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Academic Argument Essay
Writing an Academic Argument Essay can be a challenging endeavor that demands careful
planning, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. The difficulty lies not only in the
extensive research required but also in the need to construct a coherent and persuasive argument.
Crafting an essay of this nature involves synthesizing various sources, analyzing diverse
perspectives, and presenting a compelling thesis supported by evidence.
One of the key challenges is the need for a deep understanding of the topic, as an Academic
Argument Essay requires the writer to engage with complex concepts and demonstrate a
nuanced understanding of the subject matter. Furthermore, the process involves selecting and
integrating evidence from credible sources, which demands a keen eye for detail and the ability
to distinguish between reliable and unreliable information.
The structure of the essay adds another layer of difficulty. The writer must navigate the
introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion while maintaining a logical flow and addressing
counterarguments. This requires organizational skills and the ability to articulate thoughts clearly.
Additionally, adhering to academic writing conventions, such as proper citation and formatting,
is essential for the essay's credibility.
Moreover, the task of developing a strong thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of the
argument and aligns with the evidence collected can be quite demanding. Ensuring that each
paragraph contributes cohesively to the overall argument requires meticulous planning and
In conclusion, writing an Academic Argument Essay is a challenging task that demands a
combination of research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. However, with
dedication and a systematic approach, it is possible to create a compelling and well-structured
essay that engages readers. If you find yourself struggling with such tasks, you may consider
seeking assistance from various resources, such as online writing services. Similar essays and
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Academic Argument Essay Academic Argument Essay
Why Was Italy Not Unified After the Congress of Vienna...
Before the Congress of Vienna the French occupation had far reaching affects on
Italy. The power of the Church and the Pope was reduced, changes were made in
landownership and land was redistributed. A new middle class began to appear.
Agriculture was improved and the peasants were freed from their old feudal ties and
obligations. Then when Napoleon was defeated and the restoration of the old regime
and monarchs was started, Italyagain became a country divided into eleven
independent states, excluding the tiny principalities and the Republic of San Marino.
So Italy was not unified after the Congress of Vienna due to a number of reasons,
such as the foreign influence of the Central European Powers, parochialism within the
states, the lack... Show more content on ...
The lay people had no part in government, apart from a few lay members of
advisory bodies called В‘congregations . Politically, Italy was fragmented. Further,
half the states were governed by kings or dukes who already occupied or hoped soon
to inherit the thrones of the non Italian countries. Venice and Piedmont had
dominions outside Italy. The Papacy had worldwide ecclesiastal concerns. The
peninsula was not merely divided; the boundaries and interests of its states ignored its
natural frontiers. Equally, there still survived three ancient republics of importance:
Venice, ruling a considerable empire on the eastern shores of the Adriatic and a large
territory, known as the Veneto, on the mainland of Italy; Genoa, which until 1768
governed the island of Corsica; and Lucca. After the Papal States there were five
significant duchies. Of these members of the Austrian royal House of Habsburg,
Milan direct from Vienna, and Tuscany, ruled the two most important separately.
The Duchy of Parma and Piacenza was under a Spanish Bourbon, but could not be
united either with Spain or with Naples and Sicily. The Duke of Modena and the
Duchess of Massa and Carrara represented Italian dynasties. So the foreign influence
of the Central European Powers both before and after the congress of Vienna was
major a factor in Italy s remaining as eleven independent states rather than becoming
Foreign influence was not the only reason that Italy was not united by 1815,
Employment Trends Are Not Always A Bad Thing
Employment Trends
Trends are not always a bad thing, contrary to popular beliefs. It s actually
something that can inspire change growth as I ve seen with my experiences.
Sometimes bias prejudice may produce certain disadvantages for targeted groups,
employment trends may be a benefit. Through my experiences in activities that I ve
engaged with, problems I ve encountered, the professional growth gained is one in
which I would like to share to others for the sole benefit of becoming a bridge builder
for them. In this essay I will reflect on this experiences and their relationship with
current employment trends.
As a student athlete at the University of Illinois, I ve noticed a certain skew in the
ethnicity of staff hired at the University in comparison with the populations that they
serve. The ration between staff to student or even coach to student shares more
familiarity with those of a Caucasian back ground. Of the 19 Varsity sports
available within the University of Illinois Division of Intercollegiate Athletics, only
two of them have head coaches that are of African American decent. This number is
an increase 0 prior to June 2015 with the hiring of Head Women s Softball Coach,
Tyra Perry, the recent hiring of Head Football Coach, Lovie Smith earlier this year.
This trend follows a much important trend that carries through many institutions of
higher education in reference to their administration. These administrators, as shown
in the issues surfacing with
Kalief Browder Suicide
committed suicide; the depression in which he experienced was the actual cause of
him killing himself. No child at the age six teen could have endured the physical
and mental pressure that was brought upon him. During the time in jail, the beatings
from the police and inmates had a huge impact on him. These beating weren t
isolated events he was beaten multiple times by both guards and inmates. In which
caused Browder to have mental break downs.Also, during the break down it insist
of him trying to commit suicide. The agenizing pain of a six teen year old that had
been held without giving trail have finally took its toll. Browder case was irrelevant
for the system to even held him... Show more content on ...
Which will soon led him into solitary confinement for two whole years. Where, he
was constantly starved and not giving any liquids. After suffering the brutal
destruction, that was absolutely killing Browder within. He was released late that
year of 2012. He continued to pursue his future by going to school at Bronx
Community College. Then came the release of his story in 2015, which didn t go
well mentally with Browder. He soon stops attending the college after two months
of the story being released. After everyone had heard his tragic story; he soon
started to receive money from celebrities. Although he was offered the money, he
didn t take any of it. Instead his depression started to fall in place once again. By
having flashbacks, from the actions that took place on Rikers Island. He couldn t go
to the store without hearing about his story. This demonstrated where him stress
levels was at this point in time. Which, resulted him getting hospitalized during the
week of Christmas. However, he was sent back to St. Barnabas. Over time there was
a psychologist that would come see him. While, there this is what was giving. While
visiting Browder on January 9th he did not seem like himself, he was
How Does Nitrate Contamination Of Groundwater
Nitrate Contamination of Ground Water
The Earth s surface is covered by massive amounts of water, but only a small
measure of it is safe for consumption. With a very limited supply, we need to focus
our energies on preserving its quality and quantity. Nitrates pose a great threat to our
precious groundwater. There are many ways that groundwater can be contaminated,
but most aren t nearly as detrimental as an increase in the amount of nitrates within
our groundwater.
How do nitrates get into the water? We can help you with this answer. Nitrates get
into the groundwater from a variety of sources: some involve pastoral farming,
market gardening, application of nitrogenous fertilizers, and industrial and sewage
waste disposal. ... Show more content on ...
We know that the results of these practices as well as many others accumulate
underground rather quickly and damage the quality of the water supply.
Contamination of groundwater is also affected by weather, soil types, and the depth of
the aquifer. If it is less than 100 feet to the water table, the vulnerability of
contamination is increased. In the Midwest, with a sandy to loamy soil, the
groundwater will become more susceptible toward nitrate contamination. In areas
where the soil composition is more of a clay compound, no matter if there is an
over use of fertilizer, the vulnerability of the groundwater is greatly reduced. This is
the type of situation that occurs in places like southern Indiana where the soils drain
very poorly. Through the many factors that are involved, we, as a society, have
gained a great amount of knowledge on how to reduce the amount of nitrates in the
water source.
A couple of the most widely recognized concerns of high nitrates in water is its
cause of methemoglobinemia, more commonly referred to as blue baby syndrome,
and other blood disorders. If we don t start fixing the problem now, the critical
effects of dangerous nitrate levels in the water supply will be around for decades,
and become increasingly difficult to manage.
There are a variety of approaches to avoiding the utilization of inadequate techniques.
Individuals can test soils before applying fertilizers, improve storage of fertilizers,
test well
Architecture, Belief Systems, And Societal Structure
Culture is a very important aspect of human life; it defines the way people live, grow,
and evolve. Anthropologists study cultures throughout the world and throughout
different time periods. They study the different aspects of culture including
architecture, belief systems, and societal structure. Egypt is a country ripe with
history and rich culture, from their towering pyramids to their modern day society.
Intricately crafted obelisks and tombs decorate the landscape, but how much of that is
being preserved? The study and preservation of past culture can heavily influence and
educate the present. It is important to learn about the past in order to evolve and
create a better future. While change can be beneficial, it is important not to neglect
ancient culture.
When a person thinks of Ancient Egypt, she might first picture the pyramids, the
Sphinx, and even the towering statues and obelisks. Architecture has been a defining
point throughout Egypt s history. Some structures, such as the temples of Karnak
and Luxor built along the Nile River, were created to honor the dead and worship
the Egyptian gods (Temples, n.d.). Ancient Egypt was full of temples which were
built to house the Gods and separate them from the rest of the world. According to a
creation legend, the first temple was built on a large mound that had risen from the
primeval sea known as Nun. In one version of the legend, a lotus flower grew upon
this mound and humans were created soon after in an event known
Typical Selling Approach And Societal Marketing
Marketing is usually understood as a bridge between the companies (offering
products and services) and ultimate customer or consumers. Through marketing sales
of goods and services take place between customer and a company in exchange of
money. Companies generally use typical or traditional selling approach for their
offerings. Traditionally company gather knowledge of and target the needs and wants
of a particular group of people and then market their products and services to that
targeted group and then through their sales professional sell their goods and services
to the people of targeted group (William, 2011). This is the general practice of all
most all the companies and it is referred to as typical selling.
Typical selling approaches has become absolute now as world is changing at a very
fast pace. The globalization has created a very strong competitive environment.
Therefore now companies have started thinking differently in order to cope up with
the competition in the market and corporate sectors. Companies have started
switching to societal marketing approach from typical selling approach. This helps
them to gain not only competitive edge over the other companies offerings but also
provide maximum customer satisfaction and contribution towards the well being of a
The societal marketing approach entails the concept that a business should make the
decision about the
Eusebius Of Caesarea
Eusebius Eusebius of Caesarea was a Christian historian that lived around the time
of 300 C.E. In his work Eusebius: The Church History he attempts to document and
validate not only the life of Jesus Christ and his disciples, but also seeks to record
the struggles of Christians and Jews as Christianity was persecuted throughout
Roman rule and eventually legalized under Constantine the Great. Eusebius is
inarguably one of the most significant accounts of Christian history, for he
references numerous primary sources from before his time that are now lost to us.
Eusebius text is arranged neatly in ten chapters. The first of which seeks to give a
cohesive account of the life and death of Jesus Christ. Not only does he give origins
of the words... Show more content on ...
James died a martyr, something that Eusebius holds to be extremely significant which
he continues to mention throughout the piece. So important in fact that the following
six chapters of the work deal primarily with the persecution and turmoil Christians
faced. Eusebius saw it essential that the struggle of the Lord s people and the many
deaths of martyrs not be forgotten. The end of this persecution is said to have come
under Diocletian. Despite being the final stint of Roman persecution, that under
Diocletian was the most brutal and most severe. Under a proposed return to greatness
Diocletian sought to completely eradicate the Christian faith. While other emperors
were reluctant to pass specific anti Christian legislature Diocletian targeted common
christians as well as the priesthood and teachers albeit unsuccessfully. Diocletian s
attempted did nothing but facilitated massive growth of the Christian church.
Ironically, but not without specific intent, the palace of Diocletian was almost
completely covered in crosses following his death, symbolizing that the Christian
faith had
Morganite Ring Research Paper
If you re on the fence about a Morganite ring, you re not alone. While many women
love the color and the unusual settings that feature Morganite stones, it can be a
tough decision without a real list of the pros and cons of the stone, which we are
providing for you here.
First a little about Morganite. It s a semi precious gemstone in the family of stones
called Beryl. This is the same family that the emerald and aquamarine call home,
too. It s often referred to as a pink emerald for this reason. On the Mohs Scale, the
Morganite falls within 7.5 to 8 like the emerald as well.
When choosing a Morganite, it s an incredibly personal decision. Forums like
Wedding Bee and The Knot are full of happy women who have Morganite rings and
have never once regretted their decision. They re also women who researched ... Show
more content on ...
Some wearers report that they have to clean it twice a week to keep the stone
looking sparkly and beautiful. Others have reported that they don t have to clean the
stone when they make sure to remove it when applying hand lotion. Luckily, the
jewelry is easy to clean. A soft toothbrush and soapy water will do the trick.
Needs a Sturdy Setting
While the stone is a 7.5 on the Mohs Scale, that s more than a few points below the
strength of a diamond. The edges of the Morganite stone could easily chip if it s
banged around on a daily basis. This requires a protective setting around the
Morganite. A stunning alternative to a prong setting is to use a halo of diamonds to
protect the pink stone.
Varying Quality
The quality of the stone can dictate the price. There is no certification from GIA to
protect the customer, but some have other ratings to help the customer make a
decision based on the quality. You want one that doesn t have visible inclusions. Be
wary of a stone that is incredibly cheap since it s likely to have flaws.
Points to
Analysis Of The Poem The I Love ! Free As The Mountain...
The lines are spoken following an extended lamentation in Plate 6 by Oothoon in
which she ascribes the origins of joy to infancy. Thus, it is over the course of one s
lifetime and under the influence of societal reason (personified in the form of Urizen)
that joy and happiness are subjugated and desecrated. Indeed, this accursed thing is
taught or learned by Theotormon rather than intrinsic in his nature (7.13). This is
important to note because out of this perverted perspective comes the
misunderstanding of lovethat Oothoon delineates in my chosen passage.
Within the first two lines, she separates her own version of love with that of her
tormented lover. Hers is a happy Love! free as the mountain wind! (7.16). Like the
wind imagery she invokes, it cannot be bottled up; it is clear, beautiful, and
seemingly endless. The love of Theotormon and consequently that of society at
large is, in contrast, restricted. It spin[s] a web of age around him, grey and hoary!
dark! (7.19). According to the OED, hoary indicates hairy growth with age. Blake
thus presents the image of a man bound tightly by his misinterpreted and
misdirected love, and growing old, grey, and bearded overtime. The web is
constructed of age and this, along with the use of the word hoary and its temporal
reference, implies that Theotormon is restricted by time as well. Perhaps what Blake
is indicating here is that the restrictive force of societies conception of love has been
built over
Advantages Of Chinese Traditional Culture
2.1.Chinese Traditional Culture
As for the Chinese traditional culture, it derived from the ancient China. China is a
country enjoying over 5,000 years of history, which cultivated colourful culture of its
population. Chinese Traditional culture means, in general, the culture that prevailed
in China from the pre Qin Shi Huang (221 B.C.) days until the Opium War (1840).
Regarding the causes of the Chinese traditional culture, the prevalent perception is
that they had derived from a social system that can be traced back from the primitive
clan society and went through the slave and feudal society of China . The features of
the socio environment in which grew the Chinese traditional culture is categorised in
an article as follows: clan system, ... Show more content on ...
Zhongyuan Han nationality culture is constituted with Confucianism at its core, mixed
first with Taoism and later with Buddhism .
Confucianism provides guidance on the ethical principles of social and political life,
while Taoism and Buddhism add both psychological and spiritual dimensions . These
three doctrines have historically co existed in traditional Chinese culture and have
been described as the one body of three doctrines (sanjiao yiti) or the three converged
doctrines (sanjiao heliu). Culture
Lingnan culture refers to the geographic culture originated from Lingnan areas,
which covers the nowadays Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and Northern part of
Vietnam. It consists of three culture branches, Teochew Culture, Cantonese culture
and Hakka culture. The study site city Guangzhou, along the Pearl River, is the
central of Cantonese culture. For one thing, considering its appropriate geographic
location (the Pear River Delta) and humidity subtropical climate, rice was cultivated
as the main staple food with long history, and the rice was so important to
Guangzhou people, they named their City hui (Rice ear) City. In the imperial era,
inspired by the Han s clan system, similarly small peasant farming and autarkic
economy was led by clan based kinships organization, Guo called it Clan based
collectivism in Guangzhou. The Clan Zhanglaohui (clan elder authority) assigned
foods and services to clan members, in this way kinship distribution system was
established. Meanwhile, given to its topological situations, typical architecture
buildings such as Xiguan Dawu and Qilou were fully reflect the Lingnan
What Is The Private Island Experience Essay
Ultimate private island experience
Our handpicked list of first class private islands is guaranteed to give you the
ultimate private island experience. Imagine living in an island with a handful of
people selected by you. Immerse in the azure ocean surrounding your private
island assuring you of a peaceful sanctuary. A slice of paradise equipped with
luxury amenities and adorned with modern grandeur to make your dream a reality.
Highly trained staff adhering to the mantra of your wish is my command , eager to
please and pamper you round the clock. Every need, every desire, every whim of
yours will be met with a smile. Delight your senses with the cuisine of your choice
prepared by your personal chef. Imbibe in premium quality beverages. Reign as the
king and queen of your exclusive Private Island while experiencing the most soothing
and memorable holiday ... Show more content on ...
Visit the Maldives to swim next to the largest fish on earth, the Whale Sharks. The
mammoth size and attractive appearance of the Whale Sharks will keep you spell
bound for a long time. Experience the buzz of diving close to Manta Rays, the
largest from the Ray family, as they glide gracefully through water. Explore from a
distance the mystical green sea turtles as they freely roam the ocean. Opportunities
are endless in the Maldives for swimming beside ocean creatures in their natural
environment. Club beside corals
Take clubbing to a new level by partying in underwater. Be mesmerized by the
stunning wealth of treasure buried underneath the Indian Ocean. Colourful corals and
lively fish add to the magical tone of the underwater club. Sway to the music played
by the resident Radio Jockey. Sip tasty and venerable cocktails. Relish the enticing
food available in the underwater abode. Have the time of your life by dancing with
the fishes; it is an experience that you will never forget. Adventure in to the
Roxanne Jones s Article, Listen Children, Not Everyone Is...
Trophies for Participation
Roxanne Jones created an article called, Listen kids, not everyone is a winner . In
this editorial, Jones began the topic of children getting trophies for doing well and
participating in activities. She discussed that she does not support the idea of a child
receiving awards for participation. Throughout the article, she made valid points
toward her argument against giving children awards, in turn that made me agree with
her. There are many reasons as to why children should not be given trophies for
The first reason why children should not be given trophies, is that they will not be
ready for the harsh reality of the world. They will think everything will be handed to
them if they just participate in an activity. In the future, they won t work hard enough
to earn awards, because they will think they can get by with little effort. Their work
in the future will lack quality and quantity, since their thinking has been corrupted in
turn making them feel they can get praise without doing the required work
thoroughly and exquisitely. James Harrison agrees with this message, as in the article
he made a statement saying, I m sorry I m not sorry for believing that everything in ...
