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Software Architecture & Design
 Architecture
 From n-Tier to SOA
 From SOAP to REST
 Technical Debt
 Design
 From SQL to ORM, NoSQL and ODM
 From RAD to MVC
 SOLID principles
 Domain Driven Design (DDD)
Applying patterns on Delphi code using mORMot
Software Architecture & Design
From n-Tier to SOA
From n-Tier to SOA
 Multi-tier architecture
 Logical and Physical Views
 Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)
 mORMot practicing
From n-Tier to SOA
Multi-tier architecture
From n-Tier to SOA
… a piece of cake?
Multi-tier architecture
From n-Tier to SOA
… a piece of cake?
Presentation Tier
Application Tier
Business Logic Tier
Data Tier
Multi-tier architecture
 Often referred to as n-tier architecture
 Client–server architecture in which:
 Presentation
 Application processing
 Data management
are logically separated processes
 Most widespread use of multi-tier architecture
is the 3-tier architecture
From n-Tier to SOA
Two-tier architecture
From n-Tier to SOA
 VCL/FMX/IW app
 SQL Database
Two-tier architecture
From n-Tier to SOA
 VCL/FMX/IW app
 SQL Database
Application Tier
Data Tier
Three-tier architecture
From n-Tier to SOA
Presentation Tier
Logic Tier
Data Tier
Four-tier architecture
From n-Tier to SOA
Presentation Tier
Application Tier
Business Logic Tier
Data Tier
Logical and Physical Views
 Most of the time, n-Tier is intended
to be a physical (hardware) view
 e.g. separation between the database server
and the application server
 placing any tier on a separate machine
to facilitate ease of maintenance
From n-Tier to SOA
Logical and Physical Views
 In SOA, we deal with logical layout
 Separation of layers through logic interfaces
 Underlying hardware implementation may,
but will usually not, match the logical layout
From n-Tier to SOA
Logical and Physical Views
From n-Tier to SOA
Logical and Physical Views
From n-Tier to SOA
 Web Client
 Web Server
 SQL Database
Logical and Physical Views
From n-Tier to SOA
 Web Client
 Web Server
 Embedded SQLite3 Database
Logical and Physical Views
From n-Tier to SOA
 Web app
Client & Server
 SQL Database
Application Tier
Data Tier
Logical and Physical Views
From n-Tier to SOA
 Web app
Client & Server
 SQL Database
 With stored procedures
Application Tier
Data Tier
Logical and Physical Views
From n-Tier to SOA
Presentation Tier
Application Tier
Business Logic Tier
Data Tier
Client 1 (Delphi) Client 2 (AJAX)
Application Server
DB Server
Presentation Tier
Application Tier
Presentation Tier
Business Logic Tier
Data Tier
Service-Oriented Architecture
 Definition:
Is a flexible set of design principles
used during the phases of
systems development and integration
 Goal:
Package functionality as a suite of
inter-operable services
that can be used within multiple, separate systems
from several business domains
From n-Tier to SOA
Service-Oriented Architecture
 The SOA implementations rely
on a mesh of uncoupled software services
 Software Service:
 A consumer asks a producer
to act in order to produce a result
 Invocation is free from previous invocation
(stateless), to minimize resource consumption
From n-Tier to SOA
Service-Oriented Architecture
 The SOA implementations rely
on a mesh of uncoupled software services
 Those Services comprise
 unassociated, loosely coupled
units of functionality
(each service implements one action)
 that have no direct call to each other
(via protocols, catalogs over a bus)
From n-Tier to SOA
Service-Oriented Architecture
From n-Tier to SOA
Consumers Service Bus Publishers
Client A Publisher 1
Publisher 2Client B
Publisher 3Client C
Service 1
Service 2
Service 3
 The SOA implementations rely
on a mesh of uncoupled software services
Service-Oriented Architecture
 The SOA implementations rely
on a mesh of uncoupled software services
 Service composition
 Logical multi-tier orchestration (transactional)
 A higher level service invokes several services
 Works as a self-contained, stateless service
 Lower-level services can still be stateless
 E.g. application services over business services
From n-Tier to SOA
Service-Oriented Architecture
From n-Tier to SOA
 The SOA implementations rely
on a mesh of uncoupled software services
 Service composition
Consumers Application Service Bus Application Publishers
