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Accommodation I: Substance
   Abuse and Prevention

        1:45 pm Oct 25, 2010
       Infonex 940 Vancouver

        By Chris Hylton, MA.
     CG Hylton & Associates Inc.


       Key indicators of substance abuse
       Addictions
       Internal prevention strategies
       Return-to-work strategies
       Inspecting current policy
       EAP
       D&A, Testing
       Guarding Minds

    Do you have any workplace issues we
     can try and solve for you in this
What is Mental Health?

       World Health Organization defines mental
        health as "a state of well-being in which the
        individual realizes his or her own
        abilities, can cope with the normal stresses
        of life, can work productively and
        fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution
        to his or her community‖
What is Mental Health?

       People learning and be able to cope with:

         Stress
         Changes   in life and the workplace
         Demands in the workplace
         Home life
         Work life

            Love and work
                are the
                of our

and you wonder why we work?

       ―No other technique for the conduct of life
    attaches the individual so firmly to reality as
           the emphasis on work; for his

        work at least gives him a secure place
                 in a portion of reality,
               in the human community‖

    But on the other hand…

    “Therein we have one of the
    fundamental paradoxes we
    face today: Work is good for
    your mental health and work
    can make you crazy”
    Out of the Shadows at Last: Transforming Mental Health, Mental Illness and
    Addiction Services in Canada (2006), Standing Senate Committee on Social
    Affairs, Science and Technology, Honourable Michael J. L. Kirby, Chair

     Why does this matter to
      Canadian employers?

         Making the case



     Extended Health Claims

        Disability Claims

        Lost Productivity
Stress in the Workplace - 3 in 10 at risk

     Sector           Serious    Significa Total % Reporting Risk
                      Concerns   nt
     Manufacturing    5%         33%       38%

     Public           3%         29%       32%

     Health Care      4%         28%       32%
     and Social
     Retail Trade     4%         24%       28%

     Finance and      2%         22%       24%
Mental Health – Overlapped by
    25% of adults in a year have anxiety, phobias, panic attacks,
     depression, bipolar/manic depression, OCD, ADHD,
     schizophrenia, or suicide, with half having multiple MH
     conditions at same time

    45% of mental health cases have medical conditions – pain,
     heart disease, COPD, diabetes, asthma, hypertension, cancer,
     sleep problems
     1 in 3 mental health cases also have substance or other
     addiction problems at the same time
Abusers in Past Year as Percentage
     of Adults (Canada)

     20          19          15                  14                              2

     Alcohol   Tobacco   Medications      Marijuana                    Illicit Drugs

                                      Source: Attridge & Wallace (2009), MacMillan et al. (2009)
Behavioural Addictions
     Addiction       Rate in Adult       Historical Trend

     Gambling        5% problem; 2%      Increasing

     Sex             3% to 6%            Increasing

     Food / Eating   5% women, <1% men   Increasing

     Internet Use    1% unknown          Increasing

     Workaholism     1% unknown          Increasing
Addictions are in the Workplace

        Most people with addictions have jobs and are
         actively in the workforce

        Alcohol and drug use tends to be higher among
         smaller size employers and in certain
         ◦   construction and oil/gas mining
         ◦   transportation
         ◦   installation, maintenance and repair
         ◦   arts, entertainment and recreation
         ◦   accommodations and food services
         ◦   retail service occupations
Workplace Demographics

        It Starts Young. Younger age workers are most at risk for
         developing mental health and substance abuse problems, as these
         often start in the teens and early adulthood. This age group is most
         relevant for prevention activities, early screening and brief

        It Gets Complicated. Older age workers may experience declining
         health status due to the cumulative effects from undertreated mental
         health and addiction problems. This age group is most relevant to
         integrated care approaches.
Alcohol and Drug Addictions Costs
     to Society: Canada
          $ Billions                                      Combined costs of:
                           39.8                            health care

                                                           law enforcement

                                                           work productivity

                                                           disability

                                                           premature death

                                                             Average $1,267
                                                              per every citizen
       1992                2002

