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 4 THORAX                                                                                                                1 DYSPHAGIA — 1

Ahmad S. Ashrafi, M.D., F.R.C.S.C., and R. Sudhir Sundaresan, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.R.C.S.C.

Dysphagia may be defined as difficulty in transferring a food bolus        (PET), is particularly valuable in assessing patients with esophageal
from the mouth to the stomach. It may be associated with abnor-          cancer.
malities in the oral, the pharyngeal, or the esophageal phase of swal-
                                                                         OROPHARYNGEAL DYSPHAGIA
lowing. Unlike the term globus, which describes a painless sensa-
tion of fullness in the neck or throat, the term dysphagia implies          Oropharyngeal dysphagia is usually associated with symptoms
actual interference with the swallowing mechanism [see Sidebar           that originate in the oropharynx, including inability to chew
The Swallowing Mechanism]. Dysphagia may be classified as oro-            food, drooling, coughing during a meal, and nasal regurgitation
pharyngeal or esophageal. Whereas oropharyngeal dysphagia (i.e.,         of solids or liquids. In general, if a patient experiences dysphagia
dysphagia resulting from abnormalities in the oral or the pharyn-        within 1 second of swallowing, an oropharyngeal origin is likely.
geal phase of swallowing) usually implies a functional disturbance       A variety of different conditions are capable of causing oropha-
in the swallowing mechanism, esophageal dysphagia may result             ryngeal dysphagia. The common causes can be grouped into
from a discrete mechanical obstruction or from an esophageal             three broad categories: (1) generalized (systemic) conditions, (2)
motility disorder.                                                       intrinsic functional disturbances, and (3) conditions that give
    The exact prevalence of dysphagia is difficult to determine, but      rise to fixed mechanical obstruction [see Table 1]. Overall, the
it is estimated that 35% of persons older than 50 years complain         most common cause of oropharyngeal dysphagia is a cerebro-
of dysphagia at least once a week. It is important to keep in mind,      vascular accident (CVA).
however, that the changes in swallowing physiology associated
                                                                         ESOPHAGEAL DYSPHAGIA
with aging rarely lead to true dysphagia. Esophageal dysphagia
arises primarily from intrinsic diseases of the esophagus; oropha-          Esophageal dysphagia causes symptoms that are referable to the
ryngeal dysphagia frequently occurs as part of a neurologic, meta-       chest or the abdomen. In approximately 75% of cases, the pa-
bolic, myopathic, or infectious syndrome.1                               tient’s perception of the location of the obstructive site corre-
    In what follows, we review the diagnostic and therapeutic deci-      sponds to the actual anatomic site of the lesion.2 In addition to
sion-making approaches employed in assessing patients with dys-          dysphagia, patients may experience associated symptoms, such as
phagia. Although it is important that surgeons have a working know-      chest pain (with a character and a radiation pattern resembling
ledge of all causes of dysphagia, our focus here is on evaluation of     those of coronary artery disease [CAD]), retrosternal burning,
conditions that give rise to esophageal dysphagia.We mention sur-        and regurgitation of undigested food.3
gical management options but do not address them in detail; the             As a general rule, if the swallowing difficulty gradually progress-
operative procedures performed to treat the various clinical enti-       es from solids to liquids, the dysphagia probably has a mechanical
ties that cause dysphagia are described more fully elsewhere [see        cause. Patients who have mechanical obstruction usually complain
4:7 Open Esophageal Procedures, 4:8 Minimally Invasive Esophageal        of dysphagia without pain and can relieve their symptoms only by
Procedures, and 4:10 Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery].                   regurgitating or by altering their diet. If significant weight loss and

Clinical Evaluation
   Evaluation of a patient with                                                              The Swallowing Mechanism
dysphagia must be performed
in a systematic manner. As-                                                Swallowing consists of both a voluntary phase (comprising the oral
sessment begins with obtain-                                               phase and the first part of the pharyngeal phase) and an involuntary
ing a detailed history, followed                                           phase (comprising the latter part of the pharyngeal phase and the
                                                                           esophageal phase). The voluntary phase starts with mastication and
by physical examination. Ex-
                                                                           ends with the positioning of an appropriately sized food bolus in the
cept in the case of acute caustic ingestion, for which direct flexible      back of the oropharynx via tongue retraction. The involuntary phase
esophagoscopy is the first line of assessment, the barium swallow, a        starts with the opening of the glossopalatal gate and the propulsion of
readily available and noninvasive test, should be the first investiga-      the bolus into the pharynx, beyond the upper esophageal sphincter.
tive tool. The barium swallow is a cost-effective, rapid, and easily       Once in the esophagus, the food bolus is propelled into the stomach by
available test that provides a “road map” of the esophagus and the         primary and secondary esophageal peristaltic waves. The lower esoph-
lesion and yields a tremendous amount of information before                ageal sphincter relaxes, allowing the food to be delivered into the stom-
                                                                           ach. The brain-stem swallowing center, located in the medulla and the
endoscopic assessment. Additional diagnostic information can be            pons, provides involuntary control of swallowing. Although swallowing
obtained by means of fiberoptic esophagoscopy, manometry, 24-               begins in the oropharynx and is initially voluntary, the subsequent reflex
hour pH study, and, occasionally, bronchoscopy and endoscopic              mechanisms are based on peripheral input from the oropharyngeal in-
ultrasonography (EUS). Further diagnostic imaging, in the form             nervation and are involuntary.
of computed tomography and positron emission tomography
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4 THORAX                                                                                                            1 DYSPHAGIA — 2

                                                                       Evaluation of Dysphagia

                                                       Patient has not ingested a caustic chemical

                                                        Perform barium swallow.

     Dysphagia is secondary to systemic                           Clinical findings and barium swallow are
     condition                                                    consistent with primary motor disorder

     Focus on underlying cause (e.g., scleroderma,                Assess patient with manometry and endoscopy.
     diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, amyloidosis,
     Parkinson disease, Crohn disease, or

                                        Patient has achalasia             Patient has other primary motor
                                                                          disorder (DES, hypertensive
                                                                          LES, nutcracker esophagus)
                                         Perform laparoscopic
                                         esophagomyotomy with                                                       Patient has pharyngoesophageal
                                         modified (i.e., anterior or      Treat medically.                          (Zenker’s) diverticulum
                                         posterior partial)               In rare circumstances, consider
                                         fundoplication.                  myotomy.
                                                                                                                    If diverticulum is ≥ 2 cm, treat with
                                                                                                                    cricopharyngeal myotomy and
                                                                                                                    diverticulectomy or, alternatively,
                                                                                                                    with cricopharyngeal myotomy
                                                                                                                    and diverticulopexy.
                                                                                                                    If diverticulum is < 2 cm, treat
                                                                                                                    with cricopharyngeal myotomy

                                       Patient has esophageal web                 Patient has Barrett’s esophagus             Patient has normal or
                                                                                                                              inflamed esophagus
                                      Treat with endoscopic dilatation.           Rule out dysplasia.
                                                                                  Perform surveillance endoscopy.
                                                                                  Treat GERD symptoms medically
                                                                                  or surgically as appropriate.
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           4 THORAX                                                                                                         1 DYSPHAGIA — 3

Patient presents with difficulty in swallowing

 Obtain complete history.
 Perform thorough examination.

                                                                                               Patient has ingested a caustic chemical

                                                                                                Perform direct flexible esophagoscopy.
                                                                                                Ensure adequate airway, breathing, and
                                                                                                Place patient on NPO regimen.
                                                                                                Give I.V. antibiotics.
                                                                                                Initiate total parenteral nutrition.
                                                                                                Perform barium swallow in 2–3 wk.

