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    WILEY W. SOUBA, MD, ScD, FACS, Editorial Chair DOUGLAS W. WILMORE, MD, FACS, Founding Editor              July 2008

 THE BEST                                THIS MONTH’S UPDATES
 SURGICAL                               2 Head and Neck                          the earlobe), and finally turns
                                                                                 downward to descend along the

 THINKING                               6 Parotidectomy
                                        LEONARD R. HENRY, MD, AND JOHN A.
                                                                                 sternocleidomastoid muscle. Skin
                                                                                 flaps are then created to expose the
                                                                                 parotid gland. The posterior-inferior
The Fundamentals of                     RIDGE, MD, PHD, FACS                     skin flap is then elevated in a similar
Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS)              National Naval Medical Center,              Once the skin flaps have been
Program: Its Time Has Come!             Uniformed Services University of the     developed and retracted, the next
                                        Health Sciences; Fox Chase Cancer        step is to identify the facial nerve.
                                        Center, Temple University School of      Usually, the nerve may be identified
Department of Surgery,                  Medicine                                 either at its main trunk (the ante-
Northwestern University Feinberg        DOI 10.2310/7800.S02C06                  grade approach) or at one of the
School of Medicine                                                               distal branches, with subsequent
                                         Most parotid tumors are benign,         dissection back toward the main
DOI 10.2310/7800.2008.NCjul              necessitating only superficial           trunk (the retrograde approach). For
   he incorporation of laparoscopic      parotidectomy.
T  surgery into the armamentarium          he parotid gland, the largest of
                                                                                 a lateral parotidectomy, our
                                                                                 preference is to identify the main
of general surgeons occurred rapidly
in the early 1990s. There was a
                                        T  the salivary glands, occupies the
                                        space immediately anterior to the
                                                                                 trunk first (unless it is thoroughly
                                                                                 obscured by tumor or scar), keeping
distinct “learning curve” during the    ear, overlying the angle of the          in mind that the nerve typically lies
uptake of laparoscopic cholecystec-     mandible. The portion of the             deeper than one might expect.
tomy, with an increase in bile duct     parotid gland lateral to the facial         Once identified, the plane of the
injuries.1 Much of the education        nerve (about 80% of the gland) is        facial nerve remains uniform
offered on laparoscopic techniques      designated as the superficial lobe;       throughout the gland (unless the
for established surgeons was            the portion medial to the facial         nerve is displaced by a tumor) and
provided by industry, and many          nerve (the remaining 20%) is             serves to guide the parenchymal
surgeons learned “one-handed”           designated as the deep lobe.             dissection, which proceeds directly
operating techniques, whereas the       Deep lobe tumors often present           over the facial nerve. We do not
underpinning cognitive aspects          clinically as retromandibular or
                                                                                                   continued on page 3
unique to laparoscopy were given        parapharyngeal masses, with
short shrift. In the late 1990s, the    displacement of the tonsil or the soft
Society of American Gastrointestinal
and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES)
                                        palate appreciated in the throat. The
                                        overwhelming majority of parotid           In This Issue
began developing the Fundamentals       tumors, however, are benign and
                                                                                  The Best Surgical Thinking
of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS), a        lateral to the facial nerve. This           The Fundamentals of Laparoscopic
program designed to cover the           chapter focuses primarily on                Surgery (FLS) Program: Its Time Has
cognitive and psychomotor aspects       superficial parotidectomy.                   Come!                                1
unique to laparoscopic surgery,                                                   2 Head and Neck
associated with a mechanism for         Operative Technique for                     6 Parotidectomy                      1
assessment. It was not SAGES’           Parotidectomy                             2 Head and Neck
                                          he incision begins immediately            9 Thyroid and Parathyroid Operations 4
intent to develop a certifying
examination but rather to provide       T anterior to the ear, continues
                                        downward past the tragus, curves
                                                                                  4 Thorax
                                                                                    8 Minimally Invasive Esophageal
                continued on page 2     back under the ear (staying close to        Procedures                           4
2   What’s New in ACS Surgery • July 2008                                                              

 continued from page 1
                                                                                      Owned and published by
                                                                                      BC Decker Inc
tools for the teaching and assess-          are transferable to the operating
ment of the cognitive knowledge,            room environment.4,5                      EDITORIAL CHAIR:
                                                                                      Wiley W. Souba, MD, SCD, FACS, Columbus, OH
technical skills, and clinical judg-           After developing the teaching and
                                                                                      FOUNDING EDITOR:
ment related specifically to basic           evaluation modules of the FLS             Douglas W. Wilmore, MD, FACS, Boston
laparoscopic surgery. The final              program, it was subjected to beta         EDITORIAL BOARD:
product was the result of the               testing at seven designated centers.      Mitchell P. Fink, md, facs, Pittsburgh Gregory
                                                                                      J. Jurkovich, md, facs, Seattle Larry R. Kaiser,
combined effort by many surgical            Surgical trainees from different          md, facs, Philadelphia William H. Pearce, md,
experts, educators, and administra-         levels and practicing surgeons took       facs, Chicago John H. Pemberton, md, facs,
                                                                                      Rochester, MN Nathaniel J. Soper, md, facs,
tors and represents one of the first         part in this evaluation, which has        Chicago
fully developed competency evalua-          been reported elsewhere.3 The beta
                                                                                      COUNCIL OF FOUNDING EDITORS:
tion tools available for surgeons.2,3       test results for the FLS examination      Murray F. Brennan, md, facs, New York
   The FLS program consists of two          demonstrated satisfactory reliability,    Laurence Y. Cheung, md, facs, Kansas City
                                                                                      Alden H. Harken, md, facs, San Francisco
components: a teaching module for           appropriate psychometric proper-          James W. Holcroft, md, facs, Sacramento
education and an examination to             ties, and substantial validity.           Jonathan L. Meakins, md, dsc, facs, Oxford
assess competency. The cognitive               In 2005, the American College of       PUBLISHER:
portion includes didactics in four                                                    President, Brian C. Decker
                                            Surgeons (ACS) partnered with             Vice President, Sales, Rochelle J. Decker
broad content areas: preoperative           SAGES to lend support to this first        Vice President and Publisher, Liz Pope
considerations, intraoperative              fully developed competency evalua-        Managing Editor, Susan Cooper
                                                                                      Manager, Special Sales, Jennifer Coates
considerations, basic laparoscopic          tion tool available for surgeons.         Manager, Customer Care and Distribution, Marie
procedures, and postoperative               Since that time, great momentum           Moore
                                                                                      Rights and Permissions, Paula Mucci
considerations. The content was             has developed around the FLS              Director, Digital Publishing, David Love
heavily vetted among experts in             program. Many general surgery             Electronic Media Systems Analyst, Jeff Ferguson
                                                                                      Senior Web/IT Developer, Faisal Shah
laparoscopy for being essential for         residency programs have incorpo-
                                                                                      ACS Surgery: Principles & Practice (bound
basic laparoscopic surgery. The             rated FLS as a key component of           volume: ISBN 978-1-55009-399-5; CD-ROM:
second portion of the training              laparoscopic training. The joint          ISBN 978-1-55009-421-3; quarterly CD ROM:
outlines the manual skills training                                                   ISSN 1538-3210; online: ISSN 1547-1616) is
                                            ACS-APDS (Association of Program          owned and published by BC Decker Inc, 50 King
practicum based on a training               Directors in Surgery) technical skills    St. E., 2nd Floor, PO Box 620, LCD1, Hamilton,
program developed by Fried and              curriculum includes the components        ON L8N 3K7, Canada, Web site: http://www.
