronaviruses, and2 SARS-CoV. The scientific consensus at that time was that COVID-19 had a natural origin.3 COVID has become a household name with 59% of humanity under complete lockdown, and another 20% living with strict restrictions. It has thus far affected more than 35,00,0004 people and 2,00,000 people have succumbed to it.5 These definitely are challenging times and it is during this time that humankind has been most resilient and strong. It has shown the Adaptive Capacity of man and the power of being together in this crisis. 1 Statement by the Director-General of WHO, 11th February 2020 2 New York Times, 10th January 2020 3 Scripps Research Institute. 17th March 2020 4 The Guardian, 2nd May 2020 5 WHO Official Count as on 5th May 2020 2
  • 3. The Capacity to Adapt Adaptive Capacity is defined as ‘the ability to adapt quickly to positively leverage evolving environments.’ There is still much debate around the definition and practical applications of the term adaptive capacity. Broadly speaking, adaptive capacity denotes the ability of a system to adjust, modify or change its characteristics or actions to moderate potential damage, take advantage of opportunities or cope with the consequences of shock or stress .6 ‘Change is the only constant’ These are unprecedented territories, we have been relegated to our homes and our lives have now been confined. The world looks like it’s abandoned and humans have vanished. Streets show a deserted view. Adaptive Capacity is believed to be the most critical skill of leadership. A key component of this is ensuring that individuals, communities and societies are actively involved in processes of change Importantly, this relates to changes in behaviour, as well as in resources and technologies.7 Humans focus on building capacities to respond to change, and to drive that change and innovate. A few studies however, focus specifically on the social differentiation of capacities to adapt and innovate. Various studies have proven that there are five dimensions of the capacity to adapt and innovate, namely, assets, flexibility, learning, social organisation and agency to be mutually dependent. The COVID-19 Pandemic has tested humans and their capacity to adapt to the extreme ends and the results were quiet appeasing. In these situations too, the five dimensions of Adaptive Capacity were seen vividly. While the battle against COVID-19 was being fought in Medical Centers and Government Agencies, the general population was busy assembling their ​assets ​to survive the pandemic. This included, available variants of their staple meals, home and body care products, essential requirements and equipment to work remotely. Almost half the world was asked to remain at home, and this meant that life for almost everyone was drastically changed, ​flexibility ​in life was seen. Homes were the new offices, schools, colleges, exam centers, restaurants, gyms, recreational spaces, places of worship and centers of frivolity and fun. 6 Brooks, 2003 7 Pettengell, 2010 3
  • 4. COVID-19 has been a ​learning time for all of us, we have learnt new skills, and unlearned a few bad habits. We’ve learnt to be more compassionate, more caring, more aware and most importantly, learnt how to be helpful. We’ve learnt to forget a few old things too such as disobeying orders, leaving all chores on women, and on a slightly lighter note, we have forgotten the horrid pollution, the exhausting travels and unending traffic jams. As a society, we have progressed beyond any comparison. An example that can be taken is from the signs of solidarity led by the Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi. The society stands as one. Everyone recognized and applauded the efforts of those elements of our ​social organization that have been working in the forefront of dealing with this pandemic. This time has also proved to us, more than ever how important our family is. While being at home, we have been dependent on our family for all our work. We have realised how important neighbours are or how important are the relations we build and how many of them are strong enough for us to ​mutually depend​ on them to emerge from the crisis together. We have a tall level of adaptive capacity – our social, economic, political, and institutional systems to adjust to constant change, cope with moderate potential damage, and use it to take advantage of the opportunities, and deal with the consequences of change. Adjustments are the activities of people, networks and governments attempted to improve or secure prosperity. Adjustment can be compelled or empowered by socio-institutional elements identified with the physical, monetary and social condition. Versatile limit alludes to the conditions that empower individuals to foresee and react to change, and recoup from and limit the results of progress. This Pandemic has been no different, Humans have adapted to the current situation and have worked towards balancing their physical health and the well-being of the economy. No doubt, the economy has seen a plunge that will take years to recover, but the silence of humankind will make sure that the economy will prosper again soon. The power of one person's Adaptive Capacity has the power to do well, but the collective good that everyone will be the make-or-break element of our fight against the virus. Humans have shown unmatched strength in this time, and safely prove that Humans do indeed, have the extreme high level of Adaptive Capacity, and we are truly social beings who are willing to change for the greater good. In times like these, Our world is united as a one family and in this time more than ever, our strength as one will be tested. Global Citizenship is absolutely the need of the hour, and our collective Adaptive Capacity will lead us to emerge victorious in the end. 4