Business Service Bus Business Publishers
Client A
Publisher 1
Publisher 2
Publisher 3
Service 1
Service 2
Service 3
Service-Oriented Architecture
 The SOA implementations rely
on a mesh of uncoupled software services
 Micro Services
 SOLID principles meet SOA
 Favor stateless calls
 Enhance scaling abilities
 Expects services discovery
From n-Tier to SOA
Service-Oriented Architecture
 SOA is mainly about decoupling
 It enables implementation independence
in a variety of ways
 Platform
 Location
 Availability
 Versions
From n-Tier to SOA
Service-Oriented Architecture
From n-Tier to SOA
Dependency Desired decoupling Decoupling technique
Hardware, Framework or Operating
System should not constrain choices
of the Services consumers
Standard protocols, mainly Web
services (e.g. SOAP or RESTful/JSON)
Consumers may not be impacted by
service hosting changes
Routing and proxies will maintain
Services access
Maintenance tasks shall be
Remote access allows centralized
support on Server side
New services shall be introduced
without requiring upgrades of clients
Contract marshaling can be
implemented on the Server side
Service-Oriented Architecture
 SOA will help contain the business logic
on the Server side, therefore :
 Favor logical Multi-tier architecture
 Uses less bandwidth than a fat client
 From fat client to rich client
 Leverage resources (DB, cache)
 Easier to upgrade
 Cheaper / Safer for the customer (backup, cloud)
From n-Tier to SOA
Service-Oriented Architecture
 SOA expects a top/down mind :
 Don’t start from the DB, but end-user app
 Define services, not data structures
 Ability to uncouple things
 Identify bounded contexts and needed information
 Modelize your business in reusable services
 Focus on your domain to build tools and maximize ROI
 Cross-cutting features may be delegated
 Emailing, CRM, billing, reporting, UI…
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
From n-Tier to SOA
… to be continued
(we will come back here later)
REST is needed!
mORMot’s SOA
From n-Tier to SOA
Data persistence
REST Client
REST Server
HTTP 1.1
External DB
Value Objects
as record
as TSQLRecord
as TSQLRecord
mORMot’s SOA
 Services can be implemented as:
 Method-based resource-focused services
 Interface-based services
 RESTful architecture
 Over several protocols, e.g. HTTP/1.1
 JSON and UTF-8 based
 KISS / CoC design
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Method-based services
 … have already been explained in REST context
 Give full access to the request
 Manual marshalling, e.g. for parameters
 on the server side (error prone)
 on the client side (dedicated code to write)
 Still too close to the metal
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Interface-based services
 Follow Delphi native abstraction of interface
 Safe thanks to strong naming and typing
 Parameters are marshaled via method signature
 Optional dual-way callbacks (WebSockets)
 Client-side wrapper is generated at runtime
 Features RESTful JSON, so AJAX ready
 Tied to mORMot’s RESTful and security model
 Easily integrated with stubbing/mocking features
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Interface-based services
 Abstraction allows loosely coupled relationship
 Design by contract
 Factory driven
 on server side
 on client side
 Auto-marshalling to JSON
 Tied to framework’s security and light sessions
 Instance life-time, and execution threading
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Interface-based services steps:
 Define a contract
 Implement the contract on server side
 Host and publish the service
 Access the service from client side
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Define a contract
ICalculator = interface(IInvokable)
/// add two signed 32 bit integers
function Add(n1,n2: integer): integer;
 ICalculator interface defines the contract
 Add() method defines the operation
 Handle any kind of parameters
 Including classes, variants, dynamic arrays or records
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Implement the contract on server side
TServiceCalculator = class(TInterfacedObject, ICalculator)
function Add(n1,n2: integer): integer;
function TServiceCalculator.Add(n1, n2: integer): integer;
result := n1+n2;
 … and that’s all !