                                                                             © 2008 BC Decker Inc. All rights
colleagues at McGill University.4,5         of the FLS program in its laparo-         reserved. No part of this issue may be reproduced
This module includes five “watch             scopic modules. Several hospitals         by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic
                                                                                      process or in the form of a phonographic
and do” exercises, which are                have mandated that surgeons               recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval
measurable and designed to allow            practicing laparoscopic surgery must      system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for
                                                                                      public or private use without written permission
students to practice and improve            have passed the FLS examination to        of the publisher.
their laparoscopic skills.                  be privileged to perform laparos-         Annual subscription rates in Canada and the
   “Competence” is assessed through         copy. At least one captive malprac-       USA: Quarterly CD-ROM: $209 (individual),
                                                                                      $709 (institutional); Online: $189 (individual).
a two-part examination. The                 tice insurance company has incentiv-      Institutional Web site license pricing available on
cognitive examination consists of a         ized participating surgeons to attain     request. Please e-mail
timed, secure test with multiple-           FLS certification. There has also          Separate shipping and handling apply. All prices
                                                                                      subject to change without notice and quoted in
choice questions and clinical               been increased interest in the FLS        US dollars.
scenarios. These questions and              program from international sur-           POSTMASTER: Send address changes to BC
                                                                                      Decker Inc, PO Box 758, Lewiston, NY 14092-
scenarios were subjected to rigorous        geons. For instance, the Royal            0785.
oversight by medical educators2,3           Australasian College of Surgeons          FOR ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION
and were designed to withstand              has now incorporated FLS into its
                                                                                      Please address all inquiries to Fulfillment Department,
“high-stakes” scrutiny. The manual          training programs and board               BC Decker Inc, P.O. Box 758, Lewiston, NY 14092-
skills test assesses five basic tech-        certification process.                     0785, or call us at 905-522-7017 or 800-568-7281, or
                                                                                      fax us at 905-522-7839 or 888-311-4987, or email us
niques (peg transfer, pattern cutting,         Despite these initiatives, there was   at For change of address,
ligating loop, intracorporeal knot,         concern that the price of the FLS         please provide both your new and your old addresses;
                                                                                      be sure to notify us at least six weeks before you
extracorporeal knot) based on               program is prohibitive for most           expect to move to avoid interruptions in your service.
efficiency and precision. This               general surgery residencies. In
                                                                                      YOUR FEEDBACK IS WELCOME
examination is proctored, taken on          response to this concern, the                  • E-mail:
standardized training boxes with            Covidien Corporation recently                  • Write: BC Decker Inc
                                                                                                     P.O. Box 620, LCD1
uniform equipment, and occurs at            funded a large educational grant to                      Hamilton, ON L8N 3K7
designated testing locations. This          SAGES to allow rapid dissemination                       Canada
manual skills test has been subjected       among surgical training programs.
to extensive validation by the              This generous grant will allow each
McGill group; the scores correlate
with laparoscopic experience and                             continued on page 3                                                                                What’s New in ACS Surgery 3

                                                                                     This Month’s CME
 continued from page 1                                                               Chapters
regularly resect the entire lateral       mandible and may reach a signifi-           ACS Surgery offers CME in
lobe of the parotid gland unless the      cant size in patients with large or        convenient online format. As
tumor is large and such resection is      recurrent tumors. Strictly speaking,       many as 60 AMA PRA Category
required on oncologic grounds.            this cosmetic change is a necessary        1 credits can be earned at
   Complete superficial parotidec-         feature of the procedure, not a            any time during the year. The
tomy with full dissection of all facial   complication.                              following chapters are available
nerve branches is seldom necessary,                                                  for CME credit this month:
although, in some cases, it is
mandated by tumor size or histo-
                                          Outcome Evaluation of                      2 Head and Neck
                                                                                       6 Parotidectomy
logic findings. The question of            Parotidectomy
                                                                                     2 Head and Neck
whether to sacrifice the facial nerve           ith proper surgical technique,
almost invariably arises in the
setting of malignancy. In our view,
                                          W    superficial or partial superficial
                                          parotidectomy can be performed
                                                                                       9 Thyroid and Parathyroid Operations
                                                                                     4 Thorax
                                                                                       8 Minimally Invasive Esophageal
this measure is seldom necessary.         safely and within a reasonable               Procedures
Benign tumors tend to displace the        operating time.
nerve, not invade it. Sacrifice of the
nerve probably does not enhance
   Before closure, absolute hemosta-
sis is confirmed. Facial nerve
function is evaluated in the recovery
room, with particular attention paid
                                           THE BEST SURGICAL THINKING
                                           continued from page 2
to whether the patient is able to
close the eyelid.                         general surgery resident training        surgery trainees, the FLS program
                                          program in the United States and         should achieve wide dissemination
                                          Canada to obtain one of the FLS          and improve the safety of patients
Complications of                          video training boxes as part of their    undergoing laparoscopic surgery.