         Source: Single et al (1996); Rehm et al (2006)
Other Workplace
        Majority of all addiction                     Costs of
         related costs (61%) are in                   Addictions
         area of diminished on-the
         job work productivity and
         unscheduled work absence.
        Addictions also are also
         associated with higher
         health care costs, worker
         injuries, disability
         claims, workgroup morale
         problems, job turnover, and                  Work Productivity
         company risks for safe work                  All Other Areas
         environments, equipment
         loss and lawsuits.
           Source: Attridge (2008), Attridge (2009)
Case Study - Jack

        Safety-sensitive, oilfield

        Knee surgery due to work accident
         several years before

        Military Veteran, previous
         treatment for PTSD

        Missing work — leaving
         early, coming in late, called in
         sick, spoke to Manager

        Expressed Suicide wish, disclosed
         drug use, asked for help
Response to Jack

        Immediate appointment to
         assess safety and stabilize
        Immediate EAP or substance abuse specialist

        Employer input to counsellor

         •   Observations of behaviour
         •   Performance
         •   Previous assessments/testing
         •   Any other pertinent work history
Two-Year   Relapse Prevention Program

         In cooperation with EAP Program
         Set schedule of counselling appointments
          over 24 months
         Review and monitoring of compliance with
          substance abuse recommendations, e.g.
          inpatient treatment, abstinence, & 12-step
         Regular reporting of attendance
         Option to coordinate on-going substance
Why is the problem to difficult and

What ―Causes‖ Addictions

      Moral Model – only a “bad person” gets
       addicted and can’t quit
      Disease Model – what are the genetic and
       neurobiological factors involved?
      Behavioural Model – what is rewarding to
       the person about their addiction?
      Early Environment Stress – what kinds of
       toxic stress (abuse, trauma, low SES) was
       experienced as a youth or in past?
How does someone get addicted

        Traditional Continuum Model of Progression
         Toward Substance Abuse (Alcohol/Drug):

           Source: Attridge & Wallace (2010)
Epigenetic Neuroscience Research

        ―This is an extraordinary moment in the
         science of mental disorders. The
         intellectual basis of psychiatry is
         shifting, from reliance on psychological
         principles and theory to research
         findings and understanding the brain
         through neuroscience.‖

     Dr. Thomas Insel, Director of the National Institutes
         of Health (NIH – US) (Journal of Clinical
         Investigations, 2009)
New Research - Epigenetics

        Links Addictions to a Combination of Genetic
         and Biological Factors that Interact with Early
         Child Development Experiences
        The Greek prefix epi- in epigenetics implies
         features that are "on top of" or "in addition to"
         genetics; thus epigenetic traits exist on top of or
         in addition to the traditional molecular basis for

      development in utero and in
       childhood, environmental
       chemicals, drugs and
       pharmaceuticals, aging, and diet
      Results in cancer, autoimmune

       disease, mental disorders, or diabetes
       among other illnesses. National Institute of

        Source Wikipedia: National Institute of Health
So what have we learned so far?

        Source: Suomi (2010)
Care and Prevention

        Can the problem be treated or prevented?
Range of Treatments

        self-help (often multiple failed attempts) = weak evidence
        group-based peer-support programs (AA) = modest evidence
        talk therapy - cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) = best
        brief residential detox with counseling = good evidence for
         severe cases
        Rx medications and general medical care = mixed evidence
        harm avoidance programs = emerging good evidence

         TRENDS = Gender differences & Holistic treatment model
Addiction is a
     Life-long Condition
        The Addiction Cycle Often Repeats Over Time, Even with
        Treatment and Can Worsen

          Source: Cleck & Blendy (2008)
Rx Treatments for Addictions - Limited &
     Often Ineffective

        Effective treatments for drug abuse involve both behavioral therapy
         and medication.

        However - the list of medications approved for treatment of
         addiction is quite limited.

        Many of the medication treatments available are only given when
         the addict is actively using the addictive substance.

        Thus, very few treatments are prescribed during the critical
         withdrawal period when needed to prevent relapse.