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Host and publish the service
 will register the TServiceCalculator class
 to implement the ICalculator service
 with a single shared instance life time
 to any TSQLRestServer instance
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Host and publish the service
 will register the TServiceCalculator class
 to any TSQLRestServer instance
 to implement the ICalculator service
 with a single shared instance life time
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Host and publish the service – instance life time
From n-Tier to SOA
Lifetime Use case
sicSingle An asynchronous process (may be resource consuming)
sicShared Either a very simple process, or requiring some global data
The best candidate to implement a Business Logic workflow
and light transactional process (Unit-Of-Work pattern)
sicPerSession To maintain some data specific to the client application
sicPerUser Access to some data specific to one user
Access to some data shared by a user category
(e.g. administrators, or guests)
sicPerThread Thread-oriented process (e.g. for proper library initialization)
mORMot’s SOA
 Access the service from client side
var I: ICalculator;
if Client.Services['Calculator'].Get(I) then
result := I.Add(10,20);
 Register to any kind of TSQLRestClient
 Execution will take place on the server side
 A “fake” class implementing ICalculator will be created
 Data is transmitted by representation as JSON (array of) values
 Any server-side exception will be transmitted to the client
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Interface-based services routing
 Classes available by default:
 you can define your own class
From n-Tier to SOA
Description RESTful mode JSON-RPC mode
Default Yes No
URI scheme
or /Model/Interface/Method[/ClientDrivenID]
+ optional URI-encoded params
Body content
JSON array (or object) of parameters
or void if parameters were encoded at URI
RESTful authentication for each method
or for the whole service (interface)
RESTful authentication for the
whole service (interface)
mORMot’s SOA
 Interface-based services execution modes
 Per-method threading behavior
From n-Tier to SOA
TServiceMethodOptions Description
none (default)
All methods are re-entrant and shall be coded to be thread-safe
(best scaling performance, but may be error prone)
optExecLockedPerInterface Each interface will be protected/locked by its own mutex
Methods will be executed in the process main thread
Interface will be released in the process main thread
Each interface will execute its methods in its own thread
Each interface will be freed in its own thread
mORMot’s SOA
 Interface-based services security
 Based on framework’s RESTful authentication
 Expects a user to be authenticated
and an in-memory session to be initiated
 Once authenticated, every service is by default allowed
 You can restrain execution per group,
using a fluent interface, e.g.
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Interface-based services analytics
 Every REST call logged in a (SQLite3) DB
 Interface & Method name
 Input & Output parameters (or exceptions)
 User session, Time elapsed
 With no performance penalty (using batch)
 Disabled by default, enabled in one call
 Allows real-time or after-time detailed analytics
 As powerful SQL statements
 Remotely accessible from DDD ToolsAdmin
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Interface-based services callbacks
 Specify the callback as an interface parameter
 Native way of coding
 Real-time push notifications over WebSockets
 Upgraded from a standard HTTP connection
 Peer To Peer communication
 No need of a centralized message bus / server
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Interface-based services callbacks
 Specify the callback as an interface parameter
ILongWorkCallback = interface(IInvokable)
ILongWorkService = interface(IInvokable)
procedure StartWork(const workName: string;
const onFinish: ILongWorkCallback);
function TotalWorkCount: Integer;
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Interface-based services callbacks
ILongWorkCallback = interface(IInvokable)
procedure WorkFinished(const workName: string;
timeTaken: integer);
procedure WorkFailed(const workName, error: string);
ILongWorkService = interface(IInvokable)
procedure StartWork(const workName: string;
const onFinish: ILongWorkCallback);
function TotalWorkCount: Integer;
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Interface-based services callbacks
 Real-time push notifications over WebSockets
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Interface-based services callbacks
 Real-time push notifications over WebSockets
 Once upgraded, communicates using frames