  Barium swallow reveals esophageal                   Barium swallow suggests
  diverticular disease                                fixed mechanical obstruction
                                                                                                  Follow up for stricture. Steroids are
  Treat according to anatomic level of               Assess patient with endoscopy.               not helpful for stricture prophylaxis.
  diverticulum.                                                                                   If stricture develops, treat with
                                                                                                  endoscopic dilatation. If stricture is
                                                                                                  tight and cannot be dilated, perform
                                                                                                  esophageal resection.

 Patient has midesophageal                  Patient has epiphrenic diverticulum
                                             Assess patient with manometry and
  Lesions result from periesophageal         endoscopy.
  inflammation and are frequently            If symptoms are absent or mild,
  asymptomatic; dysphagia is rare.           manage conservatively.
  If there are no significant symptoms,      If significant symptoms are present,
  they need not be treated, and              manage surgically with myotomy,
  therapy focuses on underlying              diverticulectomy, and partial
  inflammatory condition.                    fundoplication.

 Patient has peptic stricture               Patient has Schatzki’s ring                Patient has esophageal cancer

 Treat with endoscopic dilatation,          If lesion is asymptomatic, no treatment    Perform esophagoscopy for pathologic
 and perform brush biopsy to rule           is required.                               diagnosis.
 out malignancy.                            If lesion is symptomatic, treat with       Rule out distant metastatic disease with CT
                                            endoscopic dilatation and medical          or PET. EUS may aid in locoregional staging.
                                            (or, if necessary, surgical) therapy for   Treat surgically according to stage of disease.
                                                                                       If cancer is localized and patient is medically
                                                                                       fit, perform esophagectomy.

Give PPIs.
Consider manometry and 24-hr pH
Consider antireflux surgery.
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                Table 1 Common Causes of                                 disposed to ulcerative esophagitis and peptic stricture [see Dis-
                 Oropharyngeal Dysphagia                                 orders Producing Fixed Mechanical Obstruction, Peptic Stric-
                                                                         ture, below].
                                    CVA                                     Other causes of secondary esophageal motility disturbance
Generalized conditions                                                   resulting in dysphagia are amyloidosis, Parkinson disease, Crohn
                                    Myasthenia gravis
                                                                         disease, and myxedema.
                                    Cricopharyngeal achalasia
Intrinsic functional disturbances
                                    Zenker’s diverticulum                INTRINSIC FUNCTIONAL
Conditions producing fixed          Webs
 mechanical obstruction             Previous surgical treatment
                                                                           Primary Motor Disorders
                                    Previous radiation therapy              Achalasia The majority
                                                                         of patients with achalasia pre-
                                                                         sent with dysphagia for liquids
anorexia develop and symptoms are progressing rapidly, esoph-            and solids. Most describe a long-standing history of swallowing dif-
ageal cancer is the likely cause of the dysphagia.                       ficulty, with or without associated weight loss. Other presenting
   If, however, the patient has dysphagia for both liquids and solids,   symptoms include regurgitation, chest pain, heartburn, and cough-
an underlying esophageal motor disorder is probably responsible.         ing or choking spells. Typically, patients will have developed coping
Patients who have motor disorders that cause dysphagia often             mechanisms to deal with the problem (e.g., changing position dur-
develop certain unusual maneuvers to relieve their difficulty,            ing eating, drinking liquids to “wash down” the food, and practic-
including repeated swallowing, raising the arms over the head or         ing repetitive swallowing and chewing).
assuming different positions during swallowing, and the Valsalva            A barium x-ray with fluoroscopy will show absent peristalsis
maneuver. Such patients also frequently complain of other associ-        and a dilated esophagus. Other findings include a tapered nar-
ated symptoms (e.g., chest pain).                                        rowing in the distal esophagus (a so-called bird’s beak [see Figure
   Physical examination is not as helpful as a detailed history.         1]) and, occasionally, an epiphrenic diverticulum [see Esophageal
Clues that may help identify malignant conditions include the devel-     Diverticula, below]. Because the study is dynamic, failure of LES
opment of head and neck lymphadenopathy, the presence of an oro-         relaxation must be watched for as it is performed. Over time, the
pharyngeal mass, the appearance of subcutaneous lumps (sugges-           esophagus can dilate significantly, to the point where it takes on a
tive of cutaneous metastasis), and the occurrence of clinical fea-       sigmoid shape.
tures associated with abdominal organ metastasis (jaundice, as-             Although some radiologists will declare a diagnosis of achalasia
cites, hepatomegaly). Muscle weakness, fatigability, and other           solely on the basis of barium x-rays and fluoroscopy, upper GI
neurologic deficits detected on physical examination may suggest          endoscopy is essential to rule out fixed mechanical obstruction
a CVA or myasthenia gravis as the cause of dysphagia. Like oro-          (long-standing achalasia is a risk factor for squamous cell cancer
pharyngeal dysphagia, esophageal dysphagia may be caused by a            of the esophagus because of chronic stasis and retention esophagi-
number of different generalized conditions, intrinsic functional         tis) or so-called pseudoachalasia (a motility disorder resulting
disturbances, or conditions that give rise to fixed mechanical            from a carcinoma on the underside of the cardia that extends
obstruction [see Table 2].4                                              proximally within the wall of the esophagus). The key diagnostic
                                                                         test in the setting of suspected achalasia is esophageal manome-
Workup and Management
                                                                         try. Characteristic manometric features of achalasia include aperi-
of Specific Causes of
                                                                         stalsis and incomplete relaxation of the LES; the LES pressure
                                                                         may be either high or normal.
                                                                            A detailed discussion of the management of achalasia is beyond
                                                                         the scope of this chapter. Briefly, medical management offers vir-
                                                                         tually no benefit. Pneumatic dilatation offers subjective improve-
CONDITIONS                                                                               Table 2 Common Causes of
   In patients with secondary motility disorders, the esophageal                            Esophageal Dysphagia
motor disturbance is a manifestation of a systemic condition; thus,
organs other than the esophagus are also involved. The classic                                               Scleroderma
examples of systemic conditions that give rise to esophageal motil-      Generalized conditions              Diabetes mellitus
ity disorders are scleroderma, diabetes mellitus, and alcoholism.                                            Alcoholism
Patients who have one or more of these conditions may present                                                GERD with decreased motility
with varying degrees of dysphagia, and their evaluation usually          Intrinsic functional disturbances
                                                                                                             Motor disorders
entails functional and structural evaluation of the esophagus.
   Treatment is aimed at the underlying cause. Patients with scle-                                           Webs
                                                                                                             Peptic strictures
roderma exhibit atrophy and sclerosis of distal esophageal smooth
                                                                                                             Schatzki’s ring
muscle with fragmentation of connective tissue. Consequently,
                                                                         Conditions producing fixed          Caustic injury
primary peristalsis is absent, and the lower esophageal sphincter         mechanical obstruction             Neoplasms
(LES) is hypotensive or virtually absent. Patients usually present
                                                                                                             Extrinsic compression
with gastroesophageal reflux and heartburn. Because they also                                                 Previous surgical treatment
lack secondary peristalsis, there is no mechanism for clearing the                                           Previous radiation therapy
refluxed acid back to the stomach, and as a result, patients are pre-
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4 THORAX                                                                                                         1 DYSPHAGIA — 5

                                                                       can occur in isolation, it is usually seen in association with achala-
                                                                       sia, nutcracker esophagus, or DES. Patients present with dyspha-
                                                                       gia for liquids and solids. Manometric evaluation shows a mean
                                                                       LES resting pressure higher than 45 mm Hg in midrespiration.
                                                                       Treatment is primarily medical, but balloon dilatation has been
                                                                       employed to relieve persistent dysphagia.