Parotidectomy                             Residency Review Committee-
                                          mandated simulation effort. Fur-
   tudies have found that transient                                                References
S  paralysis of all or part of the
facial nerve occurs in 17 to 100% of
                                          thermore, vouchers for completing
                                          the testing component of FLS will be     1. Strasberg SM, Hertl M, Soper
                                          supplied for each graduating chief          NJ. An analysis of the problem
patients undergoing parotidectomy,        resident in general surgery and to          of biliary injury during laparo-
depending on the extent of the            fellows in gastrointestinal surgery         scopic cholecystectomy. J Am
resection and the location of the         fellowships. Notices have gone out          Coll Surg 1995;180:101–25.
tumor. Fortunately, permanent             to all program directors informing       2. Peters JH, Fried GM, Swanstrom
paralysis is uncommon, occurring in       them of the ability to obtain these         LL, et al. Development and
fewer than 5% of cases. The               resources. It thus seems likely that        validation of a comprehensive
primary complications are gustatory       FLS will be incorporated in virtually       program of education and
sweating, sialocele, and cosmetic         all North American training                 assessment of the basic funda-
changes.                                  programs.                                   mentals of laparoscopic surgery.
  Gustatory sweating, or Frey                In summary, the FLS program was          Surgery 2004;135:21–7.
syndrome, occurs in most patients         developed because of an identified        3. Swanstrom LL, Fried GM,
after parotidectomy; it has been seen     need to educate surgeons in the             Hoffman KI, Soper NJ. Beta test
after submandibular gland resection       underlying principles and basic skills      results of a new system assessing
                                          of laparoscopic surgery and because         competence in laparoscopic
as well. The symptom complex
                                          of the growing demand to document           surgery. J Am Coll Surg
includes sweating, skin warmth, and
                                          competency in surgical practice. The        2006;202:62–9.
flushing after chewing food and is                                                  4. Derossis AM, Fried GM, Abra-
                                          program has been extensively vetted
caused by cross-innervation of the        by experts and validated in beta            hamowicz M, et al. Development
parasympathetic and sympathetic           testing. The inclusion of a testing         of a model for training and
fibers supplying the parotid gland         component ensures that competency           evaluation of laparoscopic skills.
and the overlying skin. Sialocele, or     in laparoscopy is both taught and           Am J Surg 1998;15:482–7.
salivary fistula, has been reported        evaluated. Given the partnership         5. Fried GM, Feldman LS, Vassiliou
to occur after 1 to 15% of paroti-        with the ACS, the growing recogni-          MC, et al. Proving the value of
dectomies. Parotidectomy creates a        tion of FLS internationally, and the        simulation in laparoscopic
hollow anterior and inferior to the       recent Covidien grant allowing              surgery. Ann Surg
ear, which may extend behind the          widespread adoption by general              2004;240:518–28.
4   What’s New in ACS Surgery • July 2008                                                          

 continued from page 3

2 Head and Neck                             mobilization of the lower thyroid         Complications of
                                            pole. The carotid sheath is retracted
                                            laterally, and the thyroid gland is       Thyroidectomy
9 Thyroid and Parathyroid                                                                he most significant complications
                                            retracted anteriorly and medially.
                                            This retraction puts tension on the
                                            inferior thyroid artery and conse-
                                                                                      T  of thyroidectomy are injury to the
                                                                                      recurrent laryngeal nerve, hypopara-
WEN T. SHEN, MD, GREGG H. JOSSART,          quently on the recurrent laryngeal        thyroidism, bleeding, injury to the
MD, FACS, AND ORLO H. CLARK, MD,            nerve, thereby facilitating identifica-    external branch of the superior
FACS                                        tion of the nerve. The right and left     laryngeal nerve, infection, seroma,
University of California, San               recurrent laryngeal nerves must be        or keloid.
Francisco; California Pacific Medical        preserved during every thyroid
Center, San Francisco; University of        operation. In identifying the
                                            recurrent laryngeal nerves, it is         Parathyroidectomy
California, San Francisco
                                                                                         he preparation for
DOI 10.2310/7800.S02C09
                                            helpful to remember that they are
                                            supplied by a small vascular plexus
                                            and that a tiny vasa nervorum runs
                                                                                      T  parathyroidectomy is similar to
                                                                                      that for thyroidectomy. The gold
 The operative techniques for
                                            parallel to and directly on each          standard operation for primary
 thyroidectomy and parathyroidec-
                                            nerve.                                    hyperparathyroidism remains bilateral
 tomy are similar, and avoiding                The pyramidal lobe (found in about     neck exploration; however, the
 injury of the laryngeal nerves is          80% of patients) is mobilized by          excellent results of preoperative
 paramount.                                 retracting it caudally and by dissect-    imaging with sestamibi scanning and
                                            ing immediately adjacent to it in a       ultrasonography, coupled with the
Operative Technique for                     cephalad direction. Once the              availability of rapid intraoperative
                                            parathyroid glands have been
Thyroidectomy                               carefully swept or dissected from the
                                                                                      parathyroid hormone assays, have
   efore thyroidectomy, laryngoscopy                                                  made unilateral focused exploration
B  is essential to determine whether
the vocal cords are functioning
                                            thyroid gland and the recurrent
                                            nerve has been identified, the
                                            thyroid lobe can be quickly resected.
