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Software Architecture & Design
 Architecture
 From n-Tier to SOA
 From SOAP to REST
 Technical Debt
 Design
 From SQL to ORM, NoSQL and ODM
 From RAD to MVC
 SOLID principles
 Domain Driven Design (DDD)
Applying patterns on Delphi code using mORMot
Software Architecture & Design
From SQL to ORM
Arnaud Bouchez
From SQL to ORM
 practice
From SQL to ORM
 De-Facto standard for data manipulation
 Schema-based
 Relational-based
 ACID by transactions
 Time proven and efficient
 Almost standard
From SQL to ORM
 De-Facto standard for data manipulation
 Schema-based
 Relational-based
From SQL to ORM
Not Only SQL
 Two main families of NoSQL databases:
 Aggregate-oriented databases
 Graph-oriented databases
Martin Fowler
From SQL to ORM
Not Only SQL
 Graph Database
 Store data by their relations / associations
From SQL to ORM
Not Only SQL
 Aggregate
 is a collection of data
that we interact with
as a unit
 forms the boundaries
for ACID operations
in a given model
(Domain-Driven Design modeling)
From SQL to ORM
 Aggregate Database families
 Document-based
e.g. MongoDB, CouchDB
 Key/Value
e.g. Redis
 Column family
e.g. Cassandra
From SQL to ORM
Not Only SQL
Not Only SQL
 Are designed to scale for the web
 Examples: Google farms, Amazon
 Should not be used as scaling RDBMS
 Can be schema-less
 For document-based and key/value
or column-driven
 Can be BLOB storage
From SQL to ORM
Not Only SQL
 RBMS stores data per table
 JOIN the references to get the aggregate
From SQL to ORM
Not Only SQL
 NoSQL stores aggregate as documents
 Whole data is embedded
From SQL to ORM
Not Only SQL
 NoSQL stores aggregate as documents
 Whole data is embedded
(boundaries for ACID behavior)
From SQL to ORM
Not Only SQL
 Data modeling
From SQL to ORM
Not Only SQL
 Data modeling
 Normalization
 Consistency
 Transactions
 Vertical scaling
 Denormalization
 Duplicated data
 Document ACID
 Horizontal scaling
From SQL to ORM
Not Only SQL
 Ubiquitous SQL
 Easy vertical scaling
 Data size (avoid duplicates and with no schema)
 Data is stored once, therefore consistent
 Complex ACID statements
 Aggregation functions (depends)
From SQL to ORM
Not Only SQL
From SQL to ORM
Not Only SQL
From SQL to ORM
SELECT SUM(price) AS total FROM orders
db.orders.aggregate( [
$group: {
_id: null,
total: { $sum: "$price" }
] )
Not Only SQL
 Uncoupled data: horizontal scaling
 Schema-less: cleaner evolution
 Straight-To-ODM
 Version management (e.g. CouchDB)
 Graph storage (e.g. Redis)
From SQL to ORM
Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
 gives a set of methods (CRUD)
 to ease high-level objects persistence
 into an RDBMS
 via mapping
From SQL to ORM
Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
 Since decades
 Classes are the root of our OOP model
 RDBMS is (the) proven way of storage
 Some kind of "glue" is needed to let class
properties be saved into one or several tables
From SQL to ORM
Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
 In fact
 Classes are accessed via Delphi/Java/C# code
 RDBMS is accessed via SQL
 SQL by itself is a full programming language
 With diverse flavors (e.g. data types)
 Difficult to switch the logic
 Error prone, and difficult to maintain
From SQL to ORM
Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
 Sometimes,
 there will be nothing better
than a tuned SQL statement
 But most of the time,
 You need just to perform
some basic CRUD operations
(Create Retrieve Update Delete)
From SQL to ORM
Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
myObject.Value := 10;
From SQL to ORM
Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
 Benefits
 Stay at OOP level
 Manage SQL flavors
 Persistence Ignorance
 Optimize SQL
 Cache
From SQL to ORM
 No silver bullet
 Hard task
 Hidden process
 Legacy (tuned) SQL
 Performance cost
Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
 Benefits
 Stay at OOP level
 Manage SQL flavors
 Persistence Ignorance
 Optimize SQL
 Cache
From SQL to ORM
 No silver bullet
 Hard task
 Hidden process
 Legacy (tuned) SQL
 Performance cost
(or not)
Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
 Mapping may be created:
 Code-first
 Objects are defined,
then persisted (dehydrated)
 Usually the best for a new project
 Model-first
 From an (existing) database model
 Sometimes difficult to work with legacy structures
From SQL to ORM
class type data model
object instance RDBMS
Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
 Mapping may be defined:
 by configuration
 via code (attributes or fluent interface)
 via external files (XML/JSON)
 by convention
 from object layout
 from database layout
From SQL to ORM
Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
 Objects may be:
 Any business class (POJO/POCO/PODO)
 Eases integration with existing code
 But may pollute the class (attributes)
 Inherit from a common class
 Get a shared behavior
 Tend to enforce DDD’s persistence agnosticity
From SQL to ORM
Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
 ORM advantages
 Compile time naming and types check
(strong types and names)
 One language to rule all your logic
(no mix with SQL nor LINQ syntax)
 Database abstraction
(the ORM knows all dialects, and can switch)
 Able to cache the statements and the values
 You still can write hand-tuned SQL if needed
From SQL to ORM
Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
 Don't think about…
 tables with data types (varchar/number...),
but objects with high level types
 Master/Detail,
but logical units (your aggregates)
 writing SQL,
but writing your business code
 "How will I store it?",
but "Which data do I need?".
From SQL to ORM
Object Document Mapping (ODM)
 Aggregate = all data in a given context
Such documents do map our objects!
From SQL to ORM
Object Document Mapping (ODM)
 CRUD operation on Aggregates documents
mORMot’s ODM is able to share code with ORM
From SQL to ORM
From SQL to ORM
 mORMot’s client-server RESTful ORM/ODM
 code-first or model-first ORM/ODM
 ORM for RDBMS: generates SQL
 ODM for NoSQL: handles documents and queries
 convention (TSQLRecord) over configuration
 can be consumed via REST
 over HTTP or WebSockets, via JSON transmission
 or locally, on the server side, e.g. in SOA services
From SQL to ORM
From SQL to ORM
UI Components
Delphi classes
code mapping
UI 1
Client 1
UI 2 (web)
Client 2
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Defining the objects
 ID: Int64 / TID primary key
 A lot of useful methods
 Define a data model gathering objects
 Defining the REST instance
TSQLRestServer TSQLRestClient …
 CRUD (and SOA) methods
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Defining the object
From SQL to ORM
/// some enumeration
// - will be written as 'Female' or 'Male' in our UI Grid
// - will be stored as its ordinal value, i.e. 0 for sFemale, 1 for sMale
// - as you can see, ladies come first, here
TSex = (sFemale, sMale);
/// table used for the Babies queries
TSQLBaby = class(TSQLRecord)
fName: string;
fAddress: string;
fBirthDate: TDateTime;
fSex: TSex;
property Name: string read fName write fName;
property Address: string read fAddress write fAddress;
property BirthDate: TDateTime read fBirthDate write fBirthDate;
property Sex: TSex read fSex write fSex;
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Defining the object
From SQL to ORM
/// some enumeration
// - will be written as 'Female' or 'Male' in our UI Grid
// - will be stored as its ordinal value, i.e. 0 for sFemale, 1 for sMale
// - as you can see, ladies come first, here
TSex = (sFemale, sMale);
/// table used for the Babies queries
TSQLBaby = class(TSQLRecord)
fName: RawUTF8;
fAddress: RawUTF8;
fBirthDate: TDateTime;
fSex: TSex;
property Name: RawUTF8 read fName write fName;
property Address: RawUTF8 read fAddress write fAddress;
property BirthDate: TDateTime read fBirthDate write fBirthDate;
property Sex: TSex read fSex write fSex;
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Defining the Model and the Server:
Model := TSQLModel.Create([TSQLBaby],'rootURI');
ServerDB := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(Model,'data.db'),true);
Server := TSQLHttpServer.Create('8080',ServerDB);
 Defining the Model and the Client:
Model := TSQLModel.Create([TSQLBaby],'rootURI');
Client := TSQLHttpClient.Create('','8080', Model);
 Both will now communicate e.g. over
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Use CRUD methods
 TSQLRest.Add()
 TSQLRest.Retrieve()
 TSQLRest.Update()
 TSQLRest.UpdateField()
 TSQLRest.Delete()
 TSQLRecord.Create*()
 and some dedicated methods for BLOB process
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
From SQL to ORM
var Baby: TSQLBaby;
ID: integer;
// create a new record, since Smith, Jr was just born
Baby := TSQLBaby.Create;
Baby.Name := 'Smith';
Baby.Address := 'New York City';
Baby.BirthDate := Now;
Baby.Sex := sMale;
ID := Client.Add(Baby);
// update record data
Baby := TSQLBaby.Create(Client,ID); // retrieve record
Baby.Name := 'Smeeth';
// retrieve record data
Baby := TSQLBaby.Create;
// we may have written: Baby := TSQLBaby.Create(Client,ID);
// delete the created record
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Returning several objects
 Only one object instance is allocated and filled
 See also function TSQLRest.RetrieveList(): TObjectList
 Results are transmitted as a JSON array
 Results can be cached at client or server side
 Full WHERE clause of the SELECT is at hand
From SQL to ORM
aMale := TSQLBaby.CreateAndFillPrepare(Client,
'Name LIKE ? AND Sex = ?',['A%',ord(sMale)]);
while aMale.FillOne do
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 JSON per-representation transmission layout
 Expanded / standard (AJAX)
JSON array of JSON objects
 Non expanded / faster (Delphi)
JSON object of JSON array of values, first row being idents
In mORMot, all JSON content is parsed and processed in-place,
then directly mapped to UTF-8 structures.