over a bi-directional socket connection
using application-level protocols
 Security, frames gathering, REST emulation
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Interface-based services callbacks
 Real-time push notifications over WebSockets
 Once upgraded, communicates using frames
over a bi-directional socket connection
using application-level protocols
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Interface-based services callbacks
 Real-time push notifications over WebSockets
 Security, Frames gathering, REST emulation
 TWebSocketProtocolBinary : SynLZ compress + AES-256
 Non-blocking methods with no result
will be asynchronously sent,
optionally gathered as “jumbo frames”
 Regular blocking methods expecting results
will be emulated like regular REST requests,
with REST security and parameters marshalling
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Interface-based services callbacks
 Publish/Subscribe Pattern
also known as “Observer”
From n-Tier to SOA
Subscriber 1
Subscriber 2
Subscriber 3
mORMot’s SOA
 Interface-based services callbacks
 Beware of the “race conditions” or “dead locks”
 Use critical sections to protect your shared data
in a multi-threaded server to avoid race conditions
 If your callback triggers another method
which shares the same critical section
in another thread, you may have a dead lock
 Gather all non-blocking callback process
in a background thread using
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Interface-based services callbacks
 Sample 31
 Long-Work Push Notification
also known as “Sagas”
 Publish/Subscribe Pattern
also known as “Observer”
From n-Tier to SOA
mORMot’s SOA
 Cross-platform Interface-based services
 Generated client code using Mustache templates
 Delphi: Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS
 FPC: Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, Linux, …
 (Cross)Kylix: Linux
 SmartMobileStudio: Ajax / HTML5
 Featuring almost all framework abilities
 JSON marshalling, security, instance lifetime
From n-Tier to SOA
From n-Tier to SOA

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A1 from n tier to soa

  • 1. Software Architecture & Design  Architecture  From n-Tier to SOA  From SOAP to REST  Technical Debt  Design  From SQL to ORM, NoSQL and ODM  From RAD to MVC  SOLID principles  Domain Driven Design (DDD) Applying patterns on Delphi code using mORMot Software Architecture & Design
  • 3. From n-Tier to SOA  Multi-tier architecture  Logical and Physical Views  Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)  mORMot practicing From n-Tier to SOA
  • 4. Multi-tier architecture From n-Tier to SOA … a piece of cake?
  • 5. Multi-tier architecture From n-Tier to SOA … a piece of cake? Presentation Tier Application Tier Business Logic Tier Data Tier
  • 6. Multi-tier architecture  Often referred to as n-tier architecture  Client–server architecture in which:  Presentation  Application processing  Data management are logically separated processes  Most widespread use of multi-tier architecture is the 3-tier architecture From n-Tier to SOA
  • 7. Two-tier architecture From n-Tier to SOA  VCL/FMX/IW app  SQL Database
  • 8. Two-tier architecture From n-Tier to SOA  VCL/FMX/IW app  SQL Database Application Tier Data Tier
  • 9. Three-tier architecture From n-Tier to SOA Presentation Tier Logic Tier Data Tier
  • 10. Four-tier architecture From n-Tier to SOA Presentation Tier Application Tier Business Logic Tier Data Tier
  • 11. Logical and Physical Views  Most of the time, n-Tier is intended to be a physical (hardware) view  e.g. separation between the database server and the application server  placing any tier on a separate machine to facilitate ease of maintenance From n-Tier to SOA
  • 12. Logical and Physical Views  In SOA, we deal with logical layout  Separation of layers through logic interfaces  Underlying hardware implementation may, but will usually not, match the logical layout From n-Tier to SOA
  • 13. Logical and Physical Views From n-Tier to SOA
  • 14. Logical and Physical Views From n-Tier to SOA PHYSICAL  Web Client  Web Server  SQL Database
  • 15. Logical and Physical Views From n-Tier to SOA PHYSICAL  Web Client  Web Server  Embedded SQLite3 Database
  • 16. Logical and Physical Views From n-Tier to SOA LOGICAL  Web app Client & Server  SQL Database Application Tier Data Tier
  • 17. Logical and Physical Views From n-Tier to SOA LOGICAL  Web app Client & Server  SQL Database  With stored procedures Application Tier Data Tier
  • 18. Logical and Physical Views From n-Tier to SOA Presentation Tier Application Tier Business Logic Tier Data Tier Client 1 (Delphi) Client 2 (AJAX) Application Server DB Server Presentation Tier Application Tier Presentation Tier Business Logic Tier Data Tier