        No medications for addictions are available for prevention.
                                                   Source: Cleck & Blendy

        Screening
        Brief intervention
        Referral for treatment
        Study by Institute for Health Economics and
         Alberta Health last year
        Organizational Interventions for the prevention
         of Workplace Stress Jan 2009
Solution: Changing the Workplace to
     Prevent Problems and Support Workers

     Research has consistently revealed that
     interventions delivered at the organizational
     level are needed and also tend to be often
     more effective than traditional interventions
     delivered at the individual level because
     they address the prevention of problems.
        Employee ―Engagement‖ in Work
        Family Leave Benefits & Flex Scheduling
        Positive Corporate Culture
        Psychological Safety Legal Context

            Source: Attridge et al. (2009), Barling (2007), Bergerman et al. (2009), Harvey et al. (2006),
            Richardson & Rothstein (2008)
Workplace Solutions - Morale

        Make the work place a positive place!
          Celebrate birthdays
          Celebrate holidays

          Team building exercises: staff day at the
           movies, staff day in the park, etc
        Sit fighting co-workers down and help solve the
         issues between them
        Teambuilding workshops
        Have a zero tolerance policy
Workplace Solutions – HR Forms

      Performance Appraisal
      Make it employee focused

      Career path

      Training

      Tools they need

      Job description updated
Workplace Solutions – HR Policies

        NO BULLYING!

        Bullying any co-worker on or off the workplace
         is still an offense

        Creates low self-esteem and toxic work
Workplace Solutions – HR Policies

        Absenteeism Management

        Establish average absentee rate

        Place those x% above, in an Absenteeism
         Management Program
Workplace Solutions: Manager Training

                     What do substances look like?
                          What do they do?
 Policies are only as
 good as their           Enabling, Privacy, Rights
 communication            ER and EE Obligations
 Managers need
                      Treatment, Support, Accommod
 support on how to
 act and react
                        Performance Management
                    Prevention, Recognition, Respo
                               nse Skills
Workplace Solutions –
         Employer of Choice

        What is an ―Employer of Choice‖?
What is an
         ―Employer of Choice‖?
        Any employer of any size in the public, private
         or not-for-profit sector that attracts, optimizes
         and retains top talent… because the
         employees choose to be there
Which results in

          Employees choosing to work or
           continue to work for your
           organization… even when presented
           with other and more enticing
           employment opportunities
How do you treat staff?
Corporate programs - EAP

        A program that offers:
          short-term,   professional counselling and referral
          support in dealing with a wide range of stressful
           situations (personal/work related)
          assistance and advise

        Services are free and confidential
What is an EAP?

        Mental health assistance for EEs and their
        So EEs may concentrate on work
        Short service model
        Coordinates response to critical incidents in
         the workplace
        Deals tangentially with addictions
Typical EAP Usage

         8-12% (2007) (avg range from 2 of 3
          major Canadian EAP providers)
         11% in 1997 (Can Federal Public Service)
         25% in a mine, where the counsellor was
          a former miner who just hung out for
          coffee with the miners
Typical Reasons for Calls to EAP

               place     Family
        18%         8%
                                   Substance Abuse

              22%         Stress
Reasonable Cost

      EAP costs fraction of average medical or
       dental plan
      $200 per ee per mo for Dental insurance

      $5 per ee per mo for EAP

         What Price?
Stitch in time

                    If mentally, employees
                     believe ―I am disabled‖ is
                     their natural state = difficult to
                    ―I am temporarily having
                     some difficulties that I with
                     help of the EAP I will be able
                     to overcome!‖ = easy to cure
                    Prevention key

Drug & Alcohol Testing

     Discrimination rules      Safety sensitive
     No pre-employment          position is one
      testing                    where impairment
     No random drug             due to drug or
      testing                    alcohol use could
                                 result in injury to self
     No alcohol testing
                                 or others
      for non-safety
      sensitive positions

When can you test?

    Random alcohol testing for
     safety sensitive positions ok
    Drug or alcohol testing for
     ―reasonable cause‖ or ―post-
     accident‖ is ok

How nice should you be?

is it better to fight discrimination suit than
  injury or death claim caused by a drunk
  or impaired employee?