Show more content on ...
In life there is a competition happening for who gets what job, and your best won t
be good enough. You have to fight in order to get praise and awards, otherwise it s
just pointless when someone does a terrible job and yet still receives a trophy. You
need to work above your best and go to your excellence to get what you want and
not do the minimal work that is necessary in a project. Life is full of wins and
losses, and if children aren t aware of this sooner in life, they aren t going to be
prepared for reality. Jones acknowledges this in her article by saying, You learn that
losing hurts even in T ball but it is an essential part of living a meaningful
I Am A Person Who Is Impaired, Disturbed, Sensitive,...
This question is on that has plagued many lost individuals for years and will
continue to do so. I have racked my brain for ages trying to find my place among
my peers. With much thinking, I have narrowed this topic down to five sub topics
that I think define me almost perfectly. Who am I? I am a person who is fixer by
nature, shy, sensitive, misunderstood, and smart. I am a fixer by nature because I
tend to take on other people s emotions and problems. I try to fixthese people and
their problems. For example, if I were to happen upon an abandoned woman who is
sitting on the curb at the convenience store crying her eyes out uncontrollably, I
would have to stop and ask numerous questions in an effort to console her. I don t
know why I... Show more content on ...
I also cry during the ASPCA commercials containing pictures and videos of
abandoned, abused, emaciated, helpless, little animals. I know that I can be an
enormous ball of self pity at times. How can I ditch these feelings of complete
anguish? I can t! There is nothing I can possibly do but be me. Beneath the many
layers of emotional turmoil, lies a happy, fun, and energetic being yearning to
emerge from the darkest depths of deception. The inner workings of a deep seeded
individual such as me can be perceived in several different ways. One may be
disturbed, strange, odd, or often mistaken, but by all means, I am neither of these
common misconceptions. My brain is quite complex when it comes to
understanding crazy social scenes and large outlandish public gatherings. I truly
dislike being surrounded by large unruly crowds of people because there is no
place for a timid, scared, being to run away and hide. I feel as though I am the
main attraction is some type of freak show or big top circus! I feel as if everyone
is staring, pointing, and laughing at me when in all actuality no one ever noticed
my meager existence. I don t know how to be a part of a group, team, or an outgoing
member of a long lasting sisterhood. The crazy thing about this lonely situation is
that I have always longed to
Unix Comparison Matrix
ComponentsBSDSystem VGNU
Role of shell
Main access to the UNIX operating system and as such any improvement to it can
result in considerably more effective use of the system, increased speed, efficiency
and file properties. C Shell
This shell is good for interactive work and also added some features from other
Operating shells. The Korn shell became part of System V but had one major
problem; unlike the rest of the UNIX shells it wasn t free, you had to pay AT T for
it. Bourne Shell
It has a very strong powerful syntactical language built into it, with all the features
that are commonly considered to produce structured programs; it has particularly
strong provisions for controlling input and output and in its expression ... Show more
content on ...
Comments on performanceAs the hardware basis for such capabilities, an interactive
graphics computer station SaberStation for short equips the application programmer
with more than enough processing power for the job. Based on a National
Semiconductor 32 bit chip set and running at 10 MHz under the BSD Unix operating
system, the unit puts the performance of a VAX like minicomputer on an engineer s
desk. Its architecture, which employs a floating point coprocessor and ultrafast, 32 bit
wide DMA channels, executes 1.2 million instructions a second.
Comments on programmabilityPrograms in this system can often, even typically, be
written in a single line of code. Inexperienced users can be taught to write simple
programs in a matter of minutes. Beginners often produce simple programs without
effort within their first day using it.
The elements of the Unix environment have been called software tools. A software
tool is very much like a component, but a bit different. Throughout this piece, we ll
refer to components as tools, but remember that you can almost always substitute
component for tool. In Unix, the standard shell utilities are all tools. So is the shell.
A tool takes a standard data format lines of textual input and produces output in the
same format. No special code is needed to handle data types; everyone agrees on a
simple format and does a small amount of translation.
A Rhetorical Analysis Of Honda
The appeal and policy of Honda advertisement We all need a vehicle at some point
in our lives. The variety of cars makes it hard to choose one particular vehicle. The
online Honda advertisement consists of images and text that delivered meanings
and hidden messages to an audience looking to buy a car. The article is trying to
convince an audience to buy such quality vehicles. The messages mainly aim for
consumers, who need a basic and reliable car, for which applies to the majority of
Americans especially teens. The article reads, no down payment necessary. By
engaging of consumers wants in particular ways. The advertisement delivers
information about Honda vehicles being better in quality, reliability, and affordability
than most vehicles.... Show more content on ...
The image attracts a reader attention without actually reading the actual text. The
articles talk about several different models of Hondas, yet all models tend to have a
picture drawn for them. The author wants to assure audience know the models
name and the evolution of Honda. The narrator establishes ideas to keep in mind
before buying a vehicle such as, look into financial risks and how to avoid debt.
Also the actual text goes very well along the image. The text provides examples
and support of the image, for the article talks about each model and what is
equipped with. For instance, Honda civic lx 2013, Honda CVT and Honda accord.
The models differentiate in size, mileage, engine specs and fuel efficiency etc. Also
the amount of horsepower in certain models. Americans cars on a national scale
possessed a great reputation when it comes to reliability and
Reflection Of The Curriculum Portfolio
How well does your portfolio reflect the course goals and requirements (as defined in
the syllabus)?
My portfolio is able to meet the course goals because it clearly describes my
personal goals in both positions. They are both tailored to the position that I am
applying for, in that they take words from the application in my short answer and
cover letter specifically. I worked to make my online presence more professional
with a fairly distinct change in my profile, that prior focused on my current job, that
now looks forward to the positions that I hope to achieve. With my research of the
audiences, I found two positions that I think will provide me with skills and
experiences that will help me reach my future goals as well. The requirements
according to the syllabus as to having a copyedited final version is met in this draft
also, and the audience is kept in mind in all citations. This material has been
submitted on time, and includes all required portions therefore meeting the remaining
requirement for this paper.
What choices did you make as you crafted your message to a variety of audiences?
What decisions did you make about your writing in response to feedback from peers,
your instructor, and your Real Reader? Choose 1 2 significant revisions to discuss in
In regard to the Curriculum Vitale, I chose to lump together my animal related
experience and research experience into one category of experience, as suggested by
my real reader. I also joined community
The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman Essay
I don t like to look out of the windows even there are so many of those creeping
women, and they creep so fast. I wonder if they all come out of that wallpaper as I
did? the woman behind the pattern was an image of herself. She has been the one
stooping and creeping. The Yellow Wallpaper was written by Charlotte Perkins
Gilman. In the story, three characters are introduced, Jane (the narrator), John, and
Jennie. The Yellow Wallpaper
is an ironic story that takes us inside the mind and
emotions of a woman suffering a slow mental breakdown. The narrator begins to
think that another woman is creeping around the room behind the wallpaper,
attempting to break free , so she locks herself in the room and begins to tear down
pieces of the wallpaper to rescue this trapped woman. To end the story, John unlocks
the door and finds Jane almost possessed by the woman behind the wallpaper.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman s feminist background gives a feminist standpoint in The
Yellow Wallpaper because the narrator s husband, John acts superior to the narrator.
One can pick out the connections between the author and the narrator in the story
fairly easy if there is knowledge of Gilman s life. For example, the piece titled Why
I Wrote The Yellow Wallpaper by Gilman, she states that she suffered from a severe
and continuous nervous breakdown, similar to what the narrator went through in The
Yellow Wallpaper. Also, she said her doctor concluded there was nothing wrong with
her and
In The Book Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’S Stone, J.
In the book Harry Potter and The Sorcerer s Stone, J. K Rowling tells the story of
Harry Potter, a little boy with dark hair and round glasses who discovers on his
eleventh birthday the shocking news that he is the orphaned son of two of the most
powerful wizards in the magic world, and he himself is a wizard. He is s summoned
to become a student in one of the finest schools in the wizarding world, Hogwarts,
where he would learn how to become a respectable wizard. In this new journey as a
wizard, Harry will discover a new family and make strong friendships that would
help him discover the truth about his parents mysterious deaths. As he matures, he
shows himself to be a loyal friend, a courageous boy, a caring person, and an excellent
... Show more content on ...
However, that does not stop Harry from getting his letter. A big knock is heard
from the door and a gigantic, hairy man stands in there and what follows is Harry
getting a birthday cake and the desired letter. He learns he comes from a wizard
family and that his parents did not die in a car accident. Harry furious asks the
Dursleys if they knew all this time about what he was and Aunt Petunia in disgust
responded that of course she knew, because her sister was one of them. I was the
only one who saw her for what she really was a freak! (53)
Then, he meets Hagrid, the first person belonging to the wizarding world. Hagrid
being half human half giant is like a mentor/friend to Harry. He is the first person
to give Harry a birthday gift; he introduces Harry to the rest of the wizarding world
and provides Harry with all the information he needs. He takes care of Harry by
offering him food or giving him advice. Harry feels for the first time that he is cared
for. Then on his way to Hogwarts, he meets Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger
who would teach him the meaning of friendship and loyalty. During his staying at
Hogwarts, we discover new sides of Harry and how every adventure highlights one of
his best traits. His courage.
Because Harry lived with the Dursleys a good amount of time people would think
Harry drummed all the morals and values out of him. However, Harry learned how to
appreciate the little things the Dursleys would snatch
The Back Bay Battery Simulation
Back Bay Battery Simulation
The Back Bay battery simulation presents the managers with a dilemma of choosing
between an established, profitable product and a new innovative opportunity. The
decision has to be taken through investments in R D and also make sales forecast for
the coming year. Even though, the main aim of this exercise was to generate
maximum profit but it actually is a way of analysing complex information and
making decisions with the help of news flash updates about current trends amidst
unstable market conditions. During the duration of eight years, a balance has to be
established between a profitable stable product and an innovative product while
keeping in mind the objective of generating maximum cumulative profit.
The overall strategy undertaken by the team while investing in R D was to tackle two
major issues: price and energy density which represented the desired features required
by customers.
In terms of Porter s analysis, cost leadership and product differentiation strategies
were implemented by the team during the simulation, which resulted in the maximum
profit of 278.59 million dollars.
Cost leadership (Johnson et al., 2013, p194) strategy involves becoming the lowest
cost organisation in a domain of activity. In this case, NiMH battery prices were
reduced to remain competitive in the market considering the fact that NiMH batteries
represented the Cash Cow of the company.
A Cash Cow is a business unit within a portfolio that has a high market
History Of The Silk Road Essay example
The Silk Road, a series of passageways connecting China with the Mediterranean
completely changed the world. These series of trade routes allowed the
advancement of technology and cultural diversity like never seen before. These
routes connected many different civilizations allowing the exchange of goods and
ideas. This variety of nationalities made it a Cultural Bridge between Asia and
Europe. Before these pathways were established trade was nearly impossible due to
extreme desert conditions and high mountain tops. Many people died making the
journey, even after the trade routes were established. So why make the trip? How
did the Silk Road impact history? The Chinese were the first to produce silk from the
silkworm. This was... Show more content on ...
Like the Kushan people. The Kushan mixed Greek and Buddhist art. They also were
the first people to have artwork that depicted Buddha in human form, with him
resembling the Greek God Apollo. Religious beliefs were also exchanged. The most
significant commodity carried along this route was not silk, but religion. Buddhism,
one of China s largest religions was brought there from India via the Silk Road.
This alone makes the Silk Road very significant because of the effect Buddhism
has had on the world, especially China. Mingdi, a Han Emperor had a vision about
Buddha and sent an official West to India. This official brought back two Buddhist
Monks with him. From there Buddhism continually grew. The rise of Buddhism
can be seen all along the Silk Road. With many different monasteries, statues, and
artwork. Not only did the West have influences on China, China also had a huge
influences on western civilizations. The Chinese had what is called the Chinese
Four Great Inventions to offer the West. These are paper making, printing,
gunpowder and the compass. It is easy to see how significant these were in history
and the world s development. Many of these items were first discovered in China
but revolutionized in the West. Let s first discuss paper. Paper was originally made
from fishnet, bark and cloth. A paper factory was setup by the Arabs who captured
some paper makers in a war between the Tang
Endocrine System Vs Female Reproductive System
Female Reproductive System 4.0 Having a child is one of the most dangerous
things a woman can do. According to the Center for Disease Control, It is actually
the sixth most common cause of death among women age 20 to 34 in the United
States [1]. Also, with discomfort ranging from bladder pressure, back pain, hip pain,
and of course the actual labor process, it is safe to say that the female reproductive
system could use some improvements, including components in the muscular,
skeletal, and endocrine systems. First of all, the skeletal system could be tweaked
ever so slightly to make things work better. Starting with the width of the pelvis.
Although a woman s pelvis is already considered wide, it is still very complicating...
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The endocrine system is triggered by the fluctuation of estrogen and progesterone
during premenstrual times. Estrogen already has effects on serotonin and endorphins,
causing them to fluctuate, thus what is understood as mood swings during
premenstrual time [3]. Instead of causing fluctuations, a steady amount of serotonin
and endorphins would be released causing a very smooth mindset throughout
premenstrual and menstrual times. Another hormone that would be released for a
more elevated mood would be dopamine. The mechanism of the female reproductive
system would not be much different than it is now. The only real differences would
be the fact that females would now have the muscle blocking the cervix to allow them
to release menstrual blood, or allow the entrance of sperm. The structural
improvements would just aid in comfort during pregnancy, and the steady release of
serotonin, dopamine and endorphins would allow for less mood swings when a
woman suffers from premenstrual syndrome. All of these components would allow
for a theoretically pleasant life for those who possess the female reproductive
Analysis Of Marie De FranceBy Marie De France
Marie de France begins her story by describing Bisclavret, her main character, as
well as defining what a werewolf is: a ferocious beast which, when possessed by
this madness, devours men, causes great damage and dwells in vast forests (de
France, 68). She wants to relate the two by allowing the reader to decide what she
means by the descriptions and why she would correlate them. De France does a little
play and twists the monsters throughout her story. Being a werewolf, Bisclavret may
start out as a monster without; and, at first, his wife seems to be so beautiful and
innocent, but there lied a monster within her. Later in the story, Bisclavret is no more
than a human being, and his wife s monstrousness shows from within and she
transforms into a monster without. The themes gathered from this story are the
relationship between love and suffering, justice, and the wife who may be at first
likable, but then changes the way that monsters are viewed. In order to modify the
stereotypes of what a monster is, de France made Bisclavret, a werewolf, the good
guy, and his beautiful wife, an unforeseen bad guy. The wife in the story Bisclavret
portrays a trustworthy, loving wife, until she reacts quite differently to him being
honest with whom he really is. Her character is the very thing, which makes the
reader reconsider the definition of a monster and the truth about monsters within.
The relationship between Bisclavret and his wife seems to be a very good and
healthy bond
NT2670 Week2 Research 3 Essays
NT2670 Email and Web Services
Week 2 Research 3:
Frank Bavone
2 10 15
The common gateway interface (CGI) is a standard way for a Web server to pass a
Web user s request to an application program and to receive data back to forward to
the user. It is part of the Web s Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). A disadvantage
of a CGI application (or executable file, as it is sometimes called) is that each time
it is run, it runs as a separate process with its own address space, resulting in extra
instructions that have to be performed, especially if many instances of it are running
on behalf of users The improper use of CGI scripts affords users a number of
vulnerabilities in system security. ... Show more content on ...
cript in the Web page at the server uses input received as the result of the user s
request for the page to access data from a database and then builds or customizes the
page on the fly before sending it to the requestor.
ASP is a feature of the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), but, since the
server side script is just building a regular HTML page, it can be delivered to almost
any browser. Any web pages containing ASP cannot be run by just simply opening
the page in a web browser. The page must be requested through a web server that
supports ASP, this is why ASP stands for Active Server Pages
, no server, no active
pages. Legacy has been replaced by ASP.NETASP.NET ASP.NET is an open
source[2] server side Web application framework designed for Web development to
produce dynamic Web pages. It was developed by Microsoft to allow programmers to
build dynamic web sites, web applications and web services.
It was first released in January 2002 with version 1.0 of the .NET Framework, and
is the successor to Microsoft s Active Server Pages (ASP) technology. ASP.NET
offers three frameworks for creating web applications: Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC,
and ASP.NET Web Pages. All three frameworks are stable and mature, and you can
create great web applications with any of
Promote Americanism And Love Of Country
Promote Americanism and Love of Country This is what I would do to promote
americanism and love of country. I m going to be talking about how much I love to
live in this amazing country and how proud I am to be an American. I m glad to be
an american because there are so many nice people in America. And there are so
many places you can go in America. The country I live in is awesome. I m also proud
to be an american because I ll be safe because I know the people in the navy and
other people will keep me safe. I love this country because there are so many places
you can go. I love how there is so many things you can do in America like you can
play sports, and I don t know what I would do if there wasn t any sports. And I hope
people would
Ways to Involve Parents Essay
Ways to Involve Parents
Parents may think volunteering to help in the classroom is the only way to be
involved, well they are wrong. There are many ways parents can involve themselves
in the school. Parents and family can be involved by reading to their children,
checking homework, communicating with the teacher, and attending school
functions; the list goes on and on. (NEA, 2003). No matter how parents contribute
time towards their child s education, it will be important. Parental involvement is
important because it makes a difference in children s lives. (NEA, 2003). This
difference includes student achievement and success.
How Parental Involvement Improves Student Achievement in School
Involving parents in the education ... Show more content on ...
(Dimmock O Donoghue, 1996). Research indicates that parents who are involved
in their child s academic life have a profound effect on the child s ability to learn
and help instill in them an appreciation for learning that can last a lifetime (Pape,
1999, p. 2). The National Education Association President, Bob Chase says, Family
involvement in a child s academic life is critical. A balance must be struck between
family, school, and community that allows a child to flourish, both in academics and
as a person (Pape, 1999, p. 3).
How Parental Involvement Improves Student Achievement in Life
Parental involvement helps students improve in life as well. When parents get
involved with their children, the children s self esteem rises and they focus more on
life. This is because the students feel like they are loved when their parents participate.