  • 19. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)  Definition: Is a flexible set of design principles used during the phases of systems development and integration  Goal: Package functionality as a suite of inter-operable services that can be used within multiple, separate systems from several business domains From n-Tier to SOA
  • 20. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)  The SOA implementations rely on a mesh of uncoupled software services  Software Service:  A consumer asks a producer to act in order to produce a result  Invocation is free from previous invocation (stateless), to minimize resource consumption From n-Tier to SOA
  • 21. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)  The SOA implementations rely on a mesh of uncoupled software services  Those Services comprise  unassociated, loosely coupled units of functionality (each service implements one action)  that have no direct call to each other (via protocols, catalogs over a bus) From n-Tier to SOA
  • 22. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) From n-Tier to SOA Consumers Service Bus Publishers Client A Publisher 1 Publisher 2Client B Publisher 3Client C Service 1 Service 2 Service 3  The SOA implementations rely on a mesh of uncoupled software services
  • 23. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)  The SOA implementations rely on a mesh of uncoupled software services  Service composition  Logical multi-tier orchestration (transactional)  A higher level service invokes several services  Works as a self-contained, stateless service  Lower-level services can still be stateless  E.g. application services over business services From n-Tier to SOA
  • 24. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) From n-Tier to SOA  The SOA implementations rely on a mesh of uncoupled software services  Service composition Consumers Application Service Bus Application Publishers Business Service Bus Business Publishers Client A Composition Publisher Composition Service Publisher 1 Publisher 2 Publisher 3 Service 1 Service 2 Service 3
  • 25. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)  The SOA implementations rely on a mesh of uncoupled software services  Micro Services  SOLID principles meet SOA  Favor stateless calls  Enhance scaling abilities  Expects services discovery From n-Tier to SOA
  • 26. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)  SOA is mainly about decoupling  It enables implementation independence in a variety of ways  Platform  Location  Availability  Versions From n-Tier to SOA
  • 27. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) From n-Tier to SOA Dependency Desired decoupling Decoupling technique Platform Hardware, Framework or Operating System should not constrain choices of the Services consumers Standard protocols, mainly Web services (e.g. SOAP or RESTful/JSON) Location Consumers may not be impacted by service hosting changes Routing and proxies will maintain Services access Availability Maintenance tasks shall be transparent Remote access allows centralized support on Server side Versions New services shall be introduced without requiring upgrades of clients Contract marshaling can be implemented on the Server side
  • 28. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)  SOA will help contain the business logic on the Server side, therefore :  Favor logical Multi-tier architecture  Uses less bandwidth than a fat client  From fat client to rich client  Leverage resources (DB, cache)  Easier to upgrade  Cheaper / Safer for the customer (backup, cloud) From n-Tier to SOA
  • 29. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA)  SOA expects a top/down mind :  Don’t start from the DB, but end-user app  Define services, not data structures  Ability to uncouple things  Identify bounded contexts and needed information  Modelize your business in reusable services  Focus on your domain to build tools and maximize ROI  Cross-cutting features may be delegated  Emailing, CRM, billing, reporting, UI… From n-Tier to SOA
  • 30. mORMot’s SOA From n-Tier to SOA … to be continued (we will come back here later) REST is needed!
  • 31. mORMot’s SOA From n-Tier to SOA Presentation Application Data persistence Domain Model Cross-Cutting AJAX REST Client REST Server HTTP 1.1 Cache UI i18n Filtering Validation Reporting ORM Services (interface-based) Security Sessions SQLite3 External DB Value Objects as record Entities as TSQLRecord Aggregates as TSQLRecord Tests Mocks/Stubs Logging
  • 32. mORMot’s SOA  Services can be implemented as:  Method-based resource-focused services  Interface-based services  RESTful architecture  Over several protocols, e.g. HTTP/1.1  JSON and UTF-8 based  KISS / CoC design From n-Tier to SOA