Face to face Therapy

    Mental health and addiction problems are
     common to the workforce, overlap with many
     medical conditions and have negative
     consequences for the person and the company

      Research conclusively shows that traditional
     face-to-face (FTF) psychotherapy is generally
     effective for mental health issues
            Source: Lipsey & Wilson (1993), NICE (2008), Seeling & Katon (2008)
Access not always possible

      But, access to and use of FTF treatment is
     problematic. Less than 1 in 3 people affected
     get quality care
      FTF care also is not uniformly effective for all
     patients even when received

     •Telephonic therapy for mental health has been tested
     in more than 30 research studies.
       The general conclusion is that telephonic therapy is
     effective or at least promising in most of the empirical
     tests conducted. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)
     has been the most commonly used form of
      Telephonic therapy services are effective for many
     conditions: Anxiety, depression, panic
     disorders, substance abuse, trauma, PTSD, and
Summary of Research
     Internet Counselling
     • Internet-based forms of psychotherapy (e-mail and
     web tools) also shows initial support in over 20 research
     studies; many with RCT study designs.

       Online therapy services and tools appear to work best for
     certain kinds of patients, when used to support other ongoing
     therapy, and for use as self-care and relapse prevention.
       Positive clinical outcomes have also been obtained with
     therapist use of the Internet to interact via e-mail for patients
     with depression, anxiety, social phobias, PTSD, eating
     disorders, and panic disorder.
      Source: Griffiths & Christensen (2006), Reger & Gahm (2009)
Summary of Research
       Internet Counselling
     Conducted in UK by Kessler et al. (Lancet, 2009)
     It used an online, real-time CBT intervention for 113 patients, compared to 97
     cases with care as usual by a general medical practitioner.

     In-person assessment of diagnosis and symptom severity, followed by a
     series of ten hour-long sessions of online text-based (e-mail) interaction
     with a mental health therapist.

     After treatment, more patients recovered from depression in the online
     treatment group (38%) than in the control group (23%). This effect also was
     found at 8-month follow-up (42% and 26%).
     Source: Kessler et al. (2009)
EASNA’s 2009 Purchaser’s Guide to

Selecting and Strengthening

   Employee Assistance

   A Purchaser’s Guide


                          STRATEGIES            EVALUATION
      Organizational
                         Risk Report Card       CRITERIA
                         Action Responses       Evaluation
       Initial Scan
                          Action Planning   Planning Worksheet
         PSR-12
     Employee Survey
        America’s Health Insurance Plans -

        Centers for Disease Control -

        Canadian Institute for Health Information -

        EASNA

        Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index™ -

        Health Canada – Healthy Living -

        Health Promotion Advocates

        IHPM - Institute for Health and Productivity Management -

        Mental Health Commission of Canada -

        National Wellness Institute -

        WorldatWork: global human resources association focused on compensation, benefits, work-life and
         integrated total rewards -
Our offer to you

        Please call if you have any HR, or workplace
         issue that you are overwhelmed with
        We can help you

        We also are pleased to do Free Workshops for
         your organization (some limits apply) Let us
         know what your needs are and we will make it
CG Hylton - Services

   HR Consulting             Benefits, Pensions,
   Job Descriptions           EAP
                              Strategic Planning
   Salary Grids
                              Drug and Alcohol
   Wellness at Work
   Staff Morale
                              Dept re-orgs
   Training and
                              Leadership
                Tel 403 264 5288
Thank you for the opportunity to
      meet today!
      Tel 403 264 5288
      or 800 449 5866 (800 4hylton)

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Accomodation and prevention substance abuse