Boosting the self esteem of students can lead to a reduced number of runaways and
suicides among older students. The main reason children runaway from home and
commit suicide is because they feel left out or overwhelmed with life. Parental
involvement can make these students feel like they belong and are wanted in their
environment. The involvement of parents and family can also help students grow as
people. They mature faster and act
Disabled Care in Brunei
Disabled care is categorised as people who are lack of abilities to function properly
in their daily life for example physical disability, sensory disability, vision
impairment or mental health problems. According to the United Nation, in 2012
there were 4,148 people or 1.06% of the total population consists of people with
disabilityin Brunei(Mahmud, 2013). There are several non profit organisations
established in Brunei with the purpose of providing specialised care for the
disabled such as SMARTER, The Centre for children with special Needs (KACA)
and Pusat Ihsan Al Ameerah Al Hajjah Maryam. ( I m Possible, n.d.). However
several problems arose in public awareness and financial terms. Disable community
faced a challenge of accessibility in Brunei. Therefore, certain care is needed to in
order yo offer special education for the disabled, providing financial supports and
advanced facilities for the disabled.
One of the main steps can be taken to improve disable care in Brunei is by
providing special education. Limited ability to function does not restrict people with
disability to live life normally. Special education for has been increasing towards
government bodies to provide ample supply of facilities for the disable. Schools and
higher institutions have provided special learning centres cater to disable needs.
University of Brunei Darussalam have introduced CDLearN (Diverse Learning
Needs) for their disable students aims to provide students with adequate resource
Michel Foucault s Panopticon
Author Michel Foucault uses the Panopticon as a metaphor to define the relationship
between the discipline and punishment system, and the concept of power knowledge.
Discerning the population equates to power and knowledge. Power is gained by the
information you acquire when keeping close tabs on people.
The Panopticon uses a different method of discipline . Instead of torturing, using
violence, and exhibiting power through this way, this new system forces the inmates
inside the structure to behave because of the force it has over their mind. Since they
do not know when or even if they are being overseen, the effect is them acting as if
they are being supervised at all times. Any and all events are noted and through this
observation, the ... Show more content on ...
With keeping the convicts locked up in this Panopticon, intimidation isn t required
to have him behave. Since each one has their own cell, there is no worry for
anyone planning a group escape. The surveillance would keep them under control.
There is not much one can do when alone and under constant supervision. Same
goes for the students. Besides this method keeping unruly schoolchildren at bay, it
also stops them from cheating off of one another. It shows which student is
actually clever and dangerous. The Panopticon can be used in a way to have the
children believe what isn t factual. Anyone can learn anything and none would be
the wiser since that was the only thing they were taught. Regarding workers, this
establishment would reveal who manages their time wisely and how much work
they complete in however long. That way the manager would know how much to
pay each one based on the job done. The Panopticon would also stop the risk of
contagion between patients in hospitals. The central tower is built in such a way
that people would never know if anyone was in there. No movement or light can be
detected. So at any moment an inspector or boss can come in and watch the building,
taking note of every detail, and doing as he pleases with the information he comes
Addictive Carp Fishing Baits
Sportsman s Paradise Online: Addictive Carp Fishing Bait ....
You may think everything is known about carp and carp baits but even the most
experienced and knowledgeable bait makers learn new things all the time. So if you
are a ready made carp bait user do yourself a favour and consider the advice given
here simply because it works! Sugars like fats are addictive to carp because energy is
vital to basic survival so read on to exploit this to catch you more fish this year than
ever before!
Sugars are nothing new to carp; after all they use glucose to fuel their systems and
activities for life and use insulin to regulate blood sugar levels like humans and this
can be exploited! Plants too use sugars for many functions and very many forms ...
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Minamino is a relatively little concentrated product because it needs to be palatable
to humans. But with fish you can do many alternative things to boost it using
naturally stimulating substances. You might even add a little of a different flavour
such as CC Moore Belachan or CC Moore green lipped mussel flavour to it for
instance boosted with some liquid Belachan or liquid mussel extract
The Value Of Discipline And The Desire Of Wisdom
Chapter eight expands the concepts in chapter one and introduces the value of
discipline and the desire of wisdom. This is the second of Solomon s three poems.
In these verses, wisdom is again personified as a woman and makes her
proclamation, heard from far and wide, and does not wait for the audience to come to
her. She represents herself as two nouns: Doth not wisdomcry? And understanding put
forth her voice? (8:1). Understanding is another word for wisdom. For knowledgeand
understanding go hand in hand . The next few verses set up the setting in which
wisdom makes her speech: She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the
coming in at the doors. Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of
man (8:2 3). Waltke s commentary elaborates on the position of her speech and
explains that she speaks on the highest points, to be visible and audible as possible
. Wisdom stands by the way in the places of the path , in which connotes where the
masses walk on their way to choosing their lifestyle. This represents the point at
where they must decide to follow either wisdom or foolishness. Her location at the
gates implies that she is around a place where a lot of people gather on a daily
basis, persuading them to stay away from the wicked. Wisdom stands at the opening
of the gates and Waltke expands on the idea that here decisions are made and people
enter into new situations and even embark on new journeys. She proceeds to give
insight and
Impact Of Television On The Twentieth Century
Entertainment in the twentieth century is everyone sitting down in front of the
television to watch their favorite program. Whether it be a game show, cartoons,
sports, or classics, everyone is together laughing and making comments about the
show. However, little thought is given to the time before televisionor even its
beginning. Television didn t just show up one day and magically change the way
we live; it had its ups and downs. However, once television made its way into the
world, it became one of the greatest technologies ever known to man. Although
television began almost one hundred years ago, people all over the world take for
granted what it is today. Starting in 1927, the television took its first steps into the
world. Although its beginning was in the 1920 s, it took almost twenty years for
the world to really begin to accept television. However, once television was
accepted, it began to take off, evolving into what it is today. Most people soon
forgot about listening to the radio, as television became the new standard for life.
By the 1950s, it was the only thing people could think about. The 1940 s and 1950 s
marked the era in which television really began to take hold in the
Americans everyday life. The Golden Age of television was a period of intense
growth and expansion of the television world.
The arrival of television into the home brought families and communities together,
building relationships in a new and different way. The
Cultural Assimilation In America
Immigration is a subject that drives our society today. Whether politicians are
debating the issue of immigration or whether a family is immigrating to a new
country or place, we cannot escape the idea of immigration. At times our judgment
over immigration is clouded due to the fact that our society gives immigrants and
immigrationa bad name. When one thinks of immigrants and immigration in our
society we develop bad thoughts of the idea due to the stereotypes that our society
has developed for us. However when we delve deeper into immigration and the
challenges that new immigrants face we find that there is more to the issue than
meets the eye. When immigrating to a new country or even a new area in your home
country assimilation is a process... Show more content on ...
Immigrates faced many challenges in America that made it difficult for them to
achieve better advancements for themselves and families. There were many laws
place to stop the flow of allowing immigrant in America, and making their lives
hard if they already had started their lives here in the U.S. For example; the
Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 framed as Crackdown on illegal
immigration (Brown, 2016). The first crackdown began during the Great depression.
Raid were placed on Mexican neighborhoods which caused arrest and deportation on
both foreign born and native born citizens (Brown, 2016). They granted amnesty to
undocumented migrants who entered U.S before January 1, 1982. Also, the Welfare
Reform Act of 1996 restricted legal immigrant access to certain types of welfare
assistance. Which included, but not limited to food stamps, SSI benefits (Lecture,
2016). States may have offered Medicaid and TANF s benefits. Even though
undocumented immigrants were restricted from receiving benefits from the
government; if their children were U.S born they were able to receive the benefits.
However, undocumented immigrants may have be denied certain benefits and
services; if they needed medical and hospitalization care they could not be turned
away. The act that supported care for anyone who entered the emergency room was
the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active labor Act (1986). It stated
Showing Love And Gratitude Goes A Long Way In
showing love and gratitude goes a long way in strengthening relationships and makes
us better understands the sacrifices others make on our behalf.
In those winter Sundays, Robert Hayden stated a lot with very few words. This was
possible due to brilliant use of imagery, metaphor and sound. His striking words
invokes thoughts in the mind of the reader of this dedicated father, up alone exposed
to the harsh elements who works hard each day to make his family comfortable,
however they don t value his acts of good will, nor did they give him any credit. In
many cases we glance back at one point in our lives with lament. We feel that if just
we had known then what we know now, we would have made different choices things
would have been ... Show more content on ...
Probably, parents weren t getting along with each other. Hayden himself could have
ben contending with his mother or father. Imagery
Those winter Sundays illustrates an inspirational picture in the mind of the reader.
A dedicated father who works each day to make his family comfortable, however
they don t value his acts of good will, nor did they give him any credit. Great use of
imagery through out the poem really emphasized Hayden s message. Hayden
recollects memory of this specific Sunday morning. Using the word too suggests
that the father rises early consistently, regardless of what day it is. He dresses in
the severe cold. His hands have cracks as a result of the cold weather and the
grueling work that he does each day. Hayden s father lights the stoves and
chimneys to warm the house up for his family. His striking words make me invoke
thoughts in my mind of this persevering dad up alone wide open to the harsh
elements. This was a great use of imagery. When he noted cracked hands that
ached , this was used to indicate how hard working he was, as well as a symbol for
all the agony and inconvenience he was willing to experience for his family.
Hayden depicted sounds and in addition pictures in the same elucidating way when
he wrote I awoke and heard the cold splintering, breaking. Possibly what Hayden
heard was cracking noises that came from the fire or ice softening off of the
windows. In any case, this decision of imagery is utilized to
Native Americans And Native American Nations
Native Americans have existed for thousands of years, developing a rich heritage that
characterizes the value of the group. Today it is estimated that there are more than
2.5 million Native Americans living in the United States and this population is
steadily growing. Although they account for only 1 percent of the total U.S.
population, they have been described as including 50 percent of the diversity that
exists in this country. This diversity among Native American nations is illustrated by
250 languages and more than 500 tribes. One of these tribes is called the Cherokee
Indians and this research paper is going to deal with them. Cherokee were probably
the most acculturated Indians in the nineteenth century. They were one of the first
Indian groups to successfully transform their aboriginal landscape into a new cultural
landscape that sometimes surpassed their white frontier neighbors. They had a lots
of powerful traditions focusing on the tribe first, the clan second, and the family
third in terms of importance and duty. The family was the centrality of the circle and
the individual was traditionally simply not allowed to upset the order of the family.
Traditional beliefs permit us to think that being Indians was obviously not about the
blood that flew in their veins, but how they lived in a cultural and traditional way in
respecting the sacredness of the American way of life.
However, two hundred years ago, the Cherokee Indians were removed from their
St. Paul Research Paper
St. Paul wasn t always a holy man. He once was a man who persecuted Christians,
but when he saw a vision of Jesus, his whole life turned around and made him one
of the key contributors to the success of the Church. St. Paul represented the four
marks of the church every day of his life after his sudden conversion. The main
teachings he lived by, which are the four marks of the Church, were one, holy,
catholic, and apostolic. As he followed these morals, he spread them all over the
world. His preaching is one of the main reasons the Church thrives today and has so
many members. He set an example for new Christians to act as he traveled the
world. Paul represented one which is the first mark of the Church by trying to unify
the world as best he could with Christianity. He would take journeys to many
different countries and cities to try and convert them. One of the reasons the
Church has so many members today is because of St. Paul and his missions. St.
Paul showed one also by the work of charity. Charity or love binds the Church into
one people. He showed charity by going to some of the worst cities to try and clean
them up as best he could and turn them into the direction of the Lord. For example,
the city called Corinth was... Show more content on ...
Paul lived out holy by being a model of holiness every day o is life after converting.
People from all over would try and be just like him, just like people had for Jesus
Christ. Also, since holy is a paradox of the Church, St. Paul did the best he could
keeping this mark as pure as possible. The reason it is a paradox is because as God
wants the members of the Church to be holy, they are usually not. People of the
Church are sometimes racist, sexist, prejudice, and anti semitic which is the
opposite of what God wants us to do. St. Paul s teachings told people that we are
brothers and sisters of Jesus, so we should all love each other and destroy all the hate
shown towards one
The Underworld Research Paper
The ancient Hebrew s divided the world into Heaven, Earth, Sea, and the Underworld.
They viewed the sky as vault resting on the foundation.We have learned over the
centuries through scientific study that the sky is relly region of the atmosphere and
outer space seen from the earth. They also thought that the mountain were perhaps
windows that let in the rain, but it really is a large natural elevation of the earths
surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level. They thought that goddwelt
hidden in the clouds. They viewed the world as a dis floating on the waters, the
earth was the only known domain any things beyonded was consider unknowable.
The Underworld was named Shelo. The Underworld was described as a dusty prison
which no one... Show more content on ...
It was large and strong, with its top touching the heavens, and it could be seen from
the ends of the earth. This was allegedly an inspired dream, yet it conveys a flat
earth concept, because no matter how tall a tree would be, people on the other side
of a spherical earth could not see it. The Hebrews were inspired by nothing more than
their political and religious motivations. Thus, being ignorant of scientific facts, they
thought the earth was flat, that sick people were possessed by demons, and that
essentially everything was caused by either gods or demons. Unfortunately, many
people are still just as ignorant.
In the beginning of the Ugandan creation story there was only the highest god
kabzaya Mpungu. He created the earth, the sky, and two human beings. He put the
two humans on earth, but they did not have mutima which is another word for heart.
The gods and goddess names were the sun, moon, darkest, and rain. kabzaya Mpungu
told his four sons that he would leave and give the humans a mutima in his place.
This was one of the most interesting myths out of the bunch, due to the fact that it
was very different from any other myth. The Greek creation story was the most
surprising to
My Sassy Girl As A Hero s Journey
The Hero s Journey is an observation of the hero archetype in literature, as well as a
story template and idea. John Campbell s The Hero with a Thousand Faces details
each step a hero may pass through during his adventure. The book contains detailed
descriptions of each of the twenty one steps. Although, these can be summarized into
five basic steps: Call to Adventure, Refusal of the Call, Crossing the Threshold
/Passage into the Realm, The Road of Trials, and Return to the World of the Common
Day. The Heros Journey archetype is represented heavily in popular culture. My Sassy
Girl, directed by Kwak Jae yong, details the relationship between a young male
engineering student with an effeminate upbringing, and an authoritative and brazen...
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The Girl throws up and passes out on the train due to excess alcohol consumption.
This is where Gyeon woo s journey begins. His call to adventure is the choice to
either help or not help The Girl. He initially dumps her at the subway but he turns
around, picks her up, and takes her to a motel. These are the steps Refusal of the
Call and Passage into the Realm respectively. The majority of the film takes place
during The Road of Trials step. This is the step that Gyeon woo articulates his
journeys goal besides finding love. He is continually surprised at The Girl s
beauty, brazenness and lack of respect for him. Even more odd, The Girl forces
Gyeon woo on a sequence of bizarre dates despite her flippant nature. After one of
these dates again ends in Gyeon woo carrying her back to the motel, he vows to,
...heal her sorrow . He overcomes this challenge by being supplicant to The Girl s
every whim. While not immediately apparent at the onset, the girl is sad and drunk
at the beginning of the movie because her boyfriend, who is the cousin of Gyeon
woo, had died one year previously. Gyeon woo s presence, which reminds her of
him, allows her to forget her boyfriend s death. His refusal to quit after suffering
abuse at her hands emotionally overwhelms her and they separate while making
Cause And Effect Of The Triangle Fire
Cause and Effect
During the 18th century, England and the Americas were mostly agricultural based
societies. The majority of people lived in rural communities, worked at home, and
used basic tools or handmade machinery in order to make a living for their family.
Soon, the innovation in the textile and iron industries created a shift towards the
Industrial Revolution, and many people began to migrate to more urban areas in order
to work in factories. Although the revolution was faced with many problems, such as
grim employment and living conditions for the poor and working classes, industrial
growth helped the economy as there was a boom in manufactured goods at lowered
costs. The United States, during this time, was rapidly expanding, and industry was
growing by leaps and bounds. In New York City, the garment industry flourished
which led to the immigration boom as people, mainly from Europe, immigrated to
America for a better life and for better economic opportunities. The Triangle Fire, by
Jo Ann E. Argersinger is set during the time of the Progressive era in America and
details a turning point in American history. Culturally, many immigrants began to
embrace American lifestyle; although, they still had strong ties to their own traditions
which caused the concept of the melting pot. Historically, many key events
contributed to, and influenced future cultural and societal changes. Philosophically,
in the United States, the terrible working and living conditions of
The Brain Drain and Revolution in the Late 19th and
By the end of the 19th century, Chinese officials were beginning to realize that their
country s educational infrastructure was becoming increasingly anachronistic.
Traditional education largely ignored technology considered it low class, even and
students instead focused on cultivating a sense of moral righteousness. Yet, the
Confucian centered examination system was beginning to prove ineffective in a
world where modern militaries predominated in international relations. China learned
this painful lesson during a succession of lost wars, eventually entering a long period
of introspection, quite notably, by first looking outward. Foreign education systems
were of particular interest to this nation in transition. Foreign ... Show more content
on ...
In fact, the late Qing Empire s encounter with Western civilization was necessarily
heralded by guns, warships, and other new instruments of Western military might.
The narrative of China s dynastic glory was replaced with a newer, less flattering
image of China as the sick man of Asia (Holcombe 193). Fears of the encroaching
imperial powers were only heightened after China lost in the 1865 60 Opium War,
as were fears of increasing internal disorder, as evinced by the 1851 64 Taiping
Rebellion (Bary 661; Rhoads 1 2). China would later suffer yet another humiliating
defeat in the Sino Japanese War of 1894 5, but they first instituted a series of
reforms in an attempt to curtail foreign dominance, particularly in the military
sphere. China thus entered a period of so called self strengthening, a government
led restoration that spanned the years between 1961 and 1895. This movement
was largely a response to these early military defeats and the nation s perceived
sense of inferiority (Rhoads 1 2; Holcombe 201). In a phrase, the goal of self
strengthening projects and the larger Tongzhi Restoration (1862 74) was to emulate
the Western countries and master their technical skills (Holcombe 201; Rhoads 9). In
order to do this, China first had to open its borders to Western influence; the late
Qing first allowed
Death In Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet
1.Shakespeare uses the image of the death in this particular scene to foreshadow
the predicted death of Romeo and Juliet. Hadst thou no poison mixed.No sharp
ground knife this quotation illustrates that Romeo and Juliet die from Poison and a
knife, which we know as a audience from the prologue. The use of dramatic irony
makes the audience feel involved with the story and makes us react more
emotionally, as we can t aid the characters. In addition, the use of the element of
religion emphasizes Romeo s overwhelming love for Juliet. As he says Heaven is
here inferring that Romeo considers heaven as a place where Juliet lives.In reference
to this scene, its shows how Romeo is heartbroken to find out that he is banished and
is required to stay... Show more content on ...