  • 33. mORMot’s SOA  Method-based services  … have already been explained in REST context  Give full access to the request  Manual marshalling, e.g. for parameters  on the server side (error prone)  on the client side (dedicated code to write)  Still too close to the metal From n-Tier to SOA
  • 34. mORMot’s SOA  Interface-based services  Follow Delphi native abstraction of interface  Safe thanks to strong naming and typing  Parameters are marshaled via method signature  Optional dual-way callbacks (WebSockets)  Client-side wrapper is generated at runtime  Features RESTful JSON, so AJAX ready  Tied to mORMot’s RESTful and security model  Easily integrated with stubbing/mocking features From n-Tier to SOA
  • 35. mORMot’s SOA  Interface-based services  Abstraction allows loosely coupled relationship  Design by contract  Factory driven  on server side  on client side  Auto-marshalling to JSON  Tied to framework’s security and light sessions  Instance life-time, and execution threading From n-Tier to SOA
  • 36. mORMot’s SOA  Interface-based services steps:  Define a contract  Implement the contract on server side  Host and publish the service  Access the service from client side From n-Tier to SOA
  • 37. mORMot’s SOA  Define a contract type ICalculator = interface(IInvokable) ['{9A60C8ED-CEB2-4E09-87D4-4A16F496E5FE}'] /// add two signed 32 bit integers function Add(n1,n2: integer): integer; end;  ICalculator interface defines the contract  Add() method defines the operation  Handle any kind of parameters  Including classes, variants, dynamic arrays or records From n-Tier to SOA
  • 38. mORMot’s SOA  Implement the contract on server side type TServiceCalculator = class(TInterfacedObject, ICalculator) public function Add(n1,n2: integer): integer; end; function TServiceCalculator.Add(n1, n2: integer): integer; begin result := n1+n2; end;  … and that’s all ! From n-Tier to SOA
  • 39. mORMot’s SOA  Host and publish the service Server.ServiceRegister( TServiceCalculator,[TypeInfo(ICalculator)],sicShared);  will register the TServiceCalculator class  to implement the ICalculator service  with a single shared instance life time  to any TSQLRestServer instance From n-Tier to SOA
  • 40. mORMot’s SOA  Host and publish the service Server.ServiceDefine( TServiceCalculator,[ICalculator],sicShared);  will register the TServiceCalculator class  to any TSQLRestServer instance  to implement the ICalculator service  with a single shared instance life time From n-Tier to SOA
  • 41. mORMot’s SOA  Host and publish the service – instance life time From n-Tier to SOA Lifetime Use case sicSingle An asynchronous process (may be resource consuming) sicShared Either a very simple process, or requiring some global data sicClientDriven The best candidate to implement a Business Logic workflow and light transactional process (Unit-Of-Work pattern) sicPerSession To maintain some data specific to the client application sicPerUser Access to some data specific to one user sicPerGroup Access to some data shared by a user category (e.g. administrators, or guests) sicPerThread Thread-oriented process (e.g. for proper library initialization)
  • 42. mORMot’s SOA  Access the service from client side Client.ServiceDefine([ICalculator],sicShared); var I: ICalculator; begin if Client.Services['Calculator'].Get(I) then result := I.Add(10,20); end;  Register to any kind of TSQLRestClient  Execution will take place on the server side  A “fake” class implementing ICalculator will be created  Data is transmitted by representation as JSON (array of) values  Any server-side exception will be transmitted to the client From n-Tier to SOA
  • 43. mORMot’s SOA  Interface-based services routing  Classes available by default:  you can define your own class From n-Tier to SOA TSQLRestRoutingREST TSQLRestRoutingJSON_RPC Description RESTful mode JSON-RPC mode Default Yes No URI scheme /Model/Interface.Method[/ClientDrivenID] or /Model/Interface/Method[/ClientDrivenID] + optional URI-encoded params /Model/Interface Body content JSON array (or object) of parameters or void if parameters were encoded at URI {"method":"MethodName", "params":[...] [,"id":ClientDrivenID]} Security RESTful authentication for each method or for the whole service (interface) RESTful authentication for the whole service (interface)