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 « One to one » / « One to many » cardinality
From SQL to ORM
TSQLMyFileInfo = class(TSQLRecord)
FMyFileDate: TDateTime;
FMyFileSize: Int64;
property MyFileDate: TDateTime read FMyFileDate write FMyFileDate;
property MyFileSize: Int64 read FMyFileSize write FMyFileSize;
TSQLMyFile = class(TSQLRecord)
FSecondOne: TSQLMyFileInfo;
FFirstOne: TSQLMyFileInfo;
FMyFileName: RawUTF8;
property MyFileName: RawUTF8 read FMyFileName write FMyFileName;
property FirstOne: TSQLMyFileInfo read FFirstOne write FFirstOne;
property SecondOne: TSQLMyFileInfo read FSecondOne write FSecondOne;
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Automatic JOINed query
 At constructor level
 With nested instances memory management
 See also CreateAndFillPrepareJoined()
From SQL to ORM
var MyFile: TSQLMyFile;
MyFile := TSQLMyFile.CreateJoined(Client,aMyFileID);
// here MyFile.FirstOne and MyFile.SecondOne are true instances
// and have already retrieved from the database by the constructor
// so you can safely access MyFile.FirstOne.MyFileDate or MyFile.SecondOne.MyFileSize here!
MyFile.Free; // will release also MyFile.FirstOne and MyFile.SecondOne
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 « One to one » / « One to many » cardinality
From SQL to ORM
TSQLMyFileInfo = class(TSQLRecord)
FMyFileDate: TDateTime;
FMyFileSize: Int64;
property MyFileDate: TDateTime read FMyFileDate write FMyFileDate;
property MyFileSize: Int64 read FMyFileSize write FMyFileSize;
TSQLMyFileInfoID = type TID;
TSQLMyFile = class(TSQLRecord)
FSecondOne: TSQLMyFileInfoID;
FFirstOne: TSQLMyFileInfoID;
FMyFileName: RawUTF8;
property MyFileName: RawUTF8 read FMyFileName write FMyFileName;
property FirstOne: TSQLMyFileInfoID read FFirstOne write FFirstOne;
property SecondOne: TSQLMyFileInfoID read FSecondOne write FSecondOne;
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 « One to one » / « One to many » cardinality
 Properties store true Int64 values, not “fake pointers”
 This is the preferred way when working with Aggregates
From SQL to ORM
TSQLMyFileInfoID = type TID;
TSQLMyFile = class(TSQLRecord)
FSecondOne: TSQLMyFileInfoID;
FFirstOne: TSQLMyFileInfoID;
FMyFileName: RawUTF8;
property MyFileName: RawUTF8 read FMyFileName write FMyFileName;
property FirstOne: TSQLMyFileInfoID read FFirstOne write FFirstOne;
property SecondOne: TSQLMyFileInfoID read FSecondOne write FSecondOne;
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Server or Client Cache
 Disabled by default
 May be activated
 For a given table
 For a given set of IDs
 On a given TSQLRest
 In conjunction with
Server DB cache
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Object Time Machine
 Every TSQLInvoice modification will be tracked
and stored in a separated TSQLRecordHistory table.
 i.e. Add / Update / Delete ORM commands
 Stored in an optimized JSON/binary format
 History depth, and storage details are customizable
 Previous TSQLInvoice state could then be retrieved from
this TSQLRecordHistory table
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Object Time Machine
aInvoice := TSQLInvoice.Create;
aHist := TSQLRecordHistory.CreateHistory(ServerDB,TSQLInvoice,400);
writeln('History Count: ',aHist.HistoryCount);
for i := 0 to aHist.HistoryCount-1 do begin
writeln('Event: ',ord(aEvent))^);
writeln('TimeStamp: ',TTimeLogBits(aTimeStamp).ToText);
writeln('Identifier: ',aInvoice.Number);
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Object Time Machine
aInvoice := TSQLInvoice.Create;
aHist := TSQLRecordHistory.CreateHistory(Client,TSQLInvoice,400);
writeln('History Count: ',aHist.HistoryCount);
for i := 0 to aHist.HistoryCount-1 do begin
writeln('Event: ',ord(aEvent))^);
writeln('TimeStamp: ',TTimeLogBits(aTimeStamp).ToText);
writeln('Identifier: ',aInvoice.Number);
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Master/Slave Replication
 Hidden monotonic version number will be maintained
to monitor Add/Update/Delete ORM commands
 Deletions stored in a separated table
From SQL to ORM
TSQLRecordPeopleVersioned = class(TSQLRecordPeople)
fFirstName: RawUTF8;
fLastName: RawUTF8;
fVersion: TRecordVersion;
property FirstName: RawUTF8 read fFirstName write fFirstName;
property LastName: RawUTF8 read fLastName write fLastName;
property Version: TRecordVersion read fVersion write fVersion;
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Master/Slave Replication
MasterServer := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(MasterModel,'master.db3');
HttpMasterServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create('8888',[MasterServer]);
MasterClient := TSQLHttpClientHTTP.Create(
SlaveServer := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(SlaveModel,'slave.db3');
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Master/Slave Replication
MasterServer := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(
HttpMasterServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create(
MasterClient := TSQLHttpClientHTTP.Create(
SlaveServer := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(
From SQL to ORM
On Demand
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Master/Slave Real-Time Replication
 Push ORM modifications over WebSockets
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Master/Slave Real-Time Replication
MasterServer := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(MasterModel,'master.db3');
HttpMasterServer :=
MasterClient := TSQLHttpClientWebSockets.Create(
SlaveServer := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(SlaveModel,'slave.db3');
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Master/Slave Real-Time Replication
SlaveServer := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Master/Slave Replication – Multi Offices Synch
From SQL to ORM
Main Office
Office A Office B
External DB
Server A
Server B
Client 1 Client 2 Client 3
Client 1 Client 2 Client 3 Client 4
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Master/Slave Replication – Multi Offices Synch
From SQL to ORM
Main Office
Office A Office B
Local Data A
Read Only
Local Data B
Read Only
Local Data A
Local Data B
Read Only
Local Data A
Read Only
Local Data B
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Automated Data Sharding
 On production servers, databases may store:
 Roaming / user input data with mostly updates
resulting in a reasonable growing size of storage
 Events which are mostly added
resulting in an always increasing database
 You may reach out of disk space
and/or encounter performances issues
 Purge via periodic deletion is possible,
but may slow down the process
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Automated Data Sharding
 On production servers,
you may define a table as “sharded”
 A TSQLRecord will be stored in its own set of databases
 Each database will contain up to a given number of items
(e.g. 500,000 entries)
 Only up to a given number of databases will be active
 And older databases may be archived/deleted instantly
just by packing or deleting the corresponding file
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Automated Data Sharding
const SHARD_RANGE = 500000;
function TTestMemoryBased.CreateShardDB(
maxshard: Integer): TSQLRestServer;
result := TSQLRestServer.CreateWithOwnModel(
Will setup sharding for the TSQLRecordTest class
using local SQlite3 databases.
