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Maximizing Customer Retention
A Strategic Approach to Effective Churn Management
Companies can achieve better retention rates,
reduce acquisition costs and boost market share by
addressing the root causes of customer attrition and
applying targeted treatment strategies that involve
all service channels and functions in an end-to-end
effort to improve the customer experience.

Page 1
The Challenge
Today’s customers want it all—com-                Accenture’s most recent global
petitive pricing, value for money, and            research exposes the scale of the
above all, high quality service. What’s           challenge. Despite a small overall
more, they won’t hesitate to switch               decline in switching levels, two in
providers if they don’t find what                 three customers have changed provid-
they’re looking for. Even in industries           ers in the past year in at least one of
where satisfaction is relatively high,            the industries covered in the research
loyalty levels are declining. And thanks          because of dissatisfaction with service
to social media—the ultimate in word-             levels (see Figure 1). Consumers,
of-mouth communication—individual                 moreover, perceive few barriers to
switching decisions can have rapid and            switching in their constant quest for
widespread consequences.                          differentiated offerings (see Figure 2).

Figure 1: Percentage of Customers Who Switched by Industry Due to Poor Customer Service

Retailers                                                                                                            40%
Banks                                                                                                      33%
Internet Service Providers                                                                       25%
Wireless/Cell Phone Companies                                                               24%
Home Telephone Service Providers                                                     19%
Cable/Satellite Television Service Providers                                          20%
Life Insurance Providers                                                           18%
Hotels                                                                       15%
Utility Companies                                                 9%
Airlines                                                               12%
                                                            6%                                          Global
                                                        4%                                              Emerging Markets
Another Type                                           3%
                                                          5%                                            Mature Markets

Source: Accenture 2010 Global Consumer Research
                                                                                                                           Page 2
Figure 2: Perception of Providers Offerings and Shopping Behavior

                                                  Companies are the             It’s too much of a hassle    I consider shopping
                                                  same in terms of              to switch providers          around for better deals
                                                  offerings and services

                                                  Disagree             Agree     Disagree            Agree   Disagree           Agree

Travel and Tourism                                44%            11%           61%             8%                  12%             53%

Life Insurance Providers                            33%          18%                 28%            28%       33%             26%
Consumer Goods Retailers                          40%            13%           63%             7%                  11%             51%

Consumer Electronics Manufacturer                 39%           11%            55%             8%                  11%             50%

Retail Banking Providers                           33%            20%                32%            28%       34%              27%

Internet Service Providers                         34%           15%                 27%            27%        28%             29%

Cable/Satellite Service Providers                  33%            19%                28%            29%       33%             26%

Landline Phone Service Providers                   35%           17%                 27%            30%       34%            22%

Wireless Phone Service Providers                   34%            20%            37%             26%           30%             31%

Gas and Electric Utility Providers                   27%            30%              25%             42%     47%             20%

Global Average                                     35%            18%            38%             24%           28%             33%

Source: Accenture 2010 Global Consumer Research

Switching varies by industry, but                 •	Few organizations are masters of            The upshot: Unhappy customers who
customer churn is plainly a universal               retention marketing. The ability            too often suffer the consequences of
problem—a cause for concern since                   to deploy highly targeted offers            organizational processes optimized
the cost of acquisition is always                   in-market across multiple channels          to deliver operational efficiencies,
significantly higher than the cost of               at speed; to learn which offers work        instead of positive customer experi-
retention. Indeed, our research find-               most effectively, and scale them; and       ences—poorly executed product or
ings suggest that most companies                    to take full advantage of customer-         service launches, erratic or conflict-
with large and diverse customer or                  initiated contacts in order to make         ing experiences across multiple chan-
subscriber bases are struggling to                  highly-targeted retention offers.           nels, and inadequately trained and
retain customers. Yet few understand              •	Loyalty programs are often                  equipped employees.
exactly why customers leave them—                   inconsistently executed; and incen-
and fewer still know what to do                     tives for front-line employees are
about it.                                           frequently misaligned with overall
•	Many organizations lack the tools                 retention goals.
  to identify the drivers of churn.               •	Many companies lack cohesion across
  The ability to correlate churn to                 their customer interaction channels—
  actionable customer segments, for                 Web, call centers, retail stores—or fail
  example, is critical to retaining                 to implement incentives for front-line
  customers by proactively addressing               employees that are aligned with
  their needs.                                      overall retention goals.