  • 1. Accommodation I: Substance Abuse and Prevention 1:45 pm Oct 25, 2010 Infonex 940 Vancouver By Chris Hylton, MA. CG Hylton & Associates Inc. 1
  • 2. Agenda 2  Key indicators of substance abuse  Addictions  Internal prevention strategies  Return-to-work strategies  Inspecting current policy  EAP  D&A, Testing  Guarding Minds
  • 3. 3 Do you have any workplace issues we can try and solve for you in this session?
  • 4. What is Mental Health? 4  World Health Organization defines mental health as "a state of well-being in which the individual realizes his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and fruitfully, and is able to make a contribution to his or her community‖
  • 5. What is Mental Health? 5  People learning and be able to cope with:  Stress  Changes in life and the workplace  Demands in the workplace  Home life  Work life
  • 6. Freud 6 Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness
  • 7. and you wonder why we work? 7  ―No other technique for the conduct of life attaches the individual so firmly to reality as the emphasis on work; for his  work at least gives him a secure place in a portion of reality, in the human community‖
  • 8. 8 But on the other hand…
  • 9. 9 “Therein we have one of the fundamental paradoxes we face today: Work is good for your mental health and work can make you crazy” Out of the Shadows at Last: Transforming Mental Health, Mental Illness and Addiction Services in Canada (2006), Standing Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology, Honourable Michael J. L. Kirby, Chair
  • 10. 10 Why does this matter to Canadian employers? Making the case
  • 11. 11 Presenteeism Absenteeism Extended Health Claims Disability Claims Lost Productivity
  • 12. Stress in the Workplace - 3 in 10 at risk 12 Sector Serious Significa Total % Reporting Risk Concerns nt Concerns Manufacturing 5% 33% 38% Public 3% 29% 32% Administration Health Care 4% 28% 32% and Social Assistance Retail Trade 4% 24% 28% Finance and 2% 22% 24% Insurance
  • 13. Mental Health – Overlapped by 13 Addictions  25% of adults in a year have anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, depression, bipolar/manic depression, OCD, ADHD, schizophrenia, or suicide, with half having multiple MH conditions at same time  45% of mental health cases have medical conditions – pain, heart disease, COPD, diabetes, asthma, hypertension, cancer, sleep problems 1 in 3 mental health cases also have substance or other addiction problems at the same time
  • 14. Abusers in Past Year as Percentage 14 of Adults (Canada) 20 19 15 14 2 Alcohol Tobacco Medications Marijuana Illicit Drugs  Source: Attridge & Wallace (2009), MacMillan et al. (2009)
  • 15. Behavioural Addictions 15 Increasing Addiction Rate in Adult Historical Trend Population Gambling 5% problem; 2% Increasing pathological Sex 3% to 6% Increasing Food / Eating 5% women, <1% men Increasing Internet Use 1% unknown Increasing Workaholism 1% unknown Increasing
  • 16. Addictions are in the Workplace 16  Most people with addictions have jobs and are actively in the workforce  Alcohol and drug use tends to be higher among smaller size employers and in certain industries: ◦ construction and oil/gas mining ◦ transportation ◦ installation, maintenance and repair ◦ arts, entertainment and recreation ◦ accommodations and food services ◦ retail service occupations
  • 17. Workplace Demographics 17  It Starts Young. Younger age workers are most at risk for developing mental health and substance abuse problems, as these often start in the teens and early adulthood. This age group is most relevant for prevention activities, early screening and brief interventions.  It Gets Complicated. Older age workers may experience declining health status due to the cumulative effects from undertreated mental health and addiction problems. This age group is most relevant to integrated care approaches.
  • 18. Alcohol and Drug Addictions Costs 18 to Society: Canada $ Billions Combined costs of: 39.8  health care  law enforcement  work productivity  disability  premature death 8.9  Average $1,267 per every citizen 1992 2002 Source: Single et al (1996); Rehm et al (2006)
  • 19. Other Workplace 19 Consequences  Majority of all addiction Costs of related costs (61%) are in Addictions area of diminished on-the job work productivity and unscheduled work absence.  Addictions also are also associated with higher health care costs, worker injuries, disability claims, workgroup morale problems, job turnover, and Work Productivity company risks for safe work All Other Areas environments, equipment loss and lawsuits. Source: Attridge (2008), Attridge (2009)
  • 20. Case Study - Jack 20  Safety-sensitive, oilfield construction  Knee surgery due to work accident several years before  Military Veteran, previous treatment for PTSD  Missing work — leaving early, coming in late, called in sick, spoke to Manager  Expressed Suicide wish, disclosed drug use, asked for help
  • 21. Response to Jack 21  Immediate appointment to assess safety and stabilize  Immediate EAP or substance abuse specialist  Employer input to counsellor • Observations of behaviour • Performance • Previous assessments/testing • Any other pertinent work history
  • 22. Two-Year Relapse Prevention Program 22  In cooperation with EAP Program  Set schedule of counselling appointments over 24 months  Review and monitoring of compliance with substance abuse recommendations, e.g. inpatient treatment, abstinence, & 12-step programming  Regular reporting of attendance  Option to coordinate on-going substance testing