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Automated Data Sharding
R := TSQLRecordTest.Create;
for i := 1 to 50 do begin
Data will be sharded on disk, using Test####.dbs files.
By convention, TSQLRecordTest →Test####.dbs
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 ORM² for DDD persistence service
 ORM for plain Delphi class storage
 Create TSQLRecord from any domain class
 Fields mapping (name, data)
 Aggregate flat / un-normalized orientation (no join)
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 ORM² for DDD persistence service
 ORM for plain Delphi class storage
 Create TSQLRecord from any domain class
 Fields mapping (name, data)
 Aggregate flat / un-normalized orientation (no join)
 Isolate persistence from business logic
 Built-in CQRS dual-phase commit service
 Object-level tuning from domain logic to storage logic
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Persistence over External RDMS
 SynDB optimized data access layer
From SQL to ORM
ZDBC ODBC OleDB Oracle SQLite3
NexusDB BDE DBExpress
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 SynDB classes
 By-pass the DB.pas unit
avoids TDataSet bottleneck, works with Starter Edition
… but can still use it (e.g. FireDAC)
 Simple KISS designed API
 Less data types, interface-based, no legacy
 Statement cache, ORM aware
 Array binding (bulk insert / batch mode)
 Direct JSON generation
 Optional remote access via HTTP
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 SynDB integration with ORM
From SQL to ORM
SQlite3 engine
internal engine
SQLite3 file
External DB client
External DB server
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 SQLite3 Virtual Tables
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 SQLite3 Virtual Tables
 Mapping of external field names
 JOIN several external databases
 Very slight performance penalty
 Access TObjectList instances
 Access NoSQL databases
 By-passed if possible
 Full SQL-92 engine at hand
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 SQLite3 Virtual Tables
From SQL to ORM
External DB
Oracle SQLite3 ODBC OleDB ZDBC
FireDAC AnyDAC UniDAC BDE DBExpress NexusDB
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Defining the object
From SQL to ORM
TSQLRecordPeopleExt = class(TSQLRecord)
fData: TSQLRawBlob;
fFirstName: RawUTF8;
fLastName: RawUTF8;
fYearOfBirth: integer;
fYearOfDeath: word;
fLastChange: TModTime;
fCreatedAt: TCreateTime;
property FirstName: RawUTF8 index 40 read fFirstName write fFirstName;
property LastName: RawUTF8 index 40 read fLastName write fLastName;
property Data: TSQLRawBlob read fData write fData;
property YearOfBirth: integer read fYearOfBirth write fYearOfBirth;
property YearOfDeath: word read fYearOfDeath write fYearOfDeath;
property LastChange: TModTime read fLastChange write fLastChange;
property CreatedAt: TCreateTime read fCreatedAt write fCreatedAt;
ID : integer
Data : TSQLRawBlob
FirstName : RawUTF8
LastName : RawUTF8
YearOfBirth : integer
YearOfDeath : word
Data : BLOB
FirstName : NVARCHAR(40)
LastName : NVARCHAR(40)
YearOfBirth : INTEGER
YearOfDeath : INTEGER
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Defining the Model and the Server:
Props := TOleDBMSSQLConnectionProperties.Create(
Model := TSQLModel.Create([TSQLRecordPeopleExt],'root');
ServerDB := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(Model,'application.db'),true);
HttpServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create('8080',ServerDB);
 Defining the Model and the Client:
Model := TSQLModel.Create([TSQLRecordPeopleExt],'root');
Client := TSQLHttpClient.Create('localhost','8080', Model);
 Both will now communicate e.g. over
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ORM
 Refining the mapping Model on the Server:
Props := TOleDBMSSQLConnectionProperties.Create(
Model := TSQLModel.Create([TSQLRecordPeopleExt],'root');
ServerDB := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(Model,'application.db'),true);
Server := TSQLHttpServer.Create('8080',ServerDB);
From SQL to ORM
ID : integer
Data : TSQLRawBlob
FirstName : RawUTF8
LastName : RawUTF8
YearOfBirth : integer
YearOfDeath : word
Data : BLOB
FirstName : NVARCHAR(40)
LastName : NVARCHAR(40)
YearOfBirth : INTEGER
 Data Sharding / Denormalization pattern
 Store the whole aggregate as once
 Without JOIN
 From ORM to ODM
 Object Relational Mapping (ORM)
 Object Document Mapping (ODM)
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ODM
 Object Document Mapping
 ODM over regular RDBMS
 NoSQL storage via TDocVariant property
 Stored as JSON, handled as a variant
 ODM over dedicated NoSQL engine
 TObjectList
 MongoDB direct access
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ODM
 NoSQL storage via TDocVariant property
 Document is indexed:
 by TSQLRecord.ID: integer
 by Name: RawUTF8
From SQL to ORM
TSQLRecordData = class(TSQLRecord)
fName: RawUTF8;
fData: variant;
property Name: RawUTF8 read fTest write fTest stored AS_UNIQUE;
property Data: variant read fData write fData;
mORMot’s RESTful ODM
 NoSQL storage via TDocVariant custom type
 Data: variant will store any document
 As JSON in the RDBMS
 Accessed via late-binding in Delphi code
From SQL to ORM
TSQLRecordData = class(TSQLRecord)
fName: RawUTF8;
fData: variant;
property Name: RawUTF8 read fTest write fTest stored AS_UNIQUE;
property Data: variant read fData write fData;
mORMot’s RESTful ODM
 Data: variant will store a TDocVariant
 Schema-less data
{ name : "Joe", x : 3.3, y : [1,2,3] }
{ name : "Kate", x : "abc" }
{ q : 456 }
 Real-world evolving data
{ name : "Joe", age : 30, interests : "football" }
{ name : "Kate", age : 25 }
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ODM
From SQL to ORM
var aRec: TSQLRecordData;
aID: integer;
// initialization of one record
aRec := TSQLRecordData.Create;
aRec.Name := 'Joe'; // one unique key := _JSONFast('{name:"Joe",age:30}'); // create a TDocVariant
// or we can use this overloaded constructor for simple fields
aRec := TSQLRecordData.Create(['Joe',_ObjFast(['name','Joe','age',30])]);
// now we can play with the data, e.g. via late-binding:
writeln(aRec.Name); // will write 'Joe'
writeln(aRec.Data); // will write '{"name":"Joe","age":30}' (auto-converted to JSON string)
aRec.Data.age := aRec.Data.age+1; // one year older
aRec.Data.interests := 'football'; // add a property to the schema
aID := aClient.Add(aRec); // will store {"name":"Joe","age":31,"interests":"footbal"}
// now we can retrieve the data either via the aID created integer, or via Name='Joe'
mORMot’s RESTful ODM
From SQL to ORM
var aRec: TSQLRecordData;
aID: integer;
// initialization of one record
aRec := TSQLRecordData.Create;
aRec.Name := 'Joe'; // one unique key := _JSONFast('{name:"Joe",age:30}'); // create a TDocVariant
// or we can use this overloaded constructor for simple fields
aRec := TSQLRecordData.Create(['Joe',_ObjFast(['name','Joe','age',30])]);
// now we can play with the data, e.g. via late-binding:
writeln(aRec.Name); // will write 'Joe'
writeln(aRec.Data); // will write '{"name":"Joe","age":30}' (auto-converted to JSON string)
aRec.Data.age := aRec.Data.age+1; // one year older
aRec.Data.interests := 'football'; // add a property to the schema
aID := aClient.Add(aRec); // will store {"name":"Joe","age":31,"interests":"footbal"}
// now we can retrieve the data either via the aID created integer, or via Name='Joe'
 We just mutated a classical RDBMS
into a NoSQL schema-less storage engine!