                                                                                      feasible for well-localized parathyroid
                                                                                      adenomas. The complications of
normally. Thereafter, as a rule,                                                      parathyroidectomy are similar to
dissection should always begin on                                                     those of thyroidectomy but occur
                                            Special Concerns of                       less often.
the side of the suspected tumor; if
there is a problem with the dissec-         Thyroidectomy
tion on this side, a less than total            n rare occasions, thyroid or
thyroidectomy can be performed on
the contralateral side to prevent
                                            O   parathyroid cancers may invade
                                            the trachea or the esophagus. As
                                                                                      4 Thorax
complications. The thyroid gland is         much as 5 cm of the trachea can be        8 Minimally Invasive
exposed via a midline incision              resected safely without impairment        Esophageal Procedures
through the superficial layer of deep        of the patient’s voice. If the invasion
cervical fascia between the strap           is not extensive and is confined to        FRANCESCO PALAZZO, MD, PIERO M.
muscles. However, if they are               the anterior portion of the trachea, a    FISICHELLA, MD, AND MARCO G. PATTI,
adherent to the underlying thyroid          small section of the trachea that         MD, FACS
tumor, the portion of the muscle            contains the tumor should be
adhering to the tumor should be             excised, and a tracheostomy may be        University of California, San
sacrificed and removed en bloc with          placed at the site of resection.          Francisco; Loyola University
the specimen.                               Lymph nodes in the central neck           Medical Center, Chicago; University
   When a thyroid lobectomy is              (medial to the carotid sheath) are
performed, the isthmus of the               frequently involved in patients with                          continued on page 5
thyroid gland is usually divided            papillary, medullary, and Hürthle
lateral to the midline, taking care
not to cut across the tumor. Once
                                            cell cancer. These nodes should be
                                            removed without injury to the                 Coming in August
the isthmus has been divided,               parathyroid glands or the recurrent           Elements of Contemporary Practice
dissection is continued superiorly,         laryngeal nerves. A median sternoto-            8 Health Care Economics:
laterally, and posteriorly. It is           my is rarely necessary for removal of           The Broader Context
essential to avoid injuring the             the thyroid gland, but if one proves
                                                                                          1 Basic Surgical and Perioperative
external branch of the superior             necessary, the sternum should be                Considerations
laryngeal nerve (responsible for            divided to the level of the third               9 Ambulatory and Fast-Track Surgery
tensing the vocal cords).                   intercostal space and then laterally
                                                                                          8 Critical Care
   The lower parathyroid gland is           on one side at the space between the            22 Nutritional Support
usually encountered during lateral          third and fourth ribs.                                                                        What’s New in ACS Surgery 5

of Chicago Pritzker School of           fundoplication as for Nissen             generally comparable to those
Medicine                                fundoplication, and many of the          obtained with corresponding open
                                        surgical steps are the same. Over the    surgical procedures. Delayed
DOI 10.2310/7800.S04C08
                                        years, however, it has become            esophageal leakage is a common
 Treating benign esophageal             evident that a partial fundoplication    postoperative complication.
 disorders with minimally invasive      is not as durable as a total fundopli-
 laparoscopic procedures yields         cation. As a result, total fundoplica-
 results comparable to those of
                                                                                 Reoperation for GERD
                                        tion is currently considered the            urrently, an increasing number of
 treatment with traditional
                                        procedure of choice for patients
                                        with GERD, regardless of the
                                                                                 C  patients are being seen for
                                                                                 evaluation and treatment of foregut
   he development of laparoscopic       strength of their esophageal
T  surgery over the past 20 years has
caused a significant shift in the
                                                                                 symptoms after laparoscopic
                                                                                 antireflux surgery. If the symptoms
                                                                                 persist or heartburn and regurgita-
treatment of benign esophageal          Laparoscopic Heller                      tion occur, a thorough evaluation
diseases. Consequently, minimally                                                (with barium swallow, endoscopy,
invasive surgery is increasingly        Myotomy with Partial                     esophageal manometry, and pH
considered first-line treatment for      Fundoplication                           monitoring) is carried out.
achalasia, and laparoscopic fundopli-      oday, laparoscopic Heller                We do not routinely attempt a
cation is considered more readily and
at an earlier stage to manage gastro-
                                        T  myotomy with partial fundoplica-
                                        tion has supplanted left thoraco-
                                                                                 second antireflux operation laparo-
                                                                                 scopically, and the optimal proce-
esophageal reflux disease (GERD).        scopic myotomy as the procedure of       dure depends on the original
Here we focus on the operative          choice for esophageal achalasia.         approach (open versus laparoscop-
procedures for the most common          Candidates should undergo a              ic), the severity of the adhesions,
minimally invasive approaches.                                                   and the specific technique used for
                                        thorough and careful evaluation to
                                        establish the diagnosis and charac-      the first operation (total or partial
Laparoscopic Nissen                     terize the disease. Many of the steps    fundoplication). Because the risk of
                                                                                 gastric or esophageal perforation or
Fundoplication                          in a laparoscopic Heller myotomy
                                                                                 damage to the vagus nerves is much
    ll candidates for laparoscopic      are the same as the corresponding
A   fundoplication should undergo
(1) symptomatic evaluation, with
                                        steps in a laparoscopic fundoplica-
                                        tion; intraoperative endoscopy is
                                                                                 higher during a second antireflux
                                                                                 operation, the surgeon must proceed
                                                                                 with extreme care, making sure to
symptoms graded with respect to         where the operative technique
                                                                                 identify structures completely before
their intensity both before and after   differs, and great care must be taken
                                                                                 dividing them. The success rate falls
the operation; (2) an upper gastroin-   not to perforate the esophagus. The
                                                                                 to 70 to 80% for a second such
testinal series, to diagnose an         results obtained to date with            operation.
existing hiatal hernia; (3) endos-      laparoscopic Heller myotomy and
copy, to confirm a symptom-based         partial fundoplication are excellent
diagnosis of GERD; (4) esophageal       and are generally comparable             Reoperation for Esophageal
manometry, which provides useful        to those obtained with the               Achalasia
information about the motor             corresponding open surgical                 aparoscopic Heller myotomy
function of the esophagus; and (5)
ambulatory pH monitoring, the
                                        procedure.                               L  improves swallowing in more
                                                                                 than 90% of patients. What causes
most reliable test for the diagnosis    Left Thoracoscopic                       the relatively few failures reported is
of GERD. Once the operation is                                                   still incompletely understood.
complete, the greatest complication
                                        Myotomy                                  Typically, a failed Heller myotomy
                                           urrently, we consider a left
is esophageal or gastric perforation.