  • 5. The Power of Collective Ability The world is experiencing significant change and numerous individuals feel attracted to surrender . Our present issues, as intractable as they may appear, rather point to our absence of a creative mind. It would seem that we are encountering the stage going before a significant change in perspective and all the emergencies that accompany it. The predominant worldview can't clarify the social anomalies and it shows up as though outside occasions, for example, terrorist attacks, extraordinary climate or political distress power our mentalities to move. As a run-of-the-mill response to such dangers, individuals over the world go to the old and progressively recognizable paradigms wanting to discover comfort. The most remarkable way individuals have developed, moved their mentality, and accomplished more significant levels of awareness has been through stories. The accounts we describe to each other issue. They matter on how we look at particular events in the future. They grant us to interface with what we believe is true and significant. What is it that we relate to and value in the tales of our shared cultural narratives? It is significant that we look at with meticulousness the narratives we tell about ourselves as individuals and as a society. Given that humanity’s survival as a species is at risk we must unpack misguided frames about who we are and what we organize for. Throughout history, there have been only a few events that have united the entire population as one, we all had the same narrative to share, a similar experience to narrate and a situation, anyone can relate to. It can be the Two World Wars or the Moon Landing. Some are joyous and some are miserable. UN Secretary General, Antonio Gutteres said ​“This is both a health and human crisis and the risk that it contributes to enhanced instability, enhanced unrest, and enhanced conflict are things that make us believe that this is, indeed, the most challenging crisis we have faced since the Second World War and the one that needs a stronger and more effective response. That is only possible in solidarity if everybody come together and if we forget political games and understand that it is humankind that is at stake”8 COVID-19 is threatening the whole of humanity – and the whole of humanity must fight back. 8 ​The UNSG Special Report on Socio-Economic Impacts of COVID-19, March 2020 5
  • 6. Yet many States simply do not have the resources to respond to the crisis as others do. Disparities in public health responses are exposing poorer countries to higher risks than elsewhere. Just as combating COVID-19 requires governments to extend protection to the whole population, especially those least able to protect themselves, we need to ensure that all countries are equally effective in their responses. The coronavirus has shown itself to be no respecter of national boundaries. If one country fails in its efforts to control the spread of the virus, all countries are at risk. The world is only as strong as the weakest health system.9 The focus is rightly on saving lives, for which universal access to health care is imperative. But the health crisis has triggered an economic and social crisis that is hitting individuals, families and communities hard. This impact comes from the disease itself but also from the measures necessary to combat it coming up against underlying factors like inequalities and weak protection systems. It falls disproportionately on some people, often those least able to protect themselves. This is in the background, when the message of unification and collective action is being promoted. We are in this together and it is our responsibility to protect not only ours but everyone because at the end of the day, ​Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam​, The world is one family! The COVID-19 Pandemic, has presented us with an unmatched opportunity to connect. COVID-19 has given the world something to talk about. The virus has attacked almost all countries which means that no matter what the culture or tradition of the place – everyone is weirdly unified by a single virus. Something that matters a lot in this time, is our role as citizens, not only of our countries but also the world. It’s been evident that while we are united for the same cause, we stand more divided than ever. With the advancement of digital communication, the spread of racial stereotyping and dicrimiantion has bothered us during times when we are in dire need of worldwide inclusion, intensing the already existing prejudice people have towards various communities. In the present occasion too, over the web, individuals are censuring the Chinese for the Coronavirus as well as have gone similarly as condemning their way of life. Well known posts much of the time guarantee that the pandemic is brought about by ​‘filthy individuals who can't maintain control’ and are cautioning individuals to ​‘reconsider before requesting anything10 Chinese.’ However, this is not the first occasion when we have something like this: we saw11 this with the Ebola outbreak in 2014 as well, yet apparently we have not gained from the past. During this time of uncertainty, we should all remain united in our fight and use our collective capacity to adapt, and the power of our collective efforts will be the mast on which the flag of our victory against COVID-19. 9 COVID-19 and Human Rights, United Nations Report, April 2020 10 ​Disclaimer​: These views are not of the author but quoted from various Social Media Posts, The author doesn’t support/endorse this statement. 11 ​Disclaimer​: These views are not of the author but quoted from various Social Media Posts. The author doesn’t support/endorse this statement. 6