  • 23. Why is the problem to difficult and 23 complicated? ANY IDEA WHAT CAUSES ADDICTIONS?
  • 24. What ―Causes‖ Addictions 24  Moral Model – only a “bad person” gets addicted and can’t quit  Disease Model – what are the genetic and neurobiological factors involved?  Behavioural Model – what is rewarding to the person about their addiction?  Early Environment Stress – what kinds of toxic stress (abuse, trauma, low SES) was experienced as a youth or in past?
  • 25. How does someone get addicted 25  Traditional Continuum Model of Progression Toward Substance Abuse (Alcohol/Drug): Source: Attridge & Wallace (2010)
  • 26. Epigenetic Neuroscience Research 26  ―This is an extraordinary moment in the science of mental disorders. The intellectual basis of psychiatry is shifting, from reliance on psychological principles and theory to research findings and understanding the brain through neuroscience.‖ Dr. Thomas Insel, Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH – US) (Journal of Clinical Investigations, 2009)
  • 27. New Research - Epigenetics 27  Links Addictions to a Combination of Genetic and Biological Factors that Interact with Early Child Development Experiences  The Greek prefix epi- in epigenetics implies features that are "on top of" or "in addition to" genetics; thus epigenetic traits exist on top of or in addition to the traditional molecular basis for inheritance.
  • 28. 28  development in utero and in childhood, environmental chemicals, drugs and pharmaceuticals, aging, and diet  Results in cancer, autoimmune disease, mental disorders, or diabetes among other illnesses. National Institute of Health  Source Wikipedia: National Institute of Health
  • 29. 29
  • 30. So what have we learned so far? 30 Source: Suomi (2010)
  • 31. Care and Prevention 31  Can the problem be treated or prevented?
  • 32. Range of Treatments 32  self-help (often multiple failed attempts) = weak evidence  group-based peer-support programs (AA) = modest evidence  talk therapy - cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) = best evidence  brief residential detox with counseling = good evidence for severe cases  Rx medications and general medical care = mixed evidence  harm avoidance programs = emerging good evidence TRENDS = Gender differences & Holistic treatment model best
  • 33. Addiction is a 33 Life-long Condition The Addiction Cycle Often Repeats Over Time, Even with Treatment and Can Worsen Source: Cleck & Blendy (2008)
  • 34. Rx Treatments for Addictions - Limited & Often Ineffective 34  Effective treatments for drug abuse involve both behavioral therapy and medication.  However - the list of medications approved for treatment of addiction is quite limited.  Many of the medication treatments available are only given when the addict is actively using the addictive substance.  Thus, very few treatments are prescribed during the critical withdrawal period when needed to prevent relapse.  No medications for addictions are available for prevention. Source: Cleck & Blendy 2008
  • 35. Solution 35  Screening  Brief intervention  Referral for treatment  Study by Institute for Health Economics and Alberta Health last year  Organizational Interventions for the prevention of Workplace Stress Jan 2009 evention_of_workplace_stress.pdf
  • 36. Solution: Changing the Workplace to Prevent Problems and Support Workers 36 Research has consistently revealed that interventions delivered at the organizational level are needed and also tend to be often more effective than traditional interventions delivered at the individual level because they address the prevention of problems.  Employee ―Engagement‖ in Work  Family Leave Benefits & Flex Scheduling  Positive Corporate Culture  Psychological Safety Legal Context Source: Attridge et al. (2009), Barling (2007), Bergerman et al. (2009), Harvey et al. (2006), Richardson & Rothstein (2008)
  • 37. Workplace Solutions - Morale 37  Make the work place a positive place!  Celebrate birthdays  Celebrate holidays  Team building exercises: staff day at the movies, staff day in the park, etc  Sit fighting co-workers down and help solve the issues between them  Teambuilding workshops  Have a zero tolerance policy
  • 38. Workplace Solutions – HR Forms 38  Performance Appraisal  Make it employee focused  Career path  Training  Tools they need  Job description updated
  • 39. Workplace Solutions – HR Policies 39  NO BULLYING!  Bullying any co-worker on or off the workplace is still an offense  Creates low self-esteem and toxic work environment
  • 40. Workplace Solutions – HR Policies 40  Absenteeism Management  Establish average absentee rate  Place those x% above, in an Absenteeism Management Program
  • 41. Workplace Solutions: Manager Training Agenda 41 What do substances look like? What do they do? Policies are only as good as their Enabling, Privacy, Rights communication ER and EE Obligations Managers need Treatment, Support, Accommod support on how to ation act and react Performance Management Prevention, Recognition, Respo nse Skills
  • 42. Workplace Solutions – Employer of Choice 42  What is an ―Employer of Choice‖?
  • 43. What is an 43 ―Employer of Choice‖?  Any employer of any size in the public, private or not-for-profit sector that attracts, optimizes and retains top talent… because the employees choose to be there
  • 44. Which results in 44  Employees choosing to work or continue to work for your organization… even when presented with other and more enticing employment opportunities
  • 45. How do you treat staff? 45