Optimal management consists of          C  thoracoscopic myotomy for
                                        patients in whom multiple previous
                                                                                 is signaled either by persistent
                                                                                 dysphagia or by recurrent dysphagia
laparotomy and direct repair.                                                    that develops after a variable
                                        abdominal procedures (done to treat      symptom-free interval following the
                                        other diseases) would preclude a         original operation. There are two
Laparoscopic Partial                    laparoscopic approach. Preoperative      treatment options for persistent or
(Guarner) Fundoplication                evaluation is essentially the same       recurrent dysphagia after Heller
   reoperative evaluation and           as that for laparoscopic Heller
P  operative planning are essentially
the same for partial (Guarner)
                                        myotomy. The results obtained
                                        with thoracoscopic myotomy are
                                                                                 myotomy: pneumatic dilatation and
                                                                                 a second operation tailored to the
                                                                                 results of preoperative evaluation.

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  • 1. WILEY W. SOUBA, MD, ScD, FACS, Editorial Chair DOUGLAS W. WILMORE, MD, FACS, Founding Editor July 2008 THE BEST THIS MONTH’S UPDATES SURGICAL 2 Head and Neck the earlobe), and finally turns downward to descend along the THINKING 6 Parotidectomy LEONARD R. HENRY, MD, AND JOHN A. sternocleidomastoid muscle. Skin flaps are then created to expose the parotid gland. The posterior-inferior The Fundamentals of RIDGE, MD, PHD, FACS skin flap is then elevated in a similar manner. Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS) National Naval Medical Center, Once the skin flaps have been Program: Its Time Has Come! Uniformed Services University of the developed and retracted, the next Health Sciences; Fox Chase Cancer step is to identify the facial nerve. NATHANIEL J. SOPER, MD Center, Temple University School of Usually, the nerve may be identified Department of Surgery, Medicine either at its main trunk (the ante- Northwestern University Feinberg DOI 10.2310/7800.S02C06 grade approach) or at one of the School of Medicine distal branches, with subsequent Most parotid tumors are benign, dissection back toward the main DOI 10.2310/7800.2008.NCjul necessitating only superficial trunk (the retrograde approach). For he incorporation of laparoscopic parotidectomy. T surgery into the armamentarium he parotid gland, the largest of a lateral parotidectomy, our preference is to identify the main of general surgeons occurred rapidly in the early 1990s. There was a T the salivary glands, occupies the space immediately anterior to the trunk first (unless it is thoroughly obscured by tumor or scar), keeping distinct “learning curve” during the ear, overlying the angle of the in mind that the nerve typically lies uptake of laparoscopic cholecystec- mandible. The portion of the deeper than one might expect. tomy, with an increase in bile duct parotid gland lateral to the facial Once identified, the plane of the injuries.1 Much of the education nerve (about 80% of the gland) is facial nerve remains uniform offered on laparoscopic techniques designated as the superficial lobe; throughout the gland (unless the for established surgeons was the portion medial to the facial nerve is displaced by a tumor) and provided by industry, and many nerve (the remaining 20%) is serves to guide the parenchymal surgeons learned “one-handed” designated as the deep lobe. dissection, which proceeds directly operating techniques, whereas the Deep lobe tumors often present over the facial nerve. We do not underpinning cognitive aspects clinically as retromandibular or continued on page 3 unique to laparoscopy were given parapharyngeal masses, with short shrift. In the late 1990s, the displacement of the tonsil or the soft Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons (SAGES) palate appreciated in the throat. The overwhelming majority of parotid In This Issue began developing the Fundamentals tumors, however, are benign and The Best Surgical Thinking of Laparoscopic Surgery (FLS), a lateral to the facial nerve. This The Fundamentals of Laparoscopic program designed to cover the chapter focuses primarily on Surgery (FLS) Program: Its Time Has cognitive and psychomotor aspects superficial parotidectomy. Come! 1 unique to laparoscopic surgery, 2 Head and Neck associated with a mechanism for Operative Technique for 6 Parotidectomy 1 assessment. It was not SAGES’ Parotidectomy 2 Head and Neck he incision begins immediately 9 Thyroid and Parathyroid Operations 4 intent to develop a certifying examination but rather to provide T anterior to the ear, continues downward past the tragus, curves 4 Thorax 8 Minimally Invasive Esophageal continued on page 2 back under the ear (staying close to Procedures 4
  • 2. 2 What’s New in ACS Surgery • July 2008 THE BEST SURGICAL THINKING continued from page 1 Owned and published by BC Decker Inc tools for the teaching and assess- are transferable to the operating ment of the cognitive knowledge, room environment.4,5 EDITORIAL CHAIR: Wiley W. Souba, MD, SCD, FACS, Columbus, OH technical skills, and clinical judg- After developing the teaching and FOUNDING EDITOR: ment related specifically to basic evaluation modules of the FLS Douglas W. Wilmore, MD, FACS, Boston laparoscopic surgery. The final program, it was subjected to beta EDITORIAL BOARD: product was the result of the testing at seven designated centers. Mitchell P. Fink, md, facs, Pittsburgh Gregory J. Jurkovich, md, facs, Seattle Larry R. Kaiser, combined effort by many surgical Surgical trainees from different md, facs, Philadelphia William H. Pearce, md, experts, educators, and administra- levels and practicing surgeons took facs, Chicago John H. Pemberton, md, facs, Rochester, MN Nathaniel J. Soper, md, facs, tors and represents one of the first part in this evaluation, which has Chicago fully developed competency evalua- been reported elsewhere.3 The beta COUNCIL