  • 7. Our role as Global Citizens to tackle COVID-19 Do we need to become Global Citizens? This pandemic has truly shown us, how the world has no boundaries and the virus itself does not respect borders, race, ethnicity, age or religion. We are all one and are all humans. Therefore, now is the time to act as Global Citizens. It is essential for us to not only think about ourselves and our own immediate surroundings but also about others around the globe. The world has seen wars, pandemics and many other dark periods throughout history, but the world has never been as interconnected as it is now. We are bonded together like never before and countries have never been as accountable to each other as now. National borders have become more obvious and less penetrable than any time in recent memory, and citizenship seems to have reemerged as a definitive marker of society, having a belonging and solidarity. Be that as it may, is this really the case? Or on the other hand would we say we are additionally seeing the ascent of transnational solidarity inside and across borders, while residents inside their societies ​'deceive the solidarity' they have with their kindred nationals? Yes, while our borders have been closed and the world ​seems broken into fragments by narrow domestic walls​, we are still united in our cause and an insane amount of solidarity and acts of kindness have been seen. This might be from helping stranded citizens in your locality or governments helping other nations cope with the crisis. The essence of being united in this common narrative has given all of us the distinte opportunity to explore opportunities to help beyond our local civilizations. Humans are social beings and it's a human trait to be social and in these unfortunate times of lockdown, the internet too has been a great sphere for global connectivity and communications. Even when we talk about the more somber news, we always don’t restrict ourselves to our own state or nation but talk about the global response too. So answering my question in the start, do we need to become Global Citizens to tackle COVID-19? The answer is simple. Yes, Global Citizenship is the way forward, but do we need to become Global Citizens? No, we already are! We must ask ourselves, what defines us as global citizens in times of a pandemic. Citizenship and national borders should not become characterizing components of our joint battle. It is somewhat our civic obligation and transnational solidarity that ought to characterize the thought of our community: the community of individuals who live together and try to ensure and help one another, the community of states which look to help each other across and past borders. That should be the role we should vision to play as global citizens. 7
  • 8. Road Ahead This is an increasingly challenging time, a time of disruption in the life of our country, a disruption that has brought grief to some, financial difficulties to many, and enormous changes to the daily lives of us all. But we are indebted to the sacrifice of those, who fight this on the frontlines. We are indebted to those who are willing to go beyond their duty to help us. We all must also be willing to help. There are those whose capacity to adapt to changing times, might be low. These might be people living on daily wagers or the elderly. It is our responsibility to take them along with us to achieve a greater victory towards the fight against the pandemic. Together we are handling this pandemic, and we have to stay united and unflinched, and only then we will conquer it. In the years to come everybody will remember the time wholeheartedly, the way we reacted to this test, and the generation who will come after us will say that this generation was as adaptive as any. ​The pride in who we are is not a part of our past, it defines our present and our future​. This is the time we need to get together with12 all countries over the globe in a common endeavour. Utilizing the extraordinary advances of science and our instinctive compassion to heal, we will succeed, and that success will belong to every one of us. We should take comfort that while we may have more still to endure, better days will return. 13 Word Count of the Article: 2719 About the Author Mir Mustafa Ali Hasan is an undergraduate law student studying at Sultan-Ul-Uloom College of Law, affiliated to Osmania University, Hyderabad. His interests range from cooking to International Relations & Politics. An extensive reader and a passionate orator, he is vocal about various social issues that concern him. He genuinely believes in the power of collective action and the strength of the global community. His thoughts resonate with that of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II- ‘Better days will return. We will be with our friends again. We will be with our families again. We will meet again!’14 12 Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II’s Address to the Commonwealth on COVID-19 13 Ibid 14 Ibid 8