Shakespeare uses light references to present their passionate love towards each
other such as o she doth the torches to burn brighter which infers that Juliet s
beauty outshines the torches that light the party. As on the other hand,
Shakespeare uses images of darkness to symbolizes the negative aspects of their
love. The use of dark image reminds the audience that it is a doomed relationship
because they are star crossed lovers . Furthermore, because their relationship is
kept as a secret, they can only be together when night s cloak to hide . Even though,
a dark setting portrays the romance but also implies that their relationship must
stay hidden as their union is heavily forbidden. There is a constant conflict between
light and dark images.But Romeo and Juliet s conversations are also full of images
of angels,saints and gods My lips, two blushing pilgrims,ready stand . These
images could show that their love is pure and innocent and approved by god.
However, it can also emphasize their powerful love, as they don t only love each
other, but also worships each other. For a Shakespearean audience this could be seen
as dangerous and sinful as you weren t supposed to worship anyone except
Marginal Revenue
Running Head: MARGINAL COST1
Marginal Cost and Marginal Revenue
Jacqueline C. Tuncap
American Military University
ECON 600: Managerial Economics
September 16, 2016
As vice president of sales for a rapidly growing company, you are grappling with the
question of expanding the size of your direct sales force (from its current level of
60?national salespeople). You are considering hiring from 5 to 10 additional
How would you estimate the additional dollar cost of each additional salesperson?
For this scenario, the company is looking to grow themselves by adding more
sales personnel to the force. They would like to expand from sixty sales person to
seventy seventy five total sales personnel. The addition of 10 to 15 employees. It?s
recommended to consider marginal cost when doing this. Marginal cost will be used
to measure the additional cost of one or more personnel. For this example, you ...
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Net revenue based on the past sales experiences of the additional salesperson is
estimated by the marginal revenue. The marginal revenue is considered to be the
additional revenue generated from hiring the additional salesperson. To get the
marginal revenue, the total revenue is differentiated to get the marginal revenue
function. Marginal revenue is the additional revenue generated from increasing
products. In order to get the revenue, we consider the variables which affect the
sales revenue such as the size of the sales force, changes in the income and changes
in price. (Drury, 2013).
How would you use these cost and revenue estimates to determine whether a sales
force increase (or possibly a decrease) is
Personal Narrative Of Failure
rang throughout my body, and thoughts of failure creeped their way into my mind.
Then when the ball finally found its way out of bounds, and I subbed in those
thoughts faded away. As soon as my feet land within the the field of play I was in
the thick of the action. I was running so extensively that I had to remind myself to
breath. Running to defend then transitioning to offense my legs began to burn,
undoubtedly from them not being active the last three games, but the moment I
touch the ball the pain went away instantly and instinct kicked in. Passing was the
name of the game from one to the other, but knowing time was running at we tried
to force it. This didn t work because the ball kept exchanging from team to team
within seconds. Finally our coach got fed up and screamed, All out attack! So we
all went up to the opposing team s side, Souhegan our biggest rival, in efforts to get
the goal. The clock read a two minutes, so as a team we decided to take a step back
gather our heads, and do what we excel at passing. As we did this the you good see
a play starting to develop like a cook would see his recipe becoming a dish. We were
all playing off each other in perfect unison doing the simple thing right every time,
and we knew something was bound to happen in our favor. As minutes turned into
seconds we found ourselves in the other teams... Show more content on ...
We all ran to the sidelines and embraced, and enjoyed the moment with the others
and the coach. These are the moments I ll never forget without a doubt far and
away my best experience in the game of soccer, and one of my best in sports. It was
definitely one of the highlights of my freshman year being able to put away are long
time rivals, and helping our team into the playoffs. That moment was incredible when
the dust lifted and the emotions settle in I ll truly remember it as my summer day
Paragonimus Worm
The common name of the Paragonimus Westermani is called the lung fluke. The
Paragonimus worm tends to look like a coffee bean. It is short and thick, looking
like a reddish brown color. Their oral and ventral suckers are visible, they have scale
like spine that are evenly spaced out. The eggs from the worm are laid from a human
s lungs through the motion of the microvilli. They are then put in the gastrointestinal
tract and out the body. If a human was to ever eat something raw of any sort it then
the forming cyst or larva that was in that animal creature migrates into the human s
stomach. The cyst later goes through the intestines, diaphragm, lungs, etc. and
becomes an adult. The male and female lung worms reproduce more and the cycle
Exit Through The Gift Shop Analysis
The documentary Exit through the Gift Shop was very interesting to me because
it talks about the birth of street art and how it ended. It speaks about street art and
a potential documentary that was supposed to made about street art. I have seen
street art and graffiti and since then I can remember I never really understood why
people did it or even considered it as a piece of art. After seeing the documentary I
have a new perspective for it and a better understanding why it is art and why street
artists do it. In this essay I will be talking about different scenes in the filmand my
reaction towards them. Furthermore, there were several scenes in the documentary
were I had a reaction to it. My reaction to when I heard that Terry was going to
make a documentary on the world of street art by meeting different street artists. I
thought that it was cool to finally learn about street art. My whole life I have
wondered what it is that on the walls of buildings, why people did it, what inspires
them to do it and how it began. However, in my opinion the documentary never got
made the way it was meant to be.... Show more content on ...
When he finished it I was disappointed by the fact that the film did not look like a
regular film. It was supposed to be a documentary about street art, as I watched it
looked like someone was flipping through channels, like Banksy had stated. In my
opinion I believe that Terry wasn t a filmmaker, like he told everyone. I think he
used his camera to get to street artists by promising them a film, to get ideas for his
own street art. Banksy wanted to do the film himself so he gave Terry an assignment
to focus on his
American Museum Of Natural History Essay
The Hidden History of the American Museum of Natural History
One of the world s greatest repositories for human knowledge regarding the natural
sciences, the venerable American Museum of Natural History has been one of New
York City s premier cultural institutions since 1869. Since its establishment almost
150 years ago, the museum has come a long way towards advancing knowledge about
natural history and science in the United States not to mention serving as one of the
best field trip destinations for school students! Despite its fame, few people know it s
fascinating history. With the museum set to undergo a multimillion dollar renovation
and expansion in anticipation of its 150th birthday, there s never been a better time to
explore the hidden ... Show more content on ...
The museum s new building, designed by architect J. Wrey Mould, opened in 1877
in the fashionable Victorian Gothic style. The museum added many new additions
over the years, including a grand Beaux Arts entrance facing Central Park West in
1936. A new master plan was created for the library in the 1990s and a new library
added in 1992. In anticipation of its 150th birthday, the museum has undertaken even
more new expansions and renovations in recent years, with plans for the new
expansions called the Richard Gelder Center for Science, Education and Innovation
being revealed in late 2015. As a testament to the museum s cultural, educational and
historical importance, the museum was designated as an official New York City
Landmark in 1967 and later added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places in
For nearly 150 years, the American Museum of Natural History has helped to
enlighten New Yorkers and visitors alike about the natural sciences. With its 150th
anniversary approaching and new expansion and renovation plans in the works, the
museum s next chapter may be its most important
8th Habit Summary
Concentrated Knowledgeв„ў for the Busy Executive Vol. 27, No. 9 (3 parts), Part 1,
September 2005 Order # 27 21 FILE: LEADERSHIP В® From Effectiveness to
Greatness THE 8TH HABIT THE SUMMARY IN BRIEF For individuals and
organizations, effectiveness is no longer merely an option survival requires it. But to
thrive, excel and lead in the Knowledge Worker Age, we must move beyond
effectiveness to greatness, which includes fulfillment, passionate execution and
significant contribution. Accessing a higher level of human genius and motivation
requires a sea change in thinking: a new mind set and skill set in short, an additional
habit to those featured in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The crucial
challenge is to... Show more content on ...
He then spent two years setting up a formal, independent bank to do just that. On
Oct. 2, 1983, Grameen Bank was created. Grameen Bank now works in more than
46,000 villages in Bangladesh, has 1,267 branches and more than 12,000 staff
members, and has lent more than $4.5 billion, in loans of $12 to $15. A housing
loan is $300. At the heart of this empowerment are individuals who chose to become
selfreliant, independent entrepreneurs producing goods out of their own homes or
neighborhoods to become economically viable and successful. They found their
voices. The carrot and stick motivational philosophy; and Centralized budgeting,
which creates hierarchies and bureaucracies to drive getting the numbers a reactive
process that produces kiss up cultures bent on spending so we won t lose it next
year. As people consent to be controlled like things, their passivity only fuels leaders
urge to direct and manage. There s a simple connection between the controlling,
Industrial Age, thing paradigm that dominates today s workplace and the inability of
managers and organizations to inspire people s best contributions in the Knowledge
Worker Age: People choose how much of themselves to give to their work,
depending on how they re treated. Their
Essay Dehumanization in All Quiet on the Western Front
Dehumanization in Erich Maria Remarque s All Quiet on the Western Front
Winston Churchill always said, You ask: what is our aim? I can answer in one
word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, no matter
how long and hard the world may be; for without victory, there is no survival. In
Erich Maria Remarques All Quiet on the Western Front, victory is seen as the only
option. The soldiers in the novel do whatever it takes like acting before thinking or
ignoring any possible consequences in order to emerge victorious. Paul and his
comrades are exposed constantly to violence, jumpstarting a dehumanizing process
that forces them to rely on animal instinct. This necessary instinct is the only thing...
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A good example of this is when Paul is frozen after looking into the enemy s eyes
during the first bombardment, but he quickly gets over this to move on and save
himself. T. S. Matthews in his article Bad News states, They have had to become
soldiers, and they are nothing else. They believe in the present moment; it is not
enough, but it is all they can be sure of (2). Matthews goes on to say, But what keeps
them going in man s machine made hell is the bodily presence of the friends around
them (2). On the contrary, dehumanization is the key to survival. Throughout the
novel, Paul loses close friends of his and each time he does he finds the strength to
keep on fighting. He may not always want to, but he keeps moving forward in his
dehumanized state towards the end. Dehumanization not only affects the soldier
physically but internally as well, both on and off the front. Being affected internally
by dehumanization means that these soldiers are stripped of their emotions, have a
changed their point of view on war, or are given a different mindset. When Paul and
others go to visit Kemmerich, a former classmate whose leg was recently amputated,
they can tell he is on the brink of death. Instead of being concerned, Paul s classmate
Muller is insensitive and is only concerned about his boots. Muller has been so
dehumanized that all he can bring himself to think about is Kemmerich s boots, and
receiving them after his death. Later in the novel, Kat points out
Realm-Personal Narrative
I made my last spin, and stopped in relief. I didn t mess up! Everything went
perfectly! I was completely exhausted, and was worried that the audience would
hear me breathing as hard as a car exhaust. A few seconds of terrifying silence had
passed. Those seconds seemed like hours. And suddenly, the gymnasium thundered
with applauds! After enjoying all those cheerful faces in front of me, I bowed, and
went to the changing room that was behind the stage. But when I started changing
to my normal clothes, my face clouded over. I remembered about the broken fan,
and I burst in tears. Forgetting about all that joyful mood that I had just a second
ago, I broke through the doorway of the change room, and raced through the
crowd, tears dripping down from my face. I knew who exactly I needed to find.
Jeff! I screamed in anger, seeing him in the crowd. It didn t bother me that I was
pushing all those people in my way, all what... Show more content on
Who else would have done such a thing? I decided to go and ask Alison if she had
seen anything. But it didn t take me long. The moment I was about to start
searching for her, she bumped right into me from the crowd. She looked very
upset. Hey, Alison, I wond I was just about to ask her if she saw anybody, but she
stopped me in the middle of the sentence. Wait, I ll talk first, Alison said, looking
more and more worried. Ok, go on then. I replied, interested to hear the important
news that Alison wanted to tell me. Alison looked at the floor, and hesitated for a
second. I didn t want to get anybody in trouble, but I had to tell you, because you
were so upset about your ripped fan... Alison paused again. I saw Michael sneaking
into the change room right after our teacher put your costume there. A few minutes
later, I saw him slip out quietly, so I went to check if everything was okay with your
costume. But when I went inside, I was horrified to find your beautiful peacock fan
Analysis Of Morrison s The Environment
The environment that Morrison uses to set up her character s actions becomes a
site of contention because it evokes serious ontological questions for the reader,
particularly as it relates to Pecola s position in her community. As a pariah, she
operates both at the margins and the center of her community. The sheer horror
evoked by her presence in the community forces people to regard her as absent. The
community s regarding Pecola as invisibly present is a defense mechanism that
shields it from the lure of decadence that Pecola and her family represent. As a result,
the people who glamorize and prolong her shame also allow her to sink into madness.
By default, they are themselves condemned. Claudia, the narrator in the novel,
recounts, We are wrong, of course, but it doesn t matter. It s too late. At least on the
edge of my town, among the garbage and the sunflowers of my town, it s much,
much, much too late
The other major players in the novel are Frieda, Claudia s older sister; Pecola s
immediate family: Cholly, the father; Pauline, the mother, and Sammy, her brother.
Claudia and her sister establish a relationship with Pecola when their home
becomes her temporary refuge due to her father s burning the front part of their
house. The sisters cannot help but to acknowledge Pecola s differences. First,
Pecola is seen as both a woman and a girl because she menstruates at a young age.
This radically alters her status in the minds of the girls her age (231). Plus,
The Women s Suffrage Movement Essay
We hold these truths to be self evident: That all men and women are created equal. In
the 19th century, the state of freedom of women in the United States was limited and
contained a non egalitarian relationship between men and women. Due to the effect
of the Seneca Falls Convention, led to a time of change and reform known as the
Women s Suffrage Movement. In the United States Civil War, women of the Union
and Confederacy played an essential role with new responsibilities contributing
assistance to men fighting in the war. During the wartime, feminists presented their
political capabilities and contributions in the significance of the nation. Since women
played an active role throughout the wartime, Northern women s rights movement
seek for recognition and deliberated a reasonable compensation for the right to vote.
Abolitionists rejected the idea of women s suffrage and bind with Republicans to
pursue the campaign of African American men suffrage. By the ratification of the
fourteenth and fifteenth amendment, women were denied the vote in federal
elections. In 1848, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony extracted from the
Equal Rights Association and unified a secret meeting of their followers to form the
National Women Suffrage Association (NWSA).
July of 1848 Seneca Falls Convention included a two day meeting initiating the
struggle for women s equality and motivating a group of women to demand justice
and rights of citizenship. On the first day of the
My Favorite Gemstone
I would have to say my favorite Gemstone is the Opal. I have always loved
Gemstones and when I was about twelve years old I remember looking through a
birthstone chart in a magazine and seeing that my birthday stone was an Opal. I
told my grandmother that I wanted a birthstone necklace for my birthday, but I didn
t want the plain old white one, I want the beautiful ruby one in the picture, after all
red is my favorite color and I loved how pretty it sparkled even in the picture. My
grandmother said if I wanted a birthstone necklace that she would get me my actual
birthstone which is Opal, and that I should be proud of that stone because it was
special to me because it s the special stone for a special month. I had no idea what
she was... Show more content on ...
I also discovered when learning more about the Opal that it s not actually a mineral
like I previously thought. It is actually classified as a mineraloid and the different
stones are usually contain 6% 10% water, and 97% of all Opals com from Australia.
I found that there is a myth that was in a novel written by Sir Walter Scott, that
claimed Opals were a stone of bad luck, which is completely false. Quite the
opposite in fact, Opals are a luck bringing stone. They are not just the birthstone of
October, Opal is also the traditional 14th wedding anniversary gift, and is said to be
represent the God Cupid. This makes perfect sense since a wedding anniversary
represents a couples union and love, and Cupid unites couples and is the Roman God
of love.
Opals are said to contain the energy of all the elements and can be used in almost all
magickal workings. It amplifies the anything that it s used with and can amplify the
energy of the person who wears this stone during magickal workings. Opals have
both projective and receptive energies.
Upon further research the Opal is also used to recall past lives. This is a favored
stone for opening the third eye and a lot of people wear Opal jewelery to help
facilitate this. Fire Opals are said
Chapter Notes On The Summer Village
Chapter 1: Mission to the Summer Village
Neji, Tenten, Shino, you three must head to the Land of Summer. There seems to be
trouble and we must put an end to any disturbance that could lead to danger. Tsunade,
the fifth Hokage said. Neji, you will be team leader.
Yes, my lady. Neji said politely.
This mission was sent to us by the Hikage, the Sun Shadow, greet him as if he were
any other kage.
Does the Sun even have a shadow? Tenten asked.
The three headed out, swiftly moving through the forest as smoothly as the fish glide
through rivers.
What is the Land of Summer anyways? Isn t summer just a season? Tenten
I m not sure, I suppose we ll find out. Neji answered.
I hear it is the land where the sun shines brightly everyday. Shino added.
Wow! Wouldn t that be beautiful! Tenten exclaimed.
The three continued their journey across the land, eventually crossing the border
from the Land of Fire to the Land of Earth. Noticing the beautiful scenario as they
ventured out into the new land. As they scoured this strange area, they began to
speed up their pace. They were having second thoughts about this land and wished to
bypass the forest quickly. It was strange however, for they had always moved through
forests with no sign of fear, or any kind of suspicion. However, this time they felt
different, as though all the Land of Earth civilians had peered into their souls.
Nonetheless, the journey must continue, and the three held back their
The Identity of a Professional Counselor
There are numerous factors that contribute to the development of a counselor s
professional identity. The identity of a professional counselor may present numerous
differences based on the specialization of counseling, as well as, overall identity
factors that remain the same across the entire counseling spectrum. The paper
examines key philosophies of the counseling professionwhich include: wellness,
resilience, and prevention and how these philosophies impact the counseling
profession. Next it will discuss the characteristics of an effective professional
counselor in two different professional roles and two professional counseling
associations. Further, it will look at state licensure and certification requirements and
professional development. Lastly, focus will be put on the rise of technology in the
modern society and how it plays a role in the counseling profession.