Page 3
The Solution                             Consider, for example, the case of one     bottlenecks and take pro-active steps
                                         North American telecommunications          to remove them. Success also requires
A few companies are winning the          provider, which boosted incremental        cultural change and commitment to
battle for customer share. The           margin by $1 million a month as a result   a permanent business model that
secret of their success: Combining a     of a 10 basis point improvement (e.g.      that may challenge the organization’s
top-down, enterprise-wide retention      moving from 0.5 percent to 0.4 percent)    beliefs about who owns customer
strategy with sophisticated analytics    in its customer churn rate (see Success    relationships.
that enable them to “micro-segment”      stories sidebar for other examples).
                                                                                    2.	 ecognize that not all customers
their customers.
                                                                                    are the same. Customer value and
                                         Guiding Principles of Successful
Leading players have established a                                                  profitability are key elements of the
                                         Churn Management
company-wide culture of accountabili-                                               company’s retention tactics.
ty for churn management across chan-     In many markets, growing the custom-
                                         er base has been all about the acquisi-    3.	 uild a new set of capabilities.
nels and organizational siloes, with
                                         tion of new customers and retention        Acquire a detailed, fact-based under-
the core tools to support integrated
                                         marketing has typically come a distant     standing of customers’ intentions and
execution. As a result they have been
                                         second in terms of senior management       what makes them switch; get offers
able to reduce customer attrition,
                                         attention and resource allocation.         to market swiftly, using a rapid “test,
improve customer loyalty, and increase
                                         To reverse this legacy mind-set and        learn, and scale” mode; deploy real-
both revenues and profitability.
                                         manage customer attrition effectively,     time treatment tools across customer
Accomplishing this goal requires         organizations need to adhere to three      interaction channels that will ensure
significant and simultaneous changes     fundamental principles:                    the right retention decisions by
in many areas of the organization, as                                               weighing customer churn propensities
well as a committed leadership team.     1.	
                                           Ensure the support of senior             against customer value.
But even relatively small improve-       leaders, and a strong governance
                                         structure. Accountability requires         Organizations with the commitment
ments in churn can pack a punch on
                                         the ownership of fully engaged             to adopt these principles can focus
the bottom line.
                                         stakeholders with the confidence and       on building an appropriate operating
                                         authority to challenge organizational      model to manage churn.
                                                                                                                     Page 4
The Operating Model                       Figure 3: Churn Management Operating Model

It’s essential that any operating model                               Churn Command Center
take an end-to-end approach to churn
management—from overall program                                        Program Management
management, through analytics and
retention marketing, to the manage-                                    Multi-segment Decisioning
ment of channels (see Figure 3).

                                                                      Customer Insight & Analytics
                                                                      Multi-dimensional Analytics-                                     Closed Loop Feedback
                                               Closed Loop Feedback

                                                                      (Customer, Behavior, Value)

                                                                      Retention Marketing


                                                                       Retention Interactions        Customer Lifecycle Interactions

                                                                       Assisted         SMS, Mail,     Assisted, Self Service,
                                                                       Self Service,    E-mail         Face-to-face Channels

                                          Copyright © 2011, Accenture LLP, All rights reserved.
Page 5
CAR—Driving Success                      Our patented Customer Analytic             Users can benefit from fast and
                                         Record (CAR)1 database includes            cheap experimentation to develop
with the Right Data                      thousands of variables and                 customer-targeting models in just
How do you know what data                uses proprietary methods built             a few hours. And because CAR
really matter to your business?          over years of experience to                pinpoints the data that matter,
There are thousands of                   pinpoint those variables that              it significantly outperforms
customer attributes that one             will be useful in a particular             traditional approaches to raising
could potentially collect, and           situation. The CAR provides a              sales campaign closure rates.
determining the most important           single view of the customer for
is not straightforward.                  use in analytics and modeling.
                                         It also provides a framework for
Accenture tackles the challenge          standardizing and automating
by constructing a comprehensive          analytic processes, as well as
view of the customer and the             reducing the effort involved in
interactions with the customer           scoring different segments.
and the company across
all channels.