OF FOUNDING EDITORS: tion tools available for surgeons.2,3 test results for the FLS examination Murray F. Brennan, md, facs, New York The FLS program consists of two demonstrated satisfactory reliability, Laurence Y. Cheung, md, facs, Kansas City Alden H. Harken, md, facs, San Francisco components: a teaching module for appropriate psychometric proper- James W. Holcroft, md, facs, Sacramento education and an examination to ties, and substantial validity. Jonathan L. Meakins, md, dsc, facs, Oxford assess competency. The cognitive In 2005, the American College of PUBLISHER: portion includes didactics in four President, Brian C. Decker Surgeons (ACS) partnered with Vice President, Sales, Rochelle J. Decker broad content areas: preoperative SAGES to lend support to this first Vice President and Publisher, Liz Pope considerations, intraoperative fully developed competency evalua- Managing Editor, Susan Cooper Manager, Special Sales, Jennifer Coates considerations, basic laparoscopic tion tool available for surgeons. Manager, Customer Care and Distribution, Marie procedures, and postoperative Since that time, great momentum Moore Rights and Permissions, Paula Mucci considerations. The content was has developed around the FLS Director, Digital Publishing, David Love heavily vetted among experts in program. Many general surgery Electronic Media Systems Analyst, Jeff Ferguson Senior Web/IT Developer, Faisal Shah laparoscopy for being essential for residency programs have incorpo- ACS Surgery: Principles & Practice (bound basic laparoscopic surgery. The rated FLS as a key component of volume: ISBN 978-1-55009-399-5; CD-ROM: second portion of the training laparoscopic training. The joint ISBN 978-1-55009-421-3; quarterly CD ROM: outlines the manual skills training ISSN 1538-3210; online: ISSN 1547-1616) is ACS-APDS (Association of Program owned and published by BC Decker Inc, 50 King practicum based on a training Directors in Surgery) technical skills St. E., 2nd Floor, PO Box 620, LCD1, Hamilton, program developed by Fried and curriculum includes the components ON L8N 3K7, Canada, Web site: http://www. © 2008 BC Decker Inc. All rights colleagues at McGill University.4,5 of the FLS program in its laparo- reserved. No part of this issue may be reproduced This module includes five “watch scopic modules. Several hospitals by any mechanical, photographic, or electronic process or in the form of a phonographic and do” exercises, which are have mandated that surgeons recording, nor may it be stored in a retrieval measurable and designed to allow practicing laparoscopic surgery must system, transmitted, or otherwise copied for public or private use without written permission students to practice and improve have passed the FLS examination to of the publisher. their laparoscopic skills. be privileged to perform laparos- Annual subscription rates in Canada and the “Competence” is assessed through copy. At least one captive malprac- USA: Quarterly CD-ROM: $209 (individual), $709 (institutional); Online: $189 (individual). a two-part examination. The tice insurance company has incentiv- Institutional Web site license pricing available on cognitive examination consists of a ized participating surgeons to attain request. Please e-mail timed, secure test with multiple- FLS certification. There has also Separate shipping and handling apply. All prices subject to change without notice and quoted in choice questions and clinical been increased interest in the FLS US dollars. scenarios. These questions and program from international sur- POSTMASTER: Send address changes to BC Decker Inc, PO Box 758, Lewiston, NY 14092- scenarios were subjected to rigorous geons. For instance, the Royal 0785. oversight by medical educators2,3 Australasian College of Surgeons FOR ASSISTANCE WITH YOUR SUBSCRIPTION and were designed to withstand has now incorporated FLS into its Please address all inquiries to Fulfillment Department, “high-stakes” scrutiny. The manual training programs and board BC Decker Inc, P.O. Box 758, Lewiston, NY 14092- skills test assesses five basic tech- certification process. 0785, or call us at 905-522-7017 or 800-568-7281, or fax us at 905-522-7839 or 888-311-4987, or email us niques (peg transfer, pattern cutting, Despite these initiatives, there was at For change of address, ligating loop, intracorporeal knot, concern that the price of the FLS please provide both your new and your old addresses; be sure to notify us at least six weeks before you extracorporeal knot) based on program is prohibitive for most expect to move to avoid interruptions in your service. efficiency and precision. This general surgery residencies. In YOUR FEEDBACK IS WELCOME examination is proctored, taken on response to this concern, the • E-mail: standardized training boxes with Covidien Corporation recently • Write: BC Decker Inc P.O. Box 620, LCD1 uniform equipment, and occurs at funded a large educational grant to Hamilton, ON L8N 3K7 designated testing locations. This SAGES to allow rapid dissemination Canada manual skills test has been subjected among surgical training programs. to extensive validation by the This generous grant will allow each McGill group; the scores correlate with laparoscopic experience and continued on page 3
  • 3. What’s New in ACS Surgery 3 This Month’s CME THIS MONTH’S UPDATES continued from page 1 Chapters regularly resect the entire lateral mandible and may reach a signifi- ACS Surgery offers CME in lobe of the parotid gland unless the cant size in patients with large or convenient online format. As tumor is large and such resection is recurrent tumors. Strictly speaking, many as 60 AMA PRA Category required on oncologic grounds. this cosmetic change is a necessary 1 credits can be earned at Complete superficial parotidec- feature of the procedure, not a any time during the year. The tomy with full dissection of all facial complication. following chapters are available nerve branches is seldom necessary, for CME credit this month: although, in some cases, it is mandated by tumor size or histo- Outcome Evaluation of 2 Head and Neck 6 Parotidectomy logic findings. The question of Parotidectomy 2 Head and Neck whether to sacrifice the facial nerve ith proper surgical technique, almost invariably arises in the setting of malignancy. In our view, W superficial or partial superficial parotidectomy can be performed 9 Thyroid and Parathyroid Operations 4 Thorax 8 Minimally Invasive Esophageal this measure is seldom necessary. safely and within a