                                                                          Nutcracker esophagus Nutcracker esophagus is an esoph-
                                                                       ageal motility disorder of unknown etiology that affects women
                                                                       more often than men. Patients usually present with chest pain but
                                                                       may have associated dysphagia as well. Manometry typically
                                                                       shows peristaltic waves with significantly elevated amplitude
                                                                       (> 180 mm Hg). Barium x-rays are usually normal. Treatment is
                                                                       similar to that of DES and is primarily medical.
                                                                         Esophageal Diverticula
                                                                          Esophageal diverticula ac-
                                                                       count for fewer than 5% of
                                                                       all cases of dysphagia. They
                                                                       may be classified into two
                                                                       broad categories: true and
                                                                       false.True diverticula include
                                                                       all layers of the esophageal
                                                                       wall, whereas false diverticula include only the mucosal layer.True
                                                                       diverticula develop as a result of a periesophageal inflammatory
                                                                       process that places traction on the esophageal wall (and thus are
Figure 1 Shown are proximal dilatation and classic bird’s-beak         also referred to as traction diverticula), whereas false diverticula
narrowing consistent with achalasia in a 22-year-old woman being
                                                                       are manifestations of an underlying motor dysfunction (and thus
evaluated for dysphagia.
                                                                       are also referred to as pulsion diverticula). Esophageal diverticula
                                                                       may also be classified into three categories on the basis of the
ment in more than two thirds of patients; however, the result is       anatomic level at which they occur: pharyngoesophageal (Zen-
durable in only a minority of cases, and the procedure carries a 4%    ker’s), midesophageal, and epiphrenic. A few patients will exhibit
to 5% risk of rupture. Laparoscopic esophagomyotomy with ante-
rior (Dor) fundoplication (or, as some surgeons prefer, posterior
partial fundoplication) [see 4:8 Minimally Invasive Esophageal Pro-
cedures] probably represents the current standard of care.

   Diffuse esophageal spasm
Diffuse esophageal spasm
(DES) is a motility disorder of
unknown etiology that gives
rise to dysphagia and chest
pain. The dysphagia is non-
progressive and is encountered
with both liquids and solids.
The chest pain is nonexertional but may respond to nitroglycerin.
   A barium x-ray may show the classic corkscrew appearance [see
Figure 2], but this finding is nondiagnostic.The diagnosis is estab-
lished by manometry; the key finding is the periodic occurrence of
simultaneous high-amplitude contractions with intervening peri-
ods of normal peristalsis.The presence of these intervals of normal
peristalsis is important for distinguishing DES from nutcracker
esophagus [see Nutcracker Esophagus, below]. An elaborate
workup is often necessary to clarify the basis of the chest pain and
rule out the possibility of CAD.
   Once CAD has been ruled out, management is primarily med-
ical and consists of reassurance, nitrates, and calcium channel
blockers. Botulinum toxin injection and extended esophagomy-
otomy have been used to treat DES, with some success, but in
general, surgery does not have an established role in this setting.
                                                                       Figure 2 Shown is classic corkscrew appearance of esophagus in
  Hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter Hypertensive                 a middle-aged man presenting with dysphagia and intermittent
LES is a rare motility disorder of unknown etiology. Although it       chest pain.
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 4 THORAX                                                                                                            1 DYSPHAGIA — 6

                                                                             Midesophageal diver-
                                                                          ticula Midesophageal diver-
                                                                          ticula are true (i.e., traction)
                                                                          diverticula that are caused by
                                                                          periesophageal inflammation.
                                                                          The usual cause is granulo-
                                                                          matous inflammation of the
                                                                          subcarinal lymph nodes
                                                                          resulting from tuberculosis or fungal infection (typically, histoplas-
                                                                          mosis). These diverticula are frequently asymptomatic and are
                                                                          often found incidentally during evaluation for some other disorder.
                                                                          Dysphagia does occur but is a rare symptom; the clinical manifes-
                                                                          tations are usually related to the underlying inflammatory disease
                                                                          or to associated complications (e.g., infection, bleeding, or fis-
                                                                          tulization to the airway). If the diverticula are not symptomatic,
                                                                          they need not be treated, and the therapeutic focus is on the
                                                                          underlying problem that prompted the evaluation.

                                                                             Epiphrenic diverticula
                                                                          Epiphrenic diverticula are ac-
                                                                          quired pulsion diverticula that
                                                                          arise in the distal 10 cm of the
                                                                          esophagus [see Figure 4]. Al-
                                                                          though these diverticula are
                                                                          usually associated with other
Figure 3 Shown is a large pharyngoesophageal pouch (Zenker’s              esophageal motor disorders
diverticulum) in an elderly patient with dysphagia, regurgitation         (e.g., achalasia, DES, and hypertensive LES), they occasionally occur
of old retained food, and recurrent pneumonia.                            in the absence of any underlying esophageal dysfunction. If symp-
                                                                          toms are absent or mild, conservative management is appropriate. If
                                                                          significant symptoms (e.g., dysphagia) are present, however, surgical
diffuse intramural diverticulosis, a rare condition characterized by      management—usually entailing myotomy, diverticulectomy, and
the development of multiple 1 to 5 mm outpouchings in associa-            modified fundoplication—is indicated. Before operation, patients
tion with esophageal inflammation and fibrosis. These outpouch-             should undergo a thorough functional assessment with manometry.
ings are believed to be dilated esophageal mucous glands resulting
from chronic inflammation. Dysphagia is the most common pre-
senting complaint for this condition, though one third of patients
complain of gastroesophageal reflux.

   Pharyngoesophageal diverticula Zenker’s diverticula are
the most common esophageal diverticula.These pulsion diverticu-
la result from pharyngocricopharyngeal incoordination that leads
to herniation of the mucosa in Killian’s triangle (the posterior mid-
line of the lower pharynx, between the oblique muscle fibers of the
inferior pharyngeal constrictor and the transverse fibers of the
cricopharyngeus). Dysphagia is the most common symptom, but
patients may also complain of halitosis, regurgitation of undigest-
ed food, throat discomfort, a palpable neck mass, a gurgling noise
during swallowing, and recurrent aspiration pneumonia.
   The best initial diagnostic tool is a barium swallow [see Figure 3],
which will establish the diagnosis and also may help diagnose any
associated problems (e.g., gastroesophageal reflux disease [GERD]
and hiatal hernia). Performing upper GI endoscopy without first
obtaining a barium study is a potentially disastrous maneuver:
because the endoscope will preferentially enter the pouch rather than
the true esophageal lumen, there is a significant risk of inadvertent
esophageal perforation. Endoscopy does play a role in assessing the
esophageal mucosa, but it is best performed at the time of operation.
   The fundamental component of surgical treatment is relief of
the functional obstruction at the cricopharyngeus (via cricopha-
ryngeal myotomy) [see 4:7 Open Esophageal Procedures]. Once this
is done, diverticula larger than 2 cm should be excised; smaller          Figure 4 Shown is a giant epiphrenic diverticulum in an elderly
diverticula can generally be managed with myotomy alone. Diver-           woman with progressive dysphagia and weight loss, in whom can-
ticulopexy is another option for dealing with the pouch.                  cer was initially suspected.
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4 THORAX                                                                                                          1 DYSPHAGIA — 7