The Churn Command Center:                necessary cultural changes, including      the customers' value to the company
An Integrated, Cross-Functional          the introduction of new performance        in terms of both current and future
Approach                                 metrics and incentives. And because        revenue and profitability, as well as
The Churn Command Center is the          its decisions affect the enterprise as     their influence on other customers.
nerve center of a successful churn       a whole, it’s vital that the company’s     They also infer the drivers of churn
management program. Spanning             senior leaders are involved in setting     by using multi-dimensional analysis
organizational boundaries and central-   the direction and governance of            in novel ways. Correlating churn with
izing churn improvement decisions,       the churn management program it            the interactions a customer has had
it streamlines the end-to-end churn      coordinates.                               with the company can trigger reten-
reduction process—across analytics,                                                 tion treatments, as well as identifying
marketing, channels, IT and finance—     Customer Insight and Analytics:            areas where the customer experience
and drives swift and timely course       Understanding Why Customers                needs to be improved. This may sound
corrections based on a closed-loop       Churn                                      straightforward, but it requires the
feedback around the effectiveness of     Retention strategies based on cus-         ability to build a service interaction
existing treatments.                     tomer value and profitability are criti-   history across all interaction chan-
                                         cal to success—hence the importance        nels—retail, contact centers, Web
Thanks to its cross-functional
                                         of analytics.                              and Integrated Voice Response (IVR)
structure, the Command Center
                                                                                    systems (see CAR sidebar).
eliminates the inefficiencies caused     By leveraging a diversity of data—
by organizational bottlenecks, thereby   demographic and behavioral (products,      Once a churn “hot spot” has been
significantly accelerating the time-     usage, interaction), as well as            identified, and its churn drivers
to-market of retention treatments.       value-related—retention analytics can      inferred, the right retention treat-
It is also responsible for driving any   predict just when and why customers        ments can be developed and tested.
                                         are likely to churn. They determine

                                                                                                                     Page 6
Success Stories                         •	 A major European wireless              •	 A French telecommunications
                                           operator reduced churn by                 operator leveraged churn
By taking the strategic,                   53 percent—thanks to a                    analytics and churn prediction
systematic and holistic approach           micro-segmentation strategy               models to develop both
to customer retention embodied             that revealed the distinct                inbound and outbound
in the Churn Management                    characteristics of high-risk              marketing campaigns—and as
Operating Model companies                  customer segments and                     a result realized a 250 percent
worldwide have been able to                thus enabled a targeted and               increase in campaign response
reduce churn and boost revenues:           differentiated marketing                  and a 23 percent improvement
•	 A leading US wireless provider          campaign.                                 in customer lifetime value.
   was able to cut churn by             •	 An Asian telecommunications
   15 percent in six months,               company with multiple
   retain more than one million            customer segments reduced
   subscribers and generate                churn by between 10 percent
   hundreds of millions of dollars         and 30 percent—thanks to deep
   in incremental net OIBDA—all            analytic insights into both
   thanks to analytics-driven              customer behavior and average
   customer segmentation, and              revenue per user.
   the company’s commitment
   to the creation of a cross-
   functional Churn Command
   Center dedicated to driving
   customer lifetime profitability.