  • 44. mORMot’s SOA  Interface-based services execution modes  Per-method threading behavior From n-Tier to SOA TServiceMethodOptions Description none (default) All methods are re-entrant and shall be coded to be thread-safe (best scaling performance, but may be error prone) optExecLockedPerInterface Each interface will be protected/locked by its own mutex optExecInMainThread optFreeInMainThread Methods will be executed in the process main thread Interface will be released in the process main thread optExecInPerInterfaceThread optFreeInPerInterfaceThread Each interface will execute its methods in its own thread Each interface will be freed in its own thread
  • 45. mORMot’s SOA  Interface-based services security  Based on framework’s RESTful authentication  Expects a user to be authenticated and an in-memory session to be initiated  Once authenticated, every service is by default allowed  You can restrain execution per group, using a fluent interface, e.g. Server.ServiceDefine( TServiceCalculator,ICalculator],sicShared). DenyAll. AllowAllByName(['Supervisor']); From n-Tier to SOA
  • 46. mORMot’s SOA  Interface-based services analytics  Every REST call logged in a (SQLite3) DB  Interface & Method name  Input & Output parameters (or exceptions)  User session, Time elapsed  With no performance penalty (using batch)  Disabled by default, enabled in one call  Allows real-time or after-time detailed analytics  As powerful SQL statements  Remotely accessible from DDD ToolsAdmin From n-Tier to SOA
  • 47. mORMot’s SOA  Interface-based services callbacks  Specify the callback as an interface parameter  Native way of coding  Real-time push notifications over WebSockets  Upgraded from a standard HTTP connection  Peer To Peer communication  No need of a centralized message bus / server From n-Tier to SOA
  • 48. mORMot’s SOA  Interface-based services callbacks  Specify the callback as an interface parameter ILongWorkCallback = interface(IInvokable) … end; ILongWorkService = interface(IInvokable) ['{09FDFCEF-86E5-4077-80D8-661801A9224A}'] procedure StartWork(const workName: string; const onFinish: ILongWorkCallback); function TotalWorkCount: Integer; end; From n-Tier to SOA
  • 49. mORMot’s SOA  Interface-based services callbacks ILongWorkCallback = interface(IInvokable) ['{425BF199-19C7-4B2B-B1A4-A5BE7A9A4748}'] procedure WorkFinished(const workName: string; timeTaken: integer); procedure WorkFailed(const workName, error: string); end; ILongWorkService = interface(IInvokable) ['{09FDFCEF-86E5-4077-80D8-661801A9224A}'] procedure StartWork(const workName: string; const onFinish: ILongWorkCallback); function TotalWorkCount: Integer; end; From n-Tier to SOA
  • 50. mORMot’s SOA  Interface-based services callbacks  Real-time push notifications over WebSockets From n-Tier to SOA
  • 51. mORMot’s SOA  Interface-based services callbacks  Real-time push notifications over WebSockets  Once upgraded, communicates using frames over a bi-directional socket connection using application-level protocols  Security, frames gathering, REST emulation From n-Tier to SOA
  • 52. mORMot’s SOA  Interface-based services callbacks  Real-time push notifications over WebSockets  Once upgraded, communicates using frames over a bi-directional socket connection using application-level protocols From n-Tier to SOA
  • 53. mORMot’s SOA  Interface-based services callbacks  Real-time push notifications over WebSockets  Security, Frames gathering, REST emulation  TWebSocketProtocolBinary : SynLZ compress + AES-256  Non-blocking methods with no result will be asynchronously sent, optionally gathered as “jumbo frames”  Regular blocking methods expecting results will be emulated like regular REST requests, with REST security and parameters marshalling From n-Tier to SOA
  • 54. mORMot’s SOA  Interface-based services callbacks  Publish/Subscribe Pattern also known as “Observer” From n-Tier to SOA Publisher Subscriber 1 Event Subscriber 2 Event Subscriber 3
  • 55. mORMot’s SOA  Interface-based services callbacks  Beware of the “race conditions” or “dead locks”  Use critical sections to protect your shared data in a multi-threaded server to avoid race conditions  If your callback triggers another method which shares the same critical section in another thread, you may have a dead lock  Gather all non-blocking callback process in a background thread using TSQLRest.AsynchRedirect From n-Tier to SOA
  • 56. mORMot’s SOA  Interface-based services callbacks  Sample 31  Long-Work Push Notification also known as “Sagas”  Publish/Subscribe Pattern also known as “Observer” From n-Tier to SOA
  • 57. mORMot’s SOA  Cross-platform Interface-based services  Generated client code using Mustache templates  Delphi: Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS  FPC: Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, Linux, …  (Cross)Kylix: Linux  SmartMobileStudio: Ajax / HTML5  Featuring almost all framework abilities  JSON marshalling, security, instance lifetime From n-Tier to SOA