mORMot’s RESTful ODM
 NoSQL Engines
 TObjectList - TSQLRestStorageInMemory
 Fast in-memory storage
 Supports hash indexes on (unique) properties
 Binary or JSON persistence as file
 Could embed some unpersisted live process
 MongoDB
 SynMongoDB.pas for direct access
 mORMotMongoDB.pas for ODM integration
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ODM
 SynMongoDB.pas
 BSON types, including BLOB, ObjectID, date/time…
 TBSONVariant with late-binding
 (Extended) JSON as input or output
 Document-level access
 Bulk document insertion
 Latest 3.2 compatibility (WiredTiger, scram-sha1)
 Could be used standalone, without the ODM
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ODM
 mORMotMongoDB.pas
 Full integration with mORMot’s REST
 Share the same logic code with RDBMS
 Just one line to change on the server side
to switch from an ORM to an ODM
 Same exact RESTful business code
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ODM
uses SynMongoDB, mORMotMongoDB;
Model := TSQLModel.Create([TSQLORM]);
ServerDB := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(Model,nil,':memory:');
MongoClient := TMongoClient.Create('localhost',27017);
MongoDatabase := MongoClient.Database[DB_NAME];
… usual ORM code
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ODM
 mORMotMongoDB.pas
 On-the-fly REST GET query translation
 SQL WHERE clause translated
to MongoDB query pipelines
 Including aggregate functions, limits, offset
SELECT SUM(price) AS total FROM orders
db.orders.aggregate([{$group:{_id: null,total:{$sum:"$price"}}}])
 Returned BSON is used to fill the TSQLRecord
From SQL to ORM
mORMot’s RESTful ODM
 mORMotMongoDB.pas
 On-the-fly REST GET query translation
 SQL WHERE clause translated
to MongoDB query pipelines
 Including aggregate functions, limits, offset
 Returned BSON is used to fill the TSQLRecord
 BATCH support
 As bulk document insertion
From SQL to ORM
 BATCH process
From SQL to ORM
// start the BATCH sequence
// delete some elements
for i := 0 to n-1 do
// update some elements
nupd := 0;
for i := 0 to aStatic.Count-1 do
if i and 7<>0 then
begin // not yet deleted in BATCH mode
V.YearOfBirth := 1800+nupd;
// add some elements
V.LastName := 'New';
for i := 0 to 1000 do
V.FirstName := RandomUTF8(10);
V.YearOfBirth := i+1000;
// send the BATCH sequences to the server
ORM CRUD operation
no latency
100 ms latency
ORM database core
no latency
 BATCH process
 Truly ACID, even with several RDBMS backends
 Automatic transaction handling
 Avoids slow Client-Server roundtrips
 Unit-Of-Work pattern, even on Server side
From SQL to ORM
 BATCH process
 Optimized SQL
 Parameter Array Binding
 e.g. Oracle, ZDBC, FireDAC
 Multiple INSERT statement
 Depending on the database dialect
 Re-use of prepared statements
 NoSQL (MongoDB) bulk insertion
 Sent as array of BSON documents
 With ID pre-computation on client side
From SQL to ORM
 Asynchronous BATCH process
 Add pending writes into a list using:
 A background thread will perform the BATCH
 when the internal list reaches a limit
or after some ms period
From SQL to ORM
 Asynchronous BATCH process
 Add pending writes into a list using:
 A background thread will perform the BATCH
 when the internal list reaches a limit
or after some ms period
 Perfect for transparent event store
 May be associated with local Automated Data Sharding
or a remote MongoDB Big-Data store
From SQL to ORM
 Security
 Rooted on framework’s authentication(s)
 Secured by SHA-256 challenge to avoid MIM / replay
 Alternatives: basic, digest, SSPI/Kerberos, custom class
 Users belong to Groups
 Per-table CRUD access right for each group
 To be used as firewall, above application-level rights
 Optional JSON compression and encryption
 WebSockets bi-directional binary transmission e.g.
From SQL to ORM
 RESTful Client-Server
 In-process
 Stand-alone client, fast server-side access
 Named pipes or GDI messages
 Stand-alone client, fast server-side access
 HTTP/1.1 via kernel-mode http.sys API
 Part of the OS since Windows XP SP2, used by IIS and WCF
 Kernel-mode execution, IOCP driven
 System-wide URI registration: share root and port
 Socket-based server is also available, e.g. under Linux
 Optional query/answer REST emulation over WebSockets
From SQL to ORM
 Cross-platform Clients
 Generated client code using Mustache templates
 Delphi: Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS
 FPC: Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, Linux, …
 (Cross)Kylix: Linux
 SmartMobileStudio, EWB: Ajax / HTML5
 Featuring almost all framework abilities
 JSON, security, TSQLRest, TSQLRestBatch
From SQL to ORM
From SQL to ORM

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A3 from sql to orm

  • 1. Software Architecture & Design  Architecture  From n-Tier to SOA  From SOAP to REST  Technical Debt  Design  From SQL to ORM, NoSQL and ODM  From RAD to MVC  SOLID principles  Domain Driven Design (DDD) Applying patterns on Delphi code using mORMot Software Architecture & Design
  • 2. From SQL to ORM Arnaud Bouchez
  • 3. From SQL to ORM  SQL  NoSQL  ORM  ODM  practice From SQL to ORM
  • 4. SQL  De-Facto standard for data manipulation  Schema-based  Relational-based  ACID by transactions  Time proven and efficient  Almost standard From SQL to ORM
  • 5. SQL  De-Facto standard for data manipulation  Schema-based  Relational-based From SQL to ORM
  • 6. Not Only SQL  Two main families of NoSQL databases:  Aggregate-oriented databases  Graph-oriented databases Martin Fowler From SQL to ORM
  • 7. Not Only SQL  Graph Database  Store data by their relations / associations From SQL to ORM
  • 8. Not Only SQL  Aggregate  is a collection of data that we interact with as a unit  forms the boundaries for ACID operations in a given model (Domain-Driven Design modeling) From SQL to ORM
  • 9.  Aggregate Database families  Document-based e.g. MongoDB, CouchDB  Key/Value e.g. Redis  Column family e.g. Cassandra From SQL to ORM Not Only SQL
  • 10. Not Only SQL  Are designed to scale for the web  Examples: Google farms, Amazon  Should not be used as scaling RDBMS  Can be schema-less  For document-based and key/value or column-driven  Can be BLOB storage From SQL to ORM
  • 11. Not Only SQL  RBMS stores data per table  JOIN the references to get the aggregate From SQL to ORM
  • 12. Not Only SQL  NoSQL stores aggregate as documents  Whole data is embedded From SQL to ORM
  • 13. Not Only SQL  NoSQL stores aggregate as documents  Whole data is embedded (boundaries for ACID behavior) From SQL to ORM
  • 14. Not Only SQL  Data modeling From SQL to ORM
  • 15. Not Only SQL  Data modeling SQL  Normalization  Consistency  Transactions  Vertical scaling NoSQL  Denormalization  Duplicated data  Document ACID  Horizontal scaling From SQL to ORM
  • 16. Not Only SQL  SQL > NoSQL  Ubiquitous SQL  Easy vertical scaling  Data size (avoid duplicates and with no schema)  Data is stored once, therefore consistent  Complex ACID statements  Aggregation functions (depends) From SQL to ORM
  • 17. Not Only SQL From SQL to ORM
  • 18. Not Only SQL From SQL to ORM SELECT SUM(price) AS total FROM orders db.orders.aggregate( [ { $group: { _id: null, total: { $sum: "$price" } } } ] )
  • 19. Not Only SQL  NoSQL > SQL  Uncoupled data: horizontal scaling  Schema-less: cleaner evolution  Straight-To-ODM  Version management (e.g. CouchDB)  Graph storage (e.g. Redis) From SQL to ORM
  • 20. Object Relational Mapping (ORM)  ORM  gives a set of methods (CRUD)  to ease high-level objects persistence  into an RDBMS  via mapping From SQL to ORM
  • 21. Object Relational Mapping (ORM)  Since decades  Classes are the root of our OOP model  RDBMS is (the) proven way of storage  Some kind of "glue" is needed to let class properties be saved into one or several tables From SQL to ORM
  • 22. Object Relational Mapping (ORM)  In fact  Classes are accessed via Delphi/Java/C# code  RDBMS is accessed via SQL  SQL by itself is a full programming language  With diverse flavors (e.g. data types)  Difficult to switch the logic  Error prone, and difficult to maintain From SQL to ORM
  • 23. Object Relational Mapping (ORM)  Sometimes,  there will be nothing better than a tuned SQL statement  But most of the time,  You need just to perform some basic CRUD operations (Create Retrieve Update Delete) From SQL to ORM object instance SQL RDBMS object instance ORM CRUD operations SQL mapping RDBMS