Retention Marketing: Accelerating       Maximizing campaign return while          in finding innovative offers and treat-
Speed to Market, Cross Channel and      minimizing risk depends on a rigor-       ments. Campaign analytics should also
at Minimal Risk                         ous, test-and-control approach. Many      evaluate the performance of retention
An effective retention marketing        companies launching retention cam-        programs throughout their lifecycle,
capability focuses on three key         paigns evaluate their effectiveness via   combining this data with information
outcomes:                               traditional marketing metrics (the take   around incremental revenue and costs
                                        rate, for example) without comparing      to come up with a true campaign ROI.
Speed to market is critical to
                                        the treated customers to a control
maximizing the impact of analytics.                                               Operational reporting of key
                                        group—an approach that can end up
The competitive environment means                                                 metrics. Churn is a lagging metric
                                        boosting churn and/or costs because it
that many churn “hot spots” are often                                             that may take six to twelve months
                                        treats customers with no intention of
short lived. And unless a company                                                 to show improvement, depending
                                        leaving. Campaign analytics, by con-
can implement insights quickly, much                                              upon the timing of treatment in the
                                        trast, tell companies just what their
of the potential retention benefit                                                customer lifecycle. It’s important
                                        churn rates really are. They evaluate
will be lost. Companies can shorten                                               during the test-and-control phase to
                                        test offer effectiveness in terms of
their offer development cycle, and                                                closely monitor such leading indicators
                                        such indicators as size of treated
minimize the handoffs and bottlenecks                                             of campaign effectiveness as list pen-
                                        population and contract renewal rates
that cause delays, by employing a                                                 etration and offer-take-up rates. There
                                        across multiple dimensions—channel,
cross-functional team of resources                                                are several ways to monitor success or
                                        customer segment and offer vari-
in analytics, marketing, finance and                                              failure—but in our experience, opera-
                                        ant—and then use the information to
channel support. In our experience,                                               tional level reporting should occur
                                        inform scale decisions and select the
such a cross-functional approach                                                  at least weekly to identify execution
                                        treatments to be continued. Our expe-
can cut cycle times by as much as 50                                              issues quickly and allow mid-pilot
                                        rience suggests that companies should
percent to 70 percent.                                                            campaign adjustments. This approach
                                        expect 10 percent to 20 percent of
                                                                                  will accelerate the scaling of treat-
                                        treatments not to be scaled; indeed,
                                                                                  ments that work, and rapidly eliminate
                                        a lower proportion indicates that the
                                                                                  those that are underperforming.
                                        marketing team is taking enough risk
Page 7
Channels: Delivering the Right            managed manually. As the number           Organizations need the capability
Experience to the Right Customer          of marketing treatments expands to        to correlate churn to any of these
For better customer retention, orga-      cover smaller groups of customers,        interactions across any channel (see
nizations must improve two types of       however, campaign optimization and        USAR sidebar). And once the interac-
customer interaction:                     real-time decision-making tools will      tions that are root causes of churn
                                          be needed in order to provide offers      have been analyzed, they must devise
Retention interactions can be either
                                          that are effectively differentiated by    policies, processes, and tools that sup-
proactive or reactive, but in both
                                          channel.                                  port the delivery of a better customer
cases reducing churn hinges on:
Expanding the number of self-service      Customer lifecycle interactions can
interaction channels in which reten-      be root causes of churn as well:
tion offers can be made (e.g. Web,        •	Early life: When the customer is
social media); aligning employee            “trying out” a recently purchased
incentives to company churn objec-          product or service; a critical moment
tives; improving the delivery of            in the customer’s decision making.
channel-specific training material; and
                                          •	Change of life events: Such as
ensuring consistent channel processes
                                            marriage, divorce, a change of
and system capabilities. Companies
                                            profession or geographic location.
should also consider providing on-site
execution support to identify and         •	Mature life: When a customer is
resolve issues early and swiftly. In        nearing the end of a contract, or of
the short term, offers and treatments       the useful life of the product they
under this new approach can be              are using.

                                                                                                                     Page 8
USAR—An Integrated                 churn—especially when customer
                                            interaction data records are
         Approach to Customer               usually contained in different
         Interactions                       systems that do not communicate
                                            with one another and are
         The root causes of customer        collected in varying data formats?
         churn can be hard to trace.
         They may lie buried in negative    Accenture approaches this
         experiences associated with any    challenge by integrating customer
         one of multiple interactions. In   interactions across multiple
         order to improve and sustain       channels through an asset known
         customer retention rates over      as the Unified Service Analytic
         time, companies must improve       Record (USAR)2. USAR allows
         the customer experience of all     business leaders to identify and
         these interactions. But in an      understand the needs of chronic
         enterprise where customers         customers and repeat contacts;
         may have millions of monthly       identify cause/effect relationships
         interactions, across a variety     between the customer experience
         of channels, how do you find       and churn; identify and address
         them all? And how can you          root-cause behaviors at the agent
         tell which interactions drive      level.

Page 9
Summary                                   References
Keeping customers can be challeng-        1. Features of the Accenture CAR may
ing—but as markets mature, successful     be covered by one or more pending or
retention strategies are becoming an      issued patents worldwide.
increasingly essential element of com-
                                          2. Features of the Accenture USAR may
petitive advantage for many different
                                          be covered by one or more pending or
industries. Accenture experience
                                          issued patents worldwide.
shows, moreover, that such strategies
can be developed. They hinge, crucial-
ly, on really understanding what moti-
vates different customers to churn—a
capability dependent on sophisticated
analytics. They also require the sup-
port of senior leadership, strong gov-
ernance and the commitment to build
a whole new set of capabilities that
accelerate speed to market, maximize
campaign return while minimizing
risk and ensure the right experience
for the right customer. Equipped with
an end-to-end operating model that
optimizes customer interactions across
all channels, companies can ensure
delivery of a better experience for all
their customers.