Multiple philosophies that have been developed in the counseling profession are
based on wellness, resilience, and prevention. The root of wellness dates back
2,000 years, where Aristotle, was perhaps, the first person to write about wellness
(Myers and Sweeney, 2008). Two wellness models, with enough empirical evidence
to be reviewed, are The Wheel of Wellness: A Theoretical Model and The
Indivisible Self: An Evidence Based Model of Wellness. The original wellness
models were based in the realm of physical health science and eventually was
developed into a model based in counseling (Myers and Sweeney,
Caryl Churchill Analysis
Whatever you do your point of view is going to show somewhere. It usually only
gets noticed and called political if it s against the status quo. Caryl Churchill Caryl
Churchill, born in London in 1938, is heralded not only as one of the greatest female
contemporary playwrights, but often as the best playwright of our time. Mary
Luckhurst describes Churchill s prolific bibliography as prodigious as Churchill
created thirty four productions in a career that has spanned over forty years. In terms
of the content of her work, Luckhurst terms it as experimental, presenting challenging
themes which often contain disturbing social political context and compel the
audience to engage and contend with the performance. Churchill grew up in England
during WWII, and went on to study at Oxford, where she had the means to produce
her own material. At age 22 she was already rebelling against established theatre
codes, challenging the status quo with statements such as Playwrights don t give
answers, they ask questions (Luckhurst, 2015). It is obvious this manifesto influenced
many of her most highly regarded pieces, and inspired her to change the cultural and
political landscape of London theatre. By bringing questions about sexuality and
identity to the forefront of staged productions, Churchill changed the way playwrights
wrote for the stage. Her successes changed history, making a future possible for the
female playwrights who followed her. According to Richards, Luckhurst
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  • 1. Academic Argument Essay Writing an Academic Argument Essay can be a challenging endeavor that demands careful planning, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. The difficulty lies not only in the extensive research required but also in the need to construct a coherent and persuasive argument. Crafting an essay of this nature involves synthesizing various sources, analyzing diverse perspectives, and presenting a compelling thesis supported by evidence. One of the key challenges is the need for a deep understanding of the topic, as an Academic Argument Essay requires the writer to engage with complex concepts and demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the subject matter. Furthermore, the process involves selecting and integrating evidence from credible sources, which demands a keen eye for detail and the ability to distinguish between reliable and unreliable information. The structure of the essay adds another layer of difficulty. The writer must navigate the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion while maintaining a logical flow and addressing counterarguments. This requires organizational skills and the ability to articulate thoughts clearly. Additionally, adhering to academic writing conventions, such as proper citation and formatting, is essential for the essay's credibility. Moreover, the task of developing a strong thesis statement that encapsulates the essence of the argument and aligns with the evidence collected can be quite demanding. Ensuring that each paragraph contributes cohesively to the overall argument requires meticulous planning and editing. In conclusion, writing an Academic Argument Essay is a challenging task that demands a combination of research, critical thinking, and effective communication skills. However, with dedication and a systematic approach, it is possible to create a compelling and well-structured essay that engages readers. If you find yourself struggling with such tasks, you may consider seeking assistance from various resources, such as online writing services. Similar essays and more can be ordered on platforms like Academic Argument Essay Academic Argument Essay
  • 2. Why Was Italy Not Unified After the Congress of Vienna... Before the Congress of Vienna the French occupation had far reaching affects on Italy. The power of the Church and the Pope was reduced, changes were made in landownership and land was redistributed. A new middle class began to appear. Agriculture was improved and the peasants were freed from their old feudal ties and obligations. Then when Napoleon was defeated and the restoration of the old regime and monarchs was started, Italyagain became a country divided into eleven independent states, excluding the tiny principalities and the Republic of San Marino. So Italy was not unified after the Congress of Vienna due to a number of reasons, such as the foreign influence of the Central European Powers, parochialism within the states, the lack... Show more content on ... The lay people had no part in government, apart from a few lay members of advisory bodies called В‘congregations . Politically, Italy was fragmented. Further, half the states were governed by kings or dukes who already occupied or hoped soon to inherit the thrones of the non Italian countries. Venice and Piedmont had dominions outside Italy. The Papacy had worldwide ecclesiastal concerns. The peninsula was not merely divided; the boundaries and interests of its states ignored its natural frontiers. Equally, there still survived three ancient republics of importance: Venice, ruling a considerable empire on the eastern shores of the Adriatic and a large territory, known as the Veneto, on the mainland of Italy; Genoa, which until 1768 governed the island of Corsica; and Lucca. After the Papal States there were five significant duchies. Of these members of the Austrian royal House of Habsburg, Milan direct from Vienna, and Tuscany, ruled the two most important separately. The Duchy of Parma and Piacenza was under a Spanish Bourbon, but could not be united either with Spain or with Naples and Sicily. The Duke of Modena and the Duchess of Massa and Carrara represented Italian dynasties. So the foreign influence of the Central European Powers both before and after the congress of Vienna was major a factor in Italy s remaining as eleven independent states rather than becoming united. Foreign influence was not the only reason that Italy was not united by 1815,
  • 3. Employment Trends Are Not Always A Bad Thing Employment Trends Trends are not always a bad thing, contrary to popular beliefs. It s actually something that can inspire change growth as I ve seen with my experiences. Sometimes bias prejudice may produce certain disadvantages for targeted groups, employment trends may be a benefit. Through my experiences in activities that I ve engaged with, problems I ve encountered, the professional growth gained is one in which I would like to share to others for the sole benefit of becoming a bridge builder for them. In this essay I will reflect on this experiences and their relationship with current employment trends. As a student athlete at the University of Illinois, I ve noticed a certain skew in the ethnicity of staff hired at the University in comparison with the populations that they serve. The ration between staff to student or even coach to student shares more familiarity with those of a Caucasian back ground. Of the 19 Varsity sports available within the University of Illinois Division of Intercollegiate Athletics, only two of them have head coaches that are of African American decent. This number is an increase 0 prior to June 2015 with the hiring of Head Women s Softball Coach, Tyra Perry, the recent hiring of Head Football Coach, Lovie Smith earlier this year. This trend follows a much important trend that carries through many institutions of higher education in reference to their administration. These administrators, as shown in the issues surfacing with
  • 4. Kalief Browder Suicide THE DEPRESSEED OF KALIEF BROWDER Although Kalief Browder committed suicide; the depression in which he experienced was the actual cause of him killing himself. No child at the age six teen could have endured the physical and mental pressure that was brought upon him. During the time in jail, the beatings from the police and inmates had a huge impact on him. These beating weren t isolated events he was beaten multiple times by both guards and inmates. In which caused Browder to have mental break downs.Also, during the break down it insist of him trying to commit suicide. The agenizing pain of a six teen year old that had been held without giving trail have finally took its toll. Browder case was irrelevant for the system to even held him... Show more content on ... Which will soon led him into solitary confinement for two whole years. Where, he was constantly starved and not giving any liquids. After suffering the brutal destruction, that was absolutely killing Browder within. He was released late that year of 2012. He continued to pursue his future by going to school at Bronx Community College. Then came the release of his story in 2015, which didn t go well mentally with Browder. He soon stops attending the college after two months of the story being released. After everyone had heard his tragic story; he soon started to receive money from celebrities. Although he was offered the money, he didn t take any of it. Instead his depression started to fall in place once again. By having flashbacks, from the actions that took place on Rikers Island. He couldn t go to the store without hearing about his story. This demonstrated where him stress levels was at this point in time. Which, resulted him getting hospitalized during the week of Christmas. However, he was sent back to St. Barnabas. Over time there was a psychologist that would come see him. While, there this is what was giving. While visiting Browder on January 9th he did not seem like himself, he was
  • 5. How Does Nitrate Contamination Of Groundwater Nitrate Contamination of Ground Water The Earth s surface is covered by massive amounts of water, but only a small measure of it is safe for consumption. With a very limited supply, we need to focus our energies on preserving its quality and quantity. Nitrates pose a great threat to our precious groundwater. There are many ways that groundwater can be contaminated, but most aren t nearly as detrimental as an increase in the amount of nitrates within our groundwater. How do nitrates get into the water? We can help you with this answer. Nitrates get into the groundwater from a variety of sources: some involve pastoral farming, market gardening, application of nitrogenous fertilizers, and industrial and sewage waste disposal. ... Show more content on ... We know that the results of these practices as well as many others accumulate underground rather quickly and damage the quality of the water supply. Contamination of groundwater is also affected by weather, soil types, and the depth of the aquifer. If it is less than 100 feet to the water table, the vulnerability of contamination is increased. In the Midwest, with a sandy to loamy soil, the groundwater will become more susceptible toward nitrate contamination. In areas where the soil composition is more of a clay compound, no matter if there is an over use of fertilizer, the vulnerability of the groundwater is greatly reduced. This is the type of situation that occurs in places like southern Indiana where the soils drain very poorly. Through the many factors that are involved, we, as a society, have gained a great amount of knowledge on how to reduce the amount of nitrates in the water source. A couple of the most widely recognized concerns of high nitrates in water is its cause of methemoglobinemia, more commonly referred to as blue baby syndrome, and other blood disorders. If we don t start fixing the problem now, the critical effects of dangerous nitrate levels in the water supply will be around for decades, and become increasingly difficult to manage. There are a variety of approaches to avoiding the utilization of inadequate techniques. Individuals can test soils before applying fertilizers, improve storage of fertilizers, test well
  • 6. Architecture, Belief Systems, And Societal Structure Culture is a very important aspect of human life; it defines the way people live, grow, and evolve. Anthropologists study cultures throughout the world and throughout different time periods. They study the different aspects of culture including architecture, belief systems, and societal structure. Egypt is a country ripe with history and rich culture, from their towering pyramids to their modern day society. Intricately crafted obelisks and tombs decorate the landscape, but how much of that is being preserved? The study and preservation of past culture can heavily influence and educate the present. It is important to learn about the past in order to evolve and create a better future. While change can be beneficial, it is important not to neglect ancient culture. When a person thinks of Ancient Egypt, she might first picture the pyramids, the Sphinx, and even the towering statues and obelisks. Architecture has been a defining point throughout Egypt s history. Some structures, such as the temples of Karnak and Luxor built along the Nile River, were created to honor the dead and worship the Egyptian gods (Temples, n.d.). Ancient Egypt was full of temples which were built to house the Gods and separate them from the rest of the world. According to a creation legend, the first temple was built on a large mound that had risen from the primeval sea known as Nun. In one version of the legend, a lotus flower grew upon this mound and humans were created soon after in an event known
  • 7. Typical Selling Approach And Societal Marketing TYPICAL SELLING APPROACH AND SOCIETAL MARKETING INTRODUCTION: Marketing is usually understood as a bridge between the companies (offering products and services) and ultimate customer or consumers. Through marketing sales of goods and services take place between customer and a company in exchange of money. Companies generally use typical or traditional selling approach for their offerings. Traditionally company gather knowledge of and target the needs and wants of a particular group of people and then market their products and services to that targeted group and then through their sales professional sell their goods and services to the people of targeted group (William, 2011). This is the general practice of all most all the companies and it is referred to as typical selling. Typical selling approaches has become absolute now as world is changing at a very fast pace. The globalization has created a very strong competitive environment. Therefore now companies have started thinking differently in order to cope up with the competition in the market and corporate sectors. Companies have started switching to societal marketing approach from typical selling approach. This helps them to gain not only competitive edge over the other companies offerings but also provide maximum customer satisfaction and contribution towards the well being of a society. SOCIETAL MARKETING APPROACH: The societal marketing approach entails the concept that a business should make the decision about the
  • 8. Eusebius Of Caesarea Eusebius Eusebius of Caesarea was a Christian historian that lived around the time of 300 C.E. In his work Eusebius: The Church History he attempts to document and validate not only the life of Jesus Christ and his disciples, but also seeks to record the struggles of Christians and Jews as Christianity was persecuted throughout Roman rule and eventually legalized under Constantine the Great. Eusebius is inarguably one of the most significant accounts of Christian history, for he references numerous primary sources from before his time that are now lost to us. Eusebius text is arranged neatly in ten chapters. The first of which seeks to give a cohesive account of the life and death of Jesus Christ. Not only does he give origins of the words... Show more content on ... James died a martyr, something that Eusebius holds to be extremely significant which he continues to mention throughout the piece. So important in fact that the following six chapters of the work deal primarily with the persecution and turmoil Christians faced. Eusebius saw it essential that the struggle of the Lord s people and the many deaths of martyrs not be forgotten. The end of this persecution is said to have come under Diocletian. Despite being the final stint of Roman persecution, that under Diocletian was the most brutal and most severe. Under a proposed return to greatness Diocletian sought to completely eradicate the Christian faith. While other emperors were reluctant to pass specific anti Christian legislature Diocletian targeted common christians as well as the priesthood and teachers albeit unsuccessfully. Diocletian s attempted did nothing but facilitated massive growth of the Christian church. Ironically, but not without specific intent, the palace of Diocletian was almost completely covered in crosses following his death, symbolizing that the Christian faith had
  • 9. Morganite Ring Research Paper If you re on the fence about a Morganite ring, you re not alone. While many women love the color and the unusual settings that feature Morganite stones, it can be a tough decision without a real list of the pros and cons of the stone, which we are providing for you here. First a little about Morganite. It s a semi precious gemstone in the family of stones called Beryl. This is the same family that the emerald and aquamarine call home, too. It s often referred to as a pink emerald for this reason. On the Mohs Scale, the Morganite falls within 7.5 to 8 like the emerald as well. When choosing a Morganite, it s an incredibly personal decision. Forums like Wedding Bee and The Knot are full of happy women who have Morganite rings and have never once regretted their decision. They re also women who researched ... Show more content on ... Some wearers report that they have to clean it twice a week to keep the stone looking sparkly and beautiful. Others have reported that they don t have to clean the stone when they make sure to remove it when applying hand lotion. Luckily, the jewelry is easy to clean. A soft toothbrush and soapy water will do the trick. Needs a Sturdy Setting While the stone is a 7.5 on the Mohs Scale, that s more than a few points below the strength of a diamond. The edges of the Morganite stone could easily chip if it s banged around on a daily basis. This requires a protective setting around the Morganite. A stunning alternative to a prong setting is to use a halo of diamonds to protect the pink stone. Varying Quality The quality of the stone can dictate the price. There is no certification from GIA to protect the customer, but some have other ratings to help the customer make a decision based on the quality. You want one that doesn t have visible inclusions. Be wary of a stone that is incredibly cheap since it s likely to have flaws. Points to
  • 10. Analysis Of The Poem The I Love ! Free As The Mountain... The lines are spoken following an extended lamentation in Plate 6 by Oothoon in which she ascribes the origins of joy to infancy. Thus, it is over the course of one s lifetime and under the influence of societal reason (personified in the form of Urizen) that joy and happiness are subjugated and desecrated. Indeed, this accursed thing is taught or learned by Theotormon rather than intrinsic in his nature (7.13). This is important to note because out of this perverted perspective comes the misunderstanding of lovethat Oothoon delineates in my chosen passage. Within the first two lines, she separates her own version of love with that of her tormented lover. Hers is a happy Love! free as the mountain wind! (7.16). Like the wind imagery she invokes, it cannot be bottled up; it is clear, beautiful, and seemingly endless. The love of Theotormon and consequently that of society at large is, in contrast, restricted. It spin[s] a web of age around him, grey and hoary! dark! (7.19). According to the OED, hoary indicates hairy growth with age. Blake thus presents the image of a man bound tightly by his misinterpreted and misdirected love, and growing old, grey, and bearded overtime. The web is constructed of age and this, along with the use of the word hoary and its temporal reference, implies that Theotormon is restricted by time as well. Perhaps what Blake is indicating here is that the restrictive force of societies conception of love has been built over
  • 11. Advantages Of Chinese Traditional Culture 2.1.Chinese Traditional Culture As for the Chinese traditional culture, it derived from the ancient China. China is a country enjoying over 5,000 years of history, which cultivated colourful culture of its population. Chinese Traditional culture means, in general, the culture that prevailed in China from the pre Qin Shi Huang (221 B.C.) days until the Opium War (1840). Regarding the causes of the Chinese traditional culture, the prevalent perception is that they had derived from a social system that can be traced back from the primitive clan society and went through the slave and feudal society of China . The features of the socio environment in which grew the Chinese traditional culture is categorised in an article as follows: clan system, ... Show more content on ... Zhongyuan Han nationality culture is constituted with Confucianism at its core, mixed first with Taoism and later with Buddhism . Confucianism provides guidance on the ethical principles of social and political life, while Taoism and Buddhism add both psychological and spiritual dimensions . These three doctrines have historically co existed in traditional Chinese culture and have been described as the one body of three doctrines (sanjiao yiti) or the three converged doctrines (sanjiao heliu). Culture Lingnan culture refers to the geographic culture originated from Lingnan areas, which covers the nowadays Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan and Northern part of Vietnam. It consists of three culture branches, Teochew Culture, Cantonese culture and Hakka culture. The study site city Guangzhou, along the Pearl River, is the central of Cantonese culture. For one thing, considering its appropriate geographic location (the Pear River Delta) and humidity subtropical climate, rice was cultivated as the main staple food with long history, and the rice was so important to Guangzhou people, they named their City hui (Rice ear) City. In the imperial era, inspired by the Han s clan system, similarly small peasant farming and autarkic economy was led by clan based kinships organization, Guo called it Clan based collectivism in Guangzhou. The Clan Zhanglaohui (clan elder authority) assigned foods and services to clan members, in this way kinship distribution system was established. Meanwhile, given to its topological situations, typical architecture buildings such as Xiguan Dawu and Qilou were fully reflect the Lingnan
  • 12. What Is The Private Island Experience Essay Ultimate private island experience Our handpicked list of first class private islands is guaranteed to give you the ultimate private island experience. Imagine living in an island with a handful of people selected by you. Immerse in the azure ocean surrounding your private island assuring you of a peaceful sanctuary. A slice of paradise equipped with luxury amenities and adorned with modern grandeur to make your dream a reality. Highly trained staff adhering to the mantra of your wish is my command , eager to please and pamper you round the clock. Every need, every desire, every whim of yours will be met with a smile. Delight your senses with the cuisine of your choice prepared by your personal chef. Imbibe in premium quality beverages. Reign as the king and queen of your exclusive Private Island while experiencing the most soothing and memorable holiday ... Show more content on ... Visit the Maldives to swim next to the largest fish on earth, the Whale Sharks. The mammoth size and attractive appearance of the Whale Sharks will keep you spell bound for a long time. Experience the buzz of diving close to Manta Rays, the largest from the Ray family, as they glide gracefully through water. Explore from a distance the mystical green sea turtles as they freely roam the ocean. Opportunities are endless in the Maldives for swimming beside ocean creatures in their natural environment. Club beside corals Take clubbing to a new level by partying in underwater. Be mesmerized by the stunning wealth of treasure buried underneath the Indian Ocean. Colourful corals and lively fish add to the magical tone of the underwater club. Sway to the music played by the resident Radio Jockey. Sip tasty and venerable cocktails. Relish the enticing food available in the underwater abode. Have the time of your life by dancing with the fishes; it is an experience that you will never forget. Adventure in to the
  • 13. Roxanne Jones s Article, Listen Children, Not Everyone Is... Trophies for Participation Roxanne Jones created an article called, Listen kids, not everyone is a winner . In this editorial, Jones began the topic of children getting trophies for doing well and participating in activities. She discussed that she does not support the idea of a child receiving awards for participation. Throughout the article, she made valid points toward her argument against giving children awards, in turn that made me agree with her. There are many reasons as to why children should not be given trophies for participation. The first reason why children should not be given trophies, is that they will not be ready for the harsh reality of the world. They will think everything will be handed to them if they just participate in an activity. In the future, they won t work hard enough to earn awards, because they will think they can get by with little effort. Their work in the future will lack quality and quantity, since their thinking has been corrupted in turn making them feel they can get praise without doing the required work thoroughly and exquisitely. James Harrison agrees with this message, as in the article he made a statement saying, I m sorry I m not sorry for believing that everything in ... Show more content on ... In life there is a competition happening for who gets what job, and your best won t be good enough. You have to fight in order to get praise and awards, otherwise it s just pointless when someone does a terrible job and yet still receives a trophy. You need to work above your best and go to your excellence to get what you want and not do the minimal work that is necessary in a project. Life is full of wins and losses, and if children aren t aware of this sooner in life, they aren t going to be prepared for reality. Jones acknowledges this in her article by saying, You learn that losing hurts even in T ball but it is an essential part of living a meaningful
  • 14. I Am A Person Who Is Impaired, Disturbed, Sensitive,... This question is on that has plagued many lost individuals for years and will continue to do so. I have racked my brain for ages trying to find my place among my peers. With much thinking, I have narrowed this topic down to five sub topics that I think define me almost perfectly. Who am I? I am a person who is fixer by nature, shy, sensitive, misunderstood, and smart. I am a fixer by nature because I tend to take on other people s emotions and problems. I try to fixthese people and their problems. For example, if I were to happen upon an abandoned woman who is sitting on the curb at the convenience store crying her eyes out uncontrollably, I would have to stop and ask numerous questions in an effort to console her. I don t know why I... Show more content on ... I also cry during the ASPCA commercials containing pictures and videos of abandoned, abused, emaciated, helpless, little animals. I know that I can be an enormous ball of self pity at times. How can I ditch these feelings of complete anguish? I can t! There is nothing I can possibly do but be me. Beneath the many layers of emotional turmoil, lies a happy, fun, and energetic being yearning to emerge from the darkest depths of deception. The inner workings of a deep seeded individual such as me can be perceived in several different ways. One may be disturbed, strange, odd, or often mistaken, but by all means, I am neither of these common misconceptions. My brain is quite complex when it comes to understanding crazy social scenes and large outlandish public gatherings. I truly dislike being surrounded by large unruly crowds of people because there is no place for a timid, scared, being to run away and hide. I feel as though I am the main attraction is some type of freak show or big top circus! I feel as if everyone is staring, pointing, and laughing at me when in all actuality no one ever noticed my meager existence. I don t know how to be a part of a group, team, or an outgoing member of a long lasting sisterhood. The crazy thing about this lonely situation is that I have always longed to
  • 15. Unix Comparison Matrix ComponentsBSDSystem VGNU Role of shell Main access to the UNIX operating system and as such any improvement to it can result in considerably more effective use of the system, increased speed, efficiency and file properties. C Shell This shell is good for interactive work and also added some features from other Operating shells. The Korn shell became part of System V but had one major problem; unlike the rest of the UNIX shells it wasn t free, you had to pay AT T for it. Bourne Shell It has a very strong powerful syntactical language built into it, with all the features that are commonly considered to produce structured programs; it has particularly strong provisions for controlling input and output and in its expression ... Show more content on ... Comments on performanceAs the hardware basis for such capabilities, an interactive graphics computer station SaberStation for short equips the application programmer with more than enough processing power for the job. Based on a National Semiconductor 32 bit chip set and running at 10 MHz under the BSD Unix operating system, the unit puts the performance of a VAX like minicomputer on an engineer s desk. Its architecture, which employs a floating point coprocessor and ultrafast, 32 bit wide DMA channels, executes 1.2 million instructions a second. Comments on programmabilityPrograms in this system can often, even typically, be written in a single line of code. Inexperienced users can be taught to write simple programs in a matter of minutes. Beginners often produce simple programs without effort within their first day using it. The elements of the Unix environment have been called software tools. A software tool is very much like a component, but a bit different. Throughout this piece, we ll refer to components as tools, but remember that you can almost always substitute component for tool. In Unix, the standard shell utilities are all tools. So is the shell. A tool takes a standard data format lines of textual input and produces output in the same format. No special code is needed to handle data types; everyone agrees on a simple format and does a small amount of translation.