DISORDERS PRODUCING                                                    annular fibrosis. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) have proved high-
FIXED MECHANICAL                                                       ly effective in controlling GERD symptoms and enhancing the
OBSTRUCTION                                                            healing of esophageal ulcers; as a result of their widespread use,
                                                                       peptic stricture is now an infrequent complication.
  Esophageal Webs
                                                                          Peptic strictures may occur at any age, and there is usually an
   A web is a localized narrow-                                        antecedent history of GERD. The symptoms are progressive but
ing of the esophagus caused                                            unlike those of a malignant process, in that the dysphagia usually
by intraluminal extension of                                           dates back several years and weight loss is usually absent.Typical-
the mucosa and part of the submucosa of the esophageal wall.           ly, a patient with a peptic stricture describes gradually worsening
Webs may be either congenital or, more commonly, acquired, usu-        dysphagia, initially for solids and eventually for liquids as well. If
ally secondary to conditions such as iron deficiency anemia, pem-       the patient has dysphagia for liquids before solids or has dyspha-
phigoid, and ulcerative colitis (among others). The main present-      gia for both liquids and solids, an associated motility disorder
ing symptom is dysphagia, the severity of which is proportional to     must be suspected. Strictures induced by reflux are located in the
the degree of obstruction. Treatment usually consists of simple        distal esophagus at the squamocolumnar junction [see Figure 5];
endoscopic dilatation [see 5:18 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy] after      the presence of strictures in other parts of the esophagus raises the
careful verification of the nature of the lesion.                       possibility of causes other than acid-peptic injury. The best initial
                                                                       diagnostic testing approach consists of a barium swallow [see
  Peptic Stricture
                                                                       Figure 5] followed by upper GI endoscopy, which shows ulcers
   GERD is a very common                                               and a concentric stenosis (which is usually short).
problem. The majority of                                                  Management of GERD patients with peptic strictures is con-
patients will present with                                             troversial. One approach consists of dilatation of the stricture [see
heartburn and regurgitation.                                           5:18 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy] in conjunction with high-dose PPI
Although the associated hy-                                            therapy. An important component of this approach is the perfor-
pomotility observed in some                                            mance of a brush biopsy at the time of dilatation to rule out a
GERD patients can account                                              malignancy. If the stricture recurs, then dilatation with an antire-
for some of the dysphagia, it is important to consider (and, if pos-   flux procedure [see 4:7 Open Esophageal Procedures and 4:8
sible, rule out) more significant complications, such as peptic         Minimally Invasive Esophageal Procedures] is indicated. In the rare
stricture, Barrett’s esophagus, and carcinoma.                         cases in which the stricture cannot be dilated, esophageal resec-
   Peptic stricture represents the end stage of ulcerative esophagi-   tion [see 4:7 Open Esophageal Procedures and 4:10 Video-Assisted Thor-
tis, in which the healing of circumferential ulceration results in     acic Surgery] must be considered.
                                                                         Schatzki’s Ring
                                                                          Schatzki’s ring is a concen-
                                                                       tric, symmetrical narrowing
                                                                       at the squamocolumnar junc-
                                                                       tion that arises from the
                                                                       development of submucosal
                                                                       annular fibrosis and is usual-
                                                                       ly accompanied by a small
                                                                       hiatal hernia.5 The exact cause is unknown, though there is a
                                                                       strong correlation with GERD. Dysphagia is usually for solids and
                                                                       is proportional to the diameter of the ring. Barium swallow estab-
                                                                       lishes the diagnosis [see Figure 6], and esophagoscopy is recom-
                                                                       mended to confirm it.
                                                                          For asymptomatic patients, no specific treatment is needed. For
                                                                       patients who present with food impaction, emergency treatment,
                                                                       involving rigid esophagoscopy and removal of the food bolus, is
                                                                       indicated. Definitive treatment entails dilatation of the ring in con-
                                                                       junction with medical therapy for GERD. If the ring proves refrac-
                                                                       tory to this approach, dilatation plus antireflux surgery (fundopli-
                                                                       cation) [see 4:7 Open Esophageal Procedures and 4:8 Minimally
                                                                       Invasive Esophageal Procedures] may be indicated.
                                                                         Chemical Ingestion
                                                                          Alkali are commonly found
                                                                       in household cleaning agents,
                                                                       mostly in the form of sodi-
                                                                       um or potassium hydroxide
                                                                       (NaOH, KOH).The majority
Figure 5 Barium swallow shows severe ulcerative esophagitis,           of alkali-related injuries occur
annular fibrosis (stricture), and evidence of acquired esophageal       accidentally in children; how-
shortening. Shortness of narrowed segment suggests benign              ever, such injuries also occasionally occur in adults as part of a sui-
underlying cause.                                                      cide attempt.The magnitude and site of the injury are directly relat-
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4 THORAX                                                                                                       1 DYSPHAGIA — 8

                                                                        A careful endoscopic examination is an essential initial step.The
                                                                     scope should be advanced under direct vision to the proximal
                                                                     injury site; if severe injury is observed, the scope should not be
                                                                     advanced any further. A barium swallow should be done in the
                                                                     first month after injury to detect any stricture that may have
                                                                     formed and to determine its location, severity, and length. Serial
                                                                     barium swallows are helpful in following patients to monitor heal-
                                                                     ing after caustic injury [see Figure 7].
                                                                        At one time, it was common to administer steroids prophylacti-
                                                                     cally to patients with caustic injuries to the esophagus as a strate-
                                                                     gy for preventing stricture formation. A 1990 study, however,
                                                                     found that this practice had no beneficial effect on healing and
                                                                     stricture formation rates in children,6 and thus, steroids currently
                                                                     are not widely used in this setting. Strictures are treated by endo-
                                                                     scopic dilatation as necessary [see 5:18 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy].
                                                                     The ultimate solution for a tight, nondilatable stricture [see Figure
                                                                     7] is esophageal resection [see 4:7 Open Esophageal Procedures and
                                                                     4:10 Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery].
                                                                       Esophageal Cancer
                                                                        The incidence of esoph-
Figure 6 Shown is Schatzki’s ring in a middle-aged man with          ageal adenocarcinoma is ris-
severe reflux symptoms and recent-onset dysphagia.                    ing at an alarming rate. Dys-
                                                                     phagia is the presenting
ed to the length of the contact time between the offending sub-      symptom in more than 90%
stance and the esophageal mucosa. Injury can occur at any level,     of esophageal cancer patients.
but the most common site is the distal esophagus; the proximal       Dysphagia caused by cancer
esophagus, where the transit time is very short, is frequently       is usually gradual in onset and starts with solids, then progresses
spared. The inflammation and injury eventually lead to submu-         to include liquids. Other nonspecific presenting symptoms of
cosal scar formation, which in turn leads to stricture formation     esophageal cancer are odynophagia, regurgitation, and pain in the
and dysphagia.