                                                                                  Page 10
About Accenture                           About Accenture CRM
                               Accenture is a global management          Solutions
                               consulting, technology services and       Accenture’s Customer Relationship
                               outsourcing company, with more than       Management service line helps orga-
                               223,000 people serving clients in         nizations achieve high performance by
                               more than 120 countries. Combining        transforming their marketing, sales and
                               unparalleled experience, comprehen-       customer service functions to support
                               sive capabilities across all industries   accelerated growth, increased profit-
                               and business functions, and extensive     ability and greater operating efficiency.
                               research on the world’s most success-     Our research, insight and innovation,
                               ful companies, Accenture collaborates     global reach and delivery experience
                               with clients to help them become          have made us a worldwide leader,
                               high-performance businesses and           serving thousands of clients every year,
                               governments. The company generated        including most Fortune® 100 compa-
                               net revenues of US$21.6 billion for the   nies, across virtually all industries.
                               fiscal year ended August 31, 2010. Its
                               home page is

Copyright © 2011 Accenture     Contact us                                Stay Connected
All rights reserved.
                               For more information about how such       	     Join Us
Accenture, its logo, and       a Churn Management Operating Model
High Performance Delivered                                               	     Follow Us
                               can help your company minimize
are trademarks of Accenture.
                               customer attrition and achieve high
                                                                         	     Watch Us
                               performance, please contact:
                                                                         	     Connect With Us
                               Rob Honts
                               Global Lead, CRM Churn
                               Management Services
                               John Hanson
                               Partner, Accenture Strategy Practice

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Accenture maximizing-customer-retention