  • 16. A Rhetorical Analysis Of Honda The appeal and policy of Honda advertisement We all need a vehicle at some point in our lives. The variety of cars makes it hard to choose one particular vehicle. The online Honda advertisement consists of images and text that delivered meanings and hidden messages to an audience looking to buy a car. The article is trying to convince an audience to buy such quality vehicles. The messages mainly aim for consumers, who need a basic and reliable car, for which applies to the majority of Americans especially teens. The article reads, no down payment necessary. By engaging of consumers wants in particular ways. The advertisement delivers information about Honda vehicles being better in quality, reliability, and affordability than most vehicles.... Show more content on ... The image attracts a reader attention without actually reading the actual text. The articles talk about several different models of Hondas, yet all models tend to have a picture drawn for them. The author wants to assure audience know the models name and the evolution of Honda. The narrator establishes ideas to keep in mind before buying a vehicle such as, look into financial risks and how to avoid debt. Also the actual text goes very well along the image. The text provides examples and support of the image, for the article talks about each model and what is equipped with. For instance, Honda civic lx 2013, Honda CVT and Honda accord. The models differentiate in size, mileage, engine specs and fuel efficiency etc. Also the amount of horsepower in certain models. Americans cars on a national scale possessed a great reputation when it comes to reliability and
  • 17. Reflection Of The Curriculum Portfolio How well does your portfolio reflect the course goals and requirements (as defined in the syllabus)? My portfolio is able to meet the course goals because it clearly describes my personal goals in both positions. They are both tailored to the position that I am applying for, in that they take words from the application in my short answer and cover letter specifically. I worked to make my online presence more professional with a fairly distinct change in my profile, that prior focused on my current job, that now looks forward to the positions that I hope to achieve. With my research of the audiences, I found two positions that I think will provide me with skills and experiences that will help me reach my future goals as well. The requirements according to the syllabus as to having a copyedited final version is met in this draft also, and the audience is kept in mind in all citations. This material has been submitted on time, and includes all required portions therefore meeting the remaining requirement for this paper. What choices did you make as you crafted your message to a variety of audiences? What decisions did you make about your writing in response to feedback from peers, your instructor, and your Real Reader? Choose 1 2 significant revisions to discuss in detail. In regard to the Curriculum Vitale, I chose to lump together my animal related experience and research experience into one category of experience, as suggested by my real reader. I also joined community
  • 18. The Yellow Wallpaper By Charlotte Perkins Gilman Essay I don t like to look out of the windows even there are so many of those creeping women, and they creep so fast. I wonder if they all come out of that wallpaper as I did? the woman behind the pattern was an image of herself. She has been the one stooping and creeping. The Yellow Wallpaper was written by Charlotte Perkins Gilman. In the story, three characters are introduced, Jane (the narrator), John, and Jennie. The Yellow Wallpaper is an ironic story that takes us inside the mind and emotions of a woman suffering a slow mental breakdown. The narrator begins to think that another woman is creeping around the room behind the wallpaper, attempting to break free , so she locks herself in the room and begins to tear down pieces of the wallpaper to rescue this trapped woman. To end the story, John unlocks the door and finds Jane almost possessed by the woman behind the wallpaper. Charlotte Perkins Gilman s feminist background gives a feminist standpoint in The Yellow Wallpaper because the narrator s husband, John acts superior to the narrator. One can pick out the connections between the author and the narrator in the story fairly easy if there is knowledge of Gilman s life. For example, the piece titled Why I Wrote The Yellow Wallpaper by Gilman, she states that she suffered from a severe and continuous nervous breakdown, similar to what the narrator went through in The Yellow Wallpaper. Also, she said her doctor concluded there was nothing wrong with her and
  • 19. In The Book Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’S Stone, J. K In the book Harry Potter and The Sorcerer s Stone, J. K Rowling tells the story of Harry Potter, a little boy with dark hair and round glasses who discovers on his eleventh birthday the shocking news that he is the orphaned son of two of the most powerful wizards in the magic world, and he himself is a wizard. He is s summoned to become a student in one of the finest schools in the wizarding world, Hogwarts, where he would learn how to become a respectable wizard. In this new journey as a wizard, Harry will discover a new family and make strong friendships that would help him discover the truth about his parents mysterious deaths. As he matures, he shows himself to be a loyal friend, a courageous boy, a caring person, and an excellent ... Show more content on ... However, that does not stop Harry from getting his letter. A big knock is heard from the door and a gigantic, hairy man stands in there and what follows is Harry getting a birthday cake and the desired letter. He learns he comes from a wizard family and that his parents did not die in a car accident. Harry furious asks the Dursleys if they knew all this time about what he was and Aunt Petunia in disgust responded that of course she knew, because her sister was one of them. I was the only one who saw her for what she really was a freak! (53) Then, he meets Hagrid, the first person belonging to the wizarding world. Hagrid being half human half giant is like a mentor/friend to Harry. He is the first person to give Harry a birthday gift; he introduces Harry to the rest of the wizarding world and provides Harry with all the information he needs. He takes care of Harry by offering him food or giving him advice. Harry feels for the first time that he is cared for. Then on his way to Hogwarts, he meets Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger who would teach him the meaning of friendship and loyalty. During his staying at Hogwarts, we discover new sides of Harry and how every adventure highlights one of his best traits. His courage. Because Harry lived with the Dursleys a good amount of time people would think Harry drummed all the morals and values out of him. However, Harry learned how to appreciate the little things the Dursleys would snatch
  • 20. The Back Bay Battery Simulation Back Bay Battery Simulation The Back Bay battery simulation presents the managers with a dilemma of choosing between an established, profitable product and a new innovative opportunity. The decision has to be taken through investments in R D and also make sales forecast for the coming year. Even though, the main aim of this exercise was to generate maximum profit but it actually is a way of analysing complex information and making decisions with the help of news flash updates about current trends amidst unstable market conditions. During the duration of eight years, a balance has to be established between a profitable stable product and an innovative product while keeping in mind the objective of generating maximum cumulative profit. The overall strategy undertaken by the team while investing in R D was to tackle two major issues: price and energy density which represented the desired features required by customers. In terms of Porter s analysis, cost leadership and product differentiation strategies were implemented by the team during the simulation, which resulted in the maximum profit of 278.59 million dollars. Cost leadership (Johnson et al., 2013, p194) strategy involves becoming the lowest cost organisation in a domain of activity. In this case, NiMH battery prices were reduced to remain competitive in the market considering the fact that NiMH batteries represented the Cash Cow of the company. A Cash Cow is a business unit within a portfolio that has a high market
  • 21. History Of The Silk Road Essay example The Silk Road, a series of passageways connecting China with the Mediterranean completely changed the world. These series of trade routes allowed the advancement of technology and cultural diversity like never seen before. These routes connected many different civilizations allowing the exchange of goods and ideas. This variety of nationalities made it a Cultural Bridge between Asia and Europe. Before these pathways were established trade was nearly impossible due to extreme desert conditions and high mountain tops. Many people died making the journey, even after the trade routes were established. So why make the trip? How did the Silk Road impact history? The Chinese were the first to produce silk from the silkworm. This was... Show more content on ... Like the Kushan people. The Kushan mixed Greek and Buddhist art. They also were the first people to have artwork that depicted Buddha in human form, with him resembling the Greek God Apollo. Religious beliefs were also exchanged. The most significant commodity carried along this route was not silk, but religion. Buddhism, one of China s largest religions was brought there from India via the Silk Road. This alone makes the Silk Road very significant because of the effect Buddhism has had on the world, especially China. Mingdi, a Han Emperor had a vision about Buddha and sent an official West to India. This official brought back two Buddhist Monks with him. From there Buddhism continually grew. The rise of Buddhism can be seen all along the Silk Road. With many different monasteries, statues, and artwork. Not only did the West have influences on China, China also had a huge influences on western civilizations. The Chinese had what is called the Chinese Four Great Inventions to offer the West. These are paper making, printing, gunpowder and the compass. It is easy to see how significant these were in history and the world s development. Many of these items were first discovered in China but revolutionized in the West. Let s first discuss paper. Paper was originally made from fishnet, bark and cloth. A paper factory was setup by the Arabs who captured some paper makers in a war between the Tang
  • 22. Endocrine System Vs Female Reproductive System Female Reproductive System 4.0 Having a child is one of the most dangerous things a woman can do. According to the Center for Disease Control, It is actually the sixth most common cause of death among women age 20 to 34 in the United States [1]. Also, with discomfort ranging from bladder pressure, back pain, hip pain, and of course the actual labor process, it is safe to say that the female reproductive system could use some improvements, including components in the muscular, skeletal, and endocrine systems. First of all, the skeletal system could be tweaked ever so slightly to make things work better. Starting with the width of the pelvis. Although a woman s pelvis is already considered wide, it is still very complicating... Show more content on ... The endocrine system is triggered by the fluctuation of estrogen and progesterone during premenstrual times. Estrogen already has effects on serotonin and endorphins, causing them to fluctuate, thus what is understood as mood swings during premenstrual time [3]. Instead of causing fluctuations, a steady amount of serotonin and endorphins would be released causing a very smooth mindset throughout premenstrual and menstrual times. Another hormone that would be released for a more elevated mood would be dopamine. The mechanism of the female reproductive system would not be much different than it is now. The only real differences would be the fact that females would now have the muscle blocking the cervix to allow them to release menstrual blood, or allow the entrance of sperm. The structural improvements would just aid in comfort during pregnancy, and the steady release of serotonin, dopamine and endorphins would allow for less mood swings when a woman suffers from premenstrual syndrome. All of these components would allow for a theoretically pleasant life for those who possess the female reproductive
  • 23. Analysis Of Marie De FranceBy Marie De France Marie de France begins her story by describing Bisclavret, her main character, as well as defining what a werewolf is: a ferocious beast which, when possessed by this madness, devours men, causes great damage and dwells in vast forests (de France, 68). She wants to relate the two by allowing the reader to decide what she means by the descriptions and why she would correlate them. De France does a little play and twists the monsters throughout her story. Being a werewolf, Bisclavret may start out as a monster without; and, at first, his wife seems to be so beautiful and innocent, but there lied a monster within her. Later in the story, Bisclavret is no more than a human being, and his wife s monstrousness shows from within and she transforms into a monster without. The themes gathered from this story are the relationship between love and suffering, justice, and the wife who may be at first likable, but then changes the way that monsters are viewed. In order to modify the stereotypes of what a monster is, de France made Bisclavret, a werewolf, the good guy, and his beautiful wife, an unforeseen bad guy. The wife in the story Bisclavret portrays a trustworthy, loving wife, until she reacts quite differently to him being honest with whom he really is. Her character is the very thing, which makes the reader reconsider the definition of a monster and the truth about monsters within. The relationship between Bisclavret and his wife seems to be a very good and healthy bond
  • 24. NT2670 Week2 Research 3 Essays NT2670 Email and Web Services Week 2 Research 3: Frank Bavone 2 10 15 The common gateway interface (CGI) is a standard way for a Web server to pass a Web user s request to an application program and to receive data back to forward to the user. It is part of the Web s Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). A disadvantage of a CGI application (or executable file, as it is sometimes called) is that each time it is run, it runs as a separate process with its own address space, resulting in extra instructions that have to be performed, especially if many instances of it are running on behalf of users The improper use of CGI scripts affords users a number of vulnerabilities in system security. ... Show more content on ... cript in the Web page at the server uses input received as the result of the user s request for the page to access data from a database and then builds or customizes the page on the fly before sending it to the requestor. ASP is a feature of the Microsoft Internet Information Server (IIS), but, since the server side script is just building a regular HTML page, it can be delivered to almost any browser. Any web pages containing ASP cannot be run by just simply opening the page in a web browser. The page must be requested through a web server that supports ASP, this is why ASP stands for Active Server Pages , no server, no active pages. Legacy has been replaced by ASP.NETASP.NET ASP.NET is an open source[2] server side Web application framework designed for Web development to produce dynamic Web pages. It was developed by Microsoft to allow programmers to build dynamic web sites, web applications and web services. It was first released in January 2002 with version 1.0 of the .NET Framework, and is the successor to Microsoft s Active Server Pages (ASP) technology. ASP.NET offers three frameworks for creating web applications: Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC, and ASP.NET Web Pages. All three frameworks are stable and mature, and you can create great web applications with any of
  • 25. Promote Americanism And Love Of Country Promote Americanism and Love of Country This is what I would do to promote americanism and love of country. I m going to be talking about how much I love to live in this amazing country and how proud I am to be an American. I m glad to be an american because there are so many nice people in America. And there are so many places you can go in America. The country I live in is awesome. I m also proud to be an american because I ll be safe because I know the people in the navy and other people will keep me safe. I love this country because there are so many places you can go. I love how there is so many things you can do in America like you can play sports, and I don t know what I would do if there wasn t any sports. And I hope people would
  • 26. Ways to Involve Parents Essay Ways to Involve Parents Parents may think volunteering to help in the classroom is the only way to be involved, well they are wrong. There are many ways parents can involve themselves in the school. Parents and family can be involved by reading to their children, checking homework, communicating with the teacher, and attending school functions; the list goes on and on. (NEA, 2003). No matter how parents contribute time towards their child s education, it will be important. Parental involvement is important because it makes a difference in children s lives. (NEA, 2003). This difference includes student achievement and success. How Parental Involvement Improves Student Achievement in School Involving parents in the education ... Show more content on ... (Dimmock O Donoghue, 1996). Research indicates that parents who are involved in their child s academic life have a profound effect on the child s ability to learn and help instill in them an appreciation for learning that can last a lifetime (Pape, 1999, p. 2). The National Education Association President, Bob Chase says, Family involvement in a child s academic life is critical. A balance must be struck between family, school, and community that allows a child to flourish, both in academics and as a person (Pape, 1999, p. 3). How Parental Involvement Improves Student Achievement in Life Parental involvement helps students improve in life as well. When parents get involved with their children, the children s self esteem rises and they focus more on life. This is because the students feel like they are loved when their parents participate. Boosting the self esteem of students can lead to a reduced number of runaways and suicides among older students. The main reason children runaway from home and commit suicide is because they feel left out or overwhelmed with life. Parental involvement can make these students feel like they belong and are wanted in their environment. The involvement of parents and family can also help students grow as people. They mature faster and act
  • 27. Disabled Care in Brunei Disabled care is categorised as people who are lack of abilities to function properly in their daily life for example physical disability, sensory disability, vision impairment or mental health problems. According to the United Nation, in 2012 there were 4,148 people or 1.06% of the total population consists of people with disabilityin Brunei(Mahmud, 2013). There are several non profit organisations established in Brunei with the purpose of providing specialised care for the disabled such as SMARTER, The Centre for children with special Needs (KACA) and Pusat Ihsan Al Ameerah Al Hajjah Maryam. ( I m Possible, n.d.). However several problems arose in public awareness and financial terms. Disable community faced a challenge of accessibility in Brunei. Therefore, certain care is needed to in order yo offer special education for the disabled, providing financial supports and advanced facilities for the disabled. One of the main steps can be taken to improve disable care in Brunei is by providing special education. Limited ability to function does not restrict people with disability to live life normally. Special education for has been increasing towards government bodies to provide ample supply of facilities for the disable. Schools and higher institutions have provided special learning centres cater to disable needs. University of Brunei Darussalam have introduced CDLearN (Diverse Learning Needs) for their disable students aims to provide students with adequate resource
  • 28. Michel Foucault s Panopticon Author Michel Foucault uses the Panopticon as a metaphor to define the relationship between the discipline and punishment system, and the concept of power knowledge. Discerning the population equates to power and knowledge. Power is gained by the information you acquire when keeping close tabs on people. The Panopticon uses a different method of discipline . Instead of torturing, using violence, and exhibiting power through this way, this new system forces the inmates inside the structure to behave because of the force it has over their mind. Since they do not know when or even if they are being overseen, the effect is them acting as if they are being supervised at all times. Any and all events are noted and through this observation, the ... Show more content on ... With keeping the convicts locked up in this Panopticon, intimidation isn t required to have him behave. Since each one has their own cell, there is no worry for anyone planning a group escape. The surveillance would keep them under control. There is not much one can do when alone and under constant supervision. Same goes for the students. Besides this method keeping unruly schoolchildren at bay, it also stops them from cheating off of one another. It shows which student is actually clever and dangerous. The Panopticon can be used in a way to have the children believe what isn t factual. Anyone can learn anything and none would be the wiser since that was the only thing they were taught. Regarding workers, this establishment would reveal who manages their time wisely and how much work they complete in however long. That way the manager would know how much to pay each one based on the job done. The Panopticon would also stop the risk of contagion between patients in hospitals. The central tower is built in such a way that people would never know if anyone was in there. No movement or light can be detected. So at any moment an inspector or boss can come in and watch the building, taking note of every detail, and doing as he pleases with the information he comes