                                                                     Figure 8 Shown is classic appearance of midesophageal squa-
Figure 7 Barium swallow from a 22-year-old patient who ingest-       mous cell carcinoma. Mucosal irregularity is apparent within
ed toilet cleaner shows long, stringlike lumen from midesophagus     lesion, along with proximal dilatation and shouldering at upper
to stomach. Dilatation was impossible in this case, and thus, man-   and lower borders. Bronchoscopy confirmed penetration of
agement included esophageal resection with colonic interposition.    tumor into airway mucosa.
© 2005 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved.                                                                        ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice
4 THORAX                                                                                                                               1 DYSPHAGIA — 9

neck, abdomen, or back. Fistulization of an esophageal tumor into                      Treatment is determined by the stage of the disease. In a
the airway will result in ongoing aspiration (the so-called swallow-                medically fit patient with localized esophageal cancer, esoph-
cough sequence) and pulmonary sepsis. Weight loss occurring in                      agectomy is indicated [see 4:7 Open Esophageal Procedures and
association with dysphagia is strongly suggestive of esophageal                     4:10 Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery]. Traditionally, CT scan-
cancer and should prompt appropriate investigation.                                 ning of the neck, the chest, the abdomen, and the pelvis has
   A complete history and physical examination should be carried                    been performed to rule out distant metastatic disease. More
out, followed by a barium swallow. Characteristic features of esoph-                recently, PET scanning has also been used for this purpose.
ageal cancer on barium x-ray include narrowing, mucosal irregular-                  EUS, if available, may also aid in locoregional staging. For
ity, the presence of a mass, and, occasionally, a so-called shouldered              lesions in the upper third or the middle third of the esopha-
stricture [see Figure 8]. Esophagoscopy is essential for establishing a             gus, bronchoscopy is necessary to rule out direct tumor inva-
pathologic diagnosis by means of biopsy, brushings, and washings.                   sion of the airway.


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                                                                                                                       genol Radium Ther Nucl Med 70:911, 1953
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     zation of an obstructing esophageal lesion: is the                                                             6. Anderson KD, Rouse TM, Randolph JG: A con-
                                                          4. Dysphagia: Diagnosis and Management, 3rd ed.              trolled trial of corticosteroids in children with
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Acs0401 Dysphagia