  • 1. Maximizing Customer Retention A Strategic Approach to Effective Churn Management
  • 2. Companies can achieve better retention rates, reduce acquisition costs and boost market share by addressing the root causes of customer attrition and applying targeted treatment strategies that involve all service channels and functions in an end-to-end effort to improve the customer experience. Page 1
  • 3. The Challenge Today’s customers want it all—com- Accenture’s most recent global petitive pricing, value for money, and research exposes the scale of the above all, high quality service. What’s challenge. Despite a small overall more, they won’t hesitate to switch decline in switching levels, two in providers if they don’t find what three customers have changed provid- they’re looking for. Even in industries ers in the past year in at least one of where satisfaction is relatively high, the industries covered in the research loyalty levels are declining. And thanks because of dissatisfaction with service to social media—the ultimate in word- levels (see Figure 1). Consumers, of-mouth communication—individual moreover, perceive few barriers to switching decisions can have rapid and switching in their constant quest for widespread consequences. differentiated offerings (see Figure 2). Figure 1: Percentage of Customers Who Switched by Industry Due to Poor Customer Service 26% Retailers 40% 18% 22% Banks 33% 15% 19% Internet Service Providers 25% 15% 17% Wireless/Cell Phone Companies 24% 13% 16% Home Telephone Service Providers 19% 14% 13% Cable/Satellite Television Service Providers 20% 9% 10% Life Insurance Providers 18% 6% 10% Hotels 15% 6% 9% Utility Companies 9% 9% 8% Airlines 12% 6% Global 4% Emerging Markets Another Type 3% 5% Mature Markets Source: Accenture 2010 Global Consumer Research Page 2
  • 4. Figure 2: Perception of Providers Offerings and Shopping Behavior Companies are the It’s too much of a hassle I consider shopping same in terms of to switch providers around for better deals offerings and services Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Travel and Tourism 44% 11% 61% 8% 12% 53% Life Insurance Providers 33% 18% 28% 28% 33% 26% Consumer Goods Retailers 40% 13% 63% 7% 11% 51% Consumer Electronics Manufacturer 39% 11% 55% 8% 11% 50% Retail Banking Providers 33% 20% 32% 28% 34% 27% Internet Service Providers 34% 15% 27% 27% 28% 29% Cable/Satellite Service Providers 33% 19% 28% 29% 33% 26% Landline Phone Service Providers 35% 17% 27% 30% 34% 22% Wireless Phone Service Providers 34% 20% 37% 26% 30% 31% Gas and Electric Utility Providers 27% 30% 25% 42% 47% 20% Global Average 35% 18% 38% 24% 28% 33% Source: Accenture 2010 Global Consumer Research Switching varies by industry, but • Few organizations are masters of The upshot: Unhappy customers who customer churn is plainly a universal retention marketing. The ability too often suffer the consequences of problem—a cause for concern since to deploy highly targeted offers organizational processes optimized the cost of acquisition is always in-market across multiple channels to deliver operational efficiencies, significantly higher than the cost of at speed; to learn which offers work instead of positive customer experi- retention. Indeed, our research find- most effectively, and scale them; and ences—poorly executed product or ings suggest that most companies to take full advantage of customer- service launches, erratic or conflict- with large and diverse customer or initiated contacts in order to make ing experiences across multiple chan- subscriber bases are struggling to highly-targeted retention offers. nels, and inadequately trained and retain customers. Yet few understand • Loyalty programs are often equipped employees. exactly why customers leave them— inconsistently executed; and incen- and fewer still know what to do tives for front-line employees are about it. frequently misaligned with overall • Many organizations lack the tools retention goals. to identify the drivers of churn. • Many companies lack cohesion across The ability to correlate churn to their customer interaction channels— actionable customer segments, for Web, call centers, retail stores—or fail example, is critical to retaining to implement incentives for front-line customers by proactively addressing employees that are aligned with their needs. overall retention goals. Page 3
  • 5. The Solution Consider, for example, the case of one bottlenecks and take pro-active steps North American telecommunications to remove them. Success also requires A few companies are winning the provider, which boosted incremental cultural change and commitment to battle for customer share. The margin by $1 million a month as a result a permanent business model that secret of their success: Combining a of a 10 basis point improvement (e.g. that may challenge the organization’s top-down, enterprise-wide retention moving from 0.5 percent to 0.4 percent) beliefs about who owns customer strategy with sophisticated analytics in its customer churn rate (see Success relationships. that enable them to “micro-segment” stories sidebar for other examples). 2. ecognize that not all customers R their customers. are the same. Customer value and Guiding Principles of Successful Leading players have established a profitability are key elements of the Churn Management company-wide culture of accountabili- company’s retention tactics. ty for churn management across chan- In many markets, growing the custom- er base has been all about the acquisi- 3. uild a new set of capabilities. B nels and organizational siloes, with tion of new customers and retention Acquire a detailed, fact-based under- the core tools to support integrated marketing has typically come a distant standing of customers’ intentions and execution. As a result they have been second in terms of senior management what makes them switch; get offers able to reduce customer attrition, attention and resource allocation. to market swiftly, using a rapid “test, improve customer loyalty, and increase To reverse this legacy mind-set and learn, and scale” mode; deploy real- both revenues and profitability. manage customer attrition effectively, time treatment tools across customer Accomplishing this goal requires organizations need to adhere to three interaction channels that will ensure significant and simultaneous changes fundamental principles: the right retention decisions by in many areas of the organization, as weighing customer churn propensities well as a committed leadership team. 1. Ensure the support of senior against customer value. But even relatively small improve- leaders, and a strong governance structure. Accountability requires Organizations with the commitment ments in churn can pack a punch on the ownership of fully engaged to adopt these principles can focus the bottom line. stakeholders with the confidence and on building an appropriate operating authority to challenge organizational model to manage churn. Page 4