reasonable Procedures Benign tumors tend to displace the operating time. nerve, not invade it. Sacrifice of the nerve probably does not enhance survival. Before closure, absolute hemosta- sis is confirmed. Facial nerve function is evaluated in the recovery room, with particular attention paid THE BEST SURGICAL THINKING continued from page 2 to whether the patient is able to close the eyelid. general surgery resident training surgery trainees, the FLS program program in the United States and should achieve wide dissemination Canada to obtain one of the FLS and improve the safety of patients Complications of video training boxes as part of their undergoing laparoscopic surgery. Parotidectomy Residency Review Committee- mandated simulation effort. Fur- tudies have found that transient References S paralysis of all or part of the facial nerve occurs in 17 to 100% of thermore, vouchers for completing the testing component of FLS will be 1. Strasberg SM, Hertl M, Soper supplied for each graduating chief NJ. An analysis of the problem patients undergoing parotidectomy, resident in general surgery and to of biliary injury during laparo- depending on the extent of the fellows in gastrointestinal surgery scopic cholecystectomy. J Am resection and the location of the fellowships. Notices have gone out Coll Surg 1995;180:101–25. tumor. Fortunately, permanent to all program directors informing 2. Peters JH, Fried GM, Swanstrom paralysis is uncommon, occurring in them of the ability to obtain these LL, et al. Development and fewer than 5% of cases. The resources. It thus seems likely that validation of a comprehensive primary complications are gustatory FLS will be incorporated in virtually program of education and sweating, sialocele, and cosmetic all North American training assessment of the basic funda- changes. programs. mentals of laparoscopic surgery. Gustatory sweating, or Frey In summary, the FLS program was Surgery 2004;135:21–7. syndrome, occurs in most patients developed because of an identified 3. Swanstrom LL, Fried GM, after parotidectomy; it has been seen need to educate surgeons in the Hoffman KI, Soper NJ. Beta test after submandibular gland resection underlying principles and basic skills results of a new system assessing of laparoscopic surgery and because competence in laparoscopic as well. The symptom complex of the growing demand to document surgery. J Am Coll Surg includes sweating, skin warmth, and competency in surgical practice. The 2006;202:62–9. flushing after chewing food and is 4. Derossis AM, Fried GM, Abra- program has been extensively vetted caused by cross-innervation of the by experts and validated in beta hamowicz M, et al. Development parasympathetic and sympathetic testing. The inclusion of a testing of a model for training and fibers supplying the parotid gland component ensures that competency evaluation of laparoscopic skills. and the overlying skin. Sialocele, or in laparoscopy is both taught and Am J Surg 1998;15:482–7. salivary fistula, has been reported evaluated. Given the partnership 5. Fried GM, Feldman LS, Vassiliou to occur after 1 to 15% of paroti- with the ACS, the growing recogni- MC, et al. Proving the value of dectomies. Parotidectomy creates a tion of FLS internationally, and the simulation in laparoscopic hollow anterior and inferior to the recent Covidien grant allowing surgery. Ann Surg ear, which may extend behind the widespread adoption by general 2004;240:518–28.
  • 4. 4 What’s New in ACS Surgery • July 2008 THIS MONTH’S UPDATES continued from page 3 2 Head and Neck mobilization of the lower thyroid Complications of pole. The carotid sheath is retracted laterally, and the thyroid gland is Thyroidectomy 9 Thyroid and Parathyroid he most significant complications Operations retracted anteriorly and medially. This retraction puts tension on the inferior thyroid artery and conse- T of thyroidectomy are injury to the recurrent laryngeal nerve, hypopara- WEN T. SHEN, MD, GREGG H. JOSSART, quently on the recurrent laryngeal thyroidism, bleeding, injury to the MD, FACS, AND ORLO H. CLARK, MD, nerve, thereby facilitating identifica- external branch of the superior FACS tion of the nerve. The right and left laryngeal nerve, infection, seroma, University of California, San recurrent laryngeal nerves must be or keloid. Francisco; California Pacific Medical preserved during every thyroid Center, San Francisco; University of operation. In identifying the recurrent laryngeal nerves, it is Parathyroidectomy California, San Francisco he preparation for DOI 10.2310/7800.S02C09 helpful to remember that they are supplied by a small vascular plexus and that a tiny vasa nervorum runs T parathyroidectomy is similar to that for thyroidectomy. The gold The operative techniques for parallel to and directly on each standard operation for primary thyroidectomy and parathyroidec- nerve. hyperparathyroidism remains bilateral tomy are similar, and avoiding The pyramidal lobe (found in about neck exploration; however, the injury of the laryngeal nerves is 80% of patients) is mobilized by excellent results of preoperative paramount. retracting it caudally and by dissect- imaging with sestamibi scanning and ing immediately adjacent to it in a ultrasonography, coupled with the Operative Technique for cephalad direction. Once the availability of rapid intraoperative parathyroid glands have been Thyroidectomy carefully swept or dissected from the parathyroid hormone assays, have efore thyroidectomy, laryngoscopy made unilateral focused exploration B is essential to determine whether the vocal cords are functioning thyroid gland and the recurrent nerve has been identified, the thyroid lobe can be quickly resected. feasible for well-localized parathyroid adenomas. The complications of normally. Thereafter, as a rule, parathyroidectomy are similar to dissection should always begin on those of thyroidectomy but occur Special Concerns of less often. the side of the suspected tumor; if there is a problem with the dissec- Thyroidectomy tion on this side, a less than total n rare occasions, thyroid or thyroidectomy can be performed on the contralateral side to prevent O parathyroid cancers may invade the trachea or the esophagus. As 4 Thorax complications. The thyroid gland is much as 5 cm of the trachea can be 8 Minimally Invasive exposed via a midline incision resected safely without impairment Esophageal Procedures through the superficial layer of deep of the patient’s voice. If the invasion cervical fascia between the