  • 29. Addictive Carp Fishing Baits Sportsman s Paradise Online: Addictive Carp Fishing Bait .... You may think everything is known about carp and carp baits but even the most experienced and knowledgeable bait makers learn new things all the time. So if you are a ready made carp bait user do yourself a favour and consider the advice given here simply because it works! Sugars like fats are addictive to carp because energy is vital to basic survival so read on to exploit this to catch you more fish this year than ever before! Sugars are nothing new to carp; after all they use glucose to fuel their systems and activities for life and use insulin to regulate blood sugar levels like humans and this can be exploited! Plants too use sugars for many functions and very many forms ... Show more content on ... Minamino is a relatively little concentrated product because it needs to be palatable to humans. But with fish you can do many alternative things to boost it using naturally stimulating substances. You might even add a little of a different flavour such as CC Moore Belachan or CC Moore green lipped mussel flavour to it for instance boosted with some liquid Belachan or liquid mussel extract
  • 30. The Value Of Discipline And The Desire Of Wisdom Chapter eight expands the concepts in chapter one and introduces the value of discipline and the desire of wisdom. This is the second of Solomon s three poems. In these verses, wisdom is again personified as a woman and makes her proclamation, heard from far and wide, and does not wait for the audience to come to her. She represents herself as two nouns: Doth not wisdomcry? And understanding put forth her voice? (8:1). Understanding is another word for wisdom. For knowledgeand understanding go hand in hand . The next few verses set up the setting in which wisdom makes her speech: She crieth at the gates, at the entry of the city, at the coming in at the doors. Unto you, O men, I call; and my voice is to the sons of man (8:2 3). Waltke s commentary elaborates on the position of her speech and explains that she speaks on the highest points, to be visible and audible as possible . Wisdom stands by the way in the places of the path , in which connotes where the masses walk on their way to choosing their lifestyle. This represents the point at where they must decide to follow either wisdom or foolishness. Her location at the gates implies that she is around a place where a lot of people gather on a daily basis, persuading them to stay away from the wicked. Wisdom stands at the opening of the gates and Waltke expands on the idea that here decisions are made and people enter into new situations and even embark on new journeys. She proceeds to give insight and
  • 31. Impact Of Television On The Twentieth Century Entertainment in the twentieth century is everyone sitting down in front of the television to watch their favorite program. Whether it be a game show, cartoons, sports, or classics, everyone is together laughing and making comments about the show. However, little thought is given to the time before televisionor even its beginning. Television didn t just show up one day and magically change the way we live; it had its ups and downs. However, once television made its way into the world, it became one of the greatest technologies ever known to man. Although television began almost one hundred years ago, people all over the world take for granted what it is today. Starting in 1927, the television took its first steps into the world. Although its beginning was in the 1920 s, it took almost twenty years for the world to really begin to accept television. However, once television was accepted, it began to take off, evolving into what it is today. Most people soon forgot about listening to the radio, as television became the new standard for life. By the 1950s, it was the only thing people could think about. The 1940 s and 1950 s marked the era in which television really began to take hold in the Americans everyday life. The Golden Age of television was a period of intense growth and expansion of the television world. The arrival of television into the home brought families and communities together, building relationships in a new and different way. The
  • 32. Cultural Assimilation In America Immigration is a subject that drives our society today. Whether politicians are debating the issue of immigration or whether a family is immigrating to a new country or place, we cannot escape the idea of immigration. At times our judgment over immigration is clouded due to the fact that our society gives immigrants and immigrationa bad name. When one thinks of immigrants and immigration in our society we develop bad thoughts of the idea due to the stereotypes that our society has developed for us. However when we delve deeper into immigration and the challenges that new immigrants face we find that there is more to the issue than meets the eye. When immigrating to a new country or even a new area in your home country assimilation is a process... Show more content on ... Immigrates faced many challenges in America that made it difficult for them to achieve better advancements for themselves and families. There were many laws place to stop the flow of allowing immigrant in America, and making their lives hard if they already had started their lives here in the U.S. For example; the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 framed as Crackdown on illegal immigration (Brown, 2016). The first crackdown began during the Great depression. Raid were placed on Mexican neighborhoods which caused arrest and deportation on both foreign born and native born citizens (Brown, 2016). They granted amnesty to undocumented migrants who entered U.S before January 1, 1982. Also, the Welfare Reform Act of 1996 restricted legal immigrant access to certain types of welfare assistance. Which included, but not limited to food stamps, SSI benefits (Lecture, 2016). States may have offered Medicaid and TANF s benefits. Even though undocumented immigrants were restricted from receiving benefits from the government; if their children were U.S born they were able to receive the benefits. However, undocumented immigrants may have be denied certain benefits and services; if they needed medical and hospitalization care they could not be turned away. The act that supported care for anyone who entered the emergency room was the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active labor Act (1986). It stated
  • 33. Showing Love And Gratitude Goes A Long Way In Strengthening showing love and gratitude goes a long way in strengthening relationships and makes us better understands the sacrifices others make on our behalf. In those winter Sundays, Robert Hayden stated a lot with very few words. This was possible due to brilliant use of imagery, metaphor and sound. His striking words invokes thoughts in the mind of the reader of this dedicated father, up alone exposed to the harsh elements who works hard each day to make his family comfortable, however they don t value his acts of good will, nor did they give him any credit. In many cases we glance back at one point in our lives with lament. We feel that if just we had known then what we know now, we would have made different choices things would have been ... Show more content on ... Probably, parents weren t getting along with each other. Hayden himself could have ben contending with his mother or father. Imagery Those winter Sundays illustrates an inspirational picture in the mind of the reader. A dedicated father who works each day to make his family comfortable, however they don t value his acts of good will, nor did they give him any credit. Great use of imagery through out the poem really emphasized Hayden s message. Hayden recollects memory of this specific Sunday morning. Using the word too suggests that the father rises early consistently, regardless of what day it is. He dresses in the severe cold. His hands have cracks as a result of the cold weather and the grueling work that he does each day. Hayden s father lights the stoves and chimneys to warm the house up for his family. His striking words make me invoke thoughts in my mind of this persevering dad up alone wide open to the harsh elements. This was a great use of imagery. When he noted cracked hands that ached , this was used to indicate how hard working he was, as well as a symbol for all the agony and inconvenience he was willing to experience for his family. Hayden depicted sounds and in addition pictures in the same elucidating way when he wrote I awoke and heard the cold splintering, breaking. Possibly what Hayden heard was cracking noises that came from the fire or ice softening off of the windows. In any case, this decision of imagery is utilized to
  • 34. Native Americans And Native American Nations Introduction Native Americans have existed for thousands of years, developing a rich heritage that characterizes the value of the group. Today it is estimated that there are more than 2.5 million Native Americans living in the United States and this population is steadily growing. Although they account for only 1 percent of the total U.S. population, they have been described as including 50 percent of the diversity that exists in this country. This diversity among Native American nations is illustrated by 250 languages and more than 500 tribes. One of these tribes is called the Cherokee Indians and this research paper is going to deal with them. Cherokee were probably the most acculturated Indians in the nineteenth century. They were one of the first Indian groups to successfully transform their aboriginal landscape into a new cultural landscape that sometimes surpassed their white frontier neighbors. They had a lots of powerful traditions focusing on the tribe first, the clan second, and the family third in terms of importance and duty. The family was the centrality of the circle and the individual was traditionally simply not allowed to upset the order of the family. Traditional beliefs permit us to think that being Indians was obviously not about the blood that flew in their veins, but how they lived in a cultural and traditional way in respecting the sacredness of the American way of life. However, two hundred years ago, the Cherokee Indians were removed from their
  • 35. St. Paul Research Paper St. Paul wasn t always a holy man. He once was a man who persecuted Christians, but when he saw a vision of Jesus, his whole life turned around and made him one of the key contributors to the success of the Church. St. Paul represented the four marks of the church every day of his life after his sudden conversion. The main teachings he lived by, which are the four marks of the Church, were one, holy, catholic, and apostolic. As he followed these morals, he spread them all over the world. His preaching is one of the main reasons the Church thrives today and has so many members. He set an example for new Christians to act as he traveled the world. Paul represented one which is the first mark of the Church by trying to unify the world as best he could with Christianity. He would take journeys to many different countries and cities to try and convert them. One of the reasons the Church has so many members today is because of St. Paul and his missions. St. Paul showed one also by the work of charity. Charity or love binds the Church into one people. He showed charity by going to some of the worst cities to try and clean them up as best he could and turn them into the direction of the Lord. For example, the city called Corinth was... Show more content on ... Paul lived out holy by being a model of holiness every day o is life after converting. People from all over would try and be just like him, just like people had for Jesus Christ. Also, since holy is a paradox of the Church, St. Paul did the best he could keeping this mark as pure as possible. The reason it is a paradox is because as God wants the members of the Church to be holy, they are usually not. People of the Church are sometimes racist, sexist, prejudice, and anti semitic which is the opposite of what God wants us to do. St. Paul s teachings told people that we are brothers and sisters of Jesus, so we should all love each other and destroy all the hate shown towards one
  • 36. The Underworld Research Paper The ancient Hebrew s divided the world into Heaven, Earth, Sea, and the Underworld. They viewed the sky as vault resting on the foundation.We have learned over the centuries through scientific study that the sky is relly region of the atmosphere and outer space seen from the earth. They also thought that the mountain were perhaps windows that let in the rain, but it really is a large natural elevation of the earths surface rising abruptly from the surrounding level. They thought that goddwelt hidden in the clouds. They viewed the world as a dis floating on the waters, the earth was the only known domain any things beyonded was consider unknowable. The Underworld was named Shelo. The Underworld was described as a dusty prison which no one... Show more content on ... It was large and strong, with its top touching the heavens, and it could be seen from the ends of the earth. This was allegedly an inspired dream, yet it conveys a flat earth concept, because no matter how tall a tree would be, people on the other side of a spherical earth could not see it. The Hebrews were inspired by nothing more than their political and religious motivations. Thus, being ignorant of scientific facts, they thought the earth was flat, that sick people were possessed by demons, and that essentially everything was caused by either gods or demons. Unfortunately, many people are still just as ignorant. In the beginning of the Ugandan creation story there was only the highest god kabzaya Mpungu. He created the earth, the sky, and two human beings. He put the two humans on earth, but they did not have mutima which is another word for heart. The gods and goddess names were the sun, moon, darkest, and rain. kabzaya Mpungu told his four sons that he would leave and give the humans a mutima in his place. This was one of the most interesting myths out of the bunch, due to the fact that it was very different from any other myth. The Greek creation story was the most surprising to
  • 37. My Sassy Girl As A Hero s Journey The Hero s Journey is an observation of the hero archetype in literature, as well as a story template and idea. John Campbell s The Hero with a Thousand Faces details each step a hero may pass through during his adventure. The book contains detailed descriptions of each of the twenty one steps. Although, these can be summarized into five basic steps: Call to Adventure, Refusal of the Call, Crossing the Threshold /Passage into the Realm, The Road of Trials, and Return to the World of the Common Day. The Heros Journey archetype is represented heavily in popular culture. My Sassy Girl, directed by Kwak Jae yong, details the relationship between a young male engineering student with an effeminate upbringing, and an authoritative and brazen... Show more content on ... The Girl throws up and passes out on the train due to excess alcohol consumption. This is where Gyeon woo s journey begins. His call to adventure is the choice to either help or not help The Girl. He initially dumps her at the subway but he turns around, picks her up, and takes her to a motel. These are the steps Refusal of the Call and Passage into the Realm respectively. The majority of the film takes place during The Road of Trials step. This is the step that Gyeon woo articulates his journeys goal besides finding love. He is continually surprised at The Girl s beauty, brazenness and lack of respect for him. Even more odd, The Girl forces Gyeon woo on a sequence of bizarre dates despite her flippant nature. After one of these dates again ends in Gyeon woo carrying her back to the motel, he vows to, ...heal her sorrow . He overcomes this challenge by being supplicant to The Girl s every whim. While not immediately apparent at the onset, the girl is sad and drunk at the beginning of the movie because her boyfriend, who is the cousin of Gyeon woo, had died one year previously. Gyeon woo s presence, which reminds her of him, allows her to forget her boyfriend s death. His refusal to quit after suffering abuse at her hands emotionally overwhelms her and they separate while making
  • 38. Cause And Effect Of The Triangle Fire Cause and Effect During the 18th century, England and the Americas were mostly agricultural based societies. The majority of people lived in rural communities, worked at home, and used basic tools or handmade machinery in order to make a living for their family. Soon, the innovation in the textile and iron industries created a shift towards the Industrial Revolution, and many people began to migrate to more urban areas in order to work in factories. Although the revolution was faced with many problems, such as grim employment and living conditions for the poor and working classes, industrial growth helped the economy as there was a boom in manufactured goods at lowered costs. The United States, during this time, was rapidly expanding, and industry was growing by leaps and bounds. In New York City, the garment industry flourished which led to the immigration boom as people, mainly from Europe, immigrated to America for a better life and for better economic opportunities. The Triangle Fire, by Jo Ann E. Argersinger is set during the time of the Progressive era in America and details a turning point in American history. Culturally, many immigrants began to embrace American lifestyle; although, they still had strong ties to their own traditions which caused the concept of the melting pot. Historically, many key events contributed to, and influenced future cultural and societal changes. Philosophically, in the United States, the terrible working and living conditions of
  • 39. The Brain Drain and Revolution in the Late 19th and Early... Introduction By the end of the 19th century, Chinese officials were beginning to realize that their country s educational infrastructure was becoming increasingly anachronistic. Traditional education largely ignored technology considered it low class, even and students instead focused on cultivating a sense of moral righteousness. Yet, the Confucian centered examination system was beginning to prove ineffective in a world where modern militaries predominated in international relations. China learned this painful lesson during a succession of lost wars, eventually entering a long period of introspection, quite notably, by first looking outward. Foreign education systems were of particular interest to this nation in transition. Foreign ... Show more content on ... In fact, the late Qing Empire s encounter with Western civilization was necessarily heralded by guns, warships, and other new instruments of Western military might. The narrative of China s dynastic glory was replaced with a newer, less flattering image of China as the sick man of Asia (Holcombe 193). Fears of the encroaching imperial powers were only heightened after China lost in the 1865 60 Opium War, as were fears of increasing internal disorder, as evinced by the 1851 64 Taiping Rebellion (Bary 661; Rhoads 1 2). China would later suffer yet another humiliating defeat in the Sino Japanese War of 1894 5, but they first instituted a series of reforms in an attempt to curtail foreign dominance, particularly in the military sphere. China thus entered a period of so called self strengthening, a government led restoration that spanned the years between 1961 and 1895. This movement was largely a response to these early military defeats and the nation s perceived sense of inferiority (Rhoads 1 2; Holcombe 201). In a phrase, the goal of self strengthening projects and the larger Tongzhi Restoration (1862 74) was to emulate the Western countries and master their technical skills (Holcombe 201; Rhoads 9). In order to do this, China first had to open its borders to Western influence; the late Qing first allowed
  • 40. Death In Shakespeare s Romeo And Juliet 1.Shakespeare uses the image of the death in this particular scene to foreshadow the predicted death of Romeo and Juliet. Hadst thou no poison mixed.No sharp ground knife this quotation illustrates that Romeo and Juliet die from Poison and a knife, which we know as a audience from the prologue. The use of dramatic irony makes the audience feel involved with the story and makes us react more emotionally, as we can t aid the characters. In addition, the use of the element of religion emphasizes Romeo s overwhelming love for Juliet. As he says Heaven is here inferring that Romeo considers heaven as a place where Juliet lives.In reference to this scene, its shows how Romeo is heartbroken to find out that he is banished and is required to stay... Show more content on ... Shakespeare uses light references to present their passionate love towards each other such as o she doth the torches to burn brighter which infers that Juliet s beauty outshines the torches that light the party. As on the other hand, Shakespeare uses images of darkness to symbolizes the negative aspects of their love. The use of dark image reminds the audience that it is a doomed relationship because they are star crossed lovers . Furthermore, because their relationship is kept as a secret, they can only be together when night s cloak to hide . Even though, a dark setting portrays the romance but also implies that their relationship must stay hidden as their union is heavily forbidden. There is a constant conflict between light and dark images.But Romeo and Juliet s conversations are also full of images of angels,saints and gods My lips, two blushing pilgrims,ready stand . These images could show that their love is pure and innocent and approved by god. However, it can also emphasize their powerful love, as they don t only love each other, but also worships each other. For a Shakespearean audience this could be seen as dangerous and sinful as you weren t supposed to worship anyone except
  • 41. Marginal Revenue Running Head: MARGINAL COST1 MARGINAL COST 4 Marginal Cost and Marginal Revenue Jacqueline C. Tuncap American Military University ECON 600: Managerial Economics September 16, 2016 As vice president of sales for a rapidly growing company, you are grappling with the question of expanding the size of your direct sales force (from its current level of 60?national salespeople). You are considering hiring from 5 to 10 additional personnel. How would you estimate the additional dollar cost of each additional salesperson? For this scenario, the company is looking to grow themselves by adding more sales personnel to the force. They would like to expand from sixty sales person to seventy seventy five total sales personnel. The addition of 10 to 15 employees. It?s recommended to consider marginal cost when doing this. Marginal cost will be used to measure the additional cost of one or more personnel. For this example, you ... Show more content on ... Net revenue based on the past sales experiences of the additional salesperson is estimated by the marginal revenue. The marginal revenue is considered to be the additional revenue generated from hiring the additional salesperson. To get the marginal revenue, the total revenue is differentiated to get the marginal revenue function. Marginal revenue is the additional revenue generated from increasing products. In order to get the revenue, we consider the variables which affect the sales revenue such as the size of the sales force, changes in the income and changes in price. (Drury, 2013). How would you use these cost and revenue estimates to determine whether a sales force increase (or possibly a decrease) is