  • 1. © 2005 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice 4 THORAX 1 DYSPHAGIA — 1 1 DYSPHAGIA Ahmad S. Ashrafi, M.D., F.R.C.S.C., and R. Sudhir Sundaresan, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.R.C.S.C. Dysphagia may be defined as difficulty in transferring a food bolus (PET), is particularly valuable in assessing patients with esophageal from the mouth to the stomach. It may be associated with abnor- cancer. malities in the oral, the pharyngeal, or the esophageal phase of swal- OROPHARYNGEAL DYSPHAGIA lowing. Unlike the term globus, which describes a painless sensa- tion of fullness in the neck or throat, the term dysphagia implies Oropharyngeal dysphagia is usually associated with symptoms actual interference with the swallowing mechanism [see Sidebar that originate in the oropharynx, including inability to chew The Swallowing Mechanism]. Dysphagia may be classified as oro- food, drooling, coughing during a meal, and nasal regurgitation pharyngeal or esophageal. Whereas oropharyngeal dysphagia (i.e., of solids or liquids. In general, if a patient experiences dysphagia dysphagia resulting from abnormalities in the oral or the pharyn- within 1 second of swallowing, an oropharyngeal origin is likely. geal phase of swallowing) usually implies a functional disturbance A variety of different conditions are capable of causing oropha- in the swallowing mechanism, esophageal dysphagia may result ryngeal dysphagia. The common causes can be grouped into from a discrete mechanical obstruction or from an esophageal three broad categories: (1) generalized (systemic) conditions, (2) motility disorder. intrinsic functional disturbances, and (3) conditions that give The exact prevalence of dysphagia is difficult to determine, but rise to fixed mechanical obstruction [see Table 1]. Overall, the it is estimated that 35% of persons older than 50 years complain most common cause of oropharyngeal dysphagia is a cerebro- of dysphagia at least once a week. It is important to keep in mind, vascular accident (CVA). however, that the changes in swallowing physiology associated ESOPHAGEAL DYSPHAGIA with aging rarely lead to true dysphagia. Esophageal dysphagia arises primarily from intrinsic diseases of the esophagus; oropha- Esophageal dysphagia causes symptoms that are referable to the ryngeal dysphagia frequently occurs as part of a neurologic, meta- chest or the abdomen. In approximately 75% of cases, the pa- bolic, myopathic, or infectious syndrome.1 tient’s perception of the location of the obstructive site corre- In what follows, we review the diagnostic and therapeutic deci- sponds to the actual anatomic site of the lesion.2 In addition to sion-making approaches employed in assessing patients with dys- dysphagia, patients may experience associated symptoms, such as phagia. Although it is important that surgeons have a working know- chest pain (with a character and a radiation pattern resembling ledge of all causes of dysphagia, our focus here is on evaluation of those of coronary artery disease [CAD]), retrosternal burning, conditions that give rise to esophageal dysphagia.We mention sur- and regurgitation of undigested food.3 gical management options but do not address them in detail; the As a general rule, if the swallowing difficulty gradually progress- operative procedures performed to treat the various clinical enti- es from solids to liquids, the dysphagia probably has a mechanical ties that cause dysphagia are described more fully elsewhere [see cause. Patients who have mechanical obstruction usually complain 4:7 Open Esophageal Procedures, 4:8 Minimally Invasive Esophageal of dysphagia without pain and can relieve their symptoms only by Procedures, and 4:10 Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery]. regurgitating or by altering their diet. If significant weight loss and Clinical Evaluation Evaluation of a patient with The Swallowing Mechanism dysphagia must be performed in a systematic manner. As- Swallowing consists of both a voluntary phase (comprising the oral sessment begins with obtain- phase and the first part of the pharyngeal phase) and an involuntary ing a detailed history, followed phase (comprising the latter part of the pharyngeal phase and the esophageal phase). The voluntary phase starts with mastication and by physical examination. Ex- ends with the positioning of an appropriately sized food bolus in the cept in the case of acute caustic ingestion, for which direct flexible back of the oropharynx via tongue retraction. The involuntary phase esophagoscopy is the first line of assessment, the barium swallow, a starts with the opening of the glossopalatal gate and the propulsion of readily available and noninvasive test, should be the first investiga- the bolus into the pharynx, beyond the upper esophageal sphincter. tive tool. The barium swallow is a cost-effective, rapid, and easily Once in the esophagus, the food bolus is propelled into the stomach by available test that provides a “road map” of the esophagus and the primary and secondary esophageal peristaltic waves. The lower esoph- lesion and yields a tremendous amount of information before ageal sphincter relaxes, allowing the food to be delivered into the stom- ach. The brain-stem swallowing center, located in the medulla and the endoscopic assessment. Additional diagnostic information can be pons, provides involuntary control of swallowing. Although swallowing obtained by means of fiberoptic esophagoscopy, manometry, 24- begins in the oropharynx and is initially voluntary, the subsequent reflex hour pH study, and, occasionally, bronchoscopy and endoscopic mechanisms are based on peripheral input from the oropharyngeal in- ultrasonography (EUS). Further diagnostic imaging, in the form nervation and are involuntary. of computed tomography and positron emission tomography
  • 2. © 2005 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice 4 THORAX 1 DYSPHAGIA — 2 Evaluation of Dysphagia Patient has not ingested a caustic chemical Perform barium swallow. Dysphagia is secondary to systemic Clinical findings and barium swallow are condition consistent with primary motor disorder Focus on underlying cause (e.g., scleroderma, Assess patient with manometry and endoscopy. diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, amyloidosis, Parkinson disease, Crohn disease, or myxedema). Patient has achalasia Patient has other primary motor disorder (DES, hypertensive LES, nutcracker esophagus) Perform laparoscopic esophagomyotomy with Patient has pharyngoesophageal modified (i.e., anterior or Treat medically. (Zenker’s) diverticulum posterior partial) In rare circumstances, consider fundoplication. myotomy. If diverticulum is ≥ 2 cm, treat with cricopharyngeal myotomy and diverticulectomy or, alternatively, with cricopharyngeal myotomy and diverticulopexy. If diverticulum is < 2 cm, treat with cricopharyngeal myotomy alone. Patient has esophageal web Patient has Barrett’s esophagus Patient has normal or inflamed esophagus Treat with endoscopic dilatation. Rule out dysplasia. Perform surveillance endoscopy. Treat GERD symptoms medically or surgically as appropriate.
  • 3. © 2005 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice 4 THORAX 1 DYSPHAGIA — 3 Patient presents with difficulty in swallowing Obtain complete history. Perform thorough examination. Patient has ingested a caustic chemical Perform direct flexible esophagoscopy. Ensure adequate airway, breathing, and circulation. Place patient on NPO regimen. Give I.V. antibiotics. Initiate total parenteral nutrition. Perform barium swallow in 2–3 wk. Barium swallow reveals esophageal Barium swallow suggests diverticular disease fixed mechanical obstruction Follow up for stricture. Steroids are Treat according to anatomic level of Assess patient with endoscopy. not helpful for stricture prophylaxis. diverticulum. If stricture develops, treat with endoscopic dilatation. If stricture is tight and cannot be dilated, perform esophageal resection. Patient has midesophageal Patient has epiphrenic diverticulum diverticulum Assess patient with manometry and Lesions result from periesophageal endoscopy. inflammation and are frequently If symptoms are absent or mild, asymptomatic; dysphagia is rare. manage conservatively. If there are no significant symptoms, If significant symptoms are present, they need not be treated, and manage surgically with myotomy, therapy focuses on underlying diverticulectomy, and partial inflammatory condition. fundoplication. Patient has peptic stricture Patient has Schatzki’s ring Patient has esophageal cancer Treat with endoscopic dilatation, If lesion is asymptomatic, no treatment Perform esophagoscopy for pathologic and perform brush biopsy to rule is required. diagnosis. out malignancy. If lesion is symptomatic, treat with Rule out distant metastatic disease with CT endoscopic dilatation and medical or PET. EUS may aid in locoregional staging. (or, if necessary, surgical) therapy for Treat surgically according to stage of disease. GERD. If cancer is localized and patient is medically fit, perform esophagectomy. Give PPIs. Consider manometry and 24-hr pH study. Consider antireflux surgery.