  • 46. Corporate programs - EAP 46  A program that offers:  short-term, professional counselling and referral services  support in dealing with a wide range of stressful situations (personal/work related)  assistance and advise  Services are free and confidential
  • 47. What is an EAP? 47  Mental health assistance for EEs and their families  So EEs may concentrate on work  Short service model  Coordinates response to critical incidents in the workplace  Deals tangentially with addictions
  • 48. Typical EAP Usage 48  8-12% (2007) (avg range from 2 of 3 major Canadian EAP providers)  11% in 1997 (Can Federal Public Service)  25% in a mine, where the counsellor was a former miner who just hung out for coffee with the miners
  • 49. Typical Reasons for Calls to EAP 49 Work place Family 18% 8% 25% Alcohol Substance Abuse 25% Depression 22% Stress
  • 50. Reasonable Cost 50  EAP costs fraction of average medical or dental plan  $200 per ee per mo for Dental insurance  $5 per ee per mo for EAP What Price?
  • 51. Stitch in time  If mentally, employees believe ―I am disabled‖ is their natural state = difficult to cure  ―I am temporarily having some difficulties that I with help of the EAP I will be able to overcome!‖ = easy to cure  Prevention key 51
  • 52. Drug & Alcohol Testing  Discrimination rules  Safety sensitive  No pre-employment position is one testing where impairment  No random drug due to drug or testing alcohol use could result in injury to self  No alcohol testing or others for non-safety sensitive positions 52
  • 53. When can you test?  Random alcohol testing for safety sensitive positions ok  Drug or alcohol testing for ―reasonable cause‖ or ―post- accident‖ is ok 53
  • 54. How nice should you be? Consider: is it better to fight discrimination suit than injury or death claim caused by a drunk or impaired employee? 54
  • 55. Face to face Therapy 55  Mental health and addiction problems are common to the workforce, overlap with many medical conditions and have negative consequences for the person and the company  Research conclusively shows that traditional face-to-face (FTF) psychotherapy is generally effective for mental health issues  Source: Lipsey & Wilson (1993), NICE (2008), Seeling & Katon (2008)
  • 56. Access not always possible 56  But, access to and use of FTF treatment is problematic. Less than 1 in 3 people affected get quality care  FTF care also is not uniformly effective for all patients even when received
  • 57. 57 •Telephonic therapy for mental health has been tested in more than 30 research studies. The general conclusion is that telephonic therapy is effective or at least promising in most of the empirical tests conducted. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) has been the most commonly used form of intervention. Telephonic therapy services are effective for many conditions: Anxiety, depression, panic disorders, substance abuse, trauma, PTSD, and others.
  • 58. Summary of Research 58 Internet Counselling • Internet-based forms of psychotherapy (e-mail and web tools) also shows initial support in over 20 research studies; many with RCT study designs. Online therapy services and tools appear to work best for certain kinds of patients, when used to support other ongoing therapy, and for use as self-care and relapse prevention. Positive clinical outcomes have also been obtained with therapist use of the Internet to interact via e-mail for patients with depression, anxiety, social phobias, PTSD, eating disorders, and panic disorder. Source: Griffiths & Christensen (2006), Reger & Gahm (2009)
  • 59. Summary of Research 59 Internet Counselling Conducted in UK by Kessler et al. (Lancet, 2009) It used an online, real-time CBT intervention for 113 patients, compared to 97 cases with care as usual by a general medical practitioner. In-person assessment of diagnosis and symptom severity, followed by a series of ten hour-long sessions of online text-based (e-mail) interaction with a mental health therapist. After treatment, more patients recovered from depression in the online treatment group (38%) than in the control group (23%). This effect also was found at 8-month follow-up (42% and 26%). Source: Kessler et al. (2009)
  • 60. EASNA’s 2009 Purchaser’s Guide to EAPs Selecting and Strengthening Employee Assistance Programs: A Purchaser’s Guide 60
  • 61. W 61
  • 62. 62 ASSESSMENT ACTION TOOLS STRATEGIES EVALUATION  Organizational  Risk Report Card CRITERIA Audit  Action Responses  Evaluation  Initial Scan  Action Planning Planning Worksheet  PSR-12 Worksheet Employee Survey
  • 63. Resources  America’s Health Insurance Plans - 63  Centers for Disease Control -  Canadian Institute for Health Information -  EASNA  Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index™ -  Health Canada – Healthy Living -  Health Promotion Advocates  IHPM - Institute for Health and Productivity Management -  Mental Health Commission of Canada -  National Wellness Institute -  WorldatWork: global human resources association focused on compensation, benefits, work-life and integrated total rewards -
  • 64. Our offer to you 64  Please call if you have any HR, or workplace issue that you are overwhelmed with  We can help you  We also are pleased to do Free Workshops for your organization (some limits apply) Let us know what your needs are and we will make it happen!
  • 65. CG Hylton - Services  HR Consulting  Benefits, Pensions,  Job Descriptions EAP  Strategic Planning  Salary Grids  Drug and Alcohol  Wellness at Work programs  Staff Morale  Dept re-orgs  Training and  Leadership Workshops compensation Tel 403 264 5288 65
  • 66. Thank you for the opportunity to 66 meet today! Tel 403 264 5288 or 800 449 5866 (800 4hylton)