  • 6. The Operating Model Figure 3: Churn Management Operating Model It’s essential that any operating model Churn Command Center take an end-to-end approach to churn management—from overall program Program Management management, through analytics and retention marketing, to the manage- Multi-segment Decisioning ment of channels (see Figure 3). Customer Insight & Analytics Multi-dimensional Analytics- Closed Loop Feedback Closed Loop Feedback (Customer, Behavior, Value) Retention Marketing Channels Retention Interactions Customer Lifecycle Interactions Assisted SMS, Mail, Assisted, Self Service, Self Service, E-mail Face-to-face Channels Face-to-face Channels Copyright © 2011, Accenture LLP, All rights reserved. Page 5
  • 7. CAR—Driving Success Our patented Customer Analytic Users can benefit from fast and Record (CAR)1 database includes cheap experimentation to develop with the Right Data thousands of variables and customer-targeting models in just How do you know what data uses proprietary methods built a few hours. And because CAR really matter to your business? over years of experience to pinpoints the data that matter, There are thousands of pinpoint those variables that it significantly outperforms customer attributes that one will be useful in a particular traditional approaches to raising could potentially collect, and situation. The CAR provides a sales campaign closure rates. determining the most important single view of the customer for is not straightforward. use in analytics and modeling. It also provides a framework for Accenture tackles the challenge standardizing and automating by constructing a comprehensive analytic processes, as well as view of the customer and the reducing the effort involved in interactions with the customer scoring different segments. and the company across all channels. The Churn Command Center: necessary cultural changes, including the customers' value to the company An Integrated, Cross-Functional the introduction of new performance in terms of both current and future Approach metrics and incentives. And because revenue and profitability, as well as The Churn Command Center is the its decisions affect the enterprise as their influence on other customers. nerve center of a successful churn a whole, it’s vital that the company’s They also infer the drivers of churn management program. Spanning senior leaders are involved in setting by using multi-dimensional analysis organizational boundaries and central- the direction and governance of in novel ways. Correlating churn with izing churn improvement decisions, the churn management program it the interactions a customer has had it streamlines the end-to-end churn coordinates. with the company can trigger reten- reduction process—across analytics, tion treatments, as well as identifying marketing, channels, IT and finance— Customer Insight and Analytics: areas where the customer experience and drives swift and timely course Understanding Why Customers needs to be improved. This may sound corrections based on a closed-loop Churn straightforward, but it requires the feedback around the effectiveness of Retention strategies based on cus- ability to build a service interaction existing treatments. tomer value and profitability are criti- history across all interaction chan- cal to success—hence the importance nels—retail, contact centers, Web Thanks to its cross-functional of analytics. and Integrated Voice Response (IVR) structure, the Command Center systems (see CAR sidebar). eliminates the inefficiencies caused By leveraging a diversity of data— by organizational bottlenecks, thereby demographic and behavioral (products, Once a churn “hot spot” has been significantly accelerating the time- usage, interaction), as well as identified, and its churn drivers to-market of retention treatments. value-related—retention analytics can inferred, the right retention treat- It is also responsible for driving any predict just when and why customers ments can be developed and tested. are likely to churn. They determine Page 6
  • 8. Success Stories • A major European wireless • A French telecommunications operator reduced churn by operator leveraged churn By taking the strategic, 53 percent—thanks to a analytics and churn prediction systematic and holistic approach micro-segmentation strategy models to develop both to customer retention embodied that revealed the distinct inbound and outbound in the Churn Management characteristics of high-risk marketing campaigns—and as Operating Model companies customer segments and a result realized a 250 percent worldwide have been able to thus enabled a targeted and increase in campaign response reduce churn and boost revenues: differentiated marketing and a 23 percent improvement • A leading US wireless provider campaign. in customer lifetime value. was able to cut churn by • An Asian telecommunications 15 percent in six months, company with multiple retain more than one million customer segments reduced subscribers and generate churn by between 10 percent hundreds of millions of dollars and 30 percent—thanks to deep in incremental net OIBDA—all analytic insights into both thanks to analytics-driven customer behavior and average customer segmentation, and revenue per user. the company’s commitment to the creation of a cross- functional Churn Command Center dedicated to driving customer lifetime profitability. Retention Marketing: Accelerating Maximizing campaign return while in finding innovative offers and treat- Speed to Market, Cross Channel and minimizing risk depends on a rigor- ments. Campaign analytics should also at Minimal Risk ous, test-and-control approach. Many evaluate the performance of retention An effective retention marketing companies launching retention cam- programs throughout their lifecycle, capability focuses on three key paigns evaluate their effectiveness via combining this data with information outcomes: traditional marketing metrics (the take around incremental revenue and costs rate, for example) without comparing to come up with a true campaign ROI. Speed to market is critical to the treated customers to a control maximizing the impact of analytics. Operational reporting of key group—an approach that can end up The competitive environment means metrics. Churn is a lagging metric boosting churn and/or costs because it that many churn “hot spots” are often that may take six to twelve months treats customers with no intention of short lived. And unless a company to show improvement, depending leaving. Campaign analytics, by con- can implement insights quickly, much upon the timing of treatment in the trast, tell companies just what their of the potential retention benefit customer lifecycle. It’s important churn rates really are. They