  • 24. Object Relational Mapping (ORM) myObject.Value := 10; myContext.Update(myObject); UPDATE OBJTABLE SET … 01010101001110011111 From SQL to ORM
  • 25. Object Relational Mapping (ORM)  Benefits  Stay at OOP level  Manage SQL flavors  Persistence Ignorance  Optimize SQL  Cache From SQL to ORM  No silver bullet  Hard task  Hidden process  Legacy (tuned) SQL  Performance cost
  • 26. Object Relational Mapping (ORM)  Benefits  Stay at OOP level  Manage SQL flavors  Persistence Ignorance  Optimize SQL  Cache From SQL to ORM  No silver bullet  Hard task  Hidden process  Legacy (tuned) SQL  Performance cost (or not)
  • 27. Object Relational Mapping (ORM)  Mapping may be created:  Code-first  Objects are defined, then persisted (dehydrated)  Usually the best for a new project  Model-first  From an (existing) database model  Sometimes difficult to work with legacy structures From SQL to ORM ORM class type data model object instance RDBMS
  • 28. Object Relational Mapping (ORM)  Mapping may be defined:  by configuration  via code (attributes or fluent interface)  via external files (XML/JSON)  by convention  from object layout  from database layout From SQL to ORM
  • 29. Object Relational Mapping (ORM)  Objects may be:  Any business class (POJO/POCO/PODO)  Eases integration with existing code  But may pollute the class (attributes)  Inherit from a common class  Get a shared behavior  Tend to enforce DDD’s persistence agnosticity From SQL to ORM
  • 30. Object Relational Mapping (ORM)  ORM advantages  Compile time naming and types check (strong types and names)  One language to rule all your logic (no mix with SQL nor LINQ syntax)  Database abstraction (the ORM knows all dialects, and can switch)  Able to cache the statements and the values  You still can write hand-tuned SQL if needed From SQL to ORM
  • 31. Object Relational Mapping (ORM)  Don't think about…  tables with data types (varchar/number...), but objects with high level types  Master/Detail, but logical units (your aggregates)  writing SQL, but writing your business code  "How will I store it?", but "Which data do I need?". From SQL to ORM
  • 32. Object Document Mapping (ODM)  Aggregate = all data in a given context Such documents do map our objects! From SQL to ORM
  • 33. Object Document Mapping (ODM)  CRUD operation on Aggregates documents mORMot’s ODM is able to share code with ORM From SQL to ORM
  • 35. mORMot’s RESTful ORM/ODM  mORMot’s client-server RESTful ORM/ODM  code-first or model-first ORM/ODM  ORM for RDBMS: generates SQL  ODM for NoSQL: handles documents and queries  convention (TSQLRecord) over configuration  can be consumed via REST  over HTTP or WebSockets, via JSON transmission  or locally, on the server side, e.g. in SOA services From SQL to ORM
  • 36. mORMot’s RESTful ORM/ODM From SQL to ORM UI Components DataBase RAD UI Delphi classes code mapping DataBase Handwritten SQL UI ORM MVC binding Database Generated SQL UI 1 Client 1 MVC/MVVM binding Server Secure protocol (REST) UI 2 (web) Client 2 MVC binding ORM Persistence layer Database Generated SQL
  • 37. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Defining the objects TSQLRecord  ID: Int64 / TID primary key  A lot of useful methods  Define a data model gathering objects TSQLModel  Defining the REST instance TSQLRestServer TSQLRestClient …  CRUD (and SOA) methods From SQL to ORM
  • 38. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Defining the object From SQL to ORM /// some enumeration // - will be written as 'Female' or 'Male' in our UI Grid // - will be stored as its ordinal value, i.e. 0 for sFemale, 1 for sMale // - as you can see, ladies come first, here TSex = (sFemale, sMale); /// table used for the Babies queries TSQLBaby = class(TSQLRecord) private fName: string; fAddress: string; fBirthDate: TDateTime; fSex: TSex; published property Name: string read fName write fName; property Address: string read fAddress write fAddress; property BirthDate: TDateTime read fBirthDate write fBirthDate; property Sex: TSex read fSex write fSex; end;
  • 39. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Defining the object From SQL to ORM /// some enumeration // - will be written as 'Female' or 'Male' in our UI Grid // - will be stored as its ordinal value, i.e. 0 for sFemale, 1 for sMale // - as you can see, ladies come first, here TSex = (sFemale, sMale); /// table used for the Babies queries TSQLBaby = class(TSQLRecord) private fName: RawUTF8; fAddress: RawUTF8; fBirthDate: TDateTime; fSex: TSex; published property Name: RawUTF8 read fName write fName; property Address: RawUTF8 read fAddress write fAddress; property BirthDate: TDateTime read fBirthDate write fBirthDate; property Sex: TSex read fSex write fSex; end;
  • 40. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Defining the Model and the Server: Model := TSQLModel.Create([TSQLBaby],'rootURI'); ServerDB := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(Model,'data.db'),true); ServerDB.CreateMissingTables; Server := TSQLHttpServer.Create('8080',ServerDB);  Defining the Model and the Client: Model := TSQLModel.Create([TSQLBaby],'rootURI'); Client := TSQLHttpClient.Create('','8080', Model);  Both will now communicate e.g. over http://server:8080/rootURI/Baby From SQL to ORM
  • 41. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Use CRUD methods  TSQLRest.Add()  TSQLRest.Retrieve()  TSQLRest.Update()  TSQLRest.UpdateField()  TSQLRest.Delete()  TSQLRecord.Create*()  and some dedicated methods for BLOB process From SQL to ORM
  • 42. mORMot’s RESTful ORM From SQL to ORM var Baby: TSQLBaby; ID: integer; begin // create a new record, since Smith, Jr was just born Baby := TSQLBaby.Create; try Baby.Name := 'Smith'; Baby.Address := 'New York City'; Baby.BirthDate := Now; Baby.Sex := sMale; ID := Client.Add(Baby); finally Baby.Free; end; // update record data Baby := TSQLBaby.Create(Client,ID); // retrieve record try assert(Baby.Name='Smith'); Baby.Name := 'Smeeth'; Client.Update(Baby); finally Baby.Free; end; // retrieve record data Baby := TSQLBaby.Create; try Client.Retrieve(ID,Baby); // we may have written: Baby := TSQLBaby.Create(Client,ID); assert(Baby.Name='Smeeth'); finally Baby.Free; end; // delete the created record Client.Delete(TSQLBaby,ID); end;
  • 43. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Returning several objects  Only one object instance is allocated and filled  See also function TSQLRest.RetrieveList(): TObjectList  Results are transmitted as a JSON array  Results can be cached at client or server side  Full WHERE clause of the SELECT is at hand From SQL to ORM aMale := TSQLBaby.CreateAndFillPrepare(Client, 'Name LIKE ? AND Sex = ?',['A%',ord(sMale)]); try while aMale.FillOne do DoSomethingWith(aMale); finally aMale.Free; end;
  • 44. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  JSON per-representation transmission layout  Expanded / standard (AJAX) JSON array of JSON objects [{"ID":1},{"ID":2},{"ID":3},{"ID":4},{"ID":5},{"ID":6},{"ID":7}]  Non expanded / faster (Delphi) JSON object of JSON array of values, first row being idents {"fieldCount":1,"values":["ID",1,2,3,4,5,6,7]} In mORMot, all JSON content is parsed and processed in-place, then directly mapped to UTF-8 structures. From SQL to ORM
  • 45. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  « One to one » / « One to many » cardinality From SQL to ORM TSQLMyFileInfo = class(TSQLRecord) private FMyFileDate: TDateTime; FMyFileSize: Int64; published property MyFileDate: TDateTime read FMyFileDate write FMyFileDate; property MyFileSize: Int64 read FMyFileSize write FMyFileSize; end; TSQLMyFile = class(TSQLRecord) private FSecondOne: TSQLMyFileInfo; FFirstOne: TSQLMyFileInfo; FMyFileName: RawUTF8; published property MyFileName: RawUTF8 read FMyFileName write FMyFileName; property FirstOne: TSQLMyFileInfo read FFirstOne write FFirstOne; property SecondOne: TSQLMyFileInfo read FSecondOne write FSecondOne; end;
  • 46. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Automatic JOINed query  At constructor level  With nested instances memory management  See also CreateAndFillPrepareJoined() From SQL to ORM var MyFile: TSQLMyFile; begin MyFile := TSQLMyFile.CreateJoined(Client,aMyFileID); try // here MyFile.FirstOne and MyFile.SecondOne are true instances // and have already retrieved from the database by the constructor // so you can safely access MyFile.FirstOne.MyFileDate or MyFile.SecondOne.MyFileSize here! finally MyFile.Free; // will release also MyFile.FirstOne and MyFile.SecondOne end; end;