  • 4. © 2005 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice 4 THORAX 1 DYSPHAGIA — 4 Table 1 Common Causes of disposed to ulcerative esophagitis and peptic stricture [see Dis- Oropharyngeal Dysphagia orders Producing Fixed Mechanical Obstruction, Peptic Stric- ture, below]. CVA Other causes of secondary esophageal motility disturbance Generalized conditions resulting in dysphagia are amyloidosis, Parkinson disease, Crohn Myasthenia gravis disease, and myxedema. Cricopharyngeal achalasia Intrinsic functional disturbances Zenker’s diverticulum INTRINSIC FUNCTIONAL DISTURBANCES Neoplasm Conditions producing fixed Webs mechanical obstruction Previous surgical treatment Primary Motor Disorders Previous radiation therapy Achalasia The majority of patients with achalasia pre- sent with dysphagia for liquids anorexia develop and symptoms are progressing rapidly, esoph- and solids. Most describe a long-standing history of swallowing dif- ageal cancer is the likely cause of the dysphagia. ficulty, with or without associated weight loss. Other presenting If, however, the patient has dysphagia for both liquids and solids, symptoms include regurgitation, chest pain, heartburn, and cough- an underlying esophageal motor disorder is probably responsible. ing or choking spells. Typically, patients will have developed coping Patients who have motor disorders that cause dysphagia often mechanisms to deal with the problem (e.g., changing position dur- develop certain unusual maneuvers to relieve their difficulty, ing eating, drinking liquids to “wash down” the food, and practic- including repeated swallowing, raising the arms over the head or ing repetitive swallowing and chewing). assuming different positions during swallowing, and the Valsalva A barium x-ray with fluoroscopy will show absent peristalsis maneuver. Such patients also frequently complain of other associ- and a dilated esophagus. Other findings include a tapered nar- ated symptoms (e.g., chest pain). rowing in the distal esophagus (a so-called bird’s beak [see Figure Physical examination is not as helpful as a detailed history. 1]) and, occasionally, an epiphrenic diverticulum [see Esophageal Clues that may help identify malignant conditions include the devel- Diverticula, below]. Because the study is dynamic, failure of LES opment of head and neck lymphadenopathy, the presence of an oro- relaxation must be watched for as it is performed. Over time, the pharyngeal mass, the appearance of subcutaneous lumps (sugges- esophagus can dilate significantly, to the point where it takes on a tive of cutaneous metastasis), and the occurrence of clinical fea- sigmoid shape. tures associated with abdominal organ metastasis (jaundice, as- Although some radiologists will declare a diagnosis of achalasia cites, hepatomegaly). Muscle weakness, fatigability, and other solely on the basis of barium x-rays and fluoroscopy, upper GI neurologic deficits detected on physical examination may suggest endoscopy is essential to rule out fixed mechanical obstruction a CVA or myasthenia gravis as the cause of dysphagia. Like oro- (long-standing achalasia is a risk factor for squamous cell cancer pharyngeal dysphagia, esophageal dysphagia may be caused by a of the esophagus because of chronic stasis and retention esophagi- number of different generalized conditions, intrinsic functional tis) or so-called pseudoachalasia (a motility disorder resulting disturbances, or conditions that give rise to fixed mechanical from a carcinoma on the underside of the cardia that extends obstruction [see Table 2].4 proximally within the wall of the esophagus). The key diagnostic test in the setting of suspected achalasia is esophageal manome- Workup and Management try. Characteristic manometric features of achalasia include aperi- of Specific Causes of stalsis and incomplete relaxation of the LES; the LES pressure Dysphagia may be either high or normal. A detailed discussion of the management of achalasia is beyond SECONDARY MOTOR the scope of this chapter. Briefly, medical management offers vir- DISORDERS RESULTING tually no benefit. Pneumatic dilatation offers subjective improve- FROM SYSTEMIC CONDITIONS Table 2 Common Causes of In patients with secondary motility disorders, the esophageal Esophageal Dysphagia motor disturbance is a manifestation of a systemic condition; thus, organs other than the esophagus are also involved. The classic Scleroderma examples of systemic conditions that give rise to esophageal motil- Generalized conditions Diabetes mellitus ity disorders are scleroderma, diabetes mellitus, and alcoholism. Alcoholism Patients who have one or more of these conditions may present GERD with decreased motility with varying degrees of dysphagia, and their evaluation usually Intrinsic functional disturbances Motor disorders entails functional and structural evaluation of the esophagus. Treatment is aimed at the underlying cause. Patients with scle- Webs Peptic strictures roderma exhibit atrophy and sclerosis of distal esophageal smooth Schatzki’s ring muscle with fragmentation of connective tissue. Consequently, Conditions producing fixed Caustic injury primary peristalsis is absent, and the lower esophageal sphincter mechanical obstruction Neoplasms (LES) is hypotensive or virtually absent. Patients usually present Extrinsic compression with gastroesophageal reflux and heartburn. Because they also Previous surgical treatment lack secondary peristalsis, there is no mechanism for clearing the Previous radiation therapy refluxed acid back to the stomach, and as a result, patients are pre-
  • 5. © 2005 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice 4 THORAX 1 DYSPHAGIA — 5 can occur in isolation, it is usually seen in association with achala- sia, nutcracker esophagus, or DES. Patients present with dyspha- gia for liquids and solids. Manometric evaluation shows a mean LES resting pressure higher than 45 mm Hg in midrespiration. Treatment is primarily medical, but balloon dilatation has been employed to relieve persistent dysphagia. Nutcracker esophagus Nutcracker esophagus is an esoph- ageal motility disorder of unknown etiology that affects women more often than men. Patients usually present with chest pain but may have associated dysphagia as well. Manometry typically shows peristaltic waves with significantly elevated amplitude (> 180 mm Hg). Barium x-rays are usually normal. Treatment is similar to that of DES and is primarily medical. Esophageal Diverticula Esophageal diverticula ac- count for fewer than 5% of all cases of dysphagia. They may be classified into two broad categories: true and false.True diverticula include all layers of the esophageal wall, whereas false diverticula include only the mucosal layer.True diverticula develop as a result of a periesophageal inflammatory process that places traction on the esophageal wall (and thus are Figure 1 Shown are proximal dilatation and classic bird’s-beak also referred to as traction diverticula), whereas false diverticula narrowing consistent with achalasia in a 22-year-old woman being are manifestations of an underlying motor dysfunction (and thus evaluated for dysphagia. are also referred to as pulsion diverticula). Esophageal diverticula may also be classified into three categories on the basis of the ment in more than two thirds of patients; however, the result is anatomic level at which they occur: pharyngoesophageal (Zen- durable in only a minority of cases, and the procedure carries a 4% ker’s), midesophageal, and epiphrenic. A few patients will exhibit to 5% risk of rupture. Laparoscopic esophagomyotomy with ante- rior (Dor) fundoplication (or, as some surgeons prefer, posterior partial fundoplication) [see 4:8 Minimally Invasive Esophageal Pro- cedures] probably represents the current standard of care. Diffuse esophageal spasm Diffuse esophageal spasm (DES) is a motility disorder of unknown etiology that gives rise to dysphagia and chest pain. The dysphagia is non- progressive and is encountered with both liquids and solids. The chest pain is nonexertional but may respond to nitroglycerin. A barium x-ray may show the classic corkscrew appearance [see Figure 2], but this finding is nondiagnostic.The diagnosis is estab- lished by manometry; the key finding is the periodic occurrence of simultaneous high-amplitude contractions with intervening peri- ods of normal peristalsis.The presence of these intervals of normal peristalsis is important for distinguishing DES from nutcracker esophagus [see Nutcracker Esophagus, below]. An elaborate workup is often necessary to clarify the basis of the chest pain and rule out the possibility of CAD. Once CAD has been ruled out, management is primarily med- ical and consists of reassurance, nitrates, and calcium channel blockers. Botulinum toxin injection and extended esophagomy- otomy have been used to treat DES, with some success, but in general, surgery does not have an established role in this setting. Figure 2 Shown is classic corkscrew appearance of esophagus in Hypertensive lower esophageal sphincter Hypertensive a middle-aged man presenting with dysphagia and intermittent LES is a rare motility disorder of unknown etiology. Although it chest pain.
  • 6. © 2005 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice 4 THORAX 1 DYSPHAGIA — 6 Midesophageal diver- ticula Midesophageal diver- ticula are true (i.e., traction) diverticula that are caused by periesophageal inflammation. The usual cause is granulo- matous inflammation of the subcarinal lymph nodes resulting from tuberculosis or fungal infection (typically, histoplas- mosis). These diverticula are frequently asymptomatic and are often found incidentally during evaluation for some other disorder. Dysphagia does occur but is a rare symptom; the clinical manifes- tations are usually related to the underlying inflammatory disease or to associated complications (e.g., infection, bleeding, or fis- tulization to the airway). If the diverticula are not symptomatic, they need not be treated, and the therapeutic focus is on the underlying problem that prompted the evaluation. Epiphrenic diverticula Epiphrenic diverticula are ac- quired pulsion diverticula that arise in the distal 10 cm of the esophagus [see Figure 4]. Al- though these diverticula are usually associated with other Figure 3 Shown is a large pharyngoesophageal pouch (Zenker’s esophageal motor disorders diverticulum) in an elderly patient with dysphagia, regurgitation (e.g., achalasia, DES, and hypertensive LES), they occasionally occur of old retained food, and recurrent pneumonia. in the absence of any underlying esophageal dysfunction. If symp- toms are absent or mild, conservative management is appropriate. If significant symptoms (e.g., dysphagia) are present, however, surgical diffuse intramural diverticulosis, a rare condition characterized by management—usually entailing myotomy, diverticulectomy, and the development of multiple 1 to 5 mm outpouchings in associa- modified fundoplication—is indicated. Before operation, patients tion with esophageal inflammation and fibrosis. These outpouch- should undergo a thorough functional assessment with manometry. ings are believed to be dilated esophageal mucous glands resulting from chronic inflammation. Dysphagia is the most common pre- senting complaint for this condition, though one third of patients complain of gastroesophageal reflux. Pharyngoesophageal diverticula Zenker’s diverticula are the most common esophageal diverticula.These pulsion diverticu- la result from pharyngocricopharyngeal incoordination that leads to herniation of the mucosa in Killian’s triangle (the posterior mid- line of the lower pharynx, between the oblique muscle fibers of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor and the transverse fibers of the cricopharyngeus). Dysphagia is the most common symptom, but patients may also complain of halitosis, regurgitation of undigest- ed food, throat discomfort, a palpable neck mass, a gurgling noise during swallowing, and recurrent aspiration pneumonia. The best initial diagnostic tool is a barium swallow [see Figure 3], which will establish the diagnosis and also may help diagnose any associated problems (e.g., gastroesophageal reflux disease [GERD] and hiatal hernia). Performing upper GI endoscopy without first obtaining a barium study is a potentially disastrous maneuver: because the endoscope will preferentially enter the pouch rather than the true esophageal lumen, there is a significant risk of inadvertent esophageal perforation. Endoscopy does play a role in assessing the esophageal mucosa, but it is best performed at the time of operation. The fundamental component of surgical treatment is relief of the functional obstruction at the cricopharyngeus (via cricopha- ryngeal myotomy) [see 4:7 Open Esophageal Procedures]. Once this is done, diverticula larger than 2 cm should be excised; smaller Figure 4 Shown is a giant epiphrenic diverticulum in an elderly diverticula can generally be managed with myotomy alone. Diver- woman with progressive dysphagia and weight loss, in whom can- ticulopexy is another option for dealing with the pouch. cer was initially suspected.