evaluate will be lost. Companies can shorten during the test-and-control phase to test offer effectiveness in terms of their offer development cycle, and closely monitor such leading indicators such indicators as size of treated minimize the handoffs and bottlenecks of campaign effectiveness as list pen- population and contract renewal rates that cause delays, by employing a etration and offer-take-up rates. There across multiple dimensions—channel, cross-functional team of resources are several ways to monitor success or customer segment and offer vari- in analytics, marketing, finance and failure—but in our experience, opera- ant—and then use the information to channel support. In our experience, tional level reporting should occur inform scale decisions and select the such a cross-functional approach at least weekly to identify execution treatments to be continued. Our expe- can cut cycle times by as much as 50 issues quickly and allow mid-pilot rience suggests that companies should percent to 70 percent. campaign adjustments. This approach expect 10 percent to 20 percent of will accelerate the scaling of treat- treatments not to be scaled; indeed, ments that work, and rapidly eliminate a lower proportion indicates that the those that are underperforming. marketing team is taking enough risk Page 7
  • 9. Channels: Delivering the Right managed manually. As the number Organizations need the capability Experience to the Right Customer of marketing treatments expands to to correlate churn to any of these For better customer retention, orga- cover smaller groups of customers, interactions across any channel (see nizations must improve two types of however, campaign optimization and USAR sidebar). And once the interac- customer interaction: real-time decision-making tools will tions that are root causes of churn be needed in order to provide offers have been analyzed, they must devise Retention interactions can be either that are effectively differentiated by policies, processes, and tools that sup- proactive or reactive, but in both channel. port the delivery of a better customer cases reducing churn hinges on: experience. Expanding the number of self-service Customer lifecycle interactions can interaction channels in which reten- be root causes of churn as well: tion offers can be made (e.g. Web, • Early life: When the customer is social media); aligning employee “trying out” a recently purchased incentives to company churn objec- product or service; a critical moment tives; improving the delivery of in the customer’s decision making. channel-specific training material; and • Change of life events: Such as ensuring consistent channel processes marriage, divorce, a change of and system capabilities. Companies profession or geographic location. should also consider providing on-site execution support to identify and • Mature life: When a customer is resolve issues early and swiftly. In nearing the end of a contract, or of the short term, offers and treatments the useful life of the product they under this new approach can be are using. Page 8
  • 10. USAR—An Integrated churn—especially when customer interaction data records are Approach to Customer usually contained in different Interactions systems that do not communicate with one another and are The root causes of customer collected in varying data formats? churn can be hard to trace. They may lie buried in negative Accenture approaches this experiences associated with any challenge by integrating customer one of multiple interactions. In interactions across multiple order to improve and sustain channels through an asset known customer retention rates over as the Unified Service Analytic time, companies must improve Record (USAR)2. USAR allows the customer experience of all business leaders to identify and these interactions. But in an understand the needs of chronic enterprise where customers customers and repeat contacts; may have millions of monthly identify cause/effect relationships interactions, across a variety between the customer experience of channels, how do you find and churn; identify and address them all? And how can you root-cause behaviors at the agent tell which interactions drive level. Page 9
  • 11. Summary References Keeping customers can be challeng- 1. Features of the Accenture CAR may ing—but as markets mature, successful be covered by one or more pending or retention strategies are becoming an issued patents worldwide. increasingly essential element of com- 2. Features of the Accenture USAR may petitive advantage for many different be covered by one or more pending or industries. Accenture experience issued patents worldwide. shows, moreover, that such strategies can be developed. They hinge, crucial- ly, on really understanding what moti- vates different customers to churn—a capability dependent on sophisticated analytics. They also require the sup- port of senior leadership, strong gov- ernance and the commitment to build a whole new set of capabilities that accelerate speed to market, maximize campaign return while minimizing risk and ensure the right experience for the right customer. Equipped with an end-to-end operating model that optimizes customer interactions across all channels, companies can ensure delivery of a better experience for all their customers. Page 10
  • 12. About Accenture About Accenture CRM Accenture is a global management Solutions consulting, technology services and Accenture’s Customer Relationship outsourcing company, with more than Management service line helps orga- 223,000 people serving clients in nizations achieve high performance by more than 120 countries. Combining transforming their marketing, sales and unparalleled experience, comprehen- customer service functions to support sive capabilities across all industries accelerated growth, increased profit- and business functions, and extensive ability and greater operating efficiency. research on the world’s most success- Our research, insight and innovation, ful companies, Accenture collaborates global reach and delivery experience with clients to help them become have made us a worldwide leader, high-performance businesses and serving thousands of clients every year, governments. The company generated including most Fortune® 100 compa- net revenues of US$21.6 billion for the nies, across virtually all industries. fiscal year ended August 31, 2010. Its home page is Copyright © 2011 Accenture Contact us Stay Connected All rights reserved. For more information about how such Join Us Accenture, its logo, and a Churn Management Operating Model High Performance Delivered Follow Us can help your company minimize are trademarks of Accenture. customer attrition and achieve high Watch Us performance, please contact: Connect With Us Rob Honts Global Lead, CRM Churn Management Services John Hanson Partner, Accenture Strategy Practice