  • 47. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  « One to one » / « One to many » cardinality From SQL to ORM TSQLMyFileInfo = class(TSQLRecord) private FMyFileDate: TDateTime; FMyFileSize: Int64; published property MyFileDate: TDateTime read FMyFileDate write FMyFileDate; property MyFileSize: Int64 read FMyFileSize write FMyFileSize; end; TSQLMyFileInfoID = type TID; TSQLMyFile = class(TSQLRecord) private FSecondOne: TSQLMyFileInfoID; FFirstOne: TSQLMyFileInfoID; FMyFileName: RawUTF8; published property MyFileName: RawUTF8 read FMyFileName write FMyFileName; property FirstOne: TSQLMyFileInfoID read FFirstOne write FFirstOne; property SecondOne: TSQLMyFileInfoID read FSecondOne write FSecondOne; end;
  • 48. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  « One to one » / « One to many » cardinality  Properties store true Int64 values, not “fake pointers”  This is the preferred way when working with Aggregates From SQL to ORM TSQLMyFileInfoID = type TID; TSQLMyFile = class(TSQLRecord) private FSecondOne: TSQLMyFileInfoID; FFirstOne: TSQLMyFileInfoID; FMyFileName: RawUTF8; published property MyFileName: RawUTF8 read FMyFileName write FMyFileName; property FirstOne: TSQLMyFileInfoID read FFirstOne write FFirstOne; property SecondOne: TSQLMyFileInfoID read FSecondOne write FSecondOne; end;
  • 49. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Server or Client Cache  Disabled by default  May be activated  For a given table  For a given set of IDs  On a given TSQLRest  In conjunction with Server DB cache From SQL to ORM
  • 50. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Object Time Machine ServerDB.TrackChanges([TSQLInvoice]);  Every TSQLInvoice modification will be tracked and stored in a separated TSQLRecordHistory table.  i.e. Add / Update / Delete ORM commands  Stored in an optimized JSON/binary format  History depth, and storage details are customizable  Previous TSQLInvoice state could then be retrieved from this TSQLRecordHistory table From SQL to ORM
  • 51. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Object Time Machine ServerDB.TrackChanges([TSQLInvoice]); aInvoice := TSQLInvoice.Create; aHist := TSQLRecordHistory.CreateHistory(ServerDB,TSQLInvoice,400); try writeln('History Count: ',aHist.HistoryCount); for i := 0 to aHist.HistoryCount-1 do begin aHist.HistoryGet(i,aEvent,aTimeStamp,aInvoice); writeln('Event: ',ord(aEvent))^); writeln('TimeStamp: ',TTimeLogBits(aTimeStamp).ToText); writeln('Identifier: ',aInvoice.Number); end; ... From SQL to ORM
  • 52. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Object Time Machine ServerDB.TrackChanges([TSQLInvoice]); aInvoice := TSQLInvoice.Create; aHist := TSQLRecordHistory.CreateHistory(Client,TSQLInvoice,400); try writeln('History Count: ',aHist.HistoryCount); for i := 0 to aHist.HistoryCount-1 do begin aHist.HistoryGet(i,aEvent,aTimeStamp,aInvoice); writeln('Event: ',ord(aEvent))^); writeln('TimeStamp: ',TTimeLogBits(aTimeStamp).ToText); writeln('Identifier: ',aInvoice.Number); end; ... From SQL to ORM
  • 53. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Master/Slave Replication  Hidden monotonic version number will be maintained to monitor Add/Update/Delete ORM commands  Deletions stored in a separated table From SQL to ORM TSQLRecordPeopleVersioned = class(TSQLRecordPeople) protected fFirstName: RawUTF8; fLastName: RawUTF8; fVersion: TRecordVersion; published property FirstName: RawUTF8 read fFirstName write fFirstName; property LastName: RawUTF8 read fLastName write fLastName; property Version: TRecordVersion read fVersion write fVersion; end;
  • 54. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Master/Slave Replication MasterServer := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(MasterModel,'master.db3'); HttpMasterServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create('8888',[MasterServer]); MasterClient := TSQLHttpClientHTTP.Create( '',HTTP_DEFAULTPORT,MasterModel); SlaveServer := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(SlaveModel,'slave.db3'); SlaveServer.RecordVersionSynchronizeSlave( TSQLRecordPeopleVersioned,MasterClient); From SQL to ORM
  • 55. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Master/Slave Replication MasterServer := TSQLRestServerDB.Create( MasterModel,'master.db3'); HttpMasterServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create( '8888',[MasterServer]); MasterClient := TSQLHttpClientHTTP.Create( '',HTTP_DEFAULTPORT,MasterModel); SlaveServer := TSQLRestServerDB.Create( SlaveModel,'slave.db3'); SlaveServer.RecordVersionSynchronizeSlave( TSQLRecordPeopleVersioned,MasterClient); From SQL to ORM Master Slave MasterServer (MasterModel) master.db3 MasterClient (MasterModel) HTTP SlaveServer (SlaveModel) On Demand Replication slave.db3
  • 56. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Master/Slave Real-Time Replication  Push ORM modifications over WebSockets From SQL to ORM
  • 57. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Master/Slave Real-Time Replication MasterServer := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(MasterModel,'master.db3'); HttpMasterServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create('8888',[MasterServer],'+',useBidirSocket); HttpMasterServer.WebSocketsEnable(Server,'PrivateAESEncryptionKey'); MasterServer.RecordVersionSynchronizeMasterStart; MasterClient := TSQLHttpClientWebSockets.Create( '',HTTP_DEFAULTPORT,MasterModel); MasterClient.WebSocketsUpgrade('PrivateAESEncryptionKey'); SlaveServer := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(SlaveModel,'slave.db3'); SlaveServer.RecordVersionSynchronizeSlaveStart( TSQLRecordPeopleVersioned,MasterClient); From SQL to ORM
  • 58. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Master/Slave Real-Time Replication SlaveServer := TSQLRestServerDB.Create( SlaveModel,'slave.db3'); SlaveServer.RecordVersionSynchronizeSlaveStart( TSQLRecordPeopleVersioned,MasterClient); From SQL to ORM Master Slave MasterServer (MasterModel) master.db3 MasterClient (MasterModel) WebSockets TCP/IP SlaveServer (SlaveModel) Replication slave.db3
  • 59. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Master/Slave Replication – Multi Offices Synch From SQL to ORM Main Office Office A Office B Main Server External DB Local Server A HTTP Local Server B HTTP Client 1 Client 2 Client 3 local network Client 1 Client 2 Client 3 Client 4 local network
  • 60. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Master/Slave Replication – Multi Offices Synch From SQL to ORM Main Office Office A Office B Main Server Local Data A Reference Read Only Local Data B Reference Read Only Local Data A Business Read/Write Replication Local Data B Business Read Only Local Data A Business Read Only Replication Local Data B Business Read/Write
  • 61. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Automated Data Sharding  On production servers, databases may store:  Roaming / user input data with mostly updates resulting in a reasonable growing size of storage  Events which are mostly added resulting in an always increasing database  You may reach out of disk space and/or encounter performances issues  Purge via periodic deletion is possible, but may slow down the process From SQL to ORM
  • 62. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Automated Data Sharding  On production servers, you may define a table as “sharded”  A TSQLRecord will be stored in its own set of databases  Each database will contain up to a given number of items (e.g. 500,000 entries)  Only up to a given number of databases will be active  And older databases may be archived/deleted instantly just by packing or deleting the corresponding file From SQL to ORM
  • 63. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Automated Data Sharding const SHARD_RANGE = 500000; function TTestMemoryBased.CreateShardDB( maxshard: Integer): TSQLRestServer; begin result := TSQLRestServer.CreateWithOwnModel( [TSQLRecordTest],false,'shardtest'); Check(result.StaticDataAdd(TSQLRestStorageShardDB.Create( TSQLRecordTest,result,SHARD_RANGE,[],'',maxshard))); result.CreateMissingTables; … Will setup sharding for the TSQLRecordTest class using local SQlite3 databases. From SQL to ORM
  • 64. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Automated Data Sharding R := TSQLRecordTest.Create; try for i := 1 to 50 do begin R.FillWith(i); Check(db.AddWithBlobs(R)=i); R.CheckWith(self,i); end; finally R.Free; end; Data will be sharded on disk, using Test####.dbs files. By convention, TSQLRecordTest →Test####.dbs From SQL to ORM