Editor's Notes

  1. What does this mean for the workplace?
  2. Freud said some funny things but he did make some astute observations: “No other technique for the conduct of life attaches the individual so firmly to reality as the emphasis on work; for his work at least gives him a secure place in a portion of reality, in the human community”Marie Jahoda, positive mental health movement, pointed out that work Provides structure, Provides social meaning, Provides opportunity for social interaction , Provides an identity…. Not to mention- provides an incomeHowever, multiple studies have demonstrated increasing rates of workplace distress, demoralization and disabilitye.g. 2002: Health Canada study suggest that there is a work/life imbalance- that the lack of balance is getting worse, especially for middle managers and public sector.
  3. Does this mean work or the workplace causes mental illness?Not really, as we do not know the exact cause of any disorders, likely a combination of biogenetic and psychosocial factors which will vary from person to person.But, a psychologically unhealthy work environment can contribute to the onset and severity of a disorderWhile at the same time, a psychologically healthy environment can prevent the likelihood and minimize the severity of a disorder
  4. The cycle of addiction. Following the initial exposure to an addictive sub- stance, acquisition of drug taking occurs, in which infrequent drug taking escalates into chronic drug use. Periods of chronic drug use are followed by intervals of withdrawal. These periods of abstinence from the addictive drug can last days, weeks, months, or years. However, most addicts do not remain drug free and relapse back into drug use, creating a vicious cycle. Stress can exacerbate drug taking throughout this process facilitating initial drug exposure, increasing acquisition of drug taking, and causing a relapse to drug-taking behavior during withdrawal. Source: Attridge PNWER presentation
  5. Institute for Health Economics and Alberta Health, Jan 2009