strap is not extensive and is confined to FRANCESCO PALAZZO, MD, PIERO M. muscles. However, if they are the anterior portion of the trachea, a FISICHELLA, MD, AND MARCO G. PATTI, adherent to the underlying thyroid small section of the trachea that MD, FACS tumor, the portion of the muscle contains the tumor should be adhering to the tumor should be excised, and a tracheostomy may be University of California, San sacrificed and removed en bloc with placed at the site of resection. Francisco; Loyola University the specimen. Lymph nodes in the central neck Medical Center, Chicago; University When a thyroid lobectomy is (medial to the carotid sheath) are performed, the isthmus of the frequently involved in patients with continued on page 5 thyroid gland is usually divided papillary, medullary, and Hürthle lateral to the midline, taking care not to cut across the tumor. Once cell cancer. These nodes should be removed without injury to the Coming in August the isthmus has been divided, parathyroid glands or the recurrent Elements of Contemporary Practice dissection is continued superiorly, laryngeal nerves. A median sternoto- 8 Health Care Economics: laterally, and posteriorly. It is my is rarely necessary for removal of The Broader Context essential to avoid injuring the the thyroid gland, but if one proves 1 Basic Surgical and Perioperative external branch of the superior necessary, the sternum should be Considerations laryngeal nerve (responsible for divided to the level of the third 9 Ambulatory and Fast-Track Surgery tensing the vocal cords). intercostal space and then laterally 8 Critical Care The lower parathyroid gland is on one side at the space between the 22 Nutritional Support usually encountered during lateral third and fourth ribs.
  • 5. What’s New in ACS Surgery 5 of Chicago Pritzker School of fundoplication as for Nissen generally comparable to those Medicine fundoplication, and many of the obtained with corresponding open surgical steps are the same. Over the surgical procedures. Delayed DOI 10.2310/7800.S04C08 years, however, it has become esophageal leakage is a common Treating benign esophageal evident that a partial fundoplication postoperative complication. disorders with minimally invasive is not as durable as a total fundopli- laparoscopic procedures yields cation. As a result, total fundoplica- results comparable to those of Reoperation for GERD tion is currently considered the urrently, an increasing number of treatment with traditional operations. procedure of choice for patients with GERD, regardless of the C patients are being seen for evaluation and treatment of foregut he development of laparoscopic strength of their esophageal T surgery over the past 20 years has caused a significant shift in the peristalsis. symptoms after laparoscopic antireflux surgery. If the symptoms persist or heartburn and regurgita- treatment of benign esophageal Laparoscopic Heller tion occur, a thorough evaluation diseases. Consequently, minimally (with barium swallow, endoscopy, invasive surgery is increasingly Myotomy with Partial esophageal manometry, and pH considered first-line treatment for Fundoplication monitoring) is carried out. achalasia, and laparoscopic fundopli- oday, laparoscopic Heller We do not routinely attempt a cation is considered more readily and at an earlier stage to manage gastro- T myotomy with partial fundoplica- tion has supplanted left thoraco- second antireflux operation laparo- scopically, and the optimal proce- esophageal reflux disease (GERD). scopic myotomy as the procedure of dure depends on the original Here we focus on the operative choice for esophageal achalasia. approach (open versus laparoscop- procedures for the most common Candidates should undergo a ic), the severity of the adhesions, minimally invasive approaches. and the specific technique used for thorough and careful evaluation to establish the diagnosis and charac- the first operation (total or partial Laparoscopic Nissen terize the disease. Many of the steps fundoplication). Because the risk of gastric or esophageal perforation or Fundoplication in a laparoscopic Heller myotomy damage to the vagus nerves is much ll candidates for laparoscopic are the same as the corresponding A fundoplication should undergo (1) symptomatic evaluation, with steps in a laparoscopic fundoplica- tion; intraoperative endoscopy is higher during a second antireflux operation, the surgeon must proceed with extreme care, making sure to symptoms graded with respect to where the operative technique identify structures completely before their intensity both before and after differs, and great care must be taken dividing them. The success rate falls the operation; (2) an upper gastroin- not to perforate the esophagus. The to 70 to 80% for a second such testinal series, to diagnose an results obtained to date with operation. existing hiatal hernia; (3) endos- laparoscopic Heller myotomy and copy, to confirm a symptom-based partial fundoplication are excellent diagnosis of GERD; (4) esophageal and are generally comparable Reoperation for Esophageal manometry, which provides useful to those obtained with the Achalasia information about the motor corresponding open surgical aparoscopic Heller myotomy function of the esophagus; and (5) ambulatory pH monitoring, the procedure. L improves swallowing in more than 90% of patients. What causes most reliable test for the diagnosis Left Thoracoscopic the relatively few failures reported is of GERD. Once the operation is still incompletely understood. complete, the greatest complication Myotomy Typically, a failed Heller myotomy urrently, we consider a left is esophageal or gastric perforation. Optimal management consists of C thoracoscopic myotomy for patients in whom multiple previous is signaled either by persistent dysphagia or by recurrent dysphagia laparotomy and direct repair. that develops after a variable abdominal procedures (done to treat symptom-free interval following the other diseases) would preclude a original operation. There are two Laparoscopic Partial laparoscopic approach. Preoperative treatment options for persistent or (Guarner) Fundoplication evaluation is essentially the same recurrent dysphagia after Heller reoperative evaluation and as that for laparoscopic Heller P operative planning are essentially the same for partial (Guarner) myotomy. The results obtained with thoracoscopic myotomy are myotomy: pneumatic dilatation and a second operation tailored to the results of preoperative evaluation.