  • 65. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  ORM² for DDD persistence service  ORM for plain Delphi class storage  Create TSQLRecord from any domain class  Fields mapping (name, data)  Aggregate flat / un-normalized orientation (no join) From SQL to ORM
  • 66. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  ORM² for DDD persistence service  ORM for plain Delphi class storage  Create TSQLRecord from any domain class  Fields mapping (name, data)  Aggregate flat / un-normalized orientation (no join)  Isolate persistence from business logic  Built-in CQRS dual-phase commit service  Object-level tuning from domain logic to storage logic From SQL to ORM
  • 67. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Persistence over External RDMS  SynDB optimized data access layer From SQL to ORM SynDB ZDBC ODBC OleDB Oracle SQLite3 DB.pas TDataset NexusDB BDE DBExpress FireDAC AnyDAC UniDAC
  • 68. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  SynDB classes  By-pass the DB.pas unit avoids TDataSet bottleneck, works with Starter Edition … but can still use it (e.g. FireDAC)  Simple KISS designed API  Less data types, interface-based, no legacy  Statement cache, ORM aware  Array binding (bulk insert / batch mode)  Direct JSON generation  Optional remote access via HTTP From SQL to ORM
  • 69. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  SynDB integration with ORM From SQL to ORM TSQLRestServerDB.Add TSQLRestServerDB.EngineAdd internal table TSQLRestServerStaticExternal.EngineAdd external table REST TSQLRequest INSERT INTO... SQlite3 engine internal engine SQLite3 file ISQLDBStatement INSERT INTO... External DB client ODBC/ZDBC/OleDB... External DB server
  • 70. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  SQLite3 Virtual Tables From SQL to ORM
  • 71. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  SQLite3 Virtual Tables  Mapping of external field names  JOIN several external databases  Very slight performance penalty  Access TObjectList instances  Access NoSQL databases  By-passed if possible  Full SQL-92 engine at hand From SQL to ORM
  • 72. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  SQLite3 Virtual Tables From SQL to ORM mORMot ORM SQLite3 direct TObjectList direct External DB direct virtual Oracle SQLite3 ODBC OleDB ZDBC direct FireDAC AnyDAC UniDAC BDE DBExpress NexusDB DB.pas TDataSet
  • 75. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Defining the object From SQL to ORM type TSQLRecordPeopleExt = class(TSQLRecord) private fData: TSQLRawBlob; fFirstName: RawUTF8; fLastName: RawUTF8; fYearOfBirth: integer; fYearOfDeath: word; fLastChange: TModTime; fCreatedAt: TCreateTime; published property FirstName: RawUTF8 index 40 read fFirstName write fFirstName; property LastName: RawUTF8 index 40 read fLastName write fLastName; property Data: TSQLRawBlob read fData write fData; property YearOfBirth: integer read fYearOfBirth write fYearOfBirth; property YearOfDeath: word read fYearOfDeath write fYearOfDeath; property LastChange: TModTime read fLastChange write fLastChange; property CreatedAt: TCreateTime read fCreatedAt write fCreatedAt; end; ID : integer Data : TSQLRawBlob FirstName : RawUTF8 LastName : RawUTF8 YearOfBirth : integer YearOfDeath : word ID : INTEGER Data : BLOB FirstName : NVARCHAR(40) LastName : NVARCHAR(40) YearOfBirth : INTEGER YearOfDeath : INTEGER
  • 76. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Defining the Model and the Server: Props := TOleDBMSSQLConnectionProperties.Create( '.SQLEXPRESS','AdventureWorks2008R2','',''); Model := TSQLModel.Create([TSQLRecordPeopleExt],'root'); VirtualTableExternalRegister(Model,TSQLRecordPeopleExt,Props,'Test.People'); ServerDB := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(Model,'application.db'),true); ServerDB.CreateMissingTables; HttpServer := TSQLHttpServer.Create('8080',ServerDB);  Defining the Model and the Client: Model := TSQLModel.Create([TSQLRecordPeopleExt],'root'); Client := TSQLHttpClient.Create('localhost','8080', Model);  Both will now communicate e.g. over http://server:8080/root/PeopleExt From SQL to ORM
  • 77. mORMot’s RESTful ORM  Refining the mapping Model on the Server: Props := TOleDBMSSQLConnectionProperties.Create( '.SQLEXPRESS','AdventureWorks2008R2','',''); Model := TSQLModel.Create([TSQLRecordPeopleExt],'root'); VirtualTableExternalRegister(Model,TSQLRecordPeopleExt,Props,'Test.People'); Model.Props[TSQLRecordPeopleExt].ExternalDB. MapField('ID','Key'). MapField('YearOfDeath','YOD'); ServerDB := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(Model,'application.db'),true); ServerDB.CreateMissingTables; Server := TSQLHttpServer.Create('8080',ServerDB); From SQL to ORM ID : integer Data : TSQLRawBlob FirstName : RawUTF8 LastName : RawUTF8 YearOfBirth : integer YearOfDeath : word Key : INTEGER Data : BLOB FirstName : NVARCHAR(40) LastName : NVARCHAR(40) YearOfBirth : INTEGER YOD : INTEGER
  • 78. mORMot’s RESTful ORM/ODM  Data Sharding / Denormalization pattern  Store the whole aggregate as once  Without JOIN  From ORM to ODM  Object Relational Mapping (ORM)  Object Document Mapping (ODM) From SQL to ORM
  • 79. mORMot’s RESTful ODM  Object Document Mapping  ODM over regular RDBMS  NoSQL storage via TDocVariant property  Stored as JSON, handled as a variant  ODM over dedicated NoSQL engine  TObjectList  MongoDB direct access From SQL to ORM
  • 80. mORMot’s RESTful ODM  NoSQL storage via TDocVariant property  Document is indexed:  by TSQLRecord.ID: integer  by Name: RawUTF8 From SQL to ORM TSQLRecordData = class(TSQLRecord) private fName: RawUTF8; fData: variant; public published property Name: RawUTF8 read fTest write fTest stored AS_UNIQUE; property Data: variant read fData write fData; end;
  • 81. mORMot’s RESTful ODM  NoSQL storage via TDocVariant custom type  Data: variant will store any document  As JSON in the RDBMS  Accessed via late-binding in Delphi code From SQL to ORM TSQLRecordData = class(TSQLRecord) private fName: RawUTF8; fData: variant; public published property Name: RawUTF8 read fTest write fTest stored AS_UNIQUE; property Data: variant read fData write fData; end;
  • 82. mORMot’s RESTful ODM  Data: variant will store a TDocVariant  Schema-less data { name : "Joe", x : 3.3, y : [1,2,3] } { name : "Kate", x : "abc" } { q : 456 }  Real-world evolving data { name : "Joe", age : 30, interests : "football" } { name : "Kate", age : 25 } From SQL to ORM
  • 83. mORMot’s RESTful ODM From SQL to ORM var aRec: TSQLRecordData; aID: integer; begin // initialization of one record aRec := TSQLRecordData.Create; aRec.Name := 'Joe'; // one unique key := _JSONFast('{name:"Joe",age:30}'); // create a TDocVariant // or we can use this overloaded constructor for simple fields aRec := TSQLRecordData.Create(['Joe',_ObjFast(['name','Joe','age',30])]); // now we can play with the data, e.g. via late-binding: writeln(aRec.Name); // will write 'Joe' writeln(aRec.Data); // will write '{"name":"Joe","age":30}' (auto-converted to JSON string) aRec.Data.age := aRec.Data.age+1; // one year older aRec.Data.interests := 'football'; // add a property to the schema aID := aClient.Add(aRec); // will store {"name":"Joe","age":31,"interests":"footbal"} aRec.Free; // now we can retrieve the data either via the aID created integer, or via Name='Joe' end;
  • 84. mORMot’s RESTful ODM From SQL to ORM var aRec: TSQLRecordData; aID: integer; begin // initialization of one record aRec := TSQLRecordData.Create; aRec.Name := 'Joe'; // one unique key := _JSONFast('{name:"Joe",age:30}'); // create a TDocVariant // or we can use this overloaded constructor for simple fields aRec := TSQLRecordData.Create(['Joe',_ObjFast(['name','Joe','age',30])]); // now we can play with the data, e.g. via late-binding: writeln(aRec.Name); // will write 'Joe' writeln(aRec.Data); // will write '{"name":"Joe","age":30}' (auto-converted to JSON string) aRec.Data.age := aRec.Data.age+1; // one year older aRec.Data.interests := 'football'; // add a property to the schema aID := aClient.Add(aRec); // will store {"name":"Joe","age":31,"interests":"footbal"} aRec.Free; // now we can retrieve the data either via the aID created integer, or via Name='Joe' end;  We just mutated a classical RDBMS into a NoSQL schema-less storage engine!
  • 85. mORMot’s RESTful ODM  NoSQL Engines  TObjectList - TSQLRestStorageInMemory  Fast in-memory storage  Supports hash indexes on (unique) properties  Binary or JSON persistence as file  Could embed some unpersisted live process  MongoDB  SynMongoDB.pas for direct access  mORMotMongoDB.pas for ODM integration From SQL to ORM
  • 86. mORMot’s RESTful ODM  SynMongoDB.pas  BSON types, including BLOB, ObjectID, date/time…  TBSONVariant with late-binding  (Extended) JSON as input or output  Document-level access  Bulk document insertion  Latest 3.2 compatibility (WiredTiger, scram-sha1)  Could be used standalone, without the ODM From SQL to ORM
  • 87. mORMot’s RESTful ODM  mORMotMongoDB.pas  Full integration with mORMot’s REST  Share the same logic code with RDBMS  Just one line to change on the server side to switch from an ORM to an ODM  Same exact RESTful business code From SQL to ORM
  • 88. mORMot’s RESTful ODM uses SynMongoDB, mORMotMongoDB; Model := TSQLModel.Create([TSQLORM]); ServerDB := TSQLRestServerDB.Create(Model,nil,':memory:'); MongoClient := TMongoClient.Create('localhost',27017); MongoDatabase := MongoClient.Database[DB_NAME]; StaticMongoDBRegister(TSQLORM,ServerDB,MongoDatabase); ServerDB.CreateMissingTables; … usual ORM code From SQL to ORM
  • 89. mORMot’s RESTful ODM  mORMotMongoDB.pas  On-the-fly REST GET query translation  SQL WHERE clause translated to MongoDB query pipelines  Including aggregate functions, limits, offset aClient.OneFieldValue(TSQLOrders,'sum(price)','',[],aTotal); SELECT SUM(price) AS total FROM orders db.orders.aggregate([{$group:{_id: null,total:{$sum:"$price"}}}])  Returned BSON is used to fill the TSQLRecord From SQL to ORM
  • 90. mORMot’s RESTful ODM  mORMotMongoDB.pas  On-the-fly REST GET query translation  SQL WHERE clause translated to MongoDB query pipelines  Including aggregate functions, limits, offset  Returned BSON is used to fill the TSQLRecord  BATCH support  As bulk document insertion From SQL to ORM
  • 91. mORMot’s RESTful ORM/ODM  BATCH process From SQL to ORM // start the BATCH sequence Check(ClientDist.BatchStart(TSQLRecordPeople,5000)); // delete some elements for i := 0 to n-1 do Check(ClientDist.BatchDelete(IntArray[i])=i); // update some elements nupd := 0; for i := 0 to aStatic.Count-1 do if i and 7<>0 then begin // not yet deleted in BATCH mode Check(ClientDist.Retrieve(aStatic.ID[i],V)); V.YearOfBirth := 1800+nupd; Check(ClientDist.BatchUpdate(V)=nupd+n); inc(nupd); end; // add some elements V.LastName := 'New'; for i := 0 to 1000 do begin V.FirstName := RandomUTF8(10); V.YearOfBirth := i+1000; Check(ClientDist.BatchAdd(V,true)=n+nupd+i); end; // send the BATCH sequences to the server Check(ClientDist.BatchSend(Results)=200); ORM CRUD operation ORM HTTP Client In-process no latency ORM HTTP Server Internet 100 ms latency ORM database core In-process no latency
  • 92. mORMot’s RESTful ORM/ODM  BATCH process  Truly ACID, even with several RDBMS backends  Automatic transaction handling  Avoids slow Client-Server roundtrips  Unit-Of-Work pattern, even on Server side From SQL to ORM
  • 93. mORMot’s RESTful ORM/ODM  BATCH process  Optimized SQL  Parameter Array Binding  e.g. Oracle, ZDBC, FireDAC  Multiple INSERT statement  Depending on the database dialect  Re-use of prepared statements  NoSQL (MongoDB) bulk insertion  Sent as array of BSON documents  With ID pre-computation on client side From SQL to ORM
  • 94. mORMot’s RESTful ORM/ODM  Asynchronous BATCH process  Add pending writes into a list using: TSQLRest.AsynchBatchAdd TSQLRest.AsynchBatchUpdate TSQLRest.AsynchBatchDelete  A background thread will perform the BATCH  when the internal list reaches a limit or after some ms period From SQL to ORM
  • 95. mORMot’s RESTful ORM/ODM  Asynchronous BATCH process  Add pending writes into a list using: TSQLRest.AsynchBatchAdd TSQLRest.AsynchBatchUpdate TSQLRest.AsynchBatchDelete  A background thread will perform the BATCH  when the internal list reaches a limit or after some ms period  Perfect for transparent event store  May be associated with local Automated Data Sharding or a remote MongoDB Big-Data store From SQL to ORM
  • 96. mORMot’s RESTful ORM/ODM  Security  Rooted on framework’s authentication(s)  Secured by SHA-256 challenge to avoid MIM / replay  Alternatives: basic, digest, SSPI/Kerberos, custom class  Users belong to Groups  Per-table CRUD access right for each group  To be used as firewall, above application-level rights  Optional JSON compression and encryption  WebSockets bi-directional binary transmission e.g. From SQL to ORM
  • 97. mORMot’s RESTful ORM/ODM  RESTful Client-Server  In-process  Stand-alone client, fast server-side access  Named pipes or GDI messages  Stand-alone client, fast server-side access  HTTP/1.1 via kernel-mode http.sys API  Part of the OS since Windows XP SP2, used by IIS and WCF  Kernel-mode execution, IOCP driven  System-wide URI registration: share root and port  Socket-based server is also available, e.g. under Linux  Optional query/answer REST emulation over WebSockets From SQL to ORM
  • 98. mORMot’s RESTful ORM/ODM  Cross-platform Clients  Generated client code using Mustache templates  Delphi: Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS  FPC: Windows, MacOS, Android, iOS, Linux, …  (Cross)Kylix: Linux  SmartMobileStudio, EWB: Ajax / HTML5  Featuring almost all framework abilities  JSON, security, TSQLRest, TSQLRestBatch From SQL to ORM
  • 99. From SQL to ORM