  • 7. © 2005 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice 4 THORAX 1 DYSPHAGIA — 7 DISORDERS PRODUCING annular fibrosis. Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) have proved high- FIXED MECHANICAL ly effective in controlling GERD symptoms and enhancing the OBSTRUCTION healing of esophageal ulcers; as a result of their widespread use, peptic stricture is now an infrequent complication. Esophageal Webs Peptic strictures may occur at any age, and there is usually an A web is a localized narrow- antecedent history of GERD. The symptoms are progressive but ing of the esophagus caused unlike those of a malignant process, in that the dysphagia usually by intraluminal extension of dates back several years and weight loss is usually absent.Typical- the mucosa and part of the submucosa of the esophageal wall. ly, a patient with a peptic stricture describes gradually worsening Webs may be either congenital or, more commonly, acquired, usu- dysphagia, initially for solids and eventually for liquids as well. If ally secondary to conditions such as iron deficiency anemia, pem- the patient has dysphagia for liquids before solids or has dyspha- phigoid, and ulcerative colitis (among others). The main present- gia for both liquids and solids, an associated motility disorder ing symptom is dysphagia, the severity of which is proportional to must be suspected. Strictures induced by reflux are located in the the degree of obstruction. Treatment usually consists of simple distal esophagus at the squamocolumnar junction [see Figure 5]; endoscopic dilatation [see 5:18 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy] after the presence of strictures in other parts of the esophagus raises the careful verification of the nature of the lesion. possibility of causes other than acid-peptic injury. The best initial diagnostic testing approach consists of a barium swallow [see Peptic Stricture Figure 5] followed by upper GI endoscopy, which shows ulcers GERD is a very common and a concentric stenosis (which is usually short). problem. The majority of Management of GERD patients with peptic strictures is con- patients will present with troversial. One approach consists of dilatation of the stricture [see heartburn and regurgitation. 5:18 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy] in conjunction with high-dose PPI Although the associated hy- therapy. An important component of this approach is the perfor- pomotility observed in some mance of a brush biopsy at the time of dilatation to rule out a GERD patients can account malignancy. If the stricture recurs, then dilatation with an antire- for some of the dysphagia, it is important to consider (and, if pos- flux procedure [see 4:7 Open Esophageal Procedures and 4:8 sible, rule out) more significant complications, such as peptic Minimally Invasive Esophageal Procedures] is indicated. In the rare stricture, Barrett’s esophagus, and carcinoma. cases in which the stricture cannot be dilated, esophageal resec- Peptic stricture represents the end stage of ulcerative esophagi- tion [see 4:7 Open Esophageal Procedures and 4:10 Video-Assisted Thor- tis, in which the healing of circumferential ulceration results in acic Surgery] must be considered. Schatzki’s Ring Schatzki’s ring is a concen- tric, symmetrical narrowing at the squamocolumnar junc- tion that arises from the development of submucosal annular fibrosis and is usual- ly accompanied by a small hiatal hernia.5 The exact cause is unknown, though there is a strong correlation with GERD. Dysphagia is usually for solids and is proportional to the diameter of the ring. Barium swallow estab- lishes the diagnosis [see Figure 6], and esophagoscopy is recom- mended to confirm it. For asymptomatic patients, no specific treatment is needed. For patients who present with food impaction, emergency treatment, involving rigid esophagoscopy and removal of the food bolus, is indicated. Definitive treatment entails dilatation of the ring in con- junction with medical therapy for GERD. If the ring proves refrac- tory to this approach, dilatation plus antireflux surgery (fundopli- cation) [see 4:7 Open Esophageal Procedures and 4:8 Minimally Invasive Esophageal Procedures] may be indicated. Chemical Ingestion Alkali are commonly found in household cleaning agents, mostly in the form of sodi- um or potassium hydroxide (NaOH, KOH).The majority Figure 5 Barium swallow shows severe ulcerative esophagitis, of alkali-related injuries occur annular fibrosis (stricture), and evidence of acquired esophageal accidentally in children; how- shortening. Shortness of narrowed segment suggests benign ever, such injuries also occasionally occur in adults as part of a sui- underlying cause. cide attempt.The magnitude and site of the injury are directly relat-
  • 8. © 2005 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice 4 THORAX 1 DYSPHAGIA — 8 A careful endoscopic examination is an essential initial step.The scope should be advanced under direct vision to the proximal injury site; if severe injury is observed, the scope should not be advanced any further. A barium swallow should be done in the first month after injury to detect any stricture that may have formed and to determine its location, severity, and length. Serial barium swallows are helpful in following patients to monitor heal- ing after caustic injury [see Figure 7]. At one time, it was common to administer steroids prophylacti- cally to patients with caustic injuries to the esophagus as a strate- gy for preventing stricture formation. A 1990 study, however, found that this practice had no beneficial effect on healing and stricture formation rates in children,6 and thus, steroids currently are not widely used in this setting. Strictures are treated by endo- scopic dilatation as necessary [see 5:18 Gastrointestinal Endoscopy]. The ultimate solution for a tight, nondilatable stricture [see Figure 7] is esophageal resection [see 4:7 Open Esophageal Procedures and 4:10 Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery]. Esophageal Cancer The incidence of esoph- Figure 6 Shown is Schatzki’s ring in a middle-aged man with ageal adenocarcinoma is ris- severe reflux symptoms and recent-onset dysphagia. ing at an alarming rate. Dys- phagia is the presenting ed to the length of the contact time between the offending sub- symptom in more than 90% stance and the esophageal mucosa. Injury can occur at any level, of esophageal cancer patients. but the most common site is the distal esophagus; the proximal Dysphagia caused by cancer esophagus, where the transit time is very short, is frequently is usually gradual in onset and starts with solids, then progresses spared. The inflammation and injury eventually lead to submu- to include liquids. Other nonspecific presenting symptoms of cosal scar formation, which in turn leads to stricture formation esophageal cancer are odynophagia, regurgitation, and pain in the and dysphagia. Figure 8 Shown is classic appearance of midesophageal squa- Figure 7 Barium swallow from a 22-year-old patient who ingest- mous cell carcinoma. Mucosal irregularity is apparent within ed toilet cleaner shows long, stringlike lumen from midesophagus lesion, along with proximal dilatation and shouldering at upper to stomach. Dilatation was impossible in this case, and thus, man- and lower borders. Bronchoscopy confirmed penetration of agement included esophageal resection with colonic interposition. tumor into airway mucosa.
  • 9. © 2005 WebMD, Inc. All rights reserved. ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice 4 THORAX 1 DYSPHAGIA — 9 neck, abdomen, or back. Fistulization of an esophageal tumor into Treatment is determined by the stage of the disease. In a the airway will result in ongoing aspiration (the so-called swallow- medically fit patient with localized esophageal cancer, esoph- cough sequence) and pulmonary sepsis. Weight loss occurring in agectomy is indicated [see 4:7 Open Esophageal Procedures and association with dysphagia is strongly suggestive of esophageal 4:10 Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery]. Traditionally, CT scan- cancer and should prompt appropriate investigation. ning of the neck, the chest, the abdomen, and the pelvis has A complete history and physical examination should be carried been performed to rule out distant metastatic disease. More out, followed by a barium swallow. Characteristic features of esoph- recently, PET scanning has also been used for this purpose. ageal cancer on barium x-ray include narrowing, mucosal irregular- EUS, if available, may also aid in locoregional staging. For ity, the presence of a mass, and, occasionally, a so-called shouldered lesions in the upper third or the middle third of the esopha- stricture [see Figure 8]. Esophagoscopy is essential for establishing a gus, bronchoscopy is necessary to rule out direct tumor inva- pathologic diagnosis by means of biopsy, brushings, and washings. sion of the airway. References 1. Cook IA, Kahrilas PJ: AGA technical review on and other esophageal symptoms. Gastrointes- 5. Schatzki R, Gary JE: Dysphagia due to a management of oropharyngeal dysphagia. Gas- tinal Disease: Pathophysiology, Diagnosis and diaphragm-like localized narrowing in the lower troenterology 116:455, 1999 Management, 5th ed. Sleisinger MH, Fordtran JS, esophagus (lower esophageal ring). Am J Roent- genol Radium Ther Nucl Med 70:911, 1953 2. Wilcox SM, Alexander LN, Clark WS: Locali- Eds.WB Saunders Co, Philadelphia, 1993, p 331 zation of an obstructing esophageal lesion: is the 6. Anderson KD, Rouse TM, Randolph JG: A con- 4. Dysphagia: Diagnosis and Management, 3rd ed. trolled trial of corticosteroids in children with patient accurate? Dig Dis Sci 40:2192, 1995 Groher ME, Ed. Butterworth-Heinemann, Boston, corrosive injury of the esophagus. N Engl J Med 3. Richter JE: Heartburn, dysphagia, odynophagia, 1997 323:637, 1990