  • 42. Personal Narrative Of Failure rang throughout my body, and thoughts of failure creeped their way into my mind. Then when the ball finally found its way out of bounds, and I subbed in those thoughts faded away. As soon as my feet land within the the field of play I was in the thick of the action. I was running so extensively that I had to remind myself to breath. Running to defend then transitioning to offense my legs began to burn, undoubtedly from them not being active the last three games, but the moment I touch the ball the pain went away instantly and instinct kicked in. Passing was the name of the game from one to the other, but knowing time was running at we tried to force it. This didn t work because the ball kept exchanging from team to team within seconds. Finally our coach got fed up and screamed, All out attack! So we all went up to the opposing team s side, Souhegan our biggest rival, in efforts to get the goal. The clock read a two minutes, so as a team we decided to take a step back gather our heads, and do what we excel at passing. As we did this the you good see a play starting to develop like a cook would see his recipe becoming a dish. We were all playing off each other in perfect unison doing the simple thing right every time, and we knew something was bound to happen in our favor. As minutes turned into seconds we found ourselves in the other teams... Show more content on ... We all ran to the sidelines and embraced, and enjoyed the moment with the others and the coach. These are the moments I ll never forget without a doubt far and away my best experience in the game of soccer, and one of my best in sports. It was definitely one of the highlights of my freshman year being able to put away are long time rivals, and helping our team into the playoffs. That moment was incredible when the dust lifted and the emotions settle in I ll truly remember it as my summer day becoming
  • 43. Paragonimus Worm The common name of the Paragonimus Westermani is called the lung fluke. The Paragonimus worm tends to look like a coffee bean. It is short and thick, looking like a reddish brown color. Their oral and ventral suckers are visible, they have scale like spine that are evenly spaced out. The eggs from the worm are laid from a human s lungs through the motion of the microvilli. They are then put in the gastrointestinal tract and out the body. If a human was to ever eat something raw of any sort it then the forming cyst or larva that was in that animal creature migrates into the human s stomach. The cyst later goes through the intestines, diaphragm, lungs, etc. and becomes an adult. The male and female lung worms reproduce more and the cycle starts
  • 44. Exit Through The Gift Shop Analysis The documentary Exit through the Gift Shop was very interesting to me because it talks about the birth of street art and how it ended. It speaks about street art and a potential documentary that was supposed to made about street art. I have seen street art and graffiti and since then I can remember I never really understood why people did it or even considered it as a piece of art. After seeing the documentary I have a new perspective for it and a better understanding why it is art and why street artists do it. In this essay I will be talking about different scenes in the filmand my reaction towards them. Furthermore, there were several scenes in the documentary were I had a reaction to it. My reaction to when I heard that Terry was going to make a documentary on the world of street art by meeting different street artists. I thought that it was cool to finally learn about street art. My whole life I have wondered what it is that on the walls of buildings, why people did it, what inspires them to do it and how it began. However, in my opinion the documentary never got made the way it was meant to be.... Show more content on ... When he finished it I was disappointed by the fact that the film did not look like a regular film. It was supposed to be a documentary about street art, as I watched it looked like someone was flipping through channels, like Banksy had stated. In my opinion I believe that Terry wasn t a filmmaker, like he told everyone. I think he used his camera to get to street artists by promising them a film, to get ideas for his own street art. Banksy wanted to do the film himself so he gave Terry an assignment to focus on his
  • 45. American Museum Of Natural History Essay The Hidden History of the American Museum of Natural History One of the world s greatest repositories for human knowledge regarding the natural sciences, the venerable American Museum of Natural History has been one of New York City s premier cultural institutions since 1869. Since its establishment almost 150 years ago, the museum has come a long way towards advancing knowledge about natural history and science in the United States not to mention serving as one of the best field trip destinations for school students! Despite its fame, few people know it s fascinating history. With the museum set to undergo a multimillion dollar renovation and expansion in anticipation of its 150th birthday, there s never been a better time to explore the hidden ... Show more content on ... The museum s new building, designed by architect J. Wrey Mould, opened in 1877 in the fashionable Victorian Gothic style. The museum added many new additions over the years, including a grand Beaux Arts entrance facing Central Park West in 1936. A new master plan was created for the library in the 1990s and a new library added in 1992. In anticipation of its 150th birthday, the museum has undertaken even more new expansions and renovations in recent years, with plans for the new expansions called the Richard Gelder Center for Science, Education and Innovation being revealed in late 2015. As a testament to the museum s cultural, educational and historical importance, the museum was designated as an official New York City Landmark in 1967 and later added to the U.S. National Register of Historic Places in 1976. For nearly 150 years, the American Museum of Natural History has helped to enlighten New Yorkers and visitors alike about the natural sciences. With its 150th anniversary approaching and new expansion and renovation plans in the works, the museum s next chapter may be its most important
  • 46. 8th Habit Summary Concentrated Knowledgeв„ў for the Busy Executive Vol. 27, No. 9 (3 parts), Part 1, September 2005 Order # 27 21 FILE: LEADERSHIP В® From Effectiveness to Greatness THE 8TH HABIT THE SUMMARY IN BRIEF For individuals and organizations, effectiveness is no longer merely an option survival requires it. But to thrive, excel and lead in the Knowledge Worker Age, we must move beyond effectiveness to greatness, which includes fulfillment, passionate execution and significant contribution. Accessing a higher level of human genius and motivation requires a sea change in thinking: a new mind set and skill set in short, an additional habit to those featured in The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. The crucial challenge is to... Show more content on ... He then spent two years setting up a formal, independent bank to do just that. On Oct. 2, 1983, Grameen Bank was created. Grameen Bank now works in more than 46,000 villages in Bangladesh, has 1,267 branches and more than 12,000 staff members, and has lent more than $4.5 billion, in loans of $12 to $15. A housing loan is $300. At the heart of this empowerment are individuals who chose to become selfreliant, independent entrepreneurs producing goods out of their own homes or neighborhoods to become economically viable and successful. They found their voices. The carrot and stick motivational philosophy; and Centralized budgeting, which creates hierarchies and bureaucracies to drive getting the numbers a reactive process that produces kiss up cultures bent on spending so we won t lose it next year. As people consent to be controlled like things, their passivity only fuels leaders urge to direct and manage. There s a simple connection between the controlling, Industrial Age, thing paradigm that dominates today s workplace and the inability of managers and organizations to inspire people s best contributions in the Knowledge Worker Age: People choose how much of themselves to give to their work, depending on how they re treated. Their
  • 47. Essay Dehumanization in All Quiet on the Western Front Dehumanization in Erich Maria Remarque s All Quiet on the Western Front Winston Churchill always said, You ask: what is our aim? I can answer in one word: It is victory, victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory, no matter how long and hard the world may be; for without victory, there is no survival. In Erich Maria Remarques All Quiet on the Western Front, victory is seen as the only option. The soldiers in the novel do whatever it takes like acting before thinking or ignoring any possible consequences in order to emerge victorious. Paul and his comrades are exposed constantly to violence, jumpstarting a dehumanizing process that forces them to rely on animal instinct. This necessary instinct is the only thing... Show more content on ... A good example of this is when Paul is frozen after looking into the enemy s eyes during the first bombardment, but he quickly gets over this to move on and save himself. T. S. Matthews in his article Bad News states, They have had to become soldiers, and they are nothing else. They believe in the present moment; it is not enough, but it is all they can be sure of (2). Matthews goes on to say, But what keeps them going in man s machine made hell is the bodily presence of the friends around them (2). On the contrary, dehumanization is the key to survival. Throughout the novel, Paul loses close friends of his and each time he does he finds the strength to keep on fighting. He may not always want to, but he keeps moving forward in his dehumanized state towards the end. Dehumanization not only affects the soldier physically but internally as well, both on and off the front. Being affected internally by dehumanization means that these soldiers are stripped of their emotions, have a changed their point of view on war, or are given a different mindset. When Paul and others go to visit Kemmerich, a former classmate whose leg was recently amputated, they can tell he is on the brink of death. Instead of being concerned, Paul s classmate Muller is insensitive and is only concerned about his boots. Muller has been so dehumanized that all he can bring himself to think about is Kemmerich s boots, and receiving them after his death. Later in the novel, Kat points out
  • 48. Realm-Personal Narrative I made my last spin, and stopped in relief. I didn t mess up! Everything went perfectly! I was completely exhausted, and was worried that the audience would hear me breathing as hard as a car exhaust. A few seconds of terrifying silence had passed. Those seconds seemed like hours. And suddenly, the gymnasium thundered with applauds! After enjoying all those cheerful faces in front of me, I bowed, and went to the changing room that was behind the stage. But when I started changing to my normal clothes, my face clouded over. I remembered about the broken fan, and I burst in tears. Forgetting about all that joyful mood that I had just a second ago, I broke through the doorway of the change room, and raced through the crowd, tears dripping down from my face. I knew who exactly I needed to find. Jeff! I screamed in anger, seeing him in the crowd. It didn t bother me that I was pushing all those people in my way, all what... Show more content on ... Who else would have done such a thing? I decided to go and ask Alison if she had seen anything. But it didn t take me long. The moment I was about to start searching for her, she bumped right into me from the crowd. She looked very upset. Hey, Alison, I wond I was just about to ask her if she saw anybody, but she stopped me in the middle of the sentence. Wait, I ll talk first, Alison said, looking more and more worried. Ok, go on then. I replied, interested to hear the important news that Alison wanted to tell me. Alison looked at the floor, and hesitated for a second. I didn t want to get anybody in trouble, but I had to tell you, because you were so upset about your ripped fan... Alison paused again. I saw Michael sneaking into the change room right after our teacher put your costume there. A few minutes later, I saw him slip out quietly, so I went to check if everything was okay with your costume. But when I went inside, I was horrified to find your beautiful peacock fan ripped
  • 49. Analysis Of Morrison s The Environment The environment that Morrison uses to set up her character s actions becomes a site of contention because it evokes serious ontological questions for the reader, particularly as it relates to Pecola s position in her community. As a pariah, she operates both at the margins and the center of her community. The sheer horror evoked by her presence in the community forces people to regard her as absent. The community s regarding Pecola as invisibly present is a defense mechanism that shields it from the lure of decadence that Pecola and her family represent. As a result, the people who glamorize and prolong her shame also allow her to sink into madness. By default, they are themselves condemned. Claudia, the narrator in the novel, recounts, We are wrong, of course, but it doesn t matter. It s too late. At least on the edge of my town, among the garbage and the sunflowers of my town, it s much, much, much too late The other major players in the novel are Frieda, Claudia s older sister; Pecola s immediate family: Cholly, the father; Pauline, the mother, and Sammy, her brother. Claudia and her sister establish a relationship with Pecola when their home becomes her temporary refuge due to her father s burning the front part of their house. The sisters cannot help but to acknowledge Pecola s differences. First, Pecola is seen as both a woman and a girl because she menstruates at a young age. This radically alters her status in the minds of the girls her age (231). Plus,
  • 50. The Women s Suffrage Movement Essay We hold these truths to be self evident: That all men and women are created equal. In the 19th century, the state of freedom of women in the United States was limited and contained a non egalitarian relationship between men and women. Due to the effect of the Seneca Falls Convention, led to a time of change and reform known as the Women s Suffrage Movement. In the United States Civil War, women of the Union and Confederacy played an essential role with new responsibilities contributing assistance to men fighting in the war. During the wartime, feminists presented their political capabilities and contributions in the significance of the nation. Since women played an active role throughout the wartime, Northern women s rights movement seek for recognition and deliberated a reasonable compensation for the right to vote. Abolitionists rejected the idea of women s suffrage and bind with Republicans to pursue the campaign of African American men suffrage. By the ratification of the fourteenth and fifteenth amendment, women were denied the vote in federal elections. In 1848, Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony extracted from the Equal Rights Association and unified a secret meeting of their followers to form the National Women Suffrage Association (NWSA). July of 1848 Seneca Falls Convention included a two day meeting initiating the struggle for women s equality and motivating a group of women to demand justice and rights of citizenship. On the first day of the
  • 51. My Favorite Gemstone I would have to say my favorite Gemstone is the Opal. I have always loved Gemstones and when I was about twelve years old I remember looking through a birthstone chart in a magazine and seeing that my birthday stone was an Opal. I told my grandmother that I wanted a birthstone necklace for my birthday, but I didn t want the plain old white one, I want the beautiful ruby one in the picture, after all red is my favorite color and I loved how pretty it sparkled even in the picture. My grandmother said if I wanted a birthstone necklace that she would get me my actual birthstone which is Opal, and that I should be proud of that stone because it was special to me because it s the special stone for a special month. I had no idea what she was... Show more content on ... I also discovered when learning more about the Opal that it s not actually a mineral like I previously thought. It is actually classified as a mineraloid and the different stones are usually contain 6% 10% water, and 97% of all Opals com from Australia. I found that there is a myth that was in a novel written by Sir Walter Scott, that claimed Opals were a stone of bad luck, which is completely false. Quite the opposite in fact, Opals are a luck bringing stone. They are not just the birthstone of October, Opal is also the traditional 14th wedding anniversary gift, and is said to be represent the God Cupid. This makes perfect sense since a wedding anniversary represents a couples union and love, and Cupid unites couples and is the Roman God of love. Opals are said to contain the energy of all the elements and can be used in almost all magickal workings. It amplifies the anything that it s used with and can amplify the energy of the person who wears this stone during magickal workings. Opals have both projective and receptive energies. Upon further research the Opal is also used to recall past lives. This is a favored stone for opening the third eye and a lot of people wear Opal jewelery to help facilitate this. Fire Opals are said
  • 52. Chapter Notes On The Summer Village Chapter 1: Mission to the Summer Village Neji, Tenten, Shino, you three must head to the Land of Summer. There seems to be trouble and we must put an end to any disturbance that could lead to danger. Tsunade, the fifth Hokage said. Neji, you will be team leader. Yes, my lady. Neji said politely. This mission was sent to us by the Hikage, the Sun Shadow, greet him as if he were any other kage. Does the Sun even have a shadow? Tenten asked. The three headed out, swiftly moving through the forest as smoothly as the fish glide through rivers. What is the Land of Summer anyways? Isn t summer just a season? Tenten questioned. I m not sure, I suppose we ll find out. Neji answered. I hear it is the land where the sun shines brightly everyday. Shino added. Wow! Wouldn t that be beautiful! Tenten exclaimed. The three continued their journey across the land, eventually crossing the border from the Land of Fire to the Land of Earth. Noticing the beautiful scenario as they ventured out into the new land. As they scoured this strange area, they began to speed up their pace. They were having second thoughts about this land and wished to bypass the forest quickly. It was strange however, for they had always moved through forests with no sign of fear, or any kind of suspicion. However, this time they felt different, as though all the Land of Earth civilians had peered into their souls. Nonetheless, the journey must continue, and the three held back their
  • 53. The Identity of a Professional Counselor There are numerous factors that contribute to the development of a counselor s professional identity. The identity of a professional counselor may present numerous differences based on the specialization of counseling, as well as, overall identity factors that remain the same across the entire counseling spectrum. The paper examines key philosophies of the counseling professionwhich include: wellness, resilience, and prevention and how these philosophies impact the counseling profession. Next it will discuss the characteristics of an effective professional counselor in two different professional roles and two professional counseling associations. Further, it will look at state licensure and certification requirements and professional development. Lastly, focus will be put on the rise of technology in the modern society and how it plays a role in the counseling profession. Multiple philosophies that have been developed in the counseling profession are based on wellness, resilience, and prevention. The root of wellness dates back 2,000 years, where Aristotle, was perhaps, the first person to write about wellness (Myers and Sweeney, 2008). Two wellness models, with enough empirical evidence to be reviewed, are The Wheel of Wellness: A Theoretical Model and The Indivisible Self: An Evidence Based Model of Wellness. The original wellness models were based in the realm of physical health science and eventually was developed into a model based in counseling (Myers and Sweeney,
  • 54. Caryl Churchill Analysis Whatever you do your point of view is going to show somewhere. It usually only gets noticed and called political if it s against the status quo. Caryl Churchill Caryl Churchill, born in London in 1938, is heralded not only as one of the greatest female contemporary playwrights, but often as the best playwright of our time. Mary Luckhurst describes Churchill s prolific bibliography as prodigious as Churchill created thirty four productions in a career that has spanned over forty years. In terms of the content of her work, Luckhurst terms it as experimental, presenting challenging themes which often contain disturbing social political context and compel the audience to engage and contend with the performance. Churchill grew up in England during WWII, and went on to study at Oxford, where she had the means to produce her own material. At age 22 she was already rebelling against established theatre codes, challenging the status quo with statements such as Playwrights don t give answers, they ask questions (Luckhurst, 2015). It is obvious this manifesto influenced many of her most highly regarded pieces, and inspired her to change the cultural and political landscape of London theatre. By bringing questions about sexuality and identity to the forefront of staged productions, Churchill changed the way playwrights wrote for the stage. Her successes changed history, making a future possible for the female playwrights who followed her. According